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G.R. No. 196750. March 11, 2015.*

MA. ELENA R. DIVINAGRACIA, as Administratrix of the
and MAUDE NOBLEZA, respondents.

Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Parties; Indispensable

Parties; Words and Phrases; An indispensable party is one whose
interest will be affected by the court’s action in the litigation, and
without whom no final determination of the case can be had.—An
indispensable party is one whose interest will be affected by the
court’s action in the litigation, and without whom no final
determination of the case can be had. The party’s interest in the
subject matter of the suit and in the relief sought are so
inextricably intertwined with the other parties’ that his legal
presence as a party to the proceeding is an absolute necessity. In
his absence, there cannot be a resolution of the dispute of the
parties before the court which is effective, complete, or equitable.
Thus, the absence of an indispensable party renders all
subsequent actions of the court null and void, for want of
authority to act, not only as to the absent parties but even as to
those present.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Co-Heirs; All the coheirs and
persons having an interest in the property are indispensable
parties; as such, an action for partition will not lie without the
joinder of the said parties.—With regard to actions for partition,
Section 1, Rule 69 of the Rules of Court requires that all persons
interested in the property shall be joined as defendants, viz.: SEC.
1. Complaint in action for partition of real estate.—A person
having the right to compel the partition of real estate may do so
as provided in this Rule, setting forth in his complaint the nature
and extent of his title and an adequate description of the real
estate of which partition is demanded and joining as
defendants all other persons interested in the property.
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied) Thus, all the coheirs and
persons having an interest in the property



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Divinagracia vs. Parilla

are indispensable parties; as such, an action for partition will

not lie without the joinder of the said parties.
Civil Law; Partition; Co-Ownership; In actions for partition,
the court cannot properly issue an order to divide the property,
unless it first makes a determination as to the existence of co-
ownership.—Santiago’s contention that he had already bought the
interests of the majority of the heirs and, thus, they should no
longer be regarded as indispensable parties deserves no merit. As
correctly noted by the CA, in actions for partition, the court
cannot properly issue an order to divide the property, unless it
first makes a determination as to the existence of co-ownership.
The court must initially settle the issue of ownership, which is the
first stage in an action for partition. Indubitably, therefore, until
and unless this issue of co-ownership is definitely and finally
resolved, it would be premature to effect a partition of the
disputed properties.
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Parties; Indispensable
Parties; Non-Joinder of Indispensable Parties; The non-joinder of
indispensable parties is not a ground for the dismissal of an
action; The remedy is to implead the nonparty claimed to be
indispensable.—The CA erred in ordering the dismissal of the
complaint on account of Santiago’s failure to implead all the
indispensable parties in his complaint. In Heirs of Mesina v. Heirs
of Fian, Sr., 695 SCRA 345 (2013), the Court definitively
explained that in instances of non-joinder of indispensable
parties, the proper remedy is to implead them and not to dismiss
the case, to wit: The non-joinder of indispensable parties is
not a ground for the dismissal of an action. At any stage of a
judicial proceeding and/or at such times as are just, parties may
be added on the motion of a party or on the initiative of the
tribunal concerned. If the plaintiff refuses to implead an
indispensable party despite the order of the court, that court may
dismiss the complaint for the plaintiff’s failure to comply with the
order. The remedy is to implead the nonparty claimed to be

PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and

resolution of the Court of Appeals.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.


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  Regalado, Aujero, Divinagracia Law Offices for

  Reyes, Reyes Law Office for respondents.

Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the
Decision2 dated March 26, 2009 and the Resolution3 dated
April 6, 2011 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in C.A.-G.R. CV
No. 80167, which set aside the Decision4 dated November
29, 2002 and the Order5 dated April 4, 2003 of the Regional
Trial Court of Iloilo City, Branch 31 (RTC) in Civil Case
No. 19003 and, consequently, dismissed Santiago C.
Divinagracia’s (Santiago) complaint for judicial partition.
The Facts
Conrado Nobleza, Sr. (Conrado, Sr.) owned a 313-
square-meter parcel of land located at Cor. Fuentes-
Delgado Streets, Iloilo City denominated as Lot 133-B-1-A
and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-
12255 (subject land).6   During his lifetime, he contracted
two marriages: (a) the first was with Lolita Palermo with
whom he had two (2) children, namely, Cresencio and
Conrado, Jr.; and (b) the second was with Eusela Niangar
with whom he had seven (7) children, namely, Mateo, Sr.,
Coronacion, Cecilia, Celestial, Celedonio,


1  Rollo, pp. 3-21.

2   Id., at pp. 27-45. Penned by Associate Justice Florito S. Macalino,
with Executive Justice Antonio L. Villamor and Associate Justice Stephen
C. Cruz, concurring.
3   Id., at pp. 47-48. Penned by Associate Justice Edgardo L. Delos
Santos, with Associate Justices Eduardo B. Peralta, Jr. and Gabriel T.
Ingles, concurring.
4  Id., at pp. 167-182. Penned by Judge Rene S. Hortillo.
5  Id., at pp. 202-203.



Divinagracia vs. Parilla

Ceruleo,7 and Cebeleo, Sr. Conrado, Sr. also begot three

(3) illegitimate children, namely, Eduardo, Rogelio, and
Ricardo.8 Mateo, Sr. predeceased Conrado, Sr. and was
survived by his children Felcon, Landelin, Eusela,
Giovanni, Mateo, Jr., Tito, and Gaylord. Cebeleo, Sr. also 3/11

predeceased his father and was survived by his wife,

Maude, and children Cebeleo, Jr. and Neobel.9
According to Santiago, upon Conrado, Sr.’s death,
Cresencio, Conrado, Jr., Felcon (in representation of his
father, Mateo, Sr., and his siblings), Coronacion, Celestial,
Cecilia, Rogelio, Eduardo, and Ricardo sold their respective
interests over the subject land to Santiago for a
consideration of P447,695.66, as embodied in a Deed of
Extrajudicial Settlement or Adjudication with Deed of
Sale10 dated November 22, 1989 (subject document),11
which was, however, not signed by the other heirs who did
not sell their respective shares, namely, Ceruleo,
Celedonio, and Maude (in representation of his husband,
Cebeleo, Sr., and their children).12 On December 22, 1989,
the same parties executed a Supplemental Contract13
whereby the vendors-heirs and Santiago agreed that out of
the aforesaid consideration, only P109,807.93 will be paid
up front, and that Santiago will only pay the remaining
balance of P337,887.73 upon the partition of the subject
land.14 However, Santiago was not able to have TCT No. T-
12255 cancelled and the subject document registered
because of Ceruleo, Celedonio, and


6  Id., at pp. 30-31.

7   “Cerulio” in some parts of the record.
8   Rollo, p. 31.
9   Id., at p. 11.
10  Id., at pp. 134-137.
11  Id., at p. 31.
12  Id., at p. 33.
13   Id., at pp. 138-139. Referred to as “Supplemental Contract dated
December 12, 1989” in some parts of the records.
14  Id., at p. 31.


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Divinagracia vs. Parilla

Maude’s refusal to surrender the said title. This fact,
coupled with Ceruleo, Celedonio, and Maude’s failure to
partition the subject land, prompted Santiago to file a
Complaint15 dated January 3, 1990 for judicial partition
and for receivership.16
For their part, Ceruleo, Celedonio, and Maude
maintained that Santiago had no legal right to file an
action for judicial partition nor compel them to surrender
TCT No. T-12255 because, inter alia: (a) Santiago did not 4/11

