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Institutional Limited Partners Association

Private Equity Principles


ILPA Private Equity Principles 2

Alignment of Interest 4
Management Fee and Expenses
Term of Fund
General Partner Fee Income Offsets
General Partner Commitment
Standard for Multiple Product Firms

Governance 7
Investment Strategy
Fiduciary Duty
Changes to the Fund
Responsibilities of the LPAC

Transparency 11
Management and Other Fees
Capital Calls and Distribution Notices
Disclosure Related to the General Partner
Risk Management
Financial Information
LP Information

Appendix A 13
Limited Partner Advisory Committee

Appendix B 16
Carry Clawback Best Practice Considerations

Appendix C 18
Financial Reporting

About the ILPA 20

ILPA Private Equity Principles


he Institutional Limited Partners Association
(“ILPA”) released the Private Equity Principles
We continue to believe three guiding principles form the
essence of an effective private equity partnership:
(the “Principles”) in September 2009 to encourage
discussion between Limited Partners (“LPs”) and 1. Alignment of Interest
General Partners (“GPs”) regarding fund partnerships.
These Principles were developed with the goal of 2. Governance
improving the private equity industry for the long-term
benefit of all its participants by outlining a number of 3. Transparency
key principles to further partnership between LPs and
GPs. Over the past year, ILPA has heard numerous The three guiding principles are elaborated upon further
success stories regarding improved communication in the following sections to introduce the revised
between LPs and GPs. To that end, the Principles preferred private equity terms and best practices for
are off to a great start in achieving the goals that Limited Partner Advisory Committees (“LPAC”).
were originally envisioned.
These preferred private equity terms and best practices
In order to make ongoing improvements to the may inform discussions between each GP and its
Principles, ILPA committed to solicit additional feedback respective LPs in the development of partnership
from both the LP and GP communities throughout agreements and in the management of funds. ILPA
2010. After reflecting on the extensive input from these does not seek the commitment of any LP or GP to any
discussions, the ILPA Best Practices Committee drafted specific terms. They should not be applied as a checklist,
a new version of the Principles. This release retains the as each partnership should be considered separately
key tenets of the first Principles release while increasing and holistically. We recognize that a single set of terms
their focus, clarity and practicality. cannot provide for the broad flexibility of market

ILPA Private Equity Principles
circumstance and therefore we emphasize the importance Each section starts with a general discussion of the
of LPs and GPs working in concert to develop the same application of the three guiding principles and
set of expectations when entering into any particular continues with detail on specific aspects or points
partnership. We believe that careful consideration to each of emphasis. The detail should always be seen as
of these preferred private equity terms and best practices subordinate to the more general principles. The
will result in better investment returns and a more appendices are offered as “deeper dives” into specific
sustainable private equity industry. topics of broad relevance or great complexity. The
appendix on LPAC Best Practices is a completely
In line with the spirit of the Principles, we encourage redrafted version of the original Appendix A,
all LPs to be transparent in their consideration and reflecting considerable input from GPs. The appendix
application of these Principles. A list of organizations on Carry Clawback is new, and given the complexity
that endorse the ILPA Private Equity Principles is posted of this subject, it was deemed worthy of outlining
on the ILPA website ( suggestions for what we all hope will be a rare
contingency. Appendix C covers GP reporting
The remainder of the document comprises three sections best practices. “Standardized Reporting Templates”
on Alignment of Interest, Governance, and Transparency are being developed concurrently. Going forward,
and three appendices on LPAC Best Practices (Appendix ILPA will consider issuing further appendices to
A), Carry Clawback Best Practice Considerations address similar topics as industry best practices continue
(Appendix B) and Financial Reporting (Appendix C). to evolve. Suggestions for such consideration should be
submitted to the ILPA.

