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A Culture of Continuous Value

#noprojects: A Culture of Continuous Value

© 2018 Evan Leybourn, Shane Hastie. All rights reserved.

Published by C4Media, publisher of
ISBN: 978-1-387-94193-3
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recoding, scanning or otherwise except
as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States
Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
Production Editor: Ana Ciobotaru
Copy Editor: Lawrence Nyveen
Design: Dragos Balasoiu

Introduction............................................................................................................ 13
The origin of projects........................................................................................... 19
Where we went wrong......................................................................................... 35
Outcomes over outputs....................................................................................... 47
Value over busy...................................................................................................... 67
Adaptive portfolios............................................................................................... 93
Delivering work...................................................................................................109
Continuous culture.............................................................................................121
Value-delivery teams..........................................................................................135
Funding #noprojects...........................................................................................155
#noprojects and business agility.....................................................................177
To Nancy - you’ve supported, inspired, put up with me and been a constant
companion for the last 38 years. Thanks for everything - I love you!

To Nilmini - thank you for being my biggest champion and driving me to
create something amazing - I love you. Although, I would like to point out that
you still haven’t read my first book :)

Special Thanks:
To the fantastic team at InfoQ who did such a great job with editing,
publishing and promoting this book - the professionalism, care and
support made the “last mile” so much easier. Thanks!
About the authors

Evan Leybourn
Evan is the founder and CEO of the Business Agility Institute: an interna-
tional membership body to both champion and support the next genera-
tion of organisations. These companies are agile, innovative, and dynam-
ic — perfectly designed to thrive in today’s unpredictable markets. His
experience while holding senior leadership and board positions in both
private industry and government has driven his work in business agility,
and he regularly speaks on these topics at local and international industry
Evan is also the author of Directing the Agile Organisation, published by
ITGP in 2013, and is a founding contributor to the Business Agility Li-
brary. But the greatest pride in his life is the time he spends raising an
inquisitive and cunning little girl.

Shane Hastie
Shane Hastie is the director of agile learning programs for ICAgile
(, a global accreditation and certification body dedicat-
ed to improving the state of agile learning.
Since first using XP in 2000, Shane’s been passionate about helping or-
ganisations and teams adopt sustainable, humanistic ways of working —
irrespective of the brand or label they go by.
He was one of the core team who wrote version 3 of the Business Analysis
Body of Knowledge (BABOK™) for the International Institute of Busi-
ness Analysis (IIBA™) and led the joint Agile Alliance/IIBA™ team who
wrote the Agile Extension to the BABOK™.
Shane was a director of the Agile Alliance ( from
2011 until 2016. He is currently the chair of the Agile Alliance New Zea-
land, an affiliate organisation of the Agile Alliance.
Shane leads the Culture and Methods editorial team for where
he hosts the InfoQ Culture Podcast.
Case-study authors

Allan Kelly
Allan Kelly inspires, educates, and advises teams and executives creating
digital products. He helps companies large and small enhance their agility
and boost their digital offering. He has over 20 years software engineer-
ing experience and has spent the last 10 years advising companies and
teams on agile and digital strategy.
He is the originator of value poker, time-value profiles, and retrospective
dialogue sheets. Allan is the author of the perennial essay “Dear customer:
The truth about IT projects” and books including Xanpan: Team Centric
Agile Software Development and Business Patterns for Software Developers.
His latest book is Continuous Digital: An Agile Alternative to Projects for Dig-
ital Business.

Doug Kirkpatrick
Haier elevation
Doug Kirkpatrick is an organisational-change consultant, TEDx and key-
note speaker, blogger, educator, executive coach, dual citizen, and author
of Beyond Empowerment: The Age of the Self-Managed Organization. He en-
gages with Great Work Cultures, LeadWise, the Center for Innovative
Cultures, and other communities to co-create the future of work. Doug
enjoys travel in rough parts of the world and appreciates the perspective
he gains from it.

Joanna L. Vahlsing
Evolving budget management
Joanna is a results-oriented-portfolio, program, project-management, and
change leader with a 17+ year history of leading highly successful teams
in enterprise-level and global environments. Her largest team numbered
approximately 100 individuals and her largest managed budget topped
$100 million. She is currently senior vice president of program manage-
ment at Centro, an AdTech company headquartered in Chicago.
Joanna also enjoys giving back to the project-management and agile com-
munities by volunteering her time as a mentor, serving as a content re-
viewer/SME for publications and international events, and presenting
and hosting events.

Naresh Jain
Shipping is NOT success — let it sail!
Developer... consultant... conference producer... startup founder…
struggling to stay up to date with technology innovation. Null-process
evangelist Naresh Jain is an internationally recognized technology and
product-development expert and the founder of ConfEngine. Over the
last decade, he has helped streamline the product-development culture
at many Fortune 500 companies like Google,, HP, Siemens
Medical, GE Energy, Schlumberger, EMC, and CA Technologies. His
hands-on approach to product innovation by focusing on product dis-
covery and engineering excellence is a key differentiator.
Naresh founded the Agile Software Community of India and organises
the Agile India conference. He is also responsible for organising 50+ in-
ternational conferences including Functional Conf, Simple Design and
Testing Conference, Agile Coach Camp, Selenium Conference India,
Open Web & jQuery Conference, Open Data Science Conference India,
and Eclipse Summit India. He has started many agile user groups includ-
ing the Agile Philly User Group and groups in India. In recognition of his
accomplishments, the Agile Alliance in 2007 awarded Naresh with the
Gordon Pask Award for contributions to the agile community.

Larry Cooper
It’s never just “an IT project”
Larry Cooper is a project executive and enterprise-transformation coach
with 40+ years in the public and private sectors in Canada and the USA.
He is a partner in AdaptiveOrg. Larry helps organisations of any size to
transform complex and intransigent problems into simple, focused work
that can be communicated and executed at all levels within an organiza-
tion to achieve strategic intent.
Larry works with leaders and their teams to identify collaborative goals
and the gaps in current strategic approaches. Together, they discover the
portfolio, programs, and initiatives masquerading as large, overly com-
plex, financially risky projects, so they know where to start to implement
in the small while maintaining a steady focus on their short, medium, and
long-term strategic priorities.
He is also an author, speaker, and webinar host who has hosted over 1,500
people in a single webinar.

Max Roy
Using the #noprojects paradigm
Max Roy is a driven IT professional who wants to make a difference in
businesses. He is motivated to deliver projects that provide business intel-
ligence in executive decision making.
Max’s career has spanned over 25 years in roles such as solution/data ar-
chitect, project manager, and IT faculty/trainer. Max has an innovative,
pragmatic approach to addressing business needs and end-to-end deliv-
ery focus.
Max obtained a master’s degree in IT from The Ohio State University and
an MBA from the University of Maryland.
Preface by Allan Kelly

“Software is eating the world.”

What more can Evan, Shane, or I say that Marc Andreessen hasn’t?
Except now, five years on, the implications of a world run by software are
becoming clearer. One of those implications is that the project model is
not a suitable model for managing software development.
Just look at the car industry.
Look at Tesla.
Look how Google and Apple are making the news in the car industry
— companies whose principal capability is creating software, not metal
GM, Ford, Volkswagen, and company are scrambling to catch up, because
right now the future is about technology capability and that technology is
manifested as software.
While the car industry is playing out its digital transition in the public eye,
countless companies and entire industries are wrestling with the same
transition. In the process, opportunities arise for new entrants, disrup-
tors, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs.
But the project model, with its demand to know the end of the digital sto-
ry (and how much it costs) before the first chapter is even written, closes
options and reduces value.
The defining feature of a project is that it is temporary, but software is
permanent. The world that software teams are creating every day is not
going away. Using a model based on the temporary to create the perma-
nent creates confusion.
The project model offers a misplaced certainty. The project model says,
“In this uncertain world, we can plan, we can identify the uncertainties,
manage the risks, and deliver the thing you wanted.”
How many project managers woke up on the morning of September 15,
2008 and found their plans in disarray? Was there a banking project in the
world that didn’t notice Lehman Brothers was gone? And how many of
those RAID logs listed “Failure of a major financial institution”?
How many well-planned projects across Europe found on the morning
of June 24, 2016 that they were no longer well planned? The uncertainty
injected into not just the British but the entire European economy by the
Brexit vote to leave the European Union will be here for years to come.
Similarly, how many projects in North America found on November 8,
2016 that plans and assumptions changed? Even though they had had two
years to list “President Trump” in their RAID logs?
Melvyn King, former governor of the Bank of England, has suggested to-
day’s age is characterised by radical uncertainty: “uncertainty so profound
that it is impossible to represent the future in terms of a knowable and
exhaustive list of outcomes.”
Some in the project community might offer projects and project planning
as a means of tackling such uncertainty. But one must then ask at what
Project planning and project management are not benign, free activities.
Planning costs and project-management costs both add delay, and de-
lay adds more costs. Insidiously, the project model itself undermines the
quality of the thing it aims to deliver. And reducing quality adds costs,
creates delays, and compromises the longevity of solutions.
The more risks, uncertainties, and contingencies the plans need to ad-
dress, the greater the cost. The more comprehensive the plan, the bigger
the plan, and the bigger the plan, the more it costs, and the higher the cost,
the greater the belief in the plan, and the greater the belief, the harder it
is to recognise problems. Big plans make for big cycles and slow change.
The process devalues and disempowers workers: why should a program-
mer bother to think when project preparation and managers have already
done all the thinking needed?
Evan and Shane explore these problems and set out an alternative based
on the same logic as agile: do something, see what happens, learn, then
decide what to do next. Call it “inspect and adapt”, call it “plan/do/check/
act”, call it the “Deming cycle” or “Shewhart cycle”, call it “probing”, call
it “experimentation”, call it “lean startup” — call it anything you like but
keep doing it in tight loops.
As Evan and Shane describe here, #noprojects is capability based: capabil-
ities to take action, to probe, to demonstrate value delivery, to learn, and
to decide what action to take next. These aims may not sound that differ-
ent than the aims of the project model but there is a world of difference in
how the two models go about realising these aims.
Many, usually large, companies seem to have lost the ability to do; instead,
they have the ability to plan. Watching them plan and then administer the
plan into life reminds me of Frankenstein’s efforts to force life into his
The approach of planning and administration might have worked in 1970
when paper-based planning was far cheaper than CPU cycles, but today
the reverse is true: CPU cycles are almost too cheap to meter. Companies
that plan rather than code are vulnerable to disruption by those who, us-
ing cheap CPU cycles, do rather than plan.
The project model dates from the era of expensive CPU cycles. The Proj-
ect Management Institute was founded in 1969 and Winston Royce first
published his stepwise model (later called “waterfall”) the following year.
IBM introduced the IBM System/360 Model 195 mainframe in 1970.
The 195 provided 10 MIPS of processor power with 4 MB of RAM. It
ran OS/360, used a hierarchical IMS database, and was programmed in
languages such as COBOL and Fortran. Those lucky enough to have a
real-time link to the machine used green-screen terminals or teletypes.
(There were 13 internet nodes by the end of 1970.)
The Model 195 could cost $10 million although many firms preferred to
rent for $250,000 per month — in 2016 dollars that is about $1.25 million
per month.
In 2016, a Raspberry Pi 2 computer delivered 4,744 MIPS with 1 GB of
RAM. It ran open-source Linux and could be programmed in Ruby, Scala,
Python, Scratch, and many other advanced languages. You might choose
to use a SQL database or a newly fashionable NoSQL hierarchical data-
base. (There are currently over 5 billion Internet nodes and a couple of
billion users.)
When introduced, the Pi sold for $35.
When CPU cycles were expensive, planning was cheap, and it made sense
to outline as much as possible before touching the computer. Now that
CPU cycles are cheap, the planning needs of the project model make this
approach hideously expensive.
Further, since 1970 our world has become massively more complex —
not least because of the infrastructure of existing computer systems to
deal with. And for good measure, add the complexity of globalisation,
post-truth politics, and asymmetric warfare.
Given that the hardware, operating systems, databases, languages, and so
much else of the technology landscape has changed, why would you ex-
pect a management model that dates from the 1960s to still apply today?
As every technologist should know, technology itself only delivers a small
fraction of technology-enabled benefit; far more benefit is unleashed by
subsequent process innovations that not only were not possible before
the technology change but couldn’t even be imagined.
Projects are not a God-given or natural phenomenon, they are a model
of how to manage work. They are a human invention in the same way
limited companies, capex, and social security are.
In this time of radical uncertainty and massive technological capability,
isn’t it time to consider how work is managed?
Ridding yourself of projects simplifies work and simplifies your think-
ing. #noprojects is the latest fellow traveller to join Douglas McGregor’s
Theory Y, agile software development, beyond budgeting, and emergent
business strategy in mapping an alternative way of working.
For many, these ideas are too radical and represent too much risk. But for
the few who embrace these ideas, they represent disruptive processes and
competitive advantage over incumbent corporations.
You can write and change software without the project model — the two
are not wedded. That does not mean one can ignore “building the right
thing”, ignore value delivery, or ignore risk management; neither can you
ignore sustainable quality and cycle time, but for too long the project
model has paid only lip service to the latter two.
#noprojects isn’t the wild west and it isn’t a licence to do what you what-
ever you like. By stripping away ceremonies and artefacts of the project
model, #noprojects requires more discipline, more skill, and more in-
volvement from team members.
In this book, Evan and Shane set out to challenge accepted thinking. Mak-
ing sense of this requires readers to think for themselves. #noprojects
is still young and still a work in progress. Evan and Shane cannot, and
should not, answer every question; readers should instead start here to
create their own answers.
— Allan Kelly
“If you don’t see the value of the project construct in your organization,
you’re not alone. Shane and Evan have written a book explaining how
you might create flow in your organization, to see and deliver the most
valuable work faster.
— Johanna Rothman, Consultant and Author”

“At my company, Menlo Innovations, we have chosen a mission to ‘end

human suffering in the world as it relates to technology’ and much of this
suffering comes at the hands of very poorly run projects. Shane Hastie
and Evan Leybourn, in their book #noprojects, give us a deep tour as to
how we got here and a values-based roadmap on how to escape in order
to bring joy back to technology, technology teams and the business that
depend on them. There is a wealth of wisdom, expertise and experience
shared that will give you a path to success that may be very different than
the one you are now. Get ready for different and enjoy the ride!”
- Richard Sheridan
CEO, Chief Storyteller, Menlo Innovations
Author, Joy, Inc. - How We Built a Workplace People Love
“#noprojects is not about getting rid of projects and project managers,
but about being able to continuously deliverer value to customers. It
takes a culture where people work towards outcomes, a culture that
truly embraces change and fosters continuous improvement as Evan and
Shane explain in their book #noprojects - a culture of continuous value.
The practices that support such a culture exist, let this book inspire you
to apply them effectively to deliver more value to your customers.”
- Ben Linders

#noprojects is a great read for people serious about putting products

over projects. The authors blend new and novel ideas with tried and
tested ideas from active, real world communities. As a reader, you will
be respectfully challenged to throw out dogmatic, status quo ideas and
replace them with tools and skills that foster learning from tangible and
meaningful measurements. I’ve already recommended this book to a
wide audience that includes program managers, big bosses, and product
managers, and now I am doing the same to you.
- David Hussman

#noprojects is a movement and a philosophy. It is not a “thing” and it

is definitely not a methodology or a brand. It represents a set of princi-
ples, practices, and ideas that any organisation can apply. It doesn’t have
to be adopted as is; in fact, we want you to take these ideas, examine them
for their applicability in your own context, use those which make sense
in your environment, experiment with them, and adapt them as needed.
We don’t own the hashtag nor do we have any proprietary rights on the
thinking behind the movement. We do care passionately about improving
outcomes for organisations, teams, and individuals working in creative,
knowledge-worker* environments.
This book is our response to the dismal failure rates that we see in proj-
ects, particularly in IT. Project thinking has caused problems in a VUCA1
world where the rate of change exceeds most organisations’ ability to re-
spond to those changes, and the current project-based paradigm produc-
es wasted effort, disastrous products, exhausted people,† and destroyed
We want to be controversial for a moment and propose an end to projects
and project management. We propose that the entire project process is
flawed from the start for one simple reason: if you need to run a project,
you’ve already failed.‡
By definition, a project is a “temporary endeavour undertaken to create a
unique product, service, or result”2 into an organisation. However, to be
truly competitive, an organisation needs to be able to deliver a continuous
stream of change. Managed properly, this negates the need for a project
and the associated cost overheads.
The key word here is “continuous”. While there may be fluctuations in
demand and effort, there should be continuous, ongoing allocation of re-
sources to maintain, enhance, and support most IT systems. If done prop-
erly, there should never be a need to run an “upgrade” project, a “version
2” project, a “maintenance” project, a “greenfield” project, or a “redevel-
opment” project. Even when creating something for the first time, a rev-
olutionary change rather than an evolutionary change, a project struc-
* Most organisations are in the business of generating, recording, and using
knowledge to create value in today’s “information age”. There are still some 20th-
century industries where value is derived from leveraging muscles rather than
brains, and for some of them the project paradigm still applies to at least a certain
† And ruined marriages.
‡ As always, common sense applies. This is a dramatic and general statement and as
such is generally true but not always specifically true.


ture explicitly defines an end: a point when the project or product will
be done. Rather, it should be understood that every product is intended
to achieve one or more business outcomes and, in order to do so, must
continuously change and improve.*
This is fundamentally what #noprojects is. The approach, struc-
ture, tactics, and techniques available to successfully deliver continuous
change. At its core, #noprojects is predicated on the alignment of activ-
ities to outcomes, measured by value, constrained by guiding principles,
and supported by continuous-delivery technologies.3
There are always exceptions to #noprojects — work that is highly predict-
able and repeatable† or truly temporary.‡ A project structure can provide
a clean break to allow these new ideas to flourish, but for most knowl-
edge-worker organisations, this should be an exception and not the de-
fault delivery mechanism. Projects are exactly that, an exception to busi-
ness as usual and you should be in the business of change.
You’ll always come back to projects if you’re building a literal bridge. You
can’t afford to change the plan once the concrete starts pouring. And once
the bridge is built, you can’t add new major features to it. It has already
achieved the maximum potential value.§ While you need to maintain the
value already created, there’s not much left to create. This is in direct con-
trast to knowledge-worker industries where the creation and realisation
of value is continuous, right up to the natural end of life. There is no lon-
ger a distinction between “build” and “maintain”.
You still need to plan for the future — there is a lot of value in planning.¶
The intellectual rigours of identifying the desired outcomes and consid-
ering different ways to achieve them are important aspects of effective
product development. Adaptive planning, an experimentation mindset,
and ability to rapidly change direction are key elements for success in the
21st century — #noprojects is built on these ideas.
These ideas didn’t spring into existence over the last couple of years**
while we’ve been writing this book — many of them have been around
for decades, and some for centuries. We draw on our own experiences in
* Until the natural end of its life, when it should be gracefully decommissioned.
† Such as a production line.
‡ Such as corporate mergers, construction projects, or (ironically) writing a book.
§ Even if that value is only realised over many years, every time a car drives over it.
¶ Although, honestly, not that much value in the plan itself.
** Waaaay longer than we intended when we first discussed putting our thoughts on


implementing them, coaching and supporting others as they implement-

ed them, and gleefully borrowing from the experience and wisdom of a
community of practitioners and thought leaders in the space: people like
Allan Kelly,4 Joshua Arnold,5 Steve Smith,6 Rob England,7 Pat Reed,8 the
80-plus members of the #noprojects Slack community,* and many others.†
#noprojects frees us from the triple constraints of time, cost, and
scope — the false deities of project management that mindlessly drive
you towards a fixed deadline and an “all or nothing” result. The reality is
that most of the requirements that go into the project plan (or backlog,
if you’re taking an agile approach) are at best wild-assed guesses about
what some representative user might want, validated by a subject-mat-
ter expert, and are at least a year out of date. It is easy to claim success‡
when only measuring by the triple constraint, but when measured against
business outcomes, benefits delivered, customer satisfaction, and team
engagement, results are dismal. All too often our organisational metrics
don’t include these factors.§
But don’t fall into the trap of treating continuous change as one long proj-
ect.¶ There are some common activities that are needed in all #noprojects
• Start by defining the intended outcomes in terms of the metrics that
actually matter, rather than the easy-to-measure vanity metrics.9
• Identify the first small step or experiment that will validate** the as-
sumptions you are making towards achieving the outcomes.
• Execute that step.
• Measure the results.
• Inspect the process and adapt to the reality of what you’ve learned.
• Finally, repeat for the next step, pivot, or stop if you’ve either done
enough, reached maximum value, or learned enough.
These ideas are founded on the deep respect for people as the primary
source of innovation and value in organisations.

* And we encourage you to join the conversation here:

† If we missed mentioning you, we apologise — our influencers have been wide and
varied and our memories shallow and narrow.
‡ And get your bonus.
§ Probably because they are embarrassing and hard to measure.
¶ No matter how agile.
** Or disprove.


The most important question that #noprojects challenges you to ask is

“What’s it worth?” These three words are probably the most important
words in the entire book. If you can’t answer this question, you need to
have a good look at the work that you are doing and evaluate why it’s
being done at all. If you can’t even ask this question, you’ve got serious
cultural problems inside your organisation and nothing we can say will
overcome these problems for you.
Let us finish with the key principle behind this. Everything is a change;
treat it accordingly. Change is done by, for, and to people. Treat them with
respect and they will create value. This is #noprojects.

The origin of projects

When we started research for this book, we were surprised to dis-

cover that, while the abstract concept of a “project” is as old as humanity
itself, the modern definition of a project and the associated domain of
project management are surprisingly young — only a little over 60 years
old. The history of projects is the Sisyphean effort to create predictability
in an unpredictable environment with ever-increasing spending and ev-
er-increasing risk.
Prior to the 1950s, countries, militaries, and companies didn’t create
projects as we understand them, but rather acts of nation-building, war,
or engineering. These weren’t led by project managers, but by engineers,
architects, generals, and craftspeople.1 While the history of project man-
agement isn’t a straight line, it is generally accepted that it was during the
1950s that the convergence of practice, process, and management theory
turned project management from a craft to a profession.
Today, we can define project management as “an advanced, specialised
branch of management”2 or more specifically, a project as “a temporary
endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result”.3 Re-
member that definition — we’ll come back to it shortly.
But let’s go back a bit.
Daniel Defoe (of Robinson Crusoe fame) wrote on the topic of proj-
ects in 1697.4 His series of essays is a truly fascinating read and provides
great insights into how these grand projects* were funded. Defoe was
highly critical of the “projectors” (what we would call investors) but rec-
ognised that many projects had left a positive legacy on the world.
Invention of arts, with engines and handicraft instruments for their im-
provement, requires a chronology as far back as the eldest son of Adam,
and has to this day afforded some new discovery in every age.…
I shall trace the original of the projecting humour that now reigns no far-
ther back than the year 1680, dating its birth as a monster then, though
by times it had indeed something of life in the time of the late civil war. I
allow, no age has been altogether without something of this nature, and
some very happy projects are left to us as a taste of their success; as the
water-houses for supplying of the city of London with water, and, since
that, the New River — both very considerable undertakings, and perfect
projects, adventured on the risk of success.

* Be they nation building or war machines.


In the reign of King Charles I, infinite projects were set on foot for rais-
ing money without a Parliament: oppressing by monopolies and privy
seals; but these are excluded our scheme as irregularities, for thus the
French are as fruitful in projects as we; and these are rather stratagems
than projects. After the Fire of London, the contrivance of an engine to
quench fires was a project the author was said to get well by, and we
have found to be very useful. But about the year 1680 began the art and
mystery of projecting to creep into the world.
Even many project management tools and visualisations trace their
origins back centuries. The bar chart can be traced back to 1765 in Joseph
Priestley’s “Chart of Biography”.5

A redacted version of Priestley’s “Chart of Biography” (1765).

Priestley designed this chart as part of his book Lectures on History and
General Policy6 so that students could “trace out distinctly the dependence
of events to distribute them into such periods and divisions as shall lay the
whole claim of past transactions in a just and orderly manner”.*
Priestly subsequently inspired William Playfair to develop the bar chart
as we know it today in his book from 1786, The Commercial and Political
Atlas.7 Playfair is also generally credited with inventing the line, area, and
pie charts.

* That sounds a lot like a Gantt chart to us.


The first bar chart, from Playfair’s The Commercial and Political Atlas (1786).

This all began to converge between the 1750s and 1850s as the Indus-
trial Revolution completely transformed how people worked. Nowhere
is this more evident than in our favourite quote from Adam Smith’s The
Wealth of Nations.8 Smith drew a comparison from the craft of pin making
and the role of the talented pin-maker who “...could not make 20 [pins in
a day]. But in the way in which this business is now carried on…, I have
seen a small manufactory where 10 men only were employed. Those 10
persons could make among them upwards of 48,000 pins in a day.” And he
was right — easily mechanised and repeatable tasks could produce goods
faster and of higher quality* than anything that came before.
Everywhere you look, you can see the legacy of the Industrial Revolution,
both positive and negative. This industrial mentality has shaped the way
people work for centuries and continues to do so today. Modern project
management’s plan and work breakdown structure has more in common
with the predictable segmentation of work in our pin-making factory
than we give it credit for. Understanding this relationship is a key prem-
ise behind #noprojects and demonstrates some of the issues with project
management as it is currently defined. Much of the work that you do to-
day, especially knowledge work, is unique and innovative and has more
in common with the talented pin-maker than with a pin-making factory.
It is for this reason that, in our experience, creating accurate and useful

* Or at least more consistent quality.


work breakdown structures and project management plans is impossible

in any meaningful way.
As industry and products became more complex, so did tools and vi-
sualisations. In 1896, Karol Adamiecki created the harmonogram, a float-
ing-bar chart that showed tasks or resources over time. A little while later,
Henry Gantt independently developed the Gantt chart* as a visualisation
tool, which was used to help improve the manufacture of munitions and
naval aircraft during World War I.9 These charts were designed to com-
pare expected production with actual output to allow easy identification
of variance. The modern Gantt chart’s pervasiveness is evidence of how
drastically it affected how we measure and track production to this day.

