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FS 2




Name of FS Student:

As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation then analyze and
reflect on my observations with the help of guide questions.


Nonette Ruby S. Drilon Teacher's Signature
Grade 5 Subject Area: English
School: Magsaysay Elementary School Date: November 21, 2018

What did the Resource Teacher do which applies/contradicts the

learning principle?
Principles of Learning
Non-Application/Contradiction of
Application of the Principle the Principle
1. Effective learning begins with The teacher starts with the
the setting of clear and high introduction of the topic and let None
expectations and learning
the students read some reading
outcomes materials related to the topic.

The teacher grouped the students There were few of the students
and give them instructions who can’t follow and understand
questions from the materials they the given instructions and
2. Learning is an active process.
read. After each group come-up questions.
with their answers, the teacher let
the students explained and
illustrate their definite answers.

3. Learning is the discovery of The students used member’s Some of the students/groups just
personal meaning and relevance of personal opinions and experiences follow their knowledge about the
ideas. which is relevant to the given given question.
Each of the students participate There are some students who
4. Learning is a cooperative and a on the group activity. They were not participating, especially
collaborative process. Learning is collaborate and share each the boys. They’re just listening and
enhanced in an atmosphere of personal idea on the given letting their groupmates answer
cooperation and collaboration. questions before presenting it to the questions without giving a
the class help.

1. Which principles of learning was/were most applied?

 Learning is cooperative and a collaborative process is the most applied

principle. The teachers give group activities where the students can contribute
their knowledge and skills to finish a task. With this principle, the students can
share their own knowledge on a certain task to create an idea on how to attain
their goal. Also, it will help students learn how to deal with conflicts, how to
respect each other’s ideas and to develop their interpersonal skills.

2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why the principles was/were not
very much applied? Give instances this/these principle/s could have been applied.

 From my observation, “Learning is an active process” is the principle that is

least applied. English subject is difficult to teach, where some of the students
are not attentively listening and interested in listening to their teacher, because
they have a hard time in understanding the lesson. In conclusion, when the
teachers will ask some questions, not all students can actively participate and
answer the questions right.

3. How did the application of these learning principles affect learning?

 Applying these learning principles can affect student’s learning in sense that it
encourages students to be more attentive and participative in class discussion.
It will help them to learn how to work cooperatively and collaboratively within
a group. The teachers can be the guide that students can learn more and explore
their own ideas that will help in their learning development.

4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?

 Non-application of these learning principle will affect the student’s learning in

sense that teachers can use a wrong technique in making the students understand
a certain lesson. In result, students will have a hard time in catching up and
comprehend the topic.
5. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they
are not always correct?
 I agree with these principles of learning; these principles are essential because
it will be a guide for the teachers and the future educators on what will be the
best teaching practice that will be effective and efficient for student’s learning.
This principle promotes teaching to be more meaningful. It will give motivation
and interest to the students to be more involved in class discussions.

My reflections and lessons learned on my observations of my Resource Teacher’s
application/non-application of these principles is teaching.
Among those practices that I observed, which practices will I adopt and which ones will I
improve on? What lessons did I learn?

Practices worth adopting.

Based on my observations, I will adopt how the teacher practice collaborative and group
activities. I can see that having a group activity can make students be more interested in
learning the subject. Also, students are having fun in exchanging their knowledge with each
other especially when they are dealing with friends. Even some are not helping but I can see
that each members of the group are eager to accomplish their tasks. Therefore, I can say that
practicing this principle can develop the students’ abilities and learning.

Practice to avoid and improve on.

From my observations, when the teacher is having her discussion in front; some students are
not interested in listening to their teacher, some have difficulties in understanding the lesson.
As a future educator, this practice should be avoided. I must find strategies or use other learning
practices that will make the students be more engaged in listening to me. I will use some
examples that can relate to their daily life, where they can easily understand what I am trying
to convey. I will use some other materials so students can be more attentive in listening. I will
make my teaching be more fun.

Lesson learned
Teaching is not that easy and needs more practice. Sharing your ideas to the students and let
them understand is so difficult. But having this learning principles, can help teachers to be
guided with will be the most effective strategies so that students will learn Also, I learned that
students have many differences with their culture, level of IQ and skills that should be
respected. Being a teachers needs to have more persistence, patience, hard work and
perseverance so students would be motivated and inspired in learning the subject.

Principles of Learning in My Own Words

Learning is a lifelong process

Learning needs interactions
Learning is sometime a complicated process
Learning is FUN
Learning differs in each learner
Learning touches not only the mind but also the emotions
Learning is limitless

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