pay the full purchase price of the shares sold to him; and
(b) the subject land is a conjugal asset of Conrado, Sr. and
Eusela Niangar and, thus, only their legitimate issues may
validly inherit the same.17
The RTC’s Ruling
In a Decision18 dated November 29, 2002, the RTC
ordered, among others, the partition of the subject land
between Santiago on the one hand, and Ceruleo, Celedonio,
Maude, and the heirs of Mateo, Sr. (i.e., Felcon, et al.) on
the other hand and, consequently, the cancellation of TCT
No. T-12255 and the issuance of a new owner’s duplicate
certificate in favor of Santiago and the group of Ceruleo,
Celedonio, Maude, and the heirs of Mateo, Sr.19 The RTC
found that through the subject document, Santiago became
a co-owner of the subject land and, as such, has the right to
demand the partition of the same. However, the RTC held
that Santiago did not validly acquire Mateo, Sr.’s share
over the subject land, considering that Felcon admitted the
lack of authority to bind his siblings with regard to Mateo,
Sr.’s share thereon.20


15  Id., at pp. 129-133.

16  Id., at pp. 31-33.
17  Id., at pp. 33-34.
18  Id., at pp. 167-182.
19  Id., at pp. 181-182.
20  Id., at pp. 180-181.



Divinagracia vs. Parilla

On reconsideration21 of Ceruleo and herein respondents

Celedonio, Maude, Celestial, Coronacion, and Cecilia
(respondents), the RTC issued an Order22 dated April 4,
2003 further ordering Santiago to comply with the
provisions of the Supplemental Contract dated December
22, 1989 by paying the amount of P337,887.73 upon the
partition of the subject land.
Dissatisfied, respondents appealed23 to the CA. Records
are bereft of any showing that the other heirs made similar
appeals thereto.
The CA’s Ruling 5/11

In a Decision24 dated March 26, 2009, the CA set aside

the RTC Rulings and, consequently, dismissed Santiago’s
complaint for judicial partition.25 It held that Felcon’s
siblings, as well as Maude’s children, are indispensable
parties to the judicial partition of the subject land and,
thus, their noninclusion as defendants in Santiago’s
complaint would necessarily result in its dismissal.26
Aggrieved, the heirs of Santiago27 moved for


21   See Motion for Reconsideration dated December 30, 2002 filed by

Ceruleo, Celedonio, and Maude; id., at pp. 183-185. See also Motion to
Declare Nullity of Judgment and/or Motion for Reconsideration dated
December 30, 2002 filed by Coronacion, Celestial, and Cecilia; id., at pp.
22  Id., at pp. 242-243.
23  See Notice of Appeal dated April 15, 2003; id., at pp. 204-205.
24  Id., at pp. 27-45.
25  Id., at p. 45.
26  Id., at pp. 40-44.
27   In view of the death of Santiago on April 14, 2004, he was
substituted by his widow, Ma. Elena R. Divinagracia, and children,
namely: Elsa, Ruth Mari, Liane Grace, Ricardo, and Ma. Fe Emily, all
surnamed Divinagracia, per Notice of Death and Substitution of Parties
filed before the CA on April 28, 2004. Id., at p. 27.


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Divinagracia vs. Parilla

tion28 which was, however, denied in a Resolution29

dated April 6, 2011, hence, this petition instituted by
herein petitioner, Ma. Elena R. Divinagracia, as
administratrix of the estate of Santiago.
The Issues Before the Court
The issues for the Court’s resolution are whether or not
the CA correctly: (a) ruled that Felcon’s siblings and
Cebeleo, Sr. and Maude’s children are indispensable
parties to Santiago’s complaint for judicial partition; and
(b) dismissed Santiago’s complaint for his failure to
implead said omitted heirs.
The Court’s Ruling
The petition is partly meritorious. 6/11

An indispensable party is one whose interest will be

affected by the court’s action in the litigation, and without
whom no final determination of the case can be had. The
party’s interest in the subject matter of the suit and in the
relief sought are so inextricably intertwined with the other
parties’ that his legal presence as a party to the proceeding
is an absolute necessity. In his absence, there cannot be a
resolution of the dispute of the parties before the court
which is effective, complete, or equitable.30 Thus, the
absence of an indispensable party renders all subsequent
actions of the