An early production Gantt Chart.

But it was only during the 1900s to 1950s that the origins of what we now
call project management emerged.10 Its immediate precursor would have
to be Taylorism and scientific management. Published in 1911, Freder-
ick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management11 outlined ways to
increase worker productivity. Taylor studied labour-intensive and repet-
itive activities in detail — for example, loading iron from steel mills into
a railcar — identifying where each individual action could be optimised
to improve productivity and reduce error. Considered progressive for his
time, Taylor even noted fatigue as an attribute to be analysed to improve
productivity — in this case by recommending rest breaks to allow labour-
ers to recover. Don’t assume that this meant that Taylor was a champion

* Amongst others.


of workers’ rights; he considered workers as resources to be used as ef-

ficiently as possible. Compared to previous ways of working, businesses
saw scientific management as highly effective even though it required a
higher manager-to-worker ratio and, by today’s standards, would be con-
sidered micromanagement.
And that was one of the greatest criticisms of scientific management: the
disenfranchisement of individual workers who were reduced to being
highly focused “automen” without connection to the total production.
This and other reductionist approaches worked well in simple domains
but before long were replaced by system-wide approaches, although you
can still see this reductionist model used in modern project management
in the form of the work breakdown structure (WBS).
Even though scientific management is largely obsolete, we owe a debt to
Taylor for introducing the scientific method and empiricism into man-
agement models. Taylor rejected the idea that trades were craft and be-
lieved that they could be studied, improved, and mechanised. Many of
Taylor’s observations on motivation and productivity continue to inform
modern management — including #noprojects. In many ways, scientific
management was the culmination of the Industrial Revolution’s factory
management model.
Project management started to emerge as a discrete concept in the
1920s and 1930s. The earliest formal usage we can find is from the US
Bureau of Reclamations, which created a “project office” with a “project
engineer” leading a project.1 The role of “project coordinator” emerged at
roughly the same time in the US aircraft industry.
Coming into the 1930s, massive construction endeavours began to use
project management. In 1931, the Empire State Building was delivered
ahead of time and under budget — attributed to the use of location-based
scheduling (specifically flow-line scheduling). The effectiveness of flow-
line scheduling and other types of location-based scheduling, such as the
US Navy’s line-of-balance (LOB) technique,12 were indisputable, and so
were used to schedule repetitive projects such as pipelines, high rises, and
railway projects. We were a little surprised to learn that not all construc-
tion projects used these methods. For example, in 1936, the Hoover Dam
was successfully completed under budget and ahead of schedule using the
good old Gantt Chart.


No history of projects would be complete without at least mentioning

the Manhattan Project (1942-1945), probably one of the most famous*
projects of the era.

Progress schedule for the Empire State Building (1930).

As far as we can discover, the first use of the title “project manager” seems
to have occurred around 1953 in the aerospace industry — specifically, in

* Or should that be “infamous”?


the Glenn L. Martin Company* and McDonnell Aircraft.13 That said, these
early roles didn’t have many of the same responsibilities that you would
attribute to a modern project manager.
The first project, in the modern sense of the word, would probably
have occurred in DuPont in 1957. James Kelley of DuPont and Morgan
Walker of Remington Rand10 developed a series of mathematical algo-
rithms to track the relationships between individual activities, effort, and
time that would later become the critical-path method (CPM). CPM14
constructs a model of a project that defines all the required activities and
the dependencies amongst them. Using an estimated duration of each
activity, CPM calculates the longest path of sequential activities which
together meet the project goal and the earliest and latest that any activity
can start and finish without extending the project.

Activity-on-node diagram showing critical-path schedule, along with total

float and critical-path drag computations.15

At about the same time, Booz Allen Hamilton and the US Navy developed
the program evaluation and review technique (PERT)16 for the Polaris
submarine program. Conceptually similar to CPM, PERT is a statistical
tool for analysing and representing the tasks involved in a project and de-
termining the minimum time needed to complete the total project. These
* Which would become Lockheed Martin after a series of mergers.


methods allowed the creation of projects on a scale never seen before.

The most impressive adoption would have to be NASA using PERT to
maintain and schedule the Apollo missions, including the six successful
moon landings.

PERT network chart for a seven-month project with five milestones

(10 through 50) and six activities (A through F).17

It would be remiss of us not to mention programme management* at

this point. As a model of encapsulating multiple initiatives,† formal pro-
gramme management probably predates formal project management.
Going back to our NASA example, Apollo was actually a programme of
work managed through the Apollo programme office. As well as manag-
ing each of the projects, the Apollo programme office was also responsi-
ble for managing procurement, contracts, and overall performance.
Beyond CPM and PERT, the 1960s saw an explosion of project-manage-
ment tools and techniques. Here are a few:
• PERT/cost,18 which introduced the work breakdown structure (WBS);
• RAMPS (resource allocation and multi-project scheduling);
• C/SCSC (cost/schedule control systems criteria);19
• earned value management,20 which improved a project’s ability to
budget and subsequently manage its financial performance; and
• configuration management.
* Or “program management” for the Americans.
† Such as projects.


It didn’t take long to rationalise these tools and techniques, and modern
project management was well underway. In fact, except for risk manage-
ment,10 modern project management hasn’t substantially changed since
the 1960s.
And now we come to software engineering. In 1968, the NATO Con-
ference on Software Engineering was created to bring the theoretical
foundations and practical disciplines from traditional engineering do-
mains into the software world as a way to solve the so-called software
crisis. The software crisis was a perception at the time* of the increasing
inability of software development to deliver high-quality products in a
timely manner — in general, attributed to the exponential rise in comput-
ing power.21 Although there continues to be debate today as to whether
there was a software crisis at all,† the participants at the conference con-
cluded that there was definitely an identity crisis.22
In our opinion, this identity crisis was partly a “me too” attitude that came
out of early software development — that software developers should
have the same respect and reputation as engineers and others in “pro-
fessions”. This expressed itself in the idea that writing software should
be predictable and mathematically provable like traditional engineer-
ing, akin to building a bridge. And so, in order to emulate engineering,
software was wrapped up in projects with detailed requirements, spec-
ifications, and plans like any other engineering endeavour. Or that was
the assumption — there was an idealised view of engineering disciplines
amongst the NATO conference delegates that influenced many of the
findings and recommendations.
But it did help. In many cases, this approach was able to bring discipline
to large software projects and allow them to scale — but there was a high
cost, which we will discuss in the next chapter.
With project management becoming a profession, industry certifica-
tion bodies began to emerge; the most famous and relevant today would
be the Project Management Institute (PMI), born in 1969.2 That year also
saw the emergence of the famous “iron triangle” metaphor for time, cost,
and output in Martin Barnes’s “Time and Money in Contract Control”1
Around this time, in August 1970, Royce first coined the term “waterfall”23
in relation to projects for which each phase must be completed before the

* Which continues today.

† Or “is”.


next starts. What is most interesting about this is that in that same paper,
Royce acknowledged the significant risks of this approach:
I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky
and invites failure.… The testing phase which occurs at the end of the
development cycle is the first event for which timing, storage, input/out-
put transfers, etc., are experienced as distinguished from analyzed. These
phenomena are not precisely analyzable.

An idealised waterfall software project.23

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, project management continued to

consolidate its reputation as a profession and to position itself as a crit-
ical business process. The core responsibilities* expanded from simply
managing time, cost, and scope to include risk management, stakeholder
management, and quality management. Common project-management
methods and frameworks were created and shared between companies —
others, like PROMPT,† were commercialised.
Business models began to directly incorporate project management. Or-
ganisations began to use the capability maturity model (CMM) and, lat-
er, CMM integration (CMMI) to audit project-management maturity as
part of their general process maturity. Industries began, incorrectly, to see
software development as predictable and repeatable — a seemingly com-

* And associated processes and tools.

† Which would later become PRINCE2.


mon yet dangerous confusion between engineering and manufacturing.

Watts Humphrey wrote in 1989:
Dr. W. E. Deming, in his work with the Japanese after World War II, applied the
concepts of statistical process control to many of their industries. While there are
important differences, these concepts are just as applicable to software as they
are to producing consumer goods like cameras, television sets, or automobiles.24
As microcomputers became widely available to businesses, project-man-
agement software started to become more accessible.19 The ease with
which schedulers and project managers could schedule projects greatly
simplified their jobs. This opened up project management to millions of
smaller businesses but, on the downside, also gave the impression that
anyone could run a project just by entering a list of tasks into a pro-
The last 20 years has seen two major shifts in project management:
a consolidation of frameworks and methods and a rise in agile project
management. The consolidation has been strongly driven by PMI and
the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). If we look at the
market share of different, non-agile project-management frameworks,
the only real alternative to the PMBOK is the UK government’s PRINCE2
(“PRojects IN a Controlled Environment”) with 11% market share com-
pared to PMI’s 27%.25 The vast majority continue to use ad hoc and cus-
tom project-management processes.
Agile project management emerged in the 1980s, although it didn’t gain
widespread market awareness until after the Agile Software Development
Manifesto26 was written in 2001. Agile itself isn’t a framework or method,
but rather is a value system used to deliver products in a highly flexible,
customer-focused, incremental manner. There are hundreds of different
agile frameworks, the most famous being Scrum27, extreme programming
(XP),28 and Kanban.29 It should be noted that most of these are not formal
project-management frameworks;† rather, they are software-engineering
practices or product-development methods. However, some frameworks,
such as the DSDM agile project framework,30 were specifically designed
for this purpose. We assume that most readers have a passing familiarity
with agile and we won’t go into detail.

* I personally think Microsoft Project is singlehandedly responsible for the ruination

of many projects and will probably be responsible for whatever project leads to the
downfall of humanity — although Microsoft PowerPoint is a close second choice.
† Although many are (mis)used for this purpose.


Here’s one interesting anecdote, however. The initial idea for Scrum was
triggered by an HBR article from 1986 titled “The New New Product De-
velopment Game”.31 Note the term “product”, not project. In fact, nothing
in Scrum is designed for managing projects; rather, it is a product-devel-
opment framework.

The Agile Manifesto

Written in 2001, the Manifesto for Agile Software Development26 de-

scribes what it means to be agile:
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping
others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
• Working software over comprehensive documentation
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
• Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the
left more.
© 2001, the Agile Manifesto authors. This declaration may be freely cop-
ied in any form, but only in its entirety through this notice.
What do each of these values mean?
1. We value individuals and interactions over processes and tools. That is,
while processes and tools can help sustain a consistent level of out-
put, motivated individuals and teams collaborating and working to-
gether are more creative and can produce higher quality work.
2. We value working software over comprehensive documentation. This
means that while processes that support delivery are important, the
team’s focus should be on delivering to the customer’s needs.
3. We value customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Written con-
tracts are still important. However, you should be treating your cus-


tomer as a partner, not as an opponent. The goal of an agile contract

is to facilitate rather than protect, though it can do that as well.
4. We value responding to change over following a plan. Under agile, plans
are useful as a guide, but adapting to your customer’s changing re-
quirements brings greater business value to both you and your cus-
The values on the right (processes, documentation, contracts, and plans)
are still important; however, to be adaptable and agile, you need a greater
appreciation of the values on the left (individuals, working software, cus-
tomer collaboration, and responding to change).
upporting the four core values, are the 12 principles of the Agile Manifes-
to that define the agile mindset. These are the key attributes that are most
important to agile practitioners. Keep in mind that, although originally
written in the context of software engineering, the same mindset applies
across almost any industry or domain.
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes
harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
4. Business people and developers must work together daily.
5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment
and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and
within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers,
and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances
10. Simplicity — the art of maximising the amount of work not done — is


11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organis-
ing teams.
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.

Which brings us to today. Project management is still evolving and can be

best described as an “emerging profession”.10 It has brought significant stan-
dardisation to work models across the world;32 you’re likely to run projects
the same way whether you are in Australia, the US, China, Japan, or Russia.
But we have a problem. The project way of working, as it’s been evolving
over the last few centuries, isn’t keeping up with the needs of the modern
economy — especially those businesses in the digital economy. But most
organisations don’t know anything else. Managers generally like projects
because it gives them an answer to “When will it be done?” — or, more ac-
curately, the perception of “when it will be done”. The finance division also
likes projects because they can encapsulate work in a neat little package,
simplifying budgeting, forecasting, and financial management.
However, a lot of work in the modern economy is fundamentally ambigu-
ous, unpredictable, and sometimes even chaotic. Projects nearly always go
over time or over budget and someone is usually unhappy with any project
that you run. Either the money runs out or the you deliver the product
with fewer features and capability than the customer wants or the money
continues and finance is unhappy because you’re blowing their neat little
18-month forecast out of the water.
This is compounded by the fact that the development lifecycle of most
products is much greater than that of the project (or “temporary endeav-
our”) that initiated it. We’re not talking about a construction project like a
bridge: when the bridge is built, the bridge is built. There’s no new custom-
er value to be gained by continuing to work — you can’t keep adding major
features to a bridge. We’re talking about knowledge work* where there is
always more value to be created and where the maintenance cost is likely
to be between two times33 and 10 times34 greater than the initial cost of
bringing it to market. Even the fact that we are talking about total cost of
ownership and not total value generated is indicative of the problem.

So where have projects gone wrong?

* Such as building software.

Where we went wrong

So where have projects gone wrong? In many ways, they haven’t. Proj-
ects still have an important role to play in delivering time-critical and
predictable work. The aforementioned bridge is only ever going to be
delivered using a project. You’re always going to need an up-front plan,
a schedule, and a validated, approved architecture before beginning con-
But a new culture is emerging amongst customers and organisations
around the world: an expectation of continuous change and improve-
ment. Most people would agree that the rate of change, and adoption of
that change, has increased more in the last 40 years than in the previous
400. This is true in almost all aspects of our lives, from computers, cars,
and communications to general consumer goods.1 These days, we even
change jobs almost as often as we change phones (every 4.2 years accord-
ing to the US Department of Labour).2
The project mentality isn’t keeping up with this changing pace of demand.
We cannot fault the intention of an organisation when starting a project.
The organisation identifies a need and, eventually, creates a project to
address that need. But in this rapidly changing world, the needs of cus-
tomers will change, outpace, and usually outlive a project’s ability to de-
liver. How many times have you revisited the same product, project after
project, to keep up with new demand? Therein lies the flaw, because that
product isn’t done. Thus, the core premise of a project, as a management
construct with a fixed end that will deliver a complete product, is funda-
mentally flawed.*
And the flaw cuts deep because projects provide an illusion of pre-
dictability. One may go so far as to say a delusion of predictability. And
we like predictability — it makes decisions easier, reduces the perception
of risk, and provides confidence to leaders. It’s also lazy management.
As we’ll see later in this chapter, projects in uncertain environments fail
more often than not so the confidence placed in the promised predictabil-
ity is misplaced.

* There has been a lot of discussion in the community about the word “projects”.
There’s an argument that the word itself should be repurposed to incorporate any
stream of product-development work, whether temporary or continuous. I actually
like that idea. Most organisations already use the word incorrectly to describe any
type of work and so, as part of the natural evolution of language, we can claim the
word and redefine it for ourselves. However, for the purpose of clarity in this book,
we’ll keep to the formal definition.


That being said, projects do make sense for some cases: when the market
is predictable and we can plan three, 12, or 24 months of work ahead
of time. It’s when the pace of change in the market exceeds the pace of
change in our delivery that products and organisations fail. This is why
startups, with their lower cost base and unbureaucratic delivery process-
es, often outperform established organisations. Those organisations that
can embrace and leverage the unpredictable nature of the market gener-
ally do better.3
What this means to the way we deliver work is that if the product has
untapped value for the customer, then organisations that can continu-
ously deliver change can continuously meet new needs. Unfortunately,
our overreliance on temporary projects, and the promise of predictability
they provide, has led to a stagnation of thought; many organisations just
don’t know any other way to work. Hence #noprojects.
This continuous culture exposes another flaw in the project ap-
proach, one that is a lot more tangible: the cost of running a project. We’re
not talking about the cost to do the work, which occurs regardless of the
operating model, but the (sometimes hidden) cost of running the project
itself. By definition, projects are layers of management, governance, and
supporting activities on top of an agreed sequence of work. Irrespective
of the delivery model used (waterfall, iterative, or agile), these additional
costs can be classified in three types, which we call the three O’s: over-
head, overrun, and opportunity costs.4
First, some quick definitions:
1. Overheads are the direct costs borne from running a project. These
are relatively small, but the easiest to quantify and recover.
2. Overruns are potential costs that are realised when rectifying plan-
ning and estimation mistakes or overall project failure. Depending
on the complexity of the work, the risk profile of the project, and
the maturity of the organisation’s estimation process, these costs can
range from very small to very large.
3. An opportunity cost is the potential forgone revenue (or savings) be-
tween project initiation and completion. The longer a project runs
without implementing a change, the larger the opportunity costs.
Let’s start by agreeing that the overhead costs relating to the cre-
ation of value and delivery of outcomes will remain relatively constant
regardless of the approach taken. In a software team, for example, costs
unaffected by #noprojects include salaries and benefits of the develop-


ers during development activities (including testing and documentation),

technical environments (e.g., development, test, staging, and production),
continuous integration and delivery systems, licence fees, travel expenses,
and office space for the team.*
However, by changing the delivery approach, #noprojects can negate
many of the costs specifically related to managing a project. These in-
• project-specific events like kick-off meetings, project planning, and
project closure;
• project-specific deliverables like milestone documents, sign-off
packs, communication plans, schedules and Gantt charts, work plans,
• project administration, which may include staff hired to undertake
project accounting or secretariat functions.
• project management offices (PMOs), which may include an organisa-
tion’s PMO or smaller PMOs created at a programme level; and
• reduction in contractors and/or staff overtime because projects em-
phasise compliance to schedule, and many teams request overtime or
hire additional contractors to meet estimated timelines.
Project managers are an interesting case. Removing projects doesn’t nec-
essarily mean removing project managers. As we will explore later, many
of the skills of a project manager are still required and so we won’t include
them as overhead. You may find that these costs reduce, allowing individ-
ual project managers to spend their time on higher-value activities.†
We’ve known projects to spend more than six months in planning, chas-
ing signatures and getting approvals for a two-month project. In other
cases, we’ve seen project managers earn a salary over five times a develop-
er’s salary.‡ In these extreme cases, project overheads can actually exceed
the cost of delivery.
We’ll leave it to you to assess the potential overall cost savings for your
organisation. However, to be realistic, you need to be able to distinguish
between project overheads and common business overheads.

* In organisations with poor work practices, these costs may actually increase in the
short term as a consequence of creating a mature work environment.
† Particularly in organisations that are over-governed or inefficient.
‡ And we’re honestly not exaggerating.


We think it’s safe to say that projects overrun and fail with disturb-
ing regularity, whether by failing to deliver a solution that meets the
business expectations, releasing later than planned, or costing more than
initially budgeted. And the solution isn’t better planning. Projects already
spend significant energy in the early stages to plan and estimate the scale
of effort and yet continue to have significant overruns. Note the alarming
results from this study from the Harvard Business Review:5
We examined 1,471 projects, comparing their budgets and estimated per-
formance benefits with the actual costs and results.… When we broke
down the projects’ cost overruns, what we found surprised us. The av-
erage overrun was 27% — but that figure masks a far more alarming
one. Graphing the projects’ budget overruns reveals a “fat tail” — a large
number of gigantic overages. Fully one in six of the projects we studied
was a black swan, with a cost overrun of 200%, on average, and a sched-
ule overrun of almost 70%.
These risks are compounded when there is undue pressure to align the
project budget to a preconceived business expectation — which in turn
leads to fuzzy estimates with little or no bearing on reality. Fundamental-
ly, this leads to the question “why bother?”

What about #noestimates?

The #noestimates movement has been around longer than #noprojects,
since about 2005,6 and carries many of the same motivations although the
two do not depend upon each other. When dealing with complex work
that relies on human creativity and collaboration for completion, like
building software or playing chess,7 it will often take longer to try to fig-
ure out how long it will take than to just do the work. Johanna Rothman
says that if the work is important enough to warrant doing then break it
into small pieces, prioritize those pieces, start work on them, and predict
when they will be done based on the actual rate of delivery rather than
by guessing.8 By ensuring that the work is prioritised, you learn quickly
if it is worth doing, and you can easily change direction in response to
feedback in the moment and ensure maximum value for effort. This book
does not go deeply into #noestimates — others have already done that.9


What’s even more concerning is that no matter how many projects we

run, project failure rates remain consistent. A good example of this is the
IT Project Success Rates Survey,10 run by Scott Ambler since 2007. Ac-
counting for the change in question in 2010, you can see that the change
in success and failure rates has been insignificant (within 4%) from year
to year.*

0% 50% 100%






Comparison of project failure rates (non-agile) from 2007 to 2013.

These statistics are nothing new; you’ve probably seen some of them
around. But that is exactly our point. IT project failure has become so
commonplace that it is now accepted and usually expected. Read any
project-management study and you’ll see the spectre of project failure
emerge. It’s become such a joke that projects that actually deliver on time
and on budget are a surprise.
Here are some more examples:
• A Geneca survey of 600 executives show that 75% of business and IT
executives anticipate their software projects will fail and are “doomed
right from the start”.11
• The 2015 CHAOS survey shows that only 29% of all projects suc-
ceeded (delivered on time, on budget, with required features and
functions), 52% were challenged (late, over budget, or with fewer than
* Another way to think about it is to do away with the traditional measurements
that indicate failure (i.e., time, cost, and scope). Rather, success is about achieving
outcomes and providing value — that’s how we need to measure it.


the required features and functions), and 19% failed (cancelled prior
to completion or delivered and never used).12
• EU figures for 214 technology projects from 1998 to 2005 showed
that only one in eight technology projects met their time, budget, and
quality objectives, with nearly 25% of all projects not completed at all.
Total technology-project overruns in only 2004 totalled €142 billion.
• A 2010 KPMG survey showed that 70% of organisations had one or
more failed projects during the previous 12 months.
• A 2008 survey by Logica showed that 35% of organisations aban-
doned a major project in the last three years.13
• Surveys of Harvard Business School’s summer executive education
programme provided examples of large IT failures that exceeded
budgets by over 1,000%, from $30 million to $300 million, and only
delivered 35% of requirements.14
In fact, when conducting the research for this last example, Harvard pro-
fessors Rob Austin and Richard Nolan concluded that there were three
dysfunctional elements prevalent in large IT projects:
1. The first flawed assumption is that it is actually possible to plan such
a large project well enough that success is primarily determined by
degree of conformance to a plan.
2. The second flawed assumption embedded in planning-intensive ap-
proaches is that it is possible to protect against late changes to a large
system project.
3. The third flawed assumption is that it even makes sense to lock in big
project decisions early.
This is easily backed up by the research from Watts Humphrey, who
coined the requirements uncertainty principle: “The requirements will
not be completely known until after the users have used the finished
Agile projects don’t get off easy either. Even agile projects, i.e., agile deliv-
ery wrapped inside a project structure, fail at a significant rate. A study by
PMI16 found that 75% of agile organisations met their goals, 65% complet-
ed on time, and 67% completed on budget. While this is still better than
non-agile organisations (with 56%, 40%, and 45% respectively), a failure
rate of one quarter to one third is still too high.


What about the return on investment? When a project runs over, can
it still be considered a success? Sometimes yes, but unfortunately not in
many cases. Based on findings from more than 5,400 IT projects, large IT
projects run 45% over budget and 7% over time on average while deliver-
ing 56% less value than predicted. To quote McKinsey:
We also found that the longer a project is scheduled to last, the more likely it is
that it will run over time and budget, with every additional year spent on the
project increasing cost overruns by 15 percent.17
In fact, the project-management process is fundamentally designed to
separate the work done from the business benefits. How many projects
have you experienced that have claimed success (on time and on budget)
but, after the project was closed and the project manager moved on, still
failed to deliver the expected business benefits? There are too many in
our experience.
By any criteria, an IT project has a significant risk of overrunning
time, cost, or scope, with the associated financial, opportunity, and rep-
utational costs. These statistics demonstrate a fundamental flaw in the
approach taken to project management regardless of size, technology,
vendor, approach, or processes used. Of most interest is that, in many
cases, this is not a failure of the work but rather a failure of estimation
and expectation. In reality, an activity takes as long as it takes — but that is
usually longer than you want. The failure comes from wrapping a project
construct around product delivery that is inappropriate for what you’re
trying to deliver.
They say that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect
a different result.* So why do organisations keep running projects?
#noprojects provides a less risky approach to delivery by removing the
common factor in all of these failures: the project itself. This is not to
say that there are no failures in a #noprojects approach. However, be-
cause of the continuous and discrete nature of #noprojects activities, fail-
ure is smaller, self-contained, and easily identified, and you can generally
recover from it. Failure relating to project process, project governance,
stakeholder buy-in, and scope management becomes, by definition, far
less likely.

