Quantum Mechanics of 'Conscious Energy'

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VOL. 9, NO. 1-2 JAN-DEC 2018

Quantum Mechanics of ‘Conscious Energy’

University of Mauritius, Mauritius


This paper is aiming to investigate the physical substrate of

conscious process. It will attempt to find out: How does
conscious process establish relations between their external
stimuli and internal stimuli in order to create reality? How
does consciousness devoid of new sensory input result to its
new quantum effects? And how does conscious process gain
mass in brain? This paper will also try to locate the origins of
consciousness at the level of neurons along with the quantum
effects of conscious process.

Keywords: Consit, conscious energy, neural signal, special

relativity, new memory.


Consciousness has been defined as: sentience, awareness,

subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness,
having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of
the mind (Farthing 1992). Different authors believe that different
brain structures support consciousness, structures with forbidding
names, such as the intralaminar thalamic nuclei, reticular
nucleus, mesencephalic reticular formation, tangential
intracortical network of layers I-II, and thalamocortical loops.
Does the primary visual cortex contribute to conscious
experience or not? Are areas of the brain that project directly to
the prefrontal cortex more relevant than those that do not? Does
only a particular subset of cortical neurons play a role? If so, are
these neurons characterized by a special property or location? Do

cortical neurons need to oscillate at 40 Hz or fire in bursts to

contribute to conscious experience? Do different areas of the
brain or groups of neurons generate different conscious
fragments – a kind of micro consciousness? (Zeki & Bartel 1998:
85). Before we may speculate the creation of consciousness in
any specific region of the brain we must first prove the existence
of consciousness. From the neurophysical perspective I will
attempt to develop an explanation of the substrates of
consciousness through the use of quantum mechanics.


2.1. The “hard problem” (Chalmers 1996)

The distinctions between conscious and non-conscious processes
are not addressed; consciousness is assumed to emerge at a
critical level (neither specified nor testable) of computational
complexity mediating otherwise nonconscious processes
(Penrose & Hameroff 2011: 3). I have attempted to minimize this
differences between conscious and non-conscious processes in
my article named ‘Twin Memory’ (Rizvi 2016) (where in this
article I have tried to show that unconscious process reflects onto
conscious process with the phenomenon of twin memory to keep
both the processes alive; a further research on this topic is

2.2. Binding and synchrony

The problem of how disparate neuronal activities are bound into
unified conscious experience, and how neuronal synchrony, e.g.
gamma synchrony EEG (30 to 90 Hz), the best measurable
correlate of consciousness does not derive from neuronal firings
(Penrose 2011: 3).

2.3. Causal efficacy of consciousness and any semblance of free

Because measurable brain activity corresponding to a stimulus
often occurs after we’ve responded (seemingly consciously) to
that stimulus, the brain-as-computer view depicts consciousness
as epiphenomenal illusion (Dennett 1991, 1995; Wegner 2002).

2.4. Cognitive behaviours of single cell organisms

Protozoans like Paramecium can swim, find food and mates,
learn, remember and have sex, all without synaptic computation
(Sherrington 1957). How exactly do the lower-level neuronal
firings at synapses cause all of the enormous variety of our
(conscious subjective, sentient, aware) experiences? Perhaps we
are wrong to think that neurons and synapses are the right
anatomical units to account for consciousness, but we do know
that some elements of brain anatomy must be the right level of
description for answering our question. We know this because
we know that brains do cause consciousness in a way that
elbows, livers, television sets, cars and commercial computers do
not, and therefore, we know that the special features of brains,
features that they do not have in common with elbows, livers,
etc., must be essential to the causal explanation of consciousness
(Searle 1998).

2.5. Consciousness without a cerebral cortex

With some notable exceptions (e.g. Scheibel & Scheibel 1977;
Panksepp 1982; Thompson 1993; Bogen 1995; Watt 2000;
Parvizi & Damasio 2001), brainstem mechanisms have not
figured prominently in the upsurge of interest in the nature and
organization of consciousness that was ushered in with
cognitivism in psychology and neuroscience (Mandler 1975;
Miller 1986; Baars 1988). Few cognitivists or neuroscientists
would today object to the assertion that “cortex is the organ of
consciousness” (Merker 2006: 3). This is, in a sense, a return to
an older view of the supremacy of the cerebral cortex from which
a fundamental discovery of the late 1940s had stimulated a
partial retreat. In keeping with the sense that the cerebral cortex
is the organ of higher functions it had been widely assumed that
the regulation of its two primary states – sleep and wakefulness –
was a cortical function as well. Then, in the late 1940s, Moruzzi
& Magoun (1949) discovered that local stimulation of
circumscribed cell groups in the pons and midbrain of
experimental animals exerts a global activating influence on the
cerebral cortex as well as on behavioural state, and that
experimental lesions in these brainstem sites are capable of

