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Yungdrung-bon; the Religion of Eternal Truth in the Land of Snow

by Tsewang Gyalpo Arya*

Abstract: Tibet is an ancient nation with rich history and culture. Bon is the native religion of Tibet, it is still being
practiced in Tibetan community as Yungdrung-bon. Bon has invovled over the period of time and shares many values
with Buddhism. Yundrung-bon is different from the early Bon and the Bon used as generic term for religious practices.
This paper attempts to explore the background of this native religion and its position in the religious cultural history of
the Tibet. The paper also aims to clarify the general misunderstanding about the religion with a view to promote
harmony and unity in the community.

Keywords: Bon, Yundrung, Buddhism, Tonpa Shenrab

Bon is generally considered as the indigenous religion of Tibet, which has survived to this day, and
Bonpo as the follower of this religion. But this is a general assumption which is true to some extent
at conventional level only. Before the advent of Buddhism in 8th century AD, the religion was
widespread in the land and has been one of the important primal forces which nourished the culture,
language and identity of the region. Tibetan civilization owed greatly to this indigenous faith or
religion of their ancestors, which gave them a unique identity and cohesive force to survive and
evolve as a nation. Early Tibetan Empire is said to be conducted and sustained through Drung, Deu
and Bon1. Just as Buddhism became popular in Tibet and the neighboring regions around 8th
century AD, Bon too was popular in the Himalaya and the neighboring regions at one time in the
past2. We must remember that before the Tibetan nation emerged under the Yarlung dynasty, there
existed a land known by Zhangzhung and ruled by Zhangzhung kings. The land covers major part
of Tibet and the surrounding areas3.

Historians and scholars have attempted to unravel the origin and the meaning of the word Bon.
According to Prof. Namkhai Norbu, Bon is an ancient Tibetan term having the same meaning as
that of the word bZla4, meaning to recite. Bon-pa is an archaic verb meaning: to recite. 5 It is
sometime substituted by word Gyer, which also means recite or invoke 6. Gyer is believed to be a
Zhangzhung word for Bon, and Zhangzhung is the country from where the Yungdrung-bon religion
came to Tibet. In ancient text, we can see the use of Bon as a verb as well as a noun to mean teach,
recite, say, religion etc.7 Bon is also said to be source of term "bod" for Tibet in Tibetan, and that
the land took over the name of the religion "chos ming yul la tshur brtag-pa" 8. Just as chos, a term

(1) Nyang-rel nyi-ma 'od-zer, p-158. (2) Orgyen Lingpa, p- 151-152. (3) Namkhai Norbu, Drung, deu & bon, p-xv-xx
(4) Sherig Lekhung, Tibetan Reader VI Part, p-11
(1) mDo-'dus, p-323. (2) Sharza Tashi Gyaltsen, p-150. (3) Gopa Tenzin Drugdak, p-24
(1) Tenzin Namdhak, p-33-34. (2) Triten Norbutse, p-12
Namkhai Norbu, Necklace of dZi, p-16
Bod-rgya tsig-mzod chen-mo, p-1853
ibid, p-385
Bon-sGo 24: Gopa Yungdrung Yonten, p- 135 footnote28
Gedhun Chophel, deb-ther dkar-po, p- 8-9.
used for Dharma or Buddhism initially, has different meaning apart from religion, Bon too has
different meaning9.

The term "Bon" is as ancient as the early history of Tibet, which we will deal later. The concept of
Bon, its teaching and the culture associated with it are purely of Tibetan origin. Unfortunately, this
unique strength and original wisdom of Tibetan civilization has not been well understood and
appreciated. Even today, with open knowledge, free access to information, and religious tolerance,
Bon doctrine and its spiritual and culture contribution has not found the rightful place and
acceptance it deserve from the progeny of the civilization it nurtured for so long. Although limited
in knowledge, inspired by old books and true seekers, I make this small sincere attempt to share my
thoughts and throw some light on the matter. I hope this will help us look at the subject from a new
perspective and relieve ourselves from the long spell of concocted prejudiced bigotry and
conventional hearsay on the religion.