* This quote is commonly attributed to Einstein, but there is no evidence that he

actually said it.


Opportunity costs and the cost of delay18 can be the hardest to quan-
tify but also can be the largest costs to an organisation running a project.
As mentioned earlier, we have seen organisations take up to six months
of planning and approvals just to begin a two-month project. That’s six
months of forgone revenue or productivity gains. We’re not even going
to begin to get into the cost of locking in a specific option at the expense
of any other option. With a #noprojects approach, you are able to bring
value to market sooner and adapt to market changes faster than you could
had you initiated a traditional project.
Organisations that can calculate the cost of delay are better placed to
appropriately prioritise work and reduce their internal bureaucracy in
order to make optimal decisions. In many cases, the organisation’s own
design is the culprit. We have seen divisions spend months negotiating
to transfer budget from one to another* in order to fund a project that
everyone agreed was absolutely critical. And this almost always leads to
significant project overruns.
Even if you can’t make quantitative calculations, it’s possible to assess the
cost of delay in a qualitative manner. Joshua Arnold19 writes that the cost
of delay has two essential ingredients: value (defined as killer, bonus, or
meh) and urgency (defined as ASAP, soon, or whenever). An idea that is
killer and needed ASAP is likely to have a very high cost of delay per week.

* Even though they are on the same P&L sheet.


Qualitative cost of delay.

Once again, we can turn to reports and research for actual examples of
this. In 2008, the US Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
released audit findings of the delayed Electronic Fraud Detection System
project. In its own words, “we estimated that during PY 2006, when the
fraud detection system was not operational, the IRS failed to stop approx-
imately $894 million in fraudulent refunds.”20
And this is just the forgone revenue. It doesn’t include the direct costs
borne by the organisation for workarounds, interest on that forgone rev-
enue, or revenue from any potential reinvestment.
When looking at other opportunity costs, you would also consider:
• lost market share,
• flow-on costs to customers,
• continuing maintenance costs for legacy systems, and
• productivity loss (or, more accurately, unrealised productivity gain).
We feel that this quote from Johanna Rothman perfectly encapsulates this


Johanna, we want to ship this product in the second quarter this year. We esti-
mate it will take us a quarter to ramp up sales. We think there are lifetime sales
of about five years for this product. Any delays in our shipment will not push
our sales figures to the right. They will remove our max sales from the middle.
Got it? We have to make our ship date.21
Agile delivery doesn’t help here. In the majority of cases, the overhead oc-
curs at the start of a project when project approval and funding processes
drive the associated opportunity costs. Ask yourself if the confidence you
gain from writing all those business cases, stakeholder and communica-
tion strategies, RACI matrices, project plans, schedules, and endless ap-
proval meetings is really worth more than the cost of delay.* How much
governance is enough and how much do you really need?
Incremental and agile delivery methods can help once work has started
but are of limited help during project initiation. And as any process is only
as fast as its slowest point, these early delays and bottlenecks can have
significant flow-on impacts to the rest of the project.
This is all symptomatic of the project mentality, where projects cause
organisations to focus on the work rather than on what’s important to
an organisation or customer. The best example we have comes from a
project-management guide that we found as we were researching for this
While the reason for undertaking a project may have been to reduce utility costs
by 10% or to increase productivity by 20%, achieving such goals may be outside
the scope of the project.22
This is the problem. Projects are decoupling delivery from value. And to
be fair, there’s a reason for it — it’s much simpler to measure an output
than an outcome. If you need to decide whether to pay for something,
asking “how much does it cost?” is a lot easier to answer than “what is it
worth?” And because your financial measurement systems focus on what
is measurable rather than what is valuable, you tend to be biased towards
perceived efficiency† at the expense of improving productivity.
Irrespective of the delivery model used (waterfall, iterative, or agile), proj-
ects are not working well. They increase the total cost of ownership and
reduce return on investment. They introduce additional risk and cost for
a false sense of predictability, just to give leaders comfort.

* If it’s not obvious, we don’t think they are. :-)

† A term more polite than “cutting costs”.


The answer is not “do better projects” — we have been trying to do better
projects for 400 years. This approach has led to highly optimised proj-
ect-management processes that have improved how you deliver the easily
measured outputs rather than the valuable outcomes. So, if better proj-
ects are not the solution, then perhaps a solution is to not do projects
at all. #noprojects brings a different viewpoint and an alternative way of
looking at work, focusing first and foremost on business outcomes while
delivering work as a continuous stream of value rather than a temporary

Outcomes over outputs

About 10 years ago, Evan was the programme manager responsible for
delivering a government system to map the Australian national popula-
tion against various government statistics (such as socio-demographic
census data, health-care spending, and government infrastructure spend-
ing). The theory was that by mapping this data to locations, we could bet-
ter help the government identify areas of disadvantage and focus spend-
ing, which is a reasonable goal.
But before we talk about the outcomes, let’s start at the beginning. The
business case was long* and we spent a lot of time finding “benefits”. We
have put benefits in quotes because the funding had already been assigned
(as part of the annual government funding processes) before we wrote the
project business cases. But we had to find benefits before finance would
release the funds. After a few months of back and forth, we found the de-
scription of benefits that made finance happy. But it didn’t matter; we had
a great idea and it looked good. Sound familiar?
We spent many millions of dollars over four years. We released new func-
tionality every month (it was an agile project). We set business milestones:
we met some and missed some, but we hit most of the quantifiable bene-
fits and overall the organisation was happy with what we delivered. By all
definitions it was a successful project — but what happened to it?
Nothing at all. By the time Evan left the project, we had maybe 100 users
and, as far as we could tell, very few of them actually used the tool to in-
form where to focus spending. We probably would have had a better out-
come if we’d just given each user $10,000 to invest in their programmes.
This is the problem. In most companies, the focus on successfully de-
livering projects has distanced them from focusing on delivering value to
their customers. And it should not be controversial to say that delivering
value is an organisation’s raison d’être, and work that does not create val-
ue should be avoided. All too often, organisations have been measuring
activity and cost instead of outcomes and value — our argument is that
organisations need to change this to remain competitive.
In the example above, we started with the idea for a product, then we
found the benefits and outcomes. If we knew then what we know now,
we would have ignored the product and started purely from the outcome.
And everything we did from there should have been focused on that. We
might never have created the sexy product that everyone asked for, but we
might have produced something that everyone used.
* I (Evan) know, because I wrote much of it.


So, by focusing on the project, we lost sight of the product. And by focus-
ing on the product, we lost sight of the value.
And that’s what #noprojects is all about: the alignment of activities
to outcomes, measured by value, constrained by guiding principles, and
(optionally) supported by continuous-delivery technologies.1 It’s about
continuous delivery. It’s about moving away from a finite construct of
fixed outputs and fixed timeframes and moving towards a model of “we
have a product and we’re going to develop the product only until it makes
sense to stop developing the product”. It’s about changing our measure-
ments and monitoring processes from measuring outputs to measuring
outcomes, about looking at value realisation rather than lines of code,
requirements, or user stories met.
But before we go any further, let’s start with some basic #noprojects ter-
An outcome is a meaningful, and fundamental, change in the status quo
as a result of some work.* Intended and actual outcomes should be ex-
pressed in measurable terms. There are four types of outcomes:
1. good and intended,
2. good and unintended,
3. bad and unintended, and
4. bad and intended.
We are talking about mainly number 1 and occasionally number 4, and
we hope to use rapid feedback cycles and the continuous culture (to be
discussed in much more detail in later chapters) to expose number 2 and
avoid or minimise number 3.
Value is the often-intangible change that is the result of work and con-
tributes to achieving an outcome.†
A portfolio is the prioritised backlog of work underway or to be done.
It includes building new products or services, maintaining existing prod-
ucts or services, and business-as-usual (BAU) activities.
An activity is any discrete piece of work that is undertaken as part of a

* Some organisations may use the term “benefits” and “outcomes” interchangeably.
The two concepts are closely aligned and, for the purpose of this book, we have
chosen to predominantly use the term outcomes.
† Value is the subject of the next chapter and its case study.


As we move away from temporary project teams, team permanence be-

comes a necessity. The value-delivery team is a dedicated, stable, and
cross-functional team (or network of teams) accountable for an outcome.


Value Delivery Team(s)



The relationship between value-delivery teams, activities, the portfolio, value,

and outcomes.*

This relationship could be described thus: you need to justify work based
on the value it could deliver to the organisation in the context of a busi-
ness outcome. That is a simple sentence, but the relationship between
outcomes, value, and work is at best complex and often chaotic — it is
very hard to link a specific piece of work directly to a specific outcome.
Instead, look at the trend of value generated from multiple activities over
a period of time. In many businesses, committing to specific value from
specific work is a dangerous, but common, behaviour.
The first step to understand the relationship between work and outcomes
is understanding complexity theory. The Cynefin framework is a tool for
making sense of a domain and describes the inherent nature of the work
needed to address a problem or opportunity.

* This is a deliberately simplified view of the relationships. The reality includes some
level of coordination between delivery teams, particularly in situations where
multiple value-delivery teams need to collaborate to achieve an outcome. See the
conversation about the value-management office in a later chapter.


Cynefin explained

Cynefin2 is a Welsh word that

roughly translates as “the place
of our being”. It is the term Dave
Snowden uses to describe a way
of understanding and respond-
ing to complexity in a domain.
He presents the following dia-
gram to show the different as-
pects of complexity:
Each of the domains in the mod-
el has characteristics that indi-
cate ways to work or to respond
when working in that state.
Snowden points out that this is The five domains of Cynefin
not a two-dimensional consult- (CC-BY-SA Dave Snowden)
ing model but is a sense-making
tool used to determine the most
appropriate type of response to take when acting in a specific domain.
We use the model to select the approach to use to solve a problem or to
take advantage of an opportunity in a business setting.
Let’s look at the first four domains, starting from the lower right corner.
Obvious: The nature of the problem is clear to all concerned and how
to solve the problem is well understood. Obvious problems are ones that
have been solved many times before and there are genuine best-practice
approaches to use to solve the problem. It may not be easy, but there are
rules to follow, and when they are followed, the problem will be solved.
Activities such as civil engineering or construction (e.g., building all the
houses in a new subdivision) often fall into the Obvious domain. Plan the
work in detail then follow the plan precisely.
Complicated: The problem is relatively clear to all concerned and there
is a well-understood outcome to aim for, but how to get there is not obvi-
ous. In this domain, the key is to identify the combination of good prac-


tices that align with achieving the outcome. There may be a need to learn
and adapt along the path, but the intended result is clear to all concerned.
Building computer systems to address known business problems falls
into this category: there is a wide range of possible approaches that could
be taken, there will be a lot of learning as the solution evolves, and the
link between the solution and the problem is relatively clear. Agile devel-
opment methods with their focus on strong technical practices and rapid
feedback will often be appropriate in this domain.
Complex: The relationship between problem/opportunity and solution
is not clear and there is a need to experiment to uncover the actual prob-
lem. You can undertake many parallel experiments, and there is a need to
run those experiments rapidly and at low cost. The ideas of lean startup
(build-measure-learn) are well suited to this domain. Run a small exper-
iment, check the results, and either amplify the solution with the next
experiment or pivot and run an experiment with a different focus. The
intent is to experiment and learn in order to clarify the underlying prob-
lem/opportunity (in which case the problem moves to the Complicated
domain and the experimentation can give way to more structured learn-
ing) or to come to the realisation that the problem/opportunity should be
Chaotic: There is no discernible relationship between cause and effect,
between problem and solution. In this state, there is no clear vision of
what you need to do to address the problem, and the solutions will not
be evident until after they emerge. It is important to act quickly as chaos
states will devolve into more and more chaos, but exactly what actions
will solve the problem are not clearly discernible. Firefighting is an exam-
ple of a chaotic domain — doing nothing is not an option but exactly what
needs to be done is often not directly visible to all concerned, and often
the act of addressing the problem will cause other problems (e.g., water
damage in parts of a building that did not burn).
Kurtz and Snowden provide an example of the impact of trying to apply
ordered thinking in the Chaotic or Complex domains:
A group of West Point graduates were asked to manage the playtime of
a kindergarten as a final year assignment. The cruel thing is that they
were given time to prepare. They planned; they rationally identified ob-
jectives; they determined backup and response plans. They then tried to
“order” children’s play based on rational design principles, and, in con-
sequence, achieved chaos. They then observed what teachers do. Experi-
enced teachers allow a degree of freedom at the start of the session, then


intervene to stabilize desirable patterns and destabilize undesirable ones;

and, when they are very clever, they seed the space so that the patterns
they want are more likely to emerge. 3
A fifth domain, Disorder, sits in the centre of the model and is the state
that any system must go through when moving from one domain to an-
The cliff-face symbology between Obvious and Chaotic is intended to in-
dicate the risk (perhaps, the likelihood) that Obvious domains can quickly
become Chaotic if the rules by which they are working become invalid
due to some external or internal influence.
In addition to the five domains, the model has what Snowden calls “limin-
al” areas on the boundary of Complicated and Complex and the boundary
of Complex and Chaotic. In the liminal spaces, there is lots of learning
and experimentation to do to identify the best approach to tackling the
In the Complex/Complicated liminal area, Snowden recommends exper-
imentation using prototypes and iterations. For the Complex/Chaotic
liminal area, he talks about the need to abandon constraints to allow nov-
elty to emerge.4

So, when looking at any opportunity to invest, you need to understand the
likely nature of the work that will be needed to take advantage of the op-
portunity. Where the work is clear and the value generation is obvious (an
obvious system), then any delivery model, including traditional projects,
is appropriate. The more abstract the value generation from the work, the
more you enter the territory of complicated, complex, or even chaotic sys-
tems. By their nature, projects do not operate well in these environments.
Back to the topic at hand. Whether at the level of team, division, or or-
ganisation, the continuous flow of activities is focused on changing out-
comes (the benefits realised as a result of work) rather than outputs (the
product of the work).5 An outcome is measured by its value to the organ-
isation, whether direct and tangible or indirect and intangible. Outcomes


are planned, slowly changing, and define the common direction for the
How’s this different from a project? Assume that we run a HR division.
Our outcome, or one of our outcomes, is staff retention. That’s our ra-
tionale; that’s why we exist. We create a team whose job, whose only job,
is to improve or maintain staff retention. That’s what they are account-
able for. The actual products or activities that we do are the outputs, the
means to the end. As long as what we do remains within our budget and
improves staff retention, we can choose to spend our budget however we
like. While there is value to be created, the team continues to operate.
Understand though, that outcomes can be complex, interdependent, and
occasionally conflicting. To effectively manage this at an organisation lev-
el, you need to understand four things:
1. the profile of the outcome,
2. the relationship between outcomes,
3. the principles that align work across all outcomes, and
4. the impact of unintended consequences.
The profile of an outcome defines the context, intent, and expectations
for the team, division, or organisation. While the characteristics of a pro-
file will differ between organisations, at a minimum it should contain the
1. Summary — This is a short description of the outcome.
2. Owner — Who (either an individual or team) is accountable for this
3. Measurement — If the outcome is quantifiable,† how do you mea-
sure it? How will you measure effectiveness of the activities against
the outcome target?
4. Current baseline — What is the current state of the measure?
5. Current target — What are you trying to achieve? Try to avoid per-
centages‡ and remember that this is a current target. It will change

* Here’s a hint to get you started: determine the specific (measurable) impact that the
work you are doing today has against key business outcomes. If you can start here,
this will greatly smooth out the transition away from projects.
† And most should be.
‡ As they can be easily gamed.


over time. Depending on the context of the outcome, the current tar-
get may also have a timeframe or due date.
6. Cadence — How frequently will you be measuring the outcome?
Automatic measures (those which can be calculated without human
intervention) should be done as regularly as reasonable. Those which
require polls or surveys of users or team members should be sched-
uled to avoid overload.
7. Lag/lead time — How soon after doing work will you see the effect
on the outcome?
8. Dependencies and order (ranking) — Where does this outcome sit
in relation to your other outcomes?
9. Budget — What is your maximum available investment/budget to
achieve this outcome?
What is not included in the profile is a plan. The team is expected to dy-
namically react and pro-act* to opportunities in the market or organisa-
tion by instituting continuous change.

Sample outcome profiles for a mid-sized product company.

* If that’s not a word, it should be.


Getting to the real business outcomes for an organisation (or team)

may seem simple but it can be very difficult in reality. Worse still, there
is an easy answer — but it’s wrong. A lot of organisations will define their
outcomes around money — either revenue, signings, or profit. “We need
to increase our quarterly profit by 17%” or “our target is to sign 20 new
clients” or “we need to make $10 million in revenue this quarter”. While
these statements may be true, they are not business outcomes.
You are not in business to make money. We’ll say that again: You are not
in business to make money.* That is not your purpose. If you’re fo-
cusing on making money, you’re not focusing on creating value for your
customer. Think of your local doctor — most have not become a doctor
to make money. They become doctors to save lives. They make money in
order to continue saving lives.
Frederic Laloux said, “Profit is like the air we breathe. We need air to live,
but we don’t live to breathe.”6
So, while remembering that you still need to make money and be profit-
able, what are your business outcomes? No book can answer that ques-
tion for you, but there are some simple practices to help you to discover it.
The most common practice available is called “5 Whys”. It’s simple cause-
and-effect interrogation technique borrowed from the Toyota Produc-
tion System and lean manufacturing.7 Start by looking at the work that
you do for your customer. Now ask “why?” “Why do we do this?” or “why
do we need this?” Then, use your answer as the basis for the next question:
ask “why?” again.† Asking “why?” five times is, anecdotally, sufficient to
get to the root outcome. And you’ll be able to get there in fewer steps in
many cases.
If your answer is “to make money”, you’ve gone too deep and abstract-
ed it to the point of meaninglessness. Everyone needs to make money —
there’s no differentiation from your competitors in that. Making money
is how you show that you are actually solving that need. It’s a measure
or an indicator, not the reason. Go back up a level. That’s your outcome.
Repeating the process from different perspectives and exploring new an-
swers to “why” can help you discover multiple root outcomes. Likewise,

* And a third time for luck. You are not in the business of making money. (Okay… if
you’re an investment bank then you are in the business of making money, but that’s
not true for other organisations.)
† While really annoying in my five-year old, it’s an incredibly powerful technique.


if you come to a looping question/answer series or highly generalised

statements (such as money or satisfaction), you should look at rephrasing
the “why” question to uncover new lines of inquiry. We also find that ex-
ternal, impartial facilitation can help to uncover real root outcomes and
avoid confirmation biases and “we’ve always done it this way” syndrome.
There is a natural granularity to outcomes at different levels — or-
ganisational, divisional, and team. At an organisational level, outcomes
are generally broad and focused on multiple customers, internal staff, and
work processes.
Divisional outcomes are generally a natural decomposition of a single
organisational outcome. The intent of this decomposition is to provide
focus and ownership of the outcome within the organisation. Account-
ability will often sit with a senior executive, e.g., the CIO, CMO, or CFO.
At a team level, outcomes are highly specific and should relate to the di-
visional outcomes. However, given the natural complexity in organisa-
tional structures, team level outcomes may also have secondary parent
For example, these are potential outcomes for a startup company:
• Organisational outcome — Sell the company for $X per share while
guaranteeing jobs for 80% of existing staff.
• Divisional outcome — Increase revenue from subscriptions to $X
per quarter.
• Team outcome — Increase the conversion rate from free to paid ac-
counts to 2%.
To be effective in the long term, outcomes need to be constrained.
You can’t let divisions and teams do anything they want unchecked. At
the same time, you can’t significantly restrict their ability to deliver. To
reconcile those requirements, create a set of ranked principles: rules that
apply to all activities regardless of outcome. It is expected that every or-
ganisation will create their own principles depending on what is import-
ant to them. Principles may constrain a team in areas of quality, commu-
nication, staff engagement, security, branding, or any other common area.
Be aware that each principle brings with it an increase in cost and effort
for every activity. For this reason, principles are given a ranking. You can
use any prioritisation model, but we generally recommend MoSCoW:


• Must have (M) — non-negotiable principles that every activity must

comply with in order to be considered done, without exception.
Examples: All activities must have associated automated unit tests
written prior to development commencing (TDD); before opening an
account, a customer must provide at least three forms of identifica-
tion, one of which must be a government-issued identity card with
• Should have (S) — teams need to comply with these principles or
justify their non-compliance. Examples: All authentication should
link directly to the corporate Active Directory system; mortgages
should only be issued for 80% of the value of the property used as
• Could have (C) — optional principles that act as guidelines at the
discretion of the team. Examples: OWASP security tests could be
written for each activity and run as part of the regression test suite;
we could ask customers to provide up to four telephone numbers as
• Won’t have (W) — negative principles that teams should avoid.
The largest risks to this way of working are conflicting outcomes and
the unintended consequences they cause. Outcomes can conflict when
there is poor communication and collaboration between divisions or
teams, a lack of clarity in describing outcomes, or conflicting priorities
between distinct outcomes. They can also conflict due to the natural ten-
sion between growth/change and stability/status quo.
These unintended consequences can be mitigated in five ways:
1. Active and adaptive portfolio management — Larger organ-
isations can manage a list of major ideas, aligned by business out-
come and ranked. Teams can then pull initiatives when they have
capacity, rather than forming temporary teams around work.

2. A publicly available activity canvas — When the activity can-

vas of each team is visible to the entire organisation, teams val-
idate that other activities will not negatively impact them. This
requires teams to actively check the activity canvas of closely re-
lated teams. However, it is still important to promote transpar-
ency and clarify any changes that may cause a negative impact.


3. Keep teams stable yet share knowledge — There is a strong evi-

dence of the benefits of keeping teams together for extended periods
of time. There is also value in sharing knowledge and skills across
teams by rotating people. The difficulty lies in balancing these con-
tradictory needs, yet that balance of stability and sharing is critically
important. “At a software services firm, a 50% increase in team famil-
iarity was followed by a 19% decrease in defects and a 30% decrease in
deviations from budget. On audit and consulting teams, high familiar-
ity yielded a 10% improvement in performance, as judged by clients.” 8

4. Professionalism and pride in work — Whatever the nature of

the work, team members must hold themselves to a high tech-
nical standard. This does not mean being a team of experts, but
teams are expected to work to a high standard and take pride in
the work that they do. From a software standpoint, for instance,
this means that we resolve technical debt as soon as reasonable.

5. Working principles — Finally, the identification and development

of each activity needs to comply with the agreed-upon working prin-
ciples. This ensures that changes that lead to short-term gains don’t
lead to larger issues in the longer term.
Without binding a team to a specific output, an organisation that un-
derstands and plans for growth outcomes can fundamentally adapt to
a changing market. Governance controls come in the form of common
working principles and clearly defined, non-conflicting outcomes. In this
way, senior management can delegate the “how” to their value-delivery
teams while retaining ownership of the “what” and “why”.


Shipping is NOT success - let it sail!
by Naresh Jain

All organisations, from the largest enterprise to the newest startup, face
the same challenge: how to solve their users’ problems by bringing a su-
perior product (or service) to market faster than their competitors while
reducing effort spent on overhead activities or, worse, building the wrong
product. I hope no one wants to build “stuff” for the sake of being busy.
This is especially critical in organisations that produce consumer prod-
ucts. My case study describes how one such organisation, building prod-
ucts used by millions of diverse users every day, used a #noprojects and
#noestimates approach to meet this challenge.

In any organisation, understanding your user is always difficult. And this
is compounded for consumer products with millions of diverse users,
each with their own reasons for using the product. In our case, we had
three distinct problems:
1. How do we build a novel product that appeals to our entire user base
without making it too complex or expensive (both to build and to
2. How do we find the right user needs to focus on and make the right
feature decisions (with the best ROI)?
3. How do we innovate rapidly and build a superior product faster than
our competitors (improve the time to market and reduce friction)?
While we had a good start with millions of happy users and big investors,
we were also exposed to stiff competition from some of the most innova-
tive global tech giants. To beat them, we had to up our game.

