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Vb. Short Inf. Will + vb.Inf.


Vb.II/-ed should/ would + vb.Inf.


Had + vb. III/-ed should/ would+have+vb.III/-ed

Type I. IF PRESENT , FUTURE (tipul I se refera la viitor)

If I have time , I will go to the party.

Daca voi avea timp, voi merge la petrecere.

PRESENT , PRESENT (se folosesc atunci cand vorbim despre

ceva adevarat in prezent)

If you burn yourself , it hurts.

Daca te arzi, te doare.

PRESENT PERFECT , IMPERATIVE/ CAN/ MAY (se foloseste Present Perfect

cand actiunea s-a terminat si are efect in prezent)

If you have finished eating, clean the table.

Daca ai terminat de mancat, curata masa.

E.g. If she ... me, I will be shocked. (Daca ma va suna, voi fi socat.)

a) called

b) will call

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11. IF Clauses
c) calls (daca avem viitor in principala atunci alegem prezent in secundara)

d) would call

Type II. IF PAST , PRESENT CONDITIONAL (tipul II se refera la prezent)

(should/would/could/might + Vb. Inf)

If I had money , I would/could/might buy a new PC.

Daca as avea bani , as cumpara un computer nou.

PAST , PAST (se folosesc pentru a vorbi de un adevar in


If you had a job in the past, you were happy.

(Daca aveai o slujba in trecut, erai fericit.)

E.g. If she ... dogs, she ... five. (Daca nu ar iubi cainii, nu ar avea cinci.)

a) didn't love/ won't have

b) didn't love/ wouldn't have

c) wouldn't love/ wouldn't have

d) hadn't loved/ won't have

Type III . IF PAST PERFECT , PAST CONDITIONAL (tipul III se refera la trecut)

(Had + Vb. III/ -ed) (should/would/could/might + HAVE + Vb.


If I had known , I would/could/might have come to help you.

Daca as fi stiut , as fi venit sa te ajut.

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11. IF Clauses

E.g. Daca ar fi fost bogat, el ar fi cumparat un Ferrari. (pentru ca se refera la trecut, se

traduce prin tipul III de conditionala)

a) If he were rich, he would buy a Ferrari. (aici avem tipul II de conditionala care se
traduce: Daca ar fi bogat, ar cumpara un Ferrari.)

b) If he had been rich, he would have bought a Ferrari. (tipul III de conditionala -> Past
Perfect + Past Conditional)

c) He will buy a Ferrari if he is rich. (aici avem tipul I de conditionala care se traduce: El va
cumpara un Ferrari daca va fi bogat.)

d) If he would have been rich, he would have bought a Ferrari. (nu se foloseste would dupa

Inversiuni in Conditionale - se folosesc pentru a accentua pe idee:

In Conditionale inversiunea se face inlocuind IF cu SHOULD la tipul I si WERE la tipul II si III.

Tipul III mai poate inlocui IF cu HAD.

Type 1. IF + S + SHOULD + VB. INF. ... => SHOULD + S + Vb. INF. ...

If I should meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il
intalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.) =>

Should I meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune

E.g. If you happen to see Sarah, give her my love. (Daca se intampla sa o vezi pe Sarah,
transmite-i dragostea mea.)

a) If you will see Sarah, you will give her my love. (nu se pune will dupa IF)

b) Should you see Sarah, give her my love.

c) If you were to see Sarah, you would give her my love. (tipul II de conditionala)

d) Will you see Sarah, give her my love. (nu se inlocuieste IF cu WILL ci cu SHOULD)

Type 2. IF + S + PAST SIMPLE + ... => WERE + S + LONG INFINITIVE + ...

If I saw her there, I would be surprised. (Daca as vedea-o acolo, as fi

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11. IF Clauses

If I were to see her there, I would be surprised. (PAST SIMPLE se transforma in

WERE + Long Inf.)

Were I to see her there, I would be surprised.

!!! Atentie: nu se foloseste WAS in tipul II de conditionala ci se foloseste WERE pentru

toate persoanele.

E.g. If I met him, I wouldn’t say that . (Daca l-as intalni, nu as spune asta .)

a) Were I to meet him, I wouldn’t say that.

b) Would I meet him, I wouldn’t say that. (nu se inlocuieste IF cu WOULD ci cu WERE)

c) Were I to met him, I wouldn’t have said that. ( constructia corecta este WERE + to
Infinitiv, nu exista to met)

d) Were I to have met him, I wouldn’t say that. (WERE + Perfect Infinitive se foloseste la
tipul III de conditionala)

!!! Pentru expresia: If I were you/ if I were in your place (daca as fi tu/ daca as fi in locul
tau), inversiunea este: Were I you/ Were I in your place

Tipul III de conditionala face inversiunea in doua feluri:

Type 3. IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => HAD + S + Vb. III/ -ED + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu

Had I seen him, I would have talked with him.