ILPA Private Equity Principles
Alignment of Interest


lignment of interest between LPs and GPs is
best achieved when GPs’ wealth creation is

Waterfall Structure
primarily derived from carried interest and returns
generated from a substantial equity commitment to l A standard all-contributions-plus-preferred-
the fund, and when GPs receive a percentage of profits return-back-first model must be recognized
after LP return requirements are met. as a best practice

GP wealth creation from excessive management, l Enhance the deal-by-deal model:

transaction or other fees and income sources, reduces
alignment of interest. We continue to believe that a Return of all realized cost for given
GP’s own capital at risk serves as the greatest incentive investment with continuous makeup of
for alignment of interests. GP equity interests in funds partial impairments and write-offs, and
primarily made through cash contributions result in return of all fees and expenses to date
higher alignment of interest with LPs compared to those (as opposed to pro rata for the exited deal)
made through the waiver of management fees.
For purposes of waterfall, all unrealized
We continue to believe that an all-contributions-plus- investments must be valued at lower of cost
preferred-return-back-first waterfall is best practice. In or fair market value
situations where a deal-by-deal waterfall is used, the
accompanying use of significant carry escrow accounts Require carry escrow accounts with significant
and/or effective clawback mechanisms will help ensure reserves (30% of carry distributions or more)
LPs are fully repaid in a timely manner when the GP has and require additional reserves to cover
received carry it has not earned. potential clawback liabilities

We recognize alignment of interests can be achieved l Thepreferred return should be calculated

through many different combinations of the elements from the day capital is contributed to the
stated above or indeed, through new approaches. point of distribution
Alignment of interest must be evaluated in giving
consideration to each of these elements in totality.

ILPA Private Equity Principles

Calculation of Carried Interest l Management fees should take into account the
lower levels of expenses generally incident to the
l Alignment is improved when carried interest
formation of a follow-on fund, at the end of the
is calculated on the basis of net profits (not gross
investment period, or if a fund’s term is extended
profits) and on an after-tax basis (i.e. foreign or
other taxes imposed on the fund are not treated as
distributions to the partners)
l The management fee should encompass all normal
l No carry should be taken on current income or operations of a GP to include, at a minimum,
recapitalizations until the full amount of invested overhead, staff compensation, travel, deal sourcing
capital is realized on the investment and other general administrative items as well as
interactions with LPs
l The economic arrangement of the GP and its
l Clawbacks should be created so that when they
placement agents should be fully disclosed as
are required they are fully and timely repaid
part of the due diligence materials provided to
prospective limited partners. Placement agent fees
l Theclawback period must extend beyond the
are often required by law to be an expense borne
term of the fund, including liquidation and
entirely by the GP
any provision for LP giveback of distributions
l Appendix B serves as a model given this is an
area of considerable complexity l Fund extensions should be permitted in 1 year
increments only and be approved by a majority

Management Fee Structure

l Absent LP consent, the GP must fully liquidate
l Management fees should be based on reasonable the fund within a one year period following
operating expenses and reasonable salaries, as expiration of the fund term
excessive fees create misalignment of interests
l Duringthe formation of a new fund, the GP
l Transaction, monitoring, directory, advisory,
should provide prospective LPs with a fee
exit fees, and other consideration charged by
model to be used as a guide to analyze and
the GP should accrue to the benefit of the fund
set management fees

ILPA Private Equity Principles

GENERAL PARTNER COMMITMENT l The GP should not invest in opportunities

that are appropriate for the fund through other
l The GP should have a substantial equity interest
investment vehicles unless such investment is
in the fund, and it should be contributed in cash
made on a pro-rata basis under pre-disclosed
as opposed to being contributed through the
co-investment agreements established prior to
waiver of management fees
the close of the fund

l GPs should be restricted from transferring their

l Feesand carried interest generated by the
real or economic interest in the GP in order to
GP of a fund should be directed predominantly
ensure continuing alignment with the LPs
to the professional staff responsible for the success
of that fund
l The GP should not be allowed to co-invest in
select underlying deals but rather its whole equity
l Any fees generated by an affiliate of the GP,
interest shall be via a pooled fund vehicle
such as an advisory or in-house consultancy,
whether charged to the Fund or an underlying
portfolio company, should be reviewed and
l Key-persons should devote substantially all their approved by a majority of the LPAC
business time to the fund, its predecessors and
successors within a defined strategy, and its
parallel vehicles. The GPs must not close or act
as a general partner for a fund with substantially
equivalent investment objectives and policies
until after the investment period ends, or the fund
is invested, expended, committed, or reserved for
investments and expenses