The company founder hired a new executive from the Valley. The new
hire started to question some of the decisions that had been made: “How


many features did we build last year? What was the traction of those fea-
That is not to say that the company wasn’t already asking those questions,
but a fresh perspective was a strong reminder that they needed to critical-
ly examine the product. When they looked at the data, they saw that they
had shipped hundreds of features in the previous year, but many of them
weren’t being used as widely as they had wished. The teams were super
productive in shipping but not in generating engagement. They were too
eager to celebrate success as soon as they shipped. They produced a lot of
waste in the process.
There had to be a better way. This was the state when I joined the organ-

Our solution had five key elements:
1. We structured teams around user-first product thinking rather than
platforms or functions. We called these “value teams” — each respon-
sible for a specific end-to-end user experience (or theme) and consist-
ing of people with the skills necessary to deliver the result. Because
user experience is common across platforms, we needed everyone,
from mobile to web, to work together. This also meant completely
changing how we managed the product roadmap, planned team ca-
pacity, and measured effectiveness.
2. We changed our organisational metrics to focus on nine key OKRs,
which we gradually reduced to just three, centred on user engage-
ment, user retention, and how deeply the user is invested in our prod-
uct. Even that wasn’t going far enough — about five months into the
journey, we realized that even three were too many. We gave each val-
ue team one primary OKR that they had to actively improve and two
secondary OKRs that they had to maintain at least at the same level.
3. We focused on building a learning organisation and building skills
and talent (through both acquisition and improvement). We focused
on craftsmanship and developing mastery in all disciplines. We also
tried to create cross-functional teams by embedding dedicated de-
signers, testers, data analysts, and user-insight people in each value


4. We decentralised portfolio management and used a simple data-driv-

en governance model to decide how much to invest in which value
team. We killed all discussion of prioritisation, estimation, and re-
source allocation while shifting the focus to value and impact. Each
team could statistically show their impact and decide things appro-
5. We moved all teams towards a continuous-discovery and continu-
ous-delivery culture. We started with a problem hypothesis and vali-
dating the same with user data. We’d come up with three solution hy-
potheses and determine the best fit of these by testing them on users.
We’d take the winner and run a slice of it in an A/B test with 1% of
our users. We used data to decide if we’d refine, scale, pivot, or scrap
the idea.
Let me explain how this worked. We had a team that was responsible for
the onboarding experience — everything (on every platform) that a new
user experiences in the first 24 hours. Another team was responsible for
the payments experience. And yet another team was responsible for the
third-party-partner experience. We created 12 value teams — although,
over a year, we killed six of them and added two new teams as we learned
what worked and what did not.
An important consideration was how to measure the impact of each team
and how to identify a team that may need more leadership support. This
needed us to shift away from output-centric measurements toward mea-
suring outcomes and impact — and to get our teams to understand im-
pact and outcomes. We spent the better part of a month designing what
we thought would be a good set of universal measures and defining what
good outcomes mean.
It was important to build the right culture. And because we believe that
culture emerges from structure, it is important that these teams truly
owned the end-to-end experience and could go deep into it to connect
with the user experience and the user psychology.
When I describe it like this, it might sound like we started with a clear idea
about how everything would work. In reality, it was a lot messier. It took
a year of experimentation and adaptation to come up with this solution.


The first thing that we did was to challenge how product decisions were
being made. We moved from gut feelings or pseudo data-driven (biased)
decision making to using statistically significant user data to make in-
formed decisions. We made a significant investment in democratising
data and running experiments at scale, which could help everyone in the
company to gain insight from data and make more informed decisions.
Anyone could challenge the product manager if the data did not support
the hypothesis.
The other big challenge was the number of long-term bets that the com-
pany had been focusing on. In order to keep the board and the investors
happy, we had to have grand things to talk about. Many times, these big,
new, shiny things would take over. Breaking those big ideas into tangible,
quantifiable experiments was really important. Putting a WIP limit on
these long-term bets was equally important as we were seeing a signifi-
cant impact from refining and polishing what we already had. The bal-
ance is extremely critical.
Once we started down this path, two things emerged:
1. Our annual plan focused on fewer big bets and featured a lot of emer-
gent short-term bets (refinements). This meant that the teams could
be lot more responsive to users, as they learned about user behaviour
and measured usage patterns without having to worry about the big
2. This also meant that we could move out of marketing-driven-devel-
opment mode — i.e., marketing was no longer calling the shots on the
timeline. This led to teams feeling less pressure to deliver. They could
really experiment and iterate ideas in a safe-to-fail environment. We
would prove with data that a hypothesis worked on a statistically sig-
nificant chunk of the user base before we rolled it out to the entire
user base. Marketing also become an integral part of our day-to-day
activities, giving teams more confidence in this approach. Now, our
teams were able to focus on the core user need and give users a “wow”
This directly led to thinking that we could structure work around
self-contained themes, thus allowing teams to own the full end-user ex-
perience. We called these “value teams”.


Unlike earlier project teams, these value teams were permanent. We

brought together cross-functional skills and encouraged the teams to
deeply examine user psychology. We needed them to understand user
needs so that they could design a product that would glue our users to
their screens for 12 hours a day.
This was a fundamental shift in how the organisation operated — shifting
from project-based thinking, with all its associated overhead and short-
term perspective, to product-based thinking from a user’s point of view.
Even the makeup of the teams changed. We had:
• a product manager,
• a data analyst,
• a designer,
• a tech lead,
• iOS developers,
• Android developers,
• Windows developers,
• back-end microservices developers,
• a user-insight (CI) person (folks that reach out to users for feedback
and user intelligence), and
• theme testers (integration testers would essentially look at the entire
product across all the teams).
You’ll notice that we didn’t have an ops person in the team — we taught
the developers to take on this responsibility.

There was a lot of experimentation and volatility throughout our journey.
We could categorise what we learned as team design, politics, and mea-
We spent a lot of time experimenting with team design. We started by
creating 12 teams, which we then dropped to eight, then to six. We end-
ed up going back to eight. This volatility was natural as we were clearly
measuring the impact each team/theme had on the broader business out-
comes. Themes that didn’t have a material impact on the OKRs we either
dismantled or restructured and reassigned those people so there was no
fear of job loss, which allowed the teams to be honest and not game the


We had the usual challenge of managers who felt that they were losing
control. Historically, they’d build up political capital based on team size,
and we took that into account when forming (and re-forming) teams.
Our biggest challenge was measurements and metrics. Historically, we
tended to try to micro-measure things. We generally thought that the
more we measure something and the more precisely we measure it, the
better we got at understanding it. But the opposite was true. At the time,
we were measuring NPS and several other misleading KPIs, but all we
were really doing was feeding our own confirmation biases — the more
data we had, the more we could make that data say what we wanted it to.
Once we decided that increasing engagement and retention was our tar-
get OKR (and I’d go so far as to say that that target is relevant for every
company), we needed to decide how to measure it. We commissioned our
data-science team to look at groups of highly engaged users to find their
“aha!” moment and distil that into something we could measure. We dis-
covered some interesting correlations between various behaviours and
usage patterns that allowed us to refine our impact measurements.
We ended up using this information proactively to improve user engage-
ment and retention. It also helped everyone in the company focus on the
same impact and talk the same language. These are important ingredients
for creating a user-first thinking culture.

We achieved some pretty fantastic outcomes. User retention rose by over
20% and engagement rose by over 30%. While it took us longer than be-
fore to release features, when we did release, we had much better conver-
sions. Without spending a single penny on marketing campaigns, we had
a steady flow of new users coming in. And, most importantly, the culture
changed as well. We are now more likely to experiment and kill new fea-
tures than ship and fail.
The journey continues. While I’m not involved with this company any-
more, they continue to evolve their business structures and models to
meet the changing demands of their users.

Value over busy

Which brings us to value…. The Oxford English Dictionary1 defines

value as “the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance,
worth, or usefulness of something” and “the worth of something com-
pared to the price paid or asked for it”.
Outcomes are only achieved when work delivers something of value, and
the intent of all work is to generate direct or indirect value. However,
value is a nebulous and abstract term — if you ask 20 people what value
means to them, you will get 30 different answers. Regardless, for the pur-
poses of this book, an exact definition of value doesn’t actually matter.
What matters is that you are able to articulate the things that are of value
to you and that you can define ways to measure them.
But which work is valuable and which isn’t? A simple model that can
help you to understand this is Dude’s law,2 created by David Hussman* in
2010. Dude’s law states that value can be expressed as “why” over “how”
(V=W/H). In other words, the more significant the outcome (why) and
the less effort spent on the mechanics (how), the more valuable the piece
of work will be. At the extreme case, any “why” we get for nothing has
almost infinite value. Similarly, high effort for low significance has neg-
ligible value. Beware of the falsehood of high value for no effort — the
critical business rule of TANSTAFL† applies.
It’s also important to realise that there are different aspects of value. Value
is in the eye of the beholder and in the context of the product. Both the
why and the how will vary based on the type of value being explored at
any point in time.
When you look at defining value from an outcome, you need to consider
the multiple stakeholders and their perspectives. For a commercial organ-
isation, the ultimate arbiter of value is the customer: someone who will
pay real money to receive the value promised in the product or service.
Customer value is not the only consideration — there is value to stake-
holders and shareholders as well — and you must be able to generate that
customer value sustainably and profitably.
Value could be financial return, related to organisational sustainability,
meeting regulatory compliance, delivering a social benefit to the commu-
nity, or almost anything else. Value can also be reduced through delay or

* Shane and David also discussed Dude’s law on InfoQ’s Engineering Culture Podcast.
† There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.


Dude’s law, by David Hussman.

poor quality. Making the trade-offs about what dimension of value mat-
ters most is one of the toughest aspects of product development.
However there remains significant nuance in how value interacts
with the world. Consider three aspects of the lifecycle of value creation:
1. Value degrades. This is actually the entire point of #noprojects: if you
don’t keep up with change, you’ve already failed. The value generated
by any activity, once implemented, will begin to degrade. The rate of
degradation depends on the context but is sadly inevitable.


2. You don’t always work on the highest-value activities first. Activities

with dependencies and due dates may, of necessity, precede high-val-
ue activities.

3. There are local maxima. If you find that your activities aren’t having
the desired improvement to the outcome, you sometimes may need
to reduce the overall value of the outcome temporarily in order to
increase it later — e.g., removing functionality from a product in or-
der to simplify further development. This can happen when you have
reached a point of diminishing returns or if the cost of change (or
innovation) has increased exponentially.

The assumed value in any activity is unproven until something is de-

livered that either confirms or negates the value hypothesis of the activity.
Not all activities will have a positive impact on the outcomes; some will
be neutral or even negative. This is why activities are meant to be small,


independent, and measured in aggregate. This independence also means

that technically every activity can be rolled back or undone. An important
aspect of #noprojects is the need to make the cost of failure low, reducing
the cycle time from the identification of a value hypothesis until that hy-
pothesis is shown to be true or false.
Finally, always ask yourself “while I think doing X will add value, if I don’t
do it, so what?” Human beings are subject to confirmation bias,3 which
results in a tendency to assume that any idea we have had will be correct.
This is the cause of huge amounts of wasted effort, unnecessary work, and
redundant features in products. While hard to do, taking a “so what” view
helps reduce this wasted effort.
Sometimes the activity being worked on is related to reducing un-
certainty and risk in the work and thus has limited value on its own.
Common categories of risk that may require uncertainty reducing activ-
ities include:
• Business risk — Should we build this thing? Is it the right thing to
spend our money on?
• Technical risk — Can we build this thing? Do the people on the team
know how to build it? Do we have the right tools, knowledge, and
capabilities to build it to an acceptable standard?
• Social risk — Can we work together to build this thing? Are the team
members able to collaborate and communicate effectively? Do they
have a process for working together that is effective and enables them
to correctly build the right product?
Addressing these risks might take the form of an MVP or prototype. This
limits our investment (and potential return) until we have evidence that
the value can in fact be realised.
In the graph below, the value curve is shallow at the beginning, indicating
that the initial work was probably focused on enabling value later through
mitigating the big risks early. You might consider point 1, where the curve
starts to climb, as the point where the MVP demonstrates value.


Another important element in the graph is point 2, where value begins to

flatten. This is when the cost of adding the next feature or doing the next
piece of work approaches or exceeds the value to be derived from it. At
that point, you must ask if you should even continue the work — would
the organisation be better served by stopping work on this stream of value
and having the team work on something else that will deliver more value?
The difficulty with a phrase like #noprojects is that it can be per-
ceived as a silver bullet — that getting rid of projects is a magical solu-
tion that will solve all your problems. The reality is that identifying and
delivering value in knowledge-worker environments is hard to do. The
traditional measures of success no longer apply.*
One of the most common tools for defining success has been the iron tri-
angle of project management: on time, on budget, full scope. Many proj-
ects have defined success by this set of metrics, ignoring the two crucial
dimensions of value and quality.
Jim Highsmith addressed this shift towards outcome measurement when
he wrote about the new value triangle, which we have interpreted below:

* In many cases, they should not have applied before, but we can now move past them.


Working with constraints —

our interpretation of Highsmith’s new value triangle.

The reality is that the three elements that were so often used to measure
success are really a set of constraints. We have a certain amount of time
and money to deliver the needed scope, but the primary drivers of success
are functional capability (for a variety of stakeholders) and an acceptable
level of quality, as these are the elements that actually make a difference
to the outcomes the work achieves.
This requires defining the desired capability and quality outcomes of the
work being done and identifying the constraints within which it must
fit. Historically, the “triple constraint” measure of success has resulted in
products that meet requirements but don’t deliver value to the funding
organisation. It is the relationship between these dimensions that governs
what constitutes value for any given group of stakeholders.
There are certainly circumstances when it makes sense to run a
project. Going back to the earlier definition of a project, project-based
delivery makes sense if:
• the outputs clearly lead to clearly defined outcomes and the nature of
the work is such that it really does have a defined beginning and end;
• the requirements can be defined in absolute detail and truly can be
expressed in terms of the three dimensions of scope, time, and mon-


• the work will be undertaken by a team who will logically disband at

the end of the production activities;
• the “how” to produce the result is well understood and the nature
of the work is such that it is not dependant on human creativity and
individual skill (i.e., any two workers with the same skill and knowl-
edge will produce the same result); and
• there is the ability to trade money for time, meaning that if you put
more people on the task then it will be completed sooner.
An example of such a project was the team that set a world record for
fastest construction of a house, whose more than 2,000 people worked
together to build a house in under three hours. The planning took years
and the work was defined down to the level of the individual worker on a
minute-by-minute basis.4
Knowledge work does not fit into this category. Every initiative is differ-
ent; there is no recipe to follow. While there may be some commonalities
with other initiatives that have similar (or even exactly the same) require-
ments, the way the work is done is unique to each individual, the context
in which the work is undertaken is different, and the desired outcomes
will be unique to that single initiative.
Part of the idea behind #noprojects is that work usually aims to pro-
duce a product that must constantly evolve to meet the ever-changing
needs of its customers. Knowledge-worker products are not stable or
fixed; they are never finished, the sources of value are constantly chang-
ing, and the customer needs evolve rapidly. Shifting responsibility* for a
product from a group of producers to a different group of maintainers
requires the clarification and education of so much shared context that
the maintainers might as well be the producers. In other words, the team
that produces a product should be the team that supports and maintains
the product in order to focus on delighting their customers and continu-
ously increasing value.
This focus on customer delight is one of the keys to success in the modern,
hyper-competitive business environment. Stephen Denning in his book
The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management5 explains the seven principles
of continuous innovation you must follow to succeed in the 21st century:
1. delighting clients,
2. self-organizing teams,
* We could just as easily call this #nohandoffs.


3. client-driven iterations,
4. delivering value to clients every iteration,
5. radical transparency,
6. continuous self-improvement, and
7. interactive communication.
These drivers of value are radically different to what it took to succeed in
the 19th and 20th centuries. This is part of the reason many existing or-
ganisations find it hard to adapt and are being beaten by companies who
embrace this philosophy.
Denning’s first principle, of delighting clients, is the key to success: iden-
tify the people who actually use or receive benefit from your product and
ensure that you make them happy. These clients are the ones whose needs
come first. The project sponsor or other internal “customers” may be a
source of requirements but they are never the source of value — value
comes when the product in use makes a difference in someone’s life.
In his book Joy, Inc.,6 Richard Sheridan describes the Menlo Innovation
approach to eliciting and understanding clients’ needs: high-tech anthro-
pology7. This approach puts front and centre the person whose life you
want to change and whose behaviour you want to influence. Everything
built into the product must work for the primary target persona; other
stakeholders’ needs matter but it is delighting that primary client that re-
sults in successful products.
With ideas from The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management and tools like
high-tech anthropology, you have ways to build delightful products, but
that is not enough — you need to identify which products to build. The
harsh reality is that identifying value is hard, but there are some tools that
can help you compare the likely value and drivers for different initiatives,
thus helping to ensure that you spend the organisation’s money doing the
right things. And because there will always be more opportunities than
any organisation has the funding to build, these tools help you to select,
from all the possible ideas, those initiatives that will be the most valuable.
The first such tool is the purpose-alignment model created by Niel
Nickolaisen,8 which is a method for aligning business decisions and pro-
cess and feature designs around purpose. The purposes will generally be
to either differentiate the organisation in the market or to achieve and
maintain parity with the market. Those activities that do not differentiate


the business in the market can often either be delivered by finding a part-
ner to achieve differentiation or do not deserve much attention.

Purpose-alignment model.

In practice, purpose alignment generates immediately usable, pragmatic

decision filters that you can cascade through the organisation to improve
decision making and ensure you build the right products and invest in the
right things.
There are four quadrants to this model:
1. Excel and innovate — You need to perform differentiating activities
really well; these are the things that form your competitive advantage
and gain you market share. Focus on doing these better than anyone
else, as they are your claim to fame. These activities link directly to
strategy. Do not under-invest in these activities. Ensure that creativi-
ty and innovation focus on these activities.
2. Parity — Parity activities are exactly what the name says. Do them as
well as the rest of the market, no better and no worse, as doing them
better than the competition gives no advantage. However, they are
mission-critical — they must be done well and invested in appropri-
ately. These activities can and should be streamlined and simplified
wherever possible as complexity is probably a result of over-invest-
ment, which takes opportunities and funding away from more im-
portant activities.


3. Partner — Some activities are not important to your core service

delivery (or commercial success) but can still differentiate you in the
marketplace. For those types of activities, find somebody for whom
they are a core competency, and partner with them.
4. Maintenance — Business activities are considered maintenance if
they are “neither mission critical nor market differentiating”. These
activities are generally intended to keep the lights on and teams
should attempt to minimise the effort spent of them. These are also
generally good candidates to be considered for automation, out-
sourcing, or simply dropping.
Having selected the level of focus that he initiative warrants, you decide
amongst the next set of choices based on what aspects of the product and/
or services you should build in what sequence. A tool that can help here
is the Kano model.9

Kano model.

The purpose of the Kano model is to help you to identify those aspects
and features of the product that are most important to the customer and
to make better decisions about what to include and when. The Kano mod-


el focuses on differentiating product features based on your understand-

ing of their desirability in the market.
According to the Kano model, a product or service can have three prop-
erty types:
5. Basic needs — Customers expect these to be present in a product. Ba-
sic needs affect customers’ satisfaction with the product or service by
their absence: if they’re not present, customers are dissatisfied. Even
if they are present, and no other attributes are present, customers ar-
en’t particularly happy (you can see this as the bottom curve on the
graph above).
6. Performance needs — These are not absolutely necessary but in-
crease customer enjoyment and satisfaction. Higher performance in
these aspects tends to result in higher satisfaction; low performance
can cause dissatisfaction.
7. Delighters — These are things that customers don’t even know they
want but that delight them when found.

Using the Kano model

To use Kano-model analysis, follow these steps:
1. Brainstorm all of the possible features and attributes of the product
or service, and everything you can do to please your customers.
2. Classify these as “basic”, “performance”, “delighters”, and “not rele-
3. Make sure the product or service has all appropriate “basic” attri-
butes. If necessary, cut out “performance” attributes so that you can
get these — you’re going nowhere fast if the “basic” ones aren’t pres-
Where possible, cut out attributes that are “not relevant”.
Look at the “delighters” and think how you can build some of these into
the product or service. Again, if necessary, cut some “performance” attri-
butes to afford your “delighters”. Select appropriate “performance” attri-
butes so that you can deliver a product or service at a price the customer
is prepared to pay, while maintaining a good profit margin.


Continually re-evaluate the position of the features in the product and

new ideas that emerge — the position of a feature in the model can change
over time, moving from “delighter” to “performance” to “basic”. To do this,
you need good metrics.
Modern organisations thrive on metrics. They try to measure every-
thing and use the knowledge acquired to adapt and respond. The problem
is that they all too frequently measure the wrong things. By measuring
things that are easy to see and record while ignoring metrics that are hard
to identify and collect, organisations fail to grasp what is really happening
in the ecosystem.
Easy metrics work relatively well in simple* environments. If you’re man-
ufacturing ball bearings then counting the number produced over time is
important, and targeting the Six Sigma quality results (less than one de-
fective ball bearing per million produced) makes perfect sense. Once you
leave the simple domain and move into complicated and complex work
environments, you need to look at different metrics to guide decisions,
provide immediate feedback to the teams doing the work, and pre-empt
problems before they become crises.
Some examples of metrics† that actually matter include:
• Value as outcomes delivered, not as work done — Rather than
measuring activity (e.g., lines of code, hours spent doing something),
measure the outcome of the work (e.g., new customers acquired, in-
creased time spent viewing page, additional sales made).
• Productivity (value/cost) — Measuring cost and value independent-
ly won’t show the real return from the effort expended. There is al-
ways a cost to deliver value.
• Benefits realised — Ask yourself which of the organisational goals
are moved forward by this value delivery and by how much? (What
is our percentage market share in a particular product type? Have we
achieved market penetration in a particular geographic area? How
many new patents have we had granted in a time period?)

* Obvious in the Cynefin model.

† Special thanks to Pat Reed for her insight in identifying these.


• Quality — Measure the qualities that matter for this product (e.g., a
reduction in customer complaints, improved response times, or ca-
pacity metrics).*
• Customer satisfaction and employee engagement — Use net pro-
moter score (NPS) to survey your customers to see how committed
people are to the product. Likewise, you can use NPS with your team
members to measure how engaged they are with the organisation.
• Organisational capability and responsiveness — How quickly
does the organisation respond to customer feedback and changing
market conditions?
• Speed of learning — What new things have you included in the
product in response to customer feedback? Similarly, how frequently
do new ideas appear, how quickly do you evaluate them, and how
efficiently do you decide to discard or keep them?
Understanding value, both from the perspective of choosing the right
“thing” to do and how to keep doing it right, gives focus and direction —
in other words, “why”. Now that you have, as Simon Sinek10 famously put
it, started with why, you need to look at the “what”. In all but the simplest
of organisations, deciding what to create falls within an actively managed
portfolio of initiatives. Within a #noprojects context, this portfolio needs
to be adaptive to be successful.

* Often referred to as “non-functional” aspects of a product.


It’s never just “an IT project”
by Larry Cooper

A major Crown corporation in Canada was looking to procure and im-

plement a learning-management system. The organisation positioned
the project as an IT project: gather the requirements, procure a product
through an RFP, install it, and migrate the data from the existing system.
They hired me to lead both the IT and business teams.
This case study captures the story of how “an IT project” was transformed
into an outcomes-driven business initiative that delivered substantially
more value than planned, all within its original time and budget alloca-
I led both teams in combining business and IT frameworks, methods, and
practices in a non-dogmatic manner to clarify the “why” for the project.
The process of discovery enabled the business to redesign the problem to
be solved in business terms, rather than in technical IT ones.
I introduced the business and IT teams to outcomes management, a mod-
ified version of the business-model canvas to define, design, and build the
business services on offer, a services catalogue modelled after the ITSM
space, Scrum and other agile approaches to run an agile procurement, and
agile approaches to designing, developing, and deploying learning con-
tent and for business processes.

The corporation had recently decided to place staff in Canadian em-
bassies and missions around the world. All of its existing training for its
products and services were classroom-based. With the increasing geo-
graphic dispersion of its people, continued use of classroom-only training
was deemed to be cost-prohibitive and would cause undue delays in the
roll-out of new products and services.
The project had a fixed time of 18 months and a $2.5-million budget.
The original project definition was to simply procure and implement a
learning management system (LMS) in the way that most IT projects are
defined in traditional settings. The IT team already had a product in mind
for the LMS, which would cost $1 million.


When I arrived, I was given a copy of an RFP that a similar Crown corpo-
ration had used to procure a LMS; it was 246 pages long. The corporation
had a number of Scrum coaches on site, who delivered a one-day intro-
duction to Scrum for everyone on the cross-functional team. Scrum had
not been used for a procurement project before, and the coaches indicat-
ed that it would not be a good fit. However, the executive gave the teams
and me no choice: we had to use Scrum. That order, having a sample RFP
for a LMS, and IT already focused on a specific product were major chal-
lenges to overcome. As well, the Learning and Development (L&D) group
within HR also had little to no experience with developing learning con-
tent for online delivery.

