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Law related to Transfer of Property Act


Absolute interest

It means ownership which consists of a bundle of rights, rights to possessions, right to

enjoyment etc. or any other way so that an owner can deal or dispose of.

The residue of an original interest which is left after the granter has granted the lessee a small
estate. Example If a property has given on lease for 5 years, after the period of 5 years, the
‘property which reverts back to him is called the reversion or reversionary interest.


When the owner of the property grants a limited interst in favour of a person or persons and
gives the remaining to others, it is called a "remainder". For instance, A the owner of a land
transfers property to B for life and then to C absolutely. Here the interest in favour of B is a
limited interest, so after B’s death the property will go to C, interest is called a remainder.

Vested Interest and Contingent Interest

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Vested interest (Section -19)

• Word vest has two references here:
Vested in possession.
Vested in interest.
• Vested in possession means right to present possession of property,
• Vested in interest means present right to future possession of property,
• Vested interest means interest created in favour of person which is not
subject to happening of an event or if subject to the happening of an event,
then such event is bound to happen.

• Property is given to A for life with a remainder to B, A’s right is vested in
possession; B’s right is vested in interest.
• Vested interest is transferable and heritable.
• If transferee dies before taking possession of property, such property passes
to his legal representative.

Contingent interest
• Contingent interest means interest, created in favour of person, which will
take effect on happening or non-happening of specified uncertain event
• Example A transfer property to B until B marries, and after marriage of B, to
C. C has contingent interest in property.

Difference between vested interest and contingent interest

Basis Vested interest Contingent interest

Condition It does not depend on fulfillment of It depends upon fulfillment of
any condition. condition.
Right & It present immediate right but its Right of enjoyment accrues on
Enjoyment enjoyment may be postponed to happening of an event which is
some future date. uncertain.
Transferee’s It is not defeated by death of It is defeated by death of transferee
Death transferee
Transferability It is transferable and heritable. Contingent interest is non

Movable and immovable property

Movable property
• Movable property is not defined under Transfer of Property Act.
• As per General Clauses Act, 1897 Movable property means “property of every
description except immovable property”.

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• As per Section 2(9) of Registration Act it include property of every description

excluding immovable property but including standing timber, growing crops and

Example of movable property

• Machinery fixed on land temporary.
• Intellectual property right.
• Standing timber and growing grass
• Right to recover maintenance allowance.
• Royalty.
• Copyright.

Immovable Property
• Not defined under Transfer of Property Act. As per Section 3, immovable property
does not include standing timber, growing crop and grass.
Standing timbers are tree fit for use for building or repairing houses. This is an
exception to the general rule that growing tree are immovable property.
(1) Growing Grass:- It includes all vegetables growths which have no existence apart
from their produce such as pan leave, sugarcane etc
(2) Grass:- Grass is an movable property, but if it is right to cut grass it would be an
interest in land and hence forms immovable property.
• As per Section 3(25), General Clauses Act, 1 897 Immovable property shall include
land, benefits to arise out of land and things attached to the earth, or permanently
fastened to anything attached to the earth.
• The Indian Registration Act expressly includes under to immovable property the
benefits to arise out of land, hereditary allowances, rights of way, lights, ferries and
• In the case of Sukry Kurdepa v. Goondakull (1872) court has explained that
movability may be defined to be a capacity in~ a thing of suffering alteration. On the
other hand, if a thing cannot change its place without injury to the quality it is

Example of immovable property

• Chattel embedded in earth.
• Easement.
• Right of way.
• Right of enjoyment of immovable property under lease.
• A right of fishery.
• A right to collect rent of immovable property.
• Interest of mortgagee.

Difference between movable and immovable property

Basis Movable Property Immovable property
The movable property can easily be The immovable property cannot easily

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Movement transported from one place to be transported from one place to

another, without changing its another. If transported, it will lose its
shape, capacity, quantity or quality. original shape, capacity, quantity or
Mere delivery with intention to Mere delivery does not sufficient for a
Transfer transfer the movable property valid transfer. The property must be
completes the transfer. registered in the name of the
Registration is optional under the Compulsorily registration under the
Registration Indian Registration Act, 1 908. Indian Registration Act, 1908, subject
to condition that its value if exceeds
Rs. 100.
Illustration Mango trees, if cut and sold for Mango trees, if sold for nourishment
timber purpose, are deemed as and for fruits, they are deemed as
movable property. immovable property.
Examples vehicles, books, utensils, timber, etc. Land, houses, trees attached to the
ground; so long they are so attached.

Rules relating to transfer of property

Tranfer may be gift, sale, mortgage, pledge, charge, lease, actionable claims.

Meaning of transfer (Whether movable or immovable) - Section 5

• Transfer of Property means an act by which a living person convey property in
present or in future to one or more other living person, to himself, and one or more
other living person.
• Living person” includes a company or association or body of individuals whether
incorporated or not.

Legal rules for a valid transfer

• Property must be transferable.
• Transferor and transferee must be competent.
• Consideration and object of transfer must be lawful.
• Transfer must take place as per method prescribed under the Act.

Who can transfer property – Section 7

• Every person, competent to contract and having ownership can transfer property
• A minor can be a transferee but a minor is not competent to be a transferor
• Persons who are authorised to transfer property can also transfer property validly

Subject matter of transfer – Section 6

Every kind of property can be transferred. But following properties cannot be
• Chance of an heir apparent.
• Right of re-entry.

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• Transfer of easement.
• Restricted interest.
• Right to future maintenance.
• Right to sue.
• Transfer of public office, salary and pension

Formalities for transfer – Section 54

• Movable property
Orally (by delivery of possession)
Writing (by executing agreement)

• Immovable property
o Value of 100 Rs. or above (Registration mandatory)
o Value of less than 100 Rs. (Registartion optional)
o Registration compulsory

Property which cannot be transferred – Section 6

General Rule: Every kind of property can be transferred. But following properties cannot be

Chance of heir apparent (Spes successionis)

• This means an interest which has not arisen in future. It is in anticipation or hope of
succeeding to an estate of a deceased person. Such a chance is not property and as
such cannot be transferred, if it is transferred, the transfer is wholly void.
• Example: A is the owner of the property and B is his son. B is the heir of A. This type
of property which B hopes to get after the death of the father cannot be transferred,
during the life time of A.

Right of re- entry

• It means right of lessor to re-claim the leased property from lessee on breach of
contract or express condition. It is personal benefit which can't be transferred.
• Example: If A leases his property to B with a condition that if he sublets the leased
land, A will have the right to reenter, i.e., the lease will terminate. This right to re-
enter is personal benefit available to A, which can’t be transferred.

Transfer of easement
• An easement means an interest in land owned by another that entitled his holdersto
a specific limited use or enjoyment. An easement cannot be transferred.

• Example: If A, the owner of a house X, has a right of way over an adjoining plot of
land belonging to B, he cannot transfer this right of way to C. But if A transfers the
house itself to C, the easement is also transferred to C.

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Restricted interest
• Certain rights enjoyment of which is reserved for certain person. If it is so, it is
known as restricted interest. Restricted interest can’t be transferred to another
person. It includes ‘religious office’.
• Example: The right of PUJARI in a temple to receive offering.
The right of WIDOW under Hindu law to residence.

Right to future maintenance

• Right to future maintenance is personal benefit to whom it is granted. However
arrears of past maintenance can be transferred.
• Example: The right of a Hindu widow to maintenance is a personal right which
cannot be transferred.

Right to sue
• A mere right to sue cannot be transferred. The right refers to a right to damages
arising both out of contracts as well as torts.
• Example: A commits an assault on B. B can file a suit to obtain damages; but he
cannot assign the right to C and allow him to obtain damages.

Transfer of public office

• It is against public policy to transfer public offices, salary and pension. Pension and
salary are given on personal basis, it can’t be transferred.

Occupancy Rights
• Transfer of occupancy rights of a tenant is prohibited.
• Example:- Tenant can’t transfer his right of tenancy and farmer can’t transfer his right to
land if he himself is a lease.

Restraint on transfer or rule against inalienability

Restraint on transfer - Section 10

• If any property is transferred subject to a condition or limitation which absolutely
restrains the transferee from parting with or disposing of his interest in the property
such condition or limitation and not the transfer itself is void.
• Restraint on alienation of property may be either absolute or partial.
• Absolute restraint is void and transfer is valid, while partial restraint as regard to
time, place or person is valid.
• Absolute restraint: If A transfers property to B and his heirs with a condition that if
the property is alienated, it should revert back to A. Such a condition, being
absolute, is void.
• Partial restraint: A transfer property to B with condition that he should not alienate
it in favour of D who is his trade competitor. It contains partial restraint and
therefore valid.

Exceptions to rule of restraint on transfer:

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• In case of lease transition, lessor can impose condition that the lessee shall not sub
lease it.
• In case of married woman, a condition that she will not have right during her
marriage, to transfer the property.

Restraint on enjoyment - Section 11

• When property is transferred absolutely, transferee has right to enjoy property as he
• When transferor place restriction on the enjoyment of property which is transferred
to transferee, restriction is treated as clog on property and such restriction is void.
• Example: A sells his house to B with condition that only B shall reside in the house.
The condition is invalid.

Exception to Section 11:- If a person transfers a property to another keeping some other
property for himself, he can impose certain condition which may interfere with the rights of
enjoyment of the transferee.

Example:- A person has 2 adjoining houses, one of which is transferred, he may impose a
condition not to construct a second floor on a property because transferor will not able to
enjoy sunlight.

Condition as to insolvency - Section 12

• If person transfer property to another person with condition that property will be
revert to transferor if transferee becomes insolvent, It is invalid condition.
• Exception: If lessor reserve right to get back leased property on declaration of lessee
as insolvent, it is valid condition.

Illegal or impractical condition - Section 25

• Interest created in a property under transfer, which depends on a condition the
performance or satisfaction of which is either impracticable or disallowed under law
or fraudulent or harmful to the person or property of another, is invalid.


Section 17 does not allow accumulation of income from the land for an unlimited period
without the income-being enjoyed by the owner of the property. The laws allow accumulation
of income for certain period only. The period for which such accumulation is valid is:-

The life of the transferor; or period of eighteen years from the date of transfer.

Any direction to accumulate the income beyond the period mentioned above is VOID.


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• The payment of the debts of the transferor or any other person taking any interest
under the transfer, or
• The provisions of portions for children or any other person taking interest in the
property under the same transfer, and
• The preservation or maintenance of the property transferred.

Example : A settles the sum of Rs. 5, 000 for the benefit of B on 1st January, 1979 and directs
the trustee to invest the money in units of the Unit trust of India and to deliver the total
accumulated income and the units to B on the turn of the century. B would be entitled to the
accumulated income and the units before the stipulated period, i.e. on 1st January, 1997 i.e. 18
years after 1st January, 1979. The accumulation of incomes is valid up to 31st December, 1996
and would be void beyond the period.

Transfer for benefit of unborn person Section 13

Generally property can only be transferred to living person, as on date of transfer, i.e property
cannot be directly transferred to unborn person. However there are certain exception to this

Transfer for benefit of unborn person - Section 13

• No direct transfer can be made to an unborn person

• Interest of the unborn person must be preceded by a prior interest.
• The prior interest must also be created by the same transfer.
• The unborn person must be exclusive owner of whole of property.

Example: Where A transfers property, of which he is the owner to B, in trust for A and his
intended wife, successively for their lives, and, after the death of the survivor, for the eldest son
of the intended marriage for life, and after his death for A’s second son, the interest so created
for the benefit of the eldest son does not take effect, because it does not extend to the whole
of A’s remaining interest in the property.

Rule against perpetuity - Section 14

Perpetuity means continuing forever. Rule provides that no transfer of property can operate to
create an interest, which is to take effect after the life time of one or more persons living at the
date of such transfer, and the minority of some person who shall be in existence at the
expiration for that period, and to whom, if he attains full age, the interest created is to belong.

Following are elements of rule against perpetuity:

• Property can be transferred to different living persons for their successive lives,
before property is transferred to unborn person.
• Unborn person must come in to existence before expiry of existing life of transferor.
• Transfer must be absolute.

Example 1:
• A transfers a piece of land to his friend B for life, and

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• afterwards to his friend C for life,

• then to his friend D for life, and
• then to the son that may be born to B, for his son's life,
• then to the son that may be born to C for his life, and
• then ultimately to the son that may be born to D forever.

In case of such disposition of the land, B cannot alienate the property, because he has
only a life interest therein. For the same reason, neither C nor D, nor the sons of B and C
can alienate the property.

When the property finally vests in D’s son, only he will be entitled to alienate the
property. This would be certainly a restraint on the free alienation of the piece of land
for a considerable long period. Section 14 prevents this and lays down that one can tie
up property and stop it’s free alienation only for one generation, because all friends of
A, now living must die within that time, as they are all candles lighted together.

Exampe2:- A child is 10 year old and he will become owner of property at 18 years of
age. So the perpetuity is 8 years

Exception to Rule against perpetuity

• When land is purchased or property is held by corporation.
• Where property is transferred by way of gift for benefit of public.
• Personal agreement.
• Agreement for perpetual lease.
• Gift to charity

Conditional Transfer
• When an interest is created on the transfer of property but is made to depend on
the fulfillment of a condition by the transferee, the transfer is known as a
conditional transfer.
• Such a transfer may be subject to a condition precedent or a condition subsequent.

Difference between condition precedent and condition subsequent

Basis Condition precedent Condition subsequent

Meaning A condition precedent is one A condition subsequent is one by the
which must happen before the happening of which an existing estate will be
estate can commence. defeated.
Vesting Vesting of estate is postponed Vesting is immediately completed and not
till the condition is performed. postponed.
Divestment Once the interest is vested it Though the interest is vested it is liable to be
can never be divested on the divested on the ground of no-fulfillment of
ground of non-fulfillment of the condition.

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Rights Acquisition of an estate is Retention of the estate is affected in the
affected affected in the condition condition subsequent.
Validity In condition precedent the In condition subsequent the condition’s
condition must be valid in the invalidity will be ignored.
eyes of law.
Example A transfers Rs. 5,000 to B on A transfer his house property to B with
condition that he shall marry condition that if he let it out on rent, the
with the consent of C, D and E. transfer shall cease to have any effect. B let
But E dies and B marries with out property on rent. He loose his interest in
the consent of C and D. B is property.
deemed to have fulfilled the
condition. This condition is
called a condition precedent.

Doctrines of Election
Election means “choice". A person can’t accept part of agreement which is
beneficial and reject other part which is burdensome. He can either accept
agreement entirely or reject entirely.
Person taking benefit of instrument must also bear the burden.
The doctrine of election is based on the principle of equity.
The principle of the doctrine of election was explained by the House of Lords in
the leading case of Cooper vs. Cooper.
Election may be express or implied by conduct.
Example: A transfers to you his land, and in the same deed of transfer asks you
to transfer your house to C. Now, if you want to have the land, you must transfer
your house to C, because the transferor is transferring to you his land on the
condition that you give your house to C. Here, either you take the land and part
with your house or do not take it at all. This is called the doctrine of election.

Question of election does not arise when benefit is given to a person in a

different capacity.

Doctrines of Holding out/Transfer by ostensible owner Section 41

Doctrine is an exception to the rule that a person cannot confer a better title
than what he has.
Where owner of property permits (expressly or impliedly) another person who is
not owner of the property to hold himself as owner of property and third party
deal in good faith with person so permitted, such third party acquire good title
as against true owner.

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A made a gift of property to B but continued in possession of the gifted property. He
purported to exercise a power of revocation and then transferred the property to
the C. The gift, however, was not revocable as it was an unconditional gift. B seeks to
recover possession from the C. C can get protection under Section 41.

Doctrines of feeding grant by estoppels - Section 43

Where person who purport to grant interest in property, which he did not at the time
possess but subsequently acquires, benefit of subsequentacquisition goes automatically
to earlier grantee. It is known as feeds estoppel.

A, a Hindu, who has separated from his father B, sells to C three fields, X, Y and Z,
representing that he (i.e. A) is authorized to transfer the same. Of these fields Z does not
belong to A, it having been retained by B on the partition, but on B’s dying, A as heir
obtains Z. C not having rescinded the contract of sale, may require A to deliver Z to him.

Exceptions to doctrine of feeding grant by espoppel

If the transfer is invalid for being forbidden by law or contrary to public policy.
If the contract comes to an end before acquisition of the property by the
This section has no application to Court sales.
The right is not available against the bona fide purchasers for value without

Doctrines of Lis Pendens - Sec-52

Lis means ligation and pendens means pending
Lis pendens means pending suit or petition before court.
During the pendency of suit or petition before any court, property which is
subject matter of litigation can't be transferred by any party, except with
consent of court.
If any party has transferred property under litigation in suit, transferee is bound
by judgment of court.
Specific office building is under litigation. B and C are parties to litigation. B during
pendency of suit transfers property to A. The suit ends in favour of C. A is bound by
order of court and C can recover property from A.

Doctrine of lis pendens is not applicable when the property has been transferred by
stranger. (i.e. a person who is not party to litigation)

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For Example:- suits is pending two brothers and father has transferred property to
another person.

Doctrines of Fraudulant transfer section- 53

Doctrine of fraudulent transfer
When debtor transfers immovable property with intent to defeat or delay his
creditors, transfer of property shall be voidable at option of any creditor so
defeated or delayed.
This doctrine discourages fraudulent transfer of property.
This doctrine gives right to defraud creditor to challenge transfer of property in
court and get order from court that transfer is invalid.

A takes a loan from the C and fails to pay the loan. C sues him in a Court to get back
his debt. A knows that his property will be applied by court for repayment of his
loan. Meantime, he transfers his property to a friend who simply holds the property
on behalf of the transferor. Here, property is transferred to his friend with
fraudulent intention.

Doctrines of Part Performance Section 53 A

• Transferor cannot take back property only on ground of non – registration of
documents, if the transferee has performed his part of contract and has also taken
possession of property or part of it.
• Doctrine prohibit transferor from taking back property.

• Contract for transfer of property should be for consideration.
• Terms necessary to constitute transfer must be ascertainable with reasonable
certainty from contract.
• Transferee should have taken possession of property in part performance of
• Transferee must have already fulfilled or ready to fulfilled his obligation under

Provisions relating to sale of immovable property Section 54

Sale means transfer of ownership in consideration of price. Price is paid or promised to be paid.

Essential of sale of immovable property

• Subject matter is transferable property.
• There must be two parties (i.e. seller and buyer).
• Parties must have capacity to enter into contract.
• There must be consideration. I Property must be transferred absolutely.
• Stamp duty and other formalities should be complied with.

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• By registered instrument if it is of value of Rs. 100 or more.
• By registered instrument or by delivery of property when it is less than Rs. 100 in value.

Example:- A document is excuted by the donor who make a gift of immovable property and the
deeds are delievered to done. The done accepts the gift but the document is not registered.
Will the gift be valid?

Provisions relating to exchange of immovable property Section 118

“When two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership of
another, neither thing or both things being money only, the transaction is called an exchange."
Example:- Exchange of a car for two scootors or exchange of a house for 10 hectares of land.

Essentials of exchange
• Both parties must be competent to contract.
• Exchange should be with mutual consent of parties.
• There must be mutual transfer of property.
• Neither party has paid any money .

Provision Relating to gift Section 122-129

• Gift means transfer of certain existing movable or immovable property made voluntarily
and without consideration, by one person to another.
• Person who transfer property is known as donor. Person in whose favour property is
transferred is known as donee.

Essentials of gift:
• Transfer of ownership from donor to donee.
• Transfer must be made voluntarily and without consideration.
• Transfer must be accepted by donee. Acceptance by donee should be during his
• Subject matter should be existing property. It may be movable or immovable property.

• A gift of immovable property must be effected by a registered instrument signed by or
on behalf of the donor,
• And attested by at least two witnesses.

Provisions relating to Lease and Licence

Meaning of Lease Section 105

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• It is transaction whereby one person transfers the right to enjoy in an immovable

property to another person for specific time or perpetuity for consideration.
• The person who transfer right in property is known as lessor. The person in whose
favour right in property is transferred is known as lessee.

Essentials of lease:
• Transfer of a right to enjoy immovable property.
• Transfer is for specific time or for perpetuity.
• There must be consideration which is paid or promised to be paid. Here premium or
rent is known as consideratlon.
• Transfer must be accepted by transferee.

Meaning of licence
Licence means right granted in respect of immovable property to enjoy certain benefits on land
in some way or other while it remains in the possession and control of owner.

Difference Between Lease and Lience

Lease Licence

1 A lease is a transfer of interest in A licence is merely a personal right and

land does not amount to any interest in
immoveable property.

2 A lease involves a transfer of A licence does not transfer any interest in

interest followed by possession of the property and the licence has no right
the property in question of possession.

3 Exclusive possession of the No such exclusive possession is given to

property in question is given to the the transferee.
4 A lessee has to be served with A licensee is not entitled to any such
notice to quit before eviction. notice.

5 A lease is generally transferable A licence is not transferable.

6 A lease is generally not revocable A licence is always revocable

7 A lease is unaffected if the lessor A licence is determined on account of the

transfers the property. transfer of the property in question.

8 A lease does not get terminated on A licence gets terminated on account of

account of the dealth of the lessor. the dealth of the grantor.

9 The document-creating lease The document granting licence, does not

generally requires registration. requires any registration.

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10 There can be sub-lease after There is no such eventuality

assigning the rights in favour of
third party unless refrained in this

Provisions relating to actionable claim Section 3

• Actionable claim means a claim to unsecured debt. Here debt is not secured by the
mortgage of immovable property or by pledge of movable property.
• The debt may be existing, accuring, conditional or contigent.

What is actionable claim What is not actionable claim

Arrears of rent. Secured debenture.
Money due under insurance policy. A claim which is decreed.
Claim for rent to fall due in future. Relinquishment of interest of a member
retiring from joint Hindu Family business
Benefit of a contract giving option to purchase Right to Sue
the land.

A borrows Rs 5000/- from B at 12% per annum interest on 1st April ,2016 and promise to pay
back the amount with interest on 1st july 2016. Till Ist july 2006 the debt is an accuring debt and
is an actionable claims.

The partner’s right to sue for accounts of dissolved partnership is an actionable claims being a
beneficial interest in movable property not in possession. (Thakardas Vs Vishindas)

Provisions relating to mortgages - Section 58

Mortgage means transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of
securing payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan or performance of an
engagement which may give rise to pecuniary liability

Essentials of mortgages
• There must be transfer of an interest in immovable property.
• Property must be specific
• Transfer is for securing payment of loan or debt

Types of Mortgage

Simple Mortgage Section 58 (b)


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Mortgagor gives personal undertaking to the mortgagee to repay amount due under the
mortgage, without delivering possession of mortgaged property, then it is called as
simple mortgage.
Essential elements
• There should be a personal obligation on the part of the mortgagor to pay the debt.
• An express or implied power is given to the mortgagee to cause the Property to be
sold through the intervention of the Court.
• There is no transfer of ownership.

Mortgage by conditional sale Section 58 (c)

Where the mortgagor apparently sells the mortgaged property on any of the following
• If loan is repaid, sale becomes void.
• If loan is not repaid at specific time, sale will become absolute and binding.
• If loan or debt is paid off within specific time, mortgaged property is re-transferred
to the mortgagor.

Usufructuary mortgage Section 58 (d)

It is also known as mortgage with possession. Where mortgagor deliver possession of
property to mortgagee and authorised him:
• To retain possession of property until payment of money or debt and
• To receive the rents and profits accruing from property in payment of mortgage

English mortgage Section 58 (e)

When the mortgagor binds himself to repay mortgage money on certain date, and
transfer the mortgage property absolutely to mortgagee but subject to condition that he
will re-transfer it to mortgagor upon payment of mortgage money as agreed, mortgage
is known as English mortgage.
Essential elements
• English mortgage is followed by delivery of possession.
• There is a personal covenant to pay the amount.
• It is effected by an absolute transfer of property, with a provision for retransfer in
case of repayment of the amount due.
• Power of sale out of Court is given on certain persons under certain circumstances.

Mortgage by deposit of title deed Section 58 (f)

It is also known as equitable mortgage. Where mortgagor delivers to mortgagee
documents of title of property with intent to create security thereon, the transaction is
known as mortgage by deposit of title deed.
Essential elements

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• It is created in specific towns by deposit of title-deeds, even though the property is

situated outside those towns.
• It is effected by deposit of material title-deeds. It is not necessary that all the deeds
should be deposited. It is sufficient if material documents are deposited.
• Delivery of possession of property does not take place.
• This mortgage is made to secure a debt or advances made, or to cover future
• This mortgage prevails against a subsequent transferee who takes under a
registered instrument.
• This mortgage prevails against all who are not bonafide purchasers for value without

Anomalous mortgage Section 58(g)

A mortgage which does not belong to any of above categories is known as anomalous
mortgage. It is combination of two or more mortgages. Possession may or may not be
delivered in anomalous mortgage.

Right related to mortgaged property

Right of redemption Section 60
• Mortgagor has right to redeem property provided as security.
• Redemption means to take back the mortgaged property by paying the mortgage
money at any time after stipulated date for repayment.
• Mortgagor can exercise this right:

• Before right is extinguished by the act of parties or by decree of court, or I Before it

is barred by Limitation Act.
• As per Limitation Act, mortgagor can redeem the property within 60 years after the
money has become due.
• This right to redeem the property even after the time of payment has elapsed is called
the Right or Equity of Redemption. But the mortgagor is not entitled to redeem before
the mortgaged money becomes due on the date fixed for repayment of loan. His right to
redeem arise only when mortgaged money becomes due and not before.
• Example: A borrows money on a mortgage and agree to pay it back after 10 years. A has
obtained gift of money from his relative at end of 5th year from date on which he
borrowed money. Now, A wants to pay the loan and redeem his property. He can’t do
so, because the right to redeem arises only when the money has become due at the end
of 10 years.

Doctrine on clog of equity redemption

• Mortgagor has right of redemption by virtue of mortgage deed.
• This right is considered to be inalienable, and cannot be taken away from a mortgagor
by means of any contract to the contrary.
• Redemption means the act of the vendor of property in buying it back again from the
purchaser at the same or an enhanced price.

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• Section 60 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 authorise mortgagor to get his property
back from the mortgagee on paying the amount borrowed from him.
• Clog on a right means the insertion of any clause or any provision under the mortgaged
deed which would alienate mortgagor of his property under certain circumstances.
• As per Act, such provisions would not be able to alienate a mortgagor of his “Right of
Redemption", and such provisions would be void-ab initio.
• Right of redemption shall remain effective unless the property has been sold off or
under any statutory provision.
• Even if mortgagee has went to the court for the foreclosure of the property mortgaged,
mortgagor can redeem his property by paying off the full amount in the court.

Doctrine of marshalling - Section 81

If the owner of two or more properties mortgaged them to one person and then mortgages one
or more of the properties to another person, the subsequent mortgagee is, in the absence of
the contract to the contrary, entitled to have the prior mortgage-debt satisfied out of the
property or properties not mortgaged to him, so far as the same will extend, but not so as to
prejudice the rights of the prior mortgagee. This is known as the Doctrine of Marshalling.

Provisions relating to charge - Section 100

• Where immovable property of one person is by act of parties or by operation of law
made security for repayment of money of other and transaction is not mortgage it is
called charge.
• All provision which are applicable to simple mortgage are applicable to such charge.
Charge can be either fixed or floating charge

Fixed Charge
• When charge is created on Specific property, it is known as fixed charge.
• Example: Charge created on office building situated in particular locality.
• Fixed charge can't be converted into floating charge.

Floating Charge
• When charge is created not on specific property but class of property, it is known as
floating charge.
• Floating charge is charge on class of assets both present and future. In ordinary course
of business, it is changing from time to time.
• In case of floating charge, person can deal with property in ordinary course of business.
Here, deal with property means, person may use its assets charged.
• Floating charge can be converted into fixed charge.
• Example: Charge created on plant and machinery of factory.

A floating charge was created by a mortgage of book and other debts which shall become due
during the continuance of this security.( Reyork shive Wool Combers Association, Supra).

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Crystallisation of floating Charge.

A floating charge become fixed or crystallizes in the following cases:-

(a) When the money become payable under a condition in the debenture and the
debenture holder take some steps to enforce the security.
(b) When the company ceases to carry on business.
(c) When the company is being wound-up.

Difference between mortgage and charge

Mortgage Charge

1. It is transfer of an interest in specific 1. It does not involve transfer of any interest in

immovable property made by a mortgagor the property although it serves as a security
as a security for the loan. for the payment of the loan .

2. It is created by act of parties. 2. It may be created by act of parties or by

3. It can be enforced against any transferee operation of law

whether he takes it with or without notice
or mortgage. 3. It cannot be enforced against bone fide
transferee for consideration having no
4. In a mortgage the mortgage can foreclose notice of charge.
the mortgaged property.
4. A charge –holder cannot foreclose the
5. In a mortgage ,there can be security as well property on which he has a charge .He can
as personal liability however get the property sold as in a simple

5. In a charge created by act of the parties

when a particular property is specified the
remedy of the charge-holder is against the
property only.

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Prevention of Money Laundering

Conversion of black money / into white money/

Tainted money untainted money


A person commits the offence of money laundering who : -

acquires, owns, possesses or transfers any

{proceeds of crime}

Knowingly enters into transaction which is related to

{proceeds of crime} directly / indirectly.

Conceals (or) aids/helps in concealment of

{proceeds of crime}

Proceeds of crime

Any property derived/obtained Directly (or) indirectly by any

Person as a result of criminal activity relating to a

Scheduled offence

Offence specified in Offence specified in

PART "A” of schedule PART "B” of schedule
of this Act of this Act

Waging a war against the GOI

Offence related to narcotics etc. Kidnapping for ransom
Offences relating to arms
Offence in which
total value involved ≥ 1Cr

Objectives of the Act

• To prevent money laundering

• To prevent channelizing money into illegal activities and economic crime
• To provide for confiscation of property derived from or involved in money laundering
• To punish those who commit the offence of money laundering

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Important Definitions

Any property or assets of every description, whether movable or immovable, tangible or
intangible and includes deeds and instruments evidencing title to, or interest in, such property
or assets, wherever located.

