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Interpretation of

Resistivity Data
Interpretation of
Resistivity Data


A presentation of mathematical potential

theory and practicalfield application for
the direct-current methods of electrical
resistivity prospecting





Dallas L. Peck, Director

First printing 1966

Second printing 1967
Third printing 1984

For sale by the Distribution Branch, U.S. Geological Survey,

604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304

Page Page
Symbom __________________________________________ _ Plane parallel boundaries_ _ _____________ __ __ __ _______ 82
Abstract __________________________________________ _ 1 The general problem ____________________ -_______ 83
Introduction ______________________________________ _ 1 Application of the general solution________________ 84
Acknowledgments _________________________________ _ 2 Horizontal bedding_ _ _ __ _________ __ __ __ _____ ________ 86
Development of electrical prospecting ________________ _ 2
Early history __________________________________ _ TheorY---------------------------------------- 86
2 Theoretical curves ________________________ - _____ 89
French school---------------------------------- 8 Two-layer case _______________ - __ __ ________ _ 90
American schooL ______________________________ _ 10 Multiple-layer case ___________ -_____________ 93
Other workers _________________________________ _ 17 Practical applications _________ - ___ - _____ --- __ -- _ 101
Development of theory _________________________ _ 20 Empirical methods__________________________ 101
Fundamentals of prospecting with direct current _______ _ 27 Tagg's method-____________________________ 103
Fundamental considerations _____________________ _ 27 Comparison of logarithmic curve-matching
Point source of current _____________________ _ 27 method and Tagg's method_--------------- 105
Current from a driven stake ________________ _ 28 Extension of two-layer logarithmic curves to
Current source and sink on the surface of a homo- three- and four-layer problems__ _ _ _ _ _______ 105
geneous earth ___________________________ _ 30 Direct interpretation _________ --_----------- __ --- 106
Current lines and eql.lipotentiam _________ _ 30
Depth of current penetration ____________ _ 30 Vertical structures---------------------------------- 110
Uniform field __________________________ _ 34 Perfectly conducting or insulating planes __ ------- _ 111
Nat ural earth currents _____________________ _ Asymmetrical configurations ___ - ___ - _--- ___ - _ 111
Equipotential method __________________________ _ 36 Lee and Wenner configurations_______________ 112
Resistivity method _____________________________ _ Horizontal profiles ________ - _______ - __ -- _ 112
Concept of apparent resistivity ______________ _ Vertical profiles __________ - _- - - _- - - __ - - _ 116
Electrode configurations ____________________ _ 39 Faults----------------------------------------- 116
Horizontal and vertical profiling _____________ _ Lee configuration ___________________ --- _--- _ 116
Well logging ______________________________ _ 42 Horizontal profiles_--------------------_ 116
Potential-drop-ratio method _____________________ _ 43 Continuous theoretical curves __ - _--- _ 116
Calculation of theoretical-resistivity curves ___________ _ Theoretical field plots ___________ - _- _ 116
The exact solution _____________________________ _ 46 Criteria for selecting the approximate
Logarithmic potential __________________________ _ location of a fault_________________ 118
Methods of plotting ____________________________ _ 50 Traverses at an angle to the fault_____ 119
Applications of the image theory ____________________ _ Field examples _____________ ---_---_ 121
Vertical fault __________________________________ _ Vertical profiles ______ - ________ -- ___ - ___ 122
Dipping fault or bed ___________________________ _ 55 Wenner configuration ____ - ___ --------------- 126
Vertical dike __________________________________ _ 57 Horizontal profiles ___ - ___ ----------_---- 126
Perfectly conducting masses with curved boundaries_ 59 Vertical profiles- ____ ------------------- 126
Hem is pheri cal sink _________________________ _ 59 Logn configuration-------------------------- 128
Buried sphere _____________________________ _ 60 Potential-drop-ratio methods----------------- 128
Buried cylinder and semicircular trough ______ _ 61 Lee-Hemberger plotting ___ ----_--------- 128
Useful coordinate systems __________________________ _ 62 Plotting of differences of apparent resis-
Generalized coordinates _________________________ _ tivities ___________ -- _------ _--------- 132
Spherical coordinates ___________________________ _ 64 Accuracy of detection of fault by potential-
Cylindrical coordinates _________________________ _ 67 drop-ratio methods_- ___ -------------- 133
Prolate spheroidal coordinates ___________________ _ 69 Dikes----------------------------------------- 133
Oblate spheroidal coordinates ___________________ _ 71 Theoretical background_____________________ 133
Bipolar coordinates ____________________________ _ 72 Resistivity techniques __ -_------------------- 135
Expansions of the reciprocal distance _________________ _ 75 Horiz_ontal profiles ___ ------------------- 135
Associated Legendre polynomiam ________________ _ 75 Brecciated zones-- _____ ------------- 135
Bessel functions of zero order ___________________ _ 76 Vertical dikes _______ - _- __ - -- - -- - -- - 139
Modified Bessel functions _______________________ _ 77 Vertical profiles ___________ - - - _-- - - - - -- - 162
Spheroidal functions ___________________________ _ 78 Potential-drop-ratio techniques __ -- __ --------- 167
A second expansion in associated Legendre poly- Constant-spacing system _______ --------- 167
nomiam-------------------------------------- 80 Expanding-electrode system- ____ - - - - -- - - - 171
Cone functions ________________________________ _ 80 Summary of potential-drop-ratio method
Hyperboloid functions __________________________ _ over dikes ____________________ - __ - - - - 172

Page Page
Dipping faults and beds ____________________________ _ 172 Filled sinks and channels-Continued
Theory of dipping faults and beds _______________ _ 173 Horizontal profiles over hemispherical sinks _______ _ 216
A general solution _________________________ _ 174 Theoretical and observed curves _____________ _ 216
A special solution--------------------------- 180 Value of various approximations _____________ _ 224
Effect of vertical cliffs ______________________ _ 183 Vertical profiles over hemispheroidal and hemispheri-
Dipping perfectly conducting or insulating plane ___ _ 184 cal sinks ____________________________________ _ 228
Results of model studies ____________________ _ 184 Resistivity maps over hemispherical sink _____ - ___ _ 237
Single inclined discontinuity ____________________ _ 185 Detectability of hemispherical sink _______________ _ 241
Potential distribution ______________________ _ 185 Local inhomogeneities __________________________ _ 242
Profiles parallel to the strike ________________ _ 187 Buried masses and structures ________________________ _ 247
Theoretical curves based on image theory __ 188 TheorY---------------------------------------- 247
Theoretical curves based on harmonic anal- Buried spheres __________________ - _- - - _____ - 248
________________________________ _

191 Volcanic necks and cones ___________________ _ 249

Comparison of apparent-resistivity curves __ 195 Buried domes __________________ -_---------- 250
Results of model studies ________________ _ 200 Buried vertical fault _______________________ _ 252
Profiles perpendicular to the strike ___________ _ 200 Buried pockets __________________________ - _____ _ 255
Vertical profiles that do not cross the contact __ 200
Profiles that cross the contact ___________ _ Potential and resistivity over buried spheres_ 256
201 Detectability of buried spheres ______ -_------- 260
Horizontal profiles _________________ _ 201 Surveys in mine wo:tkings _______________________ _ 264
Vertical nrofiles ___________________ _ 204
Traverses at various azimuths _______________ _ Graphical solution of buried dome structure _______ _ 266
Filled sinks and channels ___________________________ _ Miscellaneous logarithmic approximations _____ ---- 268
Theory _______________________________________ _ Bibliography ______________________________________ _ 274
Filled sinks _______________________________ _ 211 References to "Geophysical Abstracts"_----------- 275
Filled channels ____________________________ _ 215 Comprehensive list of titles _________ ------------- 276
Open pits and ditches ______________________ _ 215 Index ______________________________________ _ 309

[All plates are in pocket]
PLATE 1. Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, Lee configuration.
2. Theoretical field plots for horizontal resistivity profiles across vertical fault, showing dependence of shape of curves on
position of electrodes relative to fault, Lee configuration.
3. Vertical resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of unit width b, Lee and Wenner configurations. Center of configu-
ration taken at various distances from dike. For all curves, p" = 4p'.
4. Vertical resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of unit width b, Lee and Wenner configurations. Center of configu-
ration taken at various distances from dike. For all curves, p" = p' /4.
5. Observed vertical resistivity profiles at different stations along eastward- and northward-trending traverses across a
shale sink, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee configuration.
FIGURE 1. Diagram showing a point source of current and the various symbols used ____________ -_------------------- 28
2. Vertical line electrode extending along z-axis ________________________ ---------------------------------- 28
3. Diagram showing source of current and sink, and conventions used ________ ------------------------------ 30
4. Potential and current distribution in a vertical plane along the line of electrodes _________ ------------------ 31
5. Diagram showing comparison of values of potential (A) about a point source and sink and (B) about a single
point electrode---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
6. Current densities along various vertical and horizontal lines ____________________________________________ _ 33
7. Fraction of total current I which passes completely (A) above a horizontal plane of depth zh and (B) within a
horizontal cylinder whose axis coincides with the line of electrodes _______________ -------- -------------- 34
8. Diagram showing values of fractional difference of potential through a vertical cross section along line of elec-
trodes _________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 35
9. A general configuration of electrodes __________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37
10. Various electrode configurations to be studied ____________________________________ --------------------- 39
11. Standard well-logging configurations __________________________________ ------------------------------- 42
12. Electrode configurations in potential-drop-ratio and Resistolog methods _____________ --------------------- 43
13. Sample master computation sheet with an explanation of the symbols used _________ ---------------------- 48
14. Comparison of (A) a logarithmic approximation with (B) an exact horizontal resistivity profile made with the
Wenner configuration over a vertical fault_ __________________________ ------------------------------- 49
15. Wenner horizontal resistivity profile over a vertical fault. Comparison of a theoretical field plot and a con-
tinuous theoretical-resistivity curve _____________________________________ --------------------------- 51
16. Plan view of a point source of current in the vicinity of a vertical fault __________________________________ _ 52
17. Plan view of the Wenner configuration oriented perpendicular to a vertical fault __________________________ _ 53
18. Plan view showing a traverse crossing a vertical fault at an angle _______________________________________ _ 55
19. (A) Plan view of current and potential electrodes near trace of a dipping fault. (B) Cross-sectional view ____ _ 56
FIGURE 20. Plan view showing a point source of current together with its images, in the vicinity of a vertical dike ______ _ 58
21. Plan view showing a point source of current near a hemispherical sink filled with a perfectly conducting materiaL 59
22. Cross-sectional view showing a point source of current, and its images, near a buried perfectly conducting
sphere------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60
23. Cross-sectional view of a point charge of current in the vicinity of a perfectly conducting trough of semicircular
shape _________________________________________________________________________________________ _
24. Spherical coordinates _______________________ ~ ________________________________________ -- _______ --- __ _ 65
25. Prolate spheroidal coordinates ________________________________________________ - ___ - _------------- ---- 69
26. Oblate spheroidal coordinates ______________________________________________ - _ - _- _- _---- -- -- ------- -- 71
27. Bipolar coordinates. (A) As seen in meridian plane; and (B) method of construction _____________________ _ 73
28. Cross section showing a point source of current within a system containing an arbitrary number of layers ____ _ 83
29. Cross section showing a point source of current within an exterior region of a system containing three parallel
layers of different resistivities _____________________________________________________ ---_------------ 84
30. General layered earth with any number of beds _______________________________________________________ _ 87
31. Point source of current over a two-layer earth ________________________________________________________ _ 87
32. The fraction~ III of the total current I which passes into a bed ________________________________________ _ 89
33. Apparent-resistivity curves for two-layer case, logarithmic plotting ______________________________________ _ 91
34. Example of resistivity interpretation by curve matching, two-layer case, logarithmic plotting __________ - ____ _ 92
35. (A) Apparent-resistivity and (B) apparent-conductivity curves fo1 Tagg interpretation of two-layer case, linear
plotting, reflection factor (A) negative and (B) positive __________________________ -_-_----------------- 94
36. Potential-drop ratios (normalized) for two-layer case, constant ·electrode system for various values of reflection
factor------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 95
37. Potential-drop ratios (normalized) for two-layer case, expanding-electrode system, perfectly insulating bottom
bed----------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
38. Diagram of three-layer showing the effect on the apparent resistivity of varying ratios of top--layer thickness
to middle-layer thickness __________________________________________________________ - __ - _ -- ----- - -- 96
39. Diagram of three-layer case showing the effect on the apparent resistivity of varying resistivity of the middle
layer __________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 97
40. Diagram of three-layer case showing the effect on the apparent resistivity of variations in resistivity of bottom-
mostlayer-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
41. Comparison of three-layer curve A with limiting two-layer curves Band C and Hummel asymptotic curve D __ 97
42. Example of interpretation of three-layer case by superposition of logarithmic theoretical and hypothetical
observed curves ________________________________________________________________________________ _ 98
43. Diagram showing values of parameters used in the Schlumberger album ________________________ -_-------- 99
44. Family of apparent-resistivity curves for two- and three-layer cases, Schlumberger configuration __ ----------- 100
45. Qualitative effect of inhomogeneity on apparent-resistivity curves ___________________ --------------------- 101
46. Diagram of geologic cross section of four-layer case showing convention of symbols used. _____ --------------- 101
47. Diagram showing large expansions of configuration necessary to distinguish three-layer apparent-resistivity
curves from four-layer curves _______________________________________ - _- _-------------------------- 102
48. Observed -vertical resistivity profiles for determination of depth to salt water, MauL ________ --_------------ 102
49. Observed vertical resistivity profile, linear plotting, for example of Tagg method of interpretation in two-layer
case ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 103
50. Plots of reflection factor k versus depth z1 for different electrode separations a, Tagg method_--------------- 104
51. Example of using logarithmic two-layer curves to solve a three-layer problem approximately---------------- 107
52. Potentials at a distance a to the left of a single current electrode in the vicinity of (A) a vertical perfectly
conducting plane, and (B) a vertical perfectly insulating plane ____________ - _----------------------- ·-- 111
53-58. Horizontal resistivity profiles:
53. Across vertical perfectly conducting and insulating planes with asymmetrical Wenner and asym-
metrical Lee configurations ______________________________ -_------------------------------ 113
54. Across vertical perfectly conducting and insulating planes with the Wenner and Lee configurations_- 114
55. Results of model study of profiles across a vertical insulating sheet _______ -_------------------- 115
56. Field example of a Wenner profile across a vertical fault zone that simulates an insulating sheet_----- 116
57. Across a vertical fault, Lee and Wenner configurations; traverses taken at different angles to the
fault _________________________________________________________________________________ _ 120
58. Across two shale sinks using Lee configuration with electrode separations of (A) 100 feet and (B) 50
feet; (C) geologic cross section. Tri-State mining district, Cherokee County, Kans ___________ _ 121
59. Theoretical vertical resistivity profiles over an infinite vertical fault with center electrode a distance of 2 units
from the fault, Lee configuration. Reflection factor varies between + 1.0 and -1.0_------------------- 123
60. Vertical resistivity profile for station near left edge of shale sink, Lee configuration. Tri-State mining district,
Cherokee County, Kans _________________________________________________________________________ _ 124
61. Theoretical horizontal (A) conductivity and (B) resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, Wenner configuration.
Traverse perpendicular to fault trace. Reflection factor varies between (A) 0.1 and 0.9 and (B) -0.1 and
-0.9------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125
62. Comparison of observed and theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, Wenner configura-
tion, with an electrode separation of (A) 15 meters and (B) 30 meters ______________________ ------------ 126

FIGURE 63. Theoretical vertical (A) conductivity and (B) resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, Wenner configuration.
Reflection factor varies between (A) 0.1 and 0.9 and (B) -0.1 and -0.9______________________________ 127
64-68. Horizontal resistivity profiles:
64. Across vertical fault for different resistivity contrasts, Logn configuration ____________ ---------- 128
65. Three observed profiles across two vertical contacts in Meheia, near Kongsberg, Norway, Logn con-
figuration______________________________________________________________________________ 129
66. Index numbers for Lee-Hemberger plotting of profiles across vertical fault, Lee configuration; ratios
from both electrode pairs at the same or two successive stations _______________ - ____ -_-------_ 130
67. Index numbers for Lee-Hemberger plotting of profiles across vertical fault, Lee configuration; ratios
from the same electrode pairs at two successive stations____________________________________ 131
68. Plotting of differences of apparent resistivities for profiles across vertical fault, Lee configuration____ 132
69. Cross section showing a point source of current in the vicinity of a vertical dike bounded on either side by ma-
terials of different resistivities_ _ __ ______ ________________ _ __ _______ __ ___ ____ _____ _______ _ ___ ________ 134
70-101. Horizontal resistivity profiles:
70. Across brecciated zone of different resistivities, Lee configuration ________________________ -_-___ 136
71. Across brecciated zone of different resistivities, Wenner configuration ________________ - ___ ---_-_ 137
72. Across thin vertical brecciated zone of thickness b= 1, Logn configuration, P" variable; P' /P'"= 10_ _ 138
73. Across thin vertical brecciated zone of thickness b=1, Logn configuration, P" variable; P' /P"'=1,000_ 138
74. Across thin vutical conducting brecciated zone, Logn configuration. Thickness b variable_____ __ __ 139
75. Across thin vertical insulating brecciated zone, Logn configuration. Thickness b variable___________ 139
76. Across a vertical dike of width 2a, Lee configuration. Positive values of reflection factor__________ 140
77. Across a vertical dike of width 2a, Wenner configuration. Positive values of refltrtion factor_______ 141
78. Across a vertical dike of width 2a, Lee configuration. Negative values of reflection factor_________ 143
79. Across a vertical dike of width 2a, Wenner configuration. Negative values of reflection factor______ 144
80. Across a vertical dike of width 1.5a, LEe and Wenner configurations_____________________________ 145
81. Across a vertical dike of width a, Lee configuration. Positive values of reflection factor _____ -_-_-_ 146
82. Across a vertical dike of width a, Wenner configuration. Positive values of reflection factor________ 148
83. Across a verti<'al dike of width a, Lee configuration. .i\egative values of reflection factor ______ -_-_ 149
84. Across a vertical dike of width a, Wenner configuration. Negative values of reflection factor- __ -_-_ 150
85. Across a vertical dike of width 0.6a, Lee and Wenner configurations ___________________________ -_ 151
86. Across a vertical dike of width a/2, Lee configuration. Positive values of reflection factor _____ -_-_ 152
87. Across a vertical dike of width a/2, Wenner configuration. Positive values of reflection factor------ 153
88. Across a vertical dike of width a/2, Lee configuration. Negative values of reflection factor_________ 154
89. Across a vertical dike of width a/2, Wenner configuration. Negative values of reflection factor_---- 155
90. Across a vertical dike of width a/5, Lee and Wenner configurations ____________________ ---------- 156
91. Comparison of profiles across the same vertical dike with different electrode separations, Wenner con-
figuration______________________________________________________________________________ 157
92. Across Sneed 1-B quartz vein, Vance County, N.C., Lee configuration__________________________ 159
93. Across Walker 5 quartz vein and exposed diabase dike, Vance County, N.C., Lee configuration_____ 160
94-95. Across inferred silicified limestone zone, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans.,
Lee configuration _____________________________________________________________________ 161-162
96. Across inferred silicified limestone zones, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans.,
Lee configuration_______________________________________________________________________ 163
97. Across shear zone and limestone fault block, Illinois, Wenner configuration_______________________ 164
98. Across Bauerle's "reef" (dikelike feature) with various electrode separations, Busia gold field, Uganda,
Wennerconfiguration____________________________________________________________________ 165
99. Two profiles along same traverse across Cowboy gilsonite vein, Uintah County, Utah, with different
electrode separations and station intervals, Wenner configuration _________________ ------------ 166
100. Across Cowboy gilsonite vein, Uintah County, Utah, Wenner configuration __________ ------------ 166
101. Across Rainbow gilsonite vein, Uintah County, Utah, Wenner configuration______________________ 167
102. Vertical resistivity profile across high-resistivity steeply dipping quartzite bed, Mountain City copper district,
Elko County, Nev., Lee configuration______________________________________________________________ 168
103-108. Profiles with constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio method:
103. Across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode fixed at various distances from the dike. Re-
flection factors k= ± 0.6 _______________________________________________________ -- _--- ---- 16!1
104. Across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode fixed at a distance of 10 units from axis of dike.
(A) Curve for P" /P'= 1/10; (B) Curve for p" fP'= 10 _______________________________ ---- ------ 171
105. Across an andesite dike of high resistivity near Lebong Donok gold mine, Sumatra _____ -_--------- 172
106. Across Falcon bridge pyrrhotite ore body, Ontario, Canada ___________________________ ----------- 173
107. Across graphite zone, Graphite mine, Port Lincoln, South Australia ________________ -_----------- 174
108. Across quartz vein, Woodall area, McDuffie County gold belt, Georgia__________________________ 174
10~112. Profiles with expanding-electrode system of potential-drop-ratio method:
109. Across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode at a fixed distance 3b from the dike. Reflec-
tion factor (A) k= +0.6; (B) k= -0.6---------------------------------------------------- 175

FIGURE 109-112. Profiles with expanding-electrode system of potential-drop-ratio method-Continued Page

110. Across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode at a fixed distance 2b from the dike. Reflec-
tion factor (A) k= +0.6; (B) k= -0.6 ________________________ - _____ - _-- __ - ______ _______ ___ 176
111. Across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode at a fixed distance b from the dike. Reflec-
tion factor (A) k= + 0.6; (B) k=- 0.6_ _____ __ ______________ ___ ________ _________ ____ __ ____ 177
112. Across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode fixed on the axis of the dike. Reflection
factor (A) k= +0.6; (B) k= -0.6--------------------------------------------------------- 178
113. Cross-sectional view of a point source of current in the vicinity of a dipping fault__________________________ 178
114. Cross section of a vertical cliff, showing convention of symbols used______________________________________ 183
115. Vertical resistivity profiles at top of and parallel to edge of vertical 100-foot cliff of Joachim Dolomite and
Plattin Limestone, near Foley, Mo., Wenner configuration____________________________________________ 184
116. Horizontal resistivity profiles across a perfectly conducting plane dipping 30°, (A) Lee configuration, and (B)
Wenner configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 185
117. Profiles over tank models with Wenner configuration showing effect of dip on apparent resistivity_ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ 186
118. Departure from normal potentials caused by a slanting layer and a horizontal layer________________________ 187
119. Equipotential lines on surface of earth around a point source of current over a contact dipping 45°. Reflection
factor k==0.8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 188
120. Vertic:1l resistivity profiles over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of dipping bed for various angles of
dip cf>t, Wenner configuration. Reflection factor k= ± L __________________________________ -- _---- __ -- 189
121. Apparent-resistivity values for different angles of dip cf> 1 for vertical resistivity profiles over upper bed along
traverse parallel to strike of dipping bed, Wenner configuration. Upper, Values for reflection factor k= + 1
for various electrode separations. Lower, Asymptotic value for positive values of reflection factor k.
Solid curves are exact values; dashed curves are values as obtained from image theory ____________ - __ ----_ 190
122. Diagram for determination of angle of dip cf>1 of dipping bed when line of electrodes coincides with outcrop of
contact, Wenner configuration_____________________________________________________________________ 192
123. Diagram showing the error in the determination of the angle of dip cf> 1 of dipping bed for different angles of
true dip and for different resistivity contrasts, when using the Sumi method____________________________ 193
124-134. Vertical resistivity profiles:
124. Over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of perfectly insulating and conducting lower beds
dipping at various angles cf>" Wenner configuration__________________________________________ 194
125. Over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of bed 45°, Wenner configuration. Various positive
and negative values of reflection factor_____________________________________________________ 195
126. Over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of bed 60°, Wenner configuration. Various positive
and negative values of reflection factor _____ ..: ___________ ____ ____ ____ ___ ______ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ 196
127. Along traverses parallel to strike of beds of finite resistivity contrasts and dipping at various angles,
Wenner configuration-------------------------------------------------------------------- 197
128. Over (A) lower bed and (B) upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of bed dipping 45°,
Schlumberger configuration. Various values of reflection factor k___________________________ 198
129. Comparison of approximate profiles (Wenner configuration) with exact curves for reflection factor
k= ±0.6 angle, of dip=45°, and with line of electrodes parallel to strike of dipping bed. A,
Exact curves based on Maeda and Skal'skaya. B, Unz preliminary curves based solely on images.
C, Unz corrected curves. D, Aldredge curves--------------------------------------------- 199
130. Over upper bed along traverse perpendicular to strike of perfectly insulating and conducting lower
beds dipping at various angles, asymmetrical Wenner configuration. Current electrode is closer
to outcropping trace of contact than potential electrodes __________________________________ -- 201
131. Over upper bed along traverse perpendicular to strike of perfectly insulating and conducting lower
beds dipping at various angles, asymmetrical Wenner configuration. Current electrode is farther
from outcropping trace of contact than potential electrodes ___________________________ -_----- 202
132. Over upper bed along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds dipping at (A) 60°, (B) 45°, and (C) 30°,
asymmetrical Wenner configuration. Various positive and negative values of reflection factor---- 203
133. Over upper bed along traverse perpendicular to strike of perfectly insulating and perfectly conducting
lower beds dipping at various angles, Wenner configuration ____________________________ -_----- 204
134. Along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds of finite resistivity contrasts and dipping at various
angles, Wenner configuration. Profiles do not cross contact __________________________ -_----- 205
135. Horizontal resistivity profiles with both the (A) Lee and (B) Wenner configurations along traverse perpendicular
to strike of fault dipping 45°. Profiles cross contact_________________________________________________ 206
136. Horizontal resistivity profiles across contact along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds of finite-resistivity
contrasts and dipping at various angles, Wenner configuration _______________________________ ---------- 207
137. Vertical resistivity profiles with both the (A and B) Lee and (C and D) Wenner configurations along traverse
perpendicular to strike of fault dipping 45°. Profiles cross contact _______________________ ------------- 208
138. Vertical resistivity profiles along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds of finite-resistivity contrasts and
dipping at various angles, Wenner configuration. Profiles cross contact ________________________ -------- 209
139. Vertical resistivity profiles with Schlumberger configuration along traverse perpendicular to strike of bed
dipping 45°. Profiles cross contact. Various values of reflection factor ___________________ ------------- 210
140. Apparent-resistivity values over the upper bed for traverses oriented at various azimuths relative to the direction
of dip of beds with finite resistivity contrasts and dipping at various angles of dip, Wenner configuration_--- 211
FIGURE 141. Diagrams showing notations and conventions used in resistivity theory for filled sinks____________________ 212
142. Plan view of hemispherical sink showing relationship with an arbitrary resistivity traverse. The plane of this
figure corresponds to xz-plane in figure 24----------------------------------------------------------- 214
143. Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over hemispherical sink at different distances from center of sink,
Lee configuration________________________________________________________________________________ 217
144. Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over hemispherical sink at different distances from center of sink,
VVenner configuration____________________________________________________________________________ 219
145. Comparison of theoretical and observed horizontal resistivity profiles over filled sink, Lee configuration______ 220
146. Comparison of theoretical and observed horizontal resistivity profiles over filled sink, VVenner configuration__ 221
147-150. Observed horizontal resistivity profile:
147. Across two separate shale sinks, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee
configuration___________________________________________________________________________ 223
148. Over karst topography, Hardin County, Ill., VVenner configuration______________________________ 224
149. Over karst topography, area of Chapayevka village, Saratov district, U.S.S.R., VVenner configuration_ 225
150. Across artificially made 11 graben" of high-resistivity material on a terrace of Kc>lner Bay, Germany,
VV enner configuration___________________________________________________________________ 225
151. Comparison of theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over (A) oblate hemispheroid, (B) hemisphere, (C)
dike, and (D) pair of faults, Lee configuration______________________________________________________ 226
152. Comparison of theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over (A) oblate hemispheroid, (B) hemisphere, (C)
dike, and (D) pair of faults, VVenner configuration___________________________________________________ 227
153-158. Vertical resistivity profiles:
153. Over hemispheroidal sinks_________ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 228
154. Observed profile at station approximately over center of hemispheroidal filled sink, Tri-State lead-zinc
mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee configuration__________________________________ 229
155. Observed profile at station approximately over center of hemispheroidal clay-filled sinkhole, western
VVisconsin, VV enner configuration__________________________________________________________ 230
156. Over hemispherical sink, with center of configuration at several distances from center of hemisphere___ 232
157. At different stations along traverse passing through center of hemispherical sink, Lee configuration____ 233
158. At different stations along traverse passing through center of hemispherical sink, VVenner configuration_ 234
159. Comparison of theoretica !-resistivity map over hemispherical sink and observed field resistivity map over
filled sink, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kan~., VVenner configuration_____________ 238
160. Comparison of theoretical-resistivity map over hemispherical sink and observed field resistivity map over filled
sink, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee configuration _______ .:_____________ 240
161. Electrode positions used in the preparation of table 8-------------------------·------------------------- 243
162-164. Horizontal resistivity profiles:
162. Across buried perfectly insulating thin horizontal plates of several widths, VVenner configuration (two-
dimensional approximation)______________________________________________________________ 245
163. Across buried perfectly insulating thin horizontal plates of several depths of overburden, VVenner con-
figuration (two-dimensional approximation)________________________________________________ 245
164. Across outcropping perfectly insulating thin vertical plates of different depths, VVenner configuration
(two-dimensional approximation)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 246
165. Vertical resistivity profiles taken at several distances from a filled hemispherical sink ______________ -------- 246
166-169. Cross section of-
166. Point source of current on the surface of the earth in the vicinity of a buried sphere_______________ 248
167. Cone-shapedvolcanicneck_________________________________________________________________ 249
168. Volcanicpipe_____________________________________________________________________________ 250
169. Buried dome structure_____________________________________________________________________ 251
170. Swartz conformal transformation relating the z-plane to the r-plane ______________________________ -------- 253
171. Swartz conformal transformation of the positive half of the r-plane into a strip in the z-plane _________ ------ 253
172. Transformation of a buried fault, with finite displacement and overburden of uniform resistivity in the z-plane,
into half of the r-plane- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - ---- --- -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - ---- - - - -- - -- -- -- - ---- -- ---- -- 254
173. (A) Curve of apparent resistivity over buried egg-shaped body of 11 Very good conductivity" in otherwise
homogeneous country rock. Body closely approximates a sphere. (B) Equipotential lines at surface over
the same body. (C) Cross section of egg-shaped body_______________________________________________ 257
174. Graphs showing the normal potential UN, total potential Ur, and anomalous potential /:::, U for profiles along
surface traverse passing through epicenter of buried sphere____________________________________________ 258
175. Horizontal resistivity profiles with various electrode separations across buried perfectly conducting sphere
along traverses at different distances from epicenter of sphere, 11two-electrode" configuration. Depth of
center of sphere d = 1.1 r 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 259
176. Horizontal resistivity profiles with various electrode separations across buried perfectly conducting sphere along
traverses at different distances from epicenter of sphere, 11 two-electrode" configuration. Depth of center
of sphere d=1.5r ________________________________________________________________________________ 260
177. Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conducting sphere: (A) Lee configuration; (B) VVenner
configuration____________________________________________________________________________________ 261
178. Profiles with constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio method across buried spheres of different finite
resistivity contrasts with surrounding country rock; spheres more conducting than country rock___________ 262

FIGURE 179. Profiles with constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio method across buried spheres of different finite
resistivity contrasts with surrounding country rock; spheres less conducting than country rock_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ 262
180. Vertical resistivity profiles over buried perfectly conducting spheres buried at different depths, Wenner con-
figuration--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 263
181. Example of buried body____________________________________________________________________________ 264
182. Plots of actual potential U, normal potential UN. and anomalous potential flU= U- UN due to point-current
electrode on surface of a perfectly insulating cylinder of infinite length. Potentials are for points also on
surface C of cylinder (A) along a circle C' for different values of angle q, and (B) along straight line CP for
different values of x_ _____________________________________________________________________________ 265
183. Plot of the values of the actual potential at cylindrical coordinate points z and q, on the surface of a perfectly
insulating cylinder of infinite length due to point-current electrode C also on the surface of the cylinder at the
origin z= 0; l/J= o_------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266
184. Approximate curve for a vertical resistivity profile symmetrically over center of buried perfectly conducting
dome structure, Wenner configuration______________________________________________________________ 267
185-199. Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried:
185. Perfectly conducting semi-infinite horizontal plates of different thicknesses, Wenner configuration
(two-dimensional approximation) ________________________ - ____ ------------_----_- ____ -_-__ 269
186. Perfectly insulating semi-infinite horizon tal plates of different thicknesses, Wenner configuration (two-
dimensional approximation) _________________________________________ -_-_-_--- _______ -_-__ 270
187. Perfectly conducting material, faulted vertically to great depth, for different depths of overburden,
Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation) ____________ -_----_-_-_--_-_-_- __ - ___ - 271
188. Perfectly conducting vertical plates of infinite depth extent and different widths, Wenner configura-
tion (two-dimensional approximation) _________________________ - ___ - _-- _- _- _-- _- ______ - _- _ _ 271
189. Perfectly conducting thin vertical plates of infinite depth extent and different depths of overburden,
Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation) _______________ - _______________ -______ 271
190. Perfectly insulating thin vertical plates of infinite depth extent and different depths of overburden,
Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation)______________________________________ 271
191. Perfectly conducting thin vertical plates of different depth extents, Wenner configuration (two-dimen-
sional approximation)___________________________________________________________________ 272
192. Perfectly conducting circular cylinders of different depths to horizontal axis, Wenner configuration
(two-dimensional approximation)__________________________________________________________ 272
193. Perfectly insulating circular cylinders of different depths to horizontal axis, Wenner configuration
(two-dimensional approximation)_____ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ 272
194. Circular cylinders of different resistivity contrasts, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approxi-
mation). For all curves, depth of horizontal axis d=0.75; radius of cylinder r=0.5; a=unity____ 273
195. Circular cylinders of different resistivity contrasts, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approxi-
mation). For all curves, depth of horizontal axis d= 1.0; radius of cylinder r= 0.5; a= unity_____ 273
196. Perfectly conducting symmetrical anticlines of different sizes and depths of burial, Wenner configura-
tion (two-dimensional approximation)_____________________________________________________ 273
197. Perfectly insulating symmetrical anticlines of different sizes and depths of burial, Wenner configuration
(two-dimensional approximation)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 27 4
198. Perfectly conducting symmetrical synclines of different sizes, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional
approximation). For all curves, d=0.5; a=unity___________________________________________ 274
199. Perfectly insulating symmetrical synclines of different sizes, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional
approximation). For all curves, d=0.5; a=unity____________________________________________ 274

TABLE 1. Comparison of the electric-current fields due to a vertical-line electrode of unit length (b= 1) and a point electrode
at the origin_______________________________________________________________________________________ 29
2. Tagg's method for determining values of z1 and k for each electrode separation a_____________________________ 104
3. Distance between vertical fault plane and points of discontinuity of slope on the p 1 and p 2 apparent-resistivity
curves, Lee configuration (off~et plotting)______________________________________________________________ 118
4. Comparison of anomaly indices for Lee and Wenner configurations for horizontal profiles over hemispherical sink_ 218
5. Comparison of anomaly indices for Lee and Wenner configurations over filled sink___________________________ 222
6. Comparison of anomaly indices for Lee and Wenner configurations over oblate hemispheroid, hemisphere, dike,
and pair of faults___________________________________________________________________________________ 228
7. Anomaly indices of Wenner horizontal profiles at a distance from the center equal to the diameter of the hemi-
spherical sink with optimum electrode separation_______________________________________________________ 241
8. Data showing the effect of local inhomogeneities having the shape of a hemisphere _______________________ - ___ - 244
9. Numbering code of ''Geophysical Abstracts"_____________________________________________________________ 275
The following symbols are the principal ones used in the text. The symbols which are
used in a restricted sense with no chance of ambiguity are excluded from the list. Also
excluded are certain vector and scalar differential operations, which are defined in the
section on useful coordinate systems. Where a given symbol has more than one meaning,
the meanings are such that there is little chance for ambiguity. Distances are in meters,
potentials in volts, and currents in amperes.
a Separation between adjacent electrodes in Wenner configuration.
A,B Current electrodes in Schlumberger configuration and well logging.
A,B,C,D Arbitrary constants in solutions to differential equations.
b Width of dike.
b Length of current stake.
b Geometric parameter in spheroidal or bipolar coordinates.
C, C~, C2 Current electrodes. Subscript 1 used to define easternmost or northernmost elec-
C', C" Image positions of a current electrode.
e Constant equal to 2. 718.
E Electric field in Schlumberger configuration.
f(x) A function of x.
_2 + . . . and is called the hypergeometric series.
(a)(b) x+a(a+1)(b)(b+1) ;,;-
F(a, b; c; x) 1+
c 2!c(c+1)
ht, h2, ha Geometric parameters in generalized coordinates .
i ..J=f.
i Summation index.
I Total current.
I.(u) Modified Bessel function, defined by equation 73 or 75A.
J Current density.
J:r;, Jll, J. Components of current density.
J:r;]:r;-0 x component of current density evaluated at x=O.
Jn(u) Bessel function, defined by equation 69.
k Reflection factor.
ki; (p;- Pi) I (Pi+ Pi).
K.(u) Modified Bessel function, defined by equation 71, 72, or 75.
ln x Natural logarithm of x.
l Half distance between C1 and C2.
L Distance between Ct and C2, L=2l.
m Abbreviation for meters.
m Summation index.
m! (1)(2)(3) . . . (m-1)(m)=m factorial.
M,N Potential electrodes in Schlumberger configuration or well logging.
n Summation index.
p Variable of integration.
P, P~, P2 Potential electrodes or point at which potential is measured.
PDR Potential-drop ratio.
Pn(u) Legendre polynomial, defined by equations 56 and 57.
P':(u) Associated Legendre polynomial of the first kind, defined by equation 55.
P':(u) =Pn(u) when m=O.
P;;,_~(u) Associated Legendre function of the first kind (where p and u are continuously
variable), defined by equations 55, 62, 86, and 87.

Qn(u) Legendre function of the second kind as defined by equation 84.
Q::'(u) Associated Legendre function of the second kind defined by equations 55 and 83
if the corresponding Q's replace the P's in these equations (see also equation R4).
Q;:'(u) =Qn(u) when m=O.
Radial distance in spherical or cylindrical coordinates.
lnterelectrode distances.

Variables in generalized coordinates.

Potential in medium 1 due to current electrode in medium 2 (given by subscript
Potential difference.
Potential difference between P1 and Po.
A vector.
X Linear distance on earth's surface.
x,y,z Rectangular coordinates.
z Depth, increasingly positive downward.
z Axial distance in cylindrical coordinates.
a Dip of fault plane or bed.
a Angle between profile and strike of vertical fault or bed.
r(x) J: uz-Ie-udu=(x-1)!, the latter only if xis a positive integer.
&,.. Constant equal to 1 if m=n or zero if mF'n.
6(p-p') Impulse or delta function defined by equation 60.
r Variable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
Variable in prolate spheroidal coordinates.
"8 Latitude angle in spherical coordinates.
ll Variable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
~ Variable in prolate spheroidal coordinates.
Constant equal to 3.1416.
p Resistivity.
Pa Apparent resistivity.
Ph P2 Apparent resistivity in Lee configuration: p 1 is for north or east partitioning plane.
1 11
Ph P2, P , P True resistivities of formations.
tT Variable in bipolar coordinates.
tT Conductivity.
T Variable in bipolar coordinates.
q, Azimuthal angle in all coordinate systems used.
1/l:(u) P:(u)/Q':(u).
1/l~"'(u) P:•(u)/Q:"'(u) where the primes on P':(u) and Q:(u) have the usual meaning
of differentiation with respect to the argument.
+:(u) P~•(u) -1/l:'(u)Q:"'(u).
1/l,.(tr) K,.(tr)/l,.(tr).
1/l.:.(tr) ~K,.(tr) /ol,.(tr).
~r ~r


ABSTRACT bodies and geologic structures with resistivity methods. It is

Electrical prospecting has grown from Fox's investigations of shown, for example, that a roughly spherical body buried deeper
natural earth currents in 1830, through Schlumberger's successful than its radius would be difficult to find by resistivity methods;
use of applied direct currents, to a diversified art employing that a profile crossing an outcropping vertical dike displays at
both alternating currents and electromagnetic fields, as well as least two peaks and not one as might be supposed; that an equal-
direct currents. Early resistivity data were interpreted by empir- resistivity map is sensitive to the direction in which the profiles
ical methods, which are still used widely. Other interpretative are laid out; and that the value of the apparent resistivity can
methods include direct interpretation by transforming the and does rise above the highest value of the true resistivity of the
resistivity data into geologic information using mathematical trans- medium or fall below the lowest value of the true resistivity. It is
formation formulas; this method is as as yet restricted to hori- demonstrated that many paradoxes exist in the apparent-
zontal bedding. This treatise is largely restricted to comparative resistivity curves and that theoretical curves are necessary for a
interpretation-that is, the comparison of field data with theo- correct interpretation of the resistivity field data over ore bodies
retical curves over assumed ore bodies and geologic structures. and geologic structures.
A logical and mathematical interpretation of resistivity data, A comprehensive bibliography on the resistivity method of
even at present only partly successful, was initiated in 1928 by prospecting is included.
Hummel. The mathematical approach to electrical-resistivity
prospecting draws upon all the principles of potential fields and INTRODUCTION
especially of electric-current flow. The assumption that the
This treatise is the result of field and theoretical
current electrodes are point electrodes is valid at points whose
distances from the electrode are a few times the dimensions of work carried on intermittently since 1951, when we
the electrode. The electric current field around this point elec- first started a concerted attack on many of the problems
trode can be calculated from the fact that the field obeys Laplace's incident to the interpretation of resistivity data. In
equation everywhere except at the electrode itself. If the earth previous field work, during resistivity surveys, we had
is not uniform, but is divided into distinct zones of various
encountered specific problems over vertical discon-
resistivities, the solutions to Laplace's equation are subject to
suitable boundary conditions. In some special cases, the terms tinuities such as dikes, faults, and brecciated zones.
in the solution are identifiable with electric fields that would be Interpretation was hampered because the analysis for
due to images of the original source; and these solutions can such simple features was not available for the Lee con-
therefore be obtained directly by use of the less sophisticated figuration, which was used principally by the U.S. Geo-
image theory instead af the higher mathematics necessary for
logical Survey. In 1951, during a resistivity survey
harmonic analysis. These special cases include horizontal bed-
ding, buried perfectly conducting spheres, and a single geologic in the the Tri-State zinc and lead mining district, it
boundary dipping at certain specific angles. was reali2.ed further that no theoretical analysis had
The mathematical solutions are used to compute the potential been developed for features such as ellipsoidal and
distribution about the current electrode in a given problem. hemispherical sinks, which gave characteristic and well-
Using the reciprocity principle and the principle of superposition,
defined anomalies in this rl=strict.
the potential distribution and then the apparent resistivity are
computed for various electrode configurations. As a consequenee, we began what eventually evolved
The many theoretical apparent-resistivity curves presented into a systematic study of the interpretation of resis-
in this treatise, which include horizontal and vertical profiles for tivity data, the results of which are presented here.
various electrode configurations, may be used for comparison The early work was confined to apparent-resistivity
with observed field curves for specific resistivity contrasts in such
anomalies for various configurations oyer simple plane
problems as vertical or dipping faults, vertical dikes, filled sinks,
horizontal bedding, and buried spheres. The curves presented boundaries, such as vertical insulating and conducting
may be used for comparison with other resistivity contrasts, by planes, and vertical faults. This elementary work
inference, or the equations may serve as the basis for computation evolved into the study of more complex forms including
of other curves for further values of the various parameters. vertical dikes, dipping faults, and various curved sur-
The analysis for outcropping volcanic necks or cones, filled
faces such as hemispherical sinks. To this was added
channels, buried dome structures, and buried vertical faults is
also treated briefly.
the wealth of material already available coneerning
The apparent-resistivity curves may serve as the basis for
horizontal beds.
general conclusions not limited to any specific problem, and The typical method of attack on a given problem
facilitate the choice of field techniques in the exploration of ore took the following form: The necessary formulas were

derived to describe the potential due to a point source exhaustive. We not only have accumulated material
of current in the presence of the given geologic feature; from a wide variety of sources but also have added
these equations were then used to calculate theo- much that is our own. The utility of this material
retical apparent-resistivity data from which were con- goes beyond the geologic features shown specifically,
structed albums of curves for typical values of the inasmuch as inferences may be drawn that make some
parameters; and, finally, these curves were compared of the conclusions applicable to other features. More
with field anomalies over similar geologic features. In complicated structures are generally difficult for
those cases for which we have been able to complete our quantitative analysis and often lead to solutions that
treatment, this is also the sequence in which our vary but little from these vertical features.
rna terial is given. It must be emphasized that this volume deals with
Our objectives in writing such a treatise were- direct-current methods of prospecting. The results
1. To develop in English under a single cover the sub- are applicable to alternating-current prospecting only
ject of dire.ct-current electrical prospecting, such in the limit of zero frequency, or in practice, very low
that the discussion will serve both as a text for frequencies. Even for perfectly homogeneous ground,
students and as a reference for more advanced the depth of penetration for alternating current is not
workers. The only other book-length treatments proportional to the electrode spread but reaches an
of electrical prospecting are in foreign languages, asymptotic value as the distance between the electrodes
namely that by Krayev (1951), in Russian, and is increased. The same is true of commutated and
that by Fritsch (1949b), in German. interrupted currents which in general have several
2. To present the theory necessary to solve problems in components of different penetration.
electrical prospecting.
3. To present a wealth of theoretical resistivity curves
based on this treatment, including a sufficiently The computations for the previously unpublished
large number of examples for which the conclusions theoretical curves given in this treatise were ably
drawn may be of general, as well as of practieal carried out principally by John K. Forbes, who met a
utility. tragic death February 25, 1958, and by David Endsley
4. To show how the theoretical results and curves can and Jo K. Crosby. Assistance in the compilation of
be used to interpret field data. the data and charts was given by Gerry H. Turner,
5. To compare present field techniques in the light of Dwight E. Arnold, and Zane E. Spiegel. Invaluable
these curve5 and data and to devise additional help in the compilation of the bibliography was given
techniques where they are necessary or helpful. by Virginia Neuschel, Anatol J. Shneiderov, and Anna
6. To assemble a comprehensive bibliography on the S. Turner. Irwin Roman and G. E. Manger, of the
subject of surface-resistivity methods of electrical Geological Survey, reviewed the manuscript and offered
prospecting. many constructive criticisms, many of which led to
Because of limitations of time and space, the study modifications in the text and figures. Appreciation is
has been only partly successful in meeting the objec- expressed to the many authors whose works are quoted
tives. For example, particularly in studying buried or reviewed in this treatise. Permission for including
structures, we have done little more than present the copyrighted diagrams in this report, which was gener-
basic mathematical solutions. Although our solutions ously granted by many journals or publications,
are based solely on the exact and classical methods publishers, and other organizations, as well as by authors
of differential equations, we suggest that someone carry to whom requests were sent individually in many
the attack further by using numerical approximation instances, is gratefully acknowledged. Respective
methods, and thereby extend the possibilities from a credit is given in the figure captions.
limited number of regularly shaped bodies to an
unlimited number of structures, including those
irregular in shape. EARLY HISTORY
Our treatment of horizontal bedding is limited Electrical prospecting is the art of measuring elec-
essentially to the principles involved. Rather than trical properties of rocks in the study of the structure
include resistivity profiles for two- , three- , and four- and composition of those layers of the earth which are
layer cases, which have already been published else- sufficiently shallow to be exploited by man. Like
where, we merely indicate where these published many other arts, electrical prospecting was conceived
curves may be found. long ago, and the elaborate instruments and carefully
Our coverage of vertical features such as dikes and devised methods of today result from ideas that evolved
faults, and of filled hemispherical sinks is reasonably in the minds of men more than 2 centuries ago.
The earliest work in electrical prospecting appears vein, and that it is not in any degree excited by the
to have been done by Gray and Wheeler in 1720 and mere contact of the metal with the ore, as some have
by Watson in 1746 (Jakosky, 1950, p. 8). Gray and surmised." (Fox, 1835a.) He reported that the char-
Wheeler made electrical studies of rocks and listed acter and direction of the current was the same whether
their electric conductivities. Watson discovered inde- eontact was made to the ground through two copper
pendently that the ground is an electrical conductor. plates or through a pair of zinc plates; also, the same
He also found that an electric current passed through was true even when the plates were discarded and the
the ground between two electrodes two miles apart ends of the wire alone n1ade eontact with the ore.
fluctuates in an erratic manner different from that In his 1834 experiments, Fox constructed the proto-
where wire is used to complete the circuit. type of the present-day bucking potentiometer. Ac-
The next recorded work in electrical prospecting eording to Fox (1835a), "The galvani~ apparatus con-
was done by Robert W. Fox. In fact, we prefer to sisted of a plate of copper, and another of zinc, plunged
think that Fox made the first real contributions to the into strong brine, to which some sulphuric acid was
art. Fox was a prominent scientist of his day and added, and each plate exposed about 180 square inches
lived most of his life (1789-1877) near Falmouth. to the action of the liquid." In searching for an effect,
England, where he did research on such matters a~ he sometimes connected the cell so as to oppose the
high-pressure steam, geothermics, electricity, and ter- natural current and sometimes so as to augment the
restrial magnetism (Kelly, 1938a). As revealed in hi~ earth current. At one position of the seareh elec-
own publications, he was well versed in geologic trodes he obtained no measurable current through his
matters. Among other geophysical accomplishments, galvanometer. He coneluded that the veins supplied
he designed the first dip circle for the determination of electric energy and suggested that "this method may
magnetic dip and magnetic intensity aboard Rhip beeome useful to the practical miner, in helping him
(Kelly, 1938a), and he was one of the first to recognize appreeiate the value of his diseoveries, and enabling
the existence of the geothermal gradient in the earth him to aseertain whether the ores in distant parts of a
(Fox, 1830). vein are connected or insulated, or whether what appear
Fox conducted his original experiments in 1830 in the to be parallel veins are really so, or ramifications of the
copper mines of Cornwall, where he made the same vein.''
momentous discovery that there are natural electric Through 1843, Fox (1843a,b) performed further
currents associated with sulfide ore deposits. Under- experiments to show conelusively that current actually
ground in several mines, he succeeded in measuring an was flowing through the earth. In one set of experi-
electric current flowing between two points on the same ments he demonstrated that even with one terminal of
vein as well as between two points on different veins. zinc and the other of eopper, "the eurrent continued to
His electrodes consisted of copper plates that were defleet the needle from 50 to 60 degrees, notwith-
wedged against the vein to make contact. The standing that any action between the copper . . . and
minerals in the veins included galena, copper, and iron the zine . . . , if it had existed, would have been in an
pyrites. His insensitive galvanometer consisted of a opposite direction, and have tended more or less to
3X-inch compass needle enelosed by 25 turns of wire. counteract the influence of the actual eurrent." In
He sometimes used as much as 1,800 feet of connecting his last experiments, Fox used precautions that he had
wire in these experiments. At first, he coated the wire not previously used. He kept his wires apart and
with sealing wax for insulation, but later he dispensed insulated them from the walls of the mine by means of
with such precautions as being unnecessary. poles, because he had by that time eome to believe
Fox reported that the measured current varied in that "electric currents will traverse a very eonsiderable
proportion to the abundance of copper ore in the veins; thickness of rock or strata."
and, where there was little or no ore, there was litt]e As word of his work spread, other workers commenced
action. This fact led him to conclude, "Hence it seems similar studies. In 1833, in Germany, von Strombeek
likely that electro-magnetism may become useful to (1833) attempted unsuceessfully to confirm Fox's
the practical miner in determining with some degree of results by careful experiments on a large vein in whieh
probability at least, the relative quantity of ore in quartz, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and tetrahe-
veins, and the direction in whieh it most abounds." drite occurred. From his lack of sueeess von Strombeck
He also observed the striking resemblanee between the concluded that Fox's result were not applicable to
eurrent phenomena associated with veins and those of veins generally. Henwood (1841) and Reich (1839)
galvanic batteries which were known at that time. were more suecessful in verifying the results of Fox
In 1834 Fox conducted further experiments "in order and, apparently, were able to come closer to the true
to prove that the electrical action is derived from the meaning of the phenomena than was Fox. In 1837,

Henwood, who had been Fox's coworker in his 1830 he called attention to the accelerating action of one
experiments, made analogous experiments with elec- mineral on another in chemical changes.
trodes at times as far apart as 3,600 feet. His results These experiments were very significant and made a
corroborated those of Fox but he insisted that currents considerable contribution to the art of electrical
are obtained only when the electrodes are in contact prospecting. However, the limited concept of electrical
with the vein and not when they are in contact with phenomena in general, which prevailed at that time,
the barren country rock. Henwood concluded that restricted the conclusions of the workers. Although
the currents are purely local and are probably of self-potentials as we know them certainly existed, it is
thermoelectric origin. In 1841, Henwood found that probable that they were obscured by the large poten-
the nature and position of the small metallic plates employed tial differences that exist when two electrodes are
materially affect, not only the intensity, but in some cases also placed in chemically different solutions. Moreover,
the directions of the currents; and also that there is a consider- Fox's criterion for the "activity" of the earth materials
able difference in the results when the same plates of metal are was the magnitude of the current which flowed in the
placed on different ingredients in the veins, even though these
measuring circuit. When the electrodes were placed
may be in immediate contact with each other.
in barren earth of comparatively high resistivity, the
In 1839, Reich repeated all of Fox's experiments, con- contact resistance was high and little or no current
firming the latter's results. However, Reich was con- flowed, which fact explains why these early authors
vinced that the currents are electrochemical phenomena repQrted no activity.
and not, as Henwood believed, thermoelectric. In 1844 Fox was also apparently the first to postulate the
Reich published the results of studies of the currents existence of telluric currents and their effect on the
probably existing in the rocks surrounding the vein, geomagnetic field, although his reasoning was naive.
rather than along or within the vein. Fox (1830) wrote:
Fox also saw fit to study the electrical properties of . . . assuming that metalliferous veins exist more or less in
individual minerals. In his 1830 paper he listed 21 primitive rocks generally, . . . , it may I think be presumed,
minerals as conductors, poor conductors, or noncon- that the electrical currents, which so affect the needle of the
ductors. Fox considered pyrite as one of the best galvanometer, may likewise influence the direction of the magnetic
commonly occurring mineral conductors and sphalerite needle on the surface of the earth; at least no explanation of
this phenomenon appears to be so plausible, or so near-connected
as a nonconductor. He recognized that shale "seemed with ascertained facts. Even the cause of the variations of the
to possess the property of conducting common elec- needle, mysterious as it has hitherto appeared to be, may prob-
tricity in a slight degree, but only in the direction of ably be referred to the relative energies of the opposing electrical
cleavage, perhaps owing to the moisture it retained." currents, which are perhaps subject to occasional modifications;
He also noted the paradox that silver, zinc, and copper and the appearance of earthquakes and volcanic action, from time
to time, seem to countenance the probability of such changes.
in the metallic state are excellent conductors, but com-
bined as sulfides they are considerably less conducting: Fox (1832) modified and supplemented his theory as
he classified the sulfides of silver and zinc as noncon- a result of his experiments on the thermoelectricity of
ductors and copper sulfide as one of the best mineral such rocks as slate, greenstone, and serpentine. He
conductors. found that these rocks differed in their electrical prop-
Later, Fox (1835b, 1838) endeavored to classify erties; when heated, some specimens became electri-
minerals with reference to their electrical activity. He cally positive, others electrically negative, on the hot
showed that ores possess the electrochemical properties end. From these experiments he drew the following
of metals, particularly with respect to the galvanic conclusions concerning telluric currents and related
action resulting when two ores, such as copper pyrites phenomena:
and "vitreous copper ore," a1e placed in mine water. On the hypothesis of the existence of a very elevated temper-
He established to his own satisfaction that copper ores ature in the interior of the globe, it would necessarily follow
from the preceding experiments that electrical currents would
are more active than those of lead, and he believed be produced from this cause, taking frequently different, and
that his field observations were con sis tent with this even opposite directions, and exerting an important influence on
fact. all the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, both such as are
In 1871, W. Skey also performed experiments on general, and also such as appear to be local anomalies.
single minerals. He enlarged the known list of con- The later researches of Fox satisfied him that the
ducting minerals and determined the direction of the directions of these currents are probably much
current when conducting minerals in contact with influenced by the geological structure of the globe;
solutions are connected by a wire (Wells, 1914). He which would in most cases tend to give them more or
reemphasized Fox's viewpoint that conducting minerals less obliquity to the parallels of latitude. He ascribed
can be the electrodes of galvanic cells; and, in addition, diurnal changes in the direction and intensity of
terrestrial magnetism to the successive action of the out, there is no record of the work until 1882, when
sun on the different portions of the globe. Carl Barus (1882) published his classic paper "On the
Other studies concerning the origin of natural earth electrical activity of ore bodies." The following
currents were made by A. C. Becquerel. Even prior account of his contribution is taken from that paper.
to 1865 he made rather extensive studies of the electric Carl Barus was a physicist invited to join the U.S.
currents obtained between masses of water and the Geological Survey for the express purpose of continuing
surrounding rocks under different conditions (Mat- the investigation of the electrical activity of ore bodies.
teucci, 1865). From 1865 to 1867, during a study of The invitation had been extended at the suggestion of
the effects produced in capillary action, Becquerel also George F. Becker, U.S. Geological Survey, who had
noted the deposition of copper in capillary spaces and long felt an interest in this subject. Barus made his
suggested that the phenomenon was of an electro- electrical measurements during 1880 and 1881 on the
chemical nature (Wells, 1914). Comstock lode and in the Eureka mining district, both
The name that stands out in the early descriptions of in Nevada. Becker realized that neither of these two
telluric currents is Charles Matteucci. As early as districts was the best choice, but they were the only
1847, the Greenwich Observatory had noted the cor- ones accessible through extensive workings.
relation between strong "spontaneous electric currents," Actually, Barus did have difficulty in making the
as observed in telegraph wires, and the intensity of the measurements of the small potentials found in the two
aurora borealis (Matteucci, 1865). Matteucci observed districts in which he worked. The mine workings
the two coincident phenomena in the same year and along the Comstock lode at that time were without
subsequently became interested in telluric currents. exception in very barren or nearly exhausted parts of
He was familiar with the work on electric currents the vein. Therefore, there were probably more min-
that had been done by Fox (Matteucci, 1867). erals possessing anomalous electrical properties in the
In 1865, Matteucci (1865) strung up guttapercha country rock than there was ore in the ore stopes. In
covered copper wire (well insulated for that time) on such a situation, the term "ore body" was hardly an
military telegraph poles on the St. Maurice plain in applicable term. Also the mines were hot and per-
France. One wire was in the plane of the magnetic mitted only intermittent work. Barus found no
meridian and a second was normal to this direction. evidence of currents due to the lode it&elf on the
Each wire was 6 kilometers long. Contact with the Comstock. For various reasons, he abandoned the
ground at each end of the wire was made by means of a work on the Comstock without ever trying there the
nonpolarizing electrode which consisted of a strip of better techniques which he developed as his studies
amalgamated zinc immersed in a porous porcelain pot progressed.
containing a saturated solution of zinc sulfate. The The geologic conditions were more suitable for such
porous pot was brought in contact with water in a tests at Eureka; but, in the light of our present knowl-
porous porcelain vase which was in turn embedded in edge, they were still far from satisfactory. The ore
the soil. Matteucci used a galvanometer in series with is principally lead carbonate, lead sulfate, and iron
the line to measure currents directly. He observed oxides. It contains silver and gold in variable quanti-
the diurnal variations and other fluctuations in the ties and occurs in huge, apparently isolated masses in
flow of telluric currents. These experiments were limestone. The large unmined ore bodies were at a
followed by others in which he used lines as much as 36 mean distance of about 400 feet from the surface and
kilometers long (Matteucci, 1867). in some places extended upward within 100 feet of the
Until M·atteucci's time, little or no attempt had been surface. Because of extensive workings, the electrical
made to describe the phenomena quantitatively, and surveys could be made over, through, and under the ore
no systematic experiments had been performed with a bodies.
preorganized plan. Generally, conclusions had been After studying the then available literature, Barus
made from the deflection of a galvanometer needle concluded that his problem was not difficult, as it con-
without sufficient consideration of the probable vari- sisted simply in measuring the earth's potential at
ation of the resistance of the different circuits. During many points near the ore body and in tracing the
the period between 1844 and 1882, research on the equipotential surfaces. He assumed at the outstart
electrical activity of ores bodies was apparently the validity of Reich's hypothesis that any lode cur-
abandoned. The results of Fox and Reich had led rents present are due to electrochemical action. He
Bernhard von Cotta to recommend earnestly that reasoned that currents are generated, analogous to
these experiments should be further pursued, as they local currents in a battery, at the contacts between the
seemed likely to lead to results of practical discovery of variety of ore minerals which are commonly present
ore bodies. If this recommendation was ever carried in a single ore body. He reasoned further that such

currents would be constant both in magnitude and For field use this nonpolarizing electrode was fitted
direction because the process had been going on for a into a hole of just the right size which had been drilled
very long time. Therefore, the equipotentials would into the rock at an angle of about 30° from the vertical.
have fixed and definable positions relative to the ore Before inserting the bag the hole was filled with water
body. He also realized that, if an ore body generates that had previously been placed in contact with zinc
electric currents, a self-potential anomaly may be found for sufficient time to precipitate all dissolved matter
even though the electrodes do not actually touch the which might act upon the electrode.
ore body. Barus anticipated that the potential gra- Barus attained an accuracy of measuring ground
dient would be a maximum near the ore body and potentials that is close to what is accomplished in
would die out farther from the ore body. modern self-potential surveys. The potential between
Barus' first electrodes were gads, which are pointed two of his similar nonpolarizing electrodes placed in the
iron or steel bars used for loosening ore. Unlike Fox, same liquid was seldom found to be greater than five
Barus took great pains to avoid leaks in the copper millivolts and was usually much less. For his work in
wire connecting the electrodes with the galvanometer. the Eureka district Barus measured potentials with
In the hot and damp atmosphere of the Comstock, he great accuracy, using a Grunow galvanometer. The
found that wire covered with a double thickness of readings of this instrument are magnified by an optical
cotton and waxed proved inadequate, as did gutta- lever device.
percha wire. After testing a number of devices, he His· field technique for measuring potentials was
suspended the wire from silk or waxed cotton threads; similar to that used today. He kept one nonpolarizing
care was taken to prevent the wire from touching electrode fixed in position and moved a second one
either rock or timbers. He followed this plan of about, measuring the potential difference between
"swinging" the line throughout his measurements. them. He took the added precaution of using a total
In his experiments on the Comstock, the use of dry of four electrodes in order to check his results. The
electrodes caused circuit resistances of 1,000 to 8,000 station intervals between successive readings of the
ohms, and with these electrodes he measured voltages movable electrode averaged from 50 to 80 feet. He
from 10 to 90 miJlivolts. With wet electrodes the plotted self-potentials against position along the tra-
resistance was one-third to one-sixth as much and the verse, as is commonly done today.
voltages remained about the same. When the elec- Barus published data on two profiles, both taken in
trodes were interchanged, both the resistances and the Richmond mine, Eureka district. The first profile,
potentials changed by large amounts. From these which started on the 400-foot level and passed to the
facts plus the evidence that the direction of the elec- 500-foot level, was 1,332 feet long. It passed through
tromotive force followed no ob5ervable law, Barus the ore body and far into the barren country rock on
concluded that electrode potential::; were of the same either side of the ore body. His self-potential anomalies
order of magnitude as the potential differences due to did not exceed 36 millivolts along this traverse. He
the electrical activity of the lode. noted that a negative self-potential anomaly of about
In his early work in the Eureka district, Barus sought 20 millivolts occurred in the area of the ore body; but
first· of all to eliminate the troublesome electrode as this anomaly was no larger than his noise level, he
effects. He recognized that the use of metallic elec- concluded that no prediction as to the occurrence of
trodes was undesirable, and was thus led to the ore or electroactive material would be justified. He
invention of an ingenious nonpolarizing electrode which attributed at least part of the noise level to the passage
he referred to as a "bag." of his movable electrode over "a great number of
His nonpolarizing electrode consisted of an amalga- varieties of rock, and therefore also, probably through
mated metal strip immersed in zinc sulfate solution. a great variety of absorbed liquids, holding more or
The solution was contained in a nearly cylindrical bag 1 less saline matter in solution."
to 1~ inches in diameter and 6 to 10 inches in length. Barus had more success in the profile along the 600-
The sides were made with a piece of beef gut plugged foot level in the Richmond mine. The traverse was
at both ends with cork. Barus attached the. beef gut 1,630 feet in length and passed beneath the ore body
snugly to the cork with twine. A hole in the top cork without actually entering it. All stations were in
essentially the same kind of rock. A negative self-
permitted insertion of the zinc terminal into the solu-
potential anomaly of about 80 n1illivolts over a hori-
tion in the bag. A wooden 5tick, to which the zinc zontal distance of about 800 feet coincided with the
was affixed for support, also passed centrally through region of ore. Barus found that the potential anomaly
the top cork and a short way into the bottom cork to along this traverse remained unchanged, even after an
make the device more fieldworthy. interval of 4 months. He thus reasoned that the
anomaly indicated the seat of the potential and was chalk and Buehler, who showed that the oxidation
associated with the ore body. and solution of certain natural sulfides are accelerated
Because of the small anomalies he had observed, by the presence of pyrite and marcasite. Gottschalk
Barus was forced to conclude that his experiments and Buehler ascribed this catalytic action partly to
"cannot be said to have settled the question as to electric action. They listed many conducting minerals
whether lode currents will or will not be of practical and tabulated the electromotive forces shown by several
assistance to the prospector." He felt that, especially minerals with respect to copper, water serving as an
in the light of the work done by Fox and Reich, it electrolyte. They also pointed out that the electro-
was probable-but not certain-that the currents were lytic action of the sulfides "would be analogous in
associated with the ore. Barus had met with indifferent every respect to the action of metals" (Wells, 1914).
success principally because of the unfortunate choice R. C. Wells (1914), of the U.S. Geological Survey,
of sites for his experiments, but his contributions were made systematic and comprehensive investigations on
a milestone in the art of electrical prospecting. the electric activity of ore bodies in order to apply a
Barus also made measurements of the capacity of knowledge of this subject to the problems of ore depo..
the rocks in place to carry an electric current. He sition. In this approach Wells was following the
found that fissured, impermeable, or especially dry recommendations of Barus, whom he quoted.
rocks tend to have a maximum resistance; whereas Wells commenced his studies by thorQughly familiar-
porous or moist rocks have a minimum resistance. izing himself with the works of the persons mentioned
From these facts he seems to have been the first person above. He extended the work of Gotts chalk and
to conclude "that the conductivity of the rock is largely, Buehler by showing quantitatively the effect of varying
if not wholly, due to the presence of moisture in its concentrations of the ions in solution on the contact
pores, and is therefore electrolytic." potential between a mineral and the solution. He
As a result of his work on self-potentials, Barus made sho,wed that different minerals employed as electrodes
several recommendations, some of which later became exhibit different potentials in a given solution and a]so
the basis for the experiments of R. C. Wells. Although that the potentials shown by most minerals, certainly
Barus himself used only self-potential profiles, he the initial values, depend to a marked degree on the
thought that a single line survey was far from adequate nature of the solution in contact with the minerals.
and that "The endeavor should be made to map the With common minerals such as pyrite, galena, and
equipotentials as surfaces traversing the whole mine, magnetite on the one hand and various naturally
carefully considering their position and contour relative occurring solutions such as acidified ferric sulfate and
to any ore already in sight, and their change of form sulfuric acid on the other, he learned that the contact
on leaving it." In this same trend of thought, he also potentials are of the order of 500 to 1,100 millivolts.
advocated that surveys be made on the surface of the Wells next showed by laboratory experiments that,
earth over a large area in the region of the mine. He when using a resistance of 3,000 ohms in series with
felt that the field work would be enhanced by a con- the circuit to simulate the resistance of geologic
tinuation of Fox's study of the electrical properties of strata, the external current produced by electrodes
ore and the associated minerals of the heavy metals. of pyrite immersed in normal solution3 of sodium
He also believed that a study should be made of the sulfide and acidified ferric sulfide, respectively,
effects of electric-potential changes with depth which amounted to about three-tenths of a milliampere with
Matteucci had emphasized. an effective electromotive force of about 1 volt. The
From 1890 to 1910, advances in the field of electro- solutions were in separate beakers connected by a
chemistry were applied to the geological problems of wick-type bridge saturated with normal sodium sulfate
alteration and replacement processes in ore deposits, solution. Using the results of these and similar experi-
and although the research was directed principally ments in which polarization effects were studied, he
toward the solution of these problems, it eventually reasoned that " . . . sufficient evidence has been
proved to be a boon to the art of electrical prospecting presented above to show that appreciable currents
because of basic principals that evolved in this research. may be developed by variouc:; combinations of solutions
In 1891 Braun proved that certain phenomena and minerals."
attending the formation of sulfides and the deposition In spite of the relatively large potentials and currents
of copper in capil1ary spaces are of electrochemical created by these electrochemical processes and meas-
nature, as Becquerel had suggested (Wells, 1914). ured by him in the laboratory, Wells was still greatly
Experiments similar to those suggested by Barus were influenced in his thinking by the relatively small
made in 1897 by Bernfield, who particularly studied anomalies that Barus had found in the field. Yet he
the electric behavior of galena, and in 1912 by Gotts .. believed that Barus' results "do not exclude the possi-

bility that local electric action may be a potent agency time when general technical knowledge had only
in hastening chemical adjustments or that very small recently become available to furnish an adequate back-
currents acting for long periods would be capable of ground for his studies. The use of electric fields was
accomplishing great results." doubly attractive to him-first, because of the ease
Wells' principal contribution to electrical prospecting with which an artificial electrical field can be applied
lies in the fact that he was the first to recognize the to the earth, and, second, because the electrical resis-
major cause of self-potential anomalies near ore bodies tivity of earth materials varies more widely than any
and to specify the direction in which the current flows other property.
near an ore body. Because of the importance of this Schlumberger's first approach to electrical prospect-
classic observation, we quote Wells (p. 64) directly: ing was to map equipotential lines about a point source
If a considerable mass of ore is in contact near the surface with of current. Schlumberger at first tried both an alter-
an oxidizing solution-for example, acidified ferric sulphate- nating-current inductor and a 1,000-cycle vibrator as
and at depth with a less oxidized solution-as ferrous sulphate sources of current; whence in principle he was able to
(there being also any circuitous liquid connection)-electric map equipotential lines using a phone as a null indicator.
action should result in the oxidation of the lower solution and Because of direct induction into his measuring lines,
reduction of the upper solution until equilibrium is attained.
The current would pass downward in the solid conductor and however, he changed to a direct-current source with a
upward in the electrolytic conductor-a vein solution, for potentiometer and nonpolarizing potential electrodes
example-in which the current would consist in the migration to measure potential differences quantitatively. He
of cations upward and of anions downward. was then able to make both equipotential-line maps
Wells emphasized that the currents, and their effects, about a single electrode and potential profiles between
might manifest themselves in an extended zone round- two current electrodes.
about an ore body, and he called this phenomena If the ground is homogeneous, or if the only resis-
"chemical action at a distance." tivity variation lies in that found going from one
Early attempts to use the resistivity and allied elec- horizontal bed to another below it, the equipotential
trical methods, other than self-potential, were quali- lines would be concentric circles with the current
tative only. Neither potential differences for fixed electrode at their common center. If there are lateral
electrode spacings, nor even equipotential lines, as variations in the earth resistivity, however, these varia-
suggested by Barus, were observed. Several qualita- tions would express themselves in distortions of the
tive approaches to these electrical methods were tried circles.
just before and at the turn of the century and finally Schlumberger, in the summer of 1912, assembled the
culminated at about the start of the First World W~r necessary equipment and field-tested it successfully at
in more quantitative approaches to the subject. These his aneestral hon1e of Val Richer, in Normandy
experiments were at first carried on independently by (Sehlumberger, 1920b). From 1912 until 1914, he
what evolved into the American, French, Swedish, and earried out a long series of experiments at Calvados, in
other schools of electrical prospecting. Normandy, where hematite and siderite are important
Even as major advances were being made, a prevalent iron ore minerals in Silurian formations. The Silurian
attitude was expressed in 1914 by George Otis Smith, here eonsists of sandstone overlain by about 300 feet of
Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, who stated shale, which contains the iron ore, and a series of lin-
(Wells, 1914, preface): mineralized shale and sandstone. The beds are gener-
It should be emphasized that the results thus tar obtained afford ally upturned and are covered unconformably by hori-
no adequate basis for any method of electric prospecting nor zontal beds of Jurassic limestone as much as 270 feet
any promise of the development of such a method by connecting thick. Schlumberger showed by these experiments that
the presence of ore deposits with readily or definitely measurable his new method was a valuable tool in roughly delineat-
electric activity.
ing the ore-bearing formations and he even went so far
FRENCH SCHOOL as to show qualitatively the direction of dip of the beds.
Conrad Schlumberger (1878-1936) was perhaps the In his memoirs (1920b), he gives several field examples
most colorful personality in the field of electrical that have often been reprinted by other authors.
prospecting. He and his colleagues initiated what Almost from the beginning of his work, Schlumberger
some called the "Schlumberger school" (Migaux, 1941a) was aware of natural-potential differences which exist
but which we designate the "French school." As a in the earth (Schlumberger, 1920b, p. 34-35), un-
combination geologist, physicist, and miner, Conrad doubtedly because they interfered with his potential
Schlumberger was in a unique position to develop measurements. He attributed them to two causes,
techniques of geophysical prospecting not only when namely, those due to chemical action and those due to
they were needed by the mining industry but also at a telluric currents which are associated with the terrestrial
electric and magnetic fields described above. His ap- Raymond Maillet, V. A. Kostitzin, and E. Poldini.
proach to correcting for these spontaneous potentials He left teaching in 1923 and, in 1926, inaugurated
was the direct one; he measured their values and then La Societe de Prospection Electrique, which eventually
subtracted them from his measured potentials when led to such world-wide organizations as the Compagnie
current was flowing. He also suggested that one might Generale de Geophysique and the Schlumberger Well
take potential measurements with the current flowing Surveying Corporation. The Compagnie Generale de
first in one direction and then in the opposite; the Geophysique has continued to this day carrying on
natural ground potential is eliminated from this pair successful surface electrical-prospecting projects in
of readings by taking a simple average. almost every part of the world. Projects include civil
Conrad Schlumberger also recognized early the geo- engineering, mining geophysics, and petroleum ex-
physical importance of the spontaneous potentials due ploration. Reports on most of these projects still are
to the oxidation of sulfide ores. By means of this effect kept in the confidential files of the mining and oil
he made one of the earliest geophysical discoveries of a companies for whom the work was done. Many of the
sulfide ore body. Early in 1914 (Migaux, 1941a, p. 16) later contributions of the French school were theoretical
at Borin Serbia, he found a rich deposit of chalcopyrite in nature and are thus recounted in later sections.
in an area where exploration had already been In 1927 the Schlumberger group conceived the idea
abandoned. of electric -logging (Migaux, 1941a, p. 17) which initi-
The equipotential-line method is less sensitive to ally used, with only slight modification, the principles
variations in lateral resistivity than one would desire that apply in surface prospecting. The in-hole tech-
and rather insensitive to horizontal discontinuities in nique was tried initially in 1928 in an oil field in Alsace.
resistivity. Therefore, it seemed reasonable that Con- Successes followed in 1929 in fields in Venezuela, the
rad Schlumberger, even as he was writing his memoir in United States, and Russia; and the use of electric
1920, was turning to the concept of earth resistivity, logging was thoroughly entrenched.
which had been promulgated by Wenner in 1915. In about 1934, the Schlumberger group initiated work
(See discussion of the American school.) He used the on the telluric current method of prospecting (Schlum-
configuration of electrodes proposed by Wenner and in berger, 1939, p. 272-3). This method evolved from the.
connection with his measurements he independently principle that, in using such configurations as the
proposed the use of a double commutating device to Wenner, the deeper the investigation the larger must
overcome the difficulties imposed by natural earth be the electrode separation; in the limit, the current
potentials. His proposal was described in a French electrodes must be placed infinitely far apart to create
patent issued to him on September 15, 1925. The a uniform electric current field. The sheets of telluric
technique has come to be known in this country as the currents which flow in the earth, however, already
Gish-Rooney technique after the men who also described furnish a field which has approximately the charac-
it independently in 1925. teristics desired. Since the method uses a natural field,
The Schlumberger group eventually standardized only potential measuring devices need be used. A
upon an electrode configuration in which the potential fundamental difference between this and conventional
electrodes are close enough together that the electric methods stems from the extreme difficulty in measuring
field· midway between the current electrodes is the accurately the true potential differences between two
quantity which is effectively measured. We choose to points on the ground. In order to circumvent these
call this arrangement the Schlumberger configuration. difficulties due to spurious electrode effects, one meas-
In 1920 Conrad Schlumberger first successfully ures the very low frequency variations in the potential
measured earth resistivity in the iron-bearing basin of differences. The data at a given station are useless
May-Saint-Andie. During 1923 he successfully de- alone and must always be compared to a record made
lineated, by the resistivity method, the Arisesti dome at the same time at a base station. The telluric method
in Rumania (Rothe and Rothe, 1952, p. 410; Migaux, has been developed to a fine degree and now furnishes
1941a, p. 16). This delineation work constituted the a valuable tool in widespread reconnaissance surveys
first practical application of any geophysical method to (Migaux, 1951). It is used particularly in Europe and
the field of petroleum exploration. In 1926 and 1927 North Africa, where there are many crews now (1955)
he discovered, with the resistivity method, several salt at work. '
domes in the upper Rhine Valley in Alsace (Carrette Louis Cagniard is the latest member of the French
and Kelly, 1928). During this phase of development, school to Inake a significant contribution to electrical
Schlumberger was joined in his efforts by his brother prospecting. In order to establish a technique which
Marcel, as well as by many others, including his son-in- would have the advantages of the telluric method but
law, H. G. Doll, and E. G. Leonardon, S. S. Stefanesco, which would eliminate the disadvantage of requiring

a base station, he has devised his magneto-telluric giving a clear statement of the theorem of reciprocity
method (Cagniard, 1953). Instead of measuring only as applied to his four-electrode measurement. We
the variations in the telluric field, he also proposed to will discuss this principle, together with its applica-
measure the corresponding variations in the horizontal tions and limitations, in a later section (p. 38). Wen-
component of the geomagnetic field. Then, using well- ner's second major contribution, for which he is
established principles of electrodynamics, he claims to known primarily, was his invention in 1915 of what
be able to predict the nature of the substrata without is designated today as the Wenner configuration of
referring his data to data taken at a base station. At electrodes (Wenner, 1915). As a natural outgrowth
present (1955), he is preparing his apparatus. Lacking of his measurements of the resistivity of metals, he
knowledge of a thorough field test of his method, we are placed four electrodes on the ground, spaced at equal
not in a position to judge the field-worthiness of the intervals along a straight line. Current was made to
magneto-telluric method. Some applicable observa- flow through the ground between the two outer elec-
tory data do, however, point to the strong possibility trodes while the potential difference was measured
of this method's having equal success with the other between the two inner electrodes. Wenner recognized
ideas of the French school. the difficulties that arise from polarization effects
when direct current is used with metal electrodes, and
AMERICAN SCHOOL for this reason he used alternating current (not com-
We have traced the development of fundamental muted, which was introduced later). Wenner applied
experimental studies in the United States through from 50 to 150 volts across his current electrodes,
the work of R. C. "'Tells. We will now consider the which were 3 or 4 centimeters in diameter and initially
more practical aspects of electrical prospecting as they placed 30 to 50 centimeters apart at a depth of 125
developed during the early part of the 20th century centimeters. The current was read by means of an
in the United States and Canada. This phase actually ammeter. Across this current line was connected a
started somewhat before the 20th century when, in 10:1 or 20:1 stepdown transformer with the low volt-
America in 1883, Fred Brown devised and patented a age side of the transformer connected to the ends of
resistance method of prospecting that was shortly a slide-wire potentiometer. A vibration galvanom-
afterward improved by McClatchey (Barton, 1927). eter, a phase shifter, and a voltmeter were employed
About 1902, Leo Daft and Alfred Williams, in their in the low-voltage circuit to measure the potential
English and American patents, suggested the use of difference between the two inner electrodes. Wenner
potential-difference observations for resistivity work did not state what frequency he used, but it was
(Heiland, 1932b). They devised a method in which a apparently less than 300 cycles per second. The
low-frequency alternating current was sent into the apparent resistivity, which he called "effective resis-
ground by means of electrodes, and the resulting tivity," was calculated from the measured ohmic resis-
current distribution was studied by means of a sensitive tance and the geometry of the electrode configuration.
telephone receiver connected to two search electrodes Wenner called attention to the fact that the measured
placed on the ground (Barton, 1927). They were apparent resistivity
troubled by serious difficulties due to induction between . . . depends mainly upon the resistivity near and between the
the transmitter and receiver (Migaux, 1941a); and, inner or potential electrodes, and very little upon the resistivity at
owing to the inherent weakness in this type of measure- distances from them equal to or more than the distance between
ment, the reliability of the observations depended the outer or current electrodes, providing the four electrodes are
largely on the personal impression and skill of the approximately uniformly spaced.
observer. They noted, however, that ore bodies Although Wenner hin1self in 1915 used his method
changed the intensity of the electric field. only for deterrnining resistivities in an area a few meters
The father of modern quantitative resistivity meth- or less in radius, he pointed out that it is possible to
ods in the United States was Frank Wenner, a physicist measure resistivities to a much greater depth by placing
at the U.S. Bureau of Standards. In his work for the the electrodes a much greater distance apart and that
Bureau, Wenner (1912) was a specialist in the design such measurements could be made with the electrodes
of standards of resistance and in the accurate measure- "practically on the surfaee." He stated that, by
ment of resistances. His analysis of the theory of the estimating the effect of the surface layer from results
four-terminal resistance-measuring device and its appli- obtained with the electrodes close together, one could
cations resulted in two important contributions to gain some idea as to the resistivity at different depths.
electrical prospecting. The first contribution, which He also suggested that "such a measuren1ent might be
was made in 1912 and which has received inadequate of assistance in locating deposits of ore of high con-
emphasis in the geophysical literature, consisted of ductivity."

Some of Wenner's contemporaries at the Bureau of this method, they tested samples of soil from many
Standards also contributed to the knowledge of electri- widely separated places in the United States; in each
cal prospecting by discovering certain fund amen tal sample, they took great care to preserve the original
principles involved in the flow of current through the earth. rnoisture content of the soil. In connection with these
One such person was Burton McCollum, an electrical tests they showed quantitatively the effect of moisture
engineer. Although McCollum's immediate objective content and the effect of temperature on the resistivity
was to study electrolysis as it concerned current leak- Since they found that the resistivity increases tremen-
age along railway tracks, and corrosion of pipes and dously when the soil temperature is below the freezing
other metallic structures, his studies led to the measure- point of water, they cautioned that resistivity measure-
ment of the resistance of soils and of polarization. ments of the soil should not be made when the atmos-
McCollum and Logan (1913) recognized two general pheric temperature is too low.
types of electrolytic corrosion-that due to "self- McCollum and Ahlborn (1916) developed and used
corrosion" currents between the pipe and the earth and nonpolarizing electrodes to measure potential differences
that due to the fact that the pipe forms part of the cir- on the earth's surface in connection with their studies of
cuit for stray currents flowing in the earth. They leakage currents along electric-railway tracks. This
studied quantitatively how the rate of corrosion de- electrode was similar in principle to the one which
pends on current density, nwisture in the soil, tempera- ~latteucci (1865) had devised some 50 years earlier.
ture, depth of burial of the metal, the presence of The nonpolarizing electrode of McCollum and Ahlborn
oxygen and chemicals in the ground water, and the consisted of a copper electrode immersed in a saturated
kind of iron involved. They also initiated polarization copper sulfate solution contained in a porous cement cup
studies in soils and measured the polarization effects of An excess of copper sulfate crystals was provided to
metals. For example, they noted that as soon as 6 insure that the solution would always be saturated.
volts is applied between two short lengths of pipe The cup was 5 centimeters in outer diameter and 21
buried about 12 feet apart "the current drops off centimeters high; it was covered at the top by a hard-
rapidly with time, especially during the first few wood lid held on by friction tape. Another type of
minutes, due to the setting up of counter emf's and the nonpolarizing electrode consisted of an iron tube con-
formation of film resistances." Their extensive polari- taining a solution of ferric chloride, the lower end of the
zation studies continued through most of their work tube being closed with a porous plug. The outside of
but was limited to electrode effects which are relatively the tube was insulated so that electrical contact with
unimportant in ordinary resistivity prospecting. They the earth was made only through the porous plug,
demonstrated that the polarization voltage or back usually a moist sponge. They remarked that the
emf is a function of the electrolyte, the character of the resistance between their electrode and moist soil rarely
electrode, the current density at the electrode, and the exceeded 250 ohms which was unimportant with the
time the current has been flowing (McCollum and use of a high-sensitivity voltmeter. In the field, the
Logan, 1915). nonpolarizing electrodes were placed in holes that had
McCollum and Logan (1913) initially made measure- been partly filled with water.
ments of the resistivity of the soil in place by means of In 1916 McCollum and Ahlborn reported that they
the voltmeter-ammeter method. In order to overcome could locate concealed metal conductors such as buried
polarization and other electrochemical effects, they pipes and rails. Their system apparently worked best
used alternating currents. The technique was to ex- when used to locate buried cross bonds in the tracks
pose a block of earth by making two excavations close and buried metallic connections between pipes. A
together and several .feet deep. A "guard ring" high-frequency buzzer was connected in series with a
arrangement of electrodes was used so that current was battery between the two pipe systems at a convenient
caused to flow through the block of earth essentially in point. The resulting electromagnetic induction signal
parallel lines. The resistance of the block of earth was caused by this intermittent current in the pipe system
then measured by noting the potential drop across the was detected by an exploring coil and a telephone
block and the current flowing through it. Later, receiver that was carried along the surface of the earth.
McCollum and Logan (1915) used the technique de- McCollum (1921) designed a device for measuring
vised by Wenner to measure the soil resistivity. the soil resistivity and current density in the earth
In the laboratory, McCollum and Logan (1915) surrounding pipes or other objects of interest. His
determined the resistivity of soil samples by compress- electrode arrangement was an inverted Wenner system,
ing the sample into the shape of a cylinder and by with the inner pair of electrodes for current electrodes
applying the voltmeter-ammeter measurements to the and the outer pair as potential electrodes; the fixed
flow of alternating current through the sample. Using electrode spacing of the probe was about 3 inches.

The potential electrodes were of the nonpolarizing along straight-line profiles and also mapped equipoten-
type so that self-potentials could be measured. A tial lines about a fixed current electrode.
hand-driven commutator provided alternating current At Ducktown, Tenn., where the ore bodies consist
between the two inner electrodes, and a simultaneously principally of pyrrhotite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite and
commutated voltage was read between the two poten- are within 100 feet of the surface, Kelly (1922) found
tial electrodes. The unique feature of McCollum's that the equipotential curve outlined the strike and
device was its capacity for indicating in a single opera- shape of the ore body rather well, but the negative
tion both the voltage due to the impressed current and center was not pronounced. At Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
the natural ground potential. The current density where anthracite coal veins 3 to 12 feet thick are ex-
then is the natural potential gradient divided by the posed, self-potential anomalies were detected over the
earth resistivity, both of which can be computed from coal veins. Schlumberger had previously discovered
the measured quantities. Measurements could be this same phenomenon. Near Sudbury, Ontario, where
made on the wall of a pit, in a hole, or at the surface of nickel-bearing pyrrhotite occurs beneath an overburden
the earth. Later, McCollum and Logan (1927a, b) of nearly 200 feet, Kelly found self-potential anomalies
produced a more refined model of the instrument. over the ore or mineralized zones. In the Porcupine
This instrument actually embodied the principles of the camp, Ontario, he found a self-potential anomaly along
modern electrical well-logging instruments. a profile over veins containing auriferous pyrite. At
Concurrently with the early electrical studies at the Cobalt, Ontario, where the mineralization consists of
Bureau of Standards, H. R. Conklin (1917), after 3 native silver in veins of smaltite, small but recognizable
years of laboratory and field tests, reported using a self-potential anomalies were obtained when 5- to 10-
high-frequency electromagnetic method in an attempt foot station intervals were taken. Other experiments
to find conducting sulfides (galena and pyrite) in the included work on copper-bearing sulfide deposits at
Tri-State zinc and lead district. His work constituted Flin Flon Lake and Lake Athapapuskow, Manitoba.
the first serious experiments with the electromagnetic The first discovery of a new deposit in North America
method (Lundberg, 1929). His primary transmitting through the use of the self-potential method was made
coil, in the shape of a circle 200 feet in diameter, was by Kelly (1924). The anomaly was found in the Lake
laid on ·the ground; and the electromagnetic field Athapapuskow region of Manitoba. It was rnore than
produced within the loop was measured by two small 400 millivolts in maximum amplitude and extended
identical exploring coils that were balanced against several hundred feet along one of his profiles. Unfor-
each other in series opposition and were connected tunately, the deposit was not commercially valuable,
through a detector to a galvanometer. With one coil but trenching did reveal "a narrow set of interlacing
held stationary, the other was moved along a curve in pyrite and chalcopyrite stringers."
such a way that the galvanometer reading remained In the Keweenaw Peninsula, where native copper
zero. Over homogeneous subsoil each traced curve or occurs as veins in basalt and quartz porphyry con-
con tour, called by Conklin an ''isogonic line,'' was a glomerate, no distinctive self-potentials attributable
circle. Inhomogeneities in the earth produced devia- to the copper were obtained. As a result, Kelly (1922)
tions from this normal shape. He believed that his experimented with Schlumberger's original method of
device with a primary coil 200 feet in diameter would mapping equipotential lines about a fixed current elec-
give a recognizable response for a conductor lying within trode. The area chosen was one in which an 18-foot-
130 feet of the surface. He did not say how large the thick vein of copper with a dip of about 51° lay
conductor should be. His field experiments in the Tri- between basaltic wails and was covered by overburden
State district lasted over a year but resulted mostly less than 5 feet thick. Current was introduced into
in the discovery of pyrite as the . conducting body the ground through a fixed current electrode that con-
causing the disturbance. The principles of his method sisted of "about ten copper bars,~ in. square and 1~ ft.
were sound, but, just as is true of Barus, it is unfortunate long, driven into the ground in a circle of about 10 ft.
that he tried the new technique in a district now be- radius," all connected together with bare copper wire.
lieved unsuited to electromagnetic techniques. In The second electrode was placed 1,500 feet from the
1922, Sundberg introduced Conklin's method into fixed electrode in a direction perpendicular to the strike
Sweden (Rust, 1938). of the vein; Kelly considered this electrode to be, in
S. F. Kelly brought to North America the self- effect, at infinity. When the fixed current electrode
potential method as it had been developed and per- was placed over the probable apex of the vein, the
fected by the Schlumberger school. Using non- equipotential lines were elongated in the direction of
polarizing electrodes and a potentiometer that was the strike, because the vein was of lower resistivity
sensitive to one millivolt, he measured the self-potential than the surrounding country rock. When the fixed
current electrode was placed on either side of the vein, several hundred stations in taking both vertical and
the equipotential lines were flattened near the vein on horizontal profiles (Gish and Rooney, 1925). Their
the side of the current electrode and were bulged out on test measurements of earth resistivity were made in
the far side. From the degree of flattening and bulging, four areas: (1) in a small tract in the northwestern part
Kelly could predict whether the current electrode was of the District of Columbia, where they studied the
on the foot-wall or hanging-wall side of the vein. effects of a ravine 30 feet deep that was artificially
Kelly concluded that the equipotential-line method filled with loose material of higher resistivity than the
could be used to explore for tilted strata that are country rock; (2) in a fairly level site near College
hidden by a shallow overburden and to detect faults Park, Md., where they determined a thickness of 100
that contain water of greater conductivity than the to 300 feet for the unconsolidated Pleistocene deposits
country rock. overlying granite, and where they found a high resis-
Some of the greatest contributions to electrical tivity zone over a surface-gravel deposit; (3) at Bradley
prospecting, especially those in early field measure- Hills, Md., where a resistivity minimum at an electrode
ments, were made during the 1920's by Gish and separation of 70 feet in their resistivity vertical profile
Rooney, who were studying telluric currents for the was interpreted as the depth to the granite-gneiss
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie bedrock; and (4) at the surface of the water in the Tidal
Institution of Washington. Basin in Washington, where they mounted the Wenner
Gish (1923) gave the general requirements for meas- configuration on a float and obtained a resistivity value
uring telluric currents. To define them completely, it for the water that compared quite favorably with
was necessary to measure both the natural potentials corresponding laboratory measurements. Later work
from which the surface-potential gradients may be included resistivity studies near the Carnegie Insti-
determined and also the resistivity of the earth in the tution's Watheroo Observatory where a surface layer
same region. In connection with the natural potential of dry sand of high resistivity gave them considerable
V in his equations, he stated (p. 91) that trouble in getting sufficient current into the ground,
It is entirely probable that V is not in all cases an analytical and led them to conclude that "practically all the
function of the space coordinates. - For example, polarization, resistance of the measuring circuits can be considered
or electrochemical effects, may exist across planes where two as concentrated at or near the contact surfaces of the
different geological formations meet, thus giving rise to dis- electrodes and the ground" (Rooney and Gish, 1927).
continuities. Consequently, unless the structure in the region
where earth currents are to be studied is very homogeneous it
A similar condition at their potential electrodes reduced
would seem advisable to make a survey of the earth potentials the sensitivity of the potential galvanometer.
and thus determine the magnitude of such discontinuities as During the summer of 1927, Rooney and several
occur. members of faculty of the Michigan College of Mines
To study the earth currents, Gish had installed at and Technology jointly conducted a series of earth-
Carnegie Institution's observatory at Watheroo, Aus- resistivity measurements (Rooney, 1927; Hotchkiss,
tralia, lines and equipment for the continuous recording Rooney, and Fisher, 1928). Their purpose was to
of natural potentials. Lines were laid, both east and use the copper country of northern Michigan, where
west and north and south. The work of Mauchly the geological structure is well known, to determine the
(1918) had indicated that carefully buried electrodes of value of resistivity measurements to help indicate
lead were more suitable for long-range telluric-current geological structure at depth. Their results were not
studies than were nonpolarizing electrodes. For this consistent. Failure to obtain expected changes in
reason, Gish used buried lead electrodes. slope on the apparent resistivity curves corresponding
During late 1923, Gish (1924b) made preliminary to several known geological discontinuities were attrib-
resistivity measurements of the earth by modifying uted to local conditions, such as topographic relief.
the McCollum "earth-current meter" and using the Two major contributions evolved from the work of
Wenner configuration. In all, four vertical resistivity Gish and Rooney. The first involved instrumentation
profiles were taken, in which the electrode separation and the second an empirical method of interpretation.
was varied regularly from 3 to 60 feet. Gish recog- Gish (1924h) started with the McCollum "earth cur-
nized that both lateral and depth variations manifested rent meter" and modified its design, as time went on,
themselves in these vertical profiles. During the fall into what is now known as the "Gish-Rooney double
of 1924 Rooney and Gish (19 25a, b) measured the commutator." The original purpose of the double com-
resistivity of still larger volumes of earth and correlated mutator was to apply current to the ground alternately
changes in resistivity with changes in the strata. in opposite directions to overcome polarization and self-
The areas surveyed were all in the vicinity of Wash- potential effects and at the same time to measure the
ington, D.C. During 1924 and 1925 they occupied commutated potential between the potential electrodes

as though it were a constant potential in one direction. resistivity interpretation. For example, when speak-
The final form of the double commutator was designed ing of the two-layer case, they reasoned that
by Gish (1926). The separate commutators for the if the resistivity changes abruptly at a certain depth, if the
current and potential circuits were so adjusted that boundary between the two types of earth is approximately
the current circuit was always closed before and opened plane, and if each part is homogeneous, then from a series of
after the potential circuit. In this way, the potential measurements with different electrode separations, a set of ob-
servational equations may be set up in which the two unknown
circuit is ideally never connected while there are tran-
resistivities are given weights which are a det"lrminable function
sients in the current circuit. The current circuit of of the electrode separation. The solution of the normal equa-
the equipment at W atheroo was designed in this man- tions will then yield the absolute resistivities of the two parts.
ner, so that it worked satisfactorily when passing two In 1927, Scott Turner, then director of the U.S.
amperes at 1,000 volts. Gish was able to improve the Bureau of Mines, recognized the possible value of a
operation of the equipment by placing a 20-microfarad study of modern prospecting methods and initiated
condenser "in one of the lines which connects with an a program of investigation that has had a profound
intermediate electrode." The commutator was turned influence on the art of electrical prospecting. Turner
by hand about 30 times per second; hence, the current began the investigation by employing A. S. Eve and
instruments, because of the inertia of their parts, regis-
D. A. Keys, both professors of physics at McGill
tered on the instruments as a steady current.
Univeristy, and C. A. Heiland, professor of geophysics
In all their work Gish and Rooney (1925) were
at the Colorado School of Mines. F. W. Lee also began
striving for some sort of empirical· rule upon which
his work with the Bureau of Mines the same year.
they could depend. As a result of their early work,
Eve and Keys (1927) published a brief but excellent
they reasoned (p. 162) that
summary of geophysical methods being used at that
The value of the resistivity thus found must, however, in general
be considered an average in which the resistivity of the earth
time. Emphasis was placed on the possible use of
near the line of terminals is the more heavily weighted, while the basic principles of these methods for finding
the weighting diminishes with distance from this line until at a ore deposits. Eve and Keys (1928) published the
depth, or lateral distance, equal to the distance between ad- results of electrical tests that they had made during
jacent terminals the weights have become so small that all the 1927 at various test sites selected by C. A. Heiland
earth beyond this range contributes comparatively little to the
total result. Thus, the body of earth involved in a single de- near Caribou, in Boulder County, Colo. The tests
termination has linear dimensions of the same order as the were made over small deposits of titaniferous magnet-
interval between terminals. By increasing this interval, greater ite in porphyritic monzonite. The excellent electrical
depths of earth may be included so that from a series of such
measurements a fairly satisfactory knowledge of the variation conductivity of the deposits rendered them particu-
of resistivity with depth can be obtained provided the series are larly adaptable to electrical-prospecting methods,
repeated at positions suitably distributed over the region. and their strong magnetic properties enabled Heiland
As will be illustrated in a later section, this rule that and Malkovsky to make an accurate magnetic survey
the "depth of penetration" equals the electrode sepa- with which the electrical data could be compared
ration has been the subject of severe criticism from with confidence.
most of the theoretical workers in resistivity interpre- In this work, Eve and Keys tested various methods.
tation; in spite of the opposition, the rule is still used They used the Lundberg method of mapping equi-
literally in the field. potential lines between parallel line electrodes excited
In his work in Michigan, Rooney (1927) tried to by direct current. They observed a spreading of the
apply a related empirical rule that a major discontinu- equipotential lines over the known conductor. They
ity in slope of the apparent resistivity curve occurs at also determined the equipotentials in a field between
an electrode separation approximately equal to the parallel wires excited by a 1300-cycle-per-second
depth of the horizontal geological feature causing the alternating current. For this audible frequency, a
discontinuity in slope. He was unsuccessful in that telephone receiver with a probe of bare copper wire,
particular area, but the enunciation of this rule pre- instead of porous pots, was used for charting the
cipitated a continuous argument between proponents equipotentials. They also tried various electromag-
of the "curve matching" method of interpretation and netic methods, including radio frequency techniques,
proponents of the empirical method. Both groups and self-potential methods. For the self-potential
have reported some outstanding success and both have method, they found that the use of 9: potentiometer
had failures. The theoretical aspects of this question was superior to a direct-reading microammeter.
will be included in a later section. In these tests Eve and Keys (1929) devised a "leap-
Gish and Rooney (1925) also suggested the possibil- frog" method. Three parallel copper wires X, Y, and
ity of a quantitative approach to the problem of Z, each 100 feet long, were well pegged to the earth 100
feet apart and every peg was well watered. A known generator. The repetition rate of this instrument is
voltage was impressed acrosg the outer wires X and Z about 50 times per second. The original Megger had
and, while the direct current was flowing, the potential only four terminals corresponding to the four electrodes
differences between the central wire Y and the outside of the Wenner configuration, but later models could
wires was taken with a portable voltmeter. Asym- accommodate three potential electrodes in addition to
metry in the potential-drop readings would indicate the two current electrodes, thus making it possible to
which of the two ·3ections between the wires was the use the Megger with the Lee configuration.
better conducting ground. Then the three pegs of X During this work in 1928 a careful comparison of
were pulled up and the wire was leap-frogged over Y vertical-profile measurements with the Wenner con-
and Z to a new position A, located 100 feet from wire Z. figuration were made by Lee using the Megger, by
Measurements were then repeated with the current Rooney using the Gish-Rooney equipment, and by Eve
flowing between Y and A. This procedure was repeated and Keys using the direct-current method in which the
several times. By finding the ratios of the voltage current is rever8ed manually and the final potential
drops, the relative conductivity of each 100-foot-wide difference used is the average of the direct and reverse
zone could be obtained and this was designated a readings. The electrode positions in all these methods
"figure of merit" for that area. This method, which were effectively the same. At Fisher Hill all three
Eve and Keys designated the "triple leapfrog" method, methods gave the same qualitative results; however,
was used to outline succes Jfully the general area of the the Megger gave systematically lower apparent-re-
magnetite body in the test area in Colorado. In dry sistivity readings than the Gish-Rooney equipment,
areas this method worked well; but in marshy areas or which in turn gave consistently lower readings than the
in areas of abrupt change from dry to wet conditions, direct-current method. Lee (1928) claimed that the
the stake resistances varied so much that the method Megger registered low because it requires that some of
failed. Thus, in northern Quebec where the method the current flows through its measuring coils, which are
was also tried, the great variations in stake resistances in parallel with the earth circuit; this source of error
and the difficulty of making good contact on rock as could be minimized by keeping the stake resistances as
compared with swamp rendered the indications value~ low as possible. It is also possible that some of the
less. For this reason, Eve and Keys (1929, p. 80) lower readings for both the Megger and Gish-Rooney
predicted that the Gish-Rooney method "is likely to apparatus could have been due to transient phenomena
have wider applicability than the leapfrog method." which were not entirely compensated.
It should be noted, however, that the principle which At Barton Hill, where a dipping sheet of conducting
Eve and Keys tried to evoke is the same one which the magnetite was known from drilling to lie at a depth of
Lee configuration, to be described later, employs about 700 feet, a less exact comparison was made be-
successfully. They also used a "single leapfrog" tween measurements taken with the Megger and the
method, which involves only stake electrodes instead of Gish-Rooney equipment. Identical electrodes were
line electrodes, but they found the same objections to not used at Barton Hill, and only one profile was exactly
both systems. duplicated in location by the two methods. Reasonable
Eve, Keys, and Lee (1929) devoted the summer of agreement was reported between the true well-data
1928 to obtaining information on the depth attainable depths and the depths indicated by abrupt changes in
by electrical-prospecting methods. The tests were apparent-resistivity curves at 500 to 700 feet; somewhat
made at Barton Hill and Fisher Hill, N.Y., over mag.. better accord with the drill data was obtained with the
netite bodies so that the electrical measurements could Gish-Rooney equipment. Lee (1928) concluded that
be checked by magnetic methods; the two experimental the Megger, as it was then built for general electrical
areas had also been tested by diamond-drilling. engineering, was not entirely suited fo.r geophysical
For this work Lee (1928) suggested and used the exploration, and he listed the various improvements
"Megger" to measure earth resistivity with the Wenner that he deemed desirable if the instrument was to be
configuration. A Megger is a type of ohmmeter which used for exploration.
has long been used as a standard electrical engineering Weaver (1928) proposed an electrode configuration
tool for testing "grounds" and insulation resistances. in which the two potential electrodes are placed sym-
It is based on the principle of simultaneous commuta- metrically along a line perpendicular to the line joining
tion, but differs from the Gish-Rooney aiTangement in the current electrodes and midway between these
that a direct-reading ohmmeter, of the cross-coil type electrodes. In the spring of 1925 Weaver had made
giving the ratio of voltage to current, is substituted for model studies with this method over an almost perfectly
the ammeter and potentiometer; moreover, the current conducting mass, 4 by 3 feet in horizontal dimension,
in the Megger is generated by a hand-driven magneto- 8 inches thick, and buried 4 feet. Each of the four

electrodes was located at the corner of a square of which method over mapping equipotentials at the surface of
the diagonal was 8 feet, and the whole configuration of the ground when an artificial current is impressed
four electrodes was moved fron1 point to point along the through the ground, and they suggested various other
line joining the power electrodes over the conducting configurations for measuring earth resistivity. As
body. The potential differences which he measured designated by us, these new configurations were the
were indicative of the asymmetry in the current field asymmetrical Wenner configuration in which the second
as the configuration was moved over the conducting current electrode in an otherwise conventional Wenner
body. configuration is placed effectively at infinity, the Lee
At Fisher Hill, Eve, Keys, and Lee (1929) gave configuration in which a third potential electrode is
Weaver's method a thorough trial with the Megger. placed midway between the two potential electrodes of
Using the same square configuration of electrodes, with the Wenner configuration, and azimuth measurements
a diagonal of the square equal to 200 feet, they took in which . the asymmetrical Wenner configuration is
readings at stations spaced 100 feet apart on several rotated about the single current electrode. Actually
traverses. Their anomalies were difficult to interpret azimuth measurements should be added as an addi-
and they concluded that "with a full knowledge of the tional technique in the class with vertical and horizontal
ore distribution it is possible to discern its influence, profiling.
but as a method of determining the unknown this They made a comparison in the field between vertical
scheme seems to involve unnecec:;sary perplexity as resistivity profiles with the Wenner configuration, the
compared with more direct methods." Lee, Scharon, Lee configuration, and the asymmetrical Wenner con-
and Sandberg (1946) successfully used a combination figuration. Electrode separations were taken up to
of the Weaver and Lee configurations to map dipping 600 feet. Various methods of plotting were used to
contacts in the Newton Flats area of California. The ascertain which method best correlated with the 200-
new system consisted simply in adding two potential foot depth to a highly resistive traprock known from
electrodes to the regular Lee configuration; the new drilling data to lie in the test area. Apparently lateral
electrodes were placed on a line through the midpoint variations in resistivity prevented a definite conclusion
of the configuration and perpendicular to the original to be made by the authors, although each configuration
line of electrodes. gave indication of approximate correct depth of the
Crosby and Leonardon (1928) applied electrical traprock by a break in the apparent-resistivity curve.
methods successfully to map bedrock topography at a Their field tests confirmed Pullen's laboratory work
proposed dam site on the upper Connecticut River in which showed that the resistivity measured is affected
what was apparently the first engineering application by the magnitude of the current flowing. In taking a
of these methods in the United States. The bedrock vertical resistivity profile up to an electrode separation
consisted of a high-resistivity Precambrian schist over- of 700 feet, they changed the current flowing through
lain by about 150 feet or less of glacial drift; the the ground by 50 percent for each set of electrode
resistivity contrast was about 10:1. The Schlumberger positions; the apparent resistivity decreased in some
method of taking a vertical profile about a single elec- cases and increased in others, with no general rule
trode was used. Of the results of the measurements at governing the change.
eight holes where tests were made prior to the full- Lee (1930) gave results obtained with the Lee parti-
scale survey, five gave accurate depths within 5 percent tioning method and the asymmetrical Wenner con-
and the others were within 20 percent. figuration over two ore deposits near Sudbury, Ontario.
Pullen (1929) made lahoratory resistivity measure- Both properties had been thoroughly tested by dia-
ments, by both alternating- and direct-current tech- mond-drilling and mine exploration, thus making good
niques, on many cores mostly of metamorphic rocks test areas. In one of the deposits the low-resistivity
from the Mineville district of New York and on hand ore which comprised pyrrhotite, pen tlandite, and chal-
specimens of serpentine and chromite. He found that copyrite in various proportions, was covered by about
(1) resistivity measurements varied with time because 100 feet of glacial till. Measurements with the asym-
of electrical polarization, (2) the rate of polarization metrical Wenner configuration gave accurate indication
differs in various rocks, (3) resistivity varies as a func- of depth to the water table and indicated an area of low
tion of applied voltage and frequency, (4) water content resistivity at a station 100 feet south of the ore body,
greatly alters the resistivity of materials, and (5) the but it did not differentiate between conditions in direc-
resistivity of an ore containing conducting miner!1ls tions roundabout the station as clearly as did measure-
may be high if the ore minerals are disseminated. ments with the Lee configuration about the same
Lee, Joyce, and Boyer (1929) pointed out the ad- station. Results over a second ore body were
vantage of measuring resistivity by the Gish-Rooney apparently inconclusive with both configurations.
J. H. Swartz (1931) performed a group of experi- Swartz established the facts that the vertical
ments on the resistivity of artificial beds. For this resistivity profiles at certain places in his area were
purpose, he dug in the ground a large hole 15 feet long, jagged rather than smooth and that these jagged
12 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. He filled the hole with break<:~ always occurred within the same range of
alternating layers of clay and sand, making a total of electrode separation, indicating that they were ap-
seven layers. Lateral changes in topography and parently characteristic of stratigraphic horizons.
lithologic character were also modelled. Vertical Swartz recognized the .necessity of disentangling depth
resistivity profiles were taken with both the Lee and effects from those produced by the horizontal mov-
Wenner configurations. Direct-current methods, using Inent of the current stakec:~ during vertical-profile
small nonpolarizing electrodes, were employed; and measurements; and he discussed methods of procedure
Lee's instruments and field equipment were used. The for recognizing such latera] effects, if present.
Lee configuration seemed to give better correlation He confirmed to his own satic:~faction his earlier
with the known geologic conditions within the model mode] results that the depth of the geologic discon-
than did the Wenner configuration. For the Lee tinuity for horizontal beds is given by the value of
configuration, the depth at which a given true re- the electrode separation at which a break occurs in the
sistivity change occurred in the model corresponded vertical resistivity profile. He clearly recognized
in the eyes of the author with striking accuracy to the that theoreticaJly the observed vertical profiles should
value of the electrode separation at which breaks show no sharp changes and that boundaries should
occurred in the vertical resistivity profiles. Swartz not be detected by breaks in his curves. However, he
said that if topographic effects are present, the depth had observed the breaks, about which he commented:
reached must always be measured beneath the current "How much significance they possess and how far
stake on the side of the Lee partitioning plane under interpretations of this nature can be useful are at this
consideration, and not beneath the station at the center time still open to quec:~tions" (Swartz, 1932).
of the configuration. Swartz explained this as due to In the years following the early 1930's most of the
the fact that the equipotential shell on which the work done by the American school, as well as the other
measurement is niade surrounds the current stake and schools considered herein, consisted of making im-
not the station. Swartz also used a single-electrode provements of instrumentation, refining already estab-
probe method by using direct-current techniques and lished field techniques, and theoretical interpretation.
measuring the potential drop with porous potential
electrodes. When using the asymmetrical Wenner
configuration with a fixed current electrode, the results In addition to the investigators in France and in
were less clearcut than with the Lee configuration and North An1erica, the Scandinavians also have made
were difficult to interpret. When using a constant significant contributions to electrical prospecting through
spacing between the potential electrodes and moving their basic interest in mining problems. From the
them along the surface away from the single fixed beginning their interest in electrical prospecting has
current electrode, in a technique which he attributed tended more toward the electromagnetic and the
to S~hlumberger, Swartz found rapid variations in the equipotential-line resistivity method.
apparent-resistivity curve but no apparent resemblance In 1904 Trustedt in Finland suggested using an
between this curve and that for the asymmetrical electromagnetic method for prospecting (Lundberg,
Wenner configuration. Moreover, he could find no 1929).
rational means of interpreting the curve. In 1906, in Sweden, the Daft-Williams method was
Lee and Swartz (1930) conducted experiments over tried in thorough experimen'ts by Petersson and
oil-bearing beds in Allen County, Ky., where the oil Wallin that served as a starting point for a long series
formations occur at very shallow depth in porous of Swedish experiments on electrical prospecting
lenses of limestone. Both the direct-current technique (Barton, 1927). As described by Petersson (1907),
and the Gish-Rooney commutator technique were used. who as early as 1907 had formed the "Electrical Ore
The work was continued and extended by Swartz (1932) Finding Company, London," the method was of the
in nearby areas where the strata are essentially hori- very low frequency type. He impressed directly
zontal, simplifying interpretation. Using the Lee into the ground through two electrodes an alternating
configuration, Swartz interpreted the resistivity highs current of 10 to 40 milliamperes using a voltage of
on the vertical resistivity profiles as indicative of oil- 5,000 to 60,000 volts. A mercury circuit breaker
or gas-bearing formations directly; indications were acted as a buzzer that interrupted the current 300
obtained to a depth of 800 feet that correlated well times per minute. The intensity of the sound in a
with drilling results. telephone receiver, which obtained its signal from

two electrodes driven into the ground, gave an indica- vented their equipment in 1918 (Barton, 1927; Gavelin,
tion of the ground conductivity (Heiland, 1932b). 1923).
Although the method was qualitative, it was used The Lundberg and N athorst system, usually desig-
successfully in Sweden in 1906 in te~ts on an ore body nated as the "old Lundberg method," comprised an
over which a vertical magnetic anomaly had also been arrangement of two parallel line electrodes which were
found (Petersson, 1907). about 1,000 meters long and which were laid on the
In 1907, an official systematic test of the Daft- ground about 1,000 meters apart. Contact with the
Williams method was made in Sweden by the Swedish ground was accomplished by metal pegs driven into
Institute of Iron and Steel (Lundberg, 1929). The the ground at regular intervals and attached to the
chief object of these early experiments was to test the bare cable of which the line electrode was made. By
feasibility of using the method to locate nonmagnetic means of these line electrodes Lundberg sought a
specularite ore. The results of the tests indicated simple homogeneous field such that the equipotential
clearly the possibilities of the method, but the tests lines would be straight and parallel to the electrodes
were not followed up. Further experiments with the in a homogeneous earth. He reasoned that a good
Daft-Williams method were made in Sweden by the conductor at depth in the lesser conducting country
Geological Survey of Sweden-in 1912 by Tegengren rock would cause the equipotential lines at the surface
and Bodman and in 1913 by Bergstrom (Lundberg, to be thrust apart, since the conductor would serve to
1929). Bergstrom modified the method to include the concentrate the flow of current. Contrariwise, a
mapping of equipotential lines, using the null or poorer conductor than the country rock would act as
minimum signal in his phone as an indicator. The an obstacle to the current, thus causing a constriction
similarity is apparent between this method and the of the equipotential lines at the surface of the earth.
technique introduced by Conrad Schlumberger for In his thinking, Lundberg emphasized the enormous
mapping equipotential lines about a point electrode differences on the conductivity of different rock types
through which direct current was flowing. Detailed and of different minerals. He also emphasized that
studies and tests were made with this new method. the conductivity of rocks and soils depends on their
The apparatus filled all the requirements of field moisture content.
efficiency, but the field survey maps were difficult to Lundberg and N athorst passed an alternating current
interpret. of audio frequency (50 to 10,000 cycles per second)
In 1907 a Norwegian named Muenster made the through the earth between the line electrodes (Lund-
first discovery of a previously unknown ore deposit of berg, 1928a). The equipotential lines-or more cor-
commercial value with electrical-prospecting methods. rectly, curves of equal root-mean-square potential-
The discovery was made in N autanen, Lapland (north- were traced between the current electrodes by means
ern Sweden), through the use of the self-potential of two metal "searching rods." Points of equipotential
method as it had been described by Barus (Lundberg, were located by finding a null point with telephone
1929). His self-potential measurements were taken earphones when the rods were forced into the ground
along each of several profiles, as profiling techniques to make contact. Also, direct potential observations
had already been systematized in Swedish magnetic were made with a resistance bridge. The techniques
surveys for iron ore. as used by Lundberg and his associates in his early
During the decade following 1907 other attempts work 'Yere good fo:r: the detection of conducting sulfide
were made in Sweden to discover an electrical method ore bodies within about 300 feet of the surface.
that would be both reliable and convenient for the Lundberg's early discoveries with his equipotential-
investigation of ore deposits. A brief account of some line method constitute geophysical triumphs that stand
of these extensive operations are given in the Year as c. milestone in the art of electrical prospecting.
Book of the Geological Survey of Sweden for 1913. In the autumn of 1918 he discovered the Kristineberg
Bergstrom (1914), in a report on trials that had been ore field in northern Sweden and delineated the separate
made with electrical prospecting, drew up the first ore bodies of that field during the following summer.
plan for a practical method of prospecting that was Here the ore, comprising pyrite and chalcopyrite, was
later developed and improved in Sweden as well as at a shallow depth beneath the glacial overburden.
in other countries. During World War I, the urgent The ore bodies were hidden, and workers using surface
need for sulfide ores stimulated renewed development geology had been misled because boulders containing
of electrical methods in Sweden. However, no practical pyrite ore were found in the till along a northerly trend;
apparatus or method was perfected until the mining the electrical survey showed that the ore bodies actually
engineers, Hans Lundberg and Harry Nathorst, in- trend eastward.
In 1919 another sulfide ore body was discovered at dealt with the electromagnetic method, which will not
Remdalen by an electrical survey in the Vasterbotten be considered further. Other workers in this category
Mountains (Lundberg, 1929). During 1919 to 1922 a were Mueller, Fritsch, and Belluigi. The last-named
series of intermittent electrical surveys over a drift- is an Italian. One of Ambronn's greatest contribu-
covered area about 30 miles east of the first discovery tions was his text on the elements of geophysics, origi-
at Kristineberg culminated in the discovery of the nally published in 1926 in German and later translated
Bjurfors ore field in the summer of 1922. Here the into English by Margaret C. Cobb. This book contains
ore was hidden as it had been in the previous field, a con1prehensive bibliography of papers on electrical
and the only surface indication was a boulder containing methods to the year 1926.
ore nearly 2 miles from the original deposit. The During February 1928 to February 1930, the Imperial
Geological Survey of Sweden cooperated in the geo- Geophysical Experimental Survey w:as organized in
logical aspects of the search which was complicated by London and was conducted in Australia. Its purpose
the variation of the direction of glacial striae and the was not to find minerals but to test the applicability of
glacial transport of the ore boulders that had probably the various geophysical methods under various field
been diverted by a nearby prominent hill. By Decem- conditions. The report of that series of experiments
ber 1922, Lundberg had investigated or tested about (Broughton Edge and Laby, 1931) remains even today
60 deposits of ore with his equipotential-line method a classic in the geophysical literature. The wide range
(Sundberg and others, 1923). of geophysical methods tested included self-potential,
The main development of electromagnetic methods resistivity, potential mapping, and electromagnetic, all
in Sweden occurred in 1921 when Karl Sundberg, a of which were often tried in the same mineral region.
mining engineer, began to experiment with a number of The work was usually done in areas of known mineral
these methods (Lundberg, 1926b). During that year, occurrences and with relatively good geologic control.
the first new ore body to be discovered with electro- Thus, the report contains a good comparison of the
magnetic methods was found in northern Sweden by various methods, together with the uses and limitations
Sundberg's method (Lundberg, 1929). He used both of each. This report also contains some theoretical
electromagnetic galvanic methods, in which current is
development which parallels work by other authors
introduced into the earth directly through electrodes,
and induction methods, in which current is caused to reported in the next section of this treatise, but which
flow in the ore body inductively by currents varying apparently was done quite independently.
in loops of wire insulated from the ground. Lundberg In 1924 Petrowsky (1925c), made detailed investi-
and his company used these methods in the field with gations at Ridder's rnine near Altai, in central Asia,
considerable success. By 1928, Lundberg (1928b) and where he measured not only natural earth currents but
his associates had discovered between 40 and 50 com- also artificial direct currents, using Sherwin Kelly's
mercial ore bodies in Sweden. He had also made method with some of his own modifications. To in-
discoveries in North America. In Newfoundland, for troduce current into the ground, Petrowsky used what
example, he found by the equipotential-line method he termed the "dot system" of arranging electrodes.
the well-known Lucky Strike ore body near Buchans This system consisted of a great number of small elec-
after following a zone of weak mineralization for about trodes placed along the boundary of the field to be
a mile. investigated and connected together with wires so as to
The Germans also made lasting contributions to the keep them in a state of equal potential. This system
art of electrical prospecting, especially through their was apparently similar to ones proposed by Lundberg
fundamental research in electromagnetic and electro- and Schlumberger. In 1926 Petrowsky, Skaryatin, and
chemical processes. During 1910 and 1911 in Germany, Kleiman (1927) made systematic electrical surveys in
Lowy and Leimback used a high-frequency electro- the Beloretsk mining district in an abandoned mine
magnetic method for a large number of experiments. where pyrite occurs at a depth of about 16 meters.
However, low penetration caused failure to obtain Both direct- and alternating-current resistivity tech-
useful results (Migaux, 1941a; Lundberg, 1929). In niques were used. The current was introduced into
1913 K. Schilowsky patented a method to study the the ground through two simulated line electrodes, each
electromagnetic effect of subsurface disturbances (Rust, of which consisted of 21 stake electrodes. For the
1938). equipotential-line survey, they used 1,000-cycle alter-
Richard Ambronn was one of the most active German nating current, mapping the equipotential lines with
students in the field. He made several suggestions for probes and an earphone. In order to measure potential
improving the equipotential-line method. Most of his gradients with direct current, they used nonpolarizing
own work, as well as that of his German contemporaries, electrodes and a galvanometer. Their results of the

equipotential-line survey show a bulge of the equi- both point electrodes and long-line electrodes. The
potential lines over the known conducting ore body. geologic features that he included are:
There have undoubtedly been many other investi- 1. One or more parallel vertical planes across which the
gations of electrical prospecting in the U.S.S.R. How- resistivity suddenly changes. This situation
ever, the comparative difficulty in searching the Russian would include a vertical fault which he included,
literature, not only because of the language barrier but a vertical dike or brecciated zone which he implied
also because of the inaccessibility of many Russian but did not show, and three vertical planes of
references, makes it doubtful whether the work of the discontinuity separating four media of different
Russians has had much influence on the development of resistivities, an example of which he also showed.
the techniques which we will report in the main part of 2. One or more parallel horizontal planes across which
this treatise. For these reasons, we are not able to the resistivity suddenly changes. This situation
report further on the Russian work, except for some includes the two- and four-layer cases, examples
theoretical studies that will be discussed later. of which he showed, and other multilayer cases
Many more names should be added to the list already which he implied.
given above for workers in electrical prospecting in all 3. A burietl sphere imbedded in a homogeneous earth.
parts of the world. The most notable of these are given 4. A sphere buried beneath a horizontal layer differing
in the following section. in resistivity from the material in which the
sphere is imbedded.
Weaver did not give the solutions for these problems,
The theory used in the art of electrical prospecting but stated only that the solutions were available and
is based entirely upon electrical-potential theory. The showed selected examples of the resistivity curves.
equations of Laplace and Poisson and the potential Although knowledge in the field has broadened since
theory, as developed by Maxwell and extended by that time, there have been very few new basic principles
others, constitute the foundation upon which rests added to the concepts summarized by Weaver. In
today the interpretation of resistivity data. Most of the same paper Weaver also pointed out other important
the problems arising in electrical exploration are not geologic features which were still wanting of solutions.
new in that they involve recent theories, but they are These included a buried ellipsoid imbedded in a homo-
new in that they involve the application of classical geneous earth, a vertical dike covered by overburden,
theories to specific situations that previously were not a fault of infinite displacement covered by overburden,
of interest. a fault with finite displacement and a dipping fault or
As early as 1887 Franz Neumann derived the equa- dike. Of these solutions, the fault with finite displace-
tion for the potential at any point in or on the earth ment and the dipping dike even yet have not been
near two current electrodes, placed on the earth's solved exactly.
surface, between which a current I is flowing. Where The most widespread interest in electrical-pros-
p is the resistivity of the homogeneous earth and the pecting theory has been in its application to the problem
distances from the two electrodes are :r1 and :r2 , the of horizontal bedding. This emphasis clearly arose
potential is in the hope that resistivity prospecting would eventu-
ally help to locate structural oil traps, a hope that
has not been fulfilled. The mathematical analysis
involved in the layered-earth problem was indicated
Newmann, at the same time, also developed the by Maxwell (1891). However, the main development
corresponding formula applicable when the two elec- of this subject occurred from 1929 onward, and was
trodes are on the surface of a homogeneous sphere. accmnplished by a group of men who for the most part
Equations comparable to that given above were used worked independently of each other. Hummel (1929
in 1912 by Schlumberger (1920b) to describe his normal c, d) used the image theory to derive formulas for the
equipotential lines about one or two point electrodes two- and three-layer problems. For the two-layer case
and in 1915 by Wenner to derive the expression for the Hummel gave a table which facilitates computation
apparent resistivity as determined with his electrode of the formulas, and he gave several sample curves for
configuration. the Wenner configuration. Hummel confirmed the
In spite of the very early application of this theory, fact, already pointed out by Weaver (1928), that for
the real development of quantitative resistivity inter- a two-layer case a bed of better conductivity at depth
pretation did not begin until nearly 1930. Warren can be detected more readily than a bed of lesser con-
Weaver (1930) gave a pictorial resume of the pros- ductivity, other factors being equal. When the
pecting problems which had already been solved for second layer is perfectly insulating, Hummel showed
that the curve of apparent resistivity plotted against with respect to the distance between the current elec-
electrode separation is asymptotic to a straight line trodes. Using approximations, they determined the
which passes through the origin and has a slope of values of this distance at which there were inflection
1.386. The limiting value of the slope is effectively points in the resistivity curves for specific ratios of the
reached when the electrode separation a is 1.5 times potential electrode separation to the current electrode
the thickness of the upper bed. Similarly, Hummel separation. For the Wenner configuration, this ratio
showed that for this limiting case the apparent resis- is one-third. Palmer and Hough concluded that the
tivity is 1.5 times the resistivity of the upper bed Gish-Rooney rule can be theoretically JUstified only
when the electrode separation equals the thickness of for high negative values of the reflection factor and
the bed. For all practical purposes these limiting cases that the Lancaster-Jones rule is applicable only for
are reached if the resistivity of the lower bed is more positive reflection factors of about one-half. For all
than 10 times that of the upper bed. Hummel also preliminary approximations, in which the inflection
showed some curves for the three-layer case and point is used in the field, they recommend the rule that
demonstrated how a graphic approximation can be the thickness of the top layer is equal to one-quarter
used in the interpretation of the three-layer case. the distance between the current electrodes at the
Stefanesco, Schlumberger, and Schlumberger (1930) inflection point.
also solved the problem of the distribution of potential Tagg (1930) also criticized the depth rule used by
inside an earth composed of horizontal layers, each of American workers and emphasized that no theo-
which was homogeneous and isotropic. Following the retical proof had shown that a break or abrupt change
suggestion of Ollendorf (1928), they started with the occurs in apparent-resistivity curves for horizontal beds.
appropriate differential equation and obtained their At the same time he outlined the rnethod for depth
solution in the form of integrals involving zero-order determination which now bears his name. Unlike
Bessel functions of the first kind. They extended their previous empirical methods, Tagg's graphical solution
solution of the two-layer case to the three- and four- of the problem is theoretically exact.
layer cases, and they showed how it could be carried to Ehrenburg and Watson (1931) generalized the use
any number of layers. They demonstrated the equiv- of images to apply to a mutilayer problem, provided
alence of their solutions and those given by Hummel, the thicknesses of succeeding beds are a series of
but they preferred their own because they thought that rational numbers. They gave both numerical cal-
the series representations of Hummel were too cumber- culations and sample curves for two- and three-layer
some. cases. These authors emphasized once more "that in
Lancaster-Jones (1930), in a completely independent not one case does a maximum, minimum, or point of
effort, duplicated the analysis of Hummel and came to inflection correspond in electrode spacing to the depth
many of Hummel's conclusions. In addition, he em- of an abrupt change in resistivity." Roman (1931),
phasized the fact that the influence of buried layers 1.n the most comprehensive treatment up to his time,
manifests itself fOP- very small electrode separations. used image theory to ca1culate the potential due to a current
As a result of his theoretical work, Lancaster-Jones electrode at the surface of a two-layer earth. For the
concluded that Gish and Rooney's (1925) empirical quantity k= (p" -p')j(p" +p') he designated the term
rule for the Wenner configuration that "the electrode "reflection factor," which has since been used almost
spacing equals the depth of penetration" should be universally to specify resistivity contrast. Here, p' is
taken only as an approximate guide. He also cautioned the resistivity of the upper bed and p" is the resis-
against using breaks in the resistivity curves for estimat- tivity of the lower bed. Roman concluded his dis-
ing depth of a horizontal layer, as many workers advo- cussion by giving a table from which the theoretical
cate. However, he added an empirical rule that, when apparent resistivity could be calculated for any given
the bottom bed of a two-layer problem has the higher electrode separation with the Wenner configuration
resistivity, an inflection point occurs in the Wenner over a given two-layer earth. His table included all
resistivity curve when the electrode separation equals reflection factors from -1 to + 1 in increments of one-
1~ times the thickness of the upper bed. More than tenth. He later (Roman, 1934) gave apparent-
20 years later, Palmer and Hough (1953) investigated resistivity curves, based on these tables, and thus
systematically the question of inflection points for the became the principal advocate of "curve matching."
two-layer case. They set up an expression for the One of his most important contributions was in plotting
apparent resistivity for a symmetrical electrode arrange- these curves on logarithmic paper. This technique
ment with the potential electrodes separated by an removes the scale factor from the problem and elimi-
arbitrary fraction of the distance between the current nates the necessity of plotting a separate family of
electrodes. They differentiated this expression twice master curves for each new geologic problem. Roman's