ILPA Private Equity Principles


he vast majority of private equity funds are based
on long-term, illiquid structures where the GP
l LPsshould be notified of any changes to
personnel and immediately notified when
maintains sole investment discretion. LPs agree to such key-man provisions are tripped
structures based on their confidence in a defined set of
investment professionals and an understanding of the l Changesto key-man provisions should be
strategy and parameters for the investments. approved by a majority of the LPAC or LPs

Given that a Limited Partnership Agreement (“LPA”) INVESTMENT STRATEGY

cannot make advance provision for all circumstances
The stated investment strategy is an important
and outcomes, LPs need to ensure that the appropriate
dimension that LPs rely on when making a decision
mechanisms are in place to work through unforeseen
to commit to a fund. Most LPs commit to PE funds
conflicts as well as changes to the investment team or
within the context of a broad portfolio of investments –
other fund parameters. An effective LPAC enables LPs to
alternative and otherwise – and select each fund for
fulfill their duties defined in the partnership agreement
the specific strategy and value proposition it presents.
and to provide advice to the GP as appropriate during
The fund’s strategy must therefore be well defined and
the life of the partnership. The role of the LPAC is
discussed further in Appendix A.

l Theinvestment purpose clause should clearly

and narrowly outline the investment strategy
The investment team is a critical consideration in making
a commitment to a fund. Accordingly, any significant l Any authority to invest in debt instruments,
change in that team should allow LPs to reconsider and publicly traded securities, and pooled investment
reaffirm positively their decision to commit, through the vehicles should be explicitly included in the agreed
operation of the key-man provisions: strategy for the fund

l Automatic suspension of investment period, l Funds should have appropriate limitations on

which will become permanent unless a defined investment and industry concentration and
super-majority of LPs in interest vote to re-instate may consider investment pace limitations,
within 180 days, when a key-man event is if appropriate
triggered or for cause (e.g. fraud, material breach
of fiduciary duties, material breach of agreement, l The GP should accommodate a LP’s exclusions policy,
bad faith, gross negligence, etc.) which may proscribe the use of its capital in certain
sectors and/or jurisdictions. However, consideration
l Situations impacting a principal’s ability to meet of increased concentration effects on remaining
the specified “time and attention” standard should LPs and transparency of process and policies must
be disclosed to all LPs and discussed with, at a be requisite in the event of a non-ratable allocation
minimum, the LPAC
ILPA Private Equity Principles

FIDUCIARY DUTY case more than 25% and limited to a reasonable

period, such as two years following the date of
Given the GP’s high level of discretion regarding
operation of the partnership, any provisions that allow
the GP to reduce or escape its fiduciary duties in any way
To assist in monitoring the GP in the performance of
must be avoided:
its fiduciary and other duties to the fund, LPs rely upon
independent auditors and may need, in certain instances,
l GPs should present all conflicts to the LPAC for
other support from third parties. Independent auditors
review and seek prior approval for any conflicts
are engaged on behalf of the fund and should alert the
and/or non arm’s length interactions or
LPAC to any known conflicts of interest in relation to
transactions. As materiality is a subjective
performing such duties.
criterion, it is best to consult the LPAC in all
instances. No GP should clear its own conflicts
l The auditor should present their view on valuations
and other relevant matters annually to the LPAC
l The high standard of fiduciary duty applicable to
and be available to answer questions at the annual
the GP should preclude provisions that allow for
meeting of the fund. A list of the members of the
them to be exculpated in advance or indemnified
LPAC should be provided to the auditors
for conduct constituting a material breach of the
partnership agreement, breach of fiduciary duties,
l LPsshould be notified of any change in the
or other “for cause” events
independent external auditor of the fund
l A
majority of LPs must be able to remove the
l The auditors should review the capital accounts
GP or terminate the fund for cause
with specific attention to management fee,
other partnership expenses, and carried interest
l Conditions precedent and other removal
calculations to provide independent verification of
mechanisms should be constructed so that LPs
distributions to the GP and LP
can act before there is irreparable damage to their
interests. To the extent that there are mitigating
l When considering important matters of fund
factors, LPs will take these into consideration in
governance or other matters where the GP’s
evaluating their response to the “for cause” event
interests may not be entirely aligned with the
LPs’, a reasonable minority of the LPAC may
l Tothe extent that an all-partner clawback is
engage independent counsel at the fund’s expense
appropriate in order for the fund to indemnify the
GP, this should be limited to a reasonable
proportion of the committed capital but in no