Scheduled Offence - Section 2(1)(y) means

• The offences specified under Part A of the Schedule or
• the offences specified under Part B of the Schedule, if the total value involved in such
offence is Rs. 1 crore or more, or
The offences specified under Part C of Schedule.

Offence of Cross Border Implication

”Offence of Cross Border Implication" includes:
• Any activity of person resident outside India which constitute an:
Offence at that place and
Which would have been constituted offence under Part A, B or C, had it been
committed in India and
Such person remit proceed of conduct to India; or
• Any offence committed under Part A, B or C of schedule :
Which has been committed in India and
Proceed has been transferred out of India or attempt has been made to transfer
proceed of crime out of India.

Persons carrying on Designated Business or Profession means

A person carrying on activities for playing games of chance for cash or kind, and
includes such activities associated with casino.
Real estate agent, as may be notified by the Central Government.
Dealer in precious metals, precious stones and other high value goods, as may be
notified by the Central Government.
Person engaged in safekeeping and administration of cash and liquid securities on
behalf of other persons.
Person carrying on such other activities as the Central Government may, by
notification, so designate, from time to time. (For example : Insurance broker).

Adverse effect of money laundering

Economic Distortion and Instability. Economic growth can suffer because of this.
Increase corruption and crime.
Criminals acquire control over market and financial institutions by investment.
It distorts capital, trade flows and reduces the revenue in terms of tax
Weaken social and ethical standards prevailing in society.
Increase in Criminal Activities.

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Process of Money Laundering

Stage (1) Placement Money launderer invest his illegal profit into
financial system by breaking up large amount
into smaller amount.

Rotates his investment in series of

Stage (2) Layering transaction to create distance from their

Now money launderer collect such small

Stage (3)
Integration amount into larger amount and enters the
legitimate economy by moving into
Real estate
Business ventures
Film industries
share market etc.

Fine / penalty for Money Laundering

Fine ? Or/and Fine ? Or/and

Imprisonment Minimum (3) years Imprisonment Minimum (3) years
Maximum (7) years Maximum (10) years

Where proceeds of crime Where proceeds of crime

involved in money laundering is involved in money laundering
related to the crime other than is related to crime specified
specified under paragraph 2 of under paragraph 2 of Part A
Part A of the Schedule.
& of the Schedule.

Provisional attachment and confiscation of property up to 180 days

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Appellant Tribunal (Section 26)

Central Government has authority to establish an Appellate Tribunal to hear appeals
against the orders of the Adjudicating Authority.
Tribunal consists of a Chairperson and two other Members.

Appeal to Tribunal
Any person aggrieved by an order made by the Adjudicating Authority under this Act
may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal within a period of 45 days.
Tribunal may accept the appeal even after 45 days, if it is satisfied about delay after
giving an opportunity of being heard to the party.

Procedure and power

Appellant may either appear in person or take assistance of authorized
representative to present before Appellant Tribunal.
On receipt of an appeal, Tribunal may pass such orders after giving the parties to the
appeal an opportunity of being heard thereon as it thinks fit.
Tribunal should dispose of appeal within 6 months.
Tribunal should send copy of order to every party to the appeal.
Tribunal has same power as vested in Code of Civil Procedure.
Tribunal has powers to regulate its own procedure based upon principle of natural

Appeal against order of tribunal

Any person aggrieved by order of the Appellate Tribunal may file an appeal to the High
Court within 60 days. High court may extend further 60 days on being satisfied.

Special Court

CG in consultation with the Chief Justice of high court designated one or more Court of Session
for trial of offence of money laundering.

Initiatives in prevention of
Money Laundering

Global level
Domestic level

FATF (financial Action

KYC(know your client) Task Force)
Established in 1989
Introduced by RBI 29 Nov

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indian Initiative

The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) introduced.

PMLA defines Money Laundering offence and provides for the freezing, seizure and
confiscation of the proceeds of crime.
RBI, SEBI and IRDA have been brought under the PMLA, and therefore the provisions
of this Act are applicable to all financial institutions, banks, mutual funds, insurance
companies and their financial intermediaries.
Introduction of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-IND) for monitoring the Anti-
Money Laundering activities in India.

KYC(know your client) Guidelines

Issued by RBI 29th Nov 2004

Objective of KYC guidelines

Safeguard banks from acting as a chain in money laundering
Helps banks to know more about the client and keep a check

Elements of KYC guidelines

Customer acceptance policy

Customer identification procedures
Monitoring transactions
Management of risk

Obligation of Banks, Financial Institution, Intermediaries

Every banking company, financial institutions and intermediaries requires maintaining a record
of all transaction.
The nature and value
Whether such transaction comprises single (or) series of transaction
connected to each other.
Whether such transactions take place within a month.
Verify and maintain the records of identity of all its clients.
Record maintained above shall be kept for a period of (10) years at least
from the date of cessation of account/services.

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Global initiative in prevention

of Money Laundering

FATF (financial Action Task Force) established in 1989

And recognised as international body in 1998

It is an international body which promotes measures

take-up to counter Money Laundering.
Main functions/tasks
Review the techniques adopted for money laundering.
Checks the initiatives made by the countries to counter money
Spread awareness among non-member countries also.
FATF study, examine and evaluate the current situation, defines
the policy and provide solution to this problem of money

FATF has suggested following recommendation to counteract money laundering:

Declare money laundering as criminal offence

Confiscation of proceeds of crime
Extradition of person involved in money laundering offence
International co-operation in preventing money laundering

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Law Relating to Stamps

The Indian Stamp Act, 1899 is the law relating to stamps which consolidates and amends
the law relating to stamp duty.
It is a fiscal legislation envisaging levy of stamp duty on certain instruments.
The Act is divided into eight Chapters and there is a schedule which contains the rates of
stamp duties on various instruments.
(a) Union List
Power of the Union Legislature to levy stamp duty with regard to certain instruments
(mostly of a commercial character).
They are bill of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, bill of lading, letters of credit, and
policies of insurance, transfer of shares, debentures, proxies and receipt.
(b) The State Legislature
Power of State to prescribe the rates of stamp duties on other instruments.

Important Definitions
Bill of Lading [Section 2(4)]
A bill of lading is a receipt by the master of a ship for goods delivered to him for delivery
to X or his assigns.
When goods are delivered on board a ship, the receipt is given by the person incharge at
that time. This receipt is known as the mate’s receipt.
The shipper of the goods returns this receipt to the master before the ship leaves and
receives from him bill of lading for the goods, signed by the master.
Three copies are made, each signed by the master. One is kept by the consignor of the
goods, one by the master of the ship and one is forwarded to X, the consignee, who, on
receipt of it, acquires property in the goods. It is a written evidence of a contract for the
carriage and delivery of goods by sea.
“Bill of Lading does not include a mate’s receipt.

Conveyance [Section 2(10)]

The term “conveyance” includes a conveyance on sale and every instrument by which
property (whether movable or immovable) is transferred during lifetime.
It does not include a will.
Thus, all transfers of property whether movable or immovable, on sale, are chargeable
as conveyances.

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Composition Deed, Exchange of Property, Gift, Lease, Mortgage, Settlement, Transfer,

Transfer of Lease and

Instrument {Section 2(14)}

“Instrument” includes every document by which any right or liability is, created,
transferred, limited, extended, extinguished or recorded.
An instrument includes conveyances, leases, mortgages, promissory notes and wills, but
not ordinary letters or memoranda or accounts.
An unsigned draft document is not an “instrument” (because it does not create any
right, etc).
A letter which acknowledges receipt of a certain sum borrowed at a particular rate of
interest and for a particular period and that it will be repaid with interest on the due
date is an “instrument”.
Case: Ashok Kalam Capital Builders v. State & Anr.
In this case it was held that Photocopy of an agreement is not an instrument.

Executed / Execution
The words “executed” used with reference to instruments, means “signed” and
“execution” “means “signature”.
Signature includes mark by an illiterate person.
An instrument which is chargeable with stamp duty only on being “executed” is not
liable to stamp duty until it is signed.

Impressed Stamp (Section 2(13))

“Impressed stamp” includes:
(a) labels affixed and impressed by the proper officer; and
(b) stamps embossed or engraved on stamp paper.
Case: Mewa Kunwari v. Bourey
In this case it was held that the instrument is duly stamped if it has been duly stamped at the
time of execution and is admissible in evidence, though the stamp is subsequently removed or

Bill of Exchange (Section 2(2))

“Bill of exchange” is an instrument in writing, containing an unconditional order signed by the
maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of, a
certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.

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Bill of exchange payable on demand

“Bill of exchange on demand” includes:
an order for the payment of any sum of money by a bill of exchange or promissory note out
of any particular fund which may or may not be available, or upon any condition which may
or may not be happen;
an order for the payment of any sum of money weekly, monthly or at any other said period;
a letter of credit, any instrument by which one person authorises any other person to give
credit to the person in whose favour it is drawn.

Cheque (Section 2(7))

“cheque” means a bill of exchange drawn on specified banker, not expressed to be
payable otherwise than on demand.
In India, cheques are no longer subject to stamp duty.

Bond (Section 2(5))

“bond” includes –
any instrument by which a person obliges himself to pay money to another on condition
that the obligation shall be void if a specified act is performed, or is not performed;
any instrument attested by a witness not payable to order or bearer, whereby a person
obliges himself to pay money to another; and
any instrument so attested, whereby a person obliges himself to deliver grain or other
agricultural produce to another.
no document can be a bond unless it is one which, by itself, creates the obligation to pay
the money..

Promissory Note [Section 2(22)]

Requisities of a promissory note as per the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 are the following:
the document must contain an unconditional undertaking to pay;
the undertaking must be to pay money only;
the money to be paid must be certain;
it must be payable to or to the order of a certain person or to bearer;
the document must be signed by the maker.
1. “I do acknowledge myself to be indebted to B in Rs. 1,000 to be paid on demand for
value received” is a promissory note.

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2. “I have received a sum of Rs 20 which I borrowed from you and I have to be accountable
for the sum with interest” held not to be a promissory note.
Receipt [Section 2(23)]
“Receipt” includes any note, memorandum or writing:
Whereby any money or any bill of exchange, cheque or promissory note is
acknowledged to have been received; or
Whereby any other movable property is acknowledged to have been received in
satisfaction of a debt; or
Whereby any debt or demand, is acknowledged to have been satisfied.
Example: letter acknowledging the receipt of money or cheque is a receipt. A document
merely saying that the signatory has received a sum of Rs. 500 is a receipt.

Settlement [Section 2(24)]

“Settlement” means any non-testamentary disposition, in writing, of movable or immovable
property made:
in consideration of marriage;
for the purpose of distributing property of the settler among his family dependent on him;
for any religious or charitable purpose;
The definition of “settlement” excludes a will.
A will is intended to operate only on death, while a settlement operates immediately.

“Stamp” means any mark, seal or endorsement by any agency or person duly authorized by the
State Government and includes an adhesive or impressed stamp for the purposes of duty
chargeable under this Act.

Instruments chargeable with duty (Section 3)

every instrument mentioned in the Schedule is executed in India on or after the first day of
July, 1899;
every bill of exchange payable otherwise than on demand;
promissory note drawn or made out of India, presented for acceptance or payment, in
India; and
every instrument (other than a bill of exchange or promissory note) mentioned in that
Schedule, is executed out of India and relates to any property situate, or to any matter done
in India and is received in India.

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No duty shall be chargeable in respect of:

Any instrument executed by or on behalf of or in favour of CG/SG.
Any instrument for the sale /transfer/ disposition, either absolutely (or) by way of
mortgage of any ship/vessel/any part in any ship registered under Merchant Shipping
Act, 1894 (or) Registration of Ship Act,1841.
Any instrument executed by / on behalf of / in favour of , the developer (or) unit (or) in
connection with the carrying out of purpose of the SEZ.
Only the principal instrument shall be chargeable with a duty prescribed for.
A lease to joint tenants requires only one stamp.
A conveyance by several persons jointly relating to their separate interest in certain
shares requires only one stamp.
If an instrument taken with reference to its primary object is exempted then stamp duty
can not be charged only because matter ancillary to its is included and that matter is
chargeable to stamp duty.
Example Sale of goods, which also contains an arbitration clause.
Securities dealt in depository not liable to stamp duty.

Receipts (Section 30)

Any person receiving
any money exceeding 20 rupees in amount or
any bill of exchange, cheque or promissory note for an amount exceeding 500
rupees or
receiving in satisfaction of a debt any movable property exceeding 500 rupees in
shall on demand by the person paying such money, bill, cheque, note, or property, give a duly
stamped receipt for the same.

Methods of stamping
There are two types of stamping:
Adhesive stamping, and
Impressed stamping.

Use of adhesive stamps (Section 11)

Following instruments may be stamped with adhesive stamps –
instruments chargeable with a duty not exceeding 10 naya paisa except parts of bills of
exchange payable otherwise than on demand and drawn in sets;

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bills of exchange and promissory notes drawn or made out of India;

entry as an advocate, vakil or attorney on the roll of a High Court;
notarial acts; and
transfers by endorsement of shares in any incorporated company or other body
Cancellation of adhesive stamps
Any instrument bearing an adhesive stamp which has not been cancelled is deemed to be
Mode of cancellation of Adhesive Stamps
By writing on or across the stamp his name or initials.
By drawing a line across it.
By drawing of diagonal lines right across the stamps with ends extending on to the
paper of the document.
A cross marked by an illiterate person indicating his acknowledgement.
Putting two lines crossing each other is effective.

Instruments Stamped
Every instrument written upon paper stamped with an impressed stamp shall be written
in such manner that the stamp may appear on the face of instrument and can not be
used for any other instrument.
No second instrument chargeable with duty shall be written upon piece of stamp paper
upon which an instrument chargeable with has already been written.

Time of stamping instruments

(a) Instruments executed inside India:
All instruments chargeable with duty and executed by any person in India shall be stamped
before or at the time of execution.
(b) Instruments executed outside India:
Every instrument chargeable with duty executed only out of India and (not being a bill of
exchange or promissory note) may be stamped within 3 months after it has been first received
in India.

Adjudication as to Stamps
When the document or any draft of the document is produced to the Collector he shall
determine the proper stamp duty on payment of a nominal fee.

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The Collector shall not make any endorsement on any instrument under Section 32, where –
any instrument is first executed in India and brought to him after the expiration of one
month from the date of its execution or first execution, as the case may be;
any instrument is first executed out of India and brought to him after the expiration of
three months after it has been first received in India; or
any instrument chargeable with a duty not exceeding 10 naya paise or any bill of
exchange or promissory note, is brought to him after the drawing or execution thereof,
on paper not duly stamped.
Instruments not duly stamped – treatment and consequences (impounding)
where any person from whom a stamped receipt could have been demanded has given
an unstamped receipt and such receipt, if stamped, would be admissible in evidence
against him, on payment of a penalty of Re. 1/- by the person tendering it;
where a contract or agreement of any kind is affected by the correspondence consisting
of two or more letters and any one of the letters bears the proper stamp, the contract
or agreement shall be deemed to be duly stamped;
Where an unstamped instrument is lost, the party relying on it is helpless and no
payment of penalty can enable admission of secondary evidence.

Power of Collector u/s 39 Power of Controlling Revenue Authority u/s

Power to Refund of penalty. Power to Refund even duties where they
have been paid in excess.
Collector’s power to refund penalty is Powers under Section 45 are not subject to
restricted only to two cases mentioned in any such limitation.
Section 39(3)
does not lay down any time limit for the there is a time limit
Collector to exercise his powers to refund
it is routine function of the Collector power to be exercised only when an
application is made by a party
power under Section 39 is a purely power under Section 45 is a purely
mandatory one discretionary one and the Chief Controlling
Revenue Authority cannot be compelled to
exercise his power by any further


All duties penalties and other sums required to be paid may be recovered by the Collector by
sale of the movable property of the person or by any other process used for the recovery of the
arrears of land revenue.

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in the case of a stamped paper on which no instrument has been executed by any of the
parties thereto, within six months after the stamp has been spoiled;
in the case of a stamped paper in which an instrument has been executed by any of the
parties thereto, within six months after the date of the instrument, or if it is not dated,
within six months after the execution thereof by the person by whom it was first or
alone executed:
when the spoiled instrument has been for sufficient reasons sent out of India, the
application may be made within six months after it has been received back in India.
when, from unavoidable circumstances, any instrument for which another instrument
has been substituted, cannot be given up to be cancelled within the aforesaid period,
the application may be made within six months after the date of execution of the
substituted instrument.

Instruments not duly stamp inadmissible in evidence.
An insufficiently stamped instrument can be admitted in evidence on payment of
If a person, of his own motion bring it to the collector’s notice that the instruments is
not duly stamped. In such case if collector is satisfied, that the omission to pay proper
duty was due to mistake, he may receive the deficit amount and certify by endorsement
on the instrument that the proper duty has been levied.
* Such instrument must be produced before the collector within (1) year of the date of
its execution.
When any person has inadvertently charged with a stamp of greater value than was, the
collector may on application within (6) months of the date if instrument can allow to
receive excess amount paid.

Drawing, making, issuing, endorsing, transferring, any bill of exchange (payable
otherwise than on demand) or promissory note without the same being duly stamped;
Executing or signing otherwise than as a witness any other instrument chargeable with
duty without the same being duly stamped; or
Voting under any proxy not duly stamped shall
If any person appointed to sell stamps who disobeys and any person not so appointed
who sells any

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E-Stamping is a computer based application and a secured way of paying Non-Judicial stamp
duty to the Government.

Benefits of e-Stamping
e-Stamp Certificate can be generated within minutes;
e-Stamp Certificate generated is tamper proof;
Easy accessibility and faster processing;
Cost savings and
User friendly.

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Special Economic Zones Act, 2005

SEZ are growth engines that can boost manufacturing, increase export and generate
SEZ is a specifically delineated duty free enclave and shall be deemed to be foreign
territory for the purpose of trade operations and duties.
Goods and Services going into the SEZ area from DTA (Domestic Tariff Area) treated as
exports and goods coming from SEZ area in DTA treated as if these are being

Importanat Definitions

“Developer” means

A person, or a State Government which, has been granted by the Central

Government a letter of approval and includes an Authority and a Co-Developer.

“Co-Developer” means

A person or a State Government which, has been granted by the Central

Government a letter of approval..

“Export” means—

taking goods, or providing services, out of India, from a Special Economic Zone, by
land, sea, air or by any other mode, whether physical or otherwise; or
supplying goods, or providing services, from the Domestic Tariff Area to a Unit or
Developer; or
supplying goods, or providing services, from one Unit to another Unit or Developer,
in the same or different Special Economic Zone.
“Import” means—

bringing goods or receiving services, in a Special Economic Zone, by a Unit or

Developer from a place outside India by land, sea or air or by any other mode,
whether physical or otherwise; or
receiving goods, or services by a Unit or Developer from another Unit or
Developer of the same Special Economic Zone or a different Special Economic
“Manufacture” means

to make, produce, fabricate, assemble, process or bring into existence, by

hand or by machine, a new product having a distinctive name, character or use
and shall include

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processes such as refrigeration, cutting, polishing, blending, repair, remaking,

re-engineering and includes
agriculture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, floriculture, horticulture,
pisciculture, poultry, sericulture, viticulture and mining.

“Offshore Banking Unit” means

a branch of a bank located in a Special Economic Zone.

Establishment of SEZ
SEZ may be established by

Any person SG CG
After identifying After identifying
Has been
the area make the area make empowered to set
proposal to SG the proposal up and notify the
concern for the directly to SEZ without
purpose of Board of consulting the
setting up SEZ concerned SG,
without referring
the proposal to the
SG may forward Board of Approval.
this proposal to
Board of

Guidelines to be considered by the CG, while notifying any area as a SEZ

generation of additional economic activity;

promotion of exports of goods and services;
promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources;
creation of employment opportunities;
development of infrastructure facilities; and
maintenance of sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State and
friendly relations with foreign States
The Processing and Non-Processing areas

CS PANKAJ KUMAR Economic & Commercial law

Central Government may demarcate the areas falling within the Special Economic Zones as -

the processing area for setting up Units for activities, being the manufacture of
goods, or rendering of services;
the area exclusively for trading or warehousing purposes; or
the non-processing areas for activities other than those specified above.

Exemption from taxes, duties or cess

All goods or services exported out of, or imported into, or procured from the
Domestic Tariff Area, by a Unit or Developer in a Special Economic Zone from the
payment of taxes, duties or cess under all enactments specified in the First
The enactments specified in the First Schedule generally relate to levy and
payment of cess.

Board of Approval
Duties / powers/ function of Board of Approval
Granting of approval/ rejecting proposal/ modifying proposal
for establishment of SEZ.

Granting approval of authorized operations to be carried out

in SEZ by the developer.

Granting / rejecting proposal for providing infrastructure

facilities in SEZ.

Granting a license to IUT (Industrial Undertaking) as per

IDRA, 1951 which falls in SEZ.

Performing such other function as may be assigned to it by


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Suspension of letter of approval and transfer of Special Economic Zone in certain cases

Board of approval may suspend approval and appoint an administrator for a period maximum
for 1 year to discharge the function of developer in following situations :-

The developer is unable to discharge the function / duties imposed on him.

The developer has persistently defaulted in complying with the directions of the Board
of Approval.
The developer has violated the terms and conditions of the letter of approval.
The financial position of developer is such that is unable to fully and efficiently
discharge his duties/ obligation imposed.
**No letter of approval can be suspended unless board of approval has given to the
developer at least (3) months notice in writing with ground on which it proposes to
suspend the letter of approval.

Development commissioner
CG appoints development commissioner for one or
more SEZ and other officers to assist development
Functions of the Development Commissioner
Guide the entrepreneurs for setting up of units in
Ensure and take suitable steps for effective
promotion of export from SEZ.
Ensure the performance of the developer and units
in SEZ.
Discharge any other function as may assigned by CG.
Any other function as may be delegated to him by
board of approval.

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Approval Committee
CG may notify a committee for every SEZ.
Powers / function of Approval Committee

Approve the import / procurement of goods

from DTA.
Approve providing of services by a service
provider from outside India/ from DTA.
Monitor the utilization of goods services in SEZ
Allow on receipt of approval foreign
collaboration and FDI.
Monitor and supervise compliance.
Perform other function as may be prescribed
by CG.

Setting up of units in SEZ

Proposal by the person intends to set up unit for carrying
authorized operations in SEZ to concerned development
Forward to

Approval Committee

Approval committee may approve the proposal with or without


After approval from approval committee development

commissioner grant a Letter of Approval to applicant

**Any person aggrieved from an order of the Approval

Committee make an appeal to Board of Approval within
prescribed time.

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Cancellation of letter of approval granted to entrepreneur (Section 16)

The Approval Committee may cancel the letter of approval of an entrepreneur after
reasonable opportunity of being heard has been given to the entrepreneur.
The Approval Committee may, at any time, cancel the letter of approval if it has any
reason to believe that the entrepreneur has persistently contravened any of the
terms and conditions or its obligation subject to which the letter of approval was
granted to the entrepreneur.
If the letter of approval has been cancelled, the Unit shall not, from the date of such
cancellation, be entitled to any exemption, concession, benefit or deduction available
to it.
Any person aggrieved from an order of the Approval Committee to make an appeal to
the Board of Approval.

Designated Courts to try suits and notified offences

The concerned State Government, in which SEZ is situated, with the concurrence of
the Chief Justice of the High Court of that State, one or more Courts to try all suits of
a civil nature arising out of offences committed in the Special Economic Zone.
No court, other than the designated court shall try any suit or conduct the trial of any
notified offence.

Appeal to High Court

Any person aggrieved by any decision of the designated Court can appeal to the High
Court within 60 days from the date of communication of the decision.
The High Court can allow further period of maximum 60 days if it is satisfied
that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause.

Exemptions, drawbacks and concessions to every Developer and entrepreneur

The Customs Act, 1962;

The Customs Tariff Act, 1975;
The Central Excise Act, 1944;
The Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985;
The service tax under Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994;
The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.
***Exemption under GST shall apply for the above as per guideline when

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Special Economic Zone Authority

The Central Government may constitute by notification in the Official Gazette, an Authority
for every SEZ to exercise powers conferred on and discharge the functions assigned to it.

Functions of Authority

the development of infrastructure in the Special Economic Zone;

promoting exports from the Special Economic Zone;
reviewing the functioning and performance of the Special Economic Zone;
levy user, service charges, fees, rent for the use of properties belonging to the
performing such other functions as may be prescribed.

Power of the Central Government to Supersede Authority

Central Government may supersede an Authority for a maximum period of 6 months if

Authority is unable to perform, or

has persistently made default in the performance of the duty or
abused its powers etc.
***Before issuing a notification superseding an authority, the Central Government is
required to give reasonable time to that Authority to make representation.

Identity Card

Every person whether

employed or
residing or
required to be present
in a Special Economic Zone be provided an identity card by every
Development Commissioner.

Central Government has power to modify provisions of the Act or other enactments in
relation to Special Economic Zones.

Provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith
contained in any other law.

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Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010

Foreign Contribution
• Donation
• Delivery
• Transfer
• Any article
(except gift for personal use
≤ Rs. 25,000
having value in India
• Any foreign securities
• Any currency
Foreign Source

Foreign Source
United Nation
World Bank
• Govt of any Foreign Country IMF
• Any International Agency {except any other Notified by CG
• Foreign company and any subsidiary of foreign company.
• Any company in which > 50% of nominal share capital held by any of
person mentioned below singly (or) jointly
– Govt. Of foreign country
– Citizen of foreign country
– Trust / Societies etc. Registered in Foreign Country
– Company Incorporated outside India
• A trade union of Foreign Country
• A Foreign Trust of Foreign Country
• A society, club etc. Registered in Foreign Country
• A citizen of Foreign Country

“Candidate for election” means a person who has been duly nominated as a candidate
for election to any Legislature.

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“Foreign hospitality” means any offer, not being a purely casual one, made in cash or kind
by a foreign source for providing a person with the costs of travel to any foreign country
with free boarding, lodging, transport or medical treatment.

“Person” includes—

an individual;
a Hindu undivided family;
an association;
a company

“Political party” means—

an association or body of individual citizens of India—

to be registered with the Election Commission of India as a political

party or
which has set up candidates for election to any Legislature, but is not
so registered;
a political party mentioned in column 2 of Table 1 and Table 2 to the notification
of the Election Commission of India

Prohibition to accept foreign contribution (Section 3)

Candidate for election

Correspondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner etc. of registered newspaper (
electronic media may also)
Judge, government servant, employee of any corporation
Member of any legislature
Political party (or) office bearer.
Any person receiving FC on behalf of above
Any person received FC shall not make any transfer of FC to above mentioned
Any person received FC shall not make any transfer to any other person who may
transfer it further to above mentioned persons.

Exceptions - Person to whom section 3 does not apply

By way of salary (or) other remuneration from Foreign Source.

By way of payment, in course of International Trade.
As an agent of foreign source in relation to any transaction by foreign source with

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By way of gift or presentation made to him as a member of any Indian delegation,

provided such gift was accepted in accordance with law made by CG.
From any relative when such FC has been received with the permission of CG.
Any remittance (receiving / sending ) comes under FEMA, 1999.

Some more provisions in Foreign Contribution

Organisation of political nature not to accept FC without prior permission of CG

Any association having a definite cultural, economic, educational, religious
programme shall not accept FC unless
Register itself with CG
Agrees to received such FC only through one branch of a bank as it
may specified in application for registration.
Intimation to CG about FC and manner of expenses of FC.
Every candidate for election who had received FC within (180) days before
nomination to election shall give intimation to CG.
Intimation to CG about FC and manner of expenses of FC.
In case of recipients of scholarship from Foreign country intimation shall be made to

Restriction on acceptance of foreign hospitality (Section 6)

Restriction on acceptance of Foreign Hospitality

• Member of legislature
• Office bearer of political party
• Judge, Govt. servant, employee of any corporation.
Prior permission of CG is required
No prior permission is required in case of emergency
medical aid / help on account of sudden illness.
Intimation of such hospitality shall be given to CG
within (one) month from the date of receipt of such

Utilization of foreign contribution (Section 8)

Every person, who is registered and granted a certificate or given prior permission
and receives any foreign contribution,
shall utilise such contribution for the purposes for which the contribution has been

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Any foreign contribution or any income arising out of it shall not be used for
speculative business.
shall not defray more than 50% of such contribution, received in a financial year,
to meet administrative expenses.
Administrative expenses exceeding 50% of such contribution may be defrayed with
prior approval of the Central Government.
The Central Government prescribes the elements which shall be included in the
administrative expenses and the manner in which the administrative expenses shall
be calculated.

Power of Central Government to prohibit receipt of foreign contribution (Section 9)

The Central Government has been empowered to -

prohibit any person or organisation from accepting any foreign contribution;

require any person or class of persons to obtain prior permission of the Central
Government before accepting any foreign hospitality;
require any person to furnish intimation within time and the manner in which
such contribution was received and the purpose for which foreign contribution was
require any person to obtain prior permission of the Central Government before
accepting any foreign contribution;
require any person, to furnish intimation, within time of any foreign hospitality,
the source from which and the manner in which such hospitality was received.

Power to prohibit payment of currency received in contravention of the Act (Section 10)

Where the Central Government is satisfied, after making inquiry, that any person has in his
custody any article/ currency/ security, whether Indian or foreign, which has been accepted
by such person in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act, it may, by order in
writing, prohibit such person from paying, delivering, transferring or otherwise dealing with,
such article or currency or security.