rendering animals somnolent and even comatose (Magoun 1954;

cf. Parvizi & Damasio 2003). This came as a shock to the
corticocentric perspective, and stimulated an avalanche of
research on brainstem regulation of sleep and wakefulness and its
relationship to the conscious state (Adrian, Bremer & Jasper
1954; Jasper et al. 1958; and Eccles 1966).

2.6. Consciousness without brain

First described in The Lancet in 2007, the case of the man with
the missing brain may put us forth to question the very existence
of consciousness. The 44 years old French man suffering from
hydrocephalus lived most of his life without being mentally
disturbed. In this context, Axel Cleeremans, a cognitive
psychologist from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium
says, “Any theory of consciousness has to be able to explain why
a person like that, who’s missing 90 percent of his neurons, still
exhibits normal behaviour” (MacDonald 2016). This condition
clearly shows that it is unlikely that one specific region in the
brain of the man is responsible for consciousness. In such
condition of neurodegeneration the man surviving with only 10
percent of his brain still can generate consciousness.

2.7. Mind-body problem

Just as the brain needs the body to create conscious activity, so
the body needs the environment to create conscious activity
(Watts 1950). Mind and body are though interdependent on each
other for their functions but at the same time they are one entity
but not different. Phantom limb syndrome may be helpful to
show us the unification of mind and body.

2.8. Consciousness is lost and found. If the cerebral blood flow

(CBF) is completely interrupted, as, for example, in cardiac
arrest, then consciousness is lost within seconds, and irreversible
pathological changes develop within minutes. To satisfy the
brain’s great demand for oxygen the rate of cerebral blood flow
must be proportionately high (Sokoloff 1999).

2.9. Cosmic Zone

If consciousness and the brain activity associated with conscious
states measured at the level of the brain does not wholly emerge
from the brain, where might it originate? One solution to this
problem is to hypothesize that a pervasive force or proto-
consciousness permeates the cosmos which interacts with all
matter and imbues some subset of matter with consciousness
(Penrose & Hameroff 2011).


It has been (and is still) very difficult to elucidate the pathways

and regulation of brain energy metabolism for several reasons:

1. The brain is not a homogenous tissue, and it contains many

different types of cells such as neurons, astrocytes,
oligodendrocytes, microglial cells, and others.
2. Even within a single major cell type, like neurons, brain
energy metabolism is not equal but works differently in
different types of neurons. Similarly, also glial cells show a
so far underappreciated heterogeneity within a single cell
3. Glial cells crucially contribute to brain energy metabolism.
These cells elaborate extensive metabolic interactions with
neurons and other glial cells thereby making brain energy
metabolism very complex. In addition, at least astrocytes
contribute crucially to blood flow regulation.
4. The analysis of metabolites of brain energy metabolism with
a sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to investigate the
contribution of different cell types in vivo is still a major
technical challenge.
5. Some key metabolites which are involved in energy
metabolism, like glutamate, have additional functions within
the brain (glutamate is the major excitatory
neurotransmitter), thereby adding additional complexity to
the pathways and regulation of brain energy metabolism
(Hirrlinger 2014: vii).


As we know that neurons communicate through electrochemical

activity. Stimuli from the external world enter the neural network
through physical energies (mechanical, acoustic, light)
transduced by sensory cells. In addition to changes in internal
state, the brain can affect the body by control of hormones as
well as by control of muscles, which can also serve to effect
interactions with the external world ranging from simple reflexes
to complex sequences of gestures. Synchrony of gross electrical
activity of neural networks may account for attention and
consciousness (Arbib 2013). As the activity level in the brain
stem decreases, the source of pattern propagation (transmission)
to the sensory systems of the brain switches in dominance from
external to internal (Hobson 1989, 1994; Kissin 1986). As we
pay less attention to information coming through our senses
externally, we are able to pay more attention to internal
information resulting from the dynamic interplay between
internally replicated patterns in the brain called memory, which
are influenced in part by the external environment (Furman 2000:
261). This change in brain activity can be readily seen on an EEG,
which measures extracellular magnetic waves (Nunez 1995). Thus,
faculties such as visualization, memory, attention, and volition will
be accessible at one activity level (frequency) and not at another.
This can be thought of as a fundamental phase transition from one
activity level to another where each activity level represents a
discrete attractor landscape and its state-bound attractors (Haken &
Koepchen 1991; Haken 1983, 1988). As the activity level in the
brain stem decreases, there is a switch in dominance between
norepinephrine (NE) and acetylcholine (ACh). As NE decreases
and ACh increases, visual images become more vivid and the
ability to voluntarily direct our own attention and exert volition
decrease (Hobson 1989, 1994; Kissin 1986).