ILPA Private Equity Principles

CHANGES TO THE FUND (ii) the increasing complexity brought by multi-product

firms; and (iii) most recently, the strains of the financial
Given the long-term nature of the PE partnership,
crisis. The LPAC has no broad governance role in a PE
the fund’s terms and governance must be well defined
limited partnership. Its formal responsibilities are defined
upfront but also be flexible enough to adapt to changing
by the LPA and are generally limited to reviewing and
circumstances. With appropriate protections for the
interests of the GP, LPs should have the option to
suspend or terminate the fund.
l Transactions that pose conflicts of interest,
such as cross-fund investments and related
l Any amendment to the LPA should require the
party transactions
approval of a majority in interest of the LPs, and
certain amendments should require a super-majority
l Themethodology used for portfolio company
approval. Amendments that negatively affect the
valuations (and in some cases, approving the
economics of a particular LP should require that
valuations themselves)
LP’s consent
l Certainother consents or approvals pre-defined
l Nofault rights upon two-thirds in interest vote of
in the LPA
LPs for the following:
The LPAC should engage with the GP on discussions of
Suspension of commitment period
partnership operations, including but not limited to:

Termination of commitment period

l Auditors

l No fault rights upon three-quarters in interest

l Compliance (including CSR/ESG/PRI)
vote of LPs for the following:
l Allocation of partnership expenses
Removal of the GP

l Conflicts
Dissolution of the Fund
l Team developments

The role of the LPAC has been evolving in recent l New business initiatives of the firm
years in response to (i) the requirement for increased
transparency into the operations of the GP and the fund
(driven by increasing emphasis on LPs’ fiduciary duties);

ILPA Private Equity Principles

However, as indicated, the LPAC is not intended to serve properly prepared, and responsibly fulfill the duties of
as a representative or proxy for the broader base of LPs their role. LPAC members should be able to take into
and should not replace frequent, open communications account their own interest in voting on the LPAC and
between the GP and all LPs. should be appropriately indemnified.

Additionally, an effective LPAC depends on a high Additionally, GPs should disclose the identity of
degree of trust and commitment among the various certain LPs which they believe may have conflicts
parties. LPs serving on the LPAC and receiving sensitive of interest with other LPs in a fund. The GP is in a
information must keep such information confidential. position to determine if LP-LP conflicts may arise in
LPAC members should support the GP in taking selected situations, including but not limited to, (i) LPs
appropriate sanctions against any LP that breaches this participating in an investment “related” to the fund, such
confidentiality. as a separate managed account which invests alongside
the fund or a co-investment in one of the fund’s
LPs that accept a seat on the LPAC should commit portfolio companies, (ii) if an LP has an ownership
the necessary time and attention to the fund. LPAC in the GP or one of its affiliates, or vice-versa or
members should participate in all LPAC meetings, be (iii) if a LP has received preferential economic terms.

ILPA Private Equity Principles

G Ps should provide detailed financial, risk

management, operational, portfolio, and
transactional information regarding fund investments.
The following should be immediately disclosed to LPs
This enables LPs to effectively fulfill their fiduciary
upon occurrence:
duties as well as to act on proposed amendments or
consents. LPs acknowledge the important responsibility
l Any inquiries by legal or regulatory bodies
they bear with higher transparency in the form of
in any jurisdiction
l Anymaterial contingency or liability arising
during the fund’s life
l All fees (i.e., transaction, financing, monitoring,
management, redemption, etc.) generated by l Anybreach of a provision of the LPA or other
the GP should be periodically and individually fund documents
disclosed and classified in each audited financial
report and with each capital call and distribution Other activities related to changes in the actual or
notice beneficial economic ownership, voting control of the
GP, or changes or transfers to legal entities who are a
l Allfees charged to the fund or any portfolio party to any related document of the fund should be
company by an affiliate of the GP should also disclosed in writing to LPs. Such activities include but
be disclosed and classified in each audited are not limited to:
financial report
l Formation of public listed vehicles
DISTRIBUTION NOTICES l Saleof ownership in the management company
to other parties
l Capital
calls and distributions should provide
information consistent with the ILPA Standardized l Public offering of shares in the management
Reporting Format
l Formation of other investment vehicles
l TheGP should also provide estimates of quarterly
projections on capital calls and distributions