Registration of certain persons with Central Government

Conditions for granting certificate of registration:—

the person making an application for registration or grant of prior permission:-

is not fictitious or benami;

has not been prosecuted or convicted for indulging in activities of

conversion from one religious faith to another, either directly or indirectly;
has not been prosecuted or convicted for creating communal tension;

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has not been found guilty of diversion or mis-utilisation of its funds;

is not likely to use the foreign contribution for personal gains;
has not been prohibited from accepting foreign contribution;

in case the person being other than an individual, any of its directors or office bearers
has neither been convicted under any law for any offence is pending against him;
the acceptance of foreign contribution is not likely to affect prejudicially—
the sovereignty and integrity of India; or
the security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the State; or
the public interest; or
friendly relation with any foreign State; or
harmony between religious, racial, social, linguistic, regional groups, castes or communities;

Suspension of certificate

The Central Government may by order in writing, suspend the certificate for a period
not exceeding 180 days.
Every person whose certificate has been suspended shall not receive any foreign
contribution during the period of suspension of certificate.
Every person whose certificate has been suspended shall utilise, the foreign
contribution in his custody with the prior approval of the Central Government.

Cancellation of certificate (Section 14)

The Central Government may, if it is satisfied after making inquiry, cancel the certificate if —

the holder of the certificate has made a statement in relation to the application for
the grant of registration is incorrect or false; or
the holder of the certificate has violated any of the terms and conditions of the
certificate or renewal thereof; or
CG thinks, it is necessary in the public interest to cancel the certificate; or
the holder of certificate has violated any of the provisions of this Act or rules or
order made there under; or
if the holder of the certificate has not been engaged in any reasonable activity in its
chosen field for the benefit of the society for two consecutive years or has become
Before passing an order of cancellation of certificate, the person concerned would be given
a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

Renewal of certificate

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Every person who has been granted a certificate shall have such certificate renewed within
6 months before the expiry of the period of the certificate.

Application for Renewal

The application for renewal of the certificate shall be made to the Central
The Central Government shall renew the certificate, ordinarily within 90 days from
the date of receipt of application for a period of 5 years.
In case the Central Government does not renew the certificate within 90 days, it
shall communicate the reasons.
If no communication from CG within (90) days, shall be considered as deemed
CG may intimate about further time extension within (90) days
If no communication in further (30) days shall be considered a deemed approval.

Foreign contribution through scheduled bank

Every person who has been granted a certificate or given prior permission shall
receive foreign contribution in a single account only through one of the branches of a
bank as he may specify in his application for grant of certificate.
Such person may open one or more accounts in one or more banks for utilising the
foreign contribution received by him.
No funds other than foreign contribution shall be received or deposited in such
account or accounts.
Every bank or authorised person in foreign exchange shall report about amount of
foreign remittance; the source and maner in which the foreign remittance was
Order for Audit of accounts

If any person who has been granted a certificate or given prior permission,

fails to furnish any intimation within the time specified or

the intimation so furnished is not in accordance with law or
if after inspection of such intimation,
the Central Government has any reasonable cause to believe that any provision of Act has
been, contravened, the Central Government may, by general or special order, authorise
such gazetted officer, to audit any books of account.

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Seizure of accounts or records

If, after inspection of an account or record, the inspecting officer has any reasonable
cause to believe that any provision of the Act is being, contravened, he may seize such
account or record and produce the same before the court, authority or tribunal in
which any proceeding is brought for such contravention.
The authorised officer shall return such account or record to the person from whom it
was seized if no proceeding is brought within 6 months from the date of such seizure
for the contravention disclosed by such account or record.


Any person aggrieved by any order may prefer an appeal, within one month from the
date of communication of the order.
The appellate court may, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient
cause from preferring the appeal within one month, allow such appeal to be preferred
within a further period of one month, but not thereafter.

Penalty and Punishment

If a person deals in Foreign Contribution in contravention of this Act, he shall be liable

Imprisonment = maximum (3) years
Fine = market value of the article or the amount of the currency or security
any/ both
If any person accepting / assisting any person like political party / organisation political
in nature for any foreign contribution( currency /foreign security) in contravention of
this Act, then
Fine = ? (on case to case basis)
Imprisonment = maximum (5) years
any/ both

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Foreign Exchange Management

Important Definitions

Currency Notes means and includes

Cash in the form of coins, bank notes, money, bank notes, other paper money as are
authorised by law and circulate from hand to hand as a medium of exchange.

Foreign Exchange means

Foreign currency and includes deposits, credits, balance payable in foreign currency,
drafts, travellers cheques, letters of credit, bills of exchange expressed or drawn in Indian
currency but payable in any foreign currency. Any draft, travellers cheque, letters of credit
or bills of exchange drawn by banks, institutions or persons outside India but payable in
Indian currency.

Foreign Security means

Any security, in the form of shares, stocks, bonds, debentures or any other instrument
denominated or expressed in foreign currency and includes securities expressed in
foreign currency but where redemption or any form of return such as interest or dividend
is payable in Indian currency.

Depository Receipt (DR) means

A negotiable security issued outside India by a Depository bank, on behalf of an Indian
company, which represent the local Rupee denominated equity shares of the company
held as deposit by a Custodian bank in India. DRs are traded on Stock Exchanges in the
US, Singapore, Luxembourg, etc. DRs listed and traded in the US markets are known as
American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and those listed and traded anywhere/elsewhere
are known as Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).

Erstwhile Overseas Corporate Body (OCB) means

A company, partnership firm, society and other corporate body owned directly or
indirectly to the extent of at least 60% by non-resident Indians and includes overseas
trust in which not less than 60% beneficial interest is held by non-resident Indians directly
or indirectly but irrevocably and which was in existence on the date of commencement of
the Foreign Exchange Management (Withdrawal of General Permission to Overseas

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Corporate Bodies (OCBs) ) Regulations, 2003 (the Regulations) and immediately prior to
such commencement was eligible to undertake transactions pursuant to the general
permission granted under the Regulations.

Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB) means

A bond issued by an Indian company expressed in foreign currency, the principal and
interest of which is payable in foreign currency.
FCCBs are issued in accordance with the Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds and
ordinary shares (through depository receipt mechanism) Scheme, 1993 and subscribed
by a non-resident entity in foreign currency and convertible into ordinary shares of the
issuing company in any manner, either in whole, or in part.

Indian Venture Capital Undertaking (IVCU) means

An Indian company:
whose shares are not listed in a recognised stock exchange in India;
which is engaged in the business of providing services, production or manufacture
of articles or things, but does not include such activities or sectors which are
specified in the negative list by the SEBI, with approval of Central Government, by
notification in the Official Gazette in this behalf.

Transferable Development Rights (TDR) means

Certificates issued in respect of category of land acquired for public purposes either by
the Central or State Government in consideration of surrender of land by the owner
without monetary compensation, which are transferable in part or whole.

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Date of coming and going In India/outside India shall be counted as resided in India.

Question 1.

Mr. ’A’ a foreign citizen comes to India on employment visa on 25th Oct 2002 and he left
India permanently on 10th Aug 2003. What is his status in FY 2002
2002-03, 2003-04,
04, 2004-05?

Question 2.

Mr. ’A’ an Indian citizen going out of India on employment on visa on 10th Nov 2004. What is
his status on 2004-05, 2005-06?

Question 3.

Mr. ’B’ an Indian citizen going out of India on education VISA for 2 years. He leaves India 10th
Nov’ 2004 and returns on 10th Nov 2006. Find the status of Mr. ‘B’ in FY 2004-05,
2004 2005-06,
2006-07, and 2007-08.

Status of PRI other than Individual

Any person (or) Body Corporate registered /incorporated in India.
An office/ branch / agency in India owned / controlled by PROI.

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An office / branch / agency outside India owned / controlled by PRI.

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List of transaction specified under FEMA, 1999

Transfer or issue of any foreign security by PRI.

Transfer or issue of any security by PROI.
Transfer or issue of any security or foreign security by any branch in India of PROI.
Deposited between PRI-PROI.
Export, Import
port or holding of currency.
Transfer of Immovable property in outside India by a PRI.
(except lease ≤ 5 years)

Acquisition / Transfer of immovable property in outside India by a PROI.

(except lease ≤ 5 years)

Giving of guarantee (or) surety in respect of any debt, obligation etc.


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Prohibited CAT for PROI

In the business of Chit Fund

As Nidhi company
In Agricultural / Plantation activities
(except Tea plantation)

In real estate business / construction of farm house

In TDR (Transferable Development Right)
Permissible CAT for PRI

Investment in foreign securities

Foreign currency loan raised in India and abroad.
Transfer of immovable property outside India.
Guarantees issued by a PRI in favour of PROI.
Export, Import and holding of currency.
Loan and overdraft? (Borrowing) by PRI from PROI.
Loan and overdraft by PRI to PROI.
Maintainence of foreign currency A/c in India / outside India.
Remittance outside India of capital asset of PRI.
Sales / purchase of foreign exchange derivatives in India / abroad and commodity
derivatives aboard by a PRI
Permissible CAT for PROI

Investment in India securities by PROI in Indian entities.

Investment in Firm, Proprietorship, AOP in India by PROI.
Acquisition and transfer of Immovable Property in India.
Guarantee by PROI in favour / on behalf of PRI.
Export, Import, holding of currency from India by PROI.
Deposits between a PRI-PROI.
Foreign currency A/c in India of a PROI
Remittance outward of capital assets in India of PROI

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Prohibited CuAT (Current Account Transaction)

Travel to Nepal / Bhutan
Any transaction in case of export from Nepal / Bhutan.
{can be received in forex if the importing country has taken permission from its
Central Bank (Regulatory body ) over there}

Remittance out of lottery winning

Remittance of income from racing / riding etc.
Remittance for purchase of lottery ticket, banned magazines etc.
Payment of commission on export made towards equity investment iin
n JV/WOS aboard
of Indian Companies.
Payment of commission on export under “Rupee state credit Route”.
(except commission upto 10% of invoice value of exports of tea and tobacco.)

Payment related to “call back services” of telephones.

Remittance of interest income on funds held in Non
resident Special Rupee Scheme

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List of CuAt requiring prior approval of CG

Forex outward remittance for cultural tours O/s India.
Forex outward remittance for advertisement in foreign print > 10,000$ media

promotion of tourism by SG/CG

foreign investment by SG/CG
international biding by SG/CG
Outward remittance of freight by vessel charted by a PSU.
Payment in forex for import by Govt. Department / PSU on CIF basis.
Multi model transport operators making remittance to their agent abroad.
Forex outward remittance of container detention charge > rate prescribed by DG of
Forex outward remittance of prize money / sponsorship of sports > 1,00,000 $

International sports bodies

National level sports bodies
State level sports bodies
Forex outward remittance for membership of club

List of CuAt requiring prior approval of RBI

For Individuals
Any additional remittance in excess of USD 2,50,000 in a year for the following purposes shall
require prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India:-
Private visits to any country (except Nepal and Bhutan)
Gift or donation.
Going abroad for employment
Maintenance of close relatives abroad
Travel for business, or attending a conference or specialised training

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For meeting expenses for meeting medical expenses, check-up abroad, for
accompanying as attendant to a patient going abroad for medical treatment/
Expenses in connection with medical treatment abroad
Studies abroad
Any other current account transaction

For persons other than individual

Donations exceeding 1% of their foreign exchange earnings during the previous 3
financial years or USD 5,000,000, whichever is less, for-
creation of Chairs in reputed educational institutes,
contribution to funds (not being an investment fund) promoted by
educational institutes; and
contribution to a technical institution or body or association in the field
of activity of the donor Company.

Commission, per transaction, to agents abroad for sale of residential flats or commercial
plots in India exceeding USD 25,000 or 5% of the inward remittance whichever is more.

Remittances exceeding USD 10,000,000 per project for any consultancy services in
respect of infrastructure projects and USD 1,000,000 per project, for other consultancy
services procured from outside India.

Remittances exceeding 5% of investment brought into India or USD 100,000 whichever

is higher, by an entity in India by way of reimbursement of pre-incorporation expenses.”

Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)

Under Liberalised Remittance Scheme allow remittances by a resident individual up to

USD 250,000 per financial year for any permitted current or capital account transaction
or a combination of both.
If an individual has already remitted any amount under the LRS, then the applicable limit
for such an individual would be reduced from the present limit of USD 250,000 for the
financial year by the amount already remitted.
The permissible capital account transactions by an individual under LRS are:
opening of foreign currency account abroad with a bank;
purchase of property abroad;
making investments abroad;
setting up Wholly owned subsidiaries and Joint Ventures abroad;

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extending loans including loans in Indian Rupees to Non Non--resident Indians

(NRIs) who are rel
atives as defined in Companies Act, 2013.
Authorised Person
No person can make any transaction in permissible CAT or CuAT unless it is acquired by an
Authorised Person.

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Establishment of Branch Office / Liaison Office in India by PROI

A Liaison Office can undertake the following activities in India:

Representing in India the parent company / group companies.

Promoting export / import from / to India.
Promoting technical/financial collaborations between parent/group companies and
companies in India.
Acting as a communication channel between the parent company and Indian

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xport of Goods or Services without Declaration

trade samples of goods and publicity material supplied free of cost;

personal effects of travellers, whether accompanied or unaccompanied;
goods or software accompanied by a declaration by the exporter that they are not more
than twenty five thousand rupees in value;
by way
ay of gift of goods accompanied by a declaration by the exporter that they are not
more than one lakh rupees in value;
aircrafts or aircraft engines and spare parts for repairs abroad subject to their reimport into
India after repairs, within a period of ssix
ix months from the date of their export;
goods imported free of cost on re
re-export basis;
replacement goods exported free of charge in accordance with the provisions of Exim
Policy in force.

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goods sent outside India for testing subject to re-import into India.
defective goods sent outside India for repair and re-import
export permitted by RBI.

possession without limit of foreign currency /coins by an authorised person

possession without limit of foreign coins by any person;
retention by a person resident in India of foreign currency notes, bank notes and foreign
currency travellers cheques not exceeding US $ 2000 or its equivalent in aggregate.


Realisation Repatriation Surrender

To realise / Bring it to Deposit it to

recover forex authorised
[proceeds of person
Time limit not Time limit
Time limit prescribed prescribed

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GP in few cases SP in most cases


Transfer of Any Gift (or)

Transfer of Any
immovable immovable transfer of
immovable immovable
property property any
property property
outside acquired immovable
outside acquired
India through property
India who acquired gift (or) mentioned
India from
is a foreign before 8th inheritance in GP3 and
citizen July, 1947 GP4


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GP in few cases SP in most cases

1. A PRI may purchase foreign security out of RFC A/c. No limit
2. A PRI may acquire bonus shares of Foreign Security.
3. A PRI (not permanently resident in India ) may purchase foreign
security out of his foreign currency resources.
4. PRI may sell the Gp1, GP2, GP3, securities.
5. A PRI (individual ) may acquire foreign security from a PRI through
6. A PRI (I) may acquire foreign security as cashless ESOP.
7. A PRI (individual ) may acquire foreign security by way of
inheritance from PRI or PROI.
8. PRI may hold foreign security by way of pledge.
9. A PRI (I) may acquire qualification share for the post of director.
Maximum 1 % of shares of company Maximum 2,00,000 $ in one CY
10. PRI (I) may acquire right shares of Foreign Company.

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Entities into which FDI can be made

FDI in an Indian Company

FDI in Partnership Firm/Proprietary Concern subject to the condition that
Amount is invested by inward remittance or out of NRE/FCNR(B)/NRO account
maintained with Authorized Dealers/Authorized banks.
The firm or proprietary concern is not engaged in any agricultural/plantation or real
estate business or print media sector.
Amount invested shall not be eligible for repatriation outside India.
FDI in Venture Capital Fund (VCF)
FDI in LLPs is permitted,
tted, subject to the following conditions:
Through the Government approval route, only in LLPs operating in sectors/activities
where 100% FDI is allowed.

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LLPs with FDI will not be allowed to operate in agricultural/plantation activity, print
media or real estate business.
Foreign Capital participation in LLPs will be allowed only by way of cash consideration,
received by inward remittance, through normal banking channels or by debit to
NRE/FCNR account of the person concerned, maintained with an authorized
dealer/authorized bank.

FDI-Prohibited Sectors

Lottery Business including Government/private lottery, online lotteries, etc.

Gambling and Betting including casinos etc.
Chit funds
Nidhi company
Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs)
Real Estate Business or Construction of Farm Houses
Manufacturing of cigars and cigarettes, tobacco or of tobacco substitutes
Activities/sectors not open to private sector investment
FDI- Permitted Sectors (Approval Route – Annexure A)

Development and Production of seeds and planting material;

Services related to agro and allied sectors
Tea sector including tea plantations
Mining and Exploration of metal and non-metal ores
Coal & Lignite
Petroleum & Natural Gas
Manufacture of items reserved for production in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Defence Industry
Broadcasting Carriage Services
Broadcasting Content Services
Print Media
Civil Aviation
Air Transport Services
Courier services
Construction Development: Townships, Housing, Built-up Infrastructure
Industrial Parks
Satellites- establishment and operation
Private Security Agencies
Telecom Services
Cash & Carry Wholesale Trading/Wholesale Trading

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commerce activities
Single Brand product retail trading
Multi Brand Retail Trading
Railwayy Infrastructure
Asset Reconstruction Companies
Banking- Private Sector
Banking- Public Sector
Commodity Exchanges
Credit Information Companies (CIC)
Infrastructure Company in the Securities Market
Banking Finance Companies (NBFC)
Power Exchanges.

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Investment abroad by certain firm in India


Indian firm registered under Partnership Act, 1932.

Indian firm engaged in specified professional services.
Foreign concern engaged in similar activities.
Indian firm should be member of all India Professional Body.
Investment should not exceed (1) million $ in one FY.
Report to RBI within (30) days of investment.

Method of Funding

Investment in an overseas JV/WOS may be funded out of one or more of the following sources:
drawal of foreign exchange from an AD Bank in India;
capitalisation of exports;
swap of shares;
utilisation of proceeds of External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs)/Foreign Currency
Convertible Bonds (FCCBs);
in exchange of ADRs/GDRs issued in accordance with the scheme for issue of Foreign
Currency Convertible Bonds and Ordinary Shares (through Depository Receipt
Mechanism) Scheme, 1993,
balances held in EEFC account of the Indian party; and
utilisation of proceeds of foreign currency funds raised through ADR/GDR issues

Investments by established proprietorship or unregistered partnership exporter firms


The Partnership/Proprietorship firm is a DGFT recognized Star Export House (export

exceeding Rs.15 crore) per annum.
Exporter has proven track record i.e. export outstanding does not exceed 10 % of the
average export realization of preceding 3 financial years.
The exporter has not come under adverse notice of any Government agency like
Enforcement Directorate, CBI and does not appear in the exporters' caution list of the
Reserve Bank or in the list of defaulters to the banking system in India.
The amount of investment outside India does not exceed 10 % of the average of 3
financial years export realization or 200 % of the net owned funds of the firm, whichever
is lower.

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Overseas Investment by Registered Trust / Society

Registered Trusts and Societies engaged in manufacturing/educational sector are allowed make
investment in the same sector(s) in a Joint Venture or Wholly Owned Subsidiary outside India,
with the prior approval of the Reserve Bank.

Eligibility Criteria for Trust

The Trust should be registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882;
The Trust deed permits the proposed investment overseas;
The proposed investment should be approved by the trustee/s;
Authorised Dealer Bank is satisfied that the Trust is KYC (Know Your Customer)
compliant and is engaged in a bonafide activity;
The Trust has been in existence at least for a period of three years;
The Trust has not come under the adverse notice of any Regulatory/ Enforcement
agency like the Directorate of Enforcement, CBI etc.

Eligibility Criteria for Society

The Society should be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
The Memorandum of Association and rules and regulations permit the Society to make
the proposed investment which should also be approved by the governing body.
The AD Category-I bank is satisfied that the Society is KYC (Know Your Customer)
compliant and is engaged in a bonafide activity;
The Society has been in existence at least for a period of 3 years;
The Society has not come under the adverse notice of any Regulatory/ Enforcement
agency like the Directorate of Enforcement, CBI etc.

Indian parties may also disinvest without prior approval of the Reserve Bank, in the
following categories:
the JV/WOS is listed in the overseas stock exchange;
the Indian party company is listed on a stock exchange in India and has a net worth of
not less than 100 crore;
the Indian party is an unlisted company and the investment in overseas venture does
not exceed USD 10 million.
the Indian Party is a listed company with the net worth of less than 100 crore but
investment in an overseas JV/WOS does not exceed USD 10 million.
The Indian entity is required to submit details of the disinvestment through its
designated Authorised Dealer bank within 30 days from the date of investment.

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Adjudicating Authority
Director of Enforcement
Special Director of Enforcement
Additional Director of Enforcement

Deputy Director of Enforcement

Asst. Director of Enforcement

Other officer (as CG may establish)

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Appeal against the order of

Appeal against the order of
Director of ED
Deputy director of ED
Special director of ED
Asst. director of ED
Additional director of ED

(45) Days maximum

Special director

Appellate tribunal (AT)

(60) Days maximum

* No appeal to SC High court

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What is meant by contravention and compounding of contravention?

Contravention is a breach of the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act
(FEMA), 1999 and rules/ regulations/ notification/ orders/ directions/ circulars
issued there under.
Compounding is the proce
ss of voluntarily admitting the contravention. The Reserve
Bank is empowered to compound any contraventions except few contraventions
contravention after
offering an opportunity of personal hearing to the contravener.
It provides comfort to any person who contravenes any provisions of FEMA, 1999 by
minimizing transaction costs.
Willful, malafide and fraudulent transactions are, however, viewed seriously, which will
not be compounded by the Reserve Bank.

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Foreign Trade Policy and Procedure

India’s Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) has been formulated for 5 years at a time and reviewed
The focus of the FTP has been to provide a framework of rules and procedures for exports and
imports and incentives for promoting exports.
Objective/Target of FTP for 2015-2020
(i) To provide a stable and sustainable policy environment for foreign trade in merchandise and
(ii) To link rules, procedures and incentives for exports and imports with other initiatives such
as “Make in India”, “Digital India” and “Skills India”;
(iii) To promote the diversification of India’s export to gain global competitiveness;
(iv) To expand its markets through flagship “Make in India” initiative;
(v) To rationalise imports and reduce the trade imbalance.

These objectives can be achieved by following means

Employment creation in both manufacturing and services
Zero defect products with a focus on quality and standards;
A stable agricultural trade policy encouraging the import of raw material where
required and export of processed products;
Investment in agriculture overseas to produce raw material for the Indian
Focus on higher value addition and technology infusion;
Lower tariffs on inputs and raw materials; and
Development of trade infrastructure and provision of production and export
“Actual User”
is a person (either natural or legal) who is authorized to use imported goods in his/its own
premise which has a definitive postal address.

"Actual User (Industrial)"

is a person (either natural & legal) who utilizes imported goods for manufacturing in his own
industrial unit or manufacturing for his own use in another unit including a jobbing unit which
has a definitive postal address.

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"Actual User (Non-Industrial)"

is a person (either natural & legal) who utilizes the imported goods for his own use in:
any commercial establishment, carrying on any business, which has a definitive postal
address; or
(R&D) institution, university or other educational institution or hospital which has a
definitive postal address; or
any service industry which has a definitive postal address

Refers to Indian Trade Classification (Harmonized System) at 8 digits.

Is the nomenclature for dual use items of Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment
and Technologies (SCOMET). Export of dual-use items and technologies under India’s Foreign
Trade Policy is regulated. It is either prohibited or is permitted under an authorization.


An IEC is a 10-digit number allotted to a person that is mandatory for undertaking any
export/import activities.
No export or import shall be made by any person without obtaining an IEC.
Only one IEC is permitted against on Permanent Account Number (PAN). If any PAN
card holder has more than one IEC, the extra IECs shall be disabled.

The following categories of importers or exporters are exempted from obtaining IEC.
Ministries /Departments of Central or State Government
Persons importing or exporting goods for personal use not connected with trade or
manufacture or agriculture.
Persons importing/exporting goods from/to Nepal, Myanmar through Indo-Myanmar
border areas and China (through Gunji, Namgaya Shipkila and Nathula ports),
provided CIF value of a single consignment does not exceed Indian Rs.25,000. In case of
Nathula port, the applicable value ceiling will be Rs. 1,00,000/-.
For export of Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipments and Technologies

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Mandatory documents required for export of goods from India

Bill of Lading/Airway Bill
Commercial Invoice cum Packing List
Shipping Bill/Bill of Export

Mandatory documents required for import of goods into India

Bill of Lading/Airway Bill
Commercial Invoice cum Packing List*
Bill of Entry

DGFT may, through a Notification, impose restrictions on export and import, necessary for: -
Protection of public morals;
Protection of human, animal or plant life or health;
Protection of patents, trademarks and copyrights,;
Protection of national treasures of artistic, historic or archaeological value;
Conservation of exhaustible natural resources;
Prevention of traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war.


The objective of the Export from India Schemes is to provide rewards to exporters to offset
infrastructural inefficiencies and associated costs involved and to provide exporters a level
playing field.
There shall be following two schemes for exports of Merchandise and Services respectively:
Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS).
Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS).

Nature of Rewards
Duty Credit Scrips shall be granted as rewards under MEIS and SEIS.
The Duty Credit Scrips can be used for:
Payment of Customs Duties for import of inputs or goods.
Payment of excise duties on domestic procurement of inputs or goods,
Payment of service tax on procurement of services.
Payment of fee as per Foreign Trade Policy.
Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)

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The objective of Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) is to offset infrastructural
inefficiencies and associated costs involved in export of goods/products, which are
produced/manufactured in India, especially those having high export intensity, employment
potential and thereby enhancing India’s export competitiveness.

Eligible Categories under MEIS

Exports of goods through courier or foreign post office using e-commerce, of FOB value
upto Rs. 25000 per consignment.
If the value of exports using e-commerce platform is more than Rs 25000 per
consignment then MEIS reward would be limited to FOB value of Rs.25000 only.

Ineligible categories under MEIS:

EOUs/EHTPs/BTPs/ STPs who are availing direct tax benefits/exemption.
Supplies made from DTA units to SEZ units
Service Export.
Export products which are subject to Minimum export price or export duty.
Diamond, Gold, Silver, Platinum, other precious metal
Cereals, Sugar of all types.
Crude/petroleum oil and of all types.
Export of milk and milk products.
Export of Meat and Meat Products.

Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS)

The objective of Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) is to encourage export of notified
Services from India.
Service Providers of notified services, located in India and mentioned in Aayat
Niryat Forms of FTP 2015-2020.
Service provider should have minimum net free foreign exchange earnings of
US$15,000 in preceding financial year.
For Individual Service Providers and sole proprietorship, such minimum net free
foreign exchange earnings criteria would be US$10,000 in preceding financial
Payment in Indian Rupees for service charges earned on specified services, shall
be treated as receipt in deemed foreign exchange

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If the IEC holder is a manufacturer of goods as well as service provider, then the
foreign exchange earnings and Total expenses/payment/remittances shall be
taken into account for service sector only.

Ineligible categories under SEIS

Foreign exchange remittances other than those earned for rendering of notified
Foreign Exchange remittances related to Financial Services Sector
Payments for services received from EEFC Account;
Foreign exchange turnover by Educational Institutions like equity participation,
donations etc.
Export turnover relating to services of units operating under
Exports of Goods.
Service providers in Telecom Sector.

For granting status, export performance is necessary in at least two out of three years.
Status Category Export Performance
FOB/FOR (as converted) Value in US $ million)

One Star Export House 3

Two Star Export House 25
Three Star Export House 100
Four Star Export House 500
Five Star Export House 2000

Grant of double weightage

Following categories shall be granted double weightage for calculation of export
performance for grant of status.
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) as defined in Micro, Small &
Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act 2006.
Units located in North Eastern States including Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir.
Units located in Agri Export Zones.
Double Weightage shall be available for grant of One Star Export House Status category
A shipment can get double weightage only once in any one of above categories.

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Privileges of Status Holders

A Status Holder shall be eligible for privileges as under:
(a) Authorisation and Customs Clearances for both imports and exports may be granted on
self-declaration basis;
(b) Input-Output norms may be fixed on priority within 60 days by the Norms Committee;
(c) Exemption from furnishing of Bank Guarantee;
(e) Two star and above Export houses shall be permitted to establish Export
(g) The status holders would be entitled to preferential treatment and priority in handling of
their consignments by the concerned agencies.
(h) Manufacturers who are also status holders will be enabled to self-certify their
manufactured goods (as per (IEM)/ (IL)/ (LOI).

Duty Exemption and Remission Scheme

Enable duty free import of input Enable post export remission of duty
required for export production on Input used in Export Product

Advance Duty Free Duty Drawback

Authorization Import Scheme
Scheme Authorization

Objection is to neutralize
Duty free import of input, incidence of custom duty
which are physically on import content of
incorporated/used in export product .
Component of custom
export product
duty on fuel shall also be
+ allowed in this scheme.
Fuel, oil, energy, catalysts Neutralization shall be
are consumed to obtain provide by way of CENVAT
export product credit and others.

Eligible Applicant
Advance Authorisation can be issued either to a manufacturer exporter or merchant
exporter tied to supporting manufacturer.
Advance Authorisation for pharmaceutical products manufactured
Validity period for import of Advance Authorisation shall be 12 months from the date of
issue of Authorisation.

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CIF value of imports shall be upto 300% of the FOB value of physical export in preceding
financial year or Rs 1 crore, whichever is higher
Minimum Value Addition
Minimum value addition required to be achieved under Advance Authorisation is 15%.
Export Products where value addition could be less than 15% are given Aayat Niryat
In case of Tea, minimum value addition shall be 50%.

Export Obligation
Period for fulfilment of export obligation under Advance Authorisation shall be 18
months from the date of issue of Authorisation or as notified by DGFT.
Export Obligation for items falling in categories of defence, military store, aerospace and
nuclear energy shall be 24 months from the date of issue of authorization.