Just like any ancient civilizations, Tibetans ancestors too lived with the nature. Calm and bountiful
nature gave peace, prosperity and development. Flood, thunder storms, earthquake, diseases and
other natural calamities brought fear and insecurity. In order to live in harmony with the nature and
tame the destructive natural forces, our ancestors too were intelligent and ingenious enough to come
up with ideas to communicate with these forces to pacify or to control them. This communication
took in the form of rituals involving propitiation, offerings, expelling, incantation, fumigation etc. As
the civilization developed, the rituals also became more widespread and sophisticated. This took the
form of belief and foundation of religion. These early practices and different forms of worship were
called Bon. It has no doctrinal foundation, and was comparable with shamanism to some extent.
R.S. Stein used the term "Nameless Religion" 10 to mean all the ritual practices widespread in Tibet
and the neighboring regions in early times. With the advent of civilization, these indigenous practices
also evolved and various form of Bon practices emerged in Tibet and the neighboring regions.

Some of the early forms of Bon prevalent in the land were: gDon-bon, bDud-bon, bTsen-bon, Dur-
bon etc.11 There were kLu-bon, gNyen-bon, 'Dre-bon, Ngod sBying-bon, Ma-Sangs-kyi-bon etc 12.
Like any primitive religion, some of these Bons among other things involved sacrifice of flesh and
blood [dmar-mchod] as propitiation rituals. It can be deduced from these fact that the term "Bon" was
used broadly for all "ritual, healing and religious practice" in early period. It was not a specific but a
generic term to mean various forms of rituals and religious practices or faith in the land. The Bon
religion that we are talking in Tibetan society is Yungdrung-bon taught by Buddha Tonpa Shenrab.
This Yungdrung-bon, which has sustained the Tibetan civilization since the early Zhangzhung and
Yarlung Empire, and which later came to be known by Bon only, should not be confused with the
generic Bon, a term used to mean various rituals, beliefs and faiths in the early period.

(1) Bon-sGo 6: sMen-ri Ponlop Thinley Nyima, p-20, 1993. (2) Bon-sGo: 5 'go-pa bsTen-'Zin 'Brug-drags, p 31. (3)
Bon-sGo 24, Lhakpa Tsering, p-23
R.S. Stien, Tibetan Civilization, p- 191 ff
(1) Namkhai Norbu, p-45. (2) Bon-sGo 5, 'go-pa bsTen-'Zin 'Brug-drags, Bon gyi skor cun zhig gLen-ba, P-37.
dGe-gShes Phunstok Nyima, p- xxiv
Tonpa Shenrab Miwo was the founder of Yungdrung-bon religion of Tibet. He reformed and
reorganized the existing Bon rituals and expounded the doctrine of Eternal Bon. Tonpa Shenrab
was believed to be born in Wolmolungring13, a mystical land in Tagzig14, identified as Persia or
modern day Iran. But given the direction, its proximity and the sound, any phonetician would link it
to Tajik-sathan [the land Tajik people], which broke away from Soviet Union in 1991. Some scholars
ascribe it to Zhangzhung, present day Ngari region of Western Tibet 15. The description of
Wolmolungring described in Tonpa Shenrab's biography bears a striking resemblance to the area
around the Mount Tise and the Lake Mansarovar in Western Tibet 16.

In mDo gZer-mig, the medium version of Tonpa Shenrab's life, existence of some forms of Bon
practices is clear from the text, when it talks about what the Master taught on his first visit to Tibet.
"Bod kyi bonpo la bon-du lha-gSol-wa, 'dre bkar-wa, yug phud-pa", meaning "For the Bonpos in
Tibet, the religion of propitiating gods, interrogating demons, purification rites were introduced." 17
Here the term "Bonpo" is used for the practitioners and "Bon" for religion or ritual. It is also to be
noted that in mDo-mDus, the shortest 8th century biography of Tonpa Shenrab, the title name of
his father was Lha-bon Mi-bon rGyal-bon, meaning bon of god, bon of human, bon of king. These
early scriptures very succinctly prove that there were practices known by Bon in Tibet and beyond
the border of Tibet before the coming of Master Tonpa Shenrab.

People are apt to say that followers of Bon religion are called Bonpo. But this was not so in the early
period. Before Buddhism, Yungdrung-bon religion flourished in Tibet. There was no need to
identify the general populace as Bonpos; they were Zhangzhungpas and Tibetans only. The term
"Bonpo" has been used synonymous to "priest" or “healer”. It was a specific term used for a person
or a priest or to the one who is conducting any religious ritual irrespective of what kind of Bon he
was practicing. In mDo-gZer-mig, the medium version of Tonpa Shenrab's biography, the Master
talks about different Bonpos, who tried to cure the ailing prince18. General populace who believed in
these rituals were not referred as Bon or Bonpo. Some scholars say that the term was originally used
for a class of priest-magicians, and not to the religion itself 19. This reference of Bonpo to all the
practitioners and believers in Bon religion started only after the coming of Buddhism in Tibet to
differentiate it from the Buddhist - Ban-de.