ILPA Private Equity Principles


GP annual reports should include portfolio l Annual Reports - Funds should provide
company and fund information on material risks and information consistent with the ILPA
how they are managed. These should include: Standardized Reporting1 for Portfolio Companies
and Fund information at the end of each year
l Concentration risk at fund level (within 90 days of year-end) to investors

l Foreign exchange risk at fund level l Quarterly Reports - Funds should provide
information consistent with the ILPA
l Leverage risk at fund and portfolio company levels Standardized Reporting for portfolio companies
and fund information at the end of each
l Realization
risk (i.e. change in exit environment) quarter (within 45 days of the end of the quarter)
at fund and portfolio company levels to investors

l Strategy
risk (i.e. change in, or divergence from, LP INFORMATION
investment strategy) at portfolio company level
l Alist of LPs, including contact information,
l Reputation risk at portfolio company level excluding those LPs that specifically request to be
excluded from the list
l Extra-financial
risks, including environmental,
social and corporate governance risks, at fund l Closing documents for the fund, including the
and portfolio company level final version of the partnership agreement and
side letters
l Moreimmediate reporting may be required
for material events l LPs receiving sensitive information as described
above must keep such information confidential.
Agreements should clearly state that LPs
may discuss the fund and its activities amongst
themselves. LPs should support the general
partner in taking appropriate sanctions against
any LP that breaches this confidentiality

1 Appendix C outlines current reporting best practices, however, as standardized reporting templates
(available on continue to evolve, they are intended to encompass all reporting best practices

ILPA Private Equity Principles
Appendix A: Limited Partner Advisory Committee

These best practices are offered to provide a model for l The LPAC should operate as a committee,
LPAC duties, its role in the partnership, and meeting not as a collection of individual members; to this
protocol. We recognize the differing constituencies end, GPs should seek to centralize important
of individual partnerships and acknowledge that one discussions within the advisory board context,
standard may not fit every situation. We believe that and not on a bilateral basis
LPs and GPs should explicitly establish the duties of the
LPAC through the LPA and mutually adopt preferred l Regularprovisions for an in camera session should
meeting protocol upon establishment of the LPAC. The be made so that LPs can speak, when appropriate,
role of the LPAC is not to directly govern, nor to audit, with a unified voice
but to provide a sounding board for guidance to the GP
and a voice for LPs when appropriate. LPAC Formation
During the formation of the LPAC, the GP should
Common objectives in relation to every board should
generally adhere to the following protocol:
l TheGP should issue a formal invitation to those
l Facilitating
the performance of the responsibilities
LPs it has agreed to invite to serve on the LPAC.
of the advisory board (as defined in the LPA or
Such invitations should provide:
by mutual agreement), without undue burden to
the general partner
Information about the meeting schedule

l Creating an open forum for discussion of matters

Expense reimbursement procedures
of interest and concern to the partnership while
preserving confidentiality and trust
An outline of the LPAC’s responsibilities
under the partnership agreement
l Providingsufficient information to LPs so that
they can fulfill these responsibilities
A statement of indemnification

We note that the role of the advisory board may

l Simultaneously with each closing, the GP
evolve during the term of the fund, depending on the
should compile a list of LPAC members and
environment, the specific situation of the fund, and
their contact information and circulate this list to
other considerations. The focus should clearly be on
all LPs, providing an updated list if and when any
substance over form and efficiency over formalistic
information is changed
mechanisms. To this end, there are two points of
emphasis in this revised protocol:

ILPA Private Equity Principles

l The LPAC should be made up of a small number LPAC Meeting Suggested Best Practices
of voting representatives of LPs, with larger funds
The GP and LPAC members in each fund will determine
having as many as a dozen members, representing
the best way to conduct the operations of the LPAC.
a diversified group of investors
The following best practices are suggested to aid in
developing a joint approach in line with the objectives
l Upon initial constitution of the LPAC, any
outlined above:
replacements of LPAC members should be
determined by the GP with any additional or
eliminated seats to be approved by mutual consent
Convening a Meeting:
of a majority of the LPAC and general partner
l LPAC meetings should be held in person
at least twice a year with an option to dial-in
l Astanding LPAC meeting agenda should be
developed and a calendar established as far in
advance as possible. The meeting agenda and
l The GP is encouraged to convene the LPAC
calendar should be available to all LPs
more frequently to discuss time-sensitive matters
of importance (e.g. conflicts); in these cases,
l Clear voting thresholds and protocols should be
LPAC members should be flexible and responsive.
established, including requiring a quorum of
With the consent of the LPAC, certain matters
50% of LPAC members when votes are taken
may be handled by written consent
l LPAC members should receive no remuneration,
l Afterinitially consulting the GP, a minority of
but the partnership should reimburse their
three or more members using reasonable judgment
reasonable expenses in serving on the LPAC
and discretion should have the right to call for a
LPAC meeting