EPCG Scheme
The objective of the Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme is to facilitate
import of capital goods for producing quality goods and services to enhance India’s
export competitiveness.
EPCG Scheme allows import of capital goods for pre-production, production and post-
production at Zero customs duty.
Import under EPCG Scheme shall be subject to an export obligation equivalent to 6
times of duty saved on capital goods, to be fulfilled in 6 years reckoned from date of
issue of Authorisation.
Authorisation shall be valid for import for 18 months from the date of issue of
Authorisation. Revalidation of EPCG Authorisation shall not be permitted.
Second hand capital goods shall not be permitted to be imported under EPCG Scheme.
Authorisation under EPCG Scheme shall not be issued for import of any Capital Goods
(including Captive plants and Power Generator Sets of any kind)

Import of items which are restricted for import shall be permitted under EPCG Scheme
only after approval from Exim Facilitation Committee (EFC) at DGFT Headquarters.
In case of indigenous sourcing of Capital Goods, specific EO shall be 25% less than the
EO stipulated in EPCG scheme.
For unit located in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Sikkim, Tripura and Jammu & Kashmir, specific Export obligation shall be 25% of the
Export Obligation.

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Where Authorisation holder has fulfilled 75% or more of specific export obligation and
100% of Average Export Obligation till date, upto half of the original export obligation
period specified, remaining export obligation shall be condoned


Objectives of these schemes are to promote exports, enhance foreign exchange
earnings and attract investment for export production and employment generation.
An EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP unit may export all kinds of goods and services except items that
are prohibited in ITC (HS).
In respect of an EOU, permission to export a prohibited item may be considered, by
Board of Approval (BOA), on a case to case basis, provided such raw materials are
imported and there is no procurement of such raw material from Domestic Tariff Area
Procurement and supply of export promotion material like brochure/literature,
pamphlets, hoardings, catalogues, posters etc up to a maximum value limit of 1.5% of
FOB value of previous years exports shall also be allowed.
EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP units may import/procure from Domestic Tariff Area, without
payment of duty,
Units obtaining gold/silver/platinum from nominated agencies, either on loan basis or
outright purchase basis shall within 90 days from date of release.
EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP units, other than service units, may export to Russian Federation in
Indian Rupees against repayment of State Credit/ Escrow Rupee Account of buyer
subject to RBI clearance, if any.
BOA may allow, EOU/EHTP/STP/ BTP units may be allowed to be imported/procured
from DTA without payment of duty, to the extent of 5% FOB value of such manufactured
articles exported by the unit in preceding financial year.
Second hand capital goods, without any age limit, may also be imported duty free.
An EOU/EHTP/BTP/STP unit may sell capital goods and lease back the same from a Non
Financial Company (NBFC).
EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP unit shall be a positive net foreign exchange earner.
Net Foreign Exchange (NFE) Earnings shall be calculated cumulatively in blocks of five
years, starting from commencement of production.
Only projects having a minimum investment of Rs. 1 Crore in plant & machinery shall be
considered for establishment as EOUs. However, this shall not apply to existing units,
units in EHTP/STP/BTP, and EOUs in

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Handicrafts/Agriculture/Floriculture/Aquaculture/Information Technology, Services,

Brass Hardware and Handmade jewellery sectors.
Export proceeds will be realized within nine months.
Units will be allowed to retain 100% of its export earnings in the EEFC account.
Unit will not be required to furnish bank guarantee at the time of import or going for job
work in DTA, where the unit has turnover of Rs. 5 crore or above and the unit is in
existence for at least three years
100% FDI investment permitted through automatic route similar to SEZ units.
With approval of Development Commissioner, an EOU may opt out of scheme. Such exit
shall be subject to payment of Excise and Customs duties and industrial policy in force.
If unit has not achieved obligations, it shall also be liable to penalty at the time of exit.
Existing DTA units may also apply for conversion into an EOU/EHTP/STP/BTP unit.

Quality Complaints/ Trade Disputes

The following type of complaints may be considered:
Complaints received from foreign buyers in respect of poor quality of the products
supplied by exporters from India;
Complaints of importers against foreign suppliers in respect of quality of the products
supplied; and
Complaints of unethical commercial dealings categorized mainly as non-supply/ partial
supply of goods after confirmation of order; supplying goods other than the ones as
agreed upon; non-payment; non-adherence to delivery schedules, etc.

Mechanism for handling of Complaints/ Disputes

Committee on Quality complaints and Trade Disputes (CQCTD)
To deal effectively with the increasing number of complaints and disputes, a ‘Committee
on Quality Complaints and Trade Disputes’ (CQCTD) will be constituted in the 22 offices of the
Regional Authority(RA’s) of DGFT.

Composition of the CQCTD

The CQCTD would be constituted under the Chairpersonship of the Head of Office. The CQCTD
may comprise of the following members:
Additional DGFT/Joint DGFT/ (H.O.O): Chairperson

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Representative of Bureau of India Standard (BIS): Member

Representative of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development
Authority: Member
Representative of the Branch Manager of the concerned Bank: Member
Representative of Federation of Indian Exporter Organisation/and OR Export
Promotion Council: Member
Representative of Export Inspection Agency: Member
Nominee of Director of Industries of State Government: Member
Nominee of Development Commissioner of MSME: Member
Officer as nominated by Chairperson: Member Secretary
Any other agency, as co-opted by Chairperson: Member.

Functions of CQCTD
The Committee (CQCTD) will be responsible for enquiring and investigating into
all Quality related complaints and other trade related complaints falling under the
jurisdiction of the respective RAs.
It will take prompt and effective steps to redress the grievances of the importers,
exporters and overseas buyers, within 3 months of receipt of the complaint.
Wherever required, the Committee (CQCTD) may take the assistance of the Export
Promotion Councils or any other agency as considered appropriate for settlement of
these disputes.
CQCTD proceedings are only reconciliatory in nature and the aggrieved party is free to
pursue any legal recourse.

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Intellectual Property Right

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

It was an international agreement setting out the rules for conducting international trade in
goods among member countries. GATT, the international agency, no longer exists.
The organization was like parliament and the courts combined in a single body. i.e. making
the laws and implementing the Laws.
The updated GATT lives alongside the new General Agreement on Trade in Services
(GATS) and Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
The WTO brings the three together within a single organization, a single set of rules and a
single system for resolving disputes. So one could say that the child is the father of the

GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services)

GATS was the first multilateral, legally enforceable rules covering international trade in
GATS containing general principles and obligations dealing with rules for specific sectors
and individual countries’ specific commitments to provide access to their markets.

Basic Principles of GATS are as follows:

All services are covered by GATS.
Most-favoured-nation treatment applies to all services, except the temporary
National treatment applies in the areas where commitments are made
Transparency in regulations.
International payments normally unrestricted.
Individual countries’ commitments negotiated and bound.
Progressive liberalization through further negotiations.

WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization)

WIPO mission is to promote innovation and creativity for the economic, social and cultural
development of all countries, through a balanced and effective international intellectual
property system.
WIPO is the United Nations agency, established in 1970, headquarter is in Geneva. WIPO
expanded its role by entering into a cooperative agreement with the World Trade
Organization in 1996.

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WIPO serves as a forum for its Member States to establish and harmonize rules and
practices for the protection of intellectual property rights.
WIPO also services global registration systems for trademarks, industrial designs and
appellations of origin, and a global filing system for patents.
WIPO promotes the development and use of the international Intellectual Property system
through Services Law, Infrastructure and Development.

TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)

Ideas and knowledge are an important part of trade. Most of the value of new medicines
and other high technology products lies in the amount of invention, innovation, research,
design and testing involved.
Films, music recordings, books, computer software and on-line services are bought and sold
because of the information and creativity they contain, not usually because of the plastic,
metal or paper used to make them.
Creators can be given the right to prevent others from using their inventions, designs or
other creations and to use that right to negotiate payment in return for others using them.
These are “intellectual property rights”.
They take a number of forms. For example books, paintings and films come under copyright;
inventions can be patented; brand names and product logos can be registered as
trademarks; and so on.
The extent of protection and enforcement of these rights varied widely around the world;
and as intellectual property became more important in trade, these differences became a
source of tension in international economic relations.
It establishes minimum levels of protection that each government has to give to the
intellectual property of fellow WTO members.
When there are trade disputes over intellectual property rights, the WTO’s dispute
settlement system is available.

Types of intellectual property covered by the TRIPS Agreement

Copyright and related rights
Trademarks, including service marks
Geographical indications
Industrial designs
Layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits

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Intellectual Property Vs. Industrial Property

Intellectual Property Industrial Property
Intellectual property relates to the creations Industrial property is a kind of intellectual
of human mind and human intellect. property and relates to creation of human
e.g. Inventions and Industrial designs.
Intellectual property is mainly divided into It is sometimes misunderstood as relating to
two branches, movable or immovable property used for
Industrial property and industrial production.

Similar to property rights in movable and The inventions are exploited in industrial
immovable property, intellectual property is plants while the trademarks are concerned
also characterised by certain rights as well as with both the commerce as well as industry.
limitations such as right to use and licence
and also limited duration in the case of copy
right and patents.
Industrial property right is a collective name
for rights referring to the commercial or
industrial activities of a person.

Amendments to the IP legislations after India became a member of the WTO

India became a member of the World Trade Organization in 1995, and this brought
about the next round of revisions in the Indian IP system.
As per the transitional arrangement it was required to comply with the provisions of
TRIPS within a period of 5 years
The Patents Act, 1970 was modified in a calibrated manner in 1999, 2002 and 2005.
India ratified the Agreement on TRIPS to make provision relating to Protection of Plant
The Designs Act 1911 was repealed and a new legislation was enacted in the year 2000
and the Copyright Act, 1957 was amended.
The Trade Marks Act, 1999 was enacted incorporating the developments in trading
and commercial practices e.g. the concept of well-known trade mark.
The amendment also provided for setting up of the Intellectual Property Appellate
Board (IPAB) instead of the High Courts for hearing appeals against the decision of the

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The Patent Act, 1970

Patent can be provided only on

Invention Means

Inventive Capable of Industrial

steps & application

Means Means

A feature that
makes the invention Invention is capable
not obvious to a of being made (or)
person skilled in used in the industry.

Important Definitions
Assignee {Section 2(1) (a)}
Include the legal representative of a deceased assignee, and assignee of the legal
representative or assignee of that person.

Budapest Treaty { Section 2(1) (aba)}

Budapest Treaty is an international treaty signed in Budapest, Hungary, on April 28,
1977 between 80 countries.
The applicant needs only to deposit the biological material at one recognised institution
instead of every country, and this deposit will be recognised in all countries party to the
Budapest Treaty.

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The treaty allows deposits of microorganisms at an international depositary authority

for the purposes of acquiring patent and by fulfilling the following conditions:-
the deposit of the material shall be made not later than the date of filing the
patent application in India and a reference thereof shall be made in the
all the available characteristics of the material required for it to be correctly
identified are included in the specification including the name, address of the
depository institution and the date and number of the deposit of the material at
the institution;
access to the material is available in the depository institution only after the
date of the application for patent in India;
disclose the source and geographical origin of the biological material in the
specification, when used in an invention.

Exclusive Licence { Section 2(1) (f)}

Means a licence from a patentee to a person which exclude all other persons (including the
patentee), to perform any right in respect of the patented invention and give exclusive right in
his favour

Invention { Section 2(1) (j)}

Mean a new product or process involving an inventive step and capable of Industrial

Inventive Step { Section 2(1) (ja)}

A feature of an invention that involves technical advance as compared to the existing
knowledge that makes the invention not obvious to a person skilled in the art.
Any invention or technology which has not been anticipated or used in the country or
elsewhere in the world before the date of filing of patent application with complete

What are not inventions?

The following are not inventions within the meaning of Section 3 of the Act:
an invention which is frivolous or which claims anything obviously contrary to well
established natural laws;
If its use is contrary to law (or) morality.
The things which come under discovery only.
Mixture of two (or) more things.
Re-arrangement of information.

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Method of agriculture.
Any process of medical, surgical, diagnostic.
Literary, dramatic, musical (or) artistic work.
A mathematical (or) computer programs.
Presentation of information.
Invention based on traditional knowledge.

Persons Entitled to make Application for Patent { Section 6}

An application for a patent for an invention may be made by any of the following persons:
by any person claiming to be the true and first inventor of the invention;
by any person being the assignee of the person claiming to be the true and first
by the legal representative of any deceased person who immediately before his death
was entitled to make such an application.

Provisional Specification Complete Specification

It is a documents , which
contains It is a document which contains

Description regarding the Fully describe the invention

nature of invention .
Its uses
However it does not contains
details regarding invention. The method adopted

It is useful for determining Best method of performing

Priority date
Scope of invention

date of filing of application for Technical information related

patent to invention (if any)

Provisional Specification
A provisional specification is a document, which contains the description regarding the
nature of an invention.
The description however does not contain the details regarding the invention. Also it
does not contain the claims.
The provisional specification is filed to claim the priority date of an invention. The
advantages of a provisional specification is that it can be filed as soon as the patent is
conceived and for the recorded of priority date. But the application is only examined
after the complete specification has been filed.

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Complete Specification
Complete specification is the document, which contains the detailed description of invention
along with the drawings and claims.
Every complete specification is required to -
fully and particularly describe the invention and its operation or use and the method by
which it is to be performed;
disclose the best method of performing the invention which is known to the applicant
and for which he is entitled to claim protection;
end with a claim defining the scope of the invention for which protection is claimed; and
be accompanied by an abstract to provide technical information on the invention.

Does a Patent obtained in India give protection worldwide?

Patent protection is territorial right and therefore it is effective only within the territory
of India.
However, filing an application in India enables the applicant to file a corresponding
application for same invention in convention countries, within or before expiry of 12
months from the filing date in India.
Separate patents should be obtained in each country where the applicant requires
protection of his invention in those countries.
There is no patent valid worldwide.

Is it possible to file international application under Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in India?
It is possible to file an international application known as PCT application in India in the
Patent Offices located at Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi.
All these offices act as Receiving Office (RO) for International application.
Residents not to apply for patents outside India without prior permission of CG and at
least 6 weeks of application made in India.

How a Patent Specification is prepared?

A patent specification can be prepared by the applicant himself or his registered and
authorized agent.
The patent specification generally comprises of the title of the invention indicating its
technical field, sufficient description of the invention, its usefulness, and details of best
method of its working.
The complete specification must contain at least one claim or statement of claims
defining the scope of the invention for which protection is sought for.

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Procedure of acquiring Patent

Application + application fee+(provisional/complete) specification to controller of patent
Person Assigned by inventor
Legal representative of inventor (In case of death of inventor)

Controller of patent shall publish it in official journal for any objection/ comment/ opposition
Maximum (3) months
Any person can make comment/objection/opposition to controller of patent

Patent can be granted

No objection found Objection found but decided in Accepted by controller of

against application the favour of inventor patent by his own power

Grant of patent shall be publish by controller of patent in the official journal

Maximum (1) years

Opposition for patent by any person to controller of patent

Publication of Applications { Section 11A(1) }

The publication of every application shall include the particulars of the date of
application, number of application, name and address of the applicant identifying the
application and an abstract.
The applicant shall have no right to institute any proceedings for infringement until the
patent has been granted.

Examination of Application {Section 12}

When the request for examination has been filed, the application and other documents related
thereto shall be referred at the earliest by the Controller to an examiner for making a report to
him in respect of the following matters:
whether the application and other documents are in accordance with the
requirements of the Act ;
whether there is any lawful ground of objection to the grant of the patent;

Power of Controller to Refuse or Require Amended Application in Certain matters {Section

The Controller may refuse the application or to require the application to be amended, if he is
satisfied that the application or any other document filed does not comply with the provisions
of the Act.

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Potential Infringement { Section 19}

If during the investigations it appears to the Controller that an invention in respect of
which an application for a patent has been made cannot be performed without
substantial risk of infringement of a claim of any other patent.
The Controller may direct that a reference to that other patent, be inserted in the
applicant’s complete specification by way of notice to the public.

Substitution of applicants {Section 20}

Where one of the two or more joint applicants for a patent dies at any time before the
patent has been granted, the Controller may upon a request made by the survivor and with
the consent of the legal representative of the deceased direct that the application shall
proceed in the name of the survivor.
If any dispute arises between joint applicants for a patent whether or in what manner the
application should be proceeded with, the Controller may upon an application made by any
of the parties, and after giving an opportunity of being heard, give such directions as he
thinks fit.

Ground of Opposition to the Patent { Section 25}

Patent has been obtained by the patentee in wrongful manner.
Some other person has claimed in respect of that invention which is prior to the claim of
Invention claimed is publicly known invention.
It is obvious and it is not an invention and has no inventive step.
Invention not fully disclosed.
Note:- Any interested person may give notice of opposition, to the Controller before the
expiry of a period of one year from the date of publication of grant of a patent.

Constitution of Opposition Board and its proceeding { Section 25(3)}

The Controller shall notify the patentee and constitute Opposition Board.
Every Opposition Board is required to conduct the examination.
Controller shall on receipt of the recommendation of the Opposition Board and after
giving the patentee and the opponent an opportunity of being heard, confirm/amend
/revoke the patent.
The Controller while passing the order shall not take into account any personal
document or secret trial.

Secrecy Directions for Defence Purposes

If it appears to the Controller that the invention is relevant for defence purposes, he
may give directions for prohibiting publication of information with respect to the
Central Government may reconsider the direction at intervals of six months from the
date of issue of such directions or on a request made by the applicant which is found to

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be reasonable by the Controller.

Term of Patent { Section 53}

The term of every patent shall be twenty years from the date of filing of application for
the patent.
The term of patent in case of international applications designating India, shall be
twenty years from the international filing date accorded under the Patent Cooperation

Patents of Addition { Section 54, 55 and 56}

It is acquired when any addition has been made in product for which patent has already
been acquired.
In case of any improvement/modification in that product, patent on this additional part
shall be applicable only upto the tenure of original patent .
In case of removal of patent from original patent, patent of addition shall be removed

Restoration of Lapsed Patents { Section 60}

Patent lapsed for non-payment of renewal fee.
It can be restored within (18) months from the date of lapse.
In case of application made for restoration of lapsed patent opposition can be made by
any person within (2) months of publication of application, by controller of Patent.

Rights of patentees of lapsed patents which have been restored { Section 62}
Where a patent is restored, the rights of the patentee shall be subject to such conditions
as the Controller thinks fit to impose
No suit or other proceeding shall be commenced in respect of an infringement of a
patent committed between the date on which the patent ceased to have effect and the
date of the publication of the application for restoration of the patent.

Surrender of Patents
A patentee can surrender his patent by giving notice to controller of patent.
Controller of patent advertises the application and invites the objections.
Controller of patent hears the concerned parties.
Controller of patent accepts the surrender of patent and revokes the patent.

Revocation of Patents
A patent can be revoked by HC on the following grounds:
If patentee fails to comply with the request of CG to make/use/exercise patented
invention for the purpose of CG.
If patent is not reasonably worked within 2 years after compulsory licensing.
If it is exercised in mischievous mode to the country (or) prejudicial to public interest.
CG can also remove the patent in the interest of security of India

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Compulsory Licences { Section 84}

At any time after the expiration of three years from the date of the grant of a patent,
pat any
person interested may make an application to the Controller for grant of compulsory licence
on patent on any of the following grounds:
that the reasonable requirements of the public with respect to the patented
invention have not been satisfied, o
that the patented invention is not available to the public at a reasonably
affordable price, or
that the patented invention is not worked in the territory of India.

In considering the application of compulsory licence, the Controller is required to take into
account —
the nature of the invention
the capacity of the applicant
Whether the applicant has made efforts to obtain a licence from the patentee on
reasonable terms and conditions and such efforts have not been successful.

Terms and conditions of compulsory licences { Section 90}

The Controller shall endeavour to secure that —
the royalty is reasonable,
the patented invention is worked to the fullest extent
the patented articles are made available to the public at reasonably affordable

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the licence granted is a non-exclusive licence;
the right of the licencee is non-assignable;

Compulsory Licence for Export of Patented Pharmaceutical Products in Certain Exceptional

Circumstances {Section 92A}
Compulsory licence shall be available for manufacture and export of patented pharmaceutical
products to any country having insufficient or no manufacturing capacity in the pharmaceutical
sector for the concerned product to address public health problems.

International Arrangements {Section 133 to 139}

A convention country is that country, which is a party of an international, regional or bi-
lateral treaty.
A complete specification filed with a convention application in a convention country in a
separate application for a patent.
If any such specification or other document is in a foreign language, a translation into
English of the specification or document verified by affidavit or otherwise to the
satisfaction of the Controller is required to be furnished.

A CS can work as Patent Agent

Qualifications for Registration as Patent Agent { Section 126}
A person shall be qualified to have his name entered in the register of patent agent,
If he is a citizen of India,
Completed the age of 21 years,
Has obtained a degree in science, engineering or technology from any
university or
possesses such other equivalent qualifications as the Central Government
may specify in this behalf
has passed the qualifying examination or
has 10 years of experience as an examiner or
discharged the functions of the Controller ,

Rights and Powers of the Patent Agent { Section 127 ,128}

The patent agent may prepare all documents, transact all business and discharge such
functions in any proceeding before the Controller.
The patent agent may sign under authorisation on behalf of applicant.

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Copyright law and Enforcement

Basics of Copyright Law

Exclusive right to reproduce or authorize to reproduce the works come under this Act.
When ideas or expressions or content are in tangible form.
There shall be certain minimum level of creativity and originality.
Copyright subsist on Literary (including computer programme), Dramatic, Musical,
Artistic works, Cinematographic films, Sound recording etc.

Copyright shall subsist when following conditions are satisfied

In case of published works In case of unpublished works

Work is first Other than

Work is Architecture architecture
first work work
in India

Author is on
Located the date of
The author is on
the date of in India making the
publication work citizen
citizen of India of India

Important Definitions
"Adaptation" means,-
in relation to a dramatic work, the conversion of the work into a non-dramatic work;
in relation to a literary work or an artistic work, the conversion of the work into a
dramatic work by way of performance in public or otherwise;
in relation to a literary or dramatic work, any version of the work in which the story is
conveyed mainly by means of pictures in a form suitable for reproduction in a book,
newspaper, magazine etc;
in relation to a musical work, any arrangement or transcription of the work; and
in relation to any work, any use of such work involving its re-arrangement or alteration;

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"Author' means,-
in relation to a literary or dramatic work, the author of the work;
in relation to a musical work, the composer;
in relation to an artistic work other than a photograph, the artist;
in relation to a photograph, the person taking the photograph;
in relation to a cinematograph or sound recording the producer; and
in relation to any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-
generated, the person who causes the work to be created

"Broadcast" means
communication to the public-
by any means of wireless diffusion, whether in any one or more of the forms of signs,
sounds or visual images; or
by wire, and includes a re-broadcast;

“Communication to the public” means

Making any work /performance available for being seen / heard or otherwise enjoyed
by the public directly or by any means of display.
However, communication through satellite, cable or any other means of simultaneous
communication to more than one household or place of residence including residential
rooms of any hotel or hostel shall be deemed to be communication to the public.

"Government work" means

A work which is made or published by or under the direction or control of-
the Government or any department of the Government;
any Legislature in India;
any court, tribunal or other judicial authority in India;

"Indian work" means

A literary, dramatic or musical work,-
the author of which is a citizen of India; or
which is first published in India; or
in the case of an unpublished work, at the time of the making of the work, author was a
citizen of India.

"Infringing copy" means,-

in relation to a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, a reproduction
in relation to a cinematographic film, a copy of the film made on any medium by any
in relation to a sound recording, any other recording embodying the same sound
recording, made by any means;

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in relation to a programme or performance, the sound recording or a cinematographic

film of such programme or performance.

"Reprography" means
The making of copies of a work, by photo-copying or similar means.

“Rights Management Information” means,—

the title or other information identifying the work or performance;
the name of the author or performer;
the name and address of the owner of rights;
terms and conditions regarding the use of the rights; and

Register of Copyrights
The Register of Copyrights is to be kept in Six parts –
Part I - Literary works other than computer programmes;
Part II - Musical works;
Part III - Artistic works;
Part IV - Cinematograph films;
Part V - Sound Recording; and
Part VI - Computer programmes.

Registration of Copyright
Author of the work shall make application To Registrar of
+ copyright
Application fee

(* for every work there shall be separate application)

Registrar of copyright publish this for any comment/objection

Maximum (30)days
Any person may file comment/objection

If Registrar of Copyright satisfied about the particulars and


Not found Found but decided in favour of the


Registrar of copyright may register it

** Registration of copyright in any work is not


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Term of Copyright
Normal term of copyright Lifetime of author + (60) years thereafter
In case of joint authorship (60) Years from the year of publication of
In case of pseudonymous work (60) Years from the year of publication of
(under assumed name) work

In case of posthumous work (60) Years from the year of publication of the
(author has died) work

Broadcast reproduction right (25 ) Years from broadcast is made

Performer’s right (50) Years from performance is made
* If name is disclosed then (60) year from the date following the year in which author dies

Copyright Board { Section 11}

The Central Government may constitute the Board consisting of a Chairman and two
other members.
The Chairman of the Copyright Board shall be a person who is, or has been, a Judge of a
High Court or is qualified for appointment as a Judge of a High Court.
The Central Government may after consultation with the Chairman of the Copyrights
Board, appoint a Secretary to the Copyright Board and such other officers and
employees as may be considered necessary for the efficient discharge of the functions
of the Copyright Board.

Functions of the Copyright Board

The main functions of the Copyright Board are as under:
Settlement of disputes as to whether copies of any literary, dramatic or artistic work are
issued to the public in sufficient numbers.
Settlement of disputes as to whether the term of copyright for any work is shorter in
any other country.
Settlement of disputes with respect to assignment of copyright Granting of compulsory
licences in respect of Indian works.
Granting of compulsory licence to publish or unpublished Indian works.
Granting of compulsory licence to produce and publish translation of literary and
dramatic works.
Determination of royalties payable to the owner of copyright.

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Licensing/ Assignment of Copyright

Voluntary Compulsory
licensing of licensing of
copyright copyright

It shall be given by the It shall be given against the

copyright owner on his will will of copyright owner to
to other and conditions other on the terms and
agreed between them. conditions specified by
Copyright Board in public

Compulsory license
In case of In case of
published unpublished work In case of literary
work and sound (or) dramatic
recording, films, work for
musical, artistic translation
Copyright after providing
ROOBH to copyright
owner. May provide
compulsory license to Before making an Any person can apply
other on the terms and application to copyright board for
conditions mentioned The applicant shall production of any
that time (i.e. amount of publish his proposal in translation of work after
royalty, area, period etc.) one daily English a period of (7) years from
the date of publication
Other things same
License can be given
only after (9) months
*copyright board can terminate the license after
notice to the author
giving (3) months notice, if the copyright owner is Other things same
able to make/translation

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Mode of assignment { Section 19}

An assignment of the copyright in any work should be in writing signed by the assignor
or by his duly authorised agent.
Where the work has not been started within (1) year from the date of
assignment/licensing, it shall be deemed to have been lapsed after of that period, unless
specified in assignment/license.
The assignment of copyright in any work contrary to the terms and conditions of the
rights already assigned to a copyright society in which the author of the work is a
member is void.

Compulsory licence in unpublished “or published works { Section 31A}

In the case of any unpublished work or any work published, the author is dead or
cannot be traced, any person may apply to the Copyright Board for a licence to publish
or a translation in any language.
Any person to apply to the Copyright Board for a licence to produce and publish a
translation of a literary or dramatic work in any language after a period of 7 years from
the first publication of the work.
Before making an application to the Copyright Board , the applicant required to publish
his proposal in one issue of a daily newspaper in the English language having circulation
in the major part of the country and where the application is for the publication of a
translation in any language, also in one issue of any daily newspaper in that language.
The Copyright Board after holding such inquiry, direct the Registrar of Copyrights to
grant to the applicant a licence to publish the work or a translation thereof in the
language mentioned in the application subject to the payment of such royalty and
subject to such other terms and conditions as the Copyright Board may determine.
Copyright Board shall dispose of such application within a period of two months from
the date of receipt of the application if the work is for the benefit of disabled.

Termination of Licence { Section 32B}

If at any time after the granting of a licence, the owner of the copyright or any person
authorised by him publishes a translation of such work in the same language and the
same standard, the licence so granted shall be terminated.
Such termination shall take effect only after the expiry of a period of three months from
the date of service of a notice.

Copyright Societies { Section 33}

To protect the work of individual owner is not always done in very effective ways.
Then a group of copyright owner from a society can form copyright society to administer
their rights more effectively.
Registration of copyright society shall be granted by CG.
Eg. leading music directors, Lyricists, Producers etc.
Registration granted to a copyright society shall be for a period of five years and may be
renewed from Central Government.
Every copyright society shall have a governing body with such number of persons

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elected from among the members of the society consisting of equal number of authors
and owners of work for the purpose of the administration of the society.

Rights of copyright owner

In case of literary, dramatic or musical work
in case of computer programme
In case of artistic work
In case of cinematographic film and sound recording

As per nature of work

Reproducing the work
Storing in any medium by electronic means
Issuing copies of work to public
Performing any cinematographic film (or) sound
recoding in respect of that work
Making any translation of work
To sell or given on rental
Taking photograph (or) any other sound recoding etc.

Exclusive Right of Performer { Section 38A}

to make a sound recording or a visual recording of the performance;
storing of it in any medium by electronic or any other means;
issuance of copies of it to the public;
communication of it to the public;
selling or giving it on commercial rental
offer for sale any copy of the recording;
to broadcast or communicate the performance to the public except where the
performance is already broadcast.

Moral Right of Performer { Section 38B}

The performer of a performance after assignment, either wholly or partially of his right,
have the right to claim to be identified as the performer of his performance except
where omission is dictated by the manner of the use of the performance; and claim
damages in respect of any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his
performance that would be prejudicial to his reputation.
Mere removal of any portion of a performance for the purpose of editing, to fit the
recording within a limited duration, or any other modification required for purely
technical reasons shall not be deemed to be prejudicial to the performer’s reputation.

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What are the moral rights of an author?

The author of a work has the right to claim authorship of the work and to claim damages
in respect of any distortion, mutilation, modification or other acts in relation to the said
work which is done before the expiration of the term of copyright if such act would be
prejudicial to his honour or reputation.
Moral rights are available to the authors even after the economic rights are assigned.

International Copyright
Copyright Protection to Foreign Works
The Copyright Act applies only to works first published in India, irrespective of the
nationality of the author.
The benefits granted to foreign works will not extend beyond what is available to the
works in the home country i.e. the foreign country must grant similar protection to
works entitled to copyright under the Act.
The term of Copyright in India to the foreign work, will not exceed that conferred by the
foreign country.