(1933) treatment of the two-layer problem was the method of interpretation. The basis of his idea was to
first satisfactory image analysis for this problem. use transformation theory to solve for the resistivity
L. V. King (1933), Morris Muskat (1933), and L. B. function directly from the potentials observed on the
Slichter (1933) went much further than solving the earth's surface-a possibility which King (1933) also
basic multilayer problem analytically; each, in his own pointed out. In working out his theory of direct
way, gave a formal solution to the problem based on interpretation, Slichter also developed some new forms
harmonic analysis and then went on to investigate for the solutions to what he called the "inverse prob-
some of the ramifications of the solution. King lem"-tbat is to say, solutions for the potential as a
departed from the usual viewpoint by solving his function of an assumed resistivity distribution with
potential problem~ in terms of an "electric current depth. Actually, Slichter did little more than to
function" and by replacing the usual apparent resis- propose the direct interpretation method, to show that
tivity with a "surface gradient characteristic." These it was possible, and to prove that a unique solution
quantities can be easily related to the quantities more existed if the resistivity is a continuous function only of
commonly used in ~lectrical prospecting. The fact depth.
that these terms are rarely used in geophysics does not Stevenson (1934) continued the work on the direct
detract from the contribution which King made in his interpretation method. At first, he assumed that
mathematical analysis. Muskat, working quite inde- resistivity was a continuous function of position, not
pendently, covered much the same ground mathemati- only of depth; which assumption be showed did not
cally as did King but extended King's work in many lead to a unique solution. Where resistivity is a
respects. However, he worked directly with the poten- function of depth only, Stevenson gave an approximate
tial functions and the apparent resistivity. solution which is to be compared to Slichter's exact
Both King and Muskat used more sophisticated solution. However, Stevenson claimed that his approx-
mathematics than had been used by previous authors. imate solution, based on successive approximations,
They expanded their solutions in terms of certain might still give a rough answer where Slichter's method
hyperbolic functions instead of the usual powers of the would break down completely-namely, where the
reflecting factor. They also obtained a variety of resistivity is a stepwise function of depth, which is the
solutions which contained expansions in terms of many situation of most interest in geophysics. Actually
types of Bessel functions other than the ordinary Stevenson admitted that neither his method nor
Bessel function of zero order. From his basic solutions Slichter's is particularly good from the practical
for the two-layer problem, Muskat derived separate viewpoint. He demonstrated his statements with com-
expansions suitable for numerical computations putations on a three-layer curve that Muskat had
for radial distances from the current electrode published. A serious disadvantage of both methods
both large and small in comparison to the thickness of from the practical point of view, even when they work,
the top layer. He also included other special expan- is the large amount of computation required· for each
sions. He concluded that his results compare very individual case. Stevenson (1935) later obtained solu-
favorably with the laborious calculations required tions of the direct problem in the form of Fourier series,
when the series of images are summed directly. These but the following year he admitted error and stated
computation shortcuts for tha two-layer problem did that Fourier series are not valid for this unless the
not serve the progress of electrical prospecting directly resistivity as a function of depth can be expressed as a
because the necessary computing had already been Fourier series. If the resistivity is a stepwise function,
done by Roman and others. However, the authors it cannot be expressed as a Fourier series.
did show how to apply their methods to multilayer King (1934) indicated that, although no unique
problems and thus served to enlighten persons who solution for the variation of resistivity with depth for
were to do later work on the more complicated cases. the multilayer problem-that is, that in which the
Slichter considered another line of thought in resistivity function is not continuous with depth--can
resistivity interpretation. He regarded the problem be obtained from the knowledge of the potential about
of homogeneous horizontal mul~iple layers as an a point source of current, it is possible to obtain a
unusual boundary-value problem in that the function solution when the potential is known near an infinite
to be determined is one which expresses the unknown line electrode.
variation of the resistivity with depth, whereas the Evjen (1938) investigated the possibility of calcu-
potential function itself is considered to be known on lating the strength of images and their depths from a
the boundary, which in this problem is the surface of knowledge of potential measurements made at the
the earth. Slichter sought to replace the trial-and- surface only. He stated that the exact solution can be
error method of curve matching by a more direct obtained by a double infinite integral involving Bessel
functions of complex argument, but he discounted the used for computations based on the image theory.
value of this method on the grounds that field measure- Longacre (1941) suggested a modification of Tagg's
ments were not accurate enough to warrant an exact method for the three-layer case. He showed examples
solution. Instead he turned to an iteration method to of how it worked and stated that situations where it
solve the problem. He finally concluded that, although would not work were easily recognized. Moore (1944)
the problem of direct analysis theoretically has a unique proposed an empirical cumulative-curve method, which
solution, the solution can rarely be realized in practice. he emphash:ed was without theoretical basis but which
Pekeris (1940), starting with Slichter's exact method, became the object of severe criticism by Muskat (1944).
showed how it could be used to determine the variation Recently, several large albums of tables and curves
of resistivity with depth for a horizontally stratified for multiple-layer cases have been published. Roman
earth. To test his method, Pekeris treated potential (1960) extended his tables for two-layers; the
data from three unknown (to him) situations: two Compagnie Generale de Geophysique (1955) published
three-layer problems and one for a conductivity three-layer data for the Schlumberger configuration;
function continuously varying with depth. The com- and Mooney and Wetzel (1956) published an album
puted results for small values of depth were in good consisting of one sheet with 20 two-layer curves, 35
agreement with the actual conditions of the problem. sheets with about 350 t~e-layer curves, and over 200
His method, however, requires a large amount of com- sheets with more than 2,000 four-layer curves for the
putational time. Keck and Colby (1942) solved the Wenner configuration.
problem of determining earth conductivity from surface In all these, the authors assumed that the material
measurements, when it is a continuous function of within any given horizontal layer is homogeneous and
depth only, by a perturbation method. isotropic. This assumption is questionable, especially
Additions and refinements of the above-mentioned for shales.
studies of horizontal-layer problems have appeared in Slichter (1933) solved Laplace's equation for aniso-
the literature from time to time. Most of these have tropic media but immediately specialized his solution so
been concerned with theoretical curves for multilayer that it applied only to isotropic layers, whose resis-
problems or empirical methods of interpreting resis- tivities vary with depth only.
tivity data. Poldini (1932) showed how three-layer Maillet and Doll (1932) considered completely the
problems can be interpreted by curve matching with propagation of current in anisotropic media in terms of
two-layer curves, provided the bottom bed is assumed tensor analysis. They discussed and gave examples of
to be sufficiently deep. Pirson (1934) revealed a succes- the conditions under which the potentials in a current-
sive approximation method for the interpretation of flow problem remain invariant at homologous points
resistivity curves when Tagg's charts for the two-layer under transformation of the space metric and of the
problem are applied to the three-layer problem. Tagg conductivity tensor. They used a coefficient of aniso-
(1935) stated that sometimes it is almost impossible to tropy which is <Jefined as the square root of the ratio of
use Poldini's method to obtain satisfactory results and the "longitudinal resistivity" to the "transverse
that Pirson's method may become very laborious. Tagg resistivity."
offered a method of his own to overcome the objec~ Schlumberger and others (1933b) recognized the
tions by applying his two-layer method to a three-layer problem of anisotropy and made a praiseworthy con·
p1oblem. tribution to the study of anisotropic media. They
Watson (1934) gave eight apparent-resistivity curves commenced their study by examining the current
for the four-layer problem, chiefly to show the chances flowing parallel to and perpendicular to the contact
for error when an empirical rule is used for depth between two thin, homogeneou&, isotropic beds. They
determination. He also showed the results of 14 model then extended the analysis to include many thin,
experiments to serve as a check for his mathematical parallel beds. They defined a coefficient of anisotropy
analysis. Watson and Johnson (1938) gave additional as the reciprocal of the one used by Maillet and Doll.
families of curves for both three- and four-layer prob- They also distinguished between a microscopic aniesot-
lems. ropy, which depends on preferred orientation of the
Rosenzweig (1938) gave a method, similar to Tagg's, grains in the rock, and a macroscopic anisotropy,
of computing the thickness of the top layer and reflec~ arising from a thin-layering which is visible to the
tion factors for the two-layer problem. The following naked eye. They extended their theory to include
year he proposed a solution of the two-layer problem multiple-layer problems and showed that solutions
based on ''lens-sources.'' He also extended this method which are unique under the assumption of homogeneous
to the multiple-layer case. He claimed that his and isotropic beds are no longer unique when the beds
method is more systematic than the method necessarily are anisotropic. They demonstrated this ambiguity of

the resistivity method by giving three different geolog- offered a possible solution to the problem of a filled
ical situations that would give the same vertical fault zone, on both sides of which there was identical
resistivity profiles. They showed how their concept of country rock.
anisotropy could be used to detect qualitatively suc11 Although some applicable papers on a related problem
features as dipping beds, synclines, and anticlines. in electrical well-logging (for example, Buckner, 1954)
Maillet and Doll had also presented this possibility. were published during the ensuing interval, few studies
Pirson (1935) solved the problem of anisotropy of vertical boundaries were published until Logn (1954)
theoretically by reducing the original space into one in discussed the general problem. He used the method
which the scales are changed to compensate for the introduced by Stefanesco and others (1930, 1932) to
anisotropy so that Laplace's equation in its usual forrn solve for the potential functions which he used to get
is valid. He then used Hummel's solutions for the apparent-resistivity expressions. His electrode con-
ordinary horizontal-layer problem and transformed figuration resembles the Schlumberger configuration
them into solutions valid for the anisotropic layers. In except that it uses only one current electrode. Logn
these new solutions the strengths of the images are not extended the previous mathematics on the subject by
changed, but their positions are changed. developing expressions for the apparent resistivity over
Maillet (1947) discussed in detail the fundamental very thin vertical sheets.
equations in the direct-current method of electrical Because of long-standing interest in mining problems
prospecting for the case of horizontal stra.ta only. He in Scandinavia, it is not surprising that early studies of
established the relationship between the earth resis·· the electrical effect of dikes and similar bodies were
tivity as a function of depth and the apparent resis- made in that region. From these studies evolved the
tivity as a function of electrode separation. He also potential-drop-ratio method, a technique still widely
defined a new diagram which he called the "Dar used. Lundberg and Zuschlag (1931) introduced the
Zarrouk curve." In this classic paper Maillet effec- potential-drop-ratio method and showed typical
tively integrated much of the fundamental mathemati- potential-drop-ratio curves over a vertical fault and a
cal rna terial that had been developed by the vertical dike. They also showed the corresponding
Schlumberger school during the previous generation curves for the two-layer problem and claimed an
and, in addition, introduced new fundamental ideas. advantage in the resolution of the potential-drop-ratio
He reviewed and extended his previous work on anisot- method over ordinary resistivity methods.
ropy and recognized the "principle of equivalence" Hedstrom (1932), using the method of images, derived
originally promulgated by Pirson. formulas and gave curves associated with a vertical
Theoretical treatments of types of geological problems dike in an otherwise uniform country rock. He con-
other than horizontal beds have scarcely reached the sidered only one current electrode in the vicinity of the
the volume of this subject alone, although work on dike and plotted the ratio of the potential when the
the other subjects had as early a start (Weaver, 1930). dike is present to the normal potential for a homo-
Tagg (1930) gave, apparently for the first time, the geneous earth. He plotted families of curves for
formulas and apparent-resistivity curves for horizontal resistivity contrasts of 3:1 and of 10:1. Each family
and vertical resistivity profiles across a vertical fault. contained curves for distances from the electrode to the
The curves are for the Wenner configuration. Each of dike equal to the width of the dike and 2~, 5, 10, and 20
his families contains curves for all values of the reflec- times the width of the dike. He included curves for cor-
tion factor from + 1 to -1 in increments of one-tenth responding cases when the resistivity of the dike was less
between adjacent curves. For the first time Tagg than the resistivity of the country rock. He demon-
showed that a horizontal profile contains four discon- strated that for a dike of a given width the poten-
tinuities in slope when it crosses a fault. In this paper tial at a given point on the far side of the dike from the
Tagg gave a family of vertical resistivity profiles made current electrode is the same whether the resistivity
with the electrode configuration oriented both per- contrast is 3:1 or 1:3. He also made similar studies
pendicular to and parallel to the fault. He showed of the situation in which the country rock on either
that the effect of the fault in the parallel orientation is side of the dike has different resistivities.
practically negligible if the distance from the traverse to Hedstrom next studied the gradient over the same
the fault is 4 times the electrode separation a. features. As a result of his studies, he concluded that
L. G. Howell (Hubbert, 1932: Discussion) gave it would be more advantageous to base inter.pretation
formulas and curves for horizontal profiles with the on the potential gradient rather than on the potential.
Wenner configuration across both a perfectly conduct- Only for a vertical fault did he conclude that anomalies
ing and perfectly insulating vertical thin sheet. His in both quantities would be of the same magnitude.
solutions, which were based on the method of images, Actually, his findings point to the advantage of the
resistivity methods over the earlier potential-mapping by Skal'skaya, and Maeda. The methods used by
methods. Skal'skaya, Maeda, and Huber are distinct and inde-
The dipping-bed problem has been the subject of a pendent.
long study which began in the mid-1930's. Aldredge Work on buried bodies of finite extent has been
(1937) attempted a general solution to the problem restricted largely to buried spheres. Maxwell (1891)
using the method of images, which is applicable in developed the theory for the disturbance due to a
special cases only. Aldredge's theoretical work, with- conducting sphere placed in a uniform electric current
out modification, became the basis for four other papers and in an otherwise homogeneous medium. Petrowsky
(Sanjeevareddi, 1936 1 ; Jameson, 1941; Carreno, 1948; (1928a) studied the potential distribution at the surface
and Trudu, 1952), all of which obviously contain the of the earth due to a buried electrically polarized
same shortcomings in theory as did Aldredge's original sphere. His analysis is particularly useful in the
paper. The final expression of the image school interpretation of self-potential anomalies over sulfide
appeared in a paper by Unz (1953) in which he pointed ore deposits, and has been used recently as a basis for
out the restrictions, as well as the possibilities, of the more specific interpretive techniques.
image theory. He showed how image theory can be The most general solution of the buried-sphere prob-
used to make adequate approximations in certain lem with arbitrary resistivity contrast is the one given
problems. The correctness of these approximations by Webb (1931a). He developed a formula for the
was discussed and illustrated by Van Nostrand and potential at the surface of the earth due to a buried
Cook (1955). sphere of finite resistivity contrast with the surrounding
Correct general solutions of the dipping-bed problem medium when a point current electrode is located at
had their beginning in the corresponding dielectric the surface. The boundary condition requiring that
wedge problems in electrostatic theory. The most no current flows across the earth's surface is satisfied by
notable electrostatic solutions were published by placing an image sphere above the earth's surface.
MacDonald (1895), Rice (1940), and Grinberg (1940). The resulting complication of interaction between the
The first geophysical application was published by original sphere and its image is handled by means of a
Skal'skaya (1948). She used Fourier-Bessel trans- special transformation in spherical harmonics. He
formations to solve an integral equation. She applied showed to what degree of approximation the various
her general solutions, which are applicable to cases parts of his solution are valid. Webb (1931b) extended
with both arbitrary dip and arbitrary resistivity his theory for buried spheres to obtain similar solutions
contrasts, to many special cases to show when image for both buried prolate spheroids and buried oblate
theory is valid. She also manipulated her solutions spheroids.
into convenient forms for computation for certain Apparently incognizant of Webb's work, Lipskaya
special angles. Chastenet de Gery and Kunetz (1956) (1949a, b, and 1953) made a comprehensive study of
worked out much more refined computational forms of the buried-sphere problem. In her first paper she
Skal'skaya's solution. Moreover, they reported that solved the problem of the buried perfectly conducting
the Compagnie Generale de Geophysique had computed sphere through the use of bipolar coordinates. She
sets· of curves for the Schlumberger configuration for obtained her solution by superposing two solutions
angles that are submultiples of 1r down to 1r/12. They given by Neumann (1887) for the corresponding elec-
presenterl some of these curves. trostatic problem, one for the disturbance due to two
Two other general solutions of the dipping-bed prob- spheres kept at zero potential in the presence of a
lem have been given by Maeda (1955) and Huber point charge and the other for the potential distribu-
(1955). Maeda is the only geophysical writer to solve tion about two spheres maintained at some constant
directly the differential equation; he carried his solution to potential. She gave no curves in this paper.
the form of the summations originally published by In her second paper Lipskaya solved the problem by
Rice. Huber pointed out that the infinite-series solu- the iterated application of the method of images. The
tion of MacDonald and Rice, and thus of Maeda, is degree of approximation afforded by each of the first
inconvenient for numerical computations, especially three terms in the resulting series is given and compared
because it contains Legendre functions of the second with the exact solution as obtained in her first paper.
kind which have a singularity when the argument is She illustrated these approximations with curves. She
unity. Huber, therefore, transformed Rice's solution also plotted curves showing the intensity of the electric
into the general solution which had been derived earlier field on the earth's surface for different positions of the
electrode and for different depths of the sphere. She
1 Sanjeevareddi, B. S., 1936, A theoretical and experimental investigation of the
ended her discussion with some resistivity profiles made
earth-resistivity method as applied to dipping strata: Colorado School Mines, Dept.
Geophysics Series Pub., no. 69, 25 p. (unpublished Master's thesis). with a two-electrode configuration. In 1953 she con-

tinued her studies by discussing the problem of a buried The mathematics in the latter is somewhat different
sphere with finite resistivity contrast. Following because this type of field leads to a logarithmic poten-
Lipskaya's earlier work, Van Nostrand (1953) showed tial. Many more problems can be solved in this
that a sphere with its center buried to a depth equal to "two-dimensional" case because of the applicability of
its diameter cannot be expected to be found in a resis- conformal mapping.
tivity survey with the Wenner configuration. It was shown early that the potential anomaly over
Cook and Van Nostrand (1954) discussed electrical a perfectly conducting spherical ore body is greater
surveying over filled sinks. They gave the applicable with a line electrode than with a point electrode
solutions of Laplace's equation in both prolate and (Sundberg and others, 1923). However, with the
oblate spheroidal coordinates, as well as in spherical advent of resistivity prospecting, which is superior in
coordinates. They showed a wide variety of resistivity resolving power to potential mapping, the use of line
curves to be expected with the Lee and Wenner con- electrodes assumed a minor role. One of the earliest
figurations over and near filled sinks. Seigel (1952) and most comprehensive theoretical studies on line
also used these same mathematical solutions, independ- electrodes was made by Peters and Bardeen (1930),
ently derived, to evolve techniques for studying an who derived the expressions for the potential due to
underground ore body which has been penetrated by a two parallel infinitely long line electrodes lying on the
bore hole. Clark and Salt (1951) had previously used surface of a homogeneous, isotropic earth. They in-
an image solution for deriving a method of locating a vestigated the current density and the depth of current
buried ore body passed by a drill hole. The solutions of penetration for this current electrode configuration,
Seigel and Clark and Salt are only approximate because and used the image theory to derive formulas for the
of the disturbing effect of the earth's surface. potential for this configuration over a two-layer earth.
Frank and von Mises (193.'5), collaborating with Mter deriving the formulas they charted, both in pro..
Noether and Ollendorf, gave the exact solution for the file and plan view, the potentials at the earth's surface
potential at the earth's surface due to a point current between and outside the two line-current electrodes for
electrode over a buried cylinder with its axis horizontal several resistivity contrasts and for several thicknesses
(Huber, 1949). The problem was solved exactly by of the top layer. They did the same for certain three-
means of Hankel's function, but the solution is so com- layer problems. They also applied the image theory-
plicated that numerical values can be obtained only by but only for angles for which it is applicable-to the
an unusually troublesome amount of computation. dipping-bed problem when the line electrodes are
Tikhonov (1942) a.Iso studied this problem. Huber parallel to the strike. In this problem they worked
(1949) recognized the difficulty of computations based only with a lower bed that was perfectly insulating or
on von Mises' solution and suggested that studies perfectly conducting. Peters and Bardeen also de-
should be restricted to the region midway between the rived the equation for the potential over a buried
two point electrodes where the current field is approxi- conducting sphere ne·ar two line electrodes. In this
mately uniform when the earth is homogeneous. He problem, they used the method of inversion. They
tried to analyze the error due to the assumption of a found that a sphere, whose radius equals one-fourth
homogeneous field. Then he gave potential curves over the distance between the line-current electrodes, pro-
a buried cylinder in a homogeneous field. Later Huber duced negligible perturbation on the normal potential
(1953) gave curves for the values of the potential on the distribution when its top is buried to a depth equal to
surface of a perfectly insulating cylinder of infinite its radius.
length due to a. point-current electrode which is also on Muskat (1935) gave an extensive treatment of the
the surface of the cylinder. potential distribution about a line-current electrode on
Mukhina (1950a., b) has given apparently the only the surface of a horizontally stratified earth. He gave
solutions for potentials due to a point source near a a complete analysis of the problem for both two and
buried dike or fault. The problem is not easily solved three layers. Following Slichter's analysis for a. point
and his solutions are only approximate. However, the electrode, he also outlined briefly the solution for the
solution of this problem, even in an approximate way, direct interpretation problem for the line electrode.
marks an important step forward in the interpretation Muskat's studies of the line electrode are especially
of resistivity data.. This problem was one of the instructive because he followed the same thorough
unsolved problems listed by Weaver (1930). approach he had used in his analysis of the point elec-
The above theoretical work was concerned mostly trode, and he makes many appropriate comparisons of
with the Wenner and related configurations. The the two problems.
same basic potential theory applies to electrical studies Although the line electrodes are of questionable
using an infinite line electrode for the current source. practical value, the same "two-dimensional" mathe-
matics is useful in obtaining approximations to certain about a partially penetrating, verticu.l-line electrode.
three-dimensional problems which are difficult to solve Although he used image theory, he iodieated th1t he
exactly. Kiyono (1950a, b, c) used this technique could have used the more sophisticated approach with
extensively to study resistivity curves with the Wenner Bessel and Hankel functions. His solution is valid
configuration in which line-current electrodes and point- only for constant flux density along the penetrating
potential electrodes are used. He made model experi- electrode. l\1uskat's discussion is strictly valid only
ments which proved that his two-dimensional approxi- for a two-layer case in which the bottom layer is
mations are sufficiently accurate. Using this method, perfectly insulating, but his analysis is fundamental
Kiyono computed and plotted horizontal resistivity and can be used as a guide in analyzing certain features
profiles over a variety of features which included a of any two-layer problem.
buried fault modelled by a buried semi-infinite hori-
zontal plate; a dike modelled by a buried semi-infinite FUNDAMENTALS OF PROSPECTING
vertical plate; an anticline modelled by a vertical
wedge-shaped projection protruding from a horizontal In all direct-current methods of prospecting, current
plane; and a syncline similarly modelled. In each of is impressed Brtificially into the ground and the effects
these cases the buried body was perfectly conducting. of this current on or within the ground are obtained
Kiyono (1952a, b) also applied this method to several by measurements of potential, differences of potential,
topographic features which might affect an electrical ratio of potential differences, or some parameter that
survey, as Hurd (1944) had done previously by model is related directly to these variables. The fundamental
experiments. theory involved in each of the different methods is the
In many respects an insight into the fundamental same and is predicated upon the validity of Laplace's
concepts was slower in being realized than were solu- equation for obtaining the electrical potential and the
tions to some of the geologic problems. Lee and others pattern of current flow a.bout one or more current
(1929) analyzed the potential field about two electrodes electrodes placed on or within the ground. The prin-
on the earth's surface, as Schlumberger (1920b) had cipal differences among the various rnethods of direct-
done about a single electrode, when the earth is homo- current prospecting lie in the number and spacing of the
geneous and isotropic. They concluded that, even current and potential electrodes employed, the vari-
though the equipotential shells are fourth-order sur- able electric quantity determined, and the manner of
faces, these shells may be approximated by a family plotting the resulting data.
of accentric spheres whose centers fall on the surface
of the earth. Weaver (1928) had already given the
potential distribution about a current electrode in
homogeneous ground and had presented a curve showing The usual practice in the theoretical treatment of
the fraction of the total current, from a dipole (two electrical prospecting is to assume that each separate
current electrodes, one a source and the other a sink) geologic unit-for example, each of the beds in a
which penetrates below a given depth for homogeneous layered sequence-is electrically homogeneous and
ground. Stefanesco (1929) gave a carefully prepared isotropic. Although the assumption is not strictly
chart of the current flow lines and the equipotential valid, it does lead to useful conclusions.
lines for a horizontal dipole on the surface of the earth Consider a point source of current placed on the
and he gave the equations for these families of curves. surface of the earth, as is illustrated in figure 1. I am-
He also derived the expressions for the electric field peres of current flow through the source 0 into the
due to this dipole. He went on to derive expressions earth whose true resistivity is p ohm-meters. The
for the magnetic field due to the current flowing, which distance, without regard to sign, from the potential
was the main purpose of his paper. electrode P to the current electrode 0 is R meters. It
Once again, the most extensive treatment of the is now required to determine the potential at P due to
subject is due to Muskat (1932) who studied the elec- the current flowing into thP. ground through the current
trical problem because of its analogy with the flow electrode. As is usual, we refer the potential at the
of fluids in porous n1edia. He analyzed the problem in point P to the potential at infinity which we consider
terms of an electrode placed at the center of a cylindrical to be zero.
disk of very large radius and of uniform resistivity. Since the medium is isotropic, the current flow out-
He first studied the point electrcde at the surface of ward from 0 must be the same in all directions into the
the disk. Later, he used an image method, introduced earth; no current flows upward because the air has
by Samsioe (1931) in aless complete treatment of the infinite resistivity. Hence, the current lines are uni-
same problem, to study the potential distribution formly spaced radial lines and the equipotential sur-

c p will, therefore, develop an expression for the potential

due to a vertical-line electrode in a homogeneous earth
and compare this expression with the corresponding one
for a point electrode in order to determine under what
circumstances the corresponding approximation is justi-
fied. In addition, we will use this opportunity to
illustrate an important concept in the solution of poten-
tial problems-namely, the use of symmetry to facilitate
mathematical treatment.
Consider an infinite medium of resistivity pin which
p we establish a rectangular coordinate system with the
positive z-axis directed downward. We then place an
FIGURE I.-Diagram showing a point source of current placed on the surface of the electrode in the form of a line extending along the
earth and the various symbols used in the problem.
z-axis from z= +b to z= -b (fig. 2), through which a
faces are concentric hemispheres with their centers at
G. Consider two of these equipotential surfaces, the -Z
first of radius rand the second of infinitesimally greater
radius r+dr. All the current I must flow outward
through the shell bounded by these equipotential lines.
Because this shell is very thin, we may assume the
flow of current through the shell to be linear and apply z= -b

Ohm's law in its usual simple form for linear conductors.

Thus, the potential drop dU from the inner surface to
the outer surface of the shell is

dU=l( pdr2), (1)


where dr is the length and 21rr2 is the mean cross-

sectional area of our linear conductor. In order to get
the potential at P with respect to that at infinity, we z= +b
integrate equation 1 from R to infinity:

(2) y

In the practical units that are being us0d, the potential

U is in volts. Equation 2 is the basie equation of this
FIGURE 2.-Verticalline electrode of length 2b extending along tbe z-axis.
whole study.
The assumption of a point electrode in electrical
prospecting is a.t best only approximate. Therefore, it current 21 passes into the medium. We further assume
is useful to realize to what extent this approximation is that the same fraction of current emanates from each
valid. The following section represents an analysis of element of the line electrode-that is, that there is a
this problem. constant flux density along the electrode. We will
discuss and justify this assumption later.
Considering each element of length of the electrode
The usual form of current electrode is a steel stake to be a point source of current of strength ldz/b, we
which is driven into the ground to a depth of 18 to 24 are now able to use equation 2, modified by changing
inches. Usually the stake is cylindrical in shape except 21rR in the denominator to 4?rR which is necessary
for a point at the end. Muskat (1932) developed a when one is considering an infinite instead of a semi-
theory which would be applicable to a truly cylindrical infinite medium. The total potential at some point
stake, but we feel that his theory is overly complicated P is then the sum of the potentials at P due to each
for presentation here. The usual approximation for of the infinitesimal elements of the line source of
the stake is a point electrode. An approximation, current. We note that R is a variable given by
much more satisfactory than the point electrode, would R=~x 2 +y 2 +(z 0 -z) 2 • The variables without sub-
be a vertical-line electrode of the proper length. We scripts refer to the coordinates of the point P, and z0
refers to the coordinate of a given element of the source. TA~LE 1.-Compariso!L of the electric-current fields due to a vertical-
ltn_e .electrode of umt length (b=1) and a point electrode at the
Then, ongm
[If the .tot~ current I passing in~o the ground is 211" amperes, if the resistivity of the
~edmm 1s 1 ohm-meter, and 1f the stake is 1 meter long the potentials listed are
m volts and the gradients listed are in volts per meter. 'Error in assuming point
electrod~, when line electrode is actually used, is expresood as a percentage of values
for the lme electrode] ·
or, after integrating,
Vertical-line electrode Point electrode Error in assuming
point electrode

From symmetry considerations it can easily be seen


-:-,-z Potential
(volts per
(volts per
Potential Potential
(percent) gradient

that no current flows across the xy-plane; all the current On surface
flowing out of the lower half of the line source remains 1
o____ 0. 8814 0. 7071 1. ()()()() 1.0000 13.46 41.42
in the lower half-space. Therefore, we do. not disturb 2
o____ .4812
1. 77
the current field in the lower half-space if we discard 4 .2475 .0606 .2500 .0625 1.01 3.13

the upper half of the line source and consider the upper 5 o____ .1987 .0392 .2000 .0400 .65 2.04
o____ .1659 .0274 .1667 .0278 .48 1.46
half-space to be air with infinite resistivity. In this 7
0 ____
o •.•• .1247
• 00995
• 51
case, a current I flows from the electrode into the
ground. Below surrace
It can be shown that the equipotential surfaces 0
0. 5493 0.3333 0. 5000 0.2500 8.98 24.99
described by equation 3 are confocal prolate ellipsoids 0
43 ____
•••• .3466
. 2554
. 2500
3. 84
of revolution. The z-axis is the axis of revolution 0 . 2028 . 0417 .2000 .0400 1.38 4.08
6 ____
and the points z=+b and z=-b are the foci of the 0
8 ____ .1683
. 0159
ellipsoids. Let us consider the ellipsoid on whose 0
10 •••
12 ••.
. 00694
surface the potential is 1,000 volts. If we choose a
stake whose surface coincides with the given ellipsoid
and we maintain the potential of that stake at 1,000 on the surface of the earth. By examining the poten-
volts, I amperes will flow into the ground and the tial, we would be led to believe that the field of a
potential at all points in the ground will remain un- driven stake is approximated by the field of a point
changed. Therefore, the assumption of a line electrode source (within one-half of 1 percent taken as a standard)
is valid to the extent that a stake has the shape of a at a horizontal distance from the stake equal to six
prolate ellipsoid of revolution. Actually, the shape times the length of the stake. However, when we
of a pointed stake is reasonably close to that of a hemi- consider the gradient, as we should do when using
ellipsoid. In any event, the assumption of a line potential differences, we find that the field of the stake
electrode is considerably better than that of a point does not approach that of a point source except at
electrode for computing potentials in the vicinity of horizontal distances from the stake of 10 times its
the electrode. In this connection it is noted that a length. On the other hand, we must go much farther
given line of finite length is the limiting case of one than that in the vertical direction-values for which z
family of confocal prolate spheroids. is specified-before finding the same degree of approxi-
In order to compare the field of a vertical-line elec- mation. This informatiol). should form a guiding
trode with that of a point electrode, we consider only background for those who wish to work with very
two principal directions, a horizontal direction along small electrode separations or those who are examining
the x-axis-for example, radially out from the elec- geologic structures which are buried to a depth of
trode along the xy-plane-and the vertical direction the order of 10 times the depth to which the electrodes
along the z-axis. Table 1 contains the data from which are driven.
we draw our conclusions. In connection with the above discussion, we point out
Most electrical prospecting is concerned with the that the practice of balancing electrode resistances
potential difference between a given pair of points. during resistivity measurements has no justification
Such a potential difference is the integral of the gradient in theory. The important characteristic of electrode
between these two points. Therefore, although the resistance is its distribution and not necessarily its
potential is given in table 1, it is the gradient upon magnitude. Regardless of the shape of the electrode
which attention should be focused. and the manner in which the current enters the ground,
The values of the potential and the gradient, for there is some distance from the electrode beyond which
which x is specified, are for any horizontal radial line the current can be assumed to be originating from a

point source. Since most of the theory of electrical _y

prospecting is predicated on the assumption of a point
source and a point sink, this theory is valid only in the
regions far enough from the electrodes that the basic
assumption is valid. Moreover, in the regions where
the assumption is valid, the potential differences in
isotropic media are dependent only on the geometry I ~~/'
of the electrode configuration and the magnitude of the I ~./y
energizing current; the potential differences and con- I I

R2 I :
sequently the apparent resistivities are completely I !z
independent of the magnitude and distribution of the I
resistances in the immediate vicinity of the electrodes. I P(x,y, z)
Small objects of very high resistivity in the i:rr..mediate I
vicinity of the current electrode or poor stake con-
tacts do necessitate greater voltages to be impressed to FIGURE 3.-Diagram showing source of current C1 and sink Cz on the surface of the
produce a sufficiently large energizing current; but once earth, and conventions of coordinate system and symbols used.
the required current is obtained, the current distribution
in the region where the point-current-electrode as- plane passing through the line of electrodes is shown in
sumption is valid is affected negligibly by these small figure 4. The potential and current distribution on
irregularities adjacent to the current electrodes. the horizontal surface of the earth can be obtained by
CURRENT SOURCE AND SINK ON THE SURFACE rotating this same diagram about the line of electrodes
OF A HOMOGENEOUS EARTH so that a complete pattern is obtained on both sides of
CURRENT LINES AND EQUIPOTENTIALS the line of electrodes; the pattern shown in figure 4
In resistivity prospecting there must always be at represents half of the surface pattern that will result.
least two current electrodes in contact with the earth, The current lines of flow in figure 4 represent the sur-
one as a source and the other as a sink. In order to faces of spindles each of which carry one-tenth of the
understand even the minor complications of electrical total current I; the potential drop between successive
prospecting, we must investigate the normal flow of equipotential lines is constant.
current in a homogeneous isotropic earth. We will The values of the potential along the line of electrodes
first study the pattern of the equipotentials, from which for a point source and sink on the surface of a homo-
the current lines of flow can be obtained by drawing geneous earth are shown in curve A, figure 5. Very
perpendiculars thereto; we will then study quanti- rapid changes in potential occur near the electrodes; in
tatively the current flowing through the earth. the remaining broad central region, the potential is
By using equation 2, assuming that the current I comparatively small and its slope is gentle and rather
flows into the ground at 0 1 and out at 0 2 , and by uniform (see fig. 5). The uniformity of the slope can
writing the distances from 0 1 and 0 2 in terms of the be judged by comparison of the potential curve with
rectangular coordinates shown in figure 3, we find the straight line which has been drawn tangent to that
that the potential at any point P(x, y, z) is given by curve at its midpoint.
For comparison, the corresponding values around a
single-point current electrode are shown in curve B
1 of the same figure. For the two electrodes, the values
( 4)
of the potential are always less and the potential gradi-
ent greater, especially in the central region, than for
the single electrode. At a distance of L (which equals
or, more simply, by the distance between 0 1 and 0 2 ) to the right of electrode
R1 R2
(5) 01 and along the extension of the line of electrodes,
the value of the potential with two electrodes present is
exactly half the value of the potential with only the
where R1 and R2 are the distances from each current single electrode 0 1 present.
stake, respectively, to the measuring point.
The equipotential surfaces are defined by equation
5 by making U equal to a constant and are surfaces of We will investigate the problem of the depth of cur-
revolution of the fourth order about the line of electodes. rent penetration in a homogeneous isotropic earth in
The potential and current distribution in a vertical terms of the distance L (which equals 3a) between the

FIGURE 4.- Potential and current distribution in a vertical plane along the line of electrodes. Current lines of flow represent the surfaces of spin-
dles each of which carries one-tenth of the total current. The potential drop between successive equipotential lines is constant. Adapted
from Stefanesco (1929).

two current electrodes (fig. 3). The problem will be

studied from two points of view: (1) the current density
in various parts of the field is computed and (2) the
total amount of current that penetrates certain regions
of the earth is determined. In both; we note that cur- It is fundamental that the current densities in homo-
rent density is a vector quantity and that its x-compo- geneous ground in the problem are independent of the
nent is given by true resistivity of the ground, although, as has already
= -p -oz
au (6)
been pointed out, the potential does depend on the true
z resistivity of the ground.
Figure 6 shows the values of the x-component of the
where pis the resistivity of the medium and U is the current density (Jx) along two vertical lines, one passing
electric potential. Since the components of a vector through the positive current electrode C1 (curve A),
are scalars, the x-component of the total current density and the other along the z-axis midway between 01 and
at a point may be found by adding algebraically the 0 2 (curve B). For this example, the current I is one
x-components of the current densities due to each of the ampere and the current electrodes are separated a
electrodes taken separately. distance L= 30 meters. Current densities for other
Using the expression for the potential given in equa- values of the parameters may be obtained easily from
tion 4 and the conventions given in figure 3, it is seen these curves, together with a consideration of the manner
that the x- and z-components of current density at in which the parameters enter equations 7 and 8. For
point P(x, y, z) are example, if L were made 60 meters, the scale on the
Jz=2 [ (
r z-
2a +y2+z2 ]3/2 [(z+:3z+3a/2
)2 +y2+z2]3/2) ' (7)
abscissa of figure 6 would need to be doubled also, and
the scale on the ordinate would need to be reduced by
a factor of 4. The x-component of the current density.

I \\
I \

3.0t-----+-----+------+---+-------+--+-----+----l'r---H--!f/- - + - - l l ' - + - - - - + - ~\----;

B-~ A A*'rB
~I~ I.o
/ '
''' ,
...... ......

~----~------ ... ---- ~~


X c2 ----'/--"

~ Or-----~------r-----~------~----~~----~~~--~------~----~------~----~----~

~ ~ ~

~-LO '-.'\

- 2 .0~----r----A-L-~~~--~---~-+/+r-.A----~----~----~----+-----+-----+-----+-----4

~: :~ -=~ -=~ -=~-\~_. _, -=~ -= - =~

-==- -==-
2.5 2.0

1.5 1.0 0.5 0

-~-~=- -+~=- -=~ -=~ -=~ -= - ~
-==--==-+--:=_-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
FIGURE 5.-Diagram showing comparison of values of potential (A} about a point source C1 and sink C2 on the surface of a homogeneous earth and (B) about a single
point electrode Ct. with C2 removed to infinity.

Jx, at the surface along the y-axis for any specific value It should be emphasized that the current densities
of y is equal to the Jx value of the same value of z given in most of the region under investigation are very small.
in curve B (fig. 6); this fact results from symmetry of This fact-must be borne in mind when one considers the
the lines of current flow about the line of electrodes theory of electrical prospecting.
0102. The current density Jx at any point along the The total amount of current which penetrates the
z-axis midway between cl and c2
can be shown to be assumed homogeneous earth to a given depth can best
Jx=10 sin 3 4>, where 4> is half the angle subtended by the be studied by determining how much total current
line of electrodes at the point. ] 0 equals -4J/(7rL2) and passes at various depths through an imaginary vertical
is the current density at the surface mid\\ray between plane midway between current electrodes 0 1 and 0 2 and
C1 and 02; and L is the distance between 0 1 and 0 2. perpendicular to the line of electrodes. This imaginary
For comparison purposes the z-component of the vertical plane coincides with the yz-plane (fig. 3) and
current density along the ve-rtical line through 0 1 extends to infinity in the +y, -y, and +z directions.
(curve 0, fig. 6) the x-component of the current On this plane, x=O, and equation 7 becomes
density on the surface along the horizontal x-axis
12la 4IL
(curve D, fig. 6) are shown; for a depth (curve 0') or J :el:e=o=- v[9a2+4r2]3/2 (9)
distance (curve D') less than 10 meters only, a change
in scale of plotting the ordinate value (see inset) where r=.,jy 2 +z2 and is the distance to a given point
is used for these two curves to facilitate the plotting from the midpoint of the line of electrodes. The nega-
and comparison. The z-component of the current tive sign in equation 9 merely indicates that the current
density either along the surface of the ground in the flows from right to left (from 0 1 to 0 2 ) with the conven-
xy-plane or at depth at any point in the yz-plane is tion used. To get the total current ] 1 flowing above a
obviously zero. given depth Zt, we integrate the current density over
1 \\
t I I \

E /D'(use insert scale) \

0 18

~~\I I \ \\
a:: 1/1 • \
:::> Q)
~ 6
C (use tnsert scale) \
g' 16 E
<( 3
', D I j'I +X

- '
a::: 14
- I
a._ I I
+Y I I
w I I
a:: 12
w I I

"K \
a._ I I
~ +Z I
10 r\


t:: 8


"' '-....
~~ ..........
:::> ~ r---......
u 2
-........... ........ B,

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

FIGURE 6.-Current densities along various vertical and horizontal lines. Curve A represents Jz on the vertical line through c,; curve B represents .Jz on the vertical Une
(z-axis) midway between current electrodes c, and C2; curve Crepresents J, on the vertical line through c,; curveD represents J., on the horiwntalline (x-axis). Current
I flowing between c, and C2 is 1 amp; L=30 m.

the given vertical plane down to that certain depth: By carrying out the integration and expressing the total
current / 1 within a radial distance r 1 as a fraction of the
. fcz'fc"" J
0 0
:r J
dydz. total current passing between the electrodes, we obtain:

By carrying out the integration and expressing the total !.!=1


current /1 down to depth Z1 as a fraction of the total

current I passing between the electrodes, we obtain:
A plot of this relationship is given on figure 7, curve B.
(10) Relative to an imaginary horizontal plane, only half
of the current penetrates to a depth greater than half
of the distance between the current electrodes. Thirty-
A plot of this relationship is given on curve A in figure 7. seven percent of the total current passes completely
An analogous plot of the solution of this problem was above a plane at a depth equal to the electrode separa-
first published, in slightly different form, by Weaver tion a, and 70.5 percent passes above a plane at a depth
(1928). equal to the distance between the current electrodes-
The total amount of current / 1 that flows across this that is, three times the electrode separation.
same vertical yz-plane within a radial distance r1 of Within an imaginary horizontal cylinder whose axis
the midpoint of the line of electrodes can be obtained in coincides with the line of electrodes, exactly two-fifths
the same manner, except that the integration is carried of the total current remains within a cylinder whose
out in terms.of r: radius is equal to two-thirds the distance between the
current electrodes. Thus, any small inhomogeneity
JorrlJ%1 =o dr. that lies near the line of electrodes can easily obscure



_.. ~

- ------
- ~

0.7 7 -~
/ /
/ /
I v
~- 0.5


0.3 I'I
0.2 I I
I ;'
1/ 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

FIGURE 7.-Fraction oftotal current /which passes completely (A) above a horizontal plane of depth z1, and (B) Within a horizontal cylinder whose axis coincides with the
line of electrodes and whose radius is r1. Horizontal distance between current electrodes, L=3a.

the effect of a comparatively large inhomogeneity far that the equipotential lines here are also nearly parallel
removed from the configuration. and uniformly spaced. The degree to which the
For two parallel infinitely long current line electrodes uniformity extends in depth in this central region is
located at the surface of an assumed homogeneous evidenced in curve Bin figure 6, which shows that the
earth, the fractional amount of current l 1fl that passes current density decreases only about 5 percent below
completely above a plane at depth z1 is also given by the midpoint surface value at a depth equal to one-
equation 10 and curve A in figure 7, provided that tenth the distance between the current electrodes.
here /1 represents the current crossing a vertical strip The same values apply along the y-axis at the surface
of the yz-plane 1 meter wide extending from the surface of the earth.
to a depth of z1 meters, and the line electrodes are The departure of the nonhomogeneous field due to
parallel to and equidistant from the y-axis (Peters and two electrodes at t}:le surface of the earth from a truly
Bardeen, 1930, p. 26). Although this particular homogeneous field has been computed by Huber (1949).
analogy exists, the patterns of the equipotentials and He charted the values of the fractional difference
current lines of flow for the line-electrode problem o= ( U- U0 ) I U0 through a vertical cross section taken
differ from that of the point-electrode problem and is along the line of electrodes, where U is the value of
treated further in the next section. the true potential and U0 is the value of the potential
with the assumption of a homogeneous field (see
fig. 8). He showed that at the surface, where the
When the two current electrodes are widely separated, potential measurements are ordinarily taken, the
the field in the region midway between the electrodes charted error in assuming a homogeneous field rather
is effectively uniform-that is, the current lines are than the true field is about 10 percent and 20 percent,
nearly parallel and uniform in density. It follows respectively, at distances of about l/3 and 2l/5 from
the midpoint between electrodes, where lis the distance chemical reactions in the earth-for example, oxidation
from the midpoint to either of the two current of that part of a sulfide deposit lying above the water
electrodes. table, in contrast to the inactive part lying below the
water table, causes current to flow along the surface of
the earth toward the zone of oxidation. Potential dif-
The electrical prospector must always contend with ferences above 500 millivolts in 100 feet have been
extraneous electric currents, which consist of telluric observed. The same type of differential electrochemical
currents, natural local currents, and currents derived reaction in the corrosion of buried pipes causes the
from industrial sources. All are detected by observa- flow of currents that may be used to detect the centers
tion of the potential difference between two electrodes of corrosion.
embedded in the earth. Artificial direct currents of large but variable magni-
Telluric currents flow in fairly uniform sheets over tude are caused by the ground returns of electrical
large areas; their exact cause is still in doubt. Telluric installation as, for example, electric railroads. Alter-
currents change continually in magnitude and direction nating currents of comparatively low and unpredictable
with component periods varying from less than a second magnitude are associated with power lines; frequencies
to many days. Qualitatively, these variations are re- of sixty cycles per second, and its odd harmonics,
lated to the corresponding variations in the geomag- predominate.
netic field. The principal variation, which is daily, Several excellent electrical-prospecting techniques
has a normal maximum amplitude of a few tens of use these natural earth currents. However, since this
millivolts per kilometer. Disturbances, such as those paper is co11cerned only with resistivity interpretation,
due to magnetic storms, display amplitudes as much as we are interested in natural currents only insofar as
30 times the normal in middle latitudes and 150 times they influence resistivity measurements. It is obvious
normal in high latitudes. Extremely large earth cur- that natural earth currents will interfere with resis-
rents flow during thunderstorms, but they are more tivity prospecting if they are great enough. If the
random and more localized than normal telluric natural currents flow in the same direction as the ap-
currents. plied current, the observed potential difference is too
Steady local currents, of much larger magnitude high; if the natural currents oppose the applied cur-
than telluric currents, are produced by strong electro- rent, the observed potential difference is too low.

-0.20. - - - - - - -

-=-:-o~3o- ----- -- ... _

------ ----- --

FIGURE 8.-Diagram showing values of fractional difference&= (U- Uo)/Uo through a vertical cross section taken along the line of electrodes, where U is the
value of the true potential and Uo is the value of the potential of a homogeneous fl.eld. Adapted from Huber (1949) by permission of Springer-Verlag,
Vienna, Austria.

There are two commonly used ways to overcome this If the electrodes are separated by a comparatively
difficulty. The most obvious way is to take two read- great distance, the field in the vicinity of one of the
ings of the potential difference: first, with the current electrodes is little affected by the second electrode or by
flowing in one direction and then with the current the environment of the second electrode. Therefore,
flowing in the opposite direction. The average of these except for the restrictions due to the electrode being
two values is in principle the true value. If the natural a stake, the field in the immediate vicinity of an elec-
currents or the spontaneous electrode potentials are trode can be treated as though the electrode were a
varying with periods which are comparable in magni- single point source acting alone. The nature of this
tude to the time required for a complete set of measure- field in a homogeneous earth was discussed on pages 30
ments, this technique is unsatisfactory. For example, to 34. It was shown that the equipotential surfaces
in the far north, earth currents associated with the all would be hemispheres with their centers at the point
aurora borealis sometimes make the application of this electrode. Thus, the equipotential lines at the surface
method practically impossible. Similar difficulties are of the earth would be concentric circles. The practice
often encountered near facilities that use direct current, is to map these equipotential lines, either by mea<suring
such as mines using direct-current tramming operations. potentials at the points of a grid and contouring, or by
If, however, the variations are of relatively high fre- actually tracing equipotential lines using some sort of a
quency or if the earth currents are comparatively null measurement. Any inhomogeneities in the vicinity
constant, this technique works very well. of the electrode are indicated as distortions in the con-
The second and surer method of eliminating the centric circles.
effect of natural earth currents is to use commutated It has been pointed out that when the current elec-
direct current instead of continuous direct current. trodes are widely separated, the field in the region
The potential-measuring circuit is also commutated, midway between the electrodes is effectively uniform.
with provisions for an additional gap between com- It is common practice to map equipotential lines in this
mutator segments so that under normal field conditions region where the field is comparatively uniform, in
the potential electrodes are connected only after search for conditions which might upset that uniformity.
the current transients have ceased; also the potential Another system, which provides parallel equipotential
circuit is opened before the current circuit. Measure- lines in homogeneous ground, uses as electrodes two
ments are then made just as they are when continuous long parallel wires grounded at frequent intervals or
direct current is used. In effect, this method carrie<s continuously along their lengths. The field in this
out instrumentally the averaging process which the system differs from the "inverse square" fields of a point
previous method requires to be done manually. This source in that it gives rise to a "logarithmic" potential
do uble.-commutator technique is known in the litera- if the electrodes are assumed to be infinitely long.
ture as the Gish-Rooney method. This method fails As above, it is customary to map the equipotential
if the earth currents have essentially the frequency lines between the line electrodes. The assumption of
as the commutating rate used. The method will infinitely long electrodes is valid, except 'near the ends
also lead to errors if the capacity of the rocks in the of the current line electrodes, if the line electrodes are
area is sufficiently large so that the current transients long with respect to their separation.
do not cease before the potential electrodes are con- Where the earth consists of zones of different resis-
nected. tivities instead of being homogeneous, the potential
distribution is affected. The theoretical calculations
of this new distribution, for certain special cases when
The earliest attempts at prospecting with applied point electrodes are assumed, are a large part of the
electric currents were made by studying the potential remaining sections of this paper. However, such
distribution in the ground (Schlumberger, 1920b). calculations for the most part are usually prohibitively
Several variations of this method are available. When difficult. In the present section, we restrict ourselves
two driven stakes are used for current electrodes, to general statements.
one can measure the potential along a line connecting Suppose, for example, that in the region of otherwise
the electrodes in order to prepare a potential profile. essentially uniform current density where the equipo-
It has been shown that in homogeneous ground, such tential lines are being mapped, there is buried a mass
a profile exhibits very rapid changes in potentia] within of material which is more conducting than the sur..
a distance from each stake equal to about one-tenth of rounding material. We can understand better what
the distance between the electrode<s; in the remaining happens in this example if we assume that the foreign
broad central region, the potential is comparatively body is perfectly conducting. The ourrent lines tend
smaH and its slope is very gentle (see fig. 5). to concentrate through the buried body, which is raised
to some constant potential throughout. In the vicinity we consider first the electric field that would be expected
of the foreign body all equipotential surfaces except with the given configuration in homogeneous ground.
one pass around the body and are more closely spaced We note that, even for a given current and in spite of
than normal in the adjacent country rock where the the homogeneous ground, the quantity we wish to meas-
current enters and leaves the body. In other regions, ure varies greatly from one part of the field to another.
where current lines are nearly parallel to the boundaries This quantity may be either potential gradient or the
of the body, the equipotential lines are more sparsely potential itself measured with respect to the potential
disposed than normal. In regions far from the foreign at son1e fixed point. So we proceed to derive a 1nathe-
body, the disturbance diminishes and becomes negligible. n1atical expression for this quantity-potential or po-
If the foreign body is a better conductor than the tential gradient-in terms of the current, the actual
country rock but is not perfectly conducting, the same resistivity of the assumed uniform medium, and the
generalizations apply except that there is some poten- geometry of the electrode configuration. Then we solve
tial drop through the body. If the foreign body is less this equation for the resistivity in terms of the poten-
conducting than the country rock, a similar set of rules tial or potential gradient, the applied current, and the
are established, based on the fact that current is di- interelectrode distances. This particular combination
rected away from the disturbing body. It is found, of these quantities then becomes the desired index-
however, that for the same geometry and the same apparent resistivity-when the measurements are made
resistivity contrast there is a greater anomaly percent- over heterogeneous ground. The apparent resistivity
agewise where the foreign body is more conducting is, therefore, a function not only of the region in which
than the country rock than where it is more insulating. the measurements are made but also of the geometry
The interpretation of equipotential maps and poten- of the electrode configuration used.
tial profiles is largely empirical. Successful interpreta- The most important part of this definition is the
tion depends upon a sound knowledge of potential fields adjective "apparent." The apparent resistivity usually
and previous experience on the part of the interpreter, falls within the range of true resistivities of the materials
as well as upon a careful consideration of the general within the ground over which measurements are made.
geological features of the area being studied. Due to anomalpus "pseudofocusing" effects, however,
The disposition of the equipotential lines is much less the apparent resistivity sometimes rises above or falls
sensitive to disturbances due to foreign bodies in the below the true resistivities of all of the materials present.
earth than is the potential gradient. Therefore, the This effect can readiiy be seen in many of the albums of
potential profile enjoys one advantage over the equi- theoretical apparent-resistivity curves to be presented
potential map in that changes in the potential gradi- later.
ent-that is, changes in slope of the potential profile In order to illustrate the above abstract discussion,
curve-are more evident on the potential profile than we refer to figure 9 in which a generalized configuration
on the equipotential map._ Since the gradient-or the of electrodes is shown. We assume that the ground is
potential difference, which are related to the gradient- homogeneous with a true resistivity of p ohm-meters
is the principal ingredient in the measurement of ap- and that a potential difference of V volts exists between
parent resistivity, the resistivity techniques are in gen- the potential electrodes P1 and P2 when I amperes
eral superior to the simple potential studies discussed flow between the current electrodes 01 and 02. The
above. Only in a few special mining problems are the interelectrode distances are as shown in the diagram
potential techniques superior because of the greater and are expressed in meters. V is readily calculated
speed which they offer.

In any prospecting method it is useful and sometimes

imperative that some index be devised to describe the
data taken. The most important characteristic of such
an index is that it should normalize the data and thus
facilitate the comparison of data which may have been
taken in widely separated areas and under a wide va-
riety of conditions. The index most commonly used
in electrical prospecting is called "apparent resistivity."
. The basic principle of defining an apparent resistivity
FIGURE 9.-A general con.'iguration of electrodes. Plan view, with all electrodes at
1s as follows. For any given arrangement of electrodes, the surface of the earth.

by means of equation 2. The technique is to calculate If the same current I is passed between P 1 and P 2
the potential at pl due to both 01 and 02 taken sep- (fig. 9), the potential difference between 01 and 02 is
arately, and then to add these two potentials to get the identical to that previously obtained between P 1 and P 2 •
total. The same process is applied at P 2 • The desired Hence, the apparent resistivity is unchanged by this
potential difference is then obtained by subtracting the interchange of electrodes. Strange as the above state-
second value from the first. This procedure is known ment may seem at first, this "principle of reciprocity"
as the "method of superposition" and will be used in can be proven rigorously for any electrode configuration,
all the more complex numerical cases which follow. even when the ground is heterogeneous. The only
Remembering that the current at 0 2 is negative, we necessary assumption is that Ohm's law in its three-
have: dimensional form applies to the flow of current in the
1 earth. 2 Not only is the principle very useful in simplifying
V= PF(R's) (12)
211" ' computations of theoretical-resistivity data, but it also
where F(R's) is a simple function of the interelectrode can serve a useful purpose in planning a resistivity
distances. This function was designated the "form survey. To show the solid theoretical foundation of
factor" by Roman (1951, p. 174). the theorem of reciprocity, as well as its possible limita-
Whet~er the earth is homogeneous or heterogeneous, tions in electrical field work, we summarize briefly
we are still able to make a measurement of the potential Wenner's analysis of this important topic.
difference. Moreover, V, I, and the R's may always be Wenner (1912, p. 563) stated the theorem of reci-
related in this manner if some constant which has the procity as follows:
. '
dimensions of resistivity, is introduced where p appears In any conductor or system of conductors having four terminals
in equation 12. As this new constant or index for in- 1, 2, 3, and 4 selected in any way, the drop in potential from 1
homogeneous earth is not related in a simple manner to 2 caused by a current entering at 3 and leaving at 4 is equal
to the drop in potential from 3 to 4 caused by an equal current
to the actual resistivities present, but has the dimensions entering at 1 and leaving at 2.
of resistivity, we choose to call it the apparent re-
sistivity. Therefore, solving equation 12 for p and In 1847 Kirchoff had given this theorem for a network
appending the subscript "a" to denote its new "ap- of linear conductors. In 1853 Helmholtz had developed
parent" character, we get for the apparent resistivity: the theorem theoretically for an isotropic and homo-
geneous nonlinear conductor. Helmholtz had also
Pa=211"f/ F(R's). (13)
considered the case of a conductor having two parts of
different conductivities, and had tested the relation
This is one of the fundamental equations of resistivity experimentally on a carbon cylinder 3.5 inches long
prospecting. For several different configurations in and 2 inches in diameter; in this work electrical connec-
which potential differences V are measured in the field, tions were made by means of four small quantities of
equations of this form are used to compute the apparent mercury held in place by paper rings, and the currents
resistivity, even though it is realized that the ground compared by reading the deflections of a galvanometer.
being surveyed is heterogeneous. The observed field Rosen (1887) extended the proof of this theorem to in-
curve is then compared with theoretical-resistivitv clude the case of nonhomogeneous and nonisotropic
curves derived from this same type of equation. ~ conductors. Searle (1911) gave two proofs of the
Because the potential difference Vis merely the line theorem, one by Hea viside and one by Bromrich, both
integral of the potential gradient from one electrode to of which are somewhat similar to that given by Rosen
the other, the apparent resistivity Pa is in a sense a (Wenner, 1912, p. 564). Wenner (1912) extended the
function of the average gradient between the potential theorem to the case of an alternating current in both
electrodes. Because this averaging process tends to isotropic and nonisotropic conductors. He en1phasized,
subdue the anomalous values of the gradient that indi- however, that the theorem of reciprocity has limitations:
cate abnormal geologic conditions, the best configura- (1) the theorem assumes that the conductor is free from
tion is the one with the shortest distance between po- sources of current, such as thermoelectromotive forces,
tential electrodes, other things being equal. This the Hall, and similar effects; (2) it assumes that in the
point will be illustrated below in the descriptions of the conductor
common electrode configurations. This particular ad- there are at least three axes in each element of volume along
vantage of the shortest distance between potential which the current flows parallel to the potential gradient, and
electrodes must be compromised with the disadvantage 2 Some workers (Lee, 1939b) have suggested that under certain circumstances the
arising from the fact that the smaller the potential flow of current in the ground is nonlinear and does not obey Ohm's law. If they are
measuring base, the smaller and more difficult to correct, the principle or reciprocity would not hold under the same circumstances.
We suggest that one direct test of the nonlinearity theory would be to test rigorously
measure is the potential difference. the principle of reciprocity under a great variety of geologic conditions.
either that these three axes are mutually perpendicular, or the in place. He proposed the use of four electrodes, spaced
conductivities to current along each of the three axes are equal, along a line and with equal interelectrode distances
or the conductivities to current along each of the two axes (fig. lOA). Current is passed into the earth through
are equal and these two axes are both perpendicular to the third;
the two outer electrodes, designated cl and 02, and the
(3) in order that the theorem be applicable for alter- potential difference is measured between the two inner
nating current, the total mutual inductance between the electrodes, designated P 1 and P2. Throughout this
two circuits must be taken into consideration; and (4) study, we use the convention of letting the subscript
the effect of electrostatic capacity has not been considered. "1" indicate the easternmost (or northernmost) elec-
Even to this day, these serious limitations of the trode of n given pair, where geographical positions are
theorem of reciprocity have apparently not been more involved. This convention has long been used in the
clearly stated than by Wenner in 1912; and, indeed, field by the U.S. Geological Survey and others.
his warning has often gone unheeded when adapting The electrode separation-the distance between
the theorem to actual field conditions, where the as- adjacent electrode.s-is designated "a" meters. There-
sumptions for its validity often do not hold. fore the interelectrode distances are Rn =R22=a and
R 21 =Rl';,=2a (figs. 9 and lOA). Substituting these
values into equation 13 leads at once to the conclusion
With his background of measurements of the resi-
that the apparent resistivity for the Wenner con-
~ tivity of blocks of metal with
the four-electrode method,
Wenner (1915) was the first to establish a system for figuration is
the measurement of the resistivity of earth materials
v (14)
Pa=27ra T'

A, Wenner configuration An electrode system used widely in the U.S. Geo-

C2 P2
SURFACE logical Survey is the Lee "partitioning" configurat~on
a (fig. lOB). It differs from the Wenner configuratwn
in that a third potential electrode Po is placed at the
center of the configuration. Potential differences are
8, Lee configuration
measured between the pairs P1- Po (that is, Vto) and
P 0 -P2 (that is, V02 ). Apparent resistivities are then
derived on the basis of these potential differences, as
was done in the case of the Wenner configuration.
They are
P1=41ray an d (15)
C, Asymmetrical Wenner configuration
p2 pl c
Thus p 1 is the .apparent resistivity on the right-hand
side of the partitioning plane-which is an imaginary
vertical plane perpendicular to the line electrodes at
P 0-and p2 is the apparent resistivity on the left-hand
D, Asymmetrical Lee configuration side of this plane.

SURFACE The reciprocity theorem is applied to the Wenner
configuration by passing current through the two inr:er
electrodes, at the same time measuring the potentml
difference between the two outer electrodes. If the
reciprocity theorem is applied to the Lee configuration,
£, Schlumberger conftguratton
all three central electrodes must be made current elec-
A . .
M N 8
trodes and they must be used in pairs corresponding to
l==l the potential-electrode pairs n1entioned above; the
potential difference would always be measured between
the two outer electrodes.
F, Logn configuratton ln general, the Lee configuration holds a distinct
SURFACE 'f advantage over the Wenner configuration. In particu-
lar, for detailed surveys over areas of special interest,
the Lee configuration offers greater anomalies and clos~r
FIGURE 10.-Various electroae confitmrations to be studied in this work. definition of geologic boundaries. The reason for th1s

superiority lies in the fact that with the Lee configura- In the discussion of equipotential lines and maps we
tion the potential difference is measured between two stated that changes in the gradient are much easier to
points which are only half as far apart as are the cor- recognize and to interpret than anomalies in the
responding points in the Wenner configuration. The potential itself. At least two currently used electrode
principle involved was discussed in the paragraph configurations take advantage of this fact: the Schlum-
immediately following equation 13. berger configuration, and the "one-electrode configura-
In order to reduce to a minimum the amount of work tion" (Logn, 1954), which we here designate the Logn
required in a field survey, let us inquire whether it is configuration.
possible, in getting sufficiently large anomalies, to The Schlumberger electrode configuration (Chastenet
leave one of the current electrodes fixed at some point de Gery and Kunetz, 1956; Compagnie Generale de
far removed from the other electrodes. Several asym- Geophysique, 1955) consists of two current electrodes,
metrical configurations of this sort have been proposed A and B, and two potential electrodes, M and N, all
but, since the principles involved arc the samt in all along a st.raight line (fig. 10E). The potential elec-
such cases, we will discuss only two. These particular trodes are placed symmetrically about the midpoint
configurations are chosen for study because theoretical between A and B and are kept sufficiently close
resistivity curves can be readily constructed for them together so that the electric field E between them can
from data already computed for the electrode configura- be considered constant. In practice, the separation
tions described above. between the potential electrodes M and N is always
If we remove 0 2 to infinity in the Wenner configura- less than one-fifth the separation between the current
tion, we get what we shall call the asymmetrical electrodes A and B, and is usually kept less than
Wenner configuration (fig. 100). Other authors have one-tenth this separation. In computing the apparent
referred to this system as the "unsymmetrical method" resistivities from field measurements, the exact relative
(Jakosky, 1950, p. 518) and the "double equidistant locations of the four electrodes is taken into account.
probe method" (Heiland, 1940, p. 710). In this case, The formula used for the apparent resistivity is
the interelectrode distances are R 11 =a, R 12 =2a, and
R21 =R22 = oo. Therefore, the apparent resistivity is
given by:
where ~ V is the potential difference between the
potential electrodes, and the geometrical term is
The second asymmetrical configuration is similar to
the first and is obtained by removing 0 2 to infinity in
the Lee configuration. We shall call this arrangement
the asymmetrical Lee configuration (fig. 10D). Refer-
ence to this sort of arrangement has been made in the Because of symmetry, it is readily shown that
literature in connection with the potential-drop-ratio
method (Heiland, 1940, p. 747) to be discussed later. K==,

For this configuration p 1 and p2 are represented by MN

different expressions:
where l is the distance from the midpoint of the
configuration to either current electrode A or B. Thus
the apparent resistivity is
In the theoretical work to follow in this paper, both
of these asymmetrical configurations are studied to (16)
determine their relationships to the corresponding
symmetrical configurations-that is, to study the effect
of the second current electrode. One effect of the ln order to construct theoretical curves for the
second current electrode can be observed by studying Schlumberger configuration, the apparent resistivity
figure 5: for the same power expenditure or for the is computed from the electric field E existing mid-
same current strength used, the measured potential way between the two current electrodes. Because
differences in the region between the two electrodes are E~~ VjMN approximately and is exactly the magnitude
much greater (about double) when two current elec- of the electric intensity-that is, the component of the
trodes are included in the configuration than when gradient along the line of electrodes-at this midpoint
only one is used. The larger these potential differences when MN becomes infinitesimally small, another
are, the easier it is to measure them accurately. appropriate equation for the apparent resistivity,

which is obtained by making this substitution in gradient. The potential difference ~ V is measured
equation 16, is between two potential electrodes that are moved with
constant electrode separation along lines passing
through the single current electrode. The distance
between the potential electrodes is assumed to be small
In order to obtain comparable data in the field, the in comparison with the distance from them to the
potential electrodes would need to be infinitesimally single fixed current electrode. The second current
close together. Discrepancies, arising from the fact electrode is placed effectively at infinity, and, therefore,
that the actual distance MN is not infinitesimally has no effect on ~ V.
small, usually do not exceed 2 or 3 percent, provided The expression for the apparent resistivity as
MN does not exceed 2l/5 in accordance with the field measured with the Logn configuration is easily obtained
techniques adopted by the Schlumberger organization by doubling the corresponding expression for the
in using this configuration. Schlumberger configuration, to get
The only vertical profiling field technique described
in the literature to date for the Schlumberger configura-
tion of electrodes is an expanding-type technique in
which either the distance between the current electrodes where a is the distance between the potential electrodes.
or that between the potential electrodes is increaseu;
but only a single set of electrodes is increased between
successive measurements. This technique is in marked Any of the above configurations can be used in one
contrast with the regular vertical profiling technique of two techniques, which are called horizontal pro-
with the Wenner or Lee configuration, in which both filing and vertical profiling. In horizontal profiling the
the potential and current electrodes are usually moved electrode separation is maintained at some constant
simultaneously, except in difficult areas. For the value and the whole configuration is moved along a
Schlumberger configuration, potential electrodes are traverse with readings being taken usually at regular
moved only once out of every four or five changes of intervals. A large part of the theoretical data to be
the current electrodes. Thus, for the five or f:>ix presented later will be devoted to the results obtained
different values of AB in the interval fron1 100 to 800 in horizontal profiles over various types of geologic
meters, MN would have the fixed value of about 20 structures.
meters. In the following interval for AB up to 4,000 In vertical profiling, thP center of the electrode con-
meters, MN would have a fixed value of about 100 figuration is fixed, and rneasurements are made for
meters. Both values of MN are usually used for sorne successively larger values of the electrode separation.
readings in the transition from one interval to the next. Because a greater portion of the current penetrates
The principal advantage in the Schlumberger tech- deeper when the electrodes are moved farther apart, it
nique is that the influence of local inhomogeneities is reasoned that the data also give more information
close to the potential electrodes can be clearly located about deeper geological conditions. A large number of
on the apparent-resistivity curves. These effects are papers have been published on how to determine the
shown by the differences between the results obtained depth to horizontal beds by this n1ethod; some of these
with the same AB and different MN's. On the other papers are reviewed in a later section. In addition,
hand, these local heterogeneities do not appreciably the effects of such structural features as dipping beds
alter the shape of those arcs of the resistivity curves and vertical faults on vertical profiles are given in
which have been obtained with a given J.11N; they only this paper.
displace the arcs as whole units. This fact often The above two techniques result in a series of graphs.
allows one to make a correction and to trace the dia- In horizontal profilinp- the apparent resistivity is
gram which would have been obtained in a laterallv- plotted as a function of the position of the electrode
homogeneous earth. The Schlumberger configuratio;1 configuration on the ground. Usually, the position
apparently sacrifices accuracy, which comes from of a given measurement, designated the "station," is
measuring larger potential differences, for good defini- taken as the point midway between the two potential
tion, which comes from measuring potential differences electrodes. For the Lee configuration, this rule leads
between closely spaced potential electrodes. to a peculiarity because the position in the field, or
The Logn (1954) configuration, or "one-electrode station, is norrnally recorded as the point Po midway
configuration" (fig. 10F), which is the asymmetrical between the current electrodes. The plotted values of
form of the Schlumberger configuration, also takes Pt and P2 are, therefore, offset from the recorded position
advantage of the principle of measuring changes in of the station by a distance of a/4 to the east and west,

respectively, of P 0 for a traverse bearing east or by the trades is moved up the hole. To alleviate induction
same distance to the north and south, respectively, for effects in the measuring circuit, the reference potential
a traverse bearing north. This method is designated electrode N is also placed in the hole but at a distance
the "offset method" of plotting horizontal profiles AN that is sufficiently greater than the distance AM,
taken with the Lee configuration. In vertical profiling so that the effect of potential changes at N can be
the apparent resistivity is plotted against electrode neglected. The second current electrode B is effectively
separation, and there are no special difficulties. at infinity. If tne resistivity of the drilling mud is
Yet a third representation of electrical prospecting neglected, the apparent resistivity based on this con-
data is found in the equiresistivity map, which is very figuration is
useful as a reconnaissance tool. The resistivity is
recorded on a map at each position where data are -v (17)
taken in horizontal profiling with some given electrode
separation. The map is then contoured with lines
along which the resistivity is a eonstant. The con- where V is the potential difference between M and N
tour interval is chosen to fit the prevailing conditions. and I is the current flowing between A and B. The
Although this map forms a very effeetive picture of relationship of this configuration to simple potential
the progress of a survey if it is kept current, it has one mapping about a point electrode is obvious. If such
failing of which the inexperienced interpreter must be an electrode configuration were used on the earth's
warned. The apparent resistivity varies according to surface, the apparent resistivity defined on the basis of
the orientation of the line of electrodes and thus the equation 2, is given by
fact that the data were taken along a series of parallel
traverses tends to flavor the resulting map. Anom-
alies are abnormally elongated in the direction in which
the traverses Rre run; and, multiple anomalies occur
The difference between this expression and that given
even though their cause is one geologic feature only.
in equation 17 lies only in an additional factor of two,
WELL LOGGING which appears in this equation. The reason for the
In electrical well logging, two standard electrode difference is that the current I flowing outward from
configurations are used. The first is the "normal con- the current electrode in the hole flows throughout all
figuration" (fig. 11 ), in which we essentially measure space; whereas in surface prospecting the current I
the potential at point M located a fixed distance AM from the surface current electrode is restricted to a
from a single current electrode A as the pair of elec- semispace, thus doubling the resulting potential differ-
ence V.
In the AMN lateral configuration (fig. 11 ), the two
paten tial electrodes &f and N are placed close together
v and at a relatively great distance from the current
electrode A. The second current electrode B is placed
SURFACE B SURFACE B at the earth's surface as it was in the normal configura-
tion. This configuration with fixed electrode spacing
is moved up the hole as readings are taken. The
N apparent resistivity is given by the expression.

(AM)(AN) v (18)
Pa= 4 1r (MN) ["

A Either of the asymmetrical configurations described

I above for surface resistivity work is comparable in
principle to the lateral configuration used in well-logging
work, and the equations for the apparent resistivity of
M M the former can be derived by substituting the appro-
priate interelectrode distances into equation 18 and
A N replacing the factor of "four," by "two," as discussed
Normal configuration Lateral configuration above. Moreover, the same remarks apply to Logn's
FIGURE H.-Standard well-logging configurations, using notation of Schlumberger
one-electrode configuration if the distance MN is small
and others (1932). enough so that AM and AN can be considered equal.

Therefore, it can be said that the AMN lateral device and, because it has the dimensions of resistivity, it has
essentially measures a gradient. units of ohm-meters, as used in this paper (Kelly,
In review, we note that the only essential difference 1932a). The corresponding index in the PDR method
between electrical well logging and surface electrical is the ratio between two potential differences, and is
prospecting lies in the restriction of the current to a therefore dimensionless. The electrode arrangement
semispace in surface prospecting. It follows then normall:v used in PDR rneasuren1ents is shown in figure
that much of the theoretical development to be pre- 12A. Three potential electrodes are spaced at equal
sented herein for electrical prospecting will be applicable
to problems encountered in electrieal well logging, if p2 Po pl

~ ~
the borehole and invaded-zone effects are neglected. a~
Conversely, the many excellent papers which have
already been published in the field of well logging, if
they do not take into account the effects of the borehole, A
can be adapted to the use of certain electrode configu-
rations in electrical prospecting. The most common
problem encountered in well logging is that of hori- c2 C{ c1 p2 pl

zontal beds which are cut perpendicularly. These i==d )l< c a )l( b---+1
conespond to outcropping vertical beds, vertical faults,
or vertical dikes in surface prospecting. Another region
of correspondence lies in regularly shaped bodies which
may be penetrated by boreholes. The corresponding FIGURE 12.-Electrode configurations. (A), Configuration commonly used in pot en·
tial-drop-ratio measurements. (B), Configuration for the R<>,sistolog method.
situation in surface electrical prospecting would be
filled sinks which have the same regular shapes. Dip-
intervals along a line passing through a single current
ping beds in well logging cannot be compared with
similarly dipping beds that crop out at the surface. electrode. The electrode spacing between the potential
electrodes is designated a and the distance from the
POTENTIAL-DROP-RATIO METHOD central potential electrode to the current electrode is
designated r. The second current electrode is placed
Although we are concerned here principally with effectively at infinity, usually along a line perpendicular
resistivity interpretation, our treatment will be extended
to the line of the other electrodes.
in some cases to potential-drop-ratio methods for two In PDR surveying the potential differences Vto and
reasons. First, we desire to show how the basic V 02 are n1easured anrl their ratio taken. If the ground
mathematics that was originally intended for resistivity is perfectly homogeneous, the potential differences are
studies can be used to equal advantage in potential-
calculated by rneans of equation 12. We find that
drop-ratio studies. Secondly, we will prove theoreti-
cally what other workers have known intuitively or V /pa lpa
have shown experimentally-narnely, that for sorne lo 2?rr(r-a) and Vo2=21rr(r+a).
problems potential-drop-ratio methods, by giving
sharper anomalies, have the same advantages over Therefore, their ratio for homogeneous ground is
resistivity methods that the latter have over potential-
mapping methods. r+a
V10/Vo2= - .
Under the subject of potential-drop-ratio rnethods, r-a
we will discuss three separate types. The first is the
method which was called the potential-drop-ratio In order to normalize the PDR data, in practice the
(PDR) method by its originators, Lundberg and actual potential ratios are usun1ly n1ultiplied by the
Zuschlag (1 931); the second is the Resistolog method; normalizing factor (r-a)/(r+a), which is always less
and the third is a technique of using ratios of apparent than one and gradually approaches one as r becomes
resistivities. It will be shown that all these techniques large in comparison with the spacing a. Thus the
are the sante in principle and that no single one has an PDR index for homogeneous ground is unity. In
advantage over the others except, perhaps, in the ease practice, it is unusual actually to measure the potential
with which it is applied. Finally, we mention briefly differences and then take the ratio. Instead, a spe-
the possibility of taking successive differences rather cially calibrated bridge circuit is used to indicate the
than successive ratios. ratio directly when the bridge is balanced. Either
In resistivity methods the convenient index used as direct current or low-frequency alternating current can
a diagnostic parameter is called apparent resistivity; be used. One specially designed bridge of this sort is

called Racom (Lundberg and Zuschlag, 1931). The prospector to explore at greater depths than is possible
values of the measured ratio must then be multiplied with other techniques.
by the normalizing factor to obtain the PDR index The Resistolog n1ethod is in principle a potential-
value. drop-ratio method and has no rnore potentialities
In the PDR method, either a constant-spacing or an than the PDR or other such methods. In order to
expanding-electrode system is used. In either system show this relationship between the Resistolog and PDR
the current electrode 0 (fig. 12A) is usually kept fixed methods, let us apply the reciprocity theorem to the
and the potential electrodes nwved by prescribed Resistolog method as proposed by its authors. To do
amounts during a series of rneasurements. In the this, we always pass current through electrodes PI and
constant-spacing technique, the separation a between P 2 , measure the potential differences successively be-
the three potential electrodes is kept constant as they tween the electrode pairs OI 0 2 and 0{0;11 calculate the
are all moved together, thus varying r only. In this corresponding apparent resistivities, and take the ratio
case the normalizing factor (r-a)j(r+a) is usually of the first apparent resistivity to the second. This
different for each new setting of the potential electrodes. final ratio would of course be equal to the ratio obtained
In the expanding-electrodes system, measurements with the regular Resistolog technique.
are taken at increasing electrode spacings with the The Resistolog method differs fron1 the PDR method
ratio ajr kept fixed. For convenience, r is made equal in two rnajor respects. First, in the PDR method, the
to 3a so that the normalizing factor (r-a)j(r+a) is potential measurements are usually n1ade essentially
equal to 1/2. This normalizing factor gives a PDR index within the potential field of one current electrode only
of unity for homogeneous ground, as before. This (Koenigs berger, 1930b, used two current electrodes),
electrode configuration for the expanding-electrode the second electrode being situated effectively at
systen1 is consequently identical to the asymmetrical infinity; whereas in the Resistolog method-even in its
Lee configuration discussed earlier as one of the con- original form, shown in figure 12B-the effect of the
figurations in resistivity methods. second current electrode must always be taken into
The constant-spacing and expanding-electrode tech- account. Because the potential n1easurements
niques in the PDR method are somewhat analogous to always made outside the current base, the presence of
horizontal and vertical profiling techniques, respec- the second current electrode produces the undesirable
tively, in the resistivity rnethod. It should be empha- effect of reducing th~ potential differences that are
sized, however, that the results obtained with the PDR measured. It is, therefore, reasonable to suspect that
and resistivity methods as ordinarily used are quite a more detailed study would indica.te that the sensi-
different, except for certain particular configuration tivity of the system is similarly reduced in comparison
and geologic situations, and that the aoalogy is gener- with the PDR method.
ally more apparent than real. The second difference is more easily recognized in the
The electrode configuration for the Resistolog method, reciprocal version of the system-that is, after the
invented by West and Beacham (I 944), comprises three reciprocity theorem is applied to figure 12B as discussed
culTent electrodes and two potential electrodes (fig. above. The PDR n1ethod compares potential differ-
l2B). Current is first passed through CI and 0 2 , the enCE'S over successive ser--ments of the traverse; whereas
potential difference is measured bet·ween PI and P 2 , the Resistolog method effectively compares potential
and a corresponding apparent resistivity is computed. differences over two segments of the traverse, one of
The same procedure is repeated when current is passed which completely includes the second but is not n1uch
through C~ and Oz, and the ratio of the first apparent different. It follows, therefore, that one can expect
resistivity to the second is computed. Taking the anomalies from the Resistolog n1ethod to be smaller
ratio of successive resistivities has the same effect as the than anomalies from the PDR rnethod. This second
normalizing factor used in the PDR method, in that difference is actually related to the first difference and,
if 0 2 were removed to infinity, the disadvantage of the
the ratio is unity for homogeneous ground. Because
Resistolog method relative to the PDR method would
West and Beacham wer~ interested in depth determi-
be reduced to a minimum.
nations for nearly horizontal bedding only, their The authors of the Resistolog method have claimed
surveying technique consisted only of taking sets of that their method eliminates the effect of near-surface
measurements at increasing values of a. Thus, their inhomogeneities in the vicinity of the potential elec-
technique is somewhat analogous to vertical profiling trodes P 1 and P 2 • Assuming that this claim is true,
techniques in the resistivity rnethod. The authors as seems reasonable, there remains for consideration
claim that their Resistolog method tends to cancel the the effects of the similar inhomogeneities in the vicinity
effect of near-surface inhomogeneities and enables the of the current electrodes OI and 0~. Although such
inhomogeneities near the current electrodes certainly the ratio of apparent resistivities over the same ground.
would not he eliminated, their effects would be subdued Whereas the values of p2 and p 1 often vary widely at a
in a Resistolog profile, since the current electrodes are given station, the value of p 2 for one station usually
not moved while the data for a single profile are taken. approximates closely the value of PI for the previous
The third separate technique included for cornparison station-assuming, as before, that the configuration is
under the topic of the potential-drop-ratio method is being moved from west to east-, even when tbc ap-
an adaptation of the regular Lee configuration, and the parent resistivity is varying rapidly from point to
results comparable to those obtained by the PDR point along the traverse. Thus, the resistivity ratios
method. In particular, the technique consists of taking over adjacent ground are more valuable in prospecting
the ratios of the two Lee apparent resistivities "over than those over the same ground.
adjacent ground," the ratio of the two Lee apparent In order to give equal emphasis to ratios greater
resistivities "over the san1e ground," and the corre- than 1 and to ratios less than 1, it is advisable to plot
sponding differences in apparent resistivities. The resistivity ratios or potential-drop ratios on logarithmic
technique was suggested by Lee and Hemberger (1946) scales. For horizontal profiles the distance along the
to enhance the fault-detection properties of the Lee ground is best plotted on a linear scaJe, but on vertical
configuration when the horizontal-profiling technique profiles it is sometimes advantageous to plot the elec-
is used. trode separation on logarithmic scales also.
Lee and Hemberger (1946) designate as the "ratio of Lee and Hem berger (1946) also suggested the possi-
apparent resistivities over adjacent ground" the ratio bility of using the differences between Pt and P2 for the
p2 to PI as these two quantities are n1easured at any Lee configuration when horizontal profiling is used.
given station. As previously noted for the asymmet- The differences are usually found to be about Rs helpful
rical Lee configuration, it is easily seen that the Lee- as resistivity ratios over adjacent ground. A compari-
Hemberger technique of plotting the regular Lee son of the two n1ethods in specific examples will be
apparent-resistivity data leads to a technique which, made the subject of a later section. With the ordinary
with one exception, is identical with the expanding- PDR configurations, the use of differences between
electrode technique of the PDR method, if the vertical- potential drops would be more difficult to normalize
profiling technique with the regular Lee partitioning and will not be considered.
method is used. With the Lee configuration, the second
current electrode tends to double the measured poten- CALCULATION OF THEORETICAL-
tial difference and thus facilitate accurate measure-
ments. The. question of whether the second current We will now outline the general considerations in
electrode also leads to more diagnostic data will be solving problems in electrical prospecting and caleu-
mads the subject of a later section. When the Lee- lating theoretieal-resistivity curves. The exact solution
Hemberger plotting is used, the horizontal-profiling of sueh problems requires the use of three-dimensional
technique with the regular Lee configuration is com- considerations.
parable in minor respects with the constant-spacing In addition to the direct procedure used in this
technique of the PDR method; yet the methods are treatise to solve general problen1s in electricRl pros-
different in major respects because of both the presence peeting, any other standard means of solvin~ dif-
of the second current electrode for the Lee configura- ferential equations are also aeceptable. Transform
tion and the variable distances of r for the constant- theory, for example, forms a powerful tool for the solu-
spacing PDR technique. tion of differential equations; and, although we do not
When the regular Lee configuration is used in hori- use transform theory in this paper, it has been used by
zontal profiling, the interval between adjacent stations many authors to solve problems in electrical prospect-
along a traverse is usually a/2, where a is the electrode ing. For example, Slichter (1934) used Bessel trans-
separation. If the configuration is being moved from forms in the study of horizontal bedding, and Skal'skaya
west to east along the traverse, the positions of P 2 and (1948) used a special Fourier-Bessel transform to solve
Po at a given station are identical with the positions of the general problem of dippin!_! beds.
Po and PIJ respectively, at the previous station. For The calculation of exact theoretical resistivity curves
this case, Lee and Hemberger designate as the "ratio is extremely complex for most regularly shaped bodies
of apparent resistivities over the same ground" the and almost impossible for irregularly shaped bodies.
ratio of p 2 for a given station to PI for the previous There is, therefore, a great need for the development of
station. methods of approximation that will yield helpful-
The ratio of apparent resrstrvrtres over adjacent though not necessarily exact-solutions of resistivity
ground yields a much more pronounced anomaly than problems.

There are many ways in which an exact solution can in space is influenced by two or more sources, the total
be approximated. Actually, whenever we assume potential at that point can be computed by algebraic
that a geologic body has a regular geometric form, addition of the separate potentials due to each of the
we have already made an approximation. A cruder sources considered as though each one were acting
approximation is the assumption that the body has a alone. Since a sink is no more than a negative source,
shape even simpler than the nearest shape which is the above reference to "sources" may also be inter-
amenable to an exact solution; for example, to choose a preted to mean "sinks" or "combinations of sinks
sphere instead of a spheroid. The most obvious and and sources."
commonly used approximation is to consider a very After we compute the total potential at each of the
resistant body to have infinite resistivity or a very potential electrodes due to all the current electrodes
conducting body to have zero resistivity. The ad- in a given configuration, we then can easily find the
vantage of these assumptions is that the problems are potential differences that are necessary for the compu-
usually easier to solve when one of the materials is tation of the apparent resistivity. The same reason ..
either perfectly conducting or perfectly insulating. ing applies to calculate potential-drop ratios or
Another form of approximation is the use of an image other quantities used in direct-current methods of
solution for a problem in which such a solution is not prospecting.
exactly applicable. See pages 51 to 62 for image solu- A second general and useful principle is that of
tions for problems in which the solutions are exact in reciprocity. If we compute the potential at point A
some cases and approximate in others, and pages 48 to due to a current source at point B, we obtain the same
50 and page 55 for outlines of logarithmic potential, solution that we would obtain if we were to compute
which can be used to advantage in approximating solu- the potential at point B due to a current source located
tions. Pages 50 to 51 present methods of plotting at point A. We have already shown the significance
theoretical-resistivity curves. of the reciprocity theorem when it is applied to specific
The presentation of the theorems and the mathe- electrode configurations. This theorem is general and
matics in this and later sections is designed to be descrip- is independent of the nature of the media surrounding,
tive and practical. Thus, extensive mathematical or between, the two points A and B. The main
development is kept to a minin1um, and proofs of equa- restriction is that the reciprocity theorem applies
tions used for starting points are included only wh~n only when the flow of current is according to linear
they serve to illustrate certain principles or when they differential equations such as Laplace's equation.
do not appear elsewhere in accessible literature. It has never been shown for certain that this restriction
has ever been violated in practical field problems and,
therefore, it is safe to apply the reciprocity theorem
In potential theory as applied to electrical prospecting, until its limitations are better defined for such field
we distinguish between two types of potential: New- problems.
tonian potential, in which the potential in a homo- This theorem is especially useful in facilitating
geneous medium varies inversely as the distance from the reduction of numerical computations. Moreover,
a point source causing the potential, and logarithmic theoretical expressions for potential functions should
potential, in whieh the potential varies logarithmically always be checked to ascertain that they have the
as the distanee from a line source causing the potential. properties required by the reciprocity theorem.
The logarithmic potential falls under the classification Except for the image theory used on pages 51 to 62
of two-dimensional problems and can be used with for special problems, only one standard procedure is
advantage in some problems as an approximation to used in the solution of the problems presented in this
three-dimensional problems; this is discussed on pages treatise. Any departure from this procedure is only
48 to 50 and page 55. The Newtonian potential, which apparent and is due to special properties of the functions
is used to solve an electrical prospeeting problem exactly concerned. In general, the development of the main
and may be classed as a truly three-dimensional mathematical discussion in this treatise is subdivided
problem, is discussed in the present section. according to the four steps outlined below.
The basic problem in the theory of electrical prospect- The first step in the solution of resistivity problems
ing is one of determining the values of the potential is to select the proper coordinate systen1. We must
in the vicinity of a single point source of current when be able to describe the existing boundaries in the
that source is in the vicinity of any one of a large variety idealized geologic situation in terms of the variables
of geologic discontinuities. The reduction of the chosen. Preferably, these boundaries should be
problem to this simplicity is made possible by the prin- described as surfaces over which one of the three
ciple of superposition. When the potential at a point variable coordinates remains constant. Also, the
surface of the earth must be similarly described. solution is to be applicable m a regiOn that
Since no current flows across it, the earth's surface is extends to infinity.
usually chosen as a plane of symmetry in the co- 3. The potential must be continuous at all points in
ordinate system used. Only when studying the effect space except at the current source. This property
of topographic features on an electrical survey do we applies equally well, and is especially important,
find it convenient to use surfaces other than planes at boundaries where there are discontinuities in
of symmetry to represent the earth's surface. A electrical properties.
description of the more useful coordinate systems is 4. The normal component of current density
given on pages 62 to 75. (1/p)oU/on, at the boundaries mentioned in
The second step in the solution of resistivity problems the previous condition, must be continuous across
is to establish the proper form of Laplace's equation the boundaries.
in the coordinate system which we prefer and to obtain 5. The solution must remain finite everywhere,
the solutions to the equation. From our assumption except at real sources and sinks. In other words,
that the flow of direct current depends on the resistance the solution must not introduce poles (infinite
of the earth, it can be shown that the potential satisfies values of the potential) in the electric field where
Laplace's equation. The forms of Laplace's equation poles do not physically exist. This difficulty is
in various coordinate systems and their general solutions usually a voided by discarding those parts of the
are given on pages 62 to 75. general solution which become indeterminate
The third step in the solution of resistivity problems either at infinity, where the potential should
consists of finding the necessary expansion of the recip- vanish, or in other parts of the field, where the
rocal distance from the point current source to the potential should remain finite.
point at which the potential is to be calculated. This It should be noted that the solution of a specific
expansion of the reciprocal distance, which is the problem involves any function which satisfies the
keystone of the present method, is carried out either governing differential equation and all boundary
in terms of an infinite series or an integral. In order conditions. One way of finding the solution is to
to apply the boundary conditions that govern the specialize the general solution, if that solution can be
special solution to any problem, this expansion must found, by dropping those terms which do not satisfy
contain the orthogonal functions that are chosen for the imposed conditions. Other methods may be
the general solution. The development of the neces- found for specific problems.
sary expansions is given on pages 75 to 82. Once the formal mathematical solution for a given
The fourth, and final, step in the solution of each problem has been found, the solution becomes the
problem involves adapting the general solution to the basis for arithmetic computations in order to 0btain
special requirements of the problem by application the data for useful graphs and charts. For each
of the boundary conditions. In each case, this step is station and for each electrode separation, it is necessary
shown in the section where the individual problem is to compute the potential U at each potential electrode
discussed. The five boundary conditions are enum- due to each current electrode. For this purpose, if the
erated below. current at n is I, the current at e2 is -I; allowance
1. As the point source is approached from any direc- must be made for the change in sign. All computa-
tion on the earth's surfnce, the potential must tional operations up to this point are conveniently
become infinite as lp/27rR, where I is the current organized into a work sheet, which is too bulky to
flowing into the ground, p is the true resistivity include here. Of course, if automatic computing
of the ground in which the electrode is placed, machines are used, the data are stored in a n1ore
and R is the distance from the electrode. This convenient form such as on tape or on cards. Finally,
property is most conveniently implen1ented by the computed potentials U are transferred to ~l n1aster
forming the solution as the sum of the above work sheet, such as the one shown in figure 13, from
term lpj21rR plus a correction term that is required which the apparent resistivities or other desired quanti-
to remain finite everywhere except at the current ties are computed. In the particular sample shown,
source. It is this property which necessitates the the sheet is used to compute the apparent resistivities
expansion of the reciprocal distant (1/R). for the Lee and Wenner configurations for a horizontal
2. At great distances from the source the potential profile over a filled sink shown in the upper part of
must vanish as 1/R. In most general solutions figure 13.
there is usually one term that becomes infinite In this table, x is the distance of P 0 from the center
as the argument becomes infinite. This property of the sink; r0 is the distance from the center of the
necessitates discarding such terms when the sink to either 0 1 or 0 2 , as the case may be; and r is

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Potentials due to C 2 Potentials due to C1 ~
0) N
::::::...--< :::::,.,0
-::;;:: Q) N Q) N
at p2 at Po at pl at p2 at Po at pl c II
Q) _j _j

X ro r u r u r u ro r u r u r u Vw Vo2 3: Q...
Q....--< Q...N

0 1.5 0.5 4.02 0 3.33 0.5 2.97 1.5 0.5 2.97 0 3.33 0.5 4.02 1.05 1.05 2.10 2.10 2.10

.I 1.4 .4 4.16 .I 3.47 .6 3.09 1.6 .4 2.85 .I 3.21 .6 3.89 1.06 1.05 2.11 2.12 2.10

.3 1.2 .2 4.52 .3 3.80 .8 3.40 1.8 .2 2.66 .3 3.01 .8 3.68 1.07 1.07 2.14 2.14 2.14


FIGURE 13.-Sample master computation sheet with an e}(planation of the symbols used.

the distance frmn the center of the sink to P 1 , P 0 , or twice V 02 • The apparent resistivity Pa (column 18)
Pz, as the case may be. The necessary potential as determined by the Wenner configuration is actually
differences are obtained by combining correctly the the average of these two, and is calculated most easily
appropriate potentials-remembering that the current by adding columns 16 and 17.
at Cz is negative. For example, V 10 is the potential LOGARITHMIC POTENTIAL
difference between P 1 and P 0 , and is found by adding
columns 6 and 15, and subtracting columns 8 and 13. Logarithmic potentials are applicable to the solution
Voz is obtained by adding columns 4 and 13, and
of two-din1ensional problems and are particularly
subtracting columns 6 and 11. useful as approximations to the exact solution of three-
dimensional problems. By using logarithmic poten-
When the potential differences have been computed,
tials, two-din1ensional problems are comparatively
equations 14 and 15 are applicable to compute the appar-
easy to solve by using a conformal transformation,
ent resistivities. As the current was chosen as I =27r
which is a powerful mathematical tool. At least one
and the electrode separation a as unity, the last step author has already published theoretical resistivity
is almost trivial. As is nearly always possible, these curves based on two-dimensional analysis with con-
quantities have been chosen such that for the right- formal transformations (Kiyono, 1950c). It is, there-
hand side of the Lee configuration, the apparent resis- fore, desirable to investigate the degree of approxi-
tivity Pt (column 19) is twice V 10 ; whereas, for the mation to a three-dimensional solution that can be
other side, the apparent resistivity p 2 (column 20) is expected from a two-dimensional solution.
The first step in the comparison is to examine how The degree of approximation afforded by a hor~zontal
the electric field due to an infinite-line current electrode resistivity profile based on logarithmic potential is
in an infinite medium differs from that due to a point indicated in the comp.trison of the corresponding
source in the san1e medium. For such a line source of curves for the Wenner configuration over a vertical fault
strength I amperes per meter length, an expression (fig. 14). The logarithrnic approximation in figure 14
for the potential due to this line source can be obtained
by the same technique as that used on pages 27 to 28 4.0
to obtain the potential due to a point source in a homo-
geneous medium for the three-dimensional problem.
We first construct a cylindrical shell whose axis 3.5

coincides with the line source of current. The radius
w Approx1mat1on based on / '
of the shell is r, and the thickness of the shell is dr. w loganthmic potential"j~
The whole current I must pass outward through the ~ 3 .0
shell. Therefore, by applying Ohm's law to the shell,

the potential drop across the shell rs grven by ~
~ 2.5
dU=(pdr)I. f-

21rr (f)
As in the three-dimensional problem, the potential ~ 2.0
at any point in space is obtained by integrating over
the region of radius r. The integration is n1ore compli-
cated in this problem, however, than in the three-
dinlensional problem because of the logarithm that
appears in the present integration. In the three-
dimensional problem, the potential is referred to a value
of zero at an infinite value of r. In the present problem,
-3 -2
- .. J

-- 1

0 2 3
an infinite potential is obtained if we integrate to an IN MULTIPLES OF ELECTRODE SEPARATION a
infinite value of radius r. Therefore, all potentinls
are referred to the potential at some arbitrary, finite, FIGURE 14.-Comparison of (A) a logarithmic approximation with (B) an exact
horizontal resistiyity profile made with the Wennt•r configuration over a vertical
value of r, which we designate r', and we then integrate fault.
from r' to r. The potential at a distance r from the
line source is then given by assumes that the potential electrodes are point elec-
trodes and that the current electrodes are infinite-line
Ip 1'
U=-ln -.
21r r
(19) electrodes lying on the earth's surface and oriented
parallel to the strike of the fault. The current strength
If the line electrode is placed on the surface of the is I amperes per rneter of length of the line electrode.
gro4rul, so that all the current is confined to a half- Curve A was computed from equations 26, page 54,
space, equation 19 becomes and curve B was computed frorn equations 27, page 55.
The important points of comparison are seen in figure
U=!!:_ In
'TC. (20) 14. First, the peaks and troughs occur at the same
positions on the traverse for both curves. This prop-
To understand how the logarithmic potential for erty is significant because usually the positions and
homogeneous ground differs from the ~ ewtonian character of the breaks in the curves are th3 most
potential, it is unnecessary to plot a graph of the diagnostic features that can be found in the observed
potential against r. A comparison of the equations field curves for comparison with thB theoretical curves.
for the two potentials show·s that the Newtonian po- Secondly, the anomalies are always in the same direction
tential is equal to one-half the slope (gradient) of the but less pronounced on the logarithmic curve. In
logarithmic potential. In the region of interest, the this particular problem, each of the apparent resistivi-
gradient of the K ewtonian potential is numerically ties can be eonsiclerecl to consist of the regional value
sn1allerthan the Newtonia! potential itself tlnd, therefore, (p', for example) plus a correction term; the correction
smaller than the gradient of the logarithmic potential. term for the three-dimensional problern is the derivative
Even with this information, however, the comparative of the two-dimensional problen1 with respect to x.
behavior of the apparent resistivity curves is difficult For many problems in prospecting with direct current
to predict. a logarithmic approximation is adequate qualitatively.

Logarithmic potentials can be used for this purpose, sistivity profiles logarithmic plotting for both the ap-
however, only when the traverse is in a vertical plane parent resistivity and the electrode separation is prefer-
of symmetry; and herein lies a serious limitation of the able. The great advantage of logarithmic plotting for
logarithmic approximation. Examples in which loga- vertical profiles is illustrated on pages 90 to 101.
rithmic potential can be used as an adequate approxi- For the plotting of horizontal resistivity profiles
mation include a traverse perpendicular to the strike linear scales are always used for the distances along the
of any body that is infinitely long in a horizontal direc- traverse and are usually used for the apparent re-
tion and a traverse passing through the center of a filled sistivity. Logarithmic scales are used for the apparent
hemispherical sink. resistfvity on horizontal profiles only when they are
needed to keep the amplitude of the graph under con-
trol in areas of great resistivity contrasts. A loga-
To be most useful, the theoretical data should be rithmic scale tends to subdue the very high resistivities
plotted in the same way as the field data. For data and accentuate the smaller changes.
taken with symmetrical configurations, there is no For the plotting of potential-drop ratios or similar
particular problem when only one quantity is to be quantities, logarithmic plotting is advantageous, even
plotted as a function of distance along a traverse. For for horizontal profiles. The reason lies in the fact that,
example, a given value of the apparent resistivity as for these quantities, the range of ratios from zero to one
measured with the Wenner configuration in horizontal is exactly as important as the range fr01n one to infinity.
profiling is plotted at the n1idpoint of the configuration This equivalence is not apparent on a linear scale but is
where the measurement is made. The same technique quite evident on a logarithmic scale.
is used with the Schlumberger and other similar sym- In most of the following work in this treatise, the
metrical configurations. theoretical curves are presented as continuous smooth
For data taken with asymmetrical configurations, curves. But in field work, even if the geologic situation
however, there is no clear-cut "midpoint of the con- were ideal, the curves would not be smooth, because
figuration;" and the apparent resistivity for these there is always a finite distance between adjacent sta-
configurations is therefore usually plotted at a point tions at which measurements are taken. The usual
midway between the two potential electrodes which are practice is to plot the observed field values of apparent
used in making the measurement. A similar problem resistivity, or other quantity, at a position corresponding
exists for the Lee configuration, because each separate to the station as explained above, and then to connect
determination of the resistivity on either side of the adjacent points by straight lines. If the points were
partitioning plane is made in essence with an asym- connected by the most reasonable continuous curve, we
metrical configuration. The same rule is therefore would find that even in the ideal case the characteristic
applied. With the Lee configuration, each value of the points on the curve would not match the corresponding
apparent resistivity is plotted at the midpoint of the pair points on the theoretical curve. To emphasize this
of potential electrodes that are used in making a given characteristic feature in resistivity field data, we intro-
measurement. The Lee configuration requires more duced the concept of the "theoretical field plot" (Cook
care in plotting than do the others, because there are two and Van Nostrand, 1954, p. 774).
values of the apparent resistivity for each station- The theoretical field plot consists of a series of dis-
that is, for each position of the midpoint of the whole crete points taken from the continuous theoretic:1l
configuration. Since the data are usually recorded as a curve and connected by straight lines. The distance
function of the station position, p 1 must be plotted between successive points corresponds to the distance
offset from the station a distance of a/4 towards between successive stations along the traverse with
potential electrode P 1 , and p 2 for the same station must which the theoretical curve is to be compared. An
be plotted offset from the station a distance of a/4 infinite number of theoretical field plots can obviously
towards potential electrode P 2 • be drawn from a given continuous theoretical resistivity
For the plotting of vertical profiles there is no similar curve, each new theoretical field plot depending upon
problem. The apparent resistivity is always plotted as where the stations fall with respect to the disturbing
a function of the electrode separation, in accordance body.
with the manner in which the electrode separation is Figure 15 illustrates the extreme differences that can
defined for the given configuration. exist between a continuous resistivity curve and a
The choice of the best type of coordinates (linear or theoretical field plot. The dashed line represents a
logarithmic) for plotting the resistivity data is complex, continuous theoretical Wenner horizontal resistivity
and different types of coordinates are used for different profile over a vertical fault between materials with
types of plotting. For the plotting of vertical re- resistivity values of 1 and 5 ohm-meters, respectively.
5.0 peak is shifted to the right a distance equal to three-

( tenths of the electrode separation. The shift of a
pronounced peak in relation to the fault trace is of
fundamental importance because the peaks are often

I used to locate the surface trace of the fault exactly.
The minimum B is similarly shifted to the left, so that
the horizontal distance between the maximum A' and

0 w
the minimum B' is much less than one would expect
t- I \A'
w from a casual examination of the continuous curve.

~ 3.5
The peak to the left of the fault is similarly affected,
0 but is less important because of its lower amplitudes.
I When using the Wenner configuration, many geo-
physicists make the interval between stations equal to
the electrode separation. In this case, the small amount
u; of character that is left in the theoretical field plot

~ 2.5
I shown would ordinarily not be recognizable in the ob-
served field data. Such a loss is most important when
j the character of the curve is being used to help ascer-
tain the possible strike and dip of the fault. This and
other aspects of theoretical field plots are discussed in
detail on pages 116 to 118 where specific examples are
fl introduced and explained.

v- JJ
As early as 1845, Sir William Thomson used the
1.0 l----""
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3 theory of electrical images for the solution of certain
DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF CONFIGURATION TO FAULT, problems in electrostatics (Thomson, 1884, p. 144).
IN MULTIPLES OF ELECTRODE SEPARATION a Later, the image theory was used and extended by
Maxwell and others, principally in its application to
t_,_J_,t,J• electrostatic problems.
Th3 earliest theoretical solutions to direct-current
p=l p=5 electrical prospecting problems were based on the the-
Fault ory of electrical images. Image theory was applied
successfully to the probiems of horizontal bedding
FIGURE 15.-Wenner horizontal resistivity profile over a vertical fault. Comparison (Hummel, 1929c, d and Roman, 1931), vertical faults
of a theoretical .field plot (solid line) and a continuous theoretical-resistivity curve
(das bed line). (Tagg, 1930), vertical dikes (Hedstrom, 1932), buried
spheres (Peters and Bardeen, 1930), and certain special
The solid line is one of the many possible theoretical cases of inclined bedding (Aldredge, 1937). It will be
field plots for the given continuous theoretical horizontal shown in certain special problems to follow that har-
profile. The spacing between adjacent stations is a/2, monic solutions to Laplace's equation can be nlanipu-
which is the minimum interval between stations that is lated to yield terms that are identifiable with single
normally used in the field with the Wenner configura- images or with an infinite series of images.
tion. It is readily seen that, if the stations in a field It has been rigorously shown that the applicability
survey perchance fall in the appropriate positions with of the theory of images is strictly lirnited (Keller, 1953).
respect to the f'ault, the plot of the actually observed For problems in direct-current prospecting, the image
field data would bear much more similarity to the theory is applicable only to horizon tally bedded forma-
theoretical field plot than to the continuous theoretical tions, to vertical faults and dikes, to dipping faults (or
dipping beds) only when the lower formation is per-
The particular theoretical field plot shown in figure
fectly conducting or perfectly insulating and when the
15 is chosen because it illustrates a maximum diver-
gence from the original appearance of the continuous dip is restricted to certain angles (Van Nostrand and
theoretical curve. The sharp maximum A in the con- Cook, 1955), and to buried conducting spheres. For
tinuous curve is subdued in its counterpart A' on the some problems, the image theory has proved useful
theoretical field plot. A more serious effect is that the even though it did not lead to exact solutions (Unz,

1953). In each such problem the degree of approxi- materia1 to the right of the fault has resistivity p' and
mation must be worked out. that to the left of the fault has resistivity p". We
In the present section, we give examples of the solu- measure distances from 0; x is positive to the right, y
tions of each of the above problems in electrical pros- positive upward, and z positive into the paper. We
pecting that are amenable to exact solutions by the will arrive at our solution by assuming that the field
theory of images. The principal purpose of this section to the right of the fault can be described in terms of
is to provide some simple theory for students and others the original current source of strength I and an image
who do not care to delve into the nwre complex mathe- of strength I' equidistant on the opposite side of the
matics required to solve the general problems. The fault. Applying the equation for a point source to the
subject is therefore developed fron1 its basis in the original source and to its image, we find that the po-
simplest problems to its use in the more complex tential at point P to the right of the fault is
All the problems treated here, which deal with point (21)
electrodes near certain discontinuities, are also solvable
by in1age theory if the electrodes are considered to be
We tentatively ascribe the field to the left of the fault
infinitely long and oriented parallel to the assum2d
to a single image of strength I" located at the position
discontinuity. Most of these problems were solved by
of the original source as though all media were of
Peters and Bardeen (1930); however, the very lin1ited
resistivity p". The potential to the left of the fault is
use of line electrodes does not make it worth while to
include the solutions here. Moreover, the limitations
on solvable problems with line electrodes are the same (22)
as those with point electrodes.
The approximate solutions that can be obtained by We now subject our assumptions to the boundary
image theory for some problems are discussed in other conditions. If the assumptions are invalid, some sort
sections (for example, p. 188-191). of an absurdity will result; if the assumptions are valid,
VERTICAL FAULT the boundary conditions will lead to the correct values
of the images I' and I" in terms of the quantities given
The vertical fault is one of the most useful geologic in the problem. All the conditions except two have
structures to study and, fortunately, one of the simplest already been satisfied when we set up the problem.
structures to treat from a mathematical viewpoint. The first condition to be satisfied is to make the two
Before we introduce a specific configuration of elec- potential functions equal at the fault plane (x=O).
trodes, we will first investigate the field due to a point Secondly, we must cause the normal component of the
source of current at the surface in the presence of the
fault. Figure 16 is a plan view of the fault with the current density(~~~) to be equal on both sides of the
current source C, of strength I, to the right. The fault. These conditions lead, respectively, to the
following equations:
p p''(l-1') =p' 1".

Solving these equations simultaneously, we learn that

IMAGE the images were correctly assumed and have the values
given by
p"- p'
p p

P" p'

where k is defined by the first of these equations as

(p"-p')j(p"+p') and is commonly called the "reflec-
tion factor" (originally so named by Roman, 1933).
In later work, when more than two resistivities are
FIGURE 16.-Plan view of a point source of current in the vicinity of a vertical fault.
involved, this reflection factor will be labelled k21 to
Current electrode is C and potential electrode is P. distinguish it from other reflection factors
When the values of the images are replaced in conducting sheet and is embedded in material of the
equations 21 and 22, we get for the potential functions, same resistivitv on both sides.
If the n1ate;:ial to the left of the boundary plane is
perfectly insulating, k= + 1 and the image is identical
to the original source both in magnitude and sign.
The potential to the right of the fault is

The symbol" R" refers as usual to the distance without
regard to sign from the point source to the point where ObviouslY no current can pass into the region of infinite
the potential is to be calculated. Note that in each resistivit~r~ However, we note that in this problem
of these functions the potential consists of a term there re~ains a potential in the region \vhere there is no
1rR due to the point source alone plus a correction current. This potential is not real and could not be
measured. It arises when we use the second boundary
factor. Note also the subscript notation for the po- condition; this len,cls in this limiting case to division of
tential, which may seem complex here but which is zero by zero, which is not allowed. If the boundary
very useful in more complicated eases to be illustrated plane is a perfectly insulating sheet and the material on
later. The subscript A indicates that the current either side has the same resistivity, the potential to the
source lies in the region of resistivity p'; the subscript right of the boundary plane is the same as when k= + 1.
B indicates that the current source is located in the It can be shown by a more complicated limiting process
region of resistivity p"; the subscript 1 labels the that the potential is zero everywhere to the left of the
potential in the first region; and the subscript 2 de- insulating plane. This problem can be used to obtain an
notes the potential in the second region. These sub- approximate correction for a vertical cliff.
scripts are used in the appropriate combinations. We n1ay now calculate the apparent resistivity for
An optical analogy facilitates an understanding of any given electrode configuration in the vicinity of
the application of image theory for this problem. The the fault. We will consider, for example, the Wenner
analogy is based on the fact that the fault plane can be configuration when it is oriented perpendicular to t}Je
regarded physically as a partially silvered mirror whose strike of the fault (fig. 17). Now we may specialize
reflecting property (k) is dependent upon the degree of equations 23 by setting y= z=O. Further, we must
silvered surface (resistivity contrast). To an observer also use the corresponding potential functions when
at point P (fig. 16) in the same medium as the light the current electrodes pass to the opposite side of the
source C, the intensity observed is that due to the fault. These may be obtained by interchanging the
source itself plus that due to the image 0'; because the
image is virtual, this added light-if k is positive-can
be thought of as -merely reflected from the partially
silvered mirror. To the observer at point P' in the
medium different from that containing the light source,
the light source is seen dimly-if k is positive-and the P'
:::l p"
light intensity is dependent on the reflecting property u..

(k) of the mirror. This optical analogy, though helpful

in this simple problem, must be used cautiously, as it
fails in many of the more complicated problems of
electrical prospecting.
Two special cases are of interest and, in elementary
discussions, are usually treated before the above general
ease. If the material to the left of the fault is perfectly
conducting, k= -1 and the image becomes equal in
strength to the original source, but of opposite sign.
The potential to the right of the fault is

u ]p'[l
tA=2; R
1 J
.J(Xo+x)2+y2+z2 '

and that to the left is everywhere zero. We have the FIGURE 17.-Plan view of the Wenner configuration oriented perpendicular to a
identical result if the boundary plane is itself a perfectly vertical fault.

roles of p' and p" in equations 23. The four potential or

functions which we require are -]p"(1+k)
UtA=]p'[!_+_k_] U2A= 2 1rR (1+k)
21r R xo+x By adding these two expressions, we find that the
total potential at P1 is

It should be borne in mind that, in U2B, X and Xo are both

negative numbers. lri all these equations the reflection By similar reasoning, we find that the total potential
factor k remains equal to (p"- p') j (p" + p'). Also, it at P2 is
should be noted that in figure 16 the regions of resistiv-
ity p' and p" are on the right- and left-hand side,
respectively, of the fault; whereas in figure 17 the
regions of resistivity ~' and p" are on the left- and We then subtract the second from the first to get the
right-hand side, respectively. potential difference between P1 and P2:
Owing to the variety of potential functions that y 12 =lp'' [ 1 + kx.(2xc+3a) ]·
apply when the electrodes occupy different positions 2ra 2(x.:+a)(2x.+a)
with respect to the fault, the apparent-resistivity func-
tion assumes five different forms, each applicable to a The expression for the apparent resistivity (the
different range of the ratio xcfa. As shown in figure 17, fourth equation listed in the group of equations 26) is
Xc is the horizontal distance between the fault plane now easily obtained by substituting this potential dif-
and the ·midpoint of the Wenner configuration in a ference into equation 14. The corresponding expres-
direction perpendicular to the strike of the fault; Xc is sions which are valid in other ranges of Xc may be found
positive in the same sense as x was defined above as in the same way. We have then
positive. We will derive only one of these forms and
then merely write down the others. The procedure is
to calculate the total potential at each of the potential
electrodes due to the combined effects of both current
electrodes, then to determine the potential difference
and use it in the formula for apparent resistivity for
the Wenner configuration. These steps are carried out
~= kx.(2x.-3a)
here only for illustrative purposes. Whereas it is 1
p' 2(xc-a) (2x.-a)
possible in the example to write a closed expression for
the apparent resistivity, it will be extremely complicated
to do so in the more complex cases to be treated in later (26)
sections. The steps which are performed algebraically
in the exa1nple will be carried out only numerically in
the more complicated cases. The principles are the
same for both.
Let us consider the case in which the fault lies
between 02 and P 2 (fig. 17). The potentials at P 1
and P2 due to 01 require the USe Of U2B; the potentials
at these electrodes due to 02 require the use of u2A.
We write Xo, x, and R in terms of Xc and a in order to
use the potential functions as they are written. Then,
As is customary, the apparent resistivity is expressed
the potential at pl due to 01 is
as the ratio Pal p'; the right side of the equation contains
]p"[1 k ] only the resistivity contrast expressed as the reflection
2,; a+ 2(xc+a) . factor k=(p"-p')f(p"+p'). In this way, a given
resistivity curve may be adapted to any problem, for
Similarly, the potential at P 1 due to 0 2 is which the resistivity contrast is correct, simply by
( -1)(1-k)p' correct labeling of the scales. For the same reason, it
2r(2a) ' is also customary to express distances by on:e of the two
ratios, afxc or Xc/a, according as the expression is to be tances to a set using the primed distances. The relation-
used for vertical profiling or for horizontal profiling, ship is easily established from geometric considerations:
respectively. It should be emphasized that these
y= (xo' -x') cos a
equations are valid only for values of k lying between
+ 1 and -1 ,. and not for the end values themselves. Xo=Xo' sin a

The reason lies in the assumptions about the potentials lx=x' sin a.
in forming the equations.
The above reasoning can also be applied to obtain To obtain apparent-resistivity expressions along the
apparent-resistivity expressions for other electrode traverse which cuts the fault at an angle, it is necessary
separations or potential-drop ratios. None of these to derive expressions analogous to equations 26, but
are reproduced here. Derivation of these other expres- which are based on equations 23 as modified by the
sions makes a useful exercise for students and others above transformations. For example, the first of
who want to impress upon themselves the superposition equations 26 would become, in this case,
theorem and the other principles involved.
In the previous discussion the traverse is perpendicu-
lar to the strike of the fault. If the traverse crosses the
fault at an angle, other considerations must be made. On page 49 we compared a "two-dimensional"
In figure 18, the unprimed distances are those which horizontal profile with the corresponding "three-dimen-
appear in equation 23. However, since distances are sional" horizontal profile (fig. 14). The logarithmic
normally measured along the traverse, it is necessary potentials which were necessary in preparing the two-
to transform the equations using the unprimed dis- dimensional curve can easily be adapted from the
problem discussed above. Consider the example of a
line electrode placed on the surface of the ground and
oriented parallel to the fault plane, as in fig. 16. The
only modifications required to transform equations 23
properly are to interpret I as current per unit length,
to change the factor 21r to 1r in the denominator, and to
change the reciprocal distances to logarithmic terms.
The new expressions are

Uu= 1~
P~rln .J(Xo-x)2+z2
Xo +kIn Xo ~
.J(Xo-x)2+z2 .
lp' Xo
Uu = -(1 + k) In-;:;::,=~=
r 2
v (Xo-X) +z2
p'' /

For convenience, the potential of the fault trace is

chosen always to be zero. To obtain resistivity equa-
tions comparable to equations 26, for example, we follow
'\. the procedures used to get equations 26 but base our
calculations on potential functions like those given by
'\. equations 27.

For a dipping fault or bed, the image theory can

yield an exact solution under restricted conditions only.
First, the lower bed must be either perfectly conducting
or perfectly insulating; second, the angles of dip are re-
stricted to certain special values only; and third, the
solutions are valid only on the downdip side of the
fault trace.
If the lower bed has infinite resistivity, the problem
may be solved by images for a dip of 60°. A dip of 45°
FIOURJ: 18.-Plan view showing a traverse crossing a vertical fault at an
is the largest for which the problem can be solved when
angle a. the lower bed is either perfectly conducting or perfectly

right of the fault is now given by the sum of the poten-

A, Plan ~
f tials due to the electrode and its three images:

+ +
-----------~ ____ j ___ s __
U= I p [ 1 2 1 - ] , (2S)
211" -J (r0-r)2+ z2 -Jr 2+r2+ z2 -J (r0+r) 2+ z2

ro where the symbolism from figure 19 has been used.

Since images 0' and 0" are of the same strength and at
the same distance from the point at which the potential
P" p'
is to be computed, they produce equal contributions
and have been combined in the second term.
C" Let us consider next the second case, also shown in
figure 19, in which the lower fault block is perfectly
conducting. The boundary conditions which must be
B, Section satisfied are that no current crosses the earth's surface,
ro and the fault plane remains at zero potential. We
must select a set of images which is symmetrical about
the earth's surface but antisymmetrical about the
ro r0 -----c
fault plane. The only change that must be made in
the previous solution is to reverse the signs of the
images at 0' and 0". Therefore, the potential at P
in this instance is
P" 00

P'' 0

C' Equations 28 and 29 would also result if the fault

plane were either a perfectly insulating or perfectly
FIGURE 19.-A, Plan view of current and potential electrodes C and P near trace of
a dipping fault, showing symbols used. B, Cross-sectional view of a current elec- conducting sheet, .respectively, and were enclosed on
trode C, together with its images, near a fault dipping 45°. both sides by material of a single uniform resistivity.
We can learn from the above example why the image
insulating. Assuming a problem with this angle of dip theory cannot be used to solve pToblems in which the
(fig. 19), let us consider first the case in which the lower current electrode is on the updip side of the fault trace.
medium is perfectly insulating. A point current elec- Suppose, for example, that the fault plane in figure
19 is a perfectly insulating sheet, that the surrounding
trode 0 is placed near the fault, and we wish to establish
material ~n both sides has a single, uniform resistivity,
a set of images which will satisfy the boundary condi-
and that the current electrode is placed in the position
tions. In this case the only boundary conditions are of 0"'. We have shown that the image arrangement
that no current should flow either across the fault plane must be symmetrical both about the fault plane and
(because the bottom bed is perfectly insulating) or about the earth's surface, in order that no current will
across the surface of the earth. A current I flows into c-ross either of these planes. Thus, the image theory
the ground from the current electrode. with the current electrode to the left of the fault plane
In order that no current will cross the fault plane, it leads to the same distribution of images-if the source
is necessary to establish an image of strength I at 0'. is also included in this set-as we had when the source
However, the image at 0' has the undesirable effect of was on the downdip side of the fault trace. This
causing a current to cross the earth's surface. This fact alone leads us to suspect that the solution is
new effect is offset by a second image of strength I at wrong, but there is a st-ronger reason yet. To be valid
0". The current which 0" causes to cross the fault in any part of the region, the solution must be valid
plane is in turn counterbalanced by yet a third image of in all of the region to the left of the fault plane-in
strength I at 0"'. The original electrode and its three other words, in the lower fault block. However, our
images now form complete symmetry in the electric image solution has created a mathematical pole at 0',
field both about the fault plane and about the surface in the region where the potential function is to be
of the earth. Thus, no current crosses either of these determined and where there is no real pole. This
planes, and the boundary conditions are satisfied. violates one of the potential boundary conditions and,
The potential at points on the earth's surface to the therefore, the solution is invalid. Whenever the image
theory fails in the case of dipping beds, it is for the 0 2 is on the updip side of the fault trace and the image
same reason: poles are created in regions where there solutions are not exactly valid.
should be none. VERTICAL DIKE
It was pointed out that, when image theory is
applicable to a dipping fault problem in which the We have seen how a single image can be used to
lower formation is perfectly insulating, the distribution solve the problem of n, vertical fault. In certain special
of images is such that they are symmetrically disposed cases of the dipping-fault problem, we showed solutions
both with respect to the earth's surface and to the in which a n1ultiplicity of images were used. Now we
contact plane. Also, there must be a finite number of introduce the problen1 of the vertical dike to illustrate
images. Since all the iinages lie on a circle whose the use of an infinite series of images.
center is at the fault trace and which passes through Let us consider a single vertieal dike of width b and
the original source, such a distribution is possible only resistivity p" in a eountry rock of resistivity p' (fig. 20).
when the angle of dip is a submultiple of 1r. With For convenience, distances are measured from the origi-
this fact in mind, we are able to write a general equa- nal current source as the reference point. To the right
tion for the potential for any such dip. Let the angle of the source z is positive and, to the left, negative; r is
of dip a= 1r/n, where n Is any integer. Then the always positive whether measured above or below the
potential is given by: source. To solve the problen1 by image8, it is neces-
sary to establish three potential functions which are
U=- ~
, (30)
labeled Uu, u2A, and u3A for the regions to the left of the
211' i=O ..Jro2 +r2 -2r0rcos(2ia)+z 2 dike, within the dike, and to the right of the dike,
where the term for i= 0 is that due to the original respectively. Each term in these functions is due to
source itself. The same notation is used here as the original source or an image.
We consider first the set of images which arise fron1
was used above.
reflections of the original source in the first boundary.
If the lower bed is perfectly conducting, the set of
The resulting terms in the potential functions corre-
images must be symmetrical about the earth's surface
spond to those for a single discontinuity as given in
but antisymn1etrical about the fault plane. Owing to
the more complicated conditions, the validity of the equation 23. Since U 3A applies to the third region
image theory is more restricted and only dip angles whieh is also to the right of the boundary, we will
which are submultiples of 1r/2 can be treated. Let assume that the complementary image at C affects
UaA as well as u2A· Therefore, we have
the angle of dip a equal 1rj2m, where m is any integer.
Then, the potential is given by
_I P i=2m-1 ( _ 1) i
... J
U-- ~ - (31)
211' i=O ..Jro2 + r2 - 2r0r cos (2ia) + z2' U2A=lp'
[(l+k) +
R .J (32)

where again the term for i= 0 is that due to the

original source itself. .J
Equations 30 and 31 can be derived only by inductive
reasoning. The validity of the equations for any We consider next the images that arise from reflec-
specific value· of dip can readily be verified by the tion of the original souree in the second boundary-
method used to derive equations 28 and 29. The that is, the boundary at the right. We assume that
general equations then follow fron1 an examination of an image exists at each point where an optical image
the special forms for several successive values of m would exist if we were getting multiple reflections of
and n. We note that equations 24 and 25 are also light from the two internal faces of the dike after the
special cases of these general equations. light has once entered the dike through the boundary
These equations are useful in the computation of at the left. The positions of these images and the
resistivity or potential-drop-ratio curves along any successions of reflections are indicated in figure 20. We
traverse for either vertical profiling or horizontal see that the positions of all of the images to the right
profiling. The only restriction is that their validity of the dike can be expressed as z=2z 2 +2nb, where n
ceases as soon as any electrode crosses to the updip is the number of the image in the set as they are counted
side of the fault trace. Thus, if figure 17 is considered outward from the dike, starting with zero. For the
to represent the Wenner configuration in the vicinity images to the left of the dike, z= -2nb. Since a
of the trace of a fault dipping to the right, a horizontal potential function cannot contain artificial poles in its
traverse could be constructed for all values of x greater region of validity, we assume that the images to the
than 3aj2. When x becomes less than 3aj2 however right of the dike affect only Uu and U2A and that the
' '


p' p" p'

I "' "'

I ~ II
z=-6b z=-4b z=-2b Cl z=2z 1 z=2z 2 z=2z 2 +2b z-=:'2z2+4b


- - - - - - - - z= -2nb - - - - - - - - r -- - + - - - - + - - - - - - - - - z=2z 2 +2nb-------~


FIGURE 20.-Plan view showing a point source of current C, together with its images, in the vicinity of a vertical dike of width b. Arrows indicate the order of reflection
and the small circles indicate the reflecting surface for any given reflection.

images to the left affect only U2A and U3A. Except for Application of the image theory is somewhat of a
the first image in each set, each image in both sets will trial-and-error method, but any false assumption that
be the result of the reflection of some previous image is made in setting up the potential functions will lead
across each boundary; in one of these reflections, the to an absurdity when the boundary conditions are
strength of the image will be multiplied by k at each applied to determine the constants A, B, 0, and D.
reflection. Therefore, we will further assume that the From the boundary condition that the current must.
dependence of all image strengths upon n is given by be continuous across the first boundary, we see that
the factor (k 2 )n. The above assumptions g1ve us
the following forms of the potential function:

where R=.Jz 12 +r2 for points on this boundary. In

equation 33, we have used the relationship that
z2 =z 1 +b. If we write the zeroth term of the second
summation on the right explicitly and if we then
In u2A and u3A, it should be noted that 1/R corre- substitute a new summation index m=n-1, we have
sponds to the term in the set of image distances given
by Z=-2nb, where n=O. Thus, we have absorbed
the terms introduced by and u2A
in equation 32 u3A
into the series
Since this relationship holds for every value of r, it of harmonic analysis. The same statement is true of
has to hold separately for each value of n. In this solutions when the source is within the dike instead of
respect m in the last term is included with n in the outside. The same general technique is also applicable
other terms because both are summation indices, and to the problem of a horizontally stratified earth.
what we label them is therefore trivial. From equation
34, we obtain the following equations:

l A=B+k2 C. (35)
Problems involving some perfectly conducting bodies
with curved boundaries are amenable to solution by
the image theory. Examples are the hemispherical
When we apply the same boundary condition at the sink, the buried sphere, and the corr~sponding cylin-
second boundary, we get drical bodies when line electrodes are used parallel to
the cylindrical axis. However, problems involving the
same bodies, if perfectly insulating, are not amenable
to solution by the image theory. Solutions of Laplace's
equation must be used to deal with similar bodies when
such bodies present arbitrary resistivity contrasts or
whence are perfectly insulating.
D=B+C. (37)

By making the normal component of the current Image theory is applicable to a sink which approxi-
density continuous across the second boundary, we find mates the shape of a hemisphere and is filled with
that a perfectly conducting material (fig. 21). We com-
D=--,- (C-B). y
Equations 35, 36, and 37 constitute a simultaneous
system from which we can determine A, B, C, and D. I
The second boundary condition need not be applied I
at the first boundary, as is usually done to get the I
proper number of simultaneous equations, because we ~ I

-- ---~c_:: --~'---
have in effect already set down one equation when we
assumed the power dependence of the image strengths -X----
on n. Solving the equations, we get 1

A= -k(l-k2)
B= -k(l+k)

so that the final forms of the potential functions are

FIGURE 21.-Plan view showing a point source of current C near a hemispherical

2 1r
-v'C2zt......:... z) 2+r2
v'C2nb+2z 2-z)2+r2
l sink filled with a perfectly conducting material. The z-axis is positive, vertically
downward into the paper.

Uu=/p' (l+k)
-v'C2nb+z) 2+r2
-k ~
v'C2nb+2z 2 -z)2+r2
l mence the solution in the same manner as for the
vertical fault. In this case, however, we know neither
the strength nor the position of the images that are.
[p' ~ k2n
Uu = - ( 1- k2) £..I ~=::::==;==:==
assumed to exist. Let us first assun1e that a single
21r n=O v'(2nb+z)2+rz image of a, designated as 0' in the diagram, will be
sufficient to solve the problem. Initially, we will try
. ~he same technique could have been used to get to satisfy only one boundary condition-namely, that
similar equations for the dike if it had different mate- the boundary of the hemisphere be kept at zero
rials on either side or for a brecciated zone associated potential. Since the whole hemisphere is perfectly
with a fault. However, these general cases are dis- conducting, this condition implies that the whole
cussed in a later section on the more direct approach hemisphere is kept at zero potential.

