Fishery Stock Assessment

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154 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

10. Fishery stock assessment

models and their application to

Ramón Bonfil
Wildlife Conservation Society
2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx
NY, 10460, USA
<[email protected]>

Perhaps the most influential, but not necessarily the best, works on shark stock
assessment were those of Holden in the 1960s and 1970s. Holden (1977) was one of
the first scientists to consider the problem of shark fisheries stock assessment from a
general point of view. He correctly pointed out that sharks were different from bony
fishes in terms of their biology but unfortunately he wrongly concluded that classic
fisheries models such as stock production models could not be applied to sharks and
rays. Holden dismissed these models and called for new models to be developed.
He stated that the assumptions of surplus production models regarding immediate
response in the rate of population growth to changes in population abundance and
independence of the rate of natural increase from the age composition of the stock do
not hold for sharks. These conclusions were based mainly on the time delays caused
by the longer reproductive cycles of sharks and their reproductive mode, which in his
view would cause a linear and direct stock-recruitment relationship.
Because of his influential paper, surplus-production models have been mostly
ignored for shark stock assessment and scientists and non-scientists reading Holden’s
papers have sought new methods and models for dealing with shark fisheries stock
assessment. For a while, Holden’s thoughts influenced the works of other scientists
who opted for the more detailed approach offered by age structured models (e.g. Wood
et al., 1979; Walker, 1992).
The main problem of surplus production models is not that they are inadequate
when applied to sharks but the way in which they were being applied. A paramount
obstacle for the use of classic surplus production models in the 1960s and part of the
1970s was the equilibrium constraint (see Section 10.6 on fitting models data). At
that time, due to the lack of readily available computers to perform iterative search
algorithms, scientists engaged in surplus production model-fitting were forced to
assume that populations were in equilibrium at all exploitation levels (i.e. that every
catch observed was sustainable) to simplify the process of fitting surplus production
models to data.
The dangerous consequences of this assumption are well known and explicitly
warned against in fishery text books (Pitcher and Hart, 1982; Hilborn and Walters,
1992). However, the personal computer revolution has helped to overcome the
equilibrium constraint through the availability of non-linear optimization routines
which are accessible to virtually any fishery scientist in the world today. The diversity
of approaches this offers for fitting surplus production models has translated into a new
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 155

era of popularity for the utilization of what are presently known as dynamic surplus
production models that have been applied to organisms as slow-growing as whales and
sharks (Punt, 1991; Prager et al., 1994; Polachek et al., 1993; Babcock and Pikitch, 2001).
Perhaps the most interesting outcome of all this re-appraisal of surplus production
models is the view that most of the problems associated with successfully applying
them are due to the quality of the fisheries data (Hilborn, 1979; see also Section 10.3),
and the finding that simple surplus production fishery models can sometimes perform
better than the more elaborate and biologically detailed age-structured approaches
(Ludwig and Walters, 1985, 1989; Ludwig et al., 1988; Punt, 1991).
One of the reasons for the difficulty in applying these models to sharks is that the
data available on shark fisheries and our knowledge about shark biological parameters
may not be adequate. This is expressed clearly in the work of Anderson (1990),
Anderson and Teshima (1990) and Bonfil (1996). In fisheries science, independent of
the species in question, the most common problem is that lack good and sufficient data
that lack contrast in the data when it is available. Another problem often overlooked is
that the more ‘realistic’ age-structured models also pose problems in their application.
Age-structured data are much more difficult and expensive to obtain. Further, the
life cycles of most shark species, even in terms of the basic parameters of age, growth
and reproduction, have just started to be unveiled during the last 20 years, and this
only in the case of a handful of stocks [see Pratt and Casey, (1990) and Cortés, (2000)
for reviews]. In addition, there are some relevant areas of elasmobranch population
dynamics that are still largely unknown. For example: empirically derived stock-
recruitment relationships have never been documented for any elasmobranch, although
a strong relationship is suspected due to the reproductive strategies of the group
(Holden, 1973; Hoff, 1990); the size, structure and spatial dynamics of most stocks
of elasmobranchs are almost totally unknown. Inadequate knowledge of migration
routes, stock delimitation and movement rates amongst them, can seriously undermine
otherwise “solid” assessments and management regimes.
Hoff (1990) favored the use of dynamic surplus-production models for shark
stock assessment for a variety of reasons. Punt (1988, 1991) also reported dynamic
surplus production models to be the most reliable for management of slow-growing
resources with limited reproductive potential such as baleen whales, when tested using
a simulated fully age-structured population. Similar positive results were reported with
a Schaefer model for a swordfish age-structured simulation model (Prager et al., 1994).
The results of Bonfil (1996) suggest that surplus production models are good enough
for shark biomass assessment but less so for management parameter estimation. He
found that although generally inferior to the Deriso-Schnute model (Section 10.4.1
below), surplus production models are capable both of estimating biomass benchmarks
and obtaining good biomass fits for most of the scenarios analysed.
The best advice in regard to model choice for elasmobranch stock assessment is
found in Section 2.2.3. Surplus production models can, and should, be applied to
elasmobranch fisheries as they are one of the easiest to implement, but their results
should be taken as a first and preliminary assessment. A complete and reliable
assessment should not stop there but attempt to apply delay-difference and fully-age
structured models as soon as that is also possible.


10.2.1 Ease of application

These models are among the simplest and most widely used in stock assessment. They
are easy to use because they require only two or three types of data. These models are
flexible and have different variations; the Schaefer, Fox, and Pella-Tomlinson models
are some of the best known.
156 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

Surplus production models (SPM) are based on the following principles:

Next biomass = last biomass + recruitment + body growth – catch – natural mortality
If there is no catch
Next biomass = last biomass + production – natural mortality
where production is the sum of recruitment and body growth, and
Surplus production = production – natural mortality
New biomass = last biomass + surplus production – catch

10.2.2 Logistic growth and the Schaefer model

Population growth has been typified in several ways, but the logistic model of
population growth has been found to fit a large number of populations both in nature
and in captivity. This model is expressed in the following way (differential equation or
continuous model):
dB B (10.1)
= rB(1 − )
dt K (10.1)
where B = biomass, K = carrying capacity, and r = intrinsic rate of population
The carrying capacity of the system, K (or B∞), is the maximum population size
that can be achieved. Mortality, age-structure, reproduction, and tissue growth
are all captured by
a simple parameter
FIGURE 10.1 called the intrinsic
Examples of population growth according to the logistic model.
rate of increase,
Two different r values are shown.
or intrinsic rate of
120 production, r. In
Carrying capacity K theory, the intrinsic
rate of increase is
fully realized at the
lowest population
80 level while the finite

r = 0.86 rate of population

r = 0.5 growth is highest
at the midpoint
of K. Figure 10.1
40 illustrates some
of these concepts
and shows the
Highest realized intrinsic rate of trajectories of
increase r is at low population levels population growth
0 for two different
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 values of r.
Time The Schaefer
model is the most
commonly used
among SPMs
(known also as Biomass Dynamic Models). This model is based exactly on the logistic
population growth model. The continuous logistic model explained above can also be
written in discrete form in the following way (Hilborn and Walters 1992):
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 157

Bt (10.2)
Bt +1 = Bt + rBt (1 − ) (10.2)
When catch is included in the above equation we obtain the discrete version of the
Schaefer (1954) surplus production model:
Bt (10.3)
Bt +1 = Bt + rBt (1 − ) − Ct
K (10.3)