Conditions of Copyright Protection

The following are the requisites for conferring copyright protection to works of international
The work must be made or first published by or under the direction or control of the
International Organisation.
There should be no copyright in the work in India at the time of making or on the first
publication of the work.
If the work is published in pursuance of an agreement with the author, such agreement
should not reserve the author any copyright in the work or any copyright in the work
should belong to the organisation.

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Infringement of Copyright

When any person other than Author ( copyright owner)

License /assignee (voluntary)
License given (compulsory)

Does anything for which exclusive right is conferred upon to copyright owner

Permits for profit any work comes under copyright in any form.

Makes (or) sale (or) hire any work comes under copyright.

Import into India any infringing copies of work

Injunction, damage, share of profit

In case of innocent infringement No damage shall be given to plaintiff

(Copyright owner)

However, import of one copy of any work is allowed for private and domestic use of the

Statutory Exceptions
A fair dealing with any work, not being a computer programme, for the purposes of-—
private or personal use, including research;
criticism or review, whether of that work or of any other work;
reporting of current events and current affairs, including the reporting of
a lecture delivered in public.
the reproduction of any work for the purpose of a judicial proceeding.
the reproduction of any work—
by a teacher or a pupil in the course of instruction; or
as part of the questions to be answered in an examination; or
the performance of a literary, dramatic or musical work by an amateur club or
society, if the performance is given to a non-paying audience, or for the benefit of a
religious institution.
the reproduction in a newspaper, magazine or other periodical of an article, unless the
author of such article has expressly reserved to himself the right of such reproduction.
the storing of a work in any medium by electronic means by a non commercial public
library, for preservation if the library already possesses a non-digital copy of the work.
the making of not more than three copies of a book by a non-commercial public library for
the use of the library if such book is not available for sale in India;

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Imprisonment for a minimum period of six months which may extend to three years and
with minimum fine of fifty thousand rupees which may extend upto rupees two lakhs.
For second and subsequent convictions, imprisonment not less than one year
extendable to three years and the fine not less than one lakh rupees, extendable to
rupees two lakhs.

Power of Police to Seize Infringing Copies { Section 64}

Any Police Officer, not below the rank of a sub-inspector, to seize without warrant, all
copies of the work used for the purpose of making infringing copies of the work,
wherever they are found.
Such Police Officer has been put under obligation to produce before the
Magistrate, as soon as practicable, all copies so seized.
Any interested person may make an application to Magistrate, within 15 days of such
seizure, for restoring to him such copies and plates.

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Trade Marks Act, 1999

A trade mark is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label,
numerals or combination of colours used by one undertaking on goods or services or other
articles of commerce to distinguish it from other similar goods or services originating from a
different undertaking.
A trade mark performs four functions
It identifies the goods / or services and its origin.
It guarantees its unchanged quality.
It advertises the goods/services.
It creates an image for the goods/ services.

Important Definitions
Trade mark {Section 2(1)(zb)}
Means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing
the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include shape of goods, their
packaging and combination of colours; and includes a certification trade mark or collective

Certification Trade Mark { Section 2(1)(e)}

Certification trademark is capable of distinguishing the goods / services in a manner of
their quality/performance etc.
Certification trademark can only be used when that particular quality/performance
carried on by that goods/services.
It is not limited to any one, it can be used by a number of user after fulfilling that quality
in their product.
Example ISI mark, Agmark, Stars ( Power saving) etc.

Collective Marks
A collective trademark distinguishing the goods/services of members of an
Association of persons from those of others.
All members of that class / group are allowed to use that trademarks.
Example:- members of ICSI/ICAI/ICMAI /Bar council etc.

Prerequisites for a trade mark to be registered

The selected mark should be capable of being represented graphically (that is in the
paper form).
It should be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from
those of others.

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It should be used or proposed to be used mark in relation to goods or services.

Absolute and Relative Grounds for Refusal of Registration

Trademark is not capable of distinguishing goods/services of one person to another.
Trademark which serve in trade to designate kind, quality, quantity, value, geographical
origin etc.
Trademark which become customary in current language (or) established practice of
Trademark which is likely to cause confusion.
Trademark which contains any matters likely to hurt religious sentiments.
Trademark which is necessary to obtain technical result.
Trademark prohibited under restricted Emblems and Names.
Trademark on different goods dissimilar to each other but one goods has a well-known

Procedure for Registration { Section 18}

Any person claiming to be the Proprietor of a trademark used or proposed to be used by
him, who is desirous of registering it, shall apply in writing to the Registrar for the
registration of his trademark.
Registration in several classes of goods or services can be made through single
However, the fee payable is to be calculated on the basis of the number of classes in
which registration is sought.
Registration of a trademark for a period of 10 years.
Renewal of registration for successive periods of 10 years, from the date of the original
registration or the last renewal.

Registration of Trademark

{Application + application fee } Controller General of Patent Design and Trademark

Products/Goods Services
34 classes 11 classes

No two products of same class can acquire

same trademark
Two products of different class may acquire
same trademark Same
Only if
earlier trademarks has not get reputation
(well known trademark)
Other person is not trying to take undue

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Case :- Sony Kabashiki v. Shamrao

Product = Nail polish
Product Name = Sony nail polish
The court held that name Sony in respect of nail polish was allowed as it is not likely to cause
confusion (or) deception in the minds of consumer of electronic goods.

Infringement & Passing off

Unauthorized use of registered trademark is infringement, protection for

this is available under Trademark Act, 1999.

Protected on unauthorized use of trademark is available even if trademark

is not registered Passing off
Infringement action can only be in respect of registered trademarks.

But passing off action can be respect of registered as well as unregistered


Relief for Infringement/Passing off


Either damage (or) profit earned (on the option of plaintiff)

Order for delivery of infringing labels, marks for destructing.

Infringement of Trademark

A registered trademark is infringed when a person other than

a owner (or) person permitted by owner uses it in trade.

Instances of infringement of trademark

Use of deceptively similar mark.

Use of mark likely to cause confusion because of identity
Use of identical (or) similar trademark even on dissimilar
good, if the registered trademarks has a reputation.
Unauthorized use of trademark on material intended/on
use of registered trademark in an advertisement in bad light.
If the trademark consists (or) includes words, spoken use of
words as well as its virtual representation.

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Activities Infringement or Not

(1) Use of trademark in honest practice in trade

(2) Use only to indicate quality, quantity etc

(3) Use as per limitation and conditions

in registered trademark

(4) Use of registered trademark for

indicating services performed by owner

(5) Purchase of good bearing the registered

trademark and than displayed for sale

Deceptive Similarity
Case:- Mahendra and Mahendra Paper Mills Ltd. Vs. Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd.
Supreme Court broadly stated, in an action for passing – off on the basis of unregistered trade
mark generally for deciding the question of deceptive similarity the following factors are to be
The nature of the marks i.e word marks or labels marks or both.
The degree of resembleness between the marks, phonetically similar.
The similarity in nature, character and performance of the goods of the rival traders
Class of purchasers who are likely to buy the goods and degree of care they are likely to
exercise in purchasing.
The mode of purchasing the goods or placing orders for the goods.
Any other surrounding circumstances which may be relevant in the extant of
dissimilarity between the competing marks.

Inherently Distinctive marks

Case:- Uniply Industries Ltd. v. Unicorn Plywood Pvt. Ltd. and Others The Supreme Court
observed that
for inherently distinctive marks ownership is governed by priority of use for such
marks. The first user of sale of goods/services is the owner who is senior to others.
These marks are given legal protection against infringement immediately upon
adoption and use in trade.
Some courts indicate that

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even prior sales of goods though small in size with the mark are sufficient to
establish priority,
the test being to determine continuous prior user and the volume of sale or the
degree of familiarity of the public with the mark.

Assignment and Transmission { Section 37}

Unregistered trade mark may be assigned or transmitted with or without the goodwill of
the business concerned.
Restriction on assignments or transmissions of trade mark where multiple exclusive
rights would be created in more than one person.
Assignment of certification trade mark can only be done only with the consent of the
Associated trade marks shall be assignable and transmissible only as a whole but they
will be treated as separate trade marks for all other purposes.
Where the validity of an assignment is in dispute between the parties, the Registrar may
refuse to register the assignment or transmission unless the rights of parties are
determined by the competent court.

Removal of Trade Mark for Non-use { Section 47}

A trade mark which is not used within 5 years of its registration, becomes liable for
removal either completely or in respect of those goods or services for which the mark
has not been used.
However a mark can not be removed from the register on ground of non-use if such
non-use is shown to have been due to special circumstances in the trade which may
include restriction imposed by any law or regulation on the use of trade mark in India.

Intellectual Property Appellate Board

The Appellate Board will have the powers of a Civil Court.
With a view to facilitate speedy disposal of cases, this section lays down that the Board
shall not be bound by the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 but
be guided by the principles of natural justice.

Who benefits from a trade mark?

Registered Proprietor: The Registered Proprietor of a trade mark can stop other
traders from unlawfully using his trade mark, sue for damages and secure
destruction of infringing goods and or labels.
Government: The Trade Marks Registry is earning revenue.
Professionals: The Trade Marks Registration system is driven by professionals like
Company Secretaries who act as trademark agents for the clients in the processing
of the trade marks application.
Purchaser and ultimately Consumers of trade marks goods and services.

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Offences and Penalties

The penalty for applying false trade mark or false trade description, etc. shall be
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months but which may extend to
3 years and with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may
extend to two lakh rupees.

Offences by Companies { Section 114}

Where a person committing offence is a company, every person in charge of and
responsible to the company for the conduct of its business will be liable.
Where a person accused proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge
or he has exercised all due deligence to prevent the commission of such offence, he will
not be liable.
Where it is proved that an offence has been committed with the consent or is
attributable to any neglect of any Director, Manager, Secretary or any other officer of
the company, he shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence.
A company as to mean body corporate and includes a firm or other association of
In case of a firm, partners of the firm.

Trade Mark Agent

If any act is required to be done before the Registrar by any person, this may be done by a
person duly authorised who is a legal practitioner, a trade marks agent or by his employee if he
is duly authorised by him.
A Company Secretary can work as Trade mark agent.

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Design Act, 2000

Objective of this Act

To protect new or original designs so created to be applied to particular article to be
manufactured by Industrial Process.
To see that the artist, creator, originator of a design having aesthetic look is not
deprived of his bonafide reward by others applying it to their goods.

Important Definition
Article { Section 2(a) }
Article means any article of manufacture and any substance, artificial, or partly artificial and
partly natural; and includes any part of an article capable of being made and sold separately.

Design { Section 2(d)}

Only the feature of shape, configuration, pattern or combination of all/ any applied to any
article whether two dimensional / three dimensional / in both forms, by any industrial process
whether manual, mechanical, chemical or combined.

Prohibition of registration of certain designs

is not new or original; or
has been disclosed to the public anywhere in India or in any other country by
publication in tangible form or by use or
is not significantly distinguishable from known designs or combination of known
designs; or
comprises or contains scandalous or obscene matter, shall not be registered.

Application and Registration of design

The Controller may, on the application of any person claiming to be the proprietor of
any new or original design not previously published in any country and which is not
contrary to public order or morality register the design under the Act.
Every application accompanied with the fee.
A design when registered shall be registered as of the date of the application for
Controller shall, as soon as may be after the registration of a design, published the
design, be open to public inspection.
Controller grants a certificate of registration to the proprietor of the design when it

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Copyright on Registration
When a design is registered, the registered proprietor of the design shall, subject to the
provisions of this Act, have copyright in the design during 10 years from the date of
However, before the expiration of the said 10 years, application for the extension of the
period of copyright is made to the Controller, the Controller shall, on payment of the
fee, extend the period of copyright for a second period of 5 years.

Piracy of registered design (Section 22 )

During the existence of copyright in any design it shall not be lawful for any person—
for the purpose of sale to apply to any article in which the design is registered,; or
to import for the purposes of sale, without the consent of the registered proprietor,
any fraudulent or obvious imitation has been applied to any article in which the design is
registered without the consent of the registered proprietor.
Piracy of registered design has protection in the mode of:-
Damage etc.

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Geographical Indication of Goods Act, 1999

Important Definitions
Geographical indication [Section2(e)]
In relation to goods means an indication which identifies such goods as agricultural
goods, natural goods or manufactured good as originating / manufactured in the
territory of country / region / locality, where a given quality, reputation or other
characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
Examples of Indian Geographical Indications are Darjeeling Tea, Kanchipuram Silk Saree,
Alphanso Mango,Nagpur Orange, Kolhapuri Chappal etc.

Goods [Section 2(f)]

Goods mean any agricultural, natural or manufactured goods or any goods of handicraft or of
industry and includes food stuff.

Indication [Section 2(g)]

Indication includes any name, geographical or figurative representation or any
combination of them conveying or suggesting the geographical origin of goods to which it

Registration of geographical indication { Section 8}

A geographical indication may be registered in respect of any goods, by a region or
locality in that territory.
The Registrar may also classify the goods under in accordance with the International
classification of goods for the purposes of registration of geographical indications and
publish it.
Any question arising as to the class within which any goods fall or the definite area in
respect of which the geographical indication is to be registered shall be determined by
the Registrar.

Prohibition of registration of certain geographical indications { Section 9]

They are as follows :
the use of which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion; or
the use of which would be contrary to any law for the time being in force; or
which comprises or contains scandalous or obscene matter; or
which comprises or contains any matter likely to hurt the religious sentiment; or
which would otherwise be disentitled to protection in a court; or
which are determined to be generic names; or

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“Generic names or indications''

The name of a goods which, although relates to the place where the goods was
originally produced or manufactured has lost its original meaning and has become the
common name and serves as the kind or characteristic of the goods.
In determining whether the name has become generic, account shall be taken of all
factors including the existing situation in the region or place in which the name
originates and the area of consumption of the goods.

Application for registration { Section 11}

Any association of persons / producers / any organisation /authority representing the interest
of the producers of the concerned goods, who are desirous of registering a geographical
indication in relation to such goods shall apply in writing to the Registrar with fees.

Registration { Section 16}

On the registration of a geographical indication, the Registrar shall issue each to the
applicant and the authorised users, a certificate.
If registration of a geographical indication is not completed within 12 months from the
date of the application by reason of default on the part of the applicant, the Registrar
may, after giving notice to the applicant treat the application as abandoned.

Duration of registration { Section 18 }

The registration of a geographical indication shall be for a period of 10 years, but may be
renewed from time to time.
The registration of an authorised user shall be for a period of 10 years or for the period
till the date the auhorised user is registered expires, whichever is earlier.
The Registrar shall, on application made, by the registered proprietor on payment of
fee, renew the registration of the geographical indication, for a period of 10 years.

Infringement of unregistered geographical indication { Section 20 }

A person shall not be entitled to institute any proceeding to prevent, or to recover damages for,
the infringement of an unregistered geographical indication.

Infringement of registered geographical indications { Section 22}

A registered geographical indication is infringed by a person who, not being an authorised user
uses it.

"Act of unfair competition''

all acts of such a nature as to create confusion by any means
geographical indications, the use of which in the course of trade is liable to mislead the
persons as to the nature, the manufacturing process, the characteristics, the suitability
for their purpose, or the quantity, of the goods.

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Can a registered geographical indication be assigned, transmitted, etc?

No. A geographical indication is a public property belonging to the producers of the concerned
goods. It shall not be the subject matter of assignment, transmission, licensing, pledge,
mortgage or such other agreement However, when an authorised user dies, his right devolves
on his successor in title.

Prohibition of registration of geographical indication as Trade mark {Section 25}

The Registrar of Trade Marks shall, suo-motu or at the request of an interested party, refuse
or invalidate the registration of a trade mark which contains or consists of a geographical
indication, if use of such geographical indications in the trade mark, is as to confuse or mislead
the persons.

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Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Scope of the Act

The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir and applies to all goods
and services unless otherwise notified by the Central Government.

Basic Rights of Consumers

the right to be protected against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life
and property;
the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of
goods, or services so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices;
the right to be assured, wherever possible, access to variety of goods and services at
competitive prices;
the right to be heard and to be assured that consumers interests will receive due consideration
at appropriate forums;
the right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or restrictive trade practices or
unscrupulous exploitation of consumers; and
right to consumer education.

This is based on the basic rights of consumers as defined by the International Organisation of Consumers

Important Definitions {Section 2(1)}

Complainant [Section 2(1)(b)] Means

a consumer, or
any voluntary consumer association registered under the Companies Act, or under any other
law for the time being in force; or
the Central Government or any State Government, who or which makes a complaint; or
one or more consumers where there are numerous consumers having the same interest;
in case of death of a consumer, his legal heir or representative; who or which makes a complaint

Complaint [Section 2(1)(c)] Means

Any allegation in writing made, with a view to obtaining any relief, by a complainant that

an unfair trade practice or a restrictive trade practice has been adopted by any trader or service
the goods bought by him or agreed to be bought by him suffer from one or more defects;
the services hired or availed of or agreed to be hired or availed of by him suffer from deficiency
in any respect;

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a trader or the service provider, as the case may be, has charged for the goods or for the
services mentioned in the complaint, a price in excess of the price—
fixed by or under any law for the time being in force;
displayed on the goods or any package containing such goods;
displayed on the price list exhibited by him by or under any law for the time
being in force
agreed between the parties.
goods which will be hazardous to life and safety when used are being offered for sale to the
in contravention of any standards relating to safety;
if the trader could have known that the goods so offered are unsafe to the
services which are hazardous or likely to be hazardous to life and safety of the public when

Consumer [Section 2(1)(d)]

Means any person who

buys any goods for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly
promised, or under any system of deferred payment and includes any user of such goods other
than the person who buys such goods for consideration paid or promised or partly paid or partly
promised, or under any system of deferred payment when such use is made with the approval
of such person, but does not include a person who obtains such goods for resale or for any
commercial purpose; or
hires or avails of any services for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid
and partly promised, or under any system of deferred payment and includes any beneficiary of
such services other than the person who hires or avails of the services for consideration paid or
promised, or partly paid and partly promised, or under any system of deferred payment, when
such services are availed of with the approval of the first mentioned person but does not include
a person who avails of such services for any commercial purpose.
Commercial purpose does not include use by a consumer of goods bought and used by him exclusively
for the purpose of earning his livelihood by means of self-employment.
A purchase of goods can be said to be for a ‘commercial purpose only if the goods have been purchased
for being used in some profit making activity on a large-scale, and there is close and direct nexus
between the purchase of goods and the profit-making activity.

Case:- Laxmi Engineering Works v. P.S.G. Industrial Institute

The Supreme Court further observed that if a person purchased a machine to operate it himself for
earning his livelihood, he would be a consumer. If such person took the assistance of one or two persons
to assist him in operating the machine, he would still be a consumer. But if a person purchases a
machine and appoint or engage another person exclusively to operate the machine, then such person
would not be a consumer.

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Case:- Bhupendra Jang Bahadur Guna v. Regional Manager and Others,

The National Commission held that a tractor purchased primarily to till the land of the purchaser and let
out on hire during the idle time to till the lands of others would not amount to commercial use.

Case:- A Narasamma v. LIC of India.

The State Commission held that as the term ‘consumer’ includes any beneficiary of service other than
the person who hires the services for consideration, the widow being the beneficiary of services is a
‘consumer’ under the Act entitled to be compensated for the loss suffered by her due to negligence of
the LIC.

Case:- Laxmiben Laxmichand Shah v. Sakerben Kanji Chandan and others

The Supreme Court held that the tenant entering into lease agreement with the landlord cannot be
considered as consumer under Section 2(1)(d) of the Act. Where there was no provision in the lease
agreement in respect of cleaning, repairing and maintaining the building, the rent paid by tenant is not
the consideration for availing these services and therefore, no question of deficiency in service.

Goods {Section 2(1)(i)} Means

Goods as defined in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.

As per Section 2(7) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Goods means every kind of movable property other than actionable claims and money; and includes
stock and shares, growing crops, grass and things attached to or forming part of the land, which are
agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale. Therefore, most consumer products
come under the purview of this definition.

Case:- Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund v. Kartik Das

The Supreme Court held that an application for allotment of shares cannot constitute goods. It is after
allotment, rights may arise as per the articles of association of the company. At the stage of application
there is no purchase of goods for consideration and again the purchaser cannot be called the hirer of
services for consideration.

Service {Section 2(1)(o)} Means

Service of any description which is made available to potential users and includes, but not
to the provision of facilities in connection with banking, financing, insurance, transport,
processing, supply of electrical or other energy, board or lodging or both, housing construction,
entertainment, amusement or the purveying of news or other information,
but does not include
the rendering of any service free of charge or under a contract of personal service.

Contract of Service and Contract for Service

Case: - Indian Merchants Association v. V P Santha

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The Supreme Court observed that

A contract for service implies a contract whereby one party undertakes to render services e.g.
professional or technical services to or for another in the performance of which he is not subject
to detailed direction and control but exercises professional or technical skill and uses his own
knowledge and discretion.
A contract of service on the other hand implies relationship of master and servant and involves
an obligation to obey orders in the work to be performed and as to its mode and manner of

Service Rendered under Medicare Insurance Scheme:

Service rendered by a medical practitioner or hospital/nursing home can not be regarded as service
rendered free of charge, if the person availing the service has taken an insurance policy for medical care
where under the charges for consultation, diagnosis and medical treatment are borne by the insurance
company and such service would fall within the ambit of ‘service’ as defined in Section 2(1)(o).
Similarly, where as a part of the conditions of service, the employer bears the expenses of medical
treatment of an employee and his family members dependent on him, service rendered to such an
employee and his family members would not be free of charge and would constitute ‘service’ under
Section 2(1)(o) of the Act.

Case:- State of Haryana v. Santra

The Supreme Court held that in a country where the population has been increasing rapidly and the
Government has taken up the family planning as an important programme, the medical officer as also
the State Government must be held responsible in damages if the family planning operation is a failure
on account of the medical officers negligence because this has created additional burden on the parents
of the child.

Case:- Alex J. Rebello v. Vice Chancellor, Banglore University and others,

(NCDRC) the National Commission has held that the University in conducting examination, evaluating
answer sheets and publishing the result was not performing any service for consideration and a
candidate who appeared for the examination cannot be regared as a consumer.

Consumer Dispute [Section 2(1)(e)] Means

A dispute where the person against whom a complaint has been made, denies or disputes the allegation
contained in the complaint.

Restrictive Trade Practice [Section 2(1)(nn)]


a trade practice which tends to bring about manipulation of price or its conditions of delivery or
to affect flow of supplies in the market relating to goods or services in such a manner as to
impose on the consumers unjustified costs or restrictions

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and shall include—

delay beyond the period agreed to by a trader in supply of such goods or in providing the
services which has led or is likely to lead to rise in the price;

any trade practice which requires a consumer to buy, hire or avail of any goods or, as the case
may be, services as condition precedent to buying, hiring or availing of other goods or services.

Defect [Section 2(1)(f)] Means

Any fault, imperfection or shortcoming in the quality, quantity, potency, purity or standard
which is required to be maintained by or under any law for the time being in force or under any
contract, express or implied, or as is claimed by the trader in any manner whatsoever in relation
to any goods
Non-fulfilment of any of the standards or requirements laid down under any law for the time
being in force or as claimed by the trader in relation to any goods fall under the ambit of defect.

Deficiency [Section 2(1)(g)] Means

Any fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in the quality, nature and manner of
performance which is required to be maintained by or under any law for the time being in force
or has been undertaken to be performed by a person in pursuance of a contract or otherwise in
relation to any service.
Failure to maintain the quality of performance required by the law or failure to provide services
as per warranties given, by the provider of the service would amount to ‘deficiency’.

Case:- Divisional Manager, LIC of India v. Bhavanam Srinivas Reddy, The National Commission
observed that default or negligence in regard to settlement of an insurance claim (on allegation of
suppression of material facts, in this particular case) would constitute a deficiency in service on the part
of the insurance company and it will be perfectly open for the aggrieved consumer to approach the
Redressal Forums to seek appropriate relief.

Case:- Jaipur Metals and Electrical Ltd. v. Laxmi Industries

The National Commission held that a reading of Section 2(1)(g) of the Act shows that deficiency must
pertain to the ‘performance’ in terms of quality, nature and manner to be maintained or had been
undertaken to be performed in pursuance of a contract.

Case:- Punjab National Bank v. K.B. Shetty

Ornaments kept in the banks locker were found lost though the certificate recorded by the custodian of
the bank on the day the customer operated the locker stated that all lockers operated during the day
have been checked and found properly locked. The National Commission unholding the decision of the
State Commission, held the bank guilty of negligence and therefore, liable to make good the loss.

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Case:- Special Machines v. Punjab National Bank

Case:- M.L. Joseph v. SBI

Failure to provide nursing and financing facilities to a small scale industry which consequently became
sick cannot be said to constitute ‘deficiency in service’ as in matters of grant or withholding of further
advances and insisting on margin money, banks may exercise their discretion and act in accordance with
their best judgement after taking into account various relevant factors. Therefore, the proper forum to
agitate such grievances is a civil court.

Case:-Mrs. Anumati v. Punjab National Bank

It has also been held by National Commission that the financial institutions have every right to protect
their interests by taking conscious decisions. There shall be no deficiency in service where the bank
takes conscious decision to adjust the fixed deposit of the joint holders against the loan taken by a third
party when the FDR has been mortgaged as guarantee for loan.

Case:- Lucknow Development Authority v. Roop Kishore Tandon Failure of a Housing Board to give
possession of the flat after receiving the price and after registering it in favour of the allottee was held
to be ‘deficiency in service.

Case:- Dainik Rail Yatri Sangh (Regd.) v. The General Manager, Northern Railway

Cancellation of train services by the railways due to disturbance involving violence so as to safeguard the
passengers as well as its own property was held by the National Commission as not constituting
‘deficiency in service’ on the part of the Railway.

Case:- N. Prabhakaran v. General Manager, Southern Railway, Madras Failure of the Railways to
provide cushioned seats in the first class compartments as per specifications laid down by the Railway
Board and to check unauthorised persons from entering and occupying first class compartments was
held to be ‘deficiency’.

Case:- Union Bank of India v. Seppo Rally

The Supreme Court held that delay in payment of an unconditionally guaranteed amount by a bank in
India to a non-resident in Finland in foreign currency can not be attributed to any deficiency in the
service of the bank when the banks stand is that the delay is caused by the failure of a bank in Finland,
to which the remittance was to have been made under the non residents instructions to reply to the
Indian Banks valid query in this connection and the RBI took time to grant the necessary permission to
make the remittance.

Consumer Protection Councils

The interests of consumers are sought to be promoted and protected under the Act by establishment of
Consumer Protection Councils at the Central, State and District Levels.

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Central Consumer Protection Council { Section 4}

The Central Government can establish a Council to be known as the Central Consumer Protection
Council consisting of
the Minister in charge of Consumer Affairs in the Central Government, as its Chairman,
and such number of other official or nonofficial members representing such interests as may
be prescribed.
The Consumer Protection Rules, 1987 restrict the number of members of the Central Council to 150
Section 5 of the Act requires the Central Council to meet as and when necessary, but atleast once in
every year.

State Consumer Protection Council { Section 7}

Any State Government can establish State Consumer Protection Councils by (by notification) to be
known as Consumer Protection Council for that State.
The State Council shall consist of
a Minister incharge of Consumer Affairs in the State Government as its Chairman and
such number of other official or non-official members representing such interests as may be
prescribed by the State Government and
such number of other official or non official members, not exceeding ten, as may be nominated
by the Central Government.
The State Council shall meet as and when necessary but not less than two meetings shall be held every

District Consumer Protection Council { section 8A}

In order to promote and protect the rights of the consumers within the district in every district a council
shall be established, to be known as the District Consumer Protection Council.
It shall consist of
the Collector of the district, who shall be its Chairman and
such number of other official and non-official members representing such interests as may
be prescribed by the State Government.
The District Council shall meet as and when necessary but not less than two meetings shall be held every

Redressal Machinery under the Act

The Act provides for a three-tier quasi-judicial redressal machinery at the District, State and National
level for redressal of consumer disputes and grievances.
The District Forum has jurisdiction to entertain complaints where the value of goods/services
complained against and the compensation, if any claimed, does not exceed Rs.20 lakhs,
the State Commission for claims exceeding Rs. 20 lakhs but not exceeding Rs. 1 crore; and
the National Commission for claims exceeding Rs.1 crore.

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District Forum { Section 9}

Each District Forum shall consist of:

a person who is, or who has been, or is qualified to be, a District Judge, who shall be its
two other members one of whom shall be a woman, who shall have the following qualifications:
be not less than thirty-five years of age,
possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university,
be persons of ability, integrity and standing, and have adequate knowledge and
experience of at least ten years in dealing with problems relating to economics, law,
commerce, accountancy, industry, public affairs or administration:
A person shall be disqualified for appointment as a member if he—
has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence, which, in the
opinion of the State Government involves moral turpitude; or
is an undischarged insolvent; or
is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or
has been removed or dismissed from the service of the Government or a body
corporate owned or controlled by the Government; or
has, in the opinion of the State Government, such financial or other interest as is
likely to affect prejudicially the discharge by him of his functions as a member; or
has such other disqualification as may be prescribed by the State Government.
Every member of the District Forum shall hold office for a term of 5 years or upto the age of 65 years,
whichever is earlier, and shall be eligible for reappointment.

Jurisdiction of District Forum { Section 11}

The jurisdiction of the District Forum under two criteria pecuniary and territorial.

Pecuniary limits { Section 11(1)}

The District Forum can entertain complaints where the value of goods or services and the
compensation, if any, claimed does not exceed rupees 20 lakhs.
Territorial limits { Section 11(2)}
A complaint to be instituted in the District Forum within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the
opposite party or the defendant
actually and voluntarily resides or
carries on business or
has a branch office or
personally works for gain,
at the time of institution of the complaint; or
any one of the opposite parties (where there are more than one)

actually and voluntarily resides or carries on business or

has a branch office or
personally works for gain,

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at the time of institution of the complaint.