The potential on the boundary of the hemisphere the same effect over the whole hemispherical surface,
due to the original source is is the center of the hemisphere.
The problem is now solved. The potential outside
the hemisphere is due to three things: the original
electrode, an image at 0', and a second image at the
and that due to the single image is center of the hemisphere. The potential function on
l'p [ 1
21r .Jx' 2-2x'x+rt2 .
J the surface of the earth outside the hemisphere is
u-lp [ 1 rl + rl ]· (39)
-211" .J(Xo-x)2+y2 Xo.Jl (rt2fxo) -x}2+y2 xo.Jx2+y2
The total potential on the boundary of the hemisphere
will be zero only if these two potentials are equal BURIED SPHERE
everywhere on the boundary. If we square both The problem of the buried conducting sphere is one
quantities, and make certain rearrangements, we have of the most complicated problems that can be solved
with the theory of images. To solve this problem, we
start, as in the simpler hemisphere problem above, by
This relationship must hold for all values of x over the assuming that the buried sphere will initially be main-
surface of the hemisphere, a condition which is satisfied tained at zero potential (fig. 22). A system of rectangu-
only if lar coordinates is oriented with the z-axis positive
downward, the x-axis positive to the right, and the
and y-axis positive out of the paper. As in the previous
problem, an image must be placed at 0 1 to keep the
sphere at zero potential. 0 and 0 1 are inverse points
Thus, we have two equations and two unknowns. with respect to the sphere-that is, they bear the same
Solving, we learn that relation to each other that the corresponding points do
in figure 21. .,The existence of a.a image at 01 upsets
Xo the condition that no current may cross the surface of
, r1 2
Xo I
The values of I' and x' are obtained with the assump- I

tion that the boundary is kept at zero potential. J'l

However, it is obvious that a conducting hemisphere I
in the field of a point source of current would be raised I
to some potential other than zero. The value of this I
potential can be obtained by using the principle of I
reciprocity. If a current I were flowing outward from I
the hemisphere, the field outside would appear to J'
originate from a point source located at the center of I
the hemisphere. Therefore, the potential at 0 would I C(x
, 0, 0)
be--· In the reciprocal situation of our problem,
therefore, the potential of the hemisphere due to a
current source at 0 must also be I P • The surface of
the hemisphere can be raised uniformly to this potential
if a second image of strength r 1 I is placed at 0", the
center of the hemisphere.
A second way to arrive at this result would be to
realize that there must be no net flow of current .into
or out of the hemisphere. Therefore, we must add an
image within the hemisphere, equal in strength but
opposite in sign to the first image. The only possible FIGURE 22.-Cross-sectional view showing a point source of current C and its images,
position of the second image, in order that it will have near a buried perfectly conducting sphere.
the earth (z=O). Therefore, we must place a second series of images within the sphere. This image is
image at 0~, where 0~ is as far above the surface of the J =-·~In· The image J at the center of the sphere
earth as 0 1 is below. The new image now upsets the n=l
boundary conditions on the surface of the sphere and causes current to cross the earth's surface, and we are
a third image must be placed at the point inverse to therefore obliged to place an image J' of equal strength
0~. This process is repeated until an infinite series of at the point z = - zo. The new image J' in turn upsets
images is established. All the images lie in the plane the boundary condition at the surface of the sphere and
y=O. The problem now is to establish the locations thus leads to a new series of all of images which lie on
and strengths of the images. the vertical line passing through the center of the
The strength of a given image above the earth's sphere. By reasoning similar to that used above, it can
surface is the same as that of the corresponding image be shown that the successive images are
within the sphere. Using the results of the above
hemisphere problem, the strength of a given image
within the sphere can be obtained from the strength of
the image giving rise to it. For example, if the current
strength of the original source is I, the strength of the and so on.
image at 0 1 is This second series of images has now created a net
flow of current from the sphere. Therefore, we must
place at the center of the sphere a second com-
Since 0 1 is the inverse point of 0, its location is given by plementary image whose strength equals the sum of
the strengths of all of the images in the second
set within the sphere. This second complementary
and image leads to a third series of images whose positions
on the z-axis are identical to the positions of the images
in the second set. The third set of images leads to yet
The image at o: has the same strength as that at
a third complementary image at the center of the
sphere, and this process is repeated until we finally have
01 and its position is given by coordinates as x= x1 and
an infinite number of complementary images built up
z= -zi. To determine the strength 1 2 and position of
in this way. It can be shown that the sum of all of these
the image at 02 in terms of the strength ] 1 and position
complementary images is also a convergent series.
of the image at 0 11 consider the general relationship
Finally, the total potential at a point on the earth is
between a given image and the image within the sphere
given by the sum of the effects of all of the images. We
immediately preceding the given image. Thus, I 2 and
note that each image within the sphere gives rise, by
I 1 could as easily refer to In and In- 11 respectively.
reflection in the earth's surface, to an image above
The strength I 2 is given as
that surface. Since both images in a given pair have the
same strength and are equidistant from the surface, we
double the effect of the images within the sphere and
discard those above the earth's surface.
It can be seen from the diagram that .Jx~_ 1 + (z 0 +zn_ 1 ) 2 The total potential at a point P(x, y, O) on the earth's
>zo>ri. Therefore, the strengths of succeeding images surface is then given by
will form a converging set of numbers and the sum of
their effects will be a convergent series. The position U=_E_ {~+2
211" R
:E v'Cxn-x)2+y2+z!
of 02 can be determined from the fact that 0 2 is the
point inverse to 01'. We find that

and where such images as In and Jn, and their positions

are calculated as indicated above. Although it is
complicated to write down these expressions explicitly,
it is a straightforward matter to compute them numeri-
In order that there will be no net flow of current out cally step-by-step.
of the buried sphere, we place at the center of the BURIED CYLINDER AND SEMICIRCULAR TROUGH

sphere a complementary image whose strength is the The above solution may be applied equally well to
negative sum of all of the image strengths in the first the field due to a line current electrode parallel to a

buried perfectly conducting cylinder whose axis is in tradicts the first condition. This contradiction shows
turn parallel to the y-axis. The only modification in that a single image is not sufficient to satisfy the bound-
the above development is to set y=O, to consider the ary conditions. We would encounter similar contra-
current strength to be amperes per unit length of the dictions if we tried to solve the problem with a series
electrode, and to convert the reciprocal distances to of images.
logarithmic terms. The images are similarly line USEFUL COORDINATE SYSTEMS
electrodes. The same comments apply to the semi- In order to attack the potential problems which are
circular trough when compared to the hemispherical the basis of theoretical studies in electrical prospecting,
sink discussed earlier. we try to choose a coordinate system in which an existing
The problem of a point current electrode near a buried boundary can be described in terms of the constancy
cylinder cannot be solved by image theory. However, of only one of the three variables. We describe here a
it is interesting to note what happens when we erro- number of coordinate systems which can be used in
neously assume that an image solution is valid. For electrical prospecting problems. All these systems
example, let us consider a point source in the vicinity will fall into two categories. The first and most im-
of a trough of semicircular shape (fig. 23). The true portant group contains systems that are formed by
resistivity of the country rock is p and that of the rotating some two-dimensional coordinate system about
material in the trough is sufficiently low to be considered a "polar" axis. The second group contains systems
zero. The distance from the axis of the trough is r, that are cylindrical, that is, formed by projecting some
the distance along the axis of the trough perpendicular two-dimensional coordinate system infinitely in a direc-
to the paper is z, and cJ> is the angle measured as Bhown tion perpendicular to the plane of the original system.
in the diagram. Some coordinate systems fall into both groups. It is
Commencing as we did with the hemispherical sink seen, for example, that the system commonly called
problem discussed earlier in this section, we assume that cylindrical coordinates can be formed by rotating a plane
an image of strength I' exists at the point (r', 0, O) as two-dimensional rectangular system about one of the
shown in the diagram. Then, the potential over the original axes or by projecting a plane polar coordinate
surface r=rt due to the image must be equal in magni- system perpendicularly to the plane of the original
tude but opposite in sign to that due to the original coordinates. With few exceptions, the systems which
source. Thus, are not of the rotational type lead to mathematical
]p l'p development beyond the scope of this treatise.
2rV(ro cos q,-rt) 2 +z2 21r..J(r' cos q,-rt)2+z2 • If we assume, as we do, that the flow of current is
ohmic in nature, it follows that the potential satisfies
Squaring both sides of the equation, we get Laplace's equation. Therefore, in addition to describ-
I ' ( r02 cos2 4>- 2r0r 1 cos 4> + r 12 + z2)
ing the coordinate systems, we include the corresponding
differential elements and Laplace's equations. We also
= J2 (r' 2 cos2 4>- 2r1r' cos 4> + r 12 + z2). solve Laplace's equation in the coordinate systems.
This relationship must be valid for all values of cJ> and Usually there will be more than one general solution
z if the assumption of an image solution is correct. for each form of Laplace's equation.
The general solution for each equation must contain
However, in order to be valid for all values of z, it is
necessary that I= ±I'. In order to be valid for all sets of functions which possess two properties-those
values of c/>, it is necessary that 1'2r 02 =17' 2, which con- of orthogonality and completeness. We assume the
second property when the first has been shown or given.
However, we define both properties here so that the
terms may be used with understanding later.
The term "orthogonality" comes originally from
SURFACE vector analysis (Pipes, 1946, p. 379). If two vectors
are orthogonal (or perpendicular), their scalar product
vanishes. This fact is expressed mathematically as:

At •Bt = AzBz+ A11B11+ A.B,=O.

If the vectors have n dimensions instead of the usual
three, they are said to be orthogonal if
FIGURE 23.-Cross-sectional view of a point charge of current in the vicinity of a A 1 B1 +A2 ~+ . . . +A,.B,.=~ A,B,=O.
perfectly conducting trough or semicircular shape. i=l
We consider now that the vectors exist in a space of
infinite dimensions such that their components are con- Let there be three families of surfaces, each family
tinuously distributed. Then the summation becomes consisting of a set of nonintersecting curved surfaces.
an integral, the summation index becomes a variable of The families are related to each other in that any
integration, and the condition for orthogonality is given surface of one family intersects perpendicularly
all of the members of the other two families. Further,
So' A(x) B(x)dx=O. let these three families of surfaces be characterized by
the parameters Ut, u 2 , and u 3 , respectively. Thus, any
We will now carry the analogy into the realm of point in space may be described uniquely if one specifies
functions. Let there be given a set of functions j{x) the values of u 1, u 2, and u 3 , which label the three
which are characterized by some parameter which can mutually perpendicular surfaces that intersect at that
assume discrete values. We designate by n and m point. The most common system of this type is the
two of the possible values of the parameter. The func- rectangular coordinate system in which the three
tions are said to be orthogonal to one another if families of surfaces are mutually perpendicular planes
and the variables are x, y, and z.
So' fn(x)fm(x)dx=O In order to perform differential operations in gen-
eralized coordinates, it is necessary that the rates of
if n does not equal m. The integration is over the change be calculated with respect to each of the three
entire range of x. coordinates. We commence by considering two points,
The above fact can best be illustrated by a familiar one specified by the coordinates Ut, ua, and ua, and the
set of orthogonal functions. We set fn(x) equal to second given by u 1 +du 1 , u2, and ua, where du1 is
sin (nx) andfm(x) equal to sin (mx). It can be verified arbitrarily small. We may reach the second point
by any table of integrals that from the first by passing along the intersection of the
f2r sin nx sin mx dx=O surfaces for which u 2 and u 3 are given constants. The
Jo distance between the two points as measured along
this intersection is given by h 1du1. The factor h1 is a
if nand mare not equal. Therefore, the sine functions geometrical characteristic of the system; it is usually
sin (nx) form an orthogonal set if n is restricted to not a constant but can be calculated easily from
integral values. geometrical considerations. If the geometry is too
A set of functions is "complete" if an arbitrary func- complex and the surfaces can be described analytically
tion g(x), satisfying the same boundary conditions as in rectangular coordinates, h 1 can be calculated from
the functions of the set, can be expanded in the form the relationship:
g(x)= ~ A,Jn(x), (41)

where the An's are constant coefficients (Pipes, 1946, The proportionality factors h 2 and ha are related
p. 380). Thus, it is seen that the sine functions alone similarly to the variables u 2 and u 3 • The three ele-
do not constitute a complete set because an arbitrary ments of length in generalized coordinates are dL1 =
function cannot in general be expanded in terms of sine h 1dub dL 2 =h 2du2, and dL 3 =h 3du 3 • It follows then
functions alone; cosine terms must also be included. that all the proportionality factors in rectangular
Thus, coordinates are equal to unity and the three elements
... of length are dx, dy, and dz, respectively .
g(x) = ~ I An sin nx+ Bn cos nxl The elements of volume and area can now be estab-
lished in terms of the above increments of length.
which is recognized as the Fourier series. Since any three coordinate surfaces are mutually
The common basis for all useful coordinate systems perpendicular in the vicinity of the point at which
is a generalized system of orthogonal curvilinear co- they intersect, an element of volume has the shape
ordinates. We will study this system first. We will of a rectangular parallelepiped. Its volume is the
then find it more convenient to arrive at the specific product of the three elements of length. A given
systems by specializing the general system. We assume element of area is one side of the parallelepiped, whence
from the start that the reader is already familiar with the area is the product of the two appropriate edges.
the rectangular coordinate system in three dimensions A given element of area is specified by assigning to
and we will refer to that system as an example from it a subscript which corresponds to the variable that
time to tima changes in a direction perpendicular to the correspond-

ing face of the parallelepiped. The elements of volume center section, the contribution to the integral from
and of area in generalized coordinates are: the two u 1 faces is given by:
dv=h1h,.hadu1duadua {[ h,.ha VI+ o(h~~~V~) d;~]-[ h,.ha VI o(h~~~V~) d;~]} dUadua

I ds1 = h2hadu2dua
ds2 = h1hadu1dua

One of the most important quantities of a potential

field is the gradient. In contrast to the potential U,
The remaining two pairs of faces make similar con-
o(h2ha VI) d d d

tributions so that we get for the right side of equation

U1 Ua ua.

which is a scalar quantity, the potential gradient VU (44)
is a vector. By definition, the component of the
gradient in a given direction is the space rate of change By equa~ing 43 and 44, we finally get for the diver-
of the potential in that direction. Thus, the three gence in generalized coordinates:
principal components of the gradient in generalized
coordinates are: V· V=-1- [o(h2haV1) + o(hJhaVa) + o(h1h2Va)J· (4 S)
h!h2ha QUI ou2 OUa

The Laplacian operator may now be obtained by

setting V = V U and by making use of the components
of the gradient as written above:
1 au
ha oua

The Lapla.cian operator V 2 is a scalar operator which

may be defined as the divergence of a gradient. Hence, In the following discussion, we will obtain the neces-
it is necessary to investigate the divergence before an sary expressions for the various coordinate systems
expression for the Laplacian can be established. We which we will use later. The method will be to de-
begin by applying the divergence theorem, termine the correct factors h1, h2 , and h3 , and then to

f V· Vdv=f V·ds, (42)

use these values to specialize the above general ex-
pressions. For example, we pointed out above that
all of the proportionality factors in rectangular coordi-
to an elementary volume. In equation 42, V is any nates are equal to unity. We can, therefore, write
vector with the three scalar components vl, v2, and down immediately the Laplacian 1n rectangular
V3 , corresponding respectively to the three coordinates coordinates:
Ut, u2, and u 3. The divergence of Vis written math- ()2U ()2U ()2U
v2 U (47)
ematically as V · V. Within the elementary volume, - -
ox2- +()y2
- +()z2

the value of the divergence does not vary appreciably SPHERICAL COORDINATES
from its value at the center and its actual value may be
replaced by its value at the center as an average. By Aside from the rectangular coordinate system, the
removing V · V from under the integral sign, we get for most widely used systems are spherical and cylindrical
the left side of equation 42: coordinates. In spherical coordinates (fig. 24), the
three families of surfaces are a set of concentric spheres,
dv= (V · V) J (h1h2hadu1dUadu3 ). (43) a family of right cones, and a set of half-planes. The
centers of the concentric spheres is the origin of the
The integral on the right side of equation 42 is a sum system. The spheres are characterized by the parame-
over the six faces of the elementary parallelepiped. ter r, which is the radius of the sphere and which varies
If Ut is the coordinate of the center of the element of from zero to infinity. The equation of a given sphere
volume, one of the faces is formed by the surface at in rectangular coordinates is x2 +y 2 + Z2 =r2 • The ver-
Ut + dut/2 and the opposing face is formed by the surface tices of the family of cones lie at the origin and their
at Ut-dutf2. We note at this point that the elementary axes all lie along the z-axis which is known as the
cross-sectional area ds 1 may vary from one part of the polar axis. The parameter 0 is the angle formed be-
elementary volume to another, because h2 and h3 may tween the positive z-axis and a generatrix of a given
be functions of u1. If V1 h 2 h 3d~du3 is the scalar product cone. Thus, ()can vary from zero to 1r. The angle 0
of the vector V and the cross-sectional area at the is related to rectangular coordinates by the expressions
z Equating the Laplacian to zero, we arrive at Laplace's
equation in spherical coordinates:
o [ 2 ol[l 1 a [ . oUl 1 o2 U (48)
or r ()r J +sin 0 oO sm O 7)8 J + sin2 0 Ocp2 =O.

/'1 I
This equation will be solved, as will other differen-
tial equations to follow, by separation of variables. We
first assume a solution in the form of U =R(r)8(8)4!(4>),
where each of the factors is a function of a single vari-
I able only. When we divide each term in equation 48
" I by U and then substitute the assumed form of the
- - - - - ----~
solution, we get:
1 d [ 2 dRJ 1 d [ . 0 de] 1 d'lf! (49)
R dr r dr + e sin o do sm dO +If! sin2 0 dq, 2= O.
FIGURE 24.-Spherical coordinates.

We see that the first term contains only the variable

sin 8=.Jx 2 +y2j.Jx 2 +y2 +z 2 and cos 8=zj.Jx 2 +y2 +z 2 • rand that the second two terms contain only the angles
The half-planes intersect in the polar axis and are () and q,. Therefore, if the sum of these terms is to
characterized by the angle 4> measured from the posi- vanish for all values of the variables, the sum of the
tive x-axis to a given plane. The angle 4> can range second and third terms must equal the negative of the
from zero to 211" or sometimes from -11" to +11". The first term, which in turn must equal some constant.
relationship between q, and rectangular coordinates is For convenience, we choose that constant to be n(n+ 1),
given by sin 4>=yj.Jx 2 +y2 and cos 4>=xj.Jx2 +y2• The whence we get for the differential equation in r:
inverse relationship between rectangular and spherical
coordinates is given by X=T cos q, sin 8, Y=T sin q, sin 8, ~ [r2 d!•]-n(n+1)Rra=O.
and Z=T cos 8.
The proportionality factors for the spherical coor- The subscript n is appended to R because there will
dinate system are most easily determined from geo- obviously be a separate solution for each value of n
metrical considerations. Let us consider the point P chosen. This equation is transformed by the substitu-
shown in figure 24. If the point is moved an infinitesi- tion, r=e', into an equation that is easily solved by
mal distance along the radius vector, 8 and 4> being the methods of ordinary differential equations. The
constant, the distance moved is dr. If, however, the solution is
point is moved an infinitesimal distance with 4> and r (50)
kept constant, the distance moved is rd8. If the
point is moved with 8 and r held constant, the distance If we multiply each term in equation 49 by sin2 8,
moved is r sin 8d4>. Thus, we have determined the we can show similarly that the resulting term involving
proportionality factors to be: only q, must equal a constant. For convenience, we
choose this constant to be -m2, whence we arrive at
hr= 1, hs=r, and h~=r sin 9. the equation,
dq,2 m 2.:F. -0 (51)
Thus, the elements of volume and of area in spherical -.!m- •

coordinates are:
The subscript m is appended to 4! for the same reason
dv = r2 sin ododq,dr

that the subscript n was used above. This equation is
ds r = r 2 sin ododq, a standard equation from ordinary differential equa-
dss = r sin Odq,dr tions, and its solution is known to be
ds~=rdOdr. (52)

The components of the gradient are: Any real physical problem requires that its solution
ou 1 ou 1 ou be single valued. In the present case specifically, this
(VU)r=1)T' (VU),=;. """"58' and (VU)~= r sin 0 oq, · requirement means that we should get the same solu-
tion whenever we increase the angle 4> by 211". This
The Laplacian is:
condition can be satisfied in the above solution only if m
2 u- 1 o ( 2 oU)+ 1 o ( . oU)+ 1 o2U is an integer. Further, we will always choose our co-
V -fi Or r 1)T r2 sin 0 00 Sin O?ii r2 sin2 0 Ocp2. ordinate systems such that the source lies on the plane

4>=0. This fact imposes the condition that the result- of all of the special solutions. Therefore, the first
ing potential functions will be even functions of the general solution of Laplace's equation (48) in spherical
angle «/>. As we lose no generality by this device, we coordinates is
will include in our general solution only the cosine n
term from equation 52. Because the cosine term is an U= 2:; ~ [A,.,.r"+B,.,.r-- 1 ]P,."'(cos B)cos rrup. (58)
n=-0 m-o
even function of m, we will further restrict m to positive
integral values. Amn and Bmn are arbitrary constants which depend
Since most of the coordinate systems used in this upon m and n and which must be determined from the
paper are systems of revolution, the factor cos m«/> will boundary conditions of the special problem to which
appear in the corresponding solutions of Laplace's equa- this solution may be applied. As we have pointed
tion. In such cases, there will be no need to repeat out already, n is a positive integer which may range
the above development. from zero to infinity, and m is a positive integer which
ranges from zero to n.
When we substitute m and n into equation 49, we get Equation 58, which is the first solution of Laplace's
d [ . 6 de,,.] [ ( + 1)
1 diJ
sin 6 sm (jjJ + n n
ms J
-sins 6 a,.,.=O. (53)
equation 48, in spherical coordinates, is actually only
one of a large number of possible solutions. As we have
stated, that particular solution was chosen because it
This equation is known in the literature as the associated afforded a set of functions that are orthogonal over the
Legendre equation (Pipes, 1946, p. 322 ff.). Its spherical surfaces. Sets of functions which are orthog-
solution is
onal over other surfaces are possible if different forms of
n and m are chosen. For example, if we substitute
ip-1f2 for n in the above equations, we will have a
The term Pnm(cos 8) in the solution is called the asso- set of functions that are orthogonal over the surfaces
ciated Legendre polynomial of the first kind. When of the cones in spherical coordinates. In this complex
n is an integer and lui~ 1, this polynomial is defined expression for n, i= Fi and p is a real number
by the relationship, which may vary through all possible values from
negative to positive infinity. The details of the solution
(55) follow closely those given above. We will first look
at the effect of the substitution on R. Equation 50
where P n(u) is the Legendre polynomial defined by now becomes
Rp=A(p)rip-H=A(p) (59)
eiP ID r.
, (2n-2s)!
P,.(u)=;;::, (- 1) 2"(s!)(n-s)!(n-2s)! u•-h, (56) -rr
or Since p takes on both positive and negative values,
1 d"(u2 -1)•
there is no longer a need to write down terms analo-
P,.(u)=-, · (57) gous to both terms in equation 50.
2"n. du"
Equation 59 thus gives a second orthogonal set of
In equation 56, r is either n/2 or (n-1)/2 whichever functions over the conal surfaces, the functions cos mq,
is an integer. From the first definition, it is seen constituting the first set. However, the expression of
that pnm(cos 8) is zero if m>n. We specify that n orthogonality is somewhat different from the previous
must be an integer in order to obtain a set of functions case because we are now dealing with the continuous
which are orthogonal over the spherical surfaces, be- parameter p. We obtain this form of orthogonality
cause it can be shown that through a knowledge of the Dirac delta function
~(p-p') (Pipes, 1946, p. 535), which is also known as
2 (n+m)!
-1 P,.m(u)P,..m(u)du=2n+1 (n-m)( the impulse function. As we have written it, p' is a
specific fixed value of the variable p. The delta func-
The t.erm Qnm(cos 8) in equation 54 is called the tion equals zero when its argument is not zero but
associated Legendre function of the second kind. becomes infinite as its argument approaches zero. This
Since cos 8 is either plus or minus one at some point infinity is such that the definite integral of the delta
in all regions in which our solution is of value, and since function from negative to positive infinity is equal to
Qnm(cos. 8) becomes infinite at such points, we may unity. A further property of the delta function is
drop this term from our solution. stated in the following form:
The above solutions have all been derived for specific
values of m and n. The general solution is the sum
J:m f(p)o(p-p')dp=f(p'). (60)
As applied to the present problem, one means of ex- Finally, combining the above results, we get for the
pressing this function is given by second general solution of Laplace's equation (48) in
spherical coordinates:
8(p-p') = 1
ei(p-pl) In r - ,

where p and p' are specific values of the set of param-

eters. That the expression on the right has the neces- + B,.(p)Pi:-u( -cos 6)]ei:P In r dp. (63)

sary properties can be verified by letting r=e' and then

by directly testing the resulting expression. We use an integration over p instead of a summation
The factor cos mq, from equation 52 is unchanged by because this parameter varies continuously. The
the substitution except that the integer m is no longer functions ~ _ ~ (cos 8) and ~P _ ~ (-cos 8) are some-
restricted and may vary from zero to infinity. How- times referred in the literature as cone functions; and
ever, the associated Legendre functions which form the the general solution of Laplace's equation given by
solutions to equation 53 are affected. We now choose equation 63 can, therefore, be considered as given in
a solution to that equation in the form terms of these cone functions in spherical coordinates.
9m(P) = Em(p) Pi;-u(cos 6) + F m(P) Pi:-u( -cos 6).
In cylindrical coordinates, the three sets of surfaces
are a family of coaxial cylinders whose axis is the
A valid definition of the Legendre function of order z-axis, a family of planes perpendicular to the z-axis,
ip- ~ is given in terms of the hypergeometric series and a family of half-planes which intersect in the z-axis.
(Hobson, 1931, p. 187): The radius of any given cylinder is r, which may vary
from zero to infinity and is related to rectangular co-
ordinates by x2+ y 2 =r. The planes perpendicular to
the z-axis are identical with the xy-planes of rectangular
Since m is an integer, the corresponding associated coordinates. Therefore, z equal to a constant desig-
Legendre function is defined by equation 55. For later nates one of this family. The family of half-planes
convenience, we have chosen p;;,_~( -cos 8) instead of which intersect in the z-axis are characterized by the
Q7;,_~ (cos 8) as the second independent solution of angle q, and are identical with the corresponding set of
equation 53. This choice is a valid one whenever the half-planes previously described in spherical coordi-
order of the Legendre functions is not an integer. The nates. The inverse relationships are x=r cos q,,
associated Legendre function P7;,_ ~ (-cos 8) is defined y =r sin q,, and z = z. Cylindrical coordinates can be
equally well by equations 55 and 62 if cos 8 is replaced pictured in figure 24, if r is considered to be the per-
by -cos 8. An examination of equation 62 reveals pendicular distance from the point P to the polar axis-
that P~p-~(cos 8) becomes infinite when 8 approaches 1r that is, the projection of the r in spherical coordinates
and that ~p-~( -cos 8) is infinite when 8=0. These on the xy-plane. The diagram is labeled to show z and
functions cannot be used in the regions where they the angle q, is identical in both systems.
become infinite. The proportionality factors of cylindrical coordi-
This property of the component functions of the nates, which are found geometrically as were those in
solutions to Laplace's equation is an observed empirical spherical coordinates, are
fact. When two of the component functions form
orthogonal sets over a given surface, that surface and
partitions space into regions in which the separate h.=l.
parts of the third component are valid potential func-
It follows then that the elements of volume and area
tions. In the immediately preceding case, R and e are
form sets of functions which are orthogonal over the dv= rdrdq,dz
conal surfaces. These same surfaces then separate
space into regions in which
( ds.;=drdz
ds. = rdq,dr.
The three components of the gradient are
~u . 1~u
(VU)r=()T, (VU)c/>=-;. ~,and (VU).= ~~·
are separately valid.

Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates becomes The most general solution of a differential equation
consists of the sum of all special solutions. Therefore,
V2lJ=! ~
r Or
(r oU)+..!
o2U + o2U =0.
r2 Oc/>2 oz2
(64) upon combining the separate results from above, we
get for the first general solution of Laplace's equation
We commence the solution of this equation by as- (64) in cylindrical coordinates:
suming a solution in the form U=R(r)Z(z)cfl(€/>). R(r)
is a function only of r, Z(z) is a function only of z,
and 4>(€/>) is a function only of €/>. If we substitute this
expression in equation 64 and manipulate the terms, the
new equation can be written as Equation 70 gives a solution which is valuable when
boundary surfaces are the set of planes characterized
_!_ !!_
rR dr
(r dR) _!_ d2<1> +_!_ d2Z =O
dr +r2cf> dcp2 Z dz2 · (65) by constant z. However, to work with boundaries
which are formed by the half planes of constant €/>,
As the last term contains only z, and the first two we must look for another form of the solution. We
terms contain only r and €/>, it follows that the sum of get the necessary solutions when we change both A
the first two terms is equal to the negative of the third and m from real to pure imaginary numbers. We
term which in turn must be equal to a constant. For will commence by changing A to it in equations 66 and
convenience, we let this constant be A2 so that we get 68. Since we will arbitrarily choose our coordinates
for the differential equation in z: so that the source lies in the plane z=O, we need retain
d 2Z only the part of the solution which is an even function
dz2- >.2Z=O. (66) of z. Thus, in the new solution, equation 67 is changed
to read
This equation is comparable to equation 51 except Z,= A(t) cos tz.
that it leads to exponential or hyperbolic functions
instead of circular functions. Therefore, the solution In equation 52, we let m become is so that the solu-
IS tion in €f> is either exponential or hyperbolic. For
(67) reasons given previously, we desire a solution which
is an even function of €/>. This is best obtained by choos-
There is no restriction on A except that it be a real
ing the hyperbolic form of the solution in €/> and by
number; it may range from zero to infinity. If we
retaining only the hyperbolic cosine. Moreover, an-
desired to do so, we could let A range from negative
ticipating the results in a later section (p. 77 to 78), we
to positive infinity; in which case, we could discard
recognize that it will be more convenient if we use the
the second term in this solution.
angles 1r±€/> instead of €f> itself. Therefore, the present
In equation 65, we could similarly isolate the part
solution comparable to equation 52 is
of the equation which contains only €f> and set it equal
to -m 2• This step leads to the solution cflm=cos m€/> <I>.= C(s) cosh (1r+c1>) + D(s) cosh (1r-c1>).
as discussed in the paragraph following equation 52.
When we substitute the parameters A and m back into Finally, we must modify the solution of equation 68
equation 65, we find, after rearrangement, the final which has become Bessel's equation with pure imaginary
equation which must be solved: parameters. The solution Kis(tr) is known as a modi-
fied Bessel function or a wedge function and is defined
d2R dR
r2 dr2 +r dr + (X2r2- m2) R=O. (68) through the relationships (Morgan, 1947),

This equation is known in the literature as Bessel's Kis(u)= . h [lis(U) - 1-ia(u)] (71)
2 sm 811'
differential equation (Pipes, 1946, p. 307 ff.). The or
solutions of this equation are the Bessel functions, of
which we require only the first kind Jm(Ar) in our
problems to follow. The second independent solution where
of equation 68 is the Bessel function of the second kind,
Ym(Ar), which is unacceptable because it becomes "' 1 (u)ie+2m
Ii.(u) =er•I2Ji.(u) = ~0 r(m+ 1)r(is+m+ 1) 2 (73)
infinite whenever r=O. A valid definition of the
Bessel function of the first kind is
The implied definition of the ordinary Bessel function
co ( -1) • (u)n+2•
in equation 71 is consistent with equation 69 when the
Jn(u)=?; (s!)(n+s)! 2 order is an integer. Kis(tr) vanishes as r approaches
infinity; as r approaches zero, this function oscillates
as cos (sln ~) (Smythe, 1950, p. 199). lts(tr) is a
second independent solution of equation 68, but it
becomes infinite as r becomes infinite. Since all
regions of interest contain infinite values of r, this
second solution can be discarded.
The second general solution of Laplace's equation
64 in cylindrical coordinates now takes the form

U= J:(D costzdt J:(D [A(8, t) cosh 8(11"+4>)

+B(8, t) cosh 8(11"-cf>)]Ki.(tr)d8. (74)

We ·will require yet a third general solution to

Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates. As in
the previous case, we let }\=it so the dependence of the
third solution on z is the same as that of the second
solution, given by equation 74. However, we retain
the same dependence on cp that we had in the first
solution given by equa.tion 70. Therefore, for depend-
ence on r, we seek solutions of equation 68 when }\is a
pure imaginary num her and when m is a positive
integer or zero. Two independent solutions of equa- FIGURE 25.-Prolate spheroidal coordinates. Surfaces of constant third
dimension are azimuthal planes through the vertical z-axis.
tion 68 are the modified Bessel functions which are
defined by
and consists of the segment of line connecting the
Kv(t) = 2-----:---- [1-.(t) -I.(t)], (75)
Slll 1111" points z=+b and z=-b. For large values of 17, the
where spheroids approach a spherical shape. The parameter
l,(t) =e_2_ Jv(it). (75A)
of tpe hyperboloids, ~' varies from -1 to + 1. The
portion of the z-axis for z>b coincides with ~= 1 and
lm(tr) becomes infinite as r becomes very large, and that for z< -b coincides with~= -1. The surface for
Km(tr) becomes infinite on the cylindrical axis where ~=0 corresponds to the xy-plane in rectangular coordi-
r=O. These conditions dictate the regions in which nates. The complete prolate spheroidal coordinate
the solutions are valid. system is obtained by rotating about the z-axis the
We now have the third general solution to Laplace's· diagram in figure 25. Therefore, the third variable is
equation in cylindrical coordinates: the angle (j> which is identical to the corresponding angle
in spherical coordinates.
The ellipsoids in prolate spheroidal coordinates are
U=~cos met> fa> costz[AmCt)lm(tr)+B(t)mKm(tr)]dt. (76)
m=O Jo described by the equation, z 2/b 211 2 + (x 2 +y2)/b 2 ( 112 -1) = 1,
where 11 characterizes a given one of the family of
This solution is useful when the boundaries are ellipsoids. The hyperboloids are given by the equation,
cylindrical in shape. We will find the solution of value z 2jb 2 ~ 2 - (x 2 +y 2 )/b 2 (1-~2 ) = 1. These two equations
in studying the anomalous effect of a filled channel a may be consider~d as serving to express 11 and ~ in
pipe, or a long ditch on an electrical survey. ' terms of rectangular coordinates. The inverse trans-
formations are given by x=b-v' (1-e)(1J 2 -1) cos (j>,
y=b-v'(l-e)(1J 2 -l) sin (j>, and z=b 11 ~.
A prolate spheroidal coordinate system (fig. 25) Owing to the obvious complexity of the geometry in
comprises the three orthogonal families of surfaces: prolate spheroidal coordinates, it is more satisfactory
prolate spheroids, hyperboloids of two sheets, and to derive the proportionality factors through the use
planes intersecting in the z-axis. The common foci of of equation 41. We will determine h'IJ in this manner.
all the hyperboloids, which coincide with the common In order to do this, we use the inverse transformations
foci of all the ellipsoids, lie at the points z= +b and given above. The necessary derivatives are
Z= -b. The parameter of the spheroids, 11, varies from ox /I-~2 oy
~ . oz
one to infinity. For 11= 1, the spheroid is degenerate 07] =b7]"7]2-l cos cf>, 07J=b7]v~ sm cf>, and 07] =b~.

We get h11 upon substitution of these derivatives into which is a form of the associated Legendre equation.
equation 41. The other factors are similarly derived For H, the equation is
so that we have
.!! [<rr-1) dlfl_[n<n+1)+~]H=O, (82)
d'TJ d;; J rf-1
h~=b~, he=b~, and h41=b-v'(rr-1)(1-e).
which is the form the associated Legendre equation
It follows then that the elements of volume and takes when the independent variable is larger than
area in prolate spheroidal coordinates are: unity. Thus, the dependence of the solution upon
7J and ~is given by
dv= 1J3(713 - ~2 ) d11d~dq,
H=AmnP""'('TJ) + BmnQfi"'('TJ)
ds~= b2-v' (712 -e) (7J2 -1)d~dq, G=CmnPn"'(/;) +DmnQn"'(~),
dse=b2..J (712 -e) (1-1; 2)d1Jdq, where Pnm(x) and Qnm(x) are the associated Legendre
ds 41 b2(712 -/; )
d 11 d~· functions of the first and second kinds, respectively.
..Jcrr-1)(1-1;2) In these expressions, both m and n are integers and
m ~ n. Either equation 56 or equation 57 is a valid
The three components of the gradient are definition of the Legendre polynomial for all possible
values of the argument when n is an integer. Equation
_! r:;1=1 ou _1 11-1;2 ou
('VU)~-b'V~ ();]' ('VU)e-b'V 112-f;2 ~' 55 is a valid definition of the associated Legendre
polynomial when the argument is less than unity.
and However, when the argument is greater than unity, as
is 7], we prefer to define the associated Legendre poly-
1 ou (78) nomial as
<vU) 41 b-v'('T/2-1)(1-e) oq, ·
- 1
)~ d"'Pn(u)
P n"' (U ) = (U3
dum (83)
The Laplacian is
because this definition avoids imaginary values when
u b2(7121_~2) {~11 [<712-1) ~8+ 0~ [c1-e> ~¥] m is odd. When results from other sources have been
rr-~2 o2Ql taken into this paper, or have been compared with
+ Crr-1)(1-1;2) oq;q·· results derived herein, definitions have been changed
to conform to the above equations. It is noted that
In prolate spheroidal coordinates, Laplace's equation
the two definitions differ only by the constant factor,
im, and thus it is not inconsistent that they both be
oo'TJ [crr-1) ~~]+~~; [(1-1;2) ~~]+(712-~~i-~;2) ~2::=o. valid definitions.
For the Legendre function of the second kind, one
may write (Hobson, 1931, p. 90)
As in previous forms of Laplace's equation, the variables
in this equation may be separated by the assumption
Q (u)-2"
" -
± (n+s)!(n+2s)! u-n-2•-1
s=O s!(2n+2s+ 1)! ·

of a solution in the form, U=H(7J)G(~)~(~). In terms

of the new variables, equation 79 becomes The associated functions of the second kind may be
defined by equations 55 and 83 if the corresponding
Q's replace the P's in the equations as they are now
d [
li1 d'TJ dH ]
(712-1) d; +a1 dl;d [ (1-1;2) dl;
written. In all regions of interest, there are points at
712-!;2 1 d2cf> which Qnm(~) becomes infinite. Therefore, this function
+(712-1)(1-1;2) ~ dq,2=0. (80) may be omitted from the general solution.
The first general solution of Laplace's equation 79
The first step in the solution of the equation as it
now stands is to set the term involving <1> equal to in prolate spheroidal coordinates is, then,
- m2 so that the ~ dependence of the potential is a> n
U = 2: 2: [AmnP n"'('TJ) + B,nQn"'(71) ]P n"'(~) COS m,P. (85)
given by cos m~ as it was in equation 58. When -m2 n=O m=O
is substituted back into equation 80, it is found that
H and G both satisfy an equation of the same form.
The above solution of Laplace's equation in prolate
For G, the equation is spheroidal coordinates contains functions that are
orthogonal over the ellipsoidal surfaces.
d [ (1-~)dl;
(4 2 dG]
+ [ n(n+1)- m2
_/; G=O,
1 2
J (81)
We now desire a general solution that contains
functions orthogonal over the hyperboloidal surfaces.
In order to gain insight into this problem, we first are not required because the solution is an even function
examine the relation between prolate spheroidal co- of p. The second general solution of Laplace's equation
ordinates and spherical coordinates. In order to make 79 in prolate spheroidal coordinates is
the comparison, we return to the transformation
equations from prolate spheroidal coordinates to U= i:
cos 1nfP f"" [A.. (p)Pi;--t/2(~)
spherical coordinates which can be obtained by com-
paring both of these to rectangular coordinates. We + B,.(p) Pi'-t/2(- ~) ]P;';-tl2("1)dp (88)

find that r=b.Jrl+~2 -1 and cos 8=TJU.Jrl+~2 -l. and contains functions which are orthogonal over the
Let us see what happens to the second of these rela- hyperbolic surfaces as we desire.
tionships as TJ becomes large. We have lim cos 8=~,
which indicates that far from the origin the hyper-
bolic surfaces approach asymptotically the conal Oblate spheroidal coordinates (fig. 26) are formed
surfaces of spherical coordinates. Hence, it is inferred by the families of· orthogonal surfaces that are oblate
that the dependence of our present solution upon ~
should be the same as the dependence of equation 63
upon cos 8. In that equation we have a solution which +Z rl o
-- --'i-=-----
contains functions orthogonal over the surfaces of the f-b-rb-1
cones; in the present solution we want functions which
are orthogonal over the hyperbolic surfaces asymptotic
to these cones.
Therefore, we change n in equation 81 to ip-1/2.
Since n(n+ 1), or -p2 -1/4 in this case, occurs in both
equations 81 and 82, the order of the associated Legen-
dre functions must be the same whether the argument
is ~ or fJ· In considering the appropriate solution for
H, it is noted the PT11 -112(TJ) and ~-11 2 ( -TJ) are inde-
pendent solutions of the differential equation for the
same reason given in the discussion of the cone func-
tions. However, as previously noted, ft'11 _ 112 ( -TJ)
becomes infinite as TJ approaches unity. Since TJ equals T
unity within any region bounded only by hyperboloids :::1.

of the set for which ~ serves as the parameter, this FIOURE 26.-0blate spheroidal coordinates. Surfaces of constant third
function is discarded from the solution at once. The dimension are azimuthal planes through the vertical z-axis.
function ft'11 _ 112 (TJ) is called the hyperboloid function to
distinguish it from the cone functions in which the spheroids, hyperboloids of one sheet, and half-planes
argument is less than unity. intersecting in the z-axis. The spheroidal parameter
Throughout the range of TJ, the hyperboloid function t varies from zero to infinity. Instead of a pair of
may be defined by (Magnus and Oberhettinger, 1949, foci, as in prolate spheroidal coordinates, a focal circle
p. 56) of radius b lies in the xy-plane. The points for which
(86) t=O lie in the xy-plane within the focal circle. For
large values of t, the spheroids approach spheres as in
when m is equal to zero. An integral expression for prolate spheroidal coordinates. The parameter of the
the same function is given as (Hobson, 1931, p. 451) hyperboloids p. ranges from -1 to + 1. Points for
which p.= -1 lie on the negative z-axis, and points for
(87) which p.= + 1lie on the positive z-axis. For the entire
xy-plane outside the focal circle, p.=O. As in the
As m is a positive integer, the associated function may prolate spheroidal case, the entire system is obtained
be defined by equation 83. by rotating the two-dimensional system (fig. 26) about
A general solution to Laplace's equation in prolate the z-axis.
spheroidal coordinates may now be written. It is The spheroids in oblate spheroidal coordinates are
necessary to sum over m from zero to infinity. The
parameter p varies continuously, requiring an integral described by the equation b 2~~~~2) b~:2 1, where
over all possible positive values; negative values of p p. is given for a specific member of the family of ellip-

soids. The hyperboloids are given by the equation to prolate spheroids. The same relation obviously
~+if ~ . exists, except for the multiplication by i, between solu-
b2( 1+ (2) + b2( 2 = 1. These two equatiOns serve to ex-
tions for the hyperbolic surfaces in the two systems.
press rand J.L in terms of rectangular coordinates. The However, this fact is of little value because the hyper-
inverse transformations are given by x=b.J (1 + ( 2) (1- J.L2) boloids of one sheet in oblate spheroidal coordinates do
cos 4>, y=b.J(l+r2)(1-J.L2) sin 4>, and z=b(J.L. not approximate any common geologic structure.
Once again it is more satisfactory to use equations of BIPOLAR COORDINATES
the type of 41 to derive the proportionality factors.
Bipolar coordinates, as they appear in cross section,
The necessary derivatives are easily obtained from the
are shown in figure 27. If the right half of figure 27
inverse transformations given above, so that we have:
is rotated about the polar axis, it will generate two
hr=b-JWt-, h,.=b~, and hq,=b.V(t2+1)(1- 112). orthogonal families of surfaces; the third required
family is the set of half-planes whose common intersec-
The elements of volume and area are: tion is the· polar z-axis. The azimuthal angle ¢ is the
parameter of this set of planes.
dv = b3 (s2 + 112) dsd11dc1> Bipolar coordinates may be related to spherical coor-
dsr = b2.V (s2 +112) (s2 + 1) d11dc1> dinates in the following way. Let us assume a point
P with coordinates r and 8 in a spherical coordinate
ds,. = b2.V (s2+ 112) (1-112) dsdc~> system whose origin A is located at the point z=b on
ds ... = b2(s2 + 112) d'"d". the z-axis in a reference rectangular coordinate system
., .V Cs2 + 1)(1- 112) ) ... (fig. 27). We then construct a circular arc AA' with
a radius of 2b and with its center B at the point z=- b.
The three components of the gradient are: We now locate a point P', on the line BP, such that
_1 /s2+1 ou 1 /1-~~2 ou BP':2b=2b:BP. The point P' is said to be inverse
<vU)r-l>Vr2+~~2 ~, (vU),.=l>Vr2+~~2 o~~, to the point P with respect to the circle AA'. The
and above proportionality relationship, together with the
(V U) 1 oU. existence of the common angle ABP, establishes that
" b.V cr2 + 1)(1- 112) oc~> triangle ABP is similar to triangle P' BA. It follows
The Laplacian is: that angle AP' B equals angle P AB, whence we see
that T=r-8, where Tis defined as the angle subtended
v 2 U=b2Cs2 ~ 112) {:r [ (t2+1) ~~]+ 0~ [ (1- 112) ~;] by the line AB at the point P'. This relationship
r2+P2 o2lJl. between T and 8 depends only on the fact that P and
+ (s + 1)(1- 11 o~r
2 2) P' are inverse points. Therefore, if we define a sur-
face which is the locus of the inverse points (corre-
In oblate spheroidal coordinates, Laplace's equation
sponding_ to P') of all points (corresponding to P) on
the cone represented by a given value of 8, that surface
:r [ (t2+1) ~fJ+o~ [ (1-~~2) ~;]+ (s2:~~;~~~2) ~22~ =O. will be one in which T is also a constant.
In the cross section shown, this surface appears as the
We note the similarity between this equation and the segment AP' DB of a circle. We can determine the
corresponding equation 79 in prolate spheroidal coordi- equation of the circle from the geometry of figure 27 B.
nates. The previous equation may be converted to the The distance CD is the radius of the circular arc whose
present one if we make the following transformations: center is at the point C. The line CE is drawn perpen-
dicular to the line DB and thus bisects it. The steps
{ TJ~it. (89)
in the proof are:
Hence, we conclude that the solutions for prolate 2
spheroids can be converted to the corresponding solu- -1-i 'T
tions for oblate spheroids through the same transfor- 2 DB= 2 b esc 2
mations. In addition, we must multiply the prolate - - 'T b 'T
CD= DE sec
spheroidal solutions by ito get the corresponding oblate 2= 2 sec -r/2 esc 2=b esc -r
spheroidal solutions. Therefore, we will not give
separate proofs for the solutions applying to oblate
spheroids, but will write them down directly by mak-
ing the above substitutions in the solutions that apply OC=b (esc -r-cot ~) =b cot -r.

~~ .........
-' ' I "
I (J
I "-\'?/
" '\ \ -r-- IA

I I \ b
I I \
I I .. : Lr=O
u =0\ \ ~= I
\ I
\ \
\ I b
_L __
'' /
I 81
......... / I
""--- -~'f(/6


FinURE 27.-Bipolar coordinates. A, As seen in the meridian plane; and B, method of construction.

Therefore, the equation of the circular arc is (~x 2 +y 2 -b When we substitute the values rj2b=etr, (BP') 2 =
cot 7) 2 +z2 =b 2 csc2 7. It should be realized that this is (b+z) 2 +x 2 +y 2, and (AP') 2 = (b-z) 2 +x 2 +y 2, square
not the equation for a surface over which 7 is constant, both sides, and rearrange the terms, we finally get the
because the axis of rotation is the line AB and not a equation for the circle of constant u : x 2 +y 2 + (z-
line through C. These surfaces are surfaces of degree b coth u) 2 =b 2 csch 2 u. The first pole is located at the
four, which Hobson (1931, p. 449) calls spindles. The point on the polar axis for which z=b and, at this point,
smallest sphere which can possibly pass through the u is positive and infinite. The spheres surrounding
two points z=b and z= -b has its center at the origin this point increase in radius as u decreases until finally
and is the surface 7=7r/2. The portion of the polar the equatorial xy-plane is the surface upon which u is
axis for z>b and for z<- b is the two-segment line everywhere zero. At the second pole, where z=- b, u
7=0. That portion of the polar axis which lies be- is negatively infinite. The progressively larger spheres
tween the points z=b and z= -b is the locus of points surrounding this point represent increasing values of u.
for which 7=7r. The following transformations from bipolar coordi-
The equation for the sphere over which u is constant nates to rectangular coordinates can readily be verified
can be obtained by relating r through the inversion by substitution into the above equations:
process to the coordinates x, y, and z. From the simi-
b sin r cos q, b sin r sin q, d b sinh u
larity of triangles ABP and P' BA, we have r: 2b= X •Y cosh u-cos r' an z cosh u-cos r.
cosh u-cos r
AP' : BP'. We arbitrarily define our new variable as
If we combine the transformation for z with the equa-
u=ln (i)=ln (~;:)- tion for a circle of constant u, we get the special trans-

formation equation which will be of use later: whence the differential equation assumes the form:
x2+y2 +z2 =b2 cosh u+cos T. (91) oW)
o2W 1 o (.S l l l T 1 o2W W
cosh u- cos T -+----
ou2 sin T oT OT
- +------=0
sin2T oq}J 4 ·
It is seen that equation 91 represents a sphere with its
center at the origin, if one side or the other is set equal The variables in the new equation may now be sepa-
to a constant. rated by the assumption of a solution in the form of
It is again more satisfactory to use equations of the W=S(u)T(r)<P(f/>). In terms of the component depend-
type of 41 to derive the proportionality factors. We ent variables, the new equation becomes:
obtain the necessary derivatives from the inverse
transformations of equations 90. The proportionality -S1 [d2S
--- 1] + -
du2 4
1 -- d [S
T sin T dT
. lllT
- +-- - = 0
dT] 1 d24>
4J sin T d4>
2 2 •
factors are
cosh u- cos T An examination of this differential equation reveals

b that two parts of the equation may be equated to
cosh u- cos T separate constants. The first of these is the part which
is dependent upon the angle 4> and which leads to the
b sin T
cosh u- cos T
function <Pm introduced in equation 52. The part of
the equation which involves S may independently be
The elements of volume and area are then found to be equated to a second constant which we choose to be of
the form n(n+ 1). This step leads to the equation
dv b2 sin T dTdudf/>
(cosh u-cos T)S
b2 sin TdTdf/>
1] 8=0
- 2- [ n(n+1)+-
(cosh u-cos T)2

ds,. = b2 sin Tdudf/> which, through the methods of ordinary differential

(cosh u-cos T)2 equations, leads to
d b2dudT (92)
s., (cosh u-cos T) 2
This solution in terms of exponentials is preferred to
The three components of the gradient are:
the form involving hyperbolic functions because the
(V U), (cosh ui:cos T) ~~ former facilitates application of the solution to regions
in which u becomes either positively or negatively
-(cosh u-cos T) oU
( v U) .. -
b OT
When the constants -m2 and n(n+ 1) are introduced
(cosh u-cos T) oU
into equation 95, we obtain the final differential equa-
b sin T of/>· tion which must be solved:
The Laplacian is:
- 1. - -
d [ sm
T dT
. T-
drJ +[
Slll T
V2U= (cosh u-cos T) 3 {~ [ sin T oU]
b sin T ou (cosh u-cos T) ou
This equation is recognized as the ordinary associated
+~ [ sin T oU]+ 1 o2U}· Legendre equation (equation 53) for which. the solu-
OT (cosh u-cos T)OT sin T (cosh u-cos T) oq)J
tion is:
In bipolar coordinates Laplace's equation is

0 [ sin T 0
ou cosh u- cos T ou
U] + OT0 [ cosh sinu- cos T ~
T 0~
All regions in which this solution is useful contain
points at which r is either zero or r. Since the asso-
+ 1 o2U =0 (94) ciated Legendre function of the second kind becomes
Sin T (COSh u-COS T) Of/>2 • infinite at such points, it may be excluded even from
what we consider to be the general solution.
A separation of variables in equation 94 can be ef- In the above solutions, the parameters m and n have
fected through a change of the dependent variable. their most common properties; that is, n is an integer
To this end, we let which may assume any positive value and m is an
U=..Jcosh u-cos TW integer which varies from zero ton.
When we assemble the various component parts, we herein, and turn immediately to the sections where
obtain for the general solution of Laplace's equation the results are used and which apply more to field
94 in bipolar coordinates: problems.
U=-,/cosh v-cos.,. ~ ~ [A.. ne<n+t/2) ..
n=O m=O One of the most useful theorems stems from the
+B.. ne-<n+t1 2>"]Pn• (cos.,.) cos mt/>. (96) expansion of the reciprocal distance in spherical co-
ordinates. Let us consider two points, Po located at
EXPANSIONS OF THE RECIPROCAL DISTANCE (r0 , 00 , 0) in the meridian plane and P located at some
The key to the present method of solving potential point (r, 0, q,) not in the meridian plane (fig. 24).
problems involving a point source of current is the For simplicity, we assume that ro>r. Moreover,
expansion of the reciprocal of the distance R between we let the angle between the radius vectors to these
the point source and the point at which the potential two points be labeled 'Y. We commence our develop-
is to be computed. This expansion must be in terms ment by applying the cosine law to the triangle formed
of the functions which make up the appropriate solu- by P, Po, and the origin. We can write that R 2 =
tions of Laplace's equation. Such an expansion is r02 +r-2r0r cos 'Y, whence the reciprocal distance may
necessary in order to apply the boundary condition be written as
that the normal component of the current density 1 =-
1 [ 1+ (T- )2 -2 (T- ) cos 'Y J-112. (97)
must be continuous across any boundaries present To To ro

in the problem. This particular condition is more

"\Ve now expand the expression on the right side by the
complicated than the other boundary conditions
binomial theorem:
because it involves a derivative of the potential. An
alternate approach to the problem would be to apply
Gauss's theorem to a surface surrounding the point
source separately in each problem. This technique
is usually more laborious than the one to be used.
The quantity 1/R is a solution of Laplace's equation.
This fact may be reasoned qualitatively by noting that
R is the only variable in the expression for the potential
Since the series in this expression is absolutely
when a point source is placed in a homogeneous medium.
convergent, we are at liberty to rearrange the terms as
Since the potential function is a solution of Laplace's
we see fit. Therefore, we choose to rearrange the
equation, it follows that 1/R is also a solution. The
terms in order of ascending powers of rjro as follows:
fact may also be readily verified if we substitute an
expression for the reciprocal of a distance into Laplace's 2
_!_=_!{1+!:... cos 'Y+(!:...) c~ cos2 -y-!)
equation in any specific coordinate system. R To To To 2 2
We will now use several techniques to obtain expan-
+(~Y (~ cos3 -y-~ cos 'Y )+ ... }· (97 A)
sions, in order that a student trying to attack a new
problem will have various avenues of approach. In
We see that each separate power of r/r0 is multiplied
principle, any expansion could be obtained by any of
by a factor which is a polynomial in cos "f. They are
the methods presented, but for a given expansion there
the Legendre polynomials, which have previously been
is usually a preferred technique. One of the methods defined and discussed in connection with the solutions
will be the application of Gauss's theorem to a surface of Laplace's equation. Actually, it would be permis-
surrounding the point source in a homogeneous medium. sible to use equation 97 A as a generating function to
We will thereby demonstrate the equivalence of the define the Legendre polynomials and then to show
technique used herein to solve the resistivity problems, under which conditions they satisfy Laplace's equa-
with the alternate technique of applying Gauss's tion. Therefore, we may write equation 97 A as:
theorem in every problem.
1 1 { Po(cos-y)+-P
-R=- T
The following discussion takes on an aspect of pure 1 (cos-y)
To To
mathematics, more so than other parts of this treatise.
We believe that the expansions to be developed are an
essential part of the solution of resistivity problems.
The reader may take for granted the results obtained where P 11 (cos 'Y) denotes the Legendre polynomial of

order n. The expansion which we seek is written in the into equation 98, we obtain the expansion for 1/R in
abbreviated form: terms of the associated Legendre polynomials:

1 1~
-R=- co (r-ro )" P,. (cos-y). (98)
1 1
-R=- ~
CD (r- )" ~n (n-m)!
(2-aom) -+ () P,.m (cos 80 )
ro n=O ro n=O ro m=O n m 1.
X P ,.m (cos 8) cos me/>. (102)
In order to introduce into the expansion the coordi-
nates 8 and q,, we will use inductive reasoning. We Note the introduction of the kronecker delta oom
first note a theorem from solid geometry: which assumes the value of unity when m=O and the
value zero when m¢0. This device enables us to
cos -y=cos Oo cos O+sin Oo sin 8 cos c/>. (99) write both terms in equation 101 as a single term.
An important special case exists when the source lies
We next write down several expressions for sine and on the polar axis. Then 80 =0 and cos 80 = 1. The
cosine functions, using trigonometric identities, the def- associated Legendre polynomials of argument unity
initions for the Legendre polynomials inferred in equa- are all zero unless m=O in which case they are equal
tion 97 A, and the definition for the associated Legendre to unity. Therefore, we may drop from equation
polynomials given by: 102 all terms for which m¢0.
. dmP,. (cosO)
P,.m (cos 8) =smm () d (cos 8) . (100) 1 1~
-R=- CD ( r)" P,.(cos 8).
- (103)
ro n=O ro
For example,
cos 8= P1 (cos 8) Another way of obtaining this same expression is
sin 8=- P 11 (cos 8) simply to note that in this special case ')'=8, whence
sin2 8= (1/3) P 22 (cos 8) equation 98 becomes equivalent to equation 103.
cos2 8= 1- (1/3) P 22 (cos 8) If r were greater than ro, these two distances would
simply change roles in equations 102 and 103. This
sin 8 cos 8=- (1/3) P 21 (cos 8)
symmetry in the coordinates of the two points is an
cos2 cJ>=(1/2)(1+cos 2q,).
expression of the reciprocity theorem; we will always
use this property to test the validity of our expansions.
It follows that
Po (cos -y) = 1
Pt (cos-y)=cos -y=cos 80 cos O+sin Oo sin 8 cos cJ> The development of the following expansion is
= P1 (cos Oo) P 1 (cos 8) + P1 1 (cos 80) P 11 (cos 8) cos q, based upon the fact that the quantity 1/R is itself
P2 (cos-y)= (3/2) cos2 -y-1/2
a solution of Laplace's equation. A possible solution
of Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates is
= (3/2)( cos2 80 cos2 8 + 2 cos 8 sin 80 cos 8 sin 8 cos cJ>
taken from equation 70 by discarding the first term
+sin2 80 sin2 8 cos2 q,) -1/2 in brackets, by letting Bm("A) be unity, and then by
=P2 (cos Oo)P2 (cos 0)+2(1/3!)P21 (cos 00 )P21 (cos 8) cos q, introducing the constant factor "An
+2(1/4!)P22 (cos Oo)P22 (cos 8).

Although the desired expansion is not obvious from

these three terms, it would become clear if we were to In this integral, we make the substitutions, Z=p cos 8,
calculate expressions for P n (cos 'Y) for one or two more r=p sin 8, and "Ap=k, so that the expression becomes
values of n. Therefore, we finally arrive at the con-
clusion that cos
__ mcJ>lCD e-k cos • O)k"dk.
9J m(k sm
p"+l 0

P,. (cos -y) = P,. (cos Oo) Pn (cos 8)

In this section, we temporarily denote by p the radius
n vector in spherical coordinates, in order to distinguish
+2 ~ -+ ( )I P,.m (cos 80 )P,.m (cos 8) cos mcJ>. (101)
m=O n m. it from the corresponding quantity in cylindrical
coordinates. This is the only instance in this paper
This equation is designated the "addition theorem" for when there is a possibility of such ambiguity in the use
Legendre polynomials. Substituting this expression of p.
In reality, the above substitutions are a transforma- MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS
tion from cylindrical coordinates to spherical co- One addition theorem for modified Bessel functions
ordinates, so that the resulting expression is a solution may be written in the form (Gray and others, 1931,
of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates. Since p. 101),
p and cf> do not appear in the integrand, it follows that
the integral must equal Amnpnm (cos 0), which from
equation 58 is also known to be a solution of Laplace's
equation in spherical coordinates. Amn is a constant,
= 2: (2-8om)Km('Aro)lm('Ar) COS mq,. (107)
depending only on the parameters m and n, and there-
In the application to which we will later put this
fore may be evaluated at some special value of 8. addition theorem, it will be necessary to have it in
We have then the form of an integral. Obviously, r and ro are both
real and, for the purposes of the discussion, we assume
J:"" e-k cos 9J m(k sin O)kndk=AmnPnm (cos 8). (104) that r<ro.
The summation on the right side of equation 107
From the definitions 55 and 56, we see that Pnm(cos 8) may be transformed into an integral through a con-
is zero when 8=0. Likewise, from equation 69, we sideration of the following contour integral:
learn that Jm(k sin 8) is also zero when 0=0. If we
cos ~(1r-q,) K,('Ar0 )l.('Ar)d8.
divide both sides of equation 104 by sinm 8, which also
vanishes when 0=0, we obtain ratios which are finite.
f sm 87r

We evaluate the resulting ratio when 8=0 and get The path of integration in the 8-plane will consist of
the imaginary axis, indented to the right of the origin,
_1_ f"" e-kkm+ndk=Amn (-1)m(n+m)l. and an infinitely large semicircle to the right of the
2mm! Jo 2mm!(n-m)!
imaginary axis. The integrand vanishes on the large
semicircle and, thus, that part of the path makes no
The integral on the left is by definition the gamma
contribution to the integral. As the radius of the
function of (n+m+ 1) or (n+m)! so that we can
indentation at the origin tends to zero, the integral
immediately solve to get over that part of the path approaches iKo('Aro)lo('Ar).
Amn= ( -1)m(n-m)! Finally, the only undetermined part of the integration
is that over the imaginary axis.
whence We are able to evaluate the contour integral directly
by means of the residue theorem. We note that the
only poles in the integrand of the expression 108 lie
along the real axis at points where 8 is an integer.
1,herefore, the integral equals -21ri times the sum of
This relationship is valid when z ~ 0 for all ranges in these residues or
which JmC'Ar) and Pnm(cos 8) are valid functions. The
expansion which we are seeking is obtained from equa-
tion 104A for the special case in which m=n=O and
is given by If we write out the integral as the sum of the parts over
the path as outlined above, we have the expression,
1 =1- = -1 - = .("" e-'A.zJo('Ar)d'A.
- (105)
R p .Jr2+z2 o '
cos~ 8 (11'-c/>)
smh 871'
Kia(Xr0 )h,('Ar)d8+iKo(Xro)lo(Xr).

If we had been working in the realm of negative z in

the above development, we would simply have used the Equating these two expressions, we are able to express
factor e>.z instead of e-xz. the sumn1ation on the right side of equation 107 in
terms of an integral as required. ]Moreover, by using
Carrying this sort of reasoning further, it has been
the definition of equation 72, we are able to reduce the
shown (Gray and others, 1931, p. 101) that a second integration over both positive and negative values of
expansion of the same type may be wrjtten as 8 to an integration over only positive values of 8. Thus,
we obtain for the integral form of the addition theorem:
2 f"" cos 'AzK0 ('Ar)d'A, (106)

where Ko("Ar) is a modified Bessel function of zero order.


To obtain the expansion which has been the purpose both functions are continuous within the limits of their
of the above development, we substitute in equation respective arguments. For argument zero, both func-
106 the expression on the right side of equation 109 tions remain finite; for argument unity, Pnm(11) remains
for that on the left side. The desired expansion is then finite but Qnm('YJ) becomes infinite; and, for increasingly
large argument, Pnm('YJ) becomes infinite while Qnm(11)
1 4 f"" f"" cosh 8(7r-cp)Kia(Xr0)Kia(Xr)ds. vanishes as the inverse (n+ 1) power of the argument.
R=-:;2 Jo cos >..zd>.. Jo (110)
In view of these facts, it becomes desirable to divide
The derivation of equation 110 depends upon q, being space into two regions, the first for which 1 ~ 11 ~ 11o
greater than 0 and less than 211". If such is not so, the and a second for which 71o~ 11< oo. Then, in the first
only change in the expression would be a change from region, where both 11 and ~ are sometimes unity, the
-q, to +4> whenever this quantity appears in the potential has the form:
equation. The reason for this restriction can be seen n
from an examination of the contour integration which U1= ~ ~ A,.11 P,."'(77)P,."'(~) cos mcp. (112)
n=O m=O
was performed above.
We will also be able to use the following expansion In the second region, where 11 extends to infinity, the
obtained by substituting the right side of equation 107 potential may be written in the form:
into the expansion given by equation 106. n
U 2 = ~ ~ A,.,.Q,."'('l) P ,."'(t) cos mcp. (113)
R=; 2 a>
~ (2-~So,.) cos mcp
!CD cos tzK,.(tr )1 ,.(tr)dt.
0 (111)
n=O m=O
m=O At the common boundary between these two regions,
In equation 111, it is assumed that r0 >r. If r >ro, the it is necessary that the potential be continuous; from
roles of these two quantities will be interchanged. which condition it is seen that:
_P,."'(77o) A _ "'( )A
B.,.,.- Q,."'('lo) ,.,.- 1/1,. '10 "'"'
The Legendre polynomials used to expand the recip-
rocal distance in a previous section are a special case where the symbol which has been introduced is defined
of the general associated Legendre functions. In the in the equation itself.
present section, we desire to obtain expansions in terms For a second boundary condition, consider the cur-
of certain other types of associated Legendre function~ rent which originates at the source. This source is now
which form orthogonal sets of functions over the sphe- considered to be "smeared out" uniformly over a very
roids in both prolate and oblate spheroidal coordinates. small area on the surface 11=110 , keeping the average
In order to accomplish these expansions, we will apply values of the coordinates as given above for the point
Gauss's theorem to a point source of current located source. If one now constructs a surface enclosing this
within a homogeneous medium and within the frame- area As, the total current which flows outward through
work of one of these two coordinate systems. the enclosing surface is simply equal to I.
In prolate spheroidal coordinates, let a point source In order to enclose the source in the present problem,
of strength I be located at the point (710, ~0 , 0). There two nonintersecting surfaces are used, one being the
is no loss of generality in choosing the meridian plane spheroid 11 = 11o- e and the other being the spheroid
4>=0 such that it contains the source. Moreover, this
11 = 11o+ e. The increment e is chosen to be so vanish-
choice is convenient in that it restricts the expression ingly small that it can be neglected in evaluating the
for the potential to even functions of q,. Therefore, various functions on the two surfaces. Using the ex-
there need be no sine term in the general solution to pressions of equation 78 for the component of the
Laplace's equation, which now is written (equation 85) gradient normal to the surfaces, the current density
as: outward from the volume enclosed by the two spheroids
U= ~ ~ [A,.,.P""'('l) +B..."Q,."'(,)]P,."'(t) cos mq,, is calculated to be:
n-o m=O
--1p I (vU2).,- (VUI).,}~-., 0
where P nm( 71) is the associated Legendr~ function of the
first kind and Qnm( 71) is the associated Legendre function (114)
of the second kind. p nma) is the same associated
Legendre polynomial which was used previously. where the symbol introduced is given by:
It is now necessary to examine Pnm(11) and Qnm(11) to \Jf ,."' ('lo) = P~"'('lo)- t/1,."'(77o)Q~·('10) (115)
learn whether they behave properly throughout the
range of their arguments in this problem. Such rela- and the primes indicate differentiation of a given func-
tionships are well known (Smythe, 1950, p. 1471-53); tion with respect to its own argument.
We now multiply both sides of equation 114 by The development has been general in the sense that
P;:: ( ~) cos m 'cp where these primes indicate specific it applies for all values of 7J. The value of Omn may
integers in the sets of m and n. We consider first the be most easily determined by investigating the rela-
integral of the left side of the equation over the whole tionship in the limit as 11 becomes infinite. For this
surface of the spheroid 7J=7Jo. The value of the in- purpose we must use the following asymptotic rela-
tegrand, which is the current density outward from the tionships:
surface, is zero everywhere on the surface except over
the area ~8. Thus, Pr;:: (~) cos m' q, may be given its lim P""'('7) 2"n!(n-m)! '7"
value at the coordinates of the source and may then be
removed from under the integral sign. As the only
contribution to the current flow out of the bounded
region occurs in the immediate vicinity of ~s, the
remaining integral equals the total current I. There-
fore, we have reduced the left side of equation 114 to ( -1)m+t(n+ 1) !(n+m) !2" -<"+2) (120)
IP::(~). (2n+1)! •

Integration of the right side of equation 114 over the

surface of the spheroid is facilitated by the application When we substitute these asymptotic values into
of the orthogonality properties of the functions in- equation 119, we get
volved. These are:
C =(-1)• (n+m)!
2r8 ,
2r "'" (n-m)!
cos mq, cos m'q,dq,=2 !l:mm (116)
0 -uom'
whence the new expression which we seek is
~'( )P"''( )d
-1 " ~ "' ~ ~
(2n' + 1)(n'-m')t"
(n+m)!(-1)"' (121)
'If ""'(flo) (n-m) !(,.,~-1)Q""'('7o)
The correct element of area in this case is given by
equation 77. We first integrate with respect to cp, Finally, we combine equations 112, 113, 114, 118, and
to show that all terms vanish if m does not equal m', 121 to get the potential functions:
and then we integrate with respect to ~ to eliminate all
terms for which n does not equal n'. We get for the
right side of the equation
b(.,a2-1) ( 21r ) 2(n' +m')!
p A""''lf"m('lo) 2-8om' (2n'+1)(n'-m')f
Note that equation 122 combines both equations
Equating the results of the above operation, dropping 112 and 113. When two functions occur in a column,
the primes on m and n, and solving the resulting the upper one ~pplies when 7Jo>71 and the lower one
equation, we find that <
when 710 71 . This result is consistent with the expres-
A =lp (2-8o,.)(2n+1)(n-m)! P""'(~o). ( 11 S) sion for the reciprocal distance in prolate spheroidal
mft 21r b(,.,~-1)(n+m)! w(,.,o) coordinates calculated by Hobson (1931, p. 422). In
It is now desirable to eliminate the derivatives from order to convert this expression to one which involves
'11(7Jo). The associated Legendre functions P nm(7J) and only the reciprocal distanc~, we have only to compare
Q 11m(7J) both satisfy the same equation so that we have equation 122 with the expression for the potential due to
a point source in an infinite medium of resistivity p:

[<~-1) dP"m('1)]-[n(n+1)+~]P""'('1)=0
d,., ,.,2-1 [p
d~ [ (~-1) dQd:(")]-[n(n+ 1) + r: JQ""'(f!)
712 1
We then see that the expansion of the reciprocal distance
We multiply the first equation by Qnm(7J) and the in prolate spheroidal coordinates is
second by P,/"(71), subtract the second from the first,
and manipulate the terms to get
! l (~-1)[Q""'(,.,) P~·(,.,)- P ""'(,.,)Q~.. (,.,) 1I=0,

from which it follows immediately that The above considerations may be applied in the
(~-1)[Q"•(.,) P~·(,.,)- P""'(.,)Q~·(,.,)]= C.,.". (119) same manner to the expansion of the reciprocal distance

in oblate spheroidal coordinates, for which the desired ..!=!

R b
(cosh u0 -cos To)l/2 (cosh u-cos T)l/2 :E e-<n+1/2Hrro-rrl
expansion is
:t ±
X~ (2-liom) -(- - ) ; Pnm (cos To)Pnm (cosT) cos mcp. (125)
-~=~ (2-liom)(2n+1) m=O n+m.
R b n=O m=O (-1)m
(n-m) !] 2 Q m(ito)P m(it) In the development of equation 125, we have assumed
X [ (n+m)! p:m(ito)Q:m(it) Pnm(JJ.o)Pnm(p.) COS mcp (124) that u0 >u. If the reverse is true, these quantities
simply exchange their roles in the expansion.
We will obtain an expansion of 1/R in terms of cone
functions by using a special kind of boundary condition
One expansion of the reciprocal distance in bipolar (Van Nostrand, 1954) which may be expressed mathe-
coordinates can be executed simply by transforming the matically in the following equation:
reciprocal distance from rectangular coordinates into
bipolar coordinates. We start with i n·V (~) ds=-411", (126)

R 2 = (xo-x) 2 + (yo-y) 2 + (zo- z) 2

where is the unit vector normal outward to the ele-
= (Xo2 +yo2 + zo2) + (x2 +Y2+ z2) -2(xoX+YoY+ ZoZ). ment of surface ds and n · V(l/ R) is the component of
V(1/ R) taken normal to that element of area. _A second
As we have done previously, we arbitrarily choose the way to express the above relation is to say that n · V(l/ R)
median plane c/>=0 such that it contains the reference ds is the negative of the element of solid angle subtended
point P 0 • Therefore, y 0 is also zero. If we substitute at the point P 0 , from which R is measured, by the given
expressions of the type in equation 91 for the first two element of area. Obviously, the integral taken over
groups and of the type in equations 90 for the third any surface surrounding the reference point Po is equal
group, we find that to the negative of the total solid angle 41r subtended by a
cosh uo cosh u- sinh uo sinh u- cos To co~ T . J sphere. This technique in principle is the same as
that used in the derivation of equation 123. The above
R2= 2 b2 [ -sm To sm T cos q,
(cosh uo- cos To) (cosh u- cos T) relationship is applied to a purely geometric problem
2b [cosh (o-0 -u) -cos -y] as Gauss's theorem was previously applied to a potential
(cosh o-0 - cos T)(cosh u- cos T) problem.
As before, R is the distance between the reference
where point P 0 (r0 , 80 , 0) and a second point P(r, 8, c/>). We
cos '"Y =cos To cos T +sin To sin T cos q,. commence by writing down two potential functions
based on- the general solution of Laplace's equation in
If we change the hyperbolic cosine of (uo-u) into its terms of cone functions in spherical coordinates given
exponential form and solve for the reciprocal distance,
by equation 63:
we obtain
e-<rro-rr)/2 1 =--=
-R 1 ~
cos mcpJCX> APi;,-~ (cos Oo) Pi;,-~( -cos O)eiP In r dp
-__,b,---- (cosh u 0 - cos To) 112 1 .,jr m=O -a>
1 =----=
-R 1 :LJ
cos mcp JCX> AP:;,-~(-cos 00 )Pi;,-~ (cosO)eiP Inrdp
2 .,jr m=O -CX>
The last term in brackets now has the same form as the
term in brackets in equation 97. Therefore, we can where the first equation applies when 8o"?:.8 and the
write down the expansion immediately to correspond second when 80 ~8. A is an arbitrary function of p
to equation 98: which also depends on the value of m. The form of
1 e-1/2(rro-rr)
these expressions has been so chosen that they are
R b (cosh u 0 - cos To) 112 equivalent on the surface of the cone 8=8o.
In the application of equation 126 to the present
X (cosh T- cos T) 1/2 ~ e- n(rro-rr) p n (cos T).
n=O problem, the central point is P 0 • Points on the surface,
over which the integration is to be performed, are repre-
Taking into consideration the value of cos r given sented by P. In order to enclose Po in this problem,
above and the additional expansion in equation 101, we used two nonintersecting surfaces, one being the
we get the expansion of the reciprocal distance in bi- cone 8=80 -o and the other being the cone 8=8o+ o,
polar coordinates: plus a segment of a sphere at infinity. Obviously, inte-
gration over the part of the enclosing surface at infinity We can evaluate the integral 127 by comparing it to
has no effect on the result. equations 60 and 61. The integral becomes
The incremento is chosen to be so vanishingly small
8r(-1)m A r(!+iq+m) h
that it can be neglected in evaluating the various func- 2-l)om r(!+iq-m) cos q1r.
tions over the two remaining surfaces. Over the first
cone, the first expression for 1/ R 1 must be used; whereas Rejoining the two sides of equation 126A, we solve
over the second cone, the second formula for 1/R2 must the resulting equation to get
be used. For any element of area on one surface, there (2-l)om) (-·1)m r(!+ip-m) e-ip In ro
is a corresponding element, which may be considered A 2 r (21 +.'tp + m ) ~
sech pr.
to have the same coordinates, on the opposing surface;
the only difference is that the normal unit vector is Therefore, the expansion which we are seeking is
oppositely directed in the two cases. Thus, for any
specified coordinates, the total element of solid angle 1 1 a> (2-1),,.)
. - ~ (- 1),. cos m<P
J.., r(!+ip+m)
R I = 2 -vror m=O -...
r(!.+. _ ) sechrp
2 tp m
subtended at Po is given by
X P;';-u( +cos 80) P;';-u( -cos IJ)e 'odp. (128)
[ ( V ~), - ( V ~J,],_,0
= 8~1 :0
'£ cos m<PJ.., A [J>:-u (cos IJo)P;:'-u(-cos IJo)
m=O - ...
Since the entire coefficient of eiPin~ is an even func-
tion of p, the imaginary part of the expansion vanishes
+P:-u(-cosiJo)P;;a_u (cosiJ0)) eiplnrdp. (126A) during the integration and the real part is double what
it would be if p varied only from zero to infinity.
From a more general relationship (Snow, 1942, p. 54), Therefore, we may write the final form of the expansion
~ can be shown that the quantity in brackets on the of the reciprocal distance in terms of cone functions in
right side of the equation is given by spherical coordinates
Pi;-u( -cos IJo) P;:'-u (cos IJo) + Pi;-u (cos IJo) P;;'-u( -cos IJo)
-2(-1)mr(!+ip+m) h
1 1
-R1 = -v.r:rAo
~ (2-ao,.)
L.....J ( . )
m=O - 1 m
!.., r(ip+!-m)
m<P o r (tp
. + 21 + m ) sech pr
1r sin2 IJor(!+ip-m) cos 1rp.
X PI;-u( +cos IJo) Pt;-u( -cos 8) cos (p ln fo) dp. (129)
The next step is to multiply both sides of the equa-
e-tiJ ln T

tion by -rt-- cos 'TU/>, where n and q are specific numbers Also, in order to facilitate computations based on
equation 129, it is sometimes convenient to use the
in the sets of m and p, respectively. Then, we integrate following identity (Hobson, 1931, p. 447):
over all values of q, and r. First, consider the left side
of the equation. The only region in which the quantity r(ip+~+m)=(-1)m [ 2+!][ 2+~] [ 2+(2m-1)2]·
r(ip+ ~-m) P 4 P 4 · · · P 4
in brackets, if appreciably different from zero, is in the
immediate vicinity of P 0 , a region so small that the The cone functions discussed above were introduced
coor.dinates of all the points included can be considered in connection with problems in electrostatics by Mehler
e- il] ln T COS '114> (1868). However, the validity of these solutions has
to be the same as those of Po. Thus, can
long been in doubt because of the apparent singularity
be given its value at Po and can then be removed from in them at the origin (Hobson, 1931, p. 448). Van
under the integral sign as a constant. The remaining Nostrand 3 has shown on the other hand that the
integral is exactly that represented on the left side of singularity at the origin does not exist in fact. Qualita-
equation 126. Therefore, the total result is tively, this can be explained because cos (p In r/ro)
_ 4re-i <1 In r 0 oscillates so rapidly as either r or r 0 approach zero that
.fro the integral approaches zero in such a way as to keep
the whole expression finite.
Introducing the expression for an element of area
and integrating over the angle q, to eliminate the terms
for which m does not equal n, we get for the expression In order to develop an expansion of the reciprocal
on the right side of equation 126A: distance in terms of hyperboloid functions, we use the
fact that prolate spheroidal coordinates approach
8r( -1)"'f A r(!+ip+m)
Q) h d 1 f Q) "( ) I dr
2-8o,. -m -r....:.:(!:.....:+_i,_p-'---m_..:_) cos P1r p 2r)o e• ~~-<~ n, --;;:· a Van Nostrand, R. G., 1952, The theory of direct current prospecting in the
presence of curved boundary surfaces: Unpublished doctoral thesis, Univ. North
(127) Carolina, Raleigh, N.C., 107 p.

spherical coordinates in the limit as .,~co or as b~o. A corollary of the Riemann-Lebesgue theorem
We will write down an assumed solution, based on our (Carslaw, 1930, p. 358) states that
knowledge of potential functions, and then will require
b •
that it approach the known solution for the expansion
in cone functions as b~o. We commence with the
,,~co J:a /(z) :~~ (I'Z) dz=O
general solution to Laplace's equation which is given
in equation 88. We let U=1/R. Since we have where the sine and cosine terms appearing in a column
already shown that lim ~=cos 8, we expect that our means that either of them may be used in the equation.
~co Therefore, we see· that in the limit as 11 gets infinitely
solution has the same dependence on ~ that equation large, the terms containing cos [p In (71o7J)J and
128 has on cos 8. Further, from the principle of sin [pIn (71o71)] vanish during the integration over p.
reciprocity, we know that the dependence of the solu- We are then left for consideration only the term
tion on '1/o will be the same as its dependence on '11· cos [p In (71o/7J)]. We now write the limiting form of
Since the general solution already contains the factor the integral in equation 130, introducing the substitu-
P~-~(71), the reciprocity condition is satisfied if we tions from equations 132 at the same time:
also include the factor P~- ~(710 ). Therefore, we assume
a solution in the form of lim !_=_b_ ~ (-1)"' cos m fco co~h 7J1rr(~~+il:'+m)
b-.o R .....Jr0r ~0 cf>Jo p smh p1rr(~~+~p-m)
-R = ~ cos mcp fco APi;-K(~o)P,';-u(-~)P;';-K('I'Jo)P,;_u('I'J)dp
m=O Jo
(130) X AP,';-u(~o).Pr-K(-~) cos (pin fo)dp.
when ~0 ~~. A is an arbitrary function whose depend- In order that this equation be identical with equa-
ence on m and p will be determined by the limiting tion 129 as we require, we see that
One possible definition of the associated Legendre b(-t)m cosh p1rr(~~+ip+m) A
function of order v and degree p. is ... p sinh p1rr(~~+ip-m)

( -1)m(2-8o...) r(~~+ip-m) (133)

= cosh 1rp r(~+ip+m) ·

Solving this equation for A and substituting it in

equation 130, we get for the desired expansion of the
reciprocal distance in terms of hyperboloid functions:

1 1r co rco p tanh p1r r2 (~+ip-m)

where our functions fit the requirements of the defi- R=b ~o (2-lio,.) cos mcp Jo cosh 7J1r r2(~+ip+m)
nition (Magnus and Oberhettinger, 1949, p. 64). We
recall that 1~ 71= i and we note that the hypergeo- X P;';-u(~o) Pl;-K(- ~) Pr;_K('I'Jo) Pr-u('l)dp. (134)

metric functions become unity as 11 becomes infinite. If ~o< ~' the role of these two quantities would be
Therefore, using equation 131, we may write the limiting reversed in the above expansion.
form of P1;,-~(71) as
lim P;;_K (.,) =_!_ [B.,-ip+ c,iP]=_!_ [Be-iP In"+ CeiP ID "]
IHO -{;, -{;, In this section we develop the fundamental equations
that are used in the three following major sections.
The discussion involves principally the mathematical
B-- ( -1)"' cosh p1rr(ip+~~+m)
- 2iJ>+Ki sinh p1rr(ip+ 1)r(~~) ' treatment of the problem of one of several parallel
layers of rocks-whether they be oriented vertically or
2i- 14 r(ip) r horizontally. The solution is unique and novel in that
C=r(ip+~~-m)r(7~)' and .,=·r (132)
it is general and is valid for any number of layers.
We have also that Special forms of the solution are given in the later
1 sections, where they are applied to particular prob-
lim P,;_K(710) Pi;-u('l) = -- (B2e-iP ID <"o"> + C'eiP ID <.,0.,>
b-.Q ~ lems in electrical prospecting. This general develop-
1 ment is also used as a vehicle to introduce the use of
+ BC(eiP In "•'"+e-iP ID "•'")]=--{ (C2+ B') cos [pIn (71071 )]
-v;;;, boundary conditions in the solution of potential
+i(C2-B2) sin [pIn (.,0.,)]+2BC [cos (pIn 'I'Jo/.,)]}. problems.
THE GENERAL PROBLEM potential distribution in each of these regions due to
We commence the general problem by assuming that current flowing outward from the point source of current
all of space is divided into a large but finite number of at the origin.
regions each of which is bounded by parallel planes The solution of Laplace's equation which is useful
(fig. 28). Two of these regions, which extend to in this problem is that given by equation 70. As the
infinity, are here designated exterior regions. The point source is on the polar axis, there can be no
remainder of the regions are here designated interior dependence upon the angle cJ>. Therefore, equation 70
regions. All the regions have different values for can be specialized for the present purposes by letting
the resistivity and thickness. m=O:

In each of the regions into which all of space has

been divided, we assume that the potential function
is the sum of
4:~' which we already know satisfies
Laplace's equation and can be expressed in the form
of equation 135 (see equation 105), plus a correction
term in the form of equation 135. The solution of the
z..:L! ..-Current electrode
r--- ----------- problem depends on the determination of the arbitrary
z p
0 constants A and B.
We first focus our attention on two beds within the
section on the positive side of the z-axis. We label
them with the indices j and j+ 1. We note that j can
assume any value from zero to n- 1. In each of these
regions there is a potential function which in general

includes both exponential terms in the general solution.
Therefore, we can write

U;=: {~+ Jo"" [A;e"-+B;e->-•]J (>..r)d>..}



U;+l =~ {~+ Jo"" [A;+le>-•+B;+le-"-]J0 (>..r)d>..}

FIGURE 28.-Cross section showing a point source of current within a system con-
taining an arbitrary number of layers of di1ferent resistivities.
The present object, which is to determine the
The next step is to place a point source of current arbitrary constants A 1 and B 1 in terms of Ai+ 1 and
within one of the interior regions. This point source B 1+., can be accomplished by using the boundary
then is made the origin of a cylindrical coordinate conditions that the potential and the normal component
system in which the xy-planes are parallel to the plane of the current density must both be continuous across
boundaries between the regions of different resistivity the boundary z= zi+ 1 between the two formations.
and the z-axis is perpendicular to these boundaries. When the two potential functions (equation 136)
Each of the boundaries is now describable in terms of are equated at the boundary the following equation is
a single value of z. The regions are next labeled to
distinguish one from another. The· region in which
the source is located is designated as the zeroth region,
and its resistivity is designated as Po· Then, starting
L"" [A;e>--i+~+B;e->-•;+~}J0 (>..r)d>..
from the zeroth region and working in the direction = L"" [A;+le>--;+s+B;+le->-•;+s]J (>..r)d>...
0 (137)
of positive z, we designate the successive resistivities
by P+h P+z, P+a, . . ., and P+n· Starting from the
zeroth region and working in the direction of negative The boundary condition concerning the continuity
z, we designate the successive resistivities by P-h p_ 2, of the normal component of the current density is
P-a, . • ., and P-m· It is evident that the total written as
number of layers including both exterior regions is
n+ m+ 1. The problem is now to determine the

in this case. Before applying this boundary condition, The arbitrary coefficients for the regions of negative
we must substitute for 1/R its expansion in terms of z are then calculated by repeated application of equa-
exponentials and Bessel functions of zero order. This tions 141. When we finally try to calculate A_m and
expansion is given by equation 105. After making B_m, we find two equations and three unknowns. At
the substitution and taking the necessary derivatives, this point, we introduce once again the condition that
we obtain the second equation: the potential must remain finite at infinity. Since z
Pi+l Lm [A;e'-•i+I- (1 + B;)e->-•;+~)Jo(Ar)dA goes to negative infinity in this exterior region, we see
that B_m=O in order to satisfy this boundary condition.
=p; i Q) [Ai+te"•i+I- (1 +B;+t)e-'-•;+~)Jo(Ar)dA. (138)
Hence, we are now left with only two unknowns,
A_m and B+ n, together with two simultaneous equations.
The final step is to solve these equations for A_m and
It should be noted that the other three boundary
conditions listed in the previous section have not B+n·
In any given problem in the indirect method of
really been neglected. By choosing the form of the
interpretation, the numerical values of the assumed
solution such that it contains 1/R explicitly, we assured
thicknesses and resistivities of the beds will be known.
that the solution would become infinite properly at
Therefore, it is generally preferable to introduce these
the point source. We had already assured that the
numerical values step by step as t.he coefficients are
solution would remain finite in any finite region when
calculated, especially if the number of regions were
we discarded the Bessel functions of the second kind
very large. However, in the following example, the
from equation 70. The condition that the solution
coefficients are calculated by using only symbols for
must remain finite at infinity will be used below when
the thicknesses and resistivities.
we indicate how to determine the arbitrary constants
As equations 137 and 138 are valid for all values of r, As an example of the application of the solution, let
it follows that the corresponding integrands must also

us examine the potential field due to a point source of
be equal. These equations then reduce to current situated in an exterior region of a space that is
A;e'-•i+I + B 1e->-•;+t = Ai+ 1eAzi+I + B ;+te-'-•i+t divided into three regions (fig. 29). For simplicity, let
A;P;+te>-•i+l- B iPi+te->-•i+t · (139) c
= A;+ 1p;e>-•;+t- Bi+ 1p;e-'-•i+t+ (p;+t- p;)e-'-•i+l
Equations 139 can now be solved as a set of simul- 1
taneous equations in AJ and BJ to obtain the desired


A ; 2= - [(Pi+t + p;) Ai+t + (Pi+t- p;) (Bi+t + 1)e-2'-•i+t]
Pi+l p'"
1 (140)
2 Pi+l
[(P;+t-p;) (Ai+te2'-'"i+t-1) (Pi+t+P;)Bi+d FIGURE 29.-Cross section showing a point source of current within an exterior region
of a system containing three parallel layers of different resistivities.

These relationships are used in the following manner.

all the regions be positive regions with resistivities
First, it is noted that A+n=O because z goes to infinity
Po=p', Pt=p", fJ2=p"' respectively; the source, which
in the positive exterior region; setting A+n=O assures
is designated as the origin, is in the region of resistivity
that the solution will remain finite everywhere in that
p'; and the boundaries are labeled as Z= z1 and Z= z2, as
region. Equations 140 are then used to calculate
in the general problem. The thickness of the central
A+Cn-I> a~d B+<n-n in terms of B+n· These equations
region is z2-Zt=b.
are then used repeatedly to calculate the arbitrary co-
Three potential functions must now be determined.
efficients for succeeding layers, that is, for decreasing
They have the forms
values of j. When calculation has been made for the
zeroth region and we wish to calculate A_ 1 and B_ 11

equations 140 are simply altered by changing the sub-
scripts appropriately: U2A= lp'
11" {R+ f"" [A2e"•+B2e-'-•]J0 (Ar)dA}
1 Jo (142)
1 2
A-<i+t> =2 -. [ (p-;+ P-<;+n) A-;+ (p-;- P-<i+n) (B-;+ 1)e- '-•-i]
P-1 lp' {R+
u3A = 411" f""
1 Jo [Aae"•+Bae-'-•]Jo(Ar)dA}
B-Ci+t> = - [(p-;- P-<i+n) (A-;e2"'"-; -1) + (p-;- P-<i+l))B-;]
2P-i The problem is to determine the A's and B's in these
(141) functions.
Since z becomes negatively infinite in the region of It can be-shown that these expressions are equivalent
resistivity p' and positively infinite in the region of to the summations resulting from infinite series of
resistivity p' ", it is immediately apparent that B 1 = images. As the summations are actually more useful
A 3 =0. This fact follows from the boundary condition in computational work, we will derive the series and
that the potential must remain finite at infinity. hence demonstrate the equivalence. As an example,
Equations 140 can now be used to determine A 2 and consider first U3A. The first step in the transformation
B2 in terms of Ba. Thus we have of the integral is to expand the denominator of the
integrand by the binomial theorem:
A2=pa-p2 (Ba+ 1)e- 2 x~ 2 )
B =Pa+P2 B _pa-P2
2pa [1 + k21ka2e- 2Xb]-I= ~ (k21k2a) "e- 2 n>.b, (146)
When the second of equations 140 is applied to the
boundary Z= Zt and the above expressions are sub- where it is noted that k23 = -ka2·
stituted for A2 and B2, the following equation results: The potential function may now be written as
(p2-Pt) [(pa-p2) (Ba+1)e-2Xb-1J

+ (p22+Pt) [(pa+P2)Ba- (pa-p2)]=0. (144)

The only unknown in equation 144 is B 3 • The
Let us now consider the expansion for 1/R shown in
equation is then solved to find that
equation 105. Each of the integrals for a specific
value of n in the above summation is the expansion of
the quantity 1/.J(2nb+z) 2 +r2 • Therefore, .the total
where potential is represented as an infinite sum:
Pi+ Pi

When the expression for B 3 is substituted into (147)

equations 143, A2 and B2 are immediately shown to be
A2 ka2 (1 + k21) e- >. 2 ) In a similar fashion, we can transform the other two
1 k21ka2e- 2>.b
potential functions into analogous forms:
k21- k21ka2e- 2>.b
B2 = --7-:----::-'~~:-:-
1 k21ka2e- 2>.b

Finally, A1 is determined by substituting A 2 and B2

into the first of equations 140. We find that
[k2t + ka2e-2Xb]e-2X2J
At= ·
1 + k21ka2e- 2u
. (148)
In this particular problem, when the expressions for
A1, A2, B2, and Ba are substituted into the potential
functions, u2A and UaA are simplified in form if the
expansion for 1/R (equation 105) is combined with
the other integrals given in equations 142. Using this
fact, we have as the three potential functions
It can be seen that the problem in figure 20 differs
-R+k2t o
i"" e-X(2zJ-zlJo(A.r)
1+k21 k a2e -2>.b dA.
from that in figure 29 only in that figure 20 involves a
half space while figure 29 involves an infinite space.
Thus if the above solutions can be related to images,
we should be able to identify these solutions with those
given in the treatment of the image theory (equations
38). In order to demonstrate the equivalence of the
two sets of solutions, let us specialize the present
problem to conform to the previous problem by noting
that p'" = p'. It follows that k2 1 =k23 =k. Making
these changes directly in equations 147 and 148, we get

The three schools of thought on prospecting for

horizontal beds have been termed the curve-matching,
the empirical, and the direct-interpretation schools
(Mooney, 1954a). The curve matchers assume a geo-
logical situation and construct a theoretical resistiv-
(149) ity curve based upon that assumption. Although these
assumed conditions and theoretical curves can be
organized in to charts to cover a wide range of conditions
even before the field work is done, this method is
essentially one of trial and error. We highly endorse
[p' c:o k2n
Uu=- (1-k2) ~ -;===:::::=== the curve-matching method, and we therefore describe
4r n=O -J (2nb + z) 2 + r2 it in detail in this section.
u2A and U3A above are identical tO the COrresponding Workers of the empirical school first obtain their field
expressions in equations 38, except for the extra factor curves. If there is good geological control, they relate
2 appearing in the above expressions. This factor of the salient features of the curves to known geological
two is related to the difference in the problem as contacts. Such features consist of maxima, minima,
described above. inflection points, and incongruous breaks in the curves.
Uu above may also be shown to be equivalent to the They then try to follow the geological contacts away
previous image solution. We commence by rewriting from the region of control by observing the behavior of
the second term as: the resistivity curves in the new regions. This pro-
cedure is fairly dependable if there is enough geological
+k± k2n k
n=l -J(2nb+2z1-z)2+r2 -J(2z1-z)2+r2
control available. Another empirical method is to
examine the series of field curves for "breaks" which
+k(k2) ±
"'(2nb+2z2 -z) 2+r2
• (150)
seem to persist in all the curves. The interpreter then
attributes these breaks to some horizontal discontinuity
in resistivity at a depth corresponding to the electrode
The new summation in equation 150 can now be separation at which the break occurs. Although such
added to the second summation in U 1A (equation 149) breaks are completely outside the bounds of present
to get theory, it must be said in defense of the empirical school
that some excellent results have been obtained with this
Uu=[p'{_!+ k -k(1-k2)± k2n }
4r R "'(2z1-z)2+r2 n=o-J(2nb-2z2 -z) 2+r2 method. Many such breaks, however, are probably
due to lateral or near-surface resistivity effects. The
possibility does exist that we will eventually find some
which is identical to the corresponding solution obtained nonohmic flow of current which can explain a certain
directly by image theory. fraction of the observed breaks.
Certain other empirical methods, such as that given
by Moore (1944), are also unfounded in theory and are
From the viewpoint of the theorist, horizontal usually limited in application to the special situations
bedding has been given by far the greatest attention in for which they were derived. Although the bibli-
electrical prospecting for two reasons. First, the ography ~on tains many references to these empirical
mathematics for the horizontal-bed problem is relatively methods, we will devote little space to them.
simple. Secondly, the problem of determining the depth The direct-interpretation school, which was started
to horizontal or nearly horizontal beds is of great by the work of Slichter (1933), involves the use of the
economic importance in petroleum exploration and in measured-resistivity data in a mathematical operation
ground-water and engineering problems. Consequently, to determine directly the horizontal layering which
many theoretical and field investigations have been gave rise to the data. This method of approach is
made that evaluate the usefulness of various electrical outlined here.
methods to the solution of the horizontal-bed problem.
The electrical theory for horizontal bedding has had THBOBY
much more success in ground-water and engineering The original solutions to horizontal-bedding problems
problems, which usually involve finding the thiclmess were obtained by applying the theory of images directly
of overburden or finding the depth to a shallow key (Hummel, 1928b, c, d). Later, other workers applied
horizon, than in petroleum-exploration problems which the solutions of differential equations to the same
usually involve key horizons at relatively great depth. problems and showed that their solutions were equiv-
alent to those obtained directly by the method of bottom bed, we solve for An in terms of A 0 and set the
images (Stefanesco and others, 1930). We will special- expression equal to zero, because the eH.z term must
ize the solutions that were obtained in the previous be removed if the solution is to remain finite at infinity.
section for the general problem. In particular we will After solving the resulting equation for A 0 , we can
show how the solutions to the previous general problem then solve for any of the other coefficients needed.
can be applied to the less general problem of a large Slichter {1933) wrote down in a generalized form all
number of horizontal beds with arbitrary thicknesses the equations arising from the boundary conditions in
and arbitrary resistivities. We will then give the an n-layer problem, and then solved the equations by
special solutions for the two- and three-layer problems. the method of determinants. The evaluation of
If we place the current electrode in the upper surface Slichter's determinants by the method of minors is
of the Po layer, as shown in figure 28, and if we make identical step by step to the evaluation of the arbitrary
infinite the values of such resistivities as P-h p_ 2 , we constants by the repetitive use of equation 152.
then have a situation similar to a layered earth (fig. 30). The solution of" the two-layer problem (fig. 31) is
The z-axis is positive downward with the origin at the obtained by adapting the general forms to this problem.
source. The coordinate of the earth's surface is z=O. In particular, we must obtain expressions for the po-
tential dJ1e to the point source of current in each of the
two layers. These potentials initially have the form

U0= ~ {i+ leo Ao(eh+e-h]J0(Xr)d).}


1Ul= 2rPO{.!.+
R Jo
reo Ble-A•Jo(Xr)dx}·


FIGURE 30.-0enerallayered earth with any number of beds of different resistivities

and thicknesses.

The potential functions still have the form of equa-

tions 136. Equations 140 are still valid for this less
general problem; and they can be used in the same FIGURE 31.-A point source of current over a two-layer earth.
way as explained in the section on plane parallel
boundaries, except in evaluating the potential function In choosing the forms for the potentials, we have
in the uppermost layer, where the potential function already provided that ul must remain finite at infinity
must be such that no current crosses the earth's surface and that no current must cross the earth's surface. We
because the air above has infinite resistivity. This have also altered the multiplying factor to 1Po/21f
boundary condition is satisfied, as may be readily verified because we know that it is the correct factor for a point
0 source on the surface of a homogeneous earth (eq. 2);
0~ =0 when z =0, if A
by setting 0 is made equal to B 0 • this factor controls the value of the potential at points
As we are usually interested only in A 0 in horizontal- very close to the source. We now use equations 152 to
bedding problems, some time can be saved in computa- obtain the arbitrary constants A 0 and B1. In our appli-
tions if equations 140 are solved for Ai+I and BJ+I· In cation, j=O. We merely put A 0 in place of both A 1
the inverted form, these equations become and B 1 in the expression for AJ+t and then set this
expression equal to zero:
At+t = 2;; [(.,+I (I
+ p;) A;- + B ;) (pi+I - p;) .-.. ''"]

1Bi+l =2Pi- ((PHI- p;) (1- A;e2h;+~) + (p;+J + p;)B;]. (152)

Solving for Ao, we get
In any given problem these equations can be used
in a repetitive manner, starting with Ao. For the

Since we now know A 0 , we can solve immediately for manner from the general equations. The expression
B 1 , using the second of equations 152. for A 0 in the three-layer case is developed in a later
Thus, the potential functions are found to be section on direct interpretation (eq. 169).
Using the above results, we can now study the cur-
rent penetration between two current electrodes in a
two-layer medium in a manner somewhat analogous to
(153) our study of the depth of current penetration in homo-
geneous ground. The results will help refute the con-
tention that the effective depth of current penetration
Many of the practical solutions used as the basis for in a two-layered medium equals the electrode separa-
theoretical resistivity curves in the literature are based tion a in the Wenner configuration; the results will also
on the theory of images (for example, Roman, 1934). indicate the importance of the so-called "blanketing
Equations 153 can be reduced to the image solutions effect" of high resistivity contrasts.
by the method used to get equations 148. Following In determining the potential distribution due to more
this method, we write down the expansion (eq. 146): than one electrode, the principle of superposition
(I) enables us to study the effect of each electrode taken
[1-k 10e-2X•t]-1= L: Moe-2nX•I (154) separately and then later to add these effects in order
whence to determine the effect of the configuration of electrodes
as a whole. As the same principle applies in the present
problem, we will consider first the current distribution
due to a single electrode only, and next the current
U1=~ {1
271" R

kio 1(1) e-2Xn• (1+e- X•I)e-X•J (Xr)dX}•
1 2
distribution due to two electrodes. It should be
cautioned that because we are dealing with vectors,
(155) algebraic addition can be used only when we are con-
When we apply the expansion from equation 105, we sidering the corresponding scalar components of anum-
finally get ber of vectors.
Remembering that the x-component of current den-
sity (eq. 6) is Jx= _!p ~U,
we obtain the total current
t::.I flowing across any given yz-plane below a depth z':

UI=IPo {_!_+kw
271" R
D.l =
0 -CD
[ - -1P -oUJ
dydz. (158)

+k10 ±
.J[2(n+ 1) z1 + z] 2+ r2
}· (156)
The pr~sent problem differs from the one discussed
previously in that we now must consider two separate
derivatives and two separate resistivities. Conse-
Usually we are interested in values of the potential quently, there are many ways to study the problem.
function at points on the earth's surface only. There- We will choose only one of these approaches. Specifi-
fore, the useful equation is finally obtained by letting cally we will investigate the amount of current that
z=O in equation 156: enters the lower bed only; and we will therefore need
to consider the current density in the lower bed only.
(157) By manipulating the second series in the expression for
ul in equation 156, it can be shown that:
Thus, equation 157 represents the potential on the sur-
face of a two-layer earth due to a point source of cur-
rent also located on the earth's surface. Equation 157
can be manipulated easily into the forms which various where r2 =x2 +y2 • The necessary derivative 1n this
authors have obtained using the theory of images. It case 1s
is the equation useful for computations, especially when oU1 ]PoX ~ kio
k is negative-that is, when the underlying bed is the ()X= -2,;(1 +kJO) £-J [(2nzl + z)2+x2+y2)312.
more conducting.
Equations for the three-layer problem and for other Substituting this derivative into equation 158, we get
multilayer problems can be computed in the same the total amount of current flowing in the lower bed
through any given yz-plane (specified by assigning the 1.0
value of x):

ffio.8 """<,
3: 1'-,

00.7 OD
We integrate first with respect toy: ........ c
~ ~ .... ~
~0.6 t-:?:D !'......... ' ....,
...., ,
LLJ "-B .............. '~~ >.
f--C ~'........ 1'."'
' ',

---.. ~

and then with respect to z:

~0.4 t-]
- ---- "'.....-._:>
0:: r
........<1.:::0::,].;> "
[7r2 -arc tan (2n+1)z J· ~ '\ \
::J (ij Q)
~ k, r.. ....,
lPo 1 3=
~/=-(1+k!O) ~ 10 - (159) u. 0.3 t-al .3-+
7rP! n=O X 0 ..0

z (ij Ul
:J ,
Qo.2 ~--~ 0
c ........
To determine the amount of current that enters the t--
(.) Q)

lower bed in the case of two current electrodes on the

<( OD
Q) ',
~ 0.1 E
surface of a two-layer earth, we determine the amount of
I ',~
current that passes in the lower bed and through the 0
0 0.2 0.6 1.0
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.4 0.8
plane bisecting the line of electrodes. The distance klO
of this plane from one of the current electrodes is 3a/2, c;
where a is the electrode separation of the Wenner con-

figuration. Thus, x in equation 159 becomes 3a/2.

zl =3r/2
Owing to symmetry, the amount of current that flows
through the midplane will be the same from each
current electrode. Since equation 159 is based on only
one electrode, the expression which we seek is double
that given above. Thus the current entering the FIGURE 32.-The fraction t:.I/1 of the total current I which passes into a bed whose
lower bed, when expressed as a fraction of the total depth equals one-half the distance L between the current electrodes.
current, is
ously that essentially all the current enters the lower
We can also predict qualitatively what we can
This expression can be simplified for computations expect when the depth to the second layer is different
by substituting for the arc tangent its series represen- from that assumed. We know the current penetration
tation. Thus, we have in homogeneous media. We know further that the
general shape of the curve for any given depth of con-
(-l)m[ 3a ]2m+! tact must be the same as the one shown. Using these
I - 1rp 1 (1 +kw) ~ k 10 ~0 2m+ 1 2(2n+ 1)zl (160)
two principles, we can easily sketch out the probable
curves for other geometri~al relationships. Two suoh
Figure 32 represents the results of a computation curves have been indicated in figure 32 by dashed lines.
based on equation 160. In this particular case, the
depth to the second layer is made equal to one-half THEORETICAL CURVES
the distance between the current. electrodes. The cur- Our approach to the subject of theoretical curves of
rent penetrating the lower bed is given as a function of horizontal bedding problems·. is objective. Literally
the resistivity contrast expressed in tern1s of k 10 • hundreds of apparent-resistivity curves have been
The curve starts out, as it should, with no current published for the two-, three-, and four-layer cases
entering the lower bed when that bed is perfectly (Mooney and Wetzel, 1956). Our principal objectives,
insulating. For a hmnogeneous earth, one-half the therefore, are to digest and analyze the works of others
total current penetrates the horizontal contact plane on the horizontal-bed problems, and to give an evalu-
which we have chosen (see above). For the case of a ation of the best solutions available and the best
perfectly conducting lower bed, only slightly less than methods to use in actual field problems. It should be
three-quarters of the total current penetrates the lower emphasized that the key to the interpretation of the
bed. Using intuition alone, one might reason errone- horizontal-bed problem lies in the recognition of the

practical limitations of the resistivity method to solve zontal-bed problem is predicated upon a practical
the problem. viewpoint of the manner in which these parameters of
The most serious limitation is one of depth. We depth, thicknesses, and resistivity contrasts are
normally find that the electrode separation in the interrelated.
Wenner configuration, for example, must be of the
order of two or three times the depth to the beds of For the plotting of vertical resistivity profiles in
interest. Thus, even though current penetration can horizontal-bed problems, logarithmic plotting for both
be obtained, the great electrode separations needed for the apparent resistivity and the electrode separation is
the effects of deep layers to manifest themselves usually preferable to linear plotting. When both the observed
result in lateral effects superposed on the depth effects. and theoretical curves are plotted on the same type of
Exceptions to this rule are rare in the field, and con- logarithmic paper, the effect of scale is eliminated; and
sequently the quantitative interpretation of horizontal- once a satisfactory match between the observed and
bed problems is usually restricted to relatively shallow theoretical curves is made, the parameters can be
depths. determined. For the observed curves, the apparent
Other limitations are sufficient resistivity contrasts resistivity Pais plotted as the ordinate, and the electrode
and compatible thicknesses. Although the restrictions separation a is plotted as the abscissa. For the
imposed by resistivity contrasts are fortunately not theoretical curves, the ratio of the apparent resistivity
very stringent, the vast range of resistivities is not as Pa to the true resistivity Po of the top layer is usually
important as it appears. As we found in the previous plotted as the ordinate, and the ratio of the electrode
section on theory, the resistivity contrast invariably separation a to the thickness zi of the top layer is
enters the problem in the form of the reflection factor plotted as the abscissa; it is convenient to plot the
ki1= (pi-p1 )/(Pi+P1). The absolute value of the re- theoretical curves on transparent material to facilitate
flection factor ranges only from zero to unity. If the curve matching.
resistivity of a given bed is twice that of a neighboring Figure 33 shows a master set of such theoretical
bed, the reflection factor is one-third-which is already curvesforthetwo-layercase (adapted from Roman, 1941).
one-third of its entire range. If the resistivity of The values of the reflection factor k are shown for
a given bed is 5 times the resistivity of an adjacent intervals of 0.1 between + 1.0 and -1.0. The theoret-
bed, the reflection factor is two-thirds. As the resis- ical curves are applicable for either the Wenner or
tivity contrast rises above this value of 5 to 1, the Lee configurations. Assuming that a satisfactory fit
reflection b.ctor increases very slowly toward unity. occurs between the observed apparent resistivity curve
For all practical purposes, a resistivity contrast of the and one of the curves in figure 33, the following factors
order to 10 to 1 gives an anomaly of the same order of may be readily obtained when the are in super-
magnitude as an infinite resistivity contrast. This position. (See fig. 34).
rule applies to almost all types of structures. 1. The reflection factor k, which equals (PI- Po)1(PI+ Po)
The thicknesses of the beds also govern our approach is read immediately off the theoretical curve that
to the problem of horizontal beds. For example, if fits the data. If an observed curve fits, but lies
there exist three layers and if the middle layer is of intermediate between the ones drawn on the
sufficient thickness, the three-layer problem can be master curves in figure 33, the estimated value
solved by the successive use of methods normally of k can be obtained by interpolation from the
applied to solve two-layer problems. As the thickness chart.
of the middle layer decreases, we find a stage in which 2. The resistivity Po of the top layer is obtained by
the theoretical three-layer curves must be consulted; noting where the horizontal "resistivity index"
for an expanding electrode configuration, the effect line on the master chart intersects the axis of
of the bottommost bed appears in the apparent resis- ordinates of the observed curve. This results
tivity almost as soon as the effect of the middle layer. from the fact that the resistivity index is the line
Finally, when the thickness of the middle layer becomes (axis of abscissas) on the master chart representing
even smaller, the problem reduces to a simple two-layer k=O, which means that Pa/Po=1, and consequently
case because the effect of the middle layer is no longer log p8 =log Po· The fundamental reason for the
important at any electrode separation. It is obvious validity of superposition in this manner, however,
that the critical thicknesses of the middle layer in this lies in the facts that log (Pa/Po)=log p.-log Po
hypothetical case are dependent on the resistivity and log (a/z1 )=log a-log zi and because both
contrasts. log Po and log z1 are constant. Thus the sliding
A working knowledge of what can or cannot be of the master chart up and down, or back and forth
accomplished with resistivity techniques for the hori- to the right and left, does not affect the scale.

c2 p2 p1
a I a a s1



4 k P1/ PO
.9 19.00 ><
q,"'/q,o .8 9.00

.7 ~
3 5.67
.6 4.00 I
.5 3.00 a.
.4 2.33 0
.3 1.86
.2 1.50
2 .1 1.22
.0 1.00

k= P1-PO


0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 3 4 5
k= -0.1


0.6 s2 a ~2 a ~1 a s1



q,"'lq,o ><
k P1 I Po ~
0.3 -0.0 1.00 I
- .1 .82 a.
.2 .67 0
- .4 .43
.5 .33
0.2 .6 .25
- .7 .18
.8 .11
.9 .05
-LO .00

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2 3 4 5

FIOURB 33.-Apparent-reslstivity curves for two-layer case, logarithmic plotting. (A) Positive and (B) negative values, respectively, of reflection factor k =
(PI-po)/(PI+IIO) Adapted from Roman (l!Kl).

Depth= 58ft
Overburden resistivity= 0. 72 ohm-m
Reflection factor k= +0.9
Bed resistivity= 13.68 ohm-m
II o?J v
a:: '
..... 2.0

..... 1.5
a_ / (

a:: v-Theoretical curve
a_ It'
P-observed data
_,A ~

v v

---- 50
100 150 200

FIGURE 34.-Example of resistivity interpretation by curve matching, two-layer case, logarithmic plotting. Adapted from Irwin Roman (1952, unpublished data).

3. The depth Zt to the bottom layer is obtained by In the example shown in figure 34, the values of the
noting where the vertical "depth index" line (axis factors listed above are given in the diagram.
of ordinates) on the master chart intersects the Though we recommend curve matching as the best
axis of abscissas (values of electrode separation a) procedure for quantitative resistivity interpretation,
on the observed curve. This results from the there are certain generalizations that assist the inter-
fact that the depth index is the line on the master preter in making a preliminary analysis of observed
chart representing log (a/z1 ) =0, which means that apparent-resistivity curves for the two-layer case.
afzt=l and that, therefore, a=z1 • The fact that The fact that larger anomalies are obtained for negative
this electrode separation a is equal to the depth z1 reflection factors than for positive reflection factors
has nothing to do with the Gish-Rooney empirical (see fig. 33) indicates that a bed of better conducting
rule mentioned earlier. material at depth can be detected more readily than
4. The resistivity p 11 of the bottom bed is determined a poorly conducting one, other things being equal.
directly from the relationship
The most valuable generalizations, however, apply to
l+k situations in which the resistivity of the bottom bed is
assumed to be great, because usually the resistivity
does increase with depth. When the bottom bed in Either the constant-electrode system or the ex-
the two-layer case is a perfect insulator, the ap- panding-electrode system of the potential-drop-ratio
parent-resistivity curve for a vertical profile gives a method can be used in studies of horizontal bedding.
limiting straight-line curve which passes through the Figures 36 and 37 show the normalized potential-drop
origin of coordinates (for linear plotting) and which ratios for both these systems for different reflection
has an inclination tan a= 1.386. A limiting straight factors.
line also occurs with logarithmic plotting. For this For the constant-electrode system (fig. 36), the
limiting case the limiting value of the slope will be potential electrode separation a is taken as half the
reached when a/z1 = 1.5; this is also approximately depth z1 to the bottom layer. For a perfectly insulat-
true for other resistivity contrasts that exceed about ing bottom bed (k= 1), the maximum value of the
ptfPo= 10:1. This property, which is important also potential-drop ratio is about 1.3, and occurs when the
in considering the analysis of three- and four-layer distance r between ce:qter potential electrode P 0 and
cases discussed later, implies that in a two-layer current electrode C equals about 1~ times the depth Zt.
region in which the bottom bed is ten or more times For smaller positive reflection factors, the potential-
resistive than the top bed, the configuration will need drop-ratio curves become flatter, and the maxima shift
to be expanded to only about two or three times the so slightly to the right that their position on the abscissa
suspected depth to obtain the thickness z1 of the top of the chart can be used as a valuable criterion of the
layer. In addition, for large values of ptf p0 , the ap- depth for the two-layer case. For this reason, claims
parent resistivity Pa is 1.5 times the true resistivity are made that the potential-drop-ratio method gives a
Po of the upper layer when a= Zt, that is, when the faster interpret~tion of the depth for a two-layer prob-
electrode separation is equal to the thickness of the top lem than resistivity techniques, provided the reflection
layer. As the true resistivity of the ordinary alluvium factor is positive (Heiland, 1940, p. 747). Additional
is usually much lower than that of the bedrock below potential-drop-ratio curves for different positive reflec-
it, a valuable indication of the depth of the bedrock tion factors and electrode separations than those in
can frequently be obtained by this relationship in figure 36 are deemed necessary to substantiate these
simple two-layer, depth-to-bedrock problems. Of claims. For negative reflection factors (top bed is
course, this assumes that a determination of Po can more resistive than bottom bed), it is seen from figure
be obtained from the value of the apparent resistivity 36 that the potential-drop-ratio minima shift so much
at small electrode separations. to the right that a curve-matching comparison with
In the two-layer problem the various rules for theoretical curves would be necessary for making
depth that depend upon the points of inflection of reliable depth estimates.
the apparent-resistivity curves have been shown by For the expanding-electrode system making r' = 3a
various investigators (Ehrenburg and Watson, 1931; (fig. 37), the potential-drop-ratio maxima for positive
Palmer and Hough, 1953) to be applicable to certain reflection factors (bottom layer more resistive than top
reflection factors only; each rule breaks down when layer) occur when the distance between current elec-
applied universally. As the resistivity contrast is not trode C and the nearest potential electrode P1 is approxi-
generally known, it is therefore considered preferable- mately equal to the depth of the bottom layer (Heiland,
and usually just as fast-merely to compare the ob- 1940, p. 748). For negative reflection factors no general
served curve with the master logarithmic curves rather rule can apparently be made.
than to rely on the rules concerning inflection points.
Figure 35 shows the families of apparent-resistivity
curves for the two-layer case when linear plotting is The three-layer case comprises a top layer of thick-
used (after Tagg, 1932). The curves are taken at ness z1 , a middle layer of thickness d, and a bottommost
intervals of k of 0.1 from + 1.0 to -1.0. The ratio of layer at depth z2 (z2 is defined by the equation z2= Zt +d)
the apparent resistivity Pa or conductivity ua to the that theoretically extends to infinity (see fig. 38). As
true resistivity Po or conductivity u 0 , respectively, of there are an infinite number of permutations and
the top layer is plotted as the ordinate on a linear scale; combinations of the factors of electrode separations,
and, because the electrode separation a is known, the thicknesses of beds, and resistivity contrasts of the
ratio of the thickness z1 of the top layer to the electrode three beds, it is helpful in the analysis of the three-
separation a is plotted as the abscissa on a linear scale. layer problem to first systematize the conventions and
The curves are applicable for either the Wenner or Lee practices that will suffice for practical needs and at the
configurations. These linear curves are used today same time keep the problem from being unwieldly
principally for the Tagg method of interpretation, Our conventions and reasonings for the three-layer
which will be discussed in a later section. case follow those of Wetzel and McMurry (1937)










k= ~-~



00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.0
FIGUR& 35.-(A) Apparent-resistivity {B) apparent-conductivity curves for Tagg interpretation of two-
layer case, linear plotting; reflection factor I, (A) negative; and {B) positive. Adapted from Tagg
(1932). Copyright by Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers.
1.3 0.86

1.2 0.84

6 0.82 I
N p -P
::::::i k=-I_ _o =1
< PI +Po
6 1.0 ~
IJJ a:::
N 0 0.80
0 0.9
a::: 0.78
a::: 0.8
.!.. 0.76 I
a.. c(
0 i=
a::: z
.!J 1-
~ 0.74
0 0.7
"' ~ -_..;
24 20 16 12 8 4 0

,,_____ r'
'} a '2 "-
'} 1
0 2 3 4
Po 1=18.5 units( fixed)

pl Perfect insulator
[ f2 ~ c
pl k= PcPo FIGURE 37.-Potential-drop ratios (normalized) for two-layer case, expanding-
PI+Po electrode system, perfectly insulating bottom bed. Depth z1... 18.1S units; r'-3a.
a=z/2 is constant Adapted from M. H. Jameson (1937, "Effect of dipping strata on potential-drop..ratio
r is variable determinations," unpublished master's thesis, Colorado School of Mines Library).

or perfectly insulating; and if they are so, they fall

FIGURE 36.-Potential-drop ratios (normalized) for two-layer case, constant-elec- into the category of special limiting cases of the three-
trode system for various reflection factors /c. Electrode spacing a= z1/2 is constant; layer problem that can be recognized from the families
r variable. Adapted from John Baird (1940, "Potential-drop ratios in the case of
stratified medium," unpublished doctor's thesis, Colorado School of Mines Library). of theoretical curves that will be shown later. It
should be emphasized, however, that the presence of
with some modifications. The thickness z1 of the top undetectable thin beds can still cause erroneous
layer is always taken as our unit of length. Except interpretations.
in special cases, the assumed resistivity contrasts will As in the two-layer case, logarithmic plotting is
be in ratios of 1/oo, 1/100, 1/10, 1/3, 3/1, 10/1, 100/1, recommended, because it renders the shape of the
and oo /1. There are three main groups of possibilities curves independent of the field units used and allows
concerning the resistivity of the middle bed in relation the interpreter to become familiar with the curve trends.
to that of the others: its resistivity may be higher This is difficult to do if linear plots are used. Provided
than, lower than, or intermediate between the resistiv- the three-layer assumption is correct and the beds are
ities of the top and bottommost beds. The assumed homogeneous, a unique solution is possible, as in the
thicknesses of the layers are either equal or are simple two-layer case; but to obtain a unique solution, the
multiples of each other. Thin beds of thickness less electrode configuration must generally be expanded to
than one unit will not be considered because, for all much larger electrode separations than for the two-layer
practical purposes, they will not be detectable in the case. Great care must also be used in obtaining the
field unless they are either nearly perfectly conducting apparent resistivity for small electrode separations.

The best depth determinations that can ordinarily be Figure 39 shows the effect on the apparent resistivity
expected with the resistivity method for the three-layer of varying the resistivity PI of the middle layer, all
case is to within an accuracy of only 10 percent When other factors remaining constant (Wetzel and Mc-
reference is made to obtaining an "accurate" depth Murry, 1937). The resistivities of the top and bottom-
estimate in this paper, the inherent limitation of the most beds are equal, and Zt: d: :3: 1. All curves are
method is still implied. asymptotic to the value Pal p0 = 1. In this case the
For the special three-layer cases in which the bottom- logarithmic two-layer curves can be used to obtain
most bed is either a perfect insulator or perfect conductor, approximately the thickness z1 of the top layer, but
the mathematics is greatly simplified, and the properties they cannot be used to obtain the depth z2 of the
are therefore easily obtainable. When the bottommost bottommost layer because the curves on the right-hand
layer is a perfect insulator, the asymptotic curve for side of the diagram are not close enough to asymptotic
large electrode separations passes through the origin values to allow the two-layer approximation to be
of coordinates (for linear plotting), and its slope is applied.
identical to that for the two-layer case in which the Figure 40 shows the effect on the apparent resistivity
bottom lay-er is a perfect insulator. of variations in the resistivity P2 of the bottommost
Figure 38 shows the effect on the apparent resistivity layer, all other factors remaining constant (Wetzel
of varying ratios of the top-layer thickness z1 to middle- and McMurry, 1937). The fixed resistivities are such
layer thickness d for the Wenner or Lee configuration that Pt = 3 Po, and zi : d: : 1 :3. The curve labeled
(Wetzel and McMurry, 1937). The ratios of resistiv- P2=3p0 is for the two-layer case; and it fits the other
ities are p0 :pi:P2::1:1/3:1. The ratio z1:d::0:8 is curves so closely for abscissa values less than 3 that in
identical to a two-layer case, and the ratio z1 : d: : 8 : 0 this case also the thickness zi of the top layer can ob-
is the homogeneous case. Because for large separations viously be obtained approximately from the two-layer
the slopes of the curves approach that for the two-layer logarithmic curves for all resistivity contrasts involved.
case, it is clear that a family of logarithmic two-layer Figure 41 shows the behavior of certain types of
curves can be used to obtain approximately the depth resistivity curves by comparing three-layer curve A
Z2 of the bottommost bed. The same is true in this for zi: d: :4:4 with various limiting curves. The
case for the depth z1 • resistivities for curve A are Po: PI: P2: : 1: 10: 1/3; thus

All curves asymptotic to Pa /P

0.9 -----:::::::: -......_
r--...... -- --- - r-.._
Homogeneous case

-- - 6:2
z 1:d::8:0

-- ---
-- ----

0.7 ~ ~ ....!t...4
~~ ~

0.6 ~
./ ~
~ '-- ~
..- ~

~ c2 p2 f} cl:!
41:d::0:8 ~
:! a
• a I a
Two-layer case
pl = 1'/3 (F1xed}z2 =8

l j
p2=1 All resistivities fixed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40

FIGURE 38.-Diagram of three-layer case showing the effect on the apparent resistivity P• of varying ratios of top-layer thickness Z1 to middle-layer thickness d, Wenner
or Lee configuration. Po: Pl : ~ : :1: 1/3:1. Adapted from Wetzel and McMurry (1937).
6 10
s2 a ~2 a ~1 a C:l All curves asymptotic
- 9 ~B
P0 (Fixed) f 1zl 8
4 f-
P1 (Variable) z2=4zll8 dl3zl
I t.
to Pa!P0 -1

v - 7

P2 = P0 (Fixed) 'l-
4 r------+----+-~--r-~-+~~~~,~---+---4--~
2 -~\
/v _......J-
p = 10P0 3 ~-----+----+-~--~~~~~0.~-+--~--~
-........ ...........
,d··~\ """\
/ ............
_k:::::;: v
........ P2 =3Po
2 >----n
-- ,, \
0.9 3P2 .Po
....... ......
......... .......... ~~
'r-.. ....- ~~"? --+--\--+-~
0.6 1.0 A ---
~ 0.9 - C - - Two-layer case -.....J·O::~~<O. \
0.5 \ o.8 ..... :::·o ~"-+----\\-+----l
0.4 0.7 ~ "
0.3 \ 0.6 0.-~~ \
0.51----+----11--+--+--+--+-+-1-+---- ·./.·./'·-....-.......('~ \.

~J.,, 0.4~----~----~~--~~~~~-----4--~~~~
"$ ~Q-19\

0.2 / c2 P2 fJ. cl
'C _/ /

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40
8alz 2
FIGURE 39.-Diagram of three-layer case showing the effect on the apparent resistiv- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 40
ity Pa of varying resistivity PI of the middle layer, all other factors remaining 8alz2
constant, Wenner or Lee configuration; z,:d: :3:1; po=p2=l. Adapted from Wetzel
and McMurry (1937).
FIGURE41.-Comparison of three-layer curve A with limiting two-layer curves B
and C and Hummel asymptotic curveD (for the top layers only), Wenner or
10 I I I I Lee configuration. po:p,:p2::l:lO:l/3; various values of z,:d. Adapted from
9 /
8 ~All curves asymptotic to /
Wetzel and McMurry (1937).
7 ~
different values of Pa!P0
for large electrode sep- / _......

6 1-- ,......
arations '\.C'j / the resistivity of the middle layer is greater than that
Y'], \.oPv v
5 ~
of either the top or bottommost layers, and the resis-
~~ tivity of the bottommost layer is least of all three.


~ ~

- Asymptotic curve D is for the two-layer case in which

the resistivities of the upper-two layers have been
averaged according to Hummel's (1929 c, d) method .

