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restful medittion


We're going to start this exercise, this meditation with a three to one count. this
track is not to be played in a moving vehicle this is a meditation exercise.

Find a comfortable position.

close your eyes Take a deep breath and. Mentally repeat and visualize the number
three, three times.

Take another deep breath.

as u relax and exale, mentally repeat and visualize the number two- three times.

Take another deep breath.

Andas uj exale, Mentally repeat and visualize the number one- three times.

To help you to enter the meditation state of mind, I'm going to count from ten to
one, and each descending number feel yourself going inward and you will enter a
pleasant meditation level of mind where you'll be able to concentrate fully on one


Nine, feel going deeper.

Eight, seven ,six deeper and deeper. Five.

Four. Three deeper and deeper. Two one. You are now at a pleasant meditation level
of mind where you r Able to concentrate fully on one subject. At this time
concentrate on my words. You are now and always in complete control of your state
of mind. you can open your eyes you can be fully alert any time you wish to be.

Every time you enter this relaxed meditation state, know that you're getting better
and better in every way. whenever you enter this relaxed meditation state, mentally
say, every day in every way I'm getting better and better. when you say these
words, sense your self improving in all areas of your life, set your self getting
better and better.

Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words- every day in
every way I'm getting better and better.


Relax your eyes.

Relax your lips.

reLack your jaw.

Relax your head your neck.

Relax your body.

Relax your arms and hands. relax your legs and feet. You are now completely
Repeat mentally, my body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously relax.

I'm relaxed now. Repeat mentally after me-- every day my image of myself gets

I can do anything I have a desire to do.

I am a wonderful human being.

There is no one else on earth exactly like me.

Every day I grow stronger knowing that I can.

I can think, I can create, I can do. I can do anything I have a desire to do.


At this time concentrate on the image of you meditating. get a sense of yourself
sitting comfortably eyes closed as you are now meditating.

With that thought you are as comfortable as you can possibly be. Hold that image in
your mind of you meditating. Still holding that image in your mind.

With your mouth closed. Take the tip of your tongue and touch it to the roof of
your mouth and hold it there while I count to three.

One. Two three. you may now bring your tongue down.

You have been initiated and you have learned the technique of Baga Yaga more
properly known as the Baga. Whenever you feel the need of the comfort you feel when
meditating, simply touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue and hold your
tongue there for a few seconds and you'll feel some of the comfort you feel when
meditating .whenever any of the negative emotions r closing in on you use the
Bhaga. it will be a major resource in your life from this moment on.

Relax. This is restful meditation. whenever you feel the need to take your mind off
of a subject, whenever you feel any of the negative emotions coming on and you do
not want them, whenever you feel fear and you want to rid yourself of it, touch
the tip of your toungue onto the roof of your mouth and the negative feelings will
melt away. Whenever you wish to meditate, find a comfortable place, position
yourself comfortably, close your eyes and use the baga.

You will find yourself easing into meditation. If you meditate five minutes a day
you will find life becomes easier, more manageable, and your attitude toward things
will improve greatly.

Relax, I'm going to use a universal mantra "OM" three times now. allow each one to
relax ,you to strengthen your immune system and to prepare you for the reality of
now, when you come out of the meditation state.

Om, OM, OM


i will from 1-3. Count from one to three at the count to three you will open your
eyes be wide awake alert refreshed and read energize. one.

Two three eyes open why do wake alert refreshed and re energized.

CD01- -04

relax. we wil start this excercose with 321 method. find a comfortable positon,
close yes, feep breath, while exhaling, visualise no 3, three times.

dep breath, while exhaling, now no 2,

anothe deep breath, while exhaling, no 1 three times.

u r in a deeper level of mind. to reach more deeper level just take an ocassional
deep breath anytime.

to help go in deepr healitheirr level of mind, imagine u r sitting in front of a

black velvet curtan. u r very comfortable. along side your chair is a box with 10
platic numbers in it. the nunbers r 1-10. when u plac the nubers on black velvet
curtain, the numbers stick till u remove them. u put numbers one by ne. so u put no
one on the curtain and then u remove it, then u pit no 2, and then u remove it.
till 10.

