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News on the Internet


Series editor: Andrew Chadwick, Royal Holloway, University of London

The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Information Technology and Political Islam
Philip N. Howard
News on the Internet
Information and Citizenship in the
21st Century

David Tewksbury and Jason Rittenberg

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tewksbury, David.
News on the internet : information and citizenship in the 21st century / David Tewksbury & Jason Rittenberg.
p. cm.—(Oxford studies in digital politics)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-19-539196-1 (hardcover : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-0-19-539197-8 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Citizen journalism. 2. Online journalism. 3. Citizenship—Technological innovations.
4. Political participation—Technological innovations. I. Rittenberg, Jason. II. Title.
PN4784.C615T48 2012
070.4—dc23 2011032439

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Acknowledgments vii

1. Introduction 3
2. Shifting Audiences 18
3. Offline and Online News Content 41
4. News Specialization and Segmentation 63
5. Selecting News Online 83
6. Learning from Online News 105
7. Fragmentation and Polarization of the Audience 119
8. Information Democratization 144
9. Conclusion: Online News and Public Affairs 160

Notes 179
References 181
Index 193
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David thanks Risa, Neil, and Maggie for their patience and encouragement.
They make everything possible.
Jason would like to thank his wife, Lori, for all of her support and
patience while working on this book. He would also like to thank his chil-
dren, parents, friends, and colleagues for their encouragement during the
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News on the Internet
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I magine, if you can or if you remember, the days before the internet.
Most people received the bulk of their news from local and national
television news broadcasts. The number of news stories contained in 30 or
even 60 minutes of news was relatively small, and most stories ran for a
minute or two at most. What is more, television news stories were pro-
grammed to run in a particular order. To get to information about sports
or weather, people had to wait through lead stories on a variety of topics
(mostly local, national, and international public affairs). There was a
thriving newspaper industry in those days—even as the number of people
reading daily newspapers had been steadily falling for decades. Listening
to radio news and reading magazine news accounted for some news con-
sumption, but broadcast television news and newspapers were king.
Much of the news that audiences received in the 20th century was based
on a model of objective reporting. That model did not guarantee perfectly
neutral or balanced news, as many critics and observers convincingly
argued (e.g., Bennett 1996), but journalists and others in the business said
that objectivity was both a format for news presentation and a goal for
news content. Of course, the news business of the 20th century was largely
built on profit incentives, and those incentives led to the production of a
relatively homogeneous product much of the time (Bennett 1996).
The world of news that we are describing is very different from the one
we now inhabit. Indeed, the news business of the recent past is already
coming to seem a little fantastical. Today, audiences for broadcast televi-
sion news and newspapers are experiencing steep and steady declines. The
audience for news on the internet has grown from nothing in 1993 to sec-
ond behind only television (Pew Research Center 2010). These and other
changes in the media marketplace have been accompanied by a number of
changes in the content and presentation of news. Cable television news
has become segmented into topically and ideologically discrete channels,
the number of print newspapers continues to dwindle, and the number of
internet-based news sources has mushroomed.
Perhaps most important for the future of the news business, the very
meaning of news is shift ing. Large corporate news divisions based in New
York and Washington still produce quite a bit of content about public
affairs, but the nature of that content is rapidly changing. Pressures on the
news business have led news providers to expand the commentary they
produce as they shrink their newsroom staffs. Journalists cover more top-
ical ground than they did before, and they often are expected to interact
with audiences in online discussion environments. Increasingly, news
consumers are also the creators. Online and mobile technologies allow
them to feed information into the news stream and the public conversa-
tion. Almost anyone with internet access can break a story or even create
the news, at least in principle.
Changes in the news business are challenging the old defi nitions of
press and audience. On the one hand, the dividing line between journalist
and citizen is becoming particularly fuzzy, as more people become
involved in the creation of news. On the other hand, the current technolo-
gies have facilitated a change in the meaning of an audience. The domi-
nant media of the 20th century operated within a system of centralized,
largely one-way news dissemination. To consume the news was to ingest
a diet of information selected by news professionals. What is more, the
major media determined the flow of news. Even a newspaper, always the
most customizable news format, contains a structure that largely organ-
izes news for audiences. Today, the receivers of the news exert substantial
control over their news diet. They can choose among numerous outlets,
preselect specific topics, and focus their time and attention on the mes-
sages they prefer.
Twenty years ago, it would have been hard to predict the transforma-
tions that have passed through the news business. Th ings look very differ-
ent today. Of course, some things remain the same. People are still people,
wars are still wars, and much of what has reliably drawn audiences to the
news continues to do so. Nonetheless, much about online news is novel
and emergent. Researchers in communication and allied fields have been
speculating about the political and social effects of all of the changes in
the nature of news and audiences.
Our goal in this book is to organize and review what is known and said
about news on the internet. We look at news and audiences online, describ-
ing how audiences approach the news and influence its content. We look
at the kind of news that appears on the internet, compare it with what
shows up elsewhere, and speculate about the meanings of these patterns.

[4] News on the Internet

We then return to the news audience, think about how people are gett ing
and creating news online, and offer some conclusions about how current
uses of the news may affect the quality of social and political life in mod-
ern democracies.
Th is introductory chapter serves two functions. First, it provides back-
ground information for much of what we discuss in the book. The evolu-
tion of the news business is directly related to the evolution of politics and
public discourse in a democracy. Therefore, we start with a short discus-
sion of information and its relationship with citizenship. Then we preview,
in general terms, some of the att ributes of the internet that are most rele-
vant for the creation, presentation, and consumption of news. We also
foreshadow the connections between these characteristics and some of
the consequential potential effects of online news. Finally, we briefly
describe the plan for the book and sketch the major emphases of each


In our review, we describe the content and presentation of news on the

internet and how people are interacting with that news. Making up much
of what is novel and important about online news are the developments
that force us to think about the role of audiences. The shift from a top-
down media system to one that features more horizontal interaction of
people and news represents a change in the relationship that citizens and
others in a nation have with information. For our discussion, it is useful to
consider some of the ways that scholars have described the roles of citi-
zens and information in democratic nations.

Information in the Political System

Political scientist Bruce Bimber argues that information and the tech-
nology of its control and dissemination form a central pillar of power in a
democratic society. Indeed, he notes that information and its control are
at the core of the relationship between citizen and state and the interme-
diaries between them. A relatively stable set of relationships between in-
formation flows and political institutions constitutes what he calls an
“information regime.” When the nature of information structures change,
political relationships also change: “Information regimes in the United
States have been interrupted by information revolutions, which involve
changes in the structure or accessibility of information. These revolutions

may be initiated by technological developments, institutional change, or
economic outcomes. An information revolution disrupts a prior informa-
tion regime by creating new opportunities for political communication
and the organization of collective action” (Bimber 2003, p. 18).
Changes in information regimes are consequential because “. . . demo-
cratic power tends to be biased toward those with the best command of
political information at any particular stage in history” (Bimber 2003, p.
18). The media system of the 20th century was very hierarchically organ-
ized. As we have noted, news and other information flowed downstream
from centralized news organizations to audiences. Political and economic
leaders had ready access to journalists and news providers, exercising
power, in part, through their control of information.
Of course, centralized control of news and information is still the rule
in much of the American political system, but things are changing. In part
through harnessing the properties of the internet, audiences have more
input into the news system and more control over the flow of news. As we
note in this book, some people use their control to avoid news about pub-
lic affairs entirely, but others use it to expand their knowledge of issues
and other topics. Some members of the news audience prefer a one-way
flow of news, but others are using the internet to expand the reach of their

The Requirements of Citizenship

Most 20th-century interpretations of democratic theory have placed the

active citizen at the center of democratic systems (Berelson 1952). Polit-
ical power ultimately rests with citizens in a democracy. With that power,
citizens have a responsibility to gather information about public affairs
(e.g., government, politics, and international events) and to form reasoned
judgments about political leaders and issues. In this framework, the cit-
izen is essentially a consumer of information. In order to be such a con-
sumer, the citizen must seek out public affairs information (Berelson
1952). He or she must be an active user of the media. Ultimately, the news
helps citizens gather the information they need. In many respects, the
news is a public service of journalists and other news producers.
Although this is the dominant interpretation of democratic theory, there
are others. Perhaps chief among them is offered by Michael Schudson
(1998). In a review of the history of citizenship in the United States, he sug-
gests that the relationship between citizens and political activity has
changed. Initially, the duty of citizenship featured the relationship between
the individual and political leaders. Everyday-citizen involvement in politics

[6] News on the Internet

was limited to evaluating the qualities of leaders who represented them in
government. The subsequent bulk of the 19th century featured a “partisan”
model of citizenship. Here the citizen was expected to participate in the
political system through support of political parties. This pluralist system
replaced leaders with parties as the object of important political decision
making. The 20th century is the period that put information at the core of
citizens’ political activity. It also saw the rise of political activity built around
the establishment and protection of citizens’ rights in the political system.
The role of the news in each of these periods is tied to the needs of the
citizen for political information. In all times, information matters. But the
need for citizens to follow a range of events, issues, and people in public
affairs certainly depends on the dominant model of citizenship at any one
time. Schudson suggests that the role of citizens in a democratic system is
a malleable one. Political, social, and legal circumstances can influence
how people think about their civic responsibilities and their relationship
to the news.
Detailed knowledge about issues and policies in government has not
always been central to citizenship, although it appears to occupy an
important role today. Ultimately, any changes in the relationships among
people, information (i.e., news), and political authority will influence how
a society functions and how its citizens fare. That is one of the chief rea-
sons we all should care about the provision and consumption of news on
the internet.



A central premise of the theory and research discussed in this book is

that the technology of information delivery matters. We will neither
examine nor state that assumption very often, but it is the foundation
for research on the form, use, and effects of news on the internet (just
as it informed earlier work on the effects of television; see Williams
A litt le background on the role of technology in social change and in
people’s lives is useful here. To say that technology matters is rather sim-
plistic, of course. Perhaps more to the point, most researchers in commu-
nication assume that information technologies both provide ways for
people to do what they want to do and suggest new things to do (e.g.,
Hughes 1997). That is, new communication technologies continue some
social practices, facilitate desired new ones, and inspire novel develop-
ments. They do these things simultaneously.

For example, when television was widely adopted in American house-
holds in the period after World War II, the industry in the United States
largely moved successful content from radio programs to television
(Sterling and Kitt ross 2002). The new technology let people do what
they already did (e.g., enjoy drama and comedy programming). But tel-
evision proved to be more than radio with pictures. It facilitated the
development of a number of new kinds of programming (e.g., the “Spec-
tacular” of the 1950s and 1960s; Sterling and Kitt ross 2002) that moved
broadcast entertainment content beyond what had been popular on
radio. Similarly, the internet was primarily a product of government
researchers and other scientists seeking to improve computing power
and efficiency (Margolis and Resnick 2000). It ably accomplished that
mission for early users of the system in the 1970s. But, as we know, wide-
spread diff usion of the internet in the 1990s and today has inspired a
number of additional uses. These examples illustrate that communica-
tion technologies satisfy existing needs and help generate new ones at
the same time.
Sometimes theory and research on new technologies can seem to imply
that technologies cause change or even that people are helpless to resist
inevitable effects of technology. Most researchers today try to avoid that
perspective, often pejoratively labeled “technological determinism” (e.g.,
Williams 1974), because it does not grant people much agency in the crea-
tion and shaping of technologies. A number of researchers examining new
technologies have advocated a perspective closer to social shaping of
technology. They suggest that people get the technology they want (e.g.,
Williams 1974), shape how it is used (MacKenzie and Wajcman 1985),
and help determine its effects (Winner 1985).
We come down prett y close to the social perspective. We do not
assume that new technologies such as the internet impose changes on
people and political systems. Rather, we assume that social, economic,
and political changes happen in concert with technological change. They
facilitate one another. Which factor exerts the greater influence likely
evolves over the course of a process of change. So, it may appear at times
that the internet is driving social and political revolution. We prefer to
think—taking the long view—of transformation in the role of citizens in
a democracy as a joint product of technological and other changes. We
try to implement that perspective in our discussion of the relationship
between news and audiences. We describe what audiences do with the
news and how they select news outlets, choose stories, and process infor-
mation. We will similarly describe how news outlets present information
and build audiences. The relationship between information and people is
necessarily interactive.

[8] News on the Internet


The central focus of this book is the study of the potential effects of inter-
net presentation of news. It is worth considering the particular way we
approach theory and research on this topic. There are many paths to
knowledge; the longer one engages in research, the more confidence one
develops in the notion that many paths may lead to truth. Nonetheless,
researchers (and authors of books like this one) make choices about how
they will approach concepts and their study. The theory and research we
review in this book come from different traditions. For example, we rely
on analyses from political economy and theory from a number of domains.
Underlying the bulk of our discussion and analysis, though, is the tradi-
tion of media effects research.
The media effects approach is grounded in the idea that social phenomena—
such as media content and audience reactions—are open to observation and
measurement. What is more, the dominant social-scientific strain of media
effects research suggests that the effects of exposure to media content are
unknown until they can be measured and tested. The tradition is not wholly
yoked to empirical research norms, but they certainly define the parameters of
much of the research in this area.
The media effects approach is one of several ways to study social phe-
nomena. The study of media is replete with research that focuses on the
social context of messages and audiences, the linguistic power of words
and images, and the sociology of power within societies and institutions
(such as news organizations). Some of these research traditions suggest
that media effects research is too closely wedded to linear (i.e., cause leads
to effect), empirical research (McQuail 2010). Critical theory, for exam-
ple, suggests that media, messages, and audiences are all situated within
power hierarchies that circumscribe and defi ne communication and its
outcomes (McQuail 2010). An empirical cause-and-effect orientation
toward media necessarily omits important, underlying elements of social
The media effects approach, largely centered in social-scientific
research, retains several advantages for the aims of this book. Among
them is the muscle it provides analysts wishing to compare media and
messages across topical, national, and cultural boundaries. Researchers
studying the content of the media might claim that they can identify the
core elements of news from across the globe and within the various strata
and social groups found in any one society. Likewise, media effects
research can build and test theory that helps researchers understand and
predict the outcomes of exposure to specific and general classes of media
content. It is the generalizability of the fi ndings of media effects research

that makes them most useful for studying the potential personal and
social role of the media.
Taking the media effects perspective, our efforts to describe the con-
tent of news online involve empirical analyses of sites and messages. Like-
wise, we summarize what theorists and other observers have predicted
about the effects of exposure to news online and subject their expecta-
tions to empirical scrutiny. Anecdotal evidence is useful, to be sure, and
we appreciate the heuristic power of exemplars and focused case studies.
Nonetheless, we foreground empirical research when it is available. When
it is not, we rely on theory, the available evidence we have, and a skeptical
brand of common sense. We also willingly conclude that many research
questions are still unanswered. That is what makes research fun.


In many ways, the internet is the sum of all other media. When trying to
describe it, its uses, and its effects, one must set parameters. There are a
few primary features of news on the internet that take center stage in this
book. They represent some of the most exciting developments with the
technology and its use, and they have implications for how information
and citizenship operate in advanced democracies. We briefly preview
them here, noting how these characteristics generate certain themes that
run through this book.

The Internet has a Wealth of News

Among the defining features of the contemporary internet is its informa-

tion storage capacity. The internet is a big place. There are few practical lim-
itations on the amount of news and information that can be stored and
accessed online. This characteristic has two dimensions relevant to the pre-
sentation of news.
First, audiences can find a greater variety of news online than they can
find in other media. It is hard to imagine that there is a topic or perspective
under the sun that is not covered in some way online. Chris Anderson
(2004) popularized this characteristic as the “long tail” of the internet. Th is
phrase relates to a hypothetical distribution graph where the majority of
users are clustered among a few popular sources at one end, but there con-
tinues to be at least some audience for many more outlets as the number of
sites continues to rise. The “long tail” is shorthand for the fact that the size
of the internet allows for niche content and audiences. Users not only may

[ 10 ] News on the Internet

find substantial diversity in news opinion and topics, but they also may find
substantial depth on a single news topic. News outlets can maintain links to
dated material on their own sites and links to related content on other sites.
Thus, people looking for depth of information on a topic can readily find it.
Among the originators of content online are professional new organiza-
tions. Many of these outlets also produce news for television, radio, maga-
zines, and newspapers. Others are internet-only outfits, although they
operate in a fashion that parallels the offl ine media. Perhaps more interest-
ing is that the majority of people creating content for the internet are peo-
ple who may have been called mere audiences in the time of the old media.
These people are posting information and commentary to Web logs (blogs),
reaching their own audiences with mass tweets over Twitter, or joining dis-
cussion boards on news sites. These typically are not paid news profession-
als, but they are adding to the volume and diversity of news online.
The second factor, then, is that private citizens creating content online
and in other technologies are redefi ning the nature of news. They are add-
ing to the flow of information online—be it opinion, links to related con-
cepts, images, or other content—and they are contributing to the social
and political lives of nations. They are sometimes called “citizen journal-
ists” (Witt 2004). Their presence is often welcomed and facilitated by pro-
fessional news organizations, but citizen journalists implicitly and
explicitly challenge the authority of the major news media. The force of
that challenge and what it means for the news and citizenship form one of
the most compelling stories being played out online.
The trend of information control shifting away from a few powerful enti-
ties toward smaller outlets and even citizens is a type of information democ-
ratization. This concept, which is the focus of chapter 8 in this book,
emphasizes the social transformation that has been made possible by digital
media. It may seem trivial that your friend publishes a news-opinion blog
that is read by ten people, but just a few generations ago, this person would
likely not have had the inclination, means, or even knowledge to share his or
her views through the media. Of course, this is not to say that any given blog
makes a significant contribution to society. Information democratization is
an aggregate-level concept marking the greater overall involvement of com-
mon citizens with the news and other political information.

Audiences are Changing

The technology of the internet allows individuals to post their own con-
tent and repurpose what has been posted by others. The concept of citizen
journalism illustrates the fragility of the distinction between audience

and journalist online. The composition and meaning of audiences on the
internet are changing in other ways, too. The adoption of subscription
media—such as cable or satellite television, in the past—naturally raises
questions about how people think about the audience for a medium and
its messages.
Internet access and use are costly, on a number of dimensions. To use
the internet, people need a device (such as a computer or a smartphone)
and a way to connect it to the network. Th is may be done very cheaply,
such as by using workstations at a public library or accessing a free Wi-Fi
signal at a public location, but the inconvenience of those methods limits
the medium’s accessibility. The costs in time and money for easy internet
access are not small. Some people can afford the costs, but others cannot.
The distance between these two kinds of people is called the digital divide.
There are additional divisions between people who have facility with the
internet and those who do not.
Gaps in internet access and skill prompt questions about the effective
audience of news online. If the medium can empower people to control
and parse the flow of news, some parts of the audience have access to that
power, and others do not. It could be that younger people in a society have
the upper hand with the internet. As a result, their relatively low offl ine
political power—represented in low voter-turnout rates for young voters
in the United States—could be partially offset by their ability to receive
and influence online news.

The Internet Could Steal Audiences from Other Media

As the audience for online news has evolved since news started going
online in the mid-1990s, so have audiences for the traditional media
(newspapers, magazines, and broadcast radio and television). An ongoing
topic for study has been the effect of internet news adoption on use of
traditional news media. Audiences have been moving away from newspa-
pers and broadcast television for some years, so it is not clear how much
the internet is responsible for their declines. Nonetheless, there is clear
evidence that use of new media is tied to use of the older ones. There are
several ways to conceptualize that relationship, from replacement to com-
plementary use. We will discuss their relevance in this context.
A key point with respect to news exposure in one or several media is
that much exposure happens as a function of audience habit (Diddi and
LaRose 2006). As a general rule of thumb, people develop their media-
exposure patterns as they reach early adulthood—although they are influ-
enced by factors experienced earlier in life—and tend to retain them over

[ 12 ] News on the Internet

time (Diddi and LaRose 2006). When people adopt a new media habit
after that time, they often add it to what they already do. They could drop
their older habits, but established patterns can be quite resilient. One of
the ways that media habits are most likely to change is through cohort
replacement over time, the tendency for successive waves of people in a
population to develop distinct habits as they enter adulthood and hold on
to them later in life. Social-level change happens when new cohorts—
with new habits—eventually replace the old ones.

Learning from the News Online may be Dif ferent

Some news that appears online is no different in form and content from
what one might fi nd in the traditional media. But some news organiza-
tions and news providers take advantage of the technologies of the World
Wide Web to present information in novel ways. Journalists and citizens
can link concepts and stories through hyperlinks, embedded computer
language that allows for easy user navigation from one set of information
to another.
A central question for news providers, audiences, and researchers is
whether consuming news online is better than consuming it through
other media. A dominant frame for that question is to ask whether people
learn more from the news online than from the news offline. Hyperlinks
can serve as a way for audience members to explore the many dimensions
of a topic, but they can also confuse a news reader, essentially offering
more information than can be easily consumed. It is hard to imagine the
internet without hyperlinks, but it is not clear how much they help people

People can Control their News Consumption

The internet allows and even forces people to make choices. With the
news, this has meant that audiences can choose the sites, topics, stories,
posts, and images they prefer. Consuming news online is often far from a
passive experience. People do not need to be active in their selection and
consumption of the news, but scholars and observers often assume that
they are. Indeed, an active audience orientation to news consumption
runs through much of the literature in this area.
Researchers often assume that people will take advantage of the capac-
ity for choice that the internet provides. Audiences will be selective with
what they choose and will focus on the topics and stories that suit their

tastes and predispositions. Indeed, online news providers offer a number
of ways for people to limit their exposure to unwanted information and
ideas. Th is sort of selective exposure can limit the variety of information
that people receive.
People who are exposed to a narrow range of information about public
affairs might develop topical blind spots. With a great many news topics
and entertainment options from which to choose, people might not be
exposed to the important public affairs news of the day. Such a frag-
mented state of affairs, many observers say (e.g., Katz 1996; Webster and
Phalen 1997), can affect how well people can function as citizens. They
might not know enough about things in the political realm to function
effectively. As we have noted, “functioning effectively” is a loaded con-
cept, but at the very least, a fragmented citizenry has fewer things to talk
about and perhaps fewer things in common (Sunstein 2001).
Not everyone assumes that people will naturally initiate processes of
fragmentation by being highly selective. Regarding the lure of selectivity
in cable television, Neuman wrote: “Some amount of fi ltering and skipping
of news will continue to take place, but such fi ltering is balanced against
the convenience and habitual reliance of the half-attentive audience mem-
ber on the editorial judgment of news professionals. The average citizens
want to review headlines to make sure they are at least aware of the basic
events and issues everyone else is likely to know about” (1986, p. 156).

News Providers and Audiences Interact Online

The offl ine media changed substantially over the course of the 20th cen-
tury. They once were largely mass media, which is what we call media
when many or most of the outlets in an industry seek to att ract large het-
erogeneous audiences (McQuail 1997). When pressured by other media
and other forces, all except newspapers became specialized. Th at is, the
majority of outlets in media industries defi ned their target audience in
terms of stable characteristics such as demographic features (e.g., age, sex,
race, ethnicity) or predispositions (e.g., political party or issue interest).
They created content for the target and benefited from efficiencies of de-
livering well-defi ned, segmented audiences to advertisers.
The internet did not go through an evolution from mass to specialized
medium. The specialized media environment into which the internet
grew and its ability to support many content producers and consumers
made it particularly suitable for news segmentation from the start of its
public phase in 1993 (Margolis and Resnick 2000). Some news outlets
provide content constructed for specific segments of the audience, and

[ 14 ] News on the Internet

most others support technologies (e.g., customizable news portals, RSS
feeds, blogs) that allow audiences to focus their consumption on specific
content areas.
The more people look to the medium for segmented news, either
located at specific sites or delivered through customized news technolo-
gies, the more they come to resemble other people in their segment. Natu-
rally, they also come to be less like people in other segments. Ultimately,
social segments grow apart from one another when what they know about
politics becomes increasingly separate. Some researchers and observers
have expressed concern that this sort of polarization will degrade the
quality of democratic discourse and participation (e.g., Sunstein 2001;
Webster and Phalen 1997).
Not all is bad, though. The internet allows news media to be very
responsive to their audiences. News organizations allow people to leave
comments attached to specific news stories, they encourage them to send
messages to their reporters, and they provide places for people to upload
their own stories and bits of information. What is more, news outlets can
monitor activity on their sites and discern (from patterns of selection of
specific stories) what their audiences want to see. Thus, sites can increase
the efficiency with which audiences consume the news.


The internet is increasingly becoming the place where people in contempo-

rary democracies go to get and leave information. Th is book discusses the
dual role of the internet as a source of authoritative news and a vehicle for
citizen creation and sharing of information. The fact that anyone with
internet access can upload and consume information in thousands or mil-
lions of locations gives the medium a multidimensional character. The
internet embodies the centralized ownership that characterizes the tradi-
tional media (McChesney 2004) and suffers from many of the biases that
have plagued the press in the past (Bennett 1996), yet it features widespread
popular creation of content and discussion of public affairs. In many ways,
the internet is all media: mass and interpersonal, political and apolitical,
wise and vacuous. We will attempt to discuss these attributes in a way that
will illuminate their origin and point to the future of the news and politics.
In this book, we focus on the interaction of audiences and the internet.
Indeed, whereas it is possible—though perhaps unwise—to talk about
television or another of the older media without direct reference to its
audience, this is not possible when talking about the internet. Everyone
contributes to what is on the internet.

We start in chapter 2 with a look at how people use media and become
an audience. We note that people can be passive or active members of an
audience and that the internet forces us to think about audience activity
in a new way. A primary focus of the chapter is on the identification of how
audience activities influence the content and operation of media. We turn
next, in chapter 3, to describe how news is generated and presented online.
We compare content created for the offl ine media with that created for the
internet—and the diminishing meaning of such distinctions. In chapter
4, we continue with a focus on online content, looking at how media con-
ceive of content breadth and audience segments and how the two interact.
We look at the extent to which online news sites tailor their content to
specific audience characteristics and interests.
We return to a central focus on audience activity in chapter 5, where we
examine the concept of audience selectivity. How much news audiences
focus their internet time on the news and on specific topics might affect
news outlets and the content they provide. From a normative perspective,
the primary function of the news is informing people about political
affairs. What people learn from the online news and how are the topics of
chapter 6. We review what researchers have discovered about how people
learn from the news, and we observe that consuming the news online
might offer new ways for people to think about politics.
We next consider some of the substantial normative implications of
online news provision and consumption. In chapter 7, we review two
much-prophesied outcomes of online news consumption: fragmentation
and polarization. We discuss the conditions under which they may occur,
and we note that there is some evidence, though not yet a lot, that they are
developing. Chapter 8 turns the table on the previous chapter a bit; we
look at the normatively positive implications of how news appears and is
consumed online. If more people feed information into the news stream
and if this level of activity increases broad public engagement with poli-
tics, the internet is a democratizing force. It helps shed light on dark cor-
ners of public affairs. Once again, the internet has many faces. We conclude
in chapter 9 with a brief summary and discussion of the ideas and evi-
dence we have presented, looking ahead to news in the future.


Widespread adoption and use of the internet for news dissemination and
consumption has prompted some questions about the meaning of citizen-
ship and its relationship to information. Some conceptions of democracy
suggest that people need to consume information and make informed

[ 16 ] News on the Internet

decisions about public affairs. Th is approach is not universal, but informa-
tion is certainly an important component of the relationship between cit-
izens and political power.
When people talk about new communication technologies, they typi-
cally assume that technologies affect what people do. We would do well to
remember that people determine what technologies do, certainly more
often than the reverse. Our aim in this book is to eschew easy claims about
the effects of the internet on people, processes, and institutions. The rela-
tionship between users and the internet is certainly a balance, in terms of
both the flow of information and the power to effect change.
Despite the seemingly constant change one sees on the internet, it has
some relatively stable att ributes that form the core of the descriptions we
offer in this book. Running throughout our discussion is the understand-
ing that the medium carries an enormous quantity of information, some
of it generated by organizations but much of it by individuals. The volume
and diversity of news online, the convenience that many people experi-
ence when accessing it, and the control it provides users are all attractive
features that may be pulling audiences away from the traditional media.
What people do with the news online will affect what individuals know
about politics, how knowledge is distributed in societies, and how demo-
cratic systems function.
We have talked quite a bit here about change, and we will continue to do
so. Th roughout this book, though, we need to bear in mind that new tech-
nologies do not always usher in social and political change. Bimber notes
that information technology “. . . may increase opportunities for superfi-
cial, thoughtless, democratically hollow speech as well as opportunities for
meaningful deliberation and public speech” (2003, p. 30). We cannot say,
in the end, whether the internet is good or bad for publics and politics, but
we can say a few things about how people and the medium work together.
We offer predictions for how the news business—online and offl ine—will
continue to evolve as a result of its interaction with audiences.


Shifting Audiences

T he audience is not a unified, static concept. Instead, the audience for

any given type of content, or even any single program, is really a col-
lection of smaller audiences and individuals who have banded together
through a common interest. Audiences coalesce because of some combi-
nation of content, motivation, actors, hype, or social pressure. Media out-
lets are constantly challenged to fi nd—and then maintain—a larger
audience, and this is understandably difficult. Although the audience has
always been an important consideration of media studies, the availability
of choices through cable television and the internet has granted audiences
an even more important role in this area. As a handful of media options
have become 20, 100, and now millions, the fact that any given audience
is made up of many smaller interests has become ever more apparent.
The reality of the compiled audience has provided a particular chal-
lenge to the news media. The availability of choices has enabled audiences
to move away from broadcast news to new formats or nonnews topics alto-
gether (Prior 2007). On the internet, we see many people choosing to get
their news from partisan blogs, news aggregators, or even their friends.
Many people do continue to watch the evening news, or at least visit the
websites of major news organizations, but there is no denying that the
overall audience for news content has shifted. In the current media sys-
tem, the total news audience is divided into thousands of smaller audi-
ences receiving content from thousands of sources. Th is compounds the
challenge of compiling large audiences for media organizations and makes
profiting from audiences particularly difficult.
Shifting audiences is the key factor for understanding online news. Th is
chapter addresses the broader points of why audiences move between media
and how these shifts affect the business of media. Specifically, the chapter
begins with a discussion of how to define audiences and then explains how
media selection works and how it affects media content. Finally, we specifi-
cally address the internet audience in terms of both the digital divide and
how the audience will affect the news industry as a whole. Through this
wide-ranging discussion, we hope to illuminate the relationship between
contemporary audiences and the challenges facing the news industry.


Conceptualizing audiences is not a straightforward task, because there

are many possible ways to do this. Because the internet is unique in its
ability to facilitate user activity, we fi nd behavior-based approaches to de-
fi ning current news audiences the most interesting. One defi nitional
method is to focus on normative expectations for the audience, which is to
focus on how audiences should behave. A second method is to look at pro-
fi les of audiences, defi ning an audience from the ground up, as it were.
Th is approach works best when a profi le is based on long-term interests
and tendencies, rather than on simple demographics.

Normative Conceptualizations of Audiences

The most common approach to thinking of audiences in terms of what

they should do is democratic theory. Democratic theory might be best
understood as a particular branch of philosophy that focuses on popularly
elected government, its institutions, and its people. It would be impossible
and unnecessary to cover all of it here. We can limit ourselves to just three
of the more common forms of democratic theory—republicanism, liberal
pluralism, and complex democracy—and even then, we can restrict our
conversation to just the role of the people.
Republicanism (Baker 2002) may be the concept of government with
which most people are familiar. Th is form of democratic theory argues for
a democracy reliant on individual involvement to drive government deci-
sions. Th is is made possible by a media system that is expected to provide
useful information; this requires the mass media’s journalistic norms of
objectivity. Republicanism also has a loft y concept of what the public (i.e.,
the audience) should do. Individuals are expected not only to be able and
willing to consider political phenomena and societal well-being above
self-interest (Baker 2002) but also to participate regularly in public
debates on government and policy. This form of democratic theory has
dominated discussions of media and audiences over the course of the last
century, but it is not the only possibility.

Liberal pluralism, our second form of democratic theory, is a group-
centric model of democracy. In terms of media, this means that news out-
lets are more oriented to specific interests than the population as a whole
(Baker 2002). Liberal pluralism also defi nes audience behaviors in terms
of groups. Instead of needing to participate directly, individuals are
expected to affi liate with organizations, which are themselves capable of
expressing members’ needs to government. The expectation for individ-
ual citizens is therefore much lower than under republicanism, because
liberal pluralism does not require nearly the same degree of information
or involvement.
Complex democracy is essentially a combination of the fi rst two mod-
els. Complex democracy envisions vocal groups operating within a gov-
ernmental system that is largely geared toward individuals (Baker 2002).
Th is duality helps protect potentially marginalized concerns while still
expecting most citizens to participate actively in government. The media
for a complex democracy need to provide both a level of information that
is sufficient for individual participation and information sources that can
cater to special interests. Audiences are also more complicated under this
model, because multiple norms of viewing behavior will exist. For exam-
ple, strongly committed members of political groups will consume most
of their media from related, trusted sources. Weak members may lean on
supportive media but spend some time with broader content, and non-
members may use a wide variety of media. The simultaneous presence of
these political—and media—tendencies is the defi ning characteristic of
the aptly named complex democracy.
These three normative defi nitions of audiences may seem abstract, but
they can be practically applied. The mass-media system of newspapers
and network television largely provides objective information aimed at
individuals, which maps closely to the republican ideal. The alternative
media today tend to provide content that is primarily aimed at particular
interests (as we discuss later), which suits the liberal-pluralism form of
democracy. Because both of these media exist today, it could be easily
argued that the current media system is that of a complex democracy.
Th is would seem to suggest that we should anticipate that citizens will
match these expectations, which are to be individually informed and
capable of participating in government if possible. If they do not partici-
pate, they must at least be informed and involved on some specific, impor-
tant subject. However, even though our current media seem to fit this
description, it is still possible to argue for other normative expectations.
As we will see (particularly in chapters 6 and 7), it is still common for
social observers to evaluate the role of audiences with the loft y standards
of republicanism.

[ 20 ] News on the Internet

Prof iling Conceptualizations of Audiences

There are many ways to defi ne audiences in terms of who they are or what
they do (instead of what we think they should do). These forms do not
help us create expectations about how people, journalists, or media orga-
nizations should behave, but they can do more to reveal the media and
audience as they actually are than can be achieved by applying normative
expectations. There is an almost overwhelming number of profi le-based
categorizations available. We focus here on some of the more informative.

Diffusion-based Profiles

These profi les take their general name from diff usion research (Rogers
2003), which developed an early taxonomy categorizing people on the
basis of their propensity to adopt certain behaviors, ideas, or technologies.
Diff usion-based profi les, whether tied to the theory directly or indirectly,
focus on categorizing people based on their tendency to use one news
platform versus another. Such profi les are useful in that they help reveal
not only what type of people are likely to use a given news format but also
when or if nonusers are likely to adopt the technology in question.
Diff usion research has largely focused on an S-shaped curve to describe
the spread of concepts and technologies (Rogers 2003). The curve, which
is based on the percentage of people using a technology at any given time,
defi nes early adopters as the people who enjoy getting to a new product
fi rst so they can be the ones to test and review it. Next come the opinion
leaders, who learn about the product from early adopters and decide
whether it is worthy of adoption. If so, then the product goes out to the
early and late majorities. The fi nal group, which may never even use the
technology, includes the laggards. These profi ling categories can be
applied to specific news formats, facilitating predictions of whether and
when the format is likely to reach acceptance from the masses.
One of the more recent and useful diffusion-based profiles was presented
by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press (2008b). Th is scheme
categorized people based on their adoption of internet news. Pew essentially
applied a sliding scale of traditional-media and new-media use, labeling exclu-
sive users of old media as “traditionalists” (46 percent of American respond-
ents), blended users as “integrators” (23 percent), and exclusive users of the
internet as “net-newsers” (13 percent; the remaining percentage either could
not be defined or did not use news at all). Taken together, diffusion-based
profiles reveal the life cycle of the adoption of a technology and can also high-
light which specific groups are making full or partial use of internet services.

Marketing-based Profiles

The marketing-based profi le is a particularly useful way for content crea-

tors or advertisers to conceptualize audiences. Th is approach revolves
around categorizing individuals into discrete audiences, in order to deter-
mine what content or products will appeal to each audience. When done
successfully, marketing-based profi les help a media organization provide
users with content that they want and help advertisers achieve better
click-through rates. These objectives are somewhat synergistic, as more
successful sites will also be better for advertising, and vice versa. Although
scholars do not regularly investigate marketing-based profi les, they are
very important to the fi nancial development of internet media.
Marketing-based profi les can be created based on a number of factors,
but demographics, interests, and behaviors will all typically play a role.
For example, the Washington Post is the paper of record in America’s capi-
tal. The paper’s website is likely to be read by government officials, con-
tractors, and their staffs. Th is information helps reveal the demographics
and interests of the audience, which can be supplemented through other
means. The Washington Post website often features content about govern-
ment policies and advertisements from government (particularly defense)
contractors. The orientation of content and advertising is clearly based on
the marketing profi le of the audience. A second example of these profi les
in action can be seen in Wired magazine. Th is publication features tech-
nology news, and its users are presumably people who are both interested
in and users of technology. Wired therefore became one of the most prom-
inent early creators of an iPad magazine application. The company knew
that the behavior of its audience leaned toward reading content through
internet-capable mobile devices and accordingly created a service to suit
this profi le. In short, marketing-based profi les are based on a defi nition of
audiences as consumers, and they use available information to refi ne this

How Prof iles help us Understand Audiences

Th is discussion focused on some important conceptual schemes for de-

fi ning audiences; we did not explore categorizations based on browsing
habits or content creation. Normative perspectives on audiences are
important, because we must decide what people should know if we are
going to say anything constructive about news media and its effects.
Putt ing them together, we see that audiences are commercial targets,
adopting services at different speeds and, it is hoped, browsing with an

[ 22 ] News on the Internet

eye toward becoming better-informed political participants. Th is broad
conceptualization provides a foundation as we take a more critical look at
the individuals who make up audiences.


Research on the actions and reactions of audiences falls within the

research tradition often called media effects. It is concerned with the con-
tent of media messages and the study of how they affect audiences. Using
the media involves making choices—many of them. Today, we take it as
given that people are purposive and active in their selection of media and
content. When they make decisions about what to see or hear, people are
also determining what they will come to believe, feel, and do about the
world. A central tenet of media effects research is that media selection
decisions help determine the effects of messages on audiences. Despite
the fact that work conducted as early as the 1950s connected individual
content choices with effects (e.g., Delia 1987), this assumption has not
always been a focus of media research. Rather, media effects scholars
often consider the selection and the effects of media to be largely separate
issues, and separate research usually deals with each. Fortunately, the new
media systems have fi nally encouraged more widespread, simultaneous
attention to both aspects of media.
Most broadly focused research today will consider media exposure as a
circular process. Such an approach may start (although, as with all circu-
lar process, the starting point is relatively arbitrary) with forces that deter-
mine what content is available to audiences and the way people think
about what they want from the media and the choices they have. The proc-
esses include how people sort through their options in order to select the
medium, outlet, and content they want. The model may then consider
how the goals people bring to the consumption of media influence how
they experience a message. The exposure may ultimately lead to some set
of effects that are partially att ributable to the features of the message, the
way people process the message, and the beliefs, feelings, and experiences
they bring to the exposure. One likely outcome of most media exposure is
a set of perceptions about the message and the experience that will influ-
ence future decisions about media. Th is may, in turn, influence both the
media options people will face in the future and how they will respond to
those options.
In this circular process, a prime figure is the active audience member,
sorting through stable predispositions, externally supplied options, and
more ephemeral considerations to make decisions about what to hear,

watch, and read. Audience activity plays a central role in the consumption
and effects of online news by largely defi ning the diet of news that people
receive. Given the abundance of content online, an active audience can
exert substantial control over what news it consumes and—most impor-
tant—what it comes to believe and feel about the world.

Uses and Gratif ications

How people select media and messages is rarely random. People base their
exposure decisions on things they want from the media. The uses and
gratifications approach pays substantial attention to the concept of audi-
ence activity, which emphasizes the “voluntaristic and selective nature of
the interaction between audience and mass media” (Levy and Windahl
1984, p. 51). By considering the exposure process as an interaction, the
concept of audience activity encompasses both the sequence of media
consumption (content selection, message exposure, and postexposure
reactions) and the levels of audience involvement in the process.
The uses and gratifications approach suggests that social and psycho-
logical forces combine with the availability of media options to affect
how people select news content (Katz, Gurevitch, and Haas 1973). Social
forces (e.g., demands from other people) and psychological forces (e.g.,
beliefs, likes, and dislikes) continue to act on audiences as they consume
messages, affecting the level of attention they pay to messages, how exist-
ing sets of knowledge and att itudes (often called schemas in the research
literature) help them interpret messages, and, fi nally, how they store
information, impressions, and feelings in long-term memory. People are
also active in interpreting the outcomes of their media use. They decide
whether the media supplied what they wanted, and they form impres-
sions about what particular media, outlets, and messages can do for
“Activity” is a very broad term that can be applied to multiple loca-
tions in the interaction of media and audiences. The primary concept we
will employ in this book is selectivity. Rubin and Perse describe selectiv-
ity as “an individual’s initiative in linking perceived needs and commu-
nication choices” (1987, p. 62). We will consider a number of needs that
can influence how people choose media, outlets, and messages. The
most common use of the term is in the context of selective exposure to
messages (Klapper 1960), the desire to consume messages that will be
consistent with our preconceptions (e.g., our political opinions). We
return to selective exposure and how it is affecting online news expo-
sure in chapter 5.

[ 24 ] News on the Internet


The models defi ned above demonstrate that media choices do not occur in
a vacuum. Th is is particularly true when considering a new medium, which
involves (usually) both acquiring new equipment and adjusting extant
media habits. Before addressing how audiences responded to the introduc-
tion of the internet, we should fi rst turn to the history of American media
adoption. Not too surprisingly, several consistent patterns have emerged
around each medium, and these patterns will inform our expectations for
internet adoption. Th is section, therefore, offers a much-abbreviated media
history, with an emphasis on audience responses to the introduction of
new media, dating to the fi rst American newspaper.

An Overview of American Media History

The extent to which new communication media displace existing media

has been a concern of media researchers for some time. The history of
media development is characterized by the accumulation of media and the
evolution of content. In the United States, the fi rst newspaper appeared in
1690, and the fi rst magazines were published some 50 years after that (Sch-
ramm 1960). Th rough the 18th and 19th centuries, the evolution of the
media was marked by internal changes in these print media and substantial
audience growth in both (Schramm 1960). Media-history scholars have
argued that both the newspaper industry and the magazine industry
shifted their primary target audiences in the middle of the 19th century
from economic and political elites to a mass audience (e.g., DeFleur and
Ball-Rokeach 1989; Hamilton 2004). Th is shift allowed them to appeal to
a much larger base of readers and was achieved by focusing on content that
would appeal to relatively uneducated readers (DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach
1989; McGerr 1986).
The media landscape shifted dramatically in the transition to the 20th
century. First fi lm (introduced in America in 1894; Ramsaye 1960) and
then radio (the fi rst radio stations in America appeared in the early 1920s;
White 1960) technologies were introduced and improved, leading to
widespread consumer acceptance of these media. By 1930, nearly 90 mil-
lion movie tickets were sold each week, and 30 million households owned
radios (DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach 1989).
Neither of the new media immediately replaced use of newspapers and
magazines, but the early 20th century saw the beginning of a long slide,
essentially unchecked through today, in the proportion of American
homes subscribing to a newspaper. The industry peaked in 1910, with

approximately 1.36 newspaper subscriptions per household (DeFleur and
Ball-Rokeach 1989). Th is level had fallen to 1.24 per household by 1950,
the beginning of the television era (DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach 1989). By
1970, the proportion was close to one newspaper for each household and
has continued to decline steadily (DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach 1989). In
2006, about 52 million daily newspapers were bought by 114 million
American households (46 percent; Project for Excellence in Journalism
2008; U.S. Census Bureau 2006). The overall picture these data present is
that of a gradual shift in audience attention away from newspapers and
toward other media. Radio, from the early 1920s through the early 1940s
and television, through the end of the 20th century, have steadily eroded
the audience for newspapers.
In contrast, the magazine industry has remained relatively robust over
the past century (Campbell, Martin, and Fabos 2010). Subscriptions have
been relatively stable for several decades. However, the success of televi-
sion affected a number of prominent magazines in the United States,
largely by drawing away their major advertisers. Magazines such as Life
and Look folded in the 1970s as advertisers seeking large, broad audiences
saw television as the more efficient medium (Campbell, Martin, and
Fabos 2010). Perhaps surprisingly, the collapse of general magazines after
the coming of television did not result from a dearth of readers (e.g., Life
magazine had more than 5 million subscribers when it folded in 1972). It
was the loss of advertising revenue that did them in. Specialty magazines
were less affected by television, which was less efficient at reaching the
smaller, more segmented audiences that specialized advertisers sought
(Campbell, Martin, and Fabos 2010).
The success of television also affected the radio and fi lm industries.
While the penetration of televisions was rising from less than 1 percent of
American households in 1946 to more than 87 percent in 1960, weekly
fi lm attendance was falling from 2.37 tickets sold per household to 0.53
per household over that period and has remained close to 0.25 since 1970
(DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach 1989). Television was not the only reason fi lm
attendance fell in the 1950s (Gomery 1991), but, at minimum, it appears
to have drawn some of the people who abandoned movie theaters.
The case for television’s impact on radio is less dramatic but more clear-
cut. Th ree of the largest radio networks of the 1940s (CBS, NBC, and
ABC) moved much of their programming to television (or other televi-
sion networks stole it; Sterling and Kitt ross 2002). National advertisers
moved their fi nancial support, and audiences shifted their use from radio
to television. In an average home in 1950, radio was used for four hours
and 19 minutes a day, and television was used for 35 minutes; in 1959,
radio use was 1:54 per day, and television was 5:29 (Schramm 1960).