Ct = qfBt (10.4)
and C is catch, q is the catchability coefficient and f is effort. In the Schaefer model
above, the middle term is known as the surplus production. If the surplus production is
greater than catch, population size increases; if catch equals surplus production, catch is
sustainable and the population size remains constant (Bt+1 = Bt); if catch is greater than
surplus production, population size declines.
The Schaefer model has the following assumptions:
• there are no species interactions
• r is independent of age composition
• no environmental factors affect the population
• r responds instantaneously to changes in B (no time delays)
• q is constant
• there is a single stock unit
• fishing and natural mortality take place simultaneously
• no changes in gear or vessel efficiency have taken place
• catch and effort statistics are accurate
In practice, many of the above assumptions are not met but this does not mean
that the method cannot be used. As long as it is used critically, the Schaefer model is
a powerful tool for an initial assessment of a stock. The management parameters of
importance from the Schaefer model are given by:

MSY = r K/4
BMSY = K/2
Optimum effort (fMSY) = r/2q

10.2.3 Fox and Pella-Tomlinson models

There are other SPMs that have been proposed to more ‘realistically’ describe fisheries.
Fox (1970) describes a model that is based not on the logistic population growth model
but on the Gompertz growth model. The Fox model equation is:
ln Bt (10.5)
Bt +1 = Bt + rBt (1 − ) − Ct
ln K (10.5)
The model is supposed to be more realistic because it assumes that the population
can never be totally driven to extinction, something that sounds intuitive but may be
wrong in the light of the severe depletion of fishery resources in recent years and well-
documented human-caused terrestrial species extinctions. The management parameters
of the Fox model are given by:

MSY = rKe-1/lnK
BMSY = Ke-1
fMSY = r/q lnK
158 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

Pella and Tomlinson (1969) proposed a generalized model that can take any shape,
including that of the Schaefer (m =2) and Fox (m = 1) models.

dB rB m (10.6)
= rB −
dt K (10.6)

However, there is a price to be paid for this ‘improvement’, one must estimate an
additional parameter (m) to fit the model to the data. This model is not much more
useful because despite its ‘flexibility’ the fit will probably be worse than with the
Schaefer or Fox models as there is often an inverse relationship between the number of
parameters to be estimated and the performance of the models (Hilborn and Walters

10.2.4 Data requirements

In its simplest form, SPMs have only two data requirements:
• a time series of total catch data (including discards, bycatch, etc.) and
• at least one time series of relative abundance data (usually CPUE from the fishery
but much better if fishery independent surveys are available).
The abundance data can be constructed if effort data is available corresponding to
the time series of catches and if we assume that CPUE is linearly related to abundance.
The assessment can greatly benefit if an estimate of the virgin biomass is also available,
but this is not essential for applying the model. The longer the time series and the better
the quality of these data, the greater chances of having a good assessment. Modern
implementation of SPMs through Bayesian approaches can incorporate additional
heterogeneous information such as estimates of the intrinsic rate of increase of the
stock and estimates of historical catches for which no effort or abundance index is
available (McAllister and Pikitch 1998a; Apostolaki et al., 2002; Cortés et al., 2002).

10.2.5 Advantage and disadvantages of Surplus Production Models

These models offer an excellent cost/benefit ratio. Data requirements are modest
compared with age-structured models yet, SPMs can yield critical information for
assessment and management such as estimates of virgin and current biomass, level of
population depletion, MSY and optimal effort (fopt). Most importantly, they can be
used to make projections of the population under several scenarios of management
(quotas or efforts) and to evaluate the outcomes of each scenario. This is possible
because SPMs explicitly incorporate the time variable unlike demographic analysis and
yield-per-recruit (Y/R) models. Thus, they are dynamic models that can be used to
make predictions.
A further advantage (simplicity), but at the same time criticism (lack of biological
reality) of SPMs is that they do not include age structure. They assume that all the
processes occurring in a population can be captured by the simple processes described
above while ignoring the size or age structure of the population and the dynamics
of different parts of the population. Another common criticism of SPMs, especially
in respect to elasmobranchs, is that they do not incorporate time delays between
reproduction and recruitment. While this is true, in practice this seems to be the least
of the problems for the application of SPMs to real shark fisheries. Often the shortage
and bad quality of the data available for the assessment are more pressing problems.
Bonfil (1996) using Monte Carlo simulation showed, that despite criticisms of these
models, SPMs can be useful for certain situations when applied to elasmobranch
fisheries data.
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 159

10.2.6 Examples of use of Surplus Production Models in shark stock

Aasen (1964) was the first to apply the Schaefer model to a shark fishery and probably
the first scientist to perform a stock assessment of an elasmobranch species. Although
there was a dominant view 40 years ago that these models were not adequate for
sharks due to incompatibility between the assumptions of the models and the biology
of sharks, they are now widely accepted as applicable although not necessarily
recommended as the best. They have been used in the multispecies shark fishery of the
east coast of the USA (Otto et al 1977; Anderson 1980; McAllister and Pikitch 1998a;
McAllister et al., 2001; Cortés 2002; Cortés et al., 2002), for the kitefin shark fishery
in Portugal (Silva 1987), the Australian fishery for school and gummy sharks (Xiao
1995; Walker 1999) and in the multispecies skate and ray fishery of the Falkland Islands
(Agnew et al., 2000).


10.3.1 Introduction
Beverton and Holt (1957) first developed this model, which provides a steady-state
(static) view of the population that allows determination of the catch or yield relative
to recruitment (catch divided by recruitment, thus the yield per recruit, or Y/R,
name of the technique) that can be obtained from a stock at different levels of fishing
mortality F (which is dependent on effort) and age of entry to the fishery. The method
is described in detail by Pitcher and Hart (1982), Megrey and Wespestad (1988), and
Quinn and Deriso (1999).
The model describes the population in terms of the biological processes of growth,
recruitment and mortality and treats the exploited population as the sum of its
individual members. It has more biological detail than surplus production models but
is not as powerful and detailed as the fully age-structured models treated below. Also,
it is inferior to SPMs in the sense that it is static, assumes that there is no dependence
between stock size and recruitment, and cannot provide estimates of absolute biomass
or be used for making projections of stock size according to different management
strategies. Its main utility is that it indicates if the fishery is catching fish at an age that
is too early or too late to obtain the maximum biomass relative to recruitment and if
the level of fishing mortality is too high or could be higher.

10.3.2 Data requirements and assumptions

The calculation of yield per recruit requires the following data:
• at least two mortality rates (Z-total mortality; M natural mortality; or F-fishing
mortality as F = Z-M)
• the parameter k of the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF)
• the age of first capture in the fishery
• the age of recruitment to the stock and
• the maximum age in the stock.
The method has the following assumptions:
• there is a distinct spawning period and all fish recruit at the same time and age
(they are both knife-edge processes)
• growth parameters do not change over time, stock size or age
• M is assumed known and constant over all ages, over time and over stock size
• F is constant over all ages
• Recruitment is constant and can be ignored
• the length-weight relationship has an exponent of value = 3 and
• there is complete mixing within the stock.
160 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

10.3.3 Methodology
This model is based on three equations:
(i) Von Bertalanffy Growth Model (in weight):
Wt = W∞ (1 − e − k ( t −t0 ) ) 3 (10.7)
(ii) Exponential survival model:
N t = R ⋅ e − M (tc −tr ) ⋅ e -(M + F)(t-tc ) (10.8)
where R is the number of recruits, tc is age at first capture and tr is age of recruitment
to the stock.
(iii) General yield equation:

Y = � F ⋅ N tWt dt (10.9)

where Y represents yield (catch).