The L&D group, along with the program-management office (PMO)
within IT, felt that a cross-functional team of business and IT people, aug-
mented with contracted workers, would be necessary. They also wanted
the entire effort to use Scrum, including for the procurement of the LMS.
The IT PMO hired me to lead the cross-functional team, with reporting
lines into both business and IT. The programme manager and the L&D
director provided clear-the-path leadership for their respective groups.
Where necessary, they were able to escalate to their respective VPs, who
also strongly supported the approach.
During the first three to four months, I asked a lot of “why” questions as
I introduced the team to a series of approaches to help them plan out an
iterative and incremental approach to the work:
• We used an outcomes-driven approach that used back-casting to de-
fine the ultimate, intermediate, and immediate outcomes.
• The resulting outcomes map (see Figure 1) identified the required
portfolio of initiatives that we would have to undertake and what
each initiative would need to accomplish, as well as the order in
which we would execute them.
• Each initiative was purpose-defined to deliver a specific portion of
the strategic intent (i.e., the immediate, intermediate, and ultimate
business outcomes to which they would contribute).
• We created a modified version of the business-model canvas called
the service canvas. It helped the L&D team to capture their current


services and define the new ones that would be needed (see Figure 2).
The red text in Figure 2 depicts the new additions.
• We identified the required business capabilities that we would need
and updated them based on the outcomes map and the service canvas.
• A technique for prioritising business value proved instrumental in
saving 98.5% of the originally forecasted budget of $1 million for pur-
chasing the LMS license. (This saved the corporation over $200,000
each year thereafter in software-maintenance costs.)
• We redeployed the $975,000 in procurement savings to the creation
of the new services as well as the processes and supports necessary
for creating learning content for the new LMS
I had previously implemented two other LMSs, one for a private client
and the other for a public-sector client. While the first one was done
without an outcomes map, the client similarly viewed it as “an IT project”.
I managed to get the business and IT to agree to take a business-process
perspective of what had to be done, as it was a commercial-training de-
livery organisation that had previously been writing off 18% of their an-
nual revenue due to bad process. Within three months, the organisation
implemented the process and accounted for every penny, and there were
no transactions in error. Within six months, they had an ISO certification
on their processes.
The public-sector one was done using outcomes mapping from the out-
set. These experiences were leveraged to persuade the L&D group and the
program office to give the recommended approach a try.
While the original plan had only called for the procurement and installa-
tion of the LMS along with data migration, the creation of an outcomes
map identified a considerably richer and detailed set of strategic initia-
tives that would be necessary to realise success at a business level, as can
be seen in Figure 1 and in the list of value streams under “Implementa-
tion” below. Initiatives are depicted as boxes, assumptions as triangles,
and outcomes as circles. The “clouds” are used to represent value stream
areas — note the overlaps.


Figure 1: Outcomes map.

Key Key Relation- Clients

Partners Resources ships (Learners)


Key Distribution
Processes Channels

Cost Elements Cost Recovery

Figure 2: L&D business-services canvas.


To achieve these outcomes, we identified five value streams along with
nine purpose-defined initiatives and related immediate (secondary bul-
lets) and intermediate (main bullets) outcomes as shown.
L&D governance value stream
• Develop and implement learning-governance model
»» Learning-governance model is implemented.
»» Organisational accountability for learning is defined.
»» L&D role in talent management is defined.
»» LOB/CoE roles/responsibilities are clear.
»» L&D/LoB/CoE engagement model is ready for use.
• Develop and implement a learning shared-services model
»» Learning shared-services model is ready for use.
»» Revised measurement model is ready for use.
»» Consistent intake, assessment, development, and deliv-
ery processes are ready for use.
»» Performance consultant processes are standardised.
»» L&D roles are redefined.
Learning-content design and development value stream
• Develop and implement learning-content design, development, and
management processes
»» Courseware design and development processes are
managed through workflow.
»» Learning-content design and management processes
are implemented.
»» Learning architecture is defined.
»» Learning-content design, development, and manage-
ment processes are standardized.
Learning-content management value stream
• Establish learning-content hosting in a single repository
»» Consistent learning is achieved.
»» Collaboration amongst learning-content developers
»» Learning content is managed using a single repository.


»» Learning content is easier to find for reuse.

»» Learners can locate learning-content creators.
Learning management and delivery value stream
• Select and implement the LMS
»» Learning content is dynamically delivered.
»» Integration with required systems is achieved.
»» LMS is implemented.
»» LMS is installed.
• Establish relationships with external L&D service providers (learning
content, knowledge management)
»» Organisational knowledge is increased.
»» Consistent learning is achieved.
Enhanced-learning environment value stream
• Develop and implement distributed learning channels
»» Distributed learning channels is used.
»» Marketing intelligence is incorporated in learning.
»» Social networking is incorporated in learning.
»» Forums are being used to share knowledge and capture
learning needs.
»» Structured, field-based coaching is implemented.
»» Knowledge transfer between sector teams and business
is facilitated.
• HR analytics integration
»» HR competency decisions are supported.
• Develop and implement integrated talent management
»» “Customer centricity” is supported.
»» Risk reduction is achieved.
»» Sales and revenue increases.
»» Compliance is achieved.
The original project plan saw this as one single project. The out-
comes-driven approach made visible a portfolio of nine separate business
initiatives, each with specific contributions to the overall strategic intent.
Note that eight of the nine initiatives would never have been done, at the
least neither with the same degree of clarity around their purpose nor


within the original timeline and budget, had I not introduced the teams to
new-to-them business and IT frameworks, methods, and practices.
We created backlogs for each initiative and delivered them in two-week
time boxes. We used VersionOne to manage the initiative backlogs. As the
PMO was using MS Project Server for tracking and reporting of finan-
cials and overall delivery timelines, we agreed to only show in MS Project
Server the sprints under each initiative with a comment indicating what
each intended to deliver as well as a link to the VersionOne backlog. This
enabled the PMO to collect the financial data they needed to report on
while the project team worked in an agile way with a clear focus on busi-
ness value.
We held daily stand-ups in the same place at the same time each day. We
secured a team room and used it extensively throughout the 18 months of
the project. We printed the outcomes map and services canvas on 36-inch-
by-48-inch sheets and posted them in the common area of the office. We
supplied stickies and pens so people could add comments. This approach
led to numerous impromptu discussions in front of each canvas, which
significantly enhanced shared understanding as well as the completeness
of our vision. We would collect the stickies once a week and update both
posters. We also held numerous workshops with different parts of the
business across Canada to clarify our strategic intent.
To better understand what the LMS needed to do for the business, I fa-
cilitated a series of workshops over a two-month period. During each
workshop, we helped the team identify required business capabilities
along with more detailed statements for each capability area. When they
felt they had a sufficiently complete picture of what they needed from the
LMS, we had them rank each statement in each capability area on a scale
as shown in Table 1.

Scale Business Value

1 Very low
2 Low
3 Medium
4 High
5 Very high

Table 1: Business-value ranking.


Once the team ranked all statements, I then had them do pairwise com-
parisons of like-ranked statements, starting with the 5s. For each pairwise
combination, I asked, “If you only had $1, and you could only buy one of
these, which one would it be?” If they answered with one choice, the other
was downgraded to the next lower number (i.e., a 4 if it had been a 5). If
the response was indecisive or two items were considered equal in value,
then both options maintained their current rank.
When the team evaluated and re-ranked all statements as necessary, I then
asked the L&D leaders and their team members about those items ranked
1 or 2, of low or very low business value to them. Did they still want to
include them, which would add much complexity to the bid responses as
well as potentially skew the vendor rankings, or would they like to drop
all of them?
They chose to drop the items that they had deemed to be of low or very
low business value. The reduced the resulting RFP to 10 pages (from 246)
and mostly explained the process we would use for evaluation. All ven-
dors were required to submit electronic-only responses to the bid.
The evaluation team was able to complete the evaluation process in a sin-
gle day. The top three vendors were invited to a boardroom demo in front
of key business users. Following these sessions, we swapped the ranks of
the number one and number two vendors due to vendor number two’s
better user experience; we had made clear in the RFP that users have to
be able to use the LMS to support the required business capabilities. This
meant that there was no room for bid challenges based on the process.
We also made the agile way of working part of the vendor evaluation —
we wanted to make sure the vendor we chose could work the way we
were. The winning vendor did.
We took only five business days to go from receipt of bid responses to
selecting the winning vendor.
The overall RFP process was completed in less than six weeks leading up
to vendor selection.

The biggest challenges were with the IT support staff and the IT architec-
ture team. The IT support staff wanted a specific product, which is where
the original $1-million budget number had originated. They made several
attempts throughout the project to have their preferred tool selected.


The architecture team, upon finding out that the selected product ran on
Windows instead of their preferred Unix (the IT support team’s product
was Unix-based) engaged in a formal challenge of the procurement de-
cision, which resulted in a two-month delay in the final contract award.
Throughout both sets of challenges, the programme manager and the
L&D director remained steadfastly behind the decisions of the team.
Once we overcame the IT architecture team’s challenge, the IT support
team dropped their challenge.
Another challenge came from the L&D team that developed the course
materials. They had to move from developing classroom-only materials
to developing content for online delivery. This meant:
• identifying new roles and processes relating to content design, devel-
opment, and deployment;
• using a more iterative and incremental approach to content design,
development, and deployment;
• having to procure and learn new content-development tools and new
practices; and
• adding a content management system to the solution.
This is what led to the value streams for learning-content design and de-
velopment and for learning-content management.
The final challenge came from an unlikely source. While the work was
underway, another team was looking at lean process design. The ap-
proach led to a challenge for the L&D team that was developing the new
processes, primarily for the learning-content design and development
and learning-content management value streams. The L&D team were
told they had to develop the “as is” before creating the “to be” processes
and were told to do that for the developing content for online delivery
— except they had never developed content for online delivery before.
This created unnecessary work and tension between the teams, though
we resolved it prior to going live.


The direct additional benefits for the organisation from the approach
used included:
• clarity around what L&D did and the service commitments they
would uphold for their business clients as documented in a service
catalogue (no such catalogue existed previously);
• support for online and blended-learning delivery (previously, only
classroom delivery was done);
• new processes for learning-content design, development, deploy-
ment, and management that were not part of the original plan;
• contributions to initiating talent management, which were also not
part of the original plan;
• an agile procurement saved $975,000 in the LMS purchase and over
$200,000 in annual LMS licensing; and
• the $975,000 was redeployed to deliver business value that had not
been identified as part of the original project.
These benefits were achieved within the original budget and schedule,
which were estimated based on only procuring and implementing a LMS
along with the migration of data from the existing learning administra-
tion system.
While the defined outcomes from the outcomes map guided decision
making throughout the various initiatives that we executed as part of the
portfolio of work, the outcomes that would be relevant to any organiza-
tion that used similar approaches include:
• Outcomes mapping (or similar maps that focus on business value) al-
lows teams to clarify strategic intent and establish the “why” before
focusing on the “what”, “how”, “who”, “where”, and “when” — you get
to design the problem you want to solve without needing to know a
lot of the details before you start.
• It helps teams to think of the big picture while they work in the small
on purpose-defined initiatives.
• A service focus connects the “why” to the “who”, which in turn pro-
vides even greater clarity on the “what”, “how”, “where”, and “when”.


• The use of maps and canvases provides big-picture visibility while

enabling constant validation and adjustment throughout delivery,
leading to greater shared understanding and completeness of vision.
At the end of the 18-month engagement, I was asked to deliver a series
of presentations on the approaches to the programme managers, project
managers, and business analysts.

Adaptive portfolios

Adaptability is a survival tactic for modern organisations. The

lengthy planning and implementation cycles that characterised manage-
ment in the 19th and 20th centuries, when budgets could be set and plans
made a year or more in advance, are no longer tenable. Changes happen
on a cycle of days and weeks, and organisations that can allocate people
and resources to respond to these pressures turn adaptability into a com-
petitive advantage.
Of course, every organisation is different, and this difference needs to
be accounted for in the structure for and application of delivering value.
How many products and services does the organisation sell and support?
What are the different channels to their customers? What is the legisla-
tive ecosystem they exist in? How are they distributed? Where are people
located? What constitutes value? These and many more factors mean that
there truly is no “one size fits all” approach to value management and that
each implementation needs to be tailored for the context of the specific
This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have strategic goals, nor does it
negate the need for planning. However, it does change the approach to
planning: interpreting the future as a series of horizons. Strategic goals
look out a year or more, then get translated into initiatives. Each initia-
tive will have milestones and checkpoints to ensure the work being done
aligns with the organisation’s goals and that scarce people and resourc-
es are being deployed in the wisest way possible. These milestones and
checkpoints are not based on arbitrary tasks defined in a sequence but by
incremental delivery of tangible value.
The key to portfolio thinking is a wide risk profile. Pick some sure
bets that will provide a guaranteed return and take on some chancy op-
portunities that could win big — but consider that they could fail. When
failure occurs, ensure that it happens quickly and for the lowest possible
cost. A strategy of small, continuously evaluated investments is the best
way to keep the risk (or blast radius) small.1 This requires empowering
teams to manage the flow of work so that it is based on discrete pieces of
business value that can be delivered and evaluated on a regular cadence.
The following diagram shows the flow of work at the portfolio level.


Existing New Organisation

initiatives requests strategy

Portfolio Governing the portfolio of work

funnel (managing the funnel)







Governance Feedback & Checkpoints

Flow of value through an adaptive portfolio.

Some initiatives will be highly experimental and should have planning

cycles measured in days and weeks. Others may have more certainty in
their understanding of customer needs and may have longer planning cy-
cles, sometimes with roadmaps extending out a year or more. Even with
long roadmaps, three months should be the longest planning horizon for
almost any initiative as the reality is that the cascading uncertainty in lon-
ger planning cycles will likely cause massive change pressure.
All items in a portfolio have a clear lifecycle, with necessary gover-
nance checkpoints. At each checkpoint, you need to make a courageous,
evidence-based decision about the next increment of investment or stop-
ping work on this product or service — even if that means abandoning
partially completed work. In other words, once sufficient value has been
delivered or it has been shown that there is no value left to be extracted, it
is important to be able to stop one initiative and allow the value-delivery
team to work on something that is more important.
Simple, clear rules for these checkpoint decisions* make it practical to
devolve the decision about continuing or stopping to the people doing
the work wherever possible. There needs to be clear auditability of the
* We could call these “gates”, but that term implies getting permission from some
governing group or committee and we’re explicitly advocating removing the
permission-based, lack-of-trust approach that most governance models impose and
replacing it with a trust-based approach that assumes that the people making the
decisions are acting in the best interest of the organisation, while ensuring that the
decision rationale is clear and visible — trust and verify.


decisions made and the rationale for them. This is not about getting per-
mission to make a decision, it’s empowering people to make decisions and
hold themselves accountable for those decisions.
This requires careful management of the backlog of work to slice it
into discrete, valuable, implementable pieces. This backlog refinement
is a constant and ongoing activity that requires clearly defining what is
valuable and the capacity available to deliver. Having a well-refined and
well-managed backlog permits agility in delivery. Stopping work doesn’t
mean discarding what has been done so far, it only means that the work is
sufficient for delivering an outcome for now and you can free up the ca-
pacity to focus on more valuable work. This means you may stop sooner
than originally planned (if you have done enough to realise the planned
value or learned that the plan was unrealistic) or later (if you learn there
is more potential value to realise from continued investment) — the met-
ric of success is not meeting an arbitrary date or even a fixed budget but
rather is maximising the value to the organisation from the work done
and not doing more than is needed.
The cycle in which you re-evaluate initiatives should directly relate to the
planning horizon of that particular product and should take place rough-
ly halfway through a planning cycle. If the initiative has a three-month
planning horizon then this governance checkpoint should occur every six
The key is to be able to ruthlessly evaluate the value delivered by an ini-
tiative and recognise when the cost of building the next piece exceeds the
value to be derived from having that piece. This means that everyone in-
volved in the initiative needs to be willing and able to let go at any point —
careers, promotions, and bonuses mustn’t be linked to individual initia-
tives but need to be based on overall value delivered for the organisation.
Stopping work on an initiative does not mean disbanding the team; it
means enabling the team to pull the next-most-important initiative from
the backlog (which could be a different set of features for the current prod-
uct or a completely different product) so that they are always working on
the most important pieces of work in the organisational-level backlog.
An adaptive portfolio is a key characteristic of a truly learning organi-
sation, one that listens and responds to the ever-changing voice of their
customer. Peter Senge wrote, “In the long run, the only sustainable source
of competitive advantage is your organisation’s ability to learn faster than
your competition.”2


These ideas bring a radical shift to the traditional PMO role. This
group has been responsible for ensuring the “success” of projects against
the triple constraints of time, cost, and scope. Value and quality, while
sometimes paid lip service, were largely ignored in the drive to meet re-
quirements. Adherence to a defined process, audit trails,* and transaction
logs are used, in part, to avoid blame† and are also key contributing factors
to a manager’s promotion and success.
In an adaptive portfolio environment, the PMO becomes the VMO — the
value management office, responsible for maximising the value delivered
to the organisation from the items in the portfolio. The VMO is empow-
ered to make decisions about stopping and starting work on an initiative
based on the changing needs of the organisation and an understanding of
strategic priorities.
This is a radical shift in thinking for many organisations and PMO teams.
They have to find new ways to define and measure success, new ways to
evaluate what will and won’t be undertaken, new ways to fund initiatives,
and new ways of working. Being process police no longer‡ adds value.
Rather, the VMO takes on roles of coaches and mentors who can help
teams identify the best way of working in a particular context, becoming
valued partners and trusted advisors.
The organisation strategy and goals need to be clear and communi-
cated in such a way that everyone understands what they stand for, why it
matters, and who they are. This enables the formation of a decision-mak-
ing framework to help to identify priorities and select from competing
initiatives. One approach is to create a value model that ranks the dif-
ferent aspects of the organisation’s operations and goals with weighting
By articulating the value model, everyone in the organisation has a tool
to guide decision making and ensure they align with the organisation’s
target outcomes. This means people can feel empowered to make good
decisions without needing to escalate every question to get permission.

* “Can you send me an email with that?” is often said — the implication being “I need
it in writing to cover my arse later.”
† “I did my part correctly, so it must be someone else’s fault.”
‡ We maintain that it never did.


i.e. Profitability

Biz Capability
Biz Capability Biz Capability
i.e. Talent
i.e. Growth i.e. New Product

Value weighting
Value Component Value Component Value Component
factor 4
weighting factor 1 weighting factor 2 weighting factor 6
Increase Capability
New Markets Market Share Increase Revenue
& Capacity

Having identified the value elements, or value dials, it is important to

weight them — how important is this factor compared to the others in
achieving the strategic outcomes of the organisation? The value model
communicates the relative importance of the different strategic outcomes
and can be used to compare and rank different ideas by assessing which
value dials the idea will move and how far — then to identify the smallest
experiment that will confirm or contradict those assumptions.
The portfolio backlog is a regularly reviewed pipeline of new work
and existing initiatives. Each initiative has clear, and published, metrics
based on the value dials it is contributing to. Progress towards achieving
the planned value is constantly assessed through built-in feedback loops
and validated learning.
Each initiative is further broken down into the deliverable elements, ide-
ally in small pieces that can be delivered independently and evaluated
against measurable goals. The activity canvas is an ideal tool for identify-
ing and managing these.
Realistically, some initiatives might need to be quite large to realise val-
ue, but effective portfolio management aims to avoid big chunks as much
as possible. This does mean that the portfolio needs much more active
management and ongoing refinement than has traditionally been the case
— it’s not “fire and forget” for a year or more at a time but is a series of
carefully aimed, actively guided missiles launched in the competitive bat-
This backlog or pipeline contains those items currently in flight along
with ideas that have passed the feasibility check and are waiting for launch.


It is important to quickly quantify the feasibility of an idea: to rapidly

ascertain if the idea has wings. The goal of this step is to articulate the
primary hypotheses around the idea, conducting rapid experiments to
determine if there is actual demand for this product or service, aligning
on the real business value, and selecting an approach to doing the work.
Stopping bad ideas early is one of the most important aspects of the fea-
sibility check.
Inflight initiatives should also be regularly checked for continued feasi-
bility. At each checkpoint, examine the whole portfolio and make deci-
sions about starting, stopping, and redirecting every initiative underway
— has it delivered sufficient value, have we learned enough to know that
we should stop and abandon this work, where should we pivot?* Will con-
tinuing to invest in this stream of work be more valuable than having the
teams focus on something else?
Rank items in the portfolio against each other based on potential and
actual value, cost (of delay, necessity, and compliance), risk of doing and
of not doing (business and technical), available skills, and capability to
deliver. You need to quantify these factors and you can use the value dials
to guide your decisions.
There will be some things for which the cost of not doing the work far
outweighs any savings to be made from not doing it — e.g., ignoring a
compliance directive in a heavily regulated industry can result in the or-
ganisation being shut down. These types of decisions are relatively easy;
others are harder and must be made based on the value hypothesis of the
initiative against the value dials.
Those initiatives that pass the prioritisation test and are ready to be
worked on require a roadmap of the key capabilities needed over time.
The product roadmap is a time-based view of the key features and charac-
teristics that you currently believe the product will need to deliver in or-
der to achieve the vision. Although these will change when real customers
get their hands on the product or start using the service, so be careful not
to be wed to any particular feature or feature set. The roadmap typically
spreads across a number of quarters and prioritises the capabilities to be
delivered based around at least four factors:

* This is a horribly overused and misunderstood term. To pivot is to stand on one foot
while changing direction, not jump to a completely new location. Abandoning one
product in favour of another is not a pivot, it is choosing to discard and abandon
the work already done. Pivoting leverages what has been done and takes it in a new


1. Marketing needs — What key marketing messages does the product

need to support in what timeframes?
2. Technology changes — What are the important technology shifts the
product must be able to support over the coming months/year?
3. Market events — Are there particular external events the product
should support or that need to be avoided (for example holidays and
4. Capabilities/features identified by product management — These are
based on identified needs and market feedback.
The roadmap is a picture at a point in time and is updated frequently
based on the feedback from the delivery cycle.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Marketing Trade show
needs in Jakarta
Market Lunar New Ramadan Holiday
events Year sales in
Technolo- Next
gy changes Android
Capabili- Initial sales Loyalty Privacy Loyalty
ties/risks capability programme legislation rewards
changing for holiday
Resultant Catalogue Customer Wishlist Reward re-
schedule and sales registration demptions

An example of a product roadmap that looks out four quarters.

Capacity alignment is where you map the work to be done against

the organisation’s capability to deliver. There are two key principles that
need to be in place for the most effective throughput at the team level:
diverse value-delivery teams and pull-based workflow.
Diversity in thought and background is an advantage. Diverse teams con-
sistently produce better outcomes.3 Bring together people with different


backgrounds, skillsets, attitudes, and viewpoints in an environment that

encourages collaboration.
There is also a lot of evidence4 for the value of stable teams in knowl-
edge-worker environments. Teams who remain together for extended pe-
riods are more likely to achieve a high-performing state. They understand
each other’s working and communication styles; they gel and balance
strengths and weaknesses and produce more value faster than temporary
teams who disband and re-form frequently. This productivity improve-
ment is also associated with higher team and individual satisfaction and
stronger employee engagement — win-win in every dimension.
Any team has a limited capacity to deliver work that flows into it, and
this needs to be clearly understood by all. Multitasking5 and overload-
ing teams are dangerous and have a significant impact on productivity,
morale, and quality of work. Allowing a team to keep focus on a single
stream of work and letting them manage the rate of flow based on their
capacity has been shown to be the most effective way to accomplish cre-
ative knowledge work.
This means maintaining a clearly prioritised activity canvas for the team
to work from, that they are able to finish one item before starting on the
next, and that there are as few bottlenecks and interruptions as possible.
Stopping a task in the middle to pick up something else and later coming
back to the original one has a devastating impact on productivity. Ger-
ald Weinberg examined this as far back as the 1980s and found a 20%
productivity loss for every additional task a team is expected to work on
simultaneously. So, if people have to switch once per day between two
tasks, their available capacity for either task is no more than 40% with the
20% task-switching overhead; if they have to switch between four things
then they will lose 60% of their capacity to cognitive-switching overhead
and have no more than 40% available for actual work.6
Allowing the team to manage the rate at which they work7 and keeping
them focused on one item at a time means they produce value faster and
speeds up the overall throughput of the team.


Working Time Available Per Project

Loss to Context Switching





1 2 3 4 5

Number of Simultaneous Projects

Gerald Weinberg’s productivity loss due to context switching.6

The whole concept of adaptive portfolio management is based on

regular, truthful feedback. How is the work going? What is the quality
of the delivered product? How is value being realised? What is the rate of
learning? What new discoveries are becoming apparent from what has
already been delivered or from the delivery process?
Teams need to report the facts, and measurements need to be built into
the products to show if the outcome profile is being met. These measure-
ments need to be based on metrics that matter rather than vanity metrics.8
It’s not how many clicks a page gets but how many new customers have
registered. How many new features you have deployed is irrelevant; it’s
more important to measure how many people have purchased the prod-
uct because of a particular feature or capability.
This requires making it safe to tell the truth and fostering a blame-free
environment where learning is valued and where it is safe to fail while
keeping the cost of that failure low. You need to measure the incremental
success of your work while keeping the metric trends constantly visible.
These metrics contribute to the prioritisation assessment every time you
evaluate the portfolio.
A portfolio Kanban is a way to visualise the portfolio. Kanban is a
way to depict any queue of things with a defined workflow of items that
move from one state to the next. At the portfolio level, we often see two


Kanban boards: one for new ideas that need to be evaluated and assessed
and the other for existing initiatives that are underway. The workflows
for the two boards differ and the decision to move something from the
ideas board to the initiative board is key.
Kanban is one of those tools that easy to implement and hard to master.
There are some simple rules that you need to follow:
• Visualize the work — Focus on the whole value chain and ensure
that every step is visible.
• Limit work in progress — You can never introduce more work
than your capacity can handle.
• Make policy explicit — Use agreed-upon frameworks and rules.
• Measure and manage flow — Make it easy to identify wastes and
• Define classes of service and the level of importance of each type of
work item — All items are not equal.
• Establish service-level agreements — Agree on goals, which are
monitored by class of service.
• Identify improvement opportunities — Continuously learn and

Agile Portfolio Planning Kanban Wall

Idea Business Backlog
Qualification Feasibility
Backlog Case Review Ranking

idea item item item


idea item

item item


Portfolio Execution Kanban Wall

In Planning In Execution In Acceptance Production

item item item item



item item

item item item

New Zealand Post Group’s sorting wall (an executive Kanban visualisation of
all strategic initiatives in the organisation).9


Agile delivery is necessary but not sufficient

Agile software development was initially a reaction to the failures of pre-
dictive approaches to software engineering. It takes an empirical, feed-
back-led approach to building software and has some key characteristics:
• value-driven, prioritised features;
• cross-functional, empowered teams with all the skills needed to de-
liver working solutions;
• short cycles of work;
• close customer collaboration;
• rapid feedback; and
• constant learning and adapting for both the product and the process.
These characteristics result in better outcomes10 at the individual product
level, and agile software development has become the most prevalent11
approach to building software today.
There is a new generation of software development teams who have nev-
er worked in a waterfall project, for whom the idea of trying to work in a
predictive, sequential way from detailed requirements defined complete-
ly up front is an anathema.
Agile development uses a prioritised list of discrete items of business val-
ue to define the sequence in which items are worked on. This “backlog” is
stack-ranked and work flows through the system one item at a time, with
each item being completed (production ready) before the next is started.
The backlog can (and should) be reprioritised frequently based on feed-
back from the customers and what they have learned by using the product
in the wild. This reprioritisation can be as frequent as daily for highly
volatile environments (production support using Kanban, for example) or
less frequently for iterative delivery (e.g., in two-week sprints if Scrum is
the delivery framework). By keeping the discrete items small, the flow of
work through the system becomes predictable and responsive to chang-
ing customer needs.
Agile software development works at the individual team and product
levels and a variety of scaling approaches12 can apply to complex products
when multiple teams must collaborate in a programme of work.