[ 26 ] News on the Internet

Thus, there is ample evidence that radio listening was supplanted by the
use of the new medium. However, radio survived by focusing on local
advertising and programming. Listening recovered such that radio use in
the average home was back up to 2:52 per day by 1971 (Sterling and Kit-
tross 2002). When combined with television use of 6:02 in 1971, the aver-
age American household was using almost nine hours of broadcasting
daily. With the coming of television, use of broadcast media had almost
doubled in 20 years.

Choosing Media Replacement

Th is swift review of media development suggests a few possible effects of

emerging technologies. The fi rst is that the introduction of major new
media (we have ignored some technological changes, such as FM radio,
that have failed to remake a medium dramatically or did so only gradu-
ally) brings pressure to bear on existing media. In some cases, the new
medium has diverted audiences from existing media. Th is is a case of
media replacement.
McCombs is credited with developing the most influential theory of
media replacement: the principle of relative constancy (McCombs 1972;
Son and McCombs 1993). Based on an analysis of U.S. Commerce
Department data from 1928 to 1968, McCombs concluded that Ameri-
can spending on mass-communication products tended to remain about
3 percent of consumer spending, regardless of the mix of media outlets
(McCombs 1972; McCombs and Nolan 1992). Because audiences have
limited resources of money and time, they must reallocate these resources
to support new media. In other words, they reslice the media pie. If that is
not sufficient, audiences must divert resources from other goods and
services outside the marketplace for mass media (Son and McCombs
Some media researchers have therefore approached medium and out-
let selectivity as a zero-sum situation. New media use comes at the
expense of older media use. The history of American media contains
many examples of apparent replacement. The evidence certainly suggests
that fi lm and radio audiences were drawn away by television, at least in
part, and many national advertisers left radio and general-interest maga-
zines for television when it rose in prominence. Nonetheless, replacement
is not the complete story. Taken together, radio use and television use
occupy more time today than radio alone did in its heyday. Similarly, the
magazine industry largely avoided the ravages of replacement by radio
and television.

Son and McCombs (1993) note that the diff usion of videocassette
recorders in the United States failed to follow the relative-constancy prin-
ciple. Spending on VCRs appears to have largely been in addition to exist-
ing patterns of media spending. Noh and Grant (1997) explain this
apparent aberration through an analysis of media functions. They argue
that the extra income devoted to the VCR would otherwise have been
spent on non-media-related communication and interaction. Their analy-
sis suggests that the zero-sum situation described by the principle of rela-
tive constancy needs to be placed in the overall context of consumer

Choosing Nonreplacement

Sometimes when audiences go beyond their standard media activity, it is

because they are adopting a pattern of media use that is not replacement.
Different needs are met by different resources. If a new medium meets
needs that were previously satisfied by existing media, then consumption
of that medium may replace standing media uses. However, when the new
medium appears to meet different needs, people can expand their expen-
ditures of time and money (although obviously not without limit) to ac-
commodate more media use. The accommodation of overall media use to
the appearance of att ractive new media is, in some ways, a more compel-
ling characterization of media development than straight replacement.
People often appear willing to retain their existing media-use habits—
or, perhaps more accurately, they are unwilling to change their habits—as
they acquire the use of new media. The patterns of use that can result can
be characterized as either supplementary or complementary. The differ-
ences between them are not large, but they can have implications for how
specific content, such as news, is consumed.
When people supplement their existing use with new media, they likely
see the new options as providing gratifications that are sufficiently differ-
ent from those of the older media that they will seek to retain both the old
and the new gratifications. Thus, the concept of supplementation suggests
that people expand the total of what they receive (e.g., entertainment,
information, or diversion) from the media when they acquire new media.
In this situation, overall media use increases with the acquisition of new
exposure patterns. Supplementation can certainly co-occur with replace-
ment, when people see a new medium as meeting both existing needs and
desires and new ones. For example, the co-occurrence of the two patterns
nicely accounts for changes in radio and television use from 1950 through
1971. Initially, television largely replicated radio programming, luring

[ 28 ] News on the Internet

most people to replace much of their radio listening with television view-
ing. Radio in the 1960s rebounded through a focus on local programming
of music and talk, content that was harder to fi nd on network television
(DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach 1989). Th is change appears to have led to sup-
plementation and an overall increase in media consumption.
In addition to supplementing current media use, new media can com-
plement preexisting media. Although it is often hard to distinguish empir-
ically from supplementation, it may be useful to conceive of the use of one
medium being prompted by the use of another. That is, it is possible—
even likely—that some people use one medium because of what they have
encountered in some other medium or outlet. In that case, the use of one
medium complements the use of the other. For example, suppose that
audiences acquire basic information about a topic from news in one
medium and use another medium to discover more about the topic. In
some ways, bulletin news reports on radio and newspaper reports have
functioned that way for many years.
Media outlets can work to create or adapt to complementarity among
media. By assessing how people use existing media, new media or outlets
can create content that builds on existing content such that one enhances
the other. Imagine, for example, a radio station with a well-known mete-
orologist. On the basis of audience data, perhaps a marketing survey, the
station decides to create a short segment featuring the meteorologist on a
local television station. In this case, the radio station is hoping that audi-
ence use of one medium will enhance the use of the other such that the
radio program gains in popularity. The television station may have a simi-
lar hope. In this example, both the radio station and the television station
benefit from increased attention to content on the other medium.

De Facto Replacement

Sometimes new media are not chosen by current audiences at all, but they
nonetheless replace the previous media over time. Witnessing this pattern
requires moving from the individual level, where our conversation has
focused thus far, to the societal level. Instead of looking at what happens
when an individual faces options, the emphasis becomes what happens
when the entire society faces options. At this macro level, one can discern
patterns of media use among (usually age-based) segments of society to
determine how the adoption of some new medium affects use of older media.
At this level of analysis, focusing on the differences between the people
entering society and the existing members reveals how replacement hap-
pens over time. As groups, or cohorts, enter society and mature, it becomes

possible to see both how the cohorts differ from one another and how the
new cohorts change society as a whole. Applying this principle to media
adoption suggests that even if individuals do not immediately choose a
new medium, replacement may still be observed in the use patterns of new
cohorts entering the overall American media audience (Basil 1990). The
crucial point for understanding media development is the fact that the
constellation of media choices available to any one cohort (e.g., everyone
born from 1980 to 1990 might be considered as a members of a cohort) is
unique. There are particular options available to that cohort that will
influence how it develops its media-use patterns, and each cohort faces a
slightly different constellation of choices.
The cohort process is evident in the overall adoption of television.
Peiser (2000) studied cohort trends in the exposure to television and
newspapers. He observed that Americans who developed their media
habits when television was common in the household (the vast majority of
American households after 1955) held more positive attitudes toward tel-
evision over time than did older cohorts who had adopted the medium
into their households. Furthermore, his analysis showed that newspaper
reading was declining in a way that reflected a cohort process. After the
adoption of television in America, fewer people in succeeding cohorts
developed newspaper-reading habits. Th is resulted in a substantial overall
decline in newspaper reading in America. The evidence suggests that the
decline was not caused primarily by people dropping newspapers as they
spent more time watching television. Rather, it was a gradual process of
fewer people developing newspaper-reading patterns as they matured.
A cohort perspective suggests that changes in media use in a society
can occur even if the habits of individuals (or within cohorts) remain
unchanged throughout their lifetimes (i.e., as long as people are making
media-consumption choices). Even if each cohort remains perfectly sta-
ble, which seems unlikely, change can come to society as new cohorts
enter adult society and older ones exit. Obviously, the cohort-replacement
process can be very slow, but its impact on how media are used can be

A Mix of Media and Content

Understanding the impact of one medium on another is best accom-

plished by looking at what audiences want and need. People rarely simply
abandon one medium for another on a wholesale basis. Rather, they tend
to adopt the elements of one medium that provided valued gratifications
and drop parts of old media that no longer seem useful or necessary. Th is

[ 30 ] News on the Internet

suggests a simple principle: media have multiple att ributes, and people
choose among them (Eveland 2003). People construct for themselves a
mix of outlets and content that provides what they want from media,
sometimes replacing one medium with another but often not. Indeed, as
the media multiply, it is probably inevitable that people stop thinking
about them as distinct entities or industries. More often, they may come
to think about specific content options, at least partially divorced from


With the introduction of a public, graphical browser in 1993 (December

2002), audiences were again faced with a new medium. Historically, a new
medium has been accepted through replacement, supplementation/com-
plementation, or de facto replacement. We know that the internet has been
widely adopted, but how that adoption occurred is not as evident. This is a
point of vital importance for media producers (and a point of interest for
many others), because the method of adoption goes hand-in-hand with
the treatment of existing media. In this section, we review the accumu-
lated evidence about the effect of internet news adoption on older media.

Evidence for Replacement

An initial look at Pew Research Center (2008b) data on media-use trends

from 1995 (when access to the internet stood at about 14 percent of the
American population) through 2008 (when access reached 67 percent)
reveals substantial changes. The percentage of Americans who reported
that they read a newspaper regularly dropped from 71 percent to 54 per-
cent, the percentage who reported that they watched television news reg-
ularly dropped from 82 percent to 75 percent, and the percentage who
reported that they listened to radio news regularly dropped from 50 per-
cent to 46 percent. Over that period, the percentage of internet users who
reported that they got news online at least three days a week rose from 15
percent to 47 percent. On the face of it, there seems to be ample evidence
of a restructuring of the news audience. And the internet appears to be at
the center of the change.
Studies of electronic news delivery over videotex—a forerunner of
internet services—in the 1980s and early 1990s suggest that people might
give up print newspapers when they are able to read them on a computer
(e.g., Butler and Kent 1983). Similar results have been observed in surveys

of American internet users (e.g., Kaynay and Yelsma 2000; Dimmick,
Chen, and Li 2004). For example, from 1995 through 2004, Pew Research
Center (2004) asked national samples of internet users whether their
adoption of online news had prompted them to use “other sources of news
more often, less, often, or about the same.” Although a large majority of
people in each of seven surveys over that period reported that their use of
the other media was unchanged, in almost every survey, slightly more
people reported using other sources less often than more often (e.g., 15
percent versus 9 percent in 2004). When combined with substantial evi-
dence that local and network television and newspaper audiences have
been falling (Pew Research Center 2004), it is not hard to conclude that
internet adoption is driving audiences away from other media.
Reality turns out to be more complicated. Some studies of internet news
have found that users and nonusers differ litt le in their exposure to newspa-
pers and television news (e.g., Ahlers 2006; Stempel, Hargrove, and Bernt
2000). An analysis of news audiences (Online Publishers Association
2004) identified four basic categories: people who receive news from
online sources only (12.2 percent of Americans), those who use offl ine
sources only (42.7 percent), those who get news consistently from both
online and offl ine sources (21.5 percent), and “dabblers” who receive news
infrequently from either source (23.6 percent). These data suggest that
there are few people who have completely given up on newspapers, televi-
sion news, and radio news for the internet. What is more, some studies
have observed positive correlations between self-reports of online news
use and newspaper-reading frequency (e.g., Althaus and Tewksbury 2000).
Th is fi nding seems to be describing the multichannel users in the Online
Publishers Association analysis and suggests that replacement might not
(yet) be the best way to think about the effect of online news adoption.

Evidence for Nonreplacement

In a study of the media-adoption process, Ahlers observes that “the media

are additive, and the dominant consumer strategy is to use multiple media
to get news information” (2006, p. 36). Studies of internet use have shown
how it is often used in conjunction with other media (e.g., Nguyen and
Western 2006). Pew Research Center (2006) found in a national survey
that half of Americans used more than one news medium in a day (the most
popular combination was television and newspapers) and about a third
used only one (television was most popular). One analysis of the integration
of the internet with other media found that a substantial number of people
are using the internet simultaneously with television (Nielsen 2010a).

[ 32 ] News on the Internet

The relationship between online and offl ine news use represents not
just the allocation of time between two media. There is also a potential
relationship between what people watch on one medium and what they
watch on another. One analysis of Pew data from 2000 demonstrated con-
sistent correlations between the categories of news that audiences were
following online and in the traditional media (Dutta-Bergman 2004). For
example, people who were particularly prone to attending to news about
politics and government in newspapers and on television news were also
likely to report attending to it online (Dutta-Bergman 2004). So, not only
are many people using multiple media, but they may also be gett ing the
same types of news across those media.
Whereas there is substantial evidence that online news use may be sup-
plementing exposure to traditional news media, there is less bearing on
whether online and offl ine exposure complement each other. An example
of complementary use of news media may lie in people using one news
medium to pursue news they heard on another medium. In 1998, 41 per-
cent of internet news users in a national survey said that they sometimes
went to online news to follow up on a story they initially heard in the tra-
ditional media (Pew Research Center 1998). Anecdotally, there are many
examples of people following news topics from one medium to another or
of media organizations encouraging people to go from one medium to
another. Researchers have also found that visitors to online newspaper
sites are also frequent readers of the organizations’ print versions (Chyi
and Lasorsa 2002). However, there are few systematic studies of how use
of one medium may increase the potential audience of another, an impli-
cation of the complementation process.
A similar story can be told about cohort processes. To date, no analyses
have examined whether new cohorts entering the adult population are
bringing in news exposure habits that will gradually change the overall
news audience. Single-shot surveys do tend to indicate that online media
habits vary by age—a likely indicator of a cohort phenomenon. Specifically
designed studies are necessary to confirm this evolutionary adoption. It
does seem likely that such a cohort-replacement process is occurring, and a
shift to online news may be at the heart of it.


The question of new media adoption is certainly an important one for a

book about the internet, but we need to take a moment to consider what
happens to the older media. Newspapers and broadcast media are strug-
gling for relevancy, but their absolute demise is not imminent. These

media will continue to exert an influence on—and adjust in response
to—the internet. Th is section focuses on how older media are likely to
adjust their content and economics, both of which will, in turn, affect
online news.

Old Media and Content

Although most people prefer to think about entertainment or informa-

tion as the most important parts of media content, the reality is that ad-
vertising is what counts. Th is is an unfortunate reality for traditional
media, as advertisers are moving their content (and dollars) away from
print and broadcast and toward other media. Changes in the industry
caught up to print in 2007, which saw zero revenue gains without a corre-
sponding recession (Project for Excellence in Journalism 2007). The fol-
lowing years were affected by recession, and revenues decreased by
roughly a billion dollars for the newspaper industry (Project for Excel-
lence in Journalism 2010c). Smaller papers, which traditionally relied
heavily on beefy classified sections, have been feeling the effects of lost
advertising for even longer. Sites such as Craigslist and eBay enable users
to circumvent the printed classifieds, and those presses have not been able
to match that lost revenue with new sources (Project for Excellence in
Journalism 2010c). The advertising story is not limited to newspapers;
magazines and network news have also suffered from a significant loss of
advertising (Project for Excellence in Journalism 2010c).
These economic realities have forced traditional media to make signifi-
cant changes to their news content. More specifically, organizations have
largely responded by making cuts to the costs of news gathering, and this
direct action has unavoidably influenced the content. For a news organi-
zation, cutt ing costs means limiting the amount of news covered and
downsizing reporting staff (Project for Excellence in Journalism 2010c).
Foreign affairs and science bureaus have been notably cut (Brainard 2008;
McChesney 2008). Papers have had to rely more on the wire services,
such as the Associated Press, for stories instead of generating original
reporting. With fewer available reporters, editors have to rely more than
ever on their own production biases to dictate the flow of the news (see
Bennett 2009; Tuchman 1978). While factors such as a reliance on insti-
tutions and public-relations messages have always influenced reporting,
the problem is exacerbated when there are not enough writers to devote to
unprompted—or even investigative—reporting. The end result of the
fi nancial changes is likely a news product that is of lower quality than in
the past.

[ 34 ] News on the Internet

Quantity and quality are not the only factors that constitute content,
however, and the nature of the news also appears to be changing. The shift
is particularly evident on cable television. Whereas a newspaper can cut
costs by reducing its physical size, the 24-hour news network cannot. Less
reporting means (1) more repetition and (2) cheaper content. Opinion-
and analysis-based formats are on the rise among cable networks. These
programs require fewer employees than a straight news program, and
they have certainly proven popular. The O’Reilly Factor dominates cable
ratings, although Countdown with Keith Olbermann held its own during
the 2008 general election campaign (Seidman 2008). In addition to fea-
turing the viewpoints of the host, these programs also tend to provide a
fairly open (or entirely closed, if the guest is from the other party) plat-
form for politicians and their surrogates. As a replacement for news con-
tent, such programs are inadequate, but they are certainly successful
vehicles for att racting viewers to political information of some sort.
The trend toward partisan formats is only part of the shift in the nature
of news, which is more broadly a shift toward relatively narrow content.
Over the past decades, media organizations have largely concentrated on
providing content that would appeal to the largest audience possible. Th is
has almost always been interpreted as neutral, objective, and safe report-
ing. Seen in this light, the change that we are seeing is not simply that
older media are moving from the middle toward an end on the political
spectrum. Instead, what we are seeing is that the news media are willing
to abandon the mass audience in favor of a more specific (but, they hope,
still sizable) audience. We can see that this is the case more clearly if we go
outside the news. Television programs, magazines, and movies are all
increasingly designed with a particular group in mind. For example, most
CBS programs target seniors (Bauder 2010). Targeting for specific audi-
ences has a long history, but the example of the internet and economic
necessity have helped make this tactic standard operating procedure for
old media.

Old Media and Economics

It may not be obvious why content producers and advertisers are willing
to make the transition to niche content. The answer lies in traditional
economic theory. Hotelling’s Law tells us that companies perform best in
the long run when they position themselves close together near the cen-
ter of their customers (Hotelling 1929). In other words, when there are
few media organizations, they will all provide content that is of interest
to the largest group (Mangani 2003). As more companies enter the media

market, it becomes more difficult for any given outlet to succeed by com-
peting for the attention of the largest group. Companies become increas-
ingly likely to differentiate themselves from the mainstream and begin
serving increasingly specialized interests. The notion that there is eco-
nomic value in reaching niche audiences is popularly known as “the long
tail” (Anderson 2004).
Th is economic explanation neatly describes the changes within the
current media market. It is primarily the smaller, newer outlets that are
willing to target niche audiences. With less overhead to consider, Web
logs (i.e., blogs) and cable programs can be successful without the same
level of revenue required by expensive newspapers and broadcast net-
works. The lower fi nancial imperatives mean that it is less risky to target a
smaller overall audience. When successful, the result is an audience that is
more homogeneous and more interested in the media product, which, in
turn, has its own fi nancial benefits.
A close match between audience interests and content means that
advertisers can also do a better job of targeting their products. Th is is
known as advertising relevancy (Baker and Lutz 2000). The relevancy of
niche-content advertising is a clear improvement over broad content,
where a company may need to reach only part of the audience for a given
program. In this case, the company is essentially wasting money by adver-
tising to the remainder of the viewers, and audience members are also
more likely to be annoyed by the commercials in this case. Content
matching means that advertisements are more likely to be successful
(Whitney 2008), and companies can use the internet (or cable boxes) to
track effectiveness far better than before. Narrow content, therefore,
means more effective advertisements and higher advertising rates.
The way forward for news media is clearly perilous. Journalism has
been largely conducted by traditional media organizations. It is not yet
clear whether the fall of old media will mean the death of traditional
reporting or if it can be resurrected in some new form or venue. As we
discuss in later chapters, new media organizations are not yet ready to fi ll
the possible void, given that they are also largely reliant on the reporting
of old media. In any event, moving all news content online will contribute
to another set of social and democratic problems.


A key factor working against the internet as a savior of political informa-

tion and other news is that the availability of content is far from equitable.
In fact, the digital divide between those with and those without internet

[ 36 ] News on the Internet

access has long been a problem. A U.S. government report (National Tele-
communications Information Administration 1995) revealed that people
without access, which was primarily dial-up at the time, were more likely
to be living in rural areas or city centers and were more likely to be minor-
ities (particularly Latinos) than were those with access. Today, the majority
(77 percent) of Americans have some form of internet access at home. Glob-
ally, 103 nations have less than 25 percent internet penetration (Miniwatts
Marketing Group 2010)—a sign of both inter- and intranational disparity.
These gaps in access not only hinder the diff usion of the medium, but they
may also hinder the ability of the unconnected to participate effectively in
Whether such divisions are a problem can be a matter of debate.
Michael Powell, a former Federal Communications Commission chair-
man, disliked the phrase “digital divide,” saying, “I think there is a Mer-
cedes divide. I’d like to have one; I can’t afford one” (Labaton 2001). Th is
sort of unconcerned elitism ignores the problems for democracy that
arise when only specific segments of society have limited access to domi-
nant media. With uneven access to the internet, there is also uneven
access to democracy. Th is is because as a major provider of news, a key
channel for campaign contributions, and a hub for activist organization,
the internet is one of the most dominant sources—and arguably the most
dominant source—for political communication. From this perspective,
access should be given far more consideration as a necessity, rather than
as a luxury.
Even in relatively high-access nations, there is a second-wave digital
divide that should worry us. The primary question of access noted above
concerns whether users can at least use dial-up on a telephone line to go
online. In reality, however, the internet has moved far beyond these
56-kilobits-per-second connections. High-quality images and video,
along with instant peer-to-peer communication, are the new norm for
both personal and political content online. These more sophisticated
forms require users to have faster connections. Broadband access is
defi ned by the FCC as being at least 4 megabits (or 4,000 kilobits) per
second, which is a significant upgrade in speed over dial-up. As of 2010,
American broadband penetration stood at 66 percent nationally (Smith
2010). Th is percentage is an average, of course, and the rate among low-
income groups can be much lower (45 percent). The gap poses a problem
in light of fi ndings such as the 2008 Pew survey showing that people with
home broadband access are more likely to get the news, visit government
websites, and look for campaign information than are people with dial-up
access (Horrigan 2008). Th is second-level digital divide poses another
challenge to society.

Unfortunately, the problem of equitable internet access is likely to
worsen in the foreseeable future. Technology experts expect mobile
devices soon to become the primary means of access for the majority of
Americans (Anderson and Rainie 2008). Mobile devices are already used
to make contributions (10 percent of mobile data users), post to Twitter
(20 percent), and watch videos (40 percent). An advantage of mobile
access in this context is that up-front costs can be lower (e.g., a subsidized
smartphone may cost $99 versus a basic $399 desktop computer), poten-
tially allowing low-income citizens access to the internet. However,
mobile internet plans are necessarily tied to voice plans in the United
States (and also conventionally tied to texting plans), and the costs of
mobile access per bit are particularly high. For example, AT&T’s cheapest
wireless plan currently charges $15 per month (on top of a minimum $40
voice plan) for just 200 megabytes of data, while the cheapest high-speed
access plan is $35 per month for 250,000 megabytes. If we wanted to step
into consumer theory, we would argue that despite the promise of the up-
front costs, the pricing model (higher cost for a quantitatively worse prod-
uct) suggests that mobile internet access is a luxury good (demand is
particularly high as income increases), rather than a normal (demand
increases in step with income) or inferior (demand is higher as income
decreases) good. Perhaps we fi nally draw the line and say that mobile
access is in that “Mercedes” category. Nonetheless, there should be a con-
cern if affluent members of society are better able to increase their politi-
cal knowledge and engagement while other citizens are left behind.
Another form of the digital divide occurs between the skill levels of
established and new or infrequent users. Web browsing is a computer
skill, and research (e.g., Hargitt ai 2002) has found that even basic actions
such as typing a Web address or using the back button challenge some
users. For people who struggle to stay on top of page links and other inter-
active features, the internet can quickly become disorienting (Eveland
and Dunwoody 2001b) and frustrating (Sundar, Kalyanaraman, and
Brown 2003), rather than informative and useful. Such experiences may
create a cycle in which less frequent users become unwilling to experi-
ment with the more valuable content available online. Indeed, users from
higher socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to use the internet to
build social capital (Hargittai and Hinnant, 2008), leaving users already
on the short end increasingly far behind.
It is worth noting that any serious attempt to correct one of the various
digital divides will have to be led by public policy. Internet service provid-
ers (ISPs) have consistently demonstrated that improvements in the scope
or quality of internet access and infrastructure do not have a place in their
business models. America has fallen considerably in the global rankings

[ 38 ] News on the Internet

of broadband access (Schatz 2007), and this does not seem likely to
change. ISPs are reluctant to wire remote areas without incentives, and
whereas some cities are experimenting with open wireless access (Farivar
2008), even the commitments in the 2009 American economic stimulus
package (Baker and Broder 2008) did not generate significant change in
access rates. ISPs are also increasingly looking to restrict how much of the
internet is available for those who do have access. Many service providers
are turning to download limits (Adegoke 2008), which restrict the
amount of content that customers can access each month. More signifi-
cantly, ISPs are beginning to push for permission to restrict user access to
certain sites or services (e.g., Gross 2008), which would mean an end to
network neutrality. These types of changes could result in anything from
restricted access to videos to internet service options that resemble the
choices for cable television. In short, the interests on the private side of
internet access are demonstrating a commitment to a more restrictive and
more stratified medium, rather than a more open or equitable medium.
The digital divide is an important problem for news-media scholars to
address. The quality of a democracy is arguably questionable if a signifi-
cant portion of the citizenry cannot participate in the dominant media of
their society. To be certain, the digital divide is a complex problem. Not
only are there three tiers to this gap (access versus none, broadband ver-
sus dial-up, mobile versus not), but there is also an underlying skill gap
that will be difficult to surmount. Deciding on the best approach to cor-
rect these divides is a topic of some debate, except for the fact that solu-
tions will have to be driven by public policy rather than private investment.
On a more practical level, this discussion of digital divides offers a key
caveat to understanding the media effects that will be reported in the
chapters below. That caveat is that the internet audience is not the least bit
simple, and we should simultaneously be particularly impressed by any
effects that are evident in digital media research and be especially con-
templative about how those effects may account for—or be tempered
by—one or more digital divides in the real world.


Audiences are frequently discussed as passive recipients of the news. Th is

tendency is partly a lingering result of the mass media tradition and partly
an unintended product of the media effects perspective. In reality, there
are many ways in which the public exerts an influence on the form and
content of the news. Th is chapter articulated several modes of audience
participation, ranging in kind from relatively conceptual to quite concrete.

Models of audience activity focus on individuals and how their experi-
ences and att itudes influence their media choices. Such choices are criti-
cal to understanding contemporary media and their effects. Democratic
theory looks at audiences as public citizens and considers what individu-
als need to do and what they need from media in order to participate in
government. These perspectives help establish standards for what society
should expect from news media. The more concrete perspectives on audi-
ences look at how different groups use media in different ways, which
helps to identify which types of people are active users of various services.
Regardless of the form of conceptualization, media scholars seek to defi ne
audiences at least partly according to their relationships with media.
Such relationships are particularly important during the introduction
of a new medium. Typically, American audiences have chosen either to
replace the old media with the new or to use both side-by-side. Sometimes
that replacement occurs only as older audiences die off, taking their media
use habits with them. How the internet fits these patterns remains unclear,
as evidence points to both replacement and simultaneous use. Nonetheless,
the effects of the introduction of the internet on print and broadcast are
clear: those media are experiencing declines in both advertising revenue
and content quality. The next few decades will tell us whether this is the
start of a cohort-replacement process or simply growing pains.
All of this information sets the stage for the discussion of online news
in the following chapters. Without this background, it would be much
harder to appreciate that—particularly as far as news content is con-
cerned—the internet is far more an integrated and evolutionary medium
than an autonomous and revolutionary system. The continuing chal-
lenges of quality reporting and equitable access (the digital divide) are
just two signs of the internet’s codependency with other media. The next
chapter further develops these relationships by focusing on the form of
news as it goes from old media to the internet (and back again).

[ 40 ] News on the Internet


Offline and Online News Content

I n some ways, it is difficult to overstate the level of change that the news
industry has experienced in the last 20 years. The content media shift
from print or broadcast to the internet is only one, relatively small aspect
of this transition. The industry’s patterns of ownership, modes of opera-
tion, customer bases, employees, and products have all shifted. Faced
with new competitors and a shrinking advertising base, the news industry
appears to be in the midst of radical changes in the way it reports and pre-
sents the news.
Appearances can be deceiving, of course, and highly visible changes in
the news business may obscure a number of stable features. How journal-
ists interact with sources and think about their audiences may be chang-
ing only gradually, and audience demand for new ways to consume
information is still split. Certainly, some members of the audience appear
to be demanding features such as automated news feeds, social media
connections, and breaking news from blogs. But there may be just as many
people comfortable with the traditional ways of producing and presenting
the news. Th is split means that the news industry is not a uniform entity.
New components of the business and large traditional players are compet-
ing for the future of the industry, but often they are working together.
Indeed, the news that audiences receive today is a clear mixture of old and
new approaches.
In this chapter, we look at the news as it appears online. We look at how
(and how often) news produced for the offl ine media makes its way to the
internet. We also examine news and news sites that don’t have a compo-
nent offl ine, considering whether the distinction between offl ine and
internet-based news remains a meaningful one. Of note here are two-way
flows of influence concerning the content and form of news. We then turn
to the form of news that appears online. The issue there is with the extent
that news online mirrors traditional notions of the importance of issues
and events. The technologies of the internet appear to offer a number of
novel ways that news content can be communicated to audiences. The
chapter, as a whole, suggests that how news is created and presented
online could have far-reaching effects on how citizens come to under-
stand events, issues, and public policy.



Many people solely consider content when evaluating news organiza-

tions. The appearance of any news medium is important, though, because
of the relationship between design and audience effects. Tracking changes
in the form of traditional news, in particular, can help reveal which styles
or features of the ever-evolving internet have reached (relatively) main-
stream audiences and which are still in the realm of early adopters. When
observing the style or content of the websites of traditional media organi-
zations, it is important to remain cognizant of the organization’s original
format. A quick browsing of the websites of print versus television outlets
will reveal that, on average, these sites tend to appear rather different. Th is
separation makes sense theoretically, because factors such as effective
news cycle, interactivity potential, and aesthetic success vary significantly
across media (Dessauer 2004; Eveland 2003). We can also expect that as
print and television news outlets become more accustomed to the inter-
net, each type will adopt features relatively uniquely. Here we examine
print-internet and then television-internet relationships separately before
discussing the combined evolution of news formats.

The Relationship Between Newspaper and Online News

On the surface, the transition from print news to the internet seems nat-
ural. After all, these media require a particularly careful consideration of
layout, and early websites were primarily text- and image-based. How-
ever, similarity does not always guarantee effectiveness. Scholars assess-
ing the visual success of news organizations moving online have found
that print sites are likely to develop text-dominated sites (Li 1998; Cooke
2005). More specifically, the websites of newspapers have tended toward
large blocks of text with a limited amount of additional information or
features pushed to the margins of the page. Th is is an effective layout for
focusing attention on the story and for maintaining visual clarity. Because

[ 42 ] News on the Internet

of the nature of a user’s gaze (see chapter 5), however, this formatt ing
limits the reach of internet-only features, such as topic maps, photo slide
shows, or even the related-article menus. The limited presentation style
was probably ineffective as a means of att racting and retaining readers. In
this sense, the familiarity of print media with planning layouts may be
These descriptions of newspaper websites do not entirely reflect the
changes that have occurred since 2006. Around this time, with the rising
penetration of broadband access and the concurrent increase in audience
skill and application complexity, news websites began more fully incorpo-
rating interactive features. Whereas the sites may be relatively plain com-
pared with television sites, embedded video, RSS feeds, photo slide shows,
and interactive graphics have all become increasingly popular (see, e.g., or Some of these items even fi nd
their way into the main portion of site content, rather than just off to the
side. On the whole, it appears that newspapers are adopting, albeit slowly,
comprehensive web layouts.
The slow evolution of online papers’ appearances is reflected in the
development of news content. Early work researching these sites found
that newspaper sites rarely added stories beyond those available in print
(e.g., Houston 1999; Singer 2003). Because additional features were still
rare at this time, researchers essentially found that online papers were
simply expanding access, rather than content. These early fi ndings have
largely held up over time. Of course, a few notable exceptions do exist.
Boczkowski (2004) offers several examples of high-quality investigations
led by the internet sectors of papers. These rare cases aside, scholars have
largely continued to fi nd few additional stories available online (e.g.,
Seelig 2008; Singer 2006).
Media outlets frequently outpace academic research, and news organi-
zations might have begun posting more original content in the last few
years. However, there are at least two reasons for newspapers to be largely
unwilling to provide much additional content to their websites. Perhaps
the most important of these is that the internet divisions within news
organizations are unlikely to have sufficient resources to develop new
content (Singer 2006). The underfunded, small staffs are unable to accom-
plish much more. Another reason that papers do not develop additional
stories online is that, as discussed in chapter 2 , a substantial portion of
news outlets are not developing many of their own stories at all. As news
staffs are cut and their dependence on wire services increases, there is a
dwindling chance that these organizations will allow their online versions
to host the original content. To the extent that “additional” content
appears, it may be from wire and other news services. These structural

biases seem to be reflected in the thoughts of internet editors, who have
reported that investigative journalism is less important to them than it is
to print editors (Cassidy 2005).
There are two noteworthy exceptions to the “internet content replicates
print content” rule. The first is that online news does, at times, incorporate
more local content than the paper includes (Singer 2001). However, the
nature of these additions might be limited to additional wire copy (Gasher
and Gabrielle 2004) and articles, such as event announcements, that are
not entirely news. Some papers also add locally produced videos to support
reposted wire service stories (Thurman and Lupton 2008). In other words,
although this is material not available in print, the value of this original
online content may be limited. These minor adjustments may nevertheless
suit the readers, who tend to be predominantly local and may therefore
appreciate the stronger emphasis on their area (Chyi and Sylvie 2001).
The second exception to the content replication rule occurs with edito-
rial content. As early as 2001, observers (e.g., Macht 2001) were already
fi nding more opinion pieces online. Th is trend continued, apparently
modestly, for several more years (Singer 2006). Although specific analy-
ses of more recent online papers have not specifically tested the observa-
tion, it seems that the addition of opinion content online has expanded.
Beyond the number of professionally produced items, the growing popu-
larity of user comments and other forums expands the traditional “letters
to the editor” space (Boczkowski 2004). Furthermore, the widespread
adoption of journalist blogs provides a mix of news and opinion that is not
typically paralleled in print. As with the relatively recent acceptance of
layout alternatives, the online versions of newspapers seem to be fi nally
adapting to the benefits of the newer media.

The Relationship Between Television and Radio News and Online News

Although television news outlets may not have been wedded to a linear
layout style, this does not mean that these organizations have produced
comparatively better websites. The online presence of television stations
tends to take a more chaotic approach to design (Siapara 2004), which
might be overwhelming to many users (Eveland and Dunwoody 2001b).
Part of the explanation for television organizations’ general inability to
produce effective websites might be the pressures that journalists face
when adapting to a converged newsroom. Managers and editors have to
adopt new styles (e.g., Aviles and Carvajal 2008), and the end product thus
far has tended toward limited quality and creativity (e.g., Huang et al. 2004).
Although converging newspaper organizations face similar challenges,

[ 44 ] News on the Internet

the common reliance on text and layout may have inherently benefited
print-internet mergers. Television-internet combinations often seem to
have more trouble, perhaps because of the difficulties of translating video
to text or making new videos. After all, cable news already faces criticism
for airing too litt le original content on the networks themselves. The tran-
sition to the web may therefore present a substantial burden.
The most obvious point of visual convergence between television news
and the internet is video. Before 2004, most news websites were not mak-
ing use of video (Singer and Gonzalez-Velez 2003). Broadband penetra-
tion was lower during this period, and video was generally less common,
which was probably why the primary media features were photo slides
and audience polls. As high speed connections have become more com-
mon, so has the spread of news video. The Nielsen Company reported that
more than 10 billion videos were streamed over the internet in one month
in 2010 (this includes more than news video, of course; Nielsen Company
2010b). These changing norms of internet video partially explain why
news outlets would add their own videos to wire content (Thurman and
Lupton 2008). Indeed, research has confi rmed this growth, fi nding that
sites are increasingly incorporating streaming video and audio on a regu-
lar basis (Seelig 2008).
There is a less obvious, but perhaps even more important, form of visual
convergence between television and internet news: the headline ticker.
Th is bar across the bottom of the screen on most cable news shows dis-
plays information that is typically irrelevant to the material on the main
portion of the screen. Many channels employ at least one ticker plus mul-
tiple boxes displaying information such as time, weather, or stock prices.
Th is carving up of the screen is best described by the term “hypermedia,”
which essentially describes a layout that is divided so that multiple mes-
sages or even media are displayed simultaneously (Manovich 2001). In
the case of cable news, the content (message A) on the main screen is
some type of video that is not directly related to the information in the
boxes (messages B, C, etc.), which is actually a text feed.
The hypermedia concept is useful for two main reasons. When used to
describe the appearance of an interface, such as a television screen or a
website layout, the term helps explain user reactions to media design. An
outlet employing a limitedly hypermediated format might give users
quick access to information, but too many boxes can lead audiences to
become confused by (Sundar, Kalyanaraman, and Brown 2003)—or
even to ignore (Adam, Quinn, and Edmunds 2007)—the display. Recog-
nizing hypermedia design elements also makes it easier to identify and
track the cross-development of different media, which is also known as
remediation (Bolter and Grusin 2000).

The origin of the news ticker on a television screen has been traced to
the modular design of most websites (Cooke 2005). Networks that were
worried about declining news audiences hoped that even if viewers did
not fi nd the main story compelling, the presence of stock prices or scroll-
ing headlines would keep eyes on the screen. The use of tickers in cable
news is a remediation of the web. Furthermore, the automated news feeds
(particularly RSS, Really Simple Syndication) and widgets remediate the
appearance and content of news tickers back to the computer. These con-
cepts help us see that while newspapers have largely limited the influence
of internet advances to their online versions, television outlets seem to be
more engaged in a give-and-take with the medium.

Evolving Relationship among Print, Audio, and Video Content Online

The sharing of news formats has affected not only tickers and RSS but also
graphic incorporation and photo size (Cooke 2005). The accelerating ef-
fects of digital media are similarly increasing the pace of this visual con-
vergence, and the internet is increasingly taking the lead. Th is is true
partly because of special features that are really only available online. The
other reason for the internet’s dominance of news formats is that advances
in digital technology mean that the internet can even do old media (i.e.,
print and broadcast) content better than the old media.
The growing leadership of internet news sources can be seen in the
growth of the online news audience. The use of the medium as a primary—
or at least secondary—source of news is growing. As of May 2010, 43
percent of internet users—a large majority of respondents—reported
gett ing political news online daily (Pew Internet and American Life
Project 2010b). Th is increasing popularity at a time of smaller traditional
news audiences alone helps guarantee that print and television news will
at least pay attention to advances in online formats. Relatively recent
studies (e.g., Tewksbury 2006) have also found that people now go to the
internet fi rst when a big event happens. The September 11, 2001, att acks
were one of the fi rst such events (Althaus 2002; Salaverria 2005), but
similar spikes in traffic have been witnessed during the 2008 election
night and the 2010 World Cup. Some may argue that the internet’s fast
response (Dessauer 2004) leads to problematic content errors (Cohen
2002), and these might scare off the relatively conservative traditional
media (e.g., McChesney 2008). However, the presence of features that
can att ract and maintain audiences seems sufficient to win the replica-
tion of mainstream media (e.g., CNN’s social-media slot in its afternoon

[ 46 ] News on the Internet

The expansion of broadband services has allowed internet content provid-
ers to make better use of embedded video (Singer 2006; Thurman and Lup-
ton 2008). The expansion of this feature finally allows the internet to become
more comparable to television, which, of course, is predominantly presented
through video. There are clear advantages to internet video when compared
with broadcast. The first is flexibility of access, in terms of both time and loca-
tion. While online entertainment video may struggle to compete with digital
cable-DVR combinations, online news videos provide a more flexible form of
access. These videos also demonstrate the second advantage, which is the
ability to control which, and how much of each, video is viewed. Cable news
will certainly remain popular as a background provider of news video, but
the technological advantage arguably lies with online news video.
The internet’s dominance in applying news formats may be most appar-
ent if we consider podcasting. Podcasts are gaining in popularity, in part
because they offer an efficient way to get users video or audio news that
can then be accessed at the recipients’ leisure. Two factors have combined
to help push podcasting to the mass public (Pew internet and American
Life Project 2010a). The fi rst factor is the increasing ease of access. The
iPod and iTunes help the general public fi nd and utilize podcasts with
relative ease (Cook 2008). The second factor is the mainstream appeal of
new podcasters. Most mainstream news agencies produce at least one
podcast, and celebrities and politicians also are now regularly podcasting.
Easier access and mainstream producers led podcasting to a breakout year
in 2005 (Palser 2006), and the number of podcasts and subscribers con-
tinues to rise. Th is success is all the more impressive in the face of flagging
interest in the traditional news, which is often the same content but in dif-
ferent media. As access and capabilities continue to grow, the internet’s
importance in news video’s dominance should only increase.


There are several original and significant formats for delivering the news
online. Blogs are the best known. Frequent internet news readers, and
perhaps more general users, too, will probably also be familiar with RSS
feeds, news aggregators, and even news wikis. Earlier, we noted that much
of the content available online is similar to, or even a mere replica of,
offl ine content. What is interesting about these formats is that audiences
use each type of source in a manner that is quite different from how they
use traditional news. In looking at the connections between the original
formats and traditional media, along with the features of the new styles,
the significance of original internet news becomes apparent.

Online-only News Providers and the Mainstream

The initial reaction of most media sectors has been to ignore or attack
online activity. The music industry allowed Napster to become a major
phenomenon before initiating a legal battle. Television studios ignored the
internet’s ability to deliver on-demand content, instead allowing cable and
satellite companies to provide these services. Traditional news outlets have
followed a similar path, taking years to allow user comments and journalist
blogs, while frequently questioning (although not without merit) the ve-
racity of internet-originated news. The times are changing, however, and
mainstream news media have become more open to online formats, as can
be seen in the blossoming relationships between the formats.

