Drama Audition Rubric

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Name: _______________________________________ Auditioning For:

HCS Musical Audition Rubric

4 3 2 1

All: Stage Presence Stands up straight, looks Stands up straight, but does not Lacks eye contact, may stand up Lacks eye contact, is hunched over,
relaxed and confident, and look as relaxed or confident straight some of the time, fidgets or shows no confidence, is very tense, may
establishes eye contact with and may not establish eye uses script to inhibit performance use the script or music to inhibit
everyone in the room contact with everyone. performance

Acting: Character Actor and character are Actor consistently stays in Actor establishes character but Actor is unsuccessful in establishing
/Concentration completely integrated character frequently breaks concentration character

Acting: Communicates effectively, Enunciates clearly, using rate, Attempts to enunciate, using vocal Uses limited or inappropriate
Voice/Diction using diction, enunciating, pitch, and volume to show variety and volume, but execution is enunciation, vocal variety and volume.
using a variety of rate, pitch, character. weak.
tone & volume.

Acting: Memorized! Almost memorized! Few lines memorized, but held on to Reading
Memorization script

Acting: Projection Performer can easily be heard Performer can be heard across Performer speaks at regular Performer is barely audible.
across the room, without the room but is shouting or conversational level rather than in
shouting or sounding strident sounding strident stage voice.

Singing: Notes and Virtually no errors; pitch is Occasional error, most of the Few accurate or secure pitches Pitch of voice has no relation to pitch of
Pitch accurate! time pitch is secure song

Singing: Musicality Singer masterfully interprets Singer meets artistic demands Singer sings the song but with little Singer sings but is barely audible
the song with artistic flair of the song most of the time feeling

Singing: Rhythm Singer is rhythmic and Singer achieves most of the Singer’s tempo is inconsistent. Singer’s tempo is completely off from
accurate. rhythm of the piece in tempo. accompaniment.

Singing: Projection Performer can easily be heard Performer can be heard across Performer sings at regular Performer is barely audible.
across the room, without the room but is shouting or conversational level rather than in
shouting or sounding strident. sounding strident. stage voice.

Total Score:

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