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We wish to express our sincere gratitude to MR. Mokhles Rahman lecturer of Management
department of School of Business & Economics (SBE) of the North South University for
providing us an opportunity to do a project work on “UCB BANK”. This project informs about
the HRM system of UCB Bank to many people.

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to UCB Bank for keeping transparent
“Crystal Clear” information on their sites and special thanks to Mohammad Shafiqul Islam
for sharing his precious views and experience with us.

We thank and appreciate for the performance, kind co-operation and encouragement of each
member in our group member who showed motivation and inputted their fullest potential in
developing this project and people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.

Last but not least we wish to avail ourselves of this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude
and love to the Almighty, our friends and our beloved parents for their support, strength and

Executive Summary

United Commercial Bank Limited is one of the leading Private Bank in Bangladesh. It intends
to play a primary role in the financial activities of the country. Through adapted service,
inventive practices, vibrant advance and well-organized administration, it has made a distinct
mark in the area of private banking division by now. Through an imaginative credit policy, it
is also decisively occupied in the improvement of business, trade, and production.

Alike other banking institutions United Commercial Bank does not produce any tangible
product but it offers a variety of money related services to its customers. It distinguishes itself
from other private banks by its personalized services, innovative practices and effective
management system. The Bank has its in different and diverse segments of banking like Retail
Banking, SME Banking, Corporate Banking, Off-shore Banking, and Remittance etc. United
Commercial Bank has lengthened its arena by diversion among different segments of banking.

The report explores areas like the introduction and company background in order to give
readers an exposure to topic. As this is a part of our Human Resource Management course, we
have mainly focused on the HRM system of UCB. We have analyzed how UCB recruits people,
how the select and interview them, the training and development process involved and also the
benefits plan for UCB employees. Recommendations for improvement have also been
suggested afterwards followed by a proper conclusion.

Table of Content

Content Page No.


Background Information of UCB
Current HR System-

i. Recruitment
ii. Selection Process
iii. Training and Development

iv. Benefit Plan
Manager’s SWOT analysis



According to the, ‘Human Resource Management (HRM)’is a

function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance of an employer's
strategic objectives so that they become more valuable to the organization‟ (Business
Dictionary 2015). The function includes activities starting from job analysis to activities after
the retirement of an employee.
The objective of our HRM course is to learn how ‘an organization implements different HR
activity on their employees, the processes of their HR activity and is those really effective or
not’ (Gary Dessler 2013). We have tried to put a shadow of our knowledge in this report based
on what we have learned from the course and have tried to associate it with a leading Bank of
Bangladesh-UCB’s HR division. This report is mainly focused on the HR activities of UCB in
the following criteria:

Selection Process

Training & Development

Benefit Plan


This report has been produced by doing extensive research on one of the leading Private Bank
of Bangladesh-UCB. The research methodology comprises information collection by
interview and desk research. Data used in the report has been collected through face to face
talk with Mohammad Shafiqul Islam, Assistant Vice President & Manager Operation of
Bashundhara Branch, and by data compilation from UCB’s annual reports, articles and website.
Throughout the report, analytical approach has been used to scrutinize different segments of
the bank, specially the Human Resource department. We also followed our text book named
‘Human resources Management’ by Gary Dessler (13th edition) to prepare this report by
combine our knowledge from this course and the information collected.

Background Information of UCB

One of the first generation commercial banks in Bangladesh is United Commercial Bank
Limited (UCB) which provides expert banking services and contributes to the social and
economic development of the country. After initiation of business in 1983, it has been able to
set up one of the biggest networks having 168 branches in different districts.

United Commercial Bank Limited was built-in as a public limited company under the
Companies Act. 1994. UCB’s rules and regulations were established under of Bangladesh bank
and the Bank Companies’ Act 1991, on the 3rd June 1983, the founder chairman and the leader
of that time during the leadership of Late Mr. Shahjahan Kabir.

To get the dream done few highly qualified and successful entrepreneurs joined the chairman.
With proper hardworking, intelligence and talent each and every entrepreneurs proved
themselves in different field of business in the journey of UCBL. According to the process Mr.
Nazrul Islam Mazumder became next chairman after passing Mr. Shahjahan Kabir the founder
of UCB.

Government contributed to United Commercial bank Limited along with some self-motivated
and hardworking entrepreneurs and distinguished industrialists of the country. It was formed
as a public company in Bangladesh on the 26th June, 1983 under the company Act 1994 and
listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange limited on the 30th November, 1986 and Chittagong Stock
Exchange Limited on the 15th November, 1995.