HTML Links to Mainstream Sites

A hyperlink connection directly ties one story or idea to another and may be
the most significant difference between the Web and print.1 Links represent
a physical point of connection between news organizations and therefore
serve as a point of analysis for intermedia relations. In this case, we are con-
sidering the connections between blogs and traditional news media online.
Linking is a particularly important att ribute of the blogosphere. Hyper-
links provide a form of citation that is more immediately useful to readers
than a standard reference. A print journalist can only say, “according to
this source,” but an online writer can use links to direct readers to the
reference material, which essentially allows readers to re-create the writ-
er’s train of thought (Manovich 2001). Links also help generate a sense of
community among different blogs, and different groups of bloggers can
develop distinct norms for linking standards. For example, even among
political blogs, conservative blogs are more likely to link to one another
than are liberal blogs (Adamic and Glance 2006). Th is translates into a
tighter community on the right side of the spectrum than on the left, but
linking practices suggest that bloggers of any ideology are more con-
nected than are mainstream writers.
On the new media side of the relationship, popular political blogs link
to the mainstream news more than to any other category of website (Reese
et al. 2007). Even if smaller blogs are somewhat less likely to link to the
traditional news with this same frequency, it is safe to say that blogs are
more generous than their counterparts. Singer (2005) analyzed the web-
sites of news outlets and found that the majority of links went to other
mainstream sites, rather than to bloggers. Once again, this practice may
be shift ing, as the New York Times reports mainstream sites beginning to

[ 48 ] News on the Internet

link back to blogs (Stelter 2008). Reciprocal linking between major out-
lets and blogs will foster audiences for both types of sources and may even
lead to a better appreciation by each source for the work of the other.

Economic Connections to Mainstream Sites

The second form of a relationship between traditional and online news

outlets is commercial linkage. Such connections typically occur either
when a mainstream outlet purchases at least a portion of a Web news ser-
vice or when traditional news stories claim space on one of these sites. In
both cases, the website benefits fi nancially, from payments themselves or
from increased readership that promotes advertisement sales. The fi nan-
cial benefits for traditional media might be less clear, but such actions
should lead to a larger audience and stronger reader communities.
The ownership-style commercial relationship typically exists so that
the larger, purchasing company uses the online holding to diversify and
segment the larger audience (see chapter 5 below). The original online
news service receives relatively stable fi nancial support. Many examples
of this type of relationship exist. Some of the more notable ones are
between the Washington Post and Slate, the New York Times and About.
com, and CBS and CNET. Ownership can be risky for the smaller com-
pany, because it is likely to be high on the list for the chopping block when
its parent company starts losing money. When times are good, this rela-
tionship can be advantageous for both parties.
The other type of commercial relationship could be described as hosting-
style, by which we mean that the larger news organization claims a share (usu-
ally for a fee) of a broad Web service’s space. For example, many news outlets,
such as NPR and the Washington Post, appear on Facebook; Reuters pur-
chased a news office with the briefly popular Second Life; many companies
give a slice of their revenue to Apple in order to appear in the app store. The
hosting-style relationship is certainly the most common form of commercial
connection between traditional and new organizations. Business connec-
tions in either form demonstrate a commitment from the traditional media to
investigate and channel what is good about original online news forms.

Blogs and Audience Creation of the News

Most of us probably have a general sense of what people mean by “blogs” or

“the blogosphere.” Nevertheless, we should establish a clear definition to help
in the discussion of how to understand their role in the news environment.

BlogPulse, a blog tracking site, has identified more than 154 million blogs in
existence, with another 91,000 created every day. These numbers include
blogs by professionals, groups, and individuals; blogs can be hosted indepen-
dently or as part of a corporate portal. Technorati provides a useful categori-
zation of blogs. The site assigns a credibility rating to each blog, largely on the
basis of the number of other sites linking back to it. Along these lines, when
we speak of blogs, we are referring to sites that are fairly well read and linked
to by other publishers. Furthermore, unless otherwise noted, we are discussing
political or news blogs that are not part of mainstream-media sites.
Th is explanation does litt le to clarify what makes a blog unique from
other online presentations of news media. Structure is typically the factor
that jumps into people’s minds. Reverse chronological ordering is the
trademark ordering of a blog. Individual authorship used to be a key char-
acteristic, but this is no longer necessarily the case (e.g., FiveTh irtyEight
and the Monkey Cage are group-authored). The relative speed of blog-
based news is another intriguing characteristic, although typical blogs no
longer seem much, if any, faster than mainstream sites. In fact, mobile
devices and micro-blogging services such as Twitter are now the fast pro-
viders of information on emerging situations. These tools have been
shown to be particularly effective at facilitating citizen journalism during
crises (Thelwall and Stuart 2007), because the format encourages brief
posts from people in the area. Again, multimedia styles have become more
popular on both mainstream sites and citizen blogs (PC Magazine 2006).
In short, few of the original characteristics of blogging still apply with any
The natural question, then, is what does separate news “blogs” from
“sites”? Structurally, one of the most distinguishing facets of contempo-
rary blogs may be the use of links. On the whole, blogs tend to link to news
stories, other outlets, and internal content differently from mainstream
news sites. For example, topic tags, which some scholars have described as
a grassroots organization system (Hayes and Avesani 2007), provide
more useful access to related articles than either archives or search alone
can provide. Analyses of the cross-site linking practices of blogs indicate
that a substantial portion of posts use mainstream news as a starting point
(Project for Excellence in Journalism 2010b).
The natures of the content creators are also likely to be different. Main-
stream sites are more likely to feature professional journalists, while “reg-
ular” citizens are more likely to be creating independent blogs. More
specifically, bloggers tend to represent younger, more urban areas than do
typical reporters (Lin and Halavais 2006) and are more likely (along with
creators in other internet formats) to reach groups whose interests are not
served by mainstream media (e.g., Lynch 2005). Given these different

[ 50 ] News on the Internet

sources of authors, it does appear that blogs can address stories that
receive less attention in the mainstream media (Lowrey 2006). However,
such a conclusion can only be drawn cautiously, as the abundance of link-
ages with mainstream news indicates that blogs are far from independent
Also worth noting is the migration of commenting from blog sites to
mainstream news outlets. Few newspaper sites made this possible until
the internet era was well under way (Imfeld and Scott 2005), but com-
menting is now a standard feature of news sites. The influence of com-
ments on journalism appears to vary greatly. On the one hand, journalists
tend to self-report that they fi nd litt le value in much of the discussion
occurring in postarticle comments (e.g., Boczkowski 2004). On the other
hand, at least one study has shown that online forums—in this case, that
of a major Chinese newspaper—can push local stories into the national
news (Zhou and Moy 2007). Given the rapidity with which many discus-
sion threads descend into hyperbole, incivility, or spam, it seems likely
that if comments matter to the subsequent production of news it is the
number of comments that would matter more than the content.
We might also consider the potential individual effects of online dis-
cussion threads. Walker (2006) argues that discussions are not very ideo-
logically diverse, which is typically seen as a negative. However, Shah and
colleagues (2005) demonstrate that online discussions produce more
reader mobilization than offl ine news media. Th is is a net positive. These
results are not necessarily mutually exclusive; some research suggests that
discussion with like-minded others is associated with higher voter turn-
out (Mutz 2006). The normative value of comment forums may therefore
be a matter of perspective. At this point, the clearest conclusion is that
user comments have potential influences on both readers and journalism,
but further research is necessary the better to tease out any effects.

Alternative Forms for Audience Creation of the News

When citizens who are not professional journalists create and publish
original news content, this is generically called citizen journalism. As dis-
cussed above, news blogs can be a source of citizen journalism, although
they often trend toward providing litt le more than opinions or links to
mainstream news. In addition to blogs, citizens can contribute news to
specific citizen journalism sites (e.g., or to content mills
An effects-based perspective on these types of news content has yet to
emerge. Citizen journalism and content mills may affect news agendas by

covering topics not typically addressed by professional journalists. How-
ever, it may be at least equally likely that mainstream news would not be
affected by these sources. Some citizen platforms are heavily influenced
by political perspective—something that most mainstream journalism
has deliberately refused. In the case of content mills, the content fre-
quently lacks news value (instead focusing on reviews or instructions)
and is often of comparatively poor quality. The fact that Google began
deliberately adjusting its search algorithm to limit the profi le of content
mills does not bode well for the future of these sources. In any event, very
litt le hard evidence exists for effects by nonblog audience-created news.

News Feeds

News feeds are another format that is unique to the internet. The main
type of feed is Really Simple Syndication, or RSS (which is actually RSS2;
Atom feeds operate too similarly to distinguish here). RSS provides a flex-
ible code capable of taking the posts or stories from a website and syn-
chronizing them on another website or device (Kennedy 2004). Th is
development allows individuals to create personal pages or “readers”
loaded with several selected feeds. The primary benefit of this format for
users is the convenience of access to the headlines of many stories on one
simple page.
RSS-style news feeds bear many functional similarities to Facebook,
Twitter, and other social-networking services. These services allow users to
follow the postings of liked others. When those others are news services, or
at least people posting news, the result is rather like an RSS feed. Social
media are far more popular than RSS feeds, however, and Facebook was
even driving more traffic to news websites than any other single service,
including Google, in 2009 (Hopkins 2010). When users receive their news
from social-media feeds, the end product is particularly filtered: first through
editors, second through citizens, and third through the following process,
described below. Th is structure has significant implications for both frag-
mentation (chapter 7) and information democratization (chapter 8).

News Aggregators

A news aggregator is a service that combines many different news outlets

into a single, condensed source. Whereas news feeds are based on sources
(e.g., a user chooses to follow CNN’s feed), aggregators tend to be orga-
nized around topics. The offl ine equivalent of an aggregator would be one

[ 52 ] News on the Internet

newspaper created from the clippings of the most popular articles in the
country. Google News is the leader in the aggregator category, although
there are many alternatives, including Yahoo! News. Wire content tends
to dominate the results (Dover 2007), and blogs have also tended to be
overrepresented by aggregators (Elmer, Devereaux, and Skinner 2006).
The way news is captured from the vast array of sources and then pre-
sented on the aggregator’s site is a matter of critical importance. An illus-
tration of why occurred in September 2008. On September 7, a Tribune
Company paper added a link to an old—but undated—article about
United Airlines fi ling for bankruptcy protection. Google News captured
the article and included it in its news-headline section. An employee at
Bloomberg, a fi nancial information service, put the story on the wire, and
United suffered a one-day 11 percent drop in stock price (Zetter 2008).
Who is to blame here? Much of the problem lies with the original paper for
not having a date on its article. What this story shows, perhaps overly dra-
matically, though, is that whereas traditional news, online papers, and
blogs all risk human error, the automated processes involved with aggre-
gators are not necessarily more secure.
Collaborative news-fi ltering systems, such as Reddit or Digg, have
much in common with news aggregators. The key difference is that most
news aggregators pull content based on a mix of search algorithms and pre-
set user preferences, but collaborative news fi ltering systems determine
leading content based on the recommendations of fellow users. For exam-
ple, Reddit users can submit links to articles, questions, videos, or other
content. Fellow users can then vote on whether the link is “good” or “junk,”
and content rises higher on a list of links as the net score trends toward
“good.” At the end of the day, readers of either type of service see a boiled-
down set of stories from a much larger potential pool of content. Collabo-
rative news fi lters are not widely used, but they offer one of the clearest
examples of citizens serving as editors of content that can be found on the
Web. However, the content that rises to the top of these services is fre-
quently not relevant to public affairs, and collaborative news fi lters, there-
fore, likely detract from attention to—or knowledge about—traditional
news content.


We have been describing content and layout in online news. In part, what
we have been describing is the agenda for news on the Web. A news agenda
is a news producer’s representation of the relative importance of events
and issues in the news. A central part of the job of journalists and editors

is sift ing through everything that could be in the news. In that process,
they decide, in essence, what stories should be in the news and how prom-
inently they should be displayed (White 1964). When cable television and
the internet began changing how people consumed the news, researchers
and observers started speculating that the process by which audiences
learn about important issues was also changing (McCombs 2004).
In this section, we describe how agenda sett ing works and whether the
process operates differently online from how it operates offl ine. We start
with a brief description of how print newspapers, television news pro-
grams, and other traditional media communicate story importance. We
move to an exploration of how online news outlets present the media
agenda and whether that presentation is markedly different from the case
in the traditional media. Ultimately, the evidence is going to point to both
continuity and change in the news agenda online. Some att ributes of the
online news environment inhibit uniformity in online agendas, while oth-
ers seem to encourage its perpetuation.

News Agendas

Media researchers have assumed that the relative prominence that journal-
ists and editors assign to a story reflects their judgment of the importance of
the issue or event it concerns. Taken in the aggregate, the stories that are most
prominent in the media are those that are highest on the “media agenda.” A
long line of research in communication and political science has documented
how the media agenda can influence the agenda of news audiences (McCombs
2004). Citizens use importance cues from the media agenda to infer the rela-
tive importance of issues (Iyengar and Kinder 1987). These inferences can
influence a number of perceptions and judgments, including evaluations of
how well political leaders do their jobs (Krosnick and Kinder 1990).
Researchers and observers often talk about the media agenda in aggre-
gate terms, assuming the presence of general agreement among journalists
about what is important. Journalists go through a socialization process in
journalism schools and newsrooms that tends to produce a shared set of
standards for evaluating newsworthiness (Shoemaker and Reese 1996). As
a result, what reporters and editors at a large city newspaper consider
important issues may closely jibe with what their counterparts at a network
television news program believe. There is a fair amount of evidence for such
an assumption. For example, looking at newsmagazine and network-news
journalistic practices in the 1970s, Gans (1979) was able to identify a
number of story types that journalists thought deserved prominent atten-
tion (e.g., presidential election campaigns are perennial top stories).

[ 54 ] News on the Internet

Media observers have started to question the operation of a general
news agenda today and in the near future (Chaffee and Metzger 2001;
Katz 1996). They argue that increases in the diversity of news outlets on
cable television and the internet have fractured any general agreement
among news providers. There are two possible ways that technological
change in news delivery might be affecting the agenda-setting process
(undoubtedly, they are interactive, but we will try to identify them sepa-
rately here). One factor involves shifts in how news is produced and pre-
sented in the news media today. As we have seen, news is an expanding
concept online, and news outlets are drawing information and ideas from
more places than just their in-house reporters and editors. The second
mechanism, discussed in chapter 5, involves how audiences react to the
flood of news content available online. If audiences react to increases in
the amount of news and information they receive by changing their news
selection processes, this could disrupt or alter the agenda sett ing process.

The Traditional (of f line) Def inition of the News Agenda

Researchers analyzing the traditional news media have identified a number

of ways in which news providers create story prominence. The first is the
number of individual stories devoted to an issue or event. As is relatively
obvious, greater attention to a topic through story repetition is taken to rep-
resent a judgment of the topic’s importance. Th is relationship is not always
perfect, of course. For example, some events unfold very gradually, and
multiple stories about such an event could reflect the pace of development,
rather than the importance of the circumstances. An extended criminal in-
vestigation often works this way. All else being equal, however, journalists
and editors pay more attention to the issues and stories they consider con-
sequential, and so story repetition is a common metric of issue importance.
Issue or event importance can also be inferred from the prominence
assigned to a story in news presentation (Iyengar and Kinder 1987). In a
print newspaper, the stories on the front page (the higher on the page the
better) are the more important stories of the day. Similarly, stories early in
a television news broadcast are typically more important—most people
assume—than stories later in the program. Prominence of news is also
embodied in att ributes of individual stories (e.g., story length or headline
size in a print medium). Of course, prominence is not a perfect measure of
topic importance. Some critics have argued that local television news, in
particular, has given greater prominence to sensational stories (e.g.,
graphic murders, sex scandals) than to public-affairs stories. In that way,
they have eschewed their agenda-sett ing roles.

Research has suggested that people are willing and able to use story
repetition, placement, and attributes in their decisions about what to con-
sume. In a groundbreaking study of newspaper audiences, Graber (1988)
asked print-newspaper readers why they read what they did. Their
responses suggest that people use the importance cues that editors pro-
vide with their own intrinsic interests when deciding whether to read a
story. Graber observed that her respondents “were more likely to notice a
story that appeared on prominent pages of the paper, was characterized by
large headlines or pictures, and was given lengthy and repeated exposure”
(p. 97). Scores of studies of agenda sett ing have confi rmed these observa-
tions (McCombs 2004). People exposed to the news acquire at least part
of the media agenda. They perceive problems that receive prominent cov-
erage to be pressing issues. They also typically rank-order the issues simi-
larly to how stories about them appear in the news.

Online and Of f line Processes of Communicating an Agenda

There are several ways to compare the online and offline agendas. The var-
ious approaches can be grouped into two camps. The first asks whether the
number and type of news providers in a medium and the volume of content
they supply might affect how agendas are presented. The second asks whether
an audience’s experience of the news might affect how agendas are encoun-
tered. If either or both of these approaches demonstrate that the reception of
news differs substantially across media, it would suggest that the aggregate
operation of agenda setting is changing with adoption of online news.

The Internet and the Media Agenda

The fi rst approach to thinking about agendas examines the intersection of

technology and content. As we have seen, the range of what constitutes
news seems to be much broader online than with the traditional media.
Information from blogs and user-originated content is part of the online
news stream. There are a few ways this could influence online agendas,
and they operate at different levels of analysis.
At the level of individual news organizations, the question is whether
there are technological and sociological factors that can influence how
each outlet presents the news. The most basic level of this comparison
looks at the offl ine and online agendas of individual outlets. The question
here is whether one organization, such as CNN, maintains a different
agenda online than it does on its traditional media outlet. Earlier in this

[ 56 ] News on the Internet

chapter, we noted how news production and display can differ from one
medium to another. It seems sensible to expect that these differences can
affect an organization’s agenda in different media. However, the primary
fi nding thus far has been minimal changes to the content offered within a
single organization. The exceptions to this, as noted earlier, are with local
and opinion content.
Still another approach to comparing online and offl ine news is examin-
ing the agendas of selected categories of online and offline news provid-
ers. The most common approach is to look at the agendas of political blogs
and mainstream news outlets. Th is is a popular topic among news com-
mentators, because people want to see whether blogs can supplant tradi-
tional media as the gatekeeper. The relatively conservative nature of
corporate news entities (McChesney 2008) suggests that there is some
room for alternative media to originate and then transfer stories that
would otherwise never appear in print or on the air. There have already
been several high profi le examples of this agenda pattern—both for good
and for bad. Senator Trent Lott was criticized in the traditional media for
remarks made to honor controversial Senator Strom Thurmond only after
weeks of complaints circulating in the blogosphere. Dan Rather’s removal
from CBS over falsified Air National Guard documents in the 2004 presi-
dential campaign was driven by blog-based investigations. A U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture employee was fi red in 2010 after an interview that
was misleadingly edited by a blogger was picked up by cable networks.
Thus, purely within the realm of one medium (the internet, in this case),
agenda development can depend on the technology and how it is used.
The other major implication of the proliferation of content options online
is a potential difference in agenda homogeneity. A basic tenet of theory in
agenda setting is that the news agenda is relatively uniform across traditional
news outlets. This homogeneity means that audiences of different news out-
lets would emerge from exposure with roughly similar impressions of issue
importance. Rather uniformly, researchers have assumed that the aggregate
online agenda is not homogeneous (Chaffee and Metzger 2001). With thou-
sands of news sites of various types and millions of blogs online, agenda het-
erogeneity on the internet seems very likely. A few studies have attempted to
assess agenda heterogeneity (e.g., Lee 2007), but more work is needed.

The Internet and the Audience Agenda

The experience of consuming news online differs from that in newspa-

pers, television, and radio in a number of ways. Most of the differences lie
in the presentation and selection options that newer technologies offer.

The result of audiences having more options is that they receive either
fewer importance cues or a different set of them.
Many of the most basic importance cues that are characteristic of tradi-
tional news presentation migrate directly to the internet. Story selection
and repetition, for example, should be just as operative on Google News as
they are on the Fox News Channel on cable television. Other importance
cues are less likely to make the transition. Researchers have argued that
the presentation of news on many sites seems to offer fewer signals about
the relative importance of stories (e.g., Althaus and Tewksbury 2002). For
example, the most important two or three stories in a print newspaper
appear on the top half of the front page. On a typical news site, on the
other hand, as many as a dozen stories might have links near the top of the
home page. As a result, online audiences are given less information about
the relative importance of the stories. Similarly, news websites typically
use a small number of headline font sizes on their sites. If many stories
start on the home page, quite a few might share a headline font size. Again,
readers have less information about which stories are more important
than others. Grouping stories by subject, as some sites do, rather than by
their ultimate importance, could have a similar effect.
One possible outcome of the muting of some traditional importance
cues is that audiences might increase their reliance on the cues that do
operate online or on cues unique to the internet. Indeed, the internet
introduces a number of new ways to think about such cues. One funda-
mental characteristic of many online news stories is the inclusion of
hyperlinks. News stories that focus on common topics might carry hyper-
links to previous reporting on the issue or to third-party (e.g., government
or interest-group) information on the topic. Readers could use the number
of links in a story as a cue about its importance. That is, readers could
assume that an issue with a deep background (one with many links) is
connected to many sectors of society or government. If so, such a story
must be important, they may assume. Th is potential audience inference
has not been explored empirically, and litt le is known about its possible
Many prominent news sites provide information about how other
users have reacted to stories, and it seems very likely that this informa-
tion can guide audience perceptions. Research has demonstrated that
people can use news popularity rankings in their story-selection deci-
sions (Knobloch-Westerwick et al. 2005). It may also be that they will
use those ratings in judgments about importance. Most members of the
news audience know that they select stories, in part, because they are
important (Graber 1988). If audience members believe that other people
do the same, then popularity rankings provide a possible proxy for how

[ 58 ] News on the Internet

other people have assessed the importance of the available news. This
seems unlikely for stories devoid of issue information, but popular pub-
lic-affairs stories (if there are such things) could work this way.
If news audiences search for news, the characteristics of how search
results are prioritized and presented can provide information about
potential story importance. Each search engine, at both aggregator and
focused provider sites, has a unique algorithm for identifying and priori-
tizing stories (Hurley, Sangalang, and Muddiman 2009). Inasmuch as a
search may be wide enough to identify stories about different issues—
which may not be too often, in fact—the results could provide a unique
importance ranking for the issues it captures.
The characteristic unique to news delivery over the internet with
potentially the largest impact on the agenda that audiences receive is user
fi ltering. The interactivity and selectivity that the medium provides allow
news readers to improve dramatically the fit between their preexisting
interests and the stories they encounter. News organization tied to
menus, specialized news sites, social media, preset fi lters at sites and
email servers, and a number of other technologies allow audiences to
select the topics that best match their interests. They might never see sto-
ries about other issues or topics, thus missing many of the importance
cues and enticements that editors use. In this way, existing personal agen-
das are reinforced at the possible expense of professionally determined
Th is discussion has focused on the characteristics of the online news
agenda. Next, we turn to a comparison of the online agenda with that pre-
sented in the traditional media. Much of what researchers have studied
about the online news agenda focuses on content differences, largely
questions of issue inclusion, exclusion, and frequency. The research com-
munity has not yet turned in force to the study of how the agenda is
presented online. Th is might be a result of the inherent difficulty of gener-
alizing about agenda presentation in the face of great variety in where
news appears online. It might also stem from some inertia in how research-
ers have conceptualized the news agenda. It might take some time for
them to incorporate the new ways in which importance is communicated
online into existing models of the agenda sett ing process.

Comparing the Online Agenda and the Of f line Agenda

The source of the news agenda is an enduring concern for researchers and
other observers. Ideas about what the news media should cover do not
spring out of the heads of journalists, of course. Reporters and editors

rely on people as sources of information about issues and their impor-
tance. Therefore, part of agenda sett ing research has examined how jour-
nalists’ sources influence the news agenda (e.g., Salwen 1995). Perhaps
not surprisingly, government officials and fellow media outlets appear to
exert considerable influence over how journalists cover issues and policy
debates. For much of the latter half of the 20th century, it appeared that
major news outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and
CBS News substantially affected the news agenda in other outlets
(Graber 1997). In the 1990s and the fi rst part of the 21st century, cable-
television news outlets such as CNN appeared to exert some influence.
As the fi rst decade of the century turns into the second, the question is
whether those older media and outlets will continue to influence others’
Some researchers have looked at how online news outlets use sources.
In a content analysis of six popular political blogs (e.g., Daily Kos, Insta-
pundit), Leccese (2009) found that links to mainstream news sites
accounted for almost half (46.5 percent) of all links; links to other pages
within a blog or to other blogs accounted for 38 percent. A recent
Project for Excellence in Journalism (2010b) study found a rate of blog-
to-mainstream linkage closer to 100 percent. The news-media sites
most frequently linked were,, washingtonpost.
com, and These results suggest that political blogs were rely-
ing on other media, rather than primary sources, for information. These
results belie the picture of an online environment in which original idea
generation is the norm.
Considering the increasing prominence of political blogs, McCombs
(2005) speculated, “If blogs have an agenda setting role, it is likely to be an
influence on the media agenda” (p. 549). Empirical research in this area has
tested this perspective against one that claims that blogs reflect the values
and content of the traditional press. Studies that compare mainstream
(offline) agendas with blog agendas show rather mixed results. One study
examined the content of popular political blogs with topical coverage in the
print New York Times in late 2004 (Wallsten 2007). For many of the topics
in the news, there seemed to be little relationship between the agenda of the
Times agenda and that of the blogs. For other topics, some of the cross-
lagged correlations indicated that the agenda moved from the blogs to the
Times, and some indicated the reverse (Wallsten 2007). A more recent anal-
ysis by the Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) (2010b) suggests that
there are vast differences in coverage, at least at the broad topic level. The
PEJ found that blogs covered technology and international (non-U.S.) news
far more than traditional media did, but blogs gave less attention to the U.S.
economy. It is certainly true that the economic and access pressures on the

[ 60 ] News on the Internet

mainstream press often force it down a different (usually slower and more
conservative) coverage path from other organizations (McChesney 2008).
The extent to which traditional news will maintain such distinctions is cur-
rently unclear.
Some people have argued that the placement of more news on internet-
based outlets encourages journalists to be more homogeneous. Boczkowski
(2009) suggests that contemporary technologies provide journalists
with ever more information about their competitors’ judgments. They
rely on that information when deciding what to cover and how to cover
it. Boczkowski argues, “Th is is not new to journalistic practice, but the
increasing reliance on technology and the decreasing face-to-face rela-
tionships with colleagues in other media suggest important transfor-
mations in how journalists gather information and make meaning out
of it” (p. 51). Some empirical analyses have supported these specula-
tions. A study of news coverage of the 2004 U.S. presidential election
noted substantial continuity between online and offl ine news agendas
(Lee 2007). In this case, the agendas of the New York Times, CNN, the
Associated Press, and Time magazine were highly correlated with those
of a number of popular liberal and conservative blogs. The fi ndings in
this study, however, might be tied to the relatively narrow and intense
focus of the campaign season. Lim (2006) observed that online news-
papers and news services in South Korea appear to drive each other’s
news agendas. What is still to be determined is the extent to which the
proliferation of online news extends well-worn intermedia agenda-set-
ting processes or has encouraged greater homogeneity than existed
The second clear indicator of continuing homogeneity involves the
nature of news as a commodity. As long as the news business is an industry
that treats news as a means to a profit-making end, there are forces that
will constrain agenda heterogeneity. The major news providers online and
offl ine continue to be owned by relatively few media companies. The most
popular news sites are owned by Yahoo!, Microsoft , Time Warner, Google,
and NBC Universal. These are sites that merely repackage others’ news or
are affi liated with a host of other news outlets. Therefore, when research-
ers look at major online sources to assess news agendas, they must be very
careful to avoid comparing holdings of a single entity. Even emerging
news sites online are often linked with existing large players or are merged
with them in time. Beyond the Washington Post-Slate and CBS-CNET
relationships, the recent purchase of by the New York
Times is a clear example of this trend. These mergers mean that news audi-
ences often encounter one of a relatively small number of news providers


The online news industry is not the news business of old. New and
emerging online news sources have already changed the aggregate-level
content and form of news online. There is certainly a broader defi nition of
news today than was used in the years before the internet. And in many
ways, the news business is using the internet to test new formats of news
creation and presentation. Interestingly, though, some of that change is
aimed at extending the livelihood of the traditional media. Th is might
reflect the split in the news audience. For all of the citizens who prefer to
get their news and information online, there are others who stay with the
traditional media (and there are many people, as we shall see, who use
both). So, the news industry appears to be struggling to fi nd a way to
incorporate new technologies into how they do business and maintain
their connection with the largest audiences they can fi nd.
Observers and critics have suggested that online news will present
audiences with a new agenda of issues and policies. In some cases, people
have speculated that the diff use and diverse nature of news online will
increase the diversity of the national agenda. As a result, there may be sub-
stantial heterogeneity in the agenda that audiences encounter online.
Similarly, some features of news presentation online may mute the agenda
that is constructed by journalists. The result of both features of online
news could be substantially reduced public agreement about the most
importance issues facing the nation. If so, widespread reliance on the
internet for news could fundamentally change the relationship between
citizens and their political leadership.
The evidence thus far suggests that news on the internet might bring a
number of changes to how audiences receive the news and the overall
agenda of issues. The organization and technology of online news are cer-
tainly different from parallel technologies in the traditional media. News
feeds and hyperlinks for organizing content represent substantially differ-
ent ways to present the news. At the same time, however, research has dem-
onstrated substantial continuity between the traditional news agendas
and those found online. Audiences might not be exposed to diverse and
novel agendas online. As a result, the future of the agenda-communication
process is unclear.

[ 62 ] News on the Internet


News Specialization and Segmentation

F rom the vantage point of today’s media environment, we can say that
the old news media were built largely on a model of providing general
news content to general audiences. To be sure, ethnic newspapers, spe-
cialized magazines, and format radio stations have targeted focused audi-
ences for many years. But the bulk of the news business has relied on a
model of news for everyone. In contrast, the news environment today is
one that increasingly is based on the provision of specialized content for
focused audiences. The change has come in part from a perception by
many in the media industries that audiences want to make choices about
what they receive from the media, and it comes in part as a reaction to the
capabilities of the underlying media technologies today. The shift in the
underlying model of the press to specialized delivery of the news might
prolong the lives of news outlets and larger media companies—at least,
that is what they hope. It might also change the way people learn about
public affairs and other topics.
In chapter 2 , we talked about the concepts of audience activity and
selectivity. We noted that people are often quite intentional in their selec-
tion of news outlets and stories. In chapter 3, we described the many forms
of news on the internet. Now we bring the themes from those chapters
into a discussion of how online news providers are taking advantage of
technological interactivity and audience selectivity. We begin with a
review of how media tend to evolve; in the process of doing that, we intro-
duce an organizing structure of media evolution. The structure suggests
that content and audience specialization (i.e., segmentation) are an almost
inevitable result of media competition and development. Inevitable is a
strong word, of course, so we note some forces that will tend to restrain
the segmentation of online news content and audiences into discrete
units. We turn next to a discussion of online news structures and defi ne
specialization a bit more precisely. It turns out that there are different
kinds of specialization, and there are structures in the online news envi-
ronment that support them. Among the ways that news can be separated
into categories is through the production of hard and soft news. We sug-
gest that this is one way to examine online news, but we supplement that
with analyses of content and audience segmentation along more specific
topical lines. Ultimately, not much data are available for examining seg-
mentation. What we do have suggests that some people may be selecting
news and sites in ways that may facilitate the development of news and
audience segments.


We are fortunate to have tools for analyzing how news operates online
and how it will evolve. These tools are derived from observation of how
older media have evolved. As is typically the case with the internet, the
new medium seems to break some of the rules set by its predecessors.
Nonetheless, the patterns set by the older media provide considerable
insight into some elements of the internet and the news outlets that
operate there.

Media-system Evolution from Elite to Specialized Audiences

Media historians have noted that national media systems and individual
media appear to pass through a fairly standard three-part—elite, popular,
specialized (EPS)—cycle of development (Maisel 1973; Merrill and
Lowenstein 1979; Wilson and Wilson 2001). Within each stage, typical
outlets of a medium offer content geared toward a particular type of audi-
ence. Members of the audience, in turn, appear to choose media and out-
lets on the basis of their content and availability. Not all media in the
United States and other developed countries follow the EPS cycle, but
most do so relatively closely.
In their initial stage, media often appeal to elite audiences. Typically,
because of barriers of medium cost or audience characteristics, media
usually att ract small audiences of people who have some elite position in
society. For example, most newspapers in the United States att racted pri-
marily wealthy, educated social elites in the 18th and early 19th centuries
(Campbell, Martin, and Fabos 2010). Similarly, only some government,
corporate, and academic researchers had access to the internet in the

[ 64 ] News on the Internet

1970s and 1980s (Margolis and Resnick 2000). People who had access to
the medium in this stage were elite in terms of their levels of education
and technical skill.
Major media typically move from the elite stage to a popular stage in
which the medium becomes much more widely used. Typical outlets of
the medium appeal to large portions of the audience. Th is is the point at
which people refer to something as a mass medium. Television, for
example, was in its popular stage in the United States from the late
1950s through the 1980s. Televisions could be found in almost every
household in America, and the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and
NBC) together were watched by as much as 90 percent of the television
audience (Sterling and Kitt ross 2002). Content on television in this
period was relatively homogeneous and was designed to appeal to wide,
heterogeneous audiences.
The fi nal stage in the EPS cycle is the specialized stage. Aggregate
use of the medium remains at the level of the popular stage, but the
number of outlets increases so that individual outlets draw smaller
audiences. The outlets within the medium shift from a fi nancing struc-
ture built on the att raction of large, heterogeneous audiences to one
based on more homogeneous—and, therefore, smaller—audiences.
For advertising-supported media, homogeneous audiences are more
efficient for advertisers seeking to reach focused consumers. The adver-
tisers do not need to pay for access to other segments of the population.
Radio provides a good example of the transition from the popular to
the specialized stage. When television’s growth in the 1950s drew audi-
ences, content, and advertisers away from national network radio, most
local radio stations narrowed the focus of their programming (Sterling
and Kitt ross 2002). Radio’s broad entertainment programming (e.g.,
dramas, comedies, quiz shows, and soap operas) of the 1930s and 1940s
was replaced by focused music and talk formats. Narrow radio formats
are used today to assemble focused audience segments with shared
att ributes and interests. Advertisers seeking specific segments of the
populace are willing to pay a premium to target their messages to those
The example of radio illustrates the connection between audience
appetite for specialized content and the development of specialized media
outlets. Specialized outlets can thrive within a medium when audiences
are willing to spend their time and/or money on narrow, relatively homo-
geneous content. To be sure, not every medium fits this pattern perfectly
(e.g., with its fi nancing structure traditionally based on ticket or video/
DVD sales, fi lm does not fit the pattern particularly well; there has been
litt le advertiser-based incentive to segment fi lm audiences), but the EPS


cycle has been a useful tool for observers considering how newer media
will develop over time.

The Internet and the EPS Cycle

The internet does not seem to have followed the EPS cycle as closely as
other media have. The initial years of internet development—from 1969
through the early 1990s—certainly fit the pattern of an elite stage. Its ad-
herence to the popular stage is more questionable. When Web browsers
made access to the internet easier and more rewarding, popular use of the
medium rose dramatically (Margolis and Resnick 2000). According to sur-
vey data from the Pew Internet and American Life Project (2010a), about
14 percent of the American population used the internet in 1995, and about
67 percent did so 10 years later. So, the size of the potential audience for a
website certainly increased dramatically after the end of the elite stage.
The defi nition of the popular stage of the cycle, though, includes the
requirement that a typical outlet in a medium carries content for a broad
audience and is used by such an audience. There is not much evidence to
support that description for the internet. From early in its public phase,
there have been relatively general-interest sites that have tried to att ract a
large audience. America Online (AOL), Yahoo! and a host of other portal
sites in the late 1990s sought to be the entry points for audiences’ use of
the Web. They offered a range of content, including email services, news
headlines, weather, shopping, and chat, all designed for a general audi-
ence. These sites have been successful in att racting broad audiences. For
example, in August 1999, AOL websites were visited at least once by 55
percent of home users of the internet (Nielsen//NetRatings 1999). That
level of centralized use of some sites continues today. Google, for instance,
is visited by about 70 percent of home and work users in a typical month
(Nielsenwire 2010).
What prevents Web use in the 1990s or today from being termed popu-
lar in character is the division of audience attention across multiple sites,
most of which are not general in focus. The average American internet
user visits dozens of websites in a typical month (Nielsenwire 2010). If
some of the sites he or she visits are general-interest sites such as Google
or Yahoo! this still leaves quite a bit of internet activity spent at smaller,
potentially more specialized sites. Since the mid-1990s, the vast majority
of websites have been focused on particular topics. These sites fit the
defi nition of specialized outlets. In sum, the evidence suggests that the
internet simultaneously contains elements of both the popular and spe-
cialized stages of the EPS cycle.

[ 66 ] News on the Internet

Online News and Site Specialization

How news fits into the site-specialization process is multidimensional.

The EPS cycle suggests that in the specialized stage, most outlets will try
to att ract focused, internally homogeneous audiences. A website will do
this in order to deliver an identifiable segment of the populace to adver-
tisers seeking that segment. For example, a news site that covers govern-
ment events in a state capital would draw government officials, lobbyists,
and similar readers. Some advertisers might be very interested in reaching
such an audience. Naturally, some news sites might deviate from a focused
approach. They may seek a general audience for general advertisers. After
all, not every advertiser will want to reach a small segment of the popula-
tion. News sites might also seek a general audience that they can direct to
an offl ine news outlet such as a newspaper or television news program,
perhaps in a complementary fashion.
Decisions by news outlets regarding the types of content they carry
depend primarily on the costs of news gathering and distribution and the
gains to be had from att racting audience members. On the internet, the
costs of distribution do not vary much across news and audience catego-
ries. Thus, the costs of gathering and presenting content play a significant
role in determining the news. If a certain type of information is costly to
gather, the rewards for supplying it to specific audience members need to
be relatively high. For online news sites, this can mean that small audi-
ences spread across many sites can have the effect of either increasing the
breadth of content on the site or decreasing the amount of content on a
site. For example, the MSNBC site can carry a wide array of information
because it att racts a relatively large audience. General advertisers may be
willing to pay for such an audience. A smaller news site—a local newspa-
per site, for example—would likely limit its offerings to what a smaller
audience could support. Often, this has been news about local business,
entertainment, sports, or government (Singer 2001).


Specialization simultaneously refers to two things. First, it refers to the

way news providers create and format content for a desired audience.
Second, it can refer to the way news audiences can tailor their news con-
sumption to limit their exposure to a specific set of news topics. If sites
successfully create targeted news and audiences successfully pursue their
topics of interest, the result can be a highly functional fit between content
and audiences. It also can divide parts of the audience from one another,


an effect called segmentation. Segmented sites are those with relatively
distinct audiences. Audiences of one segmented site may be visitors to
other such sites, of course, but the key feature of a segmented site is the
homogeneity of its users relative to some larger body of citizens.
Consider, for example, a news site such as . If its audience
were entirely unsegmented, we would expect that the average visitor
from a general population (such as internet users in the United States)
would match the demographic profi le of the average member of the
site’s audience. The average visitor would be the same age, sex, race, and
so on, as the typical member of the population. If, on the other hand, the
average visitor to the site were substantially younger or better educated
than the typical member of the population, we could say that
had an audience base in a particular segment or set of segments in the
Commercial online news organizations of different types share a
common goal: to create audience segments that advertisers will be inter-
ested in reaching. News sites can employ any of the three main forms of
specialization—unit, internal, or distribution—when targeting an audi-
ence segment. Unit specialization, which occurs when an outlet is
entirely focused on a relatively narrow slice of content, is the form that
people consider most often. However, this option is ill suited to news
organizations that want to reach large audience segments. These outlets,
therefore, turn to internal specialization, which simply requires creating
distinct sections of the news site to deliver particular areas of content.
Distribution specialization, by which an outlet creates a slightly differ-
ent version of its product for different audiences, is also possible online—
although in limited use among news organizations. Each form of
specialization requires a unique approach to how a news site creates its

Unit Specialization: News Blogs

Among online news sites, unit specialization is best exemplified within

the blogosphere. News blogs are almost always divided along lines of po-
litical ideology, which is a broad form of audience segmentation, and often
further focused on a type of news. There are blogs focused on education,
technology, religion, foreign affairs, and politics (to name a few). These
categories can be split even further. For example, the blog techPresident
covers technology in politics, while the blog FiveTh irtyEight primarily
covers polling within political elections. Each is a blog for political junkies,
but they provide very different content.

[ 68 ] News on the Internet

Unit specialization that occurs in the fi nal stage of the EPS cycle is
rooted in fundamental economic principles. In chapter 2 , we discussed
Hotelling’s (1929) positioning concept. Hotelling begins with the
assumption that businesses want to reach as many people as possible.
When there are few businesses, positioning in the middle (i.e., being a
generalized news outlet) is the most effective way to reach customers.
Each additional business will fi nd it increasingly productive to position its
product nearer to the end points (i.e., focusing on particular content or
viewpoints), because this allows the business to reach people who are
poorly served by the central organizations. What makes the positioning
principle crucial for understanding internet news is that when the audi-
ence can be national, or even global, even very small portions of the total
audience can mean thousands of viewers (see Anderson 2004). To put it
another way, the vast reach of the World Wide Web gives outlets with even
fi nely unit-specialized content potential fi nancial viability.

Internal Specialization: Large News Sites

Large news sites have to take a different approach to segmenting audi-

ences. These organizations want to att ract a large overall audience, but
they also likely want to create segments so that advertisers can reach
readers with specific interests. Careful attention to website design allows
news sites to balance these competing objectives. Consider the standard
structure of many large news sites: a front page displays news stories
falling into many different categories, with links connecting to pages that
will display stories of only one type (e.g., politics, entertainment, sports,
etc.). Th is design encourages a broad audience to view the front page, but
subsequent pages appeal to an increasingly specialized group of readers.
The site is therefore able to segment its broad audience through this use of
internal specialization.
Website-design research suggests that manipulating site structure can
have interesting implications for how readers experience the site. On the
one hand, an effective design can improve agreement with content (Sun-
dar, Kalyanaraman, and Brown 2003) and even encourage people to
spend more time with it (Richard 2004). Of course, news outlets want
audiences to spend as much time with the site as possible, because this
means more advertisement exposures. On the other hand, requiring read-
ers to click too many times to fi nd the news they want can cause frustra-
tion (Benoit and Benoit 2005; Sundar, Kalyanaraman, and Brown 2003).
The research indicates that online news sites hoping to employ internal
specialization effectively need to consider audience experience as part of


their design strategy. Traffic ratings suggest that many organizations are
able to walk this line with some success (comScore 2011a).

Distribution Specialization: Mobile Platforms

Distribution specialization occurs when an outlet creates different ver-

sions of its main product for different audiences. The bulk of the product
remains static, but there is a different cover or emphasis for each desired
segment. Th is form of specialization is relatively new to the internet.
Although the norm is to think about websites in terms of national or
global distribution, it is increasingly possible for outlets to deliver partic-
ular content based on geography. Browsers (particularly on mobile de-
vices) regularly deliver global-positioning information to the websites or
services being accessed, allowing an organization to recognize the loca-
tion of the individual and deliver specialized content. By knowing the lo-
cation of the user, a news site can display articles about local news and
events. Th is process has been popular for several years among political-
issue movements (Howard 2006), but its use is expanding into other
areas. News organizations will most likely follow suit in the near future.
It might be useful to provide a more detailed background for how dis-
tribution specialization actually works online. When a browser accesses
a website, it gives that site’s server information about the user’s computer.
Under basic conditions, this information is typically the computer’s oper-
ating soft ware, browser type, and internet protocol (IP) address. If the
user is a return visitor and the website uses cookies, then the site may
have additional information about the type of content that computer has
accessed in the past. Th is can be used by the website to show, for example,
links to similar articles instead of general articles on the home page. More
advanced browsers (such as Firefox after version 3.5) might also give
websites a geographic location for the user that is more accurate than
what sites can learn from the IP address. Armed with this knowledge, a
news organization’s servers can automatically deliver a slightly different
mix of stories (and advertisements) to readers from different geographic
areas. Th is ability is increasingly important as location-based advertising
becomes a standard feature of online advertising.
As we have suggested, when trying to create an audience segment,
news organizations typically turn to a form of specialization, whether dis-
tribution, internal, or unit. Distribution specialization is relatively new
and is currently more popular for mobile news applications. Regardless of
the format, the objective is the same: to allow the organization to defi ne
clearly the interests of its readers to advertisers or other patrons.