It would be consistent with what is understood about reality at

the sub-atomic level to say that the smallest “particles” known

are actually fields of energy rather than “solid” material (Davies

& Gribbin 1991). Thus, matter has become “dematerialized” by
modem quantum theory, and this property of “thinglessness” in
the quantum worldview is closely connected to the property of
“interconnectedness.” The emphasis is no longer on isolated
objects, but on relations, exchanges, interdependences, on
processes, fields, and wholes. Quantum theory is a non-local
theory (Stapp 1997). It is important to see that it is not sufficient
to retain the classical world of objects and only add the
interconnectedness as a supplementary property of these objects.
They are two of the complimentary descriptions or aspects of
reality which Primas has alluded to and cannot be used
simultaneously; thus they rather should be considered as different
dimensions of reality. The holistic interpretation of quantum
theory in fact may also be taken as implying a multidimensional
structure of reality (Shacklett 1991; Friedman 1997). In this
view, there are, besides the world of objects, one or several more
fundamental levels of reality where interconnectedness rather
than separatedness dominates. Fields certainly belong into this
category; however, apart from electromagnetic and other
physical fields which are still among the phenomena considered
as belonging to the four fundamental forces of the observable
world, we must assume the existence of additional field-like
levels of reality not directly observable at present, which may be
beyond space-time and represent the realm of potentiality
(Heisenberg 1958), or of the “noumena,” the realm behind the
phenomena assumed by Newton, in contrast to the actuality of
the observable. The Schroedinger wave function of quantum
theory actually describes this hidden domain of potentiality, of
the non-observable, unmanifested, pre-physical world of
nonlocal correlations and superluminal, instantaneous
connections, rather than the world of observable phenomena
(Friedman 1997). Only with the act of measurement this infinity
of potentialities, described in the Schroedinger equation as a
superposition of all possible quantum states, is “collapsed” into
one single actuality. Connected to the concept of potentiality is
the concept of “entanglement” which describes the characteristic
of interconnectedness (Shimony 1988). In the absence of any

interaction (such as a measurement), two systems are in an

entangled state in which neither system by itself can be said to be
in a “pure state”, i.e., can be fully specified without reference to
the other. This hidden domain can be considered as a
fundamental dimension of reality, a domain of dynamical
connectivity, from which the patterns of the physical world arise.
According to some authors, this realm of prephysicality is not
only the basis of the physical world and of matter, but also seems
to be connected to, consciousness, which some see as the
fundamental field underlying it (Bohm 1980; Hagelin 1987;
Goswami 1989, 1993, 1994; Shacklett 1991; Gough & Shacklett
1993; Laszlo 1995, 1996; Friedman 1997; Grandpierre 1997). In
physics, it is treated by the various models of the physical
vacuum. Its possible relevance to biophysics as a basis for a true
quantum biology (Josephson & Pallikari-Viras 1991; Zeiger
1998; Zeiger & Bischof 1998; Thaheld 1998, 2001) seems
obvious to us. Therefore we postulate the development of a
“vacuum biophysics”. The “hidden domain” of connectivity has
characteristics completely different from those of the classical,
macroscopic world of separated objects. For a long time, the
quantum description that reveals the properties of phenomena
belonging to this domain, or arising from it, was taken to apply
only to the microscopic world of atoms and molecules, while the
world of macroscopic phenomena of our experience was
considered to be purely classical and not to manifest quantum
properties. However, today we know that this is not true, and that
there are many macroscopic quantum manifestations, although
our knowledge about them is still limited (Leggett 1986, 1992,
1996; De Martino et aI., 1997; Sassaroli et al. 1998). Biological
systems obviously possess the characteristics of macroscopic
quantum systems (Fritz-Albert & Beloussov 2003: 62).
At first it may appear unlikely that a complex system with
many degrees of freedom like the brain could be modelled with
the right causal dynamics, but without taking into account the
smallest parts. Micro stimulation of individual neurons can
influence sensory decisions (Houweling & Brecht 2008),
showing that very small disturbances can – under the right
circumstances – scale up to behavioural divergences. However,