Case:- Dynavox Electronic Pvt. Ltd. v. B.J.S. Rampuria Jain College, Bikaner

In this case it was held that where in a contract, the machinery was supplied and installed at a particular
place, a part of cause of action would be deemed to have arisen at that place, therefore, the complaint
could be instituted in the District Forum within whose jurisdiction that place falls.

State Commission { Section 16}

The State Government can establish the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission consisting of:

a person who is or has been a judge of a High Court appointed by the State Government (in
consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court) who shall be its President.
not less than two and not more than such number of members, as may be prescribed, one of whom
shall be a woman,
Every member of the State Commission shall hold office for a term of 5 years or upto the age of 67years,
whichever is earlier and shall be eligible for reappointment.

Jurisdiction of State Commission { Section 17}

The jurisdiction of the Commission as follows:

The State Commission can entertain complaints where the value of the goods or services and
the compensation, if any claimed exceed rupees twenty lakhs but does not exceed rupees one
The State Commission also has the jurisdiction to entertain appeals against the orders of any
District Forum within the State.
However, no appeal by a person, who is required to pay any amount in terms of an order of the District
Forum, shall be entertained by the State Commission unless the appellant has deposited in the
prescribed manner 50% of the amount or rupees 25000, whichever is less;
The State Commission’s jurisdiction may be original, appellate or revisional.

The State Commission may reverse the orders passed by the District Forum on any question of fact or
law or correct any error of fact or of law made by the Forum.

Transfer of Cases { Section 17A)}

The State Commission on the application of the complainant or of its own motion can transfer, at any
stage of the proceeding any complaint pending before the District Forum to another District Forum
within the State if the interest of justice so requires.

National Commission { Section 9}

National Commission shall consist of—

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a person who is or has been a judge of the Supreme Court, to be appointed by the Central
Government (in consultation with the Chief Justice of India), who sshall
hall be its President;
not less than four and not more than such number of members as may be prescribed one of
whom shall be a woman,
Every member of the National Commission shall hold office for a term of 5 years or upto 70 years of age,
whichever is earlier
lier and shall be eligible for reappointment.

Jurisdiction of National Commission { Section 21}

The National Commission shall have jurisdiction:

to entertain complaints where the value of the goods or services and the compensation, if any,
claimed exceeds rupees one crore;
to entertain appeals against the orders of any State Commission.
However no appeal by a person, who is required to pay any amount in terms of an order of the State
Commission, shall be entertained by the National Commission unles
unlesss the appellant has deposited in the
prescribed manner fifty percent of the amount or rupees thirty
five thousands, whichever is less; and
to call for the records and pass appropriate orders in any consumer dispute which is pending
before, or has been decided by any State Commission where it appears to the National
Commission that such State Commission has exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law, or
has failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested, or has acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction
illegally or with material irregularity.

CS PANKAJ KUMAR Economic & Commercial law

Limitation Period for Filing of Complaint { Section 24A}

The District Forum, the State Commission, or the National Commission shall not admit a complaint
unless it is filed within 2 years from the date on which the cause of action has arisen.
However, where the complainant satisfies the Forum/Commission as the case may be, that he had
sufficient cause for not filing the complaint within two years, such complaint may be entertained by it
after recording the reasons for condoning the delay.

Powers of the Redressal Agencies

the summoning and enforcing attendance of any defendant or witness and examining the
witness on oath;
the discovery and production of any document or other material object producible as evidence;
the reception of evidence on affidavits;
the requisitioning of the report of the concerned analysis or test from the appropriate
laboratory or from any other relevant source;
issuing of any commission for the examination of any witness; and
any other matter which may be prescribed.

Nature and Scope of Remedies under the Act { Section 14(1)}

to remove the defects pointed out by the appropriate laboratory from the goods in question;
to replace the goods with new goods of similar description which shall be free from any defect;
to return to the complainant the price, or, as the case may be, the charges paid by the
to pay such amount as may be awarded by it as compensation to the consumer for any loss or
injury suffered by the consumer due to the negligence of the opposite party;
to remove the defects in goods or deficiencies in the services in question;
to discontinue the unfair trade practice or the restrictive trade practice or not to repeat them;
not to offer the hazardous goods for sale;
to withdraw the hazardous goods from being offered for sale;
to cease manufacture of hazardous goods and to desist from offering services which are
hazardous in nature;
to pay such sum as may be determined by it if it is of the opinion that loss or injury has been
suffered by a large number of consumers who are not identifiable conveniently.
to issue corrective advertisement to neutralize the effect of misleading advertisement to
provide for adequate costs to parties.
The redressal agency may order payment of compensation only in the event of negligence of the
opposite party which resulted in loss or damage and not otherwise, i.e. even though the complainant
has suffered loss or damage, he may not be entitled for compensation if he cannot prove negligence.

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A person aggrieved by an order of the District Forum can prefer an appeal to the State
Any person aggrieved by any original order of the State Commission may prefer an appeal to the
National Commission.
Any person aggrieved by any original order of the National Commission may prefer an appeal to
the Supreme Court.
All such appeals are to be made within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the order.
However, the concerned Appellate authority may entertain an appeal after the said period of
thirty days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filling it within the prescribed

Penalties { Section 27}

Failure or omission by a trader or other person against whom a complaint is made or the complainant to
comply with any order of the District Forum, State Commission or the National Commission shall be

with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one month but which may extend to
three years, or
with fine of not less than Rs. 2,000 but which may extend to Rs. 10,000, or with both.
However, on being satisfied that the circumstances of any case so require, the District Forum or the
State Commission or the National Commission may impose a lesser fine or a shorter term of

Important Cases

Case:- Sashikant Krishnaji Dole v. Shitshan Prasarak Mandali

Conclusion:- Failure to provide basic safeguards in the swimming pool held deficiency in service.


The school owned a swimming pool and offered swimming facilities to the public on payment of
a fee.
The school conducted winter and summer training camps to train boys in swimming and for this
purpose engaged a trainer/coach.
The complainants had enrolled their son for learning swimming under the guidance of the
It was alleged that due to the negligence of the coach the boy was drowned and met with his
death. The school denied that it had engaged the services of a coach and also denied any
responsibility on its part.

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Case:- Indian Airlines v. Dr. Jiteswar Ahir

Conclusion:- Removal of ladder of an aircraft while disembarking by the passenger held deficiency in


When the complainant-passenger occupied his seat in the aircraft, an announcement was made that
his luggage was lying on the ground unidentified and that he should disembark to identify his
According to the complainant he moved towards the rear door, and finding that the step ladder was
attached to the aircraft door, he stepped out on to the staircase but before he could actually put his
entire body weight on the staircase the ladder was suddenly removed as a result of which he fell
down on the ground and sustained bodily injuries which was reported to be about 10 percent.
As against the complainant’s claim of Rs. 10 lakhs the airlines was willing to pay Rs. 40,000 as
compensation which according to them was the maximum statutory liability of the Corporation
under the Carriage by Air Act, 1972.

Case:- Ravneet Singh Bagga v. KLM Royal Dutch Fintimes


Deficiency in service cannot be alleged without attributing fault, imperfection, shortcoming or in

adequacy in the quality, nature and manner of performance which is required to be performed by a
person in pursuance of a contract or otherwise in relation to any service.
The burden of proving deficiency in service is upon the person who alleged it. When the
complainant has not established any willful fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in the
service of the respondent, there can be no deficiency in service.
The complainant booked a ticked from Delhi to New York by a KLM plane. The airport authorities in
New Delhi did not find any fault in his visa and other documents. However at Amsterdam, the
airport authorities instituted proceedings of verification because of which the appellant missed his
flight to New York. After reaching New York, the airlines tendered apology to the appellant for the
inconvenience and paid as a goodwill gesture a sum of Rs. 2,500.
The appellant made a complaint to the National Commission under the Consumer Protection Act
which was rejected.
The Supreme Court held that the respondent could not be held to be guilty of deficiency in service.
The staff of the airline acted fairly and in a bona fide manner, keeping in mind security and safety of
passengers and the Aircraft.
The photograph on visa documents was a photo copy and not the original which was unusual. In the
circumstances, the staff took some time to ascertain the truth and helped the appellant to reach
New York the same day.

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Case:- Indian Poonam Verma v. Ashwin Patel

Conclusion:- A doctor qualified to practice homoeopathic system of medicines treating a patient with
allopathic medicines and patient dies held guilty of negligence.


The respondent was a qualified medical practitioner in homoeopathic system of medicine.

The appellant was the widow of a person who, it was alleged, had died because of the negligence of
the respondent in administering allopathic medicines in which he was not qualified to practise.
It was alleged that the deceased was treated to begin with, for viral fever on allopathic medicines
and since his condition had not improved antibiotics were used without conducting proper tests.
When his condition further deteriorated he was removed to a nursing home and after four days he
was removed to a hospital in an unconscious state. Within a few hours thereafter he died.
Her complaint to the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission for damages for the
negligence and carelessness of respondent in treating her husband was dismissed.
Allowing the appeal the Supreme Court held that the respondent who had practised in allopathy
without being qualified in that system was guilty of negligence per se. A person is liable at law for
the consequences of his negligence.
Jurisdiction of the Commission: The Supreme Court observed that it is beyond doubt now that
disputes regarding applicability of the Act to persons engaged in medical profession either as private
practitioners or as Government doctors working in hospitals or Government dispensaries come
within the purview of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
It is also settled that a patient who is a consumer has to be awarded compensation for loss or injury
suffered by him due to negligence of the doctor by applying the same tests as are applied in an
action for damages for negligence.

Case:- Gopi Ram Goyal and others v. National Heart Institute and others

The National Commission held that where the record and evidence shows that the conduct of the
opposite parties i.e. doctors was more than reasonable and the level of care was as could be
expected from professional in exercising reasonable degree of skill and knowledge.
The complainant however failed to prove any case of negligence on the part of doctors, therefore
the doctor cannot be held liable for death of patient.

Case:- Union of India v. Nathmal Hansaria

Conclusion:- Fall from a running train while passing through vestibule passage held deficiency in service.


The daughter of the respondent, travelling by a train, fell down from the running train while she was
passing through the inter-connecting passage between two compartments and died as a result of
crush injuries on her head.

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In the respondents petition for compensation, the Railways contended that the Consumer Redressal
agencies had no jurisdiction to consider a complaint of this nature in view of Section 15 of the
Railway Claims Tribunal Act read with Section 13 of that Act.
The State Commission held that a railway passenger travelling in a train on payment of
consideration was a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Section 82A of the Railways Act referred to in Section 13 of the Railway Claims Tribunal Act, 1987
and the rules made thereunder provided compensation for railway accidents and not for accidental
death of this nature.
Dismissing the appeal the National Commission held that the death of the passenger could not be
described as resulting from railway accident but an accidental death caused by the absence of safety
devices in the vestibule passage way.
Although the railway administration had claimed that the coach was a new coach and that all
coaches had been thoroughly checked at the starting point of the train and that no defect was
reported, the railways had not contended that this particular coach was checked at the time of
commencement of the journey.
The general statement of practice and procedure was not conclusive proof that this particular coach
was checked and no evidence had been produced in support of their contention.
Thus, the State Commission was right in holding that the deceased passenger was a consumer.
On the basis of similar facts, the MRTP Commission has awarded a compensation of Rs. 18 lakhs
with 9% interest to the parents of deceased.
The above compensation appears to be the highest award in commission’s history.

Case:- Jitendra Kumar v. Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and another

Conclusion:- Repudiation of Insurance claim because the driver did not have a valid license held
deficiency in service.


The Supreme Court has held that where the fire has occurred due to mechanical failure and not due to
any act or omission of the driver, the insurance company cannot repudiate the claim because of lack of
valid driving license.

Case:- Harshad J. Shah v. Life Insurance Corporation of India

Conclusion:- Premium paid to the agent of the LIC but the agent did not deposit the premium, death of
the insured - No deficiency of service on the part of the LIC


The insured (since deceased) took out four life policies with double accident benefits, premium
payable half-yearly.
When the third premium fell due, the general agent of the Corporation met the person and took
a bearer cheque towards the premium payable by him in respect of the policies.
Although the cheque was encashed immediately thereafter, it was not deposited with the
Corporation for another three months.

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In the meantime, the insured met with a fatal accident and died.
The Corporation rejected the widows claim for payment of the sum assured on the ground that
the policies had lapsed for non-payment of premium within the grace period.
In the widows complaint to the State Commission under the Consumer Protection Act the
Corporation pleaded that the amount of premium allegedly collected by the general agent could
not be said to have been received by the Corporation, that the agent was not authorised to
collect the premium amount.
Supreme Court held that the agent had no express authority to receive the premium on behalf
of the Corporation. In his letter of appointment there was a condition expressly prohibiting him
from collecting the premium. Nor could it be said that he had an implied authority to collect the

Case:- In National Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Seema Malhotra

A cheque was issued under a contract of insurance of motor car by the insured for payment of
premium to the policy.
However, cheque was dishonoured for want of funds in the account.
Meanwhile, the car met an accident and badly damaged, killing the insured owner.
The claim for insured amount was repudiated by the company.
The Supreme Court held that applying the principles envisaged under Section 51, 52 and 54 of Indian
Contract Act, relating to reciprocal promises, insurer need not to perform his part of promise when
the other party fails to perform his part and thus not liable to pay the insured amount.

Case:- In Sreedharan Nair N. v. Registrar, University of Kerala

The University refused to provide LL.B. degree certificate on completion of course on the ground
that the qualifying examination on the basis of which student was admitted in LL.B. course in Kerala
law college has not been recognised by it.
The National Commission held that this is a clear case of deficiency on part of University.
A compensation of Rs. 50,000 was awarded to complainant.

Case:- Isabella Thoburn College v. Ms. Fatima Effendi

The State Commission held that non-refund of admission fee is not a deficiency of service on the part of
the university because admission fee is consideration for admission and respondent herself voluntarily
withdrawing admission from one university to join another institute cannot claim refund of admission

Case:- Kusum Sharma & Others Versus Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre & Others

Supreme Court (CP) Supreme Court held that while deciding whether the medical professional is guilty
of medical negligence following well known principles must be kept in view:-
Negligence is the breach of a duty exercised by omission to do something which a reasonable
man, guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs,
would do, or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do.

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Negligence is an essential ingredient of the offence. The negligence to be established by the

prosecution must be culpable or gross and not the negligence merely based upon an error of
The medical professional is expected to bring a reasonable degree of skill and knowledge and
must exercise a reasonable degree of care. Neither the very highest nor a very low degree of
care and competence judged in the light of the particular circumstances of each case is what the
law requires.
A medical practitioner would be liable only where his conduct fell below that of the standards of
a reasonably competent practitioner in his field.
The medical practitioners at times also have to be saved from such a class of complainants who
use criminal process as a tool for pressurizing the medical professionals/hospitals particularly
private hospitals or clinics for extracting uncalled for compensation. Such malicious proceedings
deserve to be discarded against the medical practitioners.
The medical professionals are entitled to get protection so long as they perform their duties
with reasonable skill and competence and in the interest of the patients. The interest and
welfare of the patients have to be paramount for the medical professionals.

The aforementioned principles must be kept in view while deciding the cases of medical negligence. We
should not be understood to have held that doctors can never be prosecuted for medical negligence. As
long as the doctors have performed their duties and exercised an ordinary degree of professional skill
and competence, they cannot be held guilty of medical negligence. It is imperative that the doctors must
be able to perform their professional duties with free mind.

CS PANKAJ KUMAR Economic & Commercial law

The Competition Act, 2002

Competition in the market

A buyer prefers to buy a product at a price that maximizes his benefits whereas the seller prefers to sell
the product at a price that maximizes his profit.

Competition Law-Evolution and Development

The first Indian competition law was enacted in 1969 and was the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
Practices Act, 1969 (MRTP Act).

Direct its policy towards securing:

that the ownership and control of material resources of the community are so
distributed as best to sub serve the common good; and
that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of
wealth and means of production to the common detriment.

MRTP Act, 1969

The principal objectives of the Act, as were:

prevention of concentration of economic power to the common detriment;

control of monopolies;
prohibition of monopolistic trade practice;
prohibition of restrictive trade practices.

Scheme of the MRTP Act

Prevention of undesirable concentration of economic power was sought to be achieved

essentially through the regulation of growth of undertakings of particular size, viz. undertakings
having assets of the value of Rs. 100 crores.
These business houses were officially designated as large business houses. Undertakings having
a sizable share of the market, or licensed production capacity of more than 1/4th of the total
production or installed capacity in India were described as dominant undertakings.
These companies were declared large business houses if their assets were of the value of Rs. 1
crore or more.

Restrictive Trade Practices

horizontal fixation of price

vertical fixation of price and re-sale price maintenance;
allocation of markets between purchasers;
discrimination between purchasers;

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exclusive dealing contracts; and

tie-up arrangements.

Unfair Trade Practices

misleading advertisements and false representations

bargain sale, bait and witch selling;
offering gifts or prizes with the intention of not providing them and conducting
promotional contests;
supplying goods not conforming to safety standards; and
hoarding and destruction of goods.

Competition Act, 2002

The scope of the Act extends to whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Important Definitions

Acquisition [(Section 2(a)]

It means – directly or indirectly, acquiring or agreeing to acquire:

shares, voting rights or assets of any enterprise;

control over management or control over assets of any enterprise.

Agreement [Section 2(b)]

The term includes any arrangement or understanding or action in concert

whether or not, such arrangement, understanding or concert is in formal or in writing; or

whether or not such arrangement, understanding or concert is intended to be enforceable by
legal proceedings.
It implies that an arrangement need not necessarily be in writing.
The term “Competition” is not defined in the Act. However, in the corporate world, the term is generally
understood as a process whereby the economic enterprises compete with each other to secure
customers for their product. In the process, the enterprises compete to outsmart their competitors,
sometimes to eliminate their rivals. Competition in the sense of economic rivalry is unstable and has a
natural tendency to give way to a monopoly. Thus, competition kills competition.

Cartel [Section 2(c)]

“Cartel” includes an association of producers, sellers or distributors, traders or service providers who, by
agreement amongst themselves, limit control or attempt to control the production, distribution, sale or
price of or, trade in goods or provision of services.

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Some of the conditions that are conducive to cartelization are:

high concentration - few competitors

high entry and exit barriers
homogeneity of the products (similar products)
similar production costs
excess capacity
high dependence of the consumers on the product
history of collusion

Chairperson [Section 2(d)]

Chairperson means the Chairperson of Competition Commission of India appointed under Sub-section
(1) of Section 8.

Commission [Section 2(e)]

Commission means Competition Commission of India established under Section 7(1).

Consumer [Section 2(f)]

Consumer means any person who

buys any goods for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly
promised, or under any system of deferred payment and includes any user of such goods other
than the person who buys such goods for consideration paid or promised or under any system
of deferred payment when such use is made with the approval of such person, whether such
purchase of goods is for resale or for any commercial purpose or for personal use.

hires or avails of any services for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid
and partly promised, or under any system of deferred payment when such services are availed
of with the approval of the first mentioned person whether such hiring or availing of services is
for any commercial purpose or for personal use.

Under the Competition Act even if a person purchases goods or avails of services for commercial
purpose, he will be a Consumer, whereas for purposes of Consumer Protection Act, a person purchasing
goods/availing services for commercial purposes is not a “Consumer” and can not seek relief under that

Enterprise [Section 2(h)]

Enterprise means a person or a department of the Government, who or which is, engaged in any
activity, relating to production, control of goods or articles or provision of services, of any kind,
or in investment, or in the business of acquiring, holding, underwriting or dealing with shares,
debentures or other securities whether such unit or division or subsidiary is located at the same
place where the enterprise is located or at different place(s).

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However, it does not include any activity of the Central Government relating to sovereign
functions of Government including all activities carried on by the Government Departments
dealing with atomic energy, currency, defence and space.

Goods [Section 2(i)]

Goods means goods as defined in Sale of Goods Act, 1930 and includes
products manufactured, processed or mined;
debentures, shares and stocks after allotment;
in relation to ‘goods supplied’, goods imported into India.

Person [Section 2(p)]

Person includes
an individual;
a Hindu undivided family;
a company;
a firm;
an association of persons;
a corporation established under Central, State Act or a Government Company
a body corporate incorporated by or under a law of a foreign country;
a co-operative society registered under any Law
local authority
every artificial juridical person.

Price [Section 2(o)]

Price, in relation to sale of goods or supply of services, includes every valuable consideration, whether
direct or indirect, or deferred, and includes any consideration, which relates to sale of any goods or to
performance of any services although ostensibly relating to any other matter or thing.

Relevant Market [Section 2(r)]

Relevant market means the market, which may be determined by the Commission with reference to
‘relevant product market’ or ‘relevant geographic market’ or with reference to both the markets.

Relevant Geographic Market [Section 2(s)]

Relevant Geographic Market means a market comprising the area in which the conditions of
competition for supply of goods or provision of services or demand of goods or services are distinctly
homogenous and can be distinguished from conditions prevailing in neighbouring areas.

Relevant Product Market [Section 2(t)]

Relevant Product Market means a market comprising of all those products or services which are
regarded as interchangeable or substitutable by the consumer, by reasons of characteristics of products
or services, their prices and intended use.

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Service [Section 2(u)]

Service means service of any description which is made available to potential users and includes
the provision of services in connection with business of any industrial or commercial matters
such as banking, communication, education, financing, insurance, chit funds, real estate,
transport, storage, material treatment, processing, supply of electrical or other energy,
boarding, lodging, entertainment, amusement, construction, repair, conveying of news or
information and advertising.
The services of industrial or commercial nature also fall within the scope of the Act.

Shares [Section 2(v)]

Shares means shares in the share capital of a company carrying voting rights and includes, –
any security which entitles the holder to receive shares with voting rights;
stock except where a distinction between stock and share is expressed or implied.
Equity or preference shares are included in the definition of shares but ‘debentures convertible into
shares with voting rights’ are also included.

Statutory Authority [Section 2(w)] Means

Any authority, board, corporation, council, institute, university or any other body corporate, established
by or under any Central, State or Provincial Act for the purposes of regulating production or supply of
goods or provision of any services or markets there for or any matter connected therewith or incidental

Trade [Section 2(x)]

Trade means any ‘trade’, business, industry, profession or occupation relating to production, supplies,
distribution, storage or control of goods and includes the provision of any services.

Turnover [Section 2(y)]

Turnover includes value of sale of goods or services.

Anti Competitive Agreements { Section 3(1)}

No enterprise or association of enterprises or person or association of persons shall enter into

any agreement in respect of production, supply, distribution, storage, acquisition or control of
goods or provision of services, which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on
Any anti competitive agreement shall be void.

Bid rigging

Bidding, as a practice, is intended to enable the procurement of goods or services on the most
favourable terms and conditions.

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Most commonly adopted ways in which collusive bidding or bid rigging may occur are:

agreements to submit identical bids

agreements as to who shall submit the lowest bid, agreements for the submission of
cover bids (voluntarily inflated bids)
agreements not to bid against each other,
agreements on common norms to calculate prices or terms of bids
agreements to squeeze out outside bidders
agreements designating bid winners in advance on a rotational basis, or on a
geographical or customer allocation basis
If bid rigging takes place in Government tenders, it is likely to have severe adverse effects on its
purchases and on public spending.
Following shall be an agreement in contravention, if such agreement causes or is likely to cause an
appreciable adverse effect on competition in India.

tie-in agreement;
exclusive supply agreement;
exclusive distribution agreement;
refusal to deal;
resale price maintenance;
Tie-in agreement
Includes any agreement requiring a purchaser of goods, as a condition of such purchase, to purchase
some other goods.

Case:- Chanakaya and Siddharth Gas company, decided by (MRTP Commission)

A good example of tie-in agreement is where a gas distributor requires a consumer to buy a gas stove as
a pre condition to obtain connection of domestic cooking gas.

“Exclusive supply agreement”

Includes any agreement restricting in any manner from acquiring or otherwise dealing in any goods
other than those of the seller or any other person. Thus, where a manufacturer asks a dealer not to
deal in similar products of its competitor directly or indirectly and discontinues the supply on the
ground that dealer also deals in product of suppliers’ competitor’s goods is an illustration of exclusive
dealing agreement.

“Exclusive distribution agreement”

Includes any agreement to limit, restrict or withhold the output or supply of any goods or allocate any
area or market for the disposal or sale of the goods.

Requiring a distributor not to sell the goods of the manufacturer beyond the prescribed territory is a
good example of exclusive distribution agreement.

Case:- Vadilal Enterprise Ltd

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“Refusal to deal”
Includes any agreement, which restricts, or is likely to restrict, by any method the persons or classes of
persons to whom goods are sold or from whom goods are bought.

Case: DGIR v. Titan industries

“Resale price maintenance”

Includes any agreement to sell goods on condition that the prices to be charged on resale by the
purchaser shall be the prices stipulated by the seller unless it is clearly stated that prices lower than
those prices may be charged.

Case:- In re-India Cement Ltd.

What is an anti-competitive agreement?

An anti-competitive agreement is an agreement having appreciable adverse effect on competition. Anti-
competitive agreements include, but are not limited to:-

agreement to limit production and/or supply;

agreement to allocate markets;
agreement to fix price;
bid rigging or collusive bidding;
conditional purchase/ sale (tie-in arrangement);
exclusive supply / distribution arrangement;
resale price maintenance; and
refusal to deal.

“Predatory price”
has been defined as the sale of goods or provision of services, at a price which is below the cost, as may
be determined by regulations, of production of goods or provision of services, with a view to reduce
competition or eliminate the competitors. Thus, the two conditions precedent to bring a case with the
ambit of predatory pricing are:

selling goods or provision of service at a price which is below its cost of production and
that practice is resorted to eliminate the competitors or to reduce competition.

What constitutes abuse of dominance?

Abuse of dominant position includes:

imposing unfair conditions or price,
predatory pricing,
limiting production/market or technical development ,
creating barriers to entry,
applying dissimilar conditions to similar transactions,
denying market access, and
using dominant position in one market to gain advantages in another market.

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Combination has broad coverage and includes acquisition of control, shares, voting rights, assets,
merger or amalgamation. The acquisition of one or more enterprises by one or more person or
merger or amalgamation of enterprises shall be a combination of such enterprises and persons or
enterprises, if –

(a) any acquisition where

(i) the parties to the acquisition, being the acquirer and the enterprise, whose control, shares, voting
rights or assets have been acquired or are being acquired jointly have, -
either, in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees 2000 crores or turnover
more than rupees 6000 crores; or
in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than 1bn US
dollars, including at least rupees 1000 crores in India or turnover more than 3bn US
dollars, including at least rupees 3000 crores in India; or

(ii) the group, to which the enterprise whose control, shares, assets or voting rights have been acquired
or are being acquired, would belong after the acquisition, jointly have or would jointly have, -

either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees 8000 crores or
turnover more than rupees 24000 crores; or

in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than 4
billion US dollars, including at least rupees 1000 crores in India or turnover more
than 12 billion US dollars, including at least rupees 3000 crores in India; or

(b) acquiring of control by a person over an enterprise when such person has already direct or indirect
control over another enterprise engaged in production, distribution or trading of a similar or identical or
substitutable goods or provision of a similar or identical or substitutable service, if -

(i) the enterprise over which control has been acquired along with the enterprise over which the
acquirer already has direct or indirect control jointly have,

(A either, in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees 2000 crores or turnover
more than rupees 6000 crores; or

in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than 1bn US
dollars, including at least rupees 1000 crores in India or turnover more than 3bn US
dollars, including at least rupees 3000 crores in India; or

(ii) the group, to which enterprise whose control has been acquired, or is being acquired would belong
after the acquisition, jointly have would jointly have,

either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees 8000 crores or
turnover more than rupees 24000 crores; or

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in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than 4
billion US dollars, including at least rupees 1000 crores in India or turnover more
than 12 billion US dollars, including at least rupees 3000 crores in India; or

(c) any merger or amalgamation in which

(i) the enterprise remaining after merger or the enterprise created as a result of the amalgamation, as
the case may be, have, -

either, in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees 2000 crores or turnover
more than rupees 6000 crores; or

in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than 1bn US
dollars, including at least rupees 1000 crores in India or turnover more than 3bn US
dollars, including at least rupees 3000 crores in India; or

(ii) the group, to which the enterprise remaining after the merger or the enterprise created as a result
of the amalgamation, would belong after the merger or the amalgamation, as the case may be, have or
would have, -

either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees 8000 crores or
turnover more than rupees 24000 crores; or

in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than 4
billion US dollars, including at least rupees 1000 crores in India or turnover more
than 12 billion US dollars, including at least rupees 3000 crores in India; or


Includes controlling the affairs or management by

one or more enterprises, either jointly or singly, over another enterprise or group;
one or more groups, either jointly or singly, over another group or enterprise.


Means two or more enterprises, which, directly or indirectly, are in a position to

exercise less than fifty percent of voting rights in other enterprise; or

appoint more than fifty per cent of the members of the board of directors in other enterprise; or
control the management or affairs of the other enterprise.
Such intimation should be submitted within 30 days
No combination shall come into effect until 210 days have passed from the day of notice or the
Commission has passed orders, whichever is earlier.
The provisions of Section 6 do not apply to share subscription or financing facility or any
acquisition, by
a public financial institution,
foreign institutional investor,

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bank or venture capital fund,

Pursuant to any covenant of a loan agreement or investment
This exemption appears to have been provided in the Act to facilitate raising of funds by an
enterprise in the course of its normal business. Under Section 6(5), the public financial
institution, foreign institutional investor, bank or venture capital fund, are required to file in
prescribed form, details of the control, the circumstances for exercise of such control and the
consequences of default arising out of loan agreement or investment agreement, within seven
days from the date of such acquisition or entering into such agreement, as the case may be.
The combinations are only regulated whereas anti-competitive agreements and abuse of
dominance are prohibited.

Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Composition of Commission { Section 8 }

a Chairperson and
not less than two and not more than six other Members.
The Chairperson and other Members are to be appointed on whole time basis.

