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Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Visual and Audio Cues

Nicu Sebe1, Ira Cohen2, Theo Gevers1, Thomas S. Huang3

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
HP Labs, USA
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Abstract and sad) we take into consideration other affective states

that indicate user's cognitive/motivational states: interest,
Recent technological advances have enabled human boredom, confusion, and frustration. We test our bimodal
users to interact with computers in ways previously affect recognition approach on 38 subjects with these
unimaginable. Beyond the confines of the keyboard and 11 affective states (neutral state is also considered). The
mouse, new modalities for human-computer interaction experimental results show that the average person-
such as voice, gesture, and force-feedback are emerging. dependent emotion recognition accuracy is greatly
However, one necessary ingredient for natural interaction improved when both visual and audio information are used
is still missing - emotions. This paper describes the in classification.
problem of bimodal emotion recognition and advocates the
use of probabilistic graphical models when fusing the 2. Related Work
different modalities. We test our audio-visual emotion So far, the studies in facial expression recognition and
recognition approach on 38 subjects with 11 HCI-related
vocal affect recognition have been done largely
affect states. The experimental results show that the
independent of each other. Most current works in facial
average person-dependent emotion recognition accuracy is
expression recognition use still photographs or video
greatly improved when both visual and audio information
sequences where the subject exhibits only facial
are used in classification.
expressions without speaking any words. Similarly, the
1. Introduction works on vocal emotion detection used only the audio
In many important HCI applications such as computer information. There are situations where people would
aided tutoring and learning, it is highly desirable (even speak and exhibit facial expressions at the same time. For
mandatory) that the response of the computer takes into example, “he said hello with a smile.” Pure facial
account the emotional or cognitive state of the human expression recognizers may fail because the mouth
user [7]. Computers today can recognize much of what is movements may not fit the description of a pure “smile.”
said, and to some extent, who said it but, they are having For computers to be able to recognize emotional expression
difficulties when it comes to how things are said, the in practical scenarios, these cases must be handled.
affective channel of information. Affective communication According to [9], only a few reports [2][4][10][13][14]
explicitly considers how emotions can be recognized and of bimodal affect recognition are found. While the recent
expressed during human-computer interaction. Addressing research and technology advances make multimodal
the problem of affective communication, in [1] were analysis of human emotions feasible, progress in this
identified three key points to be considered when direction is only in its infancy. Compared to the previous
developing systems that capture affective information: reports of bimodal affect recognition listed in [9] and [11],
embodiment (experiencing physical reality), dynamics the contributions of this paper are as follows:
(mapping experience and emotional state with its label), 1) 11 affective states are analyzed, including 4 HCI-
and adaptive interaction (conveying emotive response, related affective states (confusion, interest, boredom,
responding to a recognized emotional state). frustration). The other works (excepting [14]) only
Mehrabian [8] indicated that when judging someone’s analyzed 5-6 basic emotions.
affective state, people mainly rely on facial expressions and 2) 38 subjects are tested. The numbers of subjects in
vocal intonations. Thus, affect recognition should be [2][4][13] are at most five. Thus, the generality of their
performed in a multimodal framework [15]. In this paper, algorithms is not guaranteed.
our main goal is to combine cues from facial expression 3) Bayesian networks are applied for bimodal fusion. The
and vocal information so that the affective state of a person authors of [2][4] applied rule-based methods for
can be inferred more accurately. combining two modalities while in [13] a weighted
In this paper, when performing emotion recognition we
intensity summation is used. It is not clear whether
have a more general human-computer interaction
application in mind. As a consequence, besides the their rules or methods are suitable for more subjects.
6 universal emotions (happy, surprise, angry, disgust, fear,
4) Integrate a variable into the Bayesian network that nature, representing not only the activation of a facial
indicates whether the person is speaking or not. In [14] region, but also the direction and intensity of the motion.
a smoothing method is applied to reduce the detrimental As audio features we use three kinds of prosody
influence of speech on the information provided by features for affect recognition (also used in [14]): the
facial expression; [2][4][13] ignored this problem. logarithm of energy, the syllable rate, and two pitch
candidates together with their corresponding scores. The
3. Feature extraction
log energy is computed by E = log ∑ x i2 where N is the