[ 70 ] News on the Internet


Site specialization is fairly evident from a historical review of past media

or from casual observation of current media. Our purpose here is to dis-
cuss the evidence for different forms of specialization from a different per-
spective. Content analyses of different news media and outlets can
identify segmentation efforts based on unit specialization, and survey
reports can reveal the extent to which audiences separate and reach out to
distinct outlets. Th is section discusses research fi ndings regarding top-
ical, stylistic, and geographic segmentation strategies.

Evidence of Topic-based Segmentation

The tendency of news sites to tailor their content to a specific segment of

the online news audience provides a direct link between what online au-
diences select and what news editors provide. That is, the editors of a news
site with a focus on a particular audience should react to what desired
members of that audience choose to read. If they consistently read one
type of news, editors will be motivated to provide a good supply of that
news. Th is raises the question of whether news sites pay attention to what
audiences choose. There is some evidence that they do. MacGregor (2007)
interviewed a sample of online journalists about their use of audience-
activity data. The journalists reported that news organizations make
extensive use of data about audience selection of news on their sites. Some
journalists received reports from site editors about hits on individual
stories, and journalists believed that the number of hits reflect audience
preferences. News-site editors appear to make use of past data on audi-
ence preferences in determining what news to post and how to present it
(MacGregor 2007). The journalists MacGregor interviewed stopped
short of saying that site server logs drove news-production decisions, but
the evidence suggests that journalists respond to some extent to what
online audiences choose.
It is not hard to imagine how site segmentation could develop in such
an environment. Audience selection of specific categories of news and
editorial responses to their selection could develop in a spiral fashion. If
people select news of a particular genre, the editors of a site might respond
by providing more news in that genre—not a lot more, to be sure, but per-
haps a litt le. The provision of more news in a particular area could att ract
audiences in search of that content (perhaps through word of mouth, link
sharing in blogs and other social media, or links from news aggregators).
As more people visit the site for that content, the website receives story-hit


data that reinforce the perception that the audience wants that content.
The editors will likely respond by providing more news of that type, con-
tinuing the cycle of audience-editorial interaction.
Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of specific evidence bearing on
whether that sort of cycle operates in the development of news sites.
Nonetheless, one study of audience traffic on a sample of news sites did
fi nd that the news selected on the various sites showed distinct patterns
(Tewksbury 2005). Th is study examined two months of visits by a national
sample of internet users to news sites in March and May 2000.1 Each page
hit was categorized into one of 14 news topics (see Tewksbury 2005 for
more information). These hits were then aggregated across the two
months. Table 4.1 shows that the news that audiences select varies sub-
stantially across these sites. Among the marked differences visible here
are the distribution of page views of sports, arts and entertainment, busi-
ness and money, politics, and opinion and editorial. For example, visitors
to USA Today online selected sports, arts, and entertainment proportion-
ally more often than did visitors to the other sites. CNN online users were
particularly unlikely to view arts and entertainment but very likely to
view business and money pages. New York Times online readers viewed
very litt le sports news but proportionally quite a bit of politics and opin-
ion and editorial content.
These data suggest a few tentative conclusions. The news that people
select is not uniform across news sites. Audiences appear to encounter
and select specific constellations of news topics that differ by the site. Of
course, these data do not show how the content offered by each site over
the studied two-month period varied. It is likely that the selection of news
can be considered as relatively constrained by what is offered. Perhaps the
amount of content in each topic and the way it was presented determined
the observed differences among sites. To take a fully constrained exam-
ple, it could be that 41.9 percent of the news on the USA Today site during
the studied period was sports, 17.9 percent was arts and entertainment,
and so on. Undoubtedly, there is more to the story than that, but we do not
have data bearing on the content of the sites during the study period.
Unfortunately, we are left to speculate to fi ll in the details. One plausible
explanation for the data is that the news readers in this sample chose sites
on the basis of the news they expected to fi nd. For example, people seek-
ing sports information believed that they should visit the USA Today site
rather than the ABC news site. A similar story could be told for people
seeking business and personal-fi nance news on CNN online rather than
the other sites.
If the audience studied here was, indeed, looking for a specific set of
stories at each site, one would expect to see differences in the characteristics

[ 72 ] News on the Internet


Site element CNN USA Today New York Times ABC News

Sports 29.6 41.9 7.9 4.1

Arts and entertainment 4.8 17.9 14.7 7.7
U.S. national 13.9 9.7 9.0 29.8
Features 10.2 3.9 13.5 13.5
Business and money 16.1 7.4 9.2 7.4
Technology and science 7.0 2.0 11.4 13.3
World 6.1 1.2 8.6 9.3
Politics 5.1 2.7 11.4 7.6
Weather 4.8 6.7 0.2 0.8
Other news 0.2 4.5 0 1.1
Health 2.2 1.6 2.2 5.4
Opinion and editorial 0.0 0.6 8.0 0.0
State and local 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0
Obituary 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0

Note: Cell entries are percentages of all news topic views. The “other news” category captured URLs that could
be identified only to the point of having news content. Topic-selection percentages may not add up to 100 be-
cause of rounding.
Source: Tewksbury 2005 .

of readers at each. For many years, researchers have noted that interest in
different news categories varies by age, sex, education, and other demo-
graphic features of audiences (e.g., Bogart 1989; Schramm and White
1949). There is no reason to expect that news readers selecting news sites
somewhat randomly—that is, for reasons other than expectations about
the sorts of news they will find on sites—should distribute themselves
across news sites on the basis of demographic differences. But, of course,
differences among sites do appear to exist. An analysis (Tewksbury 2005)
of the profiles of specific sites’ users shows substantial variation across
Table 4.2 shows user demographic data for the national news outlets
discussed previously. The data suggest that the demographic profi le of
visitors across sites differs markedly. In the time frame studied here, CNN
online readers were better educated and less often female than were read-
ers of ABC News online. USA Today readers were also typically male and
were particularly likely to be African-American. New York Times online
visitors were uniquely well educated and were often female. In sum, the
data in tables 4.1 and 4.2 show that news readers are not randomly distrib-
uted across major online news sites and seem to cluster in ways that sug-
gest some correspondence between audience characteristics and the



CNN USA Today New York Times ABC News

Age 40.4 (13.5) 43.3 (12.4) 47.1 (14.8) 41.9 (13.0)

Income over 68.9 67.0 68.0 70.2
Bachelor’s degree or 61.1 58.0 77.2 45.8
Female 25.4 27.9 37.0 38.5
Hispanic ethnicity 6.7 3.7 3.9 5.3
White 88.6 84.6 92.2 92.0
African-American 6.5 11.7 3.3 3.5
Asian-American 3.6 3.2 2.8 3.6
Other race 1.4 0.6 1.7 0.9
Midwest 30.5 21.4 14.0 21.4
Northeast 19.2 13.1 39.7 16.4
South 28.9 42.8 26.6 37.8
West 21.5 22.8 19.7 24.5

Note: Cell entries for age are mean and standard deviation (in parentheses). Entries for all other demographic
items are the percentages of nonmissing data. Entries are weighted by demographic weights and by number of
site views.
Source: Tewksbury 2005 .

kinds of news that sites feature. Taken together, this is tentative evidence
of site segmentation: the division of sites along content lines and audience
More recent data concerning self-reported site use reveal complemen-
tary patterns. In their 2008 media use national survey, the Pew Research
Center for the People and the Press asked internet news readers which
sites they tended to visit most often. The respondents volunteered the
names of as many as three sites. Later in the survey, these people were
asked to report how closely they tended to follow specific categories of
news in “newspaper, on television, radio or the internet” (Pew Research
Center 2008b). The overlap in responses to these two sets of questions
might illustrate how specific news topics can be connected with specific
sites in the minds of audiences. If people who follow one type of news tend
to say that they visit a certain site most often, it could be that they tend to
look at that site for the information they typically follow. If there is no
connection between the kinds of sites they use and the news they tend to

[ 74 ] News on the Internet

follow, there would be litt le observable relationship between where they
say they go and what news they say they follow.
A comparison of news interests with news-site use is presented in table
4.3. The top row of the table displays the percentage of online news readers
(overall N = 949) whose initial report of the site they visit most often was
one of those displayed here. For example, the initial response of almost 11
percent of online news readers was that they visited CNN’s site for news.
Initial site responses were used here because they should represent what
was most accessible to the respondents, and information accessibility is
typically related to how often and how recently some concept is used (e.g.,
Higgins 1996). The next seven rows of data in the table represent the per-
centage of each site’s users who reported following a topic very closely or
somewhat closely (as opposed to not very closely or not at all closely).
A number of rather strong relationships are visible in the data in table
4.3. Looking across the rows, one can see that sites vary in the degree to
which their users report following specific topics. For example, following
business and fi nance is not uniform across the sites. For most sites, about



Yahoo! Google CNN MSNBC Fox News New York Drudge

News News Times Report

Sample 20.8% 6.2% 10.7% 5.1% 4.5% 2.7% 1.5%

naming site
News topics
Political 68 64 79 94 87 93 100
figures and
Business and 63 62 57 54 52 92 63
fi nance
International 57 70 69 69 74 100 96
aff airs
Science and 59 69 74 53 45 100 100
Crime 75 56 78 73 74 30 57
Culture and 39 24 56 68 20 66 20
the arts
Health 62 60 42 63 41 71 91

Note: The number in each news-topic cell is the percentage of visitors to each site who reported following the
topic very closely or somewhat closely. Because of the Pew Research Center’s use of randomly applied form
splits in the survey, twice as many people were asked about political fi gures and events, business and fi nance,
and international aff airs as were asked about the other topics.
Source: Pew Research Center 2008b.


60 percent of their visitors follow the topic. New York Times readers stand
out for their far more frequent report of doing so (92 percent report fol-
lowing the topic). Th is sort of variance is found for all of the topics. Thus,
news interests are not uniformly distributed.
Looking down the columns, one can discern glimpses of site segmenta-
tion. Large percentages of Yahoo! News users tend to follow crime and
politics, but relatively few of them report following culture news. Google
News visitors are rather high on international affairs and science and
technology but rather low on crime and culture and arts. CNN online
visitors report following politics, international affairs, science and tech-
nology, and crime but not health news. MSNBC visitors are rather simi-
lar, although they less often report following science technology and more
often follow health. Some large differences emerge for the smaller sites,
perhaps as a partial function of smaller numbers of respondents there. Fox
News visitors frequently report following politics, international affairs,
and crime. They exhibit less interest in science and technology, culture
and the arts, and health news. New York Times site visitors report very
high interest in several topics but a very low frequency of following crime
news. Finally, visitors to the Drudge Report closely follow a number of
topics, but they report rather infrequently for culture and the arts. Thus,
the news sites listed here appear to be drawing rather distinct audiences in
search of specific profi les of content areas.
There is also some evidence for topic-based segmentation at the medium
level. The Project for Excellence in Journalism tracks the topics of news
stories across a number of media. In May 2010, it released a report com-
paring the news topics in selected segments of the internet with those in
the traditional press. It found that across 2009, blogs and Twitter posts
focused on different topics from the traditional press. The fi ndings for
technology news were most striking. That topic showed up in 43 percent
of Twitter news posts and 8 percent of blogs. It showed up in only 1 percent
of the news in the traditional press. These fi ndings clearly indicate that
content creators in new technologies are deliberately selecting different
topics from other news media.
What makes this compelling evidence for segmentation is the fact
that the people who rely on the traditional press for news are different
from those who rely on the internet. The Pew analysis of its 2008 bien-
nial media-use survey revealed the presence of different clusters of news
audiences. The proportion of the American population (46 percent)
who rely on the traditional media for news is substantially older, less
educated, and lower-income, on average, than the proportion (13 per-
cent) who rely on the internet for news. Furthermore, the survey
revealed that people who use traditional media were far less interested

[ 76 ] News on the Internet

(10 percent) in technology coverage than were the dominant users of
online news (24 percent). When we combine the content fi ndings with
the survey fi ndings, there is evidence of news organizations employing
segmentation strategies by offering tech news online but not offl ine, of
citizens self-selecting a news medium based on content offerings, or
both. Regardless of the process that led to the divergence in coverage,
the apparent division of news topics across media is a prett y clear sign of

Evidence of Style-based Segmentation

News organizations can segment audiences in a unit fashion more subtly

than simply by covering one topic or another. An important question for
a news outlet to answer is whether to create content for a relatively serious
or a casual audience segment. Th is choice will help determine the content
and style of the news that organization produces. When academics talk
about “the news,” they almost always mean hard news, or coverage of gov-
ernment, politics, and international affairs. Th is type of information is
typically considered the most important for political participation (Berel-
son 1952) and therefore receives the bulk of scholars’ attention. However,
this is not the only type of news available—it is not even the most popular
type of news available. In a selective media environment, individuals
choose both between news and entertainment and among types of news
(Rittenberg, Tewksbury, and Casey 2009). Stable preferences for different
news are important, because there are substantial differences among the
audience segments favoring each type of content (Tewksbury 2003). The
two main types of news formats are hard and soft, the latter of which is
sometimes associated with infotainment. Although the distinctions
between the categories are sometimes fuzzy, we focus on differences in
content and effects.
The names suggest the nature of the content for each type of news.
Hard news deals with topics that are considered most important—public
affairs and international issues—and stories are covered in a serious,
direct manner. Network evening news and nationally prestigious newspa-
pers (e.g., the New York Times) are classic examples of hard news. Soft
news is sometimes defined simply as “not hard news,” but our definition
of soft news is a news format that—regardless of topic—presents stories
with an emphasis on individuals (also called “human interest”) and sensa-
tionalism over national interests, public policy, or information quality.
Television shows such as Good Morning America and 20/20 fall into this
category, as do magazines such as Entertainment Weekly. This definition


does not always yield a clear distinction between hard and soft news. A
“soft”-format outlet may occasionally break an important story, and a
“hard”-format organization may dabble (at least) in trivial subjects. None-
theless, content comparisons of direct and informational versus individ-
ual and sensational provide an effective starting point for dividing news
outlets by format.
An outlet’s choice of content type and style says a lot about the audi-
ence it intends to att ract. Hard-news styles tend to appeal to a cross-
demographic group that maintains strong interest in politics (Prior 2007),
whereas soft news and infotainment are typically assumed to appeal to
less attentive audiences. Th is is not necessarily a defi nitive typology, of
course, as particular types of infotainment can quite successfully appeal
to knowledgeable audience segments. For example, whereas readers of the
National Enquirer and viewers of the CBS evening newscast rate quite
poorly on measures of political knowledge, viewers of the Colbert Report
perform quite well (Pew Research Center 2007). In addition, viewers of
soft-news programs that include comedy are likely to be more cynical of
and less trusting in government (e.g., Baumgartner and Morris 2006).
Research in this area is still relatively limited, however, as scholars are
only beginning to tease out the practical differences between hard and
soft news.
The distinctions between types of news can be particularly difficult to
discern online. We might assume that mainstream news sites target an
audience similar to that of their offl ine counterparts. However, blogs—
whether independent or on mainstream sites—have typically focused on
partisan and/or sensationalistic topics. Indeed, many of the great success
stories of early online news include the breaking of stories focused on
individuals (e.g., Senator Trent Lott praising Strom Thurmond’s presiden-
tial campaign, Dan Rather broadcasting phony George W. Bush military
records). These content choices have placed much of the internet’s origi-
nal news more clearly in the soft-news category. However, political-news
blogs are a relatively fi ne slice of all of the possible content available online
and are likely to be selected only by highly motivated audiences. There-
fore, whereas we could reasonably label many of these blogs as either soft
news or infotainment, it is possible that the creators are nevertheless tar-
geting an audience with a level of sophistication typically associated with
hard news.
Hard and soft news have traditionally been treated as quite different
approaches to selecting and reporting the news. Online outlets are blend-
ing these styles to serve a variety of audience interests. A likely reason for
this experimentation is that the “long tail” (Anderson 2004) of the inter-
net means that almost any type of content can fi nd some audience.

[ 78 ] News on the Internet

Regardless of the reason for the evolving news presentation, it is clear that
describing news styles is more difficult now than it was 20 years ago. Dis-
entangling the news formats and their likely audiences any further
requires a careful consideration of news selection and effects, both of
which are discussed in greater detail in the next chapter. For now, the
important point is that one way in which internet content providers seg-
ment the audience is by providing some mix of the traditional hard and
soft news styles.

Evidence of Geography-based Segmentation

Additional evidence of unit site specialization comes in the form of

local-news site development. The downsizing of large news organiza-
tions in 2009 and 2010 resulted in a modest growth in sites that cater to
a geographically distinct audience. Some media observers argue that
newsroom cuts at large city daily newspapers have left many cities un-
derserved and a number of seasoned journalists looking for work
(McChesney and Nichols 2010). Some internet start-ups have sought to
take advantage of the content gap by providing focused coverage of local
news. They hope that local audiences will either pay for that content or
att ract enough advertising to fi nance sites. In fact, AOL appears to be
developing plans to introduce a number of local news sites of this kind
(Carlson 2010).
A proliferation of local news sites might play a role in site segmenta-
tion. A Project for Excellence in Journalism study in Baltimore found
that newspapers (print and online components) were the outlets most
likely to break local news (2010a). The study found that online news sites
tended to focus on local events to a much greater degree than other
media did. Th is study looked at news about Baltimore produced by news
outlets in Baltimore (e.g., newspapers, television stations, radio stations,
online-only outlets) for one week in July 2009. Larger news organiza-
tions, such as newspapers and television stations, produced quite a bit of
local content, of course. But this content still competed with news about
national and international events, sports, and so on. For example, about
53 percent of stories in the Baltimore Sun newspaper (print and online)
were locally focused. Local online sites were much more likely to be geo-
graphically focused. The study found that 85 percent of the news on the
locally produced Web-only sites was local in nature. It appears that
smaller news sites could eschew a model of broad news presentation and
focus instead on serving a distinct audience looking for geographically
focused news.


In sum, there is evidence that news sites are developing profiles of spe-
cific news-topic selection. News sites are associated with specific audience
demographic profiles and with distinct patterns of news-topic interest and
selection. This may be a sign that audiences are seeing distinct differences
among sites and are choosing where to go on the basis of expectations
about what they will find there. Of course, this is but one interpretation of
the observed data. It might be that there is some third factor that explains
why certain people end up at certain sites. It could have more to do with
some other features of a site than the news topics it offers, or it could be
something about the people other than their news interests that brings
them to specific sites. Site segmentation provides one explanation, but oth-
ers are also possible. Communication researchers will be studying this issue
and might have more definitive answers soon.


The segmentation of news sites into distinct categories might appear in-
evitable from a historical perspective, but there are a number of reasons
researchers remain cautious about the idea. When satellite-distributed
cable television channels appeared in the 1980s, a number of researchers
started asking whether the mass medium of television would become a
specialized medium (e.g., Becker and Schoenbach 1989). In his 1991
analysis, The Future of the Mass Audience, Neuman considered whether
proliferation of cable-television channels would increase the diversity of
content on television. He reasoned that diversification of content on
cable would come as a result of audience demand. Therefore, he exam-
ined the evidence of audience diversity. He concluded that in spite of the
many ways one can defi ne and observe diversity in American society,
media-content preferences are rather homogeneous. He noted the pres-
ence of technological and economic factors that facilitate and drive con-
tent specialization, but he questioned audience demand for that
specialization. In sum, he wrote, “The future of specialized media and the
possible fragmentation of the mass audience remain unsett led questions”
(Neuman 1991, p. 128).
One of the factors that might inhibit audience demand for diversification
of content—through the provision of specialized content channels—is audi-
ence perceptions of news accessibility. Neuman argued that “people are pas-
sive and only partially attentive to what they see and hear from the media.
For most of the people for most of the time, the psychological costs and
inconvenience of finding special-interest information and entertainment
outweigh their desire to find it” (1991, p. 146). If this is true, the convenience

[ 80 ] News on the Internet

of finding and selecting generalized content could be a large factor inhibiting
or facilitating website specialization.
A simple review of internet traffic supports the notion that many users
will cluster around a few general-interest news sites. In its 2009 ranking
of internet news sites, Nielsen Online reported that Yahoo! News,
MSNBC, AOL News, and CNN and were the four most popular news
sites for Americans (Project for Excellence in Journalism 2010c). These
sites are all, arguably, relatively general sites providing a broad array of
news topics. What is more, news aggregators such as Yahoo! News and
Google News sample from a cross-section of news sites. Thus, they are
perhaps the most general of all news sites, and they are a steadily popular
type of news platform. Audiences may select particular content from
these home pages, as discussed in the next chapter. However, as predicted
by Neuman (1991), the large-scale clustering around general sites may be
sufficient to provide some pool of common content and limit widespread


As a medium with an almost limitless capacity for content diversity and

quantity, the internet may appear to be the ideal environment for slicing
content and audiences into very small segments. Most observers of the
news industry have expected that this is likely to happen as news moves
online. Existing models of media evolution predict that media run
through a relatively predictable pattern of development, something that
has been dubbed the EPS cycle. The internet is an important exception to
the EPS cycle, because it is not clear how to assess its audience and con-
tent, as a whole. In some ways, the internet shows signs of a mature, spe-
cialized medium, but in others, it has just made the transition away from
the elite stage.
These considerations put the focus of the study of online news develop-
ment on whether sites are specializing their content and audiences. There
are a number of ways in which specialization can operate in advanced
media, with the most common and powerful being unit specialization.
Audience segmentation that could result from that sort of specialization
can be facilitated by the increasing popularity of soft news online and the
current trend toward a focus on local news for many online outlets. Of
course, not everyone in the potential audience will always opt for sites that
employ unit specialization. The desire for general content and a certain
amount of inertia may place an outer limit on the extent to which sites can
create segmented audiences.


Fortunately, there are some data that bear on the question of whether
sites are specializing for specific audiences. An analysis of one sample of
news sites shows that the demographic profi le of visitors to each site is
distinct from the profi le of visitors to other sites. Similarly, the news that
audiences select at each site differs from the news that visitors select
from the other sites. Additional data show that the kinds of news topics
that people like to follow vary in tandem with what they claim are the
news sites that they prefer to visit. In sum, these data show that news site
specialization appears to be leading to patterns of audience segmenta-
tion. Whether that sort of segmentation has implications for citizen
learning about public affairs and for aggregate-level concerns about the
quality of public engagement in advanced democracies is discussed later
in this book.

[ 82 ] News on the Internet


Selecting News Online

F rom the way most of us talk about media audiences, one might decide
that people are active selectors of news. They carefully survey the
news environment, going online and scanning the available choices as
they home in on the sites and news topics that provide the best fit with
what they want. In this picture that we often paint of the news audience,
people appear quite deliberate but not very human. The true picture is
more complex. People resort to a mixture of habit and reasoned selectivity
as they choose the news.
In this chapter, we focus on the concept of selectivity. We look at what
researchers have learned about how people select the news. We fi rst con-
sider selectivity as a general concept, describing how people choose media
and messages. We then focus the discussion on the internet. The Web car-
ries much more than news, so a primary choice that people make is among
types of content online. We describe how people select online news sites
and stories. Finally, we consider the extent to which people carry selectiv-
ity practices online to the point of content specialization. We report the
evidence we have for the often-heard claim that the internet will inspire
and allow people to focus exclusively on the few news topics that interest
Out of this discussion of audience selectivity emerges a picture of both
audience specialization and broad news browsing. The research results
suggest that news audiences are not acting in concert. Some people engage
in very intentional selection of news sites and topics, others seek specific
topics but seem to care litt le about the sites from which they choose, still
others carefully choose sites but then browse widely within those sites,
and still others choose to ignore news entirely. There is no simple answer
to questions about the future of news audiences, but we see some signs of
what could be.

Nearly everything online is situated within an interactive environment.

That seems obvious, but it is worth pausing for a moment to consider the
concept of interactivity. There are many ways to defi ne it (see Kiousis
2002 for a discussion). Many people talk about interactivity as an att ribute
of a site (Bucy and Tao 2007). That is, a news site that contains options for
contacting journalists might be labeled an interactive site. Interactivity
could be thought of as a process of reciprocal communication between
parties (such as between a site visitor and a site or another visitor), or it
could be a perception on the part of a site visitor (Bucy and Tao 2007).
The key point is that newer media such as the internet seem to feature
more interactivity, no matter how it is defi ned.
The focus of this chapter is how people interact with sites as they con-
sume the news. The most basic interaction is simply the selection of sto-
ries through the click of a mouse or other pointer. Interaction can be more
developed as news audiences respond to stories or post items of their
own. They can even interact with other users inadvertently, as when their
selections or emailed story recommendations are aggregated to indicate
story popularity for other readers. Story selection as the most basic unit of
interaction has att racted the most research attention, so it is the primary
topic here. For this discussion, we draw on the audience-activity concept
reviewed in chapter 2 . We take a more focused look at activity in news
selection in this section. We see that researchers have studied activity and
audience selection of news in a variety of ways, and we examine how these
approaches apply to the online news environment. We attempt to provide
a general picture of how people tend to use the internet. In chapter 7, we
apply the general concepts and patterns described here to an analysis of
the potential for online news consumption to fragment audiences and
ultimately polarize societies.

Selecting News to Satisfy Needs and Desires

In the context of online news, the concept of audience activity points

to the potential for people to apply a number of considerations to the
choice of how to spend their time. For most people, media content is
merely one of the many things in their environment that they can use
(e.g., the news competes with other media content, work, friends,
sleep, food, exercise, or any number of other options). Considerations
about what friends and family are doing or want from an audience
member may contribute to a decision to choose a particular media

[ 84 ] News on the Internet

product (e.g., Levy and Windahl 1984). For example, people might
choose an online news story because they want to do something
online, because they want timely news to share with friends, or
because they check online news at a particular point every day. A sim-
ilar range of considerations will act on how people select news outlets,
how they consume and interpret the news they choose, and how they
form conclusions about a medium.
There are two important factors in the active selection process. The first
is the role of habit. Just because we think of the audience as active does not
mean that we need to believe that people start each news-selection and
-consumption process from scratch (Diddi and LaRose 2006). Rather,
news consumption is clearly like many other parts of life. People have well-
worn paths (or “scripts,” in the language of cognitive social psychologists;
Abelson 1981) that guide how they approach the process. There are spe-
cific goals, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors they habitually apply to news
selection and processing. People are not automatons, merely repeating the
past in an endless loop, but neither are they perfectly intentional all of the
time (Rubin 1984).
As people use and explore media, they tend to develop dependency
relations with particular media, outlets, and content (DeFleur and Ball-
Rokeach 1989). The goals that people have with respect to media (such as
learning about other people and places) are relatively stable (McDonald
and Glynn 1984). Likewise, what the media offer is often relatively pre-
dictable. In fact, the notion of media system dependency introduces a
level of stability to news selection that coincides nicely with what media
producers likely want to see. An outlet’s ability to sell display advertising
space on a Web page is likely enhanced when it can predict the audience
for the site with some confidence. If the audience is stable and exhibits
relatively predictable visit and selection patterns, it should make the job
of selling space to advertisers all the easier. Thus, one element of news
sites’ audience segmentation strategy is the creation of content that fits
the goals of a desirable (from the perspective of potential advertisers)
The second factor affecting news selection is the directive action of
environmental constraints and options. For most people, the news is
not a vital commodity. There is considerable variance in most popula-
tions when it comes to the centrality of news to people’s lives, but few
people need it to live or achieve their most important life goals. Rather,
news consumption is one of the many things that they do over the
course of a day. People will spend only so much of their available
resources (e.g., time and money) to obtain the news. Likewise, people
are constrained by how the news is presented in the media they have

available. People are not perfectly autonomous in their selection of the
news but will choose among the options their environment offers
(Prior 2007).

Selective Exposure

A somewhat less predictable element of news selection is introduced by

the concept of selective exposure (Klapper 1960). The idea is relatively
simple. Based on Festinger’s (1957) theory of cognitive dissonance,
people consider the potential implications of news and other content for
their preexisting beliefs and opinions (Frey 1986). As a general rule of
thumb, people want their beliefs and opinions to be consistent with one
another. Th is desire for consistency can motivate people to seek informa-
tion that is supportive of their predispositions, and it can motivate them
to avoid challenging information. These approach-and-avoid tendencies
have formed the bases for much of the work on selective exposure.
Despite its simplicity and the commonsense ring to it, audience selec-
tive exposure received only limited support in tests in the 1950s and 1960s.
Sears and Freedman (1967), in a well-known review of the research record
at the time, concluded that there was litt le evidence that people selected
information on the basis of their att itudinal predispositions. Research on
cognitive dissonance and information selection continued in social psy-
chology but waned in communication research (Frey 1986). More recent
studies (e.g., Knobloch, Carpentier, and Zillmann 2003) and reviews (e.g.,
D’Alessio and Allen 2007) have renewed interest in selective exposure.
Under the more general banner of audience selectivity—the tendency
for people to be purposive in their media choices—researchers are fi nding
that some online news audiences will make exposure decisions that reflect
their predispositions and personal characteristics (e.g., Appiah 2004;
Knobloch et al. 2003; Lee 2008). For example, Knobloch-Westerwick and
Meng (2009) found that some news readers prefer att itude-consistent
news. Specifically, readers who were confronted with opposing view-
points on four different issues spent one-third more time reading support-
ive articles. Th is tendency is far from universal, of course. Some members
of news audiences are willing and able to use a variety of cues as they
decide how to navigate the wealth of information on most news sites.
Researchers are turning now to the question of how selective exposure
may be facilitated in online environments that both foreground topic and
opinion distinctiveness and permit high levels of customization. In chap-
ter 7, we examine evidence bearing on whether that is the case and whether
it might result in social polarization.

[ 86 ] News on the Internet


Before the news can have any direct influence on an individual, that per-
son must fi rst choose to experience it. Th is may seem painfully obvious,
but the process by which people choose between news and other content
in the media has received relatively litt le academic attention over the
years. The rise of high-choice media—fi rst cable television and then the
internet—has increased the importance of initial media selection (Prior
2007). As all types of content become more plentiful, the news accounts
for a decreasing portion of all available content, which means that people
need to use an increasingly deliberate process to access news content.
Th is, in turn, makes it more likely that news viewers will develop mean-
ingful differences from people who do not choose news content. Th is pos-
sibility has led a growing number of scholars to take note of media
selection processes not only within the news genre but also between news
and other genres (e.g., Prior 2007).

News Versus Nonnews Choice

The audience profi le of news viewers versus nonviewers is a logical starting

point for considering the potential significance of this content choice. If
news audiences are demographically different from other audiences, then
only certain parts of society are selecting and receiving news. Th is would
suggest a problem in terms of social-economic status: a rich-get-richer type
of scenario (see chapter 6 for a discussion of the knowledge gap). If news
audiences are demographically similar to other audiences, then news con-
sumption would be better dispersed through society. Th is fi nding would
then be attributable to a factor that is less obvious than demographics, such
as personal preferences. Identifying the nature of news and entertainment
audiences is therefore a necessary step toward understanding the nature of
the content-selection process.
There are several ways to characterize media audiences. One approach is
to identify the demographic profi les of news and nonnews audiences. An
analysis of the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press April 2008
Media Use Survey revealed that 14 percent of Americans are completely
uninterested in any kind of news, and the profi le of this audience is generally
low income, low education, female, and apolitical (roughly one-quarter
refused to name a political party or ideology). However, this profi le—with
the exception of political preference—largely reflects Pew’s overall respond-
ent profi le, suggesting that demographics may not be strongly driving the
placement in this category. The same survey report found that 19 percent of

the respondents overall—and 34 percent of people older than 24—reported
zero news use the day before the survey (Pew Research Center 2008b).
Prior (2007) similarly finds that the relatively old, educated, wealthy, and
male are more likely to prefer news, but Prior finds that all demographic
indicators taken together are only weak predictors of a preference for enter-
tainment over news (accounting for only 13 percent of the patterns of con-
tent selection). The evidence from these sources suggests that there are
certainly demographic cleavages to news viewing, but these characteristics
alone are fairly poor indicators of individuals’ selection of news content. We
should therefore consider the role of personal preference in media choice.
Preference can exert an influence on news selection in a number of
ways. The most direct would be to say that some people prefer news con-
tent and some people prefer other content. Th is direct-preference per-
spective is often assumed in studies that use some type of news preference
measure as a predictor of other factors (see Price and Zaller 1993). A more
complex approach is suggested by uses and gratifications. Applying this
framework to news selection would consider the more basic preferences of
individuals, such as surveillance versus parasocial interaction, as reasons
for consuming news (Kaye and Johnson 2002) and then determine
whether news content met the needs behind those underlying prefer-
ences. For example, a person who wanted to know about the world around
him or her would achieve gratification through news consumption,
whereas a person who wanted to spend time with others would be better
served by watching sports or a popular drama. These are two methods for
defi ning how personal preference could lead to news selection.
Prior (2007) suggests a subtler way to think about the connection
between personal preference and content selection. His argument is
that people have innate preferences for some types of content over oth-
ers (applying the more direct defi nition), but these preferences are moot
unless the media environment offers adequate choices. In other words,
a person might want to watch a comedy program but will nevertheless
watch news if every station broadcasts the news. Th at preference for a
comedy is meaningless until one station decides to air a comedy while
the other stations air their news programs. Only at this point can the
individual make a choice that exhibits the preference for comedy. Prior
labels this the “Conditional Political Learning” model, which essen-
tially states that content preferences exist, but they are not observable
in behavior unless individuals are operating in a high-choice media
Survey research generally supports the premise of the Conditional
Political Learning model. Prior fi nds overall support for the idea that peo-
ple who prefer entertainment content are less likely to watch the news but

[ 88 ] News on the Internet

that this is particularly true for people who have cable television. Prior
does not fi nd support for an interaction between preference and internet
access (perhaps because his surveys were run before the expansion of
broadband services in the United States). Th is remains a new and under-
investigated area of research, but the results thus far do suggest that per-
sonal preference, tempered by the availability of media options, plays a
significant role in the selection of news over competing content.

Incidental Exposure

Preferences for nonnews content appear prevalent, but this does not mean
that people always perfectly select their preferred content. Everyone has
experienced incidental—or at least unplanned—exposure to media con-
tent. Surfi ng between E! and Bravo on American television may take a
viewer past CNN, and perhaps an interesting graphic will encourage him
or her to pause. Similarly, an individual who uses Yahoo! to fi nd sports
scores may also view an interesting news headline, or a Facebook user
may follow a news link posted to a friend’s wall. In each of these examples,
people with entertainment preferences could be incidentally exposed to
news content. The scenarios certainly seem plausible, and so the question
is whether this type of exposure occurs with any meaningful frequency.
Research suggests that the answer is both yes and no. One study found
that participants certainly did click on news links even when they were
not deliberately seeking that type of content (Tewksbury, Weaver, and
Maddex 2001). However, these “accidental” exposures were more likely
to occur with people who otherwise preferred news content—not with
the people who normally avoid it. Pew surveys tell a similar story (see Pew
Research Center, 2008b). The item of interest in this case asks respond-
ents whether they ever come across news when they were online for a dif-
ferent purpose. The frequency was only slightly above 50 percent in the
late 1990s, but more than 70 percent of respondents in each survey since
2004 have reported experiencing this incidental exposure. Although a 70
percent rate of incidental exposure may help alleviate fragmentation con-
cerns in some ways (see chapter 7), the research to date primarily suggests
that such exposure serves to expand the discrepancy in news exposure
between people who prefer news content and those who do not.
Taken as a whole, the current media environment offers an abundance
of news content, but it is critical to consider directly the implications of
choosing news versus any of the other plentiful types of content. Audi-
ence demographics, personal preferences, and available choices are all
important factors in the selection of news content—whether deliberate or

not. The story does not stop here, however. News content is not all equal,
and not everyone arrives at content in the same way. It is essential to con-
sider the people who do choose news media and determine how they
arrive at different types of news.


The internet makes the news-selection story far more complicated than
just the decision about whether to watch the news or to watch entertain-
ment. When a user opens a Web browser, he or she can point it to any
desired (non-)news site. On the one hand, choosing among literally thou-
sands of options is a daunting task. On the other hand, the abundant
availability of sources means that choosing to view a particular type of
news is easier with a medium that provides more choices and a high
degree of user control. Chapter 4 discussed the existence of different
types of audience-segmented news that people can consume (e.g., spe-
cialized by topic or style). Th is section more explicitly addresses the
choices that online news audiences must make: which site to visit and
which story to read. Even at these seemingly fi ne levels of media selection,
there is a great deal of potential variability in the content that different
people will experience.

Choosing a News Format

One of the important—and broad—distinctions within news content is

hard versus soft news. Recall from chapter 4 that hard news covers public
affairs and international issues in a serious and direct manner, while soft
news covers lighter topics and/or addresses issues in a lighter, even sensa-
tionalistic, manner. Media organizations deliberately select some mix of
these news formats in order to att ract a specific audience. The question
here is whether there are differences between people who prefer hard
news and those who prefer soft news. Demographic characteristics or per-
sonal preference could again play a role in this distinction.
In a direct parallel to the news-versus-entertainment discussion, peo-
ple who prefer soft news can differ from people who prefer hard news. An
analysis of the Pew Biennial Media Consumption 2006 survey1 reveals
that people who are younger, are female, are less educated, and have lower
incomes have stronger relative interests in community, crime, and health
news—topics that are not typically considered “hard” (Rittenberg,
Tewksbury, and Casey 2009). As with the preference for entertainment

[ 90 ] News on the Internet

content, however, these factors (along with employment and location)
offer only a very limited accounting of individuals’ preference for soft
news (together they explain only about 10 percent of the variance in that
preference). Demographic background, therefore, appears to be a rela-
tively minor contributor to news preferences, and the evidence further
points to the role of personal preference in leading people to different
types of media content.
The presence of cleavages between people who prefer entertainment
and those who prefer news only describes a very rough split in the total
audience. The further division of the news audience into people who
would rather consume serious news and those who like softer formats
begins to demonstrate the complexity of the specialization available to
audiences. Even this level of distinction within the news audience, though,
will seem rough once we consider the processes that lead people to select
one news outlet over another.

Choosing a Website

The task of selecting a single source out of the collection of news online
would be almost impossible without assistance; there are literally thou-
sands of online news sources. Deciding whether to use a specific website
for access to the news is the product of two primary factors. The fi rst is
learned. Th is factor comes into play when a person chooses a site on the
basis of past experiences with media. The second factor is reputation,
which plays a role when the user makes an evaluation on the basis of the
popularity or perceived credibility of a site. Considering experience and
reputation can help individuals successfully select a satisfying news
Learned media use occurs when a person relies on past experience to
guide current media choices. For example, a person who has previously
preferred the news analysis of a magazine such as Time may select slate.
com (an online newsmagazine) rather than Google News. Lessons learned
from past use commonly play a role in theories of media selection. Selective
exposure (Klapper 1960) predicts that people will learn to choose media
sources that express agreeable viewpoints. The uses and gratifications per-
spective argues that individuals learn from experience about which media
can best serve specific needs and that people are likely to return to media
that have proven satisfying (McLeod, Bybee, and Durall 1982). As with
many things in life, when people are happy with the consequences of their
current actions, they are not likely to make significant changes to their
future behaviors.

Of course, experience and habits cannot entirely explain media selec-
tion, as many people will eventually adopt new interests, goals, and
sources. Multiple factors can influence whether a person decides to try a
new outlet. An individual may fi nd that his or her news outlet of choice
poorly covers a topic of interest or does not provide content in a new for-
mat. Regardless of the circumstances, reputation is a core component of
which outlet will be adopted next. When we talk about the reputation of a
news outlet, we are referring to its popularity and/or credibility. Ideally,
these would be equivalent; that is, the most reliable content would be read
by the most people. In practice, of course, this is not necessarily the case.
Popularity can be—and often is—the result of factors such as brand
recognition, advertising placement, and reporting style more than the
quality or reliability of the content. Perhaps more than in other media, the
line between popularity and credibility is often blurred online. The Drudge
Report provides a clear example of this problem, as it is one of the most
popular online news websites (Pew Research Center 2008b) but is also
notoriously unreliable. Broad news sites attached to major offl ine brands
present a similar challenge. These types of sites are often among the most
read on the internet, but it is difficult to determine whether CNN and USA
Today are read online because of their names or because their informa-
tional quality is high. In fact, focused news blogs with sophisticated writers
(e.g., may be some of the best sources of information
about very specific topics, but these sites may never be able to garner much
attention. Even more vexing is the role of repurposed content online,
which is particularly responsible for blurring the line between popularity
and credibility online. For example, three of the most popular news out-
lets—Google News, Yahoo! News, and Facebook—generally do not do
their own reporting. When Americans had the option to choose among
only one or two major newspapers and three television networks, it was
likely that any choice would be at least relatively popular. However, the
dominance of a few news outlets on a medium that features thousands of
them certainly raises questions about the degree to which source popular-
ity matters over substance.
Despite the apparent importance of source popularity, people probably
do not completely ignore information credibility when they choose outlets.
Credibility is a highly variable concept for many different online news out-
lets, because the internet audience is particularly segmented. Some news
outlets might be deemed credible go-to information source by liberals,
whereas other sites are recognized as such by conservatives (Pew Research
Center 2010). Similarly, some sites will be seen as the credible voice for for-
eign affairs reporting, some for tech reporting, and some for reporting top-
ics of interest to East European immigrants currently residing in America

[ 92 ] News on the Internet

(see chapter 4 for a discussion of site specialization). A relatively few sites
may be able to achieve credibility for “the news” in general, but even these
may be seen as particularly credible in some areas versus others. For exam-
ple, the New York Times is a credible overall news source, but it is seen as
particularly credible for world affairs. In many cases, it is likely that online
readers use their experience to decide which sources are credible and/or
worth selecting.

Selecting News within Sites

The demands that the internet places on potential news readers do not
end with a source selection. Whereas a television news viewer can
choose a channel and then sit back and absorb what comes, the internet
user has more work to do before receiving the news. Th is is because most
news sites (smaller blogs being the prime exception) offer a home page
with litt le more than a headline and a blurb for each story. In order to
fi nd a news article, the user must decide which of these articles to select.
Once again, this choice is informed by many factors, although these are
generally divided into two broad modes of story discovery: deliberate
and serendipitous.
Deliberate story selection refers to times when the reader enters a site
with a somewhat specific interest in mind. Th is does not have to be as
specific as “I am going to fi nd story X” but can instead be more along the
lines of “I feel like reading about topic X.” When a user enters a site with
this mind-set, his or her story-selection process is likely to be far more
direct than that of other users. Th is is demonstrated in studies of brows-
ing behavior that fi nd that users who are either strongly interested in a
topic or are given directions on what news to fi nd browse news sites in a
relatively linear fashion (Rittenberg and Tewksbury 2007). Th is means
that the users go directly to their topic of interest rather than clicking
around through more popular or prominent articles. Th is type of pur-
poseful behavior suggests that users with this approach will give a greater
level of attention to and consideration of the news content they select than
other users will.
Serendipitous story selection comes into play when an individual is
more interested in reading simply any news than in reading a particular
type of news. The uses and gratifications approach to media exposure
might suggest that such individuals are using the news for personal enter-
tainment or environmental surveillance (Levy and Windahl 1984), rather
than to learn about a given subject. Browsing studies fi nd that users with-
out a goal are more likely to click back and forth through a site, visiting

stories but constantly backtracking to earlier menus (Catledge and Pitkow
1995). Th is method means that such users can be, at least theoretically,
exposed to a wider variety of stories than deliberate browsers. The major
question with the serendipitous approach is how the users determine
which stories are worthy of selection. Broadly speaking, article worthi-
ness most likely comes down to either the interests of the individual (e.g.,
“Is this a topic I care about?”) or the estimations of others (e.g., “Is this
article popular?”) (Knobloch-Westerwick et al. 2005). When personal
interest dominates the selection mechanism, the individual will browse
until he or she sees an interesting story, checks on that article, and then
returns to the menu to fi nd another potentially interesting article. Graber
(1988) observed this pattern with print-newspaper reading.
When the user is focused on external evaluations, the process is more
complicated. The news editor is the traditional evaluator of worthy top-
ics, and editors have long held a great deal of sway in helping people
decide what stories to read (Graber 1988). Of course, the editor still
decides which stories are published and where they are placed (more on
this below)—both of which are important factors in determining article
selection. However, one of the things the internet changes about news
consumption is that editors no longer necessarily dominate (although
they are still obviously important) the article-evaluation process for the
Many, if not most, major news sites provide some sort of peer recommen-
dation system that reveals which articles are the most read or most shared
on the entire news site. Facebook, for example, provides many news sites
with a plug-in that allows the outlet to reveal not only how many Facebook
users have shared which articles but also which articles have been shared
by people in a member’s networks. Research by Knobloch-Westerwick
and colleagues (2005) suggests that the presence of popularity indicators
at a site can increase the number of stories that people select and how long
they spend reading them.
Of course, news search algorithms can influence how news is pre-
sented and, therefore, what people read. As we noted, sites such as Google
News use proprietary formulas for selecting and prioritizing news from a
large number of sites. The selection and placement of news on a page will
likely influence news selection. One of the most reliable fi ndings in news-
reception research is that people will start reading at the top of a page and
work their way down (e.g., Adam, Quinn, and Edmunds 2007). Thus, the
seemingly simple process of prioritizing stories in a search result can
have substantial consequences.
Even subtler cues can influence what people read. Research in selective
exposure has found that the framing of story topics affects whether people

[ 94 ] News on the Internet

will select articles online. In one study (Zillmann et al. 2004), comparable
groups chose from identical story texts and headlines, but they saw differ-
ent lead paragraphs. People spent more time reading stories with leads
that stressed group confl ict and personal suffering. Similarly, the presence
of visual imagery has been found to influence story selection (Knobloch et
al. 2003), with stories that featured threatening images typically garnering
more selection and reading time than stories with more innocuous images.
With personal interests, editors’ placements, peer recommendations, and
story cues all informing readers, it is easy to see that even serendipitous
news selection is not a random process.