These three equations can be integrated to obtain the yield equation of Beverton
and Holt (1957):
n =3
Y = F ⋅ R ⋅ W∞ ⋅ e − M (tc −tr ) ⋅ � F + MΩ n+ nK ⋅ e − nK (tc −t0 ) ⋅ (1 − e -(M + F + nk)(t1-tc ) ) (10.10)
n =0
• t0 is the von Bertalanffy parameter that describes age at zero length
• t1 is maximum age of fish in stock
• k is the von Bertalanffy growth coefficient
• and the integration constants Ω0=1, Ω1=-3, Ω2=3, Ω3= -1
Because the level of recruitment is not known, the above equation is usually
expressed in relative terms, as yield per recruit:

Y n =3
= F ⋅ W∞ ⋅ e − M (tc −tr ) ⋅ � F + MΩ n+ nK ⋅ e − nK ( tc −t0 ) ⋅ (1 − e -(M + F + nK)(t1-tc ) ) (10.11)
R n =0
The model predicts the level of yield (catch) that can be obtained depending on
the age of entry and maximum age in the stock and the level of natural and fishing
This model allows managers to investigate the effects of varying fishing mortality
(F) or age of first entry (tc) on yield. One disadvantage of the model is that the shape
of yield is completely determined by growth and mortality. If the stock has a low rate
of growth and high M the yield curve is asymptotic (this wrongly suggests yield does
not decrease as you fish harder and harder). Conversely, if the stock has rapid growth
rate and a low M the yield curve is dome-shaped.

10.3.4 Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this method it that it is relatively simple to implement and does
not require historical data on catch and effort. It is a step forward from demographic
methods because it informs within a relatively simple implementation procedure if fish
are being exploited at the right age (or size) and also if fishing is at the right intensity.
Using this method advice can be provided on the best age of entry to the fishery and
an adequate level of effort, thus offering information that can potentially translate into
direct management recommendations such as changing the fishing mesh size of gillnets
used to catch sharks, or taking a number of boats out of the fishery to reduce fishing
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 161

The main disadvantages are that the method provides no estimate of the absolute
biomass of the stock and gives only limited advice on management actions. As with life
tables, a disadvantage of this method is that it is not dynamic (there is no time variable)
and therefore cannot be used to make predictions. Nor does it incorporate density-
dependent processes such as stock-recruitment relationships. Other disadvantages of
the model are that it unrealistically assumes constant growth and mortality rates; it
is more expensive to implement than SPMs as age needs to be frequently determined
requiring large samples of fish; the curve shape is predetermined and inflexible; the
model predicts yield even at infinite effort, which is unrealistic; and yield is not
expressed in absolute terms so the real magnitude of the catch cannot be known.
Using the Y/R method alone can be misleading as pointed by Grant et al. (1979).
These authors suggested that the recommended 10-fold increases in fishing mortality
from their Y/R assessment was a bad advice as only a 2-fold increase could already
reduce the reproductive stock of school sharks to less than half of its original
abundance. Using a modified demographic method Au and Smith (1997) showed that
the estimates of Y/R obtained by Smith and Abramson (1990) for the leopard shark
(Triakis semifasciata) were considerably lower after adjusting for the effect of reduction
in recruitment due to fishing. Also, Rago et al. (1998) found that the optimum age of
entry predicted by the Y/R model would lead to recruitment failure and stock collapse
in spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) because of the late age of maturity in this species.
Another problem of the Y/R method is that a poor estimation of growth or mortality
can strongly influence conclusions and lead to decisions that could put the stock in

10.3.5 Applications
The Y/R method has been used for stock assessment of school sharks (Grant et al.,
1979), for little skate (Waring, 1984), for leopard shark (Smith and Abramson, 1990),
for silky sharks (Bonfil, 1990), for sandbar sharks (Cortés, 1998) and for porbeagle
(Campana et al., 1999, 2001). To my knowledge this method has not been used as the
main basis for the management of any elasmobranch species.


10.4.1 Application and assumptions

The delay-difference model of Deriso (1980) is a clever simplification that allows the
inclusion of biological information of the species to be taken into account in a simple
way. This model belongs to an intermediate class known as partially age-structured
models. They represent a step forward from the rather simple surplus-production
models that ignore biological processes like recruitment and individual growth,
while avoiding the demanding data requirements of the more sophisticated fully age-
structured models and they consider age structure implicitly, not explicitly.
The biological realism of the delay-difference model arises from terms for
recruitment, natural and fishing mortality and growth. Yet, this model can be simplified
to be fitted to data on catch and effort and an index of abundance, as in the case of
surplus production models. Additional requirements are knowledge of the growth in
weight of the species and an estimate of natural mortality. An important advantage of
the model is that it has fewer model parameters to be estimated in comparison to fully
age-structured models. Thus, it can be applied to fisheries with limited amounts of data
while still offering a more realistic representation of population dynamics.
The delay-difference model of Deriso (1980) was further generalized by Schnute
(1985). The model incorporates four main types of biological information: body
growth, recruitment, survival and a measure of age-structure. The main formula of
the model links present available biomass (exploitable biomass or that recruited to
162 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

the gear) to available biomass and population numbers from the previous year. The
advantage of the model lies on several simplifications that allow the incorporation of
important population dynamics processes into a simple equation. However, perhaps
its more important characteristic is that the model allows for time-lags in the dynamics
of the stock, such as are found in species with slow growth and late age of entry to the
fishery. This ability to take into account time-delay is what gives the model its name
of ‘delay-difference’ model. The derivation of the delay-difference model here is taken
from Hilborn and Walters (1992).
The model assumes that body growth of the exploitable stock can be represented by
a linear function (the Brody equation):
wa = α + ρwa +1
where wa is body weight at age a, andwα α + ρware
a =and
a +1 constants. This equation states that
after a certain age, the typical von Bertalanffy model of growth in weight(10.12)
shown in
Figure 10.2 can be represented by a linear equation of weight at age a against weight
at age a+1.

Individual growth in weight according to the von Bertalanffy Growth Model.






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

The parameterswaα=andα + ρwof

a +1 the Brody equation are determined by linear regression
as shown in Figure 10.3. This figure shows several possible (10.12)linear regressions, which
differ in how many points are considered for the regression (i.e. different starting
points). Which regression is chosen and therefore which parameterswα α + ρwused
a =and a +1 in
the model depends on the age of entry to the fishery.
The delay-difference model also assumes that all fish older than age k (in this
particular model age of entry to the fishery) are vulnerable to fishing and have the same
natural mortality M. Another simplification of the model is that the total survival rate
S at time t is given by
St = e − Z (10.13)
and can be decomposed into terms for constant and variable (harvest) survival by
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 163

Ford-Walford plot of weights at age. Solid diamonds represent the
original data points and each straight line is a linear regression using a
different starting age (0, 2, 4, 6, and 7).