ILPA Private Equity Principles

Agenda: For convenience, LPAC meetings and/or members

of other related funds may be pooled when general
l Any member of the LPAC may add an topics are discussed
agenda item to the LPAC meeting agenda
subject to a reasonable notice requirement l Thepartnership should indemnify members of
to the GP the LPAC

l With any request for consent or approval by l Each LPAC member should consider whether
a fund’s LPAC, the GP will use best efforts to they have any potential conflicts of interest prior
send each LPAC member background information to voting in all circumstances. LPAC members
on the matter at least 10 days in advance of should disclose actual conflicts to other LPAC
the meeting members during discussions at LPAC meetings

l A portion of each LPAC meeting will be set a Records:

side for an in camera session with only the LPs
present. LPs may elect one or more members of l The GP should take minutes at all LPAC
the LPAC to lead the discussion and report back meetings. LPAC meeting minutes should be
to the GP circulated to LPAC members within 30 days and
submitted for approval at the next LPAC meeting.
l The LPAC should have in camera access to Once approved, LPAC minutes should be
partnership auditors to discuss valuations. available upon request to all LPs within a
A representative from the audit firm should reasonable time period
attend each year-end LPAC meeting or
annual meeting l The GP should record all votes taken during
conference calls or at meetings and maintain a
Voting: copy of consents obtained in writing, by facsimile,
or by email. Detailed voting records should
l Any meeting requiring a vote of the LPAC promptly be made available by the GP to any
should be held with only the members of LPAC member upon request
that specific fund’s LPAC in attendance.

ILPA Private Equity Principles
Appendix B: Carry Clawback Best Practice

While fortunately rare, carry clawback situations Ensure GPs Backstop Themselves
represent one of the greatest challenges to the GP/LP
ILPA strongly recommends joint and several liability of
relationship. Appropriate processes and remedies should
individual GP members as a best practice as LPs contract
therefore be defined at the start of the fund, as alignment
with the GP as a whole rather than individual members.
between GP and LP will usually be at a low point when
In cases where joint and several liability is not provided,
they occur. The following “building blocks” should be
a potential substitution would be a creditworthy
considered with regard to clawbacks:
guarantee of the entire clawback repayment by any of:
Seek to Avoid Clawback Situations
l a substantial parent company; OR
l Bestapproach is all capital back waterfalls
(“European style”) as this will minimize excess l an individual GP member; OR
carry distributions
l a subset of GP members
l If deal-by-deal carry, then
However, in general, repayment obligations should
NAV coverage test (generally at least 125%) to directly track the carry distributions. An escrow account
ensure sufficient “margin of error” on valuations (generally of at least 30%) may also provide an effective
mechanism for clawback guarantee.
Interim clawbacks should apply, triggered both
at defined intervals and upon specific events LPs should have robust enforcement powers, including
(e.g., key-man, insufficient NAV coverage) direct ability to enforce the clawback against individual
GPs. Actual and potential GP clawback liabilities should
be disclosed to all LPs annually along with a plan to
address as additional disclosure in the audited financial