Web-page Layout and News Selection

News selection is not exclusively a set of deliberate, physical actions, such

as navigating to a website or clicking on a hyperlink. An even deeper level
of selection is always simultaneously in play. People also “choose” con-
tent—sometimes consciously and sometimes not—simply by looking at
different portions of their selected Web page. Where a person looks can
determine many crucial aspects of exposure, including what news, links,
ads, or other information even has the opportunity to affect the indi-
vidual. The research methodology that focuses on news readers’ gaze is
called eye tracking, and a number of fi ndings from these studies offer ad-
ditional insight for our discussion of content selection.
One set of results from eye-tracking studies speaks directly to where
people look on a news website. Several studies indicate that readers will
generally begin looking at a Web page near the top left of the screen, pro-
ceed across the screen horizontally, and then return to the left and scan
vertically down the page. Some readers expand on this by viewing hori-
zontally across one (or sometimes two) more times, but such a pattern is
referred to as either an F pattern or a Golden Triangle (Enquiro 2005;
Nielsen and Pernice 2010).
One factor that can disrupt this common reading path is the pres-
ence of graphics. Poynter studies have found that photos, particularly
ones featuring faces, draw some attention, and charts or tables can be
somewhat effective in att racting a reader’s gaze (Adam, Quinn, and
Edmunds 2007). The dominant attention grabber is weather graphics.
One study found that 88 percent of the time users spent looking at a
graphic was spent with a weather graphic (Adam, Quinn, and Edmunds
These fi ndings are informative, because they reveal that news in cer-
tain positions is more likely to be viewed than other content on the

same page. The eye-tracking fi ndings are confi rmed by other experi-
ments on online story selection (e.g., Knobloch-Westerwick et al. 2005).
For example, Eveland and Dunwoody (1998) found that people select
more topics from the top left corner of a science news page than from
other parts of the page. Thus, editorial decisions about what makes it to
which portion of a Web page affect the likelihood that a story is selected.
These studies offer an interesting perspective on broader news effects.
The information about article placement may not be surprising, but it is
helpful to have verification that placement affects article attention, as does
the inclusion of graphics. Th is knowledge can improve our ability to
understand news effects, because when we look at a website, we can pre-
dict likely news exposure partly based on placement, rather than simply
on what is available anywhere on that page.
What these fi ndings tell us about readers, however, may be both more
interesting and disturbing. People appreciate graphics, but mostly when
they are about weather, and people are very willing to read news articles
that they select, but probably only the summary information. The good
news is that online news readers are att racted to a fair amount of content,
and they may even be more likely than print readers to read the content
they select thoroughly (Adam, Quinn, and Edmunds 2007). The bad
news is that many seem hesitant to pay attention to the most useful con-
tent. The eye-tracking research, therefore, serves to supplement a meme
that is present throughout this book: the internet can provide excellent
news content, but the challenge is in getting the general public to use (or
see) that information.


The hopes and fears of a good many academic observers and news site op-
erators rest on the extent to which people specialize their news selection
online. Site operators hope that people will choose their sites exclusively,
spend a lot of time there, and select consistent (and advertiser-friendly)
patterns of news content. Communication researchers often fear that
people will limit their news exposure to a few content domains that limit
the range of what they learn and feel about public affairs. Thus, the extent of
news specialization online is the source of some trepidation and a central
topic for study. Fortunately, we have some data we can use to examine
whether site selection specialization is developing online. There are two di-
mensions to news site selection. Along the first, we can assess the number
of sites that people tend to use for news gathering. The second dimension is
the diversity of sites they select. We will start with the former.

[ 96 ] News on the Internet

Number of News Sources Online

An analysis of site segmentation in chapter 4 used an April 2008 Pew sur-

vey question that asked people to name “a few of the websites” they visited
most often. Of the people who were willing to volunteer the name of any
news site, 53 percent named a second, and 17 percent named a third. Thus,
more than half of the respondents named multiple online news sites. Th is
is a sign of at least some willingness to consult multiple sources.
The survey also asked people whether they tended to rely on “just a
few publications, programs and websites” for news or if they obtained it
“from many different sources.” Overall, 51 percent of people who were
asked that question said that they consulted only a few sources. That left
46 percent of people (with others not giving a valid answer) saying that
they received news from a number of different sources. If people tend to
use several different sources, the issue is whether use of the internet is a
positive contributor to that tendency. The most basic version of the news-
specialization hypothesis suggests that people who rely on the internet
for news may fi nd one or a few highly specialized news sources. If that is
what they want, then heavy use of the internet for news would be associ-
ated with exposure to only a few sources (if use of other news media were
held constant).
Data for testing that suggestion are available from the April 2008 sur-
vey.2 If people are using the internet to narrow their exposure to news
sources, then use of the medium should be negatively associated with the
use of many sources. The results of the analysis strongly contradict the
expectations of internet news-source exclusivity. With a number of con-
trols and the two predictor variables in the analysis, self-reported reliance
on the internet for news bore no relationship to the use of many sources of
news. Most strikingly, the frequency with which people used the internet
for news was positively associated with the tendency to use multiple
sources of news (the opposite of what was expected). In sum, there is not
much evidence of internet news users taking advantage of the medium’s
capabilities to limit their news exposure to a small number of news
sources. Indeed, the opposite seems to be the case; frequent online news
consumers prefer a number of outlets.

Diversity of News Sources Online

People might not be limiting the number of news sources they use online,
but they might still be using the medium to focus on specific topics and
ideological positions in the news. Again, there are some survey data that

may speak to this potential orientation to the news. The 2008 Pew survey
asked people to report whether they thought that the news media were all
about the same as one another or if they tended to trust some news sources
more than others. A slight majority of people (53 percent) agreed with the
statement “There are a few news sources I trust more than others.” Thus,
on the most basic level, at least half of Americans appear to have prefer-
ences among the sources they use. That is interesting, but it hardly sug-
gests that many people have strong feelings about the superiority of some
news outlets over others.
One way in which people might specialize their news exposure online is
through the selection of news outlets along ideological lines. This has been
the concern of political communication researchers, certainly. If people are
consciously concerned about ideology in the news, we can expect them to
say that they seek out ideologically consonant news. Fortunately, the 2008
Pew survey asked a question about this issue. About a quarter of the
respondents (23 percent) reported that they preferred to receive news from
sources that shared their political points of view, as opposed to the two-
thirds (66 percent) who said that they preferred news from sources that did
not have a political angle (the remaining people did not give an answer).
Thus, a general tendency to seek out like-minded news could be limited.
One caveat, though: the respondents to this survey might have been moti-
vated by social desirability concerns to avoid reporting ideological news
biases. It is hard to know how much confidence to place in responses to this
question, but we will assume that a majority of Americans believe that they
prefer nonbiased news.
The majority of Americans might prefer ideologically neutral news,
but perhaps there are differences among the media that people use. It
might be that people who use the internet are those most likely to seek
specialized news. Earlier, we noted that the 2008 Pew survey asked
people to report the medium they tended to use most often for news.
Among those who reported using television news and newspapers most
often, 24 percent said that they preferred news that shared their points
of view. Among those who used the internet most often, only 19 per-
cent reported that. Thus, inasmuch as this question is tapping actual
preferences and behavior—an open question, to be sure—it appears
that internet news users are no more likely to prefer ideologically con-
sonant news. They may even be slightly less inclined to choose news
outlets that way.
Another way to approach the question is to compare how people seek
ideologically slanted news in the traditional media with how they seek
it online. Whereas the Pew survey data suggest that relatively few peo-
ple see themselves specializing along ideological lines, there could still

[ 98 ] News on the Internet

be some tendency for online news to facilitate this type of specializa-
tion. Fortunately, this possibility was the partial focus of a recent study
of cable television and online news exposure (Nie et al. 2010). Research-
ers posited that the greater availability of ideologically slanted news on
the internet than on television should lead people who rely on the inter-
net for news to be more ideologically extreme. In their study, the
researchers looked at people who obtained news from both cable televi-
sion and the internet. If people engage in more partisan selectivity
online, one should see more ideological extremism among people who
use online news than among those who use only television news. Analy-
ses of survey data about news-exposure behavior show that this is the
case. Viewers of CNN who searched for online news were more liberal
than those who did not go online for news, and viewers of Fox News
who also searched for online news were more conservative than other
Fox News viewers.
In sum, there is a complicated picture in the available data regarding
site selectivity. It appears that for some people, choosing among news
sites is partially a matter of matching ideological slant in the news with
personal ideological preferences. This tendency is not widespread,
though. There seems to be a majority of people, particularly among
internet news users, who see themselves choosing news sites that are
ideologically balanced (or, at least, not overtly partisan). The data
described here are still rather limited. More work is needed, particu-
larly as the political and media environments evolve. People might
increasingly rely on partisanship, if more overtly partisan content
emerges in the marketplace and if audiences shift their normative per-
ceptions of what news should be.



Once people reach a news site, they still must choose the news stories and
topics they will consume. Do they tend to focus on specific topics over
time, or do they sample from the range of stories that sites carry? We will
examine this question in two parts. First, we can look at what people say
about their attention to different topics (as opposed to sites or sources) in
the news. Then we can examine some data from observations of what
people read when they visit news sites. Overall, the data will show that
content specialization is far from the rule. There are plenty of people who
seem to follow one or two topics exclusively. Yet there are ample signs that
many people are broad readers of news topics.

Self-reported Attention to Specif ic Topics Online

We noted in chapter 4 that the April 2008 Pew survey asked people to
say how closely they followed different topics in the news, “either in the
newspaper, on television, radio, or the internet.” Not everyone was asked
about every topic, but the responses to these questions provide a rela-
tively clear picture of how people think about their interest in different
types of news. Within the topics that cover public affairs (i.e., interna-
tional affairs and domestic American national and local politics), the
people who followed one area tended to follow others to a moderate
degree. For example, the correlation between national political news
and international affairs was .51. With a possible absolute range of 0 to 1
(a perfect correlation would be 1.0), that is a prett y strong relationship.
Between local and national politics, it is .47, another relatively strong
People who followed public aff airs did not always follow other top-
ics, however. For example, the data reveal weak relationships between
following national politics and following sports, entertainment, and
celebrity news (correlations all less than .15). What is more, among top-
ics outside of public aff airs, the relationships are relatively weak. For
example, among entertainment, consumer, travel, and environmental
news (one subgroup of the sample was asked about these topics), none
of the correlations is larger than .33. Still, there are positive relation-
ships, even if sometimes small, between all of the news topics in the
The data from this survey suggest that people who follow news generally
tend to follow multiple topics (at least in terms of what they report to sur-
vey interviewers). A fully specialized audience, in which each person fol-
lows one topic only, would reveal systematic patterns of negative
relationships among the variables in this analysis. People following one
topic would tend to avoid other topics. The universally positive relation-
ships, even if most are small to moderate in size, indicate that a good por-
tion of the people tended to report following multiple topics. Indeed, the
mean number of topics that people reported following at least somewhat
closely is 3.5 out of the eight questions on the survey (SD = 2.06). Thus,
these survey data suggest that for news across a range of media, audiences
are not as specialized as one might think.
A more focused analysis of whether people specialize their online news
exposure can be conducted with records of online behavior. Such an analysis
could determine how extensively people focus their news selection on specific
topics. If there are a good many highly specialized readers, they would read
only a few topics very extensively. One would not see them selecting news

[ 100 ] News on the Internet

across a variety of areas. The presence of very broad readers, on the other hand,
would be visible in people selecting a relatively large number of news topics.
The news-site visitation data introduced in chapter 4 can be used for a
search for specialized online news audiences. The Nielsen//NetRatings
data from March and May 2000 provided the Web addresses for news arti-
cles viewed by a sample of 2,100 American news readers when they visited
one of 13 selected national and local news sites.3 These addresses were cat-
egorized by their overall news topics (e.g., national news, politics, arts and
entertainment, or sports).4 A cluster analysis of the page-view topics
revealed the presence of 13 different reader types. These types are listed in
table 5.1.
The first column of the table supplies a general label for each group
based on the news topic that group members read most frequently. The
table also lists other topics that accounted for at least 5 percent of the
views by people in the group. The final column on the right reports the
mean number of views of news menus or stories that was observed for
each group (this does not include home-page menu views) in the two-
month observation period.
The data show that the cluster analysis produced only two groups
(together accounting for about 35 percent of the panelists) whose mem-
bers read widely. Specifically, a relatively small group of menu browsers
focused exclusively on site home pages and general menus, never going
beyond that level to select topic menus or specific stories. In addition,
there emerged a substantial group of broad readers, panelists who
selected a wide variety of topics. On the other end of the spectrum, the
data in Table 5.1 show three groups with rather focused behavior. These
groups—the largest is the sports specialists and the smallest is the U.S.
news specialists—all averaged at least 75 percent of their viewing focused
on one topic, and none viewed a second topic more than 5 percent of the
time. These groups together accounted for more than a third (40 percent)
of the sample.
In general, about equal thirds of the people in this sample were gen-
eral and specialized readers. The remaining third (or so) of the sample
consisted of mixed audiences who tended to focus a bit on a particular
topic but chose other topics on a regular basis. These results suggest that
American internet audiences at the time of the study were not over-
whelmingly inclined to specialize in their online news selection. Of
course, the data covered 13 relatively general news sites, so it might be
that people were much more selective when they visited more strongly
segmented news venues online. Ultimately, the evidence gathered here
suggests the presence of some audience news specialization, but broad
exposure is the norm.



Reader Group % of Sample Lead Topic Other Common Topicsa Mean News Views (SD)

Menu browsers 5.0 Home page/menub National, technology, business, 7.9 (11.7)
Broad readers 30.4 U.S. national Technology, world, politics, entertainment, 66.9 (112.0)
Entertainment readers 7.9 Entertainmentb National 58.1 (116.4)
Weather readers 3.4 Weather b National 24.1 (37.6)
Features readers 3.0 Features Sports, entertainment 31.2 (37.0)
Politics readers 2.3 Politicsb Business, national, world 25.8 (34.7)
Health readers 1.6 Health National, technology, 19.3 (26.2)
entertainment, features
Style readers 1.6 Style/home Sports 58.3 (106.2)
Public aff airs readers 1.3 Opinion/editorial Politics, national 63.1 (98.4)
Local readers 1.0 Local/state National, technology, features, 28.3 (30.2)
Sports specialists 27.5 Sports 54.1 (76.2)
Business specialists 11.1 Businessb 35.6 (43.5)
U.S. news specialists 1.3 U.S. nationalb 9.4 (10.3)

Note: A total of 2,100 readers had page views on more than three days and fell into a cluster that contained at least 1 percent of the sample.
On average, these topics represented at least 5 percent of page views for readers in this group; shown in descending rank by percentage.
On average, this topic represented at least 55 percent of page views for readers in this group.
News Generalists in the Online Audience

Thus far, the evidence suggests that the online news audience is made up
of different sorts of news consumers. Some are inclined to limit their news
exposure to specialized areas, but a good many people are willing to select
a broad range of news. Thus, there are a substantial number of news gener-
alists online, and the data suggest that exposure to national current events
topics forms the backbone of their news consumption. For the majority of
people, the selection of national news is linked with the selection of a
range of other topics.
The presence of news generalists online fits nicely with survey data that
show that a substantial majority of Americans believe that they have a
civic obligation to consume public affairs news. People who say that they
believe they have such an obligation are more likely to consume news,
both offl ine and online (Poindexter and McCombs 2001). There are addi-
tional reasons for the presence of relatively large numbers of online news
generalists. Internet technologies certainly make it easier to specialize
news exposure than was the case with television news, but browsing the
news at a major news site such as CNN or Yahoo! News is relatively effort-
less. A recent study of news audiences also found that people who browse
through a number of news topics do so, in part, because they are socially
efficacious (Tewksbury, Hals, and Bibart 2008). They read widely because
it facilitates their social relationships. Specialization may be functional
for some goals, but generalized news exposure is more useful for others.


Th is review of the online news selection process suggests that the internet
provides audiences with a daunting number of choice points and options.
People apply their preexisting needs, desires, and interests to the selection
of media, news outlets, and story topics. Of course, not all of the news-
consumption process is deliberate and conscious. People often follow
habits that they have developed over time (Diddi and LaRose 2006).
These habits lead them toward and away from the news and particular
topics. One habit that many people appear to have adopted is a pattern of
reading news headlines in a predictable order, starting and fi nishing from
particular points on a Web page. What is more, some news exposure is
accidental, largely a function of the variety of sites that carry news today.
The picture that emerges from this consideration of how people choose
the news is that selectivity occurs through a mixture of purposeful evalu-
ation of sites and topics and healthy doses of habit and chance.


With these observations as background, we turned to an evaluation of
the prediction that Web audiences tend to focus their news selection on a
limited number of sites and topics. The accumulated evidence suggests
very mixed support for this prediction. By a number of different measures,
it appears that a sizable minority (large but still not a majority) of internet
news users tend to focus on a limited set of news sites and topics. In many
cases, equal numbers of people cast a rather broad net when they look for
news online. Indeed, research suggests that a good many people see broad
exposure to the news as a socially valuable good.
Looking to the future, the question for news-site producers and outside
observers is whether the news selection patterns that have developed over
the fi rst 15 years of online news will remain static over the next 15 years.
It may be that the habits people have developed reflect long-term orienta-
tions toward the news and the technology. If so, the mix of selective and
broad readers could persist as the internet continues to evolve and tech-
nologies for content specialization develop. At the same time, the current
population of internet users includes a substantial majority who devel-
oped news consumption habits before the internet’s popular adoption.
The influence of this legacy of the traditional media may lessen over time
as more of the audience initiates news consumption with the internet in
the mix. These people may develop higher levels of selectivity if they are
exposed to more options from the beginning. These are speculations, of
course. The research evidence does not yet reflect this possibility.

[ 104 ] News on the Internet


Learning from Online News

W e know that people will choose and consume news online. The
next issue for discussion is what people learn from it. The literature
on medium differences suggests that people will process news content dif-
ferently through one medium from how they process it through another.
The evidence thus far points to some differences in how much people
learn about public affairs from exposure to different formats of online
Learning from the media is an important topic for several reasons. The
most basic is that what people know about politics helps them understand
new information (see chapter 1 above for a discussion of information and
citizenship). Existing knowledge provides a context for interpreting novel
information and opinion. Thus, knowledgeable people are generally able
to do more with the news. Knowledge is also related to participation in
politics. Knowledgeable people are more likely to vote in an election,
donate their time and money to campaigns, and so on (Delli Carpini and
Keeter 1996).
Th is chapter addresses several key components of the relationship
between learning and online news. We discuss the learning process and
how the internet facilitates (or disrupts) this process. Th is background
sets the stage for a review of online learning, in which we defi ne differen-
tial learning and its implications for society. Some of the available research
suggests that what people learn online is a function of how news sites
present stories. Audiences respond to how the news is presented in a very
sensible fashion; they use search functions, follow hyperlinks, and utilize
topical menus. What might be surprising is that reading a news story
online seems to be much the same as reading it on paper. The format of
news presentation, though, seems to allow audiences to build relatively
sophisticated mental models of concepts and their interrelationships.
Before turning to this evidence, however, we fi rst clarify how each medium
offers different opportunities for learning.


When it comes to potential knowledge gain, all news is not created equal.
Differences among stories can arise from many factors. One of the fore-
most is the medium used to deliver the news. Audiences do not have the
same experiences with—and, therefore, not the same effects from—print,
television, and the Web. A second factor is the type of news that a user
selects. Whether an individual selects hard news, soft news, or just poor-
quality news has a significant influence on the learning potential from
that content. Understanding these factors is a critical component of un-
derstanding how the news can inform people about public affairs.

Comparing News Through Audio, Video, Print, and their Combinations

The question of whether the medium of news presentation matters for

what people encounter and learn has been a central interest of social sci-
entists studying political communication (e.g., Chaffee and Kanihan
1997). There are two core emphases in this research. The fi rst centers on
the question of whether the character of news differs across media. Some
observers have noted that news content in the various media is typically
more similar than it is different, often largely a result of the corporate
structures that underlie them (e.g., Parenti 1993). Nonetheless, most
social-scientific studies have pointed to substantial variance in the amount
and type of news one fi nds in different media (e.g., Neuman, Just, and
Crigler 1992).
The second focus of research on audience learning from media expo-
sure is whether the mode of presentation has a substantial impact on audi-
ence experiences. Initial studies of learning from television news
suggested that audiences gained litt le from that medium (e.g., Neuman
1976). That fi nding did not stand the test of time, though. Subsequent
research using better conceptualizations and measures of television con-
tent, use, and learning demonstrated that television audiences can learn
quite a bit (e.g., Graber 2001). Nonetheless, most studies comparing the
traditional media continue to observe more learning from newspaper
reading than from television viewing (e.g., Bartels 1993; see also Drew
and Weaver 1998). Studies have also suggested that how researchers

[ 106 ] News on the Internet

assess knowledge gain has a substantial effect on what they fi nd (e.g., Eve-
land, Marton, and Seo 2004). Graber (2001), for example, has argued that
tests of facts about politics (e.g., which party has the majority in the U.S.
Senate) fail to tap how people acquire and use information in the news.
Graber advocates a conceptualization of learning from the media that
focuses on how people incorporate new information into what they
already know and feel about issues, people, and institutions.
Research comparing media took up the impact of computer-based
news in the 1980s. Comparisons of existing media with what were termed
“new media” ventures examined whether the interactive elements of
emerging technologies substantially changed the news-exposure experi-
ence for audiences (e.g., Edwardson, Kent, and McConnell 1985). Fico et
al. (1987), for example, observed that computer-based news media—such
as videotex, an early interactive information-retrieval system—could
substantially change the way people select news stories. News options
built on a menu structure were thought to encourage users to select news
by general category rather than on the basis of headline content or physi-
cal features of the story (e.g., headline font size). Th is early research found
that layout differences resulted in some differences in what news people
selected (Fico et al. 1987) but few differences in their issue agendas
(Heeter et al. 1989). Videotex systems were never widely adopted except
in a few cases, so this line of research lay dormant for some years.
More recently, Eveland (2003) has argued that comparisons of media
should incorporate clear explication of the attributes of various media.
Such an explication should allow researchers to develop specific expecta-
tions that are tied to the elements that make one medium superior or infe-
rior for specific kinds of information acquisition. Eveland suggests that
one could classify media technologies in terms of the interactivity they
promote or allow, the structure of content they carry (e.g., narrative or use
of hyperlinks in text), the control they provide users, the information
channels they provide in the content (e.g., visual, audio) and their empha-
ses, the level of textual sophistication they incorporate, and the content of
messages (Eveland 2003). Such a framework specifies ways in which
researchers can conceptualize differences and similarities among media.

Selecting and Learning

The research suggests that people can learn about public affairs in varying
degrees. Information gain can range from mere familiarity with a topic
(e.g., knowing that government budget deficits are a political issue) to in-
depth knowledge (e.g., understanding the relationships among government

L E A R N I NG F ROM ON LI N E N E WS [ 107 ]
debt rates, trade balances, and budget deficits). For the barest knowledge
about an issue, people probably need go no further into a news website than
the home page. Headlines and subheadlines may provide enough informa-
tion to create some awareness that an issue, person, or event exists. In that
case, learning can occur in the absence of the selection and careful con-
sumption of a news story. Studies that show the effects of incidental expo-
sure to the news may be tapping just such a level of exposure (e.g.,
Tewksbury, Weaver, and Maddex 2001).
Researchers and other observers often think about news exposure
merely in terms of time spent with a medium or outlet. Such a level of
consideration distinguishes well between surface and in-depth news con-
sumption, but it does not allow for the comparison of effects of exposure
to different news topics. Looking at news exposure in terms of the topics
that people select reveals the interests they have, and—more important—
it allows for some predictability in what they learn. People who read solely
sports news can learn only so much about politics, and vice versa. For this
reason, we spent time in chapter 5 reviewing what research has shown
about online news-selection processes. Contemporary research on how
people learn from the news increasingly looks at what people want and
expect from the press.


Research on learning from the news tends to focus on attributes of audi-

ence members, the structure of the news, and the interaction of these two
factors. Elements of the audience members that seem to matter most are
characteristics that affect the motivations and skills that people bring to
news exposure. As we noted above, there are several ways to conceptualize
the att ributes of a news medium. For online news, most of the research
attention has been focused on the effects of the hypertext environment on
how people navigate and consume news stories.

Motivations and the News

Research on learning from the media has pointed to the importance of

motivations that people have for news consumption and the amount of
effort they put into thinking about the news they receive. In previous
chapters, we described the uses and gratifications approach to media
research (Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch 1974). A basic tenet of that ap-
proach is the suggestion that what and how much people acquire from the

[ 108 ] News on the Internet

media is a partial function of their reasons for exposure. Researchers have
focused on the kinds of things people tend to seek from the news. Com-
monly identified reasons include consuming news to obtain entertain-
ment, information about the social environment (often called surveillance),
and things to use in conversations with friends and relatives (Kaye and
Johnson 2002). Over the years, a range of reasons for news exposure has
been identified.
A few studies have looked at the relationships between the reasons for
audience news exposure and patterns of news consumption and effects.
Survey studies have repeatedly shown that people with a surveillance goal
in their news consumption know more about public affairs (e.g., Eveland
2002). One study of television news exposure demonstrated that when
people have a surveillance goal, they pay more attention to the details of a
news report and may emerge from the story with rather different beliefs
and att itudes about the topic from what they would have if they were
merely passing time with the news (Tewksbury 1999). A more broadly
defi ned study of motivations found that college students effectively
tended to pair what they said they wanted from the media and the types of
sites they said they visited (Tewksbury and Althaus 2000a).
Most models suggest that audience members’ motivation to learn from
the news increases the amount of attention they pay to stories. Research-
ers often focus on elaboration of the news as the mechanism that trans-
lates attention to news stories into ideas and feelings that people can store
in long-term memory (e.g., Eveland 2002). Elaboration is the amount of
thought that people devote to a topic. The more people elaborate on the
subject of some news story, the more they consider what the story con-
tains, think about related concepts that they have in their memory, and
possibly form att itudes toward the topic of the news (Eveland 2002). On
the Web, the presence of site-navigation aids, video and other multimedia
features, and page layout can all affect the level of elaboration in which
audiences engage.

News-consumption Skills

Research on learning from the news examines the skills that people bring
to news exposure. Skill is an umbrella term to represent basic att ributes of
an audience member. Under this heading, researchers consider how much
people know about a medium and a news topic. The more audience mem-
bers know about how a medium works, the better prepared they are to
understand and decode messages in it. For example, television news
stories often have a rather predictable set of elements. They typically start

L E A R N I NG F ROM ON LI N E N E WS [ 109 ]
with an introduction from a news anchor, proceed to a voice-over and
video images that bear on the central topic of the story, and fi nish with
some summative remarks about the future of the topic. Television
watchers are better able to understand the content of the story if they
know to expect these elements of the television format. Similarly, online
news audiences are most likely to process and retain news information
when they are familiar with the presentation of news online. The more
they know about how news sites are formatted and how hyperlinks work,
the more resources they can devote to the stories themselves (Eveland
and Dunwoody 2001a).
Researchers have also suggested that expertise in the domain of spe-
cific news topics can affect how much audiences learn. Not surprisingly,
the more people know about a topic, the more they are able to acquire
from exposure to a story (e.g., Graber 1988). Of course, there is an upper
limit to this effect. Particularly high levels of expertise might mean that
an audience member knows all of the information in a story before expo-
sure. These two elements of prior knowledge—format and content exper-
tise—play a role in the knowledge gap, described below.

Hypertext and the Structure of the News

As we observed in chapter 3, the structure of much of online news mirrors

the structure of offl ine news stories. For example, most major news sites
that carry video news stories use repurposed video from offl ine sources.
Likewise, a print story online can contain much the same text as can be
found in a newspaper. As a result, we can expect there to be some basic
similarities in how people consume news online and offl ine.
That is not the entire story, of course. Researchers have focused on the
unique elements of online news and have suggested how these features
might affect learning from the news. The primary unique attribute of online
news is the use of hypertext to structure news sites and stories (Eveland and
Dunwoody 2001a). Hyperlinks are the mechanisms that sites use to lead
visitors from news page to news page, from headlines to stories, and from
stories to related content (see chapter 3 for more on the use of links and other
design elements). Hyperlinks also are navigation devices within stories,
moving readers between sections of a story or guiding news readers to infor-
mation that is supplementary to a story. For example, a story about a volcanic
eruption might include links to previous stories about volcanoes, to maps of
the affected region, or to information about emergency-relief organizations.
Some researchers have suggested that hyperlinks can affect the ease
with which audience members browse sites and consume stories. In theory,

[ 110 ] News on the Internet

hyperlinks simplify the presentation and consumption of information. But
this is not always the case. Some researchers suggest that overly complex
site design can strain a reader’s resources (Eveland and Dunwoody 2001b).
People generally limit the amount of effort they are willing to devote to
news consumption (Lang 2000). The effort it takes to navigate a site can
reduce an audience member’s attention to the news content. Researchers
have looked at site-design features that affect the cognitive load that a site
or a story creates for audience members.
Cognitive load or information complexity is an important moderating
variable in models of news consumption (Lang 2000). All else being
equal, people learn more from the news when the load is relatively light.
Of course, a story’s cognitive-load effect is a partial function of the con-
tent and structure of the story. These factors also directly exert an influ-
ence on what people learn from media exposure. Thus, cognitive load is a
complex concept that is hard to separate from other features of online
news consumption.
Researchers have speculated that the hyperlinked structure of online
news may facilitate learning in a subtle way. Some researchers (e.g., Eve-
land and Dunwoody 2001b) suggest that the links between concepts in a
hyperlinked information structure might resemble the neural networks
of human memory. Similarly, Manovich (2001) argues that links allow
readers to re-create an author’s thought process. Network models of mem-
ory posit that people retain links among concepts such that when one con-
cept (e.g., the U.S. president) is activated to consciousness, related
concepts (e.g., political-party affi liation or affect toward the president) are
also activated. Hyperlinks at a news site or other website can function in a
similar fashion. Audience members reading a news site that describes a
political policy might fi nd links to related concepts, images, and opinions.
If they explore those links, they will develop a network of linkages among
concepts. Such a network may improve audience members’ memory for
people, policies, and other political information.


Here we get to one of the central functions of the press in a democracy.

What do people learn from the news media? Once people have selected
news stories online, what do they learn there? In general, empirical
research on audience learning online can be divided into two types. Sur-
vey studies ask a sample of people—usually representative of some popu-
lation—to report their internet and other news use and to answer
questions about politics and current events. Experiment-based studies, on

L E A R N I NG F ROM ON LI N E N E WS [ 111 ]
the other hand, typically direct participants to news websites and measure
what they learn there. Often these studies will assign groups of partici-
pants to conditions that compare news sites with other media or compare
different versions of sites or online news formats.
The overall results of these studies are interestingly complex. The survey
results tend to support the notion that people acquire information when they
go online for news. The experiment-based studies are more mixed. What
people choose from news sites affects what they learn from the news, and site
design affects how people browse sites and select stories. The consumption
of the news is likewise influenced by how sites are constructed.

Survey-based Studies

On the whole, survey-based studies show that the frequency with which
people visit online news sites is positively related to how much they know
about public affairs. For example, using data from a large U.S. national
survey administered during the 2004 presidential election, Kenski and
Stroud (2006) found that people who reported being exposed to cam-
paign information online knew more about candidates and their posi-
tions. Kwak, Poor, and Skoric (2006) similarly found that people in a
local sample in Michigan who reported attention to domestic and interna-
tional news knew more about those topics. At a very basic level, these
studies show that people can learn from online news much as they do
from exposure to other news media.
Researchers have examined whether this positive relationship applies
to everyone receiving news online. There is some evidence that how much
people learn from online news sites depends on other things. For exam-
ple, one study of South Korean adolescents (Kim and Kim 2007) showed
that using online news for general information or for things to use in con-
versation with others was associated with learning about politics. Going
to online news for entertainment purposes was not associated with politi-
cal learning. So, what people want from the news appears to direct atten-
tion and exposure in a way that can influence how much they learn about
public affairs.

Experiment-based Studies

The basic question underlying experiments on internet-based learning is

whether the format of news presentation online is conducive to learning
about public affairs. Studies in this area can take one of two general forms.

[ 112 ] News on the Internet

In one, a study compares the effects of exposure to the natural mixture of
news in one medium with the effects of exposure to the natural mixture in
another. In the second form, a study looks at how different formats (online
versus offl ine and different online formats) affect the processing and re-
tention of the news when the content is the same.

Naturally Occurring News

As we have noted, learning from the news begins with selecting sites and
stories. Studies that examine the effects of medium differences include
some that test whether people going online choose different news topics
from those chosen by offl ine audiences. Tewksbury and Althaus (2000a)
conducted an early study of this sort. In it, undergraduate students in
1998 read either print or online versions of the New York Times for five
days. Online readers were less likely to select public-affairs topics and
could recall less information from the news that week. A comparison of
learning from television news, print newspapers, and online news sites
during the 2000 U.S. presidential election (Eveland, Seo, and Marton
2002) revealed that audiences of online news recalled less political cam-
paign information than did audiences of the other media.
D’Haenens, Jankowski, and Heuvelman (2004) replicated the Tewks-
bury and Althaus study in 2000 in the Netherlands with two Dutch news-
papers. They found some differences in what readers of the online and
print versions of the papers read. Online readers spent less time with
international-news stories. Th is was not surprising, given that the online
version of one paper supplied a particularly large amount of national news
on its site (relative to what was in the print version). It might be that the
presence of so much national news diverted attention away from interna-
tional stories. Indeed, analyses of differences in the content of the online
and print versions of the papers suggest that news audiences encountered
different sets of stories there. Overall, this experiment revealed fewer
medium differences than did the Tewksbury and Althaus study.
The contradictory fi ndings described thus far bring up an important
caveat with studies of this sort: the design and content of news sites can
affect how people learn from them. Some sites present the news in essen-
tially the same format as newspapers, but differences in layout and site
content can affect how much people learn. Given that the mixture of sto-
ries and formats at news outlets can affect what people learn from the
news, researchers have devoted more attention to how specific att ributes
of the medium affect the consumption and recall of essentially the same
set of information.

L E A R N I NG F ROM ON LI N E N E WS [ 113 ]
Format Differences

Some studies in this vein compare how the attributes of online news can
exert different effects than the att ributes of television news and print
newspapers. The internet offers more space and interactivity—among
other features—but it is not obvious how these might affect user learning.
The question in this research is whether hyperlinks and other special fea-
tures of online news help audiences or—counterintuitively—create im-
pediments to learning. Research in this area tends to focus on the volume
of content, the interactivity of the site, or the inclusion of links.
The number of story options at a site can affect how people process the
news. The large number of stories available at news sites (relative to what
can be found at offl ine news outlets) is often identified as a positive feature
of online news. Aren’t more options always better? One experiment put
this suggestion to the test (Wise, Bolls, and Schaefer 2008). The study
participants were asked to choose and read unpleasant stories (e.g., stories
about bug infestations, child molestation, or addiction) from a set of
options hyperlinked on a Web page. Half of the people chose from a page
with five stories presented; the others chose from 15 stories. People who
had more options retained more information from the stories they read.
The study results suggest that the larger number of options increased
readers’ emotional arousal and elaboration during the reading task.
Bucy (2004) suggested that the level and type of interactivity at a news
site also might have a primary influence on audiences’ emotional reac-
tions to the site. The results of an experiment that manipulated the inter-
activity of a news site show that people like highly interactive sites and
activities (e.g., voting in a daily poll on the site), but they often fi nd these
activities more confusing and frustrating than simply reading the news on
a site (Bucy 2004). Th is means that the cognitive load imposed by some
types of interactivity could work against acquiring information from the
news. Indeed, this has been the conclusion of several studies of audience
use of multimedia and interactive elements at news sites (e.g., Sundar
2000; Sundar, Kalyanaraman, and Brown 2003).
At the same time, some studies have found that interactive features can
have positive effects that go beyond the amount of information people
acquire. Earlier, we noted that an important part of memory for informa-
tion is how concepts are mentally linked to one another. People are better
able to understand and interpret new information when they have well-
developed networks of knowledge. Dense structures have a good number
of redundant links among concepts, and these links help people integrate
new information with what they already know. Dense structures also help
them evaluate people and institutions.

[ 114 ] News on the Internet

Studies by Eveland and his colleagues (Eveland et al. 2004; Eveland,
Marton, and Seo 2004) have examined the effects of hyperlink design on
audience-knowledge structures. One study found that in-story hyper-
links that connect articles to related stories increase the disorientation
that users feel (relative to what is experienced by users of unlinked sto-
ries). As a result, readers of linked stories recall fewer facts from the news.
More important, though, is that these readers have denser knowledge
structures. They report more connections among concepts than do the
readers of unlinked stories. Thus, hyperlinks can have cross-cutt ing
effects. Some appear to inhibit the retention of information, but others
seem to encourage a kind of memory that can be useful for audiences.
Th is research is still young, however, and more needs to be done to
explore these patterns and their implications.


We must highlight the fact that saying that audiences “learn” from the
news describes an overall effect, but in reality, some people learn more
than others. The knowledge gap refers to the hypothesis that there is a
large difference between people who know about politics and those who
do not. Th is idea is important, because it runs against the societal-level
patterns of many other phenomena. The standard expectation for any
given variable (e.g., height, SAT scores, media use) is that it will be nor-
mally distributed in society, which means that some people will be at one
of two extremes (high or low), but most people will be clustered around a
central value. The normal distribution offers a nice approximation for
many variables. Observers have long been concerned that political knowl-
edge is not a concept that fits a normal distribution. Instead, the fear is that
some people know quite a lot about politics, while many others know almost
nothing, with a smaller than anticipated group occupying the middle space.
The space between the peaks representing those with knowledge and those
without is the knowledge gap.
Two additional factors make the knowledge gap such a cause for con-
cern. The fi rst is that (a lack of) knowledge is not randomly distributed
across society, but it is instead concentrated in particular pockets of soci-
ety. More specifically, people with higher incomes and more education
are more likely to know a lot about politics (McLeod, Kosicki, and
McLeod 2008). Th is, in turn, suggests that the disadvantaged groups
might have a more difficult time voicing political opinions or selecting
adequate governmental representation. The second factor is that new
knowledge tends to spread faster among individuals who are already

L E A R N I NG F ROM ON LI N E N E WS [ 115 ]
knowledgeable than it does among other people. Th is means that most
informational messages simply widen the extant knowledge gap (Perloff
2007). These factors suggest that the knowledge gap is not only a concern
but also one that is difficult to address.

Knowledge and Medium Dif ferences

The problem posed by the knowledge gap for news scholars is that mass
media should be particularly ill suited to correcting the informational dis-
parity. Research demonstrates that this is indeed the case. Newspaper use
has been associated with knowledge increases only—or at least primarily
(Kim 2008)—for relative elites (the worst-case scenario), while television
has been found to add knowledge for both elites and nonelites, which
maintains the gap (Jerit, Barabas, and Bolsen 2006). Such fi ndings have
led to speculation that targeted campaigns are necessary for decreasing
the difference in knowledge levels (Perloff 2007), but mass media are
intended for broad audiences and are necessarily clumsy tools for deliv-
ering specialized messages.
The internet is much better suited for targeted campaigns than either
print or broadcast television. After all, the internet is not only effective at
matching specific messages to specific audiences, but it is also a relatively
inexpensive and accessible medium. Surprisingly, the research conducted
to date does not offer much hope. At times, people with low initial knowl-
edge can learn from internet messages (e.g., Kim 2008; Valentino, Hutch-
ings, and Williams 2004), but a common result is that more knowledgeable
individuals are more likely to fi nd online news (Prior 2007; Tewksbury,
Weaver, and Maddex 2001) and more likely to search for additional infor-
mation after that initial exposure (Valentino, Hutchings, and Williams
2004). These fi ndings strongly suggest that the mere existence of online
news is not going to help address the knowledge gap.
Structural components of the medium also appear to undermine the
ability of less knowledgeable citizens to use the internet for political
knowledge gain. The internet is a relatively accessible medium, but even
browsing the Web requires more skill and experience than people typi-
cally recognize (Hargitt ai 2002). Even when individuals without prior
political knowledge do successfully use the internet, the fact is that easy
content selection enables people to have access to different-quality
materials. The conditions reaffi rm the analysis that deliberate efforts are
a necessary precondition for addressing the knowledge gap, even when
considering the informative, accessible, and specialized media environ-
ment that currently exists.

[ 116 ] News on the Internet

Research has recently suggested that the principal elements of the
knowledge gap also apply to political participation—specifically to voting.
Despite the fact that turnout rates have improved in the last few elections
(McDonald 2008), social- and economic-status indicators continue to
predict voting likelihood reliably (e.g., Cho and McLeod 2007; Leighley
and Nagler 2007). Once again, the media seem to play a role in contribut-
ing to the disparities in political participation. Individuals who have a pref-
erence for news that doesn’t focus on public affairs (Rittenberg, Tewksbury,
and Casey 2009) are less likely to report voting than people with (hard)
news preferences. Similarly, factors such as age, prior engagement (Jen-
nings and Zeitner 2003), and news use (Shah et al. 2005) have all been
demonstrated as important conditions for people to use the internet as a
means of political participation. The contribution of the internet to the
participation gap does seem slightly better than for the knowledge gap.
Internet access in general has been associated with improved turnout rates
(Tedesco 2007), and young citizens—who are traditionally infrequent
participants in politics—seem more likely to engage through new media
(Pew Research Center 2010). The internet may therefore be helping to
close the participation gap in some ways, even while the selectivity of the
medium is exacerbating the problem.

