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The history of Games Workshop

stretches back over 30 years. We are
the largest and most successful tabletop
fantasy and futuristic battle games
company in the world.
Worldwide Hobby
At our HQ in Nottingham, in the UK, we
design, manufacture, and retail the
plastic and metal toy soldiers and
rulebooks that are the foundation of an
almost infinite hobby. The UK
manufacturing operations in Nottingham
are complemented by a production
facility in Memphis, USA.
Games Workshop is a publicly quoted
company with direct sales operations in
the UK, the United States, Canada,
France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, and
Australia. Our Northern Europe operation
is currently based at the Nottingham HQ
and deals with Scandinavia, Holland,
Belgium, and Eastern European countries What Is the
A collection of models that hobbyists
among others. Games Workshop Hobby? form over a period of time ranges greatly
At the heart of the hobby are the
Whether it’s the sound of swords from small scouting forces to huge
millions of gamers aged 12 and up,
clashing or the blinding flash of a plasma armies containing many hundreds of
who spend many of their waking
cannon, the Games Workshop hobby miniatures. Games Workshop products
hours collecting, creating, painting,
puts you in command of the action! are not single purchase lines, which
building, and commanding beautifully
Using finely detailed miniatures as your guarantees continuous sales all year
painted armies on carefully prepared
army, you control the outcome of epic round no matter what the weather is!
tabletop battlefields.
battles on the tabletop!
The hobby is supported by Games
It’s more than just a game, however,
Workshop’s own monthly magazine
as the world of Games Workshop
White Dwarf, which is distributed by
opens up an entire hobby of
major independent retailers across the
collecting, painting, and gaming.
world. White Dwarf is currently
published in five languages, and special
editions are also produced for
the US and Australian markets.

Top: Tabletop gaming brings players face-to-face to play against each other as opposed to being screen-to-screen.
Left: The Games Workshop hobby helps develop artistic skills. Many gamers become highly skilled painters.
Middle: Reading Army books and compiling army lists help with mathematical and literacy skills.
Right: The battlefield is almost as important as the miniatures, and creating imaginative terrain is a very large part
of the expanded Games Workshop hobby.


Warhammer is a game of mass combat that

allows you to fight fantastic battles on your
tabletop. Choose to play as stalwart Dwarfs,
vicious Orcs, immortal Vampires, or one of
the many other armies in the Warhammer
world. Mix strategy and tactics with magic,
monsters, and war machines!

Miniatures shown 100

% actual size.

Warhammer 40,000 puts futuristic battles set in the war-torn
41st millennium right onto your tabletop! Your squads must
scramble through rubble, lay down supporting fire, and avoid
the battering assaults of massed enemy troops or lumbering war
machines. Fight battles in ruined cityscapes. Take part in quick-
hitting skirmishes or epic campaigns. The choice is yours!

Miniatures shown 100% actual size.

The Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game
range contains all the figures a collector needs
to play the game with favorite characters and
monsters from the films and books. The game
allows players to re-create the battles and
adventures from The Fellowship of The Ring,
The Two Towers, and The Return of The King.
Maybe you want to field an evil army of
Mordor or a force of Riders of Rohan – the
decision is all yours!

Miniatures shown 100% actual size.

No matter what army you field or which
game you play, you need paints to field
a truly awesome force of miniatures on
the tabletop. There are paint sets
specifically for Warhammer, Warhammer
40,000, and The Lord of the Rings,
which are ideal companions to the main
boxed games.
The paints included in these great starter
sets are just part of an extensive range of
paints available. In addition, there are
undercoat sprays, brushes, glues, and
tools available to help the collector build
his army, as well as a wide range of
gaming aids and materials for adding to
your battlefield.

White Dwarf, Games Workshop’s monthly gaming supplement, is the essential font
of knowledge for anyone involved with the hobby. The magazine regularly
contains information on how to find your local Games Workshop stores
and stockists, who support Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40,000, and
The Lord of The Rings.

You can download the RTT Events Guidebook, forms, posters, and
other materials.
Your customers can check the list of registered RTT Events each month.
Your customers can find your store address and phone number.
You and your customers can find Direct Sales only products to order.

Games Workshop is as easy as
The process for becoming an Independent Retailer with
1. Fill out the account application and fax or mail it to us.
discuss details and answer questions.
2. The Regional Account Manager for your state will contact you to
3. The agreed upon starting range will be ordered and sent to you.