state variables of complex systems can be quantitatively

predicted when there is “scale separation”: when different
aspects of the system exist on sufficiently (orders of magnitude)
different scales (of size, energy, time etc.), they can become
uncoupled (Hillerbrand 2008). A typical example is how the
microscopic dynamics of a laser (atoms interacting with an
oscillating electromagnetic field) gives rise to a macroscopic
dynamics (the growth and decay of different laser modes) in such
a way that an accurate simulation of the system using only
elements on the macroscale is possible. Another example is the
scale separation between electric currents and logic operations in
a computer, which enables bit based emulation. When there is no
scale separation (such as in fluid turbulence) macroscale
predictions become impossible without simulating the entire
microscale (Sandberg 2008: 12).
While practically all neuroscientists subscribe to the dogma
that neural activity is a phenomenon that occurs on a classical
scale, there have been proposals (mainly from physicists) that
quantum effects play an important role in the function of the
brain (Penrose 1989; Hameroff 1987). So far there is no evidence
for quantum effects in the brain beyond quantum chemistry, and
no evidence that such effects play an important role for
intelligence or consciousness (Litt et al. 2006). There is no lack
of possible computational primitives in neurobiology nor any
phenomena that appear unexplainable in terms of classical
computations (Koch & Hepp 2006). Quantitative estimates for
decoherence times for ions during action potentials and
microtubules suggest that they decohere on a timescale of 10-20 –
10-13s, about ten orders of magnitude faster than the normal
neural activity timescales. Hence quantum effects are unlikely to
persist long enough to affect processing (Tegmark 2000). This,
however, has not deterred supporters of quantum consciousness,
who argue that there may be mechanisms protecting quantum
superpositions over significant periods (Rosa & Faber 2004;
Hagan et al. 2002).


The application of quantum mechanics of consciousness state

that the energy levels of the field become discrete or ‘quantized.’
Unlike a classical field, whose propagating waves can have any
amplitude and can thereby possess arbitrary energy, the stable
propagating states of a quantum field of consciousness are
constrained to have discrete energies (Hagelin 1987).
Consciousness is energy in various states of manifestation and
transformation. Our consciousness define our perspectives that
how we explore the field of energy and how we store them
because almost all behaviours ranging from single synapse
resolution to neural circuits somehow rely on neural
computations widely distributed throughout the brain and body.
Synaptic transmission and axonal transfer of nerve impulses are
too slow to organize coordinated activity in large areas of the
central nervous system. Numerous observations confirm this
view (Reinis et al. 2005). The duration of a synaptic transmission
is at least 0.5 ms, thus the transmission across thousands of
synapses takes about hundreds or even thousands of
milliseconds. The transmission speed of action potentials varies
between 0.5 m/s and 120 m/s along an axon. More than 50% of
the nerves fibers in the corpus callosum are without myelin, thus
their speed is reduced to 0.5 m/s. How can these low velocities
(i.e. classical signals) explain the fast processing in the nervous
system? We believe that quantum theory is able to explain some
of the above mysteries. As an example, recently it has been
shown theoretically that the biological brain has the possibility to
achieve large quantum bit computing at room temperature,
superior when compared with the conventional processors
(Musha 2009). Consciousness is an active force or mechanism
that can, among other things, control or cause change in the
human energy field, as well as, potentially, the universal field.
Consciousness is a four or higher-dimensional force that can
operationalize the C-choosing function and affect our trajectory
through four-dimensional space. Recent work in physics seems to
indicate that higher dimensional forces may be at work (Lansky

Additionally, there exist other energy states of both optical and
vibrational nature (Jelínek & Pokorný 2001; Pokorný et al. 1997;
Deriu et al. 2010) which tubulin and the whole microtubule can
support. These states can be excited by energy supply provided
by mitochondria (Cifra et al. 2010). Please read the table given

Table 1. Information about consit

Name Consit
Composition Elementary particle
Statistics Unidentified energy released statistics
Interactions Consciousness
Status Hypothetical
Symbol Cf
Antiparticle Self
Theorized 2010
Mass 0
Mean lifetime Stable
Electric charge 0e
Spin 2