By constantly working on the next-most-important thing, teams are able

to stop work on a single product at any point, and what has been done will
be valuable. The Pareto principle can be applied: 80% of the value from
any system almost always comes from only 20% of the features, so once
the value threshold has been passed, it makes sense to stop work on that
product and focus on something more important for the organisation.

The list of items in the current quarter of the roadmap is generally

too big for these items to be delivered individually, and value derives from
a number of features working together rather than delivering all possible
options for a single feature. You have to work to turn the roadmap into a
short-range backlog of discrete value items.
This requires an ongoing process of backlog refinement, which takes
large chunks and slices them into a size that is deliverable in short cycles
with rapid feedback. Even within a single planning cycle, however, not all
items are equal and we want each delivery team to take a value-focused
view of the backlog itself. The large chunks need to be broken down into
user stories that the team can consume.
A backlog should not just be a list of hundreds of user stories waiting to
be delivered. That approach simply results in lengthy wait times for indi-
vidual stories and a large queue of work, which becomes a bottleneck and
source of waste.
Once an item has been added to a backlog, it tends to take on a life of its
own.* “Someone who matters” wants it included in the delivered product
and is prepared to argue for it whenever you look at in a grooming or
forward-planning session. The “someone who matters” could be a val-
ue manager, a product owner, a technical member of the team, a sub-
ject-matter expert, or any other interested party.
The normal, and generally correct, approach is for the value manager to
work with the team to produce a prioritized backlog with clarity on the
high-priority items and accepted uncertainty for the items that lie farther

* No matter how small or large it is.


The shape of a healthy backlog.

The stories that come out of the bottom of the backlog are small enough
for the team to deliver using their agile development practices. Ideally,
these items should be fully implementable (per the agreed-upon defini-
tion of done) in half an iteration or less — the smaller your stories, the
better your ability to predict and plan work. For those stories that are
far away, however, you want to keep the level of detail coarse. The reali-
ty is that your understanding of what is needed will evolve significantly
based on what happens as the product is delivered, and much of what you
currently understand will turn out to be mistaken or obsolete. You must
accept the VUCA nature of business needs and defer the detail until the
last responsible moment.*
This continuous revision, refinement, and adaptation is a reflection of
why #noprojects is so important for success in the volatile business world.
Continually delivering the right work at the right time moves the organi-
sation towards achieving the outcomes it needs to be successful.

* Which is quite distinct from the first irresponsible moment.


We live in a VUCA world

The world is in a state of VUCA:13
• Volatility — The rate of change is faster than we have ever experi-
enced and is getting faster.
• Uncertainty — We have no clarity about future outcomes and even
when we believe we know what we want to achieve, the rate of change
means the goal posts move before we’ve had a chance to do more than
take a few steps in that direction.
• Complexity — There are myriad factors that interact to influence
the outcomes we could achieve. These interactions are often unclear
until after they have happened.
• Ambiguity — There is haziness in almost every view of the future.
We easily misinterpret events, their consequences, and their causes.
This presents a challenge for organisational planning and drives us to-
wards a different approach. The multi-year portfolio of a stream of proj-
ects that are completed sequentially leaves us without the ability to change
direction and adapt to the VUCA realities that surround us.

Delivering work

Here is the raison d’être of everything we’ve been talking about so

far: continuously delivering the right work at the right time. In #noproj-
ects terminology, we call these activities; “a discrete unit of work under-
taken by a team to generate value in the context of a business outcome”.
Unlike a project, there is no end to this work and so we cannot create a
meaningful plan or schedule. There is a natural end of life to all products
and services, but that is a strategic decision to be made based on the value
and outcomes generated. In most cases, that is far enough into the future
that attempting to predict it is pointless.
As we’ve seen from the success of agile delivery frameworks, you can’t
even predict what will be the right work to do six months from now and
attempting to do so is futile in most cases. What you do know are the
long-term business outcomes that you are trying to achieve and the short-
term measures and targets that define success.* With these, you can ac-
tively, and continuously, manage the pipeline of work to achieve these
That’s where backlog management and tools like the activity canvas come
in.1 By continuously assessing, ranking,† and reranking potential work,
teams ensure that they are working on the most valuable activity (defined
as having the greatest potential impact on the business outcome) at any
given point in time.
But first you need to know who is accountable for the work. There are
some general principles that apply:
1. Except in the smallest of organisations, high-level outcomes will be
shared amongst multiple teams, but each team should operate as in-
dependently as possible. To that end, it doesn’t really matter if an in-
dividual team is accountable for a sub-outcome or a shared outcome.
2. Each team owns their own independent backlog, as explained in the
previous chapter.
3. Each team is accountable for their own work, ensuring that it creates
value and doesn’t negatively affect another team.

* And if you don’t, you weren’t paying attention in the previous three chapters. :-)
† We want you to forget the word “priority” — it doesn’t matter how important
something is (everything is important to somebody). Rather, we want to know which
is first, then second, then third, etc.


In general, the activities delivered by each dedicated value-delivery team

(to achieve an outcome) exist on a continuum: small to large effort against
low to high value. Using a visualisation tool like the activity canvas, teams
have a simple way to plan the backlog. By definition, doing nothing* takes
no effort and produces no value, and so sits at the bottom left.

The activity canvas.

Activities in the Do quadrant are relatively easy to perform and make

measurable progress towards the outcome. Those in the Defer quadrant
are important but costly and need to be planned appropriately. The Limit
quadrant, usually your hygiene processes, should still be undertaken but
only when needed or as time permits. At the bottom right is the Avoid
quadrant, and it would be rare for you to undertake any activities here.
Activities that you know are coming up but which you’re not yet ready to
plan can be placed beside the canvas in the Upcoming section. This allows
you to keep track of anticipated work without overloading the board.
This begs the question: why would you bother adding anything to the
Avoid quadrant? In short, it’s because this is an active management tool
and as you continuously reassess each activity, activities may change
quadrants (e.g., from Avoid to Do) as circumstances change.

* Keeping the status quo.


A sample activity canvas for a startup business.

An additional benefit of the activity canvas is that it encourages teams

to reduce the overall size of their work, which naturally leads to smaller
batch sizes, faster deployment, and evidence-based ROI decisions.
Here’s a reminder about value: in most cases, value is highly sub-
jective and hard to quantify. This is expected and is part of the risk of
doing business. After all, if you could accurately predict the return on
every investment, being in the market would be a lot safer. When ranking
activities on the value axis, compare each activity against its peers — is A
more or less valuable than B (in the context of the outcome)? If you can
quantify an activity, (e.g., revenue generated, cost of delay, user requests,
etc.) then definitely do so, but don’t rely on this in all cases.
But remember: always measure the outcome.
Having a clear understanding of value will also help to ameliorate the
impulsive knee-jerk reaction that occurs when a something changes on
the canvas.* The activity canvas is not a queue, where the first, latest, or
loudest voice wins. No matter the order in which you add activities to the
canvas, the next activity to be taken off will always be the top-left-most
Now, because each activity is small, the direct impact on the outcome may
also be small or even unmeasurable. But what you are interested in is the
* And it will change. Often.


cumulative impact of all activities to the outcome. Therefore, the team

should at regular intervals measure their progress against the outcome’s
baseline measure(s), although the form of measurement will depend on
the outcome and how it is quantified. The organisation can then use these
measurements to make informed decisions about future investment and
strategic directions. Depending on the result, the team may set a new tar-
get within the outcome profile or even change the outcome entirely —
which will, of course, also result in changing the backlog.
Each activity on the canvas should be independent. That is, it could
be removed from the canvas with no impact to any other activity. Ob-
viously, this is not always possible, but it should be a key consideration
when designing activities. If you’re finding that none of your activities are
independent, try creating canvases at multiple levels, such as one canvas
for master activities and separate canvases for sub-activities within each
master activity.

When defining an activity, it should meet the INVEST characteristics, as
defined by Bill Wake:2
• Independent — Each activity should be as self-contained as possi-
ble, with minimal dependencies on any other activity. This allows for
easy reordering or removal as circumstances change.
• Negotiable — An activity can change at any time up to the point
work commences.
• Valuable — Each activity should deliver tangible and (in aggregate)
measurable value towards the outcome.
• Estimable — The definition of each activity is such that the team can
estimate it.
• Small — The estimate and delivery of an activity should take place
within a few days to a few weeks.
• Testable — Each activity should have appropriate quality control, so
that what is delivered can be assessed against the intent.


By defining independent activities, each of which delivers value within

the context of the outcome, a pattern emerges. Focus changes from pri-
oritisation (high, medium, low) to order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...). That is, you no
longer care what activities are high priority, you care about which is first.
A natural side effect of this is the overall reduction of work in progress,
which in turn increases the throughput and productivity of your teams.
Based on this, you can draw a path between your activities, starting from
the first to the final activity. All else being equal, the standard path should
look something like this:

The order of work on an activity canvas.

But what if all else isn’t equal? Activities with fixed due dates or depen-
dent activities will naturally impact the order of work. Dependent ac-
tivities should be rare if you’re following the principle of independence.
Where they exist, you can redraw the path based on the new order. This
will also help you identify and streamline common dependencies.
Activities with a fixed due date are anomalous but expected. These may
jump to the head of the queue regardless of which quadrant they are in
— although activities in the Avoid quadrant should still be avoided when


The order of work for a startup business.

You want to look at the Defer items on a regular basis to see if you can
break them down into smaller pieces, which could then move into the
Do quadrant. By slicing activities this way, you are often able to deliver
the core value earlier and leave higher-risk or complex parts for later or
discard them completely.
There is another benefit to this approach: by actively managing your ac-
tivities, you can identify structural problems with your value-delivery
team. When activities appear on the board (especially in the Do and Defer
quadrants) faster than they are being completed, it is likely that you do
not have the right number or mix of skills. Use this opportunity to run
a retrospective to analyse the root cause of the issues and either increase
your team’s capacity or identify a different approach.
This brings us to the final point. It doesn’t matter what the work is.
Nothing that we’ve discussed here is specific to software development (or
accounting or manufacturing, for that matter). As long as there is a level
of unpredictability in the outcome, the teams are trusted to make oper-
ational decisions, and value can be continuously created, a #noprojects
approach works.


Using the #noprojects paradigm
by Max Roy

I was involved in building and delivering mission-critical applications

for a semi-governmental organisation that provided emergency-man-
agement services in Australia. This ICT department was relatively new,
hence was not saddled with bureaucratic decision gates and governance
procedures. They identified four main applications as the core deliver-
ables that would support the emergency services provided by the field
personnel. A select team of individuals was formed consisting of:
• the ICT manager, who also functioned as the de facto ScrumMaster;
• an in-house developer;
• an in-house database administrator;
• a business subject-matter expert (SME); and
• vendor personnel as needed.
There was no project plan with detailed work assignments. There was
no assigned project manager, though the organisation does have a sort of
project management office that oversees external communications and li-
aisons. We did no financial estimates or cost/benefit analyses before com-
mencing each mission-critical application, hence we had no approvals to
obtain from a peak body such as an estimates committee before com-
mencing the work or when making changes to the system functionality.
The application architecture consisted of four major applications that ex-
changed data with mission-critical external organisations, such as State
Emergency Services (SES), and published information to the community.
The applications had to be distributed across a dedicated WAN network
so that operational units throughout the state could enter and update
their transactional data.
The initial estimate, provided by an external consultancy, for the end-
to-end implementation of the four applications was about AU$37 mil-
lion. The estimate was the result of a month-long engagement with the
consultancy organisation. During this engagement, the consultants met
with the key stakeholders and IT personnel to gain familiarity with the
organisation’s operations and culture.


The IT manager decided to set aside the consultancy’s findings and com-
mence building the applications with the team defined in the list above.
Happily, he did not have to negotiate a bureaucratic decision-making
process through levels of senior management before commencing. He
adopted a #noprojects paradigm in that there were:
• no extensive boilerplate documentation, such as solution architec-
ture or detailed system design, on the lines of Prince2 or other proj-
ect-management methodology, prior to building the applications;
• no project schedule with defined start and end dates and consequen-
tial penalty clauses for not meeting them; and
• no annual budget allocations or approvals from the financial control-
The team used an agile approach in:
• consulting with the embedded business SME to list the functionality
and features of each application, prioritising the features to work on
based on business value;
• building the features, both database design and coding, in short iter-
ations (one to two weeks);
• having the business SME approve the feature implementation at the
end of each iteration cycle;
• dynamically changing the system design in response to feedback;
• holding retrospectives at the end of each sprint to determine lessons
learned and what worked best; and
• releasing to production when a logical piece of work had been com-
pleted (e.g., when the functionality for resource type “vehicle” was
done in the resource management system, the business SME tested it,
and once approved, it was released into production for the end users.)
As mentioned, there were no project deadlines or penalties for not meet-
ing them.
The end users for these applications were:
• about 1,200 brigade personnel who entered incidents, resources (ve-
hicles, equipment, etc.), and their response compliance times;


• district, regional and head-office personnel who monitored and

sometimes updated the information and generated extracts for exter-
nal reporting and compliance purposes; and
• analysts who interacted with the applications to report on statistics,
trends, and other analysis.
We built the four applications and released them to operations within
18 months at a cost of around AU$3 million — less than one tenth the
cost estimated by the consultancy! The production releases had no major
issues and they continue to operate successfully, providing value to the
Throughout the course of application development, the team adopted
a continuous-delivery paradigm of functionality and features. We built
prototypes of feature sets in the test environment for the business SME.
Once we reached consensus on the prototype, we commenced the actual
database changes and coding. We followed this with integration tests with
other impacted applications before production releases.
Excluding changes in vendor personnel, the in-house team has remained
intact and cohesive, with an average engagement of more than eight
years in the organisation. Although such lengths of engagement within
the same group may be exceptional for the IT industry, there is a defi-
nite advantage in having a close-knit team delivering continuous value.
In contrast, when there are frequent changes of personnel within teams,
new members must acquire domain knowledge and build new working
relationships. This invariably leads to delays and loss in productivity as
team members adjust to each other and obtain knowledge and skills.
The team acquired deep domain knowledge as well as close, trusted
working relationships with business SMEs. This included the technical
personnel, who understood the business processes involved because of
their long association with the organisation. Furthermore, the ICT man-
ager insisted that everyone share their knowledge, especially regarding
the underlying use cases and business rules. Thus, the team were able to
respond quickly to any new or changed business requirements. The team
continues to function this way, with high levels of cohesion, information
sharing, and client satisfaction.
Finally, a key feature of this approach was the lack of any arbitrary finan-
cial overrule on the scope or functionality of application delivery. There
was nothing the team needed to submit to a project estimates committee


or similar organisational authority to obtain approval before commenc-

ing any new application functionality; neither were we saddled with any
obligatory outsourcing contracts. The business outcomes were evaluat-
ed via feedback obtained from the end users. The ICT manager with the
business SME, under direction of the product owner, negotiated for the
funding required for the next body of work, which then commenced im-

Continuous culture

Why now? What is it about the current market and economy that
makes #noprojects a viable approach? The simple answer is that custom-
ers now expect this. We call this “continuous culture”. The market expects
continuous change and improvement in the majority of our products and
services. Everything you see around you is continuously changing and
improving,* in all aspects of your life.
The half-lives of phones, advertising, and the age of companies1 are all
evolving — as is even the way you live. As we mentioned earlier, people
change jobs almost as often as they change phones (every 4.2 years ac-
cording to the US Department of Labour).2
What does this mean for organisations? It’s more than just understanding
continuous change, it’s understanding continuously continuous. It means
that companies can no longer rely on the corporate five-year plan, or even
a short project plan, to remain accurate.† Let’s examine that for a moment.
Strategic planning is the process by which an organisation defines the
projects, initiatives, and actions (the plan) that will achieve their corpo-
rate vision or mission. It is traditionally time consuming, with lots of
data collection and meetings of executives. Once the plan is complete, it
is presented as a fait accompli‡ to the rest of the organisation for imple-
mentation. However, ask any executive§ and they’ll admit that this process
doesn’t work — there are few real innovations and the plan itself is usual-
ly out of date before it begins.
An agile or continuous organisation wants to move away from the tradi-
tional, static planning process towards a dynamic and agile strategy that
can adapt as the market changes. We might also call this a “learning or-
ganisation”,3 one that uses an “inspect and adapt” feedback cycle to con-
tinuously create and refine their corporate strategy.

* At the very least, things are changing. Hopefully, they are improving at least most of
the time.
† Not that it ever was.
‡ An “accomplished fact” or thing that has been done — everything sounds better in
§ Over beer.


Running a strategic planning workshop in an

agile organisation
Agile strategic planning starts in the same place as in a traditional organ-
isation: with the vision and business outcomes for the organisation. And
while the vision may change to meet market demand, it usually changes
very slowly. Executives come together to agree on, and align to, the vision
and outcomes (and the part of it that they are accountable for). But here’s
where it diverges: rather than spend months creating and agreeing to the
plan, the executives agree on “how” to plan. They agree on an approach
that they and their teams will use to:
• incrementally create and refine the specific initiatives that will work
towards the vision;
• embed continuous improvement into the process;
• inspect and measure the impact that current activities are having on
the vision; and
• allocate funding to the initiatives — and, if they know the expected
value (to the organisation) of the work and continue to inspect and
adapt, they don’t need to know what it will be spent on ahead of time.
This process will generate some of the business outcomes that are run us-
ing all the techniques mentioned in the last few chapters. Therefore, this
should be an inclusive process; mature agile organisations bring the en-
tire company (or representatives, for massive companies) into the process.
This doesn’t mean sending out surveys and asking for feedback — this
is to get the teams deeply involved in the planning and decision-making
process itself. In some cases, the teams will decide on the vision rather
than the CEO and board.
Because accountability for outcomes sits with the teams themselves, it
means that strategic decisions are generally made at the lowest level,
by the people who are doing the work and have the most information.
The organisation forms dedicated teams around the strategic outcomes
and interface points with the rest of the organisation. Don’t treat these
as stretch goals. This is the critical work needed to realise the corporate
vision — and if the vision isn’t important, don’t waste everyone’s time.


Finally, the feedback cycle: because you’re dealing with strategic initia-
tives, you usually don’t have the same instant validation that you would
with a product. However, you still need constant feedback — look for a
combination of lagging and leading indicators that represent success (e.g.,
staff attrition or sales). However, be alert for and ignore vanity metrics —
those that if improved would lead to no meaningful benefit to the organ-
isation (e.g., increasing Facebook likes or team velocity).

At the product level, continuous culture emerges in strategy, mar-

keting, and design. Successful companies directly use market feedback
in their product development cycles. When listening to the customer, the
traditional approach of planning a project up front for the next one to two
years is no longer appropriate. Product development and design cycles
are linked directly to the market and the associated feedback loop. With
the right data insights, governance, and empowered teams, this feedback
and development cycle can be as short as a single day.
What does this mean for projects? It means that planning a temporary en-
deavour with the assumption of a stable market between project start and
completion is dangerous. Remember that projects generally only concern
themselves with delivering the agreed-upon work, not the business bene-
fits. Even agile projects, which release frequently, assume that the product
agreed upon in the business case is the right product. As Peter F. Drucker4
famously wrote, “There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with
great efficiency what should not be done at all.”
Continuous strategy, design, and marketing approaches, with an active
market-feedback loop, can completely change the assumptions behind
a project business case and sometimes can even invalidate the business
case. Without this continuous culture, the feedback loop in traditional
projects is generally too slow to react, which is why so many projects fail
to deliver the expected business results.
By building teams around business outcomes while listening to market
demand and end-user feedback, #noprojects organisations are able to
continuously produce the right product for the market.
Even supporting functions such as people operations,* finance, and
legal benefit from the continuous culture. It’s no longer good enough
* Please stop calling this function “human resources”. People are not resources to be
consumed in the delivery of a product, they are the primary source of value and

to be agile and deliver a product in a continuous way, you also need to

have all of the supporting structures* aligned. With apologies to Eliyahu
Goldratt, we often talk about Evan’s theory of agile constraints: “An or-
ganisation can only be as agile as its least agile division!”
Goldratt’s original theory of constraints5 states that there is a constrain-
ing factor in any process and, more importantly, that there will always
be a constraining factor. The theory of agile constraints states that there
will always be a constraint to business agility in an organisation. Twenty
years ago, that was IT. That was your software team. And that’s why it was
logical for Agile, capital-A Agile as in “Agile Manifesto”, to emerge in that
domain. Today the constraint to agility isn’t IT, but rather is likely to be
the PMO, finance, or legal department.
#noprojects represents work as a continuous and stable flow so it’s logical
to extend that across the organisation. Take a software organisation as an
example. You have user or business demand on one side and the produc-
tion environment on the other. Somewhere along this flow is the limiting
constraint. Maybe it’s taking too long for developers to deliver products.
So, you introduce Scrum.

Apply Scrum Here

That opens up the flow in your development teams. Great. Except that
Scrum hasn’t been as effective as you’d hoped. Development is still taking
too long.† Now, there’s a new constraint in the system, perhaps the de-
ployment environment. So, you bring in DevOps. Great — that opens up
the flow further.

innovation in our organisations.

* Or at least as many as possible.
† The sad fact is that many organisations stop here because “Well, Scrum didn’t work.”


Apply DevOps Here
But now, there’s a new constraint. You need a wider view. You need to
bring in business agility. Where’s the next constraint? Maybe it’s finance,
your budgeting process. You have an 18-month budgeting process that
limits the development cycle that can deploy every day. Fix that. Then it’s
HR or the PMO… — wash, rinse, repeat.


Apply xxx Here

In today’s economy, these are the areas that are constraining the agility
of an organisation. In many ways, this is the definition of business agil-
ity: taking the mindset of agility and the practice of agile and applying
them across the organisation. But it goes beyond that. It goes into the very
culture and structure of the organisation. Is the organisation designed in
such a way to be competitive in an ambiguous and unpredictable market?


These are not easy problems to solve. It’s not just a matter of asking fi-
nance and HR to adopt Scrum or Kanban.* There may be significant cul-
tural and experience barriers to the adoption of the new approach. These
are teams who are accustomed to their current ways of working because
they have always worked that way — and in many cases quite successfully.
If you want to introduce agility to these divisions, you need to communi-
cate that this isn’t about fixing a problem. You’re fundamentally changing
the way the organisation operates in the market. To put it another way,
you are improving the outcomes for the entire organisation, not just a
single division.
The point is that there is always a constraint to organisational agility,
which in turn limits the ability to adapt to an unpredictable and ambigu-
ous market.
Ultimately this leads to the concept of an agile business. A continuous
business. One that is designed around flow or the continuous creation of
value. Continuous culture means that an organisation is itself continu-
ous, that the company maps to the market and the way the market thinks
and reacts, rather than the traditionally assuming a predictable and un-
ambiguous environment and creating one-year or five-year plans in that
false context. That’s not to say that continuous organisations don’t have
goals. Goals are in fact critical for success. And throughout this book, you
should have seen the importance of defining clear outcomes for any en-
gagement. The difference is that you don’t prescribe in advance how you
expect to achieve this — you allow this to emerge in response to immedi-
ate context. A continuous business means designing a team, division, or
organisation around continuous culture.
This culminates in a process of continuous learning, the ability to
identify new opportunities, market trends, customer demands, and inter-
nally new ways of working. But this is not some “lessons learned” work-
shop.† This is about using the feedback loops to apply that learning con-
tinuously. Part of your daily process is to look at ways you can improve
the work being done. The market changes continuously, so if you don’t
continuously observe and experiment, then you’re not in a position to
learn from it.

* We don’t think that’s ever worked, even for software teams.

† Or as we like to call them, “lessons observed” workshops. We usually don’t actually
learn from them. For most organisations, the “lessoned learned” repository is a
write-only system. No one ever reads it afterwards.