The number one priority of the Games Workshop Trade Department is to provide
Games Workshop Independent Reta
outstanding customer service. Our sole desire is the care and development of your ilers
generally fall into two categories:
business. Your dedicated Account Manager will: Partners
and Stockists.
1. Work closely with your account to build the business. Stockist accounts stock between Ran
ge 2
and Range 4 and are perfectly con
2. Help you order the best products to suit your needs. ordering once or twice a month.
3. Advise and assist with hobby events. times, the Games Workshop line
will be a
small, but profitable, portion of thei
4. Contact you regularly to discuss developing your business. overall business.
5. Provide appropriate support materials, including but not Partner accounts carry a wider rang
e of
Games Workshop product. They
limited to, release schedules, POS, bi-monthly active in their hobby community.
are very
or weekly phone calls, and event support. accounts often sponsor clubs and
and are invaluable in the recruitm
We regard communication as a high priority and will provide you with regularly ent of
new hobbyists. Games Workshop
updated order forms and new release information. forms a
pivotal portion of these businesses.
Either program is available to you
. Your
dedicated Trade Manager will liste
carefully to your personal desires.
work diligently to help you choose
program that best suits you and
your business.


Games Workshop has a very flexible policy on ordering our products.
1. Orders can be placed through our office-based Account Managers via phone, e-mail, or fax.
2. With a top 50 stock check, there is no minimum order size, and all orders are postage paid.
3. You may order as many or as few times as you like to support the needs of your business.

As soon as a credit application is are approved, an extended dating form
received, a credit check is run on the must be signed by the customer so that he
business as well as the owner. Most understands that he is obligated to pay
customers indicate on the application the this order promptly. Terms customers are
terms they prefer. We try to accommodate expected to pay promptly on their
them as much as possible, but in the end, account on the date due, which is
the decision is based on the customers’ approximately 45 days from the invoice
credit and the discretion of the Credit date. Once the customer becomes 30
Manager. The Credit Manager sets the days past due, a phone call is made.
terms as well as the credit limits, which Once an account falls 90 days past due, it
are based on the credit report and what is removed from the system, and a final
the customer expects to purchase demand for payment is sent via certified
monthly. Terms are either COD company mail. If the customer does not pay in full
check, COD certified check, credit card, or work out a payment arrangement
or net 45 day terms. within 2 weeks, the account is sent to an
All extended dating requests must be outside attorney for collection. Monthly
approved by the Head of Trade as well as statements are sent to all customers.
the General Manager. If extended terms


Games Workshop currently carries over For Partnership stores where Games
10,000 SKU’s in our Direct Line: Workshop plays a more pivotal role, we
everything from Conversion Packs to have an Order Point Program available.
White Dwarf subscriptions. While the
For those involved in the Order Point
vast majority of these products are not
Program, we provide shelving, catalogs,
suitable to have on hand as everyday
and order forms designed to create a
stock, they are available to you to fulfill
dedicated spot within your business for
any special orders your customers may
your customers to order Direct product.
have through two simple programs
Once an order has been filled out, simply
For our Stockist stores with limited space fax it over, and it will be shipped out
and smaller inventories, our Direct postage paid to your store with
Department is ready and available to customer’s name on the invoice.
provide you with terrific service.
By far our easiest way to order
You can reach them at: from Direct!
1-800-394-GAME (4263)
Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST
Please contact them for ordering details.

Here at Games Workshop, we understand
how important it is to be fully stocked for
your weekend rush. Any order that is
as soon as possible.
placed with Games Workshop Trade Sales Call us anytime! If we are not currently available, we will call you back
by regional cut-off times is guaranteed to
be shipped in time to arrive by Friday.
Trade Support
1-800-394-GAME (4263)
The Games Workshop line is a wondrous combination of the highest quality science fiction and fantasy models. The GW family of
products has grown incredibly over the decades we’ve been serving the hobby community. Over this time, a vast amount of our
gross sales has come from a very small section of our products. In order to provide the best turn rate and highest profitability, we
have broken this section into five groups or “Ranges” that make the line incredibly easy to stock.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Range 1 features a very small selection of starter product, usually reserved for large line
distributors who aren’t looking for support from Games Workshop. As such, we haven’t shown this range in this guide. The other
ranges are shown here along with details on their contents, cost, and approximate space requirements.

This is the range of our best-selling starter products, from paint sets to boxed games. The range is predominantly core plastic boxed
sets. This package covers our three main game systems Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, and The Lord of The Rings.
1. Absolute best sellers, these items bring in 80% of Games Workshop total revenue.
2. Highly detailed plastic kits.
3. Starter range for the three main gaming systems:
Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, and The Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game. T his range includes
4. Includes racking and Stockist level support.
TWO of each item
Total Wholesale Package Cost: Total Estimated Wall Space:
$1,949.30 US / $2,264.90 CDN 5-6 Feet shown below PLUS
a case of Citadel
Polystyrene glue!

