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Reflection 7

Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Remember to use support from the academic literature
Lesson - Math Student Amal Ebrhim
unit/page Add decimal numbers teacher
MST Mr. David School PYP
Class 3A Date 1\11\2018
Overall aim and context of the lesson

The student will be able to write the numbers as a decimals and fractions.
The student will be able to add the decimals number together.

Select (S):
This lesson is talking about the how to add the decimal numbers, because the students
already know what is the decimal numbers, but in this lesson they will learn how to add
the decimal number together, they will do some interesting activities to help the students
understand how to get the correct answer.
Describe (D):
I teach the grade three the math lesson, and the lesson was talk about the decimal
numbers and how to add the decimal number together, first I engage the students by
asking the students some questions and show them the decimal number, the students
can read and identify the decimal number because they have knowledge about it. Then I
gave each group one story about one girl want to arrive to her box but she needs to
solve the keys to get her box. After that when the students solve all the questions they
have one real box and they open it to see the topic of the lesson.
Analyze (A):
The students were very attention with me because they want to learn how to add the
decimal numbers, then I will write for them two questions and show the students how to
add decimal numbers together, I explain for them step by step to let then understand
easily. Then I gave the students a worksheet to do it as a group after that I asked them
about the answers, and let them to come on the board and explain how they will solve
this question, so this strategy it help the students to check their understanding and to
encourage them to competition with their self or with the other students to solve the
questions correctly.
Appraise (A):
I gave each student one different activity to check if the students understand or need
more practice to understand the lesson. After that I correct their answers and I let some
of students to write their questions and explain how to solve it. After that I gave them
one activity related to their level because I want to help the students who have issues
and to make sure if the students understand and know how to add decimal number
Transform (T):
In the future I will improve the issues that I use it in the class, and I will answer the
questions before I gave the students the answer, also I want to use different strategies
for the math to let the students interact more and understand the lesson more.

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