~~ ~
~~ r- -

1""- Curve A approaches this asymptotic curve for much

~~p- larger electrode separations than shown in the figure.
~~ ~~

1.0 0 !'-...... Within the region of the chart shown, however, this
0.9 '\.'\. '\.
asymptotic value cannot be used as a guide in the anal-
""\\ '\. ysis of curve A. In this example the logarithmic two-
'-'\~ '0 '\
' :s

layer curves, therefore, cannot be used to obtain even
approximately the depth Z2 to the bottommost layer.
An attempt to do so in this example would involve a
rl ~\
c2 p2 fJ. cl 400-percent error in the determination of depth z2.
0.3 {
PQ fixed)
P =3P (fixed)
a •
• r,
z =4z =8 •
The mathematical expression for the apparent resis-
2 1 0"0

0.2 -
1 0 1 dl3zl tivity of the three-layer case reduces continuously to

the expression for the two-layer case if either z1 or d is
P2 (variable)
allowed to approach zero. Applying this to our present
0.1 I I I I I I I I example in figure 41, curve B is obtained when Zt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 40 approaches zero, and curve 0 is obtained when d
8alz approaches zero. It should be emphasized that the

FIGURE 40.-Diagram of three-layer case showing the effect on the apparent resis- apparent-resistivity curves B and 0 for the limiting
tivity Pa of variations in resistivity P2 of bottommost layer, all other factors remain-
ing constant, Wenner or Lee configuration; z 1 :d: :1:3; po=1; p1 =3. Adapted from
two-layer cases are not envelopes for the families of
Wetzel and McMurry (1937). three-layer curves similar to curve A, as might normally

be e:x-pected. In addition, it is possible for members z1 : d ratio for the field curve corresponds to about 3: 5.
of these multiple-layer resistivity curve families to Using the relationship ~= z1+ d and knowing that
cross; this fact makes the task of extrapolation of z2 = 330 feet, we readily obtain the thickness of the top
curve families difficult. layer z1 = 124 feet. The problem is thus completely
Figure 42 shows an example of the interpretation of solved.
a three-layer case by superposition of the logarithmic The members of the Schlumberger school have
theoretical (solid lines) and hypothetical observed pointed out the advantages of logarithmic curve match-
(dashed line) curves (Wetzel and McMurry, 1937). ing and themselves have used it as a standard procedure
The family of theoretical curves are for fixed resis- for many years for both two- and three-layer problems.
tivities Po: Pt : P2: : 1 :3 : 10 and for various values of z1 :d. During 1933 to 1936 the Schlumberger organization in
The "resistivity index" line, which is defined as the Paris, la Compagnie Generale de Geophysique, com-
axis of abscissas on the theoretical chart for which puted an album of 480 master curves for two- and
Pal Po= 1, is extended to the left to intersect the ordinate three-layer cases that were recently published (Com-
value of Pa on the observed logarithmic chart; this pagnie Generale de Geophysique, 1955). Figure 43
gives the value of p0 , which in the present example is shows the values of the parameters used in the Schlum-
33 ohm-centimeters. The fact that the observed curve berger album and the generalized character of the
matches a theoretical curve in this family, whose apparent-resistivity curves in each category with the
theoretical ratio is p0 :p1 :P2: :1:3:10 indicates that the Schlumberger configuration. The resistivity P2 of the
field resistivity values are Po: p1 : P2: :33:99:330. The bottommost layer is assumed to have only four separate
"depth index" line, which is defined in the three-layer values, namely, fJ2=0, Po, p~/Po, and 00 •
case as the electrode separation equal to the depth of An example of one of the families of two- and
the bottommost layer-that is, a=~-, corresponds in three-layer curves for the Schlumberger configuration is
the Wetzel-McMurry charts with the abscissa point shown in figure 44. The curves are plotted on loga-
8a/~=8, and is found on the diagram to be ~=330 rithmic paper whose cycle is identical to that used for
feet. Finally the z1 :d ratio is read by noting that the the field curves. For all curves the resistivities of the
field curve lies about halfway between the theoretical top, middle, and bottommost layers are, respectively,
curves whose ratios are 2 : 2 and 1 : 3; therefore, the Po; Pt=Po/39; and fJ2=oo. The only differences in the

Theoretical chart
3.------ - 9 r ---. , r-r -,,--- r-r-1 -,-- --,
j c2 ct ~ ./ I
~ 2rl ~l- ~-r- --r- l/'~ / ..J
~ 5
1 ~ v _.......~.·~ I
o II P
= P0
I I; ,I !, ,I I ,I I I l1t~~
i V""
Ii ./ ~v ····~V /
••• / // II
~ 1. 41 I ! l I I ~~T ~~····;~v~v
~ I pl~x~~;o Po I I I I I I ~~ I /.&··{:.v ~vV I
1 3 :=I l ·r=·-r- L---

V' ~' •
.. · ./L.'l.-V ~
·- ·-r-j
I- 0.9 --- -
~ 0.8~---+----+-- -i-~H 1-f-+--r----1---
r- ---+---t--2
-- --r--·-t-
v ~.·· · / v;:~ +- ---f-~--1

I-- _ _ _
t- 0 ·6 1 +- ---t ·----'
_J - --
-l----1---i I- --+----
1-1L'H' t-r-f--r- I

V .···"'"
.... l/ V
• ~
v v J_J_
[7 I I
i ·-
I · - - - - 1 - -II
~ o.5r----+--t-- -t-f--H>-p~V ~v ~v t---t-t- +- ---~-~
~ o.4L---~----'--- ~~. ···· _,/ .- ~ v j___ - - - r - J LLL I-

8 l..................... ~ ............~ ....... it' · .:.~~1--

VReJistivi~ in~ex t-Ll I 1--

ffi · ~ ----t---+---t-t-~H4+-~-~~- -l-i-~~t--+-+-R+~o-~~

0 3

~ I I 2
I I I I I I II I Balz I%!~ I I I I I I I I
0.2 L ___ _L _
10 20
_l_j__j_LUll_ ___ l_ __ ~~-LLLUj_ ___ _j
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 z2 500 1000 2000

FIGURE 42.-Example of interpretation of three-layer case by superposition of logarithmic theoretical (solid lines) and hypothetical observed (dashed line) curves,
Wenner or Lee configuration. po:p,:p2: :1:3:10; various values of z1:d; z2=8 units (depth index). Adapted from Wetzel and McMurry (1937).
~---AB AB----~ successive measurements. In order not to introduce
I 2
~ r--4v~ M
2 1 ~:=i the ratio between these two distances as an extra
SURFACE~ . + I + A variable, all the calculations are made for an infinitely
small value of the distance between the potential elec-
trodes. If the ratio of the distance between the
potential electrodes to that between the current elec-
trodes does not exceed 1/5, it is sufficient to shift the
points of the field curve in the negative direction of the
P2= 0 Po P~/Po co distance axis (in the vertical profile) by an amount
~ / / equivalent to a reduction of the distance by 0 to 6
PI >Po
\ __/
percent depending on the case (Compagnie General de
Geophysique, 1955, p. 1).
~ The principal advantage of this technique is that the
'\ influence of local inhomogeneities close to the potential
electrodes can be clearly located on the apparent-
~= _!_, _!_, !_, _!_, 2. ~. 2. . ..?... 4,9,19,39 resistivity curves. A schematic representation of this
"o 39 19 9 4 7 3 2 3
idea is shown in figure 45 (after Chastenet de Gery and
z2-z 1 = 0~ _!_, _!_, _!_, _!_, 1, 2, 3. 5, 9, 24,
z1 9 5 3 2
co* Kunetz, 1956). The top diagram (fig. 45) contains
•Two-layer case: z 1 =z2 ;d=0 *Two-layer case: z 2 > >z 1 three segments of curves, each of which represents data
PTOP LAYER/PBOTTOM LAYER= P0 /P2 taken with one of three different values of the distance
'KIN between the potential electrodes. Because a local
inhomogeneity existed near one or both of the potential
~ electrodes when '.'KIN had the second value used,
~ segment B of the curve is displaced upward from the
other two. Obviously, it is easy to connect segments
1- A and 0 correctly by moving segment B downward to
its correct position. The middle diagram (fig. 45)

shows, for example, what might have been obtained
with the Wenner configuration as it is normally used.
0 The effect of the local inhomogeneity cannot be differ-
8 entiated from the effects of deep horizontal discon-
LOG (AB/2) tinuities on the smooth Wenner curve.
FIGURE 43.-Diagram showing values of parameters used in the Schlumberger album,
The four-layer case comprises a top layer of thickness
of 480 master two- and three-layer curves and the generalized character of the z1 and resistivity Po and two successively deeper layers
apparent-resistivity curves in each category for vertical profiles, Schlumberger of respective thickness d1 and d2 whose bottoms lie at
configuration. Adapted from Compagnie Gl!nl!rale de Gl!ophysique (1955).
successive depths of z2 and z3 , respectively, below the
curves are in the thicknesses of the layers. The two earth's surface (fig. 46). The bottommost layer, at
limiting curves are for the limiting two-layer cases. depth z3, is assumed to extend to great depth.
The apparent resistivity is plotted against AB/2, where At the outstart, we repeat our contention that, except
AB is the distance between the current electrodes. The for ideal and very rare field problems, lateral variations
depth index is z11 the thickness of the top layer. The 10z1 interfere too much for the four-layer case analysis to
mark is included to indicate the dimensions of the be applied with much degree of certainty. In addition,
logarithmic cycle used. The resistivity index is the hori- there is a lack of uniqueness-from the practical point
zontal line, which represents the value of p0 • The of view-in the four-layer case. Although we realize
theoretical curves are matched with the logarithmically that much more time and experience must be had with
plotted observed field values for the Schlumberger the application of the four-layer curves to prove this
configuration in a manner similar to that discussed statement conclusively, we will now show the charac-
previously for the Wenner and Lee configurations. teristics of the four-layer case that lead us to this
As pointed out on page 40, the French school-con- contention. In doing this, we will use some four-layer
trary to the Wenner procedure-has always chosen to curves taken from the album of four-layer curves by
take a vertical profile by increasing either the distance Mooney and Wetzel (1956), which is the most compre-
between the current electrodes or that between the hensive work of its type ever published for the resistivity
potential electrodes, but only one set at a time between method. This album is of great help in showing curve

Value in circle
- O


1-- AB _ ____,,.___ _ AB ~
z I 2 I 2 I

'! r A

r ...



FIGURE 44.-Family of apparent-resistivity curves for two- and three-layer cases, Schlumberger configuration. Adapted from Compagnie GOO.~rale de G~ophysique (1955).

trends that would be expected in ideal four-layer Even at these large electrode separations the three-layer
problems. curves D and F are similar to the four-layer curve E
Figure 47 shows the large expansions of configuration and, considering "noise" effects of about 10 percent,
necessary to distinguisn three-layer curves (B, C, D, would be difficult to distinguish with confidence in the
and F) from four-layer curves (A, E, and G; all curves field data. Many other examples of similarity between
from Mooney and Wetzel, 1956). In the example three- and four-layer curves can be cited from a
shown, the resistivities of the top two layers for the study of the curves given by Mooney and Wetzel
three-layer case are identical to those of the four-layer (1956). Still more similarities would be seen if addi-
case (that is, Pl=100 p0 ); the thickness z1 of the top tional thickness ratios and resistivity ratios had been
layer is the same in both cases; and z2 for the three- taken. Consequently there is a nonuniqueness in the
layer- case is made equal to z3 for the four-layer case; resistivity data that manifests itself strongly within
in the four-layer case, the thickness of the third layer the relatively small range of electrode separations that
is one unit. As the configuration is expanded, there is are practical in resistivity prospecting. Even though
essentially no resolution between the apparent-resis- theoretically the curves would differ if the electrode
tivity curves up to an electrode separation a=5z3/3; separations are expanded far enough, there is a practical
and the distinction between the curves is not marked limit to this expansion in actual field work; and it is
until a= 10z3/3 which corresponds to a distance equal herein that the usefulness of the four-layer analysis is
to 3 1/3 times the depth z3 to the bottommost layer. seriously limited.

some areas can be so large as to vitiate the effectiveness
of a two- or three-layer analysis, let alone a four-layer
analysis. There are field techniques available to detect
these truly lateral effects-see, for example, the dis-
cussion of the technique for the Schlumberger configura-
en tion, page 40-and allowances can be made for them;
0:: AB/2 but they impose on the field data a serious limitation
z for accurate depth estimates in multiple-layer cases.
Q... In depth determination of "horizontal" layers, it is
important to ascertain that the layering is indeed
horizon-tal rather than dipping, and that major lateral
effects are absent. This can be accomplished by taking
AB/2 two or more separate vertical profiles in different azi-
muths. The Lee partitioning method is particularily
suited for this purpose, and is recommended by us.
I I For this purpose some investigators, notably Spicer

°1I M

• (1952 and 1955), use the Lee configuration and plot not
only the regular Lee P1 and P2 values, but also the
Wenner values as measured by computing the apparent
resistivities from potential differences between the outer
potential electrodes Pt and P2.
FIGURE 45.-Qualitative effect of inhomogeneity on apparent-resistivity curves.
A, B, and Care segments of the Schlumberger curve; D is the Wenner curve. EMPIRICAL METHODS
Adapted from Chastenet de G~ry and Kunetz (1956).
Although their results cannot be explained on the
basis of present theory assuming Laplace's equation,
the empirical methods have long been used. The fact
SURFACE s2 ~2 ~1
that testing has often borne out the correctness of the
, , ,,,, a a a s1
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,,r,1''1''''' predictions based on empirical methods has established
0 z4 z3 ~2 p the method in the geophysical industry, and it is still
in use today.
l ~1 Figure 48 shows the observed vertical resistivity
p2 1 profiles for the determination of the depth to salt water
12 with the Lee configuration at Kahului Fair Grounds,
island of Maui, Hawaiian Islands (Swartz, 1940b).
I Here the lens of fresh water is buoyed up by the under-
l lying salt water. On the basis of the characteristic
To co downbreak at A (fig. 48) occurring at an electrode
separation of 140 feet, it was predicted by Swartz
FIGURE 46.-Diagram of geologic cross section of four-layer case showing convention
of symbols ~d. prior to drilling that salt water would be encountered
at a depth of 140 feet. The top of the salt water of
Quite apart from minor "noise" effects due to minor approximate sea-water salinity was found at a depth of
local departures from homogeneity of any of the four 141 feet, which was in surprisingly good accord with
layers-which would make difficult the distinction the predicted depth. The transition zone between
between curves D and E in figure 4 7, for example-are fresh water and salt water occurred in the well over a
the more important lateral effects that often occur in vertical distance of only 22 feet, and Swartz attributes
the geologic section when the configuration is expanded the success of the method in this area to this rather
to larger separations. These ordinarily amount to abrupt transition in resistivities. The possible causes
more than 10 percent; and they can therefore cause the of peaks B', C, and 0' (fig. 48) were not discussed by
observed apparent-resistivity curve to vary in such a Swartz. Because peak A' on the P2 curve occurs at a
direction and amount that a four-layer case might be value of the electrode separation (150 feet) that is
suspected in an actual three-layer field problem. The exactly three times the value of the electrode separa-
d~partures caused by these major lateral effects in tion (50 feet) at which peak B' occurs on the same

3-layer case 4-layer case

s2 a ~2 a~~ a sl c.2 a ~2 a Pl a S 1


z+ Po
z+ X
~ l/

z -5

~= 100P0

'T ~=100Po
P2= 10po


.,,., """"'
- 10 ~
P2 = (variable) P = (variable) 8
3 / _/" c
// ,~
-..... r--. ~
... 6 (/)
/~ ..-- r~
Curve zl:z2 PO:Pl:p2 Curve zl :z2:z3 Po : Pl: P2 : P3
-...... u;
- ~
~F ' !"\~

3:6 1:100:3 0::
D 3:6 1:100:1 D - - ~ a..
v <(

E - - E 3:5:6 1:100:10:3

F 3:6 1:100:1/100 F - -
G - - G 3:5:6 1:100:10:1 ~ 2

v v ~


0.4 0.6 0.8
4 6 8 10 20 60 80 100

FIGURE 47.-Diagram showing large expansions of configuration necessary to distinguish three-layer apparent-resistivity curves (B, C, D, and F) from four-layer curves
(A, E, and G), We~er or Lee configuration. Note similarity of some three-layer curves lD and F) to four-layer curve E. Curves from Mooney and Wetzel (1956},
"Potentials about a point electrode and apparent-resistivity curves for a two-, three-, and four-layer earth," by permission of Univ. Minnesota Press. Copyright 1956
by University of Minnesota.

curve, the logical question arises as to whether peak

B' could occur as the current electrode crossed a truly
lateral feature, and peak A' could occur as the potential
electrode crossed the same feature. It can be observed
from theoretical curves in plates 3, and 4, and figure
--~~-+-~--~-~2000 gz 157 that truly lateral effects of this type would have
,.- <i.
Sea water- (.!) caused the p 1 curve to have a peak at B also; such a
peak was not observed, although data were carefully
~~r--;~~~-+--r-~~~-~~1200 (/) taken at small intervals. Therefore, the maxima in
z the four apparent-resistivity curves in the vicinity of
ffi A (fig. 48) are regarded by us as not caused by truly
~ lateral effects, and are probably some unexplained
400 ~
manifestation of the salt water at depth.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 188 ~ On the island of Lanai, where similar salt-water
ELECTRODE SEPARATION, IN FEET problems occur, Swartz {1940b) obtained a_pparent-
resistivity curves with characteristics like those of
FIGURE 48.-0bserved vertical resistivity profiles for determination of depth to salt figure 48; and his depth predictions, which were based
water, Lee configuration, Kahului Fair Grounds, Maul, Hawaiian Islands. Inter-
pretation by empirical method. Adapted from Swartz, (1940b}. on the empirical method, were verified later by testing.
By using an analysis similar to the above, the geo- curves and the observed field curve (fig. 49, after Tagg,
physicists using empirical methods today will probably 1932) is as follows:
find it helpful to review their observed field curves with 1. Apparent-resistivity measurements are taken for
some of the theoretical curves of truly lateral effects small, intermediate, and large electrode separations.
given in this treatise. It is anticipated that some of 2. The apparent-resistivity measurements taken at
the breaks on their curves can be attributed to truly small electrode separations are used first to determine
lateral effects. Other significant breaks, especially if as accurately as possible the true resistivity Po (or
they accompany or define a major change in slope of conductivity uo) of the top layer. In the present
the overall curve, if they cannot be explained by truly example, the average value of Po, based on the ap-
lateral effects or instrumental procedures, and if they parent-resistivity values up to electrode separations
do correlate with vertical resistivity contrasts, may be of 70 feet, was taken by Tagg as 6, 703 ohm-inches.
caused by effects not taken into account in our assump- 3. Next, several apparent-resistivity values Pa (or
tions of the ohmic flow of current. apparent conductivity values ua, if k is positive)
TAGG'S METHOD are selected for small, intermediate, and large elec-
trode separations on the observed field curve.
Tagg's method employs a family of apparent-re- Using these values and the value of Po (or uo) already
sistivity curves and apparent-conductivity curves for obtained, the corresponding values of Pa!Po (or
negative and positive reflection factors, respectively ua/uo) are computed.
(see fig. 35). Tagg's method for depth determination 4. For each value of Pa!Po (or ua/uo) and its accom-
for the two-layer case, utilizing these theoretical panying value of a, a series of corresponding values
of zda for k intervals of 0.1 from -0.1 to -1.0 (or
20,000 + 0.1 to + 1.0) are read off the curves in figure
35. Since the electrode separation a is known, the
zda values can be converted into a series of values of
18,000 I z1• Thus for each value of the electrode separation,

there is a series of corresponding values of z1 and k.
For our field example, the values for six electrode
separations are listed in table 2. This table shows
16,000 /. that for the value k=0.7 the depth values of z1 remain

~ 14,000
practically constant, and that the value z1 = 142 feet
may be taken as the required depth to the high-
resistive layer.
5. For each of the six separations used in the table, a
plot of the k-versus-z1 curve is made by reading
these values from the table (see fig. 50, after Tagg,
5: 12,000 1932). The- six curves should theoretically inter-
lf~entiometer equipment
sect at a point, which then gives the unique solution
of not only the thickness z1 of the top layer, but


~ 10,000
/; also the reflection factor k. In the field example
shown, the curves intersect at z1 = 142 feet. The
true depth in this case ranged from 145 feet to 150
'I feet. The most probable value of k is 0.702.

~. _. v
//x 6. The true resistivity p 1 of the lower layer can then be
calculated from the equation P•=p0 (1+ k)/(1-k); in
the example it is 38,280 ohm-inches.
When the logarithmic curve-matching method is
used on this same field example, the resulting values are
as follows: k=0.7; p 0 =6,720 ohm-inches; z.=141 feet;
and p 1=38,080 ohm-inches (Roman, 1934, p. 193).
40000 These values are in excellent agreement with the values
100 200 300 400 500
obtained by the Tagg method.
Theoretically, only two different electrode separa-
FIGURE 49.-0bserved vertical resistivity profile, linear plotting, for example of tions resulting in two intersecting curves are needed,
Tagg method of interpretation in two-layer case. Adapted from Tagg, 1932.
Copyright by Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers. if the true resistivity of the top layer has already been

TABLE 2.-Tagg's method for determining values of z 1 and k for each electrode separation a
[Data from Tagg (1932). Depth values (zt) for k=0.7 show close agreement}

k=l k=0.9 k=0.8 k=0.7 k=0.6

Electrode separation a (feet) ualtrt

ztla Zt Zt Zt Zl Zl

150 __________________ _ 0.748 1. 19 179 1. 12 168 1.045 157 0.96 144 0.87 130.5
200 __________________ _ . 625 . 915 183 . 850 170 . 775 155 .700 140 . 620 124
250 __________________ _ . 544 .770 193 . 705 176 . 640 160 . 565 141 . 485 121
300 __________________ _ . 483 . 675 202 . 610 183 . 545 163 . 478 143 . 390 117
350 __________________ _ . 441 . 61 214 . 545 191 .485 170 .41 144 .325 114
400 __________________ _ . 407 . 560 224 I . 500 200 . 435 174 . 36 144 . 28 112

Eloetmdo "po<ation • (foet) I •·'•• k=0.5 k=0.4 k=0.3 k=0.2 k=O.l

150 __________________ _ 0.748 0.785 118 0.66 99 0.525 79 0.315
200 __________________ _ 47 -------- --------
250 __________________ _ . 625 . 525 105 . 42 84 .26 52
300 __________________ _ . 544 . 39 97.5 . 27 67.5 . 03 7.5
350 __________________ _ . 483 . 295 74 . 16 40
400 __________________ _ . 441 . 226 78 . 06 21
. 407 .17 68

determined, and, of course, if the assumptions of the simple two-layer type with the g1ven assumptions,
two la.yers are fulfilled and each layer is homogeneous and the method is inapplicable.
and isotropic. In practice, several electrode separations To determine the thickness of the top layer only, it
(Tagg recommended at least three) are taken to ascer- is not necessary to determine the resistivity of the top
tain that the assumed conditions essentially prevail, in layer, provided auxiliary sets of special Tagg curves
which case the resulting triangle of error in the k- are available and provided that the values of the elec-
versus-Zt plot is small and its center can be taken as trode separations (na) are taken at simple multiples
the indicated depth z1 • If, on the other hand, the or submultiples of a given electrode separation a. The
triangle of error is excessively large and the third (or reasoning used in this approach results from the prop-
more) k-versus-z 1 curve lies a great distance from the erty of the ratio of Pal Pna, where Pa is the observed ap-
point of intersection of the first two similar curves, the parent resistivity at electrode separation a and Pna is
structure being investigated is probably not of the the apparent resistivity at electrode separation na.
It can be shown that

Po= o--= 1 +4F(a)

Pna CTo 1 +4F(na)

where F(a) and F(na) are functions of z1/a and Zt/na,

respectively, as well as of the reflection factor k. For
any value of n--which is usually taken as 1.5, 2.0, 2.5,
and 3.0-the values of Pna!Pa or O"na!O"a are calculated for
any values of zda and k; and sets of special master
z 0.6 curves are plotted on linear scales in this way for both
i= p_p
(.) k=-1_0 positive and negative reflection factors. For any sin-
P1 +Po gle given value of n, a family of 10 curves is desirable
a:: 0.4 for either positive or negative reflection factors by
taking k at intervals of 0.1.
As an example, the ratio of the observed apparent
resistivities p 24 / Pa for electrode separations 2a and a,
0.20 respectively, is first calculated. Since in this case n=2,
50 100 150 200 250
DEPTH (z 1), IN FEET the set of auxiliary master curves for n=2 and, say,
negative reflection factors, are used to obtain a series
50.-Plots of reflection factor k versus depth z1 for different electrode separa-
tions a, Tagg method of interpretation. Adapted from Tagg (1932). Copyright
of corresponding values of zda and k from inspection of
by Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers. the curves. Since a is known, these values are next
converted into a series of corresponding values of z1 mogeneous layers is not fulfilled-which is often true-
and k. By taking other pairs of values of electrode this intersection is not well defined, because the common
separation, further sets of corresponding values of z1 point spreads out, as into a triangle of error. A differ-
and k can be obtained. Just as for figure 50, these ent value for the resistivity of the top layer may lead
z1-versus-k curves should theoretically intersect at a to a much better intersection, but this alone is not a
point to give the true values of z1 and k. Thus the valuable criterion. With the logarithmic method, under
thickness Zr of the top layer is determined without like conditions, there is often much choice in the fitting
determining the resistivity of the top layer. of the curves; and in such a case, a unique solution
Tagg's method can also be adapted to solve the requires further knowledge. Apparently, the method
three-layer case by using either the technique in which of Tagg determines the reflection factor and the thick-
the resistivity of the top layer is determined or the ness of the top layer as accurately as the graph can be
same techniques described in the previous paragraph. read; but this accuracy is only apparent, as a slight
In either case, care must be taken not to choose elec- change in the assumed resistivity of the top layer may
trode intervals close to the maximum or minimum of shift the intersection of the Tagg curves as much as
the three-layer apparent-resistivity curves, because at the apparent indefiniteness of the matching in the
these points the observed field curves have a large logarithmic method (Roman, 1934).
departure from the theoretical curves. Reliability is not assured, because both methods can
COMPARISON OF THE LOGARITHMIC CURVE-MATCHING lead to incorrect results if the assumption of the ho-
METHOD AND TAGG'S METHOD mogeneous two-layer case is not fulfilled. If the two
From the standpoint of speed of appllcation, the methods can be made to furnish the same conclusion,
logarithmic curve-matching method apparently has a it is likely that these conclusions will be useful as a
great advantage. For either method, at least one ob- geophysical interpretation. However, these methods,
served vertical resistivity profile and the theoretical like most others, have an inherent ambiguity of inter-
curves or the underlying tables are needed. Although pretation unless there is a sufficient amount of geologic
with Tagg's method it is theoretically possible, after control, because of the possibility of anisotropic media
taking a sufficiently large number of readings to obtain giving the same observed resistivity profile. In general,·
the resistivity of the top layer, to solve the problem the logarithmic method will eliminate impossible cases
completely by taking measurements for only two large better than the Tagg method, but in both methods the
electrode separations (Tagg recommended three to results should be considered as an indicator rather than
have one serve as a check on the other two), a complete a fact.
observed profile for the Tagg method is desirable to If more than two layers are present, an intersection
show that a fit is possible. In either case, the conclusion point of the curves is usually not found with the Tagg
should be checked by starting with the determined method, and thus not even an approximate depth may
constants and calculating the theoretical values for the be obtained without selecting special parts of the curve
apparent resistivity from the tables or formulas. for analysis. The logarithmic method is, in that respect,
Without this check, the method of Tagg may lead to preferable, as it often permits a quick determination of
an ipterpretation without much foundation. The the first interface even if a third layer is present at some
logarithmic method is more likely to eliminate poor greater depth; and it helps to point quickly to the
interpretation. possibility that a third layer is indeed present. Of
For the true resistivity of the top layer, which is a course, if three layers are suspected, the Tagg method
key to each method-unless the more cumbersome can be revised to allow for this possibility.
method of using the auxiliary Tagg curves is used- Several field examples are available in the literature
Tagg's method assumes a value determined from small in which comparisons of the logarithmic curve-matching
electrode separations and the conclusions are based on and Tagg techniques are made for the two-layer case
the value assumed. In the logarithmic method this (see, for example, Roman, 1934). In those examples
resistivity is determined directly from the en tire curve in which a clear-cut two-layer case exists, the results of
and hence may be a good starting point for the method the determinations of the various parameters with the
of Tagg. two techniques usually agree with each other within a
Each method will theoretically yield unique values of degree of accuracy that is sufficient for most fieldwork.
Po, Pr, and Zr, if the ground conditions conform essential- EXTENSION OF TWO-LAYER LOGARITHMIC CURVES
ly to the assu:q1ption of two horizontal homogeneous TO THREE.. AND FOUR-LAYER PROBLEMS

layers. With the Tagg method the depth and reflection Two-layer logarithmic curves can often be used to
factor are determined by the common intersection of solve three-layer problems approximately. This "prin-
several curves; and, if the above assumption of ho- ciple of extension" (Watson and Johnson, 1938) is

predicated upon the fact that in problems involving In the determination of the depth to the bottommost
more than two layers, for electrode separations large layer, the accuracy of the two-layer approximation
in comparison with the thickness of these two layers, is greatly enhanced when the middle layer is the best
the top two layers can be combined to give a com- conductor of the three layers involved. Even when
posite resistivity (Hummel, 1929 c, d). Consequently the resistivity ratio PolP1 is large, the accuracy of the
for large electrode separations, the two top layers are two-layer approximation is good. When the middle
considered as one layer, and the three-layer problem layer is the better resistor of the two upper beds,
then reduces to a two-layer problem. Then the object however, very large expansions of the configuration
is to find the depth ~ of the two top layers taken to- are required to obtain the depth to the bottommost
gether. For large electrode separations, the appli- layer; and there are, therefore, practical and economic
cation of logarithmic curve-matching will give the limitations to the expansions before lateral changes
values of ~' the composite resistivity Po of the two and topographic conditions vitiate the accuracy.
top layers, and k'. But since k'=(P<;.-pfJ)f(P2+PG), To summarize how logarithmic three-layer curves
therefore, P2 also can be determined. can be approximated by logarithmic two-layer curves,
Figure 51 shows an example of the use of logarithmic we note that a rule with few exceptions is that three-
two-layer curves to solve a three-layer problem approxi- layer curves containing a minimum may be approxi-
mately (Watson and Johnson, 1938). In the upper mated by two-layer solutions with fair accuracy
diagram (fig. 51), the values of p0 , Z~t and k= (p 1 - Po)/ (Wetzel and McMurry, 1937, p. 335). For three-
(PI+ Po) are determined; and in the middle diagram layer curves containing a maximum, the thickness
(fig. 51) the values of ~' p6, and k' are determined. of the top layer can usually be approximated by
Theoretically, according to the Hummel's principle logarithmic two-layer curves, but the depth to the
of extension, the depth z2 to the bottommost bed bottommost layer cannot generally be so approxi-
in the three-layer case can be determined from the mated within feasible electrode separations. This,
logarithmic two-layer curves, provided the configuration of course, applies to analytical as well as graphical
is expanded far enough. This is not so, however, approximations. It is important that an accurate
for the determination of the thickness z1 in the three- value of the resistivity Po of the top layer be .obtained
layer case as the accuracy of the approximation ob- and that the electrode configuration be expanded to
tained with the two-layer logarithmic curves depends as large values as is feasible.
on how near and how effective is the bottom layer. Because the resistivity of rocks increases with depth
Studies by Watson and Johnson (1938) show that in most areas due to the increasing compaction and
when the thickness of the top and middle layers decreasing porosity, the bottommost of the three layers
(in the three-layer case) are equal or nearly equal to is generally of higher resistivity than either of the two
each other, the influence of the resistivity of the overlying layers, and a maximum in the apparent-
bottommost bed becomes so large even for small resistivity curves is not obtained generally. Conse-
electrode separations that a good interpretation is quently the two-layer approximations using logarithmic
not likely; in this unfavorable case, however, thP theoretical curves can be made for most three-layer
interpretation is most favorable when the middle problems with the required accuracy. When the
layer is either highly conductive or highly resistive middle layer is of higher resistivity than either the top
in comparison with the top layer. When the thick- or bottommost layers and a maximum in the apparent
ness of the middle layer is less than that of the top resistivity curve is obtained, the logarithmic three-layer
layer, the chance for a good determination of the thick- curves should usually be used to obtain the depth of
ness of the top layer is even poorer. As the thickness the bottommost layer, but the two-layer approximation
of the middle layer increases compared to that of the using logarithmic theoretical curves can generally be
top layer, the possibilities of a good determination used with the required accuracy to obtain the thickness
increase; so that when the thickness of the middle of the top layer. For all such two-layer approximations
layer is three or four times that of the top layer, to three-layer cases, we strongly recommend the loga-
a good two-layer approximation can be made, espe- rithmic plotting method rather than the various linear
cially if P1 is very much larger than p0 • However, "successive approximations" methods suggested by
the advantage gained in the determination of the Hummel (1929 c, d), Pirson (1934), Tagg {1935), and
thickness of the top layer due to a large resistivity others.
ratio PdPo is offset by the larger electrode separations
necessary for a correspondingly good interpretation The bulk of this treatise has been devoted to the
of the depth to the bottommost layer. development of characteristics of resistivity anomalies

0.8 zffi
1- -:.~
0.6 o:::>t-
0.. (J)LLJ
0.4 O::::x:


Theoretical chart
0.1 0.3 0.5 1.0 3 5 10
B Theoretical chart

~'b~~O 6


SURFACE •' a .- a .- a .-
Po zll2

PI =Po/3

P0 =3P

FIGL'R.F. 51.-Example or using logarithmic two-layer curves to solve a three-layer problem approximately, Wenner or Lee configuration. Zt=2; 22=6; p~~:pt:P2::1 :1/3:3.
Adapted from Watson and Johnson (1938).

which are recognizable in the field and which therefore have used. In the present problem, we specify that
assist in the interpretation of the results of a resistivity the conductivity varies with depth only. Therefore,
survey. To this point our approach has taken the we can simplify the first term of equation 161 so that
form of trying to compare vertical profiles which are the equation to be solved becomes
prepared from field data with families of type curves
2 U+du(z) oU =O
which are prepared ahead of the field work. In many 11 ( )
z V dz oz ·
instances one of the theoretical curves exactly fits the
field curve and thus indicates uniquely the structure of In cylindrical coordinates, we can write
near-surface part of the earth. In many of the other
examples in this treatise, however, the theoretical curves
u(z)[~ ~
r or
(r oU)+_!
o2U+ o2U]+
2 oq,2r oz2
ou(z) oU =0.
oz oz

are meaningful only insofar as the characteristic fea-

tures of the curves can be used qualitatively to indicate This equation is to be compared with equation 64.
the geological structures which give rise to the cor- Since we have done nothing to alter the terms containing
responding field curves. the variable r, we may assume that the solution in the
By "direct interpretation" we mean a method in present problem has the same dependence upon r as the
which the measured potentials or measured apparent solution in the previous problem. We also note that
resistivities are used in some mathematical process to symmetry requires that the solution be independent of
determine directly the actual resistivity of the earth as the angle q,. Therefore, we assume a solution in the
a function of depth. The method to be described here form of
is applicable only to horizontal-bedding problems. It U= i(l) Z(X,z)J (Xr)d>...
0 (163)
is conceivable that an analogous technique could be
developed for any resistivity distribution, but appar- When we substitute this form of the solution into eq ua-
ently no one has solved this problem. It should tion 162 and also take into account the fact that J 0 (A'r)
be emphasized that direct-interpretation techniques satisfies Bessel's equation (equation 68), we find that
require a tremendous amount of computation time;
and they will therefore probably be used only on occa- -d [ u(z) -dZ] -X2u(z)Z=O. (164)
dz dz
sional problems that require a great deal of attention
or on surveys for which enough field data must be The solutions of this equation have been examined in
processed to make machine computations reasonable. some detail (Morse and Feshbach, 1953, p. 725-726);
We commence our solution by assuming a single- and Slichter (1933) gave solutions of it for several
currant electrode on the surface of an earth in which the problems of academic interest only, in which the
resistivity varies with depth. Temporarily we remain resistivity varies in various continuous ways with depth.
less precise than in previous sections about how the Our consideration here is restricted to the more practical
resistivity varies with depth. Moreover, we use the problems in which the resistivity is a step-function of
conductivity, u(z) = 1/p(z), for simplicity in the equa- depth. Our approach is similar to that of Pekeris
tions. The z in parentheses indicates merely that the (1940) in that the conductivity u(z) is constant within
conductivity is a function of depth. The cylindrical any given medium. Thus, our consideration is re-
coordinate system is identical with that shown in figure stricted to those solutions of equation 164 after u(z)
28; the positive polar axis ( + z) is vertically downward. had been factored out. Equation 164 then reduces to
As always, we assume the applicability of Laplace's equation 66, the solutions of which have previously
equation. However, in the present section we must been discussed in detail (see equation 67).
examine the origin of that assumption. All our work Let us now consider the potential on the earth's
is in essence based on the divergence theorem, which surface only; for this problem, equation 163 can now be
states that the divergence of the electric field vanishes written as
in regions where there are no charges, or-in this case-
where there are no positive or negative electrodes. The
U(r, 0) = i CD Z(X, O)J0 (Xr)d>..,

electric field is defined as - uVU so· that the divergence where U(r, O) is written to show that the potential is
theorem can be written as taken where z=O and is now a function of r only.
V·u(z)VU=Vu(z) ·VU+u(z)v2 U=O. (161) Z(X, O) has a comparable meaning. Multiplying both
sides of the equation by rJ0 (X 1 r) and integrating over r
This is the equation that must be solved in all electrical from zero to infinity, we obtain
prospecting problems. However, whenever u(z) is
constant, as is usually assumed in all discrete regions,
equation 161 reduces to Laplace's equation, which we
i CD U(r, O)rJo(X 1 r)dr= i CD Z(X, O)d>..i CD rJo(X 1 r)Jo(Xr)dr.
The integral on the right side of equation 165 is known Therefore, we have
as the Fourier-Bessel integral (Morse and Feshbach,
1953, p. 766) and is equal simply to Z(}-..I, 0). Since A2 = 0 = - {(P2 + Pt) [ (Pt +PO) Ao- ( 1 + Ao) (Pt- Po) e- 2x.,]
4 POPl
only AI appears in the equation now, we are free to
drop the subscript and thus obtain

Z(X, 0) = i oo U(r, O)rJ0 (Xr)dX. (166)

from which we can solve directly for A 0 •
A k 10e- 2>. "• + k 21 e- 2>. •2
0 (169)
1- ktoe-ll>..,,_ k2te-liX•z+ ktokate-liM•z-•t>
Equation 166 suggests that we can first measure the
potential as a function of the distance from a single- Finally, from equations 168 and 169, we obtain the
current electrode, and then use this potential to desired function :
determine Z(A, 0).
To investigate how a knowledge of Z(A, 0) leads to
a unique picture of the subsurface resistivity dis-
tribution, we restrict our attention to horizontal To investigate how to analyze Z0 (A, 0) to obtain
bedding; we will use the three-layer problem to illus- the required parameters, let us first examine a function
trate the technique. Beginning as we did to get .fi(A), which we define as
equations 152, we write down a potential function for
each of three media: ft(X) Zo(X, 0)+1 1+ktok2te-2XCzs-•t>. ( 7l)
Zo(X, 0) -1 ktoe-liX••+k21 e-liX•z

For very large values of A, we find that

lim ft(X) =lim e2.,.. 1/kto
).~a> ).~a>

lim In ft (X)= lim [2 Xzt -In kto]. (172)
(167) ).~ao X-+ao

From each of these expressions, we may write a function If In ]I (A) in equation 172 is plotted as a function
Z(A, z). Thus we have of A, the curve will approach asymptotically a line
whose slope is twice the depth of the first interface and
Zo(X, z) = ~ [Aoe>.•+ (Ao+ 1)e-X•] whose y-intercept is the negative logarithm of the
corresponding reflection factor k10 •
Zt(X, z)=~ [AteX•+(B1 +1)e-X•] In this same way we define a second function as

Z2(X, z) =~ (B2 + 1)e-x•, (168) (173)

where the subscript indicates the region in which the The reflection factor k10 is always less than one, which
function is valid. To derive these functions, we had is small compared to the first term on the right, even
to expand 1/R in terms of Bessel functions (equation for small values of A. Therefore, if In j 2 (A) is plotted
105) in equation 167. Ultimately the function of as a function of A, all th~ points will appear to lie on a
prime interest is Zo(A, z). straight line whose slope is twice the thickness of the
To obtain the arbitrary constant A 0 , and eventually second bed and whose y-intercept is In (k 10/k21). Thus,
Zo(A, z), we apply equations 152 repetitively. In the by the above technique, all of the parameters of the
first application of equations 152, we note that j =0, problem have been determined from a knowledge of
j+1=1, and Bo=Ao. Therefore, we obtain the Z 0 (A, 0). If the potentials in the vicinity of an isolated
relationships current electrode are measured as a function of the
1 .
distance from the electrode, these potentials can be

2; (p, +,.,)A,- (1 +A,) (p, - ,.,) r" ,,1 used in equation 166 to determine Z 0 (A, 0).
If it is found in an actual analysis that the last step
Bt = - [ (pt- Po) (1- Aoe2x.,) + (Pt + po) Ao]. does not lead to a straight line for all values of A, this
fact indicates that the problem is one involving more
The second application depends only upon A 2 , which is than three layers. The procedure must then be
zero from the boundary conditions. In this case j = 1. repeated until the final boundary is reached. Pekeris

(1940) 4 has shown that the function to be used in functions on the determinations of depth and thickness
locating the ith boundary is can be foreseen by inductive reasoning. We note first
that A occurs in Zo(A, 0) only in combinations like
/;(),.) =k;-t(e-2).';-t/H(')t.) -ki-tk;-2) (l 74 ) e- 2>-H. For every term like e- 2>-zt in the quantity in
k;-2- k;-te- 2). 1i-t/i-t(A)
brackets, there is a corresponding term e->-zt. As the
where kt= (pt- Pt-t)f(Pt+ Pt-1) and ti-t= (zt-Zt-1) is the limits of large A are taken, only these latter terms will
thickness of the (i-1)th bed. The preceding fs are persist. Therefore, we may conclude that the deter-
to be formed from .f1 (A) and J~(A) as defined above. minations using Wenner potentials will lead directly
Equation 173 fits this definition equally well if we to thicknesses instead of double thicknesses, which are
consider that the reflection factor at the earth's sur- obtained by using the potentials about a single-current
face is 1. When In .ft(A) is plotted as a function of A, electrode. On the other hand, the information about
the slope is the thickness of the corresponding bed and the reflection factors is uncht~nged by using the Wenner
the y-intercept is In kt_ 1 fkt. potentials.
In addition to the large amount of computations
involved, one of the possible objections to the direct Vertical faults and fissures can be detected by direct-
method of interpretation is the difficulty of measuring current prospecting methods under fu.vorable field condi-
the potentials sufficiently accurately in the neighborhood tions. In the present section we point out the char-
of an isolated current electrode. The difficulty is acteristic features of the plotted data that pertnit the
especially serious for points at some distance from the detection of these geologic features with an accuracy
electrode if the effects of greater depths are sought. that is sufficient in many mining and structural-geology
This particular difficulty would be alleviated somewhat problems.
if the potentials obtained from W enner-type measure- The theoretical background for the problems of ver-
ments could be used in the above equations. It might tical faults and fissures was given in detail in the sec-
also be convenient to make this sort of study in con- tion "Applications of image theory" (p. 52 to 53) and
nection with a regular resistivity survey. is therefore not repeated here. The data for most of
We will now show that the Wenner potentials can the curves in the present section were computed from
indeed be used for the direct method of interpretation equations of the type of equation 26. The equations
with little modification of the equations. The po- for the potentials that are used-for example, those
tential difference between the two potential electrode~ which were previously derived directly by the 1nethod
of the Wenner configuration can be expressed as of images on pages 57 to 59 are nlso found applicable
to limiting cases of similar equations for the vertical-
V=2Lmzo(')t., O){Jo(')t.a)-J0 (2')t.a)]d')t. (175) dike problem (p. 133 to 135).
In the present section, we study families of theoretical
where a is the usual electrode separation. This curves for different configuru,tions over vertical faults
simple result is obtained because the potential difference and fissures. Field exan1ples are included in many
for this configuration is exactly twice the potential at instances to prove the usefulness of the mathematics
one electrode. Further, the effect of the layering is used and to illustrate how the salient fentures of the
exactly the same on the fields of both current electrodes· field curves are used to detect faults and fissures
and, finally, the principle of superposition applies. ' precisely.
The integral containing the term J 0 (2Aa) in equation In contrast with the study of the effects of horizontal
175 can easily be converted to one containing Jo(Aa) by beds in the previous section, the effects of vertical
a simple change of variables. Let A become A/2 in the faults and fissures are latern1 effects. Becn,use these
integral involving the second term only, so that we have geologic features are usually assumed to erop out,
abrupt discontinuities in slope of the charted curves
are obtained as the configuration crosses the fault or
V= Soco[2Zo(X, 0)-Zo(X/2, O)]Jo(Xa)'d')t.. (176)
fissure. This property is not observed in the theoretical
curves for horizontal beds. Moreover, in faults and
The quantity in brackets takes the place of Zo(A, O) in fissures, the sharp peaks in the curves will usually be
the previous equations and V, which is a function of a, somewhat subdued owing to soil cover over the bed-
takes the place of U(r, 0). The effect of these new rock. Mukhina (1950a) hns worked out the theory of a
fault covered with a conducting layer. However, the
4 There are slight differences between our functions and those of Pekeris. Equation
main principles can be gained fr01n the simpler mathe·
174, for example, has obviously been adapted from that given by Pekeris to apply to
the definitions of our functions. matical treatment.
PBBFBCTLY CONDUCTING OR INSULATING PLANES electrodes, there is no discontinuity in the potential
A narrow fissure can sometimes be approximated by values.
a vertical perfectly conducting or insulating plane, if For the perfectly insulating plane (fig. 52B), the
the resistivity of the country rock is essentially the potential values lie between zero and Ipfra which is
same on either side of the fissure. For example, a twice the maximum value in the previous case. As
wet-clay gouge along a fault plane that cuts an other- before, the potential is zero when the plane straddles
wise high resistivity country rock may simulate a the electrodes; for all other electrode positions, however,
highly conducting plane; and, contrariwise, a thin the potential values are restricted between I pf2ra and
vertical mass of gilsonite filling a fracture may simulate I pfra because of the discontinuity of potential values
a highly insulating plane. that occur as either of the electrodes cross the plane.
A study of the effect of perfectly conducting or The greater range in the potential values for the
insulating planes on different configurations facilitates a. perfectly insulating plane than for the perfectly con-
qualitative reasoning that is helpful to an understanding ducting plane causes greater apparent-resistivity
of more complex geologic features. anomalies to occur over the former for the ordinary
The asymmetrical methods, as previously pointed
The data obtained with asymmetrical configurations out, measure gradients in potential that are converted
over vertical perfectly insulating or conducting planes to apparent resistivities. For the vertical perfectly
is better understood by considering first the potentials conducting or insulating planes, the general pattern
that exist in the vicinity of such planes due to a single of the apparent-resistivity anomaly that any specific
point current electrode (fig. 52). The charted poten- asymmetrical configuration will give can be reasoned
tials for the curves A and 0 in figure 52 are those qualitatively by considering the gradient of the curves
obtained at potential electrode P~, which is kept a in figure 52 for the given configuration. As examples
constant distance a to the left of current electrode 0., of the reasoning used, we will treat only the asym-
as these electrodes are moved across the surface along metrical Wenner and asymmetrical Lee configurations;
a traverse perpendicular to the planes. The value but the same reasoning can be applied to the other
of the potential is plotted at the position of P 1 • asymmetrical configurations.
For the perfectly conducting plane (fig. 52A), the The potential at P 2 (fig. 52A), lying a distance 2a to
potential values lie between zero and I pj2ra. Although the left of a single current electrode 0 1 in the vicinity
the potential is zero when the plane straddles the of a vertical perfectly conducting plane, is given by

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8 A \
j! \ ' vc
1 ...

I~ .8

,...,. y
I '


- 'J.:a-,
r-- ....... ....,.... ~
- I


' -
2 a
0 .6

0.4 0.4 0 .4
> K;;

--.. \ I 0.2 I
0 .2
~ \ I 4

0 -6 -4 -2
v 2 4 6
-6 -4 -2

0 2 4 6
1- a

Perfectly conducting plane- : Perfectly insulating plane- :
~X~ "----X~

P• p p p

To oo Tooo

FIGURJ: 52.-Potentlals at a distance a (electrode PJ) to the left of a single current electrode in the vicinity of (A) a vertical perfectly conducting plane (curve A)
and (B) a vertical perfectly insulating plane (curve C). Potentials at a distance 2a (electrode P~ to the left of a single current electrode in the vicinity of (.4)
a vertical perfectly conducting plane (curve B).

curve B, figure 52A. The value of the potential is resistivity anomalies are slightly smaller for the
plotted midway between electrodes 0 1 and P 2 ; this asymmetrical Lee configuration than for the symmetri-
position of plotting thus corresponds with the position cal Wenner configuration, for example, as on the left
of electrode P 1• For the asymmetrical Wenner con- side of the perfectly insulating plane. As the current
figuration, the potential difference V between P 1 and electrode touches the perfectly insulating plane, how-
P 2 for a given position of the configuration can be ever, the apparent resistivity for both configurations
obtained by taking the differences directly from curves is equal to 2.0.
A and B, respectively (fig. 52A). The apparent resis- Many of the minor differences in apparent resistivity
tivity for the asymmetrical Wenner configuration can curves for the different configurations cannot be
then be obtained readily by multiplying V by 47rall. reasoned intuitively from the apparent-resistivity
A graphical solution could be obtained similarly for formulas. For example, the apparent-resistivity for-
the apparent resistivity of the perfectly insulating mula is Pa=47raVII for the asymmetrical Wenner
plane. In fact, a graphical solution of such horizontal configuration and p 1 = 61ra V 101I for the asymmetrical
profile problems can be obtained by this method for Lee configuration; but the functions V and V10 are
any configuration; but it is generally more convenient nonlinear functions of the differences (gradients) of
and accurate to compute directly the numerical values potential, and therefore difficult to reason intuitively
of the potentials and apparent resistivities. This pro- without numerical computations.
cedure was used to compute the curves now to be LEE AND WENNER CONFIGURATIONS

Figure 53 shows the apparent-resistivity values As an example of a symmetrical configuration

along a horizontal profile across vertical perfectly along a horizontal resistivity profile crossing a vertical
conducting and insulating planes with the asymmetrical perfectly conducting or insulating plane, we use the
Wenner and asymmetrical Lee configurations. The Wenner and Lee configurations (fig. 54). The custom-
apparent-resistivity values Pal p are plotted as the ary method of offset plotting is used for the Lee data;
ratio of tl:e appannt resistivity Pa to the true resistivity and the reguiar method of plotting is used for the
p of the country rock. For both configurations, Wenner data.
the apparent resistivity values are plotted at the Because, as the configuration crosses the vertical
position of potential electrode P 1 , which is the electrode plane, one or both of the current electrodes are always
nearest to the current electrode 0 1 ; in this respect on the same side of the plane as one or both of the
our method of plotting departs from the more con- potential electrodes, the apparent resistivity for
ventional method of plotting the apparent-resistivity symmetrical configurations of this type never goes
value at the point midway between the two potential to zero, although it did so for the asymmetrical con-
electrodes. Our method of plotting in this example, figurations.
however, results in some of the breaks in the curves For the perfectly insulating plane (fig. 54 A, B),
occurring at the position vertically over the planes. the apparent-resistivity curves are discontinuous as
The apparent-resistivity anomalies over the per- each electrode crosses the plane, as for the asymmetrical
fectly insulting plane are-as expected-larger than configurations; the apparent-resistivity curves are
those over the perfectly conducting plane; also the piecewise continuous for the perfectly conducting
former are discontinuous, whereas the latter are plane.
continuous. Over the perfectly insulting planes, the The apparent-resistivity values for the symmetrical
maximum apparent-resistivity values Pal p are 4.0 for configurations are different from those for the asym-
the asymmetrical Wenner configuration and 6.0 for metrical configurations. Along some segments of the
the asymmetrical Lee configuration; the peaks occur apparent-resistivity curves, however, where the relative
as the potential electrode P 1 crosses the plane. As positions of the electrodes and the resulting potential
before, the minimum value is zero, and occurs when differences are identical for both the asymmetrical and
the plane straddles the P 1 and 0 1 electrodes. Over symmetrical configurations, the corresponding appar-
the perfectly conducting plane, the maximum apparent ent-resistivity values for the two configurations bear a
resistivity values are 1.33 for the asymmetrical Wenner simple relationship to each other. For the vertical
configuration and 1.50 for the asymmetrical Lee perfectly insulating plane, for example, the symmetrical
configuration. Wenner positions of electrodes P 2 , P., and C1, where Oz
The total relief of the apparent-resistivity anomalies lies to the left of the plane (fig. 54A), are such as to give
are larger for the asymmetrical Lee configuration apparent-resistivity values of 0.333 or greater (see
than for the asymmetrical Wenner configuration; lower right-hand segment of curve for xla= 112 or
yet in certain regions of the curves, the apparent- greater in fig. 54A); whereas the corresponding asym-
4.0 ,...A---,,____,.--,-------.---,--~,.-----,----,--,------.---,---, I 6.0
i I
i I
I :\ I

i I I I I •

H- I ! : \ I 1-+----+---+1--1 1-·

3.0 5.0
[ -- I I :\ i I I
1--- t---

I i __ , I l I :. ': 1_+____,1_
--- -r- :hl I : I i
r- I L·----r I
r I
I "~j l


r-+ti-~-+--r-_r t--L-~-+---+---1 tt '~ t--t-

i i : i

Vv".. vv v

U- L--+~-~--- !_:_.____ ---+--+-+---i "-""'-fiJ'V0 V1'-.~Afi~~Vi'v"--~/'v'h./"v"-

Cl..'biCl.. A/Vrl'v'v ·"..-""
2.Q _j j i : . I

~--~:~-~~;--~+~ ,-~- :--~ ~+-t~- r--~t--f------l---+--+-t----1

1 I

• . •: -i I c 1 +
:-t ,_ f-- • r--+--

L-1-- ~- : --- - t _j -~-1 -~-~---~- ---+--+---+---1

-rii1-lt--1 :
~--=6- -- --- . i- : I : ~
c--t-r-1 ::y
1.0 !

I -~ I 1 /~; f--~- -~~

c, --- ----+-~ I :'1
1ttJr--- +--
I f-t---t----t-+---j- ~ -f- --+----J---l---+---

0 t -- - ---1---!-- 0
p C I ' •
f--- 1-
p,p c
~FACE .2a?,_1a-.,l I SURFACE .o.Ia.,l
Perfectly insulating • • ·I • • x • • .J • • • Perfectly insulating • .J. · · 'x~ • • • • • •
1• • • plane • • • ·.I • • '~ • • •
p f p •
·• •' •••·plane • • • • :1 • • · · · · · · · · •
••P••••••t• •• ••P• • • • •
I •• :1 : 1 : 1•• ', 1 : ~. To C::, •• : ', .' •• ·, 1 : • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • To co • • • • • • • • • •
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
a a
D I 1.4
: '\
I I\
I ':----,_ I

! I !


0.8 0.8
I \
0.6 1----- 0.6

j- i-t·-·;_1--1-----1,1-+i-+---+-+---+-f--+--
. , I [ \ i :

0.4 0.4

0.2 r-- H 1-h' I

,-li-----+---+---+---t-+---+----1 0.2

r--- --1--+'-+'-~~~-~-+-+--+-~

I I +.
~-----~;~~~-~-- ~: P~P~Cl-1-----
0 0
Perfectly conducting •• I • • x·___:__;j '
·plane • ' ' ' ' • • ' ' '
J ri .. 'L.I_c___
• ' ' '
• ' • '
• p. • • • p.
•To co • • To oo I' •

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
.l!. X
a a

FIGURE 53.-Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles across vertical perfectly conducting and insulating planes with (A and C)
asymmetrical Wenner and (Band D) asymmetrical Lee configurations.

3.6 i---r-
. 6.0
3.4 'I

I : l I
r--- 5.8
I:I ! I

I: ~-~
'. 5.6
'V v

., AA
• J.

../'" A. A lA A
I I: I
jl 1 tip
1:1 &
p 1.4
I i: l IJ i\
1.2 I~ i: i\ Jii i i'!
j: 1.2
~! : : ' ~~ i i: i I~~

_v I !' .: ! i: i i i1'-..__
Q.'liiQ. 1.0
I I :I
i I
...... -~ i i '

i i
: I
i .

i:.,i .j i
i: I I i

I ! i: i l i

i i:i i
! :I
. i L! i:i u 0.6
! I :
: • I l f,i:i/1
~ I I ~ i : v:v
I 'J. ! j
':v j rr
~.,,:, ---~

.. ,- 0.2

erfectly insulating• '=~

SURFACE ~a., a~aS 1 SURFACE CZ2 a ~~8<;1
Perfectly insulating· • _I • • • J • • • x~ • • • • •
.. -J. .-~~: ..
.. · •· ••plane • • • ·.'! • · · · • · · · • · ·
• plane·
. ·P· . .. ·P· ..

P· • • • • · • · • · P· · · • •
•To co • • • • • • , • r • • To co• • • • • • • • •
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
a I
- ........... I\. P.t /
~P"" -~ ~ j .~~

\, 1/ '~ I I!/_ 0.9

\ .! \ ·~
I .
' ;
\' I 0.8
I ;~
,_, :; lJ •I I

:t I
J \ :r :
v N ~~ ::.. Ir- t;J C.6

0.5 .
1:\ :

V :. \I 0.4
SURFACE S.2a·~ a SURFACE ~a~ ~fi ·
·•· aw·
' c1
Perfectly conducting
plane .. _a_·
;! .... ... . =>erfectly conductingtx~ •
• • • plane- • • •
. . • . p. . . •
• • • • •
• . . . .p .

• To CD •
.P· •To CIC) • • 'J •
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6

FIGURE 54.-Theoretical horizontal resistivity proftles across vertical perfectly conducting and insulating planes with the Wenner
and Lee configurations. Diagr810s (A) and ((J) adapted from Howell, (1934). Copyright by Am. lost. Mining Metall. Engineers.
metrical Wenner positions of the same electrodes P 2 , P., 24
and 01 give apparent-resistivity values of 0.667 or greater
(see right-hand segment of curve for xfa= 1 or greater in
fig. 53A), although in these two cases the differences 20
between potential electrodes P 1 and P 2 are identical.
Actually, the apparent-resistivity value of the sym- en
0:: 18 I

- \I
metrical positions is exactly half that of the asymmetri- 1- a=l.O ft
cal positions because there is a difference of a factor of
:!! 16 A" ' !
two in the two apparent-resistivity formulas.
Along other segments of the apparent-resistivity
\ ~ \( /1.5,ft

curves any relationship between the apparent-resistivity >

,l \\
curves of the symmetrical configurations on the one >
i= I
I \

1,..... ' __
en I
hand and the asymmetrical configurations on the other
----- "...,,
u; 16
hand is either obscure or absent. Many paradoxes
0:: 1----- \ ..... \
if -""'
\\ II
1-----· -----
\\' ! I

- li
1- \ ~~
exist, and the theoretical apparent-resistivity curves z 14
must be computed because their behavior is usually
\ \,~ ~\V J.-..3 / ~-- ~----
a.. \ ft
For the perfectly insulating plane, a minimum in the

[1 v"' 1':1 -....... ,___..
1--4ft ~
central segment of the anomaly, with an apparent- \._
/ \ ~\.._ l-J
resistivity value equal to three times that of the sur- ._..,
8 ..; j_ _/
/ '--
rounding country rock, is obtained as the center of the
Wenner configuration lies vertically over the plane (fig. 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
54A); the maximum apparent-resistivity value is less ;, IN FEET
with the Wenner configuration than with the asymmet-
rical Wenner configuration. For a vertical perfectly
conducting plane with the Wenner configuration (fig.
540), a typical W-shaped curve is obtained, and an
apparent-resistivity value equal to that of the sur-
Tank bottom
rounding country rock is obtained as the center of the
configuration lies vertically over the plane; none of the
55.-Results of model study of horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical
apparent-resistivity values exceeds the true resistivity FIGURE
insulating sheet. Adapted from Johnson, (1934). Copyright by Am. Inst. Mining
of the surrounding country rock. Metall. Engineers.
The apparent-resistivity curves for the Lee configura-
tion cross symmetrically at a point lying vertically with experience the varied characteristics of the theo-
above either the conducting or insulating planes, when retical curves become more important and meaningful
the offset method of plotting is used (fig. 54B, D). For to the interpreter of resistivity data.
the perfectly insulating plane the maximum apparent- Horizontal resistivity profiles with the Wenner con-
resistivity value is greater with the Lee configuration figuration were taken over a vertical insulating sheet
than with the asymmetrical Lee configuration; and the in model studies by Johnson (1934). Figure 55 shows
maximum apparent-resistivity values with the regular the results of this study. The apparent-resistivity
Lee configuration greatly exceed the true resistivity of curves are comparable with those of figure 54A; but an
the surrounding country rock. exact comparison cannot be made because the depth
For both the perfectly insulating and conducting extent of the insulating sheet used in the model work
planes the Lee anomalies are greater than the Wenner was short in comparison with the electrode separations
anomalies. This follows partly as a consequence of the used, and there was therefore a short-circuiting effect
fact that for such planes the asymmetrical Lee anom- around the bottom of the sheet that gave a continuous
alies are greater than the asymmetrical Wenner anom- curve rather than abrupt discontinuities in the curve.
alies. Howell (1934) made brief model studies to test the
The paradoxes and unpredictable behavior of the validity of the theoretical curves similar to those in
apparent-resistivity curves that have been emphasized figure 54A, 0 for horizontal resistivity profiles with the
for these horizontal profile examples are duplicated to Wenner configuration over both vertical conducting
some degree in most of the families of curves given in and insulating planes. His plotted points confirmed the
this treatise. Space permits our discussing only the theoretical curves within the experimental error of his
most important characteristics of such curves, but models. Figure 117 D (solid curve) in a later section

300'.----------------a-=-lO_O_f_t______________~ It should be emphasized that the interpretation given

Station interval= 100ft here for a vertical fault applies equally well to any other
geologic features that involve vertical or nearly vertical
contacts between two media, of different resistivity,
that extend for a considerable distance horizontally
along the contact, as, for example, the vertical contact
between a large igneous intrusion and the surrounding
country rock.


~ t;:j 4 0 0 r - - - - - - - - -
Limestone Sandy shale The theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles for the
~ ~ 350L____________________________. L . __ _ _ _ _ ____.l Lee configuration over a vertical fault are given in
0 500 1000 1500 FEET plate 1 for values of kin steps of 0.1 from ±0.1 to ±0.9.
The apparent-resistivity values are charted as the ratio
FIGURE 56.-Field example of a Wenner horizontal resistivity profile across a vertical of the apparent resistivity Pa to the resistivity p' of the
fault zone that simulates an insulating sheet. Adapted from Hubbert (1932). rock lying on the left side of the fault. The offset
Copyright by Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers.
method of plotting the Lee data is used; the P1 and pz
shows the results of a tank-model study of a horizontal values are for the right- and left-hand sides, respec-
resistivity profile across a vertical perfectly conducting tively, of the configuration.
plane (Heiland, 1932b). TheW-shape of the curve and Certain features of the apparent-resistivity curves
the fact that the central peak attains an apparent- that can be proved theoretically are the same irrespec-
resistivity value that is approximately equal to that of tive of the resistivity contrast of the rocks on either
the tank fluid agree with the theoretical curve in figure side of the fault. One of the apparent-resistivity peaks
540. attains a value equal to the resistivity of the rock on
Figure 56 shows a field example of a Wenner hori- the high-resistivity side of the fault. The positions of
zontal resistivity profile across a vertical fault zone of the peaks, lows, and abrupt changes in slopes of the
high resistivity that simulates an insulating sheet curves are the same in all the curves. The most
(Hubbert, 1932; 1944, p. 85-86). pronounced peaks for both ptf p' and pzf p' on the high-
resistivity side of the fault coincide in their horizontal
position and lie a distance of a/4 from the fault trace
Because of their limited usefulness, the complete in the direction of the high resistivity rock. If a
vertical resistivity profiles over vertical perfectly con- continuous curve were obtained in the field, the position
ducting and insulating planes are not given here. Part of such a vertical fault could be predicted accurately
of these profiles for both the Lee and Wenner configura- from these two peaks, if sufficient resistivity contrast
tions are identical to part of the apparent-resistivity exists and other factors, such as a small amount of
curves for k= ± 1 for a vertical fault (see fig. 59 and overburden, are favorable. In the field, however, only
discussion of this figure). discrete points along the curves are obtained; the dis-
tance between successive points depends on the station
interval, which is usually a/2 or less for the Lee con-
The vertical fault is one of the most useful geologic figuration. For a detailed interpretation of field data,
structures to study. A thorough understanding of the it is therefore desirable to use the theoretical field plot.
anomalies obtained with different configurations in the
vicinity of a vertical fault is also helpful in understand-
ing the more complex anomalies obtained over the more Various theoretical field plots obtained along a
complex geologic structures. Many of the key features traverse taken perpendicular to the strike of the fault
found in the anomalies over the vertical fault are found are shown in plate 2. The assumed resistivity contrast
also in the anomalies over other geologic structures, and is p" / p' = ~~. The station interval in all the diagrams
thus are fundamental guides in the interpretation of in this plate is constant, namely, a/2, which is the
resistivity data in general. Our treatment of the inter- station interval usually used for the Lee configuration;
pretation of resistivity data for faults is therefore more and the same fault is crossed in each case. The offset
detailed than that for any other geologic features. The method of plotting the Lee data is used; the P1 and P2
principles set forth here, however, will be used repeatedly values are for the right- and left-hand sides, respec-
throughout the remainder of the treatise. tively, of the configuration. The only factor that
differs between the diagrams is the starting point along B'A' in plate 20. For the resistivity contrast assumed,
the traverse, which differs for each diagram, For the horizontal line B' A' provides a limiting case in two
example, the starting point of the configuration in respects: first, the apparent-resistivity value of a peak
plate 2A is such that for one of the stations along the in this part of the p1 curve is never less than the
horizontal profile, the center potential electrode P 0 is apparent-resistivity value of p1 for this horizontal line,
placed directly over the fault plane. The starting as either the peak A' (pl. 2B) or peak B' (pl. 2D) will
point of the configuration in plate 2B is a distance of have higher values than this horizontal line; and second,
0.050a to the right of that for plate 2A, so that for one in this case the fault lies as close as it ever can to a
of the stations along the horizontal profile, the center peak formed in this part of the p1 curve, as no peak in
potential electrode Po is placed a distance of 0.050a to this part of the p 1 curve can be formed closer than a
the right of the fault plane. The numerical values of distance of 0.188a to the left of the fault.
the distances from the fault plane to three decimal For a horizontal profile in which center electrode P 0
places arise in calculations for the station interval a/2, falls a distance slightly less than 0.062a to the right of
from different starting points. the fault plane, horizontal line B' A' changes to a line
For a horizontal resistivity profile in which center dipping to the left, so that point B' is lower than point
electrode P 0 falls on the fault plane (pl. 2A), the fault A'.
plane lies a distance of 0.250a to the right of peaks A For a horizontal profile in which center electrode P 0
and A'., on the p 1 and p 2 curves, 5 respectively. Peak A falls a distance slightly greater than 0.062a to the right
attains an apparent-resistivity value ·equal to the of the faUlt plane, horizontal line B' A' changes to a line
regional value of the country rock to the left of the dipping to the right, so that point A' is lower than point
fault. As this is the only case in which peak A attains B'. In this case point B' forms a peak with a gently
such a high value in a simple fault problem, this feature dipping right flank, and the fault plane lies at a distance
can be used in some cases to facilitate the location of of approximately 0.688a (actually, slightly less than
the fault. this value) to the right of this peak B'. It should be
For a horizontal resistivity profile in which center emphasized that this peak B' lies a distance of 0.500a
electrode Po falls a distance of 0.050a to the right of to the left of peak A of the P2 curve. Though this con-
the fault plane (pl. 2B), the fault plane lies a distance dition is not shown in the diagrams, it represents the
of 0.200a to the right of peaks A and A'. In this case limiting case for which peak B' is barely made manifest
peaks A and A' are lower than the corresponding peaks and in which the fault plane lies at a distance of approx-
in plate 2A. Otherwise the curves are very similar to imately 0.688a to the right of the peak B'.
those in plate 2A, and distinguishing between them in For a horizontal profile in which center electrode Po
the field data would be difficult. falls a distance of O.lOOa to the right of the fault plane
When the center electrode Po falls a distance of (pl. 2D), line B' A' dips rather steep~y to the right, so
0.062a to the right of the fault plane (pl. 20), a limiting that well-defined peak B' is formed on the P1 curve.
case arises that divides the theoretical field plots into Peak A persists on the P2 curve, but it is much less
two families. A horizontal line B' A' is obtained on the pronounced on its left flank than in the previous cases.
p 1 curve in the place where peak A' usually occurs. The fault plane lies a distance of 0.150a to the right of
The peak at A on the P2 curve is maintained, however, peak A and a distance of 0.650a to the right of peak B'.
although it is lower than the corresponding peak in Thus, peak B' lies a distance of 0.500a to the left of
plate 2B. The fault plane lies a distance of 0.188a to peak A. This offset of peak B' on the P1 curve with
the right of peak A and point A', and a distance of respect to peak A of the P2 curve is a diagnostic feature
0.688a to the right of point B.'. Point B' occurs when that facilitates the location of the fault plane in some
center electrode Po lies a distance of 0.938a (that is, cases.
xfa= -0.938) to the left of the fault, and point A' For a horizontal profile in which center electrode Po
occurs when center electrode P 0 lies a distance of 0.438a falls a distance of 0.115a to the right of the fault plane
(that is, xfa= -0.438) to the left of the fault. The (pl. 2E), another limiting case arises. A horizontal
transition of peak A' in plate 2B to straight line B' A' line BA is formed on the P2 curve in the place where
in plate 20 occurs, with increasing distance of Po away peak A usually occurs. The peak at B' on the P1 curve
from the fault, as the result of a decrease in the apparent- is maintained, and lies directly under point B on the
resistivity value of point A' in plate 2B with a con- p2 curve. The fault plane lies a distance of 0.135a to
comitant increase of the apparent-resistivity value of the right of point A and a distance of 0.635a to the right
point B' in plate 2B; the final result is the straight line of point B and peak B'. Point B occurs where center
electrode P 0 lies a distance of 0.385a (that is,
5For convenience the Ptfp' and P2fp' curves in plate 2 are referred to as the PI and
P2 curves, respectively, in the present discussion. xfa= -0.385a) to the left of the fault, and point A

occurs where center electrode P 0 lies a distance of 0.115a Po falls a distance of 0.150a to the right of the fault
(that is, xfa= +0.1 115) to the right of the fault. The {pl. 2F), peak B, which is rather pronounced on the
transition of peak A in plate 2D to straight line BA P2 curve, takes the place of the former peak A. Thus
in plate 2E occurs with increasing distance of P 0 away a pronounced shift to the left takes place in the peak
from the fault as the result of a decrease in the value of on the P2 curve. The fault plane in this case lies a
point A in plate 2D with a concomitant increase of the distance of 0.600a to the right of peaks B and B',
value of point B in plate 2D; the final result is the which are now coincident. The apparent-resistivity
straight line BA in plate 2E. For the resistivity con- value of peak B is greater than the apparent-resistivity
trast assumed, the horizontal line BA provides a limiting value of the horizontal line BA in plate 2E.
case in two respects: first, the apparent-resistivity For horizontal profiles in which center electrode
value of a peak in this part of the P2 curve is never less Po falls at distances greater than 0.150a, but less than
than the apparent-resistivity value of P2 for this hori- 0.500a, to the right of the fault (pl. 2 G-L), the p1 and
zontal line, as either the peak A {pl. 2D) or peak P2 curves are similar in character. The apparent-
B {pl. 2B) will have higher values than this horizontal resistivity values of peaks B and B' increase steadily
line; and second, in this case the fault lies as close as it with increasing distance of center electrode Po from
ever can to a peak formed in this part of the p2 curve, the fault. As shown in table 3, the distance between
as no peak in this part of the P2 curve can be formed the fault plane and peaks B and B' is progressively
closer than a distance of 0.135a to the left of the fault. less. In the limit, where center electrode Po falls at a
For a horizontal profile in which center electrode Po distance of 0.500a to the right of the fault, the p 1 and
falls a distance slightly less than 0.115a to the right of p2 curves become identical to those for plate 24, in
the fault plane, peak A, though not pronounced, is which the electrode Po falls on the fault plane. Then
present as the line BA dips to the left, with point B the cycle repeats itself.
lower than point A. The analysis in table 3 applies for a resistivity
For a horizontal profile in which center electrode contrast of 1 to 4 and for a station interval of a/2. A
Po falls a distance slightly greater than 0.115a to the similar analysis, using the same station interval,
right of the fault plane, line BA dips to the right, with but with different resistivity contrasts, would give
point A lower than point B, so that peak A loses its somewhat different results, only with respect to the
identity as a peak, and hereafter is designated as. magnitude of the features that have been described;
point A. At the same time the value of point B rises the positions of these features would remain the same.
to become peak B, though it is not pronounced in this
case. The fault lies a distance of approximately A FAULT
0.635a {actually, slightly less than this value) to the
right of this peak B. For a vertical fault with the higher-resistivity
For a horizontal profile in which center electrode material lying to the left of the fault plane, the charac-
TABLE 3.-Distance between vertical fault plane and points of discontinuity of slope on the p1 and p2 apparent-resistivity curves, Lee
configuration (offset plotting)
[Electrode separation, a; station interval, a/2; p'fp"=4.. See pl. 2.]

Distance between fault and-

Distance between center electrode Po Remarks
and rault
Peak on P2 curve Peak on PI curve

O.OOOa __ - ___________________ 0.250a_ __ __________________ 0.250a ____________________ _ Peaks A and A' coincident .
.050a______________________ .200a_____________________ .200a ____________________ _ Do .
.062a_______________________ .188a_____________________ .688a; 0.188a ______________ _ Horizontal line B' A' on Pt curve.
Peak A and point A' coincident.
. lOOa _____________________ _ .150a ____________________ _ Peak A' vanishes .
.650a ____________________ _ Peak B' offset 0.500a from
.115a _____________________ _ peak A .
.635a ____________________ _ Horizontal
.635a; 0.135a ______________ _ line BA on p 2 curve .
Peak B' and point B coincident.
. 150a _____________________ _ .600a ____________________ _ Peak A vanishes .
.600a ____________________ _ Peaks B and B' coincident .
.200a _____________________ _ .550a ____________________ _ .550a ____________________ _
.250a _____________________ _ .500a ____________________ _ .500a ____________________ _ Do .
.300a _____________________ _ .450a ____________________ _ .450a ____________________ _ Do .
. 350a _____________________ _ .400a ____________________ _ .400a ____________________ _ Do.
.400a _____________________ _ .350a ____________________ _ .350a ____________________ _ Do .
.450a _____________________ _ .300a ____________________ _ .300a ____________________ _ Do .
.500a _____________________ _ Do .
.OOOa; 0.500a______________ _ .OOOa; 0.500a ______________ _ Cycle repeats here .
teristics of the peaks lying to the left of the fault of a/2. They apply strictly only for a resistivity
usually offer the best criteria for determining the contrast of 1 to 4, but can be used to determine the
location of the fault. approximate location of a vertical fault that separates
If a continuous horizontal resistivity profile taken two media with resistivity contrasts that are not 1 to 4.
in the field is available, a vertical fault is located If the resistivity contrast is small, so that p' I p" is
theoretically at a distance of a/4 from the main peaks only slightly greater than 1, the observed peaks are
(pl. 1), irrespective of the resistivity contrast. As not sufficiently definitive to make a trustworthly
continuous profiles are not usually available, however, analysis. Thus a sufficient resistivity contrast should
other criteria based on the theoretical field plots are exist, so that definitive peaks are obtained in the
necessary. field data.
Although criteria based on the theoretical field For the interpretation of field curves, the numerical
plots involve certain inherent margins of error, they results can be computed so that they are consistent
nevertheless can be used as a guide in selecting the with the estimate"d accuracy of the field data. We
approximate location of a fault. The criteria apply prefer to use the criteria given above, and round off
to the peaks or other features that are character- the final estimates of the location of the fault. A
istically found on the high resistivity, or in this case careful analysis is justified only if good operating con-
the left-hand side of the fault. The offset method of ditions prevail in the field, so that no great distortions
plotting the Lee data is used; the PI and P2 values in the field resistivity curves are present. As the
are for the right- and left-hand sides, respectively, analysis can break down completely unless the geologic
of the configuration irrespective of whether the con- conditions fulfill the assumptions that are made, cau-
figuration is run from left to right, or vice versa. tion should be used. The above criteria are no panacea
The criteria are (see also table 3): for problem areas, in which more refined techniques,
1. If the peaks on both the PI and Pt curves are not such as station intervals smaller than a/2, may be
offset and are pronounced, with a steep gradient desirable.
on the right side of the peaks, the fault lies a
distance of approximately 0.20a to 0.50a to the TRAVERSES AT AN ANGLE TO THE FAULT
right of the peaks. If, in addition, the value of
Figure 57 B toE give theoretical horizontal resistivity
the P2 peak is approximately equal to the true
profiles with the Lee configuration across a vertical
resistivity of the higher-resistivity material to the
fault. For a traverse at an angle of 60° to the fault
left of the fault, the fault lies a distance of approxi-
(fig. 570), the position of the trace of the fault can be
mately 0.25a to the right of the P2 peak.
determined rather accurately with the Lee configuration
2. If the pea.ks on both the PI and P2 curves are not
offset and are gentle, with a small gradient on under favorable field conditions, although the dimin-
the right side of the peaks, the fault lies a distance ished height of the diagnostic peaks causes some loss of
of approximately 0.50a to 0.64a to the right of resolution. For ~traverses at small angles to the fault
the peaks. (figs. 57D and E), the position of the fault trace cannot
3. If the peaks on the PI nnd P2 curves are offset, the
be determined accurately because the diagnostic peaks
fault lies a distance of approximately 0.14a to are absent. The sharp resistivity escarpment obtained
0.19a to the right of the peak on the P2 curve. in crossing the fault even at these small angles, how-
4. If the peak on the P2 curve is flat-topped, or nearly
ever, indicates that a major lateral resistivity change
so, to form a plateau, the fault lies at a distance has been crossed by the configuration; and traverses
of approximately 0.14a to the right of the right more nearly perpendicular to the suspected strike of
edge of the plateau. the fault can then be taken for determining more
5. If the peak on the PI curve is flat-topped, or nearly accurately the position of its trace.
so, to form a plateau, the fault lies at a distance Figure 57 F to I show theoretical horizontal re-
of approximately 0.19a to the right of the right sistivity profiles across a vertical fault with the Wenner
edge of the plateau. configuration along traverses taken at different angles
Similar criteria apply where the high-resistivity to the fault. The assumed resistivity contrast is
medium lies to the right of the fault plane, but for p' f p" = 4. If the angle between the fault trace and
such a case the PI and P2 curves are the mirror image of the traverse is less than 60°, the position of the fault
those in plate 2. trace probably could not be picked accurately under
The above criteria apply only to horizontal profiles ordinary field conditions; although, of course, the resis-
taken perpendicular to the strike of a vertical fault tivity escarpment would indicate the existence of a
with the Lee configuration using a station interval pronounced lateral change in resistivity of the rock.

\ /I tE r
L E 1\
8· 30'
' 8•os•andrf·
~ v' I \ '
Pt I~ I
pj r-' p~

1--- pt--j t- np· R I~
~ 1--- -
f- r -
p' ~ 1---

1--- 1--- 1--
r-- P'r--
~ ~---~

\- ~p;

1/1 I
A \B-3&'1 \
Q,"'IQ. I 8•60' \
I \ '8·os•

18•90' I r'\
I \ \ \
I I L I I r'\
I i ! I I
I B·o• \I ~
! ::tl
I I I' I
.... ~, i ['... t-,
l \,_ \ 8
-4 -2
v~~ L _ -'-
-4 -2
-4 -2
- -4
r- ~

a a a a:
1.00 0
iF ~ 3l ~RAVERSE 4a5

........ TRAVERSE I
I ~
8•90' 1 8· 60' 8•30' j 8•os• ahdcf
I i I

r-- ---~\ 1\ l:J
1\ ! I I \
I \V\ \lA \\ \ ~
0.75 I-- -- --

~ri Hti9~ LUi=

v \ i \
~-'+- i\ t:3
! ~
~- 1----

---H I


. \8•30

II 1---
·- -·

\ >
lI I
t- f-


~ ....
1 i=i=t-'
t__L_L1.. ---"~ [

-4 -2 -4 -2 -4 - 2 -4 -2
.!... .!... 1!.. L
a a a a

FIGURE 57.-Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, (B to E) Lee configuration (offset plotting) and (F to I) Wenner contJ.guration; traverses taken at different angles to the fault.
,, .
,, ,, ~
'------~ 8 0 I'

0 0 0 II 0

~ J.
/! . .\ ~

?i ~o
.-t 7!\\ iA\: \I \

.. -a.-" ..._;....
l\ If~\ Jr,
I I II 1\/; \VfV~

en "'"
l''/ rv·-1\ ... f r1
\1 \\
\ ~-r-~\'

\,• ' I
If ~· " ~
'I ;r-1v \I~ II
I \:

~ ~I
:::c 100 v l-x
v~\ 1~! ~ \\
'-x-J '~
0 p2 (WEST) ~ I!~~-
- J

~ a= 100
ftl 'l-0. / --J
l A !x,/\ j
~ x-.'......x-M

\ I

~ 0

§ 150 B I I I{ (EAST) ~ I I I I AA
~ ~----+---------~-------~~l~-+----------4--.~~(~~ES~l.---~---------+-----------1r-~~~~jr------+------~
~ 100~----+---------~------~M~:"~~-+----------4---~r-~\~A~ o·~~·~-----4------~
< l\,·'\ xfi~\cl lJ
f-s-TA-T-IO-N-I-IN_T_E_R_v_A~-:-~=~,_~,-,.~~------1vl!-,..~\ ~·:
~· .JJ\'f '"'t4\ 11 A lr~a-
A.\ A .tJ~~ X c• ·~. ~ ...-A rel . Y\~
oL-____ J __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----------~----------L---------~----------~----------J_----~

~ 800
..... -SHALE
1- Drill hole
;;! 700

0 100 200 300 400 500 FEET

8 8
~ ~ N

FIGURE 58.-A, B, Horizontal resistivity profiles across two shale sinks using Lee configuration (offset plotting) with electrode separations of (A) 100 feet and (B) 50
feet; (C), geologic cross section. Tri-State mining district, Cherokee County, Kans. Resistivity data and interpretations by K. L. Cook (1961-53); drill-hole
data from Brichta and Ryan, 1958.

FIELD BXAJIPLES Field examples, as well as the use of the criteria for
The best field examples of "fault" anomalies available detecting the position of the fault trace, are given in
to us for horizontal resistivity profiles with the Lee figure 58. The letter designations of the peaks in the
configuration are the anomalies that are found at the field· curves are generally different from those in the
margins of shale sinks in the Tri-State lead-zinc mining theoretical curves in plate 2. Estimates of the location
district (Cook, i951-54, unpublished data). Here the of the shale-limestone contacts based on the criteria
shale-limestone contacts-though not necessarily verti- given previously will be only approximate at best, as
cal and not faults in the usual sense because the sinks the assumptions are only partially realized in the
were formed principally by solution phenomena-are
examples considered. The fault plane does not extend
often so steep that the analysis and criteria of a vertical
fault can be used successfully for picking many contacts to infinite depth, as assumed; the resistivity contrast
in the ordinary application of the resistivity method in may not be exactly 1 to 4; and some overburden exists
this district. in the field examples.

For an electrode separation of 100 feet and station zontal profiles used to detect faults covered by alluvium
interval of 50 feet (fig. 58A), the apparent resistivity is overburden should be kept at least 5-and preferably
about 150 to 200 ohm-meters over the limestone coun- 10 or more-times the suspected thickness of the over-
try rock and about 50 ohm-meters or less over the shale burden. The actual detectability of a buried fault,
areas. In the transition area near the west margin of however, depends not only upon the depth of the over-
the west sink, peak A, on the P2 curve, has a gentle slope burden, but also upon the resistivity of the overburden
to the east and is somewhat similar to the theoretical in relation to the resistivity contrast of the materials on
field plot in plate 2F. Thus, the limestone-shale con- either side of the fault. This problem is treated on pages
tact at the west margin of the sink the(\retically lies as 268-274.
much as 0.60a, or 60 feet, to the east of peak A on the VDTIC.U. PBOPILIS
field curve. Point B, on the P• curve on the east side
of the west sink, lies at the west edge of a resistivity An undf standing of the character of vertical resis-
plateau and is thus similar to the theoretical counter- tivity profiles across a vertical fault is helpful in picking
part of plate 2E. Thus, the shale-limestone contact at the fault contact when vertical-profile techniques are
the east margin of the sink theoretically lies a distance used for that purpose. In addition, a knowledge of the
of about 0.014a, or about 14 feet, west of peak Bin the pattern of such profiles is desirable when depth studies
field curve. By similar reasoning, point 0, on the P2 by vertical-profile techniques are being made on
curve, constitutes the east edge of a resistivity plateau assumed horizontal layers, because truly lateral effects
and indicates that the limestone-shale contact at the sometimes occur unexpectedly, and the interpreter
west edge of the east sink theoretically lies at a dis- should be able to recognize them.
tance of about 0.14a, or about 14 feet, east of point 0. Vertical profiles taken across a vertical fault with the
Peak D, on the p1 curve, near the east margin of the Lee configuration are shown in figure 59. The assumed
east sink, is pronounced and is coincident with peak reflection factors vary at intervals of 0.1 between
D', on the P2 curve; therefore the shale-limestone con- + 1.0 and -1.0. In each case, center electrode Po
tact theoretically lies at a distance of 0.20a to 0.50a, lies 2 units from the fault plane. For each diagram
or about 20 to 50 feet, west· of peaks D and D'. the curves are plotted in terms of the true resistivity
The contact can usually be picked more accurately of the medium on the left side of the fault, which is
if the station interval is made smaller so that the meas- taken as unity in each diagram. This procedure facili-
ured data approach more closely a continuous curve. tates obtaining the apparent resistivity in terms of
For thick overburden, the electrode separation should specific units, such as ohm-meters, for an individual
be kept large; but for relatively thin overburden, as in case in the field.
the present example, the electrode separation was re- The point of discontinuity in slope in the vertical
duced when the station interval was made smaller. profiles can be used to locate the trace of a vertical fault
For an electrode separation of 50 feet and station at the surface, if the resistivity contrast is sufficiently
interval of 25 feet (fig. 58B), the apparent resistivity great. For a station located over the high-resistivity
is about 80 to 100 ohm-meters over the limestone and material at a point lying 2 units to the left of the fault
about 25 ohm-meters over the shale. The same criteria plane (fig. 59A), the apparent resistivity for small
as before are used on the peaks obtained along this electrode separations is essentially equal to the true
repeat traverse, except that a is now 50 feet instead of resistivity p'. As the electrode configuration is ex-
100 feet; and independent estimates of the location of panded, leaving potential electrode Po fixed, the appar-
the fault traces are then made by studying the new ent-resistivity values for both p 1 and P2 decrease, with
peaks on this traverse. When these new estimates are P1 decreasing much more than P2 until current electrode
compared with the first ones given, the discrepancies 0 1 crosses the fault, at which point a discontinuity in
involved are less than about 20 feet in this example. slope occurs in each curve. As the configuration is
For resistivity contrasts of 1 to 3 or more, the criteria, expanded further, the apparent resistivity />J increases
when used on a single Lee horizontal profile with the continuously and approaches asymptotically the true
normal station interval of a/2, will usually result in the resistivity of the material to the left of the fault. At
correct location of the fault trace within a few tens of the same time the apparent resistivity P1 increases until
feet when a= 100 feet. potential electrode P 1 crosses the fault trace, when a
Thin uniform overburden tempers somewhat the rather pronounced peak occurs in the Pt curve only.
size of the diagnostic peaks, but apparently does not As the configuration is expanded further, the apparent
greatly hinder the location of the fault trace. Ex- resistivity p1 decreases continuously and approaches
perience to date (1956) indicates that as a rule for asymptotically the value of the material on the right
satisfactory results, the electrode separation for hori- side of the fault.

a fl C) B:'

w· a
I ·l
•" -2 •"
I Pf-Lr-1-i . . . . . . p· . . . . . . . . .
-~- •· a ____ _y___ _
.·.·.·.·.·.· .· .·

k • Pn+ f r (fixed).·.·.·.·.·!.·.·.·.;.~
6 4 2 0 2 4 61
-- -- l
I -- -- ----1-- --
I .,~~- ---- -- --_--;. -- --- ----- =~ --
-- -- - -- 0.9
rr-- r£::.
[£j __
"' "' I .... .,.-
., - ... - -- ~=- -=-~ ~-s'i ~~ ~~ -- ...--- -.,- --- ---
~ I / ... .... ...
;: .,_,

PI 0.8
I I I /
I "' ,· ,"'L--;. . ~
77 ---
i I
r- --+--
" [7/
}', i/""' I,'.·
,"', -:,'
1jJ ---- 0.7
~ l
/ 'I/ t"/ "/
r- --~- I /// ItIt ~~
~ -0.3
/ I/ It?

~ --+- '' ' I ~IQ_

r- I
~ -04 0.5
"-1 TT ,','I

r-v=; 41/J/tl i' I

t1 r---t- I ! ! -

' ' 'II

r'!r- --+-- ,,,,,, 1 l

CF -::;-;--
-05 J
I l:i
i I 1/:f I i i
~~ ! L_l __
f--~ --L-
• IS
f/ I

~·~- ~l
i r~----;£>,2- I I i

6 8 10 12 14 16 18

\"""~ to;', 3
'o.5' ......
--- --- --- -- -- -
r-- '...- ~--- ~4 ~... -
1'\ -- i,~ -- --1--

.__ -- _.._ __ - -- -
- -- ·~-
-- --1--
- -
-- -- -- ~'===
-- -- 1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

-FIGURE 59.-Theoretical vertical resistivity proflles over an lnflnite vertical fault with center electrode Po a distance of 2 units from the fault, Lee configuration (oftset
plotting). Reflection factor k varies between +1.0 and -1.0.

Figure 59D can be used conveniently to obtain appar- 250

ent-resistivity values at a station taken over the high- I
II i
resistivity material lying on the right side of a fault.

Here the P2 curve shows two discontinuities in slope ~ 200
similar to the PI curve in figure 59A, and the PI curve ~
shows a single discontinuity in slope similar to the P2 0
curve in figure 59A. ~ 150 X

For a station over the low-resistivity material at a > ~ P2 (WEST)v

point lying 2 units to the right of the fault plane (fig. > X
f= I
59B), the apparent resistivity for small electrode separa- ~ 100 x-x--x-K
tions is essentially equal to the true resistivity p".
As the electrode configuration is expanded, leaving z

potential electrode Po fixed, the apparent resistivities ~ 50

P1 and P2 both increase, with P2 increasing more than <(
I ~

PI, until current electrode 0 2 crosses the fault trace, UPl(EAST)

when a discontinuity in slope occurs in both curves. 50 100 150
With increased expansion of the configuration, the ELECTRODE SEPARATION, a, IN FEET
apparent resistivity PI diminishes gradually and ap-
proaches asymptotically the value of the material on
the right side of the fault. At the same time the appar- _____ \ _____ -
ent resistivity P2 decreases, paradoxically, in spite of the \
fact that current electrode 0 2 has entered the medium \
of higher true resistivity, until the point where potential Limestone
electrode P2 crosses the fault trace, at which point a \
sharp discontinuity in slope occurs in the p2 curve. \

Further expansion of the configuration gives a sudden

rise in apparent resistivity p2 , which increases continu-
ously thereafter and approaches asymptoti~>ally the 0 25 50 100 FEET
value of the true resistivity of the material 011 the left
side of the fault.
Figure 590 can be used conveniently for a station FIGURE 60.-Vertical resistivity profile for station near left edge of shale sink, Lee
configuration. Tri-State mining district, Cherokee County, Kans. (Resistivity
taken over low-resistivity material on the left side of a data and interpretations by K. L. Cook (1951-54); drill-hole data from Brlchta and
fault. Here the p 1 curve shows two discontinuities in Ryan (1958).)
slope similar to the P2 curve in figure 59B; and the P2
curve, with its single discontinuity in slope, is similar values for a vertical resistivity profile at a station lying
to the PI curve for figure 59B. 2 units to the left of a vertical perfectly conducting
Figures 590 and D represent an alternative method of plane for electrode separations between a=O and a=4
plotting the same data in figures 59B and A, respec- units. For larger values of a, the apparent resistivities
tively, when p' and p" are interchanged. Although can be readily calculated.
the same concepts can be shown by using the two Figure 60 shows a fault-type vertical resistivity pro-
figures 59A and 59B only, it is found convenient in file obtained near the left edge of a shale sink in the
making field comparisons to have available the four Tri-State lead-zinc mining district. Essentially all the
complete sets of curves shown in figure 59. observed effects are due to the steep limestone-shale
The vertical resistivity profiles over perfectly con- contact at the left edge of the sink, as the right edge is
too far away to affect greatly the apparent-resistivity
ducting and insulating planes for both the Lee and
values for small values of the electrode separation; the
Wenner configurations are identical to part of the results, however, are tempered somewhat by the
apparent-resistivity curves for k= ± 1 in figure 59 for alluvium.
a vertical fault. In particular they are identical except The abrupt change in slope of the P2 curve at a=50
for that part of the curves when one of the potential feet occurs as potential electrode P 2 crosses the inferred
electrodes lies on the side of the fault opposite from that limestone-shale contact as shown in the geologic section.
side containing the center of the whole configuration. The location of the west edge of the shale, as inferred
The ptf p' Lee curve for k= + 1.0 in figure 59 A, for from this vertical profile, agrees well with its location
example, gives also the correct apparent-resistivity as obtained independently from horizontal resistivity

A ~
~ ~

~ ta ~ ~


~ t::::== 9 ~\ ~


~\ ~ - " - 0.2



~lb 0.5
\\\ ~ - - '-- 0.4

k POSITIVE 1\\~ ~ - "-t-- r\

i\\ ~ ~ - \.
~ 1----

0.2 \ ~....


0.1 ..__ o.Q_ "---

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4

k= p"+p' P'=_]_
fAULTjl--x p"-_l_

~4~--~----3~--~----~2____L __ _ _~1____L __ _ _OL---~---L----L---~2____L-___3L_--~___J4

FIGURE 61.-Theoretical horizontal (A) conductivity and (B) resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, Wenner configuration. Traverse per-
pendicular to fault trace. Reflection factor k varies between (Al 0.1 and0.9 and (B) -0.1 and -0.9. Adapted from Tagg (1930) by permission
of Mining Magazine.

profiles. The cause of the second abrupt change in ratio of the apparent resistivity Pa to the true resis-
slope in the P2 curve at a=90 feet is not known. The tivity p' of the material on the left side of the fault are
persistent low values of p 1 are in accord with the plotted against x/a. A discontinuity in slope is obtained
theoretical curves. as each of the four electrodes cross the contact. As
WENNER CONFIGURATION the configuration is moved from a medium of high
HORIZOBTAL PBOmBS resistivity on the left to one of low resistivity on the
Figure 61 (after Tagg, 1930) shows theoretical hori- right (fig. 61B), the apparent resistivity increases para-
zontal profiles across a vertical fault with the Wenner doxically when the fault straddles electrodes 0 1 and P 1•
configuration along a traverse perpendicular to the For all resistivity contrasts, the principal diagnostic
fault trace. The values of k are taken at intervals of peak lies a distance of a/2 from the fault, and its value
0.1 for positive and negative values between -0.9 and is always less than the true resistivity of the more
+0.9. For positive values of k (fig. 61A), the ratio of resistive medium. If the apparent resistivity-rather
the apparent conductivity ua to the true conductivity than apparent conductivity-is always use.ti, the fault
u' of the material on the left side of the fault are plotted lies this distance in a down-resistivity direction from
against x/a. For negative values of k (fig. 61B), the the peak-that is, toward the lower resistivity medium.
Figure 62 shows field examples of observed hori-
zontal resistivity profiles across a vertical fault with
the Wenner configuration with electrode separations
of 15 meters and 30 meters. The fault separates the
Vosges Sandstone, of relatively high resistivity, from
Oligocene marl, of relatively low resistivity. An
observed pronounced peak lies northwest of the fault
over the high-resistivity sandstone.
To compare the observed profiles with theoretical
profiles, Rothe and Rothe (1952) computed theoretical
horizontal resistivity profiles with the assumption
that the reflection factor k is -0.9 and the true re-
sistivity of the Vosges Sandstone is 900 ohm-meters.
In making the comparison (fig. 62), Rothe and Rothe
used a theoretical field plot with the assumption that the
discrete station intervals were such that the electrodes
in crossing the fault would lie vertically above the
fault; and they then shifted their observed field curve
correspondingly to obtain the best match between this
particular field plot and the observed curve. They
considered the match in figure 62B to be somewhat
better than that in figure 62A, but still not entirely
satisfactory. Our procedure of using several different
theoretical field plots by trial and error as outlined in an
earlier section would perhaps yield a slightly better

Figure 63 (after Tagg, 1930) shows theoretical

vertical profiles across a vertical fault with the Wenner
configuration along a traverse perpendicular to the fault
trace. The values of k are taken at intervals of 0.1
SURFACE for positive and negative values between -0.9 and
= 900 ohm-m
+ 0.9. For positive values of k (fig. 63A), the ratio
of the apparent conductivity ua to the true conductivity
Vosges Sandstone Oligocene marl
u' of the material on the left side of the fault are plotted
F1ouu 62.-Comparison of observed and theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles against a/x. For negative values of k (fig. 63B), the
8CI'088 a vertical fault, Wenner confiiUratlon, wltb an electrode separation of (A) ratio of the apparent resistivity Pa to the true resis-
16 meters and (B) 30 meters. Assumed reflection factor t- -0.9 and p' •900 ohm-
meters. Adapted from RotM and Roth6 (1962). tivity p' of the material on the left side of the fault are
1.0 r

0.9 - 1---
lr 0.1

0.8 l\\ ~ ~ .........._ ~-----~ 0.3
...___ ~0.4
\-... r---
0.7 ............
\\ ~ ~ f--


0.5 \ r\" --
r--- t-9~
r--_ 0.7

10'111-b k POSITIVE
r\ "

0.3 \ "' '~

r--- r--£!.


0 2
"' ~



B ...... k = -0.1

--- r-- - t-- 0.2

1 l\.

--- - - 0.3

-- -- ---- r-- -0.4

---- ---- - --- h:----

--- --
~ ,__
- - r---- 0.5




iL--- l----


~ !----


- 1---


().9' -





00 2 3 4
p2 ~
c2 pl c1 X
:1 a a a SURFACE

P"- P'
= P" + P'
•FAULTj P"=...!._

FIGURE 63.-Theoretlcal vertical (A) conductivity and (B) resistivity profiles across a vertical fault, Wenner configuration. Reflection factor k varies between (A) 0.1
and 0.9 and (B) -0.1 and -0.9. Adapted from Tagg (1930) by permission of Mining Magazine.

plotted against a/x. A discontinuity in slope is ob- ments of potential differences that are made with other
tained as the current and potential electrodes cross electrode configurations such as the Wenner and Lee.
the contact. Figure 64 shows horizontal resistivity profiles with
For vertical resistivity profiles along traverses paral- the Logn configuration across a vertical fault for
lel to the trace of a vertical fault, families of theoretical different resistivity contrasts (Logn, 1954). The solid
curves are given by Tagg (1930) for values of k taken curves are for positive reflection factors and the dashed
at intervals of 0.1 between -1.0 and + 1.0. These curves are for negative reflection factors. A discon-
curves indicate that the effect on the vertical profile is tinuity in the apparent-resistivity values occurs at the
practically negligible when the distance of the configu- contact. In field practice discrete values are obtained;
ration from the fault is four times the electrode sep- and an apparent-resistivity high or low occurs over the
aration. This fact can help serve as a guiding prin- contact for a positive or negative reflection factor,
ciple for profiles taken near the edge of a steep cliff respectively.
for example. Figure 65. shows an observed horizontal resistivity
LOON CONFIGURATION profile across two vertical contacts in Meheia, near
Kongsberg, Norway (Logn, 1954). The three ap-
The Logn configuration (see p. 41) of electrodes
parent-resistivity curves are drawn to an arbitrary
uses potential electrodes sufficiently close together so
scale for the three different fixed current-electrode
that the measurement made is essentially the electric
locations, respectively, that are shown in the cross
field or potential gradient at a point. The Schlum-
section. Here a great low-resistivity breccia zone
berger configuration is similar to the Logn configura-
about 230 meters in width lies between the younger
tion in this respect, and thus its results should apply
Telemark Granite Gneiss on the west and the older
qualitatively to those expected from the Logn con-
Kongsberg-Bamle Granite Gneiss on the east. The
figuration. In both configurations, the measurements
pronounced peaks associated with the contacts were
made are fundamentally different from the measure-
used to help trace the boundaries of the breccia,
especially where the boundaries were covered with
2.0.----,--------.-------,--~~-- alluvium.
We pointed out previously the analogy between the
potential-drop-ratio method and the regular Lee con-
figuration when the Lee-Hemberger plotting is used
1.41----+---1- for the Lee data (Lee and Hemberger, 1946). Using
the data for a vertical fault, we now investigate this
__ j problem in more detail to ascertain the best method
c{bjb. of Lee-Heruberger plotting. In all these studies, only
1.0~--iiiii~~~::::::_-+--+---~--+--+-- a horizontal profile will be considered. It is assumed
that the configurations are moved from left to right
and, in particular, from a medium of low resistivity
PA to one of higher resistivity PB; the assumed resistivity
-0.4 contrast is PA/ PB= 1/5. It should be recalled that
usually the different index numbers charted are obtained
from the same data of potential differences and represent
merely different ways of charting the ratios of the
various combinations of potential differences or,
actually, apparent resistivities. One of the main dis-
tinctions to observe is whether the data are plotted
for a station interval of a/2, which is customary for
the Lee configuration, or for a smaller station interval,
: l 1 :

such as a/10, which can be used for detailed investi-


Figures 66 and 67 show the charts for the different
index numbers. Although the charts are compiled to
show specific comparisons of anomalies for station
FIGURE 64.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across vertical fault for different resis·
tivlty contrasts, Logn configuration. Adapted from Logn (1954). intervals of a/2 compared with station intervals of a/10,

"'<l.__ -

0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280

l ~--
I I Toe~
lc M N lc M N N M

FIGURE 65.-Three observed horizontal resistivity profiles across two vertical contacts in Meheia, near Kongsberg, Norway, Logn configuration. Adapted from
Logn (1954).

it is convenient to consider first all the index numbers Figure 67 A shows the "ratio of apparent resistivity
charted for station intervals of a/2 in these two figures. over adjacent ground in opposition to the traverse
Figure 66A shows the "ratio of apparent resistivity direction" (Lee and Hemberger, 1946), which is
over adjacent ground" (Lee and Hemberger, 1946), charted here as the ratio of ~ for a given station to
which is charted here as the ratio of Pt to P2 as these two p2 of the previous station (station interval of a/2).
quantities are measured at a given station (station The index number attains a maximum value of about
interval of a/2). The value of this ratio, which is the 3.4.
"index number" in this case, is plotted at X, the posi- Figure 67 B shows the "ratio of apparent resistivity
tion of the station. The index number reaches a over adjacent ground in the direction of traverse"
maximum value of five at the fault trace, with a total (Lee and Hemberger, 1946), which is charted here as
relief of four; and this pronounced peak thus serves to the ratio of Pi for a given station to p 1 for the previous
indicate the position of the fault. It is shown below
station (station interval of a/2). The index number
that this ratio )riclds the largest anomaiy.
Figure 660 shows the "ratio of apparent resistivities attains a maximum value of about 3.6.
over the same ground" (Lee and Hemberger, 1946), In detailed work, when the station intervals are made
which is charted here as the ratio of p1 for a given smaller than a/2, there are various ways of plotting the
station to ~ for the next station (station interval of ratios of the apparent resistivities. In all the ex-
a/2). The maximum index number, which is small, amples given, it is assumed that the station interval
occurs as a minor peak. is a/10.

5.0 r-.-~--------y--------r-----r-----. 5.0


4.5 t----t--t-+--+-t---+------+--+--1---+---+-+----1 4.5

4.0 4.0

3.5 3.5

Q,..., : 3.0 c('l~

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0

\ \
\~ ....,
1.5 r--t--t-+--+--lf---+--+----1fl--+-----jf--+--+-+--l 1.5
\....... __,
L....)' "-

-3 -2 -1 0 • 2 3


Q,... ,Q_N
u' --,- --- f-----
h I

- v-
1.25 ~

1.00 \IV ~~

c P.. e P. c
: : +
~_.!.:.-- X

-'~ a• t ~
SURFACE : C2 /}.p; Pop; P1 C1
. . . . . . . . . . . .1J~f.l~+.ll:
+1 1:-rrJ
Ill' I~..,~~~
l I

-3 -2 -1 0 • 1 2 3

FIGURE 66.-Inde:r: nwnbers for Lee-Hemberger plotting of horizontal profiles across vertical fault, Lee configuration; ratios of apparent resistivity from both
electrode pairs at the same or two successive stations. PAlpa = 1/5.
4.0 4.0

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5


2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

\ /~ \
1.0 -~
' - ~
\ I
\ to-
1.0 --v \ - \
'~ -- / ~

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5
, Nf N
Q. Q. ~ \
- 1\-
J f.-~ 1.0 ~ r\

..L X

FIGURa 67.-lndex numbers for Lee- Hemberger plotting of horizontal pro1lles across vertical fault, Lee configuration; ratios of apparent resistivity from the same
electrode pairs at two successive stations. PA/ps•l/6.

Figure 67D shows the "ratio of apparent resistivity for the previous station (station interval of a/10).
over adjacent ground with reduced overlap in the direc- The maximum index number is small.
tion of traverse" (Lee and Hemberger, 1946), which is Figure 67 0 shows the "ratio of apparent resistivity
charted here as the ratio of p: for a given station to p1 over adjacent ground with reduced overlap in opposi-

tion to the traverse dir.ection" (Lee and Hemberger, p 1 to p2 as measured at a given station (fig. 66A), yields
1946), which is charted here as the ratio of ~ for a a more pronounced anomaly than the other ratios con-
given station to P2 of the previous station (station sidered; and this method is recommended as the best
interval of a/10). The maximum index number is when these techniques of plotting ratios of apparent
small. resistivities are used.
Another method of plotting, which was not men-
tioned by Lee and Hemberger (1946), is to chart the
ratio of P1 for a given station to p~ for the next station, Lee and Hemberger (1946, p. 12) also suggested the
when a small station interval is used. Figure 66B possibility of using the differences between p 1 and P2 for
shows the results of this method. The total relief of the Lee configuration when horizontal profiling is used.
this anomaly is pronounced, though smaller than the The differences usually are found to be about as helpful
anomaly obtained from the ratio of apparent resistivi- as the resistivity ratios over adjacent ground. Figure
ties over adjacent ground. 68 shows curves for various differences of apparent
Of all these potential-drop-ratio methods of plotting resistivities for Lee horizontal profiles across a vertical
with the Lee configuration, the ratio of apparent fault. All curves are for the same fault with a re-
resistivities over adjacent ground, that is, the ratio of sistivity contrast PA!Ps=U; and, as before, the meas-

4.0 4.0


3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5

-- -
+--- f--- -
I 2.0 !
~ I
- -- 0
.......... I



I D.=;-u~-,q>
II ~~
I v I
I I \
I I 11 I \
0.5 -- --1-- f-- \ 1\ 0.5
I It \J
) ~ \ I
II /'~
L/ Jl~ ~
~ f'--~oo. t-.:::::: \ 1/ '~ '-
0.0 ...., 0.0 ~"'"-
It li
.,~ ~---
~~ v
{ ~r
-0.5 -0.5 If

,' ••; •·, •i •••; •••i A,=.~,' ·,; i ,·,·,;; ••• I B ~~~I 1 !
-4 -3 -2 -I 0 ++ 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -t o x x' 2 3 4
a a

FIGURE 68.-Plotting of differences of apparent resistivities for horizontal profiles across ,·ertical fault, Lee configuration. p.a/ps=l/5.
urements are taken as the regular Lee configuration is the apparent-resistivity curves to detect the position
moved in each case from left to right. of the fault within the accuracy of the data.
Figure 68A (solid curve) shows the difference be- DIKES
tween P1 and p2 for a given station, as suggested by Lee The interpretation of resistivity data for vertical
and Hemberger (1946). The difference attains a dikes is important for several reasons. First, the
maximum value of four at the fault trace, with a total resistivity anomalies can be used to discover and
relief of four; and this pronounced peak thus serves to delineate shallow dikes or dikelike features, provided
indicate the position of the fault. The anomaly is the resistivity contrast is sufficiently great; these
essentially identical on its left side but definitely less features include dikes, veins, and brecciated zones, all
on its right side than the anomaly obtained over an of which may be directly or indirectly related to mineral
identical fault using the ratio of apparent resistivities deposits. Secondly, a knowledge of the resistivity
over adjacent ground; and on field data this difference anomalies known to occur over dikes and dikelike
method would be slightly inferior to the method of features are helpful in recognizing and interpreting
plotting ratios of apparent resistivities over adjacent the lateral effects that often appear in the data for
ground. various types of surveys where depth estimates to
The remaining curves in figure 68B show methods of horizontal layers are the chief objective. Thirdly, the
taking differences in addition to that suggested by Lee theoretical resistivity anomalies that are obtained
and Hemberger. Except for the solid curve in figure principally from surface measurements across dikes and
68A, which applies to continuous readings, all the brecciated zones can readily be converted to anomalies
curves in figure 68 are for station intervals of a/2. that would be obtained with the same configurations in
The dashed curve in figure 68A shows the difference a vertical well as the configurations cross horizontal
between P1 of a given station and p2 of the next station.
The solid curve in figure 68B shows the difference In this section, we refer repeatedly to structures with
between P1 of a given station and p 1 of the previous vertical boundaries; but the conclusions apply equally
station. The dashed curve in figure 68B shows the differ- well to structures with near-vertical boundaries. For
ence between p2 for a given station and p2 of the previ-
all practical purposes, a boundary that is inclined as
ous station.
much as 30 ° from vertical would yield essentially the
We summarize the method of plotting differences by same results as the vertical boundaries that are assumed.
stating that from a practical point of view, the plotting
Tliere is an equivalence, or near equivalence, between
of the difference p 1 - p2 for a given station will probably
the resistivity anomalies over dikes and those over
yield satisfactory results in detecting a vertical fault,
faults. A thorough understanding of the character-
but is slightly inferior to the method of plotting the
istics of anomalies over faults therefore greatly facili-
ratio P1/Pl of apparent resistivities over adjacent
tates the interpretation of anomalies over dikes. For
example, a wide dike causes an apparent-resistivity
ACCURACY OF DETECTION OF FAULT BY POTENTIAL-DROP-R ATIO :METHODS anomaly that is equivalent to two faults of reversed
type. If either dike wall affects the profile near the
The Lee-Hemberger plotting of ratios of apparent
other, the dike is narrow and the conclusions vary with
resistivities or the plotting of differences of apparent
the ratio of the dike width to the electrode separation.
resistivities inherently contain the same uncertainties
of accurate detection of a vertical fault as the ordinary THEORETICAL BACKGROUND

method of plotting apparent resistivities along a In the theory underlying electrical prospecting over
horizontal profile. The reason is that the data are dikes, we assume that a dike consists of a vertical slab
taken at discrete points only. of material, bounded by two parallel planes, and sur-
Though either the Lee-Hemberger plotting or the rounded on both sides with a material whose resistivity
plotting of differences of apparent resistivities brings is different from that of the dike itself (fig. 69). In
out more sharply to the eye the existence of a lateral order to make the solution as general as possible, we
resistivity change by showing a pronounced peak, it assume that the resistivity of the material on one side of
should be emphasized that this manner of plotting the dike is different from that on the other side and that
fails to show the true resistivities on either side of the both differ from the resistivity of the dike material
fault. In the ordinary method of plotting apparent itself. In that way the solution also serves for problems
resistivities, this feature is not sacrificed, and the abrupt in which two major zones of different resistivity are
change in apparent resistivity shows the experienced separated by a transition zone of a yet different resis-
interpreter that an abrupt lateral resistivity change tivity. Examples are brecciated fault zones and
has occurred; and he then studies the finer features of metamorphosed zones.

If the dike assumes a horizontal position-strictly, a The corresponding equations that are applicable when
sill-it falls mathematically into the category of hori- the current electrode lies within the second medium can
zontal beds. If the dike is inclined, it falls mathe- also be derived from the same general considerations.
matically into the category of dipping beds. Thus, we get
In the vertical-dike problem, we require a set of
potential functions for each of three different cases-a
set in which tlie current electrode is located in each of
the three materials represented. The mathematics for
the first case, when the current electrode is to the left
of the dike, has already been given on pages 57 to 59,
where we showed how to apply the set of general equations.
If we compare figures 29 and 69, we can see immediately
what must be done to make equations 145, 147, and 148
applicable to the present dike problem. Since the
current in the previous problem emanated outward in
all directions from the electrode and since the current
in the present problem is restricted to a half space, the
previous solutions will be valid if we simply change the
previous factor lp' /4r to the new factor lp' /2r. Thus,
equations 145 can be converted into the potential func-
tions in integral form where the current electrode lies
to the left of the dike:

_lp' [1
e-Mht-•>J0 (Xr)
-R+k2t o 1+k21 k a2e-2Ab dX


P' P" P'"

The same functi<?ns in series form are similarly con-
verted from equations 147 and 148:

Uu=Ip' {_!+~ 1
2r R
± (k21k2a)"
n=O "(2nb+2z1 -z)2+r2

_ ~3 ± (k21k2a)" }
Frou:a:a 69.-Cross section showing a point source of current in the vicinity of a
n=O "(2nb+2z2-z) 2+r2 ·
vertical dike bounded on either side by materials of ditierent resistivities.
U.u =Ip' (1 + k21)
{± (~1k23)"
n=O "2nb+ z)2+r2

- k23 ± (k2tk23)"
n-o "(2nb+2z2 -z) 2+r2
l It is unnecessary to write down the corresponding
equations when the current electrode is in medium
three, because they could easily be obtained by simply
Uu =I p' (1 + k21) (1- ~) ± (k21 k 23 )" • (178) reversing the conventions established for equations
2r n-o "(2nb+ z)2+r2
178 above. For the sake of completeness, however,
Both z1 and ~ are positive numbers in equations 177 we include the third set of equations in the convention
and 178. that has already been established. If the current
electrode lies within medium three (fig. 69), the po-
tential functions are BOJliZOliTAL PJU)FIJ.IS


A brecciated zone of assumed uniform resistivity can

be treated theoretically like a dike. A brecci:a.ted zone
that lies in country rock whose resistivity is the same
on either side of the zone can be treated as a dike of
resistivity p" in an otherwise uniform country rock of
resistivity p' on either side of the dike; this problem is
discussed later. A brecciated zone that lies along the
contact of two media of unlike resistivity, however, is
identical to the problem of a dike that lies sirrillarly be-
tween two unlike media. This problem, whi~ch will be
covered in this section, is more complicated numerically
In establishing equations 179, we maintain the con- because there is no symmetry of the complE1te curves
vention established in figure 69, namely that the z-axis about the axis of the brecciated zone.
is positive to the right of the current electrode and The brecciated zone is of practical importance in
negative to the left. This convention requires that z1 mining areas where a fault gouge or minera1lized zone
is actually a negative number because the boundary occurs along the fault zone or contact zonE~ between
between mediums one and two is now to the left of two media of different resistivity.
the current electrode; z2 is a positive number. In Figure 70 shows the horizontal resistivity profiles
equations 180, both z1 and z2 are negative numbers with the Lee configuration across a brecciated zone of
because both boundaries are to the left of the current width a/2 for different resistivities of the brecciated
electrode. zone. The ratio of the true resistivity p' of the country
The above equations are most commonly used for rock at the left of the brecciated zone to the true resis-
problems in which all the electrodes are on the surface tivity p"' of the country rock at the right of the brecci-
of the ground along the z-axis. The equations are then ated zone is fixed at 1:5 in all the diagrams. In terms
considerably simplified because r is zero, and the square of p' taken as unity, the assumed true resistivities of the
roots are eliminated from the denominators of all terms. brecciated zone are Q), 10, 4, 3, 2, and 0. The apparent
The above equations can be simplified for certain resistivity is plotted as the ratio of the apparent
special problems. For the vertical dike, p' equals p"' resistivity to the true resistivity of the material at the
in figure 69, and all of the equations are simplified by left of the brecciated zone.
letting k21 =k23 =k. The situation in figure 69 reduces For a perfectly insulating brecciated zone (fig. 70A),
to a simple fault if p" equals p'". Then, k2t=k and pronounced appt\fent-resistivity peaks in thE~ Pl and P2
k23 =0, in which case the equations simplify to those curves lie vertically over the axis of the zone. The
given in a previous section for a simple fault. height of the _peak depends upon the resistivity of the
In many cases the above functions, or preferably the country rock on either side of the zone and the width of
resistivity functions themselves, can be reduced in the brecciated zone in terms of the electrode separation.
complexity by appropriate approximations. For ex- For a brecciated zone with a finite resistivity that is
ample, Logn (1954) derived and evaluated approxi- greater than the resistivity of the high..resistivit_y
mation formulas for a thin vertical sheet; he found materiol to the right of the zone (fig. 70B), peaks in the
them to be of sufficient accuracy for most cases in the p 1 and P2 curves are obtained vertically over the axis of
field. On the basis of these approximation formulas, the zone. If the resistivity of the brecciat1ed zone in
he found that the apparent resistivity with the Logn the present example is 5 units, which is equal to the
configuration across a conducting sheet is determined
resistivity of the country rock to the right, the peak in
by the product of the conductivity and the thickness
of the sheet; and the apparent resistivity with the the p1 curve becomes equal to 5 and a typical single
Logn configuration across an insulating sheet is de- fault curve is obtained (not shown in fig. 70); and the
termined by the product of the resistivity and the peak lies a distance of a/4 to the right of the left edge of
thickness of the sheet. the brecciated zone.

rcTii I

22.0 r---::'---'-------'-_j____j___,.+-+----lf-----+-+-+-+-+-+-!------i ~-J_Ll_l !

P':P":P'"•l: m :5 P':P":P"'•J: 0:5 l 6.0
20.0 1--1-+-+-+---+--+-+-11-----+--+--+----+-+-+-+-1
~±i=l ~-

f-+- I

1-- r---

18.0 1-+-t----t--+--t-+-+----f<+-+-+-+-+--+-+-!------i "'tV~f t I--

~- I

-- I-- .
II~~ l I I I
16.0 1-+-t----t--+--+-+-+---Hit--!--+-+--+-+-+-1-----1 5.0
i i! ___L' .~ .......
II I:J !I ! i t ~
14.0 1--t--+--+--+-+-+-+---lfi-il-1+-+--1------i--+--+---+-~ I I. '
\T I

;+l--~ L+-- -- -- ~ \ I 'fl
12.0 1---\-t-+-+--+-+-+--lf-l--l-+--+--+----+---l--+-+-1

~-+ I _L --rf--
! i-rr
_~ 4.0 ~
I '/· I

t-r-rr-, -,

10.01---\-t-+--+---+-+-H--i--1-+--+-+----+-+--+-+-1 I: 1

I ·: I I ~I
~~a. 7i' , IT I ~---~ ~+- 1--- I
8.0 I 11-- -~ ·~ +-----
,, IP' I-- - I-- ~~·· I i
3.0 1-
IP ..... :-1---
! I I P2
t-:P. 1-- 1--- I-- 3.0
I ----
I\ I : - +- --- 1--'--

6.0 : \A. PI -
f}S:P' I--
f-- t---

I \
: I
/I r~
- 1---- -- 1---- 2.0 I

I ·' 2.0
~+ I
-1-- f--
I .I
4.0 II


I I )\ I 1 i
-+ I

., ... ,
I V, ·,p ''I- ......... ' . I

+ -fi+-t-1----
:--_,~1-- .

' i 1 .0 1 .0
-r-::: ~

/, rn
e--L - I i
2.0 PI
p.-.. I I T r- --~-- -+-~----
r~ .. \

f----+--- -
' - -1--------1I--
p2 ! ' J
i --t- f--t-C----· . - ~--t---t- 1--- I -t+-+t I+--
-+-r--1-----f---t ~-~

P'l ~
4-=3 -1 ---~ 1
I I i 0.0
Ll__ I I

WJ.aL 1
I _l___L
-3 -2 -L-~1 i 3 4 -2
~ 3 4 4 -3 -2
-1 .. ; 4
~ .l!~ • P"' X . 'P' p • P'" .ll' P' "' .!!..
D 1:? 1-I-'" E F . ~F- 5.0

P':P'':P"'•I: 4:5 tl
v . p':p":p"'• 1: 3:5 1\ fiJ P•:P":P'"• 1: 2:5 1\ '/

\ IJ'
[7 I\:

I\.. j.. I '
4.0 N 1--+--+--+---+----+---+---+-p._jll---1-+---+--~-Pz-1--+--+--~ 4 '0 -- 1----fj- 4.0

~ I
--+----.J.--+------1 P' I I P' 1----+--+-+---1
P' !~ r--f-- I--

rr P'

,.'' I I
3.0 1--1--+--+--+-+--+-+--11--j,f-l----l-l----l--+--+-+---13 .0 3.0
If !
T r:
2.0 1--+-+--+--1--1----+--ll---.-.J.l,--+--+---+-----+---l---~f---12 .0
/I 2.0
; ~ I
,....... ,'
) v -. I
~~ .... w~
l.Q 4 .·.·rrrr-'- -2 41 .0
-3 -2
X -1 : :P.l!.}p~;;;- 1 2
3 4 -4 -3 -2
1 2 3 4 -3
X -1 :>:Mib~ 1 2
x 3
SURFACE a 2 a ~ ~ ~~ a ~~
~ :::>::::::::::>::>>_:-·. 11-,--L-,-1-,-L-,----1-,,.-l--,..l..,-l.-4
:-: ·: · :-: ·: ·P'•i ·: ·: ·: ·: ·: -:~.n~·4-L..---i-._[_-.-tl~'-'"'·5YT-Lr-
::~~~~t~~:o~~: ~~~~:~if:+
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • '1-
i Ff--:;=.,l,.-1--,..l..,-L-,-1-,--L.,.-l--1

FIGURE 70.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across brecciated zone of different resistivities, Lee configuration (offset plotting). For all diagrams p'I p'" = 1:5
and width is a/2.

For a brecciated zone with a resistivity less than 5 curves is similar to those over a single fault, As the
units (figs. 700, D, E, and F), a peak is obtained in both resistivity of the brecciated zone decreases, the height
the p1 and P2 curves at a distance of a/4 to the right of the of the PI peak increases. For a perfectly conducting
right edge of the zone. Except for additional minor dis- brecciated zone (fig. 700), the value of PI at the peak is
continuities in slope, the general shape of all these equal to the true resistivity of the country rock at the
right of the zone; and the values of p 1 and p2 are zero Figure 71 shows the corresponding horizontal resis-
over the axis of the zone. tivity profiles across the same brecciated zone with the
The theoretical curves indicate that under ordinary Wenner configuration; the resistivity contrasts are
field conditions a conducting brecciated zone of width identical to those in the previous examples. Because
a/2 would probably not be detected if it occurred at the the apparent-resistivity values are plotted at the loca-
contact of two media with a resistivity ratio of 1: 5; tions of the stations, no abrupt discontinuities in slope
and a high-resistivity brecciated zone would be detected are observed over the axis of the brecciated zone. In
only if its resistivity is considerably greater than the general the anomalies are not as pronounced for the
higher resistivity country rock on one of its sides. The Wenner configuration as for the Lee configuration.
effect of the low-resistivity breccia apparently subdues For a brecciated zone of infinite resistivity (fig. 71A),
the peaks on the low-resistivity side of the fault and a recognizable anomaly is obtained with the Wenner
thus interferes with the exact determination of the configuration. For a brecciated zone whose true
location of the fault trace. resistivity is 10 units (fig. 71B), the value of the peak

__ ,__
P':P":P"'= 1: COl5
10.0 -r--;--.---,-,--+--H~r\k---t-+--t--+--+--~---1

-- --1--- --+-f--+--+f~+---'f---+--t--

9.0~--t---t--t----r--r-t-t-- H -- ---- -
c--- - - - - - - - "-f-~ -- -H--- -r--
s.o ~---+- -t--t--+--r-tt- +--tt--t- _j_t---t---t---r-

t-' -j

7.0f--+-+--+-+-- - - - - , ___ ,_ ~---- +- r--

'-- -c-- c--- - -
6.0 +-~- \" ---'-
r- - -

~IQ. f - - ------ ---- j__

5.0c--- - - - - - - - -

: ; ~~ -rt-Jltt-
r-- -- I - I

'If': .
' I


1.01---+_,....-r--jr- ~ t--
f-- --- -+-·
I - -

oo:: t l ~-~J;nfi__II-_Ll:_~
. -4 -3 1
-l::,q:~p;.-rp;;;- 1 3 4 1
a a
5.0 .--D-.--.-r-~--,--.-,-,-· ,---,--,---,- -L.---'--r~-=~ i'

v ',
P':P"•P"'•I:~~--+-' /1 t-
c--f--f-- - r - - ~----L'-t+-t-
4.()' I ~
> .- . - .. ' . lftil-1 Q~j.:
r-- - t--1 -++-+- f --+ -t--r
~t~3o,- - f-- -- -+--+--r--+-1-+-
I ~ fi+i~t--~.- -

f--+-+--+--+--+--+--Hrrr+-..- i-+- '--H~
f--f--t----r--- -- I : it+-
2.0r--t---- ---1-----
I I I i I

Jl I I

f--+-+-+----v-r+,.----+~-~:--+--+--- ___ L_l_l_ +--T-

_,..., I \ I ' :
1.o_4 -3 -2 -I.·.·n 1 2 3 4
}!_ .·p•rpn P"' !_

FIGURE 71.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across brecciated zone of different resistivities, Wenner configuration. For all diagrams p'/p"'=l/5 and wldtb is a/2.

over the right edge of the brecciated zone is less than 2.0.---.,------.----.----,--h.-r-----.--.---.---,
the true resistivity of the medium to the right of the
brecciated zone (5 units); this feature was not so for 1.81----+---+--p-,--+,1P-1'~-1~-~-l-:-:11J-~-t-,rllr--
the Lee configuration. For brecciated zones with small
resistivity (figs. 71 0, E, and F), the peak shifts to the 1.61---+---+------;f//--1-Jf..J-+---t---+--t----t
right so that instead of occurring at the right edge of P"=2P;'//
the brecciated zone (fig. 71D), it occurs a distance of 1.41-----+--~l§l¥----l----1f-----+---i----1
a/2 to the right of the right edge of the brecciated zone.
These peaks are similar to those obtained over a single 1.2l----+-~--+~-~~~-+---+----+---+---+----1
fault; and it would be difficult to recognize in the field
data in such cases any evidence of the brecciated zone q_iq_ 1.0~-....~-+---+---1--+r----t---+--t----t
as such; the additional minor discontinuities in slope
are not sufficiently pronounced to be recognized in o.81---+---+---+---l---»----t---+--t----t
ordinary field data. The generalizations concerning
the detectability of a brecciated zone, given above for 0.61---+---+---+---1---H----t---+--t----t
the Lee configuration, apply also to the Wenner con-
figuration. 0.41---+---+---+---1---H----t---+--t---;
Figures 72, 73, 74, and 75 show horizontal resistivity P"=2P'
profiles with the Logn configuration across thin vertical 0.2rL_-t--t--t--+--1~1~1~~~~~- ~
brecciated zones of different widths and resistivity ~ 1/2~' P"=- 1 -p•
contrasts (Logn, 1954). In figures 72 and 73, the 0
resistivity p" of the country rock on the right is varied, 1+------C= 100
and the other factors are held constant; the ratio p'fp"'
is small (p' I p'" = 10) in the former diagram and large
I P"=co
I FIGURE 73.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across thin vertical brecciated zone of
thickness b=1, Logn configuration. !I' variable; p'fp"'= 1,000; c=100. Adapted


J/1i from Logn (1954).

1.4 (p' I p'" = 1,000) in the latter. In figures 74 and 75,

/) l
P"=2P' the thickness b of the brecciated zone is varied; the

_ P"=P' f
I~ resistivities are such that p' = p" in both figures, and
p'fl""=-1,000 in the former and p'fp'"=l/1,000 in the

~ the latter. The curves are discontinuous. Because of

~ ~
~ I

the small thickness of the vertical sheet, the true
relationships are not shown in the curves as drawn.

0.6 '\
P"=2P' The apparent resistivities across the country rock on
the right side of the brecciated zone are in all evaluated
cases nearly zero, and the resistivity curves have two
\ points of discontinuity, one at l=c, and the other at

0.2 \ P"=P"'
l=c+b. Figure (3 shows a "saturation" effect similar
to that in the single fault problem, where the anomalies

\ /=0 are not proportional to the resistivity variations.
Figure 74 shows a similar saturation effect with respect
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
to variation in the thickness of the sheet; the anomalies
here are not proportional to the thickness of the sheet.
Thus there is a resistivity saturation effect and a thick-
ness saturation effect. Because of this feature, the
Logn configuration-according to Logn-is very sensi-
tive to small resistivity differences and to small thick-
'FIGURE 72.-Horlzontal resistivity profiles across thin vertical brecciated zone of nesses of brecciated zone. Each curve in figure 75
thickness b= l, Logn configuration. p" variable; p'fp"'=10; c=100. Adapted from
LOgn. (1954). really has two discontinuity points, but these do not
2.0 In the field the brecciated zone and the :rocks on
;,, either side of it are generally covered with overburden.
1.8 If this overburden has a resistivity of the same order of

/l magnitude as the rocks, it has only a small influence on
the current distribution and gives rise to smnll differ-

VJ ences in the resistivity curves. Laboratory measure-
ments made by Logn on model sheets with th•eir upper
/ i/i limits at a selected depth below the surface have shown
that in these cases the resistivity curves are continuous

1.2 I
6=0.11 curves with a maximum nearly coincident with the
~IQ. l.o front of the sheet and a more indistinct rninimum
behind the sheet.
.J. ~ ~ The theoretical horizontal resistivity profile obtained

---- over a vertical dike in homogeneous country rock of the
same resistivity on either side of the dike depends not
only upon the resistivity contrast between the dike and
/1 /
the country rock, but also upon the width of the dike.
r-- In this section we will study both Lee and Wenner
horizontal profiles for various widths of the dikes in
o..___2_o_ _4_o C= gg 80 100 120 140 160 180 relation to the electrode separation. Usually, npparent-
resistivity curves for both the Lee and Wenner con-
figurations are given for reflection factors of ± 1.0,
±0.8, ±0.6, ±0.4, and ±0.2. The families of curves
for positive values of the reflection factor are usually
charted separately from those for negative values of the
FIGURE 74.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across thin vertical conducting brecciated reflection factor. Many paradoxes occur, but space
zone, Li)gn configuration. Thickness b variable; p'fp"'=l,CXX'J; p'=l'; c=lOO.
Adapted from LOgn (1954). permits our pointing out only the most important
features on the curves.
For positive reflection factors, the horizontal resis-

--~~ tivity profiles across a dike of width 2a (figs. 76 and 77)
show an apparent-resistivity peak within each of the
edges of the dike and a paradoxical minimurn zone in

b=:x[\ ~
L----- ~
the region between the peaks; the bulk of the anomaly,
however, has high-resistivity values over the central
tfi'Q. 0.4 1\
6=1"' region above the dike. These features occur for both
the Lee and Wenner configurations.

\ ,__
For the Lee configuration (fig. 76), the P1 and P2
curves cross at a point lying vertically above the axis
of the dike; this property is always true for the subse-
0 20 80 100 l 120 140 160 180 quent Lee horizontal profiles across vertical dikes.
For the Lee configuration, a peak in the P1 curve lies
a distance of a/4 inward from the left edge of the dike
and is therefore similar to the p1 peak found over the
high-resistivity material when it lies to the right of a
vertical fault. The apparent resistivity value of the
FIGURE 75. -Horizontal resistivity profiles across thin vertical insulating brecciated p1 peak for a dike of width 2a is somewhat lower, how-
zone, L6gn configuration. Thickness b variable; p'fp'"=l/l,CXX'J; p'=p''; c=lOO. ever, than that of the p 1 peak for a vertical fault for the
Adapted from L6gn (1954).
same resistivity contrast because the low resistivity of
the country rock on the other side of the dike manifests
appear in the figure. The apparent resistivity in the itself. For positive reflection factors of 0.8, 0.6, 0.4,
insulating sheet is high; it almost reaches the value of and 0.2, for example, the values of the apparent resis-
2p' (Logn, 1954). tivities for the p1 peak are approximately 7, 3.4, 2.1,

3.0 ..

k=l.O 1o oo .i ...+ t. .f.. :ro oo

\ 1 I B k=O.B
A \ l !I 1 7.0

'~ fG' I
A ~
I \
1/ I I 6.0

2.5 '
pl / NP2
P' I
4.0 ~,Q.

~IQ. 2.o
: li
I i 3.0
! I
1\. l..rL l/ ~:
2 .0

IJ , I

7 '' ~ '-'
' p

t~ 1

/) '~ I / I ~: / '\ 1.4

X/ ·,.. I .I \\.... I 'j \

--J :7 , I I ~
,~ r \~
-~ ~-
1 .2

d '/ --~ !
1 .0
\: i 'J ~
0.7 0.8
-4 3 -2 -I 0 1 2 3 4 4 -3 2 -~ 0 1 2 3 4
X ..1L .A .l!.
k=0.6 D l l

c A A 1\ r/\ !
U\ ,! ' 1/ ' I ', l
II '
2.8 --~-
~·~ ~----r-
2.4 1\
;' I~
~ 1-P~~
; P' I
\ :
,. . .l~ f.-\ /j P' :

2.0 I l l :! !
! I \r I
... I_
Q. Q. 2.0 l I'
\ ' I
- -··

~ ,...;._ -· "\
t'--~ ~ ~
1/: Nf '\"" \
,____ ~ ~

~ ':.' r...} t-·-- - - f--- ---
·~ / f--- ~
'"::: ~
- ""'-1 .0

I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
..!!_ _l!_
I I} .... .,\ E

:1 N: v PI
/') ...... : l..---" ~

--- ~v \ :
I'~ v
v '~ r--..t-
l9' ~--


-4 -3 -2 -lf; 0 1 2 3 4
..!!.. ..!5...