This is a proactive stance. Adaptive, learning, agile organisations are con-

stantly looking for ways to improve by actively seeking feedback early
and often, either through formal retrospectives or by continuously exper-
imenting, inspecting, and adapting in the market. The goal is to maximise
the value they deliver to customers and stakeholders while creating an
environment of joy in work.
Continuous-learning organisations see work as experiments, as hypoth-
eses to be tested* as quickly as possible. One way of achieving this is to
frame each activity as a hypothesis to be tested rather than as a require-
ment to be met. The following is hypothesis-driven delivery6 as extended
by Pat Reed:
1. If we <do this>,
2. we believe <this percentage of targeted customers>
3. will <experience this benefit>
4. and <respond with this behaviour>.
5. This hypothesis will have succeeded when <we can measure this re-
6. Otherwise, <next hypothesis to test or pivot>.
There is a technical aspect to continuous culture. #noprojects works
best when you have systems in place to streamline the continuous change
process in agile software delivery (technical agility), DevOps, continuous
and automated testing, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and
continuous deployment. There is a famous example in the technology in-
dustry — that Amazon deploys to production every 11.6 seconds.7 Your
specific environment might not need that frequency of deployment, but
the shorter the delivery cycle, the shorter the feedback loop, and the soon-
er you can apply what you’ve learned.
We should add that this doesn’t just apply to IT and software develop-
ment. Obviously, DevOps is primarily a software-development practice.
But the principles apply regardless of domain. Reduce the feedback loop.
The sad fact is that these technologies are nothing new. Continuous in-
tegration has been around for nearly 20 years and automated testing for
even longer. It is fairly well established that organisations who adopt these
technologies significantly reduce their deployment and testing costs. And
we mean significantly — the 2016 State of DevOps Report8 had this to say:

* And failed.


High-performing organizations are decisively outperforming their low-

er-performing peers in terms of throughput. High performers deploy 200
times more frequently than low performers, with 2,555 times faster lead
times. They also continue to significantly outperform low performers,
with 24 times faster recovery times and three times lower change failure
A clear example comes from Telstra, the largest Australian telecommu-
nications provider, who realised a saving of nearly $600,000 per deploy-
ment and a five-fold increase in the number of test cases run within 12
months of adopting CI and automated testing.9
Continuous deployment is the newest and logical progression of this;
the ability to automatically deploy incremental change to the market (the
production environment) has been around for a while. Fundamentally, it
is a design and development technique used to automate and improve the
process of software delivery. Consisting of a variety of technical practices
(supported by tools) such as automated testing, continuous integration,
and continuous delivery, continuous deployment allows value-delivery
teams to rapidly and easily package and deploy changes to test, staging,*
and production environments. This is usually coupled with A/B testing
of the individual change to validate specific characteristics and identify
those that are most commercially viable. Along with automated rollback,
this speeds up the deployment of features and bug fixes to customers
while reducing risk and overhead.
In continuous deployment, a change can be deployed when (and only
when) it has passed automated testing and can be independently rolled
back. If this concept is new to you, we recommend you read Continuous
Delivery by Jez Humble and David Farley.10
Automated functional testing, automated regression testing, and continu-
ous integration become absolutely essential to create confidence that the
developed change is defect free. By using test-automation software, you
can control the execution of tests and automatically validate the results
against predicted outputs. Test-automation software can undertake thou-
sands of regression tests in seconds and help to ensure that each individu-
al change has not introduced defects or unexpected behaviours elsewhere

* Some organisations have gone so far as to no longer have testing and staging
environments, reducing their need to maintain and support these platforms and
freeing up as much as 30% of their IT funding. See
podcasts/Michael-Bryzek-testing-in-production for an example of how one
company has achieved this.


in the product. Note, however, that the cost of developing an automated

test base for existing products without any previous automation can be
significant and you will need to determine the cost/benefit ratio product
by product.
The adoption of test-driven-development (TDD) techniques, the practice
of writing your test cases before undertaking work, will also ensure that
there is a link between good design and testing. DevOps is implicit in the
design of value-delivery teams: cross-functional and multidisciplinary
teams that own all the work to deliver a business outcome. This ensures
traceability of a change from development to production. In fact, it would
be more appropriate to describe this as BizDevOps — a continuous flow
of value starting in the business rather than in IT delivery, which imple-
ments business ideas.
As a guideline, organisations and teams need to consider four elements in
their design and planning:
1. The architecture — The architecture needs to be modular and allow
for incremental deployment from the very beginning. Monolithic de-
signs and applications do not fit this approach. That doesn’t mean
that monolithic or legacy applications require traditional projects,
but they will miss out on some of the benefits of this continuous cul-
2. The feedback loop — There’s no point in delivering continuous-
ly if you cannot take advantage of lessons as early as possible. You
must build feedback mechanisms, both manual and automatic, into
the product. These may include feature requests from users, defect
feedback, feature usage, click rates, or time spent.
3. A rollback mechanism — If there is no human interaction with the
deployment to production then there must be a significant level of
confidence in the work that is being done. This not only means that
a high percentage of code must be covered by automated tests, but
also that the environment needs the ability to roll back any individual
change at almost any point, without impacting any other feature.
4. Safe to fail — Organisations need to make it safe to execute a roll-
back without penalty to the developer. We’ve seen some organisa-
tions introduce failure KPIs that demand that all employees (from the
CEO down) demonstrate failure at least once per year in order to


receive their bonus. The argument is that if they do not demonstrate

failure, they are either hiding or not taking enough risks.
So far, all our examples have focused on software development but these
approaches have been successfully applied in other domains as well. A
good example is the advent of real-time marketing, which Wikipedia de-
fines as “marketing performed ‘on the fly’ to determine an appropriate
or optimal approach to a particular customer at a particular time and
place”.11 This approach requires technology support and an adaptive
mindset — just like DevOps and continuous delivery.
#noprojects is a cultural and behavioural shift caused by the emer-
gence of the continuous culture more than it is a process or technical
change. However, as in all cultural changes, the status quo will always
make last-ditch attempts to remain relevant. Nowhere is this more evi-
dent than in the emergence of shadow projects.12 A shadow project is a
pattern that emerges in #noprojects or continuous-change environments
where teams and divisions mimic a project structure in all but name.
We often find that these patterns emerge in organisations that do not
transform the supporting processes and governance structures. For ex-
• changes continue to go through a release approval board before pro-
motion to production,
• the organisation commits to the solution defined in the business
case and is unwilling to adjust even when evidence suggests that they
• approval is required to spend previously allocated funds, or
• there is no clear mechanism to collect or analyse the measures de-
fined for each outcome or value-delivery team.
To identify a shadow project in your organisation, it is important to un-
derstand the characteristics of a project. Of most relevance to this is the
temporary, constrained, and siloed nature of projects.
By definition, a project is a temporary structure to deliver a specific
change or series of changes. This is fundamentally opposed to the prin-
ciple of #noprojects, which promotes a continuous-change model that
derives value from the ongoing development of new capability. A shadow


project emerges when a team is formed solely to produce a single output*

or is regularly diverted to different outcomes. This is compounded if the
team is dispersed and potentially re-formed (or a different team created)
to re-address the same output/outcome at a later date.
Don’t mistake this for the natural end of a business experiment that
doesn’t produce the expected results. Similarly, don’t mistake this for the
natural end of life of an outcome that occurs when the value-versus-effort
ratio goes negative. These are the legitimate end points.

The natural end of a product (maximum ROI reached).

Projects thrive in highly constrained environments, but this doesn’t mean

that constraints are bad. Constraints are critically important for business,
doubly so in #noprojects. There are two reasons for this. First, innovation
only occurs where there are constraints to overcome. Second, constraints†
ensure that teams respect other teams and external requirements. How-
ever, shadow projects can form where there are artificial constraints im-
posed on a team — usually in the form of fixed time, fixed cost, or fixed
scope. If your customer asks for a specific product or a predefined set of
activities in a specific timeframe — that is a project.
Keep in mind that while individual activities can have a deadline, there is
a fundamental difference between these constraints and a fixed scope or
fixed goal.

* Which may be phrased as an outcome.

† These are the working principles described in the “Outcomes over outputs” chapter.


The siloed nature of traditional organisations* encourages detailed up-

front project planning to minimise the impact of the handover between
teams. And because a project is a temporary structure, the line manage-
ment of the project team usually differs from the management of the
project. This can lead to multiple approvals, functional handovers, and
inefficient matrix structures.
A shadow project occurs when there are shadow, or parallel, approval
processes between managers or functional areas. #noprojects requires
only a single point of accountability, whether structured as a value-de-
livery team or functionality hierarchy, for all delivered activities. In other
words, the most-senior line manager of the team and the specific out-
come sponsor should be the same person.
The failure of organisations that do not embrace this continuous
culture is self-evident. You just need to look at Chapter 2 to see exam-
ples of the failures that occur when companies do not continuously learn.
Customer and market expectations are higher than ever and without this
ability to learn, organisations struggle to compete. The five-year plan is
long gone.
The worst part for traditional organisations is that this continuous cul-
ture is already here. To survive the next 10 years, you need to be able to
react and learn quickly.

* Where multiple teams are accountable for their part in the process.

Value-delivery teams

If you accept that work should be defined by business outcomes

rather than projects, then you need a new way of thinking about your
organisation. Your organisation will obviously be working on multiple
outcomes simultaneously and each of these will be assigned to one or
more teams as required. In turn, each team needs to be accountable for
planning and delivering the ongoing activities required to achieve the
outcome assigned to them.*
However, projects have been so pervasive over the last century that even
our organisational structures have been designed around them. In most
organisations, people report in a functional silo (e.g., finance, HR, sales,
or IT) and potentially also in an associated matrix function. This is per-
fect for forming, disbanding, and re-forming temporary teams to work
on projects as needed but becomes ineffective when confronted with out-
come-based work.
But before we dive into a team, let’s start a little bigger. Let’s look at the
context in which your organisation operates….
In his book, Reinventing Organisations,1 Frederic Laloux classified
organisations within five distinct modes of operation: impulsive (red),
conformist (amber), achievement (orange), pluralistic (green), and evo-
lutionary (teal). We should note that the classification technically starts
at reactive (infrared) and magic (magenta), although these classifications
predate organisational structures and are generally used for pre-agrarian
Impulsive, or red, organisations are the most authoritarian. They are de-
fined by a singular, dominant leader: the alpha wolf, if you will. This lead-
er directs staff through the direct expression of power and fear with little
or no subtlety or finesse. However, this authority is fragile, and leaders
tend to surround themselves with trusted parties, often family members.
While this type of organisation can be particularly effective in hostile en-
vironments, they tend to quickly break down under their own impulsive
nature. Thankfully, there are very few examples of impulsive/red organi-
sations today and these are mostly limited to organised crime and militias.
Conformist, or amber, organisations use what we would define as “com-
mand and control”. They are able to plan for the short, medium, and long
terms, creating scalable organisational structures. They primarily operate
in stable environments where they can directly extrapolate past experi-
ence to future performance. However, they are fragile in their own way;
* Without conflicting with other teams obviously.


when circumstances change, conformist/amber organisations find it hard

to adapt. This tends to lead to organisations that strive for market domi-
nance and monopoly.
Structurally, conformist/amber organisations adopt highly rigid hierar-
chical models* with formal reporting lines from manager to subordinate,
cascading down the organisation. Control is no longer driven directly by
the leader but from position in the hierarchy, which supports the creation
of much larger organisations that can operate across multiple geogra-
phies. This structure also incubates a siloed “us versus them” mentality
between multiple divisions as well as with external organisations (be they
clients or competitors). Modern examples of conformist/amber organisa-
tions are churches, militaries, and most government agencies.
Achievement, or orange, organisations are the dominant form of com-
pany in the world today and owe their success to their ability to inno-
vate, delegate accountability, and increase available talent by operating
as a meritocracy. These organisations move away from “command and
control” towards a “predict and control” model. While still strongly hier-
archical, achievement/orange organisations introduce the matrix struc-
ture: a semi-independent team that cuts across silos in order to deliver a
project. In theory, these matrix structures operate under “management by
objective” and receive the authority and accountability to execute on their
objectives. It is this form of management that gives rise to KPIs, annual
budgets, balanced scorecards, and performance incentives (bonuses).
The design of an achievement/orange organisation is often undermined
by many of the issues that plague conformist/amber organisations. Man-
agement by objective is compromised by the inability of some leaders to
release sufficient decision-making control to their teams. And the “us ver-
sus them” mentality is compounded by the addition of competing projects
(as well as competing functional areas), which further impedes collabora-
Pluralistic, or green, organisations embrace the unpredictability and com-
plexity that emerges in complex systems such as organisations and the
markets they operate in. The premise is that success and failure aren’t bi-
nary options. Unlike in conformist/amber and achievement/orange top-
down decision making,‡ pluralistic/green organisations empower teams

* Pyramids.
† A good example of that is the competitive annual budget cycle — especially when
bonuses are at stake.
‡ Even if the decision is pushed to lower levels.


for bottom-up and consensus-driven decision making where team mem-

bers are trusted to make the right decision because they are the closest to
the client or customer. Alignment between teams comes about through
common, meaningful values and principles that are adopted and followed
across all levels of the organisation.
You can see pluralistic/green organisations emerge in many social organ-
isations and non-profits, and more for-profit organisations are adopting
these models as well (e.g., Southwest Airlines and Ben & Jerry’s). The dif-
ficulty involved in gaining consensus amongst groups of individuals has
meant that pluralistic/green organisations have historically struggled to
find an organisational structure that works and scales. The co-operative
structure is probably the closest we have. The concept of servant leader-
ship is pluralistic/green organisations’ most well-known contribution to
the overall organisational landscape. These organisations retain a hierar-
chical structure, but this is turned on its head* with the leadership at the
bottom supporting the rest of the organisation rather than controlling it.
Evolutionary, or teal, organisations are an emerging class of businesses.
There are very few notable evolutionary/teal organisations right now,
but the concepts and business models are starting to become understood.
Core to these new organisations is the understanding of the company as
a complex system, or even ecosystem, of interconnected yet discrete en-
tities — be they individuals, teams, business units, or products — with
their own directions and purposes. Self-management† becomes a critical
factor; one of our favourite quotes from Laloux’s book explains this per-
fectly. This passage describes Buurtzorg, an evolutionary/teal healthcare
organisation in the Netherlands: “The vertical power transmission of tra-
ditional pyramidal organizations is taken off its hinges: the teams of nurs-
es aren’t simply empowered by their hierarchy; they are truly powerful
because there is no hierarchy that has decision-making power over them.”
Its emerging nature means that there is no common structure for evo-
lutionary/teal organisations at this time. Nevertheless, in our experi-
ence, the prominent hierarchy model that has served conformist/amber,
achievement/orange, and pluralistic/green organisations seems to have
reached the limit of its usefulness.‡ A dynamic network model seems to
be more appropriate.

* Literally.
† Rather than empowerment.
‡ We’d argue that this started with the emergence of the matrix structure.


Laloux is clear about the limitations and biases that emerge from classifi-
cation. In no case is an organisation entirely achievement/orange or plu-
ralistic/green. Different individuals, teams, and business units may op-
erate at different classifications depending on the context. Even a single
team may operate at different levels at different times. When an organisa-
tion is called pluralistic/green, it merely means that this is the dominant
paradigm within which the organisation and its leaders operate.
What does all this have to do with #noprojects? Understanding how
your organisation approaches work is critical to adopting #noproj-
ects-based models. Organisations that are predominantly impulsive/red,
conformist/amber, or, to a lesser extent, achievement/orange are going to
struggle to adopt this style of work. Once we move away from temporary
teams, team permanence becomes a necessity and so dedicated, stable
teams are critical to success.
We call these “value-delivery teams”.
Because value-delivery teams are accountable to deliver a specific out-
come rather than an output, a new team structure emerges that by ne-
cessity integrates the skills from multiple functional areas. These stable,
cross-functional teams benefit the organisation by improving coordina-
tion, simplifying communication, and sharing expertise to solve prob-
lems. This approach significantly reduces many of the overheads in tra-
ditional project structures as many of the coordination, monitoring, and
reporting activities are no longer required.
And so, unlike a team formed in a matrix organisation, value-delivery
teams need to be stable, need to report to a single line manager, and need
to be structurally aligned to parent outcomes.* In fact, the entire point
of #noprojects is that these value-delivery teams will own the changes
that add value to the target outcome. Collectively, the team is accountable
for the outcome — although, depending on the style of organisation, this
may be expressed through a team leader. It is the team leader (or team
facilitator2 for teal teams) who also takes on the responsibility for the few
traditional project-management activities that remain: stakeholder en-
gagement, expectations management, risk identification, and so on.
Whether multiple value-delivery teams collaborate on a single business
outcome (and outcome profile) or focus on independent outcomes, they
all share a single purpose.† This alignment to purpose helps to ensure that

* Rather than functional areas.

† “Act in your company’s best interest” is a good place to start.


teams do not succumb to competing with each other. Limited resources,

financial constraints, and customer pressure will always put a strain on
teams, and without strong alignment this tension can express itself as an
internal “us versus them” mentality.
So, if you’re a project manager reading this, don’t fear this change to your
role. Many of your project-management skills remain valuable for or-
ganisations — it’s just the “temporary project” aspect that fundamentally
Value-delivery teams also require a clear line of sight to the customer or
product owner (in the context of agile delivery). In many value-delivery
teams, the customer is embedded within the team and treated as a team
member. In environments where the consumers or users are distinct from
the customer, they tend not to be team members. However, it is important
that the team regularly engage with them (or a subset of them, like a fo-
cus group) to validate that the work that is being produced creates value.
That’s what the “value” in “value-delivery team” means.
The specific structure of each value-delivery team is unique, and ide-
ally evolves over time with guidance by the team itself. However, regard-
less of the structure, certain archetypes are necessary for effective teams:
the facilitator, the analyst, the customer, the enabler, the architect, the
builder, the communicator, and the tester. Note that these are capabilities,
not people. There may be multiple roles per archetype and an individual
team member may play one or more roles depending on the context.

Guides and enables the team to collaborate, achieve consensus, work at a
sustainable pace, and meet compliance and process commitments in or-
der to operate at peak effectiveness without sacrificing quality or crafts-
manship. A servant leader who is also responsible for removing impedi-
ments, leading team meetings, and other common social practices.
Experience & Seniority: Any, but must have respect of the team
Example Roles: Agile coach, ScrumMaster, project manager
Metaphor: The nervous system


Brings domain knowledge and works closely with users and stakeholders
to understand and define their needs.
Experience & Seniority: Experienced
Example Roles: Product owner, business analyst, SME
Metaphor: The eyes and ears

Owns the final product and ultimately is responsible for the value gener-
ated and final outcome.
Experience & Seniority: Highly experienced
Example Roles: Customer, product owner, product manager
Metaphor: The spirit

Responsible for any supporting activity that enables the rest of the team
to operate at peak efficiency.
Experience & Seniority: Any
Example Roles: ScrumMaster, executive assistant, accountant
Metaphor: The heart

Designs the most appropriate solution to the context while factoring in
working principles, the wider ecosystem, and any other constraint.
Experience & Seniority: Experienced
Example Roles: Software architect, modeller, UX designer, service de-
Metaphor: The head


Anybody who directly creates a piece of the product.
Experience & Seniority: Any
Example Roles: Software developer, database developer, engineer, oper-
ations, UX/UI, process analyst
Metaphor: The hands

Clearly, succinctly, and continuously shares details relating to the adop-
tion of the team’s work.
Experience & Seniority: Any
Example Roles: Change manager, OCM, technical writer, marketer
Metaphor: The mouth

Ensures that the product is appropriate to the context or of appropriate
quality and that it achieves a measure of value towards the outcome.
Experience & Seniority: Any
Example Roles: Tester, QA, business analyst
Metaphor: The immune system

While there may be a team leader or manager, each value-delivery team

is expected to operate as a single, collaborative unit. No one can succeed
unless the entire team succeeds. For that reason, there should be no indi-
vidual KPIs, performance measures, or bonuses — those exist at the level
of the team. And the only people who can judge underperforming indi-
viduals are their peers.
Don’t expect that just because you form a value-delivery team and
assign them an outcome, they’ll immediately perform. There is a
well-understood process of team formation, the Tuckman model,3 which


shows that teams must move through multiple stages before they can be-
come highly effective. These are:
1. Forming — The team is new and individual members tend to act in-
dependently. They are focused on finding their place in the team and
how that aligns to the team objectives.
2. Storming — The team is learning to work together and the natural
tensions and conflicts between members emerge. Some* teams skip
this stage.†
3. Norming — The team has stabilised as a cooperative and collabora-
tive unit with a common goal. There may be disagreements, but the
(formal or informal) social contract amongst team members provides
a mechanism to manage these.
4. Performing — The team is now highly motivated and knowledge-
able. Team members are focused on the outcome and, even if working
independently, operate as a team.
This team formation takes time — in our experience, it takes at least six
months for a team to settle into a performing mode and it may revert to
previous states as circumstances change.
This is another reason that stable teams are so important and why organ-
isations should avoid short-term project teams. When project teams hand
over to a separate “business as usual” (BAU) team and disband at the end
of a project, there is a net loss for the organisation4 in terms of both the
effort involved to form a team and the technical and domain knowledge
that the team has acquired. This is compounded when a project team is
made up of contractors or vendor representatives, which leads to addi-
tional costs for organisations to transfer knowledge to BAU staff. And, of
course, there is significant lead time when the organisation starts the in-
evitable version 2 or upgrade project and needs to either find the old team
members or train a new project team. This can be avoided with dedicated
value-delivery teams.
#noprojects is as much a cultural change as it is a process change.
As such, leaders will need to support their value-delivery teams in iden-
tifying the natural rhythm or cadence of the work they do. After all, it
is the value-delivery team itself, not a manager, who are fundamentally
accountable for managing the continuous flow of change and the asso-

* Lucky.
† And some unlucky teams never get out of this stage.


ciated real-time planning of activities. And this is true at both the macro
(outcome) and micro (activity) level.
At the macro level, the cadence of work is managed through the
team backlog. The sizing of the activities, the planning and delivery cy-
cle, and the feedback loops all inform the overall cadence of the team.
Depending on the context of the team, this backlog may be the equiva-
lent of an agile product backlog or it may contain activities from multiple
products. The value-delivery team (which includes the product owner if
it is an agile delivery team) is solely accountable for the content, prioriti-
sation, and delivery of that backlog. The intention is that each item in this
backlog will create value towards the success of the associated business
outcome. At the organisation level, the measure of this outcome provides
the governance necessary to ensure that the value-delivery team is work-
ing on the correct activities.
An anti-pattern that we see all too often is when a single value-delivery
team is simultaneously working towards multiple outcomes (or for mul-
tiple clients) and switching between them frequently. This usually is a re-
sponse to the question of how to manage team workload and show prog-
ress to clients when working on more than one project.* This misses the
point. Team structure and organisational design should be such that focus
is possible. And stop saying that you need to multitask. All that means is
that you don’t know how to say no, plan your work, or define clear and
independent outcomes.
Multitasking like this can nurture negative behaviours in everyone. From
a team perspective, it’s going to be hard to keep momentum on your work.
From a client perspective, neither client is going to get the focus and pro-
ductivity they expect and thus will not be happy. And from a management
perspective, it’s difficult to measure productivity and value. In short, ev-
erything you work on will take longer than it should.
When a single value-delivery team must support multiple clients,† the
team must have a single, managed, and prioritised backlog (and activity
canvas) for all their work while using a continuous-delivery model. The
team can then always work on the next most important task, regardless of
what it is or who it is for. This also helps to answer the question of “when

* There’s that word again. :-)

† Or outcomes.


will X be done?” By analysing metrics for lead time* and cycle time,† it is a
simple matter of extrapolating how long X will take.
At the micro level, the team will have a cadence in their daily work,
and leaders need to enable that. Nowhere is this more evident than in the
way you plan your day. Managers typically schedule their work in hour
or half-hour blocks, whereas staff tasked with large-scale work will typ-
ically schedule their work in half-day blocks. Paul Graham defines this
There are two types of schedule, which I’ll call the manager’s schedule
and the maker’s schedule. The manager’s schedule is for bosses. It’s em-
bodied in the traditional appointment book, with each day cut into one-
hour intervals. You can block off several hours for a single task if you
need to, but by default you change what you’re doing every hour.
But there’s another way of using time that’s common among people who
make things, like programmers and writers. They generally prefer to use
time in units of half a day at least. You can’t write or program well in
units of an hour. That’s barely enough time to get started.
So, an agile leader not only lets “makers” schedule their own workday but
is subservient to their schedule. Should an hour-long meeting be needed,
an agile leader should work around the makers’ schedule. This is one of
the hallmarks of an empowered employee, one who has the authority to
manage their own schedule rather than bend to the whim of their man-
ager’s schedule.
We’ve implemented this with a few of our previous clients. Meetings, as
requested by management, can only be scheduled between 9 and 11 a.m.
Beyond this, the schedule for each team and each team member is at their
sole discretion. This has increased both the productivity and morale of
the team.
So, what is the role of a manager in #noprojects? In many ways, it
is the very distinction between leadership and management. Assuming
you’ve not gone full teal and have self-managing teams, the leader of a
value-delivery team (or #noprojects organisation) is one who understands
how to support and delegate. And we don’t mean delegating actions‡ but
* Lead time is the time it takes for an activity to go from the initial request to done.
† Cycle time is the time it takes for an activity to go from start to done.
‡ “I need you to put a presentation together by Friday.”


rather delegating ownership and outcomes.* If we focus on hiring good†

people, we can leave the choice and implementation of the relevant ac-
tions to them and trust that they will act in the best interest of the organ-
isation and customer. This means that:
• Instead of “I need a presentation on X,” say “we need to make our
clients aware of the new products.”
• Instead of “I need you to sell this car,” say “we need to increase sales
by 10% this quarter.”

