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Functional Training for Swimming

Heather Sumulong, BS, CSCS

A re you looking to gain the competitive

edge over your opponents? Developing a

strong core, along with functional

training for swimming, may be exactly what your program is

lacking. Too many programs focus only on the numbers in the

weight room, forgetting that swimming is a 3-dimensional

joint (shoulder joint), leading to inflammation in the rotator
cuff muscles. Proper stroke mechanics play a key role in
preventing this type of injury. Mechanical flaws are most often
seen with fatigue, or inadequate flexibility, causing increased
stress to the shoulder, both of which can be prevented with
proper training. The stronger the stabilizing muscles are, the
longer an athlete is able to train at a high intensity with proper

Studies have shown that even a four-week interruption in

activity, and therefore giving their strength gains minimal training dramatically changes the metabolic characteristics of a
swimmer’s muscle 3. With a four-week break in training
practical value to improving skill. (common with any overuse shoulder injury), the ability to
generate power during swimming is significantly reduced, while
Functional training can increase the body’s ability to generate complete inactivity leads to decreased aerobic capacity, which
power from the core. You will often hear the core (abdominal can dramatically alter the outcome of your season. You will be
and back muscles) described as the power center of the body. much better off preventing the injury that will lead to any
This is because when trained correctly, these muscles act interruption in your training program.
synergistically to dramatically improve sport performance. This
doesn’t mean that you need to do thousands of crunches per day. This program is designed for a seasoned swimmer, and should be
It simply means that you must train for specificity, and practice done in conjunction with a traditional weight training and
like you compete. These exercises will help you transition weight swimming program. These exercises are designed to enhance the
room strength to movement-specific strength for swimming. local strength developed in the weight room, and transfer the
When evaluating an exercise for a specific sport, it is important result to general endurance, having a specific application to
to make sure the exercise will transfer to the activity at hand. The the real-life movement in swimming. According to Tudor
drills to follow will mimic swimming in order to transfer the Bompa1, “Endurance sports should consider multi-joint
strength gains to performance. With time being most people’s exercises involving several muscle groups. This type of exercise
biggest constraint to their training program, it becomes critical may not permit equally high amounts of work, but do provide a
to choose your exercises wisely. superior general and specific functional component.”

There are two common problems that occur among swimmers This circuit uses a medicine ball for plyometrics, exercise tubing
that can be minimized with this type of functional training to provide variable resistance for the stabilization demands, as
program: postural imbalances and overuse injuries. A postural well as body weight exercises, using Pilates principles, to provide
defect can cause a swimmer to swim much slower than they are a balanced workout. You will use multi-joint, multi-planar
able, or fatigue more quickly trying to swim at the same speed. movements to increase stability, power, and flexibility of the
Proper body alignment in the water can actually reduce drag and body. Strong muscles will display more endurance, as well as
increase core power, enabling you to swim faster with less effort increased forces at sub-maximal levels of exertion compared to
(decreased heart rate) and greater efficiency, for a longer time weak muscles, according Brooks 2. Hopefully you will use this
period. Poor head and body positioning or weak core muscles functional training program to integrate with your traditional
can contribute to lower back pain both during and after strength-training program and reap the benefits of both types of
workouts. Another common injury is Swimmer’s Shoulder. This exercise, with improved sport performance.
is an overuse injury caused by instability in the glenohumeral

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 14 Volume 2 Number 4 |

When using this program, work at full intensity after you are
warm, enabling the activity to transfer to competition.
Remember to practice like you compete. Try to move from one
exercise to the next without more than one minute of rest.
You want to keep yourself in continuous motion for smooth
transitions and fluidity. For better results, go with your body’s
natural movement pattern. It is when we fight the natural
tendency that injury usually occurs. All of your joints should
work synergistically in a functional movement. This will help
keep your heart rate up and well within your proper training
limits. If you are a distance swimmer, try to keep your heart rate
between 60 – 85% max. If you are a sprinter, it is appropriate to
train above 85% max and into your anaerobic training zone.

The Program
This program should be done 2 – 3 days per week prior to swim
workouts. Complete this circuit 3 – 4 times depending on time
available. Rest for 3 minutes between circuits. The first circuit
should be at 75% intensity to make sure you are completely
warm before performing plyometrics at full force.

1. Overhead Shoulder Press with Rotation to a Squat:

Use a medicine ball (6 – 8 lbs for women; 10 – 12 lbs for
men). Repeat this activity alternating right and left for
20 repetitions (10 each side).
• Phase 1: Start standing with ball at chest to overhead
shoulder press (see Figure 1a & 1b). Figure 1b. Overhead Shoulder Press
• Phase 2: Spinal twist to the right, then back to center
(see Figure 1c).
• Phase 3: Back squat with ball at chest (see Figure 1d).