Addressing the Knowledge Gap

The relationship of online news to the knowledge (and participation) gap

is not positive, at least on the surface. If information simply exists online—
that is to say, if content is posted and no particular efforts are made to tar-
get specific users—then the people who already know and care about
politics are the ones who will fi nd and share the most sophisticated news
content. Under this scenario, the knowledge gap will widen. Whether the
medium could instead serve as a tool to diminish the problem is a complex
question. The optimistic perspective is that content creators or other inter-
ested parties could deliberately use the internet to target low-knowledge
audiences with specialized news messages. If used specifically in this
sense, then online news could serve as a tool to bring the two segments of
society closer together in terms of their political knowledge.
It might be understandably difficult to get users to adopt more inform-
ative browsing habits, as people arguably already get the content they
want online. Furthermore, it is admittedly somewhat elitist to say that
some people should make better content choices. However, if people are
making choices that lessen their knowledge of and participation in poli-
tics, this does seem to be a problem for the potential equitable operation

L E A R N I NG F ROM ON LI N E N E WS [ 117 ]
of government. It might be worthwhile to risk the charges of elitism and
develop content (perhaps similar to soft news; see chapter 4) that will
appeal to the less politically knowledgeable audiences. Despite these pos-
sibilities and hopes, it is likely that online news will serve to widen the
knowledge gap in the long run, unless deliberate efforts are made to avoid
this outcome.


In a democratic society, the news media are critical to helping citizens

make informed voting decisions. Th is continues to be true, despite the
fact that much original, citizen-generated content is available. The news
media act as editor and fi lter of information, helping citizens decide what
content is important to understanding current politics. The centrality of
this role does not mean that the connection between media and learning
is an easy one.
Many factors condition whether news exposure will lead to any meas-
urable learning. Of the factors that are not internal to the user (such as
attention or knowledge), the characteristics of the medium used to deliver
the news are particularly important. Th is chapter applied the design ele-
ments discussed in chapter 3 to the likelihood of audience learning. The
safest conclusion at this point seems to be that moderate use of online
features is helpful, but high use is disorienting. Overinforming audiences
is a fairly unique component of online news—at least, it is not a charge
that has been often applied to television news—and it illustrates the
importance of considering each news medium on its own terms.
Whether the internet facilitates the learning process requires further
study. The results obtained thus far are mixed, although it does appear
that the internet may succeed if we are willing to defi ne learning as under-
standing connections and complexity in politics. The safest conclusion at
this point, although tepid, is that online news can—at least, given certain
favorable conditions—help citizens learn about politics. Further research
is certainly required in this area the better to tease out these conditions.
There is one key limit to online news learning that we must bear in
mind. Studies demonstrating positive results almost always assume (or
require through experimental design) that individuals select content that
is informative. We know that such a condition is unfortunately not always
realistic. However, the widening knowledge gap is only one possible con-
sequence of a selective news medium and an active audience. The next
two chapters will explore other hazards that can arise when citizens use—
and potentially overuse—content selection.

[ 118 ] News on the Internet


Fragmentation and Polarization

of the Audience

T he processes and effects of audience selection and learning from

news help us predict the amount and type of information that people
acquire from online news. On a very basic level of understanding the ef-
fects of news, that seems prett y useful. Recently, though, scholars and
other observers of the news industry have been asking whether current
and developing online news consumption processes may have implica-
tions for society-wide patterns of what people know and feel about poli-
tics. That is, research results suggest that people can learn about events
and people in the world when they receive news about them. But what
happens when some people receive certain stories and others do not?
What are the effects for how social and political groups interact with one
another and with the political system?
In this chapter, we discuss how fragmentation and polarization—
concepts introduced in chapter 1—might operate, and we review avail-
able evidence for their presence in contemporary democracies.
Ultimately, defi nitive evidence to substantiate or dismiss fears of frag-
mentation and polarization is elusive. Our review of the research litera-
ture suggests that some people are being selective in their consumption
of categories of information, but there is insufficient evidence to con-
clude that knowledge and opinion are becoming highly fragmented.
Similarly, there are tantalizing signs that some people are basing some of
their news exposure—and so grounding some of their knowledge and
opinion—on group divisions such as political predispositions. Nonethe-
less, we cannot yet determine the scope and ultimate effect of informa-
tion and opinion polarization. Researchers are just beginning their hunt
for answers in this area.

In this chapter, we review the state of what researchers know about two
phenomena: fragmentation and polarization. We both integrate research
from a variety of perspectives (e.g., surveys and audience analyses) and
defi ne fragmentation and polarization in specific ways. Our reading of the
extant literature suggests that observers have used these two terms to
cover relatively broad swaths of phenomena. For example, the single term
“fragmentation” has been used to refer to audience behavior (e.g., Webster
2005), media content and outlets (Hollander 2008), audience interests
(Neuman 1991), public discussion (Dahlberg 2007), and public agendas
(Lee 2007). Similarly, “polarization” has been used to refer to audience
behavior (e.g., Webster 2005; Webster and Phalen 1997) and group opin-
ion (e.g., Sunstein 2001). Each of these approaches has merit within the
context of individual studies, but forming generalizations across them is
Our desire to evaluate current patterns of fragmentation and polariza-
tion and offer some predictions about future development motivates us to
be very specific about the phenomena under consideration. If fragmenta-
tion can refer to several different potential phenomena, we see the need to
evaluate the state of affairs within each of them. Th is means that we need
to draw distinctions—some of which might appear a little blurry—among
the different types of fragmentation and polarization. We realize that our
need to make distinctions among concepts that are very closely connected
(and may have been described with interchangeable terms in the past)
will bring us into some confl ict with the extant literature. We hope that
our framework will prove useful in the current context nonetheless.
For our purposes, fragmentation is the dissolution over time of audi-
ence news exposure, public affairs knowledge, and political beliefs into
smaller units in a society. Webster, describing the distribution of audiences
across television channels, describes fragmentation as “a process by which
the mass audience, which was once concentrated on the three or four news
options, becomes more widely distributed. As a result, the average channel
audience becomes smaller” (2005, p. 367). The online news environment
might be allowing, and even encouraging, people to focus on a wide vari-
ety of news topics. The wealth of information on these topics, coupled with
the user control that the technologies provide, means that people can
spread their time and attention across a wide range of topics and sites, both
news and entertainment. More important is that they may not be exposed
to any depth of information about consequential topics in the public
domain. Most topics in the news have an audience—we have talked about
how online news systems, in particular, allow news producers to adjust

[ 120 ] News on the Internet

their presentations to track audience demand—but the audience for any
one topic need not be large. Thus, observers talk about an overall fragmen-
tation of political knowledge over time into smaller social units.
Polarization can be thought of, in part, as a specific form of fragmenta-
tion. A fragmented knowledge environment is one in which relatively few
people know about any one thing. This concept does not make any predic-
tions about who will know what. Indeed, in its most basic form, fragmenta-
tion suggests that knowledge about public affairs will be somewhat
randomly distributed in a population. Of course, that is not a very realistic
approach to how people consume news. In chapter 4, we described how
news providers and other sites have an incentive to tailor their content to
specific segments of an audience. In chapter 5, we discussed how some
members of audiences may respond to segmented news content by engag-
ing in active content selection. When people conform to the segmentation
strategies of news outlets, they divide themselves into clusters of a sort.
Webster refers to them as “small, relatively exclusive communities of inter-
est” (2005, p. 366). In most of the literature in this area, those interests are
defined as based on political opinion. But they could just as easily derive
from topical or professional interests. Knowledge clusters on any one topic
can become increasingly unlike other clusters with which they share few
topical inclinations and little news exposure. Most descriptions of polariza-
tion suggest that the opinions of polarized groups can develop in opposi-
tion to one another (e.g., Sunstein 2001). What polarized groups believe
and feel about political events, people, and issues becomes more extreme
over time (e.g., Sunstein 2001).


Fragmentation can occur when news outlets specialize. In chapter 4, we

described how news providers online can focus their products on specific
topics and perspectives, aiming for a specific audience. We suggested, in
short, that news outlets and sites have the ability and often the incentive
to focus their content on a defi ned set of topics. The news industry has
been following the very general trend characteristic of almost all media
to abandon earlier attempts to appeal to large, mass audiences. Recent
economic turmoil in the news business has hit general-interest news out-
lets such as newspapers and network news programs particularly hard,
resulting in the reduction of newsroom budgets and the shuttering of
some organizations. At the same time, the online environment has seen
an increase in the number of news outlets with a limited focus area (Carl-
son 2010). These outlets encourage news audiences to select sites on the


basis of specific news topics. In such an environment—in which the
number of broad news outlets is shrinking—general news exposure
could become less likely.
The behavior of members of the news audience is another factor that
can affect the likelihood of fragmentation. If all members of the potential
audience sample widely from a broad array of news topics and stories, they
are likely to receive a shared diet of information. If, on the other hand,
people focus on specific sites and topics, it is far less likely that they will be
exposed to a common set of information about public affairs. The more
focused the news exposure of audience members, the more widely scat-
tered will be awareness of problems and policies.
There are a few considerations related to the probability of fragmenta-
tion becoming a substantial concern. On fi rst glance, we may assume that
the likelihood would be reduced by the presence of general news aggrega-
tors online. Aggregators typically sample broadly from a large array of
news sources to construct a menu that includes a number of blogs, news
outlets, and opinion perspectives. People can use them for one-stop
browsing of multiple topic areas. Of course, people can also use search-
based news aggregators such as Google News to seek rather narrow news
topics. For example, imagine that a user of Google News searches for
news about the health care insurance bill signed into law in the United
States in 2009. When the results of the search are presented, the user is
asked whether he or she wants to add health care reform as a regular news
topic of interest. With hundreds of articles on this topic provided by the
aggregator, this user can easily focus his or her news exposure solely on
health care reform for the foreseeable future and still not exhaust the
available content.
A second key point with respect to fragmentation is that an increase in
the number of news outlets available for people does not necessarily lead
to fragmentation of the audience. If the outlets generally carry the same
content areas and give them roughly equal emphasis, different people
looking for general news content will come across the same topics as one
another. Likewise, if all members of the audience for news have the same
interests, they will seek and consume similar sets of information. If either
of these conditions—a homogeneous distribution of content or a general
news audience—fails to describe the news environment, then fragmenta-
tion could result.
In summary, researchers and media observers have described the sort
of media environment that seems most conducive to audience fragmenta-
tion. News outlets that permit or encourage specialization may facilitate
fragmentation, but the active involvement of audiences who specialize
their consumption is certainly a requirement. Given these parameters,

[ 122 ] News on the Internet

neither online news selectivity—and so fragmentation—nor broad news
browsing seems inevitable today. We will examine the evidence that has
accumulated so far to determine what patterns can be discerned.

Types of Fragmentation

We can speak about at least three types of fragmentation. These types are
related. Indeed, they can be arranged in a causal sequence of sorts. A simple
example of one person’s online news use may help illustrate the three
types. Imagine that someone—we will call him Dan—enjoys using the
internet for entertainment, news, and work-related information. On an av-
erage day, he may hear some news headlines on the radio or browse a cable-
television news channel for a few minutes. But for the most part, he gets his
news online. Typically, he receives a good amount of news from special-
ized sources and a few topics from the mainstream press. Over time, Dan
comes to know quite a bit about events and issues that touch on the topics
he follows at the specialized sites, but he sees and hears little about politics
and government. As a result, he knows enough about public affairs, per-
haps, to hold opinions about some issues in the news, but his knowledge is
not very deep. He also has perceptions, as most people do, about which is-
sues the government in his country should be addressing, but those per-
ceptions are based on his rather idiosyncratic browsing of the news.
Th is example illustrates that fragmentation has three primary levels.
The fi rst is the structure of audience members’ news consumption. An
environment in which few people are attending to news outlets that pro-
vide a broad cross section of the news but, instead, attend to a number of
specialized news sources represents the fragmentation of audience news
exposure. Th is is essentially the type we have been describing in earlier
chapters. When audience members consume news about only a few topics
that interest them, they may learn quite a bit about some topics but not a
lot about a broad range of other topics. Th is describes the fragmentation of
public-affairs knowledge (this is in contrast, by the way, with the polariza-
tion of knowledge—the development of segments of people with special-
ized knowledge; we will turn to that outcome below). When people are
consuming news and learning about current events, they are building
knowledge that they can use to assess the state of issues facing a country.
When people are exposed to only a narrow band of the news, they may
view the issues they encounter most often to be the issues that require the
most government attention. Th is represents the fragmentation of the public
agenda. We will review each of these, in turn, to determine whether they
are developing today.


Fragmentation of Audience News Exposure

As we have stressed, fragmentation is the result of online audiences fo-

cusing their attention on a limited set of topics. We review the evidence
here that addresses exposure fragmentation in the traditional (offl ine)
media and on the internet. We are looking for evidence bearing on whether
people systematically approach or avoid broad news exposure.

Fragmentation in Traditional Media Exposure

First, we should look at fragmentation in the traditional media to see how

high-bandwidth media have affected news use there. At the height of rapid
growth in U.S. cable-television adoption, Neuman (1991) examined how
Americans adapted their television viewing when faced with substantially
more channels than they had seen before. He noted that people do not
always respond to increases in content options with more content-choice
diversity. Rather, people only marginally increase the diversity of their
television viewing. Existing viewing habits are hard to break, and it ap-
pears that some people agree that it is possible to have too much of a good
Several years farther into the world of multichannel television, the
character of the American media system changed. Looking across both
news and entertainment broadcast and cable-television channels, Web-
ster (2005) concluded that television audiences exhibit signs of substan-
tial fragmentation. In one relatively average week in 2003, each of about
half of the 65 U.S. cable channels he studied garnered viewing from at
least 20 percent of the viewing audience. Thus, viewers were widely spread
across a range of channels in that period. Th is is strong evidence of expo-
sure to multiple sources of news and entertainment, a basic component of
exposure fragmentation.
Looking just at Americans’ consumption of news content, we can see
evidence of shrinking exposure to general news outlets. National surveys
by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press have revealed
that Americans’ news habits have changed dramatically in the time since
popular adoption of the internet began (Pew Research Center 2010). For
example, people reporting regular use of a daily newspaper dropped from
66 percent in 1993 to 40 percent in 2010. Similarly, data show that 58
percent of people in 1993 reported regular exposure to a network televi-
sion (ABC, CBS, or NBC) newscast; in 2010, that number was down to
28 percent. These figures do not suggest that people have given up on the
news. Rather, Americans have increasingly turned to more specialized

[ 124 ] News on the Internet

outlets. In the realm of cable television, relatively specialized channels
such as ESPN and CNBC appear to have reduced the audience for the
general-topic network broadcasts.

Fragmentation in Online News Use

Online, American audiences are using both broad and specialized news
sites. News aggregators such as Yahoo! and Google News and general pro-
viders such as CNN and the New York Times remain among the most pop-
ular sites (Pew Research Center 2010). In fact, the types of sites most
commonly reported for news consumption are aggregators and main-
stream news providers. A 2010 Pew survey reported that 28 percent of
self-professed internet news readers received news and information from
a Yahoo! site, 16 percent said they received it from, 15 percent
said Google, and 14 percent said MSN. Thus, a good number of people say
that they receive their news and information from general-focus media.
At the same time, though, just a litt le farther down the top-20 list are
the more specialized Drudge Report and Wall Street Journal sites (Pew
Research Center 2010). Thus, some people also appear to fi nd relatively
specialized news outlets attractive. It is not clear that specialized sites and
segmented news will entirely replace general-news outlets, but they
appear to have made it more difficult for general-news providers to att ract
and hold audiences online.
There is also some evidence of countervailing use patterns among news
audiences. Hindman (2007) presents compelling evidence that there may
be more concentration of news reading online than offl ine. He examines
the level of audience concentration for the print and online audiences of
America’s largest 150 newspapers. He fi nds more evidence of concentra-
tion (a relatively small number of outlets garnering large audiences)
online than offl ine. He notes, for example, “The New York Times’ share of
online newspaper traffic is 3.5 times its share of the print newspaper mar-
ket” (p. 343). He fi nds similar results for the Washington Post, the Boston
Globe, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Washington Times. But “at the
other end of the scale, 126 of the 150 newspapers att ract a smaller portion
of online newspaper traffic than they do print circulation” (p. 343). That
is, a few newspapers garner larger audiences online, but most draw smaller
ones online. Th is belies some arguments about the proliferation of locally
distinct news providers splintering the national news audience along geo-
graphic lines.
In total, some, but not all, of the evidence points to exposure fragmen-
tation. Analyses of the online audience continue to fi nd that search


engines, news aggregators, and other general-information sources att ract
very large audiences online. What remains to be seen is whether people
use these sites for general news browsing or more focused, specialized
news selection.

Fragmentation of Public-af fairs Knowledge

If people are selecting websites that focus on entertainment and specific

news topics, they might not be exposed to a common body of news. If that
is the case, we can expect that different groups of people will know less
about a core set of events and issues. That is, public awareness of a range of
information will fall over time as the people in a population decrease their
reliance on general-news outlets.
It may be hard to visualize that sort of fragmentation, so let’s take a
hypothetical example. Imagine that news media in some country tend to
focus on five major topic areas: the central government, professional
sports, the arts industry, the business sector, and medical research. We
can assume for this example that over the course of a week, one major
event happens in each of these areas. The question for the study of frag-
mentation is whether people in this country become aware of all or some
number of these five hypothetical events. For the sake of argument, we
could assume that people regularly consuming the products of general
news outlets in this country have the time and motivation to attend con-
sistently to about three topics in an average week (i.e., each topic has a 60
percent probability of selection). Thus, within a random sample of 1,000
people, about 600 will know about each event. Th is represents a relatively
cohesive system of news presentation and consumption.
Compare that with a situation in which the number of news outlets is
much greater. Imagine—as is the case in much of the developed world
today—that the larger number of news outlets has encouraged news com-
panies to cover a wider range of topics in greater depth. As a result, the
residents of our hypothetical nation have 10 topics from which to choose,
rather than five. If people still have the time and motivation to attend to
three topics, the probability of any one person attending to any one of the
topics is only 30 percent. Thus, 300 people know about each event. In this
situation, the profusion of news outlets has led to the aggregate popula-
tion learning about a greater range of things, but together people share less
awareness of any one topic. If public-affairs news is one of those topics, the
implications for the maintenance of an informed citizenry are clear.
Naturally, there are many potential flaws in this simple analysis. Per-
haps the most important is the omission of any role for interpersonal

[ 126 ] News on the Internet

communication about the events. That is, might not people focusing on
three topic areas hear about other areas from friends, family, and acquaint-
ances? That is certainly possible, and some research has found that online
news exposure may facilitate conversations with others (Shah et al. 2005).
Almost as important are the assumptions we made about the various
probabilities that people will become aware of any event. Also, the distri-
bution of an equal number of people into each focus area is certainly unre-
alistic. There would be areas of greater and lesser interest.
The key point, though, is that the fragmentation of audiences among
different news topics may lower overall awareness of events. Notably,
there is litt le empirical evidence that this is occurring. A recent analysis of
public knowledge about politics and current events found no direct evi-
dence of a reduction in general levels of knowledge from 1989 to 2007
(Pew Research Center 2007). We noted in chapter 5 that there is some
evidence that people reading news online might be more selective in the
topics they read, but thus far, this has not been observed outside the labo-
ratory. One experiment found that online news readers recalled fewer
facts than print readers about events in the news (Tewksbury and Althaus
2000a), but subsequent studies have failed to replicate that fi nding (Eve-
land, Seo, and Marton 2002; D’Haenens, Jankowski, and Heuvelman
2004). There is litt le clear support here.
The lack of evidence that general levels of knowledge are falling does
not necessarily rule out that the fragmentation of news exposure is affect-
ing what people know about public affairs and other topics. Returning to
the example above, we could change the circumstances slightly, perhaps
making them a bit more plausible. Imagine that in this hypothetical popu-
lation of news consumers, each person takes advantage of the wide range
of news topics available and focuses on six topics rather than three. If peo-
ple double the amount of time and attention they give to the news, it would
again give us 600 people who know about any one event. If people skim
the news more lightly, however, the probability of any one event being
noticed must drop. Knowledge has fragmented, and overall knowledge in
the society drops.
Again, there is not a lot of evidence that this situation applies. No sur-
veys or experiments have specifically measured the distribution of public-
affairs knowledge within a population over time. One could imagine such
a study. It would have to identify groups of people and assess their aware-
ness of a class of issues or events over a specified period. In a highly frag-
mented environment, knowledge will be unevenly distributed in a
population, even when citizens’ total time with news media, general inter-
est in news, and other factors are controlled. If knowledge about specific
classes of information becomes chronically housed in specific areas of the


population, then it may be polarization rather than fragmentation that is
taking place. We discuss that further below.

Fragmentation of the Public Agenda

Another visible outcome of the fragmentation of news audiences is the

dissolution of the consensus that often exists about the issues facing a na-
tion or other society. During the second half of the 20th century, journal-
ists, political leaders, and researchers came to expect broad public
agreement on the issues that a nation must address. The issues would
change over time, but the public seemed to keep track of that change
easily through news coverage. Not everyone was happy about the power
of the news media to set agendas, to be sure (e.g., Bennett 2009), but it was
a predictable phenomenon that likely proved helpful to some government
leaders and journalists.
The fragmentation of audiences across multichannel television systems
and the internet now threatens that easy consensus. At least, that is what
some researchers have suggested (Katz 1996; Chaffee and Metzger 2001).
Fortunately, this possibility has received some attention in communica-
tion research. Even before the development of the World Wide Web,
researchers looked for evidence that new electronic news-delivery serv-
ices may affect the operation of agenda sett ing (Heeter et al. 1989). Heeter
and colleagues examined the effects of reading news through an elec-
tronic news service—one that provided readers with substantial control
over news selection—for a week. At the end of the week, they detected
litt le to no difference between the agendas of users of an electronic news
system and a control group whose members went about their normal news
routines in that week.
One experiment conducted in 1998 found some evidence of an agenda-
sett ing effect of online news consumption (Althaus and Tewksbury
2002). Participants in this study read either the print or online version of
a national newspaper for five days. On the sixth day, they attempted to
recall news events in that week and named the most important problems
facing the nation. Readers of the online version of the paper recalled fewer
stories about international events—presumably because either the online
version displayed them less prominently, or the readers took advantage of
opportunities to read other topics—from the previous five days. The
online readers were also less likely to mention international issues among
the problems facing the nation. Thus, there was some evidence in this
study that audiences of different presentation formats could come away
from news exposure with different agendas.

[ 128 ] News on the Internet

These experiment-based fi ndings provide a mixed picture. More recent
studies have relied on survey measures of media use and the public agenda.
Using data from a survey of a representative sample of the Dutch popula-
tion, one research team compared the relationship between the number of
issues people consider important to the nation and the frequency of their
use of print and online newspapers (Schoenbach, de Waal, and Lauf
2005). According to the fragmentation argument, consumption of the
print version of the paper should have led to more agenda diversity
(through exposure to more issues in the news); consumption of online
sources should lead to less diversity (through exposure to a more special-
ized diet of news). Indeed, print-newspaper exposure was positively
related to the number of issue mentions, but there was no overall relation-
ship for online news reading. The one exception to that was for people
with a high level of education: reading more news online was associated
with the ability to mention more issues. Th is is not a strong endorsement
of the agenda-fragmentation thesis.
Coleman and McCombs (2007) compared the relationship between
coverage of issues in the traditional media with what people of different
ages considered the most important problems facing the nation. They
expected that people between the ages of 18 and 34 would use online
news sources more than older people, and so their issue agendas would
conform less closely to the agendas of the traditional media. Examining
data from two state-level surveys in the United States, they found that
survey respondents of all ages reported agendas that closely mirrored the
agenda in the offl ine media. Th is agenda-sett ing effect was stronger for
older respondents than it was for those between 18 and 34, though. Th is
conformed to the authors’ expectations.
The fragmentation thesis would also suggest that younger (internet-reli-
ant) people would exhibit less agenda cohesion. Without exposure to a
shared news agenda, individual people would develop relatively idiosyn-
cratic agendas. Some evidence on this point comes from a survey study of
American internet and cable-television news audiences. Nie and colleagues
(2010) report that people who consume news online show more diversity
in the issues they consider important than do people who watch television
news but do not use the internet. Together, these survey results suggest
that reliance on the internet can fragment the public agenda somewhat.
It is worth highlighting the point here that agenda fragmentation, if it is
happening today, is a normatively mixed picture. On the one hand, some
observers have argued that effective governance is difficult when mem-
bers of the public disagree in their basic expectations of the government
(e.g., Katz 1996). On the other hand, one can certainly argue that people
who come by their issue perceptions through interest-based selection and


consumption of news topics might be more committed to their agendas.
As a result, the diverse agendas that might emerge from a fragmented soci-
ety could be more lasting and responsive to actual social phenomena than
might agendas that are based on media-generated cues. What is more, if
the agendas that people acquire through online news use are influenced
by audience-generated content, they may be more responsive to the inter-
ests of fellow citizens than those of powerful elites (Chadwick in press).
The reasoning behind concerns about agenda fragmentation posits a
relationship between the variety of news outlets to which people are
exposed and the diversity of the issues that they consider to be conse-
quential for the nation. Both the scant experiment-based evidence and the
survey-based fi ndings point to a modest agenda sett ing effect of online
news consumption (primarily compared with print newspaper reading).
Th is research area has few empirical studies on which to draw, though. It
is too early to form concrete conclusions.
Fragmentation is a pretty blunt-edged way to think about the effects of
online news consumption. In pure fragmentation, people do not have an
enduring loyalty to particular outlets and content (Webster 2005), an unlikely
state of affairs. The more loyal audiences and news outlets are to one another,
the more likely it is that polarization, rather than fragmentation, will result.


Fragmentation is the rather simple result of people following their indi-

vidual interests in the news. If you think about people as individual actors,
then that is as far as things may go. In reality, though, people often behave
rather similarly to one another. That is, two people who share an enduring
interest in a topic are both likely to want to read news on that topic regu-
larly. When many people are so motivated, then some segment of society
has developed a specialized news interest. The easier it is for the segment
to fi nd news on that topic, the more pronounced the segment will become.
These segments—which may be distinct from one another in terms of
age, sex, race, occupation, education, political ideology, or a similar
demarcation—may come to develop shared patterns of news consump-
tion. Members of these segments learn things from their news consump-
tion that people outside their group might not. If that happens, the society
as a whole might become polarized into factions and groups that do know
the same things about events in the world. These factions then might
develop different opinions, goals, and behaviors.
Polarization is likely rooted in a set of characteristics of the audience and
the media environment. Audiences must be relatively selective in their

[ 130 ] News on the Internet

news consumption. People must not be random grazers of the news but
must view news content as related to other parts of their lives. They might
see the news as a source of information for their jobs, their hobbies, or their
political beliefs. As a result, they choose among available options to pursue
their interests in information and entertainment (after all, even news view-
ing may be entertaining to audiences).
We described earlier how news outlets need to attract loyal audiences.
Many sites have responded to audience selectivity by segmenting their cover-
age along specific topical lines. Websites offer ways for people to receive more
news of the type they want. People do not have the time and other resources to
consume all of the news available to them, so they may choose to focus on their
specific interest areas and not select from a broader set of topics. To the extent
that audience specialization follows site segmentation, political awareness and
opinion can separate along demographic or other lines in the audience.
By its nature, polarization—like fragmentation—describes a change in
how things work. That is, polarization is a type of change in how a society
functions. It represents a departure from how news exposure, knowledge,
and opinion had been shared in a society. So, for many people, it describes the
dissolution of consensus, a breakdown in a system. This is certainly not the
only way to think about it. Polarization is also a relatively normal state of
being for many people in many situations. We would expect, for example, that
people working in a large organization would focus their information gather-
ing on topics that affect their productivity. They, and others like them, would
become quite well informed about certain topics and would develop strong
attitudes about how their work should be done. That is a quite functional and
natural outcome of life in a large organization. For similar reasons, it makes
perfect sense for social polarization to occur. How we evaluate the normative
implications of the process and outcomes will depend on many factors.
In summary, neither online news producers nor people act randomly.
People often pursue specific goals when they seek the news, and news out-
lets will want to help them. When they do, public knowledge and opinion
on specific topics will become divided among different segments of soci-
ety. We describe below different levels of polarization and review the evi-
dence for whether they are operating today.

Types of Polarization

As with fragmentation, there are different types, or levels, of audience po-

larization. They are not mutually dependent, but they are likely highly cor-
related. The conditions that facilitate polarization of one type should
function that way for the others, but it is not a certainty. It may be useful to


provide a sample of someone who is experiencing polarization from news
exposure online. Imagine that Isobel—a fictitious example—is very selec-
tive in her news consumption. She works in a textile factory and is a mem-
ber of a labor union. She is politically liberal and likes to follow politics. Like
many of her coworkers, she also is very interested in the clothing industry.
Isobel watches news on television occasionally, but she gets most of her
news from the internet at home. Yahoo! is the home page on her Web browser,
and she has customized it to put news headlines about politics and the cloth-
ing industry at the top of the page. She also has signed up with a news service
to receive breaking news about the clothing industry by email. She receives as
many as a dozen such messages in an average week. Her union also sends
frequent email updates with information about the industry. When she is
online, she frequently visits DailyKos, a popular liberal American blog (Baum
and Groeling 2008). Isobel talks about politics and her industry with friends
and coworkers. She often knows quite a bit about the latest labor and techni-
cal issues in the clothing industry, although she does not seem to know much
about other industries or their issues. She is politically very active and fre-
quently voices strong support for restrictive international-trade policies.
Th is example illustrates three potential levels of polarization. The dis-
tribution of audiences into internally homogeneous consumers of seg-
mented content represents the polarization of audience news exposure
(Webster [2005] calls this merely polarization). When they are distributed
in this way, audience segments can focus their attention on the topics that
most interest them. If clusters of people share specific interests and pursue
them in a consistent fashion, this suggests that they are not attending to
other topics. In such a situation, one segment of a population becomes
more deeply informed about a topic, but the rest of the population becomes
less so. In that situation, the population has experienced a polarization of
public-affairs knowledge. Similarly, people who share an interest and con-
sume news about it may develop opinions and behaviors on the basis of
what they receive. People who have a different set of information or even
litt le information at all may develop different opinions and behaviors. As
these two types of people develop in different directions, they are experi-
encing a polarization of opinion (Sunstein [2001] calls this merely polariza-
tion). We will discuss all three of these levels of polarization in turn.

Polarization of Audience News Exposure

In chapter 5, we reviewed how people choose among news-content op-

tions online. People can be quite selective about the sites and kinds of
news that they consume. In this section, we look at whether people are

[ 132 ] News on the Internet

engaging in the type of news selection that may result in knowledge or
opinion polarization. There are many ways in which people can specialize
their news consumption and join other people within topical, social, and
ideological segments. We review how this has tended to operate in the
offl ine media and examine the evidence for its occurrence in internet use.

Polarization in Traditional Media Exposure

If people choose news sources in ways that place them in a relatively stable
community of news exposure, they experience exposure polarization. In
some ways, polarization has occurred in news consumption for some
time, perhaps for as long as the press has sought to attract a wide audience
to its products. For many years, studies of newspaper reading observed
that different people learn different things from the news. For example,
Bogart showed that men devoted much more time and attention to sports
and business news and women spent more time with features and arts
news (Bogart 1989). Similarly, newspaper readers with higher levels of ed-
ucation have been shown to spend more time with news about govern-
ment and international affairs (Bogart 1989). Even race has been found to
be associated with news-reading patterns. One study found that more
African-American than white news readers expressed an interest in news
about religion, fashion, food, and celebrities (Bogart 1989). A new twist
on these well-established patterns comes with newer technologies. As is
the case with most effects of the internet, the technology appears to take
what people already do and magnifies it.
One way to think about how polarization of use has been observed in
the newer media is to count how many channels or outlets people visit.
Research on cable television has found that people react to sudden
increases in the number of channels from which to choose by adding only
a very small number to their existing exposure patterns (Neuman 1991).
Thus, content diversity does not necessarily lead to dramatic changes in
exposure diversity. Webster (2007) suggests that looking at the number of
cable stations a person visits in a time period (what he calls the horizontal
diversity of audience exposure) is different from examining how much
viewing time audience members spend with individual channels (i.e., ver-
tical diversity). A horizontally diverse exposure pattern might have a typi-
cal member of the audience viewing 15 or more channels in a week. Th is
suggests widespread exposure fragmentation of the audience but does not
reveal much about the potential for exposure polarization (Webster
2007). If, however, viewing data show that the typical audience member
spends most of his or her total viewing time on one or two channels in a


week, this would suggest a substantial lack of vertical diversity. If the few
channels to which the viewer attends carry segmented content, then
polarization is a likely outcome.
Webster (2007) examined the vertical diversity of exposure to cable-
television channels by American audiences in one week in February 2003.
He found litt le evidence of vertical exclusivity in the Nielsen-ratings data
he studied. He observed, for example, that viewers of popular and rela-
tively specialized cable channels such as MTV, Fox News, and BET (Black
Entertainment Television) spent 98 percent, 92 percent, and 97 percent of
their viewing time, respectively, on other channels. Thus, there is litt le
evidence that people who viewed channels with segmented content chose
only those channels.
Nonetheless, there is some evidence that audiences may select news
and information outlets on the basis of their predispositions. In one study
of audiences for newspapers, cable-television news channels, talk-radio
programs, and internet sites, people appeared to be making choices
guided by political partisanship (Stroud 2008; see also Iyengar and Hahn
2009). People who were strong political partisans were particularly likely
to select outlets in all four media that supported their ideology.
Of course, given the nature of polarization, audience loyalty to topics,
beliefs, and opinions and their loyalty to news outlets likely form a recip-
rocal process. We assume that people choose outlets and topics on the
basis of their predispositions. It could be that cross-sectional studies
showing the audience of a cable-television channel becoming more ideo-
logically polarized over time provide evidence of people maximizing the
fit between their predispositions and their exposure. It is sometimes hard
to distinguish that pattern from one that posits a one-way causal effect of
exposure to segmented news.

Polarization in Online News Use

We noted in chapter 5 that the provision of technologies of abundance

and choice on the internet has increased both the study and the expected
frequency of selective exposure. We reported that a number of studies
have observed that some people use the information cues they fi nd online
to tailor their news consumption to fit their interests, consciously or not.
In chapter 4, we observed that news providers have the ability and often
the incentive to tailor their content to match the interests of their audi-
ences. In the online environment, providers have many ways to do this.
They track reader interests directly through their behavior and respond
with amenable content.

[ 134 ] News on the Internet

Th is pattern has been developing for some online news outlets. One
study (Thurman 2007) found signs that British news sites with substan-
tial numbers of international visitors might be catering their content to
those readers. In the United States, Baum and Groeling (2008) reported a
similar trend with respect to the political orientation of readers and sites.
They compared the content of two wire services (the Associated Press and
Reuters) with that of partisan blogs and Fox News online. They found that
both left-leaning ( and right-leaning blog sites (freerepub- and present more polarized content than the wire-
service sites. Over time, we would expect that the interests (topical and
ideological) of audiences and sites would converge.
One way for audiences to become polarized in their news exposure is
through the application of technologies of customization. Over the past
two decades, the online news media have developed ways for audiences to
preselect the news topics they want to receive. We described some of those
in chapter 3. Some are customizable news feeds (through an RSS news
feed or a customizable news site such as iGoogle), subscriptions to Twit-
ter, news-headline feeds to mobile devices such as cell phones, and news
links on social-network sites. If a good number of people are using these
systems to specialize their news consumption, then polarization of use
may be well under way.
The spring 2010 media-use survey by the Pew Research Center
included questions about some of these technologies. The responses may
shed light on developing patterns. The survey asked people to report how
often they used specific customization methods for obtaining news head-
lines. Table 7.1 presents the percentages of people who said they used the
methods “regularly” or “sometimes” (the question about email messages
from journalists required a “yes” or “no” response to whether they get
news that way). These data are drawn from the entire sample of 3,006
Americans, not just internet users (see Pew Research Center 2010 for
more information about the sample). Among people with internet access,
of course, the percentages would be much higher.
On the whole, a fair number of Americans receive news through these
channels. For example, more than a quarter of Americans read blogs
about politics or current events at least sometimes (about one-third of
that group does so regularly). Other technologies are less regularly used.
Twitter, surprisingly, sees litt le use for news and headlines, contrary to
what one might assume on the basis of news reports about this service
(Miller 2010). Summing the use of these technologies reveals that about
half of the sample of Americans used at least one of these six news-special-
ization methods. Among those who used at least one, 24 percent used at
least three. Less than one percent used all six.



Use News Technologies Regularly or Sometimes

Read blogs about politics or current events 29%

Receive news or news headlines on a cell phone 15%
Receive news or news headlines by email from 14%
news organizations or journalists*
Receive news or news headlines through 20%
customizable Web page or an RSS reader
Receive news or news headlines through Twitter 1%
Receive news or news headlines though 19%
social-networking site

N = 3,006
* Responses to this question were “yes” and “no” only; “yes” responses are shown.
Source: Pew Research Center 2010.

Exposure polarization also seems likely to be facilitated by technolo-

gies that support common news exposure by people who share some fea-
ture or att ribute. The most obvious form of this is the influence of news
recommendations by friends in Facebook and other social media. Peo-
ple can “like” specific news stories, indicating to others that the stories
may be of interest to them. To the extent that online social networks
develop around common social att ributes, the shared media exposure
that may develop from the recommendation process may produce a
form of polarization.

Polarization of Public-af fairs Knowledge

In theory, one likely result of people attending to a small number of

sources on a few topics or perspectives is that awareness and knowledge
about issues, events, and people will become more one-sided. Our earlier
comments about the distribution of knowledge in a fragmented society
also apply here. If there is widespread fragmentation, fewer people will
know about a great many things. The focus on polarization adds a dif-
ferent dimension to this picture. Fewer people may know a lot about what
happens in society, but some segments will know more. Th is does not
sound so surprising, of course. The people who want to know more about
a topic will come to do so. That sounds like a rather functional relation-
ship between demand and supply.

[ 136 ] News on the Internet

What makes polarization interesting, from a normative point of view, is
how this pattern differs from what was the norm in the mass-audience sys-
tem of the 20th-century media. Media outlets trying to maximize their
audience size had litt le incentive to provide specialized content for audi-
ence segments. They sought to provide content for everyone. Naturally,
resource constraints drove them to supply a litt le bit of content on a broad
range of topics. The economic and technical boundaries of television and
radio through the 1970s limited audience access to multiple sources, prac-
tically ensuring exposure to the relatively broad topical diversity provided
by the press (Prior 2007). As a result, most people knew something (but
often not too much; see Delli Carpini and Keeter 1996) about many
things, including public affairs.
With polarization of exposure, fewer people will follow a broad range
of topics in the news; consequently, they will come to believe different
things about the world around them. One way to investigate whether this
has been occurring is to look at whether use of customization technolo-
gies is associated with polarized attention to events in the news. Data for
examining this relationship are available in the 2010 Pew survey results
discussed earlier. We looked at the technologies that seem most likely to
allow the selection of news along personal political lines. We asked
whether a substantial reliance on those technologies, relative to those
that might encourage broad exposure to topics, might facilitate partisan
cleavages in attention to news topics. The polarization thesis suggests
that it would.
Again, the data come from a national survey of 3,006 Americans in
spring 2010. We constructed a very rough variable to represent reliance
on customized news media relative to general news media. We used
responses to questions about news use on the day before each respond-
ent’s survey experience. Th is is a relatively valid, if somewhat limited,
measure of recent news exposure to media (Converse and Presser 1986).
We summed affi rmative responses to whether people received news by
email from journalists, through a customized Web page or an RSS feed,
through Twitter, or through a social-networking site. To this number we
added the number of affi rmative responses to whether people had read a
newspaper, listened to radio news, watched television news, or read online
news other than an online newspaper in the previous day. Th is overall
sum represented their total news breadth on the previous day.1 People
with no news use at all were excluded from analysis. We then divided each
respondent’s use of customized news by his or her total news use. The
resulting number had a range between 0 (no customized news use) and 1
(news use was entirely customized). Obviously, a value of .5 indicated
that half of the use was customized.


Our goal was to determine whether the topics that people followed in
the news would be more extensively determined by political predisposi-
tions when they relied on customized news than when they did not. Natu-
rally, quite a few things can determine whether people follow specific
topics and events in the news. To account for some of those variables, our
analyses applied statistical controls for the respondents’ age, sex, educa-
tion, regular frequency of exposure to online news, breadth of the previ-
ous day’s general news exposure, and enjoyment of following the news.
We expected that the respondents’ political-party identification might
affect how closely they followed specific news events and topics and that
the impact of party would depend on their level of customization reliance
(no, low, or high). Party should matter less for people not customizing and
more for those strongly relying on it.
For this analysis, we compared self-identified Democrats’ and Republi-
cans’ responses to questions about whether they had been following news
about the war in Afghanistan, the 2010 congressional elections, and the
U.S. economy. These are all political topics about which we might expect
Democrats and Republicans to express different levels of interest. The
results of our analysis can be found in figure 7.1.2
The figure shows that there are very few differences between Demo-
crats and Republicans when they do not use customized news. Some dif-
ferences emerge when they rely, at least somewhat, on the customized
news sources. 3 Th is is particularly the case with respect to news about the
election. Reliance on customized sources appears to have increased parti-
san divisions in attention to a political news topic. An effect of customized
news reliance is less visible in the other cases.
Another way to determine whether widespread adoption of the inter-
net for news gathering might be causing polarization of political atten-
tion and knowledge would be to see whether attention to politics has
dropped or become segmented among the public over time. An analysis
of Pew Research Center surveys from 1996 through 2002 shed some
light on this (Bennett , Rhine, and Flickinger 2004). The researchers in
this case looked at surveyed Americans’ self-reported attention to politi-
cal-news topics in 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2002, a period of rapid adop-
tion of the internet. Self-reports of attention showed very stable values
over that period, so Bennett and colleagues examined whether demo-
graphic predictors (such as age, ethnicity, race, education, and strength
of partisanship) showed changing relationships with attention over time.
The polarization approach would have predicted that some variables
would become stronger and others weaker over time, as some segments
in society used the internet to focus more attention on politics and others
used it to focus less. In essence, the predictive power of demographics

[ 138 ] News on the Internet

Figure 7.1. Percentage of Americans following specific topics by party identification and
reliance on individualized news delivery.

would change over time. There was no clear pattern; the researchers
found no evidence of polarization.
In sum, it appears that there is only limited, very mixed evidence of
topical attention and knowledge polarization. Absent any direct stud-
ies of knowledge effects, very preliminary analyses of news attention
presented here showed some effects but not consistently. Once again,


this is an area in need of further research. Longitudinal studies of the
distribution of knowledge in society might provide a meaningful test of
polarization effects.

Polarization of Opinion

In the process of polarization of opinion, people consuming different seg-

ments of the news develop divergent opinions about public-affairs issues,
events, and people. Of course, different people have different opinions.
Whites and blacks in America may see affi rmative action differently, and
men and women may see abortion differently. Th is is no surprise. Polariza-
tion is consequential when natural divisions between segments of society
become exaggerated through divided attention to news and commentary
(Sunstein 2001). Content catering to different groups may provide fodder
for more deeply ensconced opinion. It might even motivate social and po-
litical behavior that further separates groups within society.
There is some evidence of developing political polarization tied to use
of the internet for the gathering of news and information. The study by
Nie and colleagues (2010), described earlier, examined the ideological
extremity of news audiences. For some time, people have been arguing
that television news has specialized along partisan political lines. The
authors reasoned that the incentives and capacity to specialize news con-
tent in the multichannel environment of cable television should be even
stronger online. They compared the level of ideological commitment of
viewers of Fox News and CNN with the commitment of visitors to those
organizations’ online news sites. They found that people who watched the
Fox News cable channel and visited the online site were more politically
conservative than those who only watched the cable channel. Similarly,
audiences of CNN on television and on the internet were more politically
liberal than the television-only viewers.
A second survey study points to a potential polarization effect of online
news exposure (Stroud 2010). Analyzing responses to a series of surveys over
the course of the 2004 American presidential election, Stroud tested whether
partisans using partisan media develop more polarized political attitudes.
The results show that conservatives listening to conservative talk radio,
watching the Fox News Channel, reading newspapers that endorsed Presi-
dent Bush in the election, and visiting conservative websites exhibited more
conservative attitudes than did other conservatives. Likewise, liberals using
liberal media, including liberal websites, expressed more liberal attitudes than
did other liberals. The use of a panel design in this study allowed Stroud to
determine that people using partisan outlets became more polarized over the

[ 140 ] News on the Internet

course of the election. It is not merely that they began their exposure to par-
tisan media already polarized. They changed over time. Unfortunately for
our discussion, the study’s combination of website exposure with the use of
other partisan outlets means that it is not clear how much of the polarization
effect can be attributed to the online content.
To address more directly the question of whether the use of customized-
news delivery content contributes to polarization, we return to the data
available from the 2010 Pew survey. A question included in the study asked
people to report their support for government activism. Th is question is
very similar to one that has been used in the past as a litmus test for ideo-
logical attachment (Converse 1964). The question asked people to choose
which of two statements came closer to their own opinion. The statements
were “Government should do more to solve problems” and “Government is
doing many things better left to businesses and individuals.” We used selec-
tion of the first option as the dependent variable in an analysis that featured
party identification and reliance on customized news as the independent
variables (the statistical controls mentioned before were also used here).
Figure 7.2 shows the results of the analysis. There is a statistically signifi-
cant interaction of party identification and reliance.4 Democrats and Repub-
licans who did not rely on customized news had a 41-point gap in agreement.
Those with low reliance had a 54-point gap, and those with high reliance had
a 64-point gap. This suggests that partisans who use customized online news
are more ideologically polarized than partisans who do not rely on these
outlets. This analysis controls for the partisans’ general media exposure, gen-
eral online news exposure, enjoyment of following the news, and demo-
graphic characteristics. With these controls in place, these data point to a
possible effect of online news consumption on ideological polarization.5

No Reliance Low Reliance High Reliance

Figure 7.2. Support for government policies by party identification and reliance on individual-
ized news delivery.