0.6 7






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1

St = ψ (1 − ht ) (10.14)

where Ψ is the natural survival rate and h is the harvest rate in year t. This assumes that
harvest (fishing) takes place in a short time during the beginning or end of the year.
Biomass Biomass
at age canatbeage
represented as numbers atasage
can be represented times average
numbers at ageweight
times at age: weight at age:
Ba = N a wa (10.15) (10.15)

This can be extended for the whole exploited population plus the recruitment R:
� a max _

Bt = � � N t ,a wa � + wk R t (10.16)
� a =k �
where k is the age of recruitment (to the gear or fishery). Population number N, can
be expressed as survivors from last year at age a-1, and all the weights at age a can be
expressed using the Brody equation, thus arriving at the following formula:

� �
� a max a max _ �
Bt = St −1 �α � N t −1,a −1 + ρ � N t −1,a −1 wa −1 � + wk R t (10.17)
� a = k +1 a = k +1 �
�� ��
Factoring out terms that do not depend on age results in sums over age k and older for
year t-1:
B = S αN + S ρB + w R (10.18)
t t −1 t −1 t −1 t −1 k t
and total numbers in the population are
N t = St −1 N t −1 + R t (10.19)
164 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

But the term αNt-1 can be expressed as

αN t −1 = αSt −2 N t −2 + αR t −2 (10.20)
and the term α St-2 Nt-2 can be expressed in terms of Bt-1 and Nt-2 using the equation for
Bt above as
αS N = B − ρS B − w R (10.21)
t −2 t −2 t-1 t −2 t −2 k t −1 (10.21)
Combining the last two equations and with some more algebraic manipulations gives
arrive at the delay-difference
the delay-difference equation
equation (Schnute,1985):
(Schnute, 1985):
Bt = (1 + ρ ) St −1Bt-1 − ρSt −1St − 2 Bt − 2 − ρwk −1St-1R t −1 + wk R t (10.22)
This is the original form of the model and it requires 7 parameters to predict biomass
dynamics and to fit the model to catch and CPUE data:
= α + ρwand
wa (i) a +1 wk for the Brody growth equation
(ii) ψ, the natural survival rate (no (10.12) fishing)
(iii) a, b or a’, b’, for the stock recruitment relationship
(iv) B0, the stock size at the beginning of the fishery
(v) R0, the recruitment at equilibrium (when mortality equals births) and
(vi) q, the catchability for the catch equation
Recruitment can be expressed using either the Ricker or the Beverton and Holt
model, simplified by assuming that the population was in equilibrium (i.e. virgin
population) when exploitation began. For the Ricker recruitment model the equations
R =S
t +1 e ( a '− b 'St −k +1 )
t − k +1 (10.23) , (10.23)

( R0 ) (10.24)
a ' = ln + B0b'
(10.23) , b' (10.24)
For the Beverton and Holt recruitment model the equations are:

aSt − k +1 (10.25)
Rt +1 = (10.25) , (10.26)
b + St − k +1
(b + B0 ) (10.26)
(10.25) , a = R0 (10.26)
Other parameters needed to fit the delay-difference model can be estimated
externally or internally with the following assumptions:
• ρ and wk are estimated directly from growth data and
• ψ depends on external estimates of natural mortality, M.
This leaves us with only 3 parameters to be estimated during model fitting by non-
linear methods:
(i) b or b’ for the stock recruitment relationship
(ii) B0 stock size at the beginning of the fishery
(iii) q the catchability coefficient for the catch equation
Thus, the delay-difference model can be simplified by fixing values for the first
3 parameters listed above and fitted to the catch and effort data by finding the values
of the last 3 parameters using nonlinear iterative methods such as those included in
spreadsheet software. The parameter a or a' of the recruitment model is eliminated by
the assumptions above.
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 165

10.4.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the delay-difference model

The advantages of this model are:
• the model offers more biological realism than SPMs without the demanding data
requirements of fully age-structured models
• it takes into account the time delays due to growth and recruitment
• it can be fitted to simple catch-effort time series of data when information on
mortality and growth is available
• fitting the model to data requires estimation of fewer parameters than fully
age-structured models, thus simplifying the estimation process and improving
• it can be used to estimate stock size and for the calculation of management
benchmarks and
• it can be used to make predictions of different management scenarios.
The main disadvantages of this model are (Hilborn and Walters, 1992):
• it can provide an acceptable fit to the data in terms of goodness-of-fit criteria
while providing parameter values that are meaningless from a biological point of
view (e.g. extremely high or low virgin stock sizes, virgin recruitment levels) and
• they can at times provide biased estimates of management benchmarks such as
optimum fishing effort.

10.4.3 Use of delay-difference models in shark stock assessment

This simplification of age-structured population dynamics was initially welcomed
with excitement but has been seldom used in practice due to the availability of more
sophisticated models that can be easily applied thanks to the powerful computer
technology now available. The delay-difference model has not been used often for the
assessment of shark fisheries but Monte Carlo simulations performed by Bonfil (1996)
showed that it performed better than surplus production models for estimating stock
size in shark-like fishes. In addition, this model was used as part of the assessment of
the school and gummy shark fisheries of Australia by Walker (1999). Cortés (2002) and
Cortés et al. (2002) used a simplified version of the Deriso (1980) delay-difference model
known as lagged recruitment, survival and growth model as part of the assessment of
small and large coastal sharks, respectively, off the U.S. eastern seaboard.


10.5.1 VPA structures

This family of methods is based on catch-at-age data, i.e. the catch is disaggregated into
age-groups. These methods are more detailed and are more realistic than the previously
reviewed models. Nevertheless, age-structured models are also extremely data
demanding and require much detailed information that is often expensive to obtain.
Age-structured models can be classified into two groups (Hilborn and Walters,
1992): Virtual Population Analysis or VPA and statistical catch-at-age analysis or
CAGEAN. These methods are recursive algorithms that calculate stock size based on
catches broken down by each age-class. Using these methods it is possible to estimate
the magnitude of fishing mortality, recruitment and the numbers at age in the stock for
each past year using only catch-at-age and an estimate of natural mortality, M.
VPA does the calculations without having any specific statistical underlying
assumptions. In contrast, the more sophisticated CAGEAN methods depend on
formal statistical models and have been developed to the degree that various types of
data can be integrated in a statistical framework to be used for the assessment. Thus,
data on S/R (stock-recruitment) relationships, CPUE time series, biomass time series
and others can be integrated into a powerful analysis. The stock synthesis method of
Methot (1989) is one of the best examples of a sophisticated CAGEAN model.
166 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

10.5.2 Cohorts as the basis of VPA and CAGEAN

A fundamental part of age-structured models is the concept of a cohort. A cohort
comprises all the individuals (fish in this case) that were born in the same year. An
example of a human cohort is all the persons that were born in 1960. The cohort of
1960 can be followed through time year-after-year by looking at individuals that are
age 1 in 1961, age 2 in 1962, and so on. The size of the 1960 cohort in the year 2003
consists of all the individuals that were born in 1960 and have survived to that year. The
cohort concept is illustrated in Figure 10.4.

Diagrammatic representation of the 1960 cohort of humans (all individuals born in 1960). N
represents the numbers of age A alive each year for cohort 1960.

Birth Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 … Age 40 Age 41 Age 42 Age 43

1960 N1960,0
1961 N1960,1
1962 N1960,2
1963 N1960,3
1964 N1960,4
… …
2000 N1960,40
2001 N1960,41
2002 N1960,42
2003 N1960,43

VPA and CAGEAN are recursive algorithms that track the history of each cohort
in the exploited population back in time from the present to the time when each cohort
was born or more commonly to the time it recruited to the fishery, i.e. they calculate
the number of fish alive in each cohort for each past year, following each cohort
through time. They are used to reconstruct the entire exploited population to estimate
fishing mortality and numbers at age for each age class in each year.