Term of office of Chairperson and other Members

Chairperson and every other Member shall hold office as such for a term of five years from
the date on which he enters upon his office and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
However, the Chairperson or other Members shall not hold office as such after he has
attained the age of sixty-five years.

Resignation of Chairperson { Section 11 }

Chairperson or any other Member may resign his office by notice in writing under his hand
addressed to the Central Government.
However, until the Chairperson or a Member is permitted by the Central Government to
relinquish his office, he will continue to hold his office until the expiry of three months from the
date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appointed as a successor enters into his
office or until the expiry of his term, which ever is the earliest.

Central Government may, by order, remove the Chairperson or any Member from his office if such
Chairman or Member as the case may be, -

is, or at any time has been, adjudged as an insolvent; or

has engaged at any time, during his term of office, in any paid employment; or
has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Central
Government, involves moral turpitude; or
has acquired such financial or other interest as it likely to affect prejudicially his
functions as a Member; or

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has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to

the public interest; or
has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a Member.

Appointment of Director General

Director General is an important functionary under the Act.

He is to assist the Commission in conducting inquiry into contravention of any of the provisions
of the Act and for performing such other functions as are, or may be, provided by or under the
Central Government may appoint a Director General and such number of additional, joint,
deputy or assistant Director Generals or other advisers, consultants or officers for the purposes
of assisting the Commission in conducting inquiry into the contravention of any provision of the

Duties of the CCI {Section 18}

to eliminate practices having adverse effect on competition;

to promote and sustain competition;
to protect interests of consumers and
to ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants, in markets in India.

While determining whether an agreement has appreciable adverse effect on competition, the
Commission shall give due regard to all or any of the following factors–

creation of barriers to new entrants in the market;

driving existing competitors out of the market;
foreclosure of competition by hindering entry into the market;
accrual of benefits to consumers;
improvements in production or distribution of goods or provision of services;
promotion of technical, scientific and economic development by means of
production or distribution of goods or provision of services.

For the purpose of determining whether an enterprise enjoys dominant position or not the
Commission shall have due regard to all or any of the following factors –

market share of the enterprise;

size and resources of the enterprise;
size and importance of the competitors;
economic power of the enterprise including commercial advantages over competitors;
vertical integration of the enterprises or sale or service network of such enterprises;
dependence of consumers on the enterprise;
market structure and size of market;
social obligations and social costs;
any other factor which the Commission may consider relevant for the inquiry.

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For determining the “relevant geographic market”, the Commission shall have due regard to all or any
of the following factors;

regulatory trade barriers;

local specification requirements;
national procurement policies;
adequate distribution facilities;
transport costs;
consumer preferences;
need for secure, regular supplies or rapid after-sales service.

While determining ‘relevant product market’ the Commission shall have due regard to all or any of
the following factors;

physical characteristics or end-use of goods;

price of goods or service;
consumer preferences;
exclusion of in-house production;
existence of specialized producers;
classification of industrial products.

Meetings of Commission { Section 22}

Commission shall meet at such times and places, and shall observe such rules and procedure in
regard to the transaction of business at its meetings as may be provided by regulations.
The Chairperson, if for any reason, is unable to attend a meeting of the Commission, the senior-
most Member present at the meeting, shall preside at the meeting.
All questions which come up before any meeting of the Commission shall be decided by a
majority of the Members present and voting, and in the event of an equality of votes, the
Chairperson or in his absence, the Member presiding, shall have a second or/casting vote.
However, the quorum for such meeting shall be three Members.

Procedure for inquiry on complaints under Section 19

If the Commission is of the opinion that there exists a prima facie case, on receipt of an
information from any person, it shall direct the Director General to cause an investigation to be
made into the matter.
The Director General shall investigate into the matter and submit a report of its findings within
the period as may be specified by the Commission. It is, however, not binding on the
Commission to accept the report of the Director General.
Where upon receipt of a reference or information, the Commission is of the opinion that there is
no prima- facie case, it shall pass an order dismissing the reference/information, as it deems fit
and necessary.

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Upon receipt of a report from the Director General, the Commission shall forward a copy
thereof to
the parties concerned or
Central Government or
State Government or
statutory authority as the case may be.

If the Director General, in relation to a matter referred to it, recommends that there is
no contravention of any of the provisions of the Act, the Commission shall give an opportunity
of hearing to the informant and after hearing, if the Commission agrees with the
recommendation of the Director General, it shall dismiss the information.

Procedure for investigation of combination {Section 29}

It involves following stages -

(i) The Commission first has to form a prima facie opinion that a combination is likely to cause, or has
caused an appreciable adverse effect on competition;
(ii) After receipt of the response of the parties to the combination may call for the report of the Director
(iii) The Commission prima-facie is of the opinion that the Combination is likely to cause an appreciable
adverse effect on competition in relevant market, it shall, within seven days direct the parties to the
combination to publish within ten working days, the details of the combination, in such manner as it
thinks appropriate so as, to bring to the information of public and persons likely to be affected by such
(iv) The Commission may invite any person affected or likely to be affected by the said combination, to
file his written objections within fifteen working days of the publishing of the public notice, with the
Commission for its consideration.
(v) The Commission may, within fifteen working days of the filing of written objections, call for such
additional or other information as it deem fit from the parties to the said combination and the
information shall be furnished by the parties above referred within fifteen days from the expiry of the
period notified by the Commission.
(vi) After receipt of all the information and within forty-five days from expiry of period for filing further
information, the Commission shall proceed to deal with the case, in accordance with provisions
contained in Section 31 of the Act.

Acts taking place outside India but having an effect on Competition in India { Section 32}

an agreement has been entered into outside India; or

any party to such agreement is outside India; or
any enterprise abusing the dominant position is outside India; or
a combination has taken place outside India; or
any party to combination is outside India; or
any other matter or practice or action arising out of such agreement or dominant
position or combination is outside India.

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Appearance before Commission { Section 35}

Following persons are entitled to appear before the Commission

a complainant; or
a defendant; or
the Director General
They may either appear in person or authorise any of the following:
a chartered accountant who has obtained a certificate of practice; or
a company secretary who has obtained a certificate of practice;
a cost accountant who has obtained a certificate of practice;
a legal practitioner that is an advocate.

Power of Commission to regulate its own procedure

summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
requiring the discovery and production of documents;
receiving evidence on affidavits;
issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents;

Execution of Orders of the Commission Imposing Monetary penalty { Section 39 }

If a person fails to pay any monetary penalty imposed on him under the Act, the Commission
shall proceed to recover such penalty, in such manner as may be specified by the regulations.
In a case where the Commission is of the opinion that it would be expedient to recover the
penalty imposed under the Act in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, it
may make a reference to this effect to the concerned income-tax authority under that Act for
recovery of the penalty as tax due under the said Act.
Commission may by its Regulations has been empowered to evolve procedure of recovering
monetary penalty. It may also make reference to Income Tax Authority for recovering of penalty
as tax due under the said Act.
Every order passed by the Commission under this Act shall be executed in the same manner as if
it were a decree or order made by the High Court or the Principal Civil Court in any suit pending

Duties of Director General

The Act provides that the Director General when so directed by the Commission, is to assist the
Commission in investigation into any contravention of the provisions of this Act.

The Director General is bound to comply with such a direction to render requisite assistance to
the Commission.
The Director General, in order to effectively discharge his functions, has been given the same
powers as are conferred upon the Commission as are vested in Civil Court in respect of the
following matters;
summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;

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requiring the discovery and production of documents;

receiving evidence on affidavits;
issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents;

Penalties { Section 42}

The Commission may cause an inquiry to be made into compliance of its orders or directions and

if any person, without any reasonable cause, fails to comply with any order of the
Commission, or condition or restriction subject to which any approval, sanction, direction or
exemption in relation to any matter has been accorded, given, made or granted under this
Act; or
if any person fails to pay the penalty imposed under the Act, he shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to
rupees twenty five crores or with both.

Penalty for failure to comply with directions of Commission and Director General { Section 43 }
If any person fails to comply, without reasonable cause, with a direction given by the Commission or the
Director General, such person shall be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees one lakh for
each day during which such failure continues subject to a maximum of rupees one crore, as may be
determined by the Commission

Power to impose penalty for non-furnishing of information on combination { Section 43A }

If any person or enterprise who fails to give notice to the Commission, the Commission shall impose on
such person or enterprise a penalty which may extend to 1% of the total turnover or the assets,
whichever is higher, of such a combination.

Penalty for making false statement { Section 44 }

If any person, being a party to a combination, makes a statement which is false in any material
particular, or knowing it to be false; or omits to state any material particular knowing it to be material,
such person shall be liable to a penalty which shall not be less than rupees fifty lakhs but which may
extend to rupees one crore, as may be determined by the Commission.

Competition Advocacy { Section 49 }

Central Government/State Government may seek the opinion of the CCI on the possible effects
of the policy on competition or any other matter.
While formulating a policy on the competition, the Government may make a reference to the
Commission for its opinion on possible effect of such a policy on the competition, or any other
On receipt of such a reference, the Commission shall, give its opinion on it to the Central
Government/State Government, within sixty days of making such a reference and the latter may
formulate the policy as it deems fit.

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The role of the Commission is advisory and the opinion given by the Commission shall not be
binding upon the Central Government/State Government in formulating such a policy.
The Commission is also empowered to take suitable measures for the
promotion of competition advocacy;
creating awareness about the competition; and
imparting training about competition issues.

Accounts and Audit

Proper accounts and other relevant records shall be maintained by the Commission and an
annual statement of accounts shall be prepared by it in prescribed form in consultation with the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG).
The CAG shall specify the intervals within which the accounts of the Commission shall be audited
by him.
Orders passed by the Commission, being matters appealable to the Supreme Court, shall not be
subject to audit by the CAG.
The expenses, if any, incurred in connection with such audit shall be payable by the Commission
to the CAG.
The CAG or any person appointed by him in connection with the audit of the accounts of the
Commission shall have same rights, privileges and authority in connection with such audit as
CAG has in connection with the audit of Government accounts and, shall have the right to
demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other documents and
papers and to inspect any of the offices of the Commission.
Only accounts as certified by the CAG and any other person authorised by him in this behalf
together with the audit report thereon shall be forwarded to the Central Government and the
Government shall cause it to be laid before each House of Parliament.

Appeal to Appellate Tribunal

The Central Government or the State Government or a local authority or enterprise or any
person, aggrieved by any direction, decision or order may prefer an appeal to the Appellate
Every appeal shall be filed within a period of 60 days.
However, the Appellate Tribunal may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period
of sixty days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filing it within that period.
Appellate Tribunal may, after giving the parties to the appeal, an opportunity of being
heard, pass such orders thereon as it thinks fit, confirming, modifying or setting aside the
direction, decision or order appealed against.
The Appellate Tribunal shall send a copy of every order made by it to the Commission and
the parties to the appeal.
The appeal filed before the Appellate Tribunal shall be made by it to dispose of the appeal
within six months from the date of receipt of the appeal.

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Composition of Appellate Tribunal

The Appellate Tribunal shall consist of

a Chairperson and
not more than two other members
to be appointed by the Central Government.

Qualifications for appointment of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal {Section 53D}

Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal shall be a person, who is, or has been a Judge of the
Supreme Court or the Chief Justice of a High Court.
A member of the Appellate Tribunal shall be a person of ability, integrity and standing
having special knowledge of, and professional experience of not less than twenty five
years in, competition matters including competition law and policy, international trade,
economics, business, commerce, law, finance, accountancy, management, industry, public
affairs, administration or in any other matter which in the opinion of the Central
Government, may be useful to the Appellate Tribunal.

Term of office of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal

in the case of the Chairperson, the age of sixty-eight years;

in the case of any other member of the Appellate Tribunal, the age of sixty-five years.

Restriction on employment of Chairperson and other Members of Appellate Tribunal in certain cases

The Chairperson and other members of the Appellate Tribunal shall not, for a period of two
years from the date on which they cease to hold office, accept any employment in, or connected
with the management or administration of, any enterprise which has been a party to a
proceeding before the Appellate Tribunal under the Act.
However, nothing contained in this section shall apply to any employment under the Central
Government or a State Government or local authority or in any statutory authority or any
corporation established by or under any Central, State or Provincial Act or a Government

Procedures and powers of Appellate Tribunal { Section 53O}

The Appellate Tribunal shall have, for the purposes of discharging its functions under this Act, the same
powers as are vested in a civil court in respect of the following matters:

summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
requiring the discovery and production of documents;
receiving evidence on affidavit;
issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents;
reviewing its decisions;
dismissing a representation for default or deciding it ex parte;

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setting aside any order of dismissal of any representation for default or any order
passed by it ex parte;
any other matter which may be prescribed.

Contravention of orders of Appellate Tribunal

If any person contravenes, without any reasonable ground, any order of the Appellate Tribunal, he shall
be liable for a penalty of not exceeding rupees one crore or imprisonment for a term up to three years
or with both.

Appeal to Supreme Court

The Central Government or any State Government or the Commission or any statutory authority
or any local authority or any enterprise or any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the
Appellate Tribunal may file an appeal to the Supreme Court within sixty days from the date of
communication of the decision or order of the Appellate Tribunal to them.
The Supreme court may, if it is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause
from filing the appeal within the said period, allow it to be filed after the expiry of the said
period of sixty days.

Power to exempt

The Central Government may, by notification exempt from the application of the Act, or any provision

any class of enterprises if such exemption is necessary in the interest of security of the
State or public interest;
any practice or agreement arising out of and in accordance with any obligation assumed
by India under any treaty, agreement or convention with any other country or countries;
any enterprise, which performs a sovereign function on behalf of the Central
Government or a State Government.

Power of Central Government to supersede Commission

It is stipulated under section 56 of the Act that if at any time the Central Government is of the opinion -

that the Commission, on account of circumstances beyond its control is unable to

discharge the functions or perform the duties imposed on it by or under the provisions
of the Act; or
that the commission has persistently made default in complying with any direction given
by the Central Government under this Act or in discharge of functions or performance of
duties imposed on it by or under the provisions of the Act and as a result of such default
the financial position or the administration of the Commission has suffered; or
that the circumstances exist which render it necessary in the public interest to do so,
the Central Government may, by notification and for the reasons stated therein,

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supersede the Commission for such period, not exceeding six months, as may be
specified in the notification.
Thus, power to supersede CCI vests in the Central Government. However before issuing any such
notification, the Central Government shall give to the Commission a reasonable opportunity to make
representations against the proposed supersession for its consideration.

Upon publication of a notification superseding the Commission

the Chairperson and other members shall vacate the office from the date of suppression;
until Commission is reconstituted, all powers functions and duties of the Commission shall be
discharged by the Central Government or by an authority specified by the Central Government
in this behalf;
until the Commission is reconstituted all of its properties shall vest in the Central Government.

Exclusion of jurisdiction of Civil Courts

A civil court is precluded to exercise Jurisdiction in respect of any matter, which the Commission is
empowered by or under the Act to determine and no injunction shall be granted by any court or other
authority in respect of any action taken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under
the Act.

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Indian Contract Act, 1872


A contract is a combination of the two elements: (1) an agreement and

(2) an obligation.

Characteristics of an agreement:

Plurality of persons: There must be two or more persons to make an agreement

because one person cannot enter into an agreement with himself.
Consensus ad idem: The meeting of the minds is called consensus-ad-idem. It means
both the parties to an agreement must agree about the subject matter of the
agreement in the same sense and at the same time.

Agreements which are not Contracts

Agreements in which the idea of bargain is absent and there is no intention to create legal
relations are not contracts. These are:

Agreements relating to social matters: An agreement between two persons to go

together to the cinema, or for a walk, does not create a legal obligation on their part to
abide by it.

Domestic arrangements between husband and wife:

Case:- In Balfour v. Balfour

In this case it was held that, a husband working in Ceylone, had agreed in writing to
pay a housekeeping allowance to his wife living in England. On receiving information
that she was unfaithful to him, he stopped the allowance: Held, he was entitled to do
so. This was a mere domestic arrangement with no intention to create legally binding
relations. Therefore, there was no contract.


(i) An offer or proposal by one party and acceptance of that offer by another party
resulting in an Agreement—consensus-ad-idem.
(ii) An intention to create legal relations or intent to have legal consequences.
(iii) The agreement is supported by a lawful consideration.
(iv) The parties to the contract are legally capable of contracting.

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(v) Genuine consent between the parties.

(vi) The object and consideration of the contract is legal and is not opposed to public
(vii) The terms of the contract are certain.
(viii) The agreement is capable of being performed i.e., it is not impossible of being

Lapse of Offer (Section 6)

An offer lapses if—

it is not accepted within the specified time (if any) or after a reasonable time, if none is
it is not accepted in the mode prescribed or if no mode is prescribed in some usual
and reasonable manner, e.g., by sending a letter by mail when early reply was
the offeree rejects it by distinct refusal to accept it;
either the offeror or the offeree dies before acceptance;
the acceptor fails to fulfill a condition precedent to an acceptance.
the offeree makes a counter offer, it amounts to rejection of the offer and an offer by
the offeree may be accepted or rejected by the offeror.

Revocation of Offer by the Offeror

An offer may be revoked by the offeror at any time before acceptance.

Like any offer, revocation must be communicated to the offeree, as it does not take
effect until it is actually communicated to the offeree.
Before its actual communication, the offeree, may accept the offer and create a binding
contract. The revocation must reach the offeree before he sends out the acceptance.
An offer to keep open for a specified time (option) is not binding unless it is
supported by consideration.

A contract emerges from the acceptance of an offer. Acceptance is the act of assenting by
the offeree to an offer. Under Section 2(b) of the Contract Act when a person to whom the
proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal,
when accepted becomes a promise..

Rules Governing Acceptance

Acceptance may be express i.e. by words spoken or written or implied from the conduct
of the parties.
If a particular method of acceptance is prescribed, the offer must be accepted in
the prescribed manner.
Acceptance must be unqualified and absolute and must correspond with all the terms of
the offer.
A counter offer or conditional acceptance operates as a rejection of the offer and
causes it to lapse, e.g., where a horse is offered for Rs. 1,000 and the offeree counter-
offers Rs. 990, the offer lapses by rejection.

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Acceptance must be communicated to the offeror, for acceptance is complete the

moment it is communicated. Where the offeree merely intended to accept but
does not communicate his intention to the offeror, there is no contract. Mere mental
acceptance is not enough.
Mere silence on the part of the offeree does not amount to acceptance.
Acceptance must be given within a reasonable time and before the offer lapses or is
revoked. An offer becomes irrevocable by acceptance.

An acceptance never precedes an offer. There can be no acceptance of an offer which is not
communicated. Similarly, performance of conditions of an offer without the knowledge of the
specific offer, is no acceptance.

Case:- Lalman Shukla v. Gauri Dutt

In this case it was held that where a servant brought the boy without knowing of the reward,
he was held not entitled to reward because he did not know about the offer.

Standing Offers
A tender to supply goods as and when required, amounts to a standing offer.

A standing offer or a tender is of the nature of a continuing offer. An acceptance of such an

offer merely amounts to intimation that the offer will be considered to remain open during the
period specified and that it will be accepted from time to time by placing order for specified
quantities. Each successive order given, while the offer remains in force, is an acceptance of
the standing offer as to the quantity ordered, and creates a separate contract. It does not bind
either party unless and until such orders are given.

Contracts by Post
Contracts by post are subject to the same rules as others, but because of their importance,
these are stated below separately:

An offer by post may be accepted by post, unless the offeror indicates anything to the
An offer is made only when it actually reaches the offeree and not before, i.e.,
when the letter containing the offer is delivered to the offeree.
An acceptance is made as far as the offeror is concerned, as soon as the letter
containing the acceptance is posted, to offerors correct address; it binds the offeror, but
not the acceptor.
An acceptance binds the acceptor only when the letter containing the acceptance
reaches the offeror. The result is that the acceptor can revoke his acceptance before it
reaches the offeror.
An offer may be revoked before the letter containing the acceptance is posted. An
acceptance can be revoked before it reaches the offeror.

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Contracts over the Telephone

Contracts over the telephone are regarded the same in principle as those negotiated by the
parties in the actual presence of each other. In both cases an oral offer is made and an oral
acceptance is expected.

The acceptance must be audible, heard and understood by the offeror.

Case:- Kanhaiyalal v. Dineshwarchandra

In this case it was held thatiIf during the conversation the telephone lines go “dead” and the
offeror does not hear the offerees word of acceptance, there is no contract at the
moment. If the whole conversation is repeated and the offeror hears and understands
the words of acceptance, the contract is complete.

Rules Governing Consideration

Every simple contact must be supported by valuable consideration otherwise it is
formally void subject to some exceptions.
Consideration may be an act of abstinence or promise.
There must be mutuality i.e., each party must do or agree to do something. A
gratuitous promise as in the case of subscription for charity, is not enforceable. For
example, where A promises to subscribe Rs. 5,000 for the repair of a temple, and then
refuses to pay, no action can be taken against him.
Consideration must be real, and not vague, indefinite, or illusory, e.g., a son’s
promise to “stop being a nuisance” to his father, being vague, is no consideration.
Although consideration must have some value, it need not be adequate
Consideration must be lawful, e.g., it must not be some illegal act such as paying
someone to commit a crime. If the consideration is unlawful, the agreement is void.
Consideration must be something more than the promisee is already bound to do for
the promisor.
Thus, an agreement to perform an existing obligation made with the person to whom the
obligation is already owed, is not made for consideration.

Case:- Stilk v. Myrick

For example, if a seaman deserts his ship so breaking his contract of service and is induced
to return to his duty by the promise for extra wages, he cannot later sue for the extra wages
since he has only done what he had already contracted for:

When Consideration not Necessary

If it is expressed in writing and registered and is made out of natural love and
affection between parties standing in a near relation to each other; or
If it is made to compensate a person who has already done something
voluntarily for the promisor, or done something which the promisor was legally
compellable to do; or
If it is a promise in writing and signed by the person to be charged therewith, or
by his agent, to pay a debt barred by the law of limitation.

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Besides, according to Section 185 of the Indian Contract Act, consideration is not
required to create an agency.
In the case of gift actually made, no consideration is necessary. There need
not be nearness of relation and even if it is, there need not be any natural love
and affection between them.

The chief flaws in contract are:

Undue Influence

Where there is no real agreement, the law has three remedies:

Firstly: The agreement may be treated as of no effect and it will then be known as
void agreement.

Secondly: The law may give the party aggrieved the option of getting out of his bargain, and
the contract is then known as voidable.

Thirdly: The party at fault may be compelled to pay damages to the other party.

Mistake of Law and Mistake of Fact

Mistakes are of two kinds: (i) mistake of law, and (ii) mistake of fact. If there is a
mistake of law of the land, the contract is binding because everyone is deemed to
have knowledge of law of the land and ignorance of law is no excuse (ignorantia juris
But mistake of foreign law and mistake of private rights are treated as mistakes of
fact and are execusable.
The law of a foreign country is to be proved in Indian Courts as ordinary facts. So
mistake of foreign law makes the contract void. Similarly, if a contract is made in
ignorance of private right of a party, it would be void, e.g., where A buys property
which already belongs to him.

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• A void agreement is A voidable contract An illegal

one which is is one which a party agreement is one
destitute of all legal which like a void
effects. can put to an end
agreement has no
• It cannot enforced He can exercise his legal effects.
and confers no right option, if his consent
on either party e.g.. further transaction
A minor’s contract was not free collateral to it also
• Example However the become tainted
‘A’ borrows from contract shall be with illegality
‘B’1000/- for lending binding if he does Example
To ‘C’ (a minor) not exercise his “A” had borrowed
contract between options within 1,000/- from ‘B’
A and C is void, to buy a pistol to
but reasonable time shoot ‘C’
‘B’ can recover the ‘B’ can not
money from ‘A’ recover money
* All illegal agreements from ‘A’ if he
are void but all void had knowledge
of the purpose
agreement are not of ‘A’
necessarily illegal

Contracts Uberrimae Fidei

There are contracts in which the law imposes a special duty to act with the utmost good faith
i.e., to disclose all material information. Failure to disclose such information will render the
contract voidable at the option of the other party.

Contracts uberrimae fidei are:

(a) Contract of insurance of all kinds:
(b) Company prospectus:
(c) Contract for the sale of land: The vendor is under a duty to the purchaser to show
good title to the land he has contracted to sell.
(d) Contracts of family arrangements: When the members of a family make
agreements or arrangements for the settlement of family property, each member of
the family must make full disclosure of every material fact within his knowledge.

Difference between Fraud and Innocent Misrepresentation

Fraud implies an intent to deceive, which is lacking if it is innocent misrepresentation.

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In case of misrepresentation and fraudulent silence, the defendant can take a good
plea that the plaintiff had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary
diligence. This argument is not available if there is fraud (Section 19- exception).
In misrepresentation the plaintiff can avoid or rescind the contract. In fraud, the
plaintiff can claim damages as well.
If there is fraud, it may lead to prosecution for an offence of cheating under the Indian
Penal Code.


Means “the committing or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code,
or unlawful detaining or threatening to detain, any property to the prejudice of any person
whatever with the intention of causing any person to enter into an agreement”.

The doing of any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code is coercion even though such an act
is done in a place where the Indian Penal Code is not in force. If A at the point of a pistol
asks B to execute a promissory note in his favour and B to save his life does so he can
avoid this agreement as his consent was not free. Even a threat to third-party, e.g., where A
compels B to sign a document threatening to harm C, in case B does not sign would also
amount to coercion.

Case:- Ramchandra v. Bank of Kohlapur

It has been held that mere threat by one person to another to prosecute him does not
amount to coercion. There must be a contract made under the threat and that contract
should be one sought to be avoided because of coercion

Undue Influence

A contract is said to be produced by undue influence “where the relations subsisting

between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the
other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other”.

The elements of undue influence are

a dominant position, and

the use of it to obtain an unfair advantage.

Where there is a presumption of undue influence, the presumption can be rebutted by showing

full disclosure of all material facts was made,

the consideration was adequate, and
the weaker party was in receipt of independent legal advice.

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Transaction with parda-nishin women

The expression ‘parda-nishin denotes complete seclusion.

Case:- Ismail Musafee v. Hafiz Boo

In this case it was held that a woman who goes to a Court and gives evidence, who fixes
rents with tenants and collects rents, who communicates when necessary, in matters of
business, with men other than members of her own family, could not be regarded as a
parda-nishin woman.

Unconscionable transactions
An unconscionable transaction is one which makes an exorbitant profit of the others distress
by a person who is in a dominant position.

Only the fact that the rate of interest is very high in a money lending transaction shall not
make it unconscionable. But if the rate of interest is very exorbitant and the Court regards
the transaction unconscionable, the burden of proving that no undue influence was
exercised lies on the creditor.

Case:- Sunder Koer v. Rai Sham Krishen

It has been held that urgent need of money on the part of the borrower does not itself place
the lender in a position to dominate his will.


Every agreement by which any one is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade or
business of any kind, is, to that extent, void.

If a restraint is reasonable, it will be valid. Whether a restraint is reasonable or not depends

upon the facts of each case.

Case:- Nordenfelt v. Maxim Nordenfelt Guns Co.

N was an inventor and a manufacturer of guns and ammunition. He sold his world-wide
business to M and promised not to manufacture guns anywhere in the world for 25 years.
The House of Lords held that the restraint was reasonable as it was no more than is
necessary for the protection of the company, the contract was binding. Whether a restraint
is reasonable or not depends upon the facts of each case.

Case:- Niranjan Shanker Golikari v. The Century Spinning and Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
In this case N entered into a bond with the company to serve for a period of five years. In
case, N leaves his job earlier and joins elsewhere with companys competitor within five
years, he was liable for damages. N was imparted the necessary training but he left the job
and joined another company. The former employer instituted a suit against N. The Supreme
Court, held that the restraint was necessary for the protection of the companys interests and
not such as the Court would refuse to enforce.

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Wagerning agreements are nothing but ordinary betting agreements. For example, A and B
enter into an agreement that if Englands Cricket Team wins the test match, A will pay B Rs.
100 and if it loses B will pay Rs. 100 to A. This is a wagering agreement and nothing can be
recovered by winning party under the agreement.

In India except Mumbai, wagering agreements are void. In Mumbai, wagering

agreements have been declared illegal by the Avoiding Wagers (Amendment) Act, 1865.
Therefore, in Mumbai a wagering agreement being illegal, is void not only between the
immediate parties, but taints and renders void all collateral agreements to it.


When a contract becomes void, it is not to be performed by either party. But if any party has
received any benefit under such a contract from the other party he must restore it or make
compensation for it to the other party.

A agrees to sell to B after 6 months a certain quantity of gold and receives Rs 500 as
advance. Soon after the agreement, private sales of gold are prohibited by law. The
contract becomes void and A must return the sum of Rs. 500 to B.

Where an agreement is discovered to be void. A pays Rs. 500 in consideration of B’s

promising to marry, C, A’s daughter C is dead at the time of the promise. The agreement is
discovered to be void and B must pay back Rs. 500.

But there is no resolution where the parties are wholly incompetent to contract, e.g., where
one of the parties is a minor. The minor cannot be asked to restore the benefit, e.g., a minor
borrowed Rs. 1,000 from B, he cannot be asked to pay back Rs. 1,000 to B because the
contract is.


A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if some event collateral to
such contract, does or does not happen. For example, A contracts to sell B 10 bales of cotton
for Rs. 20,000, if the ship by which they are coming returns safely. This is a contingent

Contract of insurance and contracts of indemnity and guarantee are popular instances
of contingent contracts.

Quasi-Contracts or Implied Contracts under the Indian Contract Act

The following types of quasi-contracts have been dealt within the Indian Contract Act—

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(a) Necessaries supplied to person incapable of contracting or to anyone whom he is

illegally bound to support - Contracts by minors and persons of unsound mind are
void. Indian Contract Act provides that their estates are liable to reimburse the
trader, who supplies them with necessaries of life.