take your time, relax, begin and put no 1 on the curtain. ........ now remove it.
and keep going on.

relax.... if u hvnt reached no 10, what ever no u have on the curtain, remove it
amnd replace with no 10.

relax and u r in deepr state if mind and are always in compete control of your
state of mind, u cna open yur eyes and can be fully aware. everytjme u go to this
deepr state u knw u r going to be better an better in every way.

when u go in this state, just say, i am getting better an better in every ay. when
u say this, semse yourself getting better anf better in every sphere of your life.
visialise imporvements as u mentaly repeat thiee words. " every day and in every
way i am gettng better an better. " visualise imporvements in some aspect of your

relax. relax eyes, lips, jaw, head, neck, body, arks and hands, legs, and our feet.
you r now competely relax. repeat, my body rests and refreshes itslf. when i
concusly relax. i am relacsed now. repeat mentally, every day i am imporving my
image of my self. myself esteem, i am a unique human being, there is no one else
like me. every day i grow stringer, that i can. i can think, i can create, i can

reklx. imagine u r stading top of a stair way. there r 15 steps which leads to a
passage. . at the end of the corrodor, there is door, door is closed. on the othr
siede is a daisy park a personal relaxing place to relax, rejuvenate. it has all
vegetation and ponds, frimndly animals. sky is always blie. clouds laxily going. in
pond has a large daisy. imagine u r lying on daisy. u imgine as u like. gretest
relaxation place.

fllow on the steps. 14 th step, 12 ----1. walk to the end of he door. door opens
outwrds. slow opens. door is opneing. door is opnedd. th r in front of u is the
pond. thee daisy pond. relax.

see the blue wter, vegetatin, flowers. trees, frindly animls. u r there, a lilly
pad floaitn in the surface. aound is flush beatiful flowers, focus on center of
pond. daisy 10 feet high. what ever height u wish. i wil cont 1-3 and on 3 u feel u
r in the center of comfortbale daisy. 1, 2 , 3. its very comfortble. u r
comfortbale. sense the blue sky with casinal blue cloud. sit uo and look around u.
sense the green vegetation. u may see animals.

look at clear wter . ease to the edge of te disy. at the count of 3, go in magincal
water. 1,2,3. off the daisy and in the mystical waters. u cna swim kin this. float
amd swim for a while. .....

if u like swallow , it has helpful cleaningsing qualities. rlax.

maginval wter can be brethed, it is cleansing and purigying entire syste,m. swim
under water. to the bottom and may play wht the fih beaituful as u wish themto
be.take a deep breth, as the water enters your system u feel better and better.
relaxed and cleansed. relax. enjoy.

now swim back to surface easuly and gently. relax.

now u r back to the surface. swim fora while. relax.

i will coiunt of 103 u will wil be back to the daisy. u r in the center of daisy. u
see in the distance thre r three mountians. they r conved with snow. one of them is
not coverd with snow. on the coint of 1-3, u will flyw to the moiuntains. u will
fly while circling the pond. and fly t the mountain. u may play thee. 1, 2,3.
gently fly up anf up. circle the daisy pond with different perspective. u r seeing
donw and fly to the peaks. look below. u see jungles. every place is friendly.
animals, ...

u now aproaching monutain peaks, closer and closer. ...

u r now at the peaks. flyw around, land. till u r in the snow. play for awhile.
now out of the snow. circle around and backo daisy pond. easily flying. it is very
pleasnat as u r relaxed and in total control. now coming to daisy ond, closer and
closer and lower yourself in the surface. u r now on the daosu. relax/

on the count of 123, see yuself at bottom of the 15th step. 123. u r now in the
hallways. door is closing slowly.

door is closed. relax. now walk up th stais. 2345---15.

now u r at top of the stair way. in a monent i will cont 123. i will from 1-3.
Count from one to three at the count to three you will open your eyes be wide awake
alert refreshed and read energize

1,2,3 eyes open, wide awake, feeling fine and perfec health, and feeling beter
than before.

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