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Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

An image often used for the Church is that the Church is the dawn. That is an apt image. The
dawn testifies that the night is over and that light has conquered the darkness. At the same time,
the dawn is not quite the fullness of the light which is to come. Dawn has a mixture of both light
and darkness. So is the Church. The Church is light since it proclaims that the head of the
Church, the Lord Jesus, has overcome the darkness. However, the Church is made up of sinners
and we sinners often fail to be the people God calls us to be. We cause darkness even as we
proclaim the Light. It is important that when we sin we admit to our sinfulness.

The most vulnerable members of the Church, the children, have been grievously hurt by clergy
and religious, the very people who should have been trusted to help and not to injure. In addition,
the Church has at times failed to act as it should have to immediately protect children and to
promptly remove those who have preyed upon them. To all the people of the Church, and
especially to the victims of child sexual abuse by clergy and religious, I ask for your forgiveness.
From the depths of my heart, I ask your forgiveness.

After considerable prayer and consultation, I have decided to publish the names of all clergy and
religious who have served in the Archdiocese of Mobile since 1950 who have credible
accusations of sexual misconduct with minors against them. This decision was not made lightly.
It is my prayer that this will not re-traumatize anyone but will assist in the healing for which
victims desperately long. I also pray that it will help all the people of the Church, and of the
broader community, to know that the Archdiocese of Mobile is not allowing anyone to minister
in our archdiocese who has credible accusations of sexual misconduct with minors.

Two lists are published with this letter: List One is the list of clergy of the Archdiocese of
Mobile who have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct with minors. List Two is the list of
members of Religious Orders who have served in the Archdiocese of Mobile, both clergy and
non-clergy, who have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct with minors.

It has been a challenge to compile these lists. Each personnel file has been examined. Since 2003
there has been a written policy regarding complaints of sexual abuse of minors: there is an office
for the protection of minors and adults which receives complaints, accusations are reported to
civil authority, and a review board composed mostly of lay people not employed by the
archdiocese reviews the cases and makes recommendations. Before 2003, however, there were a
variety of ways in which accusations were received and investigated and this has presented
challenges in compiling these lists.
These lists have been shared with the Office of the State Attorney General and with the Office of
the District Attorney of Mobile County. But, more importantly, it is being shared with you, the
people of our archdiocese. Some of you may be surprised to see on these lists the name of a
priest who served in your parish and whom you knew well. I pray that God will give you peace
of mind and heart.

I wish to assure you that the Archdiocese of Mobile is committed to following the Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People which the US bishops enacted in 2002. In doing so
may I draw your attention to two things. As you will notice, almost all these acts of misconduct
were many years ago. That is in no way to excuse the devastating harm of child abuse. The
injury that sexual abuse of a minor inflicts lasts for many years. At the same time, the fact that
these horrible acts of misconduct are many years ago, reflects the commitment of the Church to
protect young people from abuse while they are involved in Church ministries.

The other fact is that, even though one abuser is far too many, these accusations of abuse involve
approximately 2% of the 457 archdiocesan priests who have served in the archdiocese since
1950. (The decades-old records do not make it possible to accurately determine the number of
religious order clerics and non-clerics who have served in the Archdiocese since 1950. I presume
the percentage would be similar.) I wish to take this opportunity to thank you, our good and
faithful clergy and religious who serve in the Archdiocese of Mobile. Thank you for your
ministry. You bring the love of God to many and many to the love of God. I ask all the people of
our Church to pray for and support you.

After considerable effort, these lists are as complete as possible. However, if anyone wishes to
report a cleric or religious not included in these lists, please contact the Office for the Protection
of Minors and Adults, 251-434-1559.

In closing, allow me to again apologize for the devastating harm done by clerics and religious
who have abused the little ones. I ask the forgiveness of all victims of abuse as I entrust you to
the love and mercy of the Lord. I deeply believe the Lord is with us. After all, we are His
Church. Despite our failings, sins, and unfaithfulness, He remains faithful to us and leads us,
individually and as a Church, to new life. May His healing love be with all of us

Sincerely in the Lord,

Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi

Archbishop of Mobile
List One - Priests and deacons of the Archdiocese of Mobile who have been
credibly accused of sexual misconduct involving minors.

Thomas J Cullen DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1950s
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Mary Parish, Mobile
St. Margaret Parish, Bayou La Batre
Cathedral Parish, Mobile
St. Monica Parish, Mobile
Christ the King Parish, Andalusia
St. Mary Parish, Texas City, Texas

Vernon Dahmen DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: Mid 1970s to early 1980s
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Dominic Parish, Mobile
St. Mary Parish, Mobile
St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Mobile
McGill-Toolen High School, Mobile
Little Flower Parish, Mobile
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Chickasaw
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Mobile
Allen Memorial Home, Mobile


Date of Misconduct: 1998
Pastoral Assignments:
Christ the King Parish, Daphne
Annunciation Parish, Monroeville
St Margaret Parish, Bayou La Batre
Director, Office of Youth Ministry
Joseph Gill DECEASED
Date of Misconduct: Late 1960s
Pastoral Assignments:
Blessed Sacrament Parish, Birmingham
St. John Parish, Warrington, Florida
Cathedral Parish, Mobile
Sacred Heart Parish, Grove Hill
St. Columba Parish, Dothan
St. Aloysius Parish, Bessemer
St. William Parish, Guntersville
St. Thomas Parish, Chickasaw
St. Catherine Parish, Mobile
Sacred Heart Residence, Little Sisters of the Poor, Mobile
St. Bridget Parish, Whistler
In Residence, St. Anthony Parish, Birmingham