E.g. If he had found out the truth, he would have been upset . (Daca el ar fi aflat
adevarul, ar fi fost suparat .)

a) Were he to find out the truth, he would have been upset. (WERE + Vb. Infinitiv lung se
foloseste pentru tipul II de conditionala)

b) Had he to have found out the truth, he would have been upset. (nu se pune HAD ci
WERE in loc de IF daca avem constructie cu infinitiv)

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11. IF Clauses
c) Had he found out the truth, he would have been upset.

d) Were he to have found out the truth, he would be upset. (nu avem timpul corect in
principala, would + VB. INF. se foloseste in tipul II de conditionala)

IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => WERE + S + PERFECT INFINITIVE (to have + Vb.
III/ -ed) + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu

If I were to have seen him, I would have talked with him. (Past Perfect se transforma
in WERE + TO HAVE + Vb. III/ -ED)

Were I to have seen him, I would have talked with him.

E.g. If she had learned more, she would have passed the exam. (Daca ar fi invatat mai
mult, ar fi trecut examenul.)

a) Were she to learn more, she would have passed the exam. (were + Infinitive se foloseste
la tipul II de conditionala)

b) Were she to have learned more, she would have passed the exam.

c) Should she learn more, she would pass the exam. (Should + Infinitive se foloseste
pentru tipul I de conditionala)

d) Were she to had learned more, she would have passed the exam. (Infinitivul Perfect are
forma TO HAVE + Vb. III/ -ED si nu TO HAD)

De asemenea exista doua expresii pentru tipul II si III de conditionala care formeaza
inversiuni in felul urmator:

If it were not for (de n-ar fi) her, they’d be in trouble.

Type II Were it not for (de n-ar fi) her, they’d be in trouble.

But for (de n-ar fi) her, they’d be in trouble.

De n-ar fi ea, ei ar avea probleme. (dupa aceste expresii se foloseste un

pronume sau un substantiv)

If it hadn’t been for (de n-ar fi fost) her, I would have died.

Type III Had it not been for (de n-ar fi fost) her, I would have died.

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11. IF Clauses
But for (de n-ar fi fost) her , I would have died.

De n-ar fi fost ea, as fi murit. (dupa aceste expresii se foloseste un pronume)

IF poate fi inlocuit cu:

UNLESS (daca nu), ON CONDITION THAT (cu conditia), SO LONG AS (atata timp cat), AS
LONG AS (atata timp cat), PROVIDING (cu conditia), PROVIDED (cu conditia), SUPPOSE
(sa presupunem), SUPPOSING (sa presupunem), OTHERWISE (altminteri), ONLY IF
(doar daca), WHAT IF (ce ar fi daca), EVEN IF (chiar daca), IN CASE (in caz ca)

I won’t help you if you don’t give me money. (Nu te voi ajuta daca nu imi vei da bani.)

I won’t help you unless you give me money. (Nu te voi ajuta daca nu imi vei da bani.)

If I have time, I will come. (Daca voi avea timp, voi veni.)

I will come provided I have time. (Voi veni cu conditia sa am timp.)

!!! Atentie:

Daca incepem cu secundara si avem ONLY IF la inceput, atunci se face inversiune intre
WILL si Subiect in principala:

I will come only if I have time. (Voi veni numai daca voi avea timp.)

Only if I have time, WILL I come. (Numai daca voi avea timp, voi veni.)

Daca avem Prezent sau Imperativ sau Viitor in principala atunci dupa in case se
foloseste present sau may:

Take your umbrella in case it rains/ may rain/ should rain/ will rain/ would rain. (Ia
umbrela in caz ca ploua.)

Daca avem Trecut in principala atunci dupa in case se foloseste past sau might:

I took my umbrella in case it rained/ might rain/ would rain. (Mi-am luat umbrela in caz ca

!!!!! Dupa unless (daca nu) nu se folosesc negatii, will sau would:

UNLESS: Negative
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11. IF Clauses


E.g. Unless she ... us, we won’t give her money. (Daca nu ne ajuta, nu o sa ii dam bani.)

a) will help

b) won’t help

c) doesn’t help

d) helps

La tipul I de conditionala se poate folosi WILL dupa IF DACA WILL este Verb Modal si

1. willingness (vointa)

E.g. If you want to come to the party, I’ll be glad. (Daca vrei sa vii la petrecere, voi fi

If you will come to the party, I’ll be glad. (Daca vrei sa vii la petrecere, voi fi

2. refusal (refuz)

E.g. If you refuse to help us, I’ll get upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

If you won’t help us, I’ll be upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

3. polite request (cerere politicoasa)

E.g. If you are kind enough to wait here, I’ll announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa
asteptati aici, va voi anunta.)