In this chapter, we have described the conditions that might facilitate

the fragmentation and polarization of news audiences. We noted that
both phenomena can occur when online news outlets specialize their
content, providing a relatively narrow set of topics (as opposed to a
broad treatment of the events and issues of the day). They might occur
also when audiences focus their news exposure on a few sites and areas
to the exclusion of a broad consumption of topics and perspectives. The
latter might happen in the absence of the former, particularly when
there is an abundance of news content available online, but fragmenta-
tion and polarization are obviously much more likely to occur when
both conditions are met.
Fragmentation of news exposure, public-affairs knowledge, and public
opinion represents a reduction in the likelihood that a variety of people
within some population will know and feel similarly about a public-affairs
event or issue. Ultimately, “fragmentation” is a societal-level term used to
describe deviation from a past or desired state of shared knowledge and
opinion. In a nonfragmented society, most people follow the same news
topics, know roughly the same things about events, and form opinions
based on this shared knowledge. In a fragmented society, what is known
and felt about political life is more or less randomly distributed among the
populace. The concept of fragmentation has an almost anarchic tenor to
it. What people know and feel about politics is essentially idiosyncratic. In
a fragmented society, the public agenda and mass political behavior are
unpredictable (Katz 1996).
In contrast, the process and effects of polarization are relatively pre-
dictable. When news outlets engage in audience segmentation, they tai-
lor their offerings with the hope of att racting and holding a reliable
audience. If people respond to this approach and limit their news con-
sumption to specific outlets and topics, they may be dividing themselves
into clusters of knowledge and opinion. People with shared characteris-
tics (e.g., similar geographic location, educational background, or polit-
ical ideology) consume a shared diet of information and opinion. They
believe what others in their group believe and form att itudes and behav-
iors on the basis of those beliefs. In a polarized society, people have not
just random bits of information and opinion (that would be fragmenta-
tion) but information and opinion in opposition. For example, Demo-
crats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Greens in the United States might
have knowledge that is consistent with their predispositions but know
litt le about what informs and motivates their political rivals. Political
life in that circumstance is very predictable in its confl icts and debates.

[ 142 ] News on the Internet

Fragmentation and polarization are ideas, still, more than observable
realities. There is ample evidence that many people are specializing their
news consumption in ways that might lead to either or both outcomes.
There is less evidence that knowledge and opinion are fragmenting and/or
polarizing. Most of the uncertainty about the operation of these phenom-
ena stems from a lack of research; it rarely lies with disconfi rming studies.
What is more, much of the evidence—although not all—that we have
seen so far is based on cross-sectional survey research that provides few
methods for assessing how news exposure, political knowledge, and polit-
ical opinion develop over time.
A central component in the potential for the development of fragmen-
tation and polarization is the extent to which people are willing to special-
ize their news consumption. Many online news providers have clearly
moved toward segmentation, but their efforts will result in fragmentation
and polarization only if people choose to select focused content and opt
out of browsing among many outlets and topics. Ultimately, then, audi-
ence behavior is very likely the key element to watch as news delivery and
consumption develop in the years ahead.



Information Democratization

T he fact that the internet places an unprecedented level of control in

the hands of users makes the medium both fascinating and poten-
tially transformative. However, power and technology are both value-
neutral (Winner 1985), which is to say that they can be used to either
further positive or negative ends. As we discussed in the last chapter, the
power of content choice may well facilitate the fragmentation of society,
which is generally considered a negative outcome. User control can also
lead to more positive outcomes. Chief among these is the internet helping
more people to be involved with media than at any point in the last several
hundred years. Th is democratization of public information is only pos-
sible because of the content control made possible by the internet.
Defi ning the likely normative gains from enabling citizens to control
content is difficult, just as it is difficult to defi ne the probable negative out-
comes of social fragmentation or polarization. Th is chapter makes a basic
assumption for the connection between user control and social good. The
premise is that democracy works better as citizens are more responsible
for information about government and politics. If we accept this assump-
tion—and there is admittedly room for debate—then we can infer that
processes and technologies facilitating citizen responsibility for knowl-
edge are a social positive. The reader will, of course, have to decide whether
the benefits of increased citizen involvement outweigh the problems of
decreased societal cohesion. Th is chapter builds the argument that the
pros outweigh the cons.
We term the process by which internet use translates to citizen involve-
ment with content creation “information democratization.” The primary
purpose of this chapter is to defi ne this concept and explore the implica-
tions of this process for society. We begin by returning to the role of infor-
mation in democracy (we gave one perspective on that in chapter 1).
We then discuss the differences between the mass-media system and the
media of today. These points will set the stage for a discussion of how the
internet strengthens the connections between citizens and political
knowledge. We conclude the chapter with a discussion of the forces acting
against democratization and a broader discussion of the potential effects
of online news for society.


The premise of representative democracy is that government officials are

elected by the people. Most scholars accordingly think that at least some
level of information is critical to citizens’ performance of their civic duties
(Berelson 1952). Nonetheless, citizens have not always had good access
to—let alone the ability to participate in the creation of—important
public information. The result (and to some extent, the cause) of this re-
ality is that elites have long played the key role in controlling public knowl-
edge (Bimber 2003). Information democratization may partially correct
this apparent contradiction.

Information and Democracy

The fi rst point about the relationship between information and democ-
racy to consider is the extent to which citizen responsibility for political
information is a necessary, or even important, component of democratic
government. There are, of course, many versions of democracy (e.g.,
direct, republic, parliamentary), and observers vary greatly in their opin-
ions about how much information citizens must actually possess (Bennett
2003; Zaller 2003). If we are comfortable with minimal citizen knowl-
edge as the standard for successful democracy, then citizen control of in-
formation does not particularly matter. However, if we lean toward the
position that democracy functions best when citizens have substantial
knowledge of government officials and policies, then involvement with
political information is important. The argument for this perspective is
that knowledge helps citizens select the correct representation, monitor
current government officials, and therefore facilitate the enactment of de-
sirable policies. Th is is why observers typically assume that some level of
knowledge is essential for a properly functioning democracy.
The second point to consider is who bears the responsibility for originat-
ing and circulating political information. Citizens are responsible for much
of the work themselves. Members of the public cannot be self-reliant,


though, if they do not have the means of directly controlling the informa-
tion themselves. This is the reason many scholars and observers have sub-
stantial expectations of officials and journalists (Bennett 2009; McChesney
2008). If these groups do not make political information available or acces-
sible, citizens will not be able to get the information they need to partici-
pate effectively in democratic government. This means that while the public
is nominally responsible for acquiring necessary political information, gov-
ernment officials, mainstream journalists, and other elites have been able to
dictate the extent to which the public can fulfill this responsibility. The
problematic nature of this reality most clearly indicates why citizen control
of political information should lean toward a social gain.
There is a third point to consider, and that is whether citizens will—
or even can—handle an increased responsibility for political informa-
tion. As discussed earlier, we know that substantial portions of the
public do not choose to seek public-aff airs content (chapter 5) and that
the quality or utility of much news content is somewhat questionable
(chapter 3). These problems have long been at the foundation of argu-
ments against expecting citizens to be knowledgeable about politics in
the fi rst place (Berelson 1952). To be certain, we should not delude our-
selves into thinking that information democratization will mean that
all citizens will be actively engaging political content. However, any
substantial increase in citizen responsibility for information would
bring both a direct improvement in the public and presumably also an
indirect one.
Research into second-order media effects (e.g., Katz 1957) has long
indicated that many citizens get much of their political information from
their peers. Th is suggests that strengthening the relationship between
some citizens X and political information Y will improve democracy not
just by a factor of XY but by X F Y, where F is the typical number of friends
with which a citizen will share information. In short, even if most people
never substantially increase their role in political media, society as a whole
may still reap benefits from the actions of a relative few.

Def ining Information Democratization

If we are willing to accept that increased citizen responsibility for political

information is important for society, then we should examine the process
that can bring about this improvement. Information democratization is a
term that has been generically applied to any trend toward information being
available to the public (e.g., Berthon, Holbrook, and Hulbert 2000; Schiller
1978). However, this general usage insufficiently captures the full range of

[ 146 ] News on the Internet

involvement that the internet facilitates. A clear discussion of the benefits of
internet news therefore requires more precise description. We define infor-
mation democratization as the increasing involvement of private citizens in the
creation, distribution, exhibition, and curation of civically relevant information.
This more precise definition better reflects the fact that the public can now
exercise substantial control over content without even writing a word.
Additional clarity may be achieved by breaking the definition of infor-
mation democratization into its component parts. Involvement can refer to
a variety of actions, ranging from writing stories to reposting links or archiv-
ing articles. For example, a person who is watching a televised news story is
passive, but a person who is commenting on a news article is involved. We
refer to private citizens to indicate that the concept applies to regular indi-
viduals—not traditional media journalists and not government officials.
Creation signifies the production of news content, and citizens can be
involved with this by posting original work or supplying other writers
with ideas or information. Th is is the most commonly considered form of
information democratization and is generally what people are referring to
when they discuss citizen journalism. Distribution is the process of get-
ting the information from source to receiver, and on the internet, this
essentially means the service being used to spread the message. For exam-
ple, a person could be involved in distribution by linking an article to a
blog (mass audience), by sending an email message (close contacts), or by
posting a message to a social-networking service (social circle). Exhibi-
tion refers to how additional audiences encounter or experience the mes-
sage, which is often closely tied to distribution. Citizens can also influence
the exhibition of a message by, for example, deciding whether to post a
mere link, a comment and a link, or a summary and a reference. Curation
is essentially the preservation of messages, which citizens can do by stor-
ing information themselves.
Finally, the defi nition applies these terms specifically to civically rele-
vant information, which covers all topics that are related to government.
Th is may include, but is not limited to, candidate positions, pending legis-
lation procedures, government regulation, and policy alternatives. In
sum, the concept of information democratization clearly illustrates the
possibility of a powerful role of citizens in society.


Meaningful information democratization accelerated with the rise of the

World Wide Web in the 1990s. The novelty and significance of information
democratization can be brought into sharper focus through comparison of


its elements with the characteristics of the mass media of the 20th century.
We review the mass public model of political communication research before
discussing the innovations of the contemporary structure of information.

The Mass Public Model of Political Communication Research

The mass public model of political communication research refers to the

observations and assumptions established by media and politics scholars
during the dominance of traditional media. The chief characteristic of the
mass public model is that the public—or the audience—is assumed to be
heavily concentrated in very few locations. Th is concentration was some-
what necessitated by the media environment, which offered compara-
tively few options before the rise of satellite and cable television. American
broadcast television, for example, originally offered ABC, CBS, or NBC;
PBS, Fox, and the CW all came later. By the second half of the 20th cen-
tury, most towns in America were already down to one newspaper, leaving
litt le option on that front. Furthermore, radio offered litt le news content
apart from a few news-talk outlets. The American media environment
limited public news exposure to a few newspapers and the three broad-
cast-television networks. A single message could therefore reach a sub-
stantial portion of the public relatively easily. Th is had several important
implications for the structure of political communication.
The fi rst implication of high levels of media content concentration is
that political messages primarily flow from the top down to audiences
in the mass public model of communication. If we conceptualize politi-
cal power as a pyramid with a few elites at the top and the mass public at
the bottom, then the top-down communication flow means that elites
almost exclusively create and send messages. Concentration contrib-
utes to this power structure by making media outlets expensive and
fairly inaccessible. When a single newspaper or television station com-
mands a near-exclusive hold on the audience, then opportunities to use
the medium are limited and the cost of advertising is very high. Few
people have the ability to use the media to reach the audience. Indeed,
the mass public model of communication primarily affords traditional
journalists and government officials the opportunity to create messages
that will reach the public. A top-down flow of information stems, in no
small part, from the concentration of the audience among a few news
The second implication of concentration is that audiences are relatively
weak in the mass public model. As noted above, concentration contrib-
utes to a media system through few opportunities for message creation

[ 148 ] News on the Internet

and a top-down flow of communication. By defi nition, the audience has
litt le ability to send messages back up the political power structure and is
effectively weak. Much of the scholarship about the mass-public model
assumes that audiences will passively receive the media under most cir-
cumstances. The few exceptions to this rule still did not defi ne a very
strong or capable audience. The two-step flow of communication (Katz
1957) suggested that a few attentive viewers share information with peers,
and media-selection models (Rubin 2002; Klapper 1960) stipulated that
individuals would deliberately choose content from their (few) available
sources. While these conceptualizations do depict a somewhat active
audience, the masses are not using media to send messages or contribute
significantly to the public’s store of political information. Overall, the
mass public model defi nes individuals as having litt le power in the face of
a concentrated media system.
The mass public model clearly defi nes political communication as a
top-down process where the elites control information, and the public
can, at best, choose whether to receive or ignore incoming messages.
Th is model is heavily influenced by the dominance of the traditional
media—particularly newspapers and broadcast television—that existed
during the majority of the 20th century. Th is media system offered litt le
choice, and the concentration of audiences facilitated the elite-centric
power structure. However, the traditional media are much less dominant
now than they were a few decades ago. Changes in the media system
have corresponded with changes in opportunities for audiences. These
changes, in turn, cause concern for the continued validity of the mass
public model. It is therefore important to consider alternative models of
political communication.

Moving Beyond the Mass Public Model

A current scholar of media and politics needs to assess the degree to

which the assumptions of the mass public model continue to fit political
communication. In fact, many of the assumptions are questionable
(Chaffee and Metzger 2001). Th is problem exists because of a change to
what we defi ned as the chief characteristic of the mass public model,
which was the concentrated audience. Current media choices not only
include broadcast television (with at least six channels in most markets)
and newspapers but also cable and satellite news (as many as 14 news
channels on some services), talk radio, and, of course, the internet.
These additional options, combined with an increasing ability of the au-
dience to choose among sources deliberately, have deteriorated the mass


public almost beyond recognition. Instead of concentration, bits of au-
diences are now spread across a great many sources. The description
sounds graphic, and to a political campaign or a news organization, it is.
A distributed audience means that content creators need to work much
harder to get their messages to a large number of individuals (see How-
ard 2006). The change in the nature of audiences causes problems for
several of the assumptions made by the mass public model of political
One implied change to the mass public model is that political commu-
nication is no longer top-down but also bottom-up and even cuts across
social structures. Th is means that messages are increasingly created by
the public (e.g., citizen journalism), either to be sent up the power hierar-
chy to political elites or to be sent across to other sectors of the public. The
increasing fragmentation of the media structures makes outlets less
expensive and easier to utilize. Becoming a news anchor requires experi-
ence (and perhaps connections), but creating a news channel on YouTube
requires merely a video camera and an internet connection. The lower
costs and increased access mean that it is harder for elites to dominate the
process of message creation.
Of course, many messages—and perhaps the majority of those encoun-
tered by most of the public—will be created by the same political elites as
before. For example, online video struggles to compare to broadcast televi-
sion. The December 2010 audiences for the American nightly news broad-
casts were 6 million to 10 million viewers (Seidman 2010). The number of
unique viewers of videos on Google (YouTube) during an entire day was
4.7 million (comScore 2011a). Many YouTube videos are, of course, profes-
sionally produced, as are the vast majority of videos found on other popular
video platforms, such as Viacom Digital (MTV, Comedy Central; 1.5 mil-
lion) or Hulu (primarily NBC and Fox; 0.9 million). These numbers for
online video demonstrate that whereas it is easy to become excited about
the potential of citizen journalism, the reality is that many types of mes-
sages coexist in the current media system. The important point is that the
presence of diversity is what alters the mass public model’s assumptions
about the diffusion of political information.
A second change that distributed audiences imply for the mass public
model concerns the role of the audience. As our description suggests, the
dispersion of media outlets and audiences affords a stronger conceptuali-
zation of the audience than was reasonable under the mass public model.
The previous defi nition of an active citizen was a person who either
thought about his or her media choices or received a message from the
media and then discussed the information with friends or family. The
prevalence of choices today dictates that most people will have to select

[ 150 ] News on the Internet

their media outlets consciously. The most-involved citizens can both
share information and use the media to create their own political mes-
sages that can either provide feedback to elites or reach a substantial audi-
ence. Th is significantly changes the audience roles assumed by the mass
public model of political communication.
The fragmented structure of media today has changed the operation of
political communication as defi ned by the mass public model. Specifi-
cally, the improved availability of media outlets has limited the message
dominance of political elites and expanded the role of public audiences.
Such changes directly contribute to information democratization by pro-
viding the opportunities for citizen involvement with political informa-
tion. However, breaking academic assumptions of media is not the only
consequence of the shift from mass to fragmented audiences. The chang-
ing relationships among media, elites, and citizens also bear important
implications for society.

Opportunity or Hazard?

The shift from the mass public model to a more fragmented model of po-
litical communication does not just change the relative power of elites and
individuals. Communication is a critical component of society, and any
significant change to a communication system will necessarily affect so-
ciety as a whole. Knowing to look for change is easy, but recognizing and
evaluating the shifts are a challenge. We may be inclined to say that citizen
involvement is a social good, but the reality may be more complex. It is
therefore necessary to give greater consideration to the influence of infor-
mation democratization for society.
On the surface, citizen involvement with content does seem to offer
clear benefits. Increased political knowledge among the public may be
one of the positive outcomes. Knowledge could be increased in at least
two ways. One route could be that individuals who become involved
with political communication take it upon themselves to conduct the
research or investigation necessary to produce informed messages. Th is
possibility represents the highest hopes of those encouraging citizen
journalism. A second route could be that citizen-produced information
would appeal to people who never made regular use of traditional
reporting, much in the same way as the two-step political information
studies found that nonviewers of news become informed by friends
(Katz 1957).
Improved attention to government operations may be another posi-
tive outcome. As citizens become increasingly involved with political


information, their likelihood of viewing and evaluating officials should
increase, which would, in turn, put more pressure on those officials to be
responsive to constituents. It is still too early to say whether knowledge
and attention are reasonable outcomes of information democratization.
Chapters 6 and 7 pointed to research that offered some positive and some
negative perspectives on the relationship between online news and audi-
ences’ political knowledge and participation. Whether and how involve-
ment—over and above simple news exposure—makes a difference will
have to be answered at a later time.
A clearer implication of the evolving system is increased societal
fragmentation. American media developed such that a primary con-
tributor to citizen involvement was the division of audiences, as dis-
cussed above. Contemporary critics of society must recognize that
involvement and fragmentation appear to operate hand-in-hand. This
observation leads to two conclusions regarding societal fragmentation.
First, it is possible that attempts to unify (or reconcentrate) the news
media—if this were even possible—would come at the cost of reducing
citizen involvement. Just as the dispersion of platforms and audiences
creates opportunities for citizens to shape media, eliminating sources
may simultaneously increase the size of audiences and decrease their
political opportunities.
Second, it is possible that attempts to expand the role of citizens in the
media could increase the level of societal fragmentation. Th is could
occur if individuals focus their contributions on a niche area, and this
process could facilitate polarization—the extreme form of fragmenta-
tion (see chapter 7). A potential example of this can be seen in most
citizen journalism projects, which tend to focus on hyperlocal reporting,
leaving other issues for larger outlets. These conclusions suggest that to
the extent that we value information democratization, we may also have
to accept societal fragmentation.
Information democratization describes the current trend of increased
citizen creation, distribution, exhibition, and curation of political infor-
mation. Th is trend has its roots in the ongoing transition of the media
system. As society has moved from a mass public model of political com-
munication to a more fragmented model, the message dominance of elites
and the relative power of private citizens have shifted. The full repercus-
sions of these changes in the media will not be known for years, but the
early signs point to citizen involvement, public knowledge, and societal
fragmentation as plausible long-term outcomes. Assessing the signifi-
cance of citizen involvement next requires moving beyond just the chang-
ing media system to consider also the changing role of information in
democratic societies.

[ 152 ] News on the Internet


To this point, we have emphasized two facts. First, information creation,

distribution, exhibition, and curation are increasingly accomplished by
private citizens. Second, the internet has facilitated this democratization.
The next points to consider are the how and why of this transformation.
The internet has driven public involvement with the news where other
media have been unsuccessful. The reasons for this success rest, in no
small part, with the openness of the medium, which has contributed to a
new context for citizen involvement with content and facilitated exposure
to (and effects from) information.

The Context for Citizen Involvement with Content

The context for involvement with content refers to the factors that influ-
ence whether and how often individuals will participate in any compo-
nent of public information. If we equate the decision to participate in
content with the decision to participate in any economic market, we can
more readily identify the factors that are relevant to making the choice.
The fi rst factor is whether the costs are acceptably low to justify partici-
pation. The second factor is the likelihood that participation will yield a
satisfying effect. In short, people will want to participate with public
information when they can afford to do so and when they think that
their efforts will matter. The calculations for assessing the context for
participation have changed dramatically in the past two decades,
because digital media have changed both the costs and the effects of
information creation.
The internet has affected the costs of participation with information in
many ways. Among the most important are free or cheap access to gov-
ernment records, corporate documents, secondary sources, and publish-
ing tools. With these components available for the cost of internet access
alone, the cost of participation is reduced to almost nothing. As the cost of
participation in any market is reduced, the likelihood that more people or
companies will get involved in the market increases. The effect of lowered
costs in the area of public information is particularly pronounced, because
the costs have fallen from such a great height. Newspapers, magazines,
and television are all expensive ventures, but the internet and its corre-
sponding platforms enable citizens to produce comparable content on
relatively meager budgets. Lower costs for participation with information
typically lead to democratization, because more people are able to be


The internet has also increased the likelihood that participation with
information will yield some tangible measure of effect. Without online
publishing platforms, citizen-produced content would likely be seen only
by the author and, perhaps, a few friends. Such a limited potential sphere
of effect has always been sufficiently satisfying for a significant number of
people. However, most would-be information authors or curators will get
serious about their involvement with content only if they think that their
efforts will reach others. Beyond the vanity factor, an audience is a neces-
sary component of moving the activity from the realm of hobby to profes-
sion. Without readers, most new producers will be limited to creating
content in their spare time. Although the internet does not guarantee an
audience, the medium does increase the likelihood that any citizen can
have his or her content read by numerous others. More important, then, is
that the internet increases the likelihood that a person can make a living
at writing. For this reason, the internet helps with the social context of
news production.

Citizens as Content Providers

Millions of Americans have engaged with public information in some

manner, most with no obvious effect. Major papers and channels continue
to produce much of the most visible content on the internet. Pulling apart
the apparent contradiction between information democratization and
corporate dominance requires a closer inspection of the effects of citizen
involvement with information. Specifically, we need to look at both direct
and indirect routes through which citizens can affect the broader realm of
public knowledge.
Public involvement with content has a direct effect when citizen crea-
tion, distribution, exhibition, or curation influences the information that
is seen and experienced by others. Citizens most often directly affect
public knowledge through blogs and social networks, although we can
also include wikis, link recommendation systems, and other formats.
Blogs and wikis are primarily vehicles for content creation, exhibition,
and curation. Participants can use these platforms to add their knowl-
edge for public consumption or use these sites as repositories for the “best
word” on a given subject. Traffic to such sites is fairly small (they att ract
fewer than one in five internet users on a daily basis, according to the Pew
Internet and American Life Project 2010b), but the direct influence on
exposure for those audiences is meaningful. On the other hand, social-
networking sites (and particularly Facebook, as of 2010) are among the
most popular platforms on the Web (Pew Internet and American Life

[ 154 ] News on the Internet

Project 2010b), and they are the biggest driver of online news traffic
(Hopkins 2010). When citizens repost or retweet links, they are distrib-
uting news content and becoming directly involved in the exposure of
others. Th rough any and all of these venues, the internet has created a
significant space for direct channels of citizen influence on information
Indirect channels of information influence garner less attention than
direct channels, but they are at least as significant for the overall quality
of a democratic public. The most common forms of indirect citizen par-
ticipation are those that change how mainstream media operate. Audi-
ence behavior in its many aspects is the clearest of these forms. The
traffic of visitors through a site influences the position of stories and the
“most read” bar—both of which are important predictors of story expo-
sure for subsequent visitors (Knobloch-Westerwick et al. 2005). Off-
site participation can also influence mainstream news by indicating
what stories citizens fi nd important. For example, blog attention to a
political story can have an agenda sett ing influence on broader news
coverage. These indirect channels of citizen influence do not require
individuals to see the involvement of their peers directly, and yet the
information experiences of these later audiences are altered—often
In sum, the internet has been a force for information democratization
because of its structure. It is not just the connections among computers
(servers) but also the openness of those connections that has spurred
change. There is no guarantee that a different structural framework would
enable the internet to continue to facilitate citizen involvement with polit-
ical information.


Information democratization is not a necessary consequence of the

internet. The current trend in media evolution certainly appears
headed toward meaningful citizen involvement with political infor-
mation, but there are significant factors working against this evolu-
tion. Much of the effort against this involvement comes from the
traditional media structure in the form of economic barriers, regula-
tory reform, and advertising precedence. However, citizens are not
being restricted entirely by outside forces. Social cleavages and inertia
are also contributing factors in this tension. This section explores the
nature and implications of the trends that are currently limiting infor-
mation democratization.


Economic Forces

At this point in the book, the importance of money to media should be

evident to the reader. However, whereas other parts of the book (e.g.,
chapter 2) have more often noted the damage digital media have wrought
for traditional-media economics, we must now make nearly the opposite
point here. Whereas digital media are damaging the bottom lines of old-
media corporations, the fi nancial structures of these corporations pose a
more fundamental challenge to the continued openness of the internet.
The lingering economic imperatives of the mass media system are working
against a higher level of citizen involvement with information.
The clearest evidence of this threat is the continued presence—and
dominance—of traditional-media companies on the Web. Microsoft
(which only partly counts), Warner, CBS, Viacom, Apple, New York
Times Co., Fox, Vevo, and Comcast are all among the top 20 internet
properties (comScore 2011b). These companies continue to have success
in part because of their name recognition, in part because of the quality of
their offl ine offerings, and in part because of their ability to create, copy,
or co-opt internet content. One example of this was’s pur-
chase of the popular and successful blog FiveTh irtyEight ahead of the
2010 elections. Most of these companies are (understandably) resistant to
full citizen involvement with media, because that end typically threatens
their business models. As a consequence, the success of these companies
online is generally a barrier to expanded information democratization.
The more substantial threat posed by the fi nancial structure of old-
media companies is the transfer of the profit motive for content creation.
To a contemporary audience, this complaint may sound grounded in
socialist ideology, but there is actually no reason to assume that the pri-
mary purpose of media content—and particularly news media content—
would be profit. Whereas the best news content for a democratic society is
likely a story that can detail a significant political event and provide suffi-
cient background and outcomes, this content is not likely to att ract the
largest audiences. The profit motive can be problematic for quality, and
again, this is particularly true for news media (Parenti 1993).
Evidence in support of this argument can be seen in the example of
New York Times Digital and Demand Media. The New York Times is one
of the best sources of political content in the traditional media, but the
company ranks 15th in terms of internet news audience (comScore 2011b)
and operates—a largely entertainment-fi lled, ad-oriented
site—to help improve the company’s profitability. Demand Media is a
content mill, a company built on the premise that content only serves to
space ads and bait search engines, but it was just one rank behind New

[ 156 ] News on the Internet

York Times Digital in early 2011 and was arguably worth more. Th is
example may seem to fit awkwardly for the overall point, because Demand
Media operates by lett ing common citizens produce their content. How-
ever, the form of citizen involvement with content available through
Demand Media is thoroughly diluted by the lack of emphasis on either
quality or topics of public concern. The case therefore demonstrates that
the profit motive for new(ish) content has corrupted—if not stymied—
the further evolution of information democratization.

Regulatory Forces—Network Neutrality

Both corporate ownership and profit motivations play a significant role in

how regulation may damage information democratization. We stated ear-
lier that the openness of the internet was a key factor in facilitating citizen
involvement with information. To illustrate this point, imagine that there
are two internets. One provides for unrestricted access to any content that
other people or companies have made publicly available. The other inter-
net restricts access to that content. Which one is more likely to facilitate
innovation and citizen involvement with information? The answer is the
Unfortunately, this two-internets exercise may not be a hypothetical
point for long. The notion that internet service providers (ISPs) should
respect the neutral architecture of the internet is nearly a thing of the past.
Rather than charge you a certain amount per month for access to the
internet, ISPs are arguing that they should be able to charge you the same
amount for only a portion of the internet. The disagreement—at least on
their end—is whether that portion is measured by amount of content
(e.g., download caps), type of content (e.g., limited to video), or by site
(e.g., no access to Hulu by Comcast subscribers). Th is type of data dis-
crimination is not built into the internet, but the Federal Communica-
tions Commission and the U.S. Congress seem poised to change that.
Sett ing aside the arguments about whether these changes should or
should not be allowed, we should consider how a new approach to manag-
ing the internet might affect information democratization. At the very
least, citizen involvement with video-based information would probably
be curtailed, because almost every form of proposed ISP involvement
with traffic would effectively raise the price of online video. Most exten-
sive challenges to information democratization could arise if ISPs move
to restrict broader categories of content (e.g., Facebook for premium
accounts only) or change internet access plans from monthly access to
metered access (e.g., pay by the megabyte of content accessed), and these


are some of the most frequently discussed proposals. Any of these changes
in the nature of the internet would likely increase costs and reduce audi-
ences, and these are the two factors that particularly enabled the internet
to foster information democratization.

Social Factors

Blaming media corporations and ISPs for threatening citizen involvement

with information is legitimate, but they do not merit all of the attention.
One of the most significant forces working against any movement—lit-
eral or figurative, actually—is inertia. A social change of the magnitude
we are discussing here requires a lot of work, both physical and mental.
People need to create, read, display, and share content. They must change
their news consumption habits and perceptions. Th is is no small matter.
The reason these physical and mental patterns must change for infor-
mation democratization to develop further is that most people are cur-
rently predisposed toward traditional media. No matter how many times
CNN, Fox News, or any other major outlet gets a story wrong, audiences
will continue to turn to those providers. If a small-time blogger reports a
story incorrectly, most of us would probably stop reading—or at least
trusting—that writer’s content. Even the citizen content producers them-
selves are far more likely to link to mainstream sources than to other citi-
zen sources (Project for Excellence in Journalism 2010b). Inertia is
easier—and the status quo may seem reasonable—but it appears that
information democratization will have a ceiling until social norms about
journalism change.


Democracy, by defi nition, relies on a public that bears at least partial,

direct responsibility for the selection and operation of government. Th is
would seem to suggest that the public should have some political knowl-
edge. The realities of elite control and mass-media systems in the 19th and
20th centuries made information difficult to acquire, and the content that
was accessible was often released to the public by the very people—or at
least types of people—who were involved with the political process. The
inefficiencies and potential for abuses of this system are evident.
Information democratization is defi ned here as the increasing involve-
ment of private citizens in the creation, distribution, exhibition, and cura-
tion of civically relevant information. In other words, common individuals

[ 158 ] News on the Internet

are more often the people who are writing stories, sharing articles, dis-
playing content, or archiving resources. Empowering citizens leads to a
more equitable information environment than anything that existed dur-
ing the mass media era. That system featured concentrated audiences
whose members were mostly uninvolved recipients of messages generated
by socioeconomic elites. The new reality provides many different types of
content to a comparatively active audience.
Th is is not to say that society necessarily will be better. Much of the
public could continue to ignore political content, and opportunities to
have a regular, widespread voice could remain relatively rare. More sig-
nificantly, economic, regulatory, and social forces may all work to under-
mine even the qualified successes of information democratization as it
currently stands.
The internet provides audiences with a great deal of control. Informa-
tion democratization is ultimately significant for understanding online
news, because it defi nes a process by which that control is turned not just
into citizen activity—which is also more or less true of fragmentation—
but also into a form of activity that actively contributes to democratic
society. However, because fragmentation, polarization, and democratiza-
tion all seem to operate hand-in-hand, the ultimate gain or loss for society
is actually rather difficult to evaluate objectively.



Conclusion: Online News

and Public Affairs

P eople create the news. That has always been the case, of course. Before
the birth of formal media organizations, the human hand was clearly
visible. News and other information spread from person to person, moving
through populations with alacrity, if not always accuracy. The institution-
alization of news in media organizations in the 19th and 20th centuries
hid that hand within layers of professionalization, hierarchy, and tech-
nology. News on the internet is returning the clear face of individual cre-
ation to some of the news while it adds a layer of mechanization to the rest.
The result is a novel mix of news and information about public affairs, one
that gives everyday individuals a stronger hand in the creation of the news.
It also gives them more opportunities to choose the news they prefer and
even to avoid it altogether. It is that mix of opportunities that embodies
the seeming contradictions of online news today.
Our assessment of the online news environment and audience has
identified a number of forces acting on the creation and consumption of
the news. Likewise, we have discussed how the dynamics of news tech-
nologies and audiences may be affecting people and social systems. Ulti-
mately, the technology of the news may be facilitating change in the
nature of citizens and politics in democratic systems. In this chapter, we
try to sort through apparent contradictions and balancing forces to build
some predictions and questions about how the online news environment
will evolve and how it will interact with other social institutions and
First, we review some of the larger patterns we discussed above. We
highlight how the news business operates online and how internet audi-
ences influence, create, and consume the news. Th is review sets the stage
for a discussion of a core set of seeming contradictions and confl icts in
how online news operates. These confl icts are tied to some of the most
important potential consequences of the evolution of news on the inter-
net. We fi nish with a consideration of where the news is going. We look at
some ways in which news may develop online and offl ine and consider
how these developments will interact with one another.


Recall that technologies such as the internet very rarely cause social, po-
litical, and economic change. Most often, they allow people and institu-
tions to make changes that they already desired, or they open opportunities
for new designs and developments to occur. We have tried to keep people
at the center of our discussion of online news. In this summary and review
of the ways in which internet technology, people, and news messages
interact, we try to focus on how human activities and desires have shaped
the news system and vice versa.

News-audience Activity

It seems rather obvious at times, but we still need to remark that the news
is a product of human activity. Creating news messages is an active
process. News professionals very intentionally gather, produce, and dis-
seminate information. In the 20th-century model of news media—one
built on newspapers, fi lm newsreels, radio, and television—news creation
largely ended there. But that is no longer the entire story.
Communication researchers have acknowledged for some time that
audiences are active, too. They choose among news outlets and stories,
so they inf luence news messages and organizations through their con-
sumption (and its connection to ratings, subscriptions numbers, etc.).
Internet news audiences have grown dramatically since news went
online after 1993. This growth has affected the size and nature of
audiences for the traditional news media, but the exact relationship
between online and off line news is not entirely hydraulic. Most people
use both online and off line news, others use one or the other, and some
use neither.
Audience activity is also seen in how people bring their individual
goals, feelings, and cognitions to their news consumption. People actively
interpret the news. Beliefs, att itudes, and behaviors that emerge from news
consumption are joint products of the news messages and the audience’s

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interpretations. Thus, today, as in the last century, audiences play a role in
their own interpretations of the news.
Finally, online audiences are active in a way that we did not see with
20th-century news media. Internet audiences are feeding content into the
news (both through the news produced by traditional press organizations
and via blogs, video fi le sharing, and other means). Thus, news audiences
seem particularly active. They create content, influence the behavior of
others online, and translate the content of news messages through their
preferences and other predispositions.

Transition from Of f line to Online Presentation of News Content

A sizable portion of the news that appears on the internet originates with
organizations that create content in the traditional media. Major origina-
tors such as the Associated Press, the New York Times, and CNN create
news stories that can appear online and in other media. The late 1990s
and early 2000s saw many of the traditional news organizations limiting
their online news to what they had created for their offl ine outlets. The
subsequent years have seen more original-content creation and presenta-
tion for the internet and mobile technologies. The major media are taking
advantage of the capacity of the internet for information storage and for
audience interaction with journalists and the news.
Perhaps more important is that the internet hosts a number of news
outlets that lack an offl ine component. These internet-only outlets are
often more focused than the major outlets. They carry news about a par-
ticular geography or topic, and they are often free of the traditions—such
as the objective-news form—of the offl ine news media. Ultimately, the
distinction between online and offl ine outlets will disappear as the media
evolve. As the technologies of the various media merge, the characteris-
tics of the news industry, as a whole, will outweigh issues particular to any
one medium.
As the content of the news online develops, so does the public agenda
that sites present. One of the most powerful social and political functions
of 20th-century news was the projection of a relatively uniform agenda of
issues facing a nation or other entity. Th is gave the news media signifi-
cant political power and often resulted in substantial public uniformity
of perception. Some observers of the online news environment suggest
that news on the internet is changing the political functions of the press.
They claim that the volume and diversity of news online and the control
that the technology provides the audience member reduce the uniform-
ity of the agenda that people receive. There is some empirical evidence to

[ 162 ] News on the Internet

support this claim, but a full unraveling of the agenda sett ing function of
the news media will take time. It might still be in development.

Audiences Create the News Online

Among the most important developments in the meaning and future of

news in this century has been the widespread growth of audience interac-
tion with the news. From the beginning of news service on the internet,
some outlets have tried to build audiences through two-way communica-
tion systems. In this century, the interaction of people with the news has
moved from the original community forums to systems of citizen origi-
nation of content. One step in this direction of origination is the access
that contemporary audiences have to the inner workings of journalism.
Journalist blogs and behind-the-scenes views of the news online (e.g., via
the provision of raw video footage or reporting notes online) allow people
to see how the news is constructed.
The more consequential development is the capacity that everyday
internet users have for creating their own content online. Blogs are per-
haps the most visible of the online systems that encourage citizen involve-
ment in the news. Individuals, small organizations, nonprofits, and others
who had been outside the traditional elite-originated news stream have
substantial power to control the flow of information in contemporary
The development of online news provision and audience interactivity
has put online news in something of a leadership position for the industry.
The online format provides a space for journalists to work with novel news
formats and structures, and the lessons that news organizations learn
about their audiences can influence the provision of news offl ine.

News-site Specialization and Segmentation

In some ways, contemporary development of news technologies and

systems online are predictable extensions of how media seem to evolve
naturally. The media that came before the internet had, at one point,
focused their efforts on mass audiences. Most newspapers, radio stations,
and television networks provided content intended to att ract large, het-
erogeneous audiences. What is more, economic and technological bound-
aries around these media often limited the number of options available to
audiences, effectively forcing some members of the audience to consume
general-interest fare. These media changed, however, as outside pressures

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from other media encouraged attention to more focused, homogeneous
audiences. Today, the offl ine news business is increasingly dominated by
more specialized content.
The internet essentially skipped the mass audience phase of media evo-
lution. Online news providers are focused on specialized audiences via
two routes. First, the technologies of the internet allow news outlets to
offer their audiences very personalized experiences with the news. People
can customize news sites, from the outlets of major news providers to
news aggregators, to provide news and opinion on preselected topics. As a
result, people can sample from a relatively narrow set of topics online if
they wish.
News sites can also encourage audience segmentation in their content
provision. That is, some news sites will see the efficiencies of news produc-
tion and provision that are found in attracting only a select group of peo-
ple. By tailoring their content to specific segments of the audiences, sites
can package audiences for advertisers. Sharing characteristics such as age,
sex, political predispositions, and income, these homogeneous audiences
may be att ractive to specific advertisers. Part of such a segmentation strat-
egy by online news providers is the diversification of the overall news
diet. That is, the provision of novel kinds of news—infotainment is one
such type—under the banner of news can allow news providers to divide
audiences further into distinct segments.
Research on the development of site segmentation shows some limited
trends in this direction. Too litt le research examines how specific news
sites differ in their news content, but there are signs that sites are special-
izing. One development that followed the collapse of print newspapers in
2008 and 2009 was the creation of a number of news sites that focused on
the local news for specific geographical areas. Ongoing research will assess
whether news site specialization becomes a widespread phenomenon.

Audience Selectivity and News Specialization

To observe that some sites are specializing their content with the hope of
attracting a homogeneous audience begs the question of whether news au-
diences will take the proffered bait. Online news segmentation is facilitated
by audiences whose members are willing to specialize their news consump-
tion around specific topics and perspectives. The evidence gathered thus
far tends to suggest that people can be quite selective with the news. Of
course, some news exposure happens accidentally, through well-developed
habit, or as a by-product of other media activity. Nonetheless, research
results point to a number of ways in which people select news online.

[ 164 ] News on the Internet

Audience selection of the news online is typically a multistep process.
People fi rst must choose whether to consume news at all. Increasingly, the
wide variety of content online provides many options beyond the news. In
such an environment, some people appear willing to forgo the news
entirely. If audiences do opt for news content, they have many types of
information from which to choose. They can fi nd traditional news assem-
bled and packaged in much the same way as it was throughout the 20th
century, news that reflects entertainment-based values, and news and
information initiated by other members of the audience. Similarly, they
must select from sites that carry specific topics and news formats and
those that carry a range of topics and a wide variety of information.
Selective exposure to the news also occurs within sites at the level of
story topic. Much as one might expect, people will follow story-impor-
tance cues—such as story prominence, story length, and visual graphics
and photographs—in their decisions to consume news. In this way, online
users behave as news audiences have done for some time. There is also
mounting evidence that people use the apparent topics of news stories as
guides. Political partisanship, ideology, and race are some of the factors
that can influence what topics people select.
Nonetheless, the full extent of audience selectivity online is not yet
entirely clear. Some research has suggested that people encounter a fair
amount of news incidentally, as a by-product of some other activity.
Intentional news audiences appear to contain people who focus their
news consumption on a small number of topics, others who sample very
broadly from the news, and still others who choose a mixture of both over
time. In sum, not everyone is highly selective and intensely focused. The
overall news audience is likely to be rather heterogeneous in its orienta-
tion to the news. What remains to be seen is whether news audiences
exhibit more selectivity as they mature within the internet environment.
It might be that selectivity is a learned habit that takes time to develop.
Right now, it may have been acquired by only the steadiest and most fully
immersed internet audiences. If so, increasing reliance on the internet in
developed countries might be accompanied by strengthened patterns of

Learning from the News

Under most circumstances, we think that news consumption is consequen-

tial largely because people learn from the news. That is, attending to the
news affects what people know about public affairs. The integration of the
internet into the media that people can consume could change preexisting

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patterns of how people learn about the political world. So, naturally, we
wonder what people learn when they use the internet.
There is ample evidence that people are able to acquire information
from the news that appears online. Studies of manipulated and naturally
occurring news flows suggest that people can learn from the news. In
many ways, learning from the news online largely mirrors what happens
offl ine. Some studies have shown that audience control of news selection
online determines what stories they encounter. Obviously, that affects
what people learn. Studies that directly compare learning from news
online with other media fi nd some differences, but few effects of medium
difference are large.
The presence of hyperlinks in news stories online can help audiences
navigate between and within news stories. Thus, they are a core element of
audience interaction with news sites. There is some evidence, though, that
the presence of too many links can create a burdensome cognitive load on
audiences. The load can overwhelm audiences, potentially interfering with
their mental processing of the information they encounter. Perhaps more
important is that some research has suggested that hyperlinks among con-
cepts in the news can suggest ways that concepts are connected with one
another. As a result, online audiences might develop more intricate mental
models of issues and events in news than other audiences might.
If people can acquire different information, and perhaps even more of
it, from the internet than from other media, online audiences may experi-
ence advantages that separate them from people who do not have access
to the internet. The presence of a digital divide in a population might
result in gaps between what different segments of a society know about
public affairs. Such knowledge gaps can affect how people think, feel, and
behave with respect to the political system. These gaps could serve to
reinforce preexisting social and economic inequalities.

