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A.M. No. 1402-MJ September 14, 1979


complainants, vs. HON. HENRY C. TAGUBA, Respondent. chanrobles virtual law library


In a joint affidavit subscribed and sworn to at Tuguegarao.

Cagayan on September 10, 1976, 1 Hermogenes Anguluan and
Angel Anguluan charged the respondent Municipal Judge Henry C.
Taguba of Rizal, Cagayan with (1) conniving with Mayor Venture
Baloran of Rizal, Cagayan in the filing of "an imaginary, fabricated,
baseless and unfounded criminal case of Qualified Trespass"
against the complainant Hermogenes Anguluan and other persons
as a consequence of which the persons charged were imprisoned
for three (3) days at the municipal jail of Rizal on August 3, 4 and
5, 1976, and (2) advising the complainants and Aleco Anguluan,
Diosdado Gundan and Jose de la Cruz, to sign an affidavit in the
presence of Mayor Baloran on August 12, 1976 without allowing
them to read the affidavit wherein the affiants admitted having
entered upon "the area presently occupied and belonging to
VENTURA B. BALORAN, a resident of Barrio Cambabangan, Rizal,
Cagayan." 2 chanrobles virtual law library

This affidavit-complaint was referred to the respondent for

comment. 3 chanrobles virtual law library

In his comment filed on November 19, 1976, the respondent

denied the alleged connivance between himself and Mayor Ventura
Baloran but admitted that Criminal Case No. 216 for Qualified
Trespass was filed before him by Acting Chief of Police David G.
Duruin on June 18, 1974 and alleged that he (conducted the
requisite preliminary investigation of the case on August 29, 1974
but issued the warrant of arrest only on August 3, 1976; and that
respondent's inability to promptly rule on the existence of probable
cause was due to his belief that the dispute was more or less civil
in nature and "there were sincere efforts on the part of both
parties to settle the case." 4 chanrobles virtual law library

On the charge that the respondent failed to read and explain to the
affiants the averments of the affidavit, the respondent said:

The Affidavit of Hermogenes Anguluan and Angel

Anguluan was prepared by somebody else. All what I
could recall was the Municipal Secretary in the morning
whom I trusted to serve as a bridge between the Mayor
and accused approached me and asked accommodation
to mediate the differences of the parties. Since this was
the first time that a respectable and responsible person
made a request which request could not be turned down
considering his stature, I acceded believing that it could
terminate once and for all their squabble. So that in the
afternoon when the Mayor brought in the supposed
affiants of the affidavit in question, I thought that was
the work of the Secretary. I instructed my clerk to
supervise the signing and unaware of the legal effects of
the document, he assured me that everything was
alright. I did that because at the time I was helpless
without eyeglasses. 5

On the alleged detention of the complainants for three days, the

respondent said:

It is alleged in the Joint Affidavit of Hermogenes

Anguluan and Angel Anguluan that they were detained.
May I ask if a Court after conducting the requisite
preliminary investigation prior to arrest is devoid of any
power to issue a Warrant of Arrest. The new lawyer who
instigated this case against me should study his law. The
law is clear on the matter that after a Judge has asked
searching questions of the complainant and his
witnesses, a Warrant of Arrest could be issued there
being findings of probable cause, which is present in the
case. As to the allegation that when I subscribed their
affidavit, I did not explain to them what was then being
subscribed, I know clearly my law on the matter and if
there was mistake committed, I was probably laboring
under the impression that everything was in order and
since my Court and/or office was overcrowded doing
plenty of work and forgot my eyeglasses then at home I
mislooked and overlooked important items that should at
the first place given close scrutiny. But while I admit
slight oversight on minor matters, I deny vigorously that
I connived with certain parties. I cannot sacrifice the
immense prestige of a judge in a small municipality for
the sake of temporary friendship and narrow
convenience. My oath as such has always served as my
guidepost for discipline, excellence and fairness. 6

In a Resolution dated June 19, 1978, this Court referred the case
to Executive Judge Alberto Gampona of the Court of First Instance
of Cagayan at Tuao, Cagayan for investigation, report and
recommendation. 7 Judge Gampona submitted his Report and
Recommendation 8 to this Court on February 15, 1979. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

During the investigation on September 14, 1978 conducted by

Judge Gampona the complainant, Hermogenes Anguluan, appeared
without counsel and manifested his intention to withdraw his
complaint against the respondent. 9 chanrobles virtual law library

On October 16, 1978, complainants' counsel appeared on the

scheduled hearing without the complainants. Said counsel
informed the investigating judge about his clients' desire to
withdraw the complaint. 10 chanrobles virtual law library

On October 30, 1978, a motion to withdraw the complaint was filed

by complainants' lawyer, Atty. Nelson C. Villaflor To said motion
was attached the affidavit of complainant, Hermogenes Anguluan,
explaining the non-appearance of the other complainant, Angel A.
Anguluan, whose whereabouts are not known to him and alleging
that the administrative matter was being withdrawn because the
affidavit-complaint "does not in any way substantiate a good cause
of action" and the complainants' evidence on hand win not suffice
our charge. ... " 11 chanrobles virtual law library