28  See Motion for Reconsideration dated May 4, 2009; id., at

pp. 266-273.
29  Id., at pp. 47-48.
30   Gabatin v. Land Bank of the Philippines, 486 Phil. 366, 379-380;
444 SCRA 176, 186 (2004), citing Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Court
of Appeals, 450 Phil. 532, 541; 402 SCRA 449, 455 (2003); further citation



Divinagracia vs. Parilla

court null and void, for want of authority to act, not only
as to the absent parties but even as to those present.31
With regard to actions for partition, Section 1, Rule 69 of
the Rules of Court requires that all persons interested in
the property shall be joined as defendants, viz.:

SEC. 1. Complaint in action for partition of real estate.—A

person having the right to compel the partition of real estate may
do so as provided in this Rule, setting forth in his complaint the
nature and extent of his title and an adequate description of the
real estate of which partition is demanded and joining as
defendants all other persons interested in the property.
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

Thus, all the coheirs and persons having an interest in
the property are indispensable parties; as such, an action
for partition will not lie without the joinder of the said
In the instant case, records reveal that Conrado, Sr. has
the following heirs, legitimate and illegitimate, who are
entitled to a pro indiviso share in the subject land, namely:
Conrado, Jr., Cresencio, Mateo, Sr., Coronacion, Cecilia,
Celestial, Celedonio, Ceruleo, Cebeleo, Sr., Eduardo, 7/11

Rogelio, and Ricardo. However, both Mateo, Sr. and

Cebeleo, Sr. predeceased Conrado, Sr. and, thus, pursuant
to the rules on representation under the Civil Code,33 their
respective interests shall be represented by their children,
namely: (a) for Mateo, Sr.: Felcon, Landelin, Eusela,
Giovanni, Mateo, Jr., Tito, and Gaylord; and (b) for
Cebeleo, Sr.: Cebeleo, Jr. and Neobel.34


31  Domingo v. Scheer, 466 Phil. 235, 265; 421 SCRA 468, 483 (2004).
32   Sepulveda, Sr. v. Pelaez, 490 Phil. 710, 721; 450 SCRA 302, 312
33  See Civil Code, Articles 970 to 977.
34  See Rollo, pp. 10-11 and 31-33.


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Divinagracia vs. Parilla

The aforementioned heirs — whether in their own

capacity or in representation of their direct ascendant —
have vested rights over the subject land and, as such,
should be impleaded as indispensable parties in an action
for partition thereof. However, a reading of Santiago’s
complaint shows that as regards Mateo, Sr.’s interest, only
Felcon was impleaded, excluding therefrom his siblings and
co-representatives. Similarly, with regard to Cebeleo, Sr.’s
interest over the subject land, the complaint impleaded his
wife, Maude, when pursuant to Article 97235 of the Civil
Code, the proper representatives to his interest should
have been his children, Cebeleo, Jr. and Neobel. Verily,
Santiago’s omission of the aforesaid heirs renders his
complaint for partition defective.
Santiago’s contention that he had already bought the
interests of the majority of the heirs and, thus, they should
no longer be regarded as indispensable parties deserves no
merit. As correctly noted by the CA, in actions for partition,
the court cannot properly issue an order to divide the
property, unless it first makes a determination as to the
existence of co-ownership. The court must initially settle
the issue of ownership, which is the first stage in an action
for partition.36 Indubitably, therefore, until and unless this
issue of co-ownership is definitely and finally resolved, it
would be premature to effect a partition of the disputed
In this case, while it is conceded that Santiago bought
the interests of majority of the heirs of Conrado, Sr. as
evidenced 8/11


35  Article 972 of the Civil Code reads:

Art. 972. The right of representation takes place in the direct
descending line, but never in the ascending.
In the collateral line, it takes place only in favor of the children of
brothers or sisters, whether they be of the full or half blood.
36   See Samson v. Gabor, G.R. No. 182970, July 23, 2014, 730 SCRA
490, citing Reyes-de Leon v. Del Rosario, 479 Phil. 98, 107; 435 SCRA 232,
239 (2004).
37   Lacbayan v. Samoy, Jr., G.R. No. 165427, March 21, 2011, 645
SCRA 677, 688-689.