Fragmentation of Knowledge in the Online Environment

Unification and division are major, inherent themes in any discussion of

the social and political role of the internet. Within the context of the news,
observers have suggested that the internet may serve to raise the level of
information that citizens have about their societies. Certainly, the diver-
sity of views and sources that pervades the online environment supports
that conclusion. Information and source diversity have a possible down-
side, though. Some observers raise the possibility that the internet might
fragment knowledge, affecting the depth and uniformity of information
holding in societies. Th is could affect the character of citizenship.

[ 166 ] News on the Internet

As we have tried to emphasize in this book, effects that derive from the
diff usion of the internet in democratic societies are a joint outcome of what
internet technologies provide, what audiences want, and what media elites
do. None of these factors acts fully alone. If people take advantage of what
the internet offers in terms of news selection and specialization, they might
focus their news gathering on some topics to the exclusion of others. Such
focused news gathering might fragment people across the news landscape.
Few people will be exposed to a cross section of events and issues in the
news. A fragmented populace is one in which litt le information is widely
shared, overall levels of political knowledge are relatively low, and there is
relatively litt le public agreement on a common political agenda. If, as we
suggest in the introduction to this book, citizens benefit from information
about public affairs, fragmentation could damage the quality of democracy.
Researchers have uncovered ample evidence that people can be quite
selective online. Many people seem willing to focus on specific outlets and
topics. What is more, when faced with an array of content options online,
some members of news audiences seem perfectly willing to make choices,
favoring some news content over others. Nonetheless, the research record
has not produced evidence of pervasive knowledge and agenda fragmenta-
tion effects of this audience selectivity. It might be that in practice, the
number of highly selective, focused members of the audience is still rather
small. It might also be that citizens have many information sources beyond
the internet, and sources tend to disseminate information widely. Clearly,
we need more research in this area.

Knowledge and Ideological Polarization

Audiences seem unlikely to choose news randomly. Rather, they follow

their interests, and they develop routines for online behavior that repeatedly
bring them to specific sites and content areas. To the extent that their news
preferences are born out of interests and group memberships that others in
a society share, online news consumption can facilitate the development of
segments in society—distinct in their characteristics—that share specific
knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes. The result could be a polarized society,
with relatively deep cleavages between segments.
The evidence amassed thus far suggests that many people engage in
systematically selective exposure to the news. News audiences for ideo-
logically driven news are relatively distinct from one another. Very clearly,
the American audience for news with a liberal inflection is largely made
up of Democrats; likewise, the audience for news with a conservative cast
is largely Republican. Similarly, survey research reveals that a good many

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people adopt technologies (such as Twitter feeds and email lists) that
direct news to them from specific sources with specific agendas. Thus,
some news consumption patterns suggest the possibility of polarization.
There is some evidence, though not a lot, that public beliefs and att i-
tudes are becoming polarized. People appear to follow their partisan
political interests a bit more extensively when they use technologies that
permit substantial specialization. What is more, one tentative look at the
att itudes of online news audiences showed an association with news spe-
cialization. When people relied on customized news sources, they exhib-
ited more ideologically distinct opinions. Thus, there is some evidence of
polarization in American news audiences. It is not overwhelming, though.

Information Democratization

Whether we’re speaking of audiences on the right, on the left, or in any

other location on the political spectrum, people are united in the sense
that they are offering unprecedented contributions to society’s political
discussion. Knowledge has historically been primarily under the jurisdic-
tion of socioeconomic elites, and the expense of mass media production
afforded common citizens few legitimate chances to be heard. Digital
media have facilitated a form of information democratization, or a transi-
tion toward public involvement with political knowledge. Citizens can
use their computers and other devices to write news, archive facts, and
publicize content as never before.
Some people will be tempted to lump the idea of information democra-
tization with earlier thinking that the internet would bring about a new
world order, but this is not exactly the claim we are making. The effects of
citizen journalism and other involvement with content are difficult to
measure, and it is unclear whether the difficulty arises from the challenges
of internet research or from the lack of a measurable phenomenon. On the
one hand, citizen content can be measured by the hundreds of millions of
Facebook pages, the tens of millions of blogs, the thousands of Wikipedia
pages, or the hundreds of comments on hot-button news stories. On the
other hand, it is highly unlikely that more than a small fraction of these
items will ever rise to the level of a measurable media influence. Why, then,
do we care about citizens being able to directly handle political media?
The easy answer is that even a small percentage of millions is likely to
be meaningful, but we can aim higher than that. The best way to answer
this question is to look at an influential study published more than 50
years ago (Katz 1957). The study suggested that the media did not have a
measurable direct effect on politics, because most people experienced

[ 168 ] News on the Internet

mediated messages through a friend or a family member who was one of a
small group of directly affected individuals. Th is study on the indirect
“two-step flow of communication” was a key contributor to several dec-
ades of scholars thinking that the media barely mattered to society at all.
With the internet as it currently stands, that line between direct and
indirect media effect is irrevocably blurred in a number of ways. One’s
friends might now have blogs and therefore be part of the media them-
selves. Instead of hearing about the news from a friend, one may now get a
link directly to the news from a friend. A person who becomes interested
in the news is not stuck researching microfiche in a library basement,
because he or she can now search online archives or read a few Wikipedia
entries. The answer to the question, then, is that information democratiza-
tion does not simply mean that citizens are more involved with political
knowledge than in the past; it means that we have to reconsider many
aspects of politics, information, news, media, and communication. There
may not be a new world order—media corporations and political elites
will likely always garner the lion’s share of the audience—but important
components of mass society will change (and have changed already).


We have said that the internet is all media together and at once. The phrase
suggests the potential for the internet to change quite a bit about how media
and audiences interact. At the same time, it points to the fact that the internet
often carries content and perpetuates interaction patterns that characterize
the older media. If that is so, how new is the medium? This is an example of
the contradictions that seem unusually common regarding the internet.
Other media have potentially conflicting effects and social roles, but the size,
speed, and ubiquity of the internet seem to render its issues and questions
larger than those raised by other media. In this section, we discuss some of
the contradictions inherent in news delivery and consumption on the inter-
net. We try to offer some resolutions to the contradictions, when possible.
We hope, in the process, to highlight some of the things about online news
that make it a challenging and exciting area of study and engagement.

Proliferation and Exclusion

The technologies of the internet simultaneously facilitate a proliferation

of content options and the narrowing of content selection by audiences.
There is perhaps more irony than contradiction in this situation. We

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have described how the amount of news content has increased with the
growth of the internet. The major news sites that dominated online
news in the late 1990s (e.g., CNN, MSNBC, or ABC News) continue to
do so and have been joined by blogs, news aggregators, content mills,
and other online-centric news providers. At the same time, the internet
offers contemporary audiences a number of ways to limit and control
their news exposure. Customized news sites, email news subscriptions,
and other technologies allow people to avoid news, if they wish, more
effectively than ever before. So, at a time when the marketplace of ideas
has approached an almost ideal level of information inclusion, people
are perhaps uniquely able to sidestep and limit their exposure to that
On further reflection, there is less contradiction in this situation than
meets the eye. User control is at the heart of both content proliferation
and tightened focus. Internet users exert a level of control over the flow of
information online that puts almost everyone in the position of adding to
an abundance of content. Th is is at the heart of information democratiza-
tion. At the same time, sites on the internet allow people to control their
online experiences. Site-customization options and other fi lters provide
people with tools to manage the excess of information.
The apparent contradiction of abundance and control raises an interest-
ing question about the concept of diminishing returns. In the traditional
meaning of the term, a quantity of something new in a relationship has an
effect related to the quantity of what had been present. In the realm of
news, we could say, for example, that 10 news stories on a page help readers
learn a certain set of facts. We may assume that more of that thing would
result in a proportionally larger effect. More news stories on a page means
that news readers learn proportionally more facts. Larger quantities do not
always have that effect, though. More of something can diminish the
impact of any one thing. A good example of this was observed in American
households that adopted cable television (Heeter and Greenberg 1985).
When households changed from five channels to 15, for example, people
would increase the number of channels that they watched. But when a sys-
tem would add many more channels to an already sizable number, people
would not add many more channels to their active repertoire. Ultimately,
each new bundle of channels added fewer channels to households’ actual
In the context of online news, we might be tempted to assume that the
excess of content would follow a pattern of diminishing returns. But what
if it went beyond diminishing? What if adding more news online resulted
in negative returns? Perhaps when people had a limited number of news
options, they were willing to wade through a broad set of news topics in

[ 170 ] News on the Internet

search of content. But, when faced with an excess of content, people might
opt for streamlined information-management solutions at a greater rate.
Th is was the hope of content mills, which attempted to provide “news”
that would feature prominently in search results. A more regular concern
in the fragmentation literature is that users will automate their news
searches by employing customization features. In so doing, people would
dramatically limit the breadth of news that they might encounter, perhaps
below what they might have seen with a more constrained media system.
People might react to a proliferation of options by limiting the number of
choices they are forced to make. In the end, some people in a high-choice
environment might opt to stop making choices entirely. Th is is a pattern
of negative returns that could bode ill for political systems predicated on
broad citizen access to information.

Knowledge Fragmentation and Depth

In chapter 7, we described how the dispersion of news audiences across a

wide range of news sources might reduce the level of public exposure to
individual items of political information. Some people may come to know
more about specific issues and events, but the number of people in a popu-
lation with shared knowledge about specific information will shrink. Th is
fragmentation of knowledge is widely predicted to be harmful to the
quality of democracy (e.g., Katz 1996). That prediction is based on the
assumption that citizens need to acquire information so they can make
well-reasoned decisions about issues and people (Berelson 1952). What is
more, in a fragmented populace, there is relatively litt le agreement about
the issues and problems that require collective or government action.
When they disagree about fundamental social and political conditions,
people are less likely to agree on political leaders and policies (Sunstein
2001). In short, fragmentation is an undesirable state of affairs for a de-
mocracy, according to this perspective.
Despite this, there are some reasons to be a litt le sanguine about the
state of affairs in online news. Whereas fragmentation and polarization
facilitated by the internet might inhibit large-scale awareness and agree-
ment about specific political issues, the technologies of online news might
have very positive effects on how individual people learn about politics.
One basis for that claim can be found in the concept of issue publics
(Converse 1964). An enduring truism in public-opinion research is that
the American population is made up of people who have litt le interest in
most political issues and topics. Amid this seeming sea of indifference are
islands of people with an intense interest in and knowledge of individual

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topics. Each of these pockets is an issue public. They likely follow news
reports about their focal issue and develop a substantial store of informa-
tion about it. Kim (2007) has shown that issue publics use specialized
news sources online to gather information relevant to their issue. For
example, people with an interest in abortion regulation might visit web-
sites of political groups active in abortion policy or search news sites for
information about it. The internet appears to be a near-ideal environment
for members of issue publics to develop their knowledge about an issue or
topic. From a pluralist perspective on politics, the action of issue publics
and other groups might adequately represent the diverse interests in a
We might also think about learning about politics in terms of the devel-
opment of audience members’ knowledge structures. As noted in chapter 6,
hyperlinked news stories can suggest to audiences the presence of specific
connections among concepts and issues. People appear to process and
store information in this linked fashion. As a result, the knowledge struc-
tures they develop about issues in online news stories appear to be particu-
larly dense (Eveland, Marton, and Seo 2004). These dense structures
should help them process new information about topics, thereby improving
the efficiency and breadth of their overall body of knowledge.
Thus, on an atomistic level, the provision and consumption of online
news look like a boon to individual citizens. They have an opportunity to
learn about a broader rage of topics than they might fi nd in other media,
and the excess of information about most political topics means that inter-
ested people can acquire substantial depth in individual topics. Moreover,
the structure of some online news presentations might help people develop
more useful bodies of knowledge about the subjects they encounter.

Technological Convergence and Agenda Fragmentation

Another seeming contradiction is the development of audience fragmen-

tation via a technology that brings disparate forms and content—and,
therefore, audiences—into one place. Technology scholars have been
suggesting that media are converging into a shared platform (e.g., Negro-
ponte 1995). Th is convergence process promises to unite content from
previously distinct technologies into a unified format—the internet.
A good example of this is the movement of video content online. Over
the span of a few short years in the 21st century, entertainment-televi-
sion content has moved from its exclusive location on broadcast or cable
to the internet. There it joins text that migrated from newspapers and
magazines and audio content from the radio industry. Th is convergence

[ 172 ] News on the Internet

on the internet has not yet eliminated the market for the other media, but
it has brought multiple media formats into a shared environment. It has
given site providers and audiences the chance to combine content from
previously different media in unique ways.
On its surface, convergence sounds like a unifying force, both a process
and an outcome that promises to bring distinct ideas and people into a
common arena of interaction. There is some reality to that promise, of
course. We noted in chapter 4 that a number of websites attract substantial
portions of the internet audience. The sites that reach these broad audi-
ences are often the ones that combine a number of content areas into one
place. For example, Google and Yahoo!—two of the most popular sites in
America (Nielsenwire 2010)—feature search engines and a broad range
of news and entertainment content. The growing audience penetration of
these sites (e.g., Google is used by more than 80 percent of American
internet users in a typical month; Nielsenwire 2010) suggests that sites
that can be one-stop convergence points can att ract large heterogeneous
We should not overstate the unifying potential of sites such as Google and
Facebook (another of the most popular sites in America; Nielsenwire 2010).
The 10 most popular sites may account for quite a bit of traffic, but the average
American visits more than 50 sites in a typical month (Nielsenwire 2010).
There is plenty of online activity beyond the use of general-content sites. That
other activity can easily consist of the consumption of highly idiosyncratic
diets of news and entertainment. Thus, a fully converged media environment
can easily be a highly fragmented one.


Some early observers of networked computer technology regarded the

internet’s potential for improving democratic discourse and participation
with something approaching awe and wonder (e.g., Corrado 1996). Many
of the assumptions supporting the predictions that they made were rea-
sonable then and are reasonable now. Media content and audiences are
converging in one place. The media industries appear to be in the midst of
a transition from a mass to a specialized model of communication. Dis-
ruptions accompanying this transition and the worldwide economic
downturn that started in 2007 have hit the news business with particular
force. Some newspapers have gone into bankruptcy, and others have
dropped some or all of their print operations. In all sectors of the news
business, writing and editorial staffs have been reduced. These develop-
ments have some wondering about the future of the news. We offer here

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some comments on what seem to be likely or plausible developments in
the industry. We focus fi rst on the long-term prospects of news outlets
that predate the internet. We then turn to a discussion of the future of the
online news business.

Old Media and the Future

The economic problems facing old-media outlets stem largely from a loss
of advertising revenue. Some advertisers scaled back all of their adver-
tising during the recession of 2007 to 2009, and some made particularly
significant cuts in newspaper advertising budgets. The online media
picked up some advertising expenditures during this period, largely in
niche markets. Whereas the transition of advertising dollars to niche out-
lets online may be a plus for people seeking analysis-based news on partic-
ular topics, it is not an encouraging sign for the overall news environment.
The fact that advertisements have not only decreased for traditional
sources but have also moved to new venues suggests that the plight of old
media is likely to be long-term. The problematic aspect of this is that blogs
and similar niche outlets are typically not generating original reporting. If
the traditional media fall away and nothing steps in to fi ll the function of
generating the news, then the consequences are likely to be severe across
the news spectrum. The necessary solution for all parties is a paradigm
shift for American news that will likely alter the responsibility of story
production and include at least one new business model for news outlets.
Th is is an imposing proposition, but so is the problem. Although it is
beyond the scope or purpose of this chapter to explore fully all plausible
business models, a few options are worth noting as they relate to news
Something must fi ll the void created as traditional news media decrease
their reporting. One possibility is that the importance of wire services
(companies that create and distribute freelance news articles) will increase
dramatically. Th is is already occurring to some extent, as we have noted,
as papers have become increasingly reliant on the Associated Press (AP),
Reuters, and syndication services. The main strike against this potential
solution is that as demand for such services increases, so should the price.
Indeed, smaller newspapers in the United States are already fighting with
the AP over prices and publication policies (Perez-Pena 2008). Reuters
and Bloomberg, traditionally smaller wires, may have another solution:
becoming news services in their own right. Whereas the traditional wire
model has always been to provide content to news outlets—and therefore
only indirectly to the reader—these two organizations have been hiring

[ 174 ] News on the Internet

high-profi le writers and moving toward providing news more directly to
consumers. Whether a direct or an indirect model is chosen, it seems
likely that a strengthened wire service could meet much of the reporting
A second option would be government support of news creation. Th is
could entail any number of solutions, although the most mentioned are
bailout, tax breaks, and public news (McChesney and Nichols 2010). Many
Americans—including journalists—seem uncomfortable with such solu-
tions, because it is difficult to imagine a state-supported information sys-
tem devoid of bias. Th is is a legitimate concern but perhaps overblown. The
tax-break proposal would actually give news organizations the same tax
status as churches, meaning that they could avoid taxes in exchange for
avoiding direct political endorsements. Furthermore, other countries,
such as England, have a well-developed public-broadcasting system with
excellent news services. The American commitment to public broadcast-
ing has always been weak, as PBS traditionally receives litt le governmental
support and is nonetheless regularly under partisan attack (McChesney
2008). We may see some sort of government support for news organiza-
tions in the near future, but it seems unlikely that this would be on a suffi-
cient scale truly to rescue the reporting provided by traditional media.
A third solution would be for traditional outlets, many of which are
owned by larger corporations (see to risk operating
at a loss in the pursuit of a product that is of high quality and good for the
public. Th is option may seem radical—increase costs in the face of declin-
ing revenue—but might be the key to success for the traditional news media.
None of the other likely solutions to this problem will preserve interest in
the traditional media brands. The cost-cutting options so far employed by
media organizations have not rescued those companies from their eco-
nomic plight. Perhaps the key to solvency for old media is to re-create a
high-quality product that audiences may find worth reading or watching.
The fourth and fi nal potential solution we will discuss is increasing the
emphasis on citizen journalism. Organizations such as New Voices and
J-Lab view this phenomenon (Witt 2004) as a capable (and solvent) alter-
native to mainstream sources. Under this paradigm, the people are respon-
sible for reporting on events in their locality. Individual stories might not
be highly polished, but the range of stories covered could be broader than
when the news collection is conducted by companies. Critics concerned
about the bias of such reporting should consider that all modes of journal-
ism contain some sort of bias (Bennett 2009), that partisan reporting
appears to be on the rise in traditional media (Project for Excellence in
Journalism 2007), and that Americans used to—and much of the world
still does—rely on advocacy journalism (Hamilton 2004). Admittedly,

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the transition from professional to citizen journalism would be quite a
change for our conceptualization of news production, but it might be the
best way to harness the strengths of the new media environment.

The Future of News Online

The internet will certainly continue to drive change in news across the
board, but the face of online news itself is far from sett led. Many years into
the popular availability of the internet, two fundamental aspects of online
news remain open questions: how online audiences will consume polit-
ical news and how online news will become fi nancially viable. Answering
these questions is imperative in order for online news to play a significant,
lasting role in society.
Determining how audiences will consume the news really requires
dealing with several prerequisite issues. One of these is where news will
show up next. Google News, Facebook, and Twitter are all services that
(1) very rapidly became popular channels for news, (2) changed at least
one core aspect of news consumption (e.g., customization, source, speed),
and (3) will quickly become outdated. Online news fi rst reached audi-
ences through desktop computers, then laptops, and now mobile phones
and tablets.
Th is brings us to a second concern, which is how audiences will respond
to changes in the news environment. Twitter—which can offer instant
news, mobile access, and content customization—may seem like a perfect
vehicle for online news, but only a fraction of the public will ever really
use this service, and only another fraction of those people will use Twitter
for news. The same can be said for mobile devices or Second Life (Reuters
paid to have a “building” with this service) or whatever the “next thing” in
digital content will be. It is not enough to see what forms online news
might take, largely because the history of media choice suggests that hav-
ing more choices actually leads to a smaller overall news audience (Prior
2007). Observers need to decipher which forms of news might be actually
utilized by significant audiences.
Addressing the question of how online news will become fi nancially
viable is literally a million-dollar task. One obvious choice is charging for
content through paywalls (systems that require people to pay for access to
news stories). These were relatively popular in the 1990s, but they gave
way to ad-based models, and now the news industry is turning to them
again. Of course, the reason news companies are vacillating on this point
is that no solution has yet provided a level of revenue that can sustain a
quality news product online. The challenge that confronts news producers

[ 176 ] News on the Internet

is that their content is worth vastly different amounts to different audi-
ences. Several examples illustrate the challenge.
Imagine that Juan, a frequent consumer of online news, has preferred
national (e.g., the New York Times), local (e.g., the News-Gazette), and spe-
cialty (e.g., It’s All Politics and Bloomberg News) news sources and then
also reads articles from other sources when he comes across an interesting
link. It is highly unlikely that he would be willing to pay for all of these
sources—and this is particularly true of the circumstantial sources. If each
of these sites introduces a blanket paywall, then the two or three sources
that make the cut will earn some revenue. The other sources will not only
lose out on the subscription fee, but they also will lose out on ad revenue.
Th is calculus becomes even rougher for online news providers when
considering audiences who are from higher socioeconomic classes and
already have established offl ine consumption patterns. A study of 2006
Pew internet data suggests that these audiences are particularly unlikely
to use—let alone purchase—online news content (Chyi and Yang 2009).
These results do predate much of the development in smartphones,
e-readers, and tablets, but it is still easy to see how this may be the case.
Imagine that Lisa, a fairly wealthy white-collar worker, watches CNBC
while gett ing ready for work, reads the Wall Street Journal while drinking
a morning coffee, listens to talk radio during her commute, and browses a
few online fi nancial news sources (Bloomberg News and the business
section of the New York Times) while at work. The online news is clearly
functioning as a supplement to a broader news habit. If any one of those
sources puts up a paywall, then she seems particularly likely just to switch
to a different, open outlet.
The fi nancial challenge to news producers is evident in each of these
examples, but see what happens if we put them together. The New York
Times might make the cut for Juan, but it has now lost the ad revenue for
Lisa. Whether the decision to use a blanket paywall makes sense depends
on whether Juan’s subscription makes the company enough money to off-
set the lost ad revenue from Lisa (and all of the other people like her).
Actually, this is the simplistic version of the calculation that a company
must make. In reality, if it is true that wealthier people have a particularly
low tolerance for paying for online content, then losing Lisa will not only
cost the company in terms of ad revenue. The company will also have a
smaller, less affluent audience, which means that future ads will actually
be worth less. Meanwhile, if Bloomberg News applied a paywall in our
examples, then both people would be likely to switch to other sites. That
calculation is much easier.
The solution to this problem is somewhat obvious: Online news produc-
ers will have to develop methods of implementing multiple business models

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simultaneously. For example, heavy users, who are likely to subscribe, will
be asked to pay. Casual users will be forced to see ads (or fi ll out surveys;
data are valuable). Audience members who forward content to a specified
number of friends will be able to bypass a site’s paywall. Users entering a site
from a content partner will get free access to that article only. Sports articles
will always cost something—except for premium subscribers.
All of these options could be implemented for one site, and that com-
pany would be doing an excellent job of maximizing revenue. At least, this
would be true if—and this is a big if—the simultaneous options could be
implemented effectively from a technological and public-relations stand-
point. Only time will tell whether this type of solution is viable. Either
way, content providers will have to fi nd some means of fi nancial stability.
If they do not, then the future of online news content (and possibly all
news content) will be in serious jeopardy.


For the average visitor to news websites, the internet is much the same
from day to day. Th is veneer of continuity belies the very rapid change
roiling the news business in the 21st century. Big changes are afoot, to be
sure. The power of the traditional news providers is weakening. A prolifer-
ation of news sources has undermined the easy supremacy enjoyed by
print and broadcast news through much of the 20th century. Citizen-
driven news, entertainment-oriented news, and just plain entertainment
all are vying with traditional news product for audience attention.
The upshot of this competition and change in the news business is a
developing tension between the provision of news and the quality of dem-
ocratic participation. By some standards—fragmentation and polariza-
tion are prominent examples—changes in the landscape of information
mean that citizens will be ill prepared to debate and act on the important
issues facing a nation. By other standards—for example, the diversity of
content and contributors—online news presents a vibrant and rich set of
resources for active and involved citizenship. Both of these standards are
appropriately applied to the online news environment.
Running through predictions of change, utopian and dystopian, should
also be a measure of caution and even disinterest. Democracies have proven
to be resilient in the face of changes in the relationship between information
and citizenship. The intermediaries between government and the governed
may change, but many of the core institutions and social practices that
underlie democratic systems appear resistant to change. As usual, whether
their resilience is good or bad depends on one’s perspective. And time.

[ 178 ] News on the Internet


1. HTML, the basic language of websites, stands for “hypertext markup language.”

1. The sample of internet users was recruited and maintained by Nielsen//NetRatings
(now part of the Nielsen Company). In 2000, the company had recruited more than
50,000 people to participate in the panel and claimed that it represented American at-
home and at-work internet users. The company recorded the uniform resource locator
(URL) address for every page viewed by a member of the panel. In response to author
request, the company provided the URL for view pages of a select set of news sites in
March and May 2000. With each URL was included basic demographic information
about the site visitor and the date and time of the page view.

1. Data for this study were taken from the Pew Research Center’s Biennial Media Con-
sumption Surveys from 2002, 2004, and 2006. The dependent variable in each analysis
was whether the respondent voted in the preceding presidential election. The indepen-
dent variables of interest were cable access, internet access (for both, 1 = access, 0 =
no access), and relative preference for societal news. This last variable is related to the
relative entertainment-preference measure introduced by Prior (2007), which essentially
measures entertainment-media consumption as a ratio of overall media consumption.
This study modified that concept by measuring users’ attention to crime, community,
and health news (4 = very closely, 3 = somewhat closely, 2 = not very closely, 1 = not at
all closely) as a ratio of their attention to these categories plus political figures, inter-
national affairs, and local government. Controls included in the analysis were news
exposure, political interest, and a thorough set of demographics. The statistical analysis
was conducted with a binary logistic regression model.
2. A binary logistic regression model was estimated with source number as the dependent
variable (1 = “get news from many different sources,” 0 = “mostly rely on a few sources”).
The model included control variables for respondent age, sex, education level, and
frequency of news exposure with television, newspaper, and radio (these were measured
in terms of exposure on the day before the survey interview, with responses coded 4 =
1 hour or more of use, 3 = 30–59 minutes, 2 = 15–29 minutes, 1 = less than 15 minutes,
and 0 = no use). The two variables of interest in the analysis are questions about the
internet. The first asked whether and how often the respondents got news online (5 =
“yes, every day,” 4 = “yes, 3–5 days per week,” 3 = “yes, 1–2 days per week,” 2 = “yes, once
every few weeks,” 1 = “yes, less often,” and 0 = “no, never”). The other question asked
which medium people used most over the course of an average weekday to obtain news
(1 = internet, 0 = other; 18 percent of the sample reported using primarily the internet
for news).
3. Nielsen//NetRatings provided the URL for each page visited on 13 selected national
and local news sites (ABC News, CNN, New York Times, USA Today, Chicago Sun-Times,
Dallas News, Detroit News, Louisville Courier-Journal, Oregonian, San Diego Union-Tribune,
San Jose Mercury-News, BBC, Nando Net). These sites covered national and local news
and included outlets of mainstream television and newspaper organizations. They were
selected for analysis on the basis of their audience size and geographical diversity and
how well their URLs facilitated topic identification.
4. The URLs identified the general topic for each news story. A classification of the URLs
grouped them into site home-page views and views of one of 21 major news topics.

1. We offer this variable with some hesitation. We recognize that the use of some media
that we call general includes some specialized exposure (e.g., watching CNBC on cable
television), whereas the use of some customizable services can be rather general (e.g.,
receiving email updates from the New York Times national news feed). Nonetheless, we
believe that the bulk of the use of each type of outlet matches our conceptualization.
2. All group figures are the percentage of people saying that they follow the topic fairly or
very closely. A demographic weight supplied by Pew has been applied to all analyses.
3. For attention to Afghanistan, the interaction of party identification and level of reliance
in a logistic regression model is statistically significant, p < .001. It is not significant in the
other two topics.
4. The interaction of party identification and level of reliance in a logistic regression model
is statistically significant, p < .001.
5. Of course, the reverse is also possible. It might be that people with more polarized
attitudes seek more specialized content. If that is the correct interpretation, it would still
suggest an important connection between specialized content and audience beliefs, but
the implications for a polarization effect would be less clear.

[ 180 ] Notes to Pages 97–141


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[ 192 ] References

20/20, 77 Baltimore (Maryland), 79

Baltimore Sun, 79
ABC News, 72–74, 170 BET, 134, 49, 156 Bimber, Bruce, 5–6, 17
advertising relevancy, 36 BlogPulse, 50
advertising , 22, 26–27, 34–36, 65, blogs: compared to traditional press,
67–70, 85, 164, 174 36, 76, 78; customization and, 136;
Afghanistan, news coverage of, 138–139, hyperlinks and, 48–50, 60, 147;
180n7.3 information democratization and, 11,
Ahlers, Doug , 32 154, 163; mobile devices and, 68–69;
alternative media, 20, 57 news agendas and, 57; news aggregators
Althaus, Scott, 113 and, 53; online news presentation and,
America Online (AOL), 66, 79, 81 49–51
Anderson, Chris, 10 Bloomberg , 53, 174
Apple, 49, 156 Boczkowski, Pablo, 43, 61
Associated Press, 34, 61, 135, Bogart, Leo, 133
162, 174 Boston Globe, 125
AT&T, 38 broadband access, 37, 38–39, 43,
audience: agenda of, 57–59; changes in, 45, 47
11–12, 17; demand, 41, 80, Bucy, Erik 114
121; demographics of, 14, 22,
35, 68, 73–74, 76, 82, 87–88, 90–91, cable television: audience fragmentation
129, 133, 138; diffusion-based profiles and, 14, 55, 124; hypermedia and,
of, 21; fragmentation of, 121–122, 45–46; news on, 3–4, 35, 45–47, 87,
143, 172; habits of, 12–13, 25, 28, 99, 134, 149; news agenda and, 60;
30, 33, 83, 85, 103–104, 124, 165; political polarization and, 99, 134, 140;
interaction with news providers, 6, programming diversity and, 80, 87,
14–15, 17, 71; marketing-based 124–125, 134, 170. See also television
profiles of, 22; motivations of, CBS, 26, 35, 49, 57, 60, 61, 65, 78, 124,
108–109; normative conceptualizations 148, 156
of, 19–20; polarization of, 130, citizen journalism: information
132–142; segmentation of, 35–36, democratization and, 11, 147, 150–152,
81–82, 85, 142, 164; selectivity of, 168; online news and, 51–52, 68,
13–14, 16, 24, 83, 86, 90–91; 175–176; social media and, 50, 168
specialization and 63, 83, 131 citizenship, information and, 5–7, 166, 178
audience activity concept, 16, 24, 39–40, CNBC, 125
84, 161–165 CNET, 49, 61
CNN, 46, 56, 60–61, 68, 72–76, 81, 92, Fico, Frederick, 107
99, 103, 125, 140, 162, 170 filtering of news, 14, 53, 59
cognitive dissonance, 86 Firefox , 70
cognitive load, 111, 114, 166, 61, 68, 92
cohort replacement, 13, 29–30, 33, 40 Fox News, 58, 75–76, 99, 134, 135, 140
Colbert Report, 78 fragmentation: audience behavior and,
Coleman, Renita, 129 121–122, 143; audience demographics
Comcast, 156 and, 129; audience political dispositions
commenting feature on websites, 15, 44, and, 119; definition of, 120; increase of
48, 51, 147, 168 news outlets and, 120–122; interpersonal
complementarity, 29, 32–33 communication and, 126–127; news
complex democracy, 19–20 aggregators and, 122; newspapers
conditional political learning model, 88 and, 125, 128–129; of audience news
content mills, 51–52, 156, 170, 171 exposure, 123–126; of online news
content specialization, 80, 83, 99–104. sources, 125–126; of public affairs
See also specialization knowledge, 123, 126–128; of public
cookies, 70 agenda, 123, 128–130; of traditional
Countdown with Keith Olbermann, 35 media exposure, 124–125. See also
Craigslist, 34 polarization
credibility, news sources and, 91–93 framing of stories, 94–95, 135
d’Haenens, Leen, 113 Future of the Mass Audience (Neuman), 80
DailyKos, 60
de facto media replacement, 29–30 Good Morning America, 77
deliberate story selection, 93, 95 Google, 52, 66, 150, 173, 176
Demand Media, 156–157 Google News, 53, 58, 61, 75–76, 81, 92,
democracy: conceptions of, 19–21; 94, 122, 125, 176
information and, 5–6, 37, 39, 144–146 Graber, Doris, 56, 94, 107
Democratic Party, 138–141, 167
democratic theory, 6, 19–20, 40 hard news, 64, 77–79, 90, 106, 117
Digg , 53 Heeter, Carrie, 128
digital divide, 12, 36–39, 166 Heuvelman, Ard, 113
distribution specialization, 68, 70 Hindman, Matthew, 125
Drudge Report, 75–76, 92, 125 Hotelling’s Law, 35, 69
Dunwoody, Sharon 96 Hulu, 150
hyperlinks: blogs and, 48–50, 60, 147;
eBay, 34 definition of, 48; mainstream news
economic news, 60, 138–139 sites and, 48–51, 60; online learning
editors, importance of, 53–54, 71–72, 94 and, 13, 110–111, 114–115, 166, 172;
elites, media and, 64–66, 116, 130, online news presentation and, 48–49,
145–146, 148–152, 158–159 58, 60, 62, 69, 95, 105, 107, 110, 166;
Entertainment Weekly, 77 recommendation systems and, 53, 154;
EPS cycle, 64–67, 69, 81 social networking and, 71, 89, 147, 155,
ESPN, 125 169. See also interactivity
Eveland, William, 96, 107, 115 hypermedia, 45–46
eye tracking , 95–96
importance cues, 54, 56, 58, 94–95, 165
Facebook, 49, 52, 89, 92, 94, 136, 154, incidental exposure, 89–90, 108
168, 173, 176 information democratization: argument
Federal Communications Commission for, 144–145; citizen involvement and,
(FCC), 37, 157 144–147, 150–155, 158–159; citizen

[ 194 ] Index
journalism and, 11, 150–152; costs media system dependency, 85
of participation and, 153; definition Meng, Jingbo, 86
of, 146–147; economic forces and, Microsoft, 61, 125, 156
156–157; efficacy and, 154; impediments mobile devices, 4, 22, 38, 50, 70, 135,
to, 155–159; indirect channels of 162, 176
information influence and, 155; news movies, 25, 26
creation and, 147, 154; news curation MSNBC, 60, 67, 75–76, 81, 170
and, 147, 154; news distribution and, MTV, 134
147, 154; news exhibition and, 147, 154;
regulatory forces and, 157–158; social Napster, 48
factors and, 158; social networking sites National Enquirer, 77
and, 154–155; societal fragmentation National Public Radio (NPR), 49
and, 152; versus mass-public model of naturally occurring news, 113, 166
political communication, 148–152 NBC, 26, 61, 65, 124, 148. See also
Instapundit, 60 CNBC; MSNBC
interactivity, 8, 42–43, 59, 84, 107, Netherlands, 113, 129
114, 163 network neutrality, 39, 157–158
international news, 60, 75–77, 100, 113, Neuman, W. Russell, 14, 80–81, 124
128, 133, 165 New Voices, 175
internet. See online news. New York Times, 49, 60–61, 72–76, 93,
internet protocol (IP) addresses, 70 125, 156–157, 162
internet service providers (ISPs), 38–39, news agenda: audience and, 57–59,
157–158 162–163; fragmentation of, 123,
internet video, 45, 47, 110, 150, 157, 128–130, 167, 172–173; homogeneity of,
172–173 57, 61; offline news sources and, 54–57,
issue publics, 171–172 61, 128–129; online news sources and
54, 57–62, 128–130, 162–163; setting
J-Lab, 175 of, 54, 56–57, 128–129, 162–163
Jankowski, Nicholas, 113 news aggregators, 18, 47, 52–53, 59, 81,
122, 125–126, 164, 170
Kenski, Kate, 112 news popularity rankings, 58–59
Knobloch-Westerwick, Silvia, 86 news tickers, 45–46
knowledge gap, 115–118, 166 newspapers: audiences of, 56, 64, 125,
Kwak, Nojin, 112 133; compared to online news, 106, 113,
116; decline of, 3–4, 26, 30–34, 79,
learned media, 91 121, 124, 148, 164, 173; fragmentation
Leccese, Mark, 60 and, 125, 128–129; history of, 25–26;
liberal pluralism, 19–20 learning and, 113, 116, 129; mass media
Life, 26 model and, 20; news agenda and, 54,
long tail, 10, 36, 78 56; online presence of, 11, 33, 42–44,
Look, 26 79, 125
Lott, Trent, 57, 78 Nie, Norman, 99, 129, 140
Nielsen//NetRatings data, 101, 179n4.1,
MacGregor, Phil, 71 180n5.3
magazines, 3, 25–27, 34, 35, 153 nonreplacement of media, 28–29, 32–33
mass public model of political
communication, 148–152 O’Reilly Factor, 35
McCombs, Maxwell, 27–28, 60, 129 objectivity, 3, 19–20, 162
media ownership, 41, 49, 61, 157 online news, impact of: advertising
media replacement, 27–29, 32–33, 40 and, 174, 177; audience activity and,
media effects approach, 9–10, 23, 39 161–165; citizen journalism and, 168,

Index [ 195 ]
online news (continued) Peiser, Wolfram, 30
175–176; compared to offline news and, Perse, Elizabeth, 24
162–163; customization and, 168, Pew Research Center surveys, 21, 31–33,
170–171; fragmentation of knowledge 37, 66, 74–76, 87–90, 97–98, 100,
and, 166–167, 171–172; government 124–125, 135–141, 154, 177, 179n5.1
support of news creation, 175; podcasts, 47
hyperlinks and, 166, 172; ideological polarization: audience demographics and,
polarization and, 167–168; information 133, 138, 142; audience news exposure
democratization and, 168–169; and, 132–136; audience segments and,
news-site specialization and, 163–164; 130, 132; customization and, 135–138,
proliferation of content options and, 141; definition of, 121; horizontal
169–171; technological convergence diversity and, 133; online news use
and, 172–173; two-step flow of and, 134–136; political partisanship
communication and, 149, 151, 169 and, 134–135, 138–139, 141–142;
online news, learning from: audience political opinion and, 132, 140–142;
motivation and, 108–109; compared to public affairs knowledge and, 132,
newspapers, 106, 113, 116; compared 136–140; traditional media exposure and,
to television, 106, 116, 118; dense 133–134; vertical diversity and, 133–134.
structures and, 114; elaboration and, See also fragmentation
109; experiment-based studies and, Poor, Nathaniel, 112
111–113; hypertext links and, 110–111, positioning principle, 69
114–115; interactivity and, 107, 114; Powell, Michael, 37
knowledge gap and, 115–118; news- Prior, Markus, 88–89, 179n5.1
consumption skills and, 109–110; Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ),
number of stories and, 114; political 60, 79
knowledge and, 112, 115, 117–118; public affairs news, 14, 100, 103, 115,
political participation and, 105, 117; 117–118, 123, 126–128, 132–133,
presentation format and, 105–108, 136–140
113–115; surveillance and, 109;
survey-based studies and, 111–112; web radio: television and, 8, 26–27, 28–29;
navigation skills and, 116 specialization in, 29, 63, 65, 140, 148,
online news, presentation of: audience 163–164
agenda and, 57–59; blogs and, Rather, Dan, 57, 78
49–51; citizen journalism and, 51–52; Reddit, 53
commercial relationships and, 49; Republican Party, 138–141, 167
compared to offline news, 41–42, 55–57, republicanism, 19–20
59–62; filtering and, 53, 59; hyperlinks reputation, news outlets and, 91–92
and, 48–49, 58, 60; internet video Reuters, 49, 135, 174, 176
and, 45, 47; news agenda and, 53–62; RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 15, 43,
news aggregators and, 52–53; news 46, 47, 52, 135, 136, 137
feeds and, 52; news popularity rankings Rubin, Alan, 24
and, 58–59; news prominence and,
54–55; newspaper websites and, 42–44; San Francisco Chronicle, 125
podcasts and, 47; social media and, 49, Schudson, Michael, 6–7
52; television news websites and, 44–47; search algorithms, 52, 53, 59, 94
visual convergence and, 45–46 search engines and search results, 59, 94,
online video. See internet video 125–126, 171, 173
Second Life, 49, 176
paywalls, 176–178 segmentation: advertisers and, 85;
PBS, 148, 175 geography-based, 79–80; internet
peer recommendations, 94, 95 and, 66–68; medium-based, 64–65;

[ 196 ] Index
style-based, 77–79; topic-based, 4, mass-public model of communication
71–77, 82, 100–102, 121, 126, 139. and, 148–149, 163; news on, 3, 20, 32,
See also specialization 34, 109–110; news agenda and, 54–55;
selective exposure, 24, 86, 91, 165 news format and, 55, 77–78, 109–110;
selectivity: advertisers and, 85; audience specialization and, 35; websites and, 42,
demography and, 90–91; audience 44–48. See also cable television
desires and, 84–86, 103; audience Tewksbury, David, 113
ideology and, 98–99; credibility and, Thurmond, Strom, 57, 78
92–93; deliberate story selection and, Time Warner, 61, 156
93; diversity of news sources and, Time, 61, 91
97–99; incidental exposure and, 89–90; topic tags, 50
interactivity and, 84; learned media Twitter, 11, 38, 50, 52, 76, 135–136, 137,
use and, 91; news formats and, 90–91; 168, 176
news versus nonnews choice, 87–91;
personal preference and, 88; popularity U.S. Congress, 157
and, 92, 94; reputation and, 91–92, 98; U.S. elections: 2000, 113; 2004, 61, 112,
serendipitous story selection and, 93–95; 140–141; 2008, 35, 46; 2010,
topic selection and, 100–104; web page 138–139
layout and, 94–96 United Airlines, 53
serendipitous story selection, 93–95 USA Today, 72–74, 92
Shah, Dhavan, 51 uses-and-gratifications perspective, 24, 28,
Skoric, Mario, 112 88, 91, 93, 108–109
Slate, 49, 61
social media, 41, 46, 52, 59, 71, 136. Vevo, 156
See also Facebook, Twitter. Viacom, 150, 156
soft news, 64, 77–79, 81, 90–91, 106 videocassette recorders (VCRs), 28
South Korea, 61, 112 videotex , 31, 107
specialization: advertisers and, 67–68; visual convergence, 45–46
distribution and, 70; EPS cycle and,
64–67, 69, 81; internet and, 66–68; Walker, Dana, 51
large news sites, 69–70, 81; limits of Wall Street Journal, 125
80–81; mobile devices and, 70; news Washington Post, 22, 49, 60, 61, 125
blogs and, 68–69; radio and, 65. Washington Times, 125
See also segmentation. web browsers, 31, 66, 70
story prominence, 55, 165 web logs. See blogs
story repetition, 55–56 Webster, James, 120–121, 134
Stroud, Natalie Jomini, 112, 140 Wikipedia, 168, 169
wikis, 47, 154
technological determinism, 8 wire services, 34, 43–44, 135, 174–175
Technorati, 50 Wired, 22
techPresident, 68
television: adoption of, 8, 30; decline of, Yahoo! News, 53, 61, 75–76, 81, 92,
12, 31, 32; expansion of, 26–27, 28–29, 103, 125
65, 124; learning from, 106, 116, 118; YouTube, 150

Index [ 197 ]

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