COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad: Course Plan - Spring 2017

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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology


Course Plan – Spring 2017

Course Title: International Relations

Course Teacher: Muhammad Tanveer Jamal
Class: BDS-4A
Total Credit Hours: 3 Lectures Credit Hours: 3
Total Contact Hours: 3 hrs/week
Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

The major purpose of this course is to provide the students with the opportunity to explore
international relations in a variety of ways and to familiarize them with the major theoretical
traditions which explains the world politics. It would enable the students to grasp the main
themes of the theories that have been most influential over the past two centuries. It would also
explain the recent theoretical work in world politics by providing an up-to-date survey of the
foundational and anti-foundational theoretical literature. Thus the learners will be able to
understand the main themes of the various theories and be able to assess their comparative
strengths and weaknesses.

Ultimate Objectives: To generate awareness among the students regarding the nature, evolution,
development and application of International Law, upon the members of international
community such as states, international institutions and individuals.
Course Outline and Contents:

Weeks Topics

Week 1  Introduction
 Definition, Scope , Importance

Week 2  Methods in the Study of IR

 Theoretical
 Descriptive
 Qualitative
 Quantitative

Week 3  Evolution of Modern International System

 From Empires to Nation States

 Nation State System :basic Features of nation-state system

Week 4-5 1. Sovereignty
2. Nationalism
3. National Power(Elements of National Power)
4. National Interest

Week 6  Theories of IR
1. Realism: Classical and Neorealism
2. Liberalism: Classical and Neoliberalism

Week 7  Presentation on Theories

 Understanding State behavior in terms of theory

Week 8-9
 International Conflicts
1. Theories of International Conflicts
2. Types of International Conflicts
3. WW1, WW2 & Cold War

Week 10
 Foreign Policy
1. Objectives of Foreign Policy
2. Determinants of Foreign Policy

Week 11  International Political Economy

 New International Economic Order (NIEO)
 Global Trade
 MNCs and Their Role

Week 12  Globalization
 Advantages and Disadvantages

Week 13
 International Organizations

1. United Nations
2. Overview of Role of UN

Week 14  Regionalism
 Regional Organizations and their Role
 SAARC: Objectives and Role

Week 15 International Security

 Different Perspectives on International Security
 National and International Security

Week 16  Issues in International Security

 Kashmir
 Palestine
 Middle East

Week 16 War on Terrorism and its Impact on Pakistan

Recommended books
 Peter Sutch& Juanita Elias, International Relations: The Basics, New York: Routledge,
 Charles W. Kegley& Gregory A. Raymond, The Global Future: A Brief Introduction to
World Politics, Boston: Wadsworth, 2010.
 Stephen M. Walt, “International Relations: One World Many Theories,” Foreign Policy
110, (Spring 1998), pp. 29-44.
 John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens, The Globalization of World Politics: An
Introduction to International Relations , (5th edition), New York: Oxford University
Press, 2011.
 Karen A. Mingst, The Essentials of International Relations, (2nd edition), New York: W.
W. Norton & Company, 2003.
 Theodore A. Couloumbis& James H. Wolfe, Introduction to International Relation:
Power & Justice, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1994.

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