The above table states that in theoretical physics, consit is a

hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of
consciousness in the framework of quantum field theory of the
brain. If it exists, the consit is expected to be massless (because
the consciousness force appears to have unlimited range) and
must be a spin-2 boson.
Spin is a very fundamental quantum process associated with
the structure of space-time (Dirac 1928; Penrose 1967). Indeed,
modern physics leads us right down to the microscopic domain
of space-time where various models of elementary particles and
even space-time itself are built with spinors (Budinich 2002). On
the other hand, neural membranes are saturated with spin-
carrying nuclei such as 1H, 13C and 31P. Indeed, both MRI and
fMRI are based on the abundance of 1H in human body. Neural
membranes are matrices of brain electrical activities and play
vital roles in the normal functions of a conscious brain and their

major molecular components are phospholipids, proteins and

cholesterols. Each phospholipid contains 1 31P, 1.8% 13C and
over 60 1H its lipid chains. Similarly, neural membrane proteins
such as ion channels and neural transmitter receptors also contain
large clusters of spin carrying nuclei. Therefore, we strongly
believe that Nature has utilized quantum spin in constructing a
conscious mind (Wu 2007). On the theoretical front, there are
quite a few quantum theories of mind (Penrose 1989; Donald
1990; Stapp 1993; Penrose 1994; Hameroff 1996). Among these,
Penrose’s Objective Reduction (OR) together with Hameroff’s
microtubule computation is perhaps the most popular, and the
combination of the two produced the Orchestrated Objective
Reduction (Orch OR) in microtubules (Penrose 1989; Penrose
1994; Hameroff 1996). According to Penrose, each quantum
state has its own space-time geometry, thus superposition of
quantum states entails superposition of different space-time
geometries (Penrose 1989; Penrose 1994). Under certain
conditions, such space-time geometric superposition would
separate under its own “weight” through a non-computable
process, which in turn would collapse said quantum state
superposition (Penrose 1989; Penrose 1994). Hameroff suggested
that such self-organized OR could occur in microtubules because
of their particular structures, thus, born the Orch OR. According
Orch OR, each collapse of macroscopic space-time geometry
superposition corresponds to a discrete conscious event. In
addition, it seems that Penrose accepts a separate mental world
with grounding in the physical world (Penrose 1989; Penrose
1994). There are also a number of theories based on conventional
neuroscience (Edelman 1989; Crick 1994).


Another commonly held view is that consciousness is unrelated

to quantum mechanics because the brain is a wet, warm system
where decoherence destroys quantum superpositions of neuron
firing much faster than we can think, preventing our brain from
acting as a quantum computer (Tegmark 2015). No doubt there
are important quantum mechanical behaviours within ion

channels and within synapses and elsewhere, since ions and their
electrons are small and subject to quantum theory. One
interesting hypothesis suggests quantum computing within the
microtubules of neurons, proposed to generate higher
consciousness (Hameroff 2003; 2007). Others see quantum
tunnelling of electrons between synapses as creating
consciousness (Walker 2000). The coherence of such quantum
states among brain proteins has been suggested to lead to
material changes in brain physiology through orchestrated
collapse of quantum coherent clusters of tubulin proteins,
triggered by quantum gravity expressed at the spin (Planck scale)
level. On the basis of a recent theory on the nature of gravity
(Verlinde 2011), postulating that gravity is not a force but rather
an entropic compensation for the movement of mass/information,
it was speculated that consciousness may arise from a gravity-
mediated reaction on the entropic displacement of information as
it occurs in high density in the human brain (Meijer 2012). But
no such particles and forces have been identified that could
produce consciousness. The effect that quantum coherence in the
brain would be too short lived to have a functional role in neural
processing (Tegmark 2000). Quantum-coherent oscillations are
difficult to demonstrate on living systems – heat effects, due to
resonance in thermal frequency modes, all too readily intrude,
jumbling the experimental picture (Loewenstein 1999: 314).
Brains operate much like a resonance chamber, oscillating pulses
and patterns of neural excitations ripple through our brains much
like never-ending waves in a dynamic pond of subtle electrical
matter. The brain is an electrochemical organ; and speculations
are that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10
watts of electrical power. More conservative investigators
calculated that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells
discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the
human scalp would record 5 millionths to 50 millionths of a volt.
Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in
brainwaves (2006). The higher the frequency of our brain waves,
the higher our consciousness. Our brain waves are governed by
the same rules of quantum mechanics and by the same equations
governing the electromagnetic spectrum, light, particles and