The Range 3 expansion enhances your ability to support the hobby with essential products such as paintbrush sets, primer spray
paints, and the Citadel paint and ink range.
This range allows you to take the first step into Games Workshop Hobby Range, which historically has been by far our most
profitable range per square foot.
The entire range can be merchandised on our stand-alone hobby rack that we send at no charge.
Total Wholesale Package Cost: Total Estimated Wall Space:
$1,374.64 US / $1,596.69 CDN 2 feet (Stand Alone Rack)

RANGE 4 EXPANSION its size and scope. Catering to a wide variety
of gamers and hobbyists, this
is by far our large st in both
The Range 4 Expansion
start a collection of their choice.
package has everything players need to ctions:
s to help guide your gamers in their colle
our rulebooks, Codices, and Army book
This range includes a full selection of
for collecting massive armies.
Including rules, painting guides, and tips ct for customers starting new armies, and
they are
inclu des one each of our battl e force s and battalions. These products are perfe
gs to both you and your hobbyists.
aggressively priced to be a great savin each game range and a small selection
cont ains a furth er expa nsion into our most popular plastic boxed sets for
This range also
our highest turn rate hobby supplies.
Total Wholesale Package Cost: Total Estimated Wall Space:
$3,557.43 US / $4,215.20 CDN 6 to 7 feet

While the prior ranges include our highest turn stock and all the core items a hobbyist will want, the addition of our most popular
blisters will offer your customers a wide variety of additional purchases. Including specialized troops, fantastical beasts, and
mighty heroes!
Total Wholesale Package Cost: Total Estimated Wall Space:
$1,339.80 US / $1,641.20 CDN 2 1/2 feet T he perfect
the other G















All materials pertaining to the New Line theatrical productions: The Fellowship of The Ring; The Two Towers; and The Return of The King © MMIX New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Lord of The Rings,
The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of The King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to
New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specific game rules & game strategy copyright © Games Workshop Limited 2009. All Rights Reserved. Games Workshop and the Games Workshop logo are either ®, TM
and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2009, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All Rights Reserved.

