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Documentation to accompany your unemployment benefit claim

Documentation of employment
You must attach a copy or your employment contract and termination notice for any
employment during the last six months before the last time your employment hours
were reduced.

You must document

 the beginning and end of your employment

 working hours (see below)
 the reason your employment ended. If you have chosen to resign as an
alternative to your employment being terminated due to workforce reductions,
you must document this.
 period of notice
 date of termination

If you do not have a certificate of termination, you must attach the form entitled
«Bekreftelse på sluttårsak / nedsatt arbeidstid (ikke permittert)» (Confirmation of
cause for termination), NAV 04-08.03 under Form and application.

 You do not have to document your income unless NAV specifically asks you

Documentation of working hours

You must document your working hours. If your last job had fixed working hours, and
lasted for at least 6 months, it is sufficient that you document this.

If you have worked a varying number of hours, or less than 6 months, you must
document all your working hours in the last 12 months.

If you request it, you can instead have your working hours calculated as an average
of all hours you’ve been employed the last 36 months. If you wish to have your
working hours calculated by this method, you will have to document your working
hours for the last 36 months prior to the first day you were wholly or partially

You should only request to have your working hours calculated on the basis of the
last 36 months, if you believe this will result in the highest weekly working hours on

If you have received parental or sickness benefit, it is important that you document all
work carried out in the last 4 weeks immediately prior to the period you received
parental or sickness benefit.

Other types of documentation you may have to submit

Non-custodial parent of one or more children
 You may only receive a child supplement for children under 18 years of age.
 If you have children who are not registered in the National Registry
(Folkeregisteret) you must attach birth certificates for these children. You must
also attach a certificate of residence if you have children who have just arrived
in Norway and who have not received a national identity number.
 If you are applying for child supplement for children resident in a country that
comes under the scope of the EEA regulations and / or Nordic Convention on
Social Security, you must also attach the child/children’s birth certificate(s) or
adoption papers. It is Your responsibility to have these documents translated.
For more information, please contact NAV.

If you are a foreign national

 EEA nationals must submit certificates of registration.
 All other nationals must submit residence and work permits.

If you are laid-off

 Please attach a dated lay-off notice stating the period of notice, the cause of
the lay-off, the degree of lay-off, the lay-off period and which days your
employer has a legal obligation to pay wages.
 Please attach your employment contract.
 Submit form NAV 04-08.04 – Bekreftelse på arbeidsforhold og permittering.
Your employer must fill this out for you.
 Submit minutes from negotiations between the employer and employees, or
other, similar, documentation confirming that:

1. the lay-off is justified within the framework of the collective wage agreement
2. the lay-off is caused by a lack of work or other circumstances beyond the
employer's control
3. the employer has tried everything that can reasonably be expected of him to
avoid lay-offs

Laid off or terminated from employment offshore

 Submit documentation to reflect whether you work a fixed rota or a fixed

availability schedule. You must also submit documentation of the start and end
of your last working period and your last off period.

If you work according to an availability schedule, you must also document the

 Submit documentation of which availability schedule(s) that apply to you.

 Submit documentation of which availability period you were on at the time of
the lay-off, as well as the scheduled beginning and end of that period.
 Submit time sheets for your last working period.
Unemployment benefit in connection with
Claiming advance payment of unemployment benefit in connection with

If your employer went bankrupt, you may be entitled to advance advance

compensation under the wage guarantee scheme in the form of unemployment

To apply, you must:

 complete and submit the form entitled Personal declaration—transfer of wage

claim (NAV 04-03.07).
 Submit your contract of employment
 Submit a confirmation of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings from the
liquidator/trustee in bankruptcy.

If the confirmation from the liquidator/trustee does not specify your termination and a
declaration that the estate in bankruptcy will not assume the rights and obligations as
a party to the contract of employment, this must be documented:

 Submit a copy of the termination of your employment

 Submit a statement from the liquidator, confirming that the estate in
bankrupcty will not assume the rights and obligations as a party to your
contract of employment.

Please be aware that several of these types of documentation can be included in the
same document.

Armed forces or civilian service

Claiming unemployment benefit after being dismissed from initial service in
the armed forces or civilian service.

 Submit your proof of service. It must clearly specify the period of service.
Pupil or student
If you, in the last six months, have been or is a pupil or student

 Submit leaving documentation from your school, specifying your official

graduation date or date of your final exam, or confirmation from your school
that you have dropped out.

If you are in education or training at the time of application

 Submit documentation from your school.

 The documentation must include the contents of the course programme,
where the course will be taken, study progression, start and finish date.

Severance Pay Scheme

For those of you who receive severance pay from your employer or the Severance
Pay Scheme.

 Submit your severance agreement, which must specify the period for which
you are receiving severance pay or the total amount of Your severance
payment, as well as your regular monthly salary at the time
your employment was terminated.
 If you are receiving severance pay from the Severance Pay Scheme, you
must attach documentation showing your ordinary pay and the amount of your
severance pay.

If you are working in another EU/EEA country

 You may have to submit the certificate entitled PD U1 (replaces the earlier
form entitled E-301 from the country where you worked).

If you have worked at sea

 Submit your discharge book/documentation of your last wage settlement. If
you worked on a rota, and you have received wages that cover an off-duty
period onshore, you must document this.

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