(b) Suit for money had and received

(i) A debtor may recover, from a creditor the amount of an over-payment made to him by
mistake. The mistake may be mistake of fact or a mistake of law.
(ii) Payment to third-party of money which another is bound to pay. For example, where
A’s goods are wrongfully attached in order to realise arrears of Government revenue
due by B, and A pays the amount to save his goods from being sold, he is entitled to
recover the amount from B.
(iii) Money obtained by defendant from third-parties. For example, where an agent has
obtained a secret commission or a fraudulent payment from a third-party, the principle
can recover the amount from the agent.
(c) Quantum Meruit
“Quantum Meruit” literally means “as much as earned” or reasonable
remuneration. It is used where a person claims reasonable remuneration for
the services rendered by him when there was no express promise to pay the
definite remuneration, Thus, the law implies reasonable compensation for the
services rendered by a party if there are circumstances showing that these are to
be paid for.

(d) Obligations/Position of a finder of goods

The position of a finder of lost goods is exactly that of a bailee. The rights of a
finder are that he can sue the owner for any reward that might have been offered,
and may retain the goods until he receives the reward. But where the owner has
offered no reward, the finder has only a particular lien and can detain the goods
until he receives compensation for the troubles and expenses incurred in
preserving the property for finding out the true owner. But he cannot file a suit for
the recovery of the compensation .

Thus, as against the true owner, the finder of goods in a public or quasi public place
is only a bailee; he keeps the article in trust for the real owner. As against every-one
else, the property in the goods vests in the finder on his taking possession of it.

The finder has a right to sell the property—

where the owner cannot with reasonable diligence be found, or

when found, he refuses to pay the lawful charges of the finder and—
(i) if the thing is in danger of perishing or losing greater part of its value, or

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(ii) when the lawful charges of the finder for the preservation of goods
and the finding out of the owner amounts to two-thirds of the value of
the thing .

(e) Obligation of person enjoying benefit of a non-gratuitous act

Where a person lawfully does something for another person or delivers anything to
him withoutany intention of doing so gratuitously and the other person accepts and
enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter must compensate the former or restore
to him the thing so delivered. For example, when one of the two joint tenants
pays the whole rent to the landlord, he is entitled to compensation from his co-
tenant, or if A, a tradesmen, leaves goods at B’s house by mistake and B treats
the goods as his own, he is bound to pay A for them.


Contracts may be discharged or terminated by any of the following modes:

(a) performance, i.e., by fulfilment of the duties undertaken by parties or, by tender;
(b) mutual consent or agreement.
(c) lapse of time;
(d) operation of law;
(e) impossibility of performance; and
(f) breach of contract.


In case of breach of contract, the injured party may:
(a) Rescind the contract and refuse further performance of the contract;
(b) Sue for damages;
Liquidated damages: Where the contracting parties agree in advance the amount
payable in the event of breach, the sum payable is called
liquidated damages.

Unliquidated damages :- Where the amount of compensation claimed for a

breach of contract is left to be assessed by the Court,
damages claimed are called unliquidated damages.
(c) Sue for specific performance;
(d) Sue for an injunction to restrain the breach of a negative term; and

(e) Sue on quantum meruit


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Meaning of Indemnity

A contract of indemnity is a contract by which one party promises to save the other party from
loss caused to him by the conduct of the promisor himself, or by the conduct of any
other person.

The contract of indemnity may be express or implied.

The person who promises to indemnify or make good the loss is called the indemnifier and
the person whose loss is made good is called the indemnified or the indemnity holder.

A contract of insurance is an example of a contract of indemnity.

Meaning of Contract of Guarantee

A contract of guarantee is a contract to perform the promise, or discharge the liability of a

third person in case of his default.

The person who gives the guarantee is called the Surety, the person for whom the
guarantee is given is called the Principal Debtor, and the person to whom the guarantee is
given is called the Creditor.

A guarantee may be either oral or written, although in the English law, it must be in writing.

Example - A advances a loan of Rs. 5,000 to B and C promises to A that if B does not repay
the loan, C will do so. This is a contract of guarantee. Here B is the principal debtor, A is the
creditor and C is the surety or guarantor.

Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee

In a contract of indemnity there are only two parties: the indemnifier and the
indemnified. In a contract of guarantee, there are three parties; the surety, the
principal debtor and the creditor.
In a contract of indemnity, the liability of the indemnifier is primary. In a contract of
guarantee, the liability of the surety is secondary. The surety is liable only if the
principal debtor makes a default, the primary liability being that of the principal
The indemnifier need not necessarily act at the request of the debtor; the surety
gives guarantee only at the request of the principal debtor.
In the case of a guarantee, there is an existing debt or duty, the performance of
which is guaranteed by the surety, whereas in the case of indemnity, the possibility
of any loss happening is the only contingency against which the indemnifier
undertakes to indemnify.
The surety, on payment of the debt when the principal debtor has failed to pay is
entitled to proceed against the principal debtor in his own right, but the indemnifier
cannot sue third-parties in his own name, unless there be assignment. He must sue
in the name of the indemnified.
Extent of Surety’s Liability

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The liability of the surety is co-extensive with that of the principal debtor unless the contract
otherwise provides. A creditor is not bound to proceed against the principal debtor. He can
sue the surety without sueing the principal debtor. As soon as the debtor has made
default in payment of the debt, the surety is immediately liable. But until default, the
creditor cannot call upon the surety to pay. In this sense, the nature of the surety’s liability is

Rights of Surety
Surety’s rights against the creditor - A surety is entitled to the benefit of every security
which the creditor has against the principal debtor at the time when the contract
of suretyship is entered into whether the surety knows of the existence of such security
or not; and, if the creditor losses or, without the consent of the surety parts with such
security, the surety is discharged to the extent of the value of the security.
Rights against the principal debtor: After discharging the debt, the surety steps into the
shoes of the creditor or is subrogated to all the rights of the creditor against the
principal debtor. He can then sue the principal debtor for the amount paid by him to the
creditor on the debtors default; he becomes a creditor of the principal debtor for what
he has paid.
Surety’s rights gains co-sureties: When a surety has paid more than his share of debt to
the creditor, he has a right of contribution from the co-securities who are equally bound to
pay with him. A, B and C are sureties to D for the sum of Rs. 3,000 lent to E who makes
default in payment. A, B and C are liable, as between themselves to pay Rs. 1,000
each. If any one of them has to pay more than Rs.1,000 he can claim contribution from
the other two to reduce his payment to only Rs. 1,000. If one of them becomes
insolvent, the other two shall have to contribute the unpaid amount equally.

Discharge of Surety
A surety may be discharged from liability under the following circumstances:

By notice of revocation in case of a continuing guarantee as regards future

By the death of the surety.
.Any variation in the terms of the contract between the creditor and the principal
debtor, without the consent of the surety, discharges the surety as regards all
transactions taking place after the variation.
A surety will be discharged if the creditor releases the principal debtor, or
acts or makes an omission which results in the discharge of the principal debtor.
But where the creditor fails to sue the principal debtor within the limitation period,
the surety is not discharged.
Where the creditor, without the consent of the surety, makes an arrangement with
the principal debtor for composition, or promises to give time or not to sue him, the
surety will be discharged.

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If the creditor does any act which is against the rights of the surety, or omits to do
an act which his duty to the surety requires him to do, and the eventual remedy of
the surety himself against the principal debtor is thereby impaired, the surety is
If the creditor loses or parts with any security which at the time of the contract the
debtor had given in favour of the creditor, the surety is discharged to the extent of
the value of the security, unless the surety consented to the release of such
security by creditor in favour of the debtor. It is immaterial whether the surety was
or is aware of such security or not.


A bailment is a transaction whereby one person delivers goods to another person for
some purpose, upon a contract that they are, when the purpose is accomplished to be
returned or otherwise disposed of according to the directions of the person delivering
The person who delivers the goods is called the bailor and the person to whom they
are delivered is called the bailee.
Bailment is a voluntary delivery of goods for a temporary purpose on the
understanding that they are to be returned in specie in the same or altered form. The
ownership of the goods remains with the bailor, the bailee getting only the possession.

Gratuitous Bailment

A gratuitous bailment is one in which neither the bailor nor the bailee is entitled to any
remuneration. Such a bailment may be for the exclusive benefit of the bailor, e.g., when A
leaves his dog with a neighbour to be looked after in A’s absence on a holiday. It may again
be for exclusive benefit of the bailee, e.g., where you lend your book to a friend of yours for a
week. In neither case any charge is made.

A gratuitous bailment terminates by the death of either the bailor or the bailee

Bailment for Reward

This is for the mutual benefit of both the bailor and the bailee.

For example, A lets out a motor-car for hire to B. A is the bailor and receives the hire
charges and B is the bailee and gets the use of the car. Where, A hands over his goods to
B, a carrier for carriage at a price, A is the bailor who enjoys the benefit of carriage and B is
the bailee who receives a remuneration for carrying the goods.

Duties of Bailee
The bailee must take as much care of the goods bailed to him as a man of ordinary
prudence would take under similar circumstances of his own goods of the same bulk,
quality and value as the goods bailed.

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The bailee is under a duty not to use the goods in an unauthorised manner or for
unauthorised purpose. If the does so, the bailor can terminate the bailment and claim
damages for any loss or damage caused by the unauthorised used.
He must keep the goods bailed to him separate from his own goods.
He must not set up an adverse title to the goods.
It is the duty of the bailee to return the goods without demand on the expiry of the
time fixed or when the purpose is accomplished. If he fails to return them, he shall be
liable for any loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods even without negligence on
his part.
In the absence of any contract to the contrary, the baliee must return to the bailor any
increase, or profits which may have accrued from the goods bailed; for example, when
A leaves a cow in the custody of B to be taken care of and the cow gets a calf, B is
bound is deliver the cow as well as the calf to A.

Types of Lien

Lien is of two kinds: Particular lien and General lien.

A particular lien is one which is available only against that property of which the skill
and labour have been exercised. A bailee’s lien is a particular lien.
A general lien is a right to detain any property belonging to the other and in the
possession of the person trying to exercise the lien in respect of any payment lawfully
due to him.
Thus, a general lien is the right to retain the property of another for a general balance
of accounts but a particular lien is a right to retain only for a charge on account of
labour employed or expenses bestowed upon the identical property detained.

Duties of bailor

The bailor must disclose all the known faults in the goods; and if he fails to do that, he
will be liable for any damage resulting directly from the faults..
It is the duty of the bailor to pay any extraordinary expenses incurred by the bailee.
For example, if a horse is lent for a journey, the expense of feeding the house would,
of course, subject to any special agreement be borne by the bailee. If however the
horse becomes ill and expenses have been incurred on its treatment, the bailor shall
have to pay these expenses.
The bailor is bound to indemnify the bailee for any cost or costs which the bailee may
incur because of the defective title of the bailor of the goods bailed.

Termination of bailment

Where the bailee wrongfully uses or dispose of the goods bailed, the bailor may
determine the bailment.
As soon as the period of bailment expires or the object of the bailment has been
achieved, the bailment comes to an end, and the bailee must return the goods to the

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Bailment is terminated when the subject matter of bailment is destroyed or by reason

of change in its nature, becomes incapable of use for the purpose of bailment.
A gratuitous bailment can be terminated by the bailor at any time, even before the
agreed time, subject to the limitation that where termination before the agreed period
causes loss in excess of benefit, the bailor must compensate the bailee.
A gratuitous bailment terminates by the death of either the bailor or the bailee.


Pledge or pawn is a contract whereby an article is deposited with a lender of money or

promisee as security for the repayment of a loan or performance of a promise. The bailor or
depositor is called the Pawnor and the bailee or depositee the “Pawnee” .

Since pledge is a branch of bailment, the pawness is bound to take reasonable care of the
goods pledged with him. Any kind of goods, valuables, documents or securities may be
pledged. The Government securities, e.g., promissory notes must, however, be pledged by
endorsement and delivery.

The following are the essential ingredients of a pledge:

(i) The property pledged should be delivered to the pawnee.

(j) Delivery should be in pursuance of a contract.
(iii) Delivery should be for the purpose of security.
(iv) Delivery should be upon a condition to return.

An agent is a person who is employed to bring his principal into contractual relations with
third-parties. But during the period that an agent is acting for his principal, he is clothed with
the capacity of his principal.

A contract of agency may be express or implied, but consideration is not an essential

element in this contract.

(a) Express Agency: A contract of agency may be made orally or in writing. The usual
form of written contract of agency is the Power of Attorney, which gives him the
authority to act on behalf of his principal in accordance with the terms and conditions
In an agency created to transfer immovable property, the power of attorney must be
registered. A power of attorney may be general, giving several powers to the agent,
or special, giving authority to the agent for transacting a single act.

(b) Implied Agency: Implied agency may arise by conduct, situation of parties or necessity
of the case.
(i) Agency by Estoppel
(ii) Wife as agent
(iii) Agency of Necessity

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Classes of Agents
Agents may be special or general or, they may be mercantile agents:

Special Agent: A special agent is one who is appointed to do a specified act, or

to perform a specified function. He has no authority outside this special task. The
third-party has no right to assume that the agent has unlimited authority. Any act of
the agent beyond that authority will not bind the principal.

General Agent: A general agent is appointed to do anything within the authority given
to him by the principal in all transactions, or in all transactions relating to a specified
trade or matter. The third- party may assume that such an agent has power to do all
that is usual for a general agent to do in the business involved. The third party is not
affected by any private restrictions on the agents authority.


A person who is appointed by the agent and to whom the principal’s work is delegated to
known as sub- agent.

Mercantile Agents

“A mercantile agent having in the customary course of business as such agent authority
either to sell goods or consign goods for the purposes of sale, or to buy goods, or to raise
money on the security of goods”. This definition covers factors, brokers, auctioneers,
commission agents etc.


A factor is a mercantile agent employed to sell goods which have been placed in his
possession or contract to buy goods for his principal. He is the apparent owner of the goods
in his custody and can sell them in his own name and receive payment for the goods. He
has an insurable interest in the goods and also a general lien in respect of any claim he may
have arising out of the agency.


A broker is a mercantile agent whose ordinary course of business is to make contracts with
other parties for the sale and purchase of goods and securities of which he is not entrusted
with the possession for a commission called brokerage. He acts in the name of principal. He
has no lien over the goods as he is not in possession of them.

Del Credere Agent

A del credere agent is a mercantile agent, who is consideration of an extra remuneration

guarantees to his principal that the purchasers who buy on credit will pay for the goods they
take. In the event of a third-party failing to pay, the del credere agent is bound to pay his
principal the sum owned by third-party.

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An auctioneer is an agent who sells goods by auction, i.e., to the highest bidder in public
competition. He has no authority to warrant his principals title to the goods. He is an agent for
the seller but after the goods have been knocked down he is agent for the buyer also for the
purpose of evidence that the sale has taken place.


In a partnership firm, every partner is an agent of the firm and of his co-partners for the
purpose of the business of the firm.


The relationship between a banker and his customer is primarily that of debtor and creditor.
In addition, a banker is an agent of his customer when he buys or sells securities, collects
cheques dividends, bills or promissory notes on behalf of his customer. He has a general lien
on all securities and goods in his possession in respect of the general balance due to him by
the customer.

Duties of the Agent

An agent must act within the scope of the authority conferred upon him and carry out
strictly the instructions of the principal.
in the absence of express instructions, he must follow the custom prevailing in the
same kind of business at the place where the agent conducts the business.
He must do the work with reasonable skill and diligence whereby the nature of his
profession, the agent purports to have special skill, he must exercise the skill which is
expected from the members of the profession.
He must disclose promptly any material information coming to his knowledge which is
likely to influence the principal in the making of the contract.
He must not disclose confidential information entrusted to him by his principal.
He must not allow his interest to conflict with his duty, e.g., he must not compete with
his principal.
The agent must keep true accounts and must be prepared on reasonable notice to
render an account.
He must not make any secret profit; he must disclose any extra profit that he may
An agent must not delegate his authority to sub-agent. A sub-agent is a person
employed by and acting under the control of the original agent in the business of

Rights of Agents

Where the services rendered by the agent are not gratuitous or voluntary, the agent is
entitled to receive the agreed remuneration, or if none was agreed, a reasonable
remuneration. The agent becomes entitled to receive remuneration as soon as he has
done what he had undertaken to do.

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Certain classes of agents, e.g., factors who have goods and property of their principal
in their possession, have a lien on the goods or property in respect of their
remuneration and expense and liabilities incurred. He has a right to stop the goods in
transit where he is an unpaid seller.
As the agent represents the principal, the agent has a right to be indemnified by the
principal against all charges, expenses and liabilities properly incurred by him in the
course of the agency.

Principal Liable for Agent’s Torts (Section 238)

If an agent commits a tort or other wrong (e.g., misrepresentation or fraud) during his
agency, whilst acting within the scope of his actual or apparent authority, the principal is
liable. But the agent is also personally liable, and he may be sued also. The principal is liable
even if the tort is committed exclusively for the benefit of the agent and against the interests
of the principal.

Personal Liability of Agent to Third-party

An agent is personally liable in the following cases:

Where the agent has agreed to be personally liable to the third-party.

Where an agent acts for a principal residing abroad.
When the agent signs a negotiable instrument in his own name without making
it clear that he is signing it only as agent.
When an agent acts for a principal who cannot be sued (e.g., he is minor), the
agent is personally liable.
An agent is liable for breach of warranty of authority. Where a person
contracts as agent without any authority there is a breach of warranty of
authority. He is liable to the person who has relied on the warranty of authority
and has suffered loss.
Where authority is one coupled with interest or where trade, usage or custom
makes the agent personally liable, he will be liable to the third-party.
He is also liable for his torts committed in the course of agency.

Termination of Agency

An agency comes to an end or terminates—

By the performance of the contract of agency;

By an agreement between the principal and the agent;
By expiration of the period fixed for the contract of agency;
By the death of the principal or the agency;
By the insanity of either the principal or the agent;
By the insolvency of the principal, and in some cases that of the agent;

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Where the principal or agent is an incorporated company, by its dissolution;

By the destruction of the subject-matter;
By the renunciation of his authority by the agent;
By the revocation of authority by the principal.

When Agency is Irrevocable

Revocation of an agency by the principal is not possible in the following cases:

Where the authority of agency is one coupled with an interest, even the death or
insanity of the principal does not terminate the authority in this case.
When agent has incurred personal liability, the agency becomes irrevocable.
When the authority has been partly exercised by the agent, it is irrevocable in
particular with regard to obligations which arise from acts already done.


The conditions may differ according to the requirements. While drafting a foreign
collaboration agreement, the following factors should be kept in mind:

Capability of the collaborator and the requirements of the party are clearly indicated.
Clear definitions of technical terms are given.
Specify if the product shall be manufactured/sold on exclusive or non-exclusive basis.
Provisions for making available the engineers and/or skilled workers of the collaborator
on payment of expenses relating to their stay per diem etc. are given.
Details regarding specification and quality of the product to be manufactured are given.
Quality control and trademarks to be used are also specified.
Responsibility of the collaborator in establishing or maintaining assembly plants should
be clearly determined and provided for.
If sub-contracting of the work is involved, clarify if there would be any restrictions.
The rate of royalty, mode of calculation and payment etc. Also, make provision as to
who will bear the taxes/cess on such payments.
Use of information and industrial property rights should also be provided for in the
A clause on force majeure should be included.
A comprehensive clause on arbitration containing a clear provision as to the kind of
arbitrator and place of arbitration should be included.
There should be provision in the agreement for payment of interest on delayed


Electronic contracts are not paper based but rather in electronic form are born out of the
need for speed, convenience and efficiency. The conventional law relating to contracts is not
sufficient to address all the issues that arise in electronic contracts. The Information

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Technology Act, 2000 solves some of the peculiar issues that arise in the formation and
authentication of electronic contracts

As in every other contract, an electronic contract also requires the following necessary

An offer needs to be made

The offer needs to be accepted

There has to be lawful consideration

There has to be an intention to create legal relations

The parties must be competent to contract

There must be free and genuine consent

The object of the contract must be lawful

There must be certainty and possibility of performance.

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Law Relating to Arbitration and Conciliation

ADR ( Alternative Dispute Resolution)

• Court will not be in a position to bear the entire burden of
justice system.
• Quick decision of any commercial dispute is necessary for
business and industry.
• Resolutions of disputes through judicial process is very time
consuming and costly in terms of time, money and energy.
• ADR processes provide procedural flexibility, save valuable
time money and avoid the stress of a conventional trial.
• ICADR (International centre for alternative dispute
resolution ) is a unique centre that make provision for
promoting, teaching, research in the field of ADR to parties
all over the world.
• ADR works in the areas of
Commercial Civil Labour and family dispute
Joint venture IPR Partnership etc

Method of ADR
There are four methods of ADR:

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Arbitration can be defined as the means by which the parties to dispute consent to get
the same settled through the intervention of a third person called arbitrator, but
without having recourse to a court of law.
The person who is appointed to determine the dispute is called the `Arbitrator' or
`Arbitral Tribunal'. The proceeding before him is called `Arbitration proceeding' and his
decision is called `Award'.
An Arbitrator is a judge of the party's own choice.

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Objective of the Act

The Act has following objectives:-
To minimise the supervisory role of court in arbitral process.
To encourage settlement of dispute.
To provide for enforcement of foreign award.
Important Definitions

Arbitrator is a person who is appointed to determine differences and disputes between
two or more parties by their mutual consent.
The person who is appointed as arbitrator shall give the consent to Act as arbitrator.
The arbitrator must be absolutely disinterested and impartial
He is an extra- judicial tribunal whose decision is binding on the parties.
Any interest of the arbitrator either in one of the parties (or) in the subject matter is a
disqualification for the arbitrator.
The parties may appoint whomsoever they please to arbitrate on their dispute.
In certain cases, the court can appoint an arbitrator

Arbitral Tribunal
“Arbitral tribunal” means a sole arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators.

Arbitration Agreement - Section 7

An agreement by parties to submit the arbitration or certain disputes which have
arises or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship
An arbitration agreement shall be in writing
All the aspects relate to
Person appointed as arbitrator
Number of arbitrator
Made of appointment of arbitrator
Consideration (cost)of arbitrator etc
Shall be mentioned in arbitration agreement.

Case: - Mahesh Kumar v. Rajasthan State Road Corporation

The Rajasthan High Court has held that mere existence of arbitration clause in agreement does
not bar jurisdiction of Civil Court automatically.

“Court” means the Principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction in a district and
includes the High Court in exercise of its ordinary original civil jurisdiction, having
jurisdiction to decide the questions forming the subject matter of the arbitration,
but does not include any Civil Court of a grade inferior to principal Civil Court.

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Matters which “CAN/CANNOT” be referred to arbitration

Matters which can be referred to Matters which cannot be referred to

arbitration arbitration
all civil and quasi civil matters can be referred Matrimonial matters
to arbitration
Disputes involving joint ventures, construction Industrial Disputes and Revenue matters
projects, partnership differences, fall within (Income Tax & other Tax matters).
the jurisdiction of Arbitration.
Matters of personal or private rights of Motor Vehicle Accident conversation

Time barred debts. Matters under Indian Trust Act,

Determination of guardianship or wards

If parties have mentioned in agreement the procedure of appointment of arbitrator
Arbitrator could be of any nationality
In case of arbitration with (3) arbitrators, each party shall appoint its own
arbitrator, and the (2) appointed arbitrator shall appoint a third arbitrator
If parties fail to appoint their arbitrator within (30) days, arbitrators shall
be appointed by SC or HC .
The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators, but such number shall not
be an even number.
If they fail to determine the number of arbitrator, the Arbitral Tribunal consist of a sole
Language of arbitration shall be subject to arbitration agreement –otherwise in English

Grounds for challenge – Section 12

Circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to his independence or
He does not possess the qualifications agreed to by the parties.
Arbitrator, while giving declaration has to state that whether he has sufficient time to
complete assignment within 12 months.
Appointment of arbitrator cannot be challenged on any other ground.

Termination of arbitrator

Termination of mandate – Section 14

Mandate means an authorisation to act given to an arbitrator.
Mandate of an arbitrator shall terminate if:

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He becomes by law or by fact unable to perform his functions and he withdraws from
his office.
The parties agree to the termination of mandate.
He withdraws from his office.
Arbitrator can withdraw, if his appointment is challenged by one party and the challenge
is accepted by him or other party agrees to challenge.

Substitution of arbitrator – Section 15

If appointment of arbitrator is terminated, another arbitrator should be appointed following
procedure similar to appointment of initial arbitrators.

Conduct or procedure of Arbitral Proceeding

The Arbitral Tribunal should treat the parties equally and each party should be given full
opportunity to present his case.
The parties to arbitration are free to agree on the procedure to be followed by the Arbitral
If the parties do not agree to the procedure, the procedure will be as determined by the
Arbitral Tribunal.
Arbitral proceedings in respect of a particular dispute commences on the date on which a
request from one party to refer the dispute to arbitration is received by other party.

Power of judicial authority to refer parties to arbitration - Section 8

If a party approaches court despite the arbitration agreement, the other party can
raise objection.
Such objection must be accompanied by the original arbitration agreement
On such application, the judicial authority shall refer the parties to arbitration.
Authority shall refer the parties to arbitration, if following conditions are satisfied:
There must be valid arbitration agreement in existence.
Subject matter in question is within scope of arbitration.
Application is made by party to arbitration agreement.
Application is made to authority before which proceedings are pending.
Application should be made at early stage i.e. before first statement is
submitted by party to dispute.
Authority must be satisfied.
Place and language of arbitration will be decided by mutual agreement; if nothing is
decided then arbitral tribunal will decide.

Arbitral award :-Section 31

An arbitration Agreement is required to be in writing

An arbitral award is required to be made on stamp paper
An oral decision is not an award under the law
The award is to be signed by the members of (Arbitral Tribunal)

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The award shall contain reasons.

The award shall be dated and place of arbitration shall be mentioned.
The arbitral tribunal may include the sum and interest in case of non-payment as per
The award may also include cost of arbitration.
After the award is made, a signed copy should be delivered to each party for
implementation of arbitral award.

Time limit for making award

The Arbitral Tribunal shall make arbitration award within 12 months from
date of reference.
The period can be extended by the parties up to 6 months by mutual
Fees payable to Tribunal can be reduced up to 5% for each month of delay.

Fast track procedure

If both parties agree in writing, the Arbitral Tribunal can follow fast track
Here, decision will be on basis of written pleadings, documents and
Oral hearing will be only to clarify certain points.
Technical formalities for oral hearing may be dispensed with by Arbitral
The award shall be made within 6 months.

Termination of arbitral proceedings

Arbitral Tribunal can pass an order for termination of arbitral proceedings:-

When the claimant withdraws his claim,

When the parties to the reference agree on such termination,
When the arbitral tribunal finds that the continuation of arbitral proceedings
has become either unnecessary or impossible.

Additional award
The Tribunal can also make additional award, if one party makes application with
notice to other party.
Request should be made within 30 days of receipt of award.
Tribunal can make additional award within 60 days from receipt of request.

Grounds for setting aside the award: Section 34

Incapacity of party;
Invalidity of Arbitration Agreement;

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Violation of the principles of natural justice;

Award beyond the scope of submission;
Improper composition of Arbitral Tribunal;
Disputes not arbitral under the law;
Award being in conflict with public policy
The period of limitation for setting aside the award is 3 months from the date of receipt of

However, this period can be extended for further a period of 30 days on sufficient cause

International Commercial Arbitration

International commercial arbitration means an arbitration relating to disputes arising out of
legal relationship where at least one of the parties is:-

An individual who is a national of any country other than India

A body corporate which is incorporated in any country other than India (or)
A company / an association etc. whose central management and control is
exercised in any country other than India.

Provisions applicable on Foreign award

Party which intends to enforce a foreign award has to produce the arbitral award and
agreement of arbitration to the High Court having jurisdiction over the subject matter of
the award.
The enforcement of award can be refused by court only in cases specified below;
otherwise, the foreign award is enforceable.
It is in contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian law; or
It is in conflict with the most basic notions of morality or justice.

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), model law on

International Commercial Arbitration
The UNCITRAL model law has been passed to consolidate and amend the law relating to
domestic arbitration ,international commercial arbitration ,enforcement of foreign arbitral
awards and also to provide for a law relating to conciliation and related matters. Its aims at
streamlining the process of arbitration and facilitating conciliation in business matters

Ad hoc arbitration
An ad hoc arbitration is one where parties have to determine all aspects of the
arbitration themselves - for example, the number of arbitrators, appointing those
arbitrators, the applicable law and the procedure for conducting the arbitration.
Ad hoc proceedings have the potential to be more flexible, faster and cheaper than
institutional proceedings.
Only National law is applicable.
No need to place the agreement to any institution.
It takes place when the parties of agreement are of same nation.

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Conciliation is the amicable settlement of disputes between the parties.

One of the objects of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 is to encourage settlement
of dispute by means of conciliation i.e. settlement of disputes in a friendly manner.
The conciliator brings parties together and tries to solve the dispute using his good
The conciliator thereby helps parties in arriving at a mutually accepted settlement by
drawing and signing a written settlement / agreement.
The settlement agreement is signed by both the parties and the conciliator has the same
status and effect as if it is an arbitral award.

Settlement agreement
The settlement agreement, it reached between the parties, shall be final and binding on the

The conciliation proceedings shall be terminated:

On the date of signing the agreement of settlement.
On the date of declaration by conciliator that further efforts are no longer justified.
On the date of declaration by the parties addressed to the conciliator that
conciliation proceedings are terminated.
On the date of a written declaration addressed by one party to other and the
conciliator that the proceedings are terminated.

Difference between arbitration and conciliation

Basis Arbitration Conciliation
Meaning Arbitration is a dispute Conciliation is a method of resolving
settlement process in which a dispute, wherein an independent person
impartial third party is helps the parties to arrive at negotiated
appointed to study the dispute settlement.
and hear both the party to
arrive at a decision binding on
both the parties.
Enforcement An arbitrator has the power to A conciliator does not have the power to
enforce his decision. enforce his decision.
Prior Required Not Required
Disputes Available for existing and future Existing disputes.
Legal Yes No
Number Only Odd number of Arbitrator Any number, even or odd Conciliator


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