FIGURE 76.-H orizonta1 resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of wldtll 2a, Lee configuration (offset plotting); reflection factor k=l.O, 0.8, 0,6, 0.4, and 0.2.

To CO--li- r, '-To co~
r '+-To' co

..I \ I \
!\ !\

I 1
I \
I \ ' 1'I
! 1 ! \ I
: ! : I

; I I'


3.0 I i II I
! ~ \t=l.O)!

: : ~
i i i.
~1Q. 2.5
! l I

! L'l ' ...o.s.•/

1\ I
! I \
\ ! \ !
!I \ \ I
I i ' I
'i II
I' 'I
if .....Q.§,,~ \I
If t\

'' ~--·,
.... _g;~·"'
.-·, !.
\ ~ i \
: /
Jr-.~ \. ;I \ / ~ ... ~
~~ ,... __ '~!
r- .... ,
...····· ..... Q;~ .....
\:, ... !--...... ~~
······. ~I/
/// ...........
''I ..··

······· ·······
...· ····•.. "'
-·- \',
.······· ·······

d ~
:..... ...·· ····~.~')
....::; ~
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4

p' p'


FIGUU: 77.-Hortzontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of width 2a, Wenner configuration~
reflection factor A:=l.O, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2.

and 1.4 (fig. 76), respectively, for the dike and 9, 4, 2.3, that for the field data, for which discrete stations only
and 1.5 (pl. 1), respectively, for a vertical fault. For are taken, these rules for width estimates contain an
the Lee configuration, similar reasoning can be applied inherent uncertainty that depends on the station
to the corresponding peak in the P2 curve, which lies a intervals taken.
distance of a/4 inward from the right edge of the dike. For dikes of width 2a that are perfectly insulating
It should be emphasized that for a dike of width 2a, the or conducting, the apparent resistivity with both the
PI peak near the left edge of the dike is accompanied by Lee and Wenner configuration attains a value of infinity
an insignificant peak in the p2 curve at the corresponding or zero, respectively, over parts of the curves. This is
horizontal location; and the p2 peak near the right edge not so for a dike of small or intermediate width.
of the dike is similarly accompanied by an insignificant The subsidiary apparent-resistivity peaks or lows,
PI peak. For the continuous curve, the horizontal dis- which occur far out on the flanks of both the Lee and
tance between the p 1 and p2 peaks is equal to the width Wenner curves for a dike, are helpful in detecting the
of the dike minus a/2. For the field curves for which existence and location of the dike. The peaks or lows
stations are taken at discrete intervals, however, this are usually recognizable for dikes of high-resistivity
width rule contains an inherent uncertainty that contrast with the country rock, but unfortunately are
depends upon the station interval taken. usually obscured within the noise level -taken arbi-
For the Wenner configuration (fig. 77), the horizontal trarily by us as 10 percent of the regional value-for
position of the apparent-resistivity twin peaks shift dikes of small resistivity contrast.
toward the center of the dike for smaller resistivity Figure 80 shows horizontal resistivity profiles with the
contrasts. There is also a small but important peak Lee and Wenner configurations across a vertical dike
that lies on either side of the main anomaly. For the of width 1.5a for reflection factors of ± 0.6. For
continuous profile, the distance between these outer positive reflection factors, the shapes of these apparent-
two peaks is equal to the width of the dike plus 3a. resistivity curves are markedly different from the
Without knowledge of these major twin peaks for a corresponding curves for a dike of width 2a; yet for
single dike for both the Lee and Wenner configurations, negative reflection factors, the shapes are similar to
they might be erroneously misinterpreted as being those for the dike of width 2a. In particular for positive
caused by two separate dikes; also the subsidiary peaks reflection factors, the Lee apparent-resistivity peaks
might be erroneously interpreted as separate dikes. for the same resistivity contrast are not as high as
For negative reflection factors, the horizontal re- · the dike of width 2a (compare figs. 76E and BOA); and
sistivity profiles across a dike of width 2a (figs. 78 and the Wenner apparent-resistivity curve consists of a
79) show pronounced resistivity lows over the dike single broad peak centrally located over the axis of the
and a barely perceptible paradoxical maximum in the dike and flanked on either side by two subsidiary peaks.
central region of the dike. The apparent-resistivity The Wenner curve might be erroneously interpreted as
values rise slightly above one for the Lee configuration, a wide dike flanked by two thin dikes on each side.
if k is different from -1.0, but are always less than one The curves in figure 80, all drawn at the same scale,
in this example for the Wenner configuration. It is provide an excellent comparison between the size of
noteworthy that the Lee apparent-resistivity values the Lee and Wenner anomalies. As usual, the Lee
rise above one even though the maximum value of the anomalies are more pronounced than the Wenner
true resistivities involved in the example is one. We anomalies.
shall observe this paradox in many more theoretical, For positive reflection factors, the horizontal resis-
as well as field, curves in this treatise. tivity profiles with the Lee configuration across a dike
For both the Lee and Wenner configurations, the of width a show a pronounced P2 peak near the left
apparent-resistivity features near the edges of the edge of the dike and an equally pronounced P1 peak
dikes of width 2a are very similar to those found over a near the right edge of the dike (fig. 81). On the con-
vertical fault, and the peaks bear the same horizontal tinuous curve, the distance between the highest peaks
relationship to the edges of the dike as they did for on the P2 and p 1 curves is equal to the width of the dike
a fault. The apparent-resistivity values of the peaks, plus a/2; but this rule would be only approximately
however, are in general different from those in the true for the distance between the observed peaks on a
corresponding fault problem because of the effect of the Lee field curve for which discrete station intervals were
country rock on the other side of the dike. For the taken. As always, the p 1 and P2 curves cross symmetri-
continuous curves the horizontal distance between the cally at a point vertically over the axis of the dike. The
peaks is equal to the width of the dike plus. a/2 for the two peaks observed in a field curve might erroneously be
Lee configuration and the width of the dike plus a for interpreted as two separate dikes; in this case the sym-
the Wenner configuration. It should be emphasized metrical crossing of the p 1 and P2 curves, as well as the
A '·\\
k: -1.0
.~ A
\ -·
I--- c
---:::::: ~
....~ ~
'\ ~ ,rt 'l\ / ~ ~ /v 0.9
0.8 \
\_\ v
/ ~
\\ ,
~, I
' .....
\.~ ... ........
f../ pl / Pz
P' I P'
lA t-, L 0.7
I P'
\ ./ \ I
I~ :
I ',

A' ~ I I!
v\ i !\ I ~
0.4 v \! I
I ~ J
[\1 ;

v·- -\
i I I I

I v 1\~

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 ~1 2 3
.1!.._ .1!.._

a a
D j A k=-0.4
..,.- ~ 1.0
~ i\ ~
-3 -2 - \\ ...... IJ
0 1 2
3 4

- ,;
"- .....
[\_ !
k=-0.8 P1.~ . ~Pz
- ....-:::-
,, I

1\ ~ - P' \... /
\~ 1 ........ ..,I P' 0.8

B '~
\ /
'\ /
"7 \\ I ' II

\ \ /
:!L ~
0.8 ...... r-- 1-- 0.6
f../ .~:
0.7 I rr ll \ I 0.5
\11 ..
l Pz
I P' -4 -3 -2 -i
'J 2 3 4
j \ ~ j :'\. J
1,..1' I ! '...:
~ ~I .,' '\
'-....... 1,.....;: ~ -
k= -0.2

I PIX\... lA' .... f. PzP'
I P'
\ll I I

I~ 0.8
~\. I
_._ [\ I
\ i
v '· .., 0.7
-4 -3 -2 - 0 ~ 2 3 4 4 -3 -2 -J~ 0 ~1 2 3 4
c,. a .. .. .
P.2 R0 P1
, a


p' PN p'
~2~ _____, p"- p'
To~ ao k= P"+ P'

Ftoua& 78.-Horizontal resistivity proflles across a vertical dike of width 2a, Lee configuration (offset plotting); reflection factor ~- -1.0, -0.8, -0.6,
-0.4, and -0.2.

/ ~~

'~ \\\~6y~ ; 'r-- V!J ~ /

\ ~\ \\ (l ~Ill I
0.8 \\\ ~"
\\' v \\
.\ i\\ I
-v II

""' --'II
_.,()~ r-...

J~\ ~ Jv I J1\

0.7 \\ v ~\\
'~ I II ""'- I
I \\~ 1//1\
:::/ \'~\ \
....- - "-- I /,'I ""'-

~lea. 0.5
\i\ /IV
~\ II
\' l

~ ....... If



0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4

p' p'

k= P"+P'

FIGURE 79.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of width 2a, WeiiDer configuration; reflection factor k=-1.0, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4,
and -0.2.
k=+0.6 1\ LEE I:', k=+0.6 WENNER
A 1r B

2.0 1\
~~ v~
' .... ~

' I \
I \
p ,- 1----- ....!!l.
P' II\

~,Q. \I 1\ I~
1.4 I
, ..
b-.. I
J I\' / 1\ ,...
ji. .
' I v
x, v

...... ""1
1/v \

1.0 1--- ~ ~
\ I
'-':: ~ t-- -"""" b---""'
' t"-- =-

\I 1/
4 -3 -2
-I [ '/ 0
.:~ 1
3 4 4 -3 -2
-1 E '//<( ] 1 2
3 4
a a a a
k= -0.6 LEE k=-0.6 WENNER
c ~

~" I
l\ \ ~
,..- - ['--... ,.-
v \ ~ I
/ 'J' "'l
1". /I/
r 1\ II\ I
v" -I
~lQ. Pt
\ l/
'r\\ I '
0.7 - - li 7fl
·,~ ....
./v ? I
~ ! II

l I
li ' 1\ J
.-I.... l J
v '-:
4 -3 -2
-1 ~ / 1 2
3 4 4 -3 -2
-1 r o'/ ~~ 1
3 4

,J'- p'
k= p'+ p'

FIGURE 80.-Horizontl\l resistivity proflles across a vertical dike of width 1.5a, Lee configuration (offset plotting) and Wenner configuration; reflection
factor k=:I:0.6.

~' r-
V1 B l k=0.8
;~' M
' 1/
i i 2.6
-- --- ---1--
; l : ! I
3.0 -- -· ----- : ~ i I
--t- I l ---- f-- 2.4

: 'l 2.2
II l
2.2 1: i 2.0
I 1.8

! I
! I
" ! -1--- lA 1.4
I II V\ f.- f.- 4~ ~-
I I \£1 ' - -f . -
p ,!
1.4 - 1-- P~..d_
\ I I
I ~ Pt \ I I ' pI

I \ P' -
II f--. 1 .2
I lj
\ II v~ \.l - /~\ ......... ....\ _
' P' .LI l

- .....-- __.v

j A I I It\ ~ '1 ~ r-.....

1 .0
// ., \
1.2 -
I l
_.. \ !
~ _....~
' 'i
. ~

"'- .. ~ - t

~ j
I 0.8

I I ~~ 0.6
It l\ i ! f--.

q1 ~ I
-3 -2 -1 r//~(0'/~ 1 2 3 40 .4
,, -~ I )
a . ~ L
0.4 , Ly
D ,.... ~ r- ~ k=0.4
0.2 ! ~ I \
I \
4 -3 L -2 -1 ) 1 2
3 4 'uI 1.4
a ~ a
2.2 f.- f.- !!J. ... ~ - f.- 1.2
k=0.6 !\ It P'"J' '\.. ;
, / ....\P
; .., \ _
' ...
l \
- _.,-" ..... \'{ I\
\[ ~ I \
'J ;,
v ' ~~-

1.8 ~
4 -3
' -1
~ 1 ' 2
3 4

'~ E
., 1 *=0.2

tl \ r \ I
1.2 ~ i - - 7i1
~ I \~

p f--. ~


' - rJ \.
_, ll..,
K -~
1--- 1----

~· lA I
I I~ ~. f\.
I 3
t.. , / k). I i ~.-· r--... ~~ 1::::::- 4 -3 .1(
-2 -1 1 2
1.0 -1-::::' ~
7i ~ 8

l -" N 'v
0.8 p' p'

4 -3
-2 -1 J' 1 2
3 4

FIGUBS 81.-Hortzontal reslstlvlty proflles across a vertical dike of width a, Lee contlguratlon (offset plotting); reftectlon factor l•l.O, 0.8, 0.6,
0.4, and 0.2.

occurrence of the P2 peak on the left and the p1 peak separation, the maximum apparent-resistivity values
on the right, are valuable criteria to use in analyzing are finite even though the dike is perfectly insulating
the field anomaly. It should be noted that the feature or perfectly conducting. Thus the true resistivity of
of a P2 peak on the left of the dike and a p1 peak on the the country rock on the side of the dike opposite from
right of the dike of width a is directly opposite to the the configuration manifests itself sufficiently to keep
feature of a p1 peak on the left and a P2 peak on the the apparent resistivities finite. For a dike of width
right of the dike of width 2a (fig. 76B). For the dike a, the maximum apparent-resistivity value attainable
of width 2a, however, the bulk of the anomaly has with the Wenner configuration even for a perfectly
high-resistivity values throughout the central region insulating dike is only four times the true resistivity
of the dike, whereas for the dike of width a the apparent- of the surrounding country rock (fig. 82). Comparable
resistivity values are not universally high over the conclusions are true for a perfectly conducting dike.
central region, especially directly over the axis of the For thinner dikes the maximum apparent re~istivity
dike. For the continuous curve the distance between for positive reflection factors diminishes; and the
the subsidiary p2 peak lying to the left of the main minimum apparent resistivity for negative reflection
anomaly and the subsidiary p1 peak lying to the right factors increases.
of the main anomaly is equal to the width of the dike Figure 85 shows the horizontal resistivity profiles
plus 7a/2. with both the Lee and Wenner configurations across a
For positive reflection factors, the horizontal resis- vertical dike of width 0.6a for k= ±0.6. For the
tivity profiles with the Wenner configuration across a positive reflection factor, the Lee curve is W-shaped.
dike of width a show a pronounced W-shape (fig. 82). This W -shape is not observed on continuous Lee curves
The highest peak lies vertically over the axis of the for dikes unless their width is considerably less than a.
dike. The distance between the peaks flanking either The W -shape for the Wenner curve over a dike of
side of the main anomaly is equal to the width of the width 0.6a is similar to that for a dike of width a.
dike plus 3a. For the Wenner configuration the top of the central
For negative reflection factors, the horizontal resis- peak of the W-shaped curve is paradoxically wider
tivity profiles with the Lee configuration across a dike for a dike of width 0.6a than for a dike of width a,
of width a show a pronounced minimum in the p2 curve although the magnitude of the peak is much less for
near the left edge of the dike and an equally pronounced the width 0.6a. For a negative reflection factor, a
minimum in the p 1 curve near the right edge of the dike pronounced apparent-resistivity low occurs vertically
(fig. 83). Paradoxically, the apparent-resistivity values above the axis of the vein for both the Lee and Wenner
of Pt and P2 exceed one near the left and right edges, configurations.
respectively, of the dike, as center electrode P 0 touches Figures 86, 87, 88, and 89 show the horizontal
the left and right edges, respectively. As always, the resistivity profiles for both the Lee and Wenner con-
Pt and P2 curves cross symmetrically at a point lying figurations across a vertical dike of width a/2 for various
vertically above the axis of the dike. For the contin- resistivity contrasts. For positive reflection factors
uous curve, the distance between the subsidiary P2 low the outstanding feature of the apparent-resistivity
lying on the left flank and the subsidiary p1 low lying curves for both the Lee and Wenner configurations is
on the right flank is equal to the width of the vein the W-shape of the curves. For the Lee configuration
plus 7a/2. the most pronounced peaks and lows of the Pt and P2
For negative reflection factors, the horizontal resis- curves lie vertically over the axis of the dike.
tivity profiles with the Wenner configuration across a Figure 90 shows the horizontal resistivity profiles
dike of width a show a pronounced minimum vertically with both the Lee and Wenner configurations across a
above the axis of the dike (fig. 84). For a reflection vertical dike of width a/5; the reflection factors are
factor of -0.2, the Wenner apparent-resistivity value ±0.6. For the positive reflection factor, a typical
exceeds one as one current electrode and one potential W -shape is obtained with both the Lee and Wenner
electrode simultaneously cross the opposite edges of configurations; and the distance between the peaks
the dike. This example is one of the relatively few that form either side of the main anomaly is equal to
cases for which the apparent-resistivity value for the the electrode separation a minus the width of the dike.
Wenner configuration exceeds the value of the higher For the negative reflection factor, the anomaly obtained
resistivity material, although this characteristic is with the Lee configuration would probably be recogniz-
commonly observed with Lee profiles over dikes-as has able in the field data; but that obtained with the Wenner
been pointed out. configuration might not be recognizable because of
For dikes of intermediate width comparable to the the paradoxical apparent-resistivity high occurring
electrode separation or for widths less than the electrode within the resistivity low directly over the dike. For


3.0 I \
I \
1/ ~I ~ \
J iI\ \
../'V' AV'v ../'V' A Vv'- AV'vvJ lA ( ~lvv ~/VV -"V' A.../'v VV" AV'v

[VV'/V'vVV"A./V~(VVVV~rvrl(v'V f'v'V' AV'v VV" /V"v V'v /V'v

0 ~ \
I II 1\ \
J! \\
CI.Q. 1.8 II I \ I
I \

i \\ 1\I
I jJj ~-. \I\\
1.4 \ 1
,, /I \\\

1~\ ,I
,. !~~
/1 ~:~,, JJ
. 'It•.
c·l ·. .. ~.j1 v~/
,, ~\\
v. . ··.., .\~
1.2 ....
'/,. .... ,~~ J/·; i~~~~

1.0 ~
~~ ~<··
... ·····11..
··. f······ ..:~... ~...~
.. ~
\\, • 'l

\\ rr


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4

p' p'


FiGURE 82.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of width a, Wenner configuration; reflec-
tion factor k=l.O, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2.

k~-Lo '-~ !
..... ~ 1/ c
f---- ,----
11\ ~\
k= -0.6

"'~ 1/
A 1/
\ '\ I lo
I {_
I --..:::- r---..r--. I I ",\ /
~ .. / 1-
f-- -\-
\' /' I \

. 1/I \ '\ v 1r iT
v ,, ~
\ 1\ , / \ 1\ v I ', I II - -

'· J'
t---- - f--

\... l •A J 0.8
pj 1\ 7' T. P1

/ r \ r
~~~ 0.6
P' ·'
~f-- -
P' \

\, '
\ i
0.7 c:t"jQ.

1-' ~
~ : A I
~ I /\ I
i.... ! J
! 0.5

: I I : 0.4
I f
\ I i
0.2 I ~ v !-.. ~r'J
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
' I
: t---- -

0. 1
~ I i --
I D _I ·k =-0.4

t ! !
V\ f\ I
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 "4
~~ v \ l'f \ , :-v-~-

" •J /
.l!.. ~ .1!.
~~ ~ 17
i1 I
i\... }K I
"' 0.9
~Pa\ 1l
k= -0.8 II I

1\' -~• --
J pl

r-· p7 \ p

;~~~ ~
,.,..+-./'" I
\\ v
/ \
' - - f--

" 0.8 Q.'jQ.

0.8 1\... v~
'' Ji
I I _l \ T I
i i
I ll I I 0.6
0.7 I P:.1l A ~ P1 i 'I, I I i
P' I
l\ 1\ P'
I l Y.
/ ~
-2 -1 1 2 3 4
&'!IQ. o.6
i \ I \
-4 -3
~ .!!_
I \ : \J.I
0.5 I
l i
....P\· *=-.o.2
\!''~ ...... ~A >-J"" ~f.f 1---
: I I
! ~~ ~ r--
-Jtf-L --1- i-c--r
0.4 -- f - - r \
q_ '
I :
P' -
1/ ~
- I Pi
0.9 q_'~~jQ_

\ I!
\ /11 71 11 0.8
\..... J l ...,I I


-3 -2 -1
'L J I '""u

I ;

3 4 -3 -2 -1 1 2
[ I

3 4
-4 1 2 4
a tWvwwv< ~ 1!..
p' p'

P"- p'
k = P11+-P'

FIGURE 83.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of :width a, Lee configuration (oflset plotting); re:fleetion factor i=-1.0,
-0.8, -0.6, -0.4, and -0.2.

either positive or negative reflection factors the vertical dike with different electrode separations
anomalies might be erroneously interpreted as a (Onodera, 194'9). For all curves, the width of the
multiple-dike system rather than as a single dike. dike is 11 units, and the reflection factor is 0.9. For
Figure 91 shows a comparison of horizontal resistivity small electrode separations relative to the dike width,
p-rofiles with the Wenner configuration across the same two pronounced peak-s occur over a.nd inside of the



~~~ q~ ~ j ~ / ~~
~'\'\ ~\ ~ ~,cij
II ~\ ~ 'IL ~,
\\ ~

\ / II \\ '/~ I
\ ~\\ 17] ~\
1\\\ ""' t \\ -; II \ ' -- ?I

\\1 / I \\ \ \ 7 J _/I \ 1//
0.7 \\ ~ \\ I II \ lj
\ / ~ \ !J I
\\ \ I1£ \
~ ,, " J

./' \ \\ \If, I ""-..
\ \ II'
\\ ,,
0.4 Ill I



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4


Floua• St.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dlte of width 11, Wenner configuration; reflection factor k• -1.0, -o.s, -0.6,
-o.c, and -o.2.

k= +0.6 LEE k= +0.6 WENNER



1 \

1.2 ~~ H~ /~r !.!

P' .. ....
AI \ / ~
..-1111 ~ \ \,
' ...

- ~ v
\ 1
J 1'~--

lJ \l.J

4 .a -2 -1
1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1
ru 1 2
3 ~
+ X X )I

k= -0.6 LEE k= -0.6 WENNER !
1\'\ r
J ~
""" ~ ·'l
........ D

- .......__

\ v
,... 1--

0.9 lll

'1\ If
'r'( ,. .)i ~'\,. "f' \ J
J ' .a \ If
0.8 P1

' [/J
'\ • \ It'
'i \I
' b..!
' I

'l liI
" \1 ~I



-4 -3 -2
ru 1
2 3 4 -4 -3 -2

ru 1 2

3 4


k= _,J'-p' p'

J'IGVD 81.-Horlzontal rtlldatlvity profUes aeroes a vertteal dlte of width o.ea, Lee conftpratlon (o«<et plotting) and Wetmer coDflpraUon; reftectlon fador

k= 1.0

' :·:
5.0 i
v 2.0
I !!
--r- f.--

3.0 1-- i
2.0 I i
1.5 ~r~

J!i'J\ A.' P2
:~_lJ 1----
I ·, P

i it ~" ~
v I ..__
I \ r I
\ :J
I--- :-- ·- --
- --- -
I '
''i, i Vt
i . /v 1 rAr ~ I~ IV I

-3 -2
...... "'
'6 "' 1
2 3

I i c k=0.6

I l
; i
l I
1I l !
o~5 f--I--
I i
; 2.0
i iI ! i
I ! i I : I
; I
- 1---

l l I


T 1 N v
i l3 l i
--t- \
k=0.4 i
D ~ '

------- ---- ---- - I
- e;f,·

' •,
~: ~ ~
j I'~ ~ ~....1
i ! I

1\ P'

~.. .rr
! I
.... ~--""


r-»< 1\ I~
~I -3 -2 -1 ~ 1 2 3
.1!. w .1!.

I 1\....
~~ ] .... kt-
I I : 1.4
-3 -2 X
2 3 E I A I k= 0.2
SUR~CE DIKE( 'I a ~2 ~ a ~~
~ ,,,,,,, I ~\ I
""'' ~;~2~~or
I ~
F P'
P' _._pr\ Jl 1\ ,:,."k 1.0
a~ I ."""'- j-J \,.. j.J-
2 . ~ceil+- p- p
cc k= P"+ pI -3 -2
-1 0
2 3

li'IGlnl.ll86'.--HorizuDtalnllil&biq proJlles 8lll'OJii& a. 'V1llticaJ dike-of. width •1'4- Lee oo.nflgm!aii011 (offset p)attiag)_; l'8flectJon factor 1:= 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4,
and 0.2.
lc POSITIVE tv /c=l.



V'\/' 1"\/\, A...,"'- IA.,A..,.. ~ 1"\/\, -../" A A./'v V' ~ A Av v"V" A./'v .../"V' "\/\, .../'V'-

.~....."" "'v"'., ,/'-...,A "".,"""..., -v""v""

I ~ ..., A.~..,..., A. A/'v V'\/' A./'v V'\/' A./'v ../V"'

2.0 \

~ \.,' ~
i 0.8 :~
.I I'

J\.l\ ~
1.5 I ' 0.6 • I
1•, \1,.
j:\ I! .~ ~' I~
/J' Io:4 I \I\'
~j I 'i\\\
/, ....'
f .J. ... f. l
.. ·..
~ '! • • •

~ ~;. .."·
r,~·" •• 0.2 •••

~" ;.:;;

.. ~I':!
1.0 .... .... .!

- .... ~

--~ ,-

~ I I I I I
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3


p"- tl
p"+ p'

Fiouu 87.-Horlzontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of width a/2, Wenner conflguratlon; reflection
factor k=l.O, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2.

c I /c=-0.6
0.9 I~ r\ ,_,... - 1.0
~ j/ \ ~ ~

0.8 ·~ ~':' _.,,\

""\ lj 0.9
v f' ~
pl I ! \\ ~ 1\
0.7 p 1
v I P'

v I


i 0.6
C(Q. ·~
0.4 0.5

0.3 0.4
0.2 I 0.3
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
..L iMM .L

D /c:-0.4

l 1-3 I 11 f\
0.0 -2
-1 2 3 , ...... ~
r ,.
.A' r,.. -- i\ ~-:: ~
~ - 1.0


I ' l
I \
\ !
1\ ~
-...... il v

'"':: ~ P'
I ...,.....: ::::' I !\j
0.8 •b
\r\ / _1/ 1 I!

'' "

\\ ,.
I II I 0.7

0.8 ~' ~ ~

0.7 ~
11 1\ J\ L >\ P'
I I \ I
i ·, ;
I 1/
v Xi
I I " -9 -2
2 3

r-- ! _... ~~,
i E
-,, t-~ lc= -0.2
~ I
r- ~-
r c r\ ~..L~

P' ~ I
p 0.9 :jQ.

- · - ~--
'\1,, 0.8

-l '6 1
2 3 -3 -2 -1
0 1
2 3
~ ~


P"_ P'
/(: P"+ P'

Fioua• 88.-Horlzontal resistivity proOles 8C1'0IIS a vertical dike ofwldtb G/2, Lee collflgoratfon (oftset plotting); reftection factor t--1.0, -o.s, -o.a. -D.4,
and -0.2.



P' P'

P 11 - P'
k;:::: P"+P'

FioUBa 89.-Horlzontal resJattvlty proftles aero~~ a vertieal dike of width fl/2, Wenner configuration; reflectlon factor A:• -1.0, -o.s, -o.e, -0.4, and -0.2.

edges of the dike. For larger separations, these peaks Several generalizations can be made for the hori-
migrate away from the axis of the dike and diminish zontal resistivity profiles for both the Lee and Wenner
in size. For a separation of the same order of magni- configurations across vertical dikes.
tude as the width of the dike, the peaks become sub- 1. For wide dikes -widths of 2a or more-the effects
sidiary peaks lying outside of the dike. Concomitantly, near the edges of the dikes are similar to those obtained
the apparent-resistivity high over the axis of the dike over and adjacent to single faults; and the rules for
increases in size as the electrode separation is increased. detecting the trace of a vertical fault from a continuous

lea + 0.6 ~1,4 LEE k:a +0.6 WENNER
A )~ B
1.6 1.6

1.4 1:4

~IQ. 11 j
f'-. V1
1.2 pl

p.- pi
A A.
! .'f.
'' Pz

~~ ~ ~
/' ........... 1.0

-3 -2

......- ~ J

2 3 -3 -2

- M- 1
2 3

a iJ a iJ

1.1 1.1
k•- 0.6 LEE ~r:- 0.6 WENNER

--- ~/
~ ~
I'-. ........ ,~
~ -
~ v - 1.0


..... ,, ,v
!r- ~
I 0.9

0.8 P' I
1\~"f "" -,;; ' 0.8

~u 0.7

-3 -2
' 1
2 3 -3 -2
H 1
2 3

• iJ 1i1".'lli iJ ,
~~· JI

P' ~~ P'
___.. I
k=-- ~;
P"+ P'
To "roo
FIGURE 90.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across a vertical dike of width a/5, Lee configuration (oftset plotting) and Wenner configuration; re1lection factor

profile can be used to detect the edg~s of a wide dike. the fault analysis to each side of the dike, its width can
The maximum and minimum apparent-resistivity be estimated.
values obtained in crossing a wide dike are somewhat 2. For the continuous curve the subsidiary (in size)
different from the maximum and minimum values but important apparent-resistivity peaks or lows that
obtained in crossing a vertical fault, however, because flank the main anomalies are helpful in determining
the country rock on the other side of the dike manifests the width of the dike. For the Lee configuration and
itself on the measurements. For detecting the edge of with positive reflection factors, the distance between
a vertical dike from field data taken at discrete station the subsidiary p 1 peak and the corresponding subsidiary
intervals, therefore, a separate analysis of the theoret- P2 peak is equal to the width of the dike plus 7a/2. For
ical field plots for the dike curves must be made, be- the Wenner configuration with positive reflection
cause the theoretical field plots used for a vertical factors, the distance between the subsidiary peaks is
fault are not strictly applicable. The wider the dike, equal to the width of the dike plus 3a. These sa:ine rules
however, the more closely will the fault analysis of the hold for the subsidiary apparent-resistivity lows that
theoretical field plots apply to the corresponding analysis flank the main anomalies for negative reflection factors.
of the theoretical field plots for a dike. By applying When applying these rules, however, the uncertainty
; ~
10 r ,
I -•=8

~\ I 2.0 ::i

'I,, \
:,, 6 C':l
I ...-- -a=6 i
I E=
\ I
l j- -a=9
4 ,I


I I I \I
I / ~

I I \--a=7 J/
I !,tr ~~.. I
I :-....

·--- ~

~~'- --- '
0 0.5
20 10 I -o-_1 -10--- 20 ·- ·- ~~ ~~ -~ _... ~ ..... ·~
-- ·- 5o

...._ ____ --:,_--..____

~~- ~~

.,.,...,.,., X

I·r.I ..
--......._..._ -----..._ DIKE,........,.,...,.

·-·- ·
.,., -- ,.,
.,...................... C2
y a
__._ a P1
.___ "a

- ..... ~0.9 p·- j I

FIGURE 91.-CoDi.pal'ison of bori&ontal resistivity profiles across the same vertical dike with different electrode separations, WelUler configuration. For all curves, width of dike b=ll, and reflection factor k•0.9.
Adapted from Onodera (1949).


introduced by the fact that the field curve is not ordi- interval of 20 feet was used. The quartz veins, in
narily a continuous curve must be taken into considera- which tungsten minerals may occur, are of much higher
tion. resistivity than the surrounding country rock. The
3. With the Wenner configuration for positive reflec- Sneed 1-B quartz vein (fig. 92), which is exposed in a
tion factors over dikes that are not as wide as the trench near the traverse, shows a high apparent-resis-
electrode separation, the distance between the edges of tivity peak approximately centrally located over the
the steep resistivity plateau at the top of the main exposed vein. The two subsidiary peaks that lie along
central anomaly is equal to the electrode separation a the flanks of the main resistivity high-the small Pt
minus the width of the dike. peak to the left of the main resistivity high and the
4. A single dike often gives multiple apparent- small P2 peak to the right of the main resistivity high-
resistivity peaks that might be erroneously interpreted are also manifestations of the Sneed vein; these sub-
as two or more dikes rather than a single dike unless sidiary peaks resemble those observed in the theoretical
the interpreter is familiar with the various possibilities. profile in figure 90A. The point of crossing of the PI
5. Many paradoxes of high and low apparent and P2 curves lies about 10 feet west of the center of the
resistivities occur over and adjacent to a single dike. vein as inferred from the exposure in the trench; this
6. For dikes with a width comparable to the electrode feature indicates either that the vein broadens in depth
separation, a typical W-shape curve is obtained with more to the west than to the east or that it dips west.
the Wenner configuration, provided the reflection factor The Walker 5 quartz vein, known to exist with a
is positive; but the Lee profiles for this width are com- width of 1 ft at the indicated position in the geologic
plicated for both positive and negative reflection cross section in figure 93, shows a pronounced resistivity
factors. high directly over the vein.
7. For dikes with a width comparable to half the A Triassic diabase dike, which is known to exist ap-
electrode separation, a typical W-shaped curve is proximately at the indicated position in the geologic
obtained for both the Lee and Wenner configurations, cross section in figure 93, shows a resistivity low over
if the reflection factor is positive. the dike. In this district, resistivity lows are found
8. The P1 and P2 curves of the Lee configuration over diabase dikes and are attributed to their content
(offset plotting) always cross symmetrically at a point of iron-bearing minerals, which make the dikes more
lying vertically over the axis of a vertical dike, irrespec- conductive than the surrounding country rock (Mac-
tive of whether the reflection factor is positive or · Carthy and Shuler, 1948, unpublished data). The
negative. exact margins of the diabase dike in this example were
9. For wide dikes, the apparent resistivity can attain not known and are inferred by us from the resistivity
very high or very low values when the true resistivity peaks that lie on either side of the dike and from the
of the dike is either correspondingly high or low, fact that the p1 and P2 curves theoretically cross at a
respectively, in relation to the true resistivity of the point lying vertically over the axis of the dike. The
country rock. For dikes of width comparable to the inferred width of the dike is 90 feet, which slightly
electrode separation, however, there is a maximum exceeds twice the electrode separation of 40 feet. The
apparent resistivity attainable for positive reflection observed curve resembles somewhat the theoretical
factors that is considerably lower than the true re- curves in figure 78E for a low-resistivity dike whose
sistivity of the dike in comparison with that of the width is exactly twice the electrode separation.
country rock. For still thinner dikes the maximum Figures 94, 95, and 96 show observed horizontal
apparent resistivity for positive reflection factors resistivity profiles with the Lee configuration across
diminishes. For a perfectly insulating dike, the nlaxi- inferred silicified limestone zones in the Tri-State lead-
mum apparent resistivity diminishes as the dike is zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans. In all
made thinner so that in the limit the maximum ap- diagrams, the electrode separation is 100 feet, and the
parent-resistivity value reaches the value obtained station interval is 50 feet. These silicified zones, which
over an infinite vertical perfectly insulating plane. are vertical or steeply dipping, probably have been
Corresponding statements apply also to minimum formed by silica-bearing solutions that infiltrated the
values over dikes for negative reflection factors and for vertical or steeply dipping fractures in fracture zones
perfectly conducting dikes. and later crystallized as silica and filled the fractures.
Figures 92 and 93 show observed horizontal resistivity The present low porosity and permeability of the
profiles with the Lee configuration across two different silicified zones cause them to be impermeable to the
quartz veins in Vance County, N.C. For both dia- ground water and hence to be of much higher resistivity
grams an electrode separation of 40 feet and station than the surrounding limestone country rock.


• X 8=40 ft
:il :,,
~ I
~ \
c rP2
t: I
f• I
l:s; I
! jl \

~~ ~~~----------------------------------~~~~·~\~----------------------------------~
I~ pl I
~ 16·~----------------------------------~~~~H~~----------------------------------~
~ 1400r-------------------------------~~~--+~--~44\~x~------------------------~~----~
o .....

V', 0
I \ I
~ 1 ~ . .X I
~ 1200r------------------------------+'----~x~~--~----~'~--------------4n~--~~------~

< r. i v ~\--x-~j
- --------~
/ ~ I \ I
~ /I I
1/\~ /7 j \ I
!1 'x~~ \1 v

', I
v. "1
i: lllo
I I I ~f I I I

Fiouu 92.-Horlzontal reslstMty proftle across exposed Sneed 1-B quartz vein, Vance County, N.C., Lee configuration (offset plottinll). Electrode separation
a-40ft; station interval =20ft. G. R. MacCartby and R. M. Shuler (l!KS, unpublished data).

Figure 94 shows an observed horizontal profile over a/2 (50 ft.), the width of the zone is estimated as
a wide silicified zone. The pronounced p1 and P2 peaks 250 feet; it should be recalled, however, that in this
on the left and right sides, respectively, of the main example there is an uncertainty in this width estimate, a.nd the subsidiary P2 peak to the right of the of at least a few tens of feet, because a relative shift
main anomaly correspond with similar features on can occur in the position of the peaks on the field plot.
the theoretical curve for a dike of width 2a (fig. 760). The Pl and P2 curves cross at a point lying vertically
In this example, using the rule for the continuous curve over the inferred axis of the zone.
that the width of the dike is equal to the distance Figure 95 shows an observed horizontal profile over a
between the pronounced p1 and P2 peaks (200ft.) plus silicified zone of intermediate width. The twin peaks


Station interval= 20 ft

0 1200

> 1000
0. 600



0 0 100 200 400 500 600 700


I+ + + +I
I+ + + + + + ...,~
4- Diabase dike~
1ft wide quartz v e i n - 1.- ++++++I
I+ + + I

FIGURE 93.-Horizontal resistivity profile across Walker 5 quartz vein and exposed diabase dike, Vance County, N.C., Lee configuration (offset plotting).
Electrode separation a=40 ft; station interval =20ft. G. R. MacCarthy and R. M. Shuler (1948, unpublished data).

over the main apparent-resistivity high, the subsidiary theoretical curves in figure 860. Because the distance
PI peak to the left of the main anomaly, and the sub- between the p 1 and P2 subsidiary peaks is equal to 3a
sidiary P2 plateau to the right of the main anomaly are in each case, the width of each of the silicified zones is
probably manifestations of a single silicified zone of probably of the order of magnitude of a/2, or 50 feet.
dikelike form. The field curve is similar to the the- These field curves should be compared with not
oretical curve in figure BOA for a dike of width 1.5a, only the dike profiles given in this section but also
although the PI and p2 curves do not cross at the axis similar profiles for near-surface buried dikelike features
of the zone. The inferred width of the silicified zone given in pages 268 to 272.
is shown as 1.5a or 150 feet. Figure 97 shows an observed horizontal resistivity
Figure 96 shows three observed horizontal resistivity profile with the Wenner configuration across a shear
profiles over three separate silicified zones of relatively zone (right side of profile) and limestone fault block
small width that are in separate areas far removed (left side of profile) (Hubbert, 1932, p. 16). The ap-
from each other. Each shows a single sharp peak with parent resistivity curve over the shear zone is W-shaped
subsidiary PI and P2 peaks to the left and right, respec- and indicates that the true resistivity of the shear zone
tively, of the main peak in a manner similar to the is higher than that of the surrounding country rock.
WEST EAST limestone block; a definite subsidiary peak occurs on
the right flank of the main- anomaly, and a. sloping
. a=lOO ft resistivity plateau occurs on· the left flank of the main
: Station interval= 50ft
Figure 98 shows observed horizontal resistivity pro-
files with the Wenner configuration across Bauerle's
"reef," Busia gold field, Uganda (Way, 1944). The
"reef" is a dikelike feature and is here designated a
pl dike by us to avoid any misinterpretation by American
readers. All the profiles were taken along the same
traverse perpendicular to the -strike of the dike in an
.... area where the dike is known from trenching to be 10
::::2: feet in width and covered with 10 feet of overburden;
:i the dike apparently extends to a depth of at least
several tens or scores of feet. _The resistivity of the
> dike is much greater than that of both the surrounding
!; 250 country rock and also the overburden material.
~ Electrode separations of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 feet
a= were taken; station intervals of 10 feet were maintained
....z for all profiles. The observed profiles are similar to
a= the model results obtained by Johnson over a. vertical
a.. 200 insulating sheet (see fig. 55) and the theoretical curves
<( I
I over dikes (see figs. 77, 82, 87, and 90B). As empha-
I sized by Way, the main anomaly directly over the dike
I is flanked by a subsidiary peak on either side. As the
I electrode separation is increased relative to the width
150 of the dike, the distance between these flanking subsi-
diary peaks increases, and the main anomaly tends to
\ flatten and widen, with the formation of a small mini-
mum at its top. Except for the absence of a. minimum
in curve D (fig. 98), the features observed in the field
100 curves are in accord with the theoretical curves.
FEET Figures 99 and 100 show horizontal resistivity pro-
files with the Wenner configuration across the Cowboy
gilsonite vein, Uintah County, Utah. The gilsonite,
a hydrocarbon material, is of higher resistivity than
the surrounding country rock. The average width of
the vein is between 10 and 20 feet. Figure 99 shows
two profiles taken along the same traverse with dif-
ferent electrode separations and station intervals.
For an electrode separation of 50 feet and station in-
FIGURE 94.-Horizontal resistivity profile across inferred silicified limestone
zone, Tri-state lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee terval of 10 feet (fig. 99), a sharp pronounced apparent-
configuration (offset plotting). Electrode separation a=100 ft; station resistivity high is flanked symmetrically by subsidiary
interval ... 50 ft. K. L. Cook (1961-M, unpubllshed data.).
resistivity highs on either side. Using the rule for the
continuous curve that the distance between the sub-
The observed curve is similar to the theoretical curve sidiary highs (in this case, 170 feet) is theoretically
obtained over a· thin dike (see fig. 90B) when it is equal to the width of the vein plus 3a, we obtain a
realized that only a. few points would be obtained on a width of 20 feet, which is in accord with the order of
theoretical field plot when station intervals of 100 feet magnitude of the known width. Although this rule
are taken across such a. thin dike. The apparent strictly holds for a continuous curve, in the present
resistivity over .the limestone block has a character case the station interval is so small that the uncertainty
similar to the theoretical curves over a wide dike (see in the estimate is probably of the order of 10 feet.
fig. 77). The twin peaks occur, although they are not For an electrode separation of 150 feet and a station
symmetrically placed relative to the center of the interval of 30 feet (fig. 99B), a much broader resistivity

Station interval= 50 ft
6 150

.... 100



FIGUBB 9li.-Horlzontal resfattvity prome across interred sU1cffled limestone zone, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee configuration
(o1fset plotting). Electrode separation a-100ft; station Interval •150. K. L. Cook (19lil-M, unpublfahed data).

high is observed. Using the rule for the continuous peak similar to that over a perfectly insulating sheet
curve that the width of the dike is theoretically equal (fig. 54A) is obtained. The rise in resistivity before
to the electrode separation (in this case, 150 feet) the potential electrodes cross the outcrop indicates that
minus the width of the steep resistivity plateau on top the vein is probably wider below the surface than at
of the resistivity high (in this case, 120 feet), we obtain the surface. The minor peak at the right indicates
a width estimate of 30 feet. This estimate of course more broadening in that direction and probably a sharper
contains a much greater uncertainty than the previous contact. The rules for obtaining the width of the
profile because 30-foot station intervals were used. dike cannot be applied because its width at the out-
Figure 100 shows another horizontal resistivity pro- crop is too small in relation to the electrode separation.
file with the Wenner configuration across the same
vein at a different location from that in figure 99.
The electrode separation is 150 feet, and the station Vertical resistivity profiles can be used to detect
interval is 50 feet. A pronounced apparent-resistivity and delineate vertical brecciated zones and dikes. In
high occurs over the vein; but the high is not as sharp this section we investigate the effects of a vertical
as in the example in figure 99B with the same electrode dike upon the vertical resistivity profiles with both
separation. the Lee and Wenner configurations. The effects
Figure 101 shows a horizontal resitivity profile with observed are lateral effects. Therefore, the curves
the Wenner configuration across the Rainbow gil- obtained are useful not only to detect vertical dikes in
sonite vein, Uintah County, Utah. The average a region where they are expected, but also to permit
width of the vein is between 10 and 20 feet. The the interpreter to recognize such truly lateral effects
electrode separation a is 420 feet, and the station when they appear unexpectedly in field measure-
interval is 30 feet. A pronounced resistivity high ments over horizontal beds in depth determinations.
is obtained over the vein. The vein is so naiTow in This latter application is perhaps the more valuable
relation to the electrode separation that a pronounced of the two because techniques are superior to vertical
Station interval= 50 ft

350 I


5 250 ~
> ~

~ 200
c( 02


100 1 , .

I I ....
..... ,
~ I :m
i I
1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
50 ft r ftl"\ "' ~Aft. 4 AA:ft "' rftft.

FIGUBJ: 96.-Horlzontal reaisttvlty profllea aoroastnferred ldl1c11led zonea, Trl.State lead-stnc mJDtng district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee con111untlon (offset plottlq). In each cue, e1ec&rode separation
8•100 ft, and station lnterval•JO ft. K. L. Cook (19451-M, unpublllbed data).


a=lOO ft
Station interval= 100ft
LLI 300
> 200
a::: 100

0 1000 2000 3000 4000
450 F-r-JI.,-J-..-J-,.....L.~ :'! ~2

!!:; I~:J~;:J -. I~2: :t :~ : ~: ~: ~i:l~'i:!ti!(:l.~i 'i;: i~ j.[j;. i~ i~ ;~:·~ :~i ~ :~j}~: ;:~r :i fi·~ j2?,fi_;ij_"~if.!iJ"~j \~J!jmli jl f!~t§,·j(\{.t:i; i. }~ i ~di~ i0~! it!j~Jj12x)s~1~2: Jfi1!

FIGURF 97.-Horizonta.l resistivity profile across shear zone and limestone fault block, in lllinois, Wenner configuration. Electrode separation a= 100ft; station interval
=100ft. Adapted from Hubbert (1932). Copyright by Am. lost. Mining Metall. Engineers.

profiling techniques for the discovery and· delineation For a dike whose true resistivity is greater than that
of a dike. of the country rock, for example, (pl. 3A), four abrupt
Plates 3 and 4 show vertical resistivity profiles changes in slope are obtained on the Pt curve with the
across a vertical dike of unit width b with both the Lee Lee configuration: a peak in the curve as current
and Wenner configurations. The center of each con- electrode 0 1 crosses the left edge of the dike, a low as
figuration is taken at various distances from the dike: 0 1 crosses the right edge, an abrupt increase as potential
distances of 3b, 2b, and b from the left edge of the dike; electrode P 1 crosses the left edge, and a peak as P1
at the left edge of the dike; and at the axis of the dike. crosses the right edge. For the same dike, only two
Plate 3 shows the vertical resistivity profiles for a abrupt changes in slope occur on the P2 curve: a peak as
dike whose true resistivity is four times that of the 0 1 crosses the left edge, and an abrupt change in slope
surrounding country rock. In each case the ratio of as 0 1 crosses the right edge. Obviously neither current
the apparent resistivity to the true resistivity of electrode O"J nor potential electrode P 2 crosses any edges
the country rock is plotted for both the Lee and Wenner of the dike in this example. When the Wenner con-
configurations against the ratio of the electrode sep- figuration is used at the same station for vertical pro-
aration a to the unit width b of the dike. This method files across the same dike (pl. 3K), similar abrupt
of plotting permits the curves to be used for any width changes in slopes of the apparent-resistivity curves
of dike. occur at positions identical to those obtained with the
Abrupt changes in slope of the apparent-resistivity Lee configuration. The Wenner anomalies are not as
curves occur as the electrodes cross the edges of the pronounced as the Lee anomalies. For any given value
dike. In each diagram the particular electrode, or of electrode separation, the Wenner value of the
electrodes, that cross the edges are specified at the apparent resistivity is the arithmetic mean of the PI
corresponding position of the abrupt change in slope of and P2 values of the apparent resistivity with the Lee
the apparent-resistivity curves. configuration.
I I I I As the station is taken closer to the edge of the dike
5000. (pl. 3B, E, L, and M), the anomalies are much more
A a=lO ft pronounced, and the peaks are better defined. For a
station with the center of the Lee configuration at the
4000 left edge of the dike, the values of p1 and P2 for very
small elect.Fode separations are 4 and 1, respectively
(pl. 3D). As the configuration is expanded, both the
Pt and P2 values decrease until current electrode 0 1
crosses the right edge of the dike; then the p1 values
paradoxically increase rapidly to reach a peak as
potential electrode P 1 crosses the right edge. For a
\ station at the center of the vein, the apparent-resistiv-
1000 ~ {\ ity curve for the Lee configuration (pl. 3D) is identical
v v
\_____,- to that for the Wenner configuration (pl. 30). Only
one curve is obtained for the Lee configuration because
0 all electrodes cross the edges symmetrically.
800 n a=20 ft
Pia te 4 shows the corresponding vertical profiles
Bl across vertical veins whose resistivity is one-fourth that
of the surrounding country rock. Except for the fact
I ... that apparent-resistivity lows are obtained instead -or
r'\ {\ 1\ apparent resistivity highs, the generalizations made
above apply identically to these curves. For a station
\ ,__/ \
v l \
with the center of the Lee configuration at the left edge
of the dike {pl. 4D), the Pt curve paradoxically decreases
\j I \ as the configuration is expanded after current electrode
v ~
0 1 has crossed the right edge of the dike and until
~ potential electrode P 1 crosses the right edge. For a
station taken at the center of the dike for either the
cf\ /"\ (\ a=30 ft Lee or Wenner configurations (pl. 4E, and 0), a peak
is obtained as current electrodes 0 1 and 02 simul-

' '"
_I\ taneously cross the right and left edges, respectively.
\. ) This pe~k is caused by the converging property of the
'J \

current as it flows between current electrodes in a low-

'0 resistivity medium that is confined between media of
a=40 ft
n/'\ higher resistivity. The current-converging property

- I
' ~ manifests itself especially as the current electrodes lie
....___....., - within the low-resistivity material and immediately
0 adjacent to the wall of the dike.
a=50 ft Although the edges and hence the width of a dike can

-(~ -
~ be obtained from vertical-profile measurements, it is
generally faster and cheaper to determine the edges
I I I I and width of the dike by horizontal-profile techniques.
50 100 150 200 250..._
FEET Figure 102 shows an observed vertical profile across
a high-resistivity steeply dipping quartzite bed in the
C2 P2 P1 c1 Mountain City copper district, Elko County, Nev.
•·a-a.a,.. SURFACE
(C. H .. Sandberg and K. L. ·cook, 1945, unpublished
Reef_....... data). The traverse was taken in a due north direc-
tion, and the strike of the quartzite bed is probably
about N. 80° W.; therefore, the traverse is within about
? 50 FEET
10° from being perpendicular to the strike of the bed.
The quartzite bed, which is partly exposed, is believed
FIGURE 98.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across Bauerle's "reef"
to be overlain and underlain conformably with shale;
(dikelike feature) with various electrode separations, Busia gold in the immediate area of the traverse, howeve!", neither
field, Uganda, Wenner configuration. Adapted from Way (1944).
Copyright by Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers.
tlie shale nor the shale-quartzite contact is exposed but


Station interval= 10 ft


J: 50
~ 0
> 250 B a=150ft
LIJ Station interval=30 ft
a: 200



300 200 100 0 100 200 300

FialJBB W.-Two horlr.ontal resistivity proftles along same traverse across Cowboy lflsonlte vein, Utntah County, Utah, with dl1rerent electrode separations and
station Intervals, Wenner conftgoratton. (A) Electrode separation a•SO ft; station tnterval•10 ft. (B) a•160 ft; station tnterval•30 ft. Data by LeRoy
Scharon, released for publication through the courtesy of the Btnclatr Research Laboratories, Tulsa, Okla.



Fiauu100.-Horlr.ontal resistivity proftle across Cowboy gilaonlte vein, Utntah County, Utah, Wenner configuration. Electrode separation a•J.liO It; station Interval•
115 ft. Data by LeRoy Beharon, released for publication through the courtesy of the Btnclatr Research Laboratories, Tulsa. Okla.

is covered with a thin veneer of alluvium. The ob- The discontinuity in slopes of the observed curves
served apparent-resistivity curves are similar to the indicate that the quartzite bed is probably about 55
theoretical curves in plate aa. Because the field data feet thick and that the south edge of the quartzite bed
are for discrete points only rather than being a con- lies about 120 feet north of the resistivity station.
tinuous curve, the estimates of the edges of the quartz- Peak A in the Pt curve occurs theoretically for a con-
ite vein have an inherent uncertainty. tinuous curve as current electrode 01 crosses the south
900 I I I I I I I

I I ' I
a=420 ft
Station interval- 30 ft
~ 700
5 600
1 \
ti400 I \
/_ ~ o--o
~ ~
~ 200 c:
<1oo 0
/ ~j ~u.... ~

1-c>-""'.D I J I I I I I 1: 1 J 1
500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
FIGURE lOt.-Horizontal resistivity proflleoacross Rainbow gllsonlttl vein, Ulntah County, Utab, Wenner oonftguration. Electrode separation a•420 ft; station interval
-30ft. Data by LeRoy Scharc>n, released for puttllcatlon through the courtesy of the Sinclair Research Laboratories, Tulsa, Okla.

edge· of the quartzite bed; since peak A occurs at an The agreement between the theoretical and observed
electrode separation a= 80 feet, the south edge of the curves is believed excellent in this field example.
bed is drawn at a distance of 3a/2, or 120 feet, north of POTENTIAL·DROP·RATIO TECHNIQUES
the resistivity station in the geologic cross :section in
figure 102. The corresponding peak in the P2 curve, The advantages of potential-drop-ratio techniques in
which should theoretically occur for the sam1e value of detecting vertical discontinuities have long been known.
a, as does the P1 peak, actually occurs in this example In this section we will show several typical potential-
at a lower value of a, probably because of loeal effects. drop-ratio anomalies across vertical dikes and discuss
A sharp rise in the Pl curve at point 0 occurs theoreti- them in relation to the resistivity anomalies obtained
cally for a continuous curve as potential elE~ctrode P 1 with conventional resistivity techniques. Anomalies
crosses the south edge of the bed; in the present e~­ will be shown for both the constant-spacing system
ample, however, the p1 values rise so steeply in this and the expanding-electrode system.
part of the p1 curve that the point of discontinuous slope The theoretical plots in this paper for the potential-
cannot be picked with confidence. Peak D in the p1 drop-ratio method use a linear scale; there is an
curve occurs theoretically for a continuous curve as advantage, however, in plotting the data on semi-
potential electrode P 1 crosses the north edge of the bed; logarithmic paper.
since peak D occurs at an electrode separation a=340 CONSTAlfT·SPACING SYSTBJI

feet, the north edge of the bed is tentatively considered Figure 103 shows the profiles with the constant-
to lie a distance of a/2, or 170 feet, north of the re- spacing system of the potential-drop-ratio (PDR)
~istivity station. The apparent resistivity low at B method across a vertical dike of width b. The reflec-
occurs theoretically for a continuous curve as current tion factors are k= ±0.6. The current electrode is
electrode 0 1 crosses the north edge of the bed; in the fixed at various distances from the dike: distances of
present example the low at B occurs at an electrode 3b, 2b, and b to the left of the left edge of the dike;
separation a= 120 feet when current electrode 0 1 is at the left edge, and on the axis of the dike. The
180 feet north of the resistivity station and thus 10 distance between the potential electrodes is kept fixed
ft north of the tentatively assigned position of the north at a value of b/2 as all three potential electrodes are
edge of the quartzite bed as inferred from peak D. By moved together, thus varying r only; where r is the
taking an average of these two determinations, the distance between current electrode 0 2 and center
position of the north edge of the quartzite bed is in- potential electrode P 0 • On the charts the horizontal
ferred to lie 175 feet north of the resistivity station, distance from current electrode 0 2 to center potential
thus making the width of the bed equal to 55 feet; and electrode P 0 is shown on the abscissa in terms of the
the bed is so drawn in the geologic section in figure 102. width of the dike b as unity so that these curves are


100 Ill



70 Ill

~ 50
a:: 30
a.. ~
a.. \
<( \
\ --~---X-----x---~--
\ B _.. .... x--- ---~:X----x---""*""---x--
'x----*---X'_.. P2 (SOUTH)


s N
0 0 200 300 400


SOUTH Surfac

50 100 FEET


FIGURE 102.-Vertical resistivity protl.le across high-resistivity steeply dipping quartzite bed, Mountain City copper district, Elko County, Nev.,
Lee configuration. Adapted from C. H. Sandberg and K. L. Cook (1945), unpublished data.
4 4 4 4 4
A B c D E
I \
3 I
§ 3 3
1\ 3 ~::; 3
::i ::;
I -~ I I 1\ "'a:
I I 0
~ ! \ ~ l
I __:_ I \
k·+O I
~I:§ 2

k·-0.6-f I .61
I I" 2
k·-0.~ I -k·t0.6 ~~~2.~-o~~ .... k•+0.6 ~~9..~ 2
::s.:y t-k•+ 0.6
I ~sf?
11~ I

J !
1 I
... v
- l...-- VIJ
II/ k·t0.6' rAil\/ \I k·±0.6 ir.l \. }f·t. 0.6 17 L....
r- ....... ~ IV"''V\ ~ I"\ A r'\ ~-1-- ·- ~
I\ I \ I \ I \ / \ ) \ I \ J-k·-0.6 \ J-k·-0.6
r- C-.v -
. - f--
\I/ \ I \I '-r/ v ~~ ~1

I ~
) 1 2 L 3 1-vvvvvvv 4 5 )
1 L2~3 4 ~ 0 1
2L 3. 4 5 0 ~..(1 2 !:_ 3 4 5
CJ wv. 1 2 L 3 4 5 m
DIKE b c at a~

C1 (fixed) ~.~~~~ SUR.FACE


p' k p"- p'


FIGURE 103.-Profiles with constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio method across a vertical dike of width b, with current electrode Ot flxed at various distances from tbe dike. Data are normalized. Solid
curves for reflection factor k=+0.6, and dashed curves for reflection factor k•-0.6.


independent of the scale used, although, of course, they accurately. Therefore, a dike is ordinarily easier to
apply only where the distance between the consecutive detect when current electrode 02 is near the dike than
potential electrodes is equal to half the width of the when it is far removed, even though the theoretical
dike. The data are plotted at the position of center PDR anomaly is somewhat smaller.
potential electrode P 0 • The normalized values of the The same g~neralizations as those given above apply
potential drop ratio (UP2- UPo)/(Upo- up.), which are to a dike whose resistivity is less than that of the sur-
obtained by multiplying the actual th~retical potential- rounding country rock (fig. 103A-E, dashed curves),
drop-ratio values by (r-b/2)/(r+b/2), are plotted on except that the maxima and minima PDR values coin-
the ordinate. The normalized potential-drop-ratio cide with the left and right edges, respectively, of the
index for homogeneous ground is unity. In each case dike. It is necessary to know whether the fixed current
the solid curve applies for a dike whose true resistivity electrode lies to the left (as shown in fig. 104) or right
is higher than that of the surrounding country rock, of the dike in order to know whether the dike is of high
and the dashed curve applies for a dike whose true or low resistivity relative to the country rock. The
resistivity is lower than that of the country rock. relative positions of the electrodes would of course be
For a dike that is a distance of 3b from the fixed known in field operations.
current electrode and whose true resistivity is greater Figure 104 shows the profiles with the constant-
than that of the surrounding country rock (fig. 103A, spacing system of the potential-drop-ratio method
solid curve), abrupt changes in slope are obtained as across a vertical dike of width b (Kiyon_o, 1950b).
the potential electrodes cross the edges of the dike; and The resistivity contrasts are p"fp'=1/10 (fig. 104A)
the points of these changes in slope can be used to and p"fp'=10 (fig. 104B). The data are plotted on
determine the edges and width of the dike. The semilogarithmic paper. The convention of taking the
sharpest changes in the curve occur as potential elec- potential-drop ratio in this case is the reverse of that
trode P 0 crosses the edges of the dike. A sharp pro- shown in figure 103.
nounced PDR low coincides with the left edge of the Figure 105 shows an observed profile with the con-
dike, and a sharp peak coincides with the right edge stant-spacing system of the potential-drop-ratio method
of the dike; and obviously, for the continuous curve, across an andesite dike of high resistivity near Lebong
the horizontal distance between these two features Donok gold mine, Sumatra (Hedstrom, 1932). The
gives the width of the dike. The anomalies are separation between the potential electrodes is 30 feet,
pronounced. Whether a maximum or minimum is and the station interval is 30 feet. The PDR data are
obtained at a specific edge of the dike depends on normalized and plotted on semilogarithmic paper.
whether the fixed current electrode is placed to the The PDR anomaly shows a high peak on the left side
left (as shown in fig. 103) or right of the dike. For the of the dike and a sharp low on the right side; the curve
same dike that is a distance of 2b or b from the fixed crosses the normalized unity at a point lying over the
current electrode (figs. 103B, 0), the same general- central part of the dike. The anomaly curve is similar
izations apply. When the current electrode is placed to that in figure 103A.
at the left edge of the dike (fig. 103D), a PDR minimum Figure 106 shows an observed profile with the con-
is obtained over the axis of the dike and a peak over stant-spacing system of the potential-drop-ratio method
the right edge of the dike. When the current electrode across the dikelike Falconbridge pyrrhotite orebody,
is placed over the axis of the dike (fig. 103E), only a Ontario, Canada (Heiland, 1942, p. 80). The data
PDR maximum, which lies to the right of the right were obtained by surveying in two directions with a
edge of the dike, is obtained. When current electrode potential ratiometer (Swedish-American Racom
02 lies at the left edge of the dike or over the country method), which gives the ratio of potential differenc~s
rock to the left of the left edge of the dike, the normal- in adjacent ground intervals. Data were taken 1n
ized PDR value is always equal to one in the region to opposite direction from the two power electrodes for
the right of the dike when all potential electrodes lie the "elimination" of surface anomalies, and the PDR
over this region. data (curves A and B), were averaged to give curve 0.
Paradoxically, the magnitude of the maximum and The data were not normalized in this case; therefore,
minimum observed PDR values decreases progressively the physical property actually plotted is the potential
as the fixed current electrode is placed nearer the dike. gradient per unit distance (electric-field intensity).
This property does not mean that a dike would be de- The potential gradient curve 0 shows a minimum in
tected more easily by placing current electrode 0 2 a the middle of the profile, indicating a good conductor.
distance of 3b rather than b from the dike, however, The asymmetry of the average curve indicates the direc-
because the observed potential differences at great tion of dip.
distances from 02 are much more difficult to measure Figure 107 shows an observed profile with the con-

10.0 10.0
B /\
4.0 f\ 4.0
v \
3.0 \ 3.0
I \
\ 2.5
I \
:::s~"!2.0 \ 2.0 I \
:::5 :::51.5 1\ 6'
~ 1.5 '
N ~

:::i 0::
i0:: 0

~ 1.0 - ~
~ 1.0

c( r----_
~ ...........
0 0::
~ Q.
0:: 0.8 ~ 0.8
Q. 0
§ .!..

0.6 ~ 0.6
~ ~
2 0.4
1\ 0.4 \
\I \v ~
0. 2

v 0.2

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4
T 8
C (fixed) p2 pl C (fixed) ~
Po ~
t t - t
t - - - - C=10 r--- - - C=10 x---1
P' P' P' P'

p"= P'llO P"=10P'

I'IGUBB lCK.-Proftles witb constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio method 8C1'088 a vertical dike of widtb b, witb current electrode Ct fixed at a distance of 10
unlta from ula of dike. Data are normali&ed. (.A.) Curve for ,l'/tl-1/10; (B) Curve for tl'/,1-10. Adapted from Klyono (1960b).

stant-spacing system of the potential-drop-ratio method as measured with these electrodes rather than ratios
across a graphite zone at the Graphite mine, Port of potential differences as such. A pronounced peak
Lincoln, South Australia (Broughton Edge and Laby, is obtained over the known vein.
1931, p. 118). The data are not normalized. The
potential-gradient curve shows a minimum over the low-
resistivity graphite zone; the small peaks on either side Figures 109, 110, 111, and 112 show profiles with
signify a crowding of the equipotential lines. On the the expanding-electrode system of the potential-drop-
basis of the electrical survey, a graphite body about ratio method across a vertical dike of width b, which is
50 feet in width and dipping about 45° to 50° NW. was taken as the unit of length. The assumed reflection
discovered. factors in each case are k= ±0.6. Current electrode
Figure 108 shows a profile with the constant-spacing 02 is taken at various fixed distances from the dike:
system of the potential~op-ratio method across a distance of 3b (fig. 109), 2b (fig. 110), and b (fig. 111)
quartz vein, in the Woodall area, McDuffie County to the left of the left edge of the dike; and on the axis
gold belt, Georgia. The known width of the vein on of the dike (fig. 112). In the conventional expanding-
the right side of the profile is at least 3 feet. The electrode system, the electrode configuration is made
resistivity of the quartz veins is higher than that of identical to the asymmetrical Lee configuration be-
the surrounding country rock. The distance be- cause the normalizing factor is then always equal to
tween each of the three potential electrodes was 50 one-half; this normalizing factor gives a PDR index of
feet and the interval between stations was also 50 feet. unity for homogeneous ground. The normalized values
The data plotted are actually the ratios of resistances of the potential-drop-ratio values are plotted on the

6 3.0 of the PDR anomaly is somewhat larger than when the

~ 2.5 I\ current electrode is farther removed from the dike.
~ 2.0 I\ When the current electrode lies on the axis of the dike
~ 1.5 I (fig. 112A), a sharp pronounced anomaly occurs, but
it is confined to only a small distance horizontally;
the peaks are so narrow that they might easily be
0 0.9
'\. ......__,/"""- I
I - .... missed unless the station spacing is small.
_j 0.7 I
~ 0.6 I Potential-drop-ratio techniques give sharper anom-
~ 0.5
\v I alies over vertical dikes than do the conventional
~ 0.40 I I
r r
I I resistivity techniques.
FEET All of the theoretical curves shown here are contin-
uous curves. Because only discrete stations are usually
0 100 200 300 FEET
taken in the PD R techniques as well as in resistivity
HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SCALE techniques, the PDR method also contains inherent
uncertainties of detecting the edges and estimating
widths of dikes-as was true for resistivity methods.
PDR anomalies are greater for dikes of good conduc-
tivity than for dikes with correspondingly poor con-

Having examined in detail the effects of horizontal

bedding and vertical structures on resistivity data, we
now study similar geological features that are neither
FIGURE 105.-Profile with constant-spacing system or potential-drop-ratio method strictly horizontal nor fitrictly vertical. In the present
across an andesite dike of high resistivity, near Lebong Donok gold mine, Suma-
tra. Separation between potential electrodes=30 ft; station intP.rval=30 ft.
section we will show not only how to recognize dip in
Data are noi'IIlalized. Adapted from Hedstrom (1932) by permission of The structures, but also how the dip may be measured
Mining Magazine.
quantitatively in some cases. The features on appar-
ent-resistivity curves that are diagnostic of dipping
ordinate. On the abscissa are plotted the values of the faults and beds are so subtle that they are usually
electrode separation a in terms of the width of the obscured in the normal fluctuations found in routine
dike b as unity so that the curves are independent of field surveys designed for purposes other than dip
the seal~ used, although, of course, they apply only studies. Unfortunately no field examples of dip studies
where the current electrode lies a specified distance are available to us that portray the characteristics of
from the dike. The solid part of each profile curve dipping faults and beds which we regard as diagnostic
applies when the configuration lies to the right of the in the theoretical curves.
current electrode; and the dashed part applies when the In a previous section, "Applications of the image
configuration lies to the left of the current electrode. theory" (p. 51 to 62), we discussed the simplest cases
For a dike that is a distance of 3b from the fixed of dipping faults and beds, in which image theory is
current electrode and whose true resistivity is greater applicable. As emphasized in that section, such solu-
than that of the surrounding country rock-that is, tions are restricted not only to infinite resistivity con-
the positive reflection factor, is as shown in fig. 109A- trasts but also to certain finite angles. Moreover, the
abrupt changes in slope are obtained as the potential solutions are not applicable on the updip side of the
electrodes cross the edge~ of the dike; and the points surface trace of the dipping fault plane or dipping con-
of these changes in slope can be used to determine the tact. In the present section we will develop the theory
edges and width of the dike. Whether a maximum or that enables us to calculate data for any resistivity
minimum is obtained at a specific point in relation to contrast, for any angle of dip, and for any point in the
the edge of the dike depends on whether the fixed cur- vicinity of the dipping fault or dipping bed. These
rent electrode is placed to the left (figs. 109, 110, and solutions are then used to compute data for the theo-
111) or right of the dike. When the current electrode retical curves which are given. Because the mathe-
lies closer to the dike (figs. 110A and lllA), the posi- matics for dipping beds in this section is the most
tions of the abrupt changes in relation to the dike are difficult of the. theory contained in this treatise, th6
of eourse different in each case; and also the magnitude nonmathematical reader may wish to omit the mathe-

~ I.Ot--f----=~~::::=~~crlTTTT---f'r\TlrTrTTTTTTTTTTlTl~TTTTtnTT"""IT-~-----=:;::r~--.....u_---jl.O

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 140



~ drift

Diamond- drill holes

Greenstone and
quartzite Norite

0 100 200 300 400 FEET


FIGURE 106.-Proftle adapted from Lundberg by Heiland (1942, p. 80) showing constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio method across Falconbridge pyrrhotite
orebody, Ontario, Canada. PD R data are not normalized.

matical part of this section and continue immediately and 45° were published by Berel'kovskiy and Zubanov
to the discussion of the theoretical curves, which is {1951). The theoretical work of this group culminated
understandable without a. knowledge of the mathe- in the studies of Skal'skaya {1948), who obtained a
matics. complete solution to the problem for all possible angles
Our development is limited to the consideration of of dip, following a modification of the procedure
single interfaces between materials of different resis- established by Grinberg (1940), in solving the corre-
tivity or of perfectly conducting separations between sponding electrostatic problem. Her method involves
materials of the same resistivity. To our knowledge the use of a Fourier-Bessel type integral transformation.
there are no exact theoretical curves that have been In the following section we will solve the problem by
published to date (1964) for dipping dikes or for dipping the direct solution of the differential equation, following
beds involving more than one interface. the method introduced by Maeda {1955). The general
solution will then be transformed in to a. simpler form
for certain cases useful for computations. The method
The general theory of electrical prospecting over introduced by Cha.stenet de Gery and Kunetz (1956)
dipping faults and beds can be attacked in several ways. will be used. Since the limiting cases when the elec-
Tikhonov (1946) obtained a solution to the appropriate trodes are alined along the fault trace are useful in
integral equations by means of successive approxi- determining the dip of the contact, these limiting cases
mations. Tyurkisher (1946) extended these solutions will also be developed. Finally, we will develop the
and showed that part of the solution reduced to a. method of MacDonald {1895), which is useful for
complete elliptic integral. Some approximate curves, general angles of dip but for infinite-resistivity con-
based on 'l'ikhonov's method, for dip angles of 30° trasts only.

WEST EAST the two arbitrary constants must be equal. The

potential must similarly be symmetrical about the
Potential-electrode separation (a)= 50 ft plane 4>=r in order that no current crosses that plane,
whence we discard the form of the general solution
containing cosh s(r+4>) in setting up a function for
region 2. Thus, we have

u.... -~ {i+ L. tzdtL.
cos A[cosh 8(11"+•>
+cosh 8(11"-•)]K;.(tr)da}

~ Uu==~: {j+ L• tzdtL•

cos B cosh 8(11"-•)K,.(tr)da}· (180A)
~ 4~---+--------~--------------~----~
~ When we apply the condition Ut..t=Uu at 4>=4>h
we get
~ 3~------~----~----------~----+---~ A(cosh 8(11"+••> +cosh 8(,..-••>J==B cosh 8(11"-••>· (181)

3.0 L----------------------------------t~-----1


FlOUR:& 107.-Proftle with copatant..paciDg 1J8tem of potential-drop-ratio metbod
aeross grapblte zone, Orapblte mine, Port Lincoln, South Auatralla. PDR data 06
· o 100 200 300 400
are not normalized. Adapted from Broughton Edge and Laby (1931).


I Sandy I I I
Let us consider a point source of current on the lstringersl• 1 13 I d
earth's surface in the vicinity of a dipping contact and quartz lveinsl ;!j
between two formations (fig. 113}. This contact can Iveinlets I l : ;

be either the contact between two dipping beds or a FloUR:& 108.-Proftle with constant-epaclng 8}'8tem of potentlal-drop.ratto method
fault plane separating different materials; in this across quartz vein, Woodall area, McDuftle County gold belt, Georgia. Data
are not normalized. Known wldtb of vein is at least 3 ft. Adapted from Kell7,
discussion, we choose to refer to the contact as a fault Zuschlar, and Low (1934). Copyright by Am. Inst. MtniDg Metall. Bngtneers.
plane. The resistivity of the material above the con-
tact is p' and that of the material below the contact is
p''. We choose a cylindrical coordinate system in We then substitute the expansion for 1/R given by
which the fault trace is the z-axis and the origin is such equation 110 and apply the condition that the normal
that Zo=O and f/>o=O. component of current density must be continuous
In this problem we require the solutions of Laplace's across the plane 4>=4>t· Thus, we get
equation given by equation 74. In region 1, we can A(l+k)[sinh 8(11"+ ..)-sinh 8(11"-••H+B(1-k) sinh 8(... -4»1)
use the solution as it is written. However, since the
function must be an even function of 4>, it follows that - 8...~ sinh 8(... -f/»l)Ks.(tro). (182)

~ 1.8
ct \
a: 1.6
1.4 '.
~ 1.2
1- UpJ r~b ) ..... ~ Fqb
~ ~ r~~ l,..;'~ ~A: fll,C

0.4 l/
"'8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 ~ -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
• ~




2.5 -
~ 2.0
~ I
~ 1.5
~ 1.4
~ 1.2
0 -~ ~~ .f.P:2 Fijc)
1.0 l'!!c ~~2 'f.Pe rtf·
-"' \ I
0.6 \I
8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 .3~14 5 6 7 .a

P"+ P'

F1aou 109.-Proftles with expandlng-elec&rode system of potential-drop-ratio method across a vertical dlte of width b,
with current electrode Ca at a 11:ted d18tance 3b from the dike. Data are uomaallzed. Betlect1oD lactora are
(A}l•+0-6; (B}l•-OA



' \
a:1.5 I
0..1 4
~Pl ~Po J ' r--.....
Up2 Upp

~1 .n
- -- -- - / ~
~- ~-
iUP2! / VPo -uPt

0 .6

-- --~-
v 6-'--7
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 >" '/ 3 4 5
L ~ L
b b
3 ...
3 ..,

2 ...
~2 .u

~1. 5 A

~1.4 A
~1.2 Up2 r~
~ l!&
1.0 - l/po ~2

Upo ~1

0.8 " I
6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 .. ~ 3L
4 5 6 7
t • c1 At oo


k: p"- P'

FJ:ouu 110.-Profiles with expanding-electrode system of potential-drop-ratio method across a vertical dike
of width b, with current electrode C1 at a fixed distance 2b from the dike. Data are normalized. Refiection
factors are (A)t•+0.6; (B)t-=-6.6.
'k= 0.6

en 2.0
a:: 1.5
a.. 1.4
9 ~ UPO
-' 1.2 ....----
~ :upl
i= Upl Upc - J
z jUp~
w 1.0
~ 1--
Up~ J

0.6 I
0.4 v
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 .2... 4 5 6 7
.!.. ~
b b
k=- 0.6


Q 2.0
a.. 1.5
0 ~

a:: 1.4
j::: 1.2 Up1 UAJ U,oz ~
w JUPo 1-U~ / Upo Upl
a.. 1.0 t--
I 1---t-


' ,


0.4 ~ ·-
-6 -:5 -4 .!.. -3 -2 -t 0 I 2 3 .£... 4 5 6 7

Flouu 111.-Proffies with expanding~leetrode system of pOtential-drop-ratio method across a vertical dike of width b,
with eurrent electrode Ca at a fixed distance b from the dike. Data are normallUd. Refiection factors are
(A)h=+0.6; (B)k=-0.6,





(/) 2. 6
~ FIGURE 113.-cross-sectlonal view of a point source of current C In the Tlclnlty
<X 2.4 of a dipping fault.
a.. I
~ 2.2
0 I We solve equations 181 and 182 as a set of simul-

~ 2.0
Up0 -Up2 tr f.-_l!ez-Ueo
taneous equations for A and B. Substituting these
back into equations 180A, we finally get
~ 1.8 II
0 I Ie' {1 4k rCD
a.. Uu. = 2... R+ ..-' Jo cos tz dt
• X rCD . sinh 2s(..- -:fl>t) cosh 8f/> K. (tr0)K. (tr)d8}
Jo smh ..-s-k smh s(..--2f/>1) "'
1.4 i "'

I Ie' {1 sk rCD
I Uu.= 2... R+ ..-' Jo cos tz dt
X r CD cosh 8~1 sinh s(r :- fi>t) cosh 8(1r- f/>) Ku(tro) Ku(tr)d8}·
1.0 - iH
Jo smh rs-k smh s(r-2fl>t)
0.~ These expressions are the solutions for the general
5 -4 -3 .!.. -2
~ 1 2 .L 3
4 5
case of a point source of current in the vicinity of a
k=-0.6 dipping plane separating two materials with an arbi-
B trary resistivity contrast. Obviously, the integrals
do not lend themselves well to computations. How-
ever, Skal'skaya (1948) has shown that these equations,
(/) applied at points on the earth's surface only, can be
i= 1. 1 simplified considerably when the angle of dip assumes
I certain values.
a.. 1.0
I For example, let 4>1 =r/4 and consider only points
0 0.9
..... ~- - - ~-
~ .... "" . - on the earth's surface where cosh s4>= 1. The hyper-
bolic terms in the integrand Of UlA can be manipulated
Uecueo ~
i= 0.8
Up -uD2 I Ueo=l~l so that
. h 3rs
z sm
2 r8
2 cosh - +k (184)
~ 0.7 · h · h rs 2 2 cosh rs
sm r8- k sm 2 2- k
0.6 We see, by comparison with equation 110, that the
integration which involves the first of the three terms
on the right-band side of equation 184 leads to the
I reciprocal of the distance .Jro'·+r2 + z2• Thus the re-
5 -4 -3 .!.-2 -1 r;" 1 2 3 4 5 sulting contribution to the potential function may be
attributed to an image of strength kl located at the
SURFACE ~ II point (r0 , r/2, 0) and an image of equal strength located
at the point (r0 , 3r/2, 0). The second term in equa-
tion 184 may similarly be related to an image of strength
k= p"-; k 21 located at the point (r0 , r, 0). These three images
. ,•+ p' correspond to the images which we used to get equa-
FIGURJ: 112.-Proftles with expanding-electrode system of potential-drop-ratio tion 28. If the lower bed were perfectly insulating
method acrO&'J a vertlcal dike of width b, with eurrcnt electrode Ct fixed on the (k=1), the third term in equation 184 would vanish
axis of the dike. Data are normalized. Re.ftection factors are (A)k-..+0.6;
(B)k--0.6. and u1A would become identical to equation 28. There-
fore, we may regard the third tenn in equation 184 fault (f/>o=1r) and can reduce those potential functions
as leading to a correction to a solution which we would in the same manner. Therefore, we have the following
get to the problem on the basis of the image theory. potential functions, at the earth's surface, for an angle
In order to reduce the integral involving the third of dip of 45° and for an arbitrary resistivity contrast:
term to one containing elementary functions, we make
lp' { 1 2k kl }
use of the following expansion: UIA= 2r R+ .Vr.,t+rl+zt+-v'(ro+r)l+zl k(1-ki)J(ro,j, z)

1 1
f.;1 (-l)"+le-"" sin nv. .,. {1+k
Uu= lp' R+k(1+k)J(r0, r, z) }

2 cosh u+2 cos v sin v 2

lp" {1-k
U1s=~ R+k(1-k)J(~o, r, I) }
The interior integral then becomes
_ (1- kl) r• Ku(tro) Ku(tr)da
Jo 2 cosh 'fl'B/2-k
_ (1 :- kl)
sm 6
± (_
1) "+l (186)

X sin flcS L., Ku(tr0)Ku(tr)e-"•r/1 da (185~ where cos 6=-k/2 and

1 J:•
J(ro, r, z)=-.- sinh 6u du .
where cos 8= -k/2. We now employ the iq.tegral sm 6 o sinh ... u.Vr0Z+rl+zZ+2r0r cosh ru/2
theorem which states that
Of the various forms of solutions presented in the
.-...-----....... (t.Vro1+rl+ 2r0r cosh a) .~_ literature, we prefer solutions of the type given in equa-
· ~ at+nlr 3/4 u.IJ. tions 183 for computations. The integral converges
very rapidly and, as shown below it is not necessary to
If we substitute s=~u, the integral on the right becomes have tables of special functions available.
Whereas we can identify several terms in U1A with
images, we can similarly identify only one term in Uu.
and none in U2s· The reason is that the image theory
We now draw upon another theorem which permits us cannot be used to solve any problems in which the
to write electrodes are on the updip side of the fault. We
recognize the one image appearing in U2A as the one for
the case when the fault is vertical.
Since p"(1-k)=p'(l+k), U2A is identical with U111
whence equation 185 finally becomes just as the reciprocity theorem requires it to be.
Chastenet de Gery and Kunetz (1956) have shown
-(1 -kl) f• Ku(tro)Ku(tr) da
Jo 2 cosh • a/2-k that

=~~~ (i) L., :::!: Ko(t.Vro1+rl+2ror cosh ru/2) du.

Ku(tro)Ki1 (tr)= L• cos 'MK0 (t.Vro2 +rl+2ror cosh X)d).

The third term which we are trying to evaluate is now from which equations 183 can be reduced to include
only elementary functions. Using this relationship
together with equation 106, we obtain

-2 !CD cos tzK;,(tr0)K;,(tr)dt= J:CD .V cos X8 dX • (187)

.,. o o zl+r0Z+rl+2r0r cosh X

If we make use of equation 106, we may integrate over

t to get Since the integral on the left of equation 187 appears
in both U1A and Uu, we may now write these potentials
1- k2, r·
sinh 6u du in terms of elementary functions:
-sin 6 Jo sinh 'fl'U .VraZ+rl+ z2+2ror cosh 11 u/2.
U1A= 1P'{_!+ 2 kx
2.. R .,.
We have now reduced the potential function to one
containing only elementary functions. We finally get fCD riD sinh 28(r -q,l) cosh If/> cos M dadx}
UlA by adding together 1ihe effect of the original source Jo Jo (sinh rB-k sinh a(r -2q,1)].Vzs+ro1 +rZ+2r0r cosh X
with its three images and the above correction term.
We may similarly transform the above expression for
Uu. We can also solve for the potential functions
when the current electrode is on the updip side of the

Cha.stenet de Gery and Kunetz reduced these equa- r 0 =0. Skal'skaya (1948) showed that equations 183
tions still further. For example, ·in Uu, if we carry reduce to the correct form when r 0 =0; the proof is
out one step of division in the integrand, we obtain a complicated, and it is easier to obtain the answer from
term which is the expansion of the reciprocal distance fii'St principles by using the same approach that we
l/R. Thus, this function becomes used to get equation 2.
If the current electrode in figure 113 lies ·on ·the
U2A=lp'{1+k +~ 1 +k) f.., si~h 8(11"-24>1? cosh 8(11"-f/J) ds surface trace of the fault, the geometry indicates that
211" R 1r Jo smh 11"8-k smh 8(11"-2f/>t)
the current emanates radially outward from the elec-
XJof.., "z2+r 2+r2+2r
cos ~
r cosh ~
d~}· (188) trode. The problem thus is reduced to one of deter-
0 0 mining what fraction of the total current flows into
each of the two media. We first construct a hemi-
For UIA, we must consider three separate forms. If
spherical shell with its center at the origin. If the
f/>1 lies between r/2 and 1r, the function remains in the
thickness of the shell is dR, then the potential drop
form given above. If tP1 lies between 0 and 1r/2, we can
perform N successive divisions within the integrand to across the shell is
obtain expressions which are found to be expansions of
reciprocal distances. N is the integer lying between
r/2q,~, and 7r/2q,1 -l. These distances are related to the
first N images that would be formed if we were seeking where 1' is the current flowing into the first medium
an image solution. The remainder then becomes the and 1'' is the current flowing into the second medium.
correction term to that image solution. The potential We note that R 2 =r+z2• Equation 191 can be used
is written as to determine 1" in terms of 1'. To determine the
value of each of ihe current fractions, this relationship
is then combined with the fact that the sum of the
two fractions must equal the total current I. The
desired currents are
[p'(11" -f/Jt)
p'(... -f/>t) + P11 4>1
If these values of the currents are substituted into
equation 191 and the equation is integrated from R to
This equation is useful for arbitrary angles of dip when
infinity, the potential at a distance R from the current
the current electrode is on the downdip side of the
outcrop of the dipping contact. electrode is
[p' p"
In the special case when 4>1 is the Nth submultiple of U=2[p'(... -f/>t) +P''q,.JR.
r/2, the Nth image falls on the earth's surface, where
cf>= 1r, and equation 189 reduces to A. SPECIAL SOLUTION

The qualitative eff-ects of dipping beds can be ob-

tained by studying the perfectly conducting plane.
The mathematics can be derived by taking the limiting
case of zero resistivity from the previously derived
general solutions. However, we will solve the problem
directly from first principles. Our solution is no more
complicated than the other, and our development
(190) exemplifies a method which is used widely in elec-
trostatics (MacDonald, 1895).
Figure 113 serves for our present purpose when we
If we let q, 1 =7r/4 so that N=2 in equations 188 and set p'' = 0 and p' = p. As in the previous section, the
190, these equations reduce to the corresponding coordinates of the point source (the current electrode)
expressions given in equations 186 (Chastenet de are r0 , 0, and 0. We choose to make r0 <rt. We will
Gery and Kunetz, 1956). temporarily put the following additional restrictions
One method for measuring the dip of a fault plane on the electric field: Two vertical conducting planes
depends on placing the current electrode on the surface described by z=z1 andz= -z 1 , and a conducting cylinder
trace of the fault (Sumi, 1953). In this application, descnoed by r=r1 • The boundary conditions are that
the potential must 'be zero at z= ± z~, cf>=c/>1, and Once again we have ehoseu. only the cosine term because
r=r1; no current can cross the earth's surface cf>=O; the solution must remain symmetrical in z. Also, m
everywhere within this space the potential must remain is restrieted to odd integers in order that the potential
finite except at the current electrode; and, the total will vanish on the plane z=z1. Substituting this
current originating within the space is the sum (inte- expression into equation 194:, we obtain
gration) of the elementary currents originating within
each element of volume.
We use cylindrical coordinates in which Poisson's
equation is To determine A>.rr,,, multiply both sides of equation
195 by

where i is the current-source density, which is a function

of position. We will later make use of the fact that i and integrate over the whole interior of the bounded
is zero everywhere except in the vicinity of the current space. The primes on the three indices indicate that
electrode. specific values have been chosen from each of the three
A solution can be developed which is a Fourier sets. We first consider the step-by-step integration of
series with respect to cp, namely, the left side of the equation. Using the relation given
by equation 116, we obtain immE1diately the integrals
""'"' W.(r,. z) cos rnrq, .
U = .£...J over q, and z. We have, remembering that neither n
• 2 fJl
nor m assumes the value zero,

! ••
The choice. of the cosine term only insures that no
current will cross the earth's surface~ and restricting n cos -nrt/1 cos--
n'rq, dt/1=-2
inn• (196)
o 2t/lt Ut
to odd integers insures that the potential is zero at
cf>=cf>1· If we now substitute this assumed form of U and
mrz m'rz
into the differential equation preceding the last equa-
tion, we obtain
J z•
cos -
cos - - dz= Zt 8..,.•.

""'"' [oor'W,. +;1 "1>'r-

ow. ,.,q,
W" + "l>Z2 cos
2q,1 = -pt.
Equation 196 is valid because n assumes only odd
values; if n were to assume random. values, the equation
would not always hold. An or·thogonality relation
Because cylindrical functions can be expanded in exists between the Bessel functions (Watson, 1952, para-
terms of Bessel functions in a series comparable to a graphs 5-11) which permits us to integrate over r:
Fourier series, we assume that W,(r, z) has the form


This relation depends on ~'s assuming discrete values

If W.(r, z)-and consequently U-is to be zero over that are roots of the equation .Jnr/2flll(M'I)=O. The
the surface r=r~, it follows that ~ is restricted to roots prime on Jnrt2• 1{M') indicates t;he derivative with
of the equation
respect to r.
Because of the orthogonality relation applied, the
The first of these values is ~=0. The summation in integrations above have eliminated all values of ~' n,
equation 193 is taken over all such roots. Substituting and m except ~', n', and m'. Th·erefore, we ca.n drop
equation 193 into equation 192, we have the primes and refer only to the original indices, re-
membering of course that there rernains no summation.
""'f.r"' [oZAn

012 -
>.11zA11 J a1r/~ ( >.r) cos nrt/1
q, =
2 1
-pt.. (194) Examining the integration over the right side of the
equation, we find that the integrand vanishes every-
The term (- ~2Zxn) is obtained readily from the first where except in the vicinity of th1e source because i is
three terms of equation 192 when we consider Bessel's zero everywhere except in that. neighborhood. In
equation (equation 68), which the Bessel function this small region where i is not zero, the other function~
Jnrn• 1 (~r) satisfies. in the integrand can be consider4ed to have approxi-
We can also expand Zx,(z) in a Fourier series of the mately the same values that they have at the point
form: source exactly. Therefore, they become constants and
can be removed from under the integral sign. The ro
must be retained within the integral to maintain the

element of volume dv=rfllrdq,dz. Integrating i over from which we can deduce the asymptotic behavior of
the region in which it is finite, we obtain the total cur- its derivative (indicated by a prime)
rent flowing outward from the point source.
Combining the results of the above integration, we
have in place of equation 195:
Since the values of A are by definition such that
Jar/241 1(Ar1)=0,it follows that the cosine term in
equation 201 must be zero and that consequently the
Equation 197 is solved for AA""" which when intro- sine term in equation 202 must equal one. Further,
duced into the expression for the potential, gives if A and A+&A are successive roots of Jar/241 1(Ar1)=0, for
large values of r 1 we can state that 8A=r/r., and thus

In the limit as r 1 becomes very large, A becomes

infinitesimally small. Hence, the summation over A
becomes an integral and
This expression can be simplified somewhat by noting
the following identity: (203)

Equation 203 corresponds to the expression obtained

by MacDonald for the electrostatic problem. How-
ever, since tables of these Bessel functions do not
With this substitution, equation 198 becomes exist, we have carried the calculation further in order
to expedite computations. We are most interested in
the solution for a traverse crossing the inclined plane
in a direction perpendicular to the strike. In this
case, z=O and 4>=0. Using a relationship developed by
Xcos n:r~ [cosh M211-1)-cosh ).'] ( 199) Watson {1952, p. 410), namely
U1 sinh 2).s1

which is valid now only if z is positive.

This expression gives the potential only within the
prism which we constructed, and it therefore represents r (".,. +1)
only an intermediate solution to the problem. To X r.; 2 F (!!!..+!, !. !!!...+ 1· rl)
_,- (".,. ) 2~1 2 2' U1 ' rl
obtain the desired solution it is necessary to remove the "'... r 2~1 +1
vertical conducting planes and the conducting cylinder
that were introduced at the beginning. This end and substituting this expression into equation 203,
can be accomplished by letting r 1 and z1 both become we have the desired equation:
infinite. First letting z1 become infinitely large, because
taking its limit is straightforward, we obtain

This equation was used to compute the data for the

Next we consider the result on equation 199 when curves in the next section. As throughout this section,
r1 is made very large. The asymptotic behavior of
we take only odd values of n.
the Bessel function is given by r( ) is the gamma function and F( ) is the
hypergeometric function. Equation 204 converges
rapidly, especially when used to compute data for hori-
zontal resistivity profiles, and therefore it is not as
formidable as it looks. It should be cautioned, how-
ever, that the equation preceding equation 204 is valid
only when r >ro; and that equation 204 is therefore (\1

valid only under the same condition. If ro>r, we need .


only to interc~ange their roles to make equation 204 ('I)

valid. ...
Both equations 203 and 204 are valid for any angle
of dip between 4>t = 0 and 4>t = r. For computations of
potential when the potential electrode is on the updip
side of the fault trace, our convention requires that the
coordinate system be set up so that the current elec-
trode has the coordinate 4>o=O. This means that in • P(r, f!S, z)

this case, the angle 4>1 will be larger than 90 °. FIGURE 114.-crosssectlon of a vertical cwr, showiit.~ convention of87Dlbols Uled.
If the angle of dip has certain special values, the
above solutions may be transformed into the corre- As there are no restrictions on the problem, the
sponding image solutions which were given in the section general solution can be used. In order to keep current
on the image theory. If the angle of dip is not one of from flowing across the surface of the earth, however,
these special values, image theory is not applicable. the two arbitrary constants must be made equal.
We note further that UtA of equation 183 may also be Therefore, the general solution for the potential at
transformed into equation 203 for this special case of point P (fig. 114) is
perfect conductors.
I {1 4 reo reo
Jl+:;iJo cos tmt Jo A(a)[cosh .t(r-4»)

+cosh a(r +t~»)] Ku(tro)Ku(tr)ds}, (205)

The simplest example of topography which can be
treated is a line along which the ground has a very
steep slope, or, in the ideal case, a vertical cliff. If the where the form of the solution is c:hosen to conform to
survey is being conducted on the high side of the cliff the known expression for 1/R. The potential function
and the electrode separation is much smaller than the in the air, where there is no current., can be ignored.
height of the cliff, the potential field can be adequately To satisfy the boundary co.ndit;ion that no current
described in terms of equation 25. If the electrode can flow across the vertical face of the cliff, it is nec-
separation is comparable to the height of the cliff or is essary to obtain the derivative of the potential function
larger, a more sophisticated mathematics is required
with respect to cp, which is found to be
for the solution. The reason for the restriction on the
problem is that the cliff has a finite height, whereas the -,;:---=.....!!.
au I ---;;
usual solution assumes an infinite height. Although uf/» 2r r• o
cos tmt
(-sinh a(tr-4»)

Kiyono (1952b) has published an approximate solution +A[ -sinh a(r -4») +sinh a(•· +t~»)HKu(tro)Ku(tr)sds.
for this problem based on logarithmic potential, we
know of no exact solution. By setting this derivative equal to zero at cf>=3r/2, the
If the survey is being conducted at or near the foot of resulting equation can be solvf~ immediately for
the cliff, the problem is also more complicated; but the A(s). By substituting this value in equation 205, the
problem can be solved by using the same mathematics final potential function is obtained:
as that used in the dipping-bed problem, provided the
electrode separation is small in comparison with the U=.....!!. I ---
2r R r 2 o
{1 8!co
cos tldt
height of the cliff. To solve the problem in cylindrical
X reo sin? ra/2 cosh.ra cosh sf/» .Ku(tro)Ki.(tr)ds}· (206)
coordinates, the z axis is taken along the base of the Jo smh r s/2 + smh 5r s/2
cliff, the origin is chosen so that Zo=O, and the axes
are oriented so that f/>o=O (fig. 114). For solutions of In this expression the two terms appearing in brackets
Laplace's equation given by equation 74, the expan- in equation 205 have been combined. This solution
sion of 1/R given by equation 110 is used. In the is valid only when the electrode separation is small as
derivation of equation 110 the only stipulation was that compared to the height of the cliff. Similar solutions
4> should lie between 0 and 2r. In the present problem can be derived for cases in which the slopes are slanting
the total angle involved is 3r/2, and consequently only rather than vertical and in which the electrodes are
a single form of the expansion is needed. The angle q, either on the high side or at the foot of the cliff.
is therefore always positive and varies clockwise from The effect of a vertical cliff can be pronounced, as
0 to 3r/2. shown in the following field example. Figure 115
shows observed vertical resistivity profiles with the
Wenner configuration along traverses at the top of and
parallel to the edge of a vertical! 00-foot cliff of Joachim
Dolomite and Plattin Limestone, near Foley, Mo.
(Keller, 1934).
For small electrode separations the apparent re-
sistivity is equal to the true resistivity of the rock. As
the configuration is expanded, the volume effect of the
void manifests itself, and gives an essentially straight-
line apparent-resistivity curve. The erratic nature of
curve A for large separations is probably caused by
ID lateral effects.
300 t - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 The dipping perfectly conducting or insulating plane
simulates geologically a thin dipping fault zone in which
the gouge material is either an excellent conductor or
insulator, respectively, relative to the country rock on
either side. The true resistivity of the country rock
~ on one side of the fault plane is assumed to be equal
~ to that on the other side; and the anomaly is therefore
en due solely to the gouge material.
Figure 116 shows the horizontal resistivity profiles
a:: with both the Lee and Wenner configurations across
a perfectly conducting plane dipping 30°. As in the
< 150~+------~~-----~ case for the vertical perfectly conducting plane (fig. 54),
the curves for both the Lee and Wenner configurations
are continuous. Rather than being symmetrically
W-shaped, as for a vertical perfectly conducting plane,
the overall shape of both the Lee and Wenner profiles
is that of a letter "W" written asymmetrically and lean-
ing to the right. For the Lee profile (fig. 116A), the
P2 curve attains a value of 1.3, which is much higher
than the cqrresponding maximum value of P2 for a
vertical perfectly conducting plane; and similarly the
P2 curve attains a minimum that is much lower than the
corresponding minimum value of P2 for a vertical
20 40 60 80 100 perfectly conducting plane.

Figure 117 shows the results of tank-model studies

with the Wenner configuration to determine the effect
of dip on the apparent resistivity over a perfectly con-
ducting sheet dipping at angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°
(Heiland, 1932b).
For a vertical perfectly conducting plane (fig. 117D),
the apparent-resistivity curve for the model is symmetri-
cally W-shaped similar to the theoretical curve in
figure 540; and the value of the apparent resistivity at
the top of the central peak is approximately equal to the
FIGURE 115.-Verttcal resistivity profDes at top of and parallel to ed~re of
true resistivity of the tank fluid. For a perfectly con.-
vertical 100-foot clUJ of Joachim Dolomite and Plattin Limestone, near ducting plane with a 60° dip (fig. 1170}, the "W" is
Foley, Mo., Wenner configuration. Profile A taken within a few feet of somewhat asymmetrical, and the apparent resistivity
the top edge of cilll; profile B taken 175 feet from the top edge of cilll.
Adapted from Keller (19M). value of the lower right part of the "W" is lower than

l•• B

. t--

-- r-- · -

-r- "'--
f' "' r- ~
1.00 -~
'I\ r
v .... " \ v

~'\ I
1/ \
\ j
If ll ( I
'.... ~

' I
0.50 'i

J p2

J I p I
..,.. !f 1/
! I
ir I
0.25 ~ ,; / 0.25
! if {

0.00 0.00
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 .0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

p p

-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
a a

FIGURE 116.-Horizontal reslativitJ' proflles acroas a perfectlJ' conducting plane dipping 30°, (A) Lee configuration (o1fset plotting), a111d (B) Wenner configuration.

the corresponding part of the curve for a vertical plane. 8 shifted to the left to what we bellieve to be the approxi
For a dip of 30° (fig. 117B), the asymmetry of the curve mately correct position. By independent reasoning
is more pronounced, and the "W" leans to the right that is discussed later, it also appears that the dashed
in a manner similar to that on the theoretical profile curve should be shifted the samE~ amount.
in figure 117B. The highest part of the peak in the The dashed curves in figure 117, which are for trans-
central part of the "W" on a theoretical continuous verse traverse profiles (Hubbert., 1932, p. 12), will be
curve lies a distance of a/2 to the left (that is, on the discussed in a later section.
updip side) of the outcrop of the plane (fig. 117B). The
peak in the model result as published by Heiland (1932b)
lies downdip from the apex of the conducting sheet;
but this peak should theoretically occur to the left of The solid curve in figure 118 shows the departtu:e
the apex of the sheet. The shift is apparently due to from the normal potential 7 du•~ to two current elec-
a drafting error.; and in this diagram we therefore show trodes placed over a. bed with a. 10 percent (slightly
the curve as published by Heiland and the same curve r The departure from the normal potential is deflned here as the difference betw~
the value of the potential at a given point on the surface for homogeneous ground
1 The extreme rfght-h&111d part of the curves was omitted from the publishJ curves
of resistlvlcy t1 &111d the value of the potential a1; the same point when the bed of
for some of the mode18. · resistivity tl' exists as a second Ia7er.

A a=8 in B a=Bin
i'= ······ ..... ·····
> i'=
i;i : >
~ V/: i;i

0: ~
.... ....
·..... ~
J .. z

~ ./. ... 0:::

d. ~
~ d.
4 8 12 INCHES ~ 0 12 INCHES
I I I '-'--L.---L-.11

Perfect conductoS

c .P......
:;<··. . /"'x_····· ··~·········
a=8 in a=8 in
i;i ..._--~--~."'-+--i-~'\..~_f?C-----1
c;; -
0 4 8 12 INCHES ~ 0 ~ .4 8 12 INCHES

Perfect conductor-

F1ouu 117.-Proflles over tank models with Wenner conftguratton showing etrect of dip on apparent reslltivlty.
Electrode separation a -Sin. for all curves. BoHd curves are for horizontal proflles along traverses perpendicular
to strike; dashed curves are for transverse traverse profiles with line of electrodes parallel to the strike. Angles
of dlp-00, 30°, 60°, and 900. Adapted and In part modified from Helland (1932b).

less than 6°) dip where the resistivity of the lower bed theoretica.lly by rotating the current electrodes about
is 10 times that of the upper bed (Weaver, 1928). their midpoint until the potential at the midpoint is
There is 'lack of symmetry about the midpoint between the mean potential; and information concerning the dip
the current electrodes. For comparison, the dashed of the bed can then be determined from profiles taken
curve in figure 118 shows the departure from the normal along a. tra.verse perpendicular to the strike.
potential for a. horizontal layer whose depth is the depth, Figure 119 shows the equipotential lines on the surface
namely, 60 feet, of the slanting layer at the midpoint of the ea.t"th around a. point source of current over a.
between current electrodes 01 and 02. It is reasoned contact dipping 45 ° (Cha.stenet de Gery and Kunetz,
from these curves that the departure from the normal 1956). The reflection ·factor is 0.8. The units of
potential at the midpoint of the configuration along a. potential are arbitrary. Along the outcrop of the
tra. verse perpendicular to the strike of the sloping bed dipping contact, for arbitrary dip and resistivity con-
greatly .exceeds the departure from the normal potential trast, the potential is given by equation 191A, which
at the same midpoint of the same configuration along reduces to
a. traverse pa.ra.llel to the strike of a. sloping bed. The
strike of the slanting layer therefore can be determined

500 ~
400 ....
--- - ~
Dipping layer
..... ,
' ', ~
Q: 100
''' ~ .......

"' ~
z Horizontal layer -~
0 0

'",, ~

1- -100
-200 ', ~
' ...........

-400 I I I I I I I I I I I

60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260


P' =
~ ~

P" =10 P'

Fioua& 118.-Departure from normal potentials caused by a slanting layer (solid curve) and horizontal layer (dashed curve). Slope of dipping bed Is 10 percent
lsligbtly less than 8°); depth of horizontal bed=-80 ft. ,1'•10,1. Adapted from Weaver (1928). Copyright by Am.lnst. Mining Metall. Engineers.

PROFILES PAR.ALLEL TO THE STRIKE restricted conditions. In treu.ting the resistivity

In the dipping-bed problem the complexity of anomalies over inclined faults or beds, we find it con-
obtaining the potential at a point on the surface of the venient therefore to discuss first the profiles obtained
lower bed is much greater than that of obtaining the over the upper bed; we will discuss later the more
potential at a point on the surface of the upper bed. difficult problems of profiles over the lower bed and
We have already shown that the former problem can profiles that cross the, fault tracE~the contact between
never be solved exactly by images and that the latter the upper and lower bed. In examining the resistivity
problem can be solved exactly by images under very anomalies obtained over the upper bed, the easier



p" p"

FIGURE 119 .-Equipotentiallines on surface of earth around 8 point source of current over 8 contact dipping 45°. Reflection factor k=0.8. Units of potential are arbi-
trary. Adapted from Chastenet de O&y and Kunetz (1956).

problem of profiles taken along traverses parallel to infinity is 1.386. At a dip angle 4>1 =90°---that is, for a
the strike is discussed first, then the more difficult vertical fault-the value of Pal p' remains constant at
problem of profiles taken along traverses perpendicular 2 for all values of the electrode separation; in this case
to the strike. the line of electrodes lies along the vertical fault trace
and the apparent resistivity remains independent of the
electrode separation. The fact that the apparent-
We have seen that the exact solution to the dipping-
resistivity curves for different dip angles cross each
bed problem based on image theory is restricted to
other at intermediate values of afh is explained qualita-
profiles over the upper bed only and to certain discrete
tively by Unz by the varying share of the p' and p"
angles of dip; also the bottom bed must be either
areas in carrying the bulk of the current. The asymp-
perfectly conducting or insulating. In this section we
totic values of the different curves are given in figure
will examine the theoretical curves that are based on
image theory with these restrictions and also the
For a perfectly conducting bottom bed (fig. 120),
~pproxi~ations that are needed when the image theory
the apparent resistivity for all dip angles becomes zero
Is used In more general cases than the restricted ones
as the line of electrodes comes nearer to the trace of the
just mentioned.
bed. Thus the asymptotic value is zero for all values
Unz (!953), ':ho used image theory, was the first to
of dip angle. Crossing of the apparent-resistivity
present In Engbsh the exact apparent-resistivity curves
curves occurs in this case, too, but not as pronouncedly
as measured with the Wenner configuration in the
as in the previous case. The curves shown in figure 120
upper formation and oriented parallel to the strike of
are for angles that are submultiples of r/2 only.
the dipping beds. Figures 120 and 121 show the results
Figure 120 shows that for a Wenner profile parallel
of the analysis of the dipping-bed problem that can be
to the strike and overlying the upper bed, the measure-
made with the image theory (Unz, 1953).
ments are much more sensitive to changes in dip for a
For ~eflect~on factors k= ± 1 (fig. 120), the diagrams
bottom bed that is perfectly insulating than for one
for vanous d1p angles </>1 are exact, and their asymptotic
that is perfectly conducting.
v~lues were_ che~ked by Unz. In these diagrams,
The vertical resistivity profiles for a perfectly insulat-
h Is the vertical distance from the line of electrodes to
~he co?tact between the two beds. For a perfectly
ing bed that dips at an angle different from a sub-
Insulating bottom bed (fig. 120), the asymptotic value multiple of r (for example, fig. 120) can be obtained
for a horizontal bed (</>1 =0°) is (Pafp')atA=m=m; and, from figure 121, which shows a plot of apparent-resis-
as expected, the slope of this straight line going to tivity values as a function of the dip angle q,1 for k=

0 oL-------~2~------~4L----~----~6--------~8~------~10

FIGURE120'.-Vertical resistivity profiles over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of
dipping bed for various. angles &f dip ~ Wenner configuration. Reflection factor~ A:=:H.
Adapted from Unz (1953).


8 "" '\8 /J:/ (J

\ 1\ ,
7 p

~IQ. 4

5 ~
4 ~ ~

-- r--=: ~ ~
--;;::::::: 1::::::::.-

- 1--- ~
1---- ~

o· 3o• 4o• so· 60. so• go•



7 P" p'
p" P'
*=-- P"+P'

~IQ. (~)

-----= ( .!!&./
p' GO


FIGURE 121.-Apparent-resistivity values for dlfterent angles of dip q., for vertical resistivity profl.les
over upper bed along traverse parallel to strike of dipping bed, Wenner eonftguration. Upper,
Values for reflection factor k•+1 for various electrode separations. Adapted from Unz (1953).
Lower, Asymptotic value for positive values of t'eftection factor k. SoUd curves are exact values;
dashed curves are values as obtained from image theory. Adapted from Unz (1953).

+1. Unz obtained these curves by computing the Figure 123 shows how the en·or of the determination
exact apparent-resistivity values, using different values of the angle of dip 4>1 depends on different resistivity
of the parameter afh, for angles that are submultiple of contrasts and on the true anglEI of dip, when using the
...-for which the image theory, which he used, holds- Sumi method. The chart is calculated on the assump-
and then connecting these exact points with a smooth tion that the apparent resistivity is known exactly
curve. Thus. he could take points off these curves and within ±5 percent.
use them as exact apparent-resistivity values to chart Sumi's method is obviously ~one that can serve only
the curves shown in figure 120 for angles that are in detailed work after the tra~~ of the fault o.r dipping
different from the submultiples of..-. In figure 121, all bed has been mapped rather accurately. Effects of
curves converge toward a single point for which the fault gouge, which is limited to a comparatively
p.fp'=2 and <t>t=90°-that is, for a vertical fault. The narrow zone, will generally bEl negligible at the large
points of crossing of apparent-resistivity curves in electrode separations used in this method.
figure 120 appear in figure 121 as points for which the TBBOUTICAL b11BVBS BAUD Olr HADOliiC AlULYSIS
ordinates are equal for a given value of a/h. Figure 124 shows the vertical resistivity profiles with
For dipping beds in which the reflection factor is the Wenner configuration ovt~ the upper bed along
different from either + 1 or -1, Unz computed some traverses parallel to the strik•~ of perfectly insulating
approximate apparent-resistivity curves and tried to (lc= + 1) and conducting (lc= -1) lower beds dipping
analyze the degree of approximation that the image at various angles (Maeda, 195lb).
theory affords toward the exact solution of the dipping- Figures 125 and 126 show vertical profiles for the
bed problem. He reasoned that for intermediate posi- Wenner configuration over th1e upper bed along trav-
tive reflection factors, the maximum error resulting erses taken parallel' to the stlrike of beds of different
from the image theory occurs in the asymptotic values. resistivity contrasts and dipping at angles of 45° and
Figure 121 shows the asymptotic values of apparent 60°, respectively (Maeda, 1955). The ratio of the
resistivity for different angles of dip for po,sitive values apparent resistivity to the tru1e resistivity of the upper
of the reflection factor. The solid curves are exact bed is plotted against a/h, -where ·a is the electrode
values and the dashed curves are values as obtained separation and h is the vertic:al distance from the line
from image theory. The errors for negative reflection of electrodes to the contact be~tween the two beds.
factors are oscillatory and more involved. When the bottom bed is of lower resistivity than the
Because every calculated curve using image theory upper bed (negative reflectioitl factors), the apparent
for a dipping bed is exact for small values of a/h, and resistivity for a vertical resistivity profile parallel to
because its true asymptotic value is known for large the strike is rather insensitiv•~ to changes in dip; and
values of afh, Unz found it convenient to correct the it would be very difficult, with field data for such a
apparent-resistivity curve obtained from image theory profile, to distinguish between a dip of 60° and 45 °.
by modifying its asymptote only. A corrected reflec- When the bottom bed is of higher resistivity than the
tion factor lc' must be substituted in the equation to upper bed (positive reflectio](l factors), the apparent
adapt its asymptote to the true value (ptJfp')o.,.=O. resistivity for such a profile is rather insensitive to
We will discuss in the next section the accuracy at- changes in dip for small reflec.tion factors but sensitive
tained by Unz in one of his approximate curves for a to changes in dip for large Jrefle~tion factors; a~~ it
dipping bed with finite resistivity contrasts. would probably be possible under 1deal field condtttons
Sumi (1953), using elementary principles already with large reflection factors to distinguish between a
given in a previous theoretical section of this section, dip of 60° and 45 °. . . . .
computed and charted curves that can be used to obtain It should be emphasized that a vertical reststtvtty
the angle of dip of a dipping bed or fault when the line profile taken parallel to the strike of dipping beds is a
of electrodes coincides with the outcrop of the horizontal weak field technique to determine the dip. 1\1ore
contact (fig. 122). If the· resistivities p' and p" are powerful techniques will be shown below. .
Figure 127 shows vertical resistivity profiles wtth
known from other measurements in the region, a single
the Wenner configuration along traverses parallel to
measurement of the apparent resistivity Po. with the line the strike of beds of finite resistivity contrasts (p" I p' =
of electrodes along the outcrop of the contact is theo- 10 and p"fp'=1/10) and dipping at various angles
retically sufficient to determine the angle of dip tl>t· (Huber, 1955). The graphs plotted on logarithmic
As plotted by Sumi (fig. 122), a known value of Po.! p" paper. Curves are given for angles of dip both less
(on the abscissa) and p4 fp' (on the ordinate) determines than and also greater than 90°; therefore, the curves
the value of <f>t, which is plotted as parameter lines on apply when the line of electrodes lie on both the upper
the chart. and lower beds.


FJGt1RE 122.-Diagram for determination of angle of dip ~of dipping bed wben line of electrodes coincides with
outcrop of contact, Wenner con1lguratlon. Adapted from Sumi (1953).

0.8 ~-----+------~------4-------~----~-------+------4-------+-----_,

0.9 ~===i=====l=====::!=====~=====f===F==---+---t===9


FIGURE 123.-Diagram showing the error in the determination of the angle of dip .P1 of dipping bed for d11ferent angles of true dip
and for different resistivit7 contrasts, when using the Sumi method. Apparent resistivity P• is assumed known exactly within
::C5 percent. Adapted from Sumi (1953).


8r------+-------r--~--r-,_----~--~~-r---+--+-~ ·~~~

*=+1 /v ag;.. - · - ,__


i /
v ,
. . . . ~...... 4$ ... - -- 1--

,""""'" / ,. .~" ,. ,.--·-
6o· ----- 1---
/ ,' .,.
...... ... ~
/ /
/,."'I,......... ...

Q.4Q. 1
~ --,.,.,.. ~:;::. :'.. ...- .. ~~
... _::-. -

----------~:::..:- ·-- r-
0.8 -............. ~ ......... '~ - ...... , ..
0.61-------+------ '~:----+-'3oo..-+-l~
........ ~---+~_.::....~____,-o:-=-f-----+--+----1

""'" '~
0.41-------+-----~--~~+--~----~-------r~-+--+-~ ~ --~r-_
~ 45"
'· '
\ \ "'
-~·' ~\--+--+---i

0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
\~'7 \ 2 4 6 8 10

k= P'!t-P'


FIGURE 124.-Vertieal resistivity profiles over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of perfectly insulating
(k=+1) and conducting (k--1) lower beds dipping at various angles •" Wenner configuration. Adapted
from Maeda (1951b).

Figure 128 shows theoretical vertical resistivity pro- to the line of electrodes. As would be expected, th
files for the Schlumberger configuration over both the effect of the dip is considerably less when the line o
upper and lower beds along traverses parallel to the electrodes is on the updip side than when it is on the
strike of a bed dipping 45° (Chastenet de Gery and downdip side of the dipping contact.
Kunetz, 1956). Various resistivity contrasts are as- The apparent resistivity is plotted in both cases as
sumed. The abscissa of the graphs is the distance the ratio Pal p', where p' is the true resistivity of the
AB/2. Electrode separations are measured in units of medium containing all the electrodes. If the resistivity
the distance from the outcrop of the dipping contact were plotted instead on an absolute scale, the asymp-


Q."'Q. 2.0 Q.·rQ.




*=0.2 -0.8

1.0 0
2 a 4 0 2 a
7i h

p" ..... p'

P"+ P'

P" p'·

FIGUBB 126.-Vertical reaistivity proftJes over upper bed along traveraea parallel to strike of bed dipping 45°, Wenner conflguratlon.
Reftectlon factor i-:S:-1.0, %0.8, ±0.6, :::1::0.4, and %0.3. Adapted from Maeda, 19M.

totic values for large electrode separations would be the OOKPAB.tSOll or APPAB.DT·USISTIVITY 011BVIS
same, for a given resistivity contrast, regardless of Figure 129 shows a comparison of the approximate
which side of the contact the electrodes are placed. apparent-resistivity profiles with the correct vertical
This statement is true only if the line of electrodes is profile for beds dipping at an angle of 45° (Van Nostrand
oriented parallel to the strike of the contact. The rea- and Cook, 1955). The resistivity contrast is 1 to 4;
son is that the parallel component of the electric field the upper set of curve.." represent the case in which the
must be continuous across the boundary. As the elec- upper bed is more conducting, and the lower set the
trode separation increases, the configuration moves rela- case in which the lower bed is more conducting. The
tively closer to the boundary. Since Pa is here (for the Wenner configuration is alined parallel to the strike of
Schlumberger configuration) calculated from the elec- the beds. The apparent resistivity is plotted against
tric field, it follows that Pa must be the same on both the electrode separation on logarithmic paper. The
sides of the fault when the configuration is parallel to exact curves are based on equation 186. The integral
the strike and the electrode separation is large. was evaluated by Simpson's rule, dividing the intervals


Cl.·lea. 2.0 ~lea




P" P' ·.

FIGURE 126.-Vertical resistivity pro1iles over upper bed along traverses parallel to strike of bed dipping 60", Wenner configuration.
Reflection factor k=±l.O, ±0.8, ±0.6, ±0.4, and ±0.2. Adapted from Maeda (1955).

0 ~ 8 ~ 1 and 1 ~ 8 ~ 4 each into six parts. The re- k= -0.6 contains a maximum error of about 15 percen
mainder for· 8>4 is negligible, being less than 0.05 per- at a=2. In: this ease Aldredge's approach leads to a
cent. Computations for the approximate curves are negative apparent resistivity, which is possible in some
based on equations given by the respective authors. cases of very complex geology but is impossible here.
Fork= +0.6, we see that Unz was correct in assuming We emphasize that this example, both with respect
that the maximum error in his raw curve was in its to the resistivity contrast and to the angle of dip if that
asymptotic value. His modified curve very closely angle is a submultiple of r, embodies about the maxi-
approximates the true curve, displaying an error of only mum error possible in Unz's approximation (Unz,
3.5 percent at about a=2. Th:e Aldredge curve, which written communication). Therefore, errors in approxi-
is based on an unacceptable premise, is about as good mations for other. angles or for other resistivity contrasts
as the Unz corrected curve. Unz's modified curves for would at worst be only slightly .larger than those shown
p; =10





P" 1
p; = fO

10 100


FIGURE 127.-Vertical resistivity profiles along trs:verses parallel to strike of beds of finite resistivity contrasts (p" fp' = 10 and P" fp' =
l/10) and dipping at various angles q,1, Wenner configuration. Ada,pted from Huber (1955) by permission of Sprin8er-Verlag,
Vienna, Austria.

n thiS example and would probably be less. Of course, angle of dip, Tesistivity contrast, and orientation of the
there would be no error when k·= ± 1, when c/>1 =0°, or electrode configuration. Without exact numerical com-
when 4>1=90°. putations the quantitative influence of the parameters
General conclusions, especially those concerning- the upon the character of the apparent-resistivity curves is
accuracy of approximations applied to exa1nples other often unpredictable~ We emphasize that Unz's analy-
than the one chosen, must await a mor-e thorough study sis is restricted to traverses lying the upper bed and in
that fucludee· variations of all the parameOOI's, such as oriented parallel to the strike of .the dipping beds.


------~~----0-.4______ _

~~1Q. I I ""- I ~·I'- I I ~---~ ~
~ ~; ------j h\"'----. - j ~z
o.J I ,(

\ '-1 -0.95_____ ~~ •/=~

OJ I -
10 100 LA
O.QI 1


PIOUBB 128.-VertitlaJ. resistivity proftles over (A) lower bed and (B) upper bed along travel'S68 parallel to strike of bed dipplug 46.,, Bcblumberger conftguratlon. Various vat•JeJofreftectlon factor tare 8118UJD8d.
(Adapted from Chastenet de O~ry and Kunetz (1966)).

.....------ --~ -- -- ~-- 1-- ~-

,/"' ~~
......L--:::-: ::;;=._:-;::=
~-==-~ C' 'D
... ...:. - :::. --=- ~--
-- 1-- -


0.9 ~ .._-::::::
0.8 ~ t'-~
r-." ~' .......
~- ~
''~ ~"

0.5 ' .... ..........

\\ "~
' ""- .......
0.4 \.
.. ,' ~
\ ' .. r----- ~--- 1---- 1----
--- -
\ r--
\ ~ ...

k=-0.6 \
", ...

----- r-- --
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

k= P"+P'


FIGURE 129.-Comparison of approximate vertical resistivity profiles {Wenner configuration) with exact curves for reflection factor 1=±0.6, angle of dlp
tbt=45°, and with line of electrodes parallel to strike of dipping bed. (A) Exact curves based on Maeda (1955) and Skal'skaya {1948). tB) Unz (1953) prelimi-
nary curves based solely on images. (C) Unz (1953) corrected curves. (D) Aldredg~ (1937) curves. Adapted from Van Nostrand and Cook (1955}.


His approximations seem to be adequate for positive
reflection factors but are borderline for negative reflec- VDTICAL PKOFILIS THAT DO liOT CROSS TBB COliTACT

tion factors. For positive reflection factors, the Figure 130 shows vertical resistivity profiles with the
apparent-resistivity curves based on Aldredge's method asymmetrical Wenner configuration over the upper bed
warrant checking to ascertain the limits of their relia- along a traverse perpendicular to the strike of both
bility in the case of profiles taken both parallel and +
perfectly insulating (k= 1) and conducting (k= -1)
perpendicular to the strike of the dipping beds. lower beds dipping at various angles (Maeda, 1951b).
BBS11LTS OF XODIL ST11DDS The current electrode is closer to the outcropping trace
of the contact than the potential electrodes. In each
The dashed curves in figure 117 show apparent-resis- case, the current electrode is fixed and the electrode
tivity values for profiles taken with the line of electrodes separation a is varied. All distances are with references
parallel to the strike of the dipping plane; the line of
to h taken as unity, where h is the vertical distance
electrodes is moved so that it is always parallel to the between the ·line of electrodes and the contact between
strike as it crosses over and beyond the dipping plane. the two dipping beds. The ratio of the apparent
Hubbert (1932, p. 12) designated this type of profiling resistivity to the true resistivity p1 of the upper bed is
as a transverse traverse profile; it is not used commonly
plotted on the ordinate.
in resisti-vity prospecting. This type of a profile, from
a strictly theoretical viewpoint, yields a theoretical Figure 131 shows the corresponding vertical resistiv-
apparent-resistivity curve that is identical to a vertical ity profiles with the asymmetrical Wenner configuration
resistivity profile taken at a fixed distance from the when the current electrode is farther from the out-
trace of the plane along a traverse parallel to the strike cropping trace of the contact than the potential elec-
of the plane. Although no theoretical curves for a trodes. (Maeda, 1951).
vertical profile over a dipping perfectly conducting Figure 132 shows the vertical resistivity profiles
plane are available to us for comparison with the pro- with the asymmetrical Wenner configuration over the
files obtained with the models, we can compare the upper bed along a traverse perpendicular to the strike
right-hand part of the profiles over the models with the of beds dipping at 60°, 45°, and 30°; various values of
theoretical vertical profiles for the Wenner configura- the reflection factor are used (Maeda, 1955).
tion along traverses parallel with the strike of the Figure 133 shows the vertical resistivity profiles with
dipping bed, which are now available for dips of 45° the Wenner configuration over the upper bed along a
and 60° (figs. 1~5 and 126). In this comparison, we traverse perpendicular to the strike of both perfectly
must use only those curves for a reflection factor of insulating and perfectly conducting lower beds (k=
-1.0; and our comparison will be 1imited to a study of ± 1.0) dipping at various angles (Maeda, 1955). In
the downdip side of the fault only, because the profiles each case, the current electrode nearest the surface
over the bottom bed-which is of zero resistivity-are trace is fixed and the electrode separation a is varied.
indeterminate. Moreover, the comparison must be an
AU distances are with reference to the distance x taken
inverse one in which the large electrode separations in
vertical profiling correspond to points at which the as unity.
transverse traverse profile of Hubbert approaches the Figure 134 shows vertical resistivity profiles with the
conducting sheet. Wenner configuration along a traverse perpendicular
For a dip of 90° (dashed curve, fig. 117D) the appar- to the strike of beds of finite resistivity contrasts
ent resistivity is a minimum, as the line of electrodes is (p" fp' = 10 and p" fp' = 1/10) and dipping at various
vertically over the apex of the conducting sheet; the angles (Huber, 1955). The profiles do not cross the
apparent resistivity does not go to zero, which would contact. In figure 134 left, current electrode 02, which
be so if the sheet were exposed, because the apex of the is the electrode nearest the outcropping trace of the con-
sheet is kept slightly submerged in the tank experiment. tact, remains fixed; and the expansion of the configura-
For a dip of 60° (dashed curve, fig. 1170), a minimum tion is charted on the abscissa as the ratio L=3a/d,
in the apparent resistivity occurs as the configuration where d, the distance from the outcropping trace to
crosses the apex of the conducting sheet. If the apex
0 2 , is unity. In figure 134 right, current electrode 01
of the sheet were at the water level in the tank, a mini-
mum of zero resistivity would be obtained, as the line of remains fixed; and the expansion of the configuration
electrodes is positioned along this apex. For a dip of is charted on the abscissa as the ratio L/D=3a/D,
30° {dashed curve, fig. 117B), the minimum is shifted where D, the distance from the outcropping trace to
farther downdip, as would be expected. 0 11 is unity.

6 /
k=+1 /
4 / ,..,.,..,-
......- ---
f/>··=00. .~
30°.........._ J~~ --
-- --- ·-
~ ---


~~ >------
---- ~-

k?"' ~
l--:::":: ~ v~
"" - - -::..:::-=---=-
·-:: ~
- r=-::-::.--?- :::::::--
:-::::-:.-> ~
f/11 = oo--
30°- > ~~ ~

------- ~
----- k=-1



'\' ·,


0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
'~ ' ~
i\\ \
6 8 10


P" P'

FIGUBB 130.-Vertieal resistivity proftles over upper bed along traverse perpendicular to strike of perfectly insulating
(reflection factor k= +1, upper set of curves) and conducting (k= -!,lower set of curves) lower beds dipping at various
angles ~. asymmetrical Wenner configuration. Current electrode i.e; closer to outcropping trace· of contact than
potential electrodes. Adapted from Maeda (19.'i1b).


a vertical fault. For example, peaks A and A' lie
HORIZONTAL PROFILES a distance of a/4 from the outcrop of the trace of the
Figure 135 shows horizontal resistivity profiles with inclined fault, as for the vertical fault. The im-
both the Lee -and Wenner configurations along a trav- portant feature of great diagnostic value that distinguishes
erse perpendicular to the strike of a fault dipping 45 °. the inclined fault from the vertical fault in the present
The profiles cross the contact. The resistivity of the example is the high apparent-resistivity value of peak
material on the left of the contact is four times that on A in the p2 curve. For a vertical fault, peak A the-
the right. oretically has a value equal to that of the country
For the Lee configuration (fig. 135A) the general rock (4 units in this case); in the present dipping-fault
appearance of the Pt and P2 curves is similar to that for example, peak A has a value of about 4.5. (See pl. lF


*=+1 /
30° -------z;
/ .....- --- f.--

~-- ---- 1--

1:0 ~-
v, v
"' ~
~ -- ~
~, _.-;.... ...

--~·- ~ ~
~IQ. 1 ~

~~ = oo~/
X ~,
30° '
600/ v I"'1\.' ' ' \'\
45°/ "'\.

\ ~
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

,~\ 4 6 8 10

c2 at 00 cl SURFACE

P" P'

F'IGUBB 131.-Vertical resistivity profiles over upper bed along traverse perpendicular to strike of perfectly insulating
(k-+1, upper set of curves) and conducting (k--1, lower set of curves) lower beds dipping at various angles c;"
asymmetrical Wenner configuration. Current electrode is farther from outcropping· trace of contact than potential
electrodes. Adapted from Maeda (1951b).

for comparison with vertical fault.) In addition, peaks at B and B' are of great academic importance
peak A' on the p 1 curve has a value of about 2.85 for a because they represent the converging-current effect
vertical fault with the same resistivity contrast and a as current electrode 02 lies near the outcrop of the
value of about 3.6 for the dipping fault. Similarly fault plane. The same results would be obtained for
the apparent-resistivity values of peaks B and B' in
beds dipping 45° and having a contact located where
the P2 and P1 curves, respectively, are much higher for
the dipping fault than the corresponding values for the the fault plane is shown.
vertical. fault. Although this difference is not of great For the Wenner configuration (fig. 135B), peak A
diagnostic value on field curves because it cannot be lies a distance of a/2 from the outcrop of the inclined
so readily recognized on this part of the curves, these fault trace, as for the vertical fault. Peak A is also
10 10 10
A c-60•
B «=45°
c "=30°



4 <I!'!~ -
*= 1.0 l-- ~ 1--
f--' ~
2 - ~
0.75 ----- - 2 ~
_,.,... I--

2 / ~ ~ 1--

~ ~
~~ !--'- -~
I-/ ~ 1---"Mo
l:;::= ~ :...---:
,•,q, - ..--::::; ~
b::::: :::::: 1- ~

0.25 ,•,q_ 1 ,_--:;;.-__...::::: ::::=:::::

_.-:: ~ ~
- E:::= ~
-;;;::::: t-.;;:- -.;::
~ r---...
--r-:::: ~
~ -0.25
, .. ,Q. 1
0.8 ::s
IS:" t-'-.,. ~
'R ~--............. -M" I"-
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 ~ ~~ r--- - 1--
0.4 ~ ~ 1--- -- 0.4 ~'\ ~~ t'-- r- ~
'~ ~ ~
Ls:.75 UJ
~ ...........



0.1 - -·---
............. ~

0.1 L.
"' ~-
~ .....

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a 2 4 6 8 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 4 6 8 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.81 .; 2 4 6 8 10
x •
C 1 at oo- SURFACE
cl atoo- SURFACE
cl atoo-
p'LP' P"- p' P" P•
*'=zp"+P' P'' p' k=--- P" P'
P"+ P'

Flouaa 182.-Vertlcal resistivity profiles over upper bed alone traverse perpendiouJar to strike of beds diPPinc at (.A) 60°, (B) '6°, and (C) aoo, asymmetrlcal Wenner oonftguration. Reflection factor t- :t:1.0, ::f:O,71.
::1:0.110, and :t:O.:M. Adapted from Maeda (1961).



6 ~
k=+1 v

2 / ~ ~ 1--
v~ ~ 600


-- ~

~ t--

0.6 ~ 45°


0.4 \ t--- r--

\ ll "" r-.