10.5.3 Virtual Population Analysis

The VPA is also known as a cohort analysis because each cohort is treated separately.
The method is based on the following equation:
N alive at beginning of next year = (N alive at beginning of this year)
– (catch this year) – (natural mortality this year)
In this particular case recruitment is not considered because we are analysing only a
single cohort. We can change the above equation to:
N alive at beginning of this year = (N alive at beginning of next year)
+ (catch this year) + (natural mortality this year)
Assuming that natural mortality, M, is known and that at some age x there are no
more fish alive (that is, all fish in the cohort die after age x) we can iteratively calculate
the number of fish alive each year, starting from the oldest age and moving backwards
to the youngest.
The basis of the method is the assumption that if we know that this year we have
zero fish of the oldest age left alive and we know how many of them we caught last
year (in theory those were the last fish of that age left in the sea after those which died
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 167

of natural causes) and if we know the instantaneous natural mortality rate then, for
fisheries where the fishing period is short it can be assumed that there is no natural
mortality during the short fishing period so that:
Nt = Nt+1 + Ct +Dt (10.27)

Dt = Nt (1-S) (10.28)
so that

Nt - Dt = Nt+1 + C (10.29)

Nt - Nt (1-S) = Nt+1 + Ct (10.30)

Nt - Nt + Nt S = Nt+1 + Ct (10.31)

Nt S = Nt+1 + Ct (10.32)

Nt = (Nt+1 + Ct) / S (10.33)

where N is number of fish, C is catch, D is the number of deaths, t is time (year) and
S is the finite survival rate.
The last equation above is the key equation for VPA or cohort analysis, when
fishing takes place in a single short period of time during which we can consider M to
be negligible. This equation allows the calculation of the numbers alive last year from
the numbers this year, the catch-at-age and natural mortality, but because we assume
there were no more fish left of the oldest age this year (they were all caught or died) we
can calculate the numbers last year with only catch and mortality as parameter values.

An illustrative example of the principles of VPA

Consider a shark species that lives only to 10 years (such as Rhizoprionodon
terraenovae) when we assume that all the individuals die. Consider a situation where
this species recruits to a fishery at age 3. Further consider that this fishery takes place
in only a couple of weeks each year when the fish aggregate to mate. The information
needed for a cohort analysis is an estimate of M, which for this stock is considered to
be 0.5 (finite rate) and the total catch of fish in each age class for each year. A table
with such hypothetical catch data is given in column 3 of table 10.1 and represents the
total numbers in the catch for the cohort of Rhizoprionodon terraenovae born in 1980.
Using these data and the following equations provides estimates of:
• the population at the end of the fishery each year
• the population just before the fishery each year
• the harvest rate and
• the instantaneous fishing mortality rate

TABLE 10.1
Hypothetical example of data required and the results of a cohort analysis for a short-lived
elasmobranch, loosely based on the life history of Rhizoprionodon terraenovae. See text for
methods used to calculate each column.

Cohort size Cohort size Instantaneous fishing

Year Age Catch before fishery Harvest rate
at start of year mortality rate
1990 10 0 0 - - -
1989 9 900 1,800 900 1.00 Infinite
1988 8 2,480 8,560 4,280 0.58 0.87
1987 7 6,032 29,184 14,592 0.41 0.53
1986 6 13,985 86,338 43,169 0.32 0.39
1985 5 8,183 189,042 94,521 0.09 0.09
1984 4 7,653 393,390 196,695 0.04 0.04
1983 3 2,045 790,870 395,435 0.01 0.01
168 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

The numbers at age t at the start of the year is given by

Nt = (Nt+1 + Ct) / s (10.34)

For numbers alive at the beginning of the fishery:

Nt’ = Nt S (10.35)

The harvest rate is given by:

ht= Ct/Nt’ (10.36)

The instantaneous fishing mortality rate is given by:

Ft = - ln (1-ht) (10.37)

Table 10.1 shows the results of the calculations for the cohort born in 1980; but
other cohorts can be treated in the same way for a full VPA. For the last cohort in
the last year of data we assume there are no fish left, they all die after age 10 in 1990.
The table is constructed for this cohort using equation (1) to calculate cohort size at
the beginning of each year (note that fish age 10 in 1990 were age 9 in 1989, etc.). The
equations for VPA when fishing takes place during the whole year (continuous fishing)
are more complicated and can be found in Hilborn and Walters (1992) and Quinn and
Deriso (1999) Sparre and Venema (1992) describe a length-based VPA method.
The above example of cohort analysis includes only one cohort. For a complete
VPA the same method should be applied for all cohorts that have completely ceased
to exist, which is all cohorts that are no longer present in the fishery. One remaining
problem after doing this is that there is no information to do the analysis for living
cohorts (those still present in the fishery) and these are usually the most important for
One way to solve the problem of incomplete cohorts is to estimate the fishing
mortality rate of cohorts currently being fished and use this to estimate the sizes of
the incomplete cohorts. Two ways used to estimate the size of current cohorts are: (a)
to obtain population size estimates from surveys or mark recapture methods or (b),
more commonly, to assume a value for the current F and estimate previous values from
This last case, known as the terminal F assumption, comes from the following
Ct � Ft + M � (10.38)
Nt = �
− zt �
(1 − e ) � Ft � (10.38)
There are two ways to estimate F here: (a) from tag-recapture methods or (b), from
effort (f) data while assuming that q can be obtained from the relation F = fq.
The catchability coefficients (q) for each age can be obtained from the complete
cohorts and assuming q is constant over time we can use that together with effort data
to calculate F for each age. Another variation of this approach is known as the ‘tuned’
VPA which first uses the q’s from complete cohorts and this is used to derive a new set
of catchability coefficients for the incomplete cohorts.

Disadvantages of VPAs
A problem of VPA is that using the wrong M estimate can lead to severely overestimated
or underestimated cohort sizes. More worryingly, when catchability increases as the
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 169

stock declines in size, using the assumption that the terminal F has not changed has
been found to introduce great errors, overestimating the stock size and probably
recommending larger catches than can be sustained, which can lead to overfishing of
the stock.
Another problem is that to obtain the necessary catch-at-age data it is essential to
perform routine ageing of large samples of fish from the catch (which is costly) and if
the ages are wrongly estimated this will introduce systematic biases to the assessment.