Notwithstanding the above-stated motion to withdraw, Alberto

Gampona examined the records of the case. He found that the
respondent judge had committed gross negligence in the
performance of his judicial functions in that the respondent gave
due course to the complaint for Qualified Trespass in Criminal Case
No. 216 filed on June 18, 1974; that it was clear from the
complaint and the supporting affidavits that the crime charged
therein had already prescribed; that moreover, although the
preliminary examination was conducted on August 29, 1974, the
warrant of arrest was issued only on August 3, 1976, after the
lapse of more than two (2) years from date the complaint was
filed; and that finally, the respondent admitted that he failed to
explain the contents of the affidavit which was subscribed and
sworn to on August 12, 1976 before him by complainant
Hermogenes Anguluan and four other persons, the dismissal of
Criminal Case No. 216 being based on said affidavit. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The findings of Judge Alberto Gampona are supported by the facts

of record. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The criminal complaint filed by the Acting Chief of Police., David G.

Duruin, in Criminal Case No. 216 before the Municipal Court of
Rizal, Cagayan, presided by the respondent judge reads as follows:

COMPLAINT chanrobles virtual law library

The undersigned Acting Chief of Police, Rizal, Cagayan,

under oath accuses HERMOGENES ANGULUAN,
defined and penalized under Art. 280 in relation to Article
281 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines,
committed as follows, to wit: chanrobles virtual law library

That on or about 10 th day of December, 1973, in the

Municipality of Rizal, Province of Cagayan, Philippines,
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above-named accused without justifiable cause and has
not secured the permission of the owner entered the
enclosed estate of one VENTURA B. BALORAN of plowing
and planted corn versus the latter's will. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Contrary to law. chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Rizal, Cagayan, May 6, 1974.

chanrobles virtual law library

Chief of

It is to be noted that although the crime is designated as qualified

trespass, the allegations describe the offense as other forms of
trespass defined by Article 281 of the Revised Penal Code with the
penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding P200.00. The act
of entering a fenced estate is a light felony in view of the penalty
imposed. 13 Light offenses prescribe in two months. 14 chanrobles virtual law library

It is alleged in the criminal complaint filed by the Acting Chief of

Police that the crime was committed on December 10, 1973. The
criminal complaint was filed only on June 18, 1974. The
respondent judge should have known immediately by simply
reading the criminal complaint that the crime charged had
prescribed. The respondent judge displayed gross ignorance of the
law in giving due course to the criminal complaint as a result of
which the persons accused were detained for three days. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Although the preliminary examination was conducted on August

29, 1974, the warrant of arrest was issued only on August 3, 1976.
The failure of the respondent judge to issue the warrant of arrest
within a reasonable time is suspicious. The respondent judge was
either ignorant of his duty or he was impelled by an ulterior
motive. chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

And finally, the respondent judge admitted that he did not explain
the affidavit to the affiants before he administered the oath. His
excuse that he could not read without his eyeglasses asinine to say
the least. chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Although the complainants have asked for the withdrawal of this

complaint, the Court cannot overlook the anomalous acts of the
respondent judge. The actuations of the respondent judge
seriously affected the public interest inasmuch as they involve the
administration of justice. It is for this reason that the motion to
withdraw the complaint filed by the complainants will not justify
the dismissal of this administrative case against the respondent. As
stated by the Supreme Court in Vasquez versus Malvar, 15 " ...
Furthermore, to condition administrative actions upon the will of
every complainant, who may, for one reason or another, condone a
detestable act, is to strip this Court of its supervisory power to
discipline erring members of the Judiciary." chanrobles virtual law library

Under the established facts and circumstances, the respondent

judge should be imposed a penalty of suspension from office
without pay for three months. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

WHEREFORE, the respondent judge, Henry C. Taguba, is found

guilty of serious irregularities in the performance of his duties as a
municipal judge and is hereby suspended from office for a period
of three (3) months without pay effective from the finality of this
decision. chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library


Teehankee, Actg. C.J., Guerrero, De Castro and Melencio Herrera,

JJ., concur. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Makasiar, J., is on leave.


1 Rollo, pp. 5-6. chanrobles virtual law library

2 Rollo, p. 8. chanrobles virtual law library

3 Rollo, p. 9. chanrobles virtual law library

4 Rollo, pp. 10-11. chanrobles virtual law library

5 Letter Answer, Rollo, pp-10-11. chanrobles virtual law library

6 Idem., Rollo, p. 11. chanrobles virtual law library

7 Rollo, p. 31. chanrobles virtual law library

8 Rollo, pp. 68-91. chanrobles virtual law library

9 Rollo, p. 38. chanrobles virtual law library

10 Rollo, p. 40. chanrobles virtual law library

11 Rollo pp. 42-47. chanrobles virtual law library

12 Rollo, p. 12. chanrobles virtual law library

13 Article 9, 3rd paragraph, Revised Penal Code. chanrobles virtual law library

14 Article 90, Revised Penal Code. chanrobles virtual law library

15 85 SCRA 10, 26.


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