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 l rJ 2 4 6 8 10

P"-p' p" p'


FIGURE· la:L-Vertical EeSistivity profiles over upper bed along traverse perpendlculal' to strike
or perfectly insulating (reftectton factor k=+l) ami perfectly conducting (k=-1) lower beds
dipping at various angles .p,., Wenner ronftguration. Adapted from Maeda (1955).

of much higher value than for the vertical fault of the traverse perpendicular to the strike of a bed or fault
same resistivity contrast. dipping 45°. The profiles cross the contact. The
Figure 136 shows horizontal resistivity profiles resistivity contrast is 1 to 4.
across the conta.ct with the Wenner configuration For a station one unit to the left of the outcrop of
along a traverse perpendicular to the strike of beds of the fault trace-that is, over the medium of higher
finite-resistivity contnsts (p" 1p' = 10 and p"1p' = 1/10) resistivity on the updip side-an abrupt decrease
in the apparent resistivity occurs for both the Lee
and dipping at vo.rious angles (Huber, 1955). The
and Wenner configurations as current electrode Ot
distance L between the current electrodes is equal to
crosses the fault plane; the minimum of the curve
3a. For a bottom bed· of greater resistivity than the occurs, however, as 0 1 lies a short distance to the right
upper bed, the current-converging effect when current of the outcrop of the fault tr.ace. As potential electrode
electrode 0 2 lies near the outcropping trace is pro- P 1 crosses the contact, a peak occurs in the Wenner
nounced for small and intermediate angles of dip. curve and in the Lee P1 curve.
For· a station one unit to the right of the outcrop
of the fault trace-that is, ever the medium of lower
Figure 137 shows· vertical resistivity profiles with resistivity on the downdip side--a current-converging
both the Lee and Wenner eonfigurations along a peak occurs on both the Lee and Wenner curves
4 4•
•• =15.

3 3
p'=10 p"

2 2



0.3~--~~---------------L------------------~ 0.3 ~----------'----------------'

1 10 100 0.5 L

~d=l~~------- L ------+1
ChY Ct
p•l P' a=-

FIGURE 134.-Vertical resistivity proiDes along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds of finite resistivity contrasts (p"fp'=lO and p"fp'=l/10) and dipping at various angles
••· Wenner configuration. Profiles do not cross contact. Left, Current electrode C2 remains fixed. Right, Current electrode C1 remains fixed. Adapted from Huber
(1955) by permission of Springer-Verlag, Vie11na, Austria.

as current electrode 0 2 crosses the outcrop of the twice as great for a 45 °-dipping fault as for a vertical
fault plane. The discontinuity in slope, which occurs fault, when the same resistivity contrasts are assumed.
as P 2 crosses the contact, is less pronounced than for (See fig. 59 for comparison with a vertical fault.)
a vertical fault. The "plateau" in the apparent For both the Lee and Wenner vertical profiles
resistivity curve in the intervals between the crossing the most diagnostic feature to differentiate an in-
of the contact 0 2 and P 2 , for both the Lee and Wenner clined fault or bed from a vertical fault or bed is the
configurations, occurs at a much higher value of current-converging peaks and the unusually high
apparent resistivity for the inclined fault than for a values of the apparent-resistivity plateaus. When the
vertical fault. For the Lee configuration, the "spread" Lee configuration is used, the wide spread between the
between the PI and P2 curves in the plateau part of P2 and p 1 curves in the plateau region is also of diag-
the curves-that is, the difference between the average nostic value.
value of P2 in the plateau area and the average value Figure 138 shows vertical resistivity profiles across
of PI in the region beneath this plateau-is about the contact with the Wenner configuration along a


---== ~
\... ~,
' I\ l
I \ ! ..:1P.
\.V i P'
P• !

\ .... _ B
" ,.I\

' -- ~~
1.0 ~-
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5

\ A

'- J\
l/ \

' ~
' B
1'-. /~
1.0 r-- ~

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5
F'IOUBJ: 136.-Horfzontal resistivity proftles with both the (A) Lee and
(B) Wenner conftgurations
along traverse perpendicular to strike of fault dipping 45°. Profiles CI'08S contact. Reftection
factor k-+o.e.


0.1 L--o=:::::=~~~==:::f::~.L _ _ __l__ _ _ __ j_ __j

-2 -1 0 2

j+-- L=3a--+j



FIGURB 136.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across contact along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds of
flnite-reststivity contrasts (p"/,1=10 and p"/p'=1/10) and dipping at various angles </It, Wenner configura-
tion. L-1 unit. Adapted from Huber (1955) by permission of Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria.

traverse perpendicular to the strike of beds of finite- The curves show clearly the current-converging effects
resistivity contrasts (p" fp' = 10 and p" fp' = 1/10) and for small and intermediate angles of dip.
dipping at various angles (Huber, 1955). The station Figure 139 shows vertical resistivity profiles with the
is taken a. unit distance from the outcropping trace of Schlumberger configuration along a. traverse perpen-
the contact. The abscissa. is plotted in terms of the dicular to the strike of a. bed or fault· dipping 45°
distance L between the current electrodes (L=3a). (Cha.stenet de Gery and Kunetz, 1956). The profiles

,, -- ---
4.0 4.0

-· -- -- -
~ _P,_I _,..
\\. f-- ~--- ~I'"·
/" ~
p /

/ /~

3.0 / 'I PI Pz
v ..........
.....t. P(
-- I

l !
2.0 2.0
I /,/
'-- - -M--
17-.!.-1-· PI

1.0 """'
0 2 4

4.o~c~~~,_~,-~~~~~~-r-r~~~~~~_, r----r---r--..--'1---.-,--,-!---,----,----,----,----,---,---,---,---,---,---,--,---, 4.0

D +-+-r---~' -+-·
t--t-1---t-l'\l-+---+---1f---!-l~ =l--jr------1-r-.--ll--+---+--+------t--+-t= _--
l . . V:
' : ! T j-

- --r---.
-1- -- --j- ' --
i !
3 .0 1--t--t--+---+--+---r-- --,---t---i---i-1----1--1--t--+----t--4--+-- i - -+---+--+---t--+--+---1---1---1----t-----t---+--+-- 3.0

--r--r -r---r-T - 1 --1-- ----1r--r--t--t--t--t--t--t--t--+-+--t--1
i --~ -
I i

jj~~ '-_
t--1--t--t--+--+--+--+---+--+--+-+-+--+-J -=r--
2.0 t--t--1--t--+--+--+-+-+i--+-+-+-+-+-+1 J__j - - - r - - --__ ~-+-= ---+--+-/--+L'---t--+---+--+-+-+--+--1--t--+---i 2.0
1--t--t--t--+--+--+--+--+--+--+-+-+- ---- --- 4 r--1-----4---t----i 1-----+-+r-.....+- --+ 1 - ..,

a a
x x
FIGURE 137.-Vertical resistivity profiles with both the (A and B) Lee and (C and D) Wenner configurations along traverse perpendicular to strike of fault dipping
45°. Profiles cross contact. Reflection factor k=+0.6.

cross the contact. Various values of k are used. The current electrode reaches the contact. At this elec-
electrode separations are measured in units of the trode separation, the apparent resistivity is intermediate
distance from the surface trace to the center of the between p' and p''. For increasingly larger electrode
configuration. Owing to the geometry of the Schlum- separations, the apparent resistivity decreases asymp-
berger electrode configuration itself, these curves are totically to zero.
paradoxical in that the apparent resistivity approaches TRAVERSES AT VARIOUS AZIMUTHS

either infinity or zero, for large electrode separations, Huber (1955) computed and plotted the apparent
in all of these curves. Let us consid·er only the case resistivities that would be obtained with the Wenner
for which p">p' (that is, k>O). As would be expected, configuration at a station over the upper bed as the line
for small electrode separations the curves start out of electrodes is rotated with constant electrode separa-
with Pa= p'; and, as the electrode separation is increased, tion about one of the current electrodes, which is kept
the apparent resistivity increases until the right-hand fixed. The azimuth angle w of the line of electrodes is
Ill Gl
Gl Ill
Ill Ill
eu - =10

P" !
li· =1o

0.1 ~------------~--------~~--------------~------~~------------------------------~==
2 6 10
L 100



a= 3

FIGURE 138.-Vertical resistivity profiles along traverse perpendicular to strike of beds of finite-resistivity contrasts (p"Jp' = 10 and p"I p' =1/10) and dipping
at various angles t/>1, Wenner configuration. Profiles across contact. d= 1 unit. Adapted from Huber (1955) by permission of Springer-Verlag, Vienna,

measured relative to the direction of the horizontal Figure 140 shows the a.pparent-resistivity values for
component of the dip vector. The distance between finite-resistivity contrasts of p" / p' = 10 (fig. 1400) and
the current electrode acting as the pivot point and the p"fp'=1/10 (fig. 1400) when d=1 and L=0.9 (Huber,
outcropping trace is always made larger than L, the 1955). Various discrete values of dip are taken, and
distance between the two current electrodes, so that the the curves are plotted for values of w ranging from 0°
line of electrodes does not cross the contact of the beds. to 180°.

10.---------------.---------------~---------------, 10.---------------,---------------~---------------.

~...,Q. ~
Q."'ICa. ~
0.1 ~;:t< I 0.1~---------jf-------1-------_j 0
0.01 .________________..__________________.__________________,
0.01'----------------~--------------~--------------~ t:l
10 100 10 100
A1JI2 ~

Fiouaz 189.-Vertlcal resistivity proflies with Schl~berger configuration along traverse porpendlcular to strike of bed dipping 46°. Profiles cross contact. Various values of reftectfon factor 1. Adapted from Chastenet
de 06ry and Kunetz (19M).
methods, as was shown in the Tri-State district as
A Plan view u early as 1929 (Maillet and Migaux, 1942, p. 73-75;
Jakosky and others., 19'42).
The objectives of the present section are to summa-
rize the theoretical treatment used in solving the
ellipsoidal a.nd hemispherical sink problem; to show
how the theoretical results can be used to interpret
field data obtained with the Lee and Wenner configura-
tions; and to devise field techniques to discover and
outline filled sinks in regions where they probably
exist. Although the data and curves shown are
specific, the conclusions probably have general utility.
B Cross {Projected configuration) THEORY
p" P' To develop the equations on which the theoretical curves
in this section are based we divide the theory into two
parts, one which depends upon spheroidal coordinates
and the second which derives from cylindrical coordi-
nates. The former is used for the filled-sink problem,
the latter for the filled-channel problem. Formulas and
c theoretical curves are given for filled sinks; but only
the formulas, without accompanying theoretical curves,
pr =10 are developed for filled cha.n,nels. If the resistivity
contrast is sufficient, shallow filled channels can be
detected in a regional survey. More information can
then be obtained by taking profiles across the channels
perpendicular to their trend. The theoretical curves
given in this section for profiles across the center of a
filled s1nk should serve adequately in the detailed work
so that the geophysicist can tell whether the linear
feature on his regional map is a filled channel or a
dikelike body extending infinitely downward. We
include the mathematics for the filled-channel problem
merely for completeness so that workers may investigate
this problem further if they so desire.
o 0
an 0co

The prolate spheroidal coordinate system (fig. 25),
with the z-e.xis oriented vertically, can be used to
investigate a sink that is circular in plan view and which
Flouu 140.-Apparent-resistivtty values over the upper bed for traverses oriented has a depth greater than the radius of this circle. The
at various azimuths "'relative to the direction of dip of beds with finite resistivity
contrasts (tl'/tl -10 and p''Ip' -1/10) and dipping at various ancles of dip ~~.Wenner same coordinate system, with the z-axis oriented
configuration. For all curves, d-1 and L-0.9. Adapted from Huber (1955) by horizontally, can be used to approximate a sink that is
permlaslon of Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria.
elliptical in plan view and nearly circular in cross-
section perpendicular to its major axis. The oblate
spheroidal coordinate system (fig. 26), with the z-axis
An understanding of the interpretation of resistivity oriented vertically, can be used to approximate a filled
data over filled sinks and channels is useful in mining sink which is circular in plan and which has a depth less
geophysics. As an example, in the Tri-State lead-zinc than the radius of this circle. Oblate spheroidal
mining district of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma, ore coordinates, with z-axis oriented horizontally, also can
bodies and mineralized zones are associated with filled be used to approximate a sink that is elliptical in plan
sinks, which are locally designated "shale sinks." view and approximately circular in a cross section taken
Under suitable conditions of resistivity contrast, filled perpendicular to its minor axis. Both prolate and
sinks lying at shallow depths can be found by resistivity oblate spheroidal coordinates degenerate into spherical

'-C l r I
.., T
[JDL I I I ~
... 0

1 I I T I I I
f I I T I J L 1 I
\ II I I 1 I l_i
\ P" I .I 1 _l I i~ P" I
I \. ,/I I I I -r 'I I L'\ / I I I
.if r 1
1"-... "
1.......... A'

L' .........


P' I



r l P' 1 ~



I P' I


FIGURE 141.-Diagrams showing notations and conventions used in resistivity theory for ftlled sinks. (A) and (B),
Prolate spheroidal coordinates; surfaces of constant third dimension are azimuthal planes through the vertical z-a'ds.
(C) and (D), Cross seeti{)ns of hemispherical sink with eurrcnt source outside and inside sink, respectively. Adapted
from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954).

coordinates. This latter system can be used to ap- inside; from equation 85, these are, respectively,
proximate a sink which is nearly hemispherical in sha>pe.
In using any of the above coordinate systems, a UtA = I P
{1R+ ~"" ~ n=O m=O
BQ,.m(11 ) P,."'(~) cos me/>}
given plane is generally designated as the surface of the
earth. Usually the plane so chosen must be a plane of
symmetry. However, since we will use the solutions
I P -R+ ~ ~
"{1 ""
n AP,."'(11)P,.m(~) cos me/>.
} (207)
n=O m=O
developed in this section for another study, it is con- . /

venient first to solve the problem of the potential due Pn•('IJ)has been excluded from UlA because it becomes
to a point source of current near a spheroid of one infinite for large 17 and Qnm(,.,) is excluded from Uu
resistivity embedded in an infinite medium of a second because it becomes infinite for 11= 1. The subscript
resistivity. notation on U is the same as that used previously
(fig. 141).
Let us consider first a point source of current at a
point Oo(17o, ~o, 0) in an infinite medium near, and outside From the condition that the potential is continuous
of, a prolate spheroid whose surface is described by across the surface 7J= 1'11t we get
71=111 (fig. 141A). The resistivity of the material BQ,."'(m) = AP,."'(m). (208)
within the spheroid is p'' and that of the material
outside is p'. We require two forms for the potential We now substitute for 1/R the expansion given in
function, one outside the spheroid and the second equation 123. We use the form applicable when
11< 71o because <
711 71o· Then, from the condition that of rotation is horizontal, we let the plane,P=O, 1r repre-
the normal component of the current density is con- sent the earth's surface. In such equations, caution
tinuous across the boundary 11=·111, we get must be used in computing potentials for theoretical
profiles because f/10 is sometimes zero and sometimes
"BQ ft1,.(7J1 ) - p1APR1"'(111 )-( 1_ ") (2-8Q,.)(2n+1) 1r. Since our equations are set up on the· hypothesis
p - p p b( -1)"'
that <J>0 =0, it is sometimes necessary to substitute
(n-m)!J , cos m(<Po-<P), or cos m (r-<P)= ( -l)m cos m<j>, for cos m<t>
X [ (n+m)! P,.m(~o)Q,.m(11o)P,.m(11t). (209)
in equations 210 and 212. If in the latter case, the
point source lies on the polar axis, the equations take
Solving equation 208 and 209 as a set of simultaneous on a particularly simple form because the field becomes
equations for A and B, and substituting them into independent of </>, and m is always zero.
equations 207, we have for the potential functions: The development in oblate spheroidal coordinates
1 1
follows the same line. However, we prefer to use the
U =lp {_!_+(p"-p ) ~ ~ (2n+1)(2-o0,.) [(n-m)!J2 substitutions given in equation 89 to transform equa-
1A 411' R b ~ ~0 (-1)"' 1n+m)!
tions 210 and 212 into similar equations applicable to
ift,.m(111)1/t~m(71t) p m(z) p m(z)Q m( )Q m( ) .~o}
oblate spheroids. The substitution is straightforward
X 1./,1m ( ) _ p 11 .I, n ~0 n ~ n no n f1 COS m'f'
p .,.. 171
,. (
.,.. '71
and we obtain

U =lp'
2A 411' · R
{l:..+ (p"-p
) ~ ~
~ ~
n=O m=O
(2n+1)(2-o0,.) ·[(n-m)!J2
(-1)"' (n+m)! !A 4.- .R
U =]p {J:.+i(p"-p')
± (2n+l)(2-~o.n)

(n- m) !] 2 if;,.m(itt) 1/l,.'m(itt)

X [ (n+m)! p'l/1,.1"'(itl) -p"!/l,.... (itt)

X P,.m(IJ.()) P,.m(I')Q,.m(ito)Q,.m(it) cos mcp}

if;,."'(x) = P,."'(x)/Q,.m(x) U =1P 1 {l+i(p"-p')
2A 471' R b
n=O m=O
± (2n+l)(2-8Q,.)
(n-m)!J2 if;,. 1 m(itt)
The primes on \fl':(x), Pnm(x), andQnm(x) have the usual X [ (n+m)! p11/tn 1m(itt) -p"if;,.m(itt)
meaning of differentiation.
X P,.m(JAo) P,.m(I')Q,."'(ito) P(it) COS mcp}
When the source is located inside the prolate spheroid
of resistivity p" (fig. 141B), the same method is ap-
plicable and the following are obtained for the potential
U _lp"{_!+i(p11 -p 1)
lB- 411' R b
n=O m=O
± (2n+l)(2-8Q,.)
;[(n-m) !]2
lp" { 1
4.,.. R b
(p --p ) '"'
-+-- ~ ~
n=O m=O
(2n+ 1) (2-~) ·[(n-m)
( -l)m (n+m)!
!J X (n+m)! p11/tn1m(itt) -p"iftnm(itt)

X P,."'(IJ.()) Pn"'(l') P!Am(iro)Q.m(it) cos mf/>}

X p 11/tlm( "'):.(p ~11/1,.m(711 )

,. 711
P,.m(~o)P,.m(~)P,.m(71o)Q,.m (71) COS mAP} u28 = lp" {l+ i(p"- p
471' R b
) ±±
n=O m=O
(2n+ l) (2-ao..)

u2 B=]p" {_!_+ (p"-p 1)

411' R b
n=O m=O
(2n+1)(2-8Q,.) [(n-m)!J2
(-1)m (n+m)!
(n-m)!Jz 1
X [ (n+m)! p11/tn 1m(ift)-p"iftnm(itt)

X P,.m(~o) P,.m(~) P,.m(11o) P,.m('l) .~o}

X P,.m(IJ.()) P,.m(l') P,."'(ito)P,.m(it) cos mcp}· (213)
pll/l~m(11t) -p"l/1,. ... (11!) cos m'f'.
(212) We can obtain the appropriate equations for a hemi-
spherical sink in one of two ways. The most obvious
Whenever we apply these equations to surface- and easiest way is to apply the above technique to the
prospecting problems-that is, when the current solution of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates
electrode is on the surface of the earth, the factor (equation 58). The second way is to examine equa-
l/4r becomes l/2r. In order to apply these equations tions 210 and 212 in the limit as b~o, because in that
to a sink which is circular in plan view and whose limit the spheroids become spheres. We recall that
semimajor axis is vertical, we choose the plane ~=0 as lim ~=cos fJ and lim 11=rjb. We combine with these
the earth's surface. Then ~0 =0 and Pnm (~)=1 for all HO lHO
values of m and n. When we apply the equations to limits the asymptotic forms of the Legendre functions
a sink which is elliptical in plan view and whose axis given in equation 120. The limits of the potential

p• p'




FIGURE 142.-Plan view of hemispherical sink showing relationship with an arbitrary-resistivity traverse. The plane of this figure corresponds to:u-plane in figure 24.
Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1964).

functions of equations 210 and 212, as b approaches zero, If we let p" =0, the solutions in equation 214 are
are then the appropriate forms for the sphere. Either identical to the solutions obtained by the theory of
by direct solutions of Laplace's equation or by the images. Let us consider the expression for U2A only.
limiting process described, we find the potential func- When p"=O, then k=-1; and the expression for
tions to be as given below, when the source lies on the u2A, when considered in the compact form shown, ap-
polar axis as shown in .figure 142. pears to vanish, because of the factor (1 +k), which
is multiplied by the summation. If we consider the
series term by term, however, we see that the zeroth
term is ]p' /2rr0 ; and, since it does not contain k, it
is not affected by letting p" =0. All the remaining
lp' {1 +k .., (2n+ 1) ( r)" } terms do vanish; and, therefore, the potential of a
Uu= 4r -,:;-- ~ (2n+1+k) To Pn (cos fJ)
perfectly conducting hemispherical sink is lp' /2rr0 ,
which is the same result as that obtained previously
lp" {1-k .., (2n+ 1) (ro)" } from the theory of images. The same remarks apply to
Uts=4;" -r- ~ (2 n+ 1 +k) r Pn (cos 8)
Uu although the limiting process is somewhat more
complicated. Summations should be considered term
I p 11
U2B=4;" R-2k
{ 1
...., (n+ 1) (ror)" }
(2n+1+k)rt2n+l Pn (cos fJ) . (214) by term whenever a limiting case is being examined.
As r approaches r 0 in magnitude, equations 214 be-
come increasingly unwieldy to use for computations.
As in the previous cases, if the hemisphere is em- As an example of how the exact value of the potential
bedded in the surface of a semi-infinite space and the in a limiting case may be used to guide the computer,
current electrodes are on the surface of the ground, let us consider U2A for a sink of such high resistivity
the factor 4r becomes 2r. This is true for a hemi- that we can suppose k= 1. By performing one step of
spherical sink, such as those shown in .figures 1410 and division we find that the quotient is merely the expan-
142. The line joining the current electrode I and the sion of the reciprocal distance (equation 103) plus a
center of the hemispherical sink (fig. 142) is taken as remainder, so that we have
the polar axis, which consequently rotates as the current
electrode moves along the traverse. r and r0 are the
distances from the center of the hemisphere to the po-
I p ---·~--
Uu=- 1 ..,
112 -
2r R r 0 11 =O n + 1 ro
(r ) n
tential electrode and current electrode, respectively;
r1 is the radius of the hemisphere; 8 is the angle sub- where the factor 4r has been changed to 2r to reflect
tended at the origin by the line drawn between the cur- the fact that we are now considering a hemispherical
rent and potential electrodes; and P,. (cos 8) is the sink and not a sphere. For a traverse passing through
Legendre polynomial. All other symbols are identical the center of the sink, a current electrode and a poten-
with those defined above for spheroids. tial electrode may simultaneously fall ~t diametrically
opposing points on the edge of the sink. The r=r0 , where
8=r, Pn (cos 8)=(-1)", and 1/1 (t ) = K .. (tr)
"' r I .. (tr)
Uu=Ip' f.!_.!"£ (-1)"1· and
2r 1R n+l
ljl,,.' (tr) C>K .. (tr)/C>I ..(tr).
C>r C>r
The summation is the Maclaurin expansion of In 2.

Uu= 2I ...
1'J2R-;:;;1 In 2 = 2Irro
p J

1-ln 2,
I From these equations, we are able to calculate the
arbitrary functions Am and Bm. Substituting the
results into equations 215, we obtain for the potential
where R, being the distance between the electrodes, is
also the diameter of the sink. Likewise r0 is the radius
Uu=Ip' f_Rl-~ (p 11
'-p 1 ) ~ (2-8om) cos me~>
of the sink. 4r 1 r m=O
Whereas the points for which r is close to r0 in magni- f.., K ... (tro) Km(tr) cos tz dtl
tude are difficult to compute because of poor conver- X Jo p"ljl,/(trl) -p'l/l(trl)
gence, we now have the limiting value of u2A in a
closed form. Thus, we are no longer obliged to calcu- Uu=Ip' J_R1 -~(p11 -p;) ~ (2-~So..) cos me/>
late data for points for which r approaches r0 very 4r 1 r m=O
closely. Other similar computational aids can be
X f.., K .. (tro) 1/l.. (trl)I .. (tr) cos tz dtl· (216)
Jo p" 1/1..' (tr1)- p' ljl(tr1)

We restrict ourselves first to channels that can be In similar fashion, we can obtain the following
approximated by semicircular cylinders. For this potential functions when the source is located within
purpose we require solutions of Laplace's equation the cylinder:
given by equation 76 and an expansion of the reciprocal
distance given by equation 111. Ip
2 (p 11 -p 1 ) ~
(2-ISo ..)
COS mcf>
Let us consider a point source of current located in
an infinite medium, whose resistivity is p', near a cylin- X fCD I .. (tro)l/l ..'(trl)l/l .. (trl)I .. (tr) cos tz dtl
'der of a second material with a different resistivity p". Jo p11 1/1..' (tr1)- p' ljl(tr1)
The axis of the cylinder coincides with the axis of
cylindrical coordinates, and the surface of the cylinder u1B=Ip" I_!__ ~ (p"-p') ~ (2-ao..> cos mq,
is described as r=r1• The origin is chosen such that 4r 1R r m=O

c/>o=O and z0 =0. In the region outside the cylinder, X fCD I .. (tro)l/l ..'(trl)Km(tr) cos tz dtl· (217)
we can discard I m(tr) from the general solution because Jo p"l/lm'(trl) -p'ljl(trl)
it becomes infinite as r approaches infinity. Inside the
cylinder, we eliminate Km(tr) because it becomes in- If these functions are to be used for a semicircular
finite on the cylindrical axis. Therefore, the two poten- channel, we let the plane cp=O, r represent the surfa~
tial functions outside and inside the cylinder have the of the earth and simply change the factor 4r to 2r In
forms, respectively, the expressions.

Uu = :
I'llR+ ~cos me~>fu

m=O 0
CD AmKm(tr) cos tz dt I Similar solutions for channels approximated by para-
bolic or ellipsoidal cross sections can be obtained with
appropriate types of cylindrical coordinate systems.

Uu = 4:I'llR+ ~cos mq,fc


m=O 0
Bmi m(tr) cos tz dt . (215)

It is sometimes desirable to know the effect on the

electrical survey of a nearby open pit or some similar
From the conditions that the potential and the natural feature. The mathematical tools necessary
normal component of the current density must be for such a study are contained in the previous two
continuous across the surface r=rtt we obtain the sections. The equations applicable to oblate spheroidal
following equations: boundaries are used to obtain the effects of shallow
depressions; the equations applicable to prolate sphe-
roidal boundaries are used for deep depressions; and
2 ( 1-~,
p" Aml/lm'(trl)-Bm=- ") (2-ISom)K.. (tro) the limiting forms for hemispherical boundaries are
p 11" p useful for hemispherical depressions.

Let us consider first the effect of an open pit that may of the hemisphere, and the resistivity of the material
be assumed hemispherical. To ascertain how the pit in the sink is one-fifth the resistivity of the surrounding
affects the potential measurements, the potential values medium. To facilitate the use oi the charts for general
along theoretical profiles at various distances from the· values of resistivity, subject only to the constant
pit mus.t be determined. Since it is assumed that none resistivity contrast of. l' to 5, the resistivity values are
of the electrodes en-ters the pit, only an expression for plotted as ordinates in ter1ns of the ratio of the apparent
UtA is needed. The desired· expression is obtained resistivity to the true resistivi~y of the medium outside
from the first of equations 214 when we change 4r to the sink. Because it is convenient to us~ dimensionless
2r, let k=1, and make p' equal to the uniform resis.tivity quantities, distances along the traverses are plotted in
p of the country rock. That equation now becomes terms of the electrode separation a and in accordance

U=- 1 p {-+-
1 r1 ~
2r R ror n.-o
~ ( 1 - -1-) -r12"
n+ 1 ro"r"
- P,. (cos 8) · (218)
with the convention of fig. 143G.
For traverse 1 (fig. l43A), which is taken over the
center of the sink, each of the apparent-resistivity
curves along the horizontal profile displays eight
A comparis.on of this equation with equation 103 separate discontinuities in slope. Each discontinuity
reveals that the part involving only the "1" in paren- correlates exactly with a position at which either a
theses leads to the existence of an image of strength current electrode or a potential electrode crosses the
(rJ/r0 )l located at a distance of r12fr 0 from the origin along boundary of the sink. Two maxima and two minima
a line connecting the origin and the point source of lying on either side of the sink are important features
current. This. is analogous to the image formed in a that characterize the horizontal traverse over the
sink filled with a perfectly conducting material. How- filled sink. On the left side of the sink the pronounced
ever, in the present case, there remains a correction peak A and the accompanying lesser peak A' lying
term to the "image solution." Thus, equation 218 directly below it (fig. 143A) lie at a distance of a/4
outside of the boundary of the sink. Peak A occurs-
as the potential electrode P 0 crosses the left edge of the
sink and peak A' occurs as the potential electrode Pt
crosses the same edge of the sink. These two maxima,
rt m rt2" }
- - ~ ( +I)( ) P,. (cos 8) • (219) together with their maxima counterparts Band B' on
ror n=O n ror "
the right side of the sink, greatly facilitate the inter.,
Although it appears simpler to compute the desired pretation of the location of the edges of the filled sink.
potentials from equation 218 rather than from equation The minimum at 0 lies at a distance of 7a/4 to the left
219, the series in the.second equation generally converges
of the boundary, and the minimum at 0' lies at a
more rapidly so that fewer terms need to be considered distance of 5a/4 to the left of the boundary. Thus, the
when equation 219 is. us.ed. two minima 0 and 0', which occur as the current
electrode 0 1 crosses the left edge of the sink, are
For a prolate spheroidal depression, the first of
separated by a distance of a/2. A corresponding
equations 210 can be similarly adapted to obtain
relationship exists between the two minima D and D'
U=lp {_!_! £
2r R bn=Om...O
j: (2n+1)(2-tSom) [(n-m)!]2
(-1)• (n+m)!
lying on the east edge of the sink.
On traverse 1 (fig. 143A), the distance between
peaks A and B, or between peaks A! and B', is equal
X .Jr,.'"'('lt) P,.•(&) Pn"'(~)Q3m('lo)Qn"'('1) COS m<J>}· (220) to the· sum of the diameter of the sink plus half the
electrode separation a.
For an oblate spheroidal depression, a similar The deep-resistivity trough that lies over the central
equation ·can be obtained from the first of equations part of the sink is a very diagnostic feature. Here the
213. Also the corresponding equations for semicircular apparent:.resistivity values decrease to minima at E
ditches can be obtained by treating equation 216 in the and E' (fig. 143A). The gradient of the curve is
same way. steep, the total change from the peak at A to the
minimum at F occurring over a horizontal distance of
BB:MISPBBRICAL SINXS half the electrode separation a. At the geometric
center of the sink, the p1fp' and P2/ p' curves cross each
other symmetrically, and the point of symmetrical
Theoretieal horizontal profiles over a .filled hemispherical crossing is an important interpretative feature except
sink for the Lee configuration tt:e shown in figure 143. in those cases where field "noise" limits or vitiates its
The electrode separation, a, is taken as half the radius usefulness.
I .I


, ~ ......~
,! I
I !
\ 1.~
I .0

I \ 7 v/;;;- ~ / : \ l 0.9

t\ ~

~\ /


'NJ !D

1--- f.- ~
~- f-.-

0.8 P'
I i \ P'
I jl I
v o.7Cl."'IQ.

'------ ~
\ ,i
f-.- I
c./ I ~ I
0.6 I I
I 0.5
0.5 I

0.4 ·"·
)( " ......


\. ,.,I '-J F' 6 -4 -2\;........
··-o· • • ~z
........ 4
~ aX a
£ / --... ! £' 1.0

6 -4 ..... ..... "()• 4 6 D ~~ TRAVERSE 4 /"'

1! 1!
a a A 8 I 0.9
c ~~ !TRAVERSE 3.
'A 8 ~~"' \ \ If

& -
'1\ '
I ~
P' - r---

0.8 I - -
P' 1 I r P'
\\ /

- 1
.... I
\~ I
I 0.6

I H /I
I ~~;
0.5 0.4
-4 -2 0 z 4
-z ·::Q·::
'" z 4
a a
1.0 __.
E ~~ '\,. ~tVERS~ ~
pl P.! J/ ~
\ ...... \... p..:_ _/t
\ '\ VI;
pl \ \ I I ~ I - - f..--
\ \ 77
0.8 p< P'

\\ 'l CROSS
SECT 10 N---r-....L.......,----'--,---1'"'-
-4 -2 0 2 4
FIGURE 143.-Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over hemispherical sink at different distances from
center of sink, Lee configuration
(offset plotting). Crosssectionstakenalongresistivitytraverses. Diameter ofhemisphere=4a (each sink size is the same). p"fp'=
1/5. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand ·(1954).

Contrasting features exist between horizontal trav- specific differences exist. For traverse 1 (fig. 144),
erses that cross the sink at different distances from the each peak, A or B, for the Wenner configuration lies
center. Except for traverse 1, which crosses the at a distance of a/2, rather than a/4, outside of the
center of the sink, the peaks at A and B (fig. 143B-D) boundary of the sink; and the distance between the
display no discontinuity in slope. These peaks persist peaks is equal to the sum of the diameter of the sink
as maxima through traverse 4 (tangent), and influence plus the whole electrode separation a, rather than half
the shape of the curves even beyond, actually dis- the electrode separation as for the Lee configuration.
appearing only as the anomaly itself becomes very The gradient of the curve at the edge of the resistivity
small. Successive traverses at increa..c;ing distances trough is less steep for the Wenner configuration than
from the center of the sink indicate that the distance for the Lee configuration, the total change from the
between peaks A and B diminishes as one goes farther peak at A to the minimum atE (fig. 144A) occurring
from the center. Minima comparable to those at 0, over a horizontal distance equal to the electrode separa-
0', D, and D' (fig. 143A) exist for other traverses that tion a, rather than a/2 as for the Lee configuration.
cross the sink (fig. 143B, 0) but disappear for traverses The magnitude of the features for the Wenner con-
lying outside of the sink. figuration is damped in comparison with the Lee con-
In analysis of the theoretical resistivity data for the figuration. In contrast with the apparent resistivity
Lee configuration, the anomaly index as used by us as measured by the Lee configuration in this particular
is defined as the maximum value of ptf p' minus the example, none of the apparent-resistivity values meas-
minimum value of PI! p'. For the Lee. field data, the ured by the Wenner configuration rises above the value
anomaly index is the ratio: of the highest true resistivity represented. In a few
exceptional cases the Wenner resistivity does rise
slightly above the highest true resistivity. Conse-
Similar indices apply to the values of P2· Also similar quently the anomaly index for the Wenner configura-
indices apply for the Wenner configuration by replacing, tion is less than that for the Lee configuration. (See
in the definition, ptfp' by Pa!P' or Pt by Pa for theoretical table 4.) This fact is made clearer in the last column
or field data, respectively. in table 4, which gives the ratios of the anomaly indices
This index number is comparable in some respects for the Lee configuration to those for the Wenner
to indices already suggested by Lee and Hemberger configuration. Apparently the ratio is always greater
(1946) and Guyod (1945) for resistivity anomalies. than one.
It is to be understood that the "maximum value" as
TABLE 4.-Comparison of anomaly indices for Lee and Wenner
used may sometimes be the regional value itself as, configurations for horizontal profiles over hemispherical sink
for example, when the value of the peak at A (fig. [Data from Cook and Van Nostrand (19M)]
1430) falls below the regional value.
The anomaly index is introduced in order to facilitate Traverse Lee Wenner (Lee/
comparjson of curves. In general, the configuration
and the traverses chosen in an actual survey will be l_- ------------------------------- 0.912 0. 712 1.28
. 792 .692 1.14
such that the index will probably be a maximum. 2.- -------------------------------
3.- ------------------------------- .637 .605 1.05
.597 .M6 1.09
For traverse 1 (fig. 143A) the anomaly index, which 4_- -------------------------------
5.-------------------------------- .306 .261 1.17
is the same for both PI and p2, is equal to 1.15-0.24 6_- ------------------------------- .048 .044, 1.10

=0.91. The anomaly indices for all traverses across

the hemisphere in figure 143 are given in table 4. Theoretical curves for sinks and channels that are of
Theoretical horizontal profiles over a filled hemi- higher resistivity than the surrounding country rock
spherical sink for the Wenner configuration are shown show characteristics that are analogous to those given
in .figure 144. The electrode separation a, locations here for sinks of low resistivity. In general, apparent-
of the traverses, dimensions of the sink, and resistivity resistivity highs would be obtained where we here ob-
contrast are all the same as in the example discussed tain apparent-resistivity lows. Abrupt discontinuities
above in which the Lee configuration was used. For in slope would be obtained as certain electrodes cross
the Wenner data, the apparent resistivities are plotted the contacts; and, as for sinks of low resistivity, the
against the station at which they are determined, that discontinuities in slope can be used to delineate the
is, at the center of the Wenner configuration used to limits of a sink of high resistivity. These statements
obtain each data point. apply for both horizontal and vertical resistivity
Although the general features of the peaks and profiles.
troughs in the curves for the Wenner configuration are In figure 145, a typical field horizontal profile obtained
similar to those for the Lee configuration, important with the Lee configuration over a known shale sink

I. 0
v B
,, TRAVERSE 2 v 1.0

0. 9
1\ A 8 I \ I 0.9
1 I \ I
A A 1\ II\
V\ f\ I \
0. 8
v 1
I ~ I
1/ \

! I 0.7

c:i'jq_ ~IQ.
I 0.6

i 0.5

0.4 0.4

h v "t"

£ ' "
....... :: :o:::::: 4 6 6 -4 -2\·..........
... 0... ·:)2 4 6

L \• ............ L. X ......... X

• T
1.0 1.0
'- I ,...
J \
I 0.9

v 1 IN f"\ /

~"1~ o.1
\ , I
~I <:a.

0.6 "\\ I
I 0.6

\I 0.5

-4 -2
\V 0 2 4
0.4 \- I
6 -4
-2 ·::9::.
.. 2
4 6



Figure 144.-Theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over hemispherical sink at different distances from center of sink, Wenner configuration. Cross
sections taken along resistivity traverses. Diameter ofhemisphere=4a (sink sizes are the same). p"fp' =1/5. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954).

4000 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
I l I
U) A A 8 B 0 100 200 FEET c
0::: A JB
t:i IR
tl I
:E I \ A /I\ I I 1\
l\ 1\
0 I / I I
~ 1-----! I \ 1 t\\-~ 1~A'' I ~'i 1-J/ I \ \--~

~ /I I I \\ ~ I \\ I '·8'\ .... ...., l I , : \\

> ~· v I \ ~ N
\\ // ~ .. j \ \ w~
\,\ I I
~ ' I
en 'I \ I \\. ,,l.f ~
!\.. \V
~200 200
1- \\ li 1\ )/ \\
z lt'
0::: ~ I l
a.. \ I

b ~ VERT SCALE • 3 X HOR SCALEl t:-=.V
X X ~:I:. :1: t

FIGURE 145.-Comparison of theoretical and obsP.rved horizontal resistivity profiles over filled sink, Lee configuration (offset plotting). (A) Continuous theoretical curve
over hemispherical sink. (B) Observed field curve with geologic cross section. (C) TheoretlcaJ field plot over hemispherical sink. Assumed diameter of sink=3a/2.
Assumed ,''/p'=S0/200. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954).

in Cherokee County, Kans., is compared with two Figure 145A shows a continuous theoretical curve
theoretical horizontal profiles over a hemispherical for a filled hemispherical sink with an assumed diameter
sink. The electrode separation a is 100 feet, and the of 150 feet and a ratio of the resistivity of the material
spacing between successive stations is 50 feet. In all inside the sink to that of the material outside the sink
the diagrams, the offset method of plotting is used and taken as 1 to 5, respectively. The theoretical profile
the corresponding scales for resistivity and for hori- crosses the center of the sink. A proportionality factor
zontal distance are used. In order to show the geologic of 50 ohm-meters is introduced in order to make the
details better, the vertical scale in the geologic cross theoretical resistivity values comparable in magnitude
section in figure 145B is made three times the hori- to the observed field resistivity values, that is, so that
zontal scale; in the geologic cross section in figures p"1p' = 50/250.
145A, 0, the horizontal and vertical scales are equal. A theoretical field plot, or field plot of the theoretical
Except for the easternmost part of the p2 curve, the data, is shown in figure 1450. By definition, the
field horizontal profile shown in figure 145B is typical theoretical field plot is obtained from the continuous
of that for a filled sink. theoretical curve (fig. 145A) by taking discrete points
It is shown above (fig. 143A) that, for a continuous from the continuous curve and connecting them with
theoretical curve for a horizontal profile crossing the straight lines. The spacing of the discrete points is
center of the hemispherical sink, the west margin of the made to conform to the station interval along the hori-
sink lies at a distance of a/4, or 25 feet in this case, east zontal resistivity traverse in the field. In the present
of peak A and similarly that the east margin lies 25 example the interval is a/2. In order to obtain the
feet west of peak B. The peaks A and B on the field closest correspondence between the theoretical field
horizontal profile (fig. 145B) lie 200 feet apart. There- plot and the actual field curve, a template with vertical
fore, a filled sink with a diameter of 150 feet is postu- slits, separated by a scale distance equal to a/2 and
lated, with certain reservations that are discussed representing the plotted positions of P1 and P2, is moved
below. along the continuous theoretical profile. In the present
Measurements niade in adjacent areas, where excel- example the closest correspondence between the theoret-
lent geologic control is available, indicate that a ical field plot and actual field plot is obtained in this
resistivity contrast of about 1 to 5 exists between the manner when the plotted points on the theoretical
shale and limestone; and a similar ratio is therefore field plot (fig. 1450) lie 5 feet to the east of the center
assumed in computing the theoretical curves of figure of the continuous theoretical curve (fig. 145A).
145. Greater shifts of the configuration in either direction

200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600

I T T 400
A B 0 100 200 FEET c

f\ V\ ~ '!.. 1-a A A
I 1\ I \ ~ l-/ 1\ I \ I I \
\ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ .....,/
\1 \ I
\ I
" \
\ -I
' v
I fl"'""\
""\ J
' t
\ I
I 200

LW ' :X: :X: :x::x:


FIGURE 146.-Comparison of theoretical and observed horizontal resistivity proflles over filled sink, Wenner configuration. (A) Continuous theoretical curve over
hemispherical sink. {B) Observed field curve with geologic cross section. (C) Theoretical field plot over hemispherical sink. Assumed diameter of sink=3a/2.
Assumed p"/p'=00/200. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954).

from that chosen in figure 1450 result in theoretical edges of the sink, the additional information obtained
field plots that depart to a greater degree from the by smaller spacing of the stations is often worth the
observed field profile shown in figure 145B. For this extra time and trouble.
reason, the center of the hemisphere in figure 1450 When the usual irregularities of the field data are
is shifted 5 feet to the west of the point midway be- discounted, the correlation of the theoretical (fig. 1450)
tween peaks A and B. and the field (fig. 145B) curves is considered to be ex-
It should be emphasized that any theoretical field cellent. The theoretical considerations a.nd interpre-
plot derived from the continuous theoretical curve in tative rules outlined above greatly facilitate the testing
figure 145A exhibits sharp peaks, corresponding to of shale sinks to obtain a maximum amount of infor-
peaks A and B (fig. 1450), which lie exactly 200 feet mation with a minimum amount of drilling.
apart. Moreover, for any Lee configuration traverse In figure 146 the field horizontal profile that would
crossing the center of a hemispherical sink whose di- be obtained with the Wenner configuration over the
ameter is an integral multiple of a/2, the distance same known shale sink is compared with two theoretical
between the highest peaks on the theoretical field plot horizontal profiles over a hemispherical sink as before.
(offset plotting) is equal to the diameter of the sink The Wenner apparent-resistivity values are plotted in
plus half the electrode separation a. The same rule the usual maner at the station occupying the midpoint
would apply for all sinks if the points on the field between P 1 and P 2 • Although the spacing between
curve were infinitesimally close together. However, successive stations fot horizontal profiles with the
for any sink of diameter differing from an integral Wenner configurations is often taken as the whole
multiple of a/2, the distance between the peaks will electrode separation a, the spacing is taken as aj2 in
vary according to the station interval taken and the the present example so that a fair comparison can be
locations of the· stations in relation to each edge of the made between the Lee and Wenner configurations.
sink. Because the arnbiguity as to the exact location In the field example just given, the size of the peaks
of the margins of the sink lying between the peaks is and the troughs is less pronounced for the Wenner con-
related to the spacing of the resistivity stations, the figuration than for the Lee configuration. The anomaly
precision of location of the margins of the sink can be indices, given in table 5, indicate the differences quan-
increased by taking the stations closer together in the titatively. It should be emphasized that, for either
critical regions. Because the results of the horizontal- the Lee or Wenner configuration, the anomaly indices
profile method are very sensitive to the location of the of both the theoretical field plot and also the actual

TABLE 5.-CompariBon of anomaly indice8 for Lee and Wenner Figure 58 shows horizon tal profiles across two shale
conjiguration8 ouer filled Bink
sinks with the Lee configuration. The observed pro-
[Theoretical continuous curve and theoretical field plot for hemisphere compwed
with actual field curve. Assumed regional value of appwent resistivity equals 2110 files are somewhat similar to the theoretical profiles,
ohm-meters. Data from Cook and Van Nostrand (19M).]
although the silicified limestone complicates somewhat
Lee Wenner Ratio, the character of the curves.
configuration configuration Lee/Wenner Figure 147 shows an observed horizontal resistivity
Curve PI PI profile with the Lee configuration ~cross. t~o se?ar~te
Wen- Wen-
PI PI Aver- West East Aver- ner ner Aver- shale sinks in the Tri-State lead-zmc mmmg diStrict,
age peak peak age west east age
peak peak Cherokee County, Kans. The electrode separation is
---- ---- - - -- ---- -- 100 feet and the station interval is 50 feet. The anom-
Theoretical continuous
curve _________________
1.13 1.13 1.13 0. 79 0. 79 0. 79 1.44 1.44 1.44 alies ar~ similar to the theoretical curves in figure 143.
Theoretical field plot ____ 1.05
Actual field curve.----- .99
• 76
• 74
• 75
1. 77
1. 79 Pronounced apparent-resistivity lows occur o':er. ~he
shale; and recognizable peaks with apparent-r~IStiVIty
values that are higher than those of the limestone
field curve are dependent partly on the locations of the country rock occur on either side of each shale sink.
stations in relation to the locations of the edges of the Examples of horizontal resistivity profiles with the
sink. For this reason, the east and west values of the Wenner configuration over filled sinks and channels
anomaly index are generally unequal. associated with karst topography in Hardin County, Ill.,
Because of the modification of peak B in the field and in the area of Chapayevka village, Saratov district,
curve, it is difficult to assign a value for the probable U.S.S.R., are shown in figures 148 and 149, respectively.
width of the sink from the Wenner curve alone. Thus In figure 148, low apparent-resistivi~y values are
an inherent weakness in the Wenner configuration, as obtained over the clay; whereas . high apparent-
used for making width determinations, arises from the resistivity values are obtained over the pinnacles and
possibility that one (or both) of the two peaks may be isolated masses of undissolved limestone; apparent-
indefinite, in which case the width cannot be deter- resistivity highs are obtained also o~er ~he si1_1~o~es
mined accurately. The analysis indicates further that caverns that contain open air spaces of Infimte resistivity
if the Wenner method is used, a spacing of a/2 or less (Hubbert, 1944). This example demonst:at?s that a
between successive stations is desirable for even ap- reconnaissance profile can be used to Indicate the
proximately outlining a sink, rather than a spacing of presence of the sinks and channels: An acc~ate
a. With the Lee configuration, on the other hand, delineation of them can then be obtained by using a
even though one of the two major peaks A and B (fig. smaller station interval and electrode separation and
145B) were indefinite, there is still a high probability referring to curves of the type shown in figure 144. In
that the subsidiary peaks A' and B' would be suffi- figure 149 a pronounced apparent-re~istivity. low is
ciently pronounced to aid in the interpretation of both obtained over the material filling the sinkhole In com-
the width of the sink and the location of the margins parison with the high resistivity of the surrounding
of the sink. limestone when electrode separations of 30 meters, 50
The additional resolving power of the Lee configura- meters and 100 meters are used (Khmelevskiy, 1936).
tion in comparison with the Wenner configuration In this 'example the horizontal profiles, rather than b~ing
indicates that for the same number of stations taken obtained in the conventional manner, are merely hnes
along the same horizontal profile, the Lee method can drawn between apparent-resistivity values obtained at
give more detailed information than the Wenner stations which are the same fixed distance apart.
method. Moreover, in certain areas-especially where Therefore, there is a coincidence of the horizontal position
the sinks are small-this additional information will of some of the peaks (fig. 149, at peaks A and 0) that
lead the interpreter to recognize sink features on the would not be so for conventional horizontal profiles
Lee profiles that are not recognizable on the Wenner with different electrode separations. Th~ peaks closest
profiles. to the left edge of the sink (fig. 149, at peak B) show how
Although the mantle of soil and alluvium tempers the the character of the peak changes for different electrode
resistivity anomalies to some degree, the peaks dis- separations. The peaks and lows farthest to the left
cussed above are still very pronounced in the observed of the diagram (fig. 149, near peak A) cannot be related
field curves, especially for the Lee configuration. In the to the clay sink shown in the diagram; they are probably
cross sections shown in figures 145B and 146B, the thick- caused by some other lateral resistivity changes in the
ness of the alluvium averages about 12 feet and appar- rock near the left part of the geologic section. The
ently attains a maximum thickness of about 17 feet higher peaks at the right part of the sink (~g. 149, ~t
directly over the sink. peak 0) are possibly caused by the lower dip on this

~ r--------------------------r----------------------~----------------------~

..... ----------------------~

~ 1~ r-~~~~~------~~----~~--~~----------~~--~----------~----~~--~

g 100r-------------------~~--~~~------------------~~----~--------------~
~ 50 r-----------------------~~~--------------------~~-+--------------------~

a= 100ft
Station interval= 50 ft



..,.- --- -+-SHALE SEAMS




0 100 200 300 FEET


Fiouaii147.-0bserved horizontal resistivity profile across two separate shale sinks, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Kans., Lee configuration.
Electrode separation a-100 feet; station interval== 50 feet. Resistivity data and interpretations by K. L. Cook, 1951-M. Drill-hole data from Briehta and Ryan,

a=100 ft
Station interval= 100ft

0 3500

FIGURE 148.-0bserved horizontal resistivity proflle over karst topography, Hardin County, Til., Wenner configuration. Electrode separation a-100 feet; station
interval= 100 feet. Adapted from Hubbert.(1944).

side of the sink; but the sudden decrease of the curve The lack of symmetry indicates nonuniform packing or
for a= 100 meters to the right of the peak indicates some other inhomogeneity of the model, or inhomogene-
that other lateral resistivity changes occur in the linle- ous surroundings. The apparent-resistivity low and
stone on the right side of the sink. If our rules are used, two small peaks obtained over the central part of the fill
we would draw the edges of the sink farther apart than may be effects as the current electrodes cross either edge
shown in the diagram. of the fill; this effect would be the counterpart of the
Figure 150 shows an observed horizontal resistivity effect shown in the central part of figure 144B, for a sink
profile with the Wenner configuration across an arti- of low resistivity. The analogy is not clear cut,
ficially made "graben" (actually a cut that had been later however.
filled) of high-resistivity material on a terrace of Kainer VALUE OF VARIOUS APPROXIMATIONS
Bay, Germany (Stern, 1933a). The electrode separation Filled sinks occur in the field with a wide range of
was 6 meters, and the width of the fill about 18 meters. shapes, dimensions, and resistivity contrasts. One of
Thus, the current electrodes cross the edges of the sink the problems in interpreting resistivity data over filled
simultaneously. The station interval was usually taken sinks is to recognize what approximations can be made
as 5 or 6 meters far from the fill; whereas smaller inter- in order to fit the theoretical data satisfactorily to the
vals were taken in the areas near and over the fill. A field data. Computations of the theoretical resistivity
resistivity high occurs over the high-resistivity material. anomalies over hemispheroidal or hemispherical sinks

2000 350

c 0:::
J \

I \ \
a:: 250
1/ 1\
~ ____.c

800 1-
a:: 400
/ ~ v
·\ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

FIGURE 150.-0bserved horizontal resistivity proftle across artificially made "graben"

of high-resistivity material on a terrace of Kolner Bay, Germany, Wenner configura-
tion Electrode separation a=6 m.; various station intervals. Adapted from Stem
FIGURE 149.-0bserved horizontal resistivity profiles over karst topography, area (19338) by permission of Johnson Reprint Corp., N.Y.
of Chapayevka village, Saratov district, U.S.S.R., Wenner configuration. Various
electrode separations and station intervals. Adapted from Khmelevskiy (1936).

respective anomalies are merely moved into juxtapo-

are so tedious that shortcuts or reasonable approxima- sition so that they are separated by a distance of 3a/2
tions in interpretational procedures are highly desirable. and can be compared with the other bodies.
To give some notion of the types of approximations The curves of figures 151 and 152 are similar in the
that can be made, a comparison of the theoretical following respects:
results of horizontal resistivity profiles using the Lee (1) The general appearance of all curves is the same.
and Wenner methods respectively, over an oblate The discontinuities in slope of each curve of the
hemispheroidal sink, a hemispherical sink, a vertical Lee set occur at identical points. The same is
dike, and a pair of faults without considering their true within the Wenner set of curves, but the
mutual interaction is given in figures 151 and 152. corresponding points in the two sets do not
Each resistivity contrast of the material inside the sink, coincide.
dik~, or faults to the material outside is taken as 1: 5.
(2) Each curve shows a pronounced low-resistivity
The diameter of the hemisphere is taken as 3a/2, where
anomaly over the low-resistivity medium and
a is the electrode separation. The length of the major
approaches regional resistivity asymptotically at
axis of the oblate hemispheroid, which is circular in
great distances from the low-resistivity medium.
plan view at the surface, is 3a/2; and the length of the
semiminor axis, which is the vertical axis of rotation, (3) The Lee curves for ptfp' and P21P' cross at the center
is 3a/8. The width of the dike and the distance be- of the low-resistivity medium.
tween the faults are taken as 3a/2. The dike and faults The curves differ in the following respects:
are assumed to be of infinite length in the dire~tion of (1) In the central part of the low-resistivity medium
strike and of infinite depth extent. the slopes of the curves differ somewhat because
The horizontal profile is taken along the major axis of the different depths and shapes of the bottoms
and diameter, respectively, for the oblate hemispheroid of the low-resistivity media.
and hemisphere, and along a line perpendicular to the (2) The magnitudes of the theoretical anomalies differ
strike for the dike and the faults. Thus, each horizontal with regard to maxima, minima, and hence
traverse crosses the same width (3a/2) of low-resistivity anomaly indices. The maximum value of Pafp'
medium. It should be emphasized that the theoretical is 1 for the faults and greater than 1 for the other
anomaly over each fault is for a single fault with no bodies, except for the Wenner curves over. the
other fault i& the vicinity. Two such faults and their dike. The minimum value of Pafp' for the vanous

A 8

A 8 I
I.4 I

Jl\\ I I \
I. 2
P' i \ I \--: pl
P' !'z_J
P' j '\ ht t,
i \ I \ //I\ f'\\
/ I1\ \ I
/ I ·l\i I \ [\
-? -
... J \ \
v '\
L\\ 1\
\ v " ~
:y-, y
v \
\\ ii
~ 7

0. 8
\ /1
\\ I '· '· \I
v \
\ I

0 .6
~ ~ .....
~ -
0.4 ~ .c::..::

T a

A 8

c I \
D <
> 1
P'7 1
' \
I\:~~ v'/ ~ r-,
P' / \ < > I~ pl
P' /~
\ ~ ,' \
'\ I I'-. ......,.__I I I
\~- /
v \
\ < <

I "~ ._J v
\ j l I \ \
\ )
< I I
/ ',

Q."j Q. 0.6 v ~ ....... ~v \ \ < <

< I'· ' .....
I > I
I < > I

' I
\\ ( >
;;-' --~
\ ( <
~~ ~

0.2 ~ )...,

a T

Frouu 161.-Comparison of theoretical horizontal resistivity prollles over (A) oblate hemispheroid, (B) hemisphere, (C) dike, and (D) pair of faults, Lee configuration
(otlset plotting). Width at surface•3a/2, p"fp'-1/5. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand C1954).

A B 8

A 8 /\ V\
-, \ 1\
p- -~
\ I \
J \ I '
i\. I \ I 1 / 1\ I
\..... v
I v~

........ J
\ \ I
\ I I
0.6 \L _II \ I
L _j

a a
-........ ,......... .........
> ~

c "' \_
~ i ! I
\ > <<
> /
u 1\ I

~ 1'--..
/ \ I "'~ \ L/r\ ><
~ <

Q."'IQ. o.6 \ v
[\ > I
\ (

~ I 1
< < 1

\... -I \ I )( <

L,<-~ <J
0.2 >>

-2 -I 0
T a
FIGURE 152.-Comparison of theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles over (A) oblate hemispheroid, (B) hemisphere, (C) dike, and (D) pair of faults, Wenner configu·
ration. Width at surface=3a/2, p"/,'=1/5. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954).

features decreases progressively in the following tion for the Lee configuration, or the full electrode
order: hemispheroid, hemisphere, dike, pair of separation, for the Wenner configuration.
faults. The anomaly indices are given in table 6. (2) Peaks A and B lie at a distance of a/4 outside the
The following generalizations can be made: margin of the body for the Lee curves and a dis-
(1) The distance between peaks A and B is equal to the tance of a/2 outside the margin of the body for
width of the body plus half the electrode separa- the Wenner curves.

TABLE 6.-Compari8on of anomaly indices for Lee and Wenner

configurations over oblate hemispheroid, hemisphere, dike, and
of faults
[Data from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954)1<

Lee Wenner Ratio,

Figure configu- configu- Lee/
ration ration Wenner

Oblate hemispheroid. ------------ 0;00 0.53 1. 70

1.13 . 79 ' 1.43
Pair of faults _________________ _ .81 .71 1.f4
.80 .16

The following approximations can be made for a

horizontal profile that crosses a sink near its center:
(1) If the width of the sinkis small in comparison with CROSS SECTIONS

its length and depth extent, the edge effects are

approximately those due to a vertical dike. 2 4 s a ro
(2) If the sink is large in comparison with the electrode •
separation, the edge effects of the sink are FIGURE 15!l.-Theoretical vertical resistivity profiles over bemispheroidal sinks.
Profiles taken along traverse TT' with center of configuration at center of hemi-
approximately those due to a vertical fault. spheroids. p"fp'=l/5. Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954).


current electrodes simultweously cross the boundary
Figure 153 shows the vertical profiles obtained al&ng of the sink. A sharp peak occurs at this point for the
a traverse TT' over the center of a set of filled sinks prolate hemispheroid only. As the electrode configura-
taking the forms of a prolate hemispheroid (fig. 153A), tion is expanded further, each curve tends to form a
a hemisphere (B), and an oblate hemispheroid (C), plateau. These anomalous features of the curves are
respectively. Since the traverse TT' coincides with the due to a converging current effect, which is best dis-
axis of revolution of each sink, the vertical cross section played by the prolate spheroid.
of each sink along the line SS', which is perpendicular As the electrode configuration is expanded further,
to the traverse, is circular. The vertical cross sections abrupt changes in slope at A', B' and 0' (fig. 153) occur
of the sinks along traverse TT' are semielliptical for at the point where the potential electrodes simul-
sinks A and C and semicircular for sink B. For sink A taneously cross the boundary of the sink. This abrupt
the major axis of the ellipse is parallel to traverse TT' change is apparently one of the most reliable inter-
and for sink C the major axis is perpendicular to trav- pretive features of the vertical profile; and it is very
erse TT'. If the radius of the hemisphere is taken similar to that obtained for a vertical profile over a
as unity, the proportion of the three radii of revolution vertical fault as a potential electrode crosses the fault
is rA : rB : ra=0.553 : 1.000 : 1.944. The correspond- (fig. 59B).
ing proportion of the volumes, which vary as the square Finally, for large electrode separations, the curves
of the radii, is 0.306 : 1.000 : 3.779. The ratio of the approach asymptotically the true resistivity value of
resistivity of the material within the sink to the resistiv- the material surrounding the sink.
ity of the surrounding material is I : 5. The vertical-profile curves show that the vertical-
For each vertical profile, the center of the electrode profile method is very sensitive to the margins of the
configuration is maintained over the· geometric center sinks over a wide range of radii of revolution and in-
of the theoretical sink. Because of symmetry, it dicate that the vertical-profile method should, therefore,
follows that both the Lee and Wenner configurations be a very valuable tool in outlining a fiHed sink: In
give the same theoretical vertical profile for a given spite of the large differences in volume of the theoretical
sink. sinks considered in this example, the general shapes of
The vertical-profile curves display features that arc the curves are similar. For the dimensions and resis-
helpful guides in the interpretation of the geology. tivity contrast used, the vertical profile is rather sensi-
For smaJl electrode separations, the apparent resistivity tive to variations in the depth of such sinks, that is,
is essentially equal to the resistivity of the material to the radii of revo]ution. The sensitivity manifests
within the sink. In the present example, as the elec:. itself principally in the plateau part of the apparent-
trode configuration is expanded, the apparent resistivity resistivity curve.
becomes larger. The first breaks in the curves, at Figure 154 shows an observed vertical resistivity
A", B", and 0" (fig. 153), occur at the point where the profile with the Lee configuration at .a station approxi-



300 /'

en 250
,, )(

0 200
/;/ /

~ 150 / /)(



~ ,"/
~ 8 "/
< 100

)( ...... "
50 ' / ~ -~ ./~ (WESD
,....x, ........

\ x-x- X ...
'x -x-x'x
'"-x- -x-x-x-x-

- ---
--- --- ---
100 200 300
400 500
--- ---
a p, a
a--- A-2-2_ o 2 lj. a <;t

-~ DH·1 o~-~- D.r~-~",---'1-,-~-----'....--'-r--'-.---+oH

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DH 1 1 DH 1 1 1 1 1 j_

FIGUR:t lM.-Observed vertical resistivity profile at station approximately over center of hemispheroidal filled sink, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee
County, Kan., Lee eonfignration. Resistivity data and interpretations by K. L. Cook, 1951-54, drill-hole data from Brichta and Ryan (1958).

mately over the center of a hemispheroidal filled s-ink bowl causes the peaks to occur at smaller values of a
in the Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee than would have been the case in the absence of the
County, K~nsas. The pronounced peaks A and A' alluvium bowl. For large expansions of the configura-
in the PI and P2 curves, respectively, at a=60 feet tion, an abrupt change in slope of the p1 curve at a=250·
occ_ur as the current electrodes 0 1 and 0 2 pass essentially feet (fig-. 154, -point B) occurs as potential electrode P1
simultaneously over the rim of the alluvium bowl that crosses the "effective" east edge of the main shale sink,
is found over this sink. At this position of the con- which lies about 30 feet west of the west edge of the
figuration, the .02 electrode is about 50 feet east of the limestone ridge. A change in slope in the P2 curve at
shale-limestone contact and the 0 1 electrode is about a=280 feet (fig. 154, point G), occurs as potential
60 feet west of the west edge of the main limestone electrode P 2 crosses the west limestone-shale· contact
shelf on the east edge of the .sink. Apparently the as shown in the geologic cross section. Thus, the
addjtional cm.-rent-converging effect of ,the aRuvium observed profile·s are similar to the theoretical curve


FIGURE 155.-0bserved vertical resistivity profile at station approximately over center of hemispheroidal clay-ftlled sinkhole, western Wisconsin, Wenner con-
figuration. Adapted from Kurtenacker (19348). Copyright by Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers.

A-A'-A" in figure 153 for a filled sink whose horizontal resistivity discontinuity, though geologically the margin
dimension greatly exceeds its depth. With further of the "shale" is placed at the point where solid lime-
expansion of the configuration beyond a=280 feet, the stone is encountered in the drill holes. Thus, the
Pt and P2 curves cross at a=340 feet and essentially location of the apparent-resistivity discontinuity, des-
parallel each other for the remaining values of a out to ignated as the "effective" edge of the shale mass,
a value of a=500 feet. sometimes differs by as much as 10 to 20 feet or more
The term "effective" edge of the shale sink indicates from the edge of the shale indicated in the geologic
that point wh~re the resistivity effects of the edge of cross section. This discrepancy is not considered seri-
the main filled sink manifest themselves most strongly ous when the heterogeneity of the material often found
on the observed apparent-resistivity measurements at the margins of shale sinks is considered. No attempt
(Cook, unpublished data, 1954). The actual geologic to sketch these hetereogenous conditions in the geologic
relationships in the field are often so complex that the cross sections has been made, and a smooth shale-
main resistivity effects do not manifest themselves limestone contact is therefore always shown.
exactly at the limestone-shale contact, either because Figure 155 shows an observed vertical resistivity
of asymmetrical conditions of the filled sink or because profile with the Wenner configuration at a station
of the complexity of the rocks at the margins of the approximately over the center of a hemispheroidal-
sink. At the margin of a shale sink, the zone of contact shaped clay-filled sinkhole in western Wisconsin
between the shale mass and the limestone-which is (Kurtenacker, 1934a). Peak A, for an electrode
often rough, ragged, or irregular, and hence rather ill- separation a=7 feet, is probably caused by the current-
defined-consists of limestone boulders, shale boulders, converging effect as the current electrodes approach
and both large and small blocks of limestone and shale. the edges of the sinkhole. The "effective" width of
The blocks of boulders of limestone mixed with the the sinkhole, which on the basis of peak A is indicated
shale at the borders of shale sinks can often cause a as about 21 feet, is much less than the width of about
50 feet shown by Kurtenacker. The curve is appar- The corresponding vertical profiles for prolate and
ently complicated by the effect of the old quarry face, oblate hemispheroids would not be identical with those
which causes the apparent-resistivity curve to rise for the hemispherical sink shown in figure 156. How-
sharply for electrode separations larger than 10 feet. ever, the latter curves, together with those in figure
Figure 156 shows the apparent-resistivity values for 153, can be used to determine qualitatively the general
theoretical vertical profiles taken on a set of traverses character of the former.
located at different distances from the center of a Figures 157 and 158 show theoretical vertical resis-
hemispherical sink. The resistivity contrast is the tivity profiles with both the Lee and Wenner configura-
same as in the previous problem. For the single tions at different stations along a traverse passing
vertical profile taken on each traverse, the center of through the center of a hemispherical sink. The radius
the configuration lies along a radial line perpendicular of the sink is designated r1. For all the curves, both
to the traverse and remains fixed as the configuration Lee and Wenner, the resistivity of the country rock is
is. expanded. Because of symmetry, the apparent- five times that of the sink material. For both the Lee
resistivity values shown apply equally well to both the and Wenner configurations the stations are taken at
Lee and Wenner configurations. Except for the scale the center of the sink and at distances of Tt/2, 3rt/4, Tt-
of plotting, the vertical profile for traverse 1 is com- (that is, at the right edge of the sink)-and 3rtf2, 2ri,
parable to curve B given for the hemisphere in figure and 3r1 from the center of the sink. The curves are
153. plotted as the ratio of the apparent resistivity to the
For vertical profiles taken along traverses that resistivity of the surrounding country rock. Distances
intersect the sink, the apparent resistivity for small are plotted as the ratio of the electrode separation a
electrode separations is essentially equal to the true to the radius of the sink r1.
resistivity of the medium lying inside the sink. All For a station at the center of the sink (figs. 157A and
such profiles show discontinuities in slope, the most 158A), the theoretical curves for both the Lee and
pronounced discontinuity occurring at the point where Wenner configurations are identical; and this curve is
the potential electrodes cross the boundary. The identical with curve B-B'-B" in figure 153 and curve
apparent-resistivity values in the area of the most 1 in figure 156.
pronounced discontinuity in slope are nearly the same For a station at a point lying between the center and
as the resistivity value constituting the horizontal right edge of the sink (figs. 157B, 0, 158B, 0), the PI
plateau region A' A" of curve 1 (fig. 156). and P2 curves for the Lee configuration diverge abruptly
For the traverse that is tangent to the hemispherical after current electrode C2 crosses the left edge of the
sink (fig. 156, curve 4), the vertical profile starts for a sink. The apparent-resistivity values for the PI curve
very small electrode separation with an apparent- rise abruptly after potential electrode PI crosses the
resistivity value that is intermediate between the true right edge to exceed a value of one. A minor current-
resistivity of the material within the sink and that converging peak occurs in the P2 curve as current elec-
of the surrounding material. Further, for an expand- trode 0 2 crosses the left edge of the sink; and an abrupt
ing configuration this curve shows a continuous slope, discontinuity in the slope occurs in the P2 curve as
a feature that characterizes the vertical profiles along potential electrode P 2 crosses the left edge. For corre-
traverses that do not intersect the sink. sponding stations with the Wenner configuration, an
For all vertical profiles taken outside the hemispher- apparent-resistivity plateau lies at a point correspond-
ical sink, the apparent-resistivity value for small elec- ing with the electrode separation at which potential
trode separations essentially equals the true resistivity electrode P 2 crosses the left edge.
of the medium outside the sink. For greater electrode For a station at the right edge of the sink (figs. 157D
separations, the apparent resistivity reaches a minimum and 158D), the Lee curves for small electrode separa-
value (fig. 156, curve 5), the location of which shifts to tions are separated far from each other; and a more
the right for succeeding traverses more removed from pronounced current-converging peak is obtained both
the sink (fig. 156, curve 6). For very large electrode in the P2 and PI curves as current electrode 02 crosses
separations, irrespective of whether the traverses tran- the left edge. The values of PI greatly exceed one.
sect the sink, the apparent resistivity approaches The Wenner curve shows a current-converging peak
asymptotically the true resistivity value of the medium also, and the apparent-resistivity values slightly exceed
outside the sink. These features of the vertical profiles one.
that pass tangent to or outside of the hemispherical For stations lying to the right of the right edge of the
sink can be explained qualitatively on the basis of the sink (figs. 157E, F, G; 158E, F, G), the apparent re-
ratio of sink material to the total volume of earth sistivity of both the Lee and Wenner curves decreases
within which the field of the current is appreciable. until current electrode 0 2 crosses the right edge; then

~ r--_
6 -~---

/ ~~
/ ~ /

/ // v i/

v /I I /

\ _/ Vj I ;

II r Plantew

II 7

p' P'

~lQ. 006
/ / / 1111-r--f--- ~-T••7~
I I I ~ "1312 r1

I I I -l~- -- ~- I -
22W31 .

- - - - - ~-------5



I I -~------~nfiguration ----
A' I
I .
I C,t

·::: ::·:::::::::: ..
Cross sect1on

~1 a ~1

I -r,
00 0 0; 000000
\•o•ooOoO . . ooOo

0 0 0 of
I o,o.oooooooOOoo o,,OOOoOooooOoo_

Ip I ~:::::::::::: ~::::::::.:::;1 IP' I

1/ '-0::::::::::
I'..· 0.• 0
:::::::::::x l I
.I I I
0"' 0 o•ooo'ooooo..;.'(_

......-:::::·: ::::::Ll_ I
P'=s P." -r
"t-o,:.o•o,, ooO~

II I .1
-1 0 1

I) 2
3 4
5 6

''FIGURE 1560'--Theoretieal ·vertical resistivity·proftles over hemispherical sink,

with center of·configuration at several distances
frOm Cienter of bemiSph8J"eo Adapted from Cook and Van Nostrand (1954) 0
A 1.2

1.0 1.0
r-::: +--i w-r-
1.-C·"'I p2
o.s r:;:-l!: li'~' 0.8
Q."'rQ, ,-g ~
0.6 ~--~ 0.6
- !7
~~,. !'2 ~~ P1a C1suRFACE
o.4 -r_ I-I- ~~··:.

0.2 ..) -- !P'-
0 2 3 4 5 a ·6 8 9 10 0 3 4 5 ,g_6 8 9 10 0 2 4 5 ..L6 8 9 100.2
-;:;- r, r,
1.8 E F G ... - m
,, 1.8

I~ ~e.- i~- 1-- -1--
! "' 1~.
1.6 ~ 1.6
,_ I~
I-f- ~----!~' ~~- -~
t 1m
e.-e.- e.- -~-~ ~ IJ
1.4 1.4
I~ .J.?r\

! ,t-, J~\ I \
d~-~ r--.r- i _ ' '· 1.2

/~ 1\: P1 PI
ctblc-. \I- -LL P' ./pr

.-- -1-- -·
11 I/, \
';I It, ~7J ..... 1.0

~I ' ;ffi ~ ·-
-1-· -
rI; ' .....
,., \ i ----
~~ .... ~.- e--f-e-- o.s
I 1-- Jj I r-&. lD. ~ ...

§ mg e--f->- t"!
t ~~V lP' lD' ~IS o"'

0.6 .... - ....
e.-- ~ e--f-- 0.6
a:"' I ~-~ ctl~
s• RFAcE! C2a ~2 ~-?1 a<; 1 -~8 ~2 B !'2 f'o!1aC1 ::l S-2 a ~!'oP1 aS1
- -~8"' ~-.K•2
'I!''. , e--f- ~ ~·-:<:'~"t1' ..
0.2 ~~ - . =~Ri-• =sH' ~
p • :"
0 3 4 5 L 6 8 9 iO 0 2 3 4 5 a 6 8 9 10 0 2 3 4 5 8 6 8 9 10 0 4 5 a 6 8 9
r, ~ -;:-;- r.
FIGURE 157.-Theoretical vertical resistivity profiles at different stations along traverse passing through center of hemispherical sink, Lee configuration. Radius of sink==rt: p'=5p".


B I; c
1.oiiiiiiiU++H 11111111 k-::t: r- !i ~- ~

8 I;
~ v
u v 0.8
q,"'IQ. li 1 I .. :I
.... J

~ 0.6 ~
0.6 [l 11/ ·~elf ~ l_:l!j
r-. l)ft:~·-v--t-H-+-+-'-:c., -1.2-a_.-'::P-2L...J~L~_a--'-Li_--=c,_l_~L...J---'---1
o.4 _) rr ~~~li!if
G~ ~
CJa' t'2 P1 8 C1..,,_
0.4 ~
u'•aD'' ~
o 1 2 3 4 5 if 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 a 6 7 8 9
-;;- r.
1,6'Q E ,F G ~
m l
.. l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
~ /I\ ~
ri ~
1'- J I
~ Ill VI 'N 11111-!1 I I i I I I I I
§' i Ai I I I'll I fll re
li ~ IQ.~ ..... ~~- ~