Use of VPAs for shark stock assessment

Smith and Abramson (1990) used a backward VPA in combination with Y/R to
estimate replacement rates of leopard sharks off California

10.5.4 Catch-at-age analysis Methods and assumptions

CAGEAN or statistical catch-at-age analysis is similar to VPA but differs in that it uses
formal statistical methods to estimate the current abundance of incomplete cohorts.
CAGEAN methods also provide a means to estimate natural mortality rate provided
that the data have clearly contrasting levels of fishing effort and total mortality rate.
CAGEAN starts by using the catch curve concept (Section 8) to calculate the
instantaneous total mortality rate for each age class from the catch at age data. In
the same way that curves for the catches at age of one single year are calculated, the
same concept is applied to the catches of all cohorts between subsequent years. The
equation used for normal catch curves (one single year of data) is a linear regression
of the numbers-at-age in the catch (Ca) against age (a), where the slope of the line
is the estimate of Z, and the intercept of the Y axis represents the logarithm of the
recruitment (R) times the vulnerability to the gear (v):

ln(Ca) = 1n(Rv) – Za (10.39)

To use the catch equation to estimate mortality within a single cohort we use a modified
version of the catch curve is used with the following equation:

ln(Cai) = 1n(Rjv) – Za (10.40)

where j denotes a specific cohort. This allows the estimation of the total mortality and
the relative recruitment ‘strength’ of each cohort. This method assumes that fishing
and natural mortality are constant and that vulnerability to the fishing gear is constant
above a given age. One problem is that these catch curves do not allow an estimate of
the natural mortality rate or vulnerability, so their usefulness is limited. CAGEAN
is a modification of these techniques. An introduction to the CAGEAN methods
explained below is provided by Hilborn and Walters (1992) and is recommended
for beginners: Quinn and Deriso (1999) offer an updated and mathematically more
rigorous treatment of the same topics. Paloheimo method

There are several versions of the CAGEAN method. That of Paloheimo (1980) is
the simplest and the one analysed here with some detail. The Paloheimo method uses
the following equations and some algebra to arrive at its key equation. It starts with
the catch equation, which in this version assumes that fishing mortality is responsible
for a fraction (F/Z) of the total mortality:
170 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

F +M
1 − e −( F + M ) ] (10.41)

Second, numbers at age a can be related to recruitment times cumulative fishing and
natural mortality for each previous age by

Na = Re -ΣF-ΣM (10.42)

A linear relation between effort and fishing mortality is assumed

F = fq (10.43)

where f is effort and q is the catchability coefficient.

These equations can be combined and manipulated to give:
Ca 1 − e− z (10.44)
= Re − qΣf −ΣM q ⋅ (10.44)
f Z
This equation relates CPUE at age to recruit numbers, the catchability coefficient, total
and natural mortality and fishing effort. It can be shown that this becomes:
�C � � 1 − e− z � (10.45)
ln�� a �� = ln(Rq ) − q � f − � M + ln�� ��
� f � (10.45)
� Z �

The Paloheimo method assumes that M is constant over years and uses a well-known
approximation for the last term (which is valid for values of Z that are no larger than
� 1 − e− z � Z (10.46)
ln�� �� ≈ − (10.46)
� Z � 2

The Paloheimo equation can be arranged to give:

� Caj � � j −i f �
ln� � = ln(R j-a q ) − q� � f k + j � − M ( a − 12 )
� (10.47)(10.47)
� f �
� j � � k = j −a 2 ��

where j = year, a = age, and k = the number of years that the cohort has been fished.
Equation 10.47 is a linear multiple regression of the form:

Y= b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 (10.48)

Given the needed data (usually catch by age for several ages and the corresponding
effort that produced the catches), this equation can be solved with standard multiple
regression packages to obtain estimates of Rq, q, and M.
The following example taken from Hilborn and Walters (1992) shows an application
of Paloheimo’s method. Table 10.2 presents the required data on catch at age and
corresponding effort for Lake Erie perch.

TABLE 10.2
Data on catch at age and corresponding effort
for the 1971 cohort of Lake Erie perch
(Hilborn and Walters, 1992).
Age Catch Effort
2 103 15.9
3 59 15.4
4 11 13.5
5 3 12.6
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 171

The estimates of the parameters given by Paloheimo’s methods are:

Ln (Rq) = 2.37
q = - 0.22
M = 4.34
The correlations between the parameters are shown in Table 10.3.

TABLE 10.3.
Parameter correlations for the CAGEAN analysis based
on the Paloheimo method for the data of Table 10.2.
(from Hilborn and Walters, 1992).
Parameter correlations
Rq q M
Rq 1
q -0.71 1
M -0.69 -1 1

These results are suspicious and suffer from strong parameter correlation. This
occurs because of poor data contrast (see Section 10.6); q is negative, which is
impossible, while M is extremely high. To perform this catch-at-age analysis, not only
the catches at age for each year for this cohort are needed, but also the fishing effort
used to catch them. These efforts are all of the same magnitude and almost constant (i.e.
poor contrast in effort) and this is why there is a strong negative correlation between
q and M.
To simultaneously analyse data for three cohorts of Lake Erie perch using this
method (see Hilborn and Walters 1992 for further details), dummy variables may be
used to form an experimental design table, to perform a multiple linear regression. In
this case, the equation becomes:

Y = b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 (10.49)

The first three coefficients represent the recruitment level of each cohort. The dummy
variables X1-3 take the values 1 or 0 depending on which cohort we are analyzing, so
that the corresponding coefficient b (recruitment) is included or excluded. The last
two terms are the same as before and are the fishing effort and number of years of
accumulated natural mortality. An analysis the results would still not be satisfactory
because there is still poor data contrast in the effort for this set of data despite the fact
that there are data for 3 different cohorts and 4 different years of fishing. It is still
impossible to differentiate between the effects of natural and fishing mortality from
these data. However, it is possible to obtain good estimates of the recruitment levels
because there is good contrast in the relative abundance data (CPUE). Doubleday’s method

A more general approach to the catch-at-age method was proposed by Doubleday
(1976). This method does not assume a linear relationship between the variables
and is thus more difficult to calculate, requiring non-linear estimation methods. Its
advantages are that fishing mortality F is not assumed to be proportional to effort, so
the method can be applied in the absence of effort data. However, this method suffers
from the general problem that good contrast is needed between fishing mortalities for
good parameter estimation. The main Doubleday equation is presented below and
more details about this method can be found in Hilborn and Walters (1992) and Quinn
and Deriso (1999).
a −1 a −1
ln (Caj ) = ln(R j-a ) − � Fa − k , j − k − � M a − k , j − k (10.50)
k =1 k =1 (10.49)
172 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

� − Faj
+ ln�
�F +M
[− (F + M )
1 − e aj aj ]��� (10.50) (10.51)
� aj aj � Other methods

A more developed and powerful catch-at-age method is that developed by Fournier
and Archibald (1982). Paloheimo and Doubleday derived their models assuming an
underlying deterministic process but in nature variables are measured and are subject
to natural variability, which may be interpreted as noise. The method of Fornier and
Archibald is flexible and accounts for explicit estimation of errors in:
• catch measurement (C)
• fishing mortality and
• stock recruitment relationship (S/R)
Their method also explicitly accounts for a stock-recruitment relationship. This
method is sophisticated both mathematically and statistically and is not analysed here,
but has the advantage that it can include several types of external information that can
help in the estimation of parameters, such as estimates of recruitment levels, fishing
mortalities from other studies and effort data. A further sophistication of this type of
analysis was developed by Methot (1989) and is able to use CPUE, gear selectivity and
independent survey biomass data in the estimation of parameters.


10.6.1 Assumptions
Some of the models used in fisheries stock assessment are simple but the estimation
of their parameters, which implies fitting the models to the data, is not always simple.
In the case of the surplus production models treated above, there are three main
approaches that are commonly employed for the estimation of their parameters.
First, one might assume equilibrium conditions, that is, that all the catches observed
so far in the fishery are sustainable at the corresponding level of fishing effort. This
assumption is invariably wrong and must be avoided. Equilibrium methods were used
to simplify the computations because of difficulties in calculating parameter values
analytically. However, modern computers allow the use of other methods mentioned
below or even more sophisticated ones and there is no longer any need to assume
equilibrium conditions.