everything in the universe. Theta oscillations are defined as

activity in the 4 to 8 Hz range, the alpha rhythm operates in the 9
to 12 Hz range, while beta oscillations occur around 20 Hz.
Gamma oscillations are produced when masses of neurons fire at
around 40 Hz but can occur as low as 26 Hz to upwards of 70
Hz. It has been argued that transient periods of synchronized
firing over the gamma waveband of neurons from different parts
of the brain may integrate various cognitive processes to generate
a concerted act of perception (Fries 2009). Conscious perception
is also accompanied by increases in power and synchrony in the
gamma band (>30Hz) (Schurger et al. 2006; Melloni et al. 2007;
Doesburg et al. 2009; Wyart &Tallon-Baudry 2009). A small
number of studies have, however, also found fronto-parietal
activation and gamma activity during unconscious processing of
sensory stimuli (Diaz & McCarthy 2007; Luo et al. 2009). In the
alpha and low beta bands (10-20Hz), long-distance phase
synchrony shows consistent changes for consciousness-related
activity (Gross et al. 2004; Gaillard et al. 2009; Hipp et al. 2011).
More generally, consciousness-related activations are frequently
found in higher-order sensory areas (e.g., Tong et al. 1998; Grill-
Spector et al. 2000) and in bilateral parietal and pre-frontal
cortical areas (Dehaene et al. 2001; Lau & Passingham 2006;
Boly et al. 2007a; Farrer et al. 2008; Desmurget & Sirigu 2009;
Sadaghiani et al. 2009; Bor & Seth 2012; Tse et al. 2005; Tallon-
Baudry 2011). Presently, a number of studies suggest that
conscious perception may not be necessary for the operation of
various complex cognitive processes, such as attention (Koch &
Tsuchiya 2007), cognitive control (van Gaal et al. 2011), conflict
monitoring (van Gaal et al. 2010), volition (Soon et al. 2008),
arithmetic (Sklar et al. 2012), or feature binding (Mudrik et al.
2011), and semantic analysis (Kouider & Dehaene 2007; Kang et
al. 2011). It is important to remember, however, that the effect
size of these complex cognitive processes in the absence of
consciousness is typically much smaller, compared to that
obtained in the presence of consciousness (van Gaal & Lamme
In order to put forward the classical theory of the brain
waves we first quantize the brain wave field. In the model

(Marciak-Kozlowska & Kozlowski 2012) we assume that; (i)

The brain is the thermal source in local equilibrium with
temperature T. (ii) The spectrum of the brain waves is quantized
according to formula E=hv where E is the photon energy in eV, ħ
=Planck constant, v -is the frequency in Hz. (iii) The number of
photons emitted by brain is proportional to the (amplitude)2 as for
classical waves (Baierlein 1998). Even consciousness demands
energy to keep its mechanism working, and to keep us conscious.
While the brain is a high energy-consuming organ, it contains
little energy reserves and is therefore highly dependent upon the
uninterrupted supply of energy substrates from the circulation.
Impairment in this process results in perturbation of neurological
functions, loss of consciousness, and coma within minutes. As
already mentioned, brain cells can efficiently utilize various
energy substrates in addition to glucose, including lactate,
pyruvate, glutamate, and glutamine (Zielke et al. 2009).
Now to calculate quantum mechanics of “conscious energy”
I have developed my own formula in support with Albert
Einstein’s special relativity theory (E=mc²). Henceforth, to
investigate “conscious energy” and its transformation into mass
my formula is given below:

Conscious energy = mass of brain waves × (speed of signal)2

E = m × (amplitude)2

The above equation tries to show the basis of conscious energy

(e.g. consit) in connection to its mass of brain waves. In the
equation where m is the change in mass of the brain waves and E
is the energy added to the consciousness. For example, when we
become conscious then it increases signals in our brain. When the
signals are increased (e.g. signals are the complex behaviour of
ion channels on the branches of the neurons) then they contribute
to the shape of brain waves, and the physical stimuli that gave
rise to signals no longer available. For example, if we add neural
energy by recalling a memory or by adding a new memory then
the mass of the memory may increase at each recall or addition,