0.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z
~~~ I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I 10.6 t:l
Iii !C2a!'2 !'la~l _
• • • •J

0· 2
o 1 2 3 4 5 a 6
7 8 9
10 0

2 3 4
5 a 6
7 8 9
10 0 1 2 3 4 5 .L6
8 9
'10 0 1 2 3 4 5 a 6
7 8 9 10°·

FIOUBJ: 168.-Theoretieal vertical resistivity profllea at difterent stations along traverse passing through center of hemispherical sink, Wenner oonftguration, Radiaa of sink •r1; I• II'.
the apparent-resistivity values increase rapidly to erse, gives a "normal" vertical resistivity curve for the
attain high peaks when the current-converging effect area under study. With an electrode separation of as
manifests itself most pronouncedly as current electrode much as 200 feet, the apparent resistivity increases
02 crosses the left edge of the sink. Although the almost linearly with the electrode separation because
current-converging effect is great for stations lying at of the high resistivity of the limestone in comparison
distances of 3r./2 and 3r• from the center of the sink, with that of the alluvium overburden. The apparent-
the maximum current-converging effect occurs for a resistivity values for the east side of the configuration,
station lying at a distance of 2r 1 from the center. which is the side nearer to the shale mass, are somewhat
When this maximum effect occurs, current electrode lower than the values for the west side of the configura-
02 crosses the left edge at the same time as potential tion, which is the side farther from the shale mass.
electrode P2 crosses the right edge of the sink (see figs. Stations B and 0, over the limestone shelf but
157F and 158F); and, as a result, a high apparent- nearer the west edge of the shale than the previous
resistivity peak is obtained in the P2 curve for the Lee station, show values of p1 and P2 that are nearly equal
configuration and in the single curve for the Wenner for any given value of the electrode separation. At
configuration. The values of the current-converging station 0, the marked divergence of values of P1 and
peaks for these stations lying outside the sink at a P2, which starts at a=100 feet approximately, is a.
distance of 2r• from the center attain values of about manifestation of the west edge of the shale sink.
1.8 for the Lee configuration and 1.5 for the Wenner The abnormally high apparent resistivities for
configuration. small electrode separations that occur on some, but
When vertical resistivity profiles are used to study not all, profiles in this area are caused by the dry,
filled sinks, the apparent-resistivity peaks caused by caked, and hard condition of the near-surface materials
the current-converging effects are diagJ;Iostic features that existed locally in this region during the drought
that greatly assist in delineating the edge of the sinks. season of 1953 when the measurements were taken.
As emphasized, these peaks occur as the current The local high-resistivity layer was generally so thin
electrode crosses the side of the sink farthest removed that its effect on the vertical resistivity profiles is
from the station. In addition, the abrupt discontinui- usually negligible for electrode separations exceeding
ties in slope that occur as the potential electrode (or about 20 feet. In the discussion that follows, the
electrodes) cross the edges of the sink are also helpful few high apparent-resistivity readings obtained at
in the interpretation; yet these discontinuities are small electrode separations in some of the vertical
relatively minor, and are usually less well-defined in the resistivity profiles will usually not be mentioned
field data than the current-converging peaks. unless they appear to distort or change greatly the
Plate 5 shows observed vertical resistivity profiles shape of the apparent-resistivity curve at critical
with the Lee configuration at 18 different stations over points on the curves that are incident to the analysis
and in the vicinity of a known shale sink in the Tri- of the shale sinks.
State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County, Station D gives a fault-type resistivity curve (see
Kansas. Nine profiles were taken at stations A to I, fig. 60), if the near-surface high-resistivity effects
inclusive, along a traverse that crosses the shale sink at a=10 feet are neglected. The abrupt change
in an eastward direction; and nine profiles were taken in slope of the p2 curve at a=50 feet occurs as po-
at stations J to R, inclusive, along a traverse that tential electrode P 2 crosses the limestone-shale contact
crosses the shale sink in a northward direction at right as shown in the geologic cross section. The location
angles to the eastward-trending traverse. The two of the west edge of the shale, as inferred from this
traverses intersect at drill hole 71. The field data were vertical profile, agrees well with its location as ob-
taken so that a comparison could be made between the tained from. the horizontal resistivity profiles. The
observed and theoretical curves; accordingly the con- cause of the second abrupt change in slope in the P2
figurations were expanded sufficiently at some stations curve at a==90 feet is not known. The persistent
so that both potential electrodes P 1 and P 2 passed over low values of p 1 are noteworthy. The small, yet
the edges of the shale and along the limestone shelves recognizable, peak on the P1 curve at a=150 feet
for a distance of 50 feet or more. occurs as current electrode 0 1 passes over the east
The observed features in these profiles are similar in edge of the shale as shown in the geologic cross section.
many respects to those in the theoretical curves in At station E, the small yet recognizable peaks
figure 157; the reader will find it helpful to refer to the on both the p1 and P2 curves at a=40 feet occur as
theoretical curves as he studies the observed curves. current electrode 0 2 crosses the effective west edge
Station A (pl. 5), the westernmost station lying over of the shale, which in this case corresponds, within
the limestone shelf along the eastward-trending trav- about 15 feet, with the edge shown in the geologic

cross section. The change in the slope of the P2 A comparison of the vertical profiles at the three
curve at a.=lOO feet occurs as potential electrode stations E, F, and G shows clearly the asymmetry of the
P2 crosses the effective west edge of the shale, which PI and P2 curves, which is caused by the different volumes
is about 15 feet from the edge shown in the geologic of shale occupying either side of the partitioning plane
cross section. The abrupt change in slope of the PI when the station is on either side of the center of the
curve at a=340 feet occurs as potential electrode shale, rather than in the center of the shale. For
P1 crosses the east edge of the shale. The change example, the vertical resistivity profile at station E
in slope is pronounced probably because of the rela- and that at G are approximate counterparts. At
tively thin mantle of overburden on the east side of station E, the fact that the values of the PI curve are
the sink. The thicker the overburden the more the much less than those for the P2 curve, even for large
changes in slope tend to be tempered. electrode separations, indicates that the station is
At station F, the peaks on the PI and P2 curves at volumewise west of the center of the shale mass.
a=70 feet occur as current electrodes OI and 0 2 pass Similarly, at station G, the fact that the values of the
over the effective edges of the shale si:nk, which corre- P2 curve are much less than those for the PI curve,
spond, within about 20 feet, with the margins shown even for large electrode separations, indicates that the
in the geologic cross section. The change in slope in station is volumewise east of the center of the shale
the PI curve at a=230 feet occurs as potential electrode mass. At station F, on the other hand, the fact that
Pt crosses the east edge of the shale as shown in the the values of the p 1 and P2 curves are nearly the same
cross section. The abrupt change in slope in the p 2 for any given electrode separation, especially for the
curve at a=260 feet occurs approximately (within 5 larger electrode separations, indicates that the station
feet) as potential electrode P 2 crosses the west edge of is volumewise at or near the center of the shale mass.
the shale as shown in the cross section. The fact that, for small and intermediate electrode
At station G the peak on the PI curve at a=50 feet separations, the values of P2 are somewhat smaller than
occurs as current electrode OI passes approximately those of PI, indicates that station Fprobably lies slightly
(within about 15 feet) over the east edge of the sink, east of the center of the shale mass.
and the peak in the p2 curve at a=100 feet occurs as The asymmetrical form of the shale mass itself also
current electrode 0 2 passes over the effective west edge contributes to the asymmetrical resistivity pattern. In
of the sink, which is about 25 feet east of the west edge any analysis to locate the center of the shale mass at
shown in the geologic section. The abrupt change in the surface, therefore, certain limitations are inherent,
the slope of the p1 curve at a= 140 feet occurs as and certain precautions are necessary. First, if the
potential electrode PI crosses the shale-limestone shale mass is asymmetrical in cross section, as in the
contact at the east edge of the shale as shown in the present example, the near-surface shale will therefore
geologic cross sections. The change in slope of the manifest itself disproportionately on the apparent-
P2 curve, which is gradual and not pronounced, occurs resistivity values in comparison with the deeper shale.
approximately at a=310 feet as potential electrode P 2 Second, any asymmetry in the shale mass extending
crosses the effective west edge of the shale, which is horizontally, in plan view, to the north and south of the
about 20 feet east of the edge shown in the geologic eastward-trending geologic cross section in plate 5, will
cross section. manifest itself on the apparent-resistivity values on the
At station H, the abrupt divergence of the PI and p2 traverse. Thirdly, it is tacitly assumed that the true
curves at small values of a indicates that this station resistivity of the limestone on one side of the shale is
lies near the shale-limestone contact. The peaks on identical with that on the other. This assumption is
the PI and P2 curves at a= 130 feet and a= 140 feet, apparently fulfilled for all practical purposes in the
respectively, occur approximately as current electrode present example along the eastward-trending traverse.
02 passes over the effective west edge of the sink, The vertical resistivity profiles at the stations along
which is about 15 to 30 feet east of the west edge shown the eastward-trending traverse provide good agreement
in the geologic cross section. between the theoretical and field data. The excellent
Station I is centered over the northward-trending correlation obtained in this field example is probably
limestone barrier that separates the main shale mass attributable to the unusually thin alluvium cover on the
from another shale mass to the east. The PI and p2 east margin of the sink, where the shale-limestone con-
curves differ considerably for small valueS' of a and tact is gentle; the steep shale-limestone contact on the
converge for larger values of a, only to cross and west margin of the sink, where the alluvium is relatively
diverge at a= 170 feet approximately, as the effect of thick; and the relatively great thickness of the shale.
the main shale mass manifests itself, to give smaller For the vertical resistivity profiles at stations along
values for P2· the northward-trending traverse over the same shale
sink, several of the profiles on the south side of the shale maxima in both the PI and P2 curves occur at a=60 feet.
have approximate counterparts on the north side. At These effects occur approximately (within 5 feet) as
stations J and R, which are about 110 feet south and 80 current electrode OI passes over the same point on the
feet north, respectively, of the inferred south and north surface during the expansion of each of these profiles.
edges of the shale, the profiles are approximate counter- This point, although lying about 85 feet south of the
parts; except for small values of a, the apparent re- north edge of the shale as shown in the geologic cross
sistivity generally increases with increasing values of a. section, apparently constitutes the effective north edge
At stations K and Q, near the shale-limestone contact of the shale, where the resistivity edge effects manifest
at the south and north edges, respectively, of the shale, themselves most pronouncedly.
the profiles are very similar for small values of a, and are Other rather pronounced effects provisionally attrib-
approximate counterparts for large values of a only. utable to current-converging effects are observed: at
At stations L and P, over and within the south and station 0, where a barely perceptible maximum occurs
north edges, respectively, of the shale, the profiles are in the p2 curve at a=80 feet; at station P, where a
approximately counterparts. At station L, the abrupt maximum in the p2 curve occurs at a=120 feet; and at
change in slope of the P2 curve at a=60 feet occurs as station Q, where a maximum in the P2 curve occurs at
potential electrode P2 crosses the south shale-limestone a= 150 feet. These effects similarly occur approxi-
contact as shown in the cross section. At stations M mately (within 5 feet) as current electrode 02 passes over
and 0, over the interior of the shale, the curves are the same point on the surface during the expansion of
approximate counterparts, even for large values of a.. each of these profiles. This point, although lying about
The divergence of the PI and P2 curves for station M, 55 feet north of the south edge of the shale as shown in
with P2 always greater than PI, indicates that the station the geologic cr~ss section, apparently constitutes the
lies to the south of the center of the shale mass. The effective south edge of the shale.
divergence of the PI and P2 curves for station 0, with PI When explained provisionally as above on the basis
greater than p2 (except for small values of a), indicates of current-converging effects, the fact that this effec-
that the station lies to the north of the center of the tive edge of the sink lies so far from the edge shown in
shale mass. At station 0, a small current-converging the geologic section-which was inferred principally
peak in the P2 curve at a=80 feet occurs approximately from horizontal resistivity profiles-is explained pos-
(within 10 feet) as current electrode OI crosses the north sibly by the fact that this traverse passes near the edge
shale-limestone contact as shown in the cross section. of the shale mass.
At station N the low apparent-resistivity values of the
order of 25 ohm-meters or less for small values of a, and
the close agreement of the PI and p2 values for any given Resistivity maps greatly facilitate the interpretation
value of a either small or large, indicate that the station of resistivity data over filled sinks. The resistivity map
is located over the central part of the shale. For large is generally obtained by contouring in plan view the
values of a, the abrupt change in slope of the p2 curve at values of apparent resistivity for a given electrode
a=300 feet occurs approximately (within 15 feet) as separation over the area surveyed. The conventions
potential electrode P 2 crosses the south shale-limestone of contouring are similar to those used for topographic
contact as shown in the geologic section, and the abrupt maps. As hachured contours are very common on a
change in slope of the PI curve at a=350 feet occurs as resistivity map, it is well to recall that hachured resis-
potential electrode PI crosses the north shale-limestone tivity contours indicate that the apparent resistivity
contact as shown in the geologic section. decreases in the direction in which the hachures point.
The northward-trending traverse on plate 5 passes so Figure 159A shows a theoretical resistivity map ob-
close to the western margin of the shale that some un- tained over a hemispherical sink for the Wenner con-
usual lateral effects are produced along the traverse. figuration. The ratio of the resistivity of the material
The effects are provisionally attributed to current-con- filling the sink to that of the surrounding medium is
verging effects, although the relations are not entirely taken as 1 :5-actually 30 ohm-meters: 150 ohm-meters-
clear, principally because insufficient theoretical work
for comparison with a field example later, and the
has been done to date (1957) for vertical profiles that
electrode separation a is equal to half the radius of the
pass nearly tangent to the edge of the sink. Rather
pronounced effects are observed: at station K, where sink. The contours are based on the same theoretical
a maximum in the PI curve occurs at a= 160 feet; at data which were used to construct the horizontal
station L, where a maximum in the PI curve occurs at traverse curves in figure 144. It is to be noted that,
a=120 feet; at station M, where a maximum in the PI near the point of tangency, the traverses are spaced more
curve occurs at a=90 feet; and at station N, where closely together to provide better definition of the


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
en 0
0 0
t: ~ ~ t:" ~ ? ~ ~


21,500 N 1-------i RESISTIVITY TRAVERSE - FIELD 0 100 200 300 400 FEET



FIGURE 159.-Compa.rison of {A) theoretical-resistivity map over hemispherical sink (shown in dotted outline)
and (B) observed field resistivity map over filled sink, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County,
Kans., Wenner configuration. Resistivity field data by K. L. Cook, 1951-M.
resistivity anomaly in this area where the resistivity be approximately 30 ohm-meters to 150 ohm-meters,
changes rapidly. or 1: 5. Although the shale sink beneath the anomaly
The theoretical resistivity map is characterized by a is known from drilling data, test pits, and shafts to be
large area of low resistivity lying inside the filled sink, somewhat elongate in a northerly direction, the general
and a crescent-shaped high that flanks both the right shape of the sink is sufficiently similar to a hemispherical
and left sides of the sink. The low-resistivity area as a sink that comparisons of the field data and the theo-
whole is elongated in the direction of the traverses and . retical data can be made.
manifests itself far beyond the margin of the hemi- For the Wenner configuration, the area A of low
spherical sink. In view of the symmetry of the sink resistivity within the interior of the sink is well shown
itself, the oval shape of the outer resistivity contours is in the central part of the diagram (fig. 159B). The
a rather striking feature, and is due to the direction in crescent-shaped resistivity highs B and 0 are well
which the profiles are taken. displayed on the west and east margins, respectively,
Figure 160A shows a theoretical resistivity map that of the sink. The resistivity high D at the southeast
was obtained over the same hemispherical sink with the margin of the sink may be due in part to a manifesta-
Lee configuration, using the same traverses and station tion of the edge of the sink, but it is probably caused
intervals as for the Wenner method. For the contour- largely by local silicification in the limestone or by
ing of this map, the arithmetic mean of the two offset- some other factor. The resistivity low outside the
plotted Lee partitioning values occupying the same crescent-shaped high and lying on the east and west
horizontal position for two overlapping stations is sides of the sink tends to be elongate in an east-west
computed and plotted at the same position as the two direction and to extend far beyond the margin of the
values-that is, midway between P 0 and P 1, or P 0 and sink.
P2. Although this method of averaging the Lee data For the Lee configuration, the area A of low resis-
tempers or vitiates the advantages of detail afforded tivity within the interior of the sink is well shown
by the original Lee data along a profile, it is nevertheless (fig. 160B). The gradient at the margins of the sink
the method still in common use today. Any average is greater than that for the Wenner configuration.
resistivity value plotted in this manner is generally The crescent-shaped highs B and 0 on the west and
different from that obtained by merely averaging the east margins, respectively, are well defined. The re-
apparent-resistivity values on the right- and left-hand sistivity high D at the southeast margin of the sink
sides of the Lee partitioning plane and plotting this may be in part a manifestation of the edge of the sink,
value at the position of P0 , which would then be identi- but it is probably due largely to local silicification in
cal to the Wenner plotting discussed above. the limestone or to some other factor.
A1though similar to the map obtained with the In the present theoretical and field examples, the
Wenner configuration, the theoretical map obtained difference between the Wenner and Lee resistivity
with the Lee configuration, in spite of the averaging maps is not as s~triking as in the corresponding theo-
processes discussed above, exhibits characteristics of retical horizontal profiles over a hemispherical sink.
refinement that are not shown on the corresponding In explanation, it should be remembered that the
Wenner map. The most striking features of the Lee Wenner method is inherently an averaging method
map in contrast with the Wenner map are: the much whereas the Lee method is inherently a more defining
steeper gradient (contours closer together) at the· right method. Thus, the advantages of the Lee partitioning
and left margins of the sink on the Lee map; a higher method are impaired by the necessity of averaging the
peak on the crescent-shaped high on the Lee map; and Lee values to obtain the resistivity maps shown. H.ow-
the tendency for the hachured 125-ohm-meter contour ever, if the averages are taken from the offset-plotted
on the Lee map to be shortened, so that it encloses a resistivity values in the manner previously described,
smaller area than the similar contour on the Wenner there still remains some vestige of advantage of the
map. Lee map over the Wenner map.
The Wenner and Lee field resistivity maps over a To maintain on a resistivity map the advantage of
known filled sink in the Tri-State lead-zinc mining greater definition afforded by the Lee partitioning
district, Cherokee County, Kans., are shown in figures method on profiles, it may be desirable in the future
159B and 160B, respectively. The resistivity data to contour the p1 or P2 apparent-resistivity value
were taken along eastward-trending horizontal profiles separately for the Lee partitioning method. This
spaced 100 feet apart with an electrode separation of method has apparently not been tried to date (1957).
100 feet and a station interval of 50 feet. The ratio In comparing the field resistivity maps shown in
of the resistivity of the shale constituting the filled figures 159 and 160, one should not hastily conclude
sink to that of the surrounding limestone is known to that a contour map obtained by the Wenner method


21 900 N - - ~---- +---___,...----+------:::oo~-----"'k----t...._,_--ilr-+c.~...-+~t---+-----,---;


' I

21,800 N l I



w ~ w w w w w
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~ ~ ·~ "'"~
t:: ~ Q.


- - - 6 0 - - - INTERMEDIATE RES. CONTOUR 0 100 200 300 400 FEET


• • • • • •• • • •• • BOUNDARY OF THEORETICAL SINK

FIGURE 160.-Comparison of (A) theoretical-resistivity map over hemispherical sink (shown in dotted outline)
and (B) observed field resistivity map over filled sink, Tri-State lead-zinc mining district, Cherokee County.
Kans., Lee configuration. Sinks are identical to those of figure 159. Resistivity field data by K. L. Cook, 1951-
is almost as definitive as the map obtained by the Lee TABLE 7.-Anomaly indices of Wenner horizontal profiles at a
distance from the center equal to the diameter of the hemispherical
method, if the data are averaged in the manner de- sink with optimum electrode separation
scribed above. It should be emphasized that the above [Sign added to differentiate between maxima and minima (Data from Cook and van
Nostrand, 1954)]
comparisons assume that the distance between stations
for both methods is taken as a/2, whereas the station Sink Anomaly
index 2
interval for horizontal profiling with the Wenner
method is often taken as equal to a. The spacing of Perfect conductor----------------_------------ -1.0 -0.055
Better conductor than country rock __________ _ -.8 -.040
stations is an important factor in the comparison. -.667 •-.032
-.6 -.028
For detailed information over a hemispherical sink -.4: -.017
-.2 -.008
the resistivity profiles using the Lee partitioning method Same conductivity as country rock ___________ _ 0 0
Poorer conductor than country rock __________ _ +.2 +.007
give more diagnostic information than any of the +.4 +.013
r.esistivity maps shown. These maps involve methods +.6 +.019
+.8 +.024
of averaging the Lee data that temper or vitiate the Perfect insulator __ ---------------------------- +I.O +.029
advantages of detail and resolution afforded by the 1 k=(p"-p')f(p"+p).
2 Percent anomaly for traverses outside of sink is obtained by multiplying index
original Lee data along the profiles. number by 100.
a Corresponds to minimum in figure 156. curve 6.
The resistivity maps as shown help to indicate the
trends and general extent of the filled sink and there-
fore constitute an indispensable tool to the interpreter. For a given value of the electrode separation there is
a distance from the hemispherical sink beyond which
However, the details of the filled sink, such as the
width and the exact location of the margins of the the sink cannot be detected. Also, in any specific
sink, are better shown in the resistivity profiles. area, depending on the size of the sink and resistivity
contrasts involved, there is a most desirable electrode
DETECTABILITY OF HEMISPHERICAL SINK separation as well as an optimum distance between
It can be shown from the basic equations that for traverses. Both factors can best be determined by a
traverses outside the sink the value of the electrode careful study of the curves in figure 156 or from a similar
separation at the minimum of the curves in figure 156 set of curves corresponding to another known resistivity
(curves 5 and 6) is independent of the resistivity contrast.
contrast. On this basis an equation was established When the usual irregularities or noise level of the
to give the apparent ·resistivity for the electrode separa- resistivity readings in the field are taken into account,
tion at which the minimum occurs in figure 156, curve 6. the anomaly of curve 6 (fig. 156) can scarcely be found.
It can be reasoned that the maximum :resistivity Thus, for the dimensions and resistivity contrast as-
anomaly for any Wenner horizontal traverse that passes sumed, a traverse that passes a. hemispherical filled
outside the hemisphere occurs when the center of the sink at a distance from its center equal to or greater
configuration is closest to the center of the sink. than its diameter will probably not show a recognizable
Therefore, since the curves in figure 156 represent the anomaly. As resistivity contrasts above 5 to 1 fail to
apparent resistivity for the several values of a at this make an appreciable increase in the anomaly in such
point of closest approacht they can be used to determine cases, this general rule is valid even for greater resis-
the anomaly index for Wenner horizontal profiles tivity contrasts. Table 7 shows that for a traverse
taken at several distances from the center of the sink. taken at a distance from the center of the sink equal
Table 7 gives the anomaly indices for several resistivity to the diameter of the sink, -the anomaly is only 5.5
contrasts when the value of the electrode separation percent of the regional resistivity value for a perfect
is such that these indices are maximum in absolute conductor and 2.9 percent for a perfect insulator. If
value along a traverse that passes at a distance from the noise level is of this order of magnitude, a hemi-
the center of the sink (fig. 156, traverse 6) that is equal spherical sink could be missed, even where there are
to the diameter of the sink. This electrode separation large resistivity contrasts, when successive traverses
is about equal to the diameter of the sink. are spaced as far apart as a distance that equals twice
For t.he l . ee- configuration the maximum resistivity the diameter of the sink.
anomaly is not found when the center of the configura- As a general rule the spacing of successive reconnais-
tion is closest to the center of the sink (see fig. 143). sance horizontal profiles should be made approximately
However, since the Lee curves for horizontal traverses equal to the diameter of the expected sink-or the
removed somewhat from the sink have maximum average diameter if the plan of the sink is irregular.
anomalies not. greatly different from the Wenner maxi- This conservative rule can be relaxed in some areas so
mum anomalies, the following discussion applies that the traverses can be spaced with safety at a
equal1y well to the Lee data. distance that eauals approximately three times the

radius of the sink. A traverse spacing of twice the Case I is designated for that in which current electrode
diameter is regarded as unsafe because a sink could be 0 2 is fixed on the left edge of the sink (fig. 161). Start-
missed. As implied above, for an anomaly to be ing with an electrode separation a equal to 2 units
observed on at least two adjacent traverses in horizontal data are computed for increasing values of the electrode
profiling, the traverses must be spaced no farther apart separation. As indicated above, the main purpose
than the diameter of the expected sink. is to determine how small the inhomogeneity must be
In order to determine the optimum electrode separa- in comparison with the electrode separation in order
tion to be used along reconnaissance horizontal profiles not to influence the resistivity data appreciably.
in a given area, one must compromise between small It is therefore convenient to compute the percentage
separations that give better definition across the deviation of the apparent-resistivity values from the
boundary of the sink and large separations that permit regional value that is caused by the inhomogeneity.
detectability of the sink at greater distances from the The results are shown in table 8. The percentage-
sink. As a general rule, the electrode separation a deviation values are listed under P1 and P2 for the Lee
should be made approximately equal to the radius- configuration and Pa for the Wenner configuration.
or one-half the average diameter if the plan of the sink It is noted that the values of P2 are influenced much
is irregular-of the expected sink. This conservative more than those of P1o because the inhomogeneity
rule can be relaxed in some areas so that a larger is closer to potential electrode 'P2 than to the other
electrode separation may be safely, and perhaps advan- potential electrodes. It is surprising to find that the
tageously, used. However, it should be cautioned that electrode separation a must be nearly 15 times the
as the electrode separation is increased above an opti- radius of an insulating hemisphere, or more than 20
mum amount, the value of the apparent resistivity times the radius of a conducting hemisphere, in order
within the sink increases rapidly. When using this rule. for the effect on P2 to fall below 5 percent. If the
station intervals of a/2 or less are recommended for inhomogeneity is less than perfectly conducting or
either the Lee or Wenner configuration. less than perfectly insulating, it follows that the inter-
ference which it causes would lie between the values
given for the perfect insulator and perfect conductor.
Most field men attribute to local inhomogeneities A paramount question in the minds of many field
their lack of success in the use of electrical prospecting men is whether the greatest interference arises when
methods. Although we suspect that failure to differen- the current electrode is near the foreign body or when
tiate horizontal beds is often due to lateral inhomogenei- the potential electrode is near the foreign body. In
ties not necessarily local, we will try to evaluate the most of our previous theoretical curves, the sharpest
possible effects of literally local inhomogeneities. anomalies occur when the potential electrodes cross the
Using the results of our studies of filled hemispherical boundaries. The present example affords an oppor-
sinks, we can determine how large an inhomogeneity of tunity to study this effect when the dimensions of the
this shape must be to show an appreciable effect on the foreign body are larger than, comparable to, or smaller
apparent-resistivity data obtained by various tech- than the electrode separation. For a body much smaller
niques. It was found that the maximum anomalies than the electrode separation, the answer is obtained
occur when one of the electrodes-either a current elec- immediately from the data in table 8 by comparing
trode or a potential electrode-falls on the edge of the cases I to V for an electrode separation of 100 (see also
sink. The present study is therefore restricted to situa- fig. 161). For the Lee configuration, the effect on the
tions in which one of the electrodes is fixed on the edge apparent resistivity when the small foreign body is
of the sink. In order to insure a maximum effect, only near a potential electrode is about twice the effect
inhomogeneities that are either perfectly conducting or when the same body is correspondingly near a current
perfectly insulating are considered. The case of the electrode (see case III). For the Wenner configuration,
conducting inhomogeneity is probably somewhat aca- the effect on the apparent resistivity when the small
demic. Nevertheless, the case of the insulating in- foreign body is near the potential electrode is only about
homogeneity is practical because it approximates condi- 50 percent greater than t.he effect when the same body
tions that prevail where there is a boulder near the is correspondingly near a current electrode.
electrode, where large currents from the current elec- It should be emphasized that the above rule may not
trode have abnormally dried out the soil surrounding be generalized. The maximum effect is due to the
the elec.trode, or where similar conditions exist. geometry of the electrode configuration and not to the
Five cases have been chosen for study, but only the fact that the electrode affected is a potential electrode
first of them is discussed in detail. For all, the radius or a current electrode. For example, if we were to
of the hemisphere is taken as the unit of distance. apply the principle of reciprocity and invert the con..

~ il .
Pz il .
~ i1 SURFACE .

ll cl

c.t il il SURFACE

~ il il ..

~ il/2 .

FIGURE 161.-Eieetrode positions used in the preparation of table 8. Each electrode shown on the edge of the hemisphere is held fixed as the configuration is expanded.

figuration by interchanging all c1,1rrent and potential the outside potential electrodes falls on the edge of the
electrodes, we would find that the greatest e1fect would inhomogeneity and that the inhomogeneity lies between
occur when the inhomogeneity falls near a current the potential electrodes and the nearest current elec-
electrode. A general rule to predict this behavior is as trode. Here, the effect on the Wenner apparent resis-
follows: If the distance between the potential elec- tivity does not fall below 5 percent until the electrode
trodes is greater than the distance between the current separation is more than 26 times the radius for a
electrodes, then local inhomogeneities will affect the perfectly conducting body or 13 times the radius for a
results more where the inhomogeneities are near the perfectly insulating body. The effect on the Lee
current electrodes. If the distance between the current apparent resistivity P2 (considering that P 2 is touching
electrodes is greater than that between the potential the foreign body) is more profound because the measur-
electrodes, as it is in the usual configurations, the effect ing electrodes are closer together. For the effect to
on the potential electrodes will be greater. When the fall below 5 percent, the electrode separation must be
rule is stated in this way, the reason becomes obvious: 50 times the radius for a perfect conductor or 25 times
the effect of a foreign body on the resistivity measure- for a perfect insulator. For p 1, the effect is compara-
ment is roughly proportional to the size of the body as tively very small because none of the electrodes used
compared to the distance between the electrodes in this measurement is near the disturbance if the
through which the disturbing influence is exerted. electrode separation is large.
The answer to our original question is be8t found in Table 8 also includes data that are valuable in evalua-
case III, which apparently yields the maxirnum effect ting potential-drop ratios. As previously pointed out,
for all the larger electrode separations. To broaden the ratio P2/P1 serves this purpose. The inverse of this
the meaning of case III, it should be noted that one of ratio, namely, the ratio ptfp2 , is used in places to keep

TABLE 8.-Data showing the effect of local inhomogeneities having the shape of a hemisphere
[The apparent resistivities are expressed as the percentage deviation from the regional value. The positive and negative columns indicate that the percentage deviation value
is either greater or less, respectively, than the regional value. The Lee configuration is inferred by PI and p 2 and the Wenner configuration by Pa· The ratio p 2/pt or Pt/pz is
comparable to a potential-drop ratio]

Case! Case II Case III Case IV Case V

a. Perfectly conducting inhomogeneity

I l P2 Pa
I Pa
I P2
I /Ya

a Positive Negative Positive Posi- Negative PEI!U- Negative

tive tive

2 ___ ---- ------------ 35.9 148.9 92.4 1.831 13.1 32.9 23.0 1. 295 35.9 148.9 92.4 1.831 ------ -------- ------ -------- ------ -------- ------ --------
3___ ---------------- 18.5 63.7 41.1 1.381 9.9 2!i.6 17.7 1.210 13.0 92.2 52.6 1. 702 ------ -------- -------- ------ -------- ------ --------
4 ___ ---------------- 12.4 40.6 26.5 1. 251 7.9 20.9 14.4 1.164 6.3 67.7 37.0 1. 577 40.3 100.0 "29:8- -------- 40.4 100.0 29.8 --------
5... ---------------- 9.4 29.7 19.5 1.186 6.5 17.5 12.0 1.133 3.'5 53.7 28.6 1.485 14.5 61.4 23.4 2.966 33.1 53.6 10.2 2.868
fi ___ ---------------- 7.6 23.4 15.5 1.147 5.6 15.1 10.4 1.112 2.3 44.8 23.5 1,415 6.1 45.8 19."9 1.959 28.1 37.9 4.9 2.063
8.------------------ 5.4 16.6 11.0 1.106 4.3 11.8 8.1 1.085 1.1 33.1 17.1 1. 317 2. 2 31.8 14.0 1. 500 21.6 25.0 1.7 1.-620
10 ____ -- ------------ 4.2 12.8 8.5 1.083 3.6 9.8 6. 7 1.068 .6 26.2 13.4 1.254 .8 24.4 u.s 1.333 17.4 18.8 .7 1. 445
15 ____ -------------- 2.8 8.1 5.4 1.052 2.4 6.8 4.6 1. 047 .2 17.3 8. 7 1.170 .3 16.3 8.0 1.198 u. 7 12.2 .2 1.271
2Q ____ -------------- 2.0 5.9 4.0 1.038 1.9 5.2 3.5 1. 035 .1 12.9 6. 5 1.127 .1 12.2 6.1 1.140 8.8 9.0 .1 1.183
5Q ____ -- ------------ .8 2.3 1.5 1. 015 .7 2.2 1. 5 1. 014 0 5.1 2.5 1.050 0 4.9 2.5 1.052 3.6 3.6 0 1.073
100... -------------- .1 I 1.1 .81 1. 008 .4 1.1 .7 1.007 0
2. 5 1.3 1.025 0 2.5 1.2 1.025 1.8 1.8 0 1.035

b. Perfectly insulating inhomogeneity

I P2
I P2
! I Pa psfpl PI
I .p2
l Pa
I P!/P2 PI P2
l Pa
I PtfPI PI .P2
l Pa
I P2f.P1

a Negative Positive Negative Nega- Positive Nega- Positive

tive tive

32 _________________ -- 15.2
____ --- ------------ 56.8 36.0 1.963 7.4 19.4 13.4 1.112 15.2 56.8 36.0 1. 961 ------ -------- ------- -------- ------ --------- ------ --------
8.2 26.7 17.5 1. 252 5.4 14.3 9.8 1.084 6.1 46.4 23.2 1.576 ------ -------- ------ ------ -------- ------ --------
4 ____ ----- ---------- 5. 7 17.8 11.8 1.148 4.2 11.4 7.8 1.068 3.0 30.9 17.0 1.403 20.7 51.8 15.5 --i:9i4" 19.8 50.9 15.5 1.882
5____ ----- ---------- 4.3 13.5 8.9 1.106 3.5 9. 5 6.5 1.058 1. 7 25.1 13.3 1.312 7.1 31.3 12.1 1.413 16.3 26.6 5.1 1. 512
6.------------------ 3.5 10.9 7. 2 1.083 2.9 8.1 5.5 1.050 1.1 21.1 11.1 1.254 3.2 23.3 10.0 1.274 14.0 18.8 2.4 1.382
g ____ ------- -------- 2.6 8.0 5.3 1.059 2. 2 6.1 4.2 1. 037 .5 16.1 8.3 1.186 1.1 16.0 7.4 1.173 10.7 12.2 .7 1.256
10 _____ ------------- 2.0 6.2 4.1 1. 045 1.8 5.0 3.4 1. 031 .2 12.6 6.4 1.142 .2 12.0 5.9 1.122 8.6 9.0 .2 1.192
15_______ ----------- 1.4 3.9 2.6 1. 027 1. 2 3.5 2.4 1.022 .1 8.5 4.3 1. 092 .1 8.3 4.1 1.084 5.8 fi.l .1 1.126
20 ______ ------------ 1.0 2. 9 1.9 1. 019 .9 2. 7 1.8 1. 017 0 6.4 3. 2 1. 067 0 6.5 3.2 1.005 4.5 4.5 0 1.094
50 _______ ----------- .4 1.1 .s 1.007 .4 1.1 .7 1.007 0 2.5 1.3 1.025 0 2.5 1.2 1.025 1.8 1.8 0 1.035
100 ______ ----------- .2 .6 .4 1.004 .2 .5 .3 1.00.'3 0 1.2 .6 1. 021 0 1.2 .6 1. 012 .9 .9 0 1. 017

the value always greater than unity. For resistivity The resistivity effects of certain types of local in-
ratios, case IV offers the greatest effect for a perfect homogeneities can be obtained by studying the results
conductor and case III for a perfect insulator; the based on logarithmic approximations given by Kiyono
variation between the two cases is not great for large (1950c). His results are applicable, for example, for
electrode separations. For the ratio of resistivities, it a horizontal profile that crosses a small local area which
is found that the disturbance imposes an error of 5 is abnormally dry on the surface but which retains the
percent when the electrode separation is 50 times the normal moisture at depth. A similar example would
radius for a perfect conductor and 25 times the radius be local areas or lenses of silicification in horizontal beds
for a perfect insulator. of limestone. Such features can be represented by a
The restriction on the ratio presentation of the data perfectly insulating plate of finite horizontal extent.
is the same as the restriction on the most affected The horizontal resistivity profiles over such features
potential measurement, or apparent resistivity, that (figs. 162 and 163), especially the peaks associated with
enters into the computation. It therefore follows that each edge of the plate, show some of the same character-
the potential-drop-ratio techniques would be less desir- istics as those over vertical dikes of several widths and
able for such applications as vertical profiling for resistivity contrasts. The difference between these
horizontal beds than the corresponding resistivity curves and the corresponding ones for vertical dikes
techniques using comparable electrode configurations. lies in the lack of secondary peaks, which appear and
For vertical profiling in horizontal-bed problems, the disappear as th.e electrode separation is changed in
above results indicate that the technique of using p 1 horizontal profiles over vertical dikes; the secondary
and P2 is preferable to using the ratio p2 jp 1 because it is peaks do not occur in the curves shown for the local
possible to distinguish which one of the resistivity inhomogeneity. A second difference, of course, is
curves is affected by local disturbances, if one of the found in studying the lateral extent of the features.
curves is so affected. If the Wenner Pa curve is added The plate of zero depth gives a trivial solution, and
to the plot, the same statement is true when an inhomo- therefore is not shown in figure 163. For a plate of
geneity is affecting P 0 of the Lee configuration. horizontal width equal to the electrode separation a a.nd

" ~~i-----:~~----- p'
P=~~ . X

FIGURE 162.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly insulating thin horizontal plates of
several widths b, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). For all curves, depth of
overburden d=0.25; a=unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by permission of Kyoto University.


-1 0

FIGURE 163.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly insulating thin horizontal plates
of several depths of overburden d, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). For all
curves, width b=2; a=unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by permission of Kyoto University.

2.4 t I
ard, we conclude that the depth of cracks in the earth's
a-=LO\ J surface must be considerably less than one-quarter of
v the electrode separation, or they will affect adversely
"' an electrical survey. The portion of any such cracks
that extend below the water table, however, would not
ordinarily affect the resistivity measurements ad-
1.6 t k
11 Another local inhomogeneity which affects results of
electrical surveys, especially in mining areas, is an open
A 0.251\ J pit which lies near a given traverse. The usual prob-
'-.....v "'
- l..-:::::: ~ ~ t-- lem is how close the profile 1nay be to the pit before cor-
rections must be applied; if corrections are necessary, it
Z: ~ / t::j is desirable to know how to make them readily. The ap-
tla=0.25~ ~ ~ parent-resistivity curves in the upper part of figure 165

l- 0

v 2 3
show the effects of such an open pit of hemispherical
shape and of infinite resistivity on vertical profiles
taken along traverses at different distances from the
c2 a ~ a .
~ a .
cl pit. The curves in the lower part of the same figure
J ~x·~

are for a corresponding local inhomogeneity of perfect

I p
j_ p" = 00 P'
conductivity; but for problems involving disturbing
effects, the lower set of curves are not as useful as the
I upper. Both sets of curves were obtained from equa-
FIGURE 164.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across outcropping perfectly tion 219. For profiles that lie completely outside the
insulating thin vertical plates or different depths t, Wenner configuration (two-
dimensional approximation); a=unity. Adapted from Kiyono (l950c) by
permission of Kyoto University. 1.6 -----r-----.,.----r-----r------r-----,

with a depth of burial equal to a/4, the maximum value

of the apparent-resistivity anomaly is about 25 percent.
of the value of the true resistivity of the country rock.
Such a local inhomogeneity would therefore usually be
recognizable in the field resistivity measurements. In
order for the anomaly due to such a local inhomogeneity
to fall below the previously considered "noise" level of
10 percent and thus be unrecognizable, the width of the
plate would probably need to be much less than the
electrode separation a, provided that the depth of burial
remains the same.
Another type of local inhomogeneity, for which the
logarithmic approximation is also helpful, is the out-
cropping fissure of finite depth. The problem generally
concerns the depth of the fissure necessary to adversely
0.6 c2 a .
p2 lJ ~


affect an electrical survey. Figure 164 shows the

approximate horizontal resistivity profiles for the Wen- Id
ner configuration across outcropping perfectly insulat-
ing vertical fissures of several depths (Kiyono, 1950c).
It is instructive to compare these curves with the- cor-
responding curve over a vertical fissure of infinite depth
given in figure 54A.
The family of curves in figure 164· shows that the
interference caused by a surficial crack in the earth that
extends to a depth equal to only one-fourth of the
electrode separation, for example, is of the order of 20 FIGURE 165.-Vertical resistivity profiles taken at several distances from a filled
percent. Since this anomaly is larger than the 10 per- hemispherical sink of radius "· Upper curves for perfectly insulating sink;
lower curves for perfectly conducting sink; d= perpendicular distance between
cent level of noise adopted by us as an arbitrary stand- profile and centet of sink.
pit, as in the present example, the maximum effect of If the foreign body is close to the earth's surface, such
the pit occurs when the configuration .is symmetrically an approximation is crude because it does not take into·
placed with respect to the pit. Therefore, the curves account the interaction between the body and its image.
serve equally well to evaluate the maximum anomalies The approximation becomes increasingly valid, how-
-obtained with horizontal resistivity profiles along the ever, as the depth of the foreign body increases.
same given traverses. For spheres, Webb (1931a) showed that approximate
As an example, suppose an electrode separation of formulas of this type are sufficiently accurate for com-
100 feet is being used in the vicinity ·Of .an open hemi- puting potentials where the depth of the center of the
·spherical pit having a radius of 200 feet. The .ratio sphere is greater than three times the radius of the
afr1 is then %·;therefore, attention is directed to points sphere. However, we wil1 show later that this depth
on the upper set of curves Jor this value. If it is de- is well beyond that at which spheres can ordinarily be
sired to keep the influence of the pit below a value detected by electrical methods. Therefore, such ap-
equal to 5 percent of the regional resistivity value of proximations are principally of academic interest only.
the surrounding country rock (see fig. 165, point P), Another useful approximation to three-dimensional
the traverse must be taken at least 100 feet from the problems is afforded by the logarithmic potential or
edge of the pit. two-dimensional analysis (see fig. 14). One of the best
methods of solving two-dimensional problems is the
use of conformal mapping. Therefore, an example of
The interpretation of resistivity data over buried c0nformal mapping is given as applied to the solution
three-dimensional masses and structures is difficult. of the buried-vertical-fault ,problem. In addition, sev-
Even for the simplest of buried bodies, the sphere, the eral examples of theoretical curves based on this type
mathematics is complex. Only a few papers _are avail- of solution are shown.
able that give an exact theoretical treatment of the These approximations for1n useful tools to study
problem of buried masses and structures. The exact qualitatively the characteristics of resistivity curves.
solutions are limited to bodies of second-order surfaces, The normal noise level (random variation) in resistivity
such as the sphere, prolate spheroid, oblate spheroid, work is often as high as 10 percent, which is of the same
and similar masses; solutions for these special problems order of magnitude as the error introduced by using
are available even for finite resistivity contrasts. The the approximations. For quantitative interpretation,
remaining papers on the subject, also few in number, however, exact theoretical curves are usually necessary.
are restricted to approximate solutions that generally Proper instruments and field techniques may minimize
are based ·on ,two.. dimensienal or logarithmic approxi- the random fluctuations in the field curve:;.
mations. Further, these solutions generally are limited 'Exu.ct solutions for buried..:structure problems usually
to buried bodies that are either perfectly conducting or involve functions that as yet have not been thoroughly
perfectly insulating. in,restigated. ~1oreover, numerical tables for most
of these functions do not exist, and for many problems
the exact solutions themselves have not been worked
In previous problems a single foreign body was as- out. Therefore, we must confine our study of buried-
sumed to exist within an otherwise infinite and homo- structure problems largely to inductive reasoning
geneous space. In the geophysical application of the bused on approximate solutions. There are amenable
solution, the surface of the earth was considered as a to exnct solution, however, a series of buried-structure
plane of symmetry passing through the foreign body. problems that may be applied to geologie situations.
Problems in the present section differ in that two iden- The exact solutions of these problems are so compli-
tical foreign bodies must now be considered for each cated that they offer little encouragement for large-
case; one body is the mirror image of the other, as if scale numerical computation. In this study, without
it were reflected from the surface of the earth, which sample curves, they are little more than a series of
.acts as the mirror. The interaction between the original exercises in potential theory, and are included here
body and its image causes the mathematics to be mainly to offer future workers one more stepping stone
complex. toward the eventual realization of useful theoretical curves.
As a first approximation, the potential anomaly due In the special case of the buried conducting sphere,
to a buried ·foreign body in the field of a point electrode the mathematics is comparatively simple. Therefore,
on the surface of the earth can be considered equivalent the solution for this problem is developed in detail
to twice the anomaly that would be observed if both so that it can be used to draw conclusions concerning
the point ;electrode and the same foreign body were the capabilities of electrical prospecting methods in
buried in an otherwise infinite and homogeneous,,earth. general.

BURIED SPHERES potential outside the sphere due to a point source of

The general problem of a buried mass involving current is, therefore,
an arbitrary resistivity contrast between it and the
surrounding country rock is especially difficult, owing U=lp {_!+ (1-cos To)~(cosh cr-cos T)~
2r R b
to the double effect of the inhomogeneity and the
oo n (n-m)!
earth's surface. Webb (1931a, b) published complete X ~ ~ (2-8om) (n+m)!
solutions not only to the problem of a buried sphere n=O m=O

with an arbitrary resistivity contrast, but also the X An"' cosh (Ncr) Pn"' (cos To) Pn"' (cos T) cos mq,}, (221)
more general problem of a buried spheroid with a.rbi-
trary resistivity contrast. The solutions to the general where N=n+l. We have chosen the forn1 of the
problem of the spheroid do not lend t.hemselves well expansion in equation 221 to conform to the known
to large-scale numerical computations. The solutions expansion for 1/R. The potential within the sphere has
for the sphere of arbitrary resistivity nre only slightly some unkrrown constant value U1• We thus have two
better in that respect. However, we now offer n, new unknowns, Anm and U., which have to be determined
method for solving the special case of a perfectly from the boundary conditions.
conducting sphere in order to illustrate a means of The .first boundary condition is obviously that the
circumventing the unique difficulties encountered in potential must equal U1 at the surface of the sphere
this type of problem. where u=u1• If we substitute the expansion for 1/R
To solve the problem of a buried mass of foreign (equation 125), we can write
material that can be approximated by a buried sphere [p oo oo (n-m)!
with perfect conductivity (fig. 166), we use bipolar U1=2b (1-cosTo)~ (cosh cr.-cosT)~~~ (2-8om) (n+m)!
1r n=O m=O

X[eN +An"' cosh NcrtlPn"' (cos To) P.,m (cos T) cos mcJ>. (222)
SURFACE We can expand (cosh u-cos r)-~ by converting the
hyperbolic cosine to its exponential form and by manip-
t ulating the expression so that it is analogous to the
development in equation 103. Thus we have
_]____ 00

(cosh cr-cos T)-~ =v2 ~ e-<n+~>" Pn (cosT). (223)

P(rr, T,c/>) n=O

By differentiating both sides of this equation, we obtain

a second useful expansion
p' (cosh cr-cos T)-~ sinh u=2v2 ~ (n+ ~)e-<n+%>" Pn (cos T).
Dividing both sides of equation 223 by (cosh u.-
FIGURE 166.-Cross section of a point source of current Con the surface of the earth cos r)% and using the first of the above expansions,
in the vicinity of a buried sphere of radius r1.
we obtain
coordinates and require solutions of Laplace's equation
given by equation 96. The surface of the earth,
u •..;2 ±
e-NrtPn (cos T)=::b (1-cos To)~
on which is placed the point electrode 0, is designated oo n ( )I
X ~ ~ (2-8om) n-m · [e-N" 1
as the xy-plane where u=O. The positive z-axis is n=O m=O (n+m)!
downward. The surface of the sphere "is described +An"' cosh Nut]Pn"' (cos To) Pn"' (cos T) cos mq,. (225)
as u=u1• The resistivity outside the sphere is p' =p
ohm-meters and that inside is p" = 0. ThE:' radius As the left side of equation 225 contains no terms in
of the sphere, r., and the depth of its center, d, can which m¢0, the terms on the right side of the equation
be obtained from the equation for the sphere. given in which m¢0 must vanish if the equality is to hold for
immediately prior to equation 90. all values of cp. This can happen only if the term in
In the region outside the sphere, u ranges only from brackets vanishes separately for each value of m. Thus
0 to <Tt so that both exponential terms may be retained we find that
in the general equation 96. The coefficients of both
terms must be equal, however, in order that no current
crosses the earth's surface. The expression for the when m does not equal zero.
We are able to determine the coefficients An which An easier form for computations, which is found by
remain by applying Gauss's theorem to the sphere. using the addition theorem (equation 101) for Legendre
Mathematically, this theorem is expressed as polynomials, is

;JcvU).ds.=O, U=
{.!_!b (1-cos To)
21r R
1' 2 (cosh o--cos T) 112

= e-N•• cosh No- }

where the integration is to be carried out over the entire X~ h N [Pn (cos 'Y)-Pn (cos To)Pn (cosT)], (228)
n=l cos O"t
surface of the sphere. In physical terms, this integral
states that just as much current must flow out of the
where, as in equation.99,
sphere as flows in. We get (V U), and ds, from equations
93 and 92, respectively. Substituting for these expres- cos 'Y =cos To cos T +sin To sin T cos f/>.
sions and canceling factors where possible, we get for the
Let us assume that a volcanic neck may be approxi-
~ n ~-~1£r
~ ~(2-8om) -+(); cos m,Pd,P sin TdT
Lr mated by a cone whose apex is at the earth's surface.
n=O m=O n m · 0 o Obviously such an assumption is not valid in the im-
sinh o-t N
mediate vicinity of the apex of the volcanic neck,
X[ ( h ) (e- ••+An"' cosh No- 1)
2 COS O"t- COS T 312
because the apex of an actual volcanic neck is not a
+( h N )1/ (-e-N••+An"'sinhNo-t)J definite mathematical point; but the approximation
COS O"t- COS T 2
is adequate at short distances from the cone.
XPn'" (cos To)Pn"' (cos T)=O. (226) To describe ·the cone we use spherical coordinates
with the origin at the apex of the cone (.fig. 167). The
Integrating over </>, we .find that there persists only
the terms for which m=O, and we are left with
~ Pn (cos To)
. [
Pn (cosT) sm T dT
sinh O"t
2 (cosh o-t-COS T ) 312
C (ro, r/2, 0)

X (e-N•• +An cosh No-t)+ (COS h O"t- COS T
pt 2

X ( -e-N•t+An sinh No-t) ]=o.

':(r' (J 'q,)

The second integration is easily carried out if we substi-

tute the expressions given by equations 223 and 224.
After these substitutions are made, equation 226

(cos To) f~
Pn (cos T) ±P;
(cosT) sin TdT[(j+ 1/2) FIGURE 167.-Cross section of a cone-shaped volcanic neck.

X (e-N••+An cosh No-t) +N( -e-N••+An sinh No-t)]e-<i+l/2>••=0. surface of the cone is defined by the equation 8=8•.
In the integrationover T, we make use of the orthog- The resistivity is p' outside the cone, and p" within the
onality of the Legendre polynomials to eliminate all cone. A current electrode is at point O(ro, r/2, 0).
terms for which n¢j. Therefore, we have We require solutions of Laplace's equation of the form
~ m
given in equation 63, which contains the cone functions.
~An (cosh No-t +sinh No-t)e-N••Pn (cos To)= ~AnPn (cos To) =0, In the region of resistivity p', which contains no part
n=O n=O
of the polar axis, both of the Legendre functions must
which can be true for any value of To only if An is zero. be retained in the solution. The coefficients of both
Therefore, we finally have for the potential due to a of these Legendre functions must be equal; otherwise
point source outside a buried conducting sphere: there would be a potential gradient (current flow)
across the earth's surface. In the region of resistivity
Jp{1 2 ~ n (n-m)!
U=- - - - (1...:..cos To)1' 2 (cosh o--cos T)t/2 ~ ~ - - -1 p", where cos 8 becomes plus one, we must discard
21r R b n=l m=l (n+m).
e-N•• cosh No- } P~-l-i (-cos 8) from the general solution in order to
X h N Pn'" (cos To) Pn"' (cos T) cos m,P . (227) keep the solution .finite in the region of interest.
cos O"t

Therefore, the two potential functions are would probably converge faster if 1/R were removed
as it is in ulA.
Uu = lp'
{1R+. ,-::-:
1 ~. . cos J:"" Am(p)[P,!;-u (cos 8)
A volcanic pipe· is.essentially a cylindrical mass of
vror m=O 0 igneous material standing vertically. A solution for
+Pi;-u(-cos 8)] cos (pIn r/r0) dp} this problem is obtained simply by an adaptation of
equations 216 and 217. The xy-plane (z=O) is taken as
lp' { 1 1 ... the surface of the earth, and the positive z-axis is down-
2r R
-+- ~ eosmrp
..JToT m=O ward (fig. 168).. The surface of the cylinder is the sur-
X Jo"" Bm(P) P;;,_H (cos 8) cos (pIn r/r 0) dp}· face r=r1• The resistivity of the country rock is p' and
that of the pipe is p". The modifications necessary in
equations 216 and 217 for the present problem are to
In arnVIng at the form of the solutions, we have change 411" to 21r and let z=O. The potential functions
anticipated the dependence on r0 from our knowledge
are then
of the expression for the reciprocal distance in te1"ms of
these functions (equation 129). The limits of integra-
tion have also been made to conform to that expansion.
Substituting the expansion for 1/R, applying the
boundary conditions that the potential and normal
component of the current density must be continuous
across the surface 8=8~, and solving the resulting simul-
taneous equations, we obtain the two arbitrary con-
stants, Am(P) and Bm(p). Substituting these constants
in the original equations, we get the final solutions:

Uu =IP {_!_ + (p"- p')

2r R

(2 -oo,) cos mrp
( -1)m
X f"" P:',.-u (cos 8) + PZ:-u( -cos 8)
Jo p'-p"+p'y;; (cos o,)+p"y,;m (coso,)
r(!+ip-m) ... }
X cosb np r( 1"1 + m ) cos (p In r/r0) P 1,.-u(O)dp - {1
UlB= --- ~ (2 - uil 0 m )
2 (p II - p ') £....1 COS mrp

U2A= lp'p"
± (2-0om) cos mrp
2r R 11'" m=O

X f"" lm{tro) y,:,.(tr,)Km(tr) dt}· (231 )

m=O (
Jo p 11 Y,~(trt)-p'1/tm(tr,)
X f"" y,; (cos o,) + y,;"' (cos 8,)
Jo p' -;p" + p1 1/t': (cos o,) + p11 y,;· (cos o,) Equations 230 and 231 are equally applicable to a
X r(!+ip-m) study of the effect of a perfectly conducting vertical
cosh .,.pr(!+ip+m) metallic pipe on a resistivity survey. The only modifica-
X cos (pIn r/ro) P:',.-u(O) PZ:-u (cos O)dp. (229) tion is to set p" equal to zero. The effects of vertical
metallic pipes are sometimes observed in areas where
In the second of these equations, it is more convenient drill tests have been made previously and the drill cas-
to include the expansion for 1/R in the final form. ing has been left in the ground.
For computational purposes, however, the integral

I C(r0 , 0, 0) We now study a buried' dome with the assumed shape
of an inverted hyperboloid of revolution. Mathemati-
I cally, the relationship between such a dome and the cone
previously discussed is that the surface of the hyper-
P' p" p' boloid approaches asymptotically the surface of a cone·
f(r ,q,, z)
I at large distances from the origin. Geologically, this
I means that the resistivity curves for a buried dome will
I approach asymptotically the· corresponding curves for
I a cone-shaped structure at large distances from the
+Z origin for horizontal pro.files or at large electrode sepa-
FIGURE 168.-Cross section of a volcanic pipe. rations for vertical profiles. It is understandable that
the solutions for the two problems parallel each other As in the solution for cones, it is more convenient to
closely. express U2A with the expansion for 1/R included in the
For the dome problem, we use prolate spheroidal integral. These solutions can be changed to the cone·
coordinates with the positive polar z-axis oriented down- solutions by considering them in the limit as b---+0.
ward (fig. 169). The surface of the dome is the surface The analysis just used for the buried-dome problem
~=~1 • The resistivity of the country rock is p', and that can be used also, with slight modification, for the
within the dome is p". A current electrode is at point problem of certain topographic effects on electrical
O(fJo, 0, 0). We require solutions of Laplace's equation surveys. The effects of hills and depressions, for
of the form given in equation 88 which contains the example, can be obtained by using prolate spheroidal
hyperboloidal functions as well as the cone functions. coordinates, provided that the shape of these features
In the country rock,~ ranges from 0 to ~1 • There- approximates a hyperboloid of revolution. The surface
fore, Uu will contain both of the Legendre functions
that exist in the general solution. The coefficients of
both of the Legendre functions are equal in order to satisfy SURFACE
C('lo• 0, 0)
the condition that no current flows across the earth's
surface. Within the dome, where ~ becomes plus one,
we must discard .P&-~( -~)from the general solution in
order to keep the solution finite in the region of interest.
Thus, the two potential functions are

Substituting the expansion for 1/R (equation 134),
FIGURE 169.-Cross section of a buried dome structure.
applying the boundary conditions that the potential
and normal component of the current density must be
continuous across the surface ~=~~, and solving the of the hill can be described by the surface ~=~t, in
resulting simultaneous equations, we obtain the two prolate spheroidal coordinates (fig. 169), which are
arbitrary constants Am(P) and B,.(p). Substituting oriented with the positive polar axis downward. As
these constants in the original equations 232, we get usual, <Po=O, but now the point current electrode is
the following final solutions: assumed to lie within the earth at the point 0'(7Jo, ~o, 0).
The resistivity of the earth (where ~>~1) is p. Only
one potential function is needed in this case, and it is
comparatively simple. Since the earth contains points
X f•p tanh rp rz(i+ip-m) where ~= 1, the term containing ~11 - 11 2( -~) can be
Jo cosh rp r2(!+ip+m) discarded from the general solution (equation 88).
Therefore, we have
X [ P,;_K(~) + P,;_K( -~) ]
p'- p" + p' ~ (~!) + p" !f;·(~t)
[p { 1 ~
U= 4r R+b.,. if.='o (2-8om) cos m<P
X PI::-u(O)Pr-u(7]o)P;'-u(7J)dp}
fm A ( )P tanh rp r 2(!+ip-m)
X Jo m P cosh rp r 2(l+ip+m)
[p'(rp") ..
Uu=- -b ~(2-8om) cos m<jJ
21r , , .... o

where the form has been chosen according to the

previous knowledge of the expansion for 1/R (equation
134). Substituting the expansion for 1/R and differen-
tiating with respect to ~' we obtain the normal com-

ponent of current on the boundary: A conformal transformation is an operation that es-

tablishes a relation between the points on two different
planes, and at the same time preserves the angles; in
other words, if two curves intersect at a. given angle in
one plane, the corresponding curves in the Second plane
r· p tanh rp r 2 (i+ip-m)
will intersect at the same angle. Analytically, such a
X Jo cosh rp r 2 (i+ip+m)
transformation is expressed most easily by the aid of
X [P~u(&) p~-_H (- ~t) +Am(P) Pf:-u (~t)] complex numbers. The transformation from the co-
X Pr-u('lo) Pr-u('l)dp. ordinates E and ., in the r-plane to the coordinates X and
yin the z-plane is represented by a relation of the type
The primes indicate differentiation with respect to E. r j(z), wherej(z) must be an analytic function. It is
The derivative of U is equated to zero, in order to recalled that Z=x+iy and r=E+i.,, where i=R..
apply the boundary condition that no current crosses Also, where x and y are both considered to be functions
the earth's surface; and the resulting equation is solved of ~ and 11 , the Cauchy equations have to be fulfilled;
for Am(p). By substituting the expression into equa- that is,
tion 234 and by letting Eo approach Et, we obtain the
03: = C>y and 03: = - C>y •
desired potential function on the surface of the hill: C>E .C>,., C>,., C>~

]p{ 1 1f' ~
U=- -+-~(2-8om) cos mrJ>
Since x andy, as functions of~ and .,, obey Cauchy's
4r R bm=O equations, they also are harmonic and obey Laplace's
equation. Thus, we confirm that the potential at a.
m.ven point in one plane is also the valid potential at
the corresponding point in the second plane. This
principle will become increasingly clear in a simple
example that will be explained before beginning the
problem of the buried fault itself.
A closer examination of the coordinate system reveals Several general methods exist for transforming a half
that equation 235 serves two purposes. If E1 is positive, plane or the interior of a circle into the interior of an
the equation applies to a point current electrode near area bounded by a series of curvilinear segments. Most
the crest of a hill. If E1 is negative, the equation of these methods, however, do not lend themselves well
applies in the same manner to a point current electrode to practical problems. Swartz's method of representing
near the bottom of a bowl-shaped depression. a polygon in a half plane is simple, useful, and usually
By analogy with the dome problem and its solution practical, and it is the most commonly used technique
it is seen that anticlinal structures can be studied by for transformation. Specifically, Swartz's transforma-
using a cylindrical coordinate system in which the tion consists of representing the differential of the func-
cross section is similar to that in figure 169. Such tion z J(t) in the form of a product
systems are called elliptical cylindrical coordinates. dz= (r-a1)-allw(r-02)-cralw(r-a3)-cralw •.• dr, (236)
Similarly, synclinal structures can be studied by using
the same elliptical cylindrical coordinate system when where the a's and a's are real numbers. The a's are
the elliptical cylinders form the boundary surfaces. chosen so that a.>ll2>aa . . . ; thus, r=a.,
s=ll2, . . .
represent successive points on 1the real axis. Similarly,
the a's are angles that lie between - r and r.
Several types of difficult two-dimensional problems, The meaning of these constants can be best realized
such as the buried vertical fault, can be solved approxi- by examining this generalized transformation in detail
mately by conformal mapping. The theory of con- (fig. 170). If, for example, we start at positive infinity
formal mapping is outlined here to show how it can be on the ~-axis in the r-plane and proceed in the negative
used for the buried vertical fault. Specific apparent- direction, our path transforms into the z-plane as shown
resistivity profiles, which are obtained from this type in the diagram. As we pass each critical point in the
of analysis for several two-dimensional features, will be r-plane, our path in the z-plane turns through an angle
shown later (p. 268 to 27 4). Our development of the a that corresponds to the given point in equation 236.
subject follows that by Kunetz and Chastenet de Gery The number and values of the angles are such that our
(1956) in of telluric currents over buried struc- path brings us back to the starting point in the z-plane.
tures. For the details of the analysis the reader is In practice the starting point is arbitrary, and for this
referred to any standard text on the subject (for ex- reason the point in the diagram is chosen off the real
ample, Morse and Feshbach, 1953, p. 443-453). axis.
y y
r -plane I z -plane I
I '·
I I '"*----Ac:::c
I +r +r I
- - - - - - - - - +I _E_ .a - - - - C
a2 al
..!.. -c ---------+---------------X

FIGURE 170.-Swartz conformal transformation relating the •-plane to the t-plane.

t -plane "I z -plane 11

I 11 = r/2 I c p
I " •

p c
- - - - - -•- - - + - - -•- - .a.. - .s.. - - E ----------+-------------:~:
-1 I +1 I

FIGURE 171.-Swartz conformal transformation of the positive half of the t-plane into a strip in the z-plane.

To illustrate the Swartz transformation, we use the In order to examine the transformation in detail, it is
simple example of describing the potential due to two convenient to put the transformation function in the
parallel, infinitely long, grounded wires laid on the sur- form
face of the earth. The earth is considered to consist
of two layers, the lower of which is infinitely resistant
(see the left half of fig. 171). The strip in the z-plane
can be considered as a polygon with only two angles, which is valid for points along the real axis (7J=0) in
each of which equals 1r. Since there are only two turn- the t-plane only. From this relationship, it is noted
ing points, both of which are found at infinity in the that the origin from the r-plane transforms into the
z-plane, we can specify arbitrarily both of these points origin of the z-plane. To the right of the origin towards
in the t-plane. The most convenient points to choose the point t=1, z approaches positive infinity. Thus,
are a1 = 1 and fL2= -1. In this case, equation 236, the part of the real axis between t=O and t= 1 trans-
therefore, becomes forms into the whole positive real axis in the z-plane.
dt Similarly, the part of the real axis between t=O and
dz <r-tHr+ I) r= -1 transforms into the whole negative real axis in
the z-plane. These relationships have been deduced
By simple integration it is found that from the first form of the function in equation 238.
1 t+1 (237)
Outside the range -1<t<1, the second form of the
Z=2ln f - 1 Or f=tanh z.
function in equation 238 must be used. In this case

"I z-plane I

f' -plane I
I c. p
I Y=~J1+ T/2 I \'x= .I.. ~
ln vr.+;:j2 + 2
2 1- T/2 "'4- T2 ·rx v
+ T/2 - 1- T/2
Y=..!: J1-TI2 I
2 1 +T/2

p c t
----- -·--
·-- +- -·--
-T/2 +T/2
-·-- __._ ~ -~
t =-~4-T2

y--~ ~ 1+ T/2
- 2 1- T/2

FIGURE 172.-Transformation of a buried fault with finite displacement and overburden of uniform resistivity in the z-plane, into half of the r-plane.

all the corresponding points of the z-plane lie along a for ~>~o· Since the potentials are desired along the
line parallel to the real axis and are defined by y=r/2. surface of the earth (y=r/2) in the z-plane only, this
The points for which t= ± oo are seen to transform into expression is sufficient. In order to obtain the poten-
the intersection of this line with the imaginary axis in tials at corresponding points in the z-plane-that is,
the z-plane. at points along the surface of the earth-the appropriate
To solve the two-layer problem with this transforma- expression from equation 237 is substituted into equa-
tion, as we set out to do, the current electrode is merely tion 239 to obtain
placed as shown in figure 171. In order that the upper
U- I p l tanh (Xo+ir/2)
surface in the z-plane may be used to represent the --;- n tanh (Xo + ir /2) -tanh (x + ir /2)
surface of the earth, the current electrodes in the t-plane
must be placed outside of the region -1 <t<1; their = Ip ln coth xo (240)
r coth Xo- coth x
exact position depends upon their positions in the
for ~o>~.
z-plane. The thickness of the bed can be changed
arbitrarily by changing the scale in the t-plane. This expression can be used to determine the potential
The problem of determining the potential distribution distribution about a long current electrode laid on the
in the t-plane is a simple one (see equation 20). In surface of a two-layer earth when the lower layer has a
order to find the potential at a given point in the z-plane, very high resistivity. It can also be used to make a
which is considerably more complicated if attacked two-dimensional (logarithmic) approximation to the
directly, we need only find the potential at the corre- normal three-dimensional Wenner vertical profiles and
sponding point in the t-plane. It should be noted that thus to ascertain in yet another case the value of such
equation 20 must be used with caution. Because of approximations. There are a certain number of para-
the unusual characteristics of the logarithmic potential doxes, such as infinite potential at x=O, but these
for two or more line electrodes, the same zero for the vanish in practical cases where two parallel current
expressions of potential must be chosen for the separate electrodes are considered.
electrodes. This problem does not exist in three- Having established the principles of conformal
dimensional problems because zero potential is by transformation involved with a simple problem, we
convention always set at infinity. next consider the buried-fault problem. This problem
If the potential at the origin is arbitrarily assigned is similar to that given above except that the lower
as zero, the potential at point P due to the line electrode bed has been broken by a vertical fault with finite
0 in the t-plane along the real axis is (see equation 20) displacement (fig. 172). The turning points referred
either to above are chosen tO be s= ± 1 and s= ± T/2 On the
real axis in the t-plane. Thus, the differential form of
the transformation is
The .first of these forms is valid for ~o>~ and the second
which by integration can be shown to be liURIED POCXBTS
By buried pockets we mean three-dimensional bodies
z=! ffH2}n ..J(l +-r/2){f-T/2) +.J(l-T/2){f+T/2)
2"Vr::::;J2 ..J(l +T/2){f-T/2) -.,f(l-T/2) (f+T/2) of finite dimensions in all three directions; these are in
contrast with two-dimensional bodies, which are con-
_! ~In ..J(l +T/2Hr+.,./2) +..J(l-.,./2}(f-.,./2) (241 ) sidered of infinite dimension in one or more directions
2"V ~ ..J (t +.,./2) <r+.,./2) -..J (t-.,./2) <r-.,./2) · '
as, for example, in a buried stream channel or a dike.
The mathematics for three-dimensional bodies is
The transformation can be followed from the
exceedingly difficult for all but the simplest problems,
to the z-plane in about the same way as in the previous
and most of our study of such bodies is therefore re-
case; but there are some important irregularities that
stricted to those which can be satisfactorily ap-
should be noted. For example, the point at real
proximated by a sphere.
infinity in the s-plane no longer transforms into a
point on the imaginary axis in the z-plane as it did The location of buried masses and structures was the
previously. Moreover, no part of the real ~xis in the first object of electrical prospecting, although the sub-
range -1 <~< 1 transforms into the real axis of the ject of horizontal bedding has long since taken the lead
z-plane. The details of the transformation are given with respect to theoretical treatment and publications.
in figure 172. Whereas the reverse transformation Early workers (Sundberg and others, 1923) showed that
function in the previous case-that is, s as a funct.ion the homogeneous electrical field due to' parallel line
of z-was sufficiently simple that the expression could electrodes is disturbed proportionally more by buried
be substituted in the potential function itself, the bodies than the spherical field due to point electrodes.
reverse transformation function in the present case The greater flexibility and convenience in fieldwork
is not conveniently simple. Consequently, a different with point electrodes, however, is great enough to
approach must be used. compensate for the difference. We restrict our dis-
Because the potential remains constant during the cussions to the disturbance of the fields of point elec-
transformation, the potential at a given point in the trodes except insofar as logarithmic (two-dimensional)
z-plane is t.he same as that at the corresponding point approximations can be used to attain the same end.
in the s-plane. It is, therefore, convenient to determine The capabilities of electrical methods in general can
numerically the corresponding points using equation be roughly appraised by examining the classic problem
241. This process is comparatively simple because of a spherical inhomogeneity in a uniform field. Using
all points of interest lie on the earth's surface spherical coordinates (fig. 24) and assuming that uni-
(y= (11"/2)[(1 +T/2)/(1-T/2)]1' 2), which in turn is de- form current density i is flowing parallel to the polar
rived from that part of the ~-axis outside the range axis in an infinite and uniform space of resistivity p1 , it
-1 <E<L Continuous coverage can be obtained can be shown from elementary considerations that the
potential is given by ip'r cos 8, where r is the distance
by drawing a graph. Once the graph is drawn, the
points in the s-plane corresponding to the electrode from the center of the sphere to the potential electrode
positions in the z-plane can be easily determined; and 8 is the polar angle.
and the desired potential differences can then be If, within the material of resistivity p', there is now
calculated. placed a sphere whose center is at the origin, whose
Thus, we have shown how to compute the logarithmic radius is r1, and whose resistivity is p", the potential
approximations for resistivity profiles over a buried in the original uniform field will now be disturbed by a
fault with finite displacement when the faulted bed perturbation which can be described in terms of equa-
has a much higher resistivity than the overlying bed. tion 58 when m=O. The potentials outside and inside
Obviously, an infinite displacement of the fault is the sphere are therefore given, respectively, by
obtained by letting T/2 approach 1. Because the
exact three-dimensional solution to this problem is ...
U1 =ip'r cos 8+ ~ a,.r-•- 1 Pn (cos 8}
prohibitively difficult, the logarithmic approximation n=O
serves a very useful purpose. ""
U2=ip'r cos B+ ~ Anr"Pn (cos 8).
To solve a problem involving a finite resistivity n=O
contrast, the same approach can be used. The details
a:e much more complicated, however, because essen- The application of the boundary conditions is
tially three regions must be considered instead of the straightforward. All of the coefficients are zero
two regions involved in the example given~ except when n=l. After determining At and B1 and

substituting them into the original expressions, we distance between Ot and 02; r1 is the horizontal distance
obtain between 0 2 and P2; r2 is the horizontal distance between
P 2 and 0 1 ; r3 is the distance between P2 and the center
. cos fJ [
U1 =tp'r I+ ( 2p'' r
-p' )(,•)']
of the sphere; and xis the horizontal projection of ra.
Points Ot, 02, Pt, and P2 lie along a. straight line over
the center of the sphere.
By taking the potential difference between two
The perturbation in each of these equations is such movable potential electrodes P2 and P~, the apparent
that the effect of the sphere on the potential is constant resistivity can be computed for several positions of the
within the sphere, whereas the effect of the sphere on potential electrodes as they are moved across the
the potential external to the sphere diminishes as the sphere, keeping 0 1 and 0 2 fixed. In thi~ technique as
inverse cube of the distance from the center of the used by Hummel, the electrode separatiOn a between
sphere. The inverse-cube law implies that the detec- P 1 and P2 is kept equal to the distance between 02 and
tion of buried pockets that are removed even relatively P 2 as the· potential electrodes are moved over the
short distances from the electrode configuration will be sphere. Hummel computed the theoretical profile
with this technique across the "sphere" shown in
difficult. This fact is paramount even though strictly
.6gure 1730. The sphere is approximately 0.8d in
uniform fields are ordinarily not attained with
point-electrode configurations. radius and its top is about 0.2d below the surface.
The distance L is taken as four times the depth to the
It has been pointed out (Sundberg and others, 1923)
center of the sphere. Hummel plotted the ratio of
that the anomaly is independent of the scale of the
the apparent resistivity p(J to the resistivity of the
problem. Although this fact is true with respect to
country rock versus the ratio a/L (fig. 173A). The
the sphere in a. homogeneous field, it is scarcely true in
smallest value of this ratio is 0.57, which means that
real problems because the finite dimensions of the
the smallest value of the apparent resistivity is 57
electrode separation, depth, and size of the buried bodies
percent of the true resistivity of the country rock
complicate the problem.
surrounding the conducting Ill;&SS.
The above analysis can probably be applied exactly
The equipotential-line pattern that would be obtained
if the sphere•-or a. hemispherical sink on the earth's
at the surface over this "sphere", with two point-current
surface as discussed in an earlier section-exists at
electrodes located symmetrically in relation to its
moderate depth and approximately midway between
center, identically as described above, is shown in
two widely spaced point electrodes. In general these
figure 1738 (Hummel, 1929c, d). The departure of
principles can be used only as a. guide, however, because
the equipotential lines from straight lines in the region
our problems will not ordinarily satisfy these conditions
above the center of the sphere is surprisingly small.
of symmetry and large electrode separations.
To study the effects observed at the earth's surface
POTENTIAL AND RESISTIVITY OVER BURIED SPHERES over a. buried perfectly conducting sphere, it is con-
Although relatively few theoretical potential and venient to chart potential anomalies or anomalous
resistivity curves over buried spheres are available, potentials along surface traverses that pass over or
we have selected for study several typical curves that near the buried sphere. Figure 174 is one of a. set of
show diagnostic characteristics for the detection and such profiles prepared by Lipska.ya (1949b). Three
delineation of buried spheres. quantities are represented in these curves: the normal
Hummel (1929c, d), by using potential expressions potential UN, which is the potential produced on the
used in hydrodynamics and aerodynamics, developed earth's surface by the point-current source for homo-
in simple terms the potential functions for a. buried geneous ground in the absence of the buried sphere;
egg-shaped body of "very good conductivity" in an the total potential UT, which is the potential actually
otherwise homogeneous country rock (fig. 173). The observed on the earth's surface in the presence of the
shape of this body closely approximates a. sphere. sphere; and the anomalous potential t:.U, which is the
The potential V, at any point P2 on the surface of the difference between the total potential and the normal
ground over the "sphere" whose center lies a. distanced
potential-that is, UT - U~and which is due to the
vertically below the midpoint of two fixed current
electrodes 0 1 and 0 2 (fig. 173c) is given by Hummel as sphere alone. For convenience in plotting, the nega-
tive of the quantity t:.U is plotted in figure 174. In
v ,=lp
r r
1 2
studying the profiles, it is convenient to recall that the
radius r 1 of the sphere is the unit distance to which
where p is the resistivity of the country rock; L is the all other distances are referred.

A 1.2

1.0 ....- ~

Q,,Q. 0.8 \ I
0.6 \ ...__.., /
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


c2 cl
--~--------------- ----------------I--

~ --~~~~-E~----------------------~L~---



Very good conductor

FIGURE 173.-A, Curve or apparent resistivity over burled egg-shaped body or "very good conductivity" in otherwise homogeneous
country rock. Body closely approximates a sphere. B, Equipotential Jines at surface over the same body. C, Cross section or egg-
shaped body. L ... 4.d. Adapted from Hummel (1929c, d), by permission of Johnson Reprint Corp., New York.

A' I I I I I
Tc I I I I I I I I I D 3~
For all diagrams I
2.5 -·--UN =Normal potential - 2.5 • 2.5
---- Ur =Total potential Uri I
• • • • • ~U =Anomalous potential ?I I
2.0 I


:Ur P. \Ur

1.5 I
.. ' t---------+-f-:--___;,H-------ll.5

z I
:J 0

p.i( ''\

I Jf : \
1.0 i

!1... - 4 /

. \
\ ,,
1.0 lXl
, ~;J 0 ,, ~
AP .lflf , .... :-ll.U ........ 0
,.o-<Y.u "' ~o-''
I ;vtl#" i ....~ I0.5 z
: .o. -ll.U 'o
.. -ll.UP 'o -ll.U 0

-ll.U ~~•l
•P o. ... ... ~
a........... ······· lXl
0 ...... .o•O•O•o. 0 ,, ······!...!....L I 10 l:l:l
·····-o·o·o•o rJJ

I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~
0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 -5 -4· -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 ..q

f 1 ;-2r1 .

r1 ~1 ~1
F d=1!11(i\-\ -il=l.lr6)! ~~H -~~6)! >
L\Y !_ -----,
.L -----"'


PLAN VIEW Traverse 1


FIGURE 174. Graphs showing the normal potential UN, total potential UT and anomalous potential l1 U for profiles along surface traverse passing through epicenter of buried sphere. Depth of center of
sphere d=J.lr1• Current electrode 0 1 at several distances from epicenter. Adapted from Lipskaya (1949b).
For a buried sphere ·whose center lies vertically 1.00
A a=0.5
beneath the point-current source (fig. 174H), aU is
less than zero---+that 'is,. -flU is positive-for alL points 0.75
on the ,profile (fig. 174D). For a sphere removed from
the point-current source (figs. 174 B, 0), positive
values of llU appear. For a sphere removed suffi- 0.50
ciently far from the source 'ffig. 174A), the exterior
potentials become more and more homogeneous, and Traverse 3
the llU maximum and minimum become almost equal, 1.00
making the ~U curve nearly symmetrical about a B a=l.O
vertical axis passing through the center of the sphere;
in this ,respect the AU anomaly is analogous to that for Q,"'IQ, o.75
a ~phere in a constant current.
·The negative maximum of AU is very large over the
sphere when the ,current electrode is placed at or near
the epicenter (fig. 174D). The negative maximum of c
llU increases sharply with the decrease of the depth of
the spbere. When the ·current electrode is removed a Q,"'IQ, o.75
short distance from the sphere (figs. 17:4 B: 0), the
negative maximum of AU lies approximately at the
midpoint between the epicenter of the sphere and the
0:75 a=2.0
current source. The rectilinear portion of the graph D
·With the greatest steepness on the AU curve occurs
over the sphere. ~IQ, 0.50
Graphs of the total potential U T are obtained by
algebraic addition of the normal potential UN and the
anomalous potential llU; For a sphere lying ver- -4 -2 0 2 4
tically beneath the point-current source, the U T curve '1
is symmetrical about the vertical axis passing though c -a a
the center of the sphere; and the UT curve is entirely iI
below the UN curve. When the current source lies ~~E ~
removed from the epicenter of the sphere, the symmetry 1-
of the UT curve is disturbed, and a characteristic (f)
flexure appears on one side; the UT curve descends on (f)
the right side of the sphere, crosses the UN curve, and ()

then surpasses it. The degree of this flexure is de-

pendent upon the depth of the sphere and the distance
between the conductive body and the current source.
When the current source is near the body, the value ............. !~~-v.~r.~-~-}....... 1

Traverse 2
of llU can sometimes become very important, but its ---------------
Traverse 1
influence is not very noticeable because of the great
steepness of the UN curve. As the current source
moves away from the sphere, the UN curve becomes
flatter, but at the same time the intensity of the
anomalous potential decreases. There is a cer,tain
FmURE 175.-Horizontal resistivity profiles with various electrode separations
optimum distance between the current source and the across buried perfectly conducting sphere along traverses at different dis·
body at which the distortion of the curves is the tances from epicenter of sphere, "two-electrode" configuration. Depth of
center of sphere d=l.ln. Adapted from Lipskaya (1949b).
Figures 175 and 176 show horizontal resistivity
profiles with a "two-electrode" configuration taken with one current electrode and one potential electrode
along the surface of the earth across a buried perfectly infinitely remote. The profiles for the shallow sphere
conducting sphere (Lipskaya, 1949b). This configura- with depth of center d= 1.1r1 are shown in figure 17 5,
tion is comparable to the normal device used in well- and those for the same sphere with depth of center
logging; it employs t.he usual single-probe configuration d= l.5r1 are shown in figure 176. The profiles over

1.000 A resistivity anomalies is greatly influenced by the

0.8751-------+--~~=F==:,..¥---+------1 appropriate choice of the electrode separation a.
0.750--- For large values of a, W-shaped apparent-resistivity
curves are obtained.
Lipskaya (1949b) pointed out that the apparent-
resistivity curves snown in figures 175 and 176 compare
favorably with the results of model studies by Semenov
0.750 and Malchevski (1939), who analyzed experimentally
0.625 the apparent-resistivity effects obtained with a. point-
current source by a conducting sphere buried near
a drill hole.
Figure 177 shows horizontal resistivity profiles
0.750· with both the Lee and Wenner configurations across
l.oooiD a buried perfectly conducting sphere whose depth
ci"IQ. o.875 of center is 1.1559a and whose -Tadius is 0.9247a. 8
0.750- For the Lee configuration (fig. 177A), both the Pt and
-4 0 2 4
P2 curves show slightly asymmetrical inverted W-
71 shaped curves; the major P2 minimum occurs to the
c• !. !. p left of the epicenter of the sphere, and the major
E + I 1 I I
p1 minimum occurs to the right of the epicenter.
t d=l.5r1~
t_ f~_j
• I
The point of symmetrical crossing of the Pt and P2
curves occurs vertically over the center of the sphere.
en For the Wenner configuration (fig. 177B), a sym-

~ p p metrical inverted W-shaped curve is obtained. The

0 minimum lies vertically above the center of the sphere.
The values of the apparent-resistivity peaks occurring
on either side of the sphere greatly exceed one. A
curve for the Wenner configuration similar to the one
given here was published by Jakosky (1940), apparently
----- ---------------.T_~~-Y~!.~~}_____ _
on the basis of qualitative reasoning.
~ -------- ---~~~~- Figures 178 and 179 show profiles with the constant-
z> ~~-----~-~-+--~~~~~
Traverse 1
spacing system of the potential-drop-ratio method
~ across a buried sphere of .finite resistivity contrasts
with the country rock. The diagram in .figure 178
shows curves over spheres that are more conducting
FIGURE 176.-Horizontal resistivity profiles with various electrode separations than the country rock, whereas the diagram in figure
across buried perfectly conducting sphere along traverses at different dis- 179 is for spheres that are less conducting than the
tances from epicenter of sphere, "two-electrode" configuration. Depth or
center of sphere d=l.Srt. Adapted from Lipskaya (1949b). country rock. It should be emphasized that the
potential-drop-ratio anomalies over the conducting
sphere are greater than those over the insulating
each of the two spheres are taken along traverses at sphere of identical size and depth. This property
distances of zero, rt/2, and r 1 from the epicenter of the is of fundamental importance in prospecting.
sphere. In addition, different electrode spacings are
used on individual traverses. As usual, the quantity
Pa/P is plotted on the ordinate, and the distances are Figure 180 shows vertical resistivity profiles with the
measured along the ground from the epicenter of the Wenner configuration over perfectly conducting spheres
sphere to the midpoint of the two electrodes. buried at different depths (Van Nostrand, 1953). The
For a given electrode separation, the computed curves are plotted as the ratio of the apparent resis-
curves for a traverse over and somewhat removed tivity to the true resistivity of the country rock versus
from the epicenter of the sphere are similar in shape, the ratio of the electrode separation to the radius of
but the extreme values decrease as the traverses are the sphere. Each curve represents data for a given
taken farther from the epicenter. The extreme values
also are much less for the deeper sphere than for the s The irrational values of the depth of center and radius resulted from the choice
shallow sphere. The sharpness of the apparent- or rational values of the coordinates that were chosen to facilitate computations.

k =-1.0 LEE


! \ ~ I' \ .~
.i }. \ I '.
, .... - r ~ i \ •I
---.~ r - ~.

-- l ,;

P2/ ............... P,
p p

0.6 ~~ .I
' '\

\ I

'I \. \ IJ
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4


k =-1.0 WENNER

1.2 .~ .. ~
I\ I\
1 \ I

---..... ,/ \
' ~ ,_,


'' ~
\ I ~

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4

FIGURE 177.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conducting sphere; (A) Lee configuration (otlset
plotting); (B) Wenner configuration. Depth to center of sphe~-1.16594; radius-0.9247a. (Bee ftg. 27.)

trends upward to approO;Ch one asymptotically at large

electrode separations.
On the other hand·, if the· sphere is truncated at &ll
:::s~ !2.0
by the earth's surface, the corresponding curve starts
I I at zero at the electrode separation equal to the diameter
:::s :f1.5 of the circle of truncation, and then rises continuously
to approach one asymptotically. The curve for the
::J hemispherical case is one limiting example of this type.
::2: The curve representing the other limiting case, that
0 in-which the sphere is tangent to the surface of the earth,
~ 1.0
starts at the origin.
c:( It can be shown that the first five curves in the dia-
Q. 0.8 gram actually cross the hemisphere" curve· in the· range·
of the electrode separation between 3.5 and 6, but do
not cross each other. This fact implies that the buried
i= 0.6 spheres have a greater effect at large electrode separa-
1- tions than does th.e hemis]j.)here, which phenomenon is
0.4 related to the volume of foreign material which is
present in the field and to the ratio of this volume to
the volume of space in which the current density is
-3 -2 -1 0 3
arbitrarily appreciable.
The maximum depth at which a spherical mass can
be detected by direct-current methods at the surface is
implied in the vertical profile curves in figure 180.
C2 P2 Po P1 C1 at oo

P' P'

FIGURE 178.-Profiles with constant-spacing system of potential-drop~ratiO

method across buried spheres of different finite resistivity contrasts with
surrounding country rock; spheres more conducting than country rock. Data
are normalized. For all curves, c=lO; d=1.25rt=l.25a; a=unity. Adapted
from Kiyono (1950c) by permission of Kyoto University.

buried sphere; the depth to the center of the sphere d

is also expressed in terms of the radius of the sphere.
Thus, the graph is dimensionless and may be applied
to any specific case- if the correct scale is introduced. C!__ ~~~F~A~C~E--,.--~-r~~~~~-~--~
Two curves of the set are not based on equation 228. c=lOa
That for the hemisphere (d=O) is based on the electro-
static analogy which may. be found in any intermediate
text on electricity (for exa.mple, Slater and Frank,
1947); that for the buried sphere which is tangent to
the earth's surface (d=rt) has been estimated from the P'
shapes of the other curves shown.
When the sphere is definitely buried, the· curve starts
for small electrode separation with Pal p equal to one. Fwt:RE 179.-Profiles. with constant-spacing system of potential-drop-ratio
Each curve displays a minimum, which represents the method aeross buried spheres of different, finite resistivity contrasts with
electrode separation at which the sphere produces a surrounding country.rock; spheres less conducting than country rock. Data
are normalized. For all curves, c=lO; d•l:Ziri=L25a; a=unity. Adapted
maximum effect on the results; and then each curve from Kiyono (1950c) by permission ofi{yoto University.


() .. 8
R'"' r----
\ 1\

- 7-- - ~
safely be extended to bodies of arbitrary shape pro-
vided that the variation between the maximum and
minimum dimensions is not too extreme; a factor of
two might well be permissible. In such a case, a
,\ ~ --- ~/'!,~(-.., maximum depth to the center of the body equal to the
\ ""' 17
mean linear dimension of the body would appear to be
0 .6 ~/ in order. As this rule has been based on t.he limiting
\ V~t I case of a conducting sphere, t_he ability of resistivity
...___,..... / v . I
"' r_; ~~ I ..
methods to locate bodies presenting less than' extreme
resistivity contrasts would be considerably reduced
0. 4 I

l/ I I - below the standard set above.

It is recognized that the limits discussed are based
0. c. '-'
/ ,
I only on the direot effects of the disturbing body. It
rt may happen that certain near-surface structural fea-
tures exist over the disturbing body, and that the
... detection of such features through electrical means
2 3 4 6 could yield information concerning the presence of a
"1 body buried deeper than the above rule permits. A
SURFACE typical associated structure might be a system of
B fractures due to differential compaction of overlying
We note from figures 175 and 176 that Lipskaya's
data are consistent with our own. For example, when
the center of the sphere is buried to a depth d= 1.5rt
p p (fig. 176), Lipskayazs anomaly is of the order of 25
percent when the configuration is directly over the
sphere. Only for an electrode separation of 0.5 does
she get an anomaly (25 percent) essentially different
from our own (15 percent). This difference can
probably be explained on the basis of the geometries
Figure 180.-Vertical resistivity profiles over buried perfectly conducting spheres of the two configurations.
buried at different depths, Wenner configuration. Adapted from Van The vertical-profile curves in figure 180 can be used
Nostrand (1953).
also to help establish the proper field techniques for
the discovery of a buried sphere. For horizontal-
The principal goophysia.l value of these curves stems profiling techniques, for example, the curves help in
from the fact that the disturbing body of zero resis- making a choice of the proper electrode separation in a
tivity has a maximum effect on the measurement of given geologic situation. When one enters a region
the apparent resistivity for a given geometrical rela- to pederm a survey, he is generally- advised, by geologists
tionship. This fact has been verified, for the case in as to the approximate depth at which he should find a
which the electrodes do not· actually fall within the certain geologic condition. Suppose, for example, that
disturbing material, even when comparison is made ore is known to be associated with shale-filled sinks
with a body of infinite resistivity. Of course, the about 200 feet in diameter and 130 feet in vertical
assumption is always valid, even if the electrodes do dimension, located in an ancient limestone surface
fall within the disturbing body, when the resistivity of which has later been overlain with shale to a depth of
the disturbing body is less than that of the surrounding 40 feet (fig. 181). Suppose further that the resistivity
material. of the shale is normally much less than· on~-fifth· that
The curve for which the depth to the center of the of the other materials present.
sphere is twice the radius of the sphere, has a minimum If this filled sink be approximated by a spherical
for which the apparent resistivity varies only 10 percent solid, the .mean ·rad~us may be thought to be about
from the regional value of the true resistivity. There- 82.5 feet and the depth to the .center ~bout 105 feet.
fore, one is led to the assumption that it would :mot be In the set of curves·in figure 180·, we imagine the curve
safe to depend on finding such a feature when its depth for which the depth is about J..27 times the radius
is greater than this value. This :result, being in .the and note that the minimum oecurs at .an electrode
nature of a guiding principle rather -than·· a fact, may separation about .equal tG 0.9· the; ·radius. On


I \ The mathematics already given is equally applicable

/ to the studies of buried ore deposits where the elec-

/ '\ trodes are sufficiently removed from the surface of the
earth. Examples of such studies include the electrical
I diamond-drill holes and electrical surveys in the under-
I Shale
ground workings of a mine. Space does not permit
\ giving theoretical curves or practical .results of such
\ examples in this report. The potential functions for
' /
spherically and sph~roidally shaped bodies (see, for

' ' --- I

example, equations 207 to 214) are especially useful
in this respect. Seigel (1952), Clark (1956), and others,
show how -electrical results from a diamond-drill hole
can be used to determine the size and disposition of an
SURFACE ore body. Similarly, the mathematics and results from
the sections on vertical faults, fissures, and dikes are
by analogy useful in electrical well logging where the
holes cut horizontally bedded strata.
In electrical well logging, the electrode separation is
usually sufficiently large that the effect of the hole is
negligible; if not, the effect of the hole on any given
log is constant because the electrode separation is not
changed during the run. In electrical surveying in
mine workings the same type of problem regarding
openings exists; except that this problem is different
because the electrode separation is usually changed
during the survey in order to study the distance of
the ore from the workings, the size of the ore body,
and similar problems. In such surveys it is necessary
FJGURJ: 181.-Example of buried body. Adapted from Van Nostrand (1953). to know the effect of the mine openings themselves,
where no ore is present.
the basis of this information alone, it would be con- Assuming that the same formula for the apparent
cluded that an electrode separation of about 75 feet resistivity is used for all the resistivity data taken in a
would be most useful. However, because a traverse mine drif~, for example, we can readily predict the
will rarely pass directly over the center of the body, principal behavior of the apparent resistivity as the
the traverse will normally be farther from the center electrode separation is expanded. For electrode separa-
than the 82.5 feet quoted above. Therefore, an opti- tions that are small in comparison with the lateral
mum electrode separation is probably larger than 75 dimensions of the drift, the current behaves as it does in
feet-perhaps as much as 85 or 90 feet. a survey on the surface of the earth. However, for
In deciding on the appropriate spacing between trav- electrode separations that are very large in comparison
erses, one concludes that the rule of permissible depth with the lateral dimensions of the drift-that is, when
can be generalized to state that, if an anomaly is to the potential electrodes are well removed from the cur-
be found along a given traverse, the traverse must rent electrodes-the potential at each of the potential
pass within a distance from the center of the disturbing electrodes is the same as though the current electrodes
body roughly equal to the average dimension of the
were embedded in an infinite earth. Thus, for large
body. In the above example, this means 165 feet.
Therefore, in order for the anomaly in the above ex- electrode separations the potentials and the apparent
ample to appear on at least two adjacent traverses, a resistivity will be one-half their value for small separa-
traverse separation of no more than 127.5 feet could be tions. This conclusion is based on the assumption that
tolerated. the drift (or shaft) occurs in homogeneous earth;
If the disturbing mass actually crops out, the above obviously if there is ore nearby, the apparent resistivity
discussion must be altered accordingly. will be altered accordingly.
UN= Normal potential

1.0 1-+---+-+---ft----+----+----+-----1 1.0
. \\ I'
U= Actual potential

I \
\ \
\ \

~ \\,
w \
~ \
o.5r------+-----~~---~----4----~~--~ 0.5
\ t:I:S

' ' .... ..... ..... __ txl

" - r--~
___ ........_
...... ......
-. --- ~---
----- ------ .... _

1-:-:::::-- - '--

00 0 ~1::::1
30° 60° goo 120° 150° 180° o 2 3 4 5 6 7
q, ~


\. p ~

I I ~
Country rock I I

I' \

\ ' ....


' .....

Country rock

FIGURE 182.-Plots or actual potential U, normal potential UN, and anomalous potentialli.U- U- UN due to point-current electrode Con surface of a perfectly insulating cylinder or inOnite length. Potentials ~
are for points also on surface or cylinder, (A) along a ciro1e 0' for ditferent values or angle 41 and (B) along straight line OP for ditferent values or'· Adapted from Huber (1963). 0)

Equation 216 can be used effectively to appr-oximate

the manner in which the apparent-resistivity changes
from its initial value to its final value as the electrode
separation is expanded. We adapt the equation by
placing the electrodes on the surface of the cylinder
along a directrix (4>=0) and by letting the material c
~ 41---~~~~....----~--~t---~~--;
within the cylinder assume infinite resistivity in order t;
to represent air. The equation then becomes IJ.J

U _lp{l_2~< .L..iJ. 2 U!Jm COS

41r -z r- m=O
1A - -
-~ > .~.J
. . K:.<tr.> cos tz dt}
., ..
(t )
~ 3 1---....;;:::oo..c:------'""'d---~---t""'\"
where p is the resistivity of the homogeneous material
surrounding the cylinder and r 1 is the radius of the ~
cylinder. We note also that the interelectrode distance 0
R is now simply equal to z.
Huber (1953) gave curves applicable to this analysis,
and we reproduce two of his curves here. Figure 182
shows the potentials at various points P, P', and P" ~

along the surface of an infinite cylindrical-shaped open ~ ~

tunnel deep within the ground; the point-current 0:::
electrode is embedded in the rock at the top of the ...
tunnel. IJ.J
The graphs show the plQts oi the actual potential U ~ 11----+'
due to the cylinder; the normal potential UN, which is 25
the potential that would exist if the cylinder were
absent; and the anomalous potential AU=U-UN.
AU is always negative because the actual potential is
always less than the normal potential; accordingly it is
plotted actually as a uminus" AU. Figure 182A shows o~~uuu30~0L_L-~wL-oL--L~90~o~_L~~---1~5~00~~~1800
the potentials for points on circle 0' for different values current cfJ, IN DEGREES
of 4>; the plane of this circle passes through the point- electrode

current electrode 0 and is perpendicular to the axis of FIGURE 183.-Plot of the values of the actual potential at cylindrical coordi-
nate pomts z and¢ on the surface of a perfectly insulating cylinder of inftn.tte
the cylinder. Figure 182B shows the potentials for leng\h due to point-current electrode C also on the surface of the cylinder
points along straight line OP, which is the line of inter- at the origin z=O; .P=O; radius of cylinder is unity. (See fig. 182.) Adapted
from Huber (1953).
section of the cylindrical surface r= 1 and a plane
that includes the point-current electrode 0 and the axis GRAPHICAL SOLUTION OP' BURIED DOME
of the cylinder; distances along z are measured in STRUCTURE
terms of the radius of the cylinder taken as unity. The buried dome structure problem is amen8ible to an
Figure 183 shows a plot of the values of the actuaJ approximate· graphical solution, when the boundary of
potential as functions of z and cf> at points P" on the dome can be approximated by hyperboloids of
the surface of the same perfectly insulating cylinder revoJ.ution. 9 The problem is included here to illustrate
due to a point-current electrode 0, also on the surface the technique used in compiling an approximate curve
of the cylinder at the origin z=O, c/>=0 (Huber, 1953). for a problem which is extremely difficult and apparently
Although the equipotential lines have been drawn by still unsolved in an exact mathematical form; the final
Huber onto the coordinate system on a plane sheet, it curve obtained actually has little practical utility. As
should b~ emphasized that the plane sheet on which the an example, the approximate apparent-resistivity
equipotential lines are drawn is in reality coiled into a curves for a vertical resistivity profile symmetrically
semicylindrical surface for the problem at hand; more- over the center of a buried perfectly conducting dome
over, figure 183 shows only the projection of one of the
9 van Nostrand, R. G., 1952, The the6ry of direct current-prospecting in the pres-
four semicylindrical quadrant surfaces that actually ence of curved boundary surface's: Univ. North Carolina [Chapel Hill], unpublished
exist about the point electrode. Ph. D. thesis, 107 p.
I I I I I ;;k: I I I I I
5 4 4 5



B. Corresponding resistivity profiles

,, ..,.3
,, ,.....,

--- _, ----



FIGURE 184.-Approximate curve (solid curve) for a vertical resistivity profile symmetrically over center of buried perfectly conducting dome
structure, Wenner configuration. Dashed curves are auxiliary curves for features indicated. Adapted from Van Nostrand (1952, Univ.
North Carolina [Chapel Hill], unpublished Ph. D. thesis, 107 p.).

structure can be obtained (see fig. 184). Before dis- would always be less than the effect of a horizontal bed
cussing the profile we will review the reasoning used in of infinite depth, whose upper boundary is a horizontal
obtaining the approximate curve. plane tangent to the dmne at its apex.
For very large or small electrode separations the Besides showing the desired vertical profile over the
behavior of the apparent-resistivity curves can be buried dome structure, figure 184 shows an auxiliary
understood by examining qualitatively the limiting set of vertical-profile curves and the corresponding
cases of the geometric form of a hyperboloid of revolu- cross sections used to facilitate the construction of the
tion. For very large electrode separations the behavior desired profile. The depth to the top of each auxiliary
is dictated by the asymptotic behavior of the hyper- feature is the same in all cases and is arbitrarily chosen
boloid, and the surface of the hyperboloid approaches to be a unit distance. The solid line represents a
asymptotically the surface of a cone whose apex is at hyperbolic surface, whose flanks dip at an angle of 30 °
the origin. Therefore, the apparent-resistivity curve in the one case and the vertical profile over that surface
should behave for large electrode separations like the in the other case. The surface labeled "1" is a plane,
corresponding curve for a conal boundary·-which is horizontal boundary; "2" labels the conal asymptote;
amenable to solution. For small electrode separations and "3" and "4" indicate spheres of radii 8 and 5,
the behavior of the curv:.e is understood by reasoning respectively. The corresponding apparent-resistivity
that the effect of the dome on the apparent· resistivity profiles bear the same numbers.


The data for curve 1 are taken from tables published
by Roman (1934). Curves 3 and 4 are based on equa- Because of the difficulty in solving exactly problems
tion 228 and may be thought of as belonging to the set involving buried three-dimensional bodies, Kiyono
of curves presented in figure 180; the difference between (1950c) developed logarithmic approximations to many
them and those in figure 180 lies in the scale. The unit of these problems with two-dimensional analysis. In
of distance in figure 180 is the radius of the sphere and developing the apparent-resistivity curves for the Wen-
in figure 184 is the depth to the top of the dome. ner configuration, Kiyono assumed that all the elec-
The computations for curve 2, based on equation trodes are horizontal line electrodes of infinite length
229, are more complicated. Making p" equal to zero, and oriented parallel to the strike of his infinitely long
and manipulating the potential functions as was done structures. All electrodes are assumed to lie on the
to obtain equation 229, it can be shown that: earth's surface. Because of the symmetry in the
problem, point potential electrodes will yield the same
~=1+ 32_ ~ results as the infinitely long potential electrodes; this
P r.V3 m=l does not apply, however, to the line current electrodes.
f"" P::.- 11 2 (cos 81) P."~-112(0) cos (p In 3) d
The reader is referred to figure 14 to ascertain the
J o [P~- 112 (cos 81) + P~-112( -cos BI)]Pi";-1/:(0) p. validity of the two-dimensional logarithmic approxi-
mation. Kiyono made model experiments which proved
The electrode separation "a" is eliminated from this that such approximations are sufficiently accurate to
expression so that the resulting curve is a horizontal make them worth while as a guide in the qualitative
line. This property is correct, because the changing interpretation of two-dimensional features-that is,
of the electrode separation serves only to change the infinitely long in the direction of the strike-when point
scale of the experimental situation. current electrodes are used with the Wenner configura-
Since no tables of cone functions exist, the definitions tion. It should be emphasized, however, that the
given by equations 55 and 62 were substituted into method of conformal transformation, which is used to
equation 229 and as many simplifications as possible obtain the logarithmic approximations, is valid only
were effected before computations were commenced. for two-dimensional bodies; and that unfortunately it
Fortunately, it was found that only m = 1 made any is useful only for obtaining profiles perpendicular to
appreciable contribution; and values of p, in steps of the strike of the geologic structures. (See p. 252-255.)
l to as much as 6 were more than adequate. Two-dimensional approximations for horizontal re-
The results are best appreciated by an examination sistivity profiles with the Wenner configuration across
of the curves themselves. Surface 4 follows the hyper- buried semi-infinite horizontal plates of different thick-
boloid closely until they cross a horizontal distance of nesses and depths of overburden are given in figures
3 from the center. Therefore, curve 4 is used as a 185, 186, and 187. These curves are most useful when
basis for the initial behavior of the hyperboloid curve, compared to the curves given in the section on vertical
making allowance for the inexact coincidence of the faults.
two surfaces. The next controlling point is furnished The distinct peaks and troughs on the previous
by curve 3. Note that surface 2 intersects surface 3 curves are still recognizable in part (figs. 185 and 187
only slightly before surface 3 crosses the hyperboloid. for perfect conductors), but the sharp discontinuities
Therefore, it is reasoned that curve 3 intersects the in slope are now subdued by the overburden. The
hyperboloid curve at a slightly larger electrode separa- effect of overburden on horizontal resistivity profiles
tion than it does in curve 2. This fact is used to over vertical faults is best depicted in figure 187. For
estimate how rapidly the hyperboloid curve approaches an outcropping vertical fault (d=O), the curve obvious-
the cone curve. The results are shown in the diagram. ly falls to zero as soon as both potential electrodes are
in contact with the low-resistivity material; and the
A natural ambiguity exists in these curves. The
sharp peaks are similar to those found on all of the
hyperboloid curve is very similar to the corresponding
previous curves for vertical faults. With only a small
curve that represents a horizontal bed with the same amount of overburden, however, the peaks are rounded.
boundary as surface 1, but with a resistivity of about Figure 187 indicates that when the depth of the over-
one-sixth that of the overlying material; and the two burden equals half the electrode separation, the limit-
curves approach the same asymptote for large electrode ing case has been reached. For additional thickness
separations. Of course, this ambiguity is removed if of overburden, the position of the fault could not be
the electrode configuration is moved appreciably from readily detected unless a larger electrode separation
its position of symmetry. were used.

1/~ ~~

0.8 ·--
Vf/ ~ ~
~Vlt ~ I
0.5 /



0.4 ~
ltf ··- -----


-2 ---
v-1 0
2 3
---. -

SURFACE -!- ~2 ~
--·-· a :1 i1 ~1
p'~O X .! p·

FIGURE 185.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conducting semi-infinite horizontal plates of different
thicknesses t, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). For all curves, depth ofovcrburden d-0.25;
a-unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by permission of KyotO University.

1The overburden over a highly insulating bed (fig. dike than for the corresponding highly conducting fea-
186) completely subdues the peaks that occur with no ture. In both figures, however, the size of the anomalies
overburden; and the effect of the bed is much less pro- indicate that if the overburden thickness is equal to
nounced on the downthrown side of the fault than the the electrode separation, the fissure would be barely
corresponding effect of the highly conducting material. detectable under ordinary field conditions; and this
The curve for infinite thickness in figure 186 can be rule may serve as a criterion of the limit of detectability
computed from equation 241. for buried fissures. The secondary peaks and troughs
The horizontal resistivity profiles (two-dimensional observed in figure 54 have been completely masked by
approximations) with the Wenner configuration across the overburden in figure 190.
buried semi-infinite vertical plates of different widths Figure 188 illustrates the transition from a paradoxi-
and depths of overburden are given in figures 188, 189, cal situation to an intuitively normal situation. The
and 190. These curves are most useful when compared central peak in the curve for zero width corresponds to
to the corresponding curves given in the sections on the same peak in figure 54 which is identical_in turn to
fissures and dikes. the curve for zero depth in figure 189. As the width
Figures 189 and 190 show that the effect of overburden of the dike increases (fig. 188), the central peak is sub-
is much more for the highly resistant fissure or thin dued. For a width equal to half the electrode separa-




\~ ,--f=oo ------0.5

\\ ~0

~ ~ t:---"-
-2 -1 0 2 3

SURFACE t ci a ~2 a ~1 a Sl
P = oo t I X
FIGURE 186.-Horizontal resistivity pr<tfiles across buried perfectly insulating.semi-infinite horizontal plates of different
thicknesses t, W&nner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). For all eucves, depth of overburden d=0.2tl;
a= unity. Adapted from Kiyono (11}50e) by permiSsion of Kyot<'r University.


v ~~

/ vj ~ / """-.. 'f::_ -o.'25+-


/ If d=O
0.4 II SURFACE ! ~2 a ~2 a ~I a
Jl, H d

0.2 I r// l--P"=0


L/ Ji I

v i/d=O
-1 0 2 3
FIGURE 189.-Horizontalresistivityprofilesacrossburiedperfectlyconducting
thin vertical plates of infinite depth extent and different depths of overbur-
den d, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). a= unity.
a Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by permission of Ky(itii University.
SURFACE ~2 a .
a .
PI a sl
d I
t -x~ 5r
To oo
P' 1
( 1\
FIGURE 187.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conduct-
ing material, faulted vertically to great depth, for different depths of over-
burden d, Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). For
all curves a= unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by permission of KyotO
I \
University. 1\

a = 0.25,
0.~" v
/ I\ \ ·+
1.0 2
~ I \ ~
/) r-- I'-. ~
~ ~ I---

"" '\ ~ ~
~ t7
/ / """\ 1\
.........., ~ ~ ~v
- ~~
-2 -1 0
2 3

~ X
':1 si
o' .~ ~\
c,.2 a ~2 a

a = I
0.2~~ \ P' P'
1.0 \ I I
t To oo

\ I) FIGURE 190.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly insulating thin

vertical plates of infinite depth extent and different depths of overburden d,
0.2 Wenner configuration (two-dimensional approximation). a=unity. Adapted
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3 from Kiyono (19.50c) by permission of KyotO University.

a a c1
tion, the curve oscillates for the most part about a
medium-low value. This thickness is apparently
p' x---1 p'
critical, for with greater thicknesses the curve assumes
:ro' a distinctly low trough directly over the center of the
dike. For thicknesses greater than the electrode
FIGURE 188.-llorizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conducting
vertical plates of infinite depth extent and different widths b, Wenner configura- separation the curve assumes the aspect of the compos-
tion (two-dimensional approximation). For all curves, depth of overburden ite two faultlike curves (in juxtaposition), each of
4=0.25; a=unity; widths less than electrode separation. Adapted from Kiyono
(1900c) by permission of KyotO University. which corresponds to one edge of the dike.

2.2 / :"\.
f. =0.55
rt \,\
\~\ '

-1 0
2 3

~~ h

v -....... ~ -
\\ -- ~~

a ~
~ /)
P' P' \..: / \ :/
-3 -2 2 3

FIGURE 191.-Horlzontal resistivity proftles across buried perfectly conducting

thin vertical plates of different depth extents t, Wenner configuration (two-
dimensional approximation). For all curves, depth of overburden d=0.25;
a-unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1960c) by permission of Ky6to University.

P' p'
The extent to which a perfectly conducting fissure
may be considered to be infinite in vertical extent is
Fmu&E 193.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly insulating
illustrated in figure 191. It should be remembered circular cylinders of dUferent depths to horizontal axis d, Wenner configuration
that the fissure extends infinitely in a horizontal (two-dimensional approximation). For all curves, radius of cylinder r-0.5;
a=unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1960c) by permission of Ky6to University.
direction. The rule indicated by the curves is that a
fissure which extends downward a distance four or five
times the electrode separation can be considered as Horizontal resistivity profiles (two-dimensional
infinite in vertical extent. Unfortunately, this rule approximations) with the Wenner configuration across
is subject to radical changes depending on the resis- buried circular cylinders of different depths and various
tivity contrast and the amount of overburden. resistivity contrasts are shown in figures 192 to 195,
inclusive. Geologically, this geometry may be thought
to approximate buried stream channels and caverns.
1.0 The radius of each cylinder is half the electrode separa-
r--... ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~k-::; ~
........... tion. The relationships shown among the various
- - families of curves should be compared with those given
"""" ~ II 7
for the burled-sphere problem.
\ >-v l/ For perfectly conducting and insulating cylinders
(figs. 192 and 193, respectively), the apparent-resistivity
ct'l"q, ~=l.o--1
0.6 0.75- ~ A anomalies diminish rapidly with increasing depth of

\"liJ burial of the cylinder. In general, the shape of the

curves is the same as that for the corresponding profiles
0.5 c1\.J/ over buried spheres. The cylinder is detectable at
slightly greater depths than the sphere, however,
\ lj provided the same criterion of detectability fo:r the
cylinder is used as that for the sphere-that is to say,
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3 a 10 percent anomaly. Although the curve is not
a shown in this set, it can be reasoned that the limiting
SURFACE ~2 a ~2 a a depth is of the order of twice that of the sphere. At
1 ! the limiting depth for the sphere (equal to the radius
L@- 0
X_,_..I I
P' of the sphere from the surface of the earth to the top of
the sphere), the anomaly over the cylinder has fallen to
only about 30 percent.
FIGURE 192.-Horizontal resistivity proftles across buried perfectly conducting
The curves for cylinders of various resistivity con-
circular cylinders of ditferent depths to horizontal axis d, Wenner configuration trasts (figs. 194 and 195) indicate that for lower resis-
(two-dimensional approximation). For all curves, radius of cylinder r=-0.5;
a-unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1960c) by pemrlssion of Kyot6 University. tivity contrasts the detectability of the cylinder is
1. 4
/'" r--..
V: ~~
p;= ~~
1. 2 s, ' v
~~ ~ t--....
_....,.. ....... ~ ...::::::--....
~IQ. ~ ~3 t-- -..::::
1. 0

= 2/
~ -..........
0 ~ ~ ~ Y7
.......... ~ ~
v - .....,::: ~

0. 8
-~ ~
0. 6
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3
0.8 t----+--+ a
SURFACE ~2 a ~2 a .a

.t :

-3 -2 -1
0.6 r---t----t---+---+-~r--t-,/-1--11----+--+----+---+--1

0 2
P' TGJ : p"
X~ p'

a FIGURE 195.-Horizontal resistivity proflles across buried circular cylinders of
SURFACE ~2 a ~ f ~~ a ~~ ditlerent resistivity contrasts. Wenner conftguration (two-dimensional ap-
proximation). For all curves, depth of horizontal axis 4=1.0; radius of cylinder
f I

r==0.5; a==unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by permjssion of KyotO Univer-

r=O. a i
X----..1 P'


FIGURE 19t.-Horizontal resistivity proflles across buried circular cylinders of

difterent resistivity contrasts, Wenner conftguration (two-dimentional approxi-
mation). For all curves, depth of horizontal axis tl-=0.75; radius of cylinder
r•0.5; a=unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950) by permission of KyotO Univer-

-3 -2 -1 0 2 3
considerably reduced. These same results may also be X

extended to apply to the buried sphere. c/ .

P2 pl
The buried anticline or syncline was approximated by
IGyono by using two inclined planes that intersect P'
each other at a right angle. Figures 196 and 197 show 1 t--d-1
horizontal resistivity profiles (logarithmic approxima- I p•= 0 --
tions) with the Wenner configuration across buried
anticlines for different sizes and depths of burial. Fiouu 196.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conducting sym-
metrical anticlines of different sizes and depths of burial, Wenner conflguratfon
Following the pattern set previously in this section, the (two-dimensional approximation); a=unfty. Adapted from Kfyono (1950c) by
curves for the perfect conductor are W-shaped, whereas permission of KyotO University.

those of the perfectly insulating bed are simple sym-

metrical curves. over the insulating medium are regular. Over the
Figures 198 and 199 show horizontal profiles across conducting n1edium a paradox arises in that the second-
buried synclines. Whereas for the anticlines the ratio ary peaks are more pronounced at the intermediate
of the depth to the width was kept constant, this ratio case of b=2 and less pronounced for the larger and
is varied for buried synclines. As ususal, the curves smaller synclines.

1.0 ....... p
\ ~ ~ / / l.f
\ \1\/ '- / I I
\ ~r\ I I
= 1~ v
Q.'~~jQ. _Q_
a ;.-:: \ J
~/ I
\ \
-2 -1 0 2

" 'r---- v

~ ):!:
il il

x-/ P' 0.2 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3
r----d--1 pn = c2 p2 pl Ct
I 00
... a a - a

p' d=2.5B 1-:--b~ P'
FIGURE 197.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly insulating sym-
metrical anticlines of different sizes and depths of burial, Wenner configuration I
(two-dimensional approximation); a=unity. Adapted from Kiyono (1950c) by I
P"= oo f-x~
permission or Kyoto University.

-f--- --....... FIGURE 199.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly insulating
symmetrical synclines of different sizes, Wenner configuration (two-dimen-
I 1\ sional approximation). For all curves, d=0.5; ll=unity. Adapted from
I \ Kiyono (1950c) by permission of Kyoto University.

3 I ~

~~-2 IJ \ Also excluded are radio techniques and the various
pulse and transient methods. Certain key references
~ 1'. I/ r\\ \
2 Iv f\ to electrical well logging are included because of the
similarity of basic principles and theory of surface and
/ 111'. r\ J r\ 1\
v / v v ~ r---.......v v ~ '\ \ ~
well-logging electrical measurements, but the reader is
referred to such works as Guyod (1945), Rothe and
./ - / t'--.... ""-,../ 1-. Rothe (1952, p. 483), and "Geophysical Abstracts" for
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3
exhaustive lists of titles on the subject of well logging.
In this bibliography we have tried to include many
papers of historical importance, even though they fail
p' _d~0.5a~b~ p'
to give facts of great scientific importance, in order that
students and investigators can refer to original source
P"=O 1---- X~ material not ordinarily available in texts.
No attempt has been made to include all references
FIGURE 198.-Horizontal resistivity profiles across buried perfectly conducting on the subject matter. The literature bearing on
symmetrical synclines of different sizes, Wenner configuration (two-dimen- electrical methods is now so extensive t~at the compila-
sional approximation). For all curves, d=0.5; a=unity. Adapted from
Kiyono (1950c) by pennissionof Kyoto University. tion of all papers would be a prohibitive task. For an
almost complete list of papers on electrical prospecting
BIBLIOGRAPHY published prior to 1926, the reader is referred to
The comprehensive bibliography given below includes Ambronn (1926; also to the English translation by
most of the important papers on the subject of resis- Ambronn and Cobb, 1928), which contains about 400
tivity methods of prospecting that use steady or com- separate papers on the subject, many, but far from all,
mutated direct current. The subject matter is thus of which are included here. In the choice of papers
restricted to potential mapping, apparent resistivity, covering the period since the advent of the Wenner
potential-drop ratio, spontaneous polarization, telluric method in 1915, an attempt was made to include only
currents, and their various modifications. Selected those papers which make definite contributions to the
references are included on natural earth currents and art or which give critical-as opposed to descriptive-
potentials as well as on related subjects, because of reviews of the subject matter. There is a preponder-
their direct bearing on the phenomenon of current flow ance of papers in the English language principally
in the ground. All alternating-current techniques that because of their availability to the authors as compared
distinctly depend on inductive effects are excluded. with the availability of many foreign papers .. Many

foreign papers whose abstracts are not in "Geophysical TABLE 9.-Numbering code o.f "Geophysical Abstracts"-Con.
Abstracts" are omitted from the bibliography because (Symbols: IC, Information Circular; GA, Geophysical Abstracts]

the substance of the paper is not clear from the title

Geo- U.S. Bur. u.s.
alone and the original papers were not available to us. Abstract Month and year physical Mines Geol.
Abstracts publica- Survey
For more exhaustive bibliographies of foreign material, (No.) tion Bulletin
the reader is referred to the three major foreign texts on ----------1-------1----------
193! IC-C on.
electrical prospecting by Rothe and Rothe (1952) ; 556 to 604_ --------------------- Jan ______________ _ 33 6593
605 to 647 _--------------------- Feb ______________ _ 34 6569
Krayev (1951), and Fritsch (1949b). 648 to 693 ____ ------------------ Mar--------------- 35 6606
694 to 748_ --------------------- Apr ______________ _ 36 6620
749 to 792 ___________ --------- __ May_------------- 37 6628
REFERENCES TO "GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS" 793 to 840 ______________________ June _____________ _ 38 6638
841 to 894---------------------- July ______________ _ 39 6646
Some of· the references in the bibliography are 895 to 966----------------------
967 to 1023 _____________________
Aug ______________ _
Sept _____________ _
annotated to indicate the principal subject matter. GA
1024-1079__________________ _____ Oct. __ ------------ 42 42
The abstract number in "Geophysical Abstracts" 1080-1119_____ ------------------ Nov---------------
1120-1172 _____ ------------- _____ Dec _____ ----------
(abbreviated "GA" in the bibliography) is given for 1933
those papers that have been abstracted. Table 9 is 1173-1197 _____ ------------ ___ ___
1198-1254 _____ -----------------
Jan ________ -------
Feb ________ -------
given to help in finding any given abstract. Abstracts 1255-1307 _____ _______ _____ ______ Mar--------------- 47
1308-1356----------------------- Apr---------------
published prior to 1931 were not numbered and are 1357-140L_____________________
1402-1453_____ ___ _______ ___ _____
June. ___ ----------
given by the proper volume number and pagination in 1454-1495__ _________ ------------
1496-1539_______ _______ ___ ______
Aug _____ ----------
the U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular, as for 1540-1577 ________ ________ _______ Sept ____ ---------- 53
1578--1629 ________ --------------- Oct._-------------
example "GA No. 20, p. 14." Abstracts published 163G-1674_________________ ______
1675-1720_________________ ______
Dec _______ --------
during 1931 to 1953, inclusive, are given by a single
abstract number only, witho-ut reference to volume 1721-1756_____ __ __ ____ _____ _____
1757-1792_________ --------------
Jan _____ ----------
Feb _____ ----------
number, as for example "GA 13950." Abstracts pub- 1793-184L _________ -------------
1842-1885. ____ _________ __ ___ ____
lished during 1954 and thereafter are given by two 1886-1935_____ __________ ________
1936-1977 _____ ------------ ______
May ____ ----------
June ____ ----------
numbers separated by a hyphen, as for example "GA 1978-2018____________ ___________
2Cil19-2067 __________________ -----
July _____ ----------
Aug _____ ----------
63- ----------
161-220"; the first number indicates the abstract 2068-2112____ ___ _________ _______
2113-2152______________ ___ ______
Sept ___ -----------
volume number, the second number is the individual 2153-2199 _______________ --------
220o-2243_______________ ________
Dec _____ ----------
abstract number within the specific volume. 1935
2244-2279 ___ ------------ ________ Jan ______________ _ 69 69
228o-2319 _______________ -------- Feb ______________ _ 70 70
TABLE 9.-Numbering code of "Geophysical Abstracts" 2320-2378 _________ -------------- Mar--------------- 71 71
2379-2434. ____ ______ _____ ___ ___ _ Apr __ - __ -- _______ _ 72 72
[Symbols: IC, Information Circular; GA, Geophysical Abstracts] 2435-2486_________ ______ ___ _____ May_------------- 73 73
2487-2554 __ ------------ ___ ------ June __ ------------ 74 74
2555-2618 _______ -------- __ ______ July--------------- 75 75
Geo- U.S. Bur. u.s. 2619-2686__________________ _____ Aug ________ ------_ 76 76
Abstract Month and year physical Mines Geol. 77 77
Abstracts publica- Survey 2687-2751_ __ -------------------- Sept--------------
2752-2817----------------- ______ Oct.-------------- 78 78
(No.) tion Bulletin 2818--2885___ ___________ _____ ____ Nov----_---------- 79 79
-----------1-------1---------- 2886-2944_________ ________ ___ ___ Dec ________ ------_ 80 80
1919 IC 1936
(1) __ --------------------------- May_------------- r 612(} --------- 2945-2999 _______________________ Jan_-------------- 81 81
(1) __ ---------------------- _____ May_------------- 2 6133 3900--3046__ __ _____ ______________ Feb ______________ _ 82 82
(1)-- --------------------------- July--------------- 3 6154 3047-3090. ____ __ ___ ______ ___ ____ Mar---- __ - _____ - __ 83 83
(1) __ --------------------------- Aug ______________ _ 4 6164 84
3091-314L ___________ ----------- Apr--------------- 84
(1) ___ -------------------------- Sept •. _----------- 5 6175 3142-3188_______ _____ ______ _____ May-------------- 85 85
(1) _ •• -------------------------- Nov ___ ----------
(1) ____ ------------------------- Nov---------------
3189-3234_____ __ _________ __ _____
3235-3524____ __ ___ ___ _____ ______
July-Dec _________ _
8& 86 ----887__ _
(1) ___ -------------------------- Dec ______________ -
8· 6224
1930 1937
3525-'-3656____________ ----------- Jan.-Mar--------- 88 895-A
(1 J--- -------------------------- Jan_-------------- 9 6233 3657-3797.. _____________________ Apr.-June..._-- ----. 89 895-B
(1) ___ -------------------------- Feb ________ ------- 10 6253 3798-3933___ ________ ___ __ __ __ __ _ July-Sept_-- _____ _ 90 895-C
(1) _____ ------------------------ Mar-----------_--- 11 6273 3934-4103_____ _______ ______ _____ Oct.-Dec _______ --- 91 895-D
(1)-- --------------------------- AMpary___ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 12 6287
(1)----- ------------------------ 13 6309 1938
(1)_- --------------------------- June_------------- 14 6324 92
15 6341 4104-4268----------------------- Jan.-Mar __ -------
(1)----- ------------------------ July--------------- 4269--4424----------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 93
(1). __ -------------------------- Aug ______________ _ 16 6355 94
4425-4570 ____________ ----------- July-Sept_ ____ ----
(1) _______ ---------------------- Sept._-- ______ ---- 17 6366 4571-4748__ _________ ------------ Oct.-Dec _________ _ 95
(1) _______________________ • __ • __ Oct __ ._. _____ ----- 18 6393
1 19 6403
( )·---------------------------- Nov--------------- 1939
(1)---------------- ----------- Dec ___ ------------ 20 6422 96 915-A
4749-4886----------------------- Jan.-Mar_-------- 915-B
4887-5005_______________________ Apr.-June ________ _ 97
1931 5006-516L .• ------------------- July-Sept ________ _ 98 915-C
1 to 41------------------------- J;a.n ______________ _ 21 6441 99 915-D
42 to 82_ ----------------------- Feb ______________ _ 6452 5162-5298----------------------- Oct.-Dec _________ _
83 to 120. ---------------------- Mar _______________ · 23 6461
121 to 16L--------------------- Apr ______________ _ M·
6:178 ---------- 100 925-A
162 to 197 _ --------------------- May-------------- 25 65()0'·· ----------
sm-5453----------------------- Jan.-Mar--------- 925-B
54M-560L.-------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 101
198 to 239. ---------------------- June _____________ _ 26 6511 5602-5742.. _____________________ July-Sept ________ _ 102 925-C
240 to
315 to 314_____________________
351 ______________________ July---------------
Aug ______________ _ 27 6528 57f3-587fi..______________________ Oct.-Dec _________ _ 103 925-D
28 6547
352 to 412.--------------------- Sept_------------ 29 6559 19.U
413 to 453.--------------------- Oct. __ ------------ 30 6568 5877-5992_______________________ Jan.-Mar--------- 104 932-A
4Mto 503---------------------- Nov ______________ _ 3l 6575 5993-6126----------------------- Apr.-June_______ _ 105 932-B
sot to 55lL --------------------- Dec ______________ _ 32 6583 6127-6248...------------- _______ July-Sept ______ --- 106 932-C
6249-6376----------------------- Oct.-Dec _________ _ 107 ---------- ~D
1 Abstracts published before 1931 are mmwnbered.

TABLE 9.-Numbering code of "Geophysical Abstracts"-Con. COMPBBBBNSIVB LIST OF TITLES

[Symbols: IC, Information Circular; GA, Geophysical Abstracts) Abercrombie, W. F., 1952, The practical value of an earth
resistivity method in making subsurface explorations:
Geo- U.S. Bur. u.s. Am. Soc. Testing Materials Spec. Tech. Pub. 122, p.
Abstract Month and year physical Mines Geol.
Abstracts publica- Survey 136-141. Resistivity. GA 14126.
(No.) tion Bulletin
------ Akerman, E. A., 1933, Nouvelle m6thode de prospections
GA- Bectriques [New method of electrical prospecting]: L'~cho
6377-M99_______________________ Jan.-J.:~- ______ _ 108
Mines et M6tallurgie, v. 61, no. 3149, p. 496-499. GA 1699.
~----------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 109 939-B Aldredge, R. F., 1937, The effect of dipping strata on earth
6587-6696•••• ------ ___ ------- ___ July-Sept_ _______ _ 110 939-C
6697--6783-------------------- ___ Oct.-Dee _________ _ 111 939-D resistivity determinations: Colorado School of Mines
Quart., v. 32, no. 1, p. 169-186.
6'1M-6888----------------------- Jan.-Mar __ ------- 112 7256 Alexanian, C. L., 1932, Trait6 pratique de prospection g6o-
6889-7003----------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 113 7257
'TOM-7132------ -------------- ___ July-Sept ________ _ 114 7267 physique [Practical treatise on geophysical prospecting]:
7133-7252.---- ______ ------ __ ____ Oct.-Dee...• _____ _ 115 7273 Paris, Librairie Polytech. Ch. Beranger, 268 p. Textbook.
GA 885.
7253-7379.••. ------------------- Jan.-J.!~- ______ _ 116 7285
Alfano, Luigi, 1951, Studi sulla interpretazione dei sondaggi
7380-71KK •• _------.-----.------- Apr.-June ...•• ___ _ 117 7292
7S05-7643 .•• - ---- _. __ ----------- July-Sept ________ _ 118 7303 electrici verticali [Studies of the interpretation of the
7~7785 .•• -------------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 119 7310
electrical resistivity curves obtained in vertical profiling]:
7786-7932••• -------------------- Jan.-Mar_ •• ------ 120 7324 Riv. Geofisica Appl., v. 12, no. 1, p. 21-33; v. 12, no. 2,
'7933-8052----------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 121 7338 p. 83-106. Resistivity theory. GA 13233 and GA 13731.
8053--8185...-------------------- July-Bept ________ _ 122 7349
8186-8326..• -------------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 123 7355 Al'pin, L. M., 1937, Differentsial'nyye krivyye zondirovaniya
19-VJ [Differential curves for depth profiles]: Neft. Geofiz.
8327~----------------------- Jan.-Mar __ ------- '124 7384 Byull., no. 4, p. 32-48. GA 4497.
8485-8643 ..• -------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 125 7386
SM4-8806___ ----------------- ___ July-Sept ________ _ 126 7400 - - - 1941, Dipol'noe elektricheskoe zondirovaniye [Dipole
8807-8962----------------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 127 7414
electrical sounding]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 1, p. 26-35.
1941 GA 10866.
8963-9138----------------------- Jan.-Mar __ ------- 128 967-A
9139-9328----------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 129 967-B - - - 1947, Istochniki polya v teorii elektrorazvedki [Sources
9329-9618 _____ ------------------ July-Sept_-------- 130 957-c
9619-9707----------------------- Oct.-Dec _________ • 131 957-D of the electrical field in the theory of electrical prospecting]:
Prikladnaya Geofizika, no. 3, p. 56-100. GA 9597.
9708-996L ______ ---- __ ____ _____ Ian.-J.:f~- ______ _ 132 959-A - - - 1950, Teoriya dipol'nykh zondirovaniy [The theory of
9962-10212---------------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 133 959-B
10213-10472.. ___________ ----- ___ July-Sept ________ _ 134 959-C dipole sounding]: Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 88 p. Mono-
1M73-10736_____________________ Oct.-Dee _________ _ 135 959-D
graph. GA 12647.
10737-1100 L. ______________ -----
1949 - - - 1956, Nesimmetrichnoye (uglovoye) zondiroyaniye
Jan.-Mar--------- 136 966-A
11002-113>L.------------------ Apr.-June ________ _ 137 966-B [Asymmetric (angular) electrical surveying]: Prikladnaya
11:1>2-11441 _____ -- -------------- July-Bept__ ______ _ 138 066-C
11442-11678 ______ --------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 139 966-D Geofizika, no. 14, p. 65-96. GA 168-77.
Alty, T., and Alty, S., 1930, The detection of rock salt by the
11679-11907--------------------- Jan.-Mar __ ------- 140 976-A methods of electrical surveying: Canadian Jour. Research,
11908-12125.. ___ ---------------- Apr.-June ________ _ 141 976-B
12126-12339. ____ ---------------- July-Bept__ ______ _ 142 976-C v. 3, no. 6, p. 521-525. Resistivity results. GA 100.
12340-12513...------------------ Oct.-Dee _________ _ 143 976-D Ambronn, Richard, 1926, Methoden der angewandten Geo-
1961 physik [Methods of applied geophysics]: Dresden and
12514-12700.•• ------------------ Jan.-Mar __ ------- 144 981-A
12701-12890•.• ------------------ Apr.-June ________ _ 145 981-B Leipzig, Theodor Steinkopff, 372 p. English translation
12891-13092..• ------------------ July-Sept .. ------- 146 981-C pub. 1928 (see Ambronn and Cobb, 1928). Textbook.
13093-13283 ••• ------------------ Oct.-Dee ... ------- 147 981-D
- - - 1935, Elektrische Hilfsmittel in der geophysikalischen

ii5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .fi~:~~=~~::
148 991-A Bodenforschung [Electrical equipment in geophysical
149 991-B research]: Zeitschr. Elektrotech. v. 56, no. 21, p. 581-
150 991-C
151 991-D 585. GA 2723.
1963 Ambronn, Richard, and Cobb, M. C., 1928, Elements of geo-

!!!!5~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-=_-_==_ =_ _-=_ _ ti~!:t-~~======

152 1002-A physics: New York, McGraw-Hill, 372 p. This is a trans-
153 1002-B
Oct.-Dee _________ _
1M 1002-C lation of Ambronn, 1926. Textbook.
155 1002-D
Amirkha.nov, Kh. I., 1936, Issledova.niye elektroprovodnosti
166-1 to 166-187 _--------------- Jan.-J.::~- ______ _ 156
gornykh porod [An investigation of the electrical conduc-
167-1 to 157-201. _______________ Apr.-June ________ _ 157 1022-B tivity of rocks]: Aka.d. Nauk SSSR, Trudy Azerba.idzha.n-
168-1 to 168-227 _--------------- July-Sept ________ _ 158 1022-C
169-l to 159-234.--------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 159 1022-D kogo filial, ser. fiz.-khim., Baku, v. 28, p. 99-116.
Antokol'skiy, M. L., 1933, Primeneniye elektricheskoy ra.zvedki
160-1 to 160-:I).'L --------------- Jan.-J.::~-
161-1 to 161-2:1>. --------------- Apr.-June ________ _
dlya. inzhenerno-geologicheskikh issledovaniy [Application
162-1 to 162-250 _--------------- July-Bept ________ _ 162 1033-c of electrical methods of prospecting in engineering-geological
163-1 to 163-265.--------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 163 1033-D
investigations]: Ra.zvedka. Nedr, no.14, p. 38-40. GA2411.
164-1 to 164-318. _-------------- Jan.-J.~-
166-1 to 166-384.--------------- Apr.-June ________ _
Archambault, Jean, 1953, Quelques aspects de Ia. prospection
166-1 to 166-380.--------------- July-Sept ________ _ 166 lMS-c et de l'exploita.tion des ea.ux souterra.ines [Some aspects
167-1 to 167-291.--------------- Oct.-Dee _________ _ 167 1048-D of the exploration and exploitation of ground water]:
1967 tech. b!timent et publics Anna.les, v. 6, no. 67-68,
68-1 to 168-335.---------------- Jan.-Mar __ -~----- 168 1066-A
p. 657-672. GA 14854.
Archie, G. E., 1947, Electrical resistivity as an aid in core- Bays, C. A., 1946, Use of electrical geophysical methods in
analysis interpretation: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologist.s groundwater supply: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 122, 35 p.
Bull., v. 31, no. 2, p. 350-366. GA 8868.
Arnold, G., 1937, Fehlerquellen bei der Messung von Erdstromen Bays, C. A., and Folk, S. H., 1944, Developments in the appli-
in kurzen Leitungen, untersucht im Taunus-Observatorium cation of geophysics to ground water problems: Illinois
[Sources of error in measuring earth-currents in short lines, Gcol. Survey Circ. 108, 25 p. GA 7878.
as observed in the Taunus Observatory]: Gerlands Beitr. Behounek, Rudolf, 1953, Geoelektricke sondovani zakladove
Geophysik, v. 49, no. 1/2, p. 140-164. GA 3735. pfdy pfehradniho mista no Vltave u Zlakovic [Geoelectric
Aronis, G., 1951, Research on the iron-pyrite deposits in the exploration for the dam over the Vltava River ncar Zla-
Hermioni mining district lin Greek with English summary]: kovice]: p. 89-90 in Zoubck, Vladimir, The geological basis
Greece Uperesia Ereunon Upedaphous. Ereunai oruktou for the project of the Orlik dam on the Vltava near Zla-
ploutou tes Ellados [The Mineral Wealth of Greece]: kovice: Ceskoslovenska Akad. Ved. Geotechnica, v. 15, 126
Athens, G. S. Cristou and Son, v. 1, p. 175-188. GA 14266. p. GA 164-111.
Asahina, T., and Kadowaki, T., 1937, The change of the electrical Belluigi, Arnaldo, 1929, Un metodo elettrico d'indaginc del
resistance of soil by freezing [in Japanese]: Meteorology sottosuolo [An electrical method of investigation of the
Soc. Japan Jour., 2d ser., v. 15, p. 320-330. Resistivity. substrata]: Mincria Italiana, v. 13, p. 329-331. Re-
GA 4193. sistivity.
Aynard, Cl., Arnaud, M., and Soci~t~ Ch~riflenne des P~troles, - - - 1930a, II problema dell'elettrodi e Ia misura della con-
1954, Etudes par sondages ~lectriques du bassin Miocene ducibilita elettrica delle roccie [The electrode problem in
du nord du Gharb [Electrical depth profiling studies of the the measurement of rock conductability]: Industria Mine-
Miocene basin of northern Gharb J: Internat. Geol. Cong., raria, v. 15, no. 1, 8 p.
19th, Algiers 1952, Comptes rendus, sec. 9, pt. 9, p. 217-229. - - - 1930b, Sur les prospcctions electriques du petrole [On
GA 162-82. electrical prospecting for oil]: Rev. Petrolifiere, no. 394, p.
Ayvazoglou, W., and Skitsky, V., 1945, Bibliography of Russian 1451-1454. GA no. 20, p. 14.
literature on geophysical exploration 1929-41: U.S. Bur. - - - 1930c, Nuove vie per lo studio di piccole deformazioni
Mines Inf. Cir. 7323, 44 p. delle linee di corrente sulla superficie d'un suolo elettrizzato
Azccara, Gaetano, 1951, L'applicazione del metodo geoelettrico [New ways for studying small deformations of the current
alia ricerca dell'acqua [The application of the geoelectric lines on the surface of an electrified ground]: Cong. Internat.
method in prospecting for water]: Servizio Geol. ltalia Mines, Metallurgie, Geologie appl., 6th Liege, sec. Geologie,
Boll., v. 72, p. 203-213. Resistivity, example. GA 13955. p. 285-287. GA 579.
Bacon, L. 0., 1956, The circular line electrode in equipotential - - - 1932, Determinations of the salt water horizons in large
prospecting: Mining Eng. v. 8, no. 2, p. 213-216. GA oil bearing anticlines: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 2, p.
165-118. 337-343.
Ball, H. W., and Garson, M. S., 1951, Geophysical survey of the - - - 1933a, Possibilita sperimentali relative ai metodi geo-
Blantyre-Limbe area: Nyasaland Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. elettrici wenner e racom [Experimental tests regarding
1950, p. 10. Resistivity map. GA 13041. Wenner and Racom geoelectric methods]: Soc. Geol.
Baranov, V., 1951, Interpr~tation quantitative des mesures en Italiana Boll., v. 52, no. 1, p. 173-180. GA 1599.
prospection par courants telluriques [Quantitative inter- - - - 1933b, Progressi nellc ricerche elettriche del petrolio
pretation of the data in exploration by telluric currents]: [Progress in electrical prospecting for oil]: Industria Mine-
World Petroleum Cong., 3d, [The Hague] Proc., sec. 1, raria, v. 7, no. 6, 11 p. GA 1600.
p. 646-653. Self-potential. GA 13734. - - - 1934a, Studio di un profilo qualsiasi di sondaggio elettrico
Barnes, H. E., 1952, Soil investigations employing a new method wenner [Study of profiles of any number of layers by
of layer-value determination for earth resistivity interpre- Wenner's electrical method]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 4,
tation: Highway Research Board Bull. 65, p. 26-36. p. 126-133. GA 1952.
Resistivity. GA 156-70. - - - 1934b, V'ber den Effekt der Anisotropie bei Gleich-
Bartley, M. W., 1939, Hematite deposits, Steeprock Lake: strommessungen [On the effect of anisotropy in direct-
Canadian Inst. Mining Metall. Trans., v. 42, no. 327, p. current measurements]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 4,
359-370. Resistivity. GA 5219. p. 40Q-406. GA 2176.
Barton, D. C., 1927, Applied geophysical methods in America: - - - 1934c, Individuazone e determinazione di dicchi e colate
Econ. Geology, v. 22, p. 649-668. Excellent historical re- basaltische sepolte col metodo geoelettrico wenner [Delin-
view of the development of geophysical prospecting methods. eation and determination of buried basaltic dikes and
Barus, Carl, 1882, On the electrical activity of ore bodies, in intrusions by the Wenner geoelectric method]: Accad. N az.
Becker, George F., Geology of the Comstock lode and the Lincei, Atti Cl. Sci. fis. mat. e nat. Rend, ser. 6, v. 19, p.
Washoe district: U.S. Geol. Survey Mon. 3, p. 309-367, 337-340. GA 2172.
40Q-404. - - - 1934d, Sviluppi del problema della conducibilita elettrica
Bayard-Duclaux, F., 1933, Influence de l'eau d'imbibition des dei complessi sedimentari [Development of the problem
roches sur leur conductibilit~ ~lectrique [Influence of ab- concerning the electrical conductivity of sedimentary
sorbed water of rocks upon their electrical conductivity]: masses]: Soc. Geol. Italiana Boll., v. 53, no. 2, p. 223-231.
Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes rendus, v. 197, no. 16, p. 854- GA 2721.
856. GA 2043. - - - 1935a, Aufsuchen von erdolhoffi.gen Strukturen durch
- - - 1936, Recherches sur la conductibilite electrique des Messung des scheinbaren spezifischen Widerstandes [Search
roches [Investigations on the electrical conductivity of for oil-bearing structures by measurement of apparent
rocks]: Annales Physique, ser. 11, v. 6, p. 5-107. GA 3374. specific resistivity]: Zeitschr. Petroleum, v. 31, no. 5, p. 1-2.
GA 2523.

Belluigi, Arnaldo, 1935b, Suli'impiego delle curve universali di some types of three-layer curves by vertical electric re-
resistivita apparente di Hummel [On the application of sistivity measurements]: Tsentral'nogo nauchno-issledo-
Hummel's apparent-resistivity nlliversal curve]: Beitr. vatel'skogo gcolog.o-razvedochnogo instituta Geofizika, v. 8.
angew. Geophysik, v. 5, no. 3, p. 296-302. GA 3066. p. 63-75. Resistivity. GA 564'9.
- - - 1936a, Sui Metodi interpretativi delle curve p,. per piu Bohm, Helmut, and Salzman, Gunther, 1952, Die geophysi-
strati paralleli sovrapposti [On the methods of interpreting kalische Untcrsuchung dcr Arsenikalkicslagerstatte zu
the Ps curve for several superposed parallel layers]: Beitr. Reichenstciu (Schlcsien) [Geophysical investigation of
angew. Geophysik, v. 6, no. 1, p. 14-24. Resistivity. arsenical pyrite deposits at Reiehcnstcin (Silesia)]: Zeitschr.
GA 3375. Erzbergbau u. Metallhuttenwesen, v. 5, no. 1'0, P~ 4•0Q-402.
- - - 1936b, Theoretical outlines of electrical coring: Beitr. GA 14866.
angew. Geophysik, v. 6, no. 1, p. 25-37. Logging method. Boissonnas, Eric, and Leonardon, E. G., 1948, Geophysical
GA 3376. exploration by telluric currents, with special reference to a
- - - 1937, Theoretische Grundzuge der Selbstpotential- survey of the Haynesville salt dome, Wood County, Texa3:
messungen uber Erzlagerstatten [Theoretical foundations of Geophysics, v. 13, p. 387-403. TeUuric current. GA 10588.
self-potential measurements above ore deposits]: Beitr. Bondarenko, A. P., 1953, Ob induktsionom elektricheskom polye
angew. Geophysik, v. 7, p. 172-178. Self-potential. vcrtekal'noi sostavlyayushchei geomagnitnykh variatsiy
GA 4352. [Electric field induecd by the vertical component of geo-
- - - 1956a, Su una vexta quaestio di gerarchia nei dispositivi magnetic variations]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, v. 90,
dei sondaggi elettrici [A moot question of the graduated no. 3, p. 367-370. Telluric current. GA 14644.
arrangement of electric methods]: Geo:fisica Pura e Appl., v. BorregQ, Gonzalez, Joaquin, 1951, Nuevo interruptor doble de
34, p. 51-56. GA 168-80. precisi6n para eom,pcn.saciones en el met6do electrico de
- - - 1956b, Principi d'equivalenza geoelettrica ed erroneita di corriente continua, con potenci6m.etro de oposici6n [A new
alcune leggi di composizione nei sondaggi elettrici su terrenti precise two-way switch for compensation in the ·direct-
a piu strati [Principles of geoelectric equivalence and the current electrical method with an opposing potentiometer]:
error of some distribution laws oi electric methods for Inst. geol. min. Espana notas y comunicaciones, no. 24, p.
multilayer ground]: Geofisica Pura e Appl., v. 34, p. 57-65. 73-78. Resistivity instrumental. GA 13738.
GA 168-79. Bossolasco, Mario, 1940, Sulla prospezione geoelettrica del
Berdichevskiy, M. N., and Petrovskiy, A. D., 1956, Metodika vulcani [Concerning geoelectrical prospecting of volcanoes]:
vypolneniya dvustoronnikh ekvatorial'nykh zondirovaniy Gcofisica Pura e Appl., v. 2, no. 1, p. 56-59.
(Procedures of bilateral equatorial electrical surveying]: - - - 1947, Sulle correnti telluriche nelle regioni equatoriali
Prikladnaya Geo:fizika, no. 14, p. 97-114. GA 168-78. [On telluric currents in equatorial regions]: Gcofisica Pura
Berdichevskiy, M. N., and Zavadskaya, T. N., 1955, K voprosu e Appl., v. 10, no. 1-2, p. 41-53. GA 9833.
o stanovlenii elektricheskogo polya v zemle [On the building Breslav, T. B., and Dorokhin, I. V., 1934, Geologo-razvedochnyye
up of the electric field in the ground]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. i elektro-razvedochnyye raboty na Kizylkiyskom mestoro-
ser. geofiz., no. 2, p. 178-180. GA 161-51. zhdenii [Geological and electrical exploration of the Kizilkiisk
Berel'kovskiy, Ts. Ya, and Zubanov, B. G., 1951, Ob elektro- deposit]: in Nedra Sredney Azii, no. 5-6, p. 45-51.
profilirovanii nad naklonnym kontakon [The determination Breusse, J. J., 1932, Electrical prospecting in Canada: Eng.
of an inclined contaet by the electrical method]: Akad. N auk Mining Jour., v. 133, p. 337-338. GA 999.
SSSR Izv. ser. geo:fiz., v. 15, no. 3, p. 16-30. Resistivity - - - 1937, Application de la methode des reaistivites dans
theory. GA 13950.
le bassin petrolifere roumain .[Application of the resistivity
Berg, J. W., Jr., 1952, Conductivity study of aqueous kaolin method to the Rumanian petroleum basin]: World Petroleum
NaCl mixtures: Producers Monthly, ~er. 3, v. 16, p. 3"6. Cong., 2d [The Hague], Proc., v. 1, sec. 1, p. 717-722.
Bergstrom, Gunnar, 1914, Forsok med elektrisk malmletning:
- - - 1950, La prospection electrique appliquee aux :recher-
[Experiments with electrical ore prospecting]: Sveriges
ches hydrologiques dans la presqu'tie de Dakar, A.O.F.
Geol. Undersokning, ser. C, no. 259 Arsbok 7, (1913), no. 6,
p. 1-9. IE1ectrical prospecting applied to ground-water investiga-
tions on the Dakar peninsula, French West Africa]: Internat.
Berthelot, Charles, 1933, Recherche du petrole par !'application
Geol. Cong., 18th [London], 1948, Proc., pt. 5, sec. D,
de la methode de la carte de resistivite du sol [Prospecting