10.6.2 Linear regression

A better option than assuming equilibrium conditions is to use linear regression. In
the case of the Schaefer model, it is shown below that this model can be expressed as
a linear equation to which standard regression methods can be applied to provide the
values of the parameters and fit the model to our data.
Given the Schaefer model equation for biomass dynamics in a fishery:
Bt (10.52)
Bt +1 = Bt + rBt (1 − ) − qf t Bt (10.51)
Ut =
= qBt (10.52) and B = U t (10.53)
ft (10.52) and (10.52) and q (10.53) (10.53)

Thus, substituting the last equation in the first gives:

U t +1 U t U U (10.54)
= + r t (1 − t ) − f tU t
q q q qK (10.54)
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 173

Rearranging, dividing by Ut and multiplying by q gives:

U t +1 r (10.55)
−1 = r − U t − qf t (10.55)
Ut Kq

Equation 10.55 is a linear equation of the general form:

Y = b0 + b1 X 1 + b2 X 2 (10.56)

which can be easily solved using the multiple regression facilities available in most
spreadsheet software programs.
Although regression methods are easily applied to solve fisheries models, it has been
demonstrated that they can give biased answers (Uhler 1979). They can also produce
obviously wrong answers, such as negative values of r or q, which are biologically
impossible. The general corollary is that illogical answers only mean bad data!

10.6.3 Time-series fitting

The most recommended method for fitting fisheries models to data is time-series
fitting. Hilborn and Walters (1992) note that this method was first proposed by Pella
and Tomlinson (1969) and implies taking an initial estimate of the stock size at the
beginning of the time series of data (catch and CPUE) and using the Schaefer model to
predict each point in the entire time series of data. Initial parameter values (guesses) are
iteratively adjusted to minimize the difference (εt) between the observed CPUE and the
CPUE predicted by the Schaefer model:

ε t = (U t − U t ) 2 (10.57)

Where U (CPUE) is:

∧ ∧
U t = q Bt (10.58)

This means that r, q, K, and the initial biomass size B0 be estimated. Usually, the
problem of finding the best parameter values while minimizing the difference given
by equation 10.57 is solved by using nonlinear estimation procedures such as those
available in spreadsheets.

10.6.4 Bayesian estimation

Bayesian estimation is a powerful method for fitting fisheries models to data because it
allows the incorporation of previous knowledge about the system into the estimation
process, effectively helping to find better solutions. The types of additional information
that can be incorporated into Bayesian estimation are extremely varied and include,
e.g. fishery CPUE, independent survey CPUE, catches, estimates of intrinsic rate of
population growth from life-table analyses, biological limits, knowledge from similar
stocks and mark-recapture information.
Bayesian estimation is also extremely useful because it quantifies the uncertainty
of the parameter estimates. The method uses previous knowledge to determine a
probability distribution for the parameters that are to be estimated. This distribution
is known as the prior probability distribution or ‘the prior’. Although relatively new
in fisheries stock assessments, Bayesian estimation has rapidly become a powerful and
accepted method to fit models to data.
Bayes theorem is based on the conditional probability and states that the probability
of a parameter or group of parameters given certain data is equal to the product of:
(a) the probability of the data given the parameters and (b) the probability of the
174 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

parameters themselves, all divided by the sum over all possible parameter values of the
product of (a) and (b):

Pr{data | parameters }∗ Pr{parameters }

Pr{parameters | data }= (10.59)(10.59)
� Pr{data | parameters}∗ Pr{parameters}

The left term of the equation is the posterior probability distribution or ‘posterior’.
The right-most terms in the numerator and denominator, imply that previous
knowledge about the shape of the distribution of the parameters is available. This is the
strength of the method as it allows additional ‘external’ information, such as biological
or fisheries information to be included into the estimation process.
Depending on the type of ‘external’ information that can be incorporated, different
possible prior distributions can be used for the parameters such as the binomial,
normal, uniform, Poisson, multinomial and others. For more details about the types of
distributions for different types of data users should consult a statistical text book.
A rudimentary, but simple way, to implement Bayesian statistics is to calculate the
“kernel”, which is based on the sum of squares.
− t −21
L( parameters) = SS (10.60)
where L is the likelihood of the parameters and SS, the sum of squared differences (10.60)
between the real data and the estimated data points derived from a given set of model
parameter values for t-1 degrees of freedom.

− t −21
SS (10.61)
Pr( parameters | data ) =
� SS
− t −21

Bayesian approaches have been applied to elasmobranch fisheries by, e.g. McAllister
and Pikitch (1998a,b), Punt and Walker (1998), Babcock and Pikitch (2001), McAllister
et al. (2001) and Apostolaki et al. (2001, 2002). Berger (1985), Gelman et al. (1995) and
Congdon (2001) provide a comprehensive treatment of Bayesian analysis. Hilborn and
Walters (1992), Quinn and Deriso (1999) and Haddon (2001) provide more detailed
treatment of parameter estimation issues.

10.6.5 Data quality

An extremely important principle of practical fisheries science identified by Hilborn
and Walters (1992) and one often overlooked is that one cannot know exactly how a
fish stock will respond to exploitation until the stock has been exploited. A good stock
assessment depends as much on having an adequate model to describe the system
dynamics as on the quality of the data that the model is fitted to. Data quality does
not only refer to biases or errors, but also to the danger ofhow much information is
embedded in the data. Historical variation in stock size and fishing pressure are needed
if the data are to be used to estimate the parameters of the model with reliability.
Otherwise the assessment may produce meaningless estimates that do not represent
the stock dynamics well.
The most important quality of fisheries data is the degree of contrast imbedded in the
data. To obtain good parameter estimates data must have high contrast. For example,
in a SPM we should ideally have a data point at low stock sizes with low fishing effort
(for information about r), data points at high stock sizes with low fishing effort (to
estimate q and K) and data points at high fishing effort to estimate q. This is difficult
to find in real fisheries because of the way most fisheries develop. Typically, low effort
at large stock sizes is gradually increased to high fishing levels that usually lead to low
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 175

stock sizes. Thus, one FIGURE 10.5

usually misses having A hypothetical example of a ‘one-way’ trip type of data
a point of low fishing A typical 'one-way trip'
(modified from Hilborn and Walters, 1992).

effort at low stock

sizes. This common
way in which fisheries
develop leads to
uninformative data
and a typical case
known as the “one CPUE
way trip” in which
the data show an
increase in effort with
time accompanied by
a declining CPUE
see (figure 10.5). This
lack of contrast in
the data makes for
uncertain parameter Effort
estimates. In general,
the standard deviation
of such parameters is
as large as, or larger than, the actual parameter values, and signales unreliable results.
Under such circumstances management will be severely handicapped.
Data with better contrast can be obtained when a fishery shows a period of increased
effort followed by a period when effort was reduced gradually such that the stock was
allowed to rebuild after heavy exploitation. This case has been termed by Hilborn and
Walters (1992) as ‘moving up and down the isocline’. Note how Figure 10.6 shows
that there is a better scatter in the data instead of them all falling along one single line
as before. These data have inherently more variation and contrast than the preceding
example (the solid diamonds in the figure represent the start and finish points of the time
series). Typically, in
these cases the model
parameters are more FIGURE 10.6
precisely estimated Hypothetical example of data with better contrast
than for a ‘one-way Data with better contrast
(modified from Hilborn and Walters, 1992).

trip’ case, but the

slow pace of change
in effort in these
data still does not
generally provide
enough contrast
for good precision.