Current HR System:

The current HR system includes Recruitment, Selection process, Training and Benefit plan.

I. Recruitment:

Recruitment process is performed on what they actually need in the organization. UCB Bank
has a very efficient HR department which works for finding out the efficient employees through
the recruitment process to achieve the goal of the bank and to satisfy the client needs.

 Recruitment Process of UCB

UCB starts its recruiting process when new employees are needed and concludes when the
applications are submitted. It results in a collection of applicants from where new employees
are selected. UCB is such a large organization that requires huge man power every year for its
always boosting operations in various levels. However, for common business operations they
need two categories of manpower. Those are given below-
•New graduates
•Specialist experienced people

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process, the final interviews
and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities. UCB use
two type of sources.
Those are:
Internal Sources
External Sources

Internal Source: The sources within the UCB itself (like transfer of employees from
one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources
of recruitment.
In 3 three ways internal candidates are recruited:
 Job Posting: Posting notice of job openings on UCB bulletins boards is one the
effective internal recruiting methods. It informs employees about openings & required
qualifications & invites qualified employees to apply. The notices usually posted on

banks bulletin boards or electronic bulletin boards. Qualifications & other facts are
drawn from the job analysis information.

 Skill Inventories: Making use of HRIS the bank tries to find the best suited candidate
and this must is a secure and confidential source of internal candidate. This source gives
adequate but relevant employee information.

 Nominations: UCB uses recommendation from potential supervisor, employees who

are interested in the posted opening report to the HR Department & apply.

2. External Sources: UCB also select candidates from all the other sources (like
outsourcing agencies etc.) Which are the external sources of recruitment. In addition
to looking internally for candidates, it also opens up recruiting efforts to the external
community. These efforts are discussed below:

 Advertisement:
UCB communicate to the public that it has a vacancy through advertisement in one of the
popular method used. Want ad describes the job, the benefits and tells those who are interested
how to apply. It is the most popular method used by the bank.

 Employee Referrals/Recommendation: UCB always wants its employee to

recommend any individual if he believe the individual can perform adequately.
Employee referrals used by the bank, also acquires more accurate information about
their potential jobs. The recommender often gives the applicant more realistic
information about the job than could be conveyed through employment agencies or
newspaper advertisement.

 Schools Colleges & Universities Recruiting: UCB Send employer’s representatives to

college educational institutions which are an excellent source of potential employees to
pre-screen applicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class.

A sample of the job circular of UCB Bank

ii. Selection process:

UCB selects employee based on knowledge, skills and talent. They are committed to providing
equality of opportunity to all employees, regardless of gender, race, nationality, age, disability,

ethnic origin, or marital status and also identifying what unique strengths each individual binge
to the roles they carry out and the development of these strengths.

 The process of selection

Conducting a
well and Making hiring Referencing Making the Physical
Interview Written test
effective decision checking offer examination

 Key elements of an effective selection interview

The “do” and

Interviewing The structure of
“don’t” of the
principles the interview

Identifying issues
The interview Relating to
to be avoid such
competencies discrimination
as questions

 Preparing for the interview

Physical preparation
Interviewers preparation
Conducting the interview
Opening and structuring
Building rapport
Gathering essential information by asking
Appropriate questions
Telling information that candidate would value
Assessing the interview
Evaluating and making the selection decision

 Competency based selection
 The objectives and the benefits
 The approach and the question to be asked in
 Getting meaningful information for validation and Evaluation

iii. Training & Development:

Training is the part of integrate in which performance is against criteria. Proper training leads
to addresses mistakes and improve employees performances. The major missions of UCB are
to provide service to their clients with the help of a skilled and dedicated workforce whose
creative talents, innovative action and competitive edge make their position unique in giving
quality service to all institutions and individuals that they care for. So, they emphasis on
training a lot.

Human resource division of UCB believes that efficient human resource is the key to success.
According to them timely qualitative contribution of human resource can increase the
competitive performance. Learning culture which leads to high customer satisfaction put
emphasis on improvement of the HR through training & development, recruits the high
caliber youth who are energetic, risk taker along with outgoing & friendly, selects candidates
with good educational background. They encourage growth and career development of
employees. Their main goals are to provide employee’s development of job related
knowledge, skills & attitudes, prepare them to comply with the new changes in the banking
business and create an outstanding professional image in the banking industry by developing
them through the effective training. When employees first join the workplace, they are given
out handbooks with proper guidelines about the job. The handbook not only states policies
of the company but also mentions what is expected from employees, and what they can
expect from the job in return. There are different training methods for different categories of
work. Mostly, the company follows methods of on-the- job training. These on- the-job
training sessions are organized in different ways to suit the job holder.