The face tracker we use is based on a system developed by i =1

Tao and Huang [12] and described in detail in [3]. A snap frame length and xi is the ith signal in that frame. For pitch
shot of the system with the face tracking and the extraction, an autocorrelation based pitch detector is used
recognition result is shown in Figure 1. to extract two candidates of pitch frequency. The
autocorrelation function is the correlation of a waveform
with itself by delaying some time lag. The mathematical
definition of the autocorrelation function is the following:
Xorp = log ∑i =1 xi + p xi where xi+p is the (i+p)th signal in

that frame. The autocorrelation of periodic signal is also

periodic. As the signal lags to the length of one period, the
autocorrelation increases to the maximum; the first peak
indicates the period of the signal. Finally, the pitch is
detected by
P1 = arg max Xor p
Pmin ≤ p ≤ Pmax

where Pmin is the possible minimum pitch and Pmax is the

possible maximum pitch. The search range for pitch is set
Figure 1. A snap shot of our facial expression recognition system. to be 50~1000Hz. In addition to the pitch with the
On the right side is a wireframe model overlayed on a face being maximum autocorrelation score, the pitch P2 with the
tracked. On the left side the correct expression, Angry, is
second maximum of autocorrelation score is also chosen as
a pitch candidate. Also, the autocorrelation scores are
treated as features to detect whether the frame is a vowel.
This face tracker uses a model-based approach where
The syllable rate is computed by: #syllables/duration
an explicit 3D wireframe model of the face is constructed.
where duration is the segment duration (0.5 s). To detect
In the first frame of the image sequence, landmark facial
the numbers of syllables in the segments (#syllables), a
features such as the eye and mouth corners are selected
threshold-based speech detection method is used to detect
interactively. A face model consisting of 16 surface patches
the syllables in the signal. In detail, the frame is considered
embedded in Bezier volumes is then warped to fit the
as speech if the following condition is satisfied:
selected facial features. The surface patches defined this
way are guaranteed to be continuous and smooth. The P
E > 50 ∧ Xor P1 > 0 .5 ∧ Xor P2 > 0 .5 ∧ i1 − 2 < 0 .2
shape of the mesh can be changed by changing the Pi 2
locations of the control points in the Bezier volume. where E is the log energy of one frame, XorP1 and XorP2 are
Once the model is constructed and fitted, head motion the autocorrelation scores of the two pitch candidates, and
and local deformations of the facial features such as the Pi1 and Pi2 are the larger and the smaller values of P1 and
eyebrows, eyelids, and mouth can be tracked. First the 2D P2, respectively. After speech detection, we can count the
image motions are measured using template matching number of speech segments and compute the syllable rate
between frames at different resolutions. Image templates as one dimension of prosody features. The prosody
from the previous frame and from the very first frame are modality in our experiment can output 92 frames per
both used for more robust tracking. The measured 2D second in real-time conditions.
image motions are modeled as projections of the true 3D The features extracted are used as inputs to a classifying
motions onto the image plane. From the 2D motions of stage described in the next section.
many points on the mesh, the 3D motion can be estimated
by solving an overdetermined system of equations of the 4. Bayesian Networks and Fusion
projective motions in the least squared sense.
A typical issue of multimodal data processing so far is that
The recovered motions are represented in terms of
the multisensory data are typically processed separately
magnitudes of some predefined motion of various facial
and only combined at the end. Yet this is almost certainly
features. Each feature motion corresponds to a simple
deformation on the face, defined in terms of the Bezier
incorrect; people display audio and visual communicative
volume control parameters. We refer to these motions
signals in a complementary and redundant manner. Chen
vectors as Motion-Units (MU’s). Note that they are similar and Huang [2] have shown this experimentally. In order to
but not equivalent to Ekman’s AU’s [5] and are numeric in accomplish a human-like multimodal analysis of multiple
input signals acquired by different sensors, the signals recognized from audio features extracted from the person’s
cannot be considered mutually independent and cannot be audio track. Facial expressions are recognized by facial
combined in a context-free manner at the end of the features tracked using video, but the recognition is also
intended analysis but, on the contrary, the input data should affected by a variable that indicates whether the person is
be processed in a joint feature space and according to a speaking or not. Recognizing whether a person is speaking
context-dependent model [15]. In practice, however, uses both visual cues (mouth motion) and audio features.
besides the problems of context sensing and developing The parameters of the proposed network are learned from
context-dependent models for combining multisensory data. By using this framework, inferring the human
information, one should cope with the size of the required emotional expression can be performed even when some