p. 16-25. Resistivity. GA 12836.
for oil by the application of the method of the earth-re-
sistivity map]: La Nature, no. 2911, p. 147-150. GA 1698. - - - 1956, Recherche des gisement de pyrite par prospection
Bibikov, N. S., 1940, Opyt primeneniya elektr0 razvedki dlya electrique [Exploration of pyrite bodies by electrical pros-
opredeleniya treshchin v gornykh porodakh [A test of the pecting]: Rev. Industrie Minerale, Recherche miniere, spec.
application of the electrical method of exploration to deter- no. 1 R, p. 225-232. GA 168-94.
mining the direction of fissures in rocks]: Zhur. Fiziki, Breusse, J. J., and Huot, G., 1954, Hydrological surveys in the
Moscow, no. 13, p. 1143-1146. Catania area by means of electrical soundings.: Geophys.
Bjerkness, V., 1933, Geopotential: Union Geod. Geophys. Prosp., v. 2, p. 227-231. GA 159-80.
Internt., no. 2, p. 7-13. GA 2466. Brichta, L. C., and Ryan, J. P., 1958, Practical evaluation .ol
Bleil, D. F., 1953, Induced polarization: A method of geophysical electrical-resistivity surv-ey:s as a guide to zinc-lead explora-
prospecting: Geophysics, v. 18, p. 636-661. GA 14646. tory drilling, Badger-Peacock Camp and vicinity, Chero-
Blondeau, E. E., 1939, Shallow resistivity survey at South kee County, Kansas: U.S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 5426,
Elton, Louisiana: Geophysics, v. 4, p. 271-278. GA 5374. 91 p., 38 figs.
Bogdanov, A. 1., 1940, Graficheskiy metod interpretatsii neko- Broderick, T. M., and Hohl, C. D., 19:28, Geophysical methods
torykh tipov trekhsloynykh krivykh vertikal'nykh elektri- applied to exploration and geologic mapping in the Michigan
cheskikh zondirovaniy [Graphical method of interpreting. copper district: Econ. Geology, v. 23, p. 4:89-514.
Broughton Edge, A. B., 1929, Electrical prospecting: Inst. Min- Bursian, V. R., 1929, Fizicheskiye osnovaniya metoda ekvipo-
ing and Metallurgy [London] Trans., v. 38, p. 323-334; tentsial'nykh liniy [The physical basis of the method of
Inst. Mining and Metallurgy (London] Bull. 295, p. 42-53. equipotential lines]: Geol. Komitet materialy po obshch.
GA no. 15, p. 13-15. prik. geologii, no. 137, p. 5-35. Equipotential line method.
- - - 1932, Geophysical methods of prospecting: Royal Soc. GA no. 12, p. 8-9.
Arts Jour., v~ 80, p. 553-579. GA 1190. Bursian, B. P., Dedushkevich, S. I., Rodionov, P. F., and
Broughton Edge, A. B., and Laby, T. H., 1931, Principles and Sofronov, N. 1., 1929, Fizicheskiye i eksperimental'nyye
practice of geophysical prospecting: Cambridge, The Univ. osnovaniya metoda ekvipotentsial'nykh liniy [Physical and
Press, p. 9-134, 236-298. GA 434. experimental foundations of the method of equipotential
Bruckshaw, J. M., 1933, Electrical methods of geophysical pros- lines]: Materialy po Obschchey i Prikladnoy Geologii,
pecting: Inst. Elec. Engineers Jour., v. 73, p. 521-541. Leningrad, no. 137, 48 p.
GA 1825. Cagniard, Louis, 1948, Importance des phenomlmes d'anisotropie
- - - 1939, A new geophysical instrument: Mining Mag., v. dans le probleme de I' interpretation des donnees d'un sondage
60, no. 5, p. 265-271. GA 5220. electrique, consequences pratiques [Importance of anisotropy
Bruckshaw, J. M., and Dixey, F., 1934, Ground water investiga- in the interpretation of electrical vertical-profiling data and
tions by geophysical methods: Mining Mag., v. 50, p. 73-84, some practical consequences]: Inst. Physique du Globe
147-154. GA 1913. Strasbourg Annales, n. s., v. 4, no. 3, p. 3-28. GA 11101.
Bubnoff, Serge von, 1952, Hydrologic, geologische Struktur und - - - 1950, La prospection geophysique [Geophysical pros-
elektrische Leitfahigheit des Bodens in N orddeutschland pecting]: Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 204 p.
[Hydrology, geologic structure, and electrical conductivity GA 12606.
of the ground in northern Germany]: Deutsche Akad. Wiss. - - - 1953, Principe de la methode magnetotellurique, nouvelle
Berlin Sitzungsber. Kl. Math.-Naturw~, 1951, no. 1, 43 p. methode de prospection goophysique [Principles nf the
Field examples. GA 14464. magneto-telluric method, a new method of geophysical
Buchheim, W., 1947, Die Bestimmung des spezifischen elektri- prospectingl: Annales Geophysique, v. 9. pp. 95-125. Trans-
schen Widerstandes von anisotrop leitenden homogencn lation published simultaneously as 1953, Basic theory of
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chetyrekhgrannoy prezmy [On the disturbaDce of a homo- Contrac"ting, v. 68, no. 10, p. 4.29-430. GA no. 16, p. 10-11.
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materialy po obshch. prik. geologii, no. 137, p. 37-48. electrical investigations}: Geol. Rundschau, v. 18, no. 5, p.
Model study using metal plates immersed in water and 389-401.
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mining geologist: Canadian Mining Jour., v. 50, no. 14, 3, p. 259-260. GA 1377.
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Abana: Canadian Mining Jour., v. 51, no. 14, p. 314-316. electric measurements of depth]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik,
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Deppermann, K., 1954, Die Abhangigkeit des scheinbaren Survey Circ. 97, 16 p. Resistivity vertical profiling. G A
Widerstandes vom Sondenabstand bei der Vierpunkt- 12835.
Methode [The dependence of the apparent resistivity Ehrenburg, D. 0., and Watson, R. J., 1931, Mathematical theory
on the electrode spacing in the four-point method]: Geophys. of electrical flow in stratified media with horizontal, homo-
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Dickey, P. A., 1943, Natural potentials in sedimentary rocks: Engineers Tech. Pub. 400, 18 p.; 1932, Trans., v. 97, p.
Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 1625, 423-442. Resistivity theory. GA 136.
10 p:; 1945, Trans., v. 164, p. 256-266. Enenshteyn, B.S., 1947, Rezul'taty primeneniya elektrorazvedki
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prospecting of the subsoil]: Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes of direct current on permanently frozen soils]: Akad. Nauk
rendus, v. 213, p. 625-627. GA 7848. SSSR Inst. Merzlotovedeniya Trudy, v. 5, p. 36-84. G A
Dizio~lu, Mahmet Y., 1953, Orta anadoluda bilhassa elektriki 10080.
jeofizik usulleriyle yeralti suyu arastirmalari [Underground - - - 1948, Odnopolyusnoye elektricheskoye zondirovaniye
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(particularly electrical) in the Central Anatolia]: Maden Izv. ser. geog. i geofiz., v. 12, no. 31 p. 221-230. Electrode
Tetkik ve Arama Enstittisii Mecmuasi, no. 44--45, p. 63-70; configuration similar to half-Wenner. GA 11103.
71-76. Resistivity, Electromagnetic. GA 158-104. England, C. M., 1943, A resistivity survey of the Monument oil
Dmitriev, V. L., and Tolmachev, B. V., 1935, Opyt elektro- field: Geophysics, v. 8, p. 14-22. GA 6812.
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Doll, H. G., i948, The S. P. log: Theoretical analysis and Afr~ca Trans. [1950]., v. 53, p. 193-204. Resistivity,
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'P· 146-185. South African Inst. Civil Engineers Trans., v. 3, no. 2, p.
Drysdale, C. V., and Jolley, A. C., 1924, Electrical measuring 49-60.
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- - - 1943, Utility of the electric methods in geophysical ex- Jour. Sci., v. 23, p. 457-459, London.
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tion of geophysical methods to geological mapping]: Sovet- Becken [On the most recent investigations in the Vienna
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por prospecci6n geoffsica [Exploration for underground water tung [Contribution to the fundamental principles of elec-
by geophysical methods]: Agricultura (Madrid), no. 227, trical methods of prospecting): Montan. Rundschau, v. 26.
p. 111-114. Resistivity, self-potential. GA 14855. no. 4, p. 1-6. G A 2041.
Ferreira Gomes, J. C., 1952, A geologia nas barragens [Geology - - - 1937, Der Einfluss des Wassergehaltes auf den Wider-
of dam sites]: Univ. Brasil Escola de Minas Rev., v. 17, stand geologischer Leiter [Influence of the content of water
no. 4, p. 3-18. GA 14268. on the resistance of geologic conductors]: Elektrotech.
Ferris, L. P., 1933, Unit for specifying the electrical resistivity Zeitschr., v. 58, no. 12, p. 319-320, Berlin. GA 3876.
of the earth: Mining and Metallurgy, v. 14, no. 314, p. 99. - - - 1939, Der Einfluss des W assergehaltes geologischer Leiter
GA 1322. auf deren elektrische Eigensch&ften [Influence of the water
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continental United States: Federal Commun. Comm. Tech. erties]: Schweizer. mineralog. petrog. Mitt., v. 19, no. 1,
Research Div. T.R.R. Rept., no. 2.1.4 (Revised), 4 p. and p. 224-250. GA 6721.
map. - - - 1942, Die Messung von Erdwiderstii.nden [The measure-
Fink, D. G., 1935, Methods of electrical prospecting: Elec. Eng., ment of earth resistivities]: Braunschweig, Friedr. Viewe~
v. 54, no. 3, p. 293-296. GA 2785. und Sohn, 86 p. Resistivity. GA 10871.
Flathe, H. 1955a, Possibilities and limitations in applying geo- - - - 1948, Zur Auswertung geoelektrischer Tiefenmessungen
electrical methods to hydrogeological problems in the coastal [On the value of geoelectric depth measurements]: Bohrtech-
areas of north West Germany: Geophys. Prosp., v. 3, p. niker-Zeitung, v. 64, no. 3, p. 12-13. Includes discussion
95-110. GA 162-72. by Bruno Kunz.
- - - 1955b, A practical method of calculating geoelectrical
- - - 1949a, Einige geoelektrische Untersuchungen mit Gleich-
model graphs for horizontally stratified media: Geophys.
strom [Some geoelectrical investigations with direct current]:
Prosp~, v. 3, p. 268-294. GA 163-69.
Geofisica Pura e Appl., v. 14, p. 250-282. Resistivity.
FostP.r, J. W., and Buhle, M. B., 1951, An integrated geophysical
GA 13034.
and geological investigation of aquifers in glacial drift near
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois: Econ. Geology, v. 46, p. - - - 1949b, Grundztige der angewandten Geoelektrik [Prin-
367-397. Resistivity, Logging method. GA 13036. ciples of electrical methods in applied geophysics]: Vienna,
Fox, R. W., 1830, On the electro-magnetic properties of metallif- Manzche Verlags- und Univ. Buchhandlung, 412 p. Text.
erous veins in the mines of Cornwall: Royal Soc. London GA 12267.
Philos. Trans., pt. 2, p. 399-414. - - - 1951, Die geoelektrische 'Oberprtifung von Zement-
- - - 1832, [No title accompanies the paper): Royal Soc. injektionen zur Verfestigun11; des Baregrundes [Use of geo-
London Proc., v. 3, no. 10, p. 123-125. electrieal testing of cement injections for reinforcement of
the ground]: Geofisica Pura e Appl., v. 19, p. 92-99. Re- anisotropy of formations and pseudoanisotropy]: World
sistivity. GA 13040. Petroleum Cong. Proc., 2d, v. 1, p. 723-739. GA 4359.
Fritsch, Volker, 1952. Geoelektrik Baugrunduntersuchung Geoffroy, P., and Charrin, P., 1932, ~tudes g~logiques et
[Geoelectrical investigations of ground structure]: Umschau, prospections minieres par les m6thodes g~physiques
v. 52, no. 11, p. 330-331. GA 14856. [Geological studies and mining exploration by geophysical
- - - 1954, Einige Probleme der geoelektrischen Bodenver- methods]: Service carte geol. Algerie Bull., ser. 4, no. 1,
festigung [Some problems in the geoelectric method in rein· 346 p. Text. GA 1066.
forcing the ground]: Geofisica Pura e Appl., v. 28, p. 149- Gibbon, Anthony, 1954, New oil exploration method developed:
158. GA 160-57. World Oil, v. 138, no. 6, p. 99-101. GA. 157-62.
- - - 1956a, Geoelektrische Baugrunduntersuchungen in Jugo- Gilbert, R. D., 1940, Interpretable method of electrical pros-
slawien und Oesterreich [Geoelectrical foundation investiga· pecting: Mining Jour., v. 24, p. 5-7. GA 5807.
tions in Yugoslavia and Austrial: Geophys. Prosp., v. 4, Gilchrist, Lachlan, 193la, Experiments in electrical exploration
p. 24-36. GA 165-128. made in the summer of 1929: Canada Dept. Mines, Geol.
- - - 1956b, Zur geoelektrischen Untersuchung der Zementver- Survey Mem., no. 165, pt. 3, p. 161-189. GA 664.
pressung von Staumauern und Staudammen [On the geo- - - - 1931b, Measurements of resistivity by central electrode
electrical investigation of the cement injection of dam walls method at Abana mine, northwestern Quebec, Canada:
and reservoirs]: Geofisica Pura e Appl., v. 34, ,p. 79-100. Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 386, 17 p.
GA 168-100. Resistivity results. GA 135.
Fujita, Yoshizo, 1926, [Results obtained by the Schlumberger - - - 1932, Geophysical investigations made in 1930: Cana-
method of electrical prospecting (in Japanese)]: Kyoto dian Dept. Mines, Geol. Survey 1\-lem., no. 170, pt. 2,
Univ. Faculty Eng. Mem., v. 4, no. 4, p. 63-90. p. 65-98. Gilchrist responsible for only one part of Mem.
- - - 1931, Experimental studies on the potential method of 170. Title of Memoir is "Studies of geophysical methods,
electrical prospecting: World Eng. Cong. Proc. [Tokyo], v. 1930" and includes other authors and other than electrical
37, pt. 5, p. 229-242. GA 1039. methods.
- - - 1954, Three-way geophysical method points up huge - - - 1940, Recent magnetic and electrical geophysical investi-
pyrite deposit: Eng. Mining Jour., v. 155, no. 12, p. 84-88. gations on the surface and in drill holes in regions containing
Resistivity, self-potential. GA 159-82. gas, oil, and other minerals, and the correlation of the results
Gabriel, V. G., 1944, Electrical resistivity methods of exploration: of the investigations: Pennsylvania State Coli. Mineral
Petroleum World, Ann. Rev., p. 90-93. GA 7852. Industries Expt. Sta.. Bull. 30, p. 1-26.
- - - 1946, Electrical methods of oil exploration: Petroleum Gilchrist, Lachlan, and Clark, A. R., 1940, The use of mathe-
Engineer, v. 18, p. 216-220. GA 9225. matics in the delineation of magnetic and electric anomalies:
Gage, Maxwell, and McNeill, F. A., 1941, Geophysical investi- Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 21, pt. 4, p. 1072-1081.
gations in the area between Waiuta and Merrijigs: New Resistivity. GA 5400.
Zealand Jour. Sci. Technology, v. 22, no. 3B, p. 155b-165b. Gilchrist, Lachlan, Clark, A. R., and Bernholtz, Ben, 1950,
GA 6177. Methods of determination of the average resistivity of a
Galbraith, F. M., and Hart, R. C., 1939, Geophysics in explora- two-layered medium: Canadian Mining Jour., v. 71, no. 1,
tion at Falconbridge [Ontario]: Canadian Inst. Mining p. 55-64. Resistivity. GA 12269.
Metallurgy Trans., v. 42, p. 527-531. Gilchrist, Lachlan, and Mawdsley, J. B., 1931, Investigations
Gassmann, Fritz, 1936, Ein geoelektrischer Widerstandsmesser made in cooperation with Radiore Company of Canada,
[A geoelectric resistance meter]: Schweizer. naturf. Gesell. Ltd., Schlumberger Electrical Prospecting Methods, and
Verh., 117. Jahresh., Solothurn, p. 269-270. Resistivity. Swedish American Prospecting Company of Canada:
GA 3877. Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Survey Mem., no. 165, pt. 1,
- - - 1939, Zur Watsonschen Methode der Auswertung p. 1-77. GA 662.
geoelektrischer Widerstandsmessungen [On Watson's method Gilchrist, Lachlan, Rostoker, Normon, and Bernholtz, Ben,
of evaluating geoelectric resistivity measurements]: Beitr. · 1950, Distribution of potential in a two-layered medium
angew. Geophysik, v. 7, p. 347-349. GA 5077. due to an internal source and sink and the determination
Gavelin, Axel, 1923, Foreword, in Lundberg, Hans, Practical of the approximate average resistivity of the medium:
experience in electrical prospecting: Sveriges Geol. Under- Canadian Jour. Research, v. 28, sec. A, p. 1-28. Resis-
sokning Arsbok, v. 16 (1922), no. 9, ser. C, (no. 319), p. 3. tivity. GA 11832.
Geffrier, R. de, 1938, Les succes de Ia prospection electrique Gish, 0. H., 1923, General description of the earth-currents
[Success of electrical prospecting]: Rev. Petrolifere, no. 773, measuring system at the Watheroo Magnetic Observatory:
p. 282-283. GA 4358. Terrestrial Magnetism Atmos. Electricity, v. 28, p. 89-108.
Gella, Norbert, 1928, Geophysikalische Schiirfungen auf Erdol - - - 1924a, Natural electric currents in the earth's crust:
[Geophysical prospecting for oil]: Zeitschr. prakt. Geologie, Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book, no: 23, p. 178-179.
v. 7, p. 49-54. GA no. 4, p. 11-12. - - - 1924b, Preliminary earth-resistivity measurements on
- - - 1930, Geoelectric investigations of nonconductors-Four the site of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at
new examples: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book,
14, no. 9, p. 1165-1176. GA no. 18, p. 16. no. 23, p. 179-180.
Gella, Nor bert, "'lnd Bateman, H. B., 1929, Note on an electrical - - - 1926, Improved equipment for measuring earth-current
investigation for copper ores in Roumania; Inst. Mining and potentials and earth resistivity: N atl. Research Council
Metallurgy [London] Trans., v. 38, p. 362-367; 1929, Inst. Bull., v. 11, pt. 2, no. 56, p. 86-91.
Mining and Metallurgy [London] Bull. 295, supp. paper, p. - - - 1928, Depths of ground-water and other subsurface
1-6. features indicated by earth-resistivity surveys (abs.): Ter-
Geneslay, R., and Rouget, F., 1937, Sur l'anisotropie electrique restrial Magnetism Atmos. Electricity, v. 33, no. 3,
des terrains et le pseudo-anisotropic [On the electrical p. 140-141.

Gish, 0. H., 1932, Use of geoelectric methods in search for oil: Am. Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geofiz., no. 4; p. 364-368.
Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v.16, no. 12, p. 1337- GA 163-71.
1348. Reprinted, 1947, in Early geophysical papers: Gouy, M. G., 1917, Sur Ia fonction electrocapillaire [On the
Tulsa, Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, p. 497-508. GA 1228. electrocapillary function]: Annales de Physique, ser. 9, v.
- - - 1936a, Electrical messages from the earth: their reception 7, pt. 5, p. 129-184.
and interpretation: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 26, Graf, A., 1931, Intensitatsgradienten bei elektrischen Auf-
p. 267-289. Telluric current. GA 3388. schlussverfahren [Intensity gradients with electrical methods
- - - 1936b, The natural electric currents in the earth: Sci. of exploration]: Erganz-Hefte angew. Geophysik, v. 1,
Monthly, v. 43, p. 47-57. Telluric current. GA 3606 .. p. 286-292.
Gish, 0. H., and Rooney, W. J~, 1925, Measurement of resistivity Grand'ry, G. de, 1930, La prospection electrique et ses recents
of large masses of undisturbed earth: Terrestrial Magnetism progres [Electrical prospecting and its recent successes]:
Atmos. Electricity, v. 30, p. 161-188. Resistivity. Rev. Univ. des Mines, v. 75, ser. 8, no. 5, 7, p. 136-141,
Glangeaud, Louis; Pezard, Robert; FranC)ois, Solange; Perrenoud, 188-198. GA no. 14, p. 14.
Marie-Jean; and Toitot, Michel, 1956, Les nappes phreati- Gray, A., Matthews, G. B., and MacRobert, T. M., 1931, A
ques et artesiennes du Jura septentrional (dept. du Doubs). treatise on Bessel functions and their applications to
Leurs relations avec les reseaux karstiques [The phreatic physics, 2d ed.: London, MacMillan and Co., 327 p.
and artesian ground waters of the northern Jura, Doubs. Grigor'yeva, N. P., 1950a, Lineynyy neekvipot~ntsial'nyy
Their relations to the karst system]: Soc. geol. France provodnik [Linear noneqmpotential condu_ctor}: Vses.
Bull., ser. 6, v. 6, no. 4-5, p. 531-546. GA 168-99. nauchno-issled. inst. razved. geofiz. Trudy, no. 2, p. 82-93.
Goguel, Jean, 1948, Essai d'interpretation de la prospection GA 158-83.
geophysique de Ia Bresse et du Bas-Dauphine LAn inter- - - - 1950b, Metod combinirovannogo profilirovaniya [The
.i)retation of geophysical prospecting in Bresse and Bas- method of composite profiling]: Vses. nauchnoissled. inst .
Dauphin6]: France Bur. Recherches geol. et goophys. razved. geofiz. Trudy, no. 3, p. 10-32. GA 159-65.
Pub. 6, 79 p. Telluric. GA 12277, GA 12059. Grinberg, G. A., 1940, 0 reshenii opredelennogo klassa ele_k-
Gohara, Yasuma, 1950, On the prospecting for ground water trostaticheskikh i rodstvennykh 1m problem [On the solution
[In Japanese with English summary]: Tokyo Research of a certain class of electrostatic and related problems}:
Inst. Nat. Resources Rept. 16, p. 33-42. Resistivity. GA Zhur. Eksp. Teo:et. Fiziki, v. 10, no. 9-10, p. 1087-1104.
13035. Groot, J. J., and Rasmussen, W. C., 1954, Geology and ground-
Goldsmith, L. M., 1938, Earth resistivity measurement: Petro- water resources ot the Newark area, Delaware: Delaware
leum Engineer, v. 9, p. 68-74. GA 4504. Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 133 p. Resistivity. GA 159-77.
Golovtsyn, V. N., 1935a, K voprosu o razvedke gluboko Gurevich, B. L., and Zagarmistr, A. M., 1940, Glubinnyye
zalegayushchikh rudny kh tel kolchedannykh mestorozhdeniy elektricheskiye issledov-aniya v svyazi s poiskami nef-
metodami elektrorazvedki [Concerning the exploration of tenosnykh struktur v taentral'nykh oblastyakh SSSR
deep pyrite deposits by means of electrical methods]: [Deep electrical depth profiling in connection with the
Akad. Nauk SSSR Ural'sk. fi1iala Trudy, Ser. obshch., search for oil bearing structures in the central parts of the
no. 6, p. 93-106. USSR]: Razvedka Nedr, no." 7, p. 26-31. GA 5941.
- - - 1935b, 0 Vozmozhnosti primeneniya elektrometriche- Guyod, Hubert, 1945, Electrical well logging: Duncan, Okla-
skikh metodov k izucheniyu karstovykh yavleniy [On the homa, Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co., 103 p.
possibility of application of the· electro metric method for - - - 1955, Electric analogue of resistivity logging: Geo-
studying karst phenomena]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Seysmol. physics, v. 20, p. 615-629. GA 162-77.
Inst. Trudy, no. _52, p. 1-65; also 1935, Sverdlovskogo llaalck, Hans, 1929, Die Verwendung der Elektrizitat zur.
Gornogo Inst. Trudy i Materialy, v. 1, p. 5-34. GA 3742. Erforschung des Untergrundes [The use of electricity for
- - - 1947, Kombinirovannoye pole pri elektrorazvedke the exploration of the subsoil]:. Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik,
polezuykh iskopaemykh [The use of a combined field in the v; 23~ no. 3, p. 99-143. GA no. 10, p. 16-17.
electrical exploration of subsurface resources]: Prikladnaya Habberjam, G. M., and Whetton, J. T., 1954, A resistivity
Geofizika, no. 3, p. 101-105. GA 9837~ investigation into a washout feature in coal measure strata:
Golubiatnikov, D., 1930, Elektrorazvedka v groznenskom Geophys. Prosp., v. 2, p. 24-37.
rayone [Electricml prospecting in the region of Grozny]: Haddock, M. H., 1931, Deep borehole surveys and problems:
Neft. Piat., no.ll-12, p.ll-14; and also 1930, Azerbaidzhan- New York, McGraw-Hill, 296, p. Logging method. GA
skoe Neft. Khoz. v. 10, no. 10, p. 51-54. Resistivity 736,
results. Hagan, W. W., 1943, Electrical earth resistivity surveys: Indian
Gorbenko, L. A., and Denisevich, V., 1937, K voprosu ob Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 52, p. 166-168. GA 7303~
izmenenii soprotivleniya porod po razrezu [Changes of the Hahnfeld, I., 1932, Untersuchungen iiber die elektrische
resistances of rocks along their section]: Azerbaidjanskoe Raumladung und das elektrische Feld am Boden [Investiga-
Neft. Khoz., no. 5-6, p. 62-71. GA 4825. tions of the electric space charge and electric field at the
Gorelik, A. M., 1952, Opredeleniye napravleniya techeniya ground}: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 8, p. 89-106.
podzemnykh vod po noblyudeniyam elektricheskogo polya Hallenbach, F., 1953, Geo-electrical problems of the hydrology
fil'tratsii [Determination of the direction of streaming of West German areas: Geophys. Prosp., v. 1, p. 241-249.
underground water from the observed electric field caused Haller, G. P., 1930, The use of geoelectrical methods under-
by filtration]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geofiz., no .. 6, p. ground: Mining Jour., v. 14, p. 11, 30. Resistivity.
55-56. Self-potential. GA 14264. GA 14.
- - - 1955, Ob interpretatsii krivykh elektricheskogo zon- Hatakeyama, H., 1937, Observation of the electrical resistance
dirovaniya pri poiskakh vody na nebol'skikh glubinakh of frozen and moist soil [in Japanese]: Meteorology Soc.
[The interpretation of the graphs obtained by electric Japan Jour., 2d ser., v. 15, p. 316-320. Resistivity.
sounding when prospecting for water at shallow depths]: GA 4198.
Haubner, J., 1882, Uber die stationare Stromung der Elektrizitat Heine, Walther, 1928c, Zur Theorie elektrischer Bodenforschung
in flachenformigen Leitern [On the steady electric current in [Concerning the theory of electrical prospecting]: Zeitschr.
plane conductors]: Akad. Wiss. Wien Ber., Math.-Naturw. Geophysik, v. 4, p. 109-112. GA no. 5, p. 14.
Kl., v. 85, pt. 2, p. 77-97. - - - 1930, Praktische Anwendung der elektrischen Methoden
- - - 1883, tl'ber das logarithmische Potential einer nicht [Practical application of electrical methods], in Angenheister,
isolierten elliptischen Platte [On the logarithmic potential of Gustav, Angewandte Geophysik, v. 25, pt. 3 of Wien, W.,
a nonisolated elliptical plate]: Akad. Wiss. Wien Ber., and Harms, F., Handbuch der Experimentalphysik: Leipzig,
Math.-Naturw. Kl., v. 87,: pt. 2, p. 412-421. Akad. Verlagsgesell., M. B. H., p. 463-515. Resistivity
Hawkins, R. H., 1934, Application of resistivity methods to theory.
northern Ontario lignite deposits: Am. Inst. Mining Me tall. Heller, J. 1., 1931, Methods used in electrical prospecting:
Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 76-120. GA 1471. Electronics, v. 3, p. 184-185, 214. Equipotential line
Hawley, P. F., 1943, Fault location by electrical prospecting-an method and potential-drop ratio. GA 1041.
example: Geophysics, v. 8, p. 291-403. GA 7304. Henderson, L. H., 1931, A geophysical survey on the Santa Rita
Hedstrom, Helmer, 1930a, Electrical survey of structural condi- orebody: Mining Cong. Jour., v. 17, p. 7o-77, 87. Resis-
tions in Salt Flat field, Caldwell County, Texas: Am. tivity. GA 527.
Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 14, no. 9, p. 1177-1185. Henwood, W. J., 1837, Sur les courants electriques observes
GA no. 18, p. 16-17.
dans les filons de Cornouailles [On electric currents observed
- - - 1930b, Geoelectrical exploration methods used in oil in Cornwall veins]: Annates Mines Mem., ser. 3, v. 11,
fields: Oil Weekly, v. 58, no. 6 and no. 8, p. 34-37 and p.
p. 585--604. Discusses early work of R. W. Fox.
32-34. Resistivity results.; GA 17, p. 12; GA 20, p. 11-12.
- - - 1841, Experiments on the electric conditions of the rooks
- - - 1932, Electrical prospecting for auriferous quartz veins
and metalliferous veins (lodes) of Longclose and Rosewall
and reefs: Mining Mag., v. 46, no. 4, p. 201-213. Potential-
Hill mines in Cornwall: Royal Soc. London Proo., v. 4, no.
drop-ratio. GA 928.
Heiland, C. A., 1926, Instruments and methods for the discovery 49, p. 317.
of useful mineral deposits: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 121, p. 47-58. Hobson, E. W., 1931, The theory of spherical and ellipsoidal
- - - 1929, Geophysical methods of prospecting: Colorado harmonics: Cambridge, The Univ. Press, 500 p.
School of Mines Quart., v. 24, no. 1, p. 106-111. Hoffman, R. D., 1932, Bushveld, Transvaal, South Africa in
- - - 1932a, A demonstration of the geologic possibilities of the McLaughlin, D. H., and others, Summaries of results of
resistivity and magnetic prospecting methods: Terrestrial geophysical suTVeys at various properties: Am. Inst. Mining
Magnetism Atmos. Electricity, v. 37, no. 3, p. 343-350. Metall. Engmeers Trans., v. 97, p. 36. GA no. 19, p. 17.
- - - 1932b, Advances in technique and application of resis- Horvath, Sepp, 1936, The geophysical methods of the Electrical
tivity and potential-drop-ratio methods in oil prospecting: Prospecting Co. of Sweden used in the Aerial, Geological,
Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 16, no. 12, and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia: Aerial, Geol.,
p. 126G-1336. Reprinted, 1947, in Early geophysical and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia Rept., Queens-
papers: Tulsa, Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, p. 42G-496. land no. 3, 12 p. Self-potential, potential-drop ratio,
GA 1227. electromagnetic. GA 3743.
__ ,_ 1933, Einige neue Anwendungen der Geophysik bei Hotchkiss, W. 0., Rooney, W. J., and Fisher, James, 1928,
Talsperren-·und Grundwasserproblemen [A new application Earth-resistivity measurements in the Lake Superior copper
of geophysics in dam and ground-water problems]: Geol. country: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub.
Rundschau, v. 23a, p. 279-303. 82, 15 p.; 1929, Trans., v. 81, p. 51-67. Resistivity results.
- - - 1934, Geophysics in the nonmetallic field: Am. Inst. GA no. 9, p. 19.
Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 546-577. Hough, J. M., 1948, Interpretation of data from electrical re-
---1937, Prospecting for water by geophysical methods: Am. sistivity geophysical surveys: Nature, v. 161, p. 812-813.
Geophys. Union Trans., v. 18, pt. 2, p. 574-588. Describes graphical metl!od of interpretation for multilayer
- - - 1939, Report of the year's activities in electrical, geo- earth. GA 10591.
thermal, radioactive, and soil analysis methods: Geophysics, Howell, L. G., 1934, Discussion to paper by M. K. Hubbert, in
v. 4, p. 13Q-137. Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 34-37.
---1940, Geophysical exploration: New York, Prentice-Hall, Hubbert, M. K., 1932, Results of earth-resistivity survey on
1012 p. Textbook. GA 5844. various geologic structures in Illinois: Am. Inst. Mining
- - - 1942, Geophysics in war: Colorado School Mines Quart., Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 463, 23 p.; 1934, Trans., v.
v. 37, no. 1, 85 p. 110, p. 9-39; also, 1932, brief summary in Eng. Mining
Heiland, C. A., Tripp, R. M., and Wantland, Dart, 1945, Jour., v. 133, p. 142-143. Resistivity results and theory.
Geophysical surveys at the Malachite mine, Jefferson GA 669.
County, Colorado: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers
---1934, Electrical profiles in gaps in New Jersey trap ridges:
Tech. Pub. 1947, 13 p.; 1945, Trans., v. 164, p. 142-154.
Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 28, p. 65-70. GA 2226.
Resistivity, self-potential. GA 9040.
Heine, Walther, 1928a, Der gegenwartige Stand der Elektri- - - - 1937, Theory of scale models as applied to the study of
schen geoph Yf!ikalischen Methoden [The present status of geologic structure: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 48, p. 1459-
electric geophysical methods]: Metall. u. Erz, v. 25, no. 10, 1520.
p. 238-242. GA no. 5, p. 13-14. - - - 1944, An exploratory study of faults in the Cave in Rock
- - - 1928b, Elektrische Bodenforschung [Electrical earth- and Rosiclare districts by the earth-resistivity method,
investigation], in Mainka, Carl, Sammlung Geophysikali- Part 2 of Geological and geophysical survey of fluorspar
scher Schriften: Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger, no. 8, 223 p. areas in Hardin County, Ill.: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 942,
Textbook. pt. 2, p. 73-147. GA 7563.

Hubbert, M. K., and Weller, J. M., 1934, Loea.tion of faults in Kummel, J. N., 1929b, ttberdie Tiefenwirkung bei geoelektrische.
Hardin County, Illinois, by the earth-resistivity method: Rahmenmethoden [The effect of the geoelectric framn
Am. Inst. Mining Met&ll. Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 40- methods with regard to the depth of an ore body): Zeitschre
48. Resistivity results. Geophysik, v. 5, no. 2, p. 72-80. GA no. 9, p. 21.
Huber, Anton, 1949, Zur Theorie der geoelektrischen Wider- - - - 1929c, Der scheinbare spezifische Widerstand [The
standsmethoden [The theory of geoelectric-resistivity apparent specific resistance]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 5,
methods]: Archiv Meteorologie, Geophysik, Bioklimatolo- no. 3-4, p. 89-104. Translated into English by J. A.
gie, ser. A, v. l, p. 408-420. GA 12459. Malkowsky and T. A. Manhart (A theoretical study of
- - - 1950, Elektrische StrOme in stetig geschichteten Medien apparent resistivity in surface potential methods]: 1931,
(Electric currents in continuous stratified media]: Osterreich. Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 418, 31 p.;
Akad. Wiss. Kl. math.-naturw., ErdbebP.n-Komm:. Mitt., 1932; Trans., v. 97, p. 392-422; 1932, [Correction to this
Abt. Ila, 159, v. 3, no. 6, p. 71-82. paper]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 5, p. 249-250. Resistivity
- - .- 1951a, 'ObeT den Einfluss der Bodenfeuchtigkeit auf theory. GA no. 9, p. 21; GA 1042.
geoelektrische Tiefenmessungen [The influence of ground - - - 1929d, Der scheinbare spezifische Widerstand bei vier
moisture on geoelectric vertical profiling]: Archiv Meteo- plan-parallelen Schichten [The apparent specific resistance
rologie, Geophysik, Bioklimatologie, ser. A, v. 3, p. 330-338. in case of four strata the planes of which are parallel]:
---1951b, Geoelektrische Tiefenmessungen in Tiile.rn LGeo- Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 5, no. 5-6, p. 228-238. Translated
electrical vertical profiling in valleys]: Archiv Meteorologie, into English by J. A. Malkowsky and T. A. Manhart [A
Geophysik, Bioklimatologie, ser. A, v. 3, p. 464-469. theoretical study of apparent resistivity in surface potentia.
GA 13732. methods]; 1931, Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Techl
- - - 1952, Einige neuere Fortschritte der geoelektrischen Pub. 418, 31 p.; 1932, Trans., v. 97, p. 392-422. Resistivity
Widerstandsmethoden [Some new developments of the geo- theory. GA no. 10, p. 15.
electrical resistance method]: Elektrotech. Maschinenbau, - - - 1930, Theorie der elektrischen Methoden [Theory of
v. 69, p. 1-10. electrical methods], in Angenheister, Gustav, Angewandte
- - - 1953, Die Randwertaufgabe der Geoelektrik fUr Kugel Geophysik, v. 25, p. 3 of Wien, W., and Harms, F., Handbuch
und Zylinder [The boundary value problem of geoelectrical der Experimentalphysik: Leipzig, Akad. Verlagsgesell-
exploration for a sphere and a cylinder]: Zeitschr. angew. schaft, m.b.H., p. 401-462. Resistivity theory. GA no. 9,
Mathematik Mechanik, v. 33, no. 10-11, p. 382-393. Re- p. 15-16.
sistivity theory. GA 156-57. ---1931a, A theoretical study of apparent resistivity in
- - - 1955, Der scheinbare spezifische Widerstand einer geneig- surface potential methods: Am. Inst. Mining Metall.
ten ebenen Schichte [The apparent resistivity of an inclined Engineers Tech. Pub. 418; 1932, Am. Inst. Mining Metall.
plane layer]: Archiv Meteorologie, Geophysik, Bioklimato- Engineers Trans., v. 97, p. 392-422. [A translation by
logie, ser. A, v. 8, p. 95-112. GA 161-59. J. A. Malkowsky and T. A. Manhart of two papers published
Hummel, J. N., 1928a, ttber die Tiefenwirkung bei geoelektri.. by Hummel as follows: 1929, Der scheinbare spezifische
schen Potentiallinienmethoden [The effect of the geoelectric Widerstanch Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 5, no. 3-4, p. 89-104;
method of potential lines with regard to the depth of an 1929, Der scheinbare spezifische Widerstand bei vier plan-
ore body]; Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 4, no. 1, p. 22-27. parallelen Schichten: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 5, no. 5-6, p.
Ga no. 3, p. 11. 228-238]. Resistivity theory. GA 178.
- - - 1928b, Physikalische Grundlagen einer neuen geoelek- - - - 1931b, Theoretische Grundlagen fUr die Erforschung des
trischen Aufschlussmethode [Physical principles of a new Erdinnern Mittels Gleichstrom [Theoretical foundation for
geoelectric method of prospecting]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, investigation of the interior of the earth by means of direct
v. 4, no. 2, p. 59-67. GA no. 3, p. 11-12. current]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 7, no. 3-4, p. 182-190.
- - - 1928c, Untersuchung der Potentialverteilung fUr einen GA 218.
speziellen Fall in Hinblick auf geoelektrische Potential- - - - 1931c, Die Tiefenwirkung der Potentiallinien- und Rah-
linienverfahren (Examination of the distribution of the menmethoden bei geschichtetem Untergrund [Penetrative
potential in a spe~ial case with regard to the geoelectric effect of the potential line method and of the frame method
method of potential lines]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 4, no. 2, in the case of a stratified subsoil]: Zeitschr. Geophysik,
p. 67-76. GA no. 3, p. 10. v. 7, no. 5-6, p. 258-265. GA 472.
---1928d, Beitrige zur geoelektrischen Methode [Contribu- - - - 1935a, Die Elektrische Leitfihigkeit von Aggregaten in
tions to geoelectric methods of prospecting]: Zeitschr. Bezug auf die LeitfAhigkeiten ihrer Bestandteile [The elec-
Geophysik, v. 4, no. 4, p. 179-203. GA no. 3, 10-11. trical conductivity of aggregates with respect to the con-
- - - 1928e, Theoretische Grundlagen fUr die Auffindung von ductivity of their constituents]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 11,
StarungskOrpem mittels solcher ..geoelektrischer Methoden, no. 1-2, p. 92-95. GA 2518.
bei denen zwei punktfOrmige Elektroden zur Erzeugung - - - 1935b, Die Messung der Elektrischen Stromung im
eines ktinstlichen Feldes verwandt werden [Theoretical Riumlichen Leiter [Measurement of electric current in a
basis for the determination of the interfering bodies by spatial conductor]: Zeitscbr. Geophysik, v. 11, no. 6, p.
means of geoelectric methods in which the artificial field is 321-326. GA 3061.
produced by two point electrodes]: Gerlands Beitr. Gao- - - - 1935c, Unterlagen der Geoelektrischen Aufschliessungs-
physik, v. 20, no. 3-4, p. 281-287. GA no. 3, p. 7. methoden [Foundations of geoelectrical methods of pros-
- - - 1929a, Untersuchung der Potentialverteilung um ver- pecting]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 5, p. 32-132. GA
schiedene St0rungsk6rper, die sich in einem an und fUr 2517.
sich homogenen Stromfelc:ie befinden [Researches on the Hummel, J. N., and Riilke, 0., 1936, Der scheinbare spezifische
potential distribution about differently formed interference Widerstand in Bohrlochern [The apparent specific resistance
bodies embedded in homogeneous medium]: Gerlands Beitr. in bore holes]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 6, p. 89-99.
Geophysik, v. 21, no. 2-3, p. 204-214. GA no. 3, p. 7. Logging method. GA 3389.
Hummel, J. N., and Rillke, 0., 1937, Der Einftuss der Metallurgy, v. 17, no. 353, p. 231-237; also 1936, California
Dickspillung auf den scheinbaren spezifischen Widerstand Oil World, v. 29, no. 2, p. 2-3, 14-16, and v. 29, no. 3,
[Influence of mud filling of bore holes on the apparent p. 14-15. Resistivity. GA 3390, GA 3391.
specific resistance]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 6, p. 265- Jakosky, J. J., and Wilson, C. H., 1937, Prospecting for oil
270. Logging method. G A 3744. structures by electrical methods: Petroleum Engineer, v. 8,
Hunkel, H., 1928a, tlber turbulente Eigenstrome der obersten no. 5, p. 143-149. GA 3745.
Erdschichten und ibre Beziehungen zu den Gesteinsgrenzen Jakosky, J. J., ,~alson, C. H., and Daly, J. W., 1932, Geophysical
[The turbulent self-exciting currents in the earth's upper examination of Meteor Crater, Arizona: Am. Inst. Mining
layers and their relations to the boundaries of the ore depos- Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 97, p. 63-98. '
its]: Zeitschr. prakt. Geologie, v. 7 and 9, p. 103-109 and Jameson, M. H., 1941, Effect of dipping strata on determinations
p. 143-149. GA no. 3, p. 9-10. of potential-drop ratio: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers
- - - 1928b, Zur Streitfrage der direkten Auffi.ndung von Tech. Pub. 1294, 5 p.; 1945, Trans., v. 164, p. 164-169.
Erdollagerstatten mit Hilfe elektrischer Verfahren [The Jensen, Joseph, 1936, Recent developments related to petroleum
debated question of the direct discovery of oil deposits engineering: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 35, no. 21, p. 44, 48; also
with the aid of electrical methods of prospecting]: Petro- Petroleum Worid, v. 33, no. 434, p. 298-300, London.
leum Zeitschr., v. 25, no. 10, p. 293-308. GA no. 4, Method of logging formation through casing known as
p. 14-15. "Stratigraph," based upon electromotive series of metals.
- - - 1929, tlber den angeblichen geophysikalischen Nachweis GA 3392; GA 3393.
von Salzdomen im Oberelsass [On the reported discovery Jensen, K. D., 1954, Geo-electrical investigations of manganese
of salt domes in upper Alsace by geophysical prospecting]: ore bodies in India: Geofisica pura e Appl., v. 28, p. 91-108.
Zeitschr. Kali- und Steinsalzindustrie sowie das Salinen- GA 16(}-65.
wesen, p. 7-10. GA no. 4, p. 13-14. Joesting, H. R., 1941, 'Magnetometer and direct-current resistiv-
Hurd, C. 0., 1944, Topography's effect in the equipotential line ity studies in Alaska: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers
method: Mines Mag., v. 34, p. 15-18, 39, 41. GA 7422. Tech. Pub. 1284, 20 p.; 1945, Trans., v. 164, p. 66-87.
Ilsley, L. C., Freeman, H. B., and Zellers, D. H., 1928, Experi- GA 6080.
ments in underground communication through earth strata: Joesting, H. R., Bacon, L. 0., and Getz, J. H., 1948, Geophysical
U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 433, 60 p. investigation of manganiferous iron deposits, Boston Hill,
Ito, lchiro, 1950, Effects of anisotropy of media on the self- Grant County, New Mexico: U.S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv.
potential curves of electrical prospecting: Kyoto Univ. Fac- 4175, 12 p. GA 10000.
ulty Eng. Mem., v. 12, p. 105-119. Self-potential. GA Johnson, H. N., 1934, Discussion to paper by M. K. Hubbert,
13028. 1932: in Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v.
Iwatsu, Jiun, and Otsuki, Yoshio, 1952, Revised standard resis- 110, p. 30-31, 1934.
tivity curves of K. Sundberg for electrical resistivity method Johnson, W. R., Jr., MacCarthy, G. R., McCampbell, J. C., and
[In Japanese with English summary]: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 5, Straley, H. W., 3d, 1937, Tracing a basic dike, near Chapel
no. 2, p. 87-91. Hill, NC., by geoelectrical and geomagnetic methods: Am.
Jacobson, R. P., 1955, Geophysical case history of a commercial Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Contr. 106, 4 p.
gravel deposit: Mining Eng. v. 7, no. 2, p. 158-161. GA Johnson, W. R., Jr., and Straley, H. W., 3d, 1941, Geophysical
160-62. tracing of pegmatite dikes: Pan Am. Geologist, v. 75, no. 3,
Jakosky, J. J., 1931, Practical aspects of geophysical surveys: p. 161-165. GA 6016.
Mining Jour., v. 14, no. 16, p. 7-9, 29. Resistivity results. Jones, B. E., 1937, Results to be expected from resistivity meas-
- - - 1934, Geophysical examination of prospects: Canadian urements: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 18, pt. 2, p. 399-403.
Mining Jour., v. 55, no. 1, p. 9-13. Jones, W. A., 1947, Experience with some electrical and magnetic
- - - 1936, Electrical mapping of oil structures: Mining and methods of prospecting: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy
Metallurgy, v. 17, no. 353, p. 231-237. Bull., v. 50, no. 526, Trans. Sec., p. 537-557. GA 10083.
- - - 1938, Continuous electrical profiling: Geophysics, v. 3, Jung, Karl, 1951, Die Messung der tallurischen Strome [The
p. 13(}-153. measurement of telluric currents]: Umschau, v. 51, no.
- - - 1940, Exploration geophysics: Los Angeles Times Mirror 3, p. 74-75. Telluric current. GA 14857.
Press, 800 p.; 2d ed., 1950, Los Angeles, Trija Publishing Kalenov, E., 1938, Elektricheskaya razvedka karstovykh
Co., 1195 p. GA 5966. obrazovaniy v Donbasse [Electrical prospecting of karst
- - - 1949, The economics of geophysics in mining exploration: formations in the basin of the Don]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 7,
Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 184, p. 326- 65-70. GA 4664.
330. Kamensky, G. M., 1947, Poiski i razvedka podzemnykh vod
Jakosky, J. J., Dreyer, R. M., and Wilson, C. H., 1942, Geo- [Prospecting for underground waters]: Gosudar. Izd. Geol.
physical investigations in the Tri-State zinc and lead mining Lit [State Publ. Co. Geol. Lit.], 313 p. Only part applies to
district: Kansas Geol. Survey Bull. 44, 151 p. Resistivity. geophysics. Resistivity, logging method. GA 11447.
GA 6961, GA 6823. Kamprath, H. E., 1951, Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von 0.
Jakosky, J. J., and Hopper, R. H., 1937, The effect of moisture Keunecke iiber: Die Bedeutung von Erzlagerstatten [Re-
on the direct current resistivities of oils, sands, and rocks: marks on the article by 0. Keunecke on: The value of gao-
Geophysics, v. 2, p. 33-55. GA 3879. electrical investigations in search and exploration of ore
Jakosky, J. J., and Wilson, C. H., 1933, Geophysical studies in deposits]; Zeitschr. Erzbergbau u. MetallhUttenwesen, v.
placer and water-supply problems: Am. Inst. Mining and 4, no. 12, p. 467-468. GA 14655.
Metall. Engineers. Tech. Pub. 515, 18 p. Excerpt of this Kaneko, Jun, 1951, Electrical and magnetic prospecting on the
paper published 1935, Examining a placer by geophysical Sankyo iron mine, Miigata prefecture [In Japanese with
methods: Eng. Mining Jour., v. 135, p. 71-74. Resistivity. English summary]: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 2, p. 38-43.
- - - 1936, Electrical mapping of oil structures: Mining and Self-potential. GA 14135.

Kaneko, Jun, 1952, Electrical prospecting in the Shiraoi sulphur Kelly, S. F., 1938c, Geophysical prospecting: Canadian Mining
mine, Hokkaido [In Japanese with English summary]: Japan Jour., v. 59, no. 5, p. 26Q-261. Use of electrical methods on
Geol. Survey Bull., v. 3, p. 47-51. GA 14468. gold-quartz ore. GA 4533.
Kaneko, Jun, and Honma, Ichiro, 1954, Electrical prospecting - - - 1939, Geophysical delineation of structure in mining
of water supply for industrial purposes at Seiban district, ~plorations: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 20, pt. 3,
Hyogo prefecture [In Japanese with English Summary]: p. 245-269.
Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 5, no. 1, p. 13-22. GA 16Q-70. - - - 1940, Geophysics in molybdenite discovery: Mining
Karcher, J. C., and McDermott, Eugene, 1935, Deep electrical Jour., v. 23, no. 22, p. 7. Self-potential. GA 5513.
prospecting: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. - - - 1941, Geological studies of vanadium-uP&nium deposits
19, no. 1, p. 64-77. Reprinted, 1947, in Early geophysical by geophysical exploration methods: Mining Cong. Jour.,
papers: Tulsa, Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, p. 724-737. v. 27, no. 8, p. 27-35.
GA 2357. Kelly, S. F., Zuschlag, Theodor, and Low, Bela, 1934, Discover-
Katyev, V. A., 1932, ltogi geoelektrorazvedki v Khakassko- ing gold-quartz veins electrically: Mining and Metallurgy,
Minusinskoy geologo-razvedochnoy haze za 1931 god. v. 15, p. 251-256. Field examples over dikes. GA 2042.
[Results of the geoelectrical survey at the Khakassko- Kerr, P. F., and Cabeen, C. K., 1925, Electrical conductivity of
Minusinsk Geologic-Exploration Base during 1931}: Geol.- ore-minerals: Econ. Geology, v. 20, p. 729-737.
Razvedochnoe Upravlenie Zapadno-Sibirskoe Otdel. Vest- Keunecke, 0., and Kuhne, R., 1935, Geophysikalische Untersu-
nik, no. 1, p. 56-66. chung eines Kupfervorkommem; [Geophysical investigation
Keck, W. G., and Colby, W. F., 1942, The depth dependence of of a copper deposit]: Zeitschr. prakt. Geologie, v. 43, no. 3,
earth conductivity upon surface potential data: Jour. Appl. p. 41-45. GA 2644.
Physics, v. 13, p. 179-188. GA 6529. Khalevin, N. I., 1953, Primeneniye elektrorazvedki dlya interpre-
Keilhack, Konrad, 1935, Lehrbuch der Grundwasser- und tatsii magnitnykh anomaliy [Employment of electric meth-
Quellenkunde [Textbook on ground water hydrology]: Ber- ods of prospecting for interpretation of magnetic anomalies}:
lin, Gebriider Borntraeger, 3d ed., 575 p. GA 2983. Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geofiz., no. 1, p. 61-68.
Keller, Fred, Jr., and Landsberg, Hans, 1941, Geoelectric in- Khalfin, L. A., 1956a, Pole tochechnogo i~atochnika v prisutstvii
vestigations over Penn's Cave: Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. szhatogo i vytyanutogo sferoidov (The field of a point source
Proc., v. 15, p. 65-68. Resistivity. GA 6412. in the presence of an oblate and a prolate spheroid]: Akad.
Keller, J. B., 1953, The scope of the image method: Commun. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geofiz., no. 6, p. 657-668. GA 166-129.
Pure and Appl. Math., v. 6, p. 505-512. - - - 1956b, Pole tochechnogo istochnika pri nalichii polu-
Keller, W. D., 1934, Earth resistivities at depths less than one sferoidal'noy vyyemki [The field pattern of a point source in
hundred feet: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. the presence of a hemispheroidal indentation]: Akad. N auk
18, no. 1, p. 39-62. Reprinted, 1947, in Early geophysical SSSR Izv. ser. geofiz., no. 10, p. 120Q-1206. GA 168-76.
papers: Tulsa, Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, p. 561-584. Khmelevskiy, I. V., 1936, Opyt primeneniya elektrorazvedki k
GA 1826. izucheniyu karstovykh yavleniy [Application of electrical
Kelly, S. F., 1922, Experiments in electrical prospecting: Eng. methods of prospecting for studying karst phenomena]:
Mining Jour., v. 114, p. 623-629, 673-676. Razvedka Nedr, no. 13, p. 3Q-32. Resistivity. GA 3396.
- - - 1924, Electrical prospecting in Canada: Canadian Inst. Kihlstedt, F. H., 1934, Electrical methods in prospecting for
Mining Metallurgy Trans., v. 27, p. 278-305; also 1924, gold: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 110,
Am. Zinc Inst. Bull., v. 7, no. 5, p. 21-39. p. 62-74. ''Racom" method.
---1926, The Schlumberger method of electrical prospecting: King, L. V., 1933, On the flow of electric current in semi-infinite
Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy Trans., v. 29, p. 71-76, stratified media: Royal Soc. London Proc., ser. A, v. 139,
or Bull., v. 19, no. 175, p. 1154-1159. p. 237-277. Resistivity theory. GA 1734.
---1927, Modern methods of prospecting: Canadian Mining - - - 1934, On the flow of electric current in semi-infinite media
Jour., v. 48, no. 47, p. 939-941. in which the specific resistance is a function of depth :
- - - 1930, Electrical methods for subsoil investigation: Royal Soc. London Philos. Trans., ser. A., v. 233, p. 327-
Brooklyn Engineers Club Proc., v. 28, pt. 3, p. 22-41. 359. Resistivity theory. GA 2229.
Resistivity results. GA no. 18, p. 15. Kislow, Afrikan, 1954, Elektryezhe metody poszukiwawcze
- - - 1932a, A uniform expression for resistivity: Am. lust. [Electric methods of prospecting]: Przeglad geol., v. 5,
Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 97, p. 141-143. Kelly p. 169-175. Resistivity. GA 164-101.
recommended that "ohm-meters" be adopted a.s the unit of Kiyono, Takeshi, 1950a, The effects of the non-conducting layer
electrical resistivity. GA 666. on the apparent resistivity curves [In Japanese]: Butsuri-
---1932b, Engineering uses for geophysics: Civil Eng., v. 2, Tanko, v. 3, no. 1, p. 18-20.
no. 10, p. 628-632. - - - 1950b, On the electrical prospecting by the potential-
- - - 1935a, Exploring down: Explosives Eng., v. 13, p. 263- ratio method [In Japanese]: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 3, no. 2,
270, 303-312. p. 1-7.
- - - 1935b, The role of geophysics in the exploration for gold: - - - 1950c, Theoretical study of the ground resistivity
Canadian Mining Jour., v. 56, no. 3, p. 99-105. GA 2521. method of electrical prospecting: Kyoto Univ. Faculty Eng.,
- - - 1937, Geophysical exploration-Its place in prospecting: Mem., v. 12, p. 29-59. Resistivity. GA 12051.
Canadian Mining Manual, p. 41-46. - .- - 1951, The apparent resistivity in a drift [In Japanese
- - - 1938a, A perspective of geophysics: Am. Inst. Mining with English summary]: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 4, no. 2, p. 71-74.
Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 950, 11 p.; 1940, Trans., v.138, Resistivity. GA 13480.
p. 23-33. Early history of electrical methods. - - - 1952a, A contribution to the theory of electrical prospect-
- - - 1938b, Cutting exploration costs with geophysics: Cana- ing [In Japanese with English summary]: Butsuri-Tanko,
dian Mining Manual, 8 p. v. 5, no. 3, p. 126-129.
Kiyono, Takeshi, 1952b, The topographic effect on resistivity korreliruemosti kart izoliniy PS i potentsiala zaryadki
curves [In Japanese with English summary]: Butsuri- [Concerning the results obtained by the method of a charged
Tanko, v. 5, no. 4, p. 178-182. body and the correlation between the maps of PS isolines
- - - 1953a, Addenda to the paper "Topographic effect on and the potential of the charge (in electrical prospecting for
resistivity prospecting'' [In Japanese with English summary] ores)]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 2-3, p. 49-52.
Butsuri-Tanko, v. 6, no. 1, p. 51-54. Kostitzin, V. A., 1935, Theorie generale mathematique des
- - - 1953b, On the apparent resistivity curve for two-layer potentiels et resistivites apparentes dans le cas d'un sol
earth [In Japanese with English summary]: Butsuri-Tanko, constitue par un nombre quelconque de couches horizontales
v. 6, no. 2, p. 83-86. homogenes et isotropes comprises entre un substratum et
- - - 1953c, Ground resistivity methods [In Japanese with un supersubstratum [General mathematical theory
English summary]: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 6, no. 3-4, p. 237-243. of the potentials and apparent resistivities of ground con-
GA 165-122. sisting of any number· of homogeneous and isotropic hori-
Kiyono, Takeshi, Inagaki, H .., and Shibata, B., 1949, Resistivity zontal layers and an infinite substratum and topmost
curves for a semi-circular disk [In Japanese]: Butsuri- stratum]: Annexe mathematique a la note du 10 octobre,
Tanko, v. 2, no. 3, p. 16-17. Resistivity. GA 12053. Soc. prospection Elec. {Paris], p. 11-29.
Knaebel, C. H., Observation and deduction applicable to meas- Koulomzine, Theodore, and Brossard, Leo, 1947, The use of
urement of electrical resistivity of large volumes of earth in geophysics in prospecting for gold and lJase metals in
place: Michigan Coli. Min. Technology Bull., v. 3, no. 2, Canada: Geophysics, v. 12, p. 651-662. GA 9758.
31 p. GA 1001. Kozhevin, D. V., 1935, Nekotorye voprosy metodiki razvedok
Koefoeq, 0., 1955, Resistivity curves for a conducting layer of ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy [Questions concerning the
finite thickness embedded in an otherwise homogeneous and methods of prospecting for coal deposits]: Razvedka Nedr,
less conducting earth: Geophys. Prosp., v. 3, p. 258-267. no. 22, p. 26-30. GA 3062.
GA 163-70. Kozin, K. P., 1934, Elektricheskaya razvedka mestorozhdeniy
Koenigsberger, J. G., 1925, 1tber den Nachweis wasserfueh- redkikh metallov [Electrical exploration for deposits of
render St<>rungen unter Tage mittels geophysikalischer rare metals]: Redkie Metally, Moscow, no. 3, p. 29-32.
Methoden [Problem of detecting salt brines in mines by 1935, Elektricheskaya razvedka kvartsevykh zhil
geophysical methods]: Kali, v. 19, p. 353-354. Location [Electrical exploration for quartzite veins]: Sovetskaia
of salt brines in salt mines. Zolotopromyshlennost, Moscow, no. 9, p. 3-5.
- - - 1928, Field observations of electrical resistivity and their - - - 1936, Elektricheskaya razvedka v vechnoy merzlote
practical applications: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers [Electrical prospecting in regions with permanently frozen
Tech. Pub. 129,; 17 p.; 1929, Trans., v. 81, p. 221-237. ground); Neft. Geofiz. Byull., no. 3, p. 31-43. GA 4508.
GA no. 9, p. 20-21. - - - 1937, 0 sovremennom sostoyanii elektrorazvedki zolo-
- - - 1930a, 1tber geoelektrische Methoden mit direkter torudnykh mestorozhdeniy [On the present condition of
Stromzuleitung lOn the geoelectric methods with stationary electrical exploration for gold quartz veins}: Tresta Zolo-
electric current]: Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 1, no. 1, torazvedka i Instituta Nauchno-issled. Geologo-Razved
p. 23-109. Potential drop ratio. GA no. 16, p. 8-10. Inst. Zoloto Trudy, no. 4, p. 88-101, Moscow-Leningrad.
- - - 1930b, Zur Ermittlung ausgedehnter Schichten ver- - - - 1940, Obzor metodov elektricheskoy razvedki v issle-
schiedener LeitHi.higkeit [On the detection of extensive dovanii zemnoy korozii metallov [A review of methods of
layers of different conductivity): Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 6, electrical exploration for investigating the corrosion of metala
no. 2, p. 71-78. Potential-drop ratio. GA no. 14, p. 15. underground]: Soveshch. po Vopr. Korrozii i Bor'by s Ney,
- - - 1933, Aufsuchung von Wasser mit geophysikalischen Trudy, p. 179-201. [Moscow-Leningrad].
Methoden [Prospecting for water by geophysical means]:
Kozin, K. P., and Kalenov, E. N., 1936, Primenenie metodov
Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 3, no. 4, p. 463-525; Akad.
elektrorazvedki k issledovaniya korrozii podzemnykh tech'-
Verlagsgesell. m.b.H., Leipzig, 63 p. GA 1703, GA 1970. oprovodov [Application of electrical prospecting to the
- - - 1934a, Erganzungen zur Bestimmung des wahren study of underground pipe-line corrosion]: Neft. Geofiz.
Widerstandes im Erdboden nach dem Zentralinduktionsver-
Byull, no. 3, p. 3-30. GA 4506.
fahren und dem 4-Punktverfahren [The determination of
Kozin, K. P., and Mernykh, V. M., 1940, 0 geofizicheskoy
the true resistance of the ground by using the central in-
razvedke Zakavkazskikh polimetallicheskikh mestorozhde-
duction method and the four electrode method]: Beitr.
niy [On the geophysical exploration of Transcaucasian
angew. Geophysik, v. 4, p. 201-216. GA 1951.
polymetallic deposits]: Tsvetn. Metally, no. 10-11, p. 12-16,
- - - 1934b, Angaben und Urteile tiber die Leistungen der
angewandten Geophysik in Russland [Facts and analysis on [Moscow-Leningrad].
the productivity of applied geophysics in Russia]: Beitr. Kozin, K. P., Ozerskaya, M. L., and Sheynman, S. M., 1937,
angew. Geophysik, v. 4, p. 222-234. 0 novom sposobe polevoy elektrorazvedki [On the new
- - - 1940, Poverkhnostnaya geologiya i opredeleniye tsentra method of electrical prospecting]: Neft. Geofiz. Byull., no.
i glubiny poverkhnosti vozmushchayushchego tela iii 4, p. 3-31. Telluric current. GA 4507.
poverkhnosti geofizicheskimi metodami po teorii potentsiala Krahmann, Rudolf, 1926, Die Anwendbarkeit der geophysika-
[Surface geology and determination of the center and lischen Lager stattenuntersuchungsverfahren, insbesondere
surface depth of a disturbing body, or plane, by geophysical der elektrischen und magnetischen Methoden [The applica-
methods based on potential theory]: Internat. Geol. Cong., bility of geophysical methods to the search for ore deposits
Moscow, 1937, 17th sess., Reports, v. 4, p. 463-484. GA with special reference to the electric and magnetic methods]:
7307. Prakt. Geologie und Bergwirtschaftslehre Abh., v. 3, 40 p.
Kondrashev, S. N., 1940, 0 rezul'tatakh, poluchayemykh s [English translation also issued, same reference, 43 p.]
pomoshch'yu metoda zaryazhennogo tela, i o vzaimnoy GA 40.

Kraj~ovi~, Silvester, 1956, K hfbkovemu dosahu geoelektrickych Kurtena~ker, K. S., 1934b, Use of resistivity methods for locating
odporovych met6d [On the depth range of the geoelectric and exploring deposits of stone and gravel: Rock Products,
resistivity method]: Geol. Prace, v. 5, p. 108-119. GA v. 37, no. 7, p. 32-35. GA 2531.
166-145. Lancaster-Jones E., 1930, The earth-resistivity method of
Krasnow, Shelley, 1937, Discovering underground conditions:. electrical prospecting: Mining Mag., v. 42, no. 6, p. 352-355;
The Constructor, p. 16-19. Resistivity. GA 4041. v. 43, no. 1, p. 19-29. Resistivity theory: 2-layer case.
Krayev, A. P., 1951, Osnovy geoelektriki [Principles of geo- Resistivity results. GA no. 17, p. 15-16.
electric methods of prospecting]: Pt. 1, Moscow, Gostekh- Landes, K. K., and Wilson, J. T., 1944, Ground water exploration
teorizdat, 445 p. Textbook. GA 13728. by earth resistivity methods: Michigan Acad. Sci. Papers,
Krayev, A. P., Semenov, A. S., and Tarkhov, A. G., 1947, v. 29, p. 345-353. GA 7706.
Sverkhglubokoye elektrozondirovaniye [Electrical depth Langer, R. E., 1933, An inverse problem in differential equations:
profiling at great depths]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 3, p. 4Q-41. Am. Math. Soc. Bull., v. 39, p. 814-820.
GA 100~4. Lee, F. W., 1928, Measuring the variation of ground resistivity
Kruger, F. C., and Lacy, W. C., 1949, Geological explanation of with a Megger: U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 440, 16 p.
geophysical anomalies near Cerro de Pasco, Peru: Econ. Resistivity results.
Geology, v. 44, p. 485-491. Resistivity, Self-potential. - - - 1930, Comparative advantages of applying several
GA 11836. geophysical methods of prospecting to the same territory:
Ku, Kong-Gyiu, 1948, On some new anomalous results of earth U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6235, 11 p.
current investigations in mountainous areas of southwest - - - 1936, Geophysical prospecting for underground waters
China: Chinese Geophys. Soc. Jour., v. 1, no. 1, p. ao-39. in desert areas: U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6899, 27 p.
Self-potential. GA 11106. Resistivity. GA 3399.
Ku, K. H., Wang, T. C., and Chang, H. C., 1944, An investiga- - - - 1938, A new depth meter for ice and snow: Internat.
tion of the Chaotung lignite field by Wenner's resistivity Assoc. Hydrology Bull. 23, p. 761-771.
method of electrical prospecting: China Mineral Explor. - - - 1939a, History and activities of the Section of Geophysics
Bur., Contr. Econ. Geology, no. 1, p. 111-116. GA 8392. of the United States Geological Survey: Am. Geophys.
Kunetz, G~a, 1954, Enregistrements des courants telluriques Union Trans., v. 20, pt. 1, p. 280-291. Contains bibliog-
a !'occasion de l'~clipse de soleil du 25 f~vrier 1952 [Record- raphy including many references to electrical prospecting.
ings of telluric currents at the time of the solar eclipse of - - - 1939b, The possibility of electrical stratification in the
February 25, 1952]: Annales G~ophysique, v. 10, p. 262-270. earth as disclosed by surface measurements of currents and
GA 16Q-51. potentials: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 20, pt. 3, p.
- - - 1955, Einfluss vertikaler Schichten auf elektrische Son- 383-389.
dierungen [Effect of vertical layers on electrical surveys]: - - - 1941, Geophysical Prospecting, in Peele, Robert, Mining
Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 21, no. 1, p. 1Q-24. GA 165-119. engineer's handbook: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 3d
Kunetz, Gesa, and Chastenet de Gery, Jerome, 1956, La repre- ed. with collaboration of John A. Church, sec. 10-A, p.
sentation conforme et divers probiemes de potentiel dans 10-21.
des milieux de "permeabilite" differente [Conformal map- Lee, F. W., and Hemberger, S. J., 1946, A study of fault deter-
ping and various problems of potential in media of different minations by geophysical methods in the fluorspar areas of
"permeability"]: Rev. Inst. Fran~ais du P~trole, v. 11, no. Western Kentucky: U.S. Bur. Mines Rept. lnv. 3889, 27 p.
10, p. 1179-1192. GA 168-81. GA 8714.
Kunetz, Gesa, and Richard, Henri, 1952, Comparaison des Lee, F. W., Joyce, J. W., and Boyer, Phil, 1929, Some earth
variations rapides du champ tellurique entre stations resistivity measurements: U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6171,
situ~s a grande distance [Comparison of rapid variations of
16 p. Resistivity theory. GA no. 9, p. 16-17.
the telluric field at stations separated by great distances]:
Lee, F. W., Scharon, H. L., and Sandberg, C. H., 1946, Prospect-
Convegno naz. metano e petrolia, 7mo, Taormina 1952,
ing for mineralization in steeply dipping beds covered by
Atti, v. 1, p. 511-518. GA 159-58.
glacial till, talus, and weathered zones: U.S. Bur. Mines
Kunz, Bruno, 1947, Die Auswertung geoelektrischer Tiefen-
Tech. Paper 694, 19 p. GA 8873.
messungen [The value of geoelectric depth measurements]:
Bohrtechniker-Zeitung, v. 63, no. 5, p. 8-13; no. 9, p. 5-10. Lee, F. W., and Swartz, J. H., 1930, Resistivity measurements of
- - - 1948, Zur Auswertung geoelektrischer Tiefenmessungen oil bearing beds: U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 488, 12 p.
[On the value of geoelectric depth measurements]: Bohrtech- Resistivity results. GA no. 21, p. 10.
niker Zeitung, v. 64, no. 1, p. 11-13. Lehmann, Martin, 1956, Geomagnetische und geoelektrische
Kurata, Nobuo, 1953, On searching for ground water: Butsuri- Untersuchungen an Lamprophyrgangen in der Lausitz
Tanko, v. 6, no. 3-4, p. 179-185. [In Japanese with [Geomagnetic and geoelectric investigations on lampro-
English summary] GA 165-130. phyre dikes in the Lausitz massif]: Geologie, v. 5, no. 6,
Kurata, Nobuo, Ochiai, Toshiro, and Murashita, Toshio, 1949, p. 515-527. GA 168-251.
Elect:r;ical resistivity curves as an index to geological condi- Lelyavin, M. G., 1940, Polevaya elektrorazvedka v usloviyakh
tions: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 2, no. 3, p. 26-29. [In Japanese]: tresta Mayneft' [Electrical method of prospecting under
Resistivity. GA 12054. the conditions of the Maineft Trust]: Razvedka Nedr, no.
Kurdyukov, V. A., and Ryng, S. 1., 1936, Poiski pogrebennykh 10-11, p. 40-45. GA 60143.
dolin metodami elektrorazvedki [Prospecting for buried Leonardon, E. G., 1929, Electrical studies in drill holes: Min.
valleys by electrical methods]: Razvedka Nedr. no. 14, Metall. Soc. America Bull., v. 22, no. 10, Bull. 207, p.
p. 12-14. GA 3398. 150-155. Logging method. GA no. 11, p. 17-18.
Kurtenacker, K. S., 1934a, Some practical applications of - - - 1931a, Topographical study of a hidden bed rock surface
resistivity measurements to highway problems: Am. Inst. by resistivity measurements: Eng. Jour., Montreal, v. 14,
Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 49-59. no. 6, p. 331-335. GA 621.
Leonardon, E. G., 1931b, Electrical exploration applied to
geological problems in civil engineering: Am. Inst. Mining the Karst hydrological region by using geoelectrical
Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 407, 17 p.; 1932, Trans., v. methods]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 8, no. 6-7, p. 283-305.
97, p. 99-113. Resistivity results. GA 137. GA 1141.
Leonardon, E. G., and Kelly, S. F., 1928a, Exploration for ore Logn, (}rnulf, 1954, Mapping nearly vertical discontinuities by
by potential methods: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy earth resistivities: Geophysics, v. 19, p. 739-760. Resis-
Bull., no. 189, p. 157-178; Eng. Mining Jour., v. 125, p. tivity. GA 159-169.
46-49, 163-166. Longacre, W. A., 1941, A study of the problem of depth deter-
- - - 1928b, Some applications of potential methods to struc- mination by means of earth-resistivity measurements:
tural studies: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 1392, 7 p.;
Pub. 115, 18 p.; 1929, Trans., v. 81, p. 18Q-198. Resistivity 1945, Trans., v. 164, p. 179~185. GA 6413.
results. GA no. 12, p. 15. Low, Bela, Kelly, 8. F., and Creagmile, W. B., 1932, Applying
Leonardon, E. G., and Schlumberger, Conrad, 1932, Application the Megger ground tester in electrical exploration: Am.
de la prospection ~lectrique a l'~tude des projets de tunnels Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans. v. 97, p. 114-126.
et de barrages {Application of electrical prospecting to the Resistivity results.
study of tunnel and dam projects]: Annales des Ponts et Lowy, H., 1927, O'ber das Grundproblem der angewandten
Chauss6es, v. 102, pt. 2, p. 271-289. GA 1112. Geophysik und den elektrischen Nachweis von Erdol
Lepeshinskiy, Yu. N., and Murashov, D. F., 1929, Elektro- [On the fundamental problem of applied geophysics and
razvedka poleznykh iskopaemykh po metody ekvipoten- the electrical method of prospecting for oil]: Naturw. v. 15,
tsial'nykh liniy [Electrical prospecting of mineral deposits p. 921. GA no. 12, p. 16-17.
by the method of equipotential lines]: Geol. Komitet - - - 1937, Der Fundamentalsatz der angewandten Geophysik
materialy po obshch. prik. geologii, v. 138, 128 p. This [The fundamental principle of applied geophysics]: Beitr.
publication is one of the series of books on the methods of angew. Geophysik, v. 6, p. 271-276. GA 3746.
geophysical prospecting issued by the Geological Committee Lugeon, M., and Schlumberger, Conrad, 1932, Application des
in Leningrad. Equipotential line method. GA no. 10, m~thodes de prospection electrique a l'~tude des fondations
p. 17-18. de hauts. barrages et des ourvages annexes [Application of
Lewis, W. B., 1945, Working depths for low frequency electrical electrical prospecting methods to the study of foundations
prospecting: Geophysics, v. 10, p. 63-75. GA 7994. of large dams and to similar works]: ~nie Civil, v. 101,
Liogen'kiy, S. Ya., 1937, Opredeleniye moshchnosti pegma- no. 66, p. 134-137. GA 1111.
titovykh zhil metodom poverkhnostonogo karottazha - - - 1933, The electrical study of dam foundations: Mining
[Determination of the thickness of pegmatite veins by the Mag., v. 48, no. 6, p. 34Q-345. GA 1597.
superficial coring method]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 24, p. 57-58. Lundberg, Hans, 1919, Potentialmetod for elektrisk malmetning
GA 4362. (Potential method for electrical prospecting): Jernkontorets
- - - 1938, K voprosy opredeleniya glubiny vyklinivaniya Annaler, p. 203-215.
pegmatitovykh zhil metodom soprotivleniy [On the question - - - 1923, Practical experience in electrical prospecting:
of determining the depth of outcropping pegmatite veins Sveriges Geol. Undersokning Arsbok, v. 16 (1922), no. 9,
by the resistance method]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 10, p. 44-46. ser. C, (no. 319), p. 4-37. Contains bibliography of early
Resistivity. GA 4828. papers.
Lipskaya, N. V., 1949a, 0 vozmushchenii elektricheskikh poley - - - 1926a, The Swedish methods of electrical prospecting:
sfericheskimi neodnorodnostyami (metod bepolyarnykh Canadian Inst. Mining Metall. Bull., v. 19, p. 1139-1147,
koordinat) [The disturbance of electrical fields by spherical 1159-1165; Trans., v. 29, p. 56-64.
inhomogeneities (method of bipolar coordinates)]: Akad. - - - 1926b, Eiectrical and electromagnetic prospecting:
Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geog. i geofiz., v. 13, no. 4, p. 335-347. Am. lnst. Mining Metall. Trans., v. 74, p. 3-28.
- - - 1949b, Pole tochechnogo elektroda, nablyudayemoye na - - - 1928a, Recent results in electrical prospecting for ore:
poverkhnosti zemli vblizi pogruzhennoy provodyashchey Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 98, 36 p.;
sfery [The pattern of the electric field produced by a point 1929, Trans., v. 81, p. 87-124. GA no. 12, p. 14.
source as observed on the earth's surface near a buried - - - 1928b, The present status of geophysical methods of
conductive sphere]: Akad. Nauk SSSR lzv. ser. geog. prospecting: Canadian lnst. Mining Metallurgy Bull., v. 21,
geofiz., v. 13, no. 5, p. 409-427. GA 11833. Trans. Sec., p. 693-705; Trans., v. 31, p. 209-221.
- - - 1953, Anomal'noye pole lokal'noy neodnorodnosti s - - - 1929, The history of magnetic and electrical prospecting
konechnym znacheniyem elektroprovodnosti [Anomaly for oil: Mining Mag., v. 41, no. 2, p. 73-78.
field produced by a local heterogeneity of finite electro- - - - 1937, Recent advances in geophysical prospecting:
conductivity]: Akad. Nauk SSSR lzv. ser. geofiz., no. 6, Canadian Inst. Mining Metall. Trans., v. 40, p. 758-788.
p. 514-522. GA 156-58. - - - 1938, Practical results obtained from geophysical surveys:
Lohnberg, Alfred, and Loewenstein, A., 1936a, Die geoelek- Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 954, 29 p.
trische Hydrologie als Teilgebiet der Analyse des Unter- - - - 1938, Practical results obtained from geophysical sur-
grundes [Geoelectric hydrology as a special field in analyzing veys: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub.
the. underground]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 6, p. 52...;.88. 954, 29 p.
Resistivity. GA 3401. Lundberg, Hans, and Kihlstedt, Folke, 1932, Differential rate of
- - - 1936b, Electrical prospecting for water: Mining Mag., change method; elimination of surface resistivity variations
v. 55, no. 3, p. 143-153. GA 3400. in electrical prospecting: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engi-
Lohnberg, Alfred and Stern, Walter, 1932, Ein neuer Weg der neers Advance Paper, 4 p., February. Potential-drop ratio.
Karsthydrologischen Forschung durch Anwendung Geo- - - - 1933, Geophysics applied to geology: Canadian Mining
elektrischer Methoden [A new method for investigating Jour., v. 54, no. 8, p. 337-342. "Raoom" method. GA 1670.

Lundberg, Hans, and Zuschlag, Theodore, 1931, A new develop- Makino, Naofumi, 1949, On the apparent resistivity curves for
ment in electrical prospecting: Am. Inst. Mining Metail. underground layered structures: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 2, no.
Engineers Tech. Pub. 415, 18 p.; 1932, Trans., v. 97, p. 47- 3, p. 18-21. Resistivity theory. GA 12052. [Japanese.]
62. Potential-drop ratio. GA 176. - - - 1950, Measurement of the electric resistivity of under-
Lundberg, Hans, Zuschtag, Theodor, and Kihlstedt, Folke, 1931, ground strata: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 3, no. 3, p. 35-37. [In
Expansion and progress of electrical prospecting: Canadian Japanese with English summary.]
Inst. Mining Metallurgy BulL 232, p. 932-962. GA 473. Malkowski, Zdzislaw, 1951, Elektrychna metoda oporowa przy
MacDonald, H. M., 1895, The electrical distribution on a stosowaniu pradu stalego w badaniach geofizycznych [Elec-
conductor bounded by two spherical surfaces cutting at trical resistivity method with direct current in geophysical
any angle: London Math. Soc. Proc., v. 26, p. 156-172. explorations): Palistwowy Instyt. Geol. Biul. 63, Ser. geofiz.
Macelwane, J. B., 1940, Fifteen years of geophysics: A chapter no. 6, p. 5-31. GA 13947.
in the exploration of the United States and Canada 1924-39: Manfredini, Antonio, 1950, Studio geofisico della formazione
Geophysics, v. 5, p. 25Q-258. Contains map of United gessososolfifera Siciliana con il metodo della resistivita
States and Canada showing (1) locations where electrical elettrica [Geophysical investigation of gypsum and sulfur
methods of prospecting had been applied prior to 1929 and deposits in Sicily using electrical resistivity methods]:
(2) locations where electrical prospecting was done during U:fficio Geol. Italia Boll., v. 70, p. 243-246. Resistivity.
1924-39. GA 12466.
- - - 1951, Ricerca idrica con mezzi geofisici nel comune di
Maeda, Katsuro, 1951a, Electrical trenching and its interpreta-
guidonia [Hydrological research with geophysical methods
tion: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 4, no. 1, p. 16-19. [In Japanese
with English summary.] in Guidonia): Servizio geol. ltali~ Boll., v. 71, p. 207-215.
Resistivity·examples. GA 13740.
- - - , 1951b, Apparent resistivity of dipping strata: Butsuri-
- - - 1952, Investigation of river beds by electric soundings:
Tanko, v. 4, no. 3, p. 103-106; 1952, v. 5, no. 2, p. 57-59. Servizio geol. Italia Boll., v. 73, p. 371-395. Direct-current
[In Japanese with English summary.]
resistivity, field examples. GA 14267.
- - - 1955, Apparent resistivity for dipping beds: Geophysics, - - - 1953, Studie geofiscio del Circeo [Geophysical study of
v. 20, p. 123-139. GA 160-58. the Circeo}: Servizio geol. Italia Boll., v. 75, no. 1, p. 311-328.
Magnee, Ivan de, 1950, Delimitation gOO-electrique du premier Resistivity. GA 157-64.
pipe de Kimberlite decouvert dans Ies champs diamantifcres - - - 1954, Alcuni risultat idella campagna geo-elettrica del
du Kasai (Congo Beige) [The delineation by geoelectrical 1953 [Some results of geoelectric surveying during 1953]:
methods of the first pipe of Kimberlite in the diamond Servizio geol. Italia Boll., v. 75 (1953), no. 2, p. 969-971.
fields of Kasai, Belgian Congo]: lnternat. Geol. Cong. GA 161-63.
[London] 18th, Proc., pt. 5, sec. D, p. 52-58. Resistivity. - - - 1955, Su alcuni risultati attenuti nel campo dei metodi
GA 12839. elettrici a corrente continua [On some results obtained in
Magnus, Wilhelm, and Oberhettinger, Fritz, 1949, Formulas the field by the direct current electrical method): Servizio
and theorems for spec-ial functions of mathematical physics: geol. Italia Boll., v. 76, no. 2, p. 613-614. GA 165-129.
New York, Chelsea Publishing Co., 172 p. Manhart, T. A. 1937, Model tank experiments and methods for
Maillet, Raymond, 1936, Les methodes de prospection electrique interpretation of resistivity curves: Colorado School of
Schlumberger [Schlumberger's methods of electrical pros- Mines Quart., v. 32, no. 1, p. 139-168. Slightly abridged,
pecting]: Soc. Eng. Civils France Mem. 4, p. 618-641. but the only published version of original Master's thesis
Self-potential, Resistivity. G A 3609. of 1932. Resistivity curves, model tank experiments, and
- - - 1941, La prospection electrique du so us-sol [Electrical methods of interpretation.
prospecting of the sub-strata]: Annales des Mines Mem., Markov, A., 1938, Poverkhnostnoye raspredeleniye postoyannogo
ser. 13, v. 18, p. 25-92. Contains list of publications of toka v sluchaye naklonnogo provodyashchego sloya [The
Conrad Schlumberger and other publications of the surface distribution of direct current in the case of an
Schlumberger school. inclined conducting layer]: Tsentr. nauchno-issled. geologo-
- - - 1947, The fundamental equations of electrical prospect- razvedochnogo Inst. Geofizika, v. 5, p. 40-54. GA 4665.
ing: Geophysics, v. 12, p. 529-556. GA 9838. Mason, Max, 1927, Geophysical exploration for ores: Am. Inst.
Maillet, Raymond, and Doll, H. G., 1932, Sur un thooreme Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 45, 33 p.; 1929, Trans.,
relatif aux milieux electriquement anistropes, et ses appli- v. 81, p. 9-43.
cations a la prospection elcctrique en courant continu [A Matteucci, M. C., 1865, Sur les courants electriques de la terre
theorem relating to electrically anisotropic media and its [On the electric currents of the earth]: Annales Chimie et
application to electrical prospecting by direct current]: Physique, ser. 4, v. 4, p. 177-192.
Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 3, p. 109-124. Tensorial - - - 1867, Sur les courants electriques de la terre [On the
calculus used in analysis. Resistivity theory. GA 1225. electric currents of the earth]: Annales Chimie et Physique,
Maillet, Raymond, and Migaux, Loon, 1942, Conrad Schlum- ser. 4, v. 10, p. 148-159.
berger et la prospection electrique [Conrad Schlumberger Maturbara, A. 1937, The electrolytic method of prospecting:
and electrical prospecting]: Paris, Dunod, 190 p. A Mining Inst. Japan Jour., v. 53, p. 515-528. Self-potential.
memorial volume in honor of Conrad Schlumberger. Con- GA 7057.
tains a collection of papers published during 1941 by Mauchly, S. J., 1918, A study of pressure and temperature
effects in earth-current measurements: Terrestrial Magne-
Maillet and Migaux in Annales des Mines Mem., ser. 13,
tism Atmos. Electricity, v. 23, p. 73-91.
v. 18, p. 1-190.
Maxwell, James C., 1891, Electricity and magnetism: University
Mainguy, M., and Grepin, A., 1953, Some practical examples Press, Oxford, England, 500 p.; .reprinted 1954, Dover Pub.,
of interpretation of telluric methods in Languedoc [south- New York, 500 p. This edition (1891) is especially good on
eastern France]: Geophys. Prosp., v. 1, p. 233-240. the theory of images. GA 845.
Mazzoni, A., and Breusse, J. J., 1954, Application de la prospec- Geol. Bull. no. 144, -p. 3-8. Resistivity, Potential-drop
tion electrique a la tectonique pour la recherche~de vapeur ratio. GA 11837.
naturella a Larderello (Italie) [Application of electrical - - - 1950, On potential-drop-ratio measurements in structural
exploration to the structure in the search for natural steam investigations: Internat. Geol. Cong., 18th, London, 1948,
at Larderello (Italy)]: Internat. Geol. Cong., 19th, Algiers, Proc., pt. 5, sec. D, p. 81-84. Potential-drop ratio. GA
Comptes Rendus sec. 15, pt. 17, p. 161-168. GA 163-74. 12834.
McCardell, W. M., Winsauer, W. 0., and Williams, M., 1953, Mielecke, Walter, 1956, Geoelektrische Messungen als Hilfsmittel
Origin of the electric potential observed in wells: Am. Inst. geologischer Kartierung [ Geoelectrical measurements as an
Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 198, p. 41-50. aid to geologic mapping]: Zeitschr. angew. Geologie, v. 2,
McCollum, Burton, 1921, Measurements of earth currents: no. 4, p. 154-158. GA 166-156.
Elec. Railway Jour., v. 58, p. 809-813. Resistivity. Migaux, Leon, 1941a, Conrad Schlumberger: Annales Mines
McCollum, Burton, and Ahlborn, G. H., 1916, Methods of Mem., ser. 13, v. 18, p. 5-23. Biography of Conrad
making electrolysis surveys: U.S. Bur. Standards Tech. Schlumberger.
Pub. 28, 84 p. - - - 1941b, L'exploration electrique et thermique des
McCollum, Burton, and Logan, K. H., 1913, Electrolytic cor- sondages [Electrical and thermal surveys of bore holes]:
rosion of iron in soils: U.S. Bur. Standards Tech. Pub. Annales Mines Mem., ser. 13, v. 18, p. 93-178. Excellent
25, 69 p. account of electrical and thermal well logging. Contains
- - - 1915, Earth resistance and its relation to electrolysis of list of Conrad Schlumberger's publications on well logging.
underground structures: U.S. Bur. Standards Tech. Pub. - - - 1946, Une methode nouvelle de geophysique Appliquee:
26, 48 p. La prospection par courants telluriques [A new method of
- - - 1927a, Practical applications of the earth-current meter: applied geophysics prospecting by telluric currents]:
U.S. Bur. Standards Tech Paper 351, p. 683-727. Re- Annales Geophysique, v. 2, p. 131-146. GA 9229.
sistivities of soils; determination of same. - - - 1950, Quelques exemples d'application de Ia methode
- - - 1927b, Electrolysis testing: U.S. Bur. Standards Tech. tellurique [Some examples of the application of the telluric
Paper 355, p. 15-89. method]: Internat. Geol. Cong., 18th, London, 1948,,
McCullough, E. J., 1956, Resistivity measurements in cyclo- Proc., sec. D, pt. 5, p. 85-95. Telluric method, Self-
themic sediments: Compass, v. 33, no. 2, p. 115-119. potential. GA 12838.
GA164-112. - - - 1951, Dix ans d'application de Ia methode tellurique
McKellar, I. C., and Collins, B. W., 1953, The use of earth [Ten years of use of the telluric method]: World Petroleum
resistivity tests in the location of underground water in Cong., 3d [The Hague], Proc., sec. 1, p. 624-645. Telluric
Canterbury: Pacific Sci Assoc., 7th Cong., Proc., v. 2, method, Self-potential. GA 13733.
p. 129, [1949]. GA 163-75. Migaux, Leon, and Kunetz, Geza, 1955, Apports des methodes
McLaughlin, D. H., Bateman, A. M., O'Neill, J. J., Hoffman, 6lectriques de surface a la prospection petroliere [Contri-
R. D., and Dougherty, E. Y., 1930, Summaries of results ·bution of surface electrical methods to petroleum prospecting
from geophysical surveys at various properties: Am. Inst. (with discussion)]: World Petroleum Cong., 4th [Rome],
Mining Metall. Engineers Tech Pub. 369, 23 p.; 1932, Proc., sec. 1, p. 545-574. GA 168-93.
Trans., v. 97, p. 24-46. Militzer, H., 1953, Die elektrische Eigenpotentialmethode in
McMurry, H. V., and Hoagland, A. D., 1956, Three-dimensional Erzbergbau [The sell-potential method in mining industry]:
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68, p. 134-150. Mining Magazine, 1923, Schlumberger method of electrical
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structures: Petroleum Zeitschr., v. 29, p. 14-16. GA 1423. Mitera, Z., 1937, A theoretical and experimental examination of
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97-112. Resistivity. GA 160-61. - - - 1954b, Effect of a variable surface layer on apparent
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Pub. 1626, 6 p.; 1944, Trans., v. 155, p. 49-57; 1945, 15, p. 6-16. [In Japanese with English summary.) Self-
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Mukhin, A. V., 1947, Geofizicheskiye (elektrorazvedochnye) Nesterov, L. Ya., 1938, Nekotoryye dannyye o vJiyanii nanosov
raboty v zapadnykh oblastyakh USSR [Geophysical pri elektrorazvedke kruto.r-adayushchikh plokhoprovod-
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S.S.R.]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 1, p. 31-35. the electrical prospecting of steeply dipping; poorly con-
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over a .vertical fault]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geog. i York, McGraw-Hill, 444 p. Text. GA 5847.
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funktionen [Theory of potentials and spherefunctions]: [On the theory of effective electric conductivity .Y, magnetic
Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 276 p. permeability il, dielectric constant E' of a medium containing
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- - - 1943, Das elektrische und magnetische Feld einer punkt- poluprostranstve [The disturbance of the field of direct
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265-272. GA 12045. p. 48-60. GA 14446.
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izucheniya i poiskov zolotorudnykh mestorozhdenii [Geo- elektroprovodnost' sredy s vklyucheniyami [Effective
physical methods as means of detecting and studying gold electric conductivity of a medium with heterogeneous
deposits]: Adad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geog. i geofiz., v. inclusions): Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geofiz., no. 1,
9, no. 4, p. 389-398. [Engl. summ.] GA 8716. p. 57-59. GA 16G-52.
Nippoldt, A., 1936, The secret of earth currents: Terrestrial Palmer, L. S., 1954, Location of subterranean cavities by geo-
Magnetism Atmos. Electricity, v. 41, no. 3, p. 261-263. electrical methods: Mining Mag., v. 91, no. 3, p. 137-141.
GA 3403. GA 162-70.
Noring, F., 1950, Die geoelek.trischen Messungen im Schwan- Palmer, L. S., and Hough, J. M., 1953, Geoelectrical resistivity
keimer Wald bei Frankfurt a.M. [Geoelectric measurements measurements: Mining Mag., v. 88, p. 16-22. Direct
in the Schwankeimer forest near Frankfurt on the Main]: current resistivity theory and field example. GA 14263.
Bohrtechnik-Brunnenbau, v. 1, no. 10, p. 319-320. GA Parasnis, D. 8., 1956, The electrical resistivity of some sulphide
14656. ahd oxide minerals and their ores: Geophys. Prosp., v. 4,
Novitchenko, V. N., 1937, Predvaritel'nyye itogi karottazha p. 249-278. GA 167-100.
v Donbasse [Preliminary results of electrical wring in t.he Patnode, H. W., and Wyllie, M. R. J., 1950, The presence of
Don Basin]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 6, p. 27-34. Logging conductive solids in reservoir rock as a factor in electric
method. GA 3880. log interpretation: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers
Noya, R. M., 1945, The application of geophysics to water supply Trans., v. 189, Tech. Pub. 2797, p. 47-52.
problems: Mine and Quarry Eng., v. 10, p. 15-19, 40-45. Patty, E. N., and Kelly, 8. F., 1945, A geological and geophysical
GA 8116. study of the Chelan nickel deposit near Winesap, Washing-
Obara, Nobuhiko, 1955, Geological researches for Takayama dam ton: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub.
site, Kyoto Prefecture, accompanied by electric resistivity 1953, 10 p.; 1945, Trans., v. 164, p. 155-163.
prospecting: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 6, no. 9, p.
1-10. GA 166-159. Paul, Bernt, 1949, Geoelektrische Schlumberger Messungen an
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[Electrical prospecting in underground workings]: Razvedka ments by the Schlumberger method on the surface of the
Nedr, no. 7, p. 31-35. GA 5945. ground and in drill holes): Erdol Tektonik Nordwest-
Ollendorff, Franz, 1928, Die Erdstrome [Earth currents]: deutschland, p. 302-307. Resistivity, Self-potential. GA
Berlin, Julius Springer, 69 p. 12268.
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Wenner's method [Japanese]: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 2, no. 2, geophysics: Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 20, p. 85-98.
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von Edelmetallseifen und erodierten Erzganger [A new examples from the Middle East: Geol. Soc. London Quart.
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p. 21-24. Self-potential. GA 1473. supplies-a geological analysis of observed resistivity data:
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- - - 1937, Tektonische Forschung durch quantitative Elek- ity prospecting: Geophysics, v. 5, p. 31-42. Resistivity.
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some development in electrical groundsurvey: Water Conf. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Eng. 2d, Proc.,
Eng. v. 52, no. 639, p. 214-234, 236. v. 7, p. 80-84. Resistivity. GA 11838.
Ovchinnikov, I. K., 1950, K teorii effektivnoy elektroprovod- - - - 1949b, Electrical resistivity exploration: U.S. Waterways
nosti .Y magnitnoy pronitsayemosti ;,., dielektricheskoy Expt. Sta. (Vicksburg), Bull. 33, 48 p.

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sphere. Resistivity theory. G A 235~ magnetic. G A 4042.
- - - 1932, Some aspects of electrical prospecting applied in - - - 19-37b, Teoreticheskiy obosnovaniya- izmereniy udel'nogn
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1947. Early geophysical papers: Tulsa, Soc. Explor. Geo- dvukhtochechnoy ustanovki postoyannogo toka [The theo-
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Petersson, Walfr., 1907, Das Aufsuchen von Erz mittels Elektri- of frozen and thawed grounds by the two-point direct-current
zitat [The search for ore with electricity]: Gliickauf, v. 4'3, method]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv., Otdel. obshch. Nauk,
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Geofiziki. lzv., no. 1, p. 73-87. Series of graphs showing permanently frozen grounds and of perma-frost], p. 85-102.
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karstovykh yavleniy [The application of electrometrical
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6, p. 65-77.
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summer of 1924]: lnst. Prikl. Geofiziki lzv., no. 1, p. 107-134. trometricheskoye issledovaniye Verkhne-_Arshinskogo
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nosti sfericheskoy zalezhi po nabludeniyam sozdvaymykh the movements of magma inside a volcano]: Geofisica Pura
yeyu zemnykhtokov [Determination of the location, depth,. e Appl., v. 2, no. 1, p. 20-28. GA 5654.
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current produced]: Inst. Prikl. Geofiziki lzv., no. 3, p. 3-36. mento del campo elettrico nella prospezione con il metodo
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results. Katharhal for the Chitaldroog water supply project.
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trique du sous-sol et leur application ala recherche des gites sistivity curves, Katharhal area: Mysore Geol. Dept.
metalliferes [Phenomena of electrical spontaneous polari- Rccs., v. 40, p. 59-80. GA 9842.
zation of the subsoil and their application to prospecting - - - 1943, Notes on the underground prospecting work carried
metalliferous deposits]: Soc. vaudoise sci. nat. Mem., v. 6, out for testing the geophysical indication at Gudda-
no. 1, 42 p. Self-potential. GA 4365. darangavvanahalli, Chitaldroog district: Mysore Geol.
- - - 1939, Geophysical exploration by spontaneous polari- Dept. Recs., v. 41, p. 54-57. Self-potential.
zation methods: Mining Mag., v. 60, no. 1, p. 22-27; no. 2, - - - 1945a, On -the electrical prospecting fo:r graphite near
p. 9Q-94. Self-potential. GA 4829. Ganacharpur, Kolar district: Mysore Geol. Dept. Recs.,
- - - 1940, Quelques resultats de prospection electrique v. 42, p. 56-67. Self-potential, Resistivity. GA 10086.
[Some results of electrical prospecting]: Univ. Lausanne Bull. - - - 1945b, Spontaneous polarization surveys near Gud-
69, 77 p. GA 6660. dadarnagavvanahalli, Chitaldroog, Mysore State, India:
- - - 1941, La prospection electrique du sous-sol [Electrical Am. lnst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 164, p.
exploration of the subsoil]: Lausanne, Librairie F. Rouge et 107-116. GA 7059.
Cie., 94 p. Textbook. GA 6456. - - - 1946, Geophysical survey report on the Sowanahalli
- - - 1944, Quelque considerations sur !'interpretation goo- copper ore block, Manjangud Taluk, Mysore district:
physique [Certain considerations relative to geophysical Mysore Geol. Dept. Recs., v. 43, p. 31-46. Resistivity,
interpretation]: Univ. Lausanne Bull. 79, 8 p. GA 8718. ~elf-potential. GA 10349, GA 9419.
- - - 1947, La prospection electrique du sous-sol [Electrical - - - 1947, Geophysical investigations for selection of site for
exploration of the subsoil]: Lausanne, F. Rouge and Co., Ramapadasagar dam across the Godavari River in Madras,
Revised ed., 119 p.; 1941, 1st ed., 119 p. Textbook. South India: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech.
GA 10596. Pub. 2287; 1949, Trans., v. 181, p. 68-98. GA 10087.
Poldini, E. M., and Breusse, J. J., 1950, La prospection electrique - - - 1948, Notes on the geophysical prospecting for graphite:
du sous-sol a faible profondem [Electrical prospecting of Mysore Geol. Dept. Recs., v. 44, p. 59-72. Resistivity,
shallow sub-strata]: Genie civil, hydro!., mines (Pub. de la Self-potential. GA 10874.
Compagnie Generate de Geophysique, Paris), 48 p. - - - 1953, Self-potential anomalies due to subsurface water
Poole, Granville, Whetton, J. T., and Carr. J., 1933, The location flow at Garimenapenta, Madras State, India: Am. Inst.
of a concealed thin dike by geophysical surveying: Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 196, p. 400-403.
Mining Engineers [London] Trans., v. 84, p. 198-221.
Field examples. GA 14466.
Resistivity model studies. GA 1341.
Ramachandra Rao, M. B., and Negi, B. S., 1952, Geophysical
Poole, Granville, Whetton, J. T., and Taylor, A., 1934a, Earth
exploration in the arid tracts of Rajputana: Natl. Inst. Sci.
resistivity surveys on various geological structures related
India Bull. 1, p. 70-75. GA 167-96.
to mining: Inst. Mining Engineers [London] Trans., v.
86, p. 312-335. Resistivity field results. GA 1958. Rayner, J. M., and Nye, P. B., 1936a, Geophysical report on the
- - - 1934b, Earth resistivity surveys-the location of faults: Soldiers Cap area, Cloncurry district: Aerial, Geol., and
Colliery Guardian, v. 148, p. 389-390. GA 2092. Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia Rept., Queensland
Potter, E. V., 1931, Results of electrical resistivity and electrical no. 4, 15 p. Potential-drop ratio, Electromagnetic, Self-
induction measurements at Abana mine, Quebec, Canada: potential. GA 5517.
U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 501, 28 p. Resistivity results. - - - 1936b, Geophysical report on the Trekelano area, Cion-
GA 428. curry district: Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of
Powers, Harold, Scharon, H. L., and Tolman, Carl, 1953, Northern Australia Rept., Queensland no. 5, 18 p. Electro-
Geophysical case history, Fredericktown lead district, magnetic, Potential-drop ratio, Self-potential. GA 5518.
Missouri: Am. lnst. Mining Metall. Engine0rs Trans., - - - 1936c, Geophysical report on the Dobbyn area, Cloncurry
v. 196, p. 317-320. district: Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of Northern
Pulfrey, W., 1936, A geophysical test on a Kenya property: Australia Rept., Queensland no. 6, 12 p. Self-potential,
Mining Mag., v. 54, p. 30-32. GA 3069. Potential-drop ratio, Electromagnetic. GA 5516.
Pullen, M. W., 1929, Tentative method for making resistivity - - - 1937a, Geophysical report on the Mount Todd auriferous
measurement of drill cores and hand specimens of rocks area, Pine Creek district: Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Sur-
and ores: U.S. Bur. Mines lnf. Circ. 6141, 11 p. GA no. vey of Northern Australia Rept., Northern Terr. no. 6, 7 p.
9, p. 17-18. Potential-drop ratio. GA 5519.
Pylaev, A. M., 1936, K voprosu ob interpretatsii trekhsloynykh - - - 1937b, Geophysical report on the Dugald River silver-lead
krivykh elektrobureniya pri bol'shikh soprotivleniykh lodes: Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of Northern
tret'ego sloya [On the interpretation of the curves obtained Australia Rept., Queensland no. 7, 15 p. Self-potential,
from electrical investigation of three layers for the case of a Electromagnetic. GA 5520.
high resistan·ce of the third layer]: Zhur. Geofiziki, v. 6, - - - 1937c, The Fountain Head area, Pine Creek district:
no. 61 p. 526-535. Resistivity. GA 3882. Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia
Rama Rao, B., 1943, Annual report for the year 1941-42, Mysore Rept., Northern Terr. no. 7, p. 17-25. Potential-drop ratio.
Geol. Dept. Recs., v. 41, p. 1-15. GA 8249. GA 5658.

Rayner, J. M., and Nye, P. B., 1937d, The Yam Creek area, Pine Roman, Irwin, 1933, The calculation of electrical resistivity for
Creek district: Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of North- a region underlying two uniform layers: Terrestrial Magnet-
ern Australia Rept., Northern Terr. no. 9, p. 11-16, 2 pis. ism Atmos. Electricity, v. 38, p. 117-141, 185-202. GA 1700·.
Potential-drop ratio. GA 5660. - - - 1934, Some interpretations of earth-resistivity data: Am.
- - - 1937e, The Woolwonga area, Pine Creek district: Aerial, Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 183-200.
Geol., and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia Rept., GA 1860.
Northern Terr. no. 11, p. 17-22. Potential-drop ratio. - - - 1938, Electrical resistivity of snow and ice: Internat.
GA 5521. Assoc. Hydrology Bull. 23, p. 483-491, Riga. Resistivity.
- - - 1937f, The Iron Blow area, Pine Creek district: Aerial, GA 4946.
Geol., and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia Rept., - - - 1939, Fundamental research in geophysics relating to
Northern Terr. no. 13, p. 15-18. Electromagnetic, Self- prospecting: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 20, pt. 3, p.
potential, Potential-drop ratio. GA 5659. 298-303.
- - - 1937g, Geophysical test surveys on the Britannia, - - - 1941, Superposition in the interpretation of two-layer
Zapopan and Mount Wells areas, Pine Creek district: earth resistivity curves: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 927-A, 18
Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia p. GA 6302.
Rept., Northern Terr. no. 15a, p. 13-16. Potential-drop - - - 1951, Resistivity reconnaissance in Am. Soc. Testing
ratio, Self-potential. GA 5656. Materials, Symposium on Surface and subsurface recon-
- - - 1937h, Geophysical report on the Hercules gold mine, naissance: Am. Soc. Testing Materials Special Tech. Pub.
Pine Creek district: Aerial, Geol., and Geophys. Survey of 122, p. 171-220. General techniques; excellent bibliogra-
Northern Australia Rept., Northern Terr. no. 16, 6 p. phy. GA 13945.
Electromagnetic, Self-potential, Potential-drop ratio. GA - - - 1956, Graphical scales for mapping potential functions:
5655. Geophysics, v. 21, p. 1041-1046. GA 167-89.
- - - 1937i, The Evelyn silver-lead mine, Pine Creek district: - - - 1959, An image analysis of multiple-layer resistivity
Aerial, Geol.: and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia problems: Geophysics, v. 24, p. 485-509. GA 178-109.
Rept., Northern Terr. no. 26a, p. 9-10. Potential-drop - - - 1960, Apparent resistivity of a single uniform overburden:
ratio, Self-potential. GA 5657. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 365, 99 p.
Reich, F., 1839, Notiz iiber elektrische Strornungen auf Erz- Rooney, W. J., 1927, Earth resistivity measurements in the
gangen [Notes on electric currents from mineral veins]: copper country of Michigan: Terrestrial Magnetism Atmos.
Annalen der Physik und Chemie, v. 48, p. 287-291; re- Electricity, v. 32, p. 97-126. GA 180.
printed 1840, Edinburgh New Philos. Jour. 28, p. 1-15 and - - - 1931, The use of resistivity measurements in the detection
also 1840, Karsten, Archiv. 14, p. 141-158. Discusses early of mineralized areas: Internat. Geod., Geophys. Union Bull.
work of R. W. Fox. 8 [Paris], Terrest. Magnetism Sec., p. 352-353. Resistivity
Repal, S. N., and Bouchon, M., 1954, ttude tellurique dans le results.
bassin du Hodna [Telluric study in the basin of Hodna]: - - - 1937, Earth-current variations with periods longer than
Internat. Geol. Cong. [Algiers], 19th sess., Comptes Rendus, one day: Terrestrial Magnetism Atmos. Electricity, v. 42,
sec. 9, pt. 9, p. 231-243. GA 161-62. no. 2, p. 165-172. GA 3884.
Rice, S. 0., 1940, The electric field produced by a point charge Rooney, W. J., and Gish, 0. H., 1925a, Measurements of large
located outside a dielectric wedge: Philos. Mag., v. 29, p. volumes of undisturbed earth: Phys. Rev., v. 25, p. 254.
36-46. - - - 1925b, Measurement of the resistivity of large volumes of
undisturbed earth: Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book
Riznichenko, Yu., 1937, Opredeleniye glubin pri pomoshchi
no. 24, p. 220.
elektroprofilirovaniya [Determination of depths by electro-
- - - 1927, Results of earth-resistivity surveys near Watheroo,
profiling]: Zhur. Geofiziki (Moscow), v. 7, no. 1, p. 105-
Western Australia, and at Ebro, Spain: Terrestrial Magne-
128. Resistivity. GA 3883.
tism Atmos. Electricity, v. 32, no. 2, p. 49-63; Phys. Rev.,
Rodionov, P. F., 1937, 0 technike rabot po metody zarya-
v. 2, p. 29, 905.
zhennogo tela i metody izoliniy pri pitanii postoyannym - - - 1930, Earth-resistivity survey at Huancayo, Peru: Ter-
tokom [On the technique of the work applied to the method restrial Magnetism Atmos. Electricity, v. 35, no. 2, p. 61-72.
of a charged body and the method of isolines by using direct Resistivity. GA no. 19, p. 14.
current]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 14, p. 42-48. GA 4043. Rosen, Af. A., 1887, En sats i teorien for konstanta elektriska
- - - 1938, Electrometriya pri predvaritel'noy i detal'noy stromntar: Swenska Vetensk. Akad., Stokholm tlfversight
razvedke mestorozhdeniy tsvetnykh metallov [Electrom- of forhand livgar, no. 4, p. 197.
etry in the preliminary and detailed exploration for deposits Rosenzweig, I. E., 1938, A new method of depth determination in
of colored metals]: Tsvetnye Metally, Moscow-Leningrad- earth-resistivity measurements: Am. Inst. Mining Metall.
Sverdlovsk, no. 6, p. 9-16. Engineers Tech. Pub. 931, 10 p.; 1940, Trans., v. 138, p.
Rodionov, P. F., and Sofronov, N. 1., 1929, Opyty nad model- 408-417. GA 4672.
yami 1927-28 g. [Experiments on models carried out in - - - 1939, New theory of apparent resistivity of horizontally
1927 and 1928]: Geol. Komitet materialy po obshch prik. stratified soils: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech.
geologii, no. 137, p. 53-69. GA no. 12, p. 10-11. Pub. 1102, 23 p.; 1940, Trans., v. 138, p. 418-440. Resis-
Rogers, A. H., 1928, Geophysics and the mining engineer: Am. tivity. GA 5225.
Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 135, 7 p.; 1929, Rossi, B., 1928a, Studio del campo elettrico nei mezzi omogenei
Trans., v. 81, p. 44-50. Gives cost of electrical surveys. anistropi [Study of electric field in anisotropic homogeneous
Roman, Irwin, 1931, How to compute tables for determining media]: Sed. Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Rend.,
electrical resistivity of underlying beds and their application v. 8, no. 3-4, p. 146-154.
to geophysical problems: U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 5;02, - - - 1928b, Sopra la distribuzione dell'eletricita nei conduttori
44 p. Resistivity theory. GA 476. immersi in un mezzo omegeneo anistropo [On the distribution
of conductors immersed in anisotropic homogeneous me- karst]: Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya, no. 1, p. 14-27.
dium]: Sed. Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Rend., GA 164-109.
v. 8, no. 5-6, p. 223-228. Samsioe, A. F., 1931, A treatment of the partially penetrating
Roth~, Edmond, and Roth~, J.P., 1952, Prospection g~physique electrode: Zeitschr. angew. Mathematik u. Mechanik, v. 11,
[Geophysical prospecting]: Paris, Gauthier-Villars, v. 2, p. 124.
p. 185-486. Contains excellent bibliography; field ex- Sato, Gekuji, 1952, The electrical survey of a fault at Ashino-
amples. Textbook. GA 14085. kuchi, Sendai: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 5, no. 2, p. 67-69. [Jap-
Roth~, J.P., 1932, Application de la prospection ~lectrique a des anese with English summary.]
~tudes de failles et d'horizons d'eau [Application of electrical - - - 1955, Study on equilibro-four-electrode method (I)~­
prospecting to fault and ground-water studies]: Congres Soc. Theoretical curves of apparent resistivity for simple ore
Savantes, 56th, Tours, p. 544-557. models: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 8, no. 3, p. 104-114. GA 166-
- - - 1938, Courants tellurique [Telluric currents]: Ann~e 138.
Polaire lnternat., Participation Fran9aise, v. 2, p. 53-97. Sato, Konosuke, 1949, On the "mean" 3-electrode method
Rothrock, E. P., and Petsch, B. C., 1935, A shallow water supply [Japanese]: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 2, no. 2, p. 5-6. Half-
for Huron, South Dakota: South Dakota Geol. Survey, Wenner. GA 12055.
Rept lnv. 24, 9 p. GA 2408. Sato, Konosuke, and Saito, Tomosaburo, 1953, Some problems of
Rougerie, P., 1942, Contribution a l'~tude des courants telleriques electrode arrangements of resistivity method: Butsuri-
[Contributions to the study of telluric currents]: Inst. Tanko, v. 6, no. 1, p. 34-44. [Japanese with English
Physique du Globe Paris Annales, v. 20, p. 6o-111. summary.]
Rowland, E. F., Stolzy, L. H., and Crabb, G. A., Jr., 1955, Sato, Mitsunosuke, and Shibato, Kihei, 1950, Geophysical
Frost determined by electrical resistance: Highway Re- prospecting in Oshirabetsu mine, Tokaschi province,
search Board Bull. 100, p. 17-21. GA 162-74. Hokkaido: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 1, p. 22-28. Re-
Rozanov, L. N., and Mazyuk, V. V., 1947, Opyt Korrektiro- sistivity, Self-potential. GA 13239.
vaniya geologicheskikh kart po materialam elektrorazvedki Sayre, A. N., and Stephenson, E. L., 1937, Use of resistivity
v Buguruslanskom neftenosnom rayone [An experiment in methods in the location of saltwater bodies in the El Paso,
adjusting geologic maps with the aid of electrical prospecting Texas, area: Am. Geophys. Union Trans. v. 18, pt. 2, p.
data in the Buguruslan oil region]: Prikladnaya Geofizika, 393-398.
no. 3, p. 181-194. GA 9839. Schallon, H. L., 1952, Electrical resistivity geophysical method
Rudnev, V. N., 1937, Elektricheskiy karrotazh na promyslakh as applied to engineering problems: Am. Soc. Testing
yuzhnoy Emby [Electrical logging in the oil-bearing region Materials, Special Tech. Pub. 122, p. 104-114. GA 14128.
of sourthern Emba]: Neft. Khoz. no. 7, p. 64-69. Logging Scharon, H. L., and Cleaves, A. B., 1951, Geophysics on the
method. G A 4044. Pennsylvania Turnpike: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers
Ruedy, R., 1945, The use of cumulative resistance in earth Trans., v. 190, p. 351-355. Resistivity. GA 15038.
resistivity surveys: Canadian Jour. Research, v. 23A, p. Schenk, Erwin, 1942, Uber Lagebestimmungen steiler geolo-
57-72. GA 8118. gischer Grenzflachen im Untergrund durch Gleichstrom-
Runge, Hans, 1936, Einige nord- und suddeutsche Erfahrungen messungen [Concerning the location of steep geological
mit elektrischen Bohrlochuntersuchungen als stratigraphi- boundary-surfaces in the subsoil by means of direct-current
schem Hilfsmittel [Some experience obtained in north and measurements]: Zeitschr. prakt. Geologie, v. 50, p. 93-99.
south Germany with electrical borehold investigations as GA 8250.
additional means for stratigraphic determinations]: 01 und - - - 1943a, Untersuchung geologischer Strukturelemente durch
Kohle, v. 12, no. 42, p. 89o-897. Logging method. GA Kreissondierungen mit Gleichstrom (Vier-Pol-Methode)
3610. [Investigating geologic structure using "circle sounding"
Rust, W. M., Jr., 1938, A historical review of electrical prospect- with direct current (four-pole method)]: Zeitschr. prakt.
ing methods: Geophysics, v. 3, p. 1-6. GA 4366. Geologie, v. 51, p. 85-90.
- - - 1940, Typical electrical prospecting methods: Geophysics, - - - 1943b, Zur Bedeutung und Auswertung von Unstetig-
v. 5, p. 243-249. GA 5810. keiten in Diagrammen geoelektrischer Vertikalsondierungen
Safronov, A. P., and Sergeyev, E. A., 1936, Novye geofizi- [The importance and interpretation of discontinuities in
cheskiye metody poiskov i razvedki poleznykh iskopaye- graphs obtained in geoelectrical depth profiling]: Beitr.
mykh, osnovannye na izuchenii "oreola rasseyaniya" [New angew. Geophysik, v. 10, no. 3-4, p. 287-307. Resistivity.
geophysical methods of prospecting for deposits based on GA 12049.
the study of "aureoles of dissemination"): Razvedka Nedr, - - - 1944, Uber den Einfluss von Schollengrenzen auf geoelek-
no. 18, p. 24-25. Self-potential. GA 3611. trische Vertikalsondierungen [The influence of boundaries
Sakuma, Shuzo, 1952, Earth current potentials near boundaries between layers on depth profiles]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik,
of various geological formations: Tokyo Univ. Earth- v. 11, p. 83-102. Resistivity. GA 12050.
quake Research Inst. Bull., v. 30, p. 25-30. Self-potential. - - - 1954, Geoelektrische Untersuchung des Mineralquellen-
GA 14255. gebietes von Selters a. Lahn [Geoelectric investigations of
Samoylov, V. G., and Konshin, G. G., 1956, 0 primenenii the mineral spring area of Selters on the Lahn]: Oberhess.
metodov elektrorazvedki pri geologicheskikh issledovani- Gesell, N atur- u. Heilkunde Giessen Ber., naturw. Abt.,
yakh dlya proyektirovaniya i ~troitel'stva vodkhranilishch, v. 26, p. 51-69. GA 166-155.
prudov i vodoyemov v rayonakh s karstuyushchimisya Schlomka, Teodor, 1929, Zur Theorie des elektrischen Feldes der
gruntami [The application of the electric method of ex- Erde [Contribution to the theory of the earth's electric
ploriation to geologic investigations when designing and field]: Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 24, no. 2-3, p. 241-272.
building reservoirs, ponds, and basins in areas of possible GA no. 11, p. 21-22.

Schlumberger, Conrad, 1920a, Essais de prospection electrique Engineers Tech. Pub. 476, 24 p. Resistivity results.
du sous-sol [Analysis of electrical prospecting of the subsoil]: GA 670.
Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes rendus, v. 170, no. 9, p. 519-521. - - - 1933a, A new contribution to subsurface studies by
- - - 1920b, Etude de la prospection electrique du sous-sol means of electrical measurements in drill holes: Am. In st.
[Study of electrical prospecting of the subsoil]: Paris, Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 503, 18 p.; 1934,
Gauthiers-Villars, 94 p. (Reprinted in 1930). Translated Trans., v. 110, p. 273-289.
into English by S. F. Kelly, under direction of the author. - - - 1933b, Some observations concerning electrical measure-
An abstract of the translation (Study of underground ments in anisotropic media, and their interpretation: Am.
prospecting) was published in 1921, Eng. Min. Jour., v. 111, Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 505, 25 p.; 1934,
p. 782-788 and p. 818-823. Resistivity theory. GA 194. Trans., v. 110, p. 159-182. GA 1563.
- - - 1927, Prospection electrique par les procedes Schlum- - - - 1934, Electrical exploration of water-covered areas: Am.
berger [Electrical prospecting with the Schlumberger meth- Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Trans., v. 110, p. 122-134.
od]: Soc. Prospection Elec. [Paris], p. 17. GA 1862.
- - - 1938, Electrical prospecting for oil: in Dunsau, A. E. Schlumberger, Marcel, 1939, The ~pplication of telluric currents
and others, The Science of Petroleum, v. 1, London, Oxford to surface prospecting: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 20,
Univ. Press, p. 346-350. pt. 3, p. 271-277.
Schlumberger, Conrad, and Renaud, P. ·J. M., 1933, Etude Schlumberger, Marcel, and Kunetz, Geza, 1946, Variations
geophysique sons-marine executee dans le Port d' Alger rapids simultanees du champ tellurique en France et a
[Submarine geophysical study made in the harbor of Algiers]: Madagascar [Simultaneous rapid variations in the telluric
Ponts et Chaussees Annales, v. 2, no. 4, 15 p. GA 2272. field in France and Madagascar]: Acad. sci. [Paris] Comptes
Schlumberger, Conrad, and S_chlumberger, Marcel, 1928, De- rendus, v. 223, no. 15, p. 551-553.
couverte pres de Hettenschlag d'un deuxieme dome de sel Schlumberg~r Well Surveying Corporation, 1950, Interpretation
sous la plaine d' Alsace [Discovery, near Heitenschlag, of a hand-book for resistivity logs: Houston, Schlumberger Well
second salt dome under the Alsace plain]: Acad. sci. Surveying Corporation, 148 p.
[Paris] Comptes rendus, v. 186, no. 7, p. 445-446. Schmidt, Adolf, 1940, Zur Frage der hypothetischen die Erdober-
- - - 1930a, Depth of investigation attainable by potential ilii.che durchdringenden elektrischen Strome [On the ques-
methods of electrical exploration: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. tion of hypothetical electric currents penetrating the surface
Engineers Tech. Pub. 315, p. 3-9; 1932, Trans., v. 97, p. of the earth]: Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik., v. 55, no. 2, p.
127-133. GA no. 12, p. 11-12. 292-302. GA 5661.
- - - 1930b, Electrical studies of the earth's crust at great Schneider, Hans, 1953, Kann der speziale Widerstand der geo-
depths: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. elektrischen Vermessungen als eine markante hydrologische
315, p. 10-16; 1932, Trans., v. 97, p. 134-140. Kennzahl bezeichnet werden? [Can geoelectric resistivity
measurements be considered as an indication of ground water
- - - 1930c, La methode de la carte des resistivites et ses
characteristics?]: Bohrtechnik-Brunnenbau, v. 4, no. 3,
applications pratiques [The method of the ground resis-
p. 75-87. Resistivity. GA 14657.
tivity map and its practical applications]: Annales Mines
Schofield, R. K., and Dakshinamurti, C., 1948, Ionic diffusion
Mem., ser. 12, v. 18, p. 97-124; 1931, Canadian Mining
and electric conductivity in sands and clays: Faraday Soc.
Metall. Bull. 226, p. 271-294 [English]; discussion, 1931,
Canadian Mining Metall. Bull. 236, p. 1413-1414. Resis- Discussions, no. 3, p. 56-61. GA 10598.
tivity results. GA 101, 219, and 725. Schouppe, Alexander, 1952, Elektrische Widerstandsmessungen
zur Feststellung der Verbindungswege in Hohlengewassern
- - - 1930d, Sur la determination electromagnctique du pen-
[Electrical resistance measurements for determination of
dage des couches sedimentaires [On the electromagnetic
connecting passages in cavern waters]: Naturwiss. Ver.
determination of the dip of sedimentary beds]: Acad. sci.
Steiermark Mitt., v. 81-82, p. 183-186. Resistivity. GA
[Paris] Comptes rendus, v. 190, no. 18, p. 1064-1066.
- - - 1930e, La methode de la carte des resistivites et ses Schouppe, Alexander von, 1953, Ein neues Widerstandsmessgerat
applications pratiques [The method of resistivity maping mit automatischer Umpolung zur Feststellung nicht sicht-
and its practical applications]: Cong. Internat. Mines, barer Verbindungen von Wasserwegen [A new resistivity
Metallurgie, Geologie appl., Liege, 6th sec. geol., p. 337-346. measuring apparatus with automatic antipolarization for
Resistivity results.
determining concealed connections of water courses]:
- - - 1935, La prospection eiectrique du bassin salifere d' Alsace Neues Jahrb. Geologie u. Palaontologie Monatsh., v. 1953,
[Electrical prospecting in the salt-bearing basin of Alsace]: no. 9, p. 385-390. Resistivity. GA 14850.
Cong. Internat. Mines, Metallurgie, Geologie appl., 7th, Searle, G. F. C., 1911, On resistances with current and potential
Paris, sec. Geologie, v. 2, p. 855-864. terminals: Electrician, v. 66, no. 25, p. 999-1002, and no.
Schlumberger, Conrad, Schlumberger, Marcel, and Charrin, P., 26, p. 1029-1033; v. 67, no. 1, p. 12-14, and no. 2, p. 54-58.
1935, Etude geophysiques par les methodes electriques_ in Proof of theorem of reciprocity for various problems.
USSR [Geophysical investigations by electrical methods in Sebestyen, Karoly, 1954, OsszehasonHt6 vizsgalatok a vertikalis
the USSR]: Rev. Petrolifere, no. 614, p. 77-83; no. 615, p. elektromos szondazasi gorbek kiertekeleser61 [Interpreta-
110-116. GA 2410. tion of resistivity depth curves (with English and Russian
Schlumberger, Conrad, Schlumberger, Marcel, and Leonardon, summaries)]: Magyar AJlami Eotvos Lorand Geofiz. In-
E. G., 1932a, Electrical coring; a method of determining tezet Geofiz. Kozlemenyek, v. 3, no. 3, p. 31-39. GA
bottom-hole data by electrical measurements: Am. Inst. 158-100.
Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 462, 38 p.; 1934, Sedlar, Josica, 1954, Geoelektricna ispitivanja za nalaz vode u
Trans., v. 110, p. 237-272. krsu na otocima [Geoelectric exploration for water in karst
- - - 1932b, Location and study of pipe line corrosion by on islands]: Geol. Vjesnik, v. 5-7, p. 217-224 [1951-1953].
surface electrical measurements: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. GA 160-164.
Seigel, H. 0., 1952, Ore body size determination in electrical Shaw, S. H., 1934, Geophysical prospecting-a study of the
prospecting: Geophysics, v. 17, p. 907-914. In-hole. resistivity method in connection with the investigation of
GA 14129. underground-water supplies in the Nata Reserve, Southern
Semenov, A. 8., 1937a, Tochnost' izmereniya kazhushchegosya Rhodesia: Inst. Mining and Metallurgy [London] Bull. 361,
soprotivleniya [The accuracy of apparent resistivity meas- p. 1-27; discussion on paper pub. 1934, Inst. Mining and
urements]: Central Geol. and Prosp. Inst. Materials, Metallurgy [London] Bull. 362, p. 1-18. GA 2228 and
Geophysics, no. 3, p. 26-43. Resistivity. GA 3886. GA 2409.
- - - 1937b, Metod odnoelektrodnogo karottazha dlya izu- Shchodro, N. K., and Maslov, N. M., 1935, Opredeleniye dielek-
cheniya vodnykh pritokov fil'truyushchikh gorizontov trichekikh postoyannykh gornykh porod i vliyaniye vlazh-
[Method of "one-electrode" logging for studying the influx nosti na eti konstanty [Determination of the dielectric con-
of water into permeable horizons]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 18, stants of rocks and of the influence of humidity on these
~· 39-41. Resistivity. GA 4203. constants]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. 7th ser. Otdel. mat. i
- - - 1938&, Utechka iz pitayushchey tsepi priyemnyye elek- yestestven. Nauk, no. 6-7, p. 933-950.
trody [Leakage from the feeding circuit to the electrodes]: Shepard, E. R., 1935, Subsurface exploration by earth-resistivity
Tsentr. Nauchn.-Issled. Geol.-Razved. Inst., Geofizika, v. and seismic methods: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 16,
5, p. 3-26. GA 4674. pt. 1, p. 78-91; 1935, Public Roads, v. 16, no. 4, p. 57-67,
- - - 1938b, Bokovye vliyaniya [Lateral effects]: Tsentr. 74. GA 2794.
Nauchn.-Issled. Geol.-Razved. Inst., Geofizika, v. 5, p. Shibata, Kihei, 1953, Geophysical prospecting at N oda-Tama-
27-35. Topographic effects on resistivity surveys. GA gawa Mine, Iwate prefecture: Japan Geol. Survey Bull.,
4673. v. 4, no. 12, p. 17-34. GA 160-68. [Japanese, English
- - - 1938c, Izmereniye elektricheskogo soprotivleniya vod summary.]
v otkrytykh basseynakh [Measurement of electrical resis- - - - 1954, Electrical prospectings on sulphur deposit at the
tivity of water in open basins]: Tsentr. Nauchn.-Issled. Matsuo-Hachimantai district, Iwate prefecture: Japan
Geol.-Razved. Inst., Geofizika, v. 5, p. 36-39. GA 4675. Geol. Survey Bull., v. 5, no. 1, p. 41-48. GA 160-69. [In
- - - 1947a, Metod zaryazhennogo tela [The method of the Japanese with English summary.)
charged body]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 4, p. 35-42. GA - - - 1955, Geophysical prospecting at Kuga Mine, Yamaguchi
10088. Prefecture: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 6, no. 3, p. 19-26.
- - - 1947b, Kombinirovannoe profilirovaniya v primenenii GA 164-113. [In Japanese with English summary.]
k provodyashchim zhilam [Combined profiling applied to Shklyarskiy, F., 1925, 0 nekotorykh yavleniyakh, nablyu-
conducting veins]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 6, p. 45-49. dayemykh pri proizvodstve elektricheskikh razvedok [Con-
Resistivity. GA 10350. cerning some phenomena observed during the electrical
- - - 1948, Teoriya metoda zaryazhennogo tela v primenenii method of prospecting]: [Russia] Geol. Komitet, Vestnik,
k ekvipotentisial'nym provodnikam (The theory of the np. 2, p. 55-59. Equipotential line method. GA no. 1,
method based on charged bodies applied to equipotential p. 10-11.
conductors]: Vses. Nauchn.-Issled. Geol. Inst. Materialy, Shpak, V. A., 1932, Otchet o rabotakh irtyshskoy elektrometri-
Geofizika, no. 13, p. 3-56. Potential fields. GA 12046. cheskoy partii [Report of the work carried out by the
Semenov, A., Ferchev, M., and Mal'chevskiy, V., 1940, k voprosu Irtysh electrical surveying party]: Vsesoyuznogo Geol.-
o primenimosti parametra "PP" v geofizicheskoy razvedke Razved. Ob'edineniya NKTP SSSR Trudy, no. 211, p. 1-32.
[Contribution to the question of the applicability of the GA 1321.
parameter "PP" in geophysical prospecting]: Tsentr. - - - 1937, Primeneniye metoda soprotivleniy dlya razvedki
Nauchno-Issled. Geol.-Razved. Inst. Materialy, Geofizika, krutopadayushchikh linz [Application of the resistivity
no. 8, p. 76-84. Induced polarization. GA 5662. method to the search for steeply dipping lenses]: Central
Semenov, A. 8., and Mal'chevskiy, V. S., 1939, Primeneniye Geol. and Prosp. Inst. Materials, Geophysics, no. 3, p. 11-26.
karottazha dlya poiskov sul'fidnykh rud v rayone skvazhin Resistivity. GA 3889.
[Application of electrical logging in the search for sulphide Shpak, V. A., and Nesterov, L. Ya., 1935, Primeneniye geofizi-
ores wit}pn the area of boreholes]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 6, cheskikh metodov pri razvedke osnovaniy pod gidrosooru-
p. 35-43. Logging method. GA 5226. zheniya [Application of geophysical methods for prospecting
Shaiderov, A. M., 1930a, Zadachi elektricheskoi razvedki na foundations for hydraulic constructions]: Razvedka Nedr,
ploshchadiakh Groynefti [Problems of electrical prospect- no. 6, p. 12-13. GA 2645.
ing on the Grozneft fields]: Azerb. Neft. Khoz., no. 6, Simpson, W. H., 1947, An experience with the Megger: Oil and
p. 58-63. Resistivity results. GA no. 18, p. 14-15. Gas Jour., v. 46, no. 18, p. 192, 292-293. Resistivity sur-
- - - 1930b, 0 re::~urtatakh elektrorazvedki v Nov()-Groznen- vey to detect areas of pipe corrosion. The author suggests
skom rayone [On the results of the electrical prospecting that pipe corrosion in one area was apparently caused by
in the region of Novo-Grozny]: Azerbaid. Neft. Khoz., no galvanic action due to dissimilar soils.
9, p. 78-85. Resistivity results. GA 16. Si:iieriz, J. G., 1942, Investigaci6n electrica en Hiendelahencina,
Shakhnes, K. A., 1937, Primeneniye elektrorazvedki k voprosam determinaci6n del silon "Rico" [Electrical prospecting in
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ogy}: Razvedka Nedr, no. 3, p. 19-24. Resistivity. GA v. 1, p. 51-69.
3751. - - - 1946, Investigaci6n hidrologica en Castell6n de Ia Plana
Shalayev, S. V., 1955, Opredeleniye polozheniya provodyashchego por medio del metodo elect.rico de corriente continua
tela v elektrorazvedke [The determination of a conductive [Ground water investigation in Castell6n de la Plana by the
body by electrical prospecting methods]: Akad. Nauk SSSR direct current electrical method): Rev. Geofisica, v. 5, p. 153-
lzv. ser. geofiz., no. 5, p. 468-474. GA 164-104. 171. GA 9608.

Skal'skaya, I. P., 1948, Pole tochechnogo istochnika toka, ras- Lehrbuch der Geophysikalischen Methoden zur Erkundung
polozhennogo na poverkhnosti zemli nad naklonnym plastom von Erdolvorkommen: Berlin, VEB Verlag Technik, 579 p.
[The field of an electrical point source placed over an inclined Textbook. GA 12607.
layer on the earth's surface]: Akad. Nauk SSSR zhur. tekh. Spicer, H. C., 1941, Earth resistivity as applied to problems of
Fiz., v. 18, no. 10, p. 1242-1254. GA 10875. exploration in the potash-bearing region near Carlsbad,
Skaryatin, R., 1928, Raschet i sravneniye odnorodnosti poley New Mexico: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech.
Shlyumberzhe, Lundberg& i Petrovskogo [Calculation and Pub. 1354, 10 p.; 1942, Trans., v. 148, p. 258-267; 1945,
comparison of homogeneity of fields of Schlumberger, Lund- Trans., v. 164, p. 88-97. GA 6416.
berg, and Petrowsky]: Inst. prikl. Geofiziki lzv., no. 4, ---1947, Electrical resistivity investigations at Memphis and
p. 256-265. GA no. 9, p. 22-23. Boliver, Tenn.: U.S. Geol. Survey Geophys. Inv., 60 p. GA
Slater, John C., and Frank, N. H., 1947, Electromagnetism: 10877.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 240 p. - - - 1950, Investigation of bedrock depths by electrical
Slichter, L. B., 1933, The interpretation of the resistivity pros- resistivity methods in the Ripon-Fond du Lac area, Wis-
pecting method for horizontal structures: Physics, v. 4, consin: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 69, 37 p. Resistivity.
p. 307-322 and 407. Resistivity theory. GA 1706, GA GA 12058.
1771. - - - 1952, Electrical resistivity studies of subsurface condi-
- - - 1934, Large electrical map of central Massachusetts by tions near Antigo, Wisconsin: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 181,
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Am. Geophys. 19 p. Resistivity examples. GA 14134.
Union Trans., v. 15, pt. 1, p. 185. - - - 1955, Electrical-resistivity studies in Water resources of
- - - 1936, Potential distribution about a leaky cylinder southeastern Florida, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply
(abst.): Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 17, pt. 1, p. 182. Paper 1255, p. 712-725.
Smith, F. G., 1940, Variation in the electrical conductivity ot Stefanesco, S. S., 1929, ~tudes thooriques sur la. prospection
pyrite: Toronto Univ. Studies, Geol. ser., no. 44, p. 83-95. ~lectrique du sous-sol [Theoretical studies on electrical
Smythe, William R., 1950, Static and dynamic electricity: 2d prospecting of the substrata]: Inst. geol. Romaniei, v.
ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 616 p. 14, pt. 1, p. 1-63.
Snow, Chester, 1942, The hypergeometric and Legendre func- - - - 1935, Sur la. mesure des r~istivit~ apparentes par la
tions with application to integral equations of potential m~thode de Ia spire circulaire [Measurement of apparent
theory: Natl. Bur. Standards, p. 54. resistivities by the method of a circular current]: Beitr.
Solaini, Luigi, 1952, Criteri e problemi costruttivi di strumenti angew. Geophysik, v. 5, p. 182-192. GA 2854.
per misure di resistivitA [Criteria and construction problems Stefanesco, S. S., Schlumberger, Conrad, and Schlumberger,
of instruments for measuring resistivity]: Annali Geofisica, Marcel, 1930, Sur la. distribution Qectrique potentielle
v. 5, p. 357-365. GA 14449. autour d'une prise de terre ponctuelle dans un terrain
Sollner, Karl, and Gregor, H. P., 1950a, The electrochemistry of· a couch~s horizontales homog~nes et isotropes [The dis-
permselective protamine colloidion membranes; I -Rate tribution of electrical potential about a point electrode
studies of the establishment of the concentration potential in an earth of horizontal, homogeneous, and isotropic
across various types of permselective protamine colloidion beds]: Jour. Physique et Radium, ser. 7, v. 1, p. 132:-141.
membranes: Jour. Phys. and Colloid Chemistry, v. 54, Resistivity theory. GA no. 14, p. 15.
p. 325-330. - - - 1932, :mtudes thoorique sur la prospection Qectrique
- - - 1950b, The electrochemistry of permselective protamine du sous-sol. 2• se. [Theoretical studies on electrical pros-
colloidion membranes; 11-Experimental studies of the pecting of the substrata, part 2]: Inst. geol. Romanieri,
concentration potential across various types of permselective v. 14, pt. 2, p. 1-128. Resistivity, Electromagnetic theory.
protamine colloidion membranes with solutions of several Stefanovi6, Dragoljub, 1953-54, Primena metode spetsifichnog
electrolytes: Jour. Phys. and Colloid Chemistry, v. 54, elektrichnog otpora radi reskavanja nekikh inzhenjersko-
p. 33D-338. geoloskikh problema [Application of the electrical resistivity
- - - 1951, The electrochemistry of permselective membranes; methodin the solution of problems in engineering geology):
III-The electrical resistance of permselective colloidion Beograd Tekh. Velika Skola. Zbornik radova geol. i. rudar-
membranes in solutions of varioljls electrolytes: Jour. skog fakulteta, p. 293-301. GA 167-97.
Colloid Sci., v. 6, p. 557-570. Cm:itains bibliography of Stefanovi6, Dragoljub, and Mladenovi6, Milan, 1952, Geo-
important electrochemistry papers on this topic. fizivko ispitivanje akumulatsionog bazena Liverovici [Geo-
- - - 1952, The electrochemistry of permselective protamine physical investigation of the storage reservoir near Livero-
colloidion membranes; III-The electrical resistance of viCi]: Glasnik Prirod. Mus. Srpske Zemlje, Ser. A, v. 5,
several types of permselective protamine colloidion mem- p. 225-235. Resistivity. GA 158-103.
branes in solutions of various electrolytes: Jour. Colloid Stepanov, G. I., 1936, K voprosu vnedreniya geofizicheskikh
Sci., v. 7, p. 37-52. metodov razvedki pri inzhenemo-geologicheskikh [On the
Solov'ev A. V., 1937, Opyt geofizicheskoy razvedki pegmatito- question of the application of geophysical methods of
vykh zhil v rayone Biryusinskikh mestorozhdeniy muskovita prospecting in investigations connected with engineering
[Tests of geophysical prospecting for pegmatite veins in the and geology): Ra.zvedka Nedr, no. 17, p. 38-39. GA 3409.
region of the Biriuzinsk muscovite deposits]: Razvedka Stephenson, E. L., 1943, Geophysical surveys in the Ochoco
Nedr, no. 3, p. 9-12. GA 3753. quicksilver district, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 940C,
Sorokin, L. W. [editor], 1949, Obsbchiy kurs razvedochnoy p. 57-98.
geofiziki dlya tekhnikumov [General course of exploration Stern, 0., 1924, Zur Theorie der Elektrolytischen Doppel-
geophysics for technical schools]: Moscow, Gcstoptekhizdat, schicht [On the theory of the electrolytic double layer]:
408 p.; translated into German by Dr. Barnitzke, 1953, Zeitschr. Electrochemie, v. 30, p. 508.
Stern, Walter, 1932a, Beitrage zur Messtechnik und Anwendung Sumi, Franc, 1956, Geoelectric exploration of inclined thin beds
der Methode des scheinbaren spezifischen Widerstandes and ore veins: Geophys: Prosp. v. 4, p. 194-204. GA 166-146.
(Contribution to the technique of measurement and appli- Sundberg, Karl, 1929, Prospecting by the Swedish geoelectrical
cation of the method of apparent resistivity]: Zeitschr. methods: Inst. Mining and Metallurgy [London] Trans.,
Geophysik, v. 8, no. 3-4, p. 181-191. GA 927. v. 38, p. 335-354; 1929, Bull. 295, p. 1-20. GA no. 15, p.
· - - - 1932b, tiber ein geoelektrisches Schurfverfahren zur 15-16.
indirekten Bestimmung der Decken- und Flozmachtigkeit - - - 1930a, Prospektieren auf 01 elektrischen Methoden
[A geoelectrical method for determining the thickness of [Prospecting for oil by electrical methods]: Petroleum, v.
the overburden and of the layer]: Braunkohle, v. 31, no. 26, no. 10, p. 317-324. GA no. 13, p. 13.
9, p. 149-152. GA 869. - - - 1930b, Electrical prospecting for oil structure: Am.
- - - 1933a, Die Bestimmung des Verlaufes geneigter Dis- Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 14, no. 9, p. 1145-
kontinuitats Flaschen (einfallende Schichtgrenzen und 1163. Resistivity results. GA no. 18, p. 15-16.
Verwerfungen) durch das Widerstands Verfahren [Deter- - - - 1931, Principles of the Swedish geoelectrical methods:
mination of the attitude of inclined planes of discontinuity Beitr. angew. Geophysik. v. 1, p. 298-361. Includes
(such as bedding planes and faults) by the resistivity direct current methods in part. GA 224.
method]: Zeitschr. Geophysik, v. 9. p. 1-11. GA 1424. - - - 1932, Effect· of impregnating waters on electrical con-
- - - 1933b, Das Widerstandsverfahren zur Untersuchung ductivity of soils and rocks: Am. Inst. Mining Metall~ Engi-
von Tektonik und Hydrologic des Untergrundes [The neers Trans., v. 97, p. 367-391. Contains references on
resistivity method of prospecting for the structure and composition of natural waters and on electrolytic dissocia-
hydrology of the earth]: Beitr. angew. Geophysik, v. 3, tion. GA 667.
p. 408-462. Resistivity theory. GA 1739. Sundberg, Karl, and Hedstrom, Helmer, 1929, Communication
- - - 1943, Relation between spontaneous polarization curves sur Jes recherohes electriques de minerals et d'huiles [Com-
and depth, size, and dip of ore bodies: Am. Inst. Mining munication on electrical methods of searching for minerals
Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 1536, 8 p.; 1945 Trans., v. 164, and oils]: Internat. Congres Forage, Paris, 2d, p. 16-23;
p. 189-196. GA 6813. and Sf>ecial print issued in Saint-Etienne, p. 1~19. GA
Stevens, 0., 1937, Die Anwendung eines elektrischen Verfahrens no. 17, p. 19.
fUr die Untersuchung von Grundwasserstromungen (Use of Sundberg, Karl, and Lundberg, Hans, 1929, Some practical
electrical methods for investigating the course of under- results of electri<"al prospecting for ore: Inst. Mining and
ground waters]: Ingenieur, v. 52, no. 17-B 18, The Hague. Metallurgy [London] Trans., v. 38, p. 368-385; Bull. 296,
[Original in Dutch] GA 4205. p. 1-18. GA no. 4, p. 16-18.
Stevenson, A. F., 1934, On the theoretical determination of Sundberg, Karl, Lundberg, Hans, and Eklund, Jo, 1923, Elec-
earth resistance from surface potential measurements: trical prospecting in Sweden: Sveriges Geol. Undersokning,
Physics, v. 5, p. 114-124. GA 2044. Arsb. 17, no. 8, p. 1-74.
---1935, On the theoretical determination of earth resistivity - - - 1930, S 1\·edish geoelectri~al prospecting methods:
Mining Mag., v. 43, p. 245-248, and p. 31Q-313. GA 98.
from surface potential measurements: Philos. Mag., v. 19,
p. 297-306. Resistivity theory. GA 2464. Sunde, Erling D., 1949, Earth conduction effects in trans-
mission systems: New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 373 p.
- - - 1936, On the theoretical determination of earth resistanct.
Suyama, Junji, 1953a, Equipment and field techniques of elec-
from surface potential measurements: Philos. Mag., v. 21,
trical prospecting: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 6, no. 3-4, p. 244-248.
no. 142, p. 829-830. This is a correction to Stevenson's
[JapaPese, English summary.] GA 165-126.
paper of the same title published in Philos. Mag., v. 19, no.
- - - 1953b, Electrical prospecting at the Oguchi gold mine,
125, p. 297-306,_1935. (See Geophys. Abstract 2464.) The
Kagoshima prefecture: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 4,
correction invalidates much of the previous paper. Resis-
no. 11, p. 35-40. [Japanese, English summary.] GA
tivity. GA 3410.
Stoppel, Rose, 1929, Untersuchungen ueber die Schwankungen Suyama, Junji, and Kobayashi, Hajime, 195:3, Electrical pros-
der lokalen elektrischen Ladung der Erde [Investigations on pecting at Kasuga gold mine, Kagoshima prefecture:
the variation of the local electric charge of the earth]: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 4, no. 12, p. 35-46. [Japanese,
Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 21, no. 1, p. 116-134. GA English summary.] GA 16Q-66.
no. 11, p. 19-20. Suyama, Junji, Saito, T., and Sugayama, K., 1952, Report of
Strombeck, A. V. von, 1833, tiber die von Herrn Fox angestellten the geophysical prospecting at Yuryo mine, Rhime prefec-
Versuche in Bezug auf die elektro-magnetischen Xusserungen ture: Japan Geol. Survey Bull., v. 3, p. 45-50. [Japanese,
der Metallgange [The experiments of Mr. Fox concerning English summary.] Self-potential, Direct current, Resis-
the electromagnetic characteristics of metallic ores]: Kar- tivity. GA 14865.
sten's Archive, v. 6, p. 431-438. Swartz, J. H., 1931, Resistivity measurements. upon artificial
Sumgin, M. 1., and Petrovsky, A. A., 1947, Znacheniye elektri- beds: U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6445, 9 p. Resistivity
cheskikh metodov dlya izucheniya vechnoy merzloty [The results. GA 102.
importance of electrical methods for the study of perma- ---1932, Oil prospecting in Kentucky by resistivity methods:
nently frozen ground]: Akad. N auk SSSR, Inst. Merzlo- U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 521, 23 p. Resistivity results.
tovedeniya Trudy, v. 5, p. 15-17. GA 10089. GA 1109.
Sumi, Franc, 1953, 0 mogu6nosti odredjivanja nagiba kontakta - - - 1937, Resistivity-studies of some salt-water boundaries
izmedju dve geoloske formatsije pomoou geoelektri6ne in the Hawaiian Islands: Am. Geophys. Union Trans.,
metode (On the possibility of determining the dip of the v. 18, pt. 2, p. 387-393.
contact between two geologic formations by the geoelectric - - - 1939, Geophysical investigations in the Hawaiian
method: Serbia Zavod geol. i geofiz. istraiivanja Vesnik, v. Islands: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 20, pt. 2, p. 292-
10, p. 273-280. (German summary.] GA 157-58. 298.

Swartz, J. H., 1940a, Resistivity survey of Schofield Plateau: Tennberg, C. T., 1929, Electrical prospecting for ore and oil:
Hawaii Div. Hydrography Bull. 5, p. 56-60. GA 6045. Chern. Eng. and Mining Rev., v. 22, no. 255, p. 86-90.
- - - 1940b, Geophysical investigations on Lanai: Hawaii Div~ Historical sketch. GA 11, p. 22.
Hydrography Bull. 6, p. 97-115. GA 6044. Tennberg, Ingemar, 1928,. Wann und wo soil man elektrisch
Szabadvary, L~zl6, 1954, Kutat6 fur~okra tamaszkod6 geo- schiirfen [When and where shall the electrical method of
elektromos feltalajhutat~ [Geoelectric soil investigations prospecting be used]: Berg- u. Hiittenmann. Monatsh., v.
based on several borings]: Magyar Anami :Eotvos Lorand 76, no. 2, p. 53-55. GA no. 2, p. 22-23.
Geofiz. Intezet. Geofiz. Kozlemenyek, v. 3, no. 9, p. Thiele, Heinrich, 1951; Erfolge und Grenzen der Geoelektrik in
121-141. [English and Russian summaries]. der Grundwasserforschung [Results and limitations of
Tagg, G. F., 1929, Electrical-resistance method of geophysical geoelectric methods in ground water prospecting]: Bohr-
surveying: Canadian Mining Jour., v. 50, no. 49, p. 1156- technik-Brunnenbau, v. 2, no. 7, p. 158-166. Field ex-
1159. Resistivity results. GA no. 10, p. 13-14. amples, discussion. G A 14462.
- - - 1952a, Die Geoelektrik in der Wasserschliessung, in
- - - 1930, The earth resistivity method of geophysical pros-
Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachminnern, Die
pecting: some theoretical considerations: Mining Mag., v.
W assererschliessung [Electrical methods of prospecting for
43, no. 3, p. 150-158. Resistivity theory. GA no. 20,
waterf: ·Essen, Vulkan-Verlag Dr. W. Classen, pt. 2, p.
p. 14.
287-375. GA 13949.
- - - 1931a, Earth resistivity surveying: Eng. Mining Jour ..
- - - 1952b, Stand der geoelektrischen Methoden in der
v. 131, p. 325-326. Resistivity methods and instruments.
Grundwassererschliessung-praktische Ergebnisse und Ent-
GA 427.
wicklungsmoglichkeiten [State of geoelectrical methods in
- - - 1931b, Practical investigations of the earth resistivity
ground water prospecting-practical results and possibilities
method of geophysical surveying: Phys. Soc. London Proc.,
for development]: in. "Neuere. Methoden der Grundwasser-
v. 43, p. 305-320. Resistivity theory. GA 581.
erschliessung," Symposium of the Deutscher Verein fur
- - - 1932, Interpretation of resistivity measurements: Am. Gas- und W asserfachmii.nnern, in Hohensyburg bei Dort-
Inst. Mining Metall. Engineers Tech. Pub. 477, 13 p.; 1934, mund June 25-26, 1951, Hannover, p. 33-58. GA 14463.
Trans., v. 110, p. 135-147. Resistivity theory.
Thiele, Siegfried, 1950, Die Geoelektrik in der Wassererschlies-
- - - 1935, Earth resistivity surveying: Mining Mag., v. 53, sung--ein kritische Stellungnahme [Geoelectt1cal methods in
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Resistivity theory.
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assist in the interpretation of the three-layer resistivity p. 17-26; Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Engineel'B Trans., v.
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specific resistivity]: Prikl. Geofizika, no. 11, p. 63-71. geoelettrica di un terreno di fondazione [Geoelectric investi-
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- - - 1954, Spontaneous potential survey of a copper deposit at Zagorac, Zeljko, 1954, Istrazivanje vode u krsu i upotreba
Sariyer, Turkey: Geophysics, v. 19, p. 455-458. Self- primjenjene geofizike [Prospecting for water in karst and the
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ques [Interpretation of geoelectrical measurements]: L'Echo Zheleznyak, A. I., 1937, Elektrokarottazh v Donbas [Electrical
Mines et Metallurgic, v. 59, n,o. 3073, p. 639-642. GA 526. coring in the Don bas (in exploring for coal)]: Gornyy
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tion]: Moscow, Gos. Nauchn.-Tekhn. lzd. Neft. i Gom.- - - - 1947, Nekotoryye dannyye o prichinakh vozniknoveniya
Toplivn. Lit., 444 p. Comprehensive textbook includes yestestvennogo elektricheskogo polya na ugol'nykh plastakh
theoretical foundations and practical methods of electrical Donetskogo basseyna [Certain data on the causes of the
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Zaccara, Gaetano, 1954, Experimenti geofisica nell'isola di Capri Donbas]: Razvedka Nedr, no. 4, p. 43-46. Self-potential.
e nella peninsola Sorrentina [Geophysical experiments on the GA 10601.

A 2 Current source, cylindricaL ______ ----------- 28 Fox, R. W ----------------------------------- 3

Acknowledgments ___________________________ _ point ________________________ ------------- 27 France, Alsace, salt domes·------------~------ 9
Current source and sink on homogeneous faults-- _______ --- ____ ----_--- ___ ---------- 126
Ahlborn, - - ------------------------------ 11
earth ______________ --------_______ 30 Normandy, hematite and siderite depos-
Aldredge, R. F ·------------------------------ 25 Currents, telluric ____________________________ 4, 5, 35
Ambronn, Richard___________________________ 19 its _____ ----_---- ________ --------__ 8
Curve matching______________________________ 92 Frank, P ------------------------------------- 26
American schooL---------------------------- 10
Anisotropy coefficient________________________ 23 See also Logarithmic curve matching. French schooL_______________________________ 8
Cylinder, buried, image thf'ory_______________ 26,61
Apparent resistivitY-------------------------- 10,37
Apparent resistivity differences. See Differ- Cylindrical coOidinates_______________________ 67 G
ences of of apparent resistivity. General configuration_________________________ 37
Approximations ____________________________ 224,268 D Generalized coordinates __ -------------------- 63
Associated Legendre polynomials (Legendre Daft, Leo.____________________________________ 10 Geophysical abstracts________________________ 275
functions)_-------------------- 75, 78, 80 Daft-Williams method________________________ 17 Georgia, McDuffie County, quartz vein______ 171
Asymmetrical Lee and Wenner configura- Depth index__________________________________ 92 Germany, Kolner Bay, artificially made
tions____ --------------------- 40,111,112 Depth of current penetration_________________ 30 "graben" _____ -------------------- 224
Australia, graphite zone______________________ 171 Depth profiles. See Vertical profiles. Gilsonite dike________________________________ 161
Azimuths, traverses at different______________ 208 Detectability of buried sphere _______________ 26,260 Gish, 0. H----------------------------------- 13
Detectability of hemispherical sink___________ 241 Gish-Rooney instrumentation ________________ 13,16
B Development of electrical prospecting _______ _ Gottschalk,------------------------------ 7
Bardeen, John _____________________________ 26, 51,52 Differences of apparent resistivity____________ 132 Graphical solution____________________________ 266
Barns, CarL__________________________________ 5 Dike, vertical, harmonic analysis_____________ 133 Gray, A., and Wheeler,------------------ 3
vertical, horizontal profiles ___ ------------ 139 Guard ring___________________________________ 11
Beacham, C. C------------------------------- 44
Becker, G. F --------------------------------- 5 image theory------------------------- 24,57
Becquerel, A. C------------------------------ 5 Dipping bed. See Fault, dipping. H
Bed, dipping. See Fault, dipping. Dipping plane________________________________ 184 Harmonic analysis____________________________ 191
Bedding, horizontal. See Horizontal bedding. Direct interpretation_-------------------- 22, 23, 106 Harmonic functions__________________________ 78
Berel'kovskiy, T. y__________________________ 173 Discovery of ore bodies_______________________ 5 See also under Expansion of the recip-
Bergstrom, Gunnar___________________________ 18 Ditches ___________________________________ ---- 215 rocal distance.
Bemfleld, - - ----------------------------- 7 Doll, H. G----------------------------------- 9,23 Hawaiian Islands, groundwater_______________ 101
Bessel functions, modified____________________ 77 Domes, huried ______________________________ 250,266 Hedstrom, H _____________________________ 24, 51,170
of first kind_______________________________ 20 Heiland, C. A-------------------------------- 14
of zero order___________________________ 22, 23,76
E Hemberger, S. J ------------------------- 45,129, 131
Bibliography--------------------------------_ 274 Early history ______ --- _________ --------------- Hemispherical sink, detectabilitY------------- 241
Bipolar coordinates___________________________ 72 generaL ____________________ 211,216,228,237,241
Ehrenburg, D. 0----------------------------- 21 image theory _____________________________ 26,59
Boyer, PhiL ___ ------------------------------ 16 Electrical activity of ore bodies _______________ 5, 6, 7
Braun,----------------------------------- 7 Electrochemical phenomena _____________ 4, 7, 13, 185 Henwood, W. L ----------------------------- 3
Brecciated zones______________________________ 135 Electrode, line________________________________ 26 History, early_------------------------------- 2
Broughton Edge, A. B ______________________ 19,171 nonpolarizing ____________________________ 5, 6,11 Horizontal hedding, harmonic________________ 86
Brown, Fred_________________________________ 10 image theory _____________________________ 86-89
Buehler, H. A _______________________________ _ point ___ ---------------------------------- 29
vertical-line ___ --------------------------- 27,28 interpretation, curve-matching method.
Buried cylinder, image theory________________ 26,61 See Logarithmic curve-matching
Euried domes ______________________________ 250,266 Electrode configurations. See under individ-
ual configurations. method.
Puried masses _______________________________ 25,247
Electrolysis ________ -- _____________ - ___ --- ___ -- 11 direct method_------------------- 22, 23, 106
Buried pockets_______________________________ 255 Electromagnetic method ______________________ 12,19 empirical methods ___________________ 21,101
Buried semicircular trough, image theory_____ 61 theoretical curves_________________________ 89
Empirical methods-------------------------- 21,101
Buried sphere, image theory ______ 25, 60,248,255,260 Equipotential lines _______________________ 8, 9, 15,18 Horizontal profiles, definition_________________ 41
Buried structures ____________________________ 26,247 dikes _______________________ -------------- 135
Equipotential method________________________ 19
Equipotential surfaces _____________________ 27, 29,30 faults.---------------------------------- 116, 124
c Equiresistivity map__________________________ 42 perfectly conducting or insulating planes__ 112
Cagniard, Louis------------------------------ 9 perpendicular to the strike________________ 201
Eve, A. 8--------------------------------- 14, 15,16
Channels, calculation of theoretical resistivity Evjen, H. M.-------------------------------- 22 Hough, J. M--------------------------------- 21
curves____________________________ 45 Expanding-electrode system__________________ 171 Howell, L. G.------------------------------- 24,115
cone functions____________________________ 80 Hubbert, M. K ________________ 116,160,200,222,224
Expansion of the reciprocal distance__________ 75
filled._--------------------------------- 211,215 Huber, A __________________ 25, 34,200,204,209,265,266
See also under individual methods.
Hummel, J. N ________________________ 20, 86,106,256
vertical-cliff __ ---------------------------- I !!.a
Chastenet de G~ry. 1_ ___ 25.173,179,180,186,194,207 Hurd, C. 0----------------------------------- 27
F Hyperboloid functions________________________ 81
Clark, A. R--------------------------------- 26,264
Colby, W. F --------------------------------- 23 Fault, dipping, generaL _________ 55,172,185,195,200
Configurations of electrodes. See under indi- dipping, harmonic analysis_______________ 191 I
vidual configurations. image theory_--------------------- 25, 51,52 Illinois, Hardin County, karst topography-- 222
Conklin, H. R-------------------------------- 12 theoretical horizontal resistivity
Image theorY-------------------------------- 20, 24,
CC'ntinuous theoretical curves________________ 116 curves, Lee confl.guration_____ 116 25, 26, 51, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 86, 188
Cook, K. L ____ 25, 26, 50, 119, 165, 195, 229, 230, 238, 240 Wenner <;onfiguration_____________ 126
traverse at angle to fault_ ____________ 55,119 Inhomogeneities------------------------------ 242
Coordinate systems. See under individual co- Interpretation, direct.-------------------- 22, 23, 106
ordinates. Wenner configuration. __ ------------- 53
Corrosion_____________________________________ 11 Isogonic line.• -------------------------------- 12
verticaL---------------------------- 52,116,252
Crosby, I. B---------------------------------- 16 Fault anomalies, field examples, Lee configura-
Current flow through the earth_______________ 3 tion __ ----------------------______ 119
Current lines ___________ -------------_________ 30 Field, uniform________________________________ 34 Jakosky, J. L -------------------------------- 211
Current penetration_________________________ 30 Form factor __ -------------------------------- 38 Johnson, H. W ------------------------------- 115
Current sink_-------------------------------- 30 Four-layer case.-------------------------- 23, 99,105 Johnson, J. F -------------------------------- 23, 105
Joyce, 1. w___________________________________ 16
Nevada, Comstock lode, measurements or Spherical coordinates.------------------------ 64
electrical activity of ore bodies____ li Spicer, H. C---------------------------------- 101
K Elko County, quartzite dike._----------- 165 Spontaneous potentials. Su Belt-potentials.
Kansas, Cherokee County, Tri-State lead-zinc
Eureka mining district, electrical measure- Btefanesco, s. 8----------------------------- 9, 21,27
ments---------------------------- 5
district, ftlled sinks-------------- 119, North Carolina, Vanc,e County, dikes________ 158
Stern, W ------------------------------------- 225
220, 222, 229, 235, 239 Stevenson, A. F ------------------------------ 22
Cherokee County, Tri-State lead-zinc Norway, faults------------------------------- 128 Strombeck, A. V. VOD------------------------ 3
mining district, sllietfled zones.... 158 Structures, burled--------------------------- 26,247
0 Sumatra, andesite dike.---------------------- 170
Keck, W. G---------------------------------- 23
Keller, 1.B----------------------------------- 51
Oblate spheroidal coordinates----------------- 71, 78
Onodera, 8----------------------------------- 149
B6m1, F -------------------------------------- 191
Sundberg, 12, 19, 26,256
Keller, W. D--------------------------------- 184
Kelly, Bherwin..------------------------------ 12 Ontario, pyrrhotite dike---------------------- 170 Swartz, H---------------------------------
1. 17,101
Sweden, Krlnstlneberg ore field_______________ 18
Kentucky, Allen County, oil-bearing beds.. 17 p
Keys, D. A-------------------------------- 14, 15,16 T
Palmer, L. B-----------------------------·--- 21
Khmelevskiy, I. V ------------------------- 222,225
King, L. V --------------------·-·;-·---------- 22
Pekeris, C. L-------------------------------- 23,108 Tagg, G. F -------------------- 21, 24, 51,103,124,126
Perfectly conduetlng or lnsulating planes----- 111 Tau method of Interpretation________ 21, 93,103,106
Kiyono, T -------------------- 27, 48,183,244:,246,269
Peters, L.1. _----------------------------- 26,51,52 Telluric currents---------------------------- 4, s, 35
Kostltzin, V. A •••------------·--------------- 9
Kunetz, G _______________ 25,173,179,180,186, IlK, 'lJ11 Petersson, Walter __ -------------------------- 17, 18 Tennessee, Ducktown, sulfide deposits_______ 12
Petrowsky, A. A.---------------------------- 19
Kurtenaeker, K. 8---------------------------- 230 Pipes,
Theoretical field plots------------------------ 116
Plrson,burled--------------------------------- 11
B.J ___________________________________ 23,24 Theoretical horizontal resistiVity curves•• 89, 116, 126
L Theoretical resistiVity curves, exact solution.. 46
Pits.--------------------------------------- 184,215 general considerations for calculation•• ____ 45
Laby, T. H--------------------------------- 19,171 Plane, dipping.------------------------------ 184 logarithmic potentlal--------------------- 48
Lancaster-Jones, E--------------------------- 21 Plane parallel boundaries•• ------------------- 82 methods of plotting_______________________ SO
Laplace's equation·-------------------------- 62 Planes. Su Perfeetly conduetlng or insulating Theoretical vertical resistivity ewves,. field
Lee-Hemberger plotting______________________ 128 planes. examples----------------------- 122,126
Lee, F. W --------------------- 14, 15, 16, 17, 27,38, 45 Plotting, Lee oftset method•• ----------------- 50 Thermoeleetrtelty•• ~------------------------- 4
Lee oftset method or plotting_________________ 50 Plotting. &e under Individual methods.
Lee partitioning conftguration ________________ 16,39 Three-layer case----------------------------- 20,105
Pockets, burled.----------------------------- 2M Tikhonov, A. N------------------------------ 173
Legendre polynomials, associated __________ 75, 78,80 Point electrode------------------------------- 29 Traverses at difterent azimuths_______________ 208
Leonardon, E.G----------------------------- 9,16 Point source of current----------------------- 27 Tri-State ftiled sinks.... ----------~----------- 211
Ltpskaya, N. V __ • ---------------------- 25,259,200 Poldlnl, E------------------------------------ 9, 23 Trough, burled semlelreular, image theory____ 61
Logan, K. H--------------------------------- "11, 12 Potential distribution------------------------ 185 Trustedt,-------·------------------------- 17
Logarithmic approximations _________________ 00,268 Potential-drop-ratio method------- 24, 43, 93,128,167 Turner, Scott_________________________________ 14
Logarithmic curve-matching method_________ 105 Profiles, horizontal--------------------------- 41 Two-dimensional horizontal profile.---------- liS
Logarithmic plotting------.-------------------
Logarithmic potentiaL----------------------
00 parallel to the strike..--------------------- 187 Two-layer case---------------------------- 20,21, 90
L6gn, () ______________________________ 24, 41, 128, 138 perpendicular to the strike--------------- 200 Tyurkisher, R. L----------------------------- 173
L6gn configuration __________________________ 40,128 verticaL.--------------------------------- 41
Pullen, M. W -------------------------------- 16 u
Longacre, W. A------------------------------ 23
R Uganda, gold-bearing dikes.------------------ 161
Low-frequency alternating current------------ 10
Lundberg, Hans••• ------------------------ 18, 24, 43 Raeom method.--------------·--------------- 44 Unz, M------------------------------ 25, 31,188,191
Lundberg inethod, old ____________________ ---- 18 Ratio ofapparent resistivity__________________ 45 U.S.S.R., Beloretsk mining district, suUlde
Reciprocal distance. Su Expansion of re- deposits-------------------------- 19
M ciprocal distance. Baratov district, karst topography________ 222
Utah, Uintah Country, gllsonlte dike________ 181
McClatchey,---------------------------- 10 Reciprocity theorem ••• ----------------------- 39
Reflection factor•• ---------------------------- 52
McCollum, Burton---------------------------
McCollum earth-current meter_______________
13 Reich, F _------------------------------------ 4 v
Resistance, measurement of_----------------- 11 Van Nostrand, R. G-------------- 25,26,50,195,260
McMurry, H. Y-------------------------- 96, 98, 106 Vertical elift.. _________________________________ 183
Resistivity, apparent. &e Apparent resis-
Maeda, L------------------------------ 25, 173,200 tivity. Vertical dike. &e Dike, vertical.
Magneto-telluric method.-------------------- 10
Maillet, Raymond--------------------- 9, 23, 24,211 Resistivity curves, gen~aL----------------- 45 Vertical fault. Su Fault, vertical.
Resistlvltylndex ••••••••••••• ---------------- 00 Vertical profiles, defined______________________ 41
Malchevskl, V ---·--------------------------- 200 ResistiVity maps. Su Maps, resistivity.
Malkovsky, ---.-------------------------- 14
faults ___________________________________ ' 122, 162
Resistoior method____________________________ 44
Maps, resistivitY----------------------------- 237
Masses, burled------------------------------ 25,247 Roman, Irwin------------------------- 21, 51, 00,105
Rooney, W.1-------------------------------- 13
tour-layer case------------------------ 21, 99, 106
perfectly conducting or lnsulating planes.. lUI
Matteueei, Charles--------------------------- 5
Mauehly, B.1-------------------------------- 13 Rosenzweig, I.E----------------------------- 23 perpendicular to the strike.-.------------ 204
Maxwell, 1. C-------------------------------- 20
Roth~, Edmond, and Roth~,1. P ------------ 126 three-layercase-------------------------- 21,106
Meger Instrumentation______________________ 15 Runianla, salt domes.------------------------ 9 two-layer case.------------------------ 20, 21, 90
Michigan, Keweenaw Peninsula, copper Vertical structures---------------------------- 110
deposita.------------------------- 12
Salt, D.1·------------------------------------ 26 w
Mtgaux, L------------------------------------ 211
Bamsloe, A. F----------.---------------------- 27
Mine workings_______________________________ 264
Sandberg, C. H----------------------------- 16,165 Watson, G. N-------------------------------- 181
Mtses, studies
R. ·'on-------------------------------- 26 Watson, R. 1---------------------- 21, 28, 03, 105, 106
Model _________________________ 115, 184,200 Beharon, LeRoY------------------------------ 16
Behlumberger, Conrad ________________ 8, 20, 21, 23,36 Weaver, Warren.------------------ IS, 26, 27, 33, 186
Modified Bessel functions •• ------------------ 77 Behlumberger, Marcel---------------------- 9, 21,23 Webb, 1. H----------------------------- 25,247,248
Mooney, H. M--------------------------- 23, 99, 100 Welllogglng••-------------------------------- 42
Mooney-Wetzel album of curves______________ 23 Behlumberger conftguratlon••••• -------------- 40, 98
Behlumberger school. Su French school. Wells, R. C •••• ------------------------------ 7
Moore, R. W --------------------------------- 23
Beirel, H. 0 .• ------------------------------- Wenner, Franll:---------------------------- 10, 20,38
Muenster,------------------------------- 18 Belf-potentfals •• _________________________ 4, 6, 26,264
8, 9, 12 Wenner conftguratlon. ------------------- 10, 39, 124
Mukh:Jna, G. V------------------------------ 26
Bemenov, A. 8------------------------------- 260
West, 1. 8------------------------------------ 44
Multiple-layer ease------------------------ 21, 22,93
Serbia, chalcopyrtte-------------------------- 9 Wetzel, w. w------------------ 23, 96,118, 99, 100, 106

MOBkat, Morris.-------------------- 22, 28, 2CU7, 28

Sink. flu Hemispherical sink.
Bkal'skaya, I. P -~------------------- 25,173,178, 180
Nathorst, Harry·----------------------------- 18
Bkaryatin, R--------------------------------- lD
Bllchter, L. B---------------------------- 22,87,108
Natural potentials. flu Belt-potentials.
~=: ::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24~:
Sphere, buried, tmaae theory. flu Burled
NeamaDD, Fran&----------------------------- 20 sphere.

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