So, this distinction of general Bon and Yungdrung-bon, and the term Bonpo in early and modern
time should be properly understood to have a clear perspective of what Bon and Bonpo we are
talking about. The term "Chos", Tibetan equivalent to Dharma was coined with the coming of
Buddhism in Tibet in 8th century. Initially, Chos was used to mean Buddha dharma, later it also
came to be used to mean "religion" in general: Yeshu-chos for Christian, Kache-chos for Islam,
mDo-gZermig, Chapter three, p-23.
Samten Karmay, Arrow & the Spindle, p- 104, 109
(1) Namkhai Norbu, The Necklace of dZi, p-16. (2) Samten Karmey, The Arrow & the Spindle, p-107
mDo-'Dus, p- 307
(1) Shar-rDza bKra-Shis rGyal-tsen, p-47, 161 (2) Samten Karmay, Treasury of Good Sayings, p-30.
mDo-gZer-mig, Chapter nine, p-161-162. "Bon-po tham-ced kyi gto byes kyang ma phen". [Rituals of all the Bonpos
brought no effect.] And the text talked about a Bon-po, who was against dmar-mchod, animal sacrifice.
Priyadarsi Mukherji, p-37
Hindu-chos for Hindu etc. A parallel could be drawn to the fact that all yellow-haired [go-ser]
foreigners were "Inji" [English] for Tibetans. Only after coming to India in 1959, Tibetans realized
that all yellow-haired people are not "Inji".

Just as all chospas are not Buddhist and all go-sers not Inji, all bonpos are not Yundrung-bon
follower. Chos in generic term is different from Buddhism; likewise, Bon in generic term is different
from Yungdurng-bon. This distinction should be very clear. What was Bon for religion earlier
became Chos later. As early Bon practices were reformed and abolished, Yungdrung-bon religion
came to be known only by Bon in the later period. Yungdrung-bon means religion of Yundrung,
"Yung" means not distracted from the eternal truth or meaning, "Drung" means everlasting 20, so
"Yungdrung-Bon" means "Religion of everlasting or eternal truth". And this religion should not be
misunderstood with the other early practices which may have survived in and around Tibet in the
name of Bon.

Yungdrung-Bon doctrine taught by Tonpa Shenrab, which has come from Zhangzhung and
practiced since the early days of Nyatri Tsenpo21, the first king of Tibet, does not involve any form
of human or animal sacrifices. In mDo-gZer-mig, the medium version of Tonpa Shenrab's
biography, one of the Bonpo priests has said, "I don't understand the Bon of killing one to revive
other; it is not proper and should be avoided."22. Tonpa Shenrab reformed and abolished all forms
of animal sacrifice and blood offerings and replaced it with substitutions using dough, effigies etc.
for glud and dmar-chos23 rituals. These teachings are well recorded in the four Bon of cause; where he
taught divination, astrology, sortilege, healing, exorcism, ransom, funeral rites etc. In fact, if we look
at Tibetan culture, it is these four Bon of cause [rGyu-bon bzhi] which has made the Tibetan culture
unique and rich, and these practices are still very much alive in Tibetan society in different forms
and well adapted into religious and secular life.