joint feature space, which can suffer from large pieces of information are missing, e.g., when audio is too
dimensionality, different feature formats, and timing. Our noisy, or the face tracking loses the face.
approach to achieve the target tightly coupled multisensory
data fusion is to develop context-dependent versions of a 5. Experiments
suitable method such as the Bayesian inference method [3].
In the previous reports [2][4][13], the datasets used were so
If we consider the state of the art in audio and visual
small that the generality of their methods is not guaranteed.
signal processing, noisy and partial input data should also
In addition, they only detected 5-6 basic emotional states
be expected. A multimodal system should be able to deal
that are not directly related to human computer interaction.
with these imperfect data and generate its conclusion so
However, as was noticed in [14], the subjects facing a
that the certainty associated with it varies in accordance to
computer tutor seldom express these basic emotions except
the input data. Probabilistic graphical models, such as
the neutral state. Actually, detecting some special affects,
hidden Markov models (including their hierarchical
including interest, boredom, confusion, and frustration, is
variants), Bayesian networks, and dynamic Bayesian
very important for the system to interact naturally with
networks are very well suited for fusing such different
their users. These affects indicate the
sources of information. These models can handle noisy
cognitive/motivational states of the subjects’ learning.
features, temporal information, and missing values of
They provide information about whether the subject is
features all by probabilistic inference. Hierarchical HMM-
engaged or whether the subject is having difficulties during
based systems [3] have been shown to work well for facial
the learning activities.
expression recognition. Dynamic Bayesian networks and
In our experiments we used a large-scale database [14]
HMM variants have been shown to fuse various sources of
that is more related to the human-computer interaction; 11
information in recognizing user intent, office activity
affect categories were used which include 7 basic affects
recognition, and event detection in video using both audio
(i.e. happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust, and
and visual information [6]. The success of these research
neutral), and 4 HCI-related affects (i.e. interest, boredom,
efforts has shown that fusing audio and video for detection
confusion, and frustration). We tested our methods on 38
of discrete events using probabilistic graphical models is
subjects (24 females and 14 males).
possible. Therefore, in this work we propose the Bayesian
The subjects consist of mostly graduate and
network topology for recognizing emotions from audio and
undergraduate students in various fields. Some staff and
facial expressions presented in Figure 2.
faculty members also volunteered to participate. Although
the subjects displayed affect expression on request,
Emotion minimal instruction was given to the subjects. In particular,
no instruction on how to portray the affects was given.
They were simply asked to display facial expressions and
Facial Expression
speak appropriate sentences. Each subject was required to
Expression pose a pure facial expression without speech three times,
Speaking? followed by a facial expression with speech three times,
and then a pure facial expression three more times.
Audio In the dataset in which subjects were facing the
camera, we found that appropriate sentences made subjects
Face Face
Motion 1 Motion N
Mouth more natural, and this way it was easier for them to express
affects than without speech. In particular, without
Figure 2. Bayesian network topology for bimodal emotion appropriate sentences, some subjects found it difficult to
expression recognition. display subtle differences among the 4 HCI-related affects
(confusion, interest, boredom, and frustration). On the
The network topology combines the two modalities in a other hand, speaking reduces the distinctiveness of the
probabilistic manner. The top node is the class variable different facial expression. As one can see from Figure 3,
(recognized emotional expression). It is affected by the when the “speaking” variable is not used in the Bayesian
recognized facial expressions, the recognized vocal network (“No speaking” results) the performance is
expressions, and by the context in which the system substantially reduced.
operates (if that is available). Vocal emotions are
Neutral Happy Surprise Anger Disg Fear Sad Frust Puzz Inter Bore
Neutral 98.34 0.43 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00
Happy 3.47 92.05 0.68 0.48 0.58 0.28 1.16 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.48
Surprise 4.40 0.26 89.30 1.07 0.00 1.52 1.76 0.00 1.06 0.00 0.63
Anger 1.15 0.24 0.47 94.63 1.42 0.23 1.16 0.05 0.42 0.20 0.03
Desired Disgust 2.27 0.81 0.77 3.38 88.42 0.81 0.77 0.99 0.50 0.55 0.73
Fear 1.61 0.20 0.20 4.13 1.51 90.02 0.81 0.00 0.91 0.21 0.30
Sad 4.30 0.46 0.46 3.07 2.67 0.00 85.04 1.46 1.31 0.31 0.92
Frustration 4.21 0.17 1.51 3.31 0.37 2.57 2.21 83.56 1.00 0.37 0.72
Puzzlement 1.98 0.21 0.63 2.82 1.05 1.14 0.21 0.73 89.01 0.97 1.25
Iinterest 2.14 0.36 1.42 3.20 1.78 1.07 1.42 0.36 1.06 85.05 2.14
Boredom 2.02 0.19 0.16 1.12 0.53 0.66 2.62 0.86 0.91 0.43 91.50
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