ILPA Private Equity Principles

Ensure Fair Treatment of Tax Burden l Loss carryforwards and carrybacks

GPs receive tax distributions from the fund in order

l The character of the fund income and deductions
to pay their tax liabilities on carry (capital gains tax
attributable to state tax payments
treatment). To the extent that the GP either does not
receive (or must return) carry, there is a loss of the tax
l Any ordinary deduction or loss as a result
paid since there are limitations on the GP’s ability to
of any clawback contribution or related capital
carry back losses to offset the gains on which tax was
account shift
previously paid. Historically, LPs have absorbed this loss
on behalf of GPs. The initial release of Principles stated
l Anychange in taxation between the date of the
that all carry clawbacks should be gross of tax, but after
LPA and the clawback
extensive discussions with GPs, we believe that it would
be impractical to ask them to bear the cost.
Any tax advances made to the GP should be returned
immediately if in excess of the actual tax liability.
However, current practice in some cases does not take
into account the GP’s ability to reduce the tax burden
Fix the Clawback Formula
through carrying losses forward, offsetting a gain
against a loss, or living in a favorable tax jurisdiction. In essence, the clawback amount should be the lesser of
GPs clearly should not make a profit from the LPs’ excess carry or total carry paid, net of actually paid taxes.
willingness to bear their tax payments in clawback However, there are often errors in the stipulated formulas
situations. Accordingly, instead of assuming the highest which have a material impact on fund cash flows:
hypothetical marginal tax rate in a designated location,
the rate should be based on the actual tax situation of the l Thetax amount should not simply be subtracted
individual GP member and should take into account: from the amount owed under the clawback

l The clawback formula should take the preferred

return into account

ILPA Private Equity Principles
Appendix C: Financial Reporting

l Annual Reports - Funds should provide the Management letter describing the activities of
following information at the end of each year the fund directed to the LPAC but distributed
(within 90 days of year-end) to investors: to all investors;

Audited financial statements (including a clean Political contributions made by placement agents,
opinion letter from auditors and a statement from the manager or any associated individuals to trustees
the auditor detailing other work performed for or elected officials on investor boards.
the fund);
l Quarterly Reports - Funds should provide
Internal Rate of Return (“IRR”) calculations the following information at the end of each
prepared by the fund manager (that clearly quarter (within 45 days of the end of the quarter)
set forth the methodology for determining to investors:
the IRR);
Unaudited quarterly profit and loss statements
Schedule of aggregate carried interest received; also showing year-to-date results;

Breakdown of fees received by the manager Schedule showing changes from the prior quarter;
as management fees, from portfolio companies
or otherwise; Schedule of fund-level leverage, including
commitments and outstanding balances on
Breakdown of partnership expenses; subscription financing lines or any other credit
facilities of the fund;
Certification by an auditor that allocations,
distributions and fees were effected consistent Information on material changes in investments
with the governing documentation of the fund; and expenses;

Summary of all capital calls and distribution notices; Management comments about changes during
the quarter;
Schedule of fund-level leverage, including
commitments and outstanding balances on If valuations have changed quarter-to-quarter,
subscription financing lines or any other an explanation of such changes;
credit facilities of the fund;
A schedule of expenses of the general partner

ILPA Private Equity Principles

l Portfolio Company Reports - A fund should • Revenue (Debt terms and maturity);
provide quarterly a report on each portfolio
company with the following information: • EBITDA;

Amount initially invested in the portfolio company • Profit and loss;

(including loans and guarantees);
• Cash position;
Any amounts invested in the portfolio company
in follow-on transactions; • Cash burn rate

A discussion by the fund manager of recent key l Capital Call and Distribution Notices –
events in respect of the portfolio company; A standardized reporting template has been developed
by ILPA and is available at
Selected financial information (quarterly and
annually) regarding the portfolio company Under development – standardized reporting
including: templates to cover annual and quarterly reporting
as well as supporting financial schedules
• Valuation (along with a discussion of the
methodology of valuation;

ILPA Private Equity Principles
About the ILPA


he Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) is a member-led not-for-profit
association committed to serving limited partner investors in the global private equity
industry. ILPA’s mission is to provide a forum for facilitating value-added communication,
enhancing education in the asset class and promoting research and standards in the private
equity industry.

ILPA has grown substantially since its inception in the early 1990s to include more
than 240 member organizations from around the globe. While membership is comprised
exclusively of limited partners, the variety of member institutions makes the ILPA a
dynamic organization representing a diverse range of interests.

The ILPA membership is united by a common goal: to enhance the professional interests of
its affiliates, and ultimately, to enable them to achieve strong portfolio performance. ILPA
member organizations collectively manage approximately $1 trillion of private equity assets.

ILPA Private Equity Principles
For more information on the ILPA
visit or call (416) 941-9393

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© 2009-2011 Institutional Limited Partners Association. All Rights Reserved.

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