Conditions incorporated into All Contracts of Sale Buyer to Preserve the Goods
1.1 These Conditions of Sale (hereinafter, the “Conditions”) apply to and shall be 12.1 Goods in the possession of the Buyer in which the Company claims a security
incorporated into each Contract of Sale entered into by the Company. interest pursuant to paragraph 8.1 shall, at times until sold by the Buyer in the
ordinary course of business, be preserved in good condition by the Buyer in their
Acceptance; Modifications
original point of sale packaging and with any identification marks and shall not be
2.1 No Contract of Sale shall be deemed to have been entered into by the Company exposed to risk, loss, pilfering, or damage and shall not be made the subject of any
unless and until accepted and signed by a duly authorized officer of the Company. No charge lien or other encumbrance by any other party and shall be retained in the
revision to any such Contract of Sale or these Conditions shall be valid unless in possession or control of the Buyer.
writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of the Company.
Promotional Material to Remain the Property of the Company
Application Processing
13.1 Any advertising display and promotional material supplied by the Company to the
3.1 Any potential customer who fails to complete the application process in full Buyer shall remain the property of the Company and shall be kept in good order and
surrenders the privileges of certain credit considerations. condition at the risk of the Buyer and shall be returned by the Buyer on demand.
Buyers Conditions Excluded Company’s Rights at Law Not Restricted
4.1 Except as otherwise specifically set forth in the Contract of Sale with the Buyer, these 14.1 The rights and remedies of the Company under these Conditions shall in no way
Conditions shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties to the exclusion of minimize the Company’s rights and remedies at law; all such rights and remedies
any other terms and conditions, including, without intended limitation, any terms or shall be cumulative (not exclusive); and the Company shall not be bound to exercise
conditions contained in any purchase order or confirmation submitted to the any such rights and remedies in any particular sequence.
Company by the Buyer, unless such items or conditions shall be accepted on behalf
of the Company in writing by a duly authorized officer in the Company. Warranty
15.1 The exclusive representation and warranty of the Company with respect to the goods
is that the goods shall conform to the specifications set forth in the Company’s
5.1 All orders shall be made on the Company’s standard order form. No order shall be quotation for the goods or an order therefore accepted by the Company in
deemed to be accepted unless and until accepted in writing by a duly authorized accordance with section 4.1 here of. Unless otherwise expressly stated therein, the
officer of the Company, although in the case of established customers, telephone Company makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the goods,
orders may be accepted by arrangement; provided, however, that such telephone and the Company disclaims, for itself and on behalf of all of its suppliers, any and all
order shall be subject to these Conditions. Following acceptance of an order by the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, suitability, or performance.
Company, the Buyer shall not be entitled to cancel the order whether orally or in
writing, or by refusal of the shipment or return of the order. Any order refused by the Remedy; Limitations of Liability
customer will be reshipped at the customer’s expense. 16.1 In the event that the Buyer shall determine that any of the goods fail to conform to the
5.2 The quantity, quality, and description of and any specification for the goods shall be specifications set forth in the contract of sale or an accepted order therefor, or the
set out in the Company’s quotation or the Buyer’s order (if accepted by the Company). Buyer asserts any other claim against the Company related to the goods, the Buyer
5.3 The Company reserves the right to make any changes in any specification for goods shall give prompt written notice to the Company thereof, and the Company shall, at its
submitted by the Buyer which are required to conform with any applicable safety or sole option either replace such non-conforming goods with goods conforming to the
other statutory requirements. specifications set forth in the Company’s quotation or the accepted order therefore at
no cost to the Buyer, or refund or adjust the invoice price paid by the Buyer for any
5.4 Minimum order requirement of $1,000.00. such goods; it being agreed that the foregoing shall be the sole and exclusive remedy
Payment and Credit Terms of the Buyer for all claims hereunder or related hereto. Notwithstanding anything
6.1 Credit terms are offered entirely at the discretion of the Company, and the Company contained therein which may be inconsistent or to the contrary. In no event shall the
reserves the right to suspend or cancel any existing credit, discount, or supply liability of the Company for any claim related to the goods exceed the invoice price
arrangements at any time. paid by the Buyer for such goods giving rise to the claim.
6.2 Unless the Company requires otherwise, or unless provided in the Contract of Sale 16.2 In no event shall the Company or its suppliers be liable to the Buyer in contract or
with the Buyer, all invoices are payable in cash or by check payable to the order of tort, including negligence and strict liability, for any special, punitive, indirect,
the Company no later than the due date on the invoice. incidental, or consequential damages of any kind of character, including replacement
of goods, loss of profits or production, loss of revenue or use of revenue, property
6.3 Invoices not paid in full by the due date may be subject to a finance charge
damage, or expenses or damages incurred in connection with or arising out of the
compounded at the rate of 1.5% per month on all unpaid amounts, including any
Company’s or its suppliers performance or non-performance hereunder, whether
accrued interest on any unpaid amount from the due date until payment is recovered
suffered by the Buyer or any third party, or for any loss or damage arising out of the
from the Buyer.
sole or contributory negligence of the Buyer, its employees or agents or any third
Delivery Date Not of Essence party.
7.1 Every effort will be made to adhere to stipulated delivery dates. However, the parties 16.3 All shortages, overages, and damages must be reported to Games Workshop within
hereto agree that time of delivery shall not be of the essence of any Contract Sale. 25 hours of receipt of an order. Retailer should ensure that any damage to, or visible
Right to Withhold Delivery or Cancel Orders tampering with the order is noted on the Delivery Manifest when signing for that
order, otherwise Games Workshop not be liable for any shortage or damage.
8.1 The Company shall be entitled to cancel any accepted order or withhold delivery of