In order to properly understand the teaching of Yungdrung-bon, commonly known as Bon, study of
the biography of the Teacher Tonpa Shenrab, which is in three versions is indispensible. mDo ‘dus:
It is one of the earliest and shortest written sources in one volume with 21 chapters under gTerma
[discovered text] on the life of Tonpa Shenrab24. The text is believed to be translated from
Zhangzhung to Tibetan by sNya-chen Lishu stag-ring and he concealed it in 8th century. Two other
biographies: gZer-mig and gZi-brJid are the medium and longer versions of the Teacher's life and
teachings containing 2 volumes with 18 chapters, and 12 volumes with 61 chapters respectively.
Doctrine and philosophical teachings of the Yungdrung-bon is classified into two as sgo-zhi mzod-
nga; four doors and one treasury. It is also classified as theg-pa rim-pa dgu; nine stages of vehicle.
The later is popularly known as "Nine ways of bon", after David Snellgrove's translation. 25 The Nine
ibdi, Bon-sGo 10, 'go-pa sTen-'zin 'brug-drags, p- 21
Tenzin Namdak, p-41-42
(1) mDo-gZer-mig, Chapter nine, p-162. "gcig bsed gcig gso bya ba'i bon ni bdag gis mi shes-so. De-ni log-par gol-
wa'i bya mi rung-ngo. " (2) Gopa Tenzin Drukdak, Theg-chen.., p-28
glud means expelling or banishing someone away with a request or order to take the disease or bad luck along it.
dMar-chos means propitiation through the offering of blood and life.
Samten Karmay, The Arrow & the Spindle, p-109
David L. Snellgrove, The Nine Ways of Bon,
ways of Bon are further classified as rGyu-bon bzhi; four bon of cause, 'bres-bon bzhi; four bon of
result, and the rZod-pa chen-po; the great perfection. Until and unless one has gone through these
hagiographies and the vehicles, it may not be prudent to slander the teachings of this great Master of
Tibet26, Tonpa Shenrab.

It is true that Buddhism greatly enriched and enlightened the Tibetan civilization, but discarding and
belittling one's own root and culture is not a commendable approach to adopt by the heir apparent
of this rich civilization. If a strong national foundation is desired, we need to seek the root. Buddhist
missionaries extolled India as the land of Gods, people were made to believe that anything coming
from India as sacred and pure. So much so that the propagators tried and were in fact successful in
rewriting the Tibetan ancient history by ascribing origin of the Tibetan race 27, king28, and language29
to India. Scholars like Namkhai Norbu have refuted these claims as overdoing of the Buddhist
masters to show their loyalty to the land of Dharma 30 and to disparage the native civilization.

"In both China and Japan, the Dharma flourished and greatly influenced the
development and enrichment of the cultures of respective nations. But nowhere have
these nations sacrificed the uniqueness of their own culture and history for the sake
of Dharma. There would be nothing wrong if the Tibetans would view the relation
between Buddhist religion and their cultural history in such a perspective." 31

In one of the Guru Rinpoche's prayers "bar chad lam-sel" it is written "gdon-gzugs bon-gyi bsten-pa
bsnubs"32, and many interpret this as "Guru Rinpoche abolished the Bon religion of Tibet". This is
not true, and it is blasphemous to interpret in this way. gdon means demonic spirit, and gzugs means
form. So what the scripture is saying is: Guru Rinpoche abolished the Bon teaching that was in the
form of "gdon-worship", i.e. demonic spirit-worship or propitiation. Tonpa Shenrab too
disapproved of this practice much earlier, when he introduced Yungdrung-bon. Just as propitiation
of gdon [spirit] is discouraged in Buddhism, it is same in Yungdrung-bon also.

As provenance of Wolmolungring and sTag-gZig could not be identified, some scholars believe that this
Wolmolungring is none other than Zhangzhung, which was once western region of Tibet, therefore, Tonpa shenrab was
a Tibetan master
(1) Nyang-rel Nyima 'Od-zer, p-139-140. (2) Tsepon Shakabpa Tsepon, page 1. [Based on the text Lha les phul-byung
gi stod-'grel by Indian master Sherab Goched. Following their defeat against Pandavas in Mahabharata war of Indian
epic, prince Rupati along with his platoons fled to Tibet in the guise of women. They were said to be the first
inhabitants in Tibet.]
1) Khes-pa lDe'u, p -150. [It was written that after the Mahabharata war, Rupa-skyes, the 99th son of Dhrtarastra fled
to Tibet. When the native asked from whence he come, not knowing the language, he pointed to the sky. People
believed he came from the sky and was made their king. (2) Nyang-rel Nyima 'od-zer, page-156-157. [Here the King of
Badsala tribe had a prince with many strange features, bird like eye lid, webbed fingers etc. He was cast in a river, when
he grew up and came to know the reality, he fled to Tibet. There the people made him king because they believed him to
be divine when he pointed his finger in sky about his origin.]
(1) Nyang-rel Nyima 'od-zer, p-170. (2) Tsepon Shakabpa, p-12 and 25.
(1) Namkhai Norbu, The Necklace of dZi, p-3-4, and 7. (2) Namkhai Norbu, DDB, p-43. [A boy of Shen clan having
donkey's ear was depicted as the origin of the so called rdol-bon. Namkahi Norbu has refuted this.]
ibid Namkhe Norbu, p- 8.
Nyer mkho'i shel 'don kun-phen nyi-ma, p-283.
As for Guru Rinpoche's view on the Bon teaching, here is an extract from Kathang, "gyung-drung
bon kyang bden-par nges. Sid-pai dgu-lha dus su mchod. gnod-byed nyes-pa' si-mgo non. Long-
spyod phyawa dang gyang du 'gug. Bod rnam bde-legs 'byung bar mzed 33." This can be roughly
translated in laymen's language as: "Yungdrung-bon is also a confirmed truth. Deities of the land
should be propitiated in time. Heads of the harmful demons should be suppressed. Prosperity
should be summoned through phyawa and yang [luck and essence]. Tibetans are blessed with health
and prosperity." Therefore, Guru Rinpoche did not suppress or abolished Yungdrung-bon teaching.