Divinagracia vs. Parilla

by the subject document, as a vendee, he merely steps

into the shoes of the vendors-heirs. Since his interest over
the subject land is merely derived from that of the vendors-
heirs, the latter should first be determined as co-owners
thereof, thus necessitating the joinder of all those who have
vested interests in such land, i.e., the aforesaid heirs of
Conrado, Sr., in Santiago’s complaint.
In fine, the absence of the aforementioned indispensable
parties in the instant complaint for judicial partition
renders all subsequent actions of the RTC null and void for
want of authority to act, not only as to the absent parties,
but even as to those present.38 Therefore, the CA correctly
set aside the November 29, 2002 Decision and the April 4,
2003 Order of the RTC.
However, the CA erred in ordering the dismissal of the
complaint on account of Santiago’s failure to implead all
the indispensable parties in his complaint. In Heirs of
Mesina v. Heirs of Fian, Sr.,39 the Court definitively
explained that in instances of non-joinder of indispensable
parties, the proper remedy is to implead them and not to
dismiss the case, to wit:

The non-joinder of indispensable parties is not a ground

for the dismissal of an action. At any stage of a judicial
proceeding and/or at such times as are just, parties may be added
on the motion of a party or on the initiative of the tribunal
concerned. If the plaintiff refuses to implead an indispensable
party despite the order of the court, that court may dismiss the
complaint for the plaintiff’s failure to comply with the order. The
remedy is to implead the nonparty claimed to be
indispensable. x x x40 (Underscoring supplied; emphases in the
original) 9/11


38   Quilatan v. Heirs of Quilatan Lorenzo, 614 Phil. 162, 168; 597

SCRA 519, 525 (2009).
39  G.R. No. 201816, April 8, 2013, 695 SCRA 345.
40  Id., at p. 353, citing Pamplona Plantation Co., Inc. v. Tinghil, 491
Phil. 15, 29; 450 SCRA 421, 433 (2005).


VOL. 753, MARCH 11, 2015 97

Divinagracia vs. Parilla

In view of the foregoing, the correct course of action in

the instant case is to order its remand to the RTC for the
inclusion of those indispensable parties who were not
impleaded and for the disposition of the case on the
Accordingly, the Decision dated March 26, 2009 and the
Resolution dated April 6, 2011 of the Court of Appeals in
C.A.-G.R. CV No. 80167, setting aside the Decision dated
November 29, 2002 and the Order dated April 4, 2003 of
the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City, Branch 31 in Civil
Case No. 19003, are hereby AFFIRMED with
MODIFICATION REMANDING the instant case to the
court a quo, which is hereby DIRECTED to implead all
indispensable parties and, thereafter, PROCEED with the
resolution of the case on the merits WITH DISPATCH.

Sereno (CJ., Chairperson), Leonardo-De Castro,

Bersamin and Perez, JJ., concur.

Petition partly granted, judgment and resolution

affirmed with modification.

Notes.—A Partition Agreement which was executed

pursuant to a will that was not probated can not be given
effect. (Rodriguez vs. Rodriguez, 532 SCRA 642 [2007])
In an action for partition, all other persons interested in
the property shall be joined as defendants — not only the
coheirs but also all persons claiming interests or rights in
the property subject of partition are indispensable parties.
(Heirs of Panfilo F. Abalos vs. Bucal, 546 SCRA 252 [2008])


41  In Quilatan v. Heirs of Quilatan (supra note 38), the Court similarly
ordered the remand of the partition case therein to the RTC for the failure 10/11

of petitioners therein to implead all the indispensable parties in their

complaint for partition.

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