If you will wait here, I’ll announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa asteptati aici, va
voi anunta.)

4. habit/insistence (obicei/ insistenta)

E.g. If you insist on/ keep on smoking so much, you’ll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti
sa fumezi/ continui sa fumezi atat de mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

If you will smoke so much, you’ll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti sa fumezi/ continui
sa fumezi atat de mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

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11. IF Clauses

La tipul II de conditionala se poate folosi WOULD dupa IF DACA WOULD este Verb
Modal si exprima:

1. Willingness (vointa)

E.g. If you wanted to give me money, I’d be grateful. (Daca ai vrea sa imi dai bani, ti-as fi

If you would give me money, I’d be grateful. (Daca ai vrea sa imi dai bani, ti-as fi

2. Refusal (refuz)

E.g. If you refused to help them, they’d be annoyed. (Daca ai refuza sa ii ajuti, ei ar fi enervati.)

If you wouldn’t help them, they’d be annoyed. (Daca ai refuza sa ii ajuti, ei ar fi enervati.)

3. polite request (cerere politicoasa)

E.g. If you were kind enough to wait here, I would announce you. (Daca ati fi dragut sa
asteptati aici, v-as anunta.)

If you would wait here, I would announce you. (Daca ati fi dragut sa asteptati aici, v-as

MIXED CONDITIONALS (Conditionalele mixate)

If Clause Main Clause

Type III ------------------------Type II

Past Perfect Present Conditional

(had + Vb. III/ -ed) (should/ would + Infinitiv Scurt)

If you had helped me then, I wouldn’t be in trouble now. (Daca m-ai fi ajutat atunci, nu as
avea probleme acum.)

Aceasta combinatie se foloseste atunci cand o actiune dintrecut are efect in prezent.
(trebuie sa avem un cuvant care sa arate ca suntem in prezent -> NOW)

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11. IF Clauses
E.g. Ea nu ar fi faimoasa acum daca nu ar fi castigat la loto.

a) She wouldn’t have been famous if she hadn’t won the lottery. (Type III)

b) She wouldn’t be famous now if she hadn’t won the lottery. (Type III –then + Type II -
now) (trebuie sa avem un cuvant care sa arate ca suntem in prezent ->NOW)

c) She wouldn’t be famous now if she didn’t win the lottery. (TypeII:Pres.Cond.+Past S)

d) Had she not won the lottery, she won’t be famous now. (Type III + Type I)

Type II .................................. Type III

Past Simple Past Conditional

(Vb. II/ -ed) (should/ would + have + Vb. III/ -ed)

If I were you, I wouldn’t have married her. (Daca eram in locul tau, nu m-as fi casatorit cu

Type II ................................. Type I

Past Simple Future

(Vb. II/ -ed) (shall/ will + Verb Infinitiv Scurt)

If he trained hard, he will win the contest. (Daca s-a antrenat din greu, va castiga

Rephrase with IF Clauses:

If it is necessary, I will tell a lie. => If necessary, I will tell a lie. (Daca este necesar, voi spune
o minciuna.)

If you are in need, call the help line. => If in need, call the help line. (Daca esti la nevoie,
suna linia de urgenta.)

If you are in trouble, give me a call. => If in trouble, give me a call. (Daca ai probleme, suna-

If the weather permits/ allows it, we will go for a picnic. => Weather permitting/ allowing,
we will go for a picnic. (Daca vremea permite, noi vom merge la un picnic.)
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11. IF Clauses
If you are frightened, hold my hand. => If frightened, hold my hand. (Daca esti speriat, tine-
ma de mana.)

If I am given the chance, I will do it. => Given the chance, I will do it. (Daca mi se da sansa,
o voi face.)

If they ask you/ you are asked, tell them you know nothing. => If asked, tell them you know
nothing. (Daca te intreaba/ Daca esti intrebat, spune-le ca nu stii nimic.)

If you wash the dishes, I will clean the room. => You wash the dishesand I will clean the
room. (Daca speli vasele, voi curata camera. -> Tu spala vasele si eu curat camera.)

The car is beautiful although it is a little expensive. => The car is beautifulif a little expensive.
(Masina este frumoasa desi este putin cam scumpa.)

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