In cases like that

in Figure 10.6, the
standard deviation
of the parameters is
usually about half or
less than the actual
parameter estimates
and although not
good, it is better Effort
than in the previous
176 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

Data sets with high contrast have strong variations in data values, with relatively
rapid changes back and forth between high and low effort. In these cases, parameters
can be much more precisely estimated although other factors such as the total number
of points in the time-series of data and the intrinsic variability of the data also influence
the final precision of model parameter estimates.
In summary, when fitting models to fisheries data it is imperative to look at the
uncertainty in the parameter estimates and not only at a single ‘goodness-of-fit’
measure such as the sum of squares. It is always advisable to apply different models to
the same data set and compare the results between models, trying to validate results or
to ask questions about why results might be different and what the implications of this
are. In addition, it is important to learn how to use uncertain (‘bad’) results to improve
the contrast in the data through carefully thought and well planned management
regulations aimed at improving the quality of the data (such as large variations in effort
over short periods of time).

10.6.6 The relationship between CPUE and abundance

There is an important assumption at the core of most fisheries models that use
fisheries-dependent CPUE information (as most do) that the abundance of the fish
stock (or other aquatic animal) has a direct relationship with CPUE, i.e. that CPUE is
an index of abundance. This can be expressed mathematically for fisheries where the
fishing season occurs as a single pulse or over a relatively short part of the year as:

Ct = qftBt ⇒ Ut = qBt

where Ut is CPUE in year t. According to this expression, CPUE is directly linked

to biomass (abundance) by the coefficent q, the catchability coefficient. This model
assumes that there is a linear relationship between CPUE and the abundance of the
stock. This is a dangerous but necessary assumption of most fisheries models, but one
that should be questioned and validated. Hilborn and Walters (1992) note that the
relationship between CPUE and abundance can have at least two other forms apart
from the linear form. Hyperdepletion occurs when the stock abundance decreases
at a much slower rate than the CPUE. Thus, the CPUE signal tells us that the stock
abundance is low when it is still high. If hyperdepletion is not detected, one would
conclude that there was overexploition of the stock when in fact the stock might be in
a good state. Hyperstability happens when the stock abundance falls more rapidly than
the CPUE index, thus giving the opposite impression, that the stock abundance is still
high when there may be dangerous overexploition of the resource.
Hyperdepletion can occur when the species is being exploited only over a relatively
small part of its range, as when there are natural refuge areas (such as deeper waters
or rougher grounds where the gear cannot fish). In such cases the exploited part of
the stock will decrease rapidly but the overall abundance of the entire stock does not.
Given that the abundance index (CPUE) is based only on the fishing grounds, it will
show a faster decrease than if it was based on fishing over the entire geographical range
of the stock.
Hyperstability is a well known phenomenon in fisheries for highly gregarious or
schooling species such as herrings, sardines, anchovies and tunas. In these fisheries,
searching for fish schools is highly efficient and once located, fishing an entire school is
relatively quick and efficient. The remaining schools remain concentrated as the overall
abundance of fish goes down.
Possible ways to detect a lack of proportionality between CPUE and effort include
mapping and stratification of CPUE and effort data to analyse spatial patterns and
depletion experiments to gain additional information. Overall, hyperstability is more
common and more dangerous, as it leads to stock collapses. A way to avoid this is to
10. Fishery stock assessment models and their application to sharks 177

obtain fishery-independent indices of stock abundance (see Section 12), either through
research cruises or by coordinating efforts with fishermen to perform controlled
experiments to fish in other areas or other ways than they usually do, such as following
a systematic sampling design. Quinn and Deriso (1999) summarize different ways to
model non-linear relationships between CPUE and abundance.
Finally, it should be mentioned that generalized linear models (GLMs) are becoming
common methods for standardizing fishery-dependent CPUE data. These methods
take account of the effect of various factors (such as environmental variables or fishery
operational variables) on catch rates.


Fisheries stock assessment in not usually a problem of the species or group under
analysis but rather a problem of the approach used for the analysis. There are several
methods available to perform stock assessment and some of them have been presented
here in detail. However, keep in mind that there are three main rules for good stock
(i) The data drive the analysis and although we should always try to do the best we
can with whatever data we have, only complete and good quality data provide
reliable assessments in the long run. Having limited data provides only limited
and uncertain advice no matter which model is used. The main problem for
elasmobranch stock assessment is not the model used, but that data be available.
For this reason, fisheries managers should strive to build the necessary systems to
collect the appropriate information needed for stock assessment.
(ii) There is no single ‘best’ model that should be used for fisheries stock assessments.
The best assessment is one that uses all the models that can be applied depending
on available data and compares the results of all models to detect inconsistencies,
coincidences and patterns. A complete picture of the situation can only be obtained
when the conclusions from one analysis are compared with those of a different
analysis and the different results are used critically to gauge conclusions, improve
the data and therefore have the capacity for better assessments in the future.
(iii) Stock assessment is a long-term and dynamic process that never ends. Models
are used not only to decide how many fish should be taken next year or how
many fishermen should be allowed to fish, but also and perhaps more importantly,
to set goals about the ways in which to obtain fisheries data, the type of data
that are lacking (including biological and ecological information) and that must
be obtained in the future to improve the quality of the assessments. Fish stock
assessment must be a feedback system to be successful.
Table 10.4 presents a few examples of real elasmobranch fisheries with a list of their
characteristics, the methods used in each case for stock assessment, the status of the
fishery and major references. These examples can be reviewed more closely by those
interested in more detailed analyses of real elasmobranch fisheries and the practice of
their stock assessment and management.
178 Management techniques for elasmobranch fisheries

TABLE 10.4
A referenced selection of real shark fisheries, summarizing their main characteristics, the assessment
methods in use and the state of management and the resource.

Management Stock Assessment Main

Fishery Species Catch level Status
System Methods References

Southern Galeorhinus galeus, Controls on Surplus Production, Overexploited, under

Australian shark Mustelus antarcticus 2,800 t/y amount of gear Delay-difference and recovering Walker 1999
fishery and other spp (licenses) Age-structured models regulations

Canadian TAC (250 t), Fishing Catch curves, catch Overexploited, under
Campana et al.
Porbeagle shark Lamna nasus 850 t/y licenses plus fishing rate trends, age- severe recovering
restrictions 1999, 2001
fishery structured model regulations
Galeorhinus galeus,
None, quotas
Squalus acanthias,
established through ad Recovered after
New Zealand Callorhinchus milii, Francis and
17,000 t/y ITQs and TACs hoc methods overxploitation or
shark fisheries Mustelus lenticulatus, Shallard 1999
(proportion of past unknown
Raja spp. Hydrolagus spp.
and other 15 spp
Overexploited, under MacAllister and
East coast of US 39 species mostly Bayesian Surplus
3,500 t/y TAC recovering Pikitch. 1998a, b;
shark fishery Carcharhinus Production Models
regulations Branstetter 1999

5 prohibited
Gulf of Mexico 35 species mostly Unknown, likely Bonfil 1997,
12,000 t/y species and other None
shark fisheries Carcharhinus heavily overexploited Castillo et al. 1998
simple regulations

Mustelus schmitii,
Argentinean Galeorhinus galeus, Unknown, likely
30,000 t/y None None Chiaramonte 1998
shark fisheries Carcharhinus brachyurus heavily overexploited
and other 10 spp


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