the goods subject to any accepted order if the Buyer is in breach of any obligation to 16.4 In any international supply contract which the Company is a party, all warranties,
the Company or if the Buyer’s credit limit is or would be exceeded. conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the
fullest extant permitted by law.
8.2 The Company shall be entitled to resell all or any portion of the goods in respect of
which delivery is withheld or cancelled in paragraph 7.1. Force Majeure
8.3 The Company shall be entitled to cancel or postpone delivery of any accepted order 17.1 The Company shall not be liable to the Buyer or be deemed to be in breach of the
in whole or any part if any goods subject to such order are not available or delayed Contract of Sale by reason of delay in performance, or failure to perform any of the
due to a cause reasonably beyond the Company’s control as described in paragraph Company’s obligations in relation to the goods, if the delay or failure was due to any
18 hereof. cause beyond the Company’s reasonable control including but not limited to an:(a)
act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire, or accident; (b) war or threat of war,
Security Interest sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, or requisition; (c) acts, restrictions,
9.1 The Company hereby reserves, and by acceptance of the goods, the Buyer hereby regulations, by-law, prohibitions, or measures of any kind on the part of any local or
grants to the Company, a security interest in all goods supplied to the Buyer deferral governmental authority; (d) import or export regulations or embargoes; (e)
hereunder and all cash and non-cash proceeds and products thereof, including strikes, lock-outs, or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving
without limitation, all documents, instruments, accounts, chattel paper, goods, and employees of the Company or of a third party); (f) difficulties in obtaining raw
equipment (as each such term is defined in the Maryland Uniform Commercial Code), materials, labor, fuel, or parts of machinery; or (g) failure or breakdown in machinery.
as security for (i) the prompt payment of the invoice price for the goods and any and
all other unpaid accounts under the Contract of Sale of which these Conditions form Indemnification
a part and (ii) the prompt performance by the Buyer of all of its other obligations 18.1 If the goods are to be manufactured or there are any processes to be applied to the
under the Contract of Sale. In the event that the Buyer shall fail to make any such goods by the Company in accordance with a specification submitted by the Buyer,
payment when due and payable or fail to perform any other such obligation when due the Buyer shall indemnify the Company against all losses, damages, costs, and
for performance, the Company shall have all of the rights of a secured party under expenses awarded against or incurred by the Company in connection with or paid or
Title 9 of the Maryland Uniform Commercial Code – Secured Transactions and any agreed to be paid by the Company in settlement of any claim for infringement of any
other applicable law. patent, copyright, design, trademark, or other industrial or intellectual property rights
of any other person which result from the Company’s use of the Buyer’s specification.
10.1 The Company may, by written notice to the Buyer, terminate in whole or in part any Governing Law
existing Contract of Sale with Buyer if (a) the Buyer fails to pay any amount specified 19.1 The parties hereto agree that upon acceptance of the Buyer’s order by the Company,
in any invoice when the same shall become due and payable or otherwise fail to their Contract of Sale and these Conditions shall be deemed to have been entered
perform any other obligation required to be performed by the Buyer under the into in the State of Maryland and all rights and obligations of the parties shall be
Contract of Sale when the same shall be due for performance, (b) a judgement is governed by and resolved in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland,
obtained against the Buyer, (c) an exception is levied against the Buyer’s assets, (d) without regard to its principles of conflicts of laws.
Buyer enters into any compromise or arrangement with its creditors, gives notice of Severability
voluntary winding up or a petition for its compulsory winding up is filled, or (e) the
20.1 If any provision of the Contract of Sale or these Conditions or part thereof shall be
Buyer files for bankruptcy or a receiver is appointed over its assets, or (f) if the
held invalid or unenforceable, such provision or part shall be deemed severed and
Company reasonably believes that the security of any indebtedness of the Buyer to
the remained hereof shall be given full force and effect.
the Company is in jeopardy. Upon such termination at the election of the Company,
the Company shall have the right to declare all outstanding invoices, including those Assignment
in respect of which the credit period has not elapsed, immediately due and payable. 21.1 Neither the Contract of Sale nor any duty or right under it shall be delegated or
Risk of Loss and Insurance assigned by the Buyer without the prior written consent of the Company. Any purported
delegation or assignment without such consent shall be void and of no effect.
11.1 This is a shipment contract and the Buyer shall be responsible for all shipping costs.
All goods shall be delivered F.O.B. at the Company’s place of business in Baltimore, Waiver of Breach
Maryland. Buyer shall bear the risk of loss or damage to the goods after delivery of 22.1 No waiver by the Company of any breach on the part of the Buyer of any obligations
the goods to the F.O.B. point and the Buyer shall at its expense and in the joint herein contained shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or of any breach
names of the Buyer and the Company insure all goods at the risk of the Buyer of other obligations.
pursuant hereto for their full value against all normal risks and shall receive in trust
for the Company any monies paid as proceeds of such insurance and upon payment Revisions
thereof to the Company, the Company shall credit the invoice for such goods. 23.1 These items are subject to revision by the Company without notice.
11.2 Notwithstanding that the Company reserves a security interest in goods supplied to No Sale or Return
the Buyer pursuant to paragraph 8.1, the Buyer shall bear the risk of loss or of 24.1 In no way does the Company acknowledge the return of un-sold goods for credit, or
damage to the goods in its possession and the Buyer shall remain liable for the full the practices of consignment selling. All sales are deemed final; No Sale or Return.
price thereof despite any loss or damage thereto until the invoice price therefor shall
be paid in full. Handling and Restocking Fees
25.1 The Company reserves the right to charge a restocking fee to any customer who
refuses an order.
25.2 Fees will be charged at a rate of 30% of the invoiced amount of the refused order.

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