Lesson Plan 3: Planning An Inquiry Based Lesson/Activity/Project Name

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Lesson Plan 3

Name of Student Teacher : Amal Ibrahim Abdullah School : RAK Academy ( PYP )
Planning an Inquiry Based Lesson/Activity/Project Name:

Consider your PDP goals when lesson planning. Some points to keep in mind might be:

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1-(Goal): The students will build their prior knowledge through the concept.
2- (Strategies Used) :
- Plan of the lesson and discuss with the MST about the lesson.
- Document the content of the lesson to use it as a reference.
- Fix and improve the mistakes of the lesson after getting feedback.

3- (Evidence) :
• Lesson purposes (Power Point, the experiment materials).
• Lesson plan (before & after feedback).
• Students works and assessment at the end of the lesson.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

Three Science -hands-on experiences with a variety of materials.
-making observations that are relevant to questions asked.
-working in cooperative learning teams in an enjoyable
learning environment.
-following guided inquiry principles to in order deepen their
understanding of topic.
 Title of Lesson: Plants A brief description of my Lesson in my own words:
 Strand: Living world  This lesson is second sessions of this course. It's all
Sub-strand: explain the functions of the flower head. about the plants, how the head of flower have functions
and what the job for each function. Then they will learn
about the plants more in details.
The problem that students are trying to solve or investigate The outcome or product of the students’ investigation :
(in my own words):
- The students will be able to know that the head
 The students will not write each part on the right place. flowers have three functions.
- The students will know how to describe the
flower and know what are the petal, stamen, and

Essential Question: Guided Questions:

-What a flower head look like? - What did the little seeds need?
- What we need to grow the plant healthy?

Learning Outcomes (including strand and substrand)

Students will be able to investigate different part on the plant.
Students will be able to demonstrate what the job for each part (petal, stamen, and stigma).

Students will be able to identify each part on the flower head (petal, stamen, and stigma).
-The stages that the students will use to investigate the problem:

Stage What it Means/What students do at What are Process skills Literacy

this stage of any inquiry lesson What students will Aim of this some that students skills that
do at this stage of section of the questions will use at this students will
my lesson lesson that I will ask stage (name, use at this
students and say how stage (name,
during this and where) and say how
section? (at and where)
what level of
Bloom’s are
Engageme The students will think and guess how - The students Remember & Prediction: Speaking &
nt do plants grow? will watch the Understandin The students will Listening
video -The students will g guess about their
https://www.y improve their The students
prior knowledge.
cognitive skills. will listen to
- Have Communicating: the video and
-Engage the you The students will then they will
- Discuss about students. ever discuss and talk about
what they saw planted share the answer what did they
on the video. -The students will in your with whole class. saw in the
- Take notes of remember some home? video.
the video. notes from their
- I will ask the prior knowledge. - What
students the
questions and
they have to
need to
think about the
answer. grow
- How do plants healthy
grow? ?
- What did the
girl do for the
- What did the
rabbit said to
the girl and
what he
- What did the
little seeds
- Did the girl
share some
about what she
- Who can tell
me what she

Explanatio - The students will review about - The students Understandin Observing: Speaking &
n what the parts of plants and will watch and g: What the When they see listening: As
what is the job for each part. understand Demonstrate meaning of the PowerPoint they discuss
from the conceptual these words and take some and share
- The students will learn some PowerPoint to (Petal, notes from the their thoughts.
through applying
new word (Petal, Stamen, and explain for Stamen, and video.
what they are
Stigma). the students watching on the Stigma). Communicating: Writing:
each point. head of flower and Explain and When they
- The students will be able to the functions on the Analyzing: discuss how each write on their
know what the job of each flower. Can you part will work and notes of what
function in a flower head. explain again what is the job for are the jobs
what each part each part? for each part.
on the flower Predicting:
head is? Guess and write
what did they
think these parts
of the flower will
Elaboration - The students will look at the I will let the students Observing: Speaking:
flower and then they will say to sit on the carpet The students will Through using Through their
what the functions of the and I will show them improve their Create: their senses discussion in
flower are. on the board the thinking skills The students when they are the answers.
flowers then I will let through their will investigate answers because
each students to say answers. to look at the they will use their
- The students will write the what is the name of answers. brain to think
answers. this part, and some about the
of them they will answers, and use
write the answer on their hands to
the board . write the
Evaluation - I will let the students to sit as a I will give the communicating: Speaking &
group. students one activity Assess the Evaluating: listening:
- I will give each group one to check if they are students I will evaluate The students will As they
blank paper and one flower understood the understand. the students if communicate with discuss their
with petal, stamen, and lesson. they the other students answers with
stigma, also I will give them understand the by share their the whole
one magnifying glasses. lesson by write answers. class.
- I will let them to look at the the parts of the
flower under magnifying flower head. Writing:
glasses to draw flower head When they
photography and color it then draw what
they should to write the they see and
functions for each part on the write the parts
flower. of the flower
. head.

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