Figure 1a. Overhead Shoulder Press with Rotation to a Squat: Figure 1c. Overhead Shoulder Press with Rotation
Starting Position

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 15 Volume 2 Number 4 |

Figure 1d. Squat

Figure 2b. Back Squat Phase 2

2. Back Squat:
Place medicine ball on back between the shoulder blades,
with elbows pointing up. Perform 20 repetitions without
rest. 3. Back Throw:
• Phase 1: Squat back to a 90-degree angle at the knee Perform 15 repetitions without rest.
(see Figure 2a). • Phase 1: Squat, bringing the medicine ball between
• Phase 2: Extend to standing with explosive power on your legs to the shins (see Figure 3a).
the exhalation (optional plyometric jump on phase • Phase 2: Extend legs to standing while swinging arms
2 for sets 2 – 4). (See Figure 2b). overhead with power (do not let go of the ball).
(See Figure 3b).

Figure 2a. Back Squat Phase 1 Figure 3a. Back Throw Phase 1

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 16 Volume 2 Number 4 |

Figure 4b. Overhead Throw with Forward Lunge Phase 2

5. Fast Squat with Straight Arm Lat Pull Down:

Use a medium resistance long tube with two handles.
Hook the tubing around a pole and face the pole.
Perform 30 repetitions without rest. Try to go as fast as
possible as speed determines intensity.
• Phase 1: Perform a back squat while simultaneously
Figure 3b. Back Throw Phase 2
pressing arms to hip, keeping the elbows straight
(see Figure 5a).
• Phase 2: Return to standing (see Figure 5b).
4. Overhead throw with Forward Lunge (Alternating Legs):
Perform 10 repetitions on each leg without rest.
• Phase 1: Perform a forward lunge with the medicine
ball overhead and elbows bent to 90-degrees
(see Figure 4a).
• Phase 2: Simultaneously with phase 1, extend elbows
as if to throw the ball forward. (Do not let go of
the ball). (See Figure 4b).

Figure 5a. Fast Squat with Straight Arm Lat Pull Down Phase 1

Figure 4a. Overhead Throw with Forward Lunge Phase 1

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 17 Volume 2 Number 4 |

Figure 6b. Forward Freestyle Punches Phase 1

Figure 5b. Fast Squat with Straight Arm Lat Pull Down Phase 2

6. Forward Freestyle Punches (Shoulder Roll):

• Use a medium resistance long tube with two handles.
Hook the tubing around a pole and face away from the
• Perform 30 punches without rest. Make sure to alternate
arms. Try to go as fast as possible as speed determines
intensity. You should almost feel like you are swimming
freestyle with a shoulder roll (see Figure 6a, 6b & 6c).

Figure 6c. Forward Freestyle Punches Phase 2

7. Straight Arm Trunk Rotation:

Use a medium resistance long tube with two handles.
Hook the tubing around a pole and stand perpendicular
to the pole.
Perform 30 repetitions without rest to one side. Repeat
exercise to the other side.
• Phase 1: Stand with slight tension on the tube, facing
sideways. Keeping arms straight, perform a spinal
twist as far as your body will allow (see Figure 7a).
• Phase 2: Return to starting position (see Figure 7b).
Figure 6a. Forward Freestyle Punches Starting Position

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 18 Volume 2 Number 4 |

Figure 8a. Flutter on Stomach Phase 1

Figure 7a. Straight Arm Trunk Rotation Phase 1 Figure 8b. Flutter on Stomach Starting Position

9. Scissors:
Lay on your back in hamstring stretch position with both
legs straight in a scissor position. Your bottom leg should
be off the floor. Hold your top leg with both arms at the
calf. Perform 20 repetitions without rest (10 each leg).
• Phase 1: With your eyes on your belly button and your
neck in a “C” shape curve from mid-back, pull your
top leg toward your head for a gentle stretch. Hold of
1 second. Be sure to keep your lower back glued to
the floor (see Figure 9a).
• Phase 2: Swing legs to switch positions while remaining
stable through the shoulder girdle and small of the
back. Repeat phase 1 with the other leg (see Figure 9b).

Figure 7b. Straight Arm Trunk Rotation Phase 2

8. Flutter on Stomach:
Lay on your stomach with arms straight overhead and legs
straight with your head down. Make sure your neck is in
line with your spine to eliminate possible tension. Repeat
this exercise twice before moving on.
• Phase 1: Lift arms and legs like Superman and flutter
both arms and legs simultaneously for 20 repetitions
(see Figure 8a).
• Phase 2: Return to starting position (see Figure 8b). Figure 9a. Scissor Phase 1

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 19 Volume 2 Number 4 |

1. Bompa T. (1999). Periodization: Theory and methodology of
training (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
2. Brooks D, Brooks, C. (2002). Integrated balance training: A
programming guide for fitness professionals. Canton, OH: DW
Fitness, LLC.
3. Kammer S, Young C, Niedfeldt, M. (1999). Swimming
injuries and illnesses. The Physician and Sports Medicine,

About the Author

Heather Sumulong, CSCS, is the co-founder of Vision Quest Fitness,
a personal training and sports performance company based in the
East Bay of San Francisco. She obtained her BS in Kinesiology with
Figure 9b. Scissor Phase 2 an emphasis in Exercise Science from San Francisco State University
and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®)
with the NSCA. Heather is also a Certified Athletic Trainer’s Aide
and specializes in the prevention of injury in athletes.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal 20 Volume 2 Number 4 |

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