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Training is provided for the following areas:

Supervisory management training

Operator instructor training

Operator flexibility training

Function based skill training

General management training

Freshmen training

On the job training

Off the job training

Compliance training

Leadership training

They also use a CBT; computer based training system for employees working in certain
sectors. CBT is a means of delivering the learning process via computer.

iv. Benefit Plan:

Benefits Summary
This list of benefits is based on conversations from current and former employees. This list
may not be comprehensive. Some employers verify reported benefits.
Remuneration package for the employees of UCB
The HRD of UCB designed pay plan in such a way that each employee can be satisfied and be
motivated. The HRD of UCB designs the compensation package and time to time revise the
package in accordance with the demand for the employee in job market. All regular employees
are compensated monthly for their services rendered to UCB corresponding to the Rank or

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position s/he holds as per approved separate scale for management staff, field force members
and workers.

Insurance, Health & Wellness Family & Parenting

a) Health Insurance a) Maternity Leave

b) Flexible Occupation Accident Insurance b) Work from Home

c) Health Care On-Site c) Childcare

d) Mental Health Care d) Reduced or Flexible Hours,

e) Retiree Health & Medical e) Family Medical Leave

f) Accidental Death & Dismemberment f) Unpaid Extended Leave

Perks & Discounts 
g) Life Insurance
a) Employee Assistance Program.

Financial & Retirement Plans

b) Mobile Phone Discount
a) Pension Retirement Plan
c) Company Car
b) Employee Stock Purchase
d) Company Social Events
c) Performance Bonus
e) Transport Investment Scheme
d) Equity Incentive
f) Legal Assistance 
e) Supplemental Workers' Compensation
Professional Support 
f) Reimbursement Benefit
a) Diversity Program

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b) Job Training Professional Development c) Apprenticeship Program

Managers SWOT Analysis

Experience: all the managers of MTBL are very experienced and they don’t hire any
employee without minimum experience which makes them stronger.
Communication skill: the managers of MTBL has relatively high communication
skill they work in the organization by constantly communicating with each other.
Ability to work under pressure: since MTBL is a privately owned organization like
other privately owned banks it has very high work pressure and the employees are
willing to take that pressure.
Team work: they always work as a team; collaboration is the key to their success.

Not a risk taker: some managers of MTBL seem too afraid to take risk in grabbing a
new opportunity.
No place to show creativity: doing the same work for day after day so there is place
for showing creativity.

Professional development: they have greater opportunities for professional
development in the field

Advance training: MTBL managers need more training to their field where other
banks have very good training session MTBL training session is not enough
competitive compare to those.
Lack of motivation: employees or managers do the same routine work day after day
so they need more motivation to become more productive.

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i. UCB should improve their interpersonal communication with the employees more

ii. UCB should develop their database system which will enable to register more information
about employees providing direct services to the customers.

iii. UCB should motivate all the employees properly. As a result, every employee will give
their best. As well as the performance level will also get high.

iv. UCB should introduce latest technology inside it for better performance. So, they also can
hire experts on that technology to train their existing experienced employees rather that hire
new employees for that technology.

v. The branch officials should go through training and other motivational programs more often
that would liven up their spirit of work to a great extent.

vi. More manpower is required to handle the manifold problems associated with customer

vii. The United Commercial Bank should do maintain the standard during recruiting the


At the end, we would like to thank our honorable instructor for assigning us with this
challenging project. With our limited knowledge we tried our best to portrait the picture that
the HR department of the organization follows. Though through our investigation we found
their process to be quite flawless but still we added some recommendation that we think will
help them to be completely flawless. So we are expecting a long and prosperous journey for
United Commercial Bank, Bangladesh.

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i. Business Dictionary 2015. Human Resource Management. Available from: [6th
August 2015]

ii. Gary Dessler, 13th Edition 2013, Human resources Management, Dorling-Kindersley [5th
August 2015]

iii. UCB Bank Bangladesh (Official Website) Retrieved from:

iv. Jerebko 2015. Driving employee engagement. Available from: [6th August 2015]

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