and if the neural energy is taken away from the neuron, it

decreases its mass.
Similar variations in the amount of energy directed to the
synapses causes variations in the tension across the synaptic
clefts. As these energy levels drop, the synaptic gaps gradually
widen. This does not completely inhibit the transmission of
messages, but will slow them down and make that transmission
less efficient. Thus the level of tension across the neural
networks determines the state of consciousness. The type and
volume of traffic over those networks determines the experiences
of consciousness (Ross 2009: 3). In human brain, cognition and
consciousness are, at any one time, thought to involve tens of
thousands of neurons. Hebb’s (1949) “cell assemblies”, Eccles’s
(1992) “modules”, and Crick & Koch’s (1990) “coherent sets of
neurons” are each estimated to contain some 10,000 to 100,000
neurons which may be widely distributed throughout the brain
(Scott 1995). As long as we add more neurons, we will need
more speed and energy to recall or recycle them, and this will
repeat in an endless cycle. This gives a situation similar to
Einstein’s special relativity theory (E= mc²), where the letters in
the equation mean that the mass m going at the constant speed of
light c equals the amount of energy E needed to reach that speed.
It represents the relation between energy and mass. It tells us that
energy is converted totally into mass. Similarly, I have included
speed of “signal squared” in my equation because it shows that as
much distance a signal (e.g. neural electromagnetic waves)
would travel in brain its mass would increase and this would
eventually slow its speed; because nothing can travel faster than
the speed of light, so signal also cannot travel faster than speed of
Neural electromagnetic waves do not, of course, travel at the
speed of light, about 30 cm/ns in free space. In the axon of a
neuron, electromagnetic speeds are closer to 30 nm/ns, because
of the low current densities from ionic current sources and the
high capacitance per unit area of a membrane (Burger 2009: 39).
As the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation decreases, the
amount of energy it emits increases (McDowell 2015: 52).
Memory is enhanced not only by the rate of spike firing but

equally by their relative timing. The spiking of neurons in the

hippocampus and the visual cortex with which it interacts are
greatly influenced by synchronous oscillations of brain waves
(Sejnowski & Delbruck 2012). As more neurons are added to
hippocampus area of your brain then they will increase the
capacity to learn new memories. The only area of the brain where
neurogenesis has been shown to continue throughout life is the
hippocampus, an area essential to memory encoding and storage.
For example:

Case 1: London cab drivers

London taxi drivers provide a proof of the brain’s ability to
reshape itself with experience, and they also show within
individuals how the structure of the hippocampus can change
with external stimulation. In the 2006 study, researchers
compared taxi drivers’ brains with those of bus drivers. The
former showed increased gray matter density in their posterior
hippocampi – a region linked to map like spatial navigation and
memory. That probably comes as no surprise to London cabbies,
who spend years memorizing a labyrinthine system of 25,000
streets (including 320 routes within a six mile radius of Charing
Cross, and 20,000 landmarks and places of interest), whereas bus
drivers have set routes (Mosher 2011).

Case 2: Learning a new language

The Swedish MRI study showed that learning a foreign language
has a visible effect on the brain. Young adult military recruits
with a flair for languages learned Arabic, Russian or Dari
intensively, while a control group of medical and cognitive
science students also studied hard, but not at languages. MRI
scans showed specific parts of the brains of the language students
developed in size whereas the brain structures of the control
group remained unchanged. Equally interesting was that learners
whose brains grew in the hippocampus and areas of the cerebral
cortex related to language learning had better language skills than
other learners for whom the motor region of the cerebral cortex
developed more (Mackey 2014).


The neural processing of information is metabolically expensive.

Although the human brain is 2% of the body’s weight, it
accounts for 20% of its resting metabolism (Kety 1957; Sokoloff
1960; Rolfe & Brown 1997). This is a general accountability of
energy usage by the brain in comparison to the body which may
vary from person to person depending on age, profession, gender,
size and health. But if you start using your brain more than its
capacity then in this situation temporary exhaustion is a genuine
phenomenon. Most of us are familiar with everyday mental
tiredness. We can say that a complex mental task requires more
energy than usual thought processes. If we are not good at a
particular task, then we have to exert more mental effort. If we
are more skilled then our brain is more efficient to perform the
task. But more skilful brains recruit more energy, and thus, it
may require extra blood, oxygen and glucose. As a more difficult
mental task requires more neural energy but there is more neural
activity and much more neurons available to support the task in
the brain. No worries.


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