James A. Havens DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1986
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Dominic Parish, Mobile
Little Flower Parish, Mobile
St. John Parish, Butler
Sacred Heart Parish, Grove Hill
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Mobile


Date of Misconduct: 1976
Pastoral Assignments:
Little Flower Parish, Mobile
Assistant Director for Vocations
McGill-Toolen High School, Mobile
St. Pius X Parish, Mobile
St. Joseph Parish, Prattville
Chaplain, US Air Force: Little Rock AFB, Arkansas
Clark AFB, Philippines
Dept. of the Air Force, San Francisco, California
United States Air Force Academy, Colorado
Maxwell AFB, Montgomery
Diocese of Elphin, Ireland
Date of Misconduct: Late 1960s to 1982
Pastoral Assignments:
Little Flower Parish, Mobile
St. Dominic Parish, Mobile
McGill-Toolen High School, Mobile
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Mobile
Assistant Vocations Director
St. Agatha Parish, Bay Minette
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Mobile
Holy Spirit Parish, Montgomery
Metropolitan Tribunal
Cathedral Parish, Mobile

John Alex Sherlock DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1966-1982
St. Mary Parish, Mobile
Bishop Toolen High School, Mobile
Little Flower Parish, Mobile
St. Patrick’s College, Mountainview, California
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
McGill Toolen High School, Mobile
Cathedral Parish, Mobile
Holy Family Parish, Mobile
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Chickasaw
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Mobile
St. Pius X Parish, Mobile
St. Peter Parish, Montgomery


Date of Misconduct: 1984
Pastoral Assignments:
Our Savior Parish, Mobile
Hotel Dieu Hospital, New Orleans
St. Pius X Parish, Mobile
McGill Toolen High School, Mobile
St. Dominic Parish, Mobile
John J. Walton DECEASED
Date of Misconduct: 1970s
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Margaret Parish, Bayou La Batre
US Army Reserve, Military Archdiocese
St. Maurice Parish, Brewton
Christ the King Parish, Andalusia
St. Joan of Arc Parish, Mobile
St. Pius X Parish, Mobile
Holy Name Parish, Semmes

Cordell Lang (DECEASED) was removed from ministry based upon accusations submitted to
the Archdiocese of Mobile. A civil court jury, however, found in his favor.

Archdiocesan Deacon
Convicted of possession of child pornography
Date of Misconduct: 2012
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Mobile
List Two - Priests and men who are not priests (brothers) who belong to
religious orders and are not clergy of the Archdiocese of Mobile but have
served in this archdiocese.

The Archdiocese of Mobile has received credible accusations against these

men. While some accusations involved misconduct within the archdiocese,
other accusations involved misconduct elsewhere. However, since all have at
some time served in this archdiocese, their names are included as well as their
assignments while in this archdiocese.


Date of Misconduct: 1989-1990
Pastoral Assignments:
Little Flower Parish, Mobile


Date of Misconduct: 1965-1968
Pastoral Assignments:
Shrine of the Holy Cross Parish, Daphne

Gregory Furjanic DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1987
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Mobile
St. Monica Parish, Mobile
Immaculate Conception Parish, Orrville
Sacred Heart Parish, Grove Hill


Date of Misconduct: 1979
Pastoral Assignments:
McGill-Toolen High School, Mobile
John Hardman DECEASED
Date of Misconduct: 1972-1978
Pastoral Assignments:
Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish, Mobile


Date of Misconduct: 1977-1981
Pastoral Assignments:
Resurrection Parish, Montgomery

Anthony Kiel DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1955-1958
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

Edward Lawler DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1972
Pastoral Assignments:
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Birmingham
St Peter Claver Parish, Mobile
Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish, Mobile
St. Joseph Parish, Mobile

Edward A. Leary DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1970-1972
Pastoral Assignments:
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Selma


Date of Misconduct: 1967-1970
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Benedict School, Elberta


Date of Misconduct: 1963
Pastoral Assignments:
Catholic Information Center, Mobile
Norman Rogge DECEASED
Date of Misconduct: 1979-1981
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Ignatius Parish, Mobile

John Rutledge DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1968
Pastoral Assignments:
St. Michael Parish, Auburn


Date of Misconduct: 1990s
Pastoral Assignments:
Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery

Nelson Ziter DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1974-1979
Pastoral Assignments:
Queen of Peace Parish, Selma
St. Philip Neri Parish, Belle Fontaine
St. Elizabeth Parish, Selma
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Mobile

(Members of Religious Orders Who Are Not Priests)
Nicholas Vic Bendillo DECEASED
Date of Misconduct: 1964-1989
Pastoral Assignments:
McGill Institute, Mobile
McGill-Toolen High School, Mobile

Ralph McGarry DECEASED

Date of Misconduct: 1960-1961
Pastoral Assignments:
Catholic Boys Home

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