Buddhism too was misinterpreted in early 10th during the dark period of Tibetan history, where
tantra practices were greatly misused. This led Lha Lama Yeshe-Od to invite Atisha
Dipamkarashrijana to clarify and revive the real teaching of the Buddha 34. But this does not mean
that Buddhism before Atisha was bad and Buddhism after Atisha was good. Buddhism as a religion
is pure and good, but there could be bad practitioners. Just because there are bad practitioners, we
cannot say that the religion is bad. So it is same with Bon teaching, not all early forms of Bon are
bad, there could be bad as well as good Bon, but the mDo, sNgags and Sems teaching of
Yungdrung-bon taught by Tonpa Shenrab is what is being practiced by the Tibetan Bonpos. And it
is this Bon we have to take into the context while talking about Bon religion of Tibet and its
follower Bonpo. Buddhist scholar Ngawang Zangpo says in his book, Guru Rinpoche: His Life and
Times, "His Holiness the Dalai Lama regularly invites representative of the Bon faith in his
Kalachakra empowerment and Kalu Rinpoche himself gave Bon empowerments, explaining that
their faith was different only in form and language, not in essence, from the Buddhist path." 35

Tibetans should be proud that like any other major civilizations of the world, they too had an
ancient religious culture, which evolved over the period of time, coexisted with Buddhism, and gave
the land a unique religious and culture identity. Bon and Buddhism are two inalienable paths
analogous to method and wisdom aspect of Vajrayana teaching to understand the depth and essence
of Tibetan mind and civilization. Bon is the foundation of Tibetan socio-cultural identity, and we
should learn to appreciate our origin and heritage, and be grateful to the primal everlasting the
wisdom of our forefathers.


*Tsewang Gyalpo Arya is doing research on ancient religion and cultural history of Tibet at University of Delhi


Tibetan Sources:
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1) Bod-ljong mi-mang dpe-skrun khang, p-123-124. 2) Bon-sGo 10, 'Go-pa sten-'zin 'brug-drags, p-32.
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Ngawang Zangpo, Guru Rinpoche, His life and Times, p-186
2. O-rgyan guru-padma ‘byung gnas kyi rnam thar grangs bcu-gnyis kyi bdag nyid can dri-ma med pa’I rgyan shes bya-ba bshugs so.
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Yonten, Bod ces pa'i tha sNyad les 'phros pa'i bSam-tsul. 2011
4. mDo-gZer-mig: The medium version of Tonpa Shenrab's biography, 2 Vol. 18 chapters. [Considered terma]
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English Souces:
1. David L. Snellgrove: The Nine Ways of Bon, [Prajna Press Boulder, Boulder 1980]
2. Namkhai Norbu:
 Drung, Deu and Bon, [LTWA, Dharamsala, India]
 The Necklac of dZi, [Information office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India. 1984]
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4. Priyadarsi Mukherji: Chinese and Tibetan Societies Through Folk Literature, [Lancer Books, New Delhi 1999]
5. R.S. Stien: Tibetan Civilization, translated by J.E.S. Driver, [Stanford, California 1972]
6. Samten G Karmay:
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 The Treasury of Good Saying, [Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi, India 2001]
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8. Tsepon W.D. Shakabpa: A Political History of Tibet, [Potala Publications. NY, 1984]


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