• Instead of “I need you to upgrade Microsoft Office to 2025,” say “we

need to maintain all systems and ensure they are up to date”.
To understand the kind of leader you are, take a moment to consider your
management style. W. Edwards Deming6 put forward two types of mis-
take that you as a leader can make when dealing with variation in out-
1. interfering or tampering when everything is normal or within toler-
ance (common causes), which is generally indicative of microman-
agement, and
2. failure to intervene when a process is out of control (special causes),
which is generally indicative of absenteeism.
As a leader, you need to find the middle ground between these two ex-
Micromanagers tend to be highly reactive to minor, expected, or man-
ageable issues without giving their teams the authority to resolve them
internally. If a process is under control and within allowed tolerances,
team members should have the authority to deliver without management
intervention. This assumes a robust monitoring and reporting process to
identify when assistance becomes required. This brings us to the other
extreme, an absentee manager. A manager is absent, even while physically
in the office, if they do not engage with their teams to help to remove
impediments and blockers. Without a leader to eliminate external and,
sadly, sometimes internal impediments, it becomes nearly impossible to
meet any outcome.

* “We need to make our clients aware of the new products.”

† These are people who we can trust to do the job that we ask of them. And if you can’t
trust them to do a good job, you have a bigger problem.


These are the attributes of a bad manager, but what attributes make a
successful leader? While that could be an entire book in itself,* we would
condense them into 10 core attributes:112
1. You can validate the pros and cons of a decision in an uncertain or
ambiguous context to take advantage of change.
2. You have excellent facilitation, communication, and social skills (e.g.,
engaging, presenting, negotiating, resolving, and persuading) to build
relationships with customers and colleagues while reducing misun-
derstanding and conflict. A quick wit and good sense of humour help
with this.
3. You are creative and can develop or recognise new responses to prob-
lems in order to improve outcomes for your customers and reduce
costs for your business. Creative leaders also tend to attract talented
4. You have strength of character when dealing with stress and keep
emotions out of professional interactions and decision making to
build a professional environment where individuals are comfortable.
5. You are aware of and leverage your strengths and weaknesses and
how they apply to your role. Teams respond well to self-confidence
but not to a large ego.
6. You are self-motivated, with effective time management skills, and
take accountability for organisational outcomes (visualising the
short, medium and long-term outcomes while adapting to changing
7. You have the appropriate professional and technical knowledge need-
ed to engage with your colleagues and customers. You do not need to
know enough to do their job, but enough to understand their work.
8. You understand the value of delegation, getting things done through
other people, in order to improve overall productivity and promote
personal development. You trust your teams and colleagues and do
not fear losing control.
9. You lead your team with honesty, fairness, and integrity to create an
environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. You

* And several have already been written.


are willing to listen to and seek input from colleagues and you are
honest about performance without being offensive or personal.
10. You are aware of the organisational strategy and your role within it so
that organisational outcomes (not just team outcomes) are factored
into decisions.
You may notice that nothing we’ve mentioned here requires a leader to
be in a position of authority. In other words, a leader doesn’t have to be
a boss. Before we finish this chapter, let us distinguish the two different
forms of authority:
1. Institutional authority — Your authority (or right to lead) is instilled
by virtue of the position you hold in the organisation.
2. Personal authority — Your authority (or right to lead) is instilled by
those around you.
Obviously, a strong leader (in the boss definition) should have both, but
anyone in the team can, and should, have personal authority. In general,
an individual’s personal authority is strongly aligned to how much you
trust their competence and sharing a commonality of purpose. If team
members can build trust and commonality of purpose, you have a team
that is set up for success.


Haier elevation
by Doug Kirkpatrick

This case depicts a global manufacturing giant grappling with the chal-
lenge of unlocking the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of its em-
ployees worldwide and linking them so tightly to its end users that it
creates zero distance between employee and customer, driving superior
levels of responsiveness and customer loyalty.

Haier entered the Internet Age with a bureaucratic, hierarchical compa-
ny full of middle managers, hampering innovation and business agility.
Its connectivity to external stakeholders, particularly customers, was less
than optimal. Many employees lacked the skills to innovate and adapt
to an environment of continuous change. Haier’s CEO, Zhang Ruimin,
had always been a visionary advocate of adaptation and improvement.
His challenge was how to infuse that vision into a global manufacturing

Story of continuous rebirth

A hungry dragon is stirring in the Far East. Its name is Haier.
In the fall of 2012, at Haier (pronounced “higher”) headquarters in Qin-
gdao, legendary founder and CEO Zhang Ruimin, cofounder Yang Mian
Mian, and other key leaders were meeting to plan the transition to organ-
isational self-management.
At Haier’s nearby Corporate Culture Centre, a giant sledgehammer — a
symbol of Haier’s birth in 1984 — greeted visitors. Walking through the
centre and reflecting on Haier’s journey, one felt the power of their story
of growth from humble origins to global business legend.
According to Haier’s website, Zhang, a young entrepreneur, took a post as
director of Haier’s precursor, the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory, in 1984.
At the time, the company was drowning in debt and only produced about
10,000 refrigerators each year, with terrible quality. Workers were so un-
kempt and dysfunctional that Zhang had to stop them from urinating on
the shop floor. In frustration, he lined up 76 defective refrigerators, hand-


ed out sledgehammers to the workers, and issued a command: “Destroy

them!” Zhang himself smashed one of the refrigerators to drive home his
key point: the existing culture must be demolished and replaced.7 Out of
this primal act of catharsis, the modern Haier Group was born.
Named by Forbes as one of the world’s 100 most powerful women,8 Haier
cofounder and president Yang shared a keen interest with Zhang in the
practicalities of self-managed organisational governance. As the key per-
son responsible for corporate strategy and management policy, she voiced
thoughtful questions that reflected her intense curiosity about finding the
proper balance of workplace freedom and accountability.
Today, Haier is the world’s largest home-appliance manufacturer, with
global revenues exceeding US$32 billion and profits of US$2.4 billion
in 2014.9 Haier’s 70,00010 employees run global operations, including 10
R&D centres, seven industrial parks, 24 manufacturing plants, and 24
trading companies.11 To manage its sprawling enterprises, Haier created a
localization mode of “three in one”, which combines design, manufacture,
and sales to provide ongoing support for global brand development. Bos-
ton Consulting Group called Haier one of the 10 most innovative compa-
nies in the world, and the most innovative company in the consumer and
retail categories.9 It is a true global powerhouse.
What makes it so unique?
Haier is a master of strategy. Zhang, Yang, and their team have arguably
displayed some of the finest strategic business thinking on the planet over
the last three decades. Jim Stengel, former global marketing officer of
Proctor & Gamble and author of Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit
at the World’s Greatest Companies, chose Zhang as head of strategy for a
dream team composed of world’s finest business leaders.12
Haier’s results have been nothing short of spectacular. According to the
its website, the company grew from a small money-losing operation in
1984 to achieve global revenue of 188.7 billion yuan in 2015 and total
profit of 18 billion yuan with 20% year-on-year growth.13 Euromonitor
International named Haier, with its 9.8% global market share by retail
volumes,119 the top major-appliance brand in the world for the seventh
consecutive year in 2015. Even in 2013’s sluggish economy, the company
posted sales growth of 14%.117 The Haier name is universally known in
China and is one of relatively few Chinese brands with global recogni-
tion. Haier opened the first Chinese-owned factory in the US in South
Carolina in 2000 to manufacture refrigerators for the American market.14


As Zhang told the BBC’s Peter Day:15

I believe in getting the best of both worlds, both from Chinese culture
and from the West. The good thing about Chinese culture is that it treats
something as a whole system, the forest not just the trees. You can see
this in the difference of approach of traditional Chinese medicine and
Western medicine. Western medicine treats symptoms; traditional Chi-
nese medicine treats the whole body, holistically. Western culture wants
everything quantified... so we have also adopted some Western manage-
ment concepts.
Haier organizes around core values. According to Haier’s website, its suc-
cess rests on three of those values.16 The first value is “Users are always
right; we need to improve ourselves.” Haier believes that this is the driving
force to create value for users. The second value is that the twin spirits of
entrepreneurship and innovation are at the heart of Haier culture. This
value envisions the shift in mindset from being a managed worker to em-
bracing the possibility, however challenging, of becoming the CEO of an
entirely new enterprise. The third value is the idea of the ZZJYT, short-
hand for zi zhu jing ying ti,17 which translates to “independent operating
units” — self-managed teams.
So exactly what does a ZZJYT look like, anyway?

Seismic wave of change

Zhang is extraordinarily well read. From Peter Drucker, he learned that
employees realise their value by making decisions (in his presentation at
the 2015 Global Drucker Forum, he described his vision of rendanheyi —
connecting employees directly with end users).18 From Immanuel Kant,
he learned that human beings should be treated as ends rather than as
means.19 And from Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody: The Pow-
er of Organizing without Organizations, he learned about the power of the
Internet to collapse distances between customers and suppliers — and be-
tween managers and workers. Haier had been organized into a traditional
hierarchy, with silos for R&D, finance, and the rest. Information was sup-
posed to flow up and down the chain of command to create ultimate value
for customers.
In 2009, Haier’s visionary leader had had enough. He retooled the organ-
isation to radically empower self-managed teams. Workers would have
information about customers and markets via the Internet. All workers
would be free to develop an innovative idea — for example, a new refrig-


erator model. If he or she could sell management on the idea, that work-
er would be given the chance to recruit and lead their own project team
staffed with subject-matter experts attracted to the idea, who would then
receive a share of any profits.
By the end of 2012, Zhang had eliminated most middle management, al-
lowing the self-managed teams, the multidisciplinary ZZJYTs, to flourish
— which they did, quickly growing to some 2,000 teams. The sheer size
and scale of the move was breath-taking — Zhang clearly believed that
the risk of standing still far outweighed the risk of radical change. He did,
however, recognize the risk of a system in constant upheaval. For exam-
ple, organisational self-managers could organically shift back and forth
between teams, which would form and then dissolve like the clouds over
Qingdao harbour.
“I have to find a balance between reform and risk,” Zhang has said.7 One
of Haier’s inspirations is Morning Star, which began practicing organi-
sational self-management in 1990.12 “The most difficult thing is that in
the past the employees would listen to their bosses, but now they don’t
have any bosses; they have to listen to the users,” Zhang has observed.15
His goal for Haier’s self-managed teams is to create zero distance to the
Haier America has begun implementing the reforms, and Zhang intends
to extend worldwide his vision of a company full of self-organizing entre-
preneurs. As he said to Forbes contributor Jim Stengel in 2012, the future
of organisation design will be more self-managed.12

No disruptive change effort is without challenges.
First, in moving to a flat, self-managed ecosystem, Haier laid off 4,000
middle managers. The company invited many to reapply, but for entre-
preneurial positions in the new, flatter company.
Second, Haier experienced a quantum of employee unhappiness as a re-
sult of the massive change. As Zhang noted:
This is a really difficult nut to crack. The only thing we can do is provide
employees with a level playing field, where they can compete on an equal
footing for opportunities within the company. In reality, however, even
this isn’t good enough; many employees just don’t have the necessary
skills. So, what do we do? This is an issue we have yet to fully resolve.


The third challenge lies in the sheer borderless-ness of Haier’s web-based

ecosystem. Not only are there no borders between stakeholders (custom-
ers, suppliers, universities, competitors, experts, etc.), but Haier’s leaders
have had to rethink their entire business. As Zhang stated:
…We believe that there is no “inside” the company versus “outside” any-
more. As a Haier executive, my goal is no longer to be a maker of home
appliances, but to be an agent of interaction and networking among
people who might be anywhere. I want to turn the company into an In-
ternet-based company, a company unrestricted by borders. Whoever is
capable, come and work with us.
Haier’s relentless effort to resolve these challenges continues.

Power of the Haier platform

Haier’s powerful Internet platform allows limitless collaboration with
suppliers, customers, universities, competitors, the public, and multiple
other stakeholders.
When the company entered the water-purification business, it learned
that consumers were more likely to buy water-filtering equipment while
using Haier’s impressive website to customize household-appliance pur-
chases. Haier trained its consultants to research complex details about
water quality by neighbourhood and to install proper filters for the spe-
cific pollutants in a given area. The company created even more value
by posting water-quality data for 220,000 communities in China on its
In this example and others, Haier showcases stakeholder integration of
the highest order, coupled with stellar organisational performance. Haier
also demonstrates that individuals are never a means to an end, but the
reason for one’s existence in the first place.
From its humble beginnings with 76 sledgehammers to the present-day
workplace of the future (and recent purchaser of GE Appliances123), Hai-
er is finally acquiring the reputation for innovation and excellence it rich-
ly deserves — in its products, services, and organisational design.
The dragon is rising.

Funding #noprojects

It helps those of you reading this who aren’t from a finance back-
ground to approach the subject of funding with empathy and under-
standing, to understand that there is an important reason for the process-
es and controls that the CFO places on an organisation.* Fundamentally,
finance are accountable for the management of all fiscal elements of the
business. And they are held to account for the correct allocation of every
dollar by many masters: the CEO, the board, shareholders, external audi-
tors, the legislative taxation body, and corporate regulators.
The finance domain includes:
• typical products like an annual report, budget allocation, and tax fil-
• typical processes like cashflow management, managing accounts,
shares management, short-term and long-term investments, manag-
ing depreciable assets, and raising capital (shares and loans);
• optional processes like procurement, forex markets and currency
conversion, and international trade; and
• frameworks and guidelines like relevant tax and accounting legisla-
tion, GAAP, CPA, or equivalent guidelines.
We explain this because it’s important to understand what finance needs
from you — not what they ask for, but what they really need. In a word,
that is predictability.
If you’ve been paying attention, you know that this entire book is predi-
cated on the fact that we live in an unpredictable (or VUCA) world. His-
torically, projects have given finance a false sense of predictability. The
business case and project plan make a promise to finance: for $X, you’ll
get Y in return. And historically, we’ve broken that promise more often
than not. Is it any wonder that finance keeps putting stricter controls on
the entire organisation to try to gain that financial predictability?
We are going to let you in on a little secret: funding a continuous
stream of work without the false security of a project is both simpler and
more predictable for you, your customer, and your finance division. From
personal experience, and without exception, we’ve had positive feedback
from the finance teams in every organisation where we’ve worked to em-
bed a #noprojects approach.

* And the more complex and organisation, the more controls are needed.


While writing this book, we spent a lot of time discussing what we should
call it. One title that we played around with for quite a while* was Con-
tinuous Flow. While we have to admit that it isn’t a good title, it capably
describes what #noprojects is, how funding works, and why it gives fi-
nance easier forecasts and predictability. For finance, #noprojects means
working with a predictable and linear spending curve that can scale on

GAAP explained
Let us take a moment to explain some of the core principles behind fi-
nancial accounting. If you’re going to have a conversation about moving
towards funding teams based on #noprojects approaches, you’re going to
have to be able to speak finance’s language.
There is a set of finance principles called the generally accepted account-
ing principles, or GAAP for short — although, do note that there are mul-
tiple competing (if similar) standards across the world (e.g., IFRS and IAS).
GAAP is made up of four basic principles and five basic constraints that
are designed to remove subjectivity and bias from corporate accounts.

1. Historical-cost principle — Companies account for and report the
acquisition costs of assets and liabilities rather than their fair market
2. Revenue-recognition principle — Companies record revenue
when earned rather than when received. This is the essence of accru-
al accounting.
3. Matching principle — Where reasonable, expenses have to be
matched with revenues and must be recorded in the same accounting
period as the revenue it helped to earn. Only if no connection with
revenue can be established may it be charged as expenses to the cur-
rent period.
4. Full-disclosure principle — Information disclosed should be
enough to make a judgment while keeping preparation costs reason-

* That obviously didn’t make it.


5. Objectivity principle — Financial statements provided by accoun-
tants should be based on objective evidence such that different people
looking at the same information will arrive at the same conclusions.
6. Materiality principle — The significance of an item should be con-
sidered when it is reported. An item is considered significant when it
would affect the decision of a reasonable individual.
7. Consistency principle — The company uses the same accounting
principles and methods from period to period.
8. Conservatism principle — Accounting should be fair and reason-
able and should never overstate or understate the affairs of the busi-
ness or the results of operation.
Cost constraint — The benefits of reporting financial information should
justify and be greater than the costs imposed on supplying it.

It comes down to how work is planned, measured, and executed in a #no-

projects or continuous-delivery model. A traditional project is funded
based on the estimated effort and duration of a fixed scope of work (which
is often incorrect*) and where the benefits are usually measured after the
project is complete. #noprojects initiatives are funded based on a steady
rate of financial spend (the aforementioned stable value-delivery team)
against a regularly measured business outcome (the aforementioned out-
come profile). The return on investment remains an assumption but the
period of measure is exponentially shorter. By dynamically planning, pri-
oritising, and monitoring activities against outcomes, teams can manage
their budgets and deliver the highest-value activities first.
Because we have greater predictability and can focus on value realisation
rather than on measuring outputs, we’re in a much stronger position to
demonstrate value to customers and shareholders. Nowhere is this more
evident than at the start of a “project”. In our previous lives as project
managers, we would often spend up to four months writing business cas-
es to justify ROI before we could start a project.† Now, we have teams who
are funded by outcome (not by work) so we can start with a hypothesis, an

* Ultimately, if we had perfect estimation, we wouldn’t be writing this book.

† Which was always frustrating because the project was already funded in the annual
plan — we just had to do the dance to find the right words in the business case to
make finance happy so that they would release the already allocated funds.


assumption of value, and spend those same months demonstrating ROI.

And if our assumption is wrong, we can make an informed decision to
stop, pivot, or continue.*
The question that always gets asked of us is what about capex and
opex? The elegant simplicity of #noprojects helps provide a simple an-
swer to this as well. The trick is to determine which class of activities
contribute to a capital asset and which do not.

Capex explained
The world of corporate finance is complex and requires more depth than
we can give here. However, there are a few key concepts you need to un-
derstand to have this conversation. Foremost is to understand capitalisa-
In brief, many of the “things” we create have value over multiple years.
We call these assets. If I cook myself a delicious dinner, its value lasts for
a couple of hours.† If I buy a new oven that lets me cook many meals, the
value of that oven lasts for decades.
We want companies to create capital assets because this is what drives
long-term economic development and generally creates a sustainable
revenue stream. The downside is that it costs a lot of money up front to
build an asset and it can take several years to recoup that investment. The
implication of this is that companies want to be able to spread the impact
of that initial loss out over the lifespan of the asset‡ (for both tax and ac-
counting purposes).
It’s also important to understand that the value in capital assets changes
over time. Some will depreciate (that new car you purchased will never
be worth more than when you first bought it§) and others will appreci-
ate (your house is probably worth more than when you bought it). Some
assets will earn you money while you own it (a rental property) and the
value of others is only realised when you sell it (your home).

* If delivering the outcome is more important than the ROI.

† And maybe a couple of weeks around my waist
‡ Ironically, longer than any initial project.
§ Well, it might be if you had actually bought that new Lotus in 1974 and kept it in
pristine condition until today.


So, the rules are clear. For an asset to be capitalisable, it has to have a
useful life beyond one year, have clear business value (e.g., directly or in-
directly helps you generate income), and be something you own. Within
those criteria, anything can be an asset, including an intangible object like
So, when spending money or effort, a capital expense (usually shortened
to “capex”) is anything that materially contributes to the creation of an
asset and an operational expense (“opex”) is anything that contributes to
running the business.

To determine which activities are capex and which are opex, always start
by talking with your finance department. They will be able to work with
you to develop clear guidelines that are in compliance with industry stan-
dards and relevant taxation legislation and will withstand an external au-
dit. In general, there are some common principles at play:
• First, the product has to be something that generates value over
multiple years. HR or marketing teams will be nearly 100% opex —
a marketing campaign or HR policy is not an asset. The acquisition
of physical hardware or plant equipment will nearly always be 100%
• In developing a product, the work of most roles can be capitalised.
In a software team, the costs of the time spent by developers, testers,
architects, and designers are all capitalisable. Some organisations (de-
pending on country and company policy) will capitalise the costs of
ScrumMasters and management roles while others will not. Admin-
istrative support and training is always opex.
• In enhancing* a product, most work can be capitalised. In that same
software team, all effort going towards creating a new feature, ex-
tending existing features to reach new users (internationalisation or
multiplatform development), and improving the existing code base
(e.g., refactoring, performance, or DR) would be capex. However,
there are many activities you cannot capitalise. Temporary customis-
* In an early draft of this book, we had used the phrase “in maintaining a product”.
I was (rightly) slapped down for this (thanks Pat Reed). While we were using the
term to imply a continuous flow of new features and improvements, the word
maintenance has a very explicit expense connotation to auditors, finance teams and
accountants. Hence the term, enhancements.


ations, feasibility spikes, and resolving defects (from production, not

in the usual day-to-day development) would be opex.
And it’s pretty easy to track. Once you have a clear understanding of
the characteristics, tools like an agile backlog or the activity canvas can be
used to differentiate between capex and opex. And it doesn’t have to be
complicated — if you’re using a physical board, then using different-co-
loured sticky notes is sufficient. However, as audits are usually done long
after the work is complete, care needs to be taken to keep appropriate ev-
idence. This is where electronic tools have the advantage. Electronic tools
generally allow you to classify all activities* by type and, if you’ve prede-
termined which type is capex and which is opex, you’re almost done. The
final step is to clearly record when the work was released† into the market
so that the finance teams can accurately track the depreciation & value of
the total asset.
Once you’ve got the percentage of capex and opex work by team, that
information can feed into both forecasts and actual reports.
Some organisations will create 100% capex or opex teams in which team
members work on either only capital or operational work. The tradition-
al build teams and run teams would fall under this format. We do not rec-
ommend this as it breaks many of the principles of #noprojects: those of
cross-functional and outcome-focused teams. While some outcomes may
be purely opex, it would be incredibly rare for an outcome that requires
capital development not to also require operational investment.
We also caution against tracking work by hours.‡ That level of granulari-
ty introduces additional complexity and interruptions into the workflow
of teams, with the associated reduction in productivity. Luckily, we have
many other measures on our toolbelt that satisfy both finance and exter-
nal auditors. Two common measures are velocity and cycle time.
Velocity is a relative measure used by many agile teams. It is simply cal-
culated as the number of story points delivered in a defined unit of time
(usually a two-week iteration). A story point is a relative estimate of ef-
fort. Say that activity A is twice as hard as activity B. So, if A is given a
relative value of 2, then B must be 4. The advantage is that velocity cor-
relates with actual effort and is automatically calculated at the end of ev-
ery iteration. It can also be independently verified based on the data that

* Or story, ticket, card, etc… — pick your metaphor.

† Or deployed, launched, etc… — there are plenty of metaphors to choose from.
‡ Let’s face it, nobody likes timesheets.


both finance and auditors require. One piece of advice here; story points,
by themselves, are generally not accurate enough for financial reporting.
You must ensure that the velocity is accurately correlated to effort and
time at the end of the iteration.
A second measure, coming out of lean, is cycle time. Rather than creating
an estimate, cycle time is simply the average of how long each specific
activity takes to deliver to the customer (or a predefined endpoint). This
works best with an automated tool and when activities aren’t too small
(between half a day and two days is ideal). Once again, this measure can
be independently verified based on the data.
However, regardless of the approach used, the goal is to be able to prepare
for, and pass, a capitalisation audit – an independent validation that the
allocation of capital and operational expenses were valid. If you can’t pass
the audit with flying colours, you run the risk of having to pay penalties
and re-report earnings*.
We also need to measure value delivered against the target outcomes.
Focusing just on capex and opex leads to the same behaviours as measur-
ing time, cost, and scope in a project. While each value-delivery team will
define unique measures against each outcome profile, there are certain
common value-based measures you† should consider:
• quality (e.g., defect injection rate, MTTR,‡ number of failed units, per-
centage of returns, etc.),
• customer and employee engagement and satisfaction (e.g., NPS§);
• organisation responsiveness,
• experimentation and learning,
• effectiveness (doing the right work), and
• balancing productivity with efficiency (doing the work right).
There’s an interesting nuance in talking about measuring productivi-
ty versus efficiency. Many organisations focus on efficiency as a way of
driving down costs, which it does. However, once again, that’s not what

* which is never a good thing for investor confidence or shareholder trust

† And your finance team.
‡ Mean time to repair.
§ We personally dislike NPS (“How likely are you to recommend us?”) as it can
be easily gamed. We’d prefer to ask a simpler yes-or-no question like “Have you
recommended us?”


is most important. With apologies, let us explain this with some mathe-
r = (P/C)*100
Efficiency (r) is the total amount of useful product output (P) produced
against the cost of resources† consumed (C). In a business sense, this is the
profit margin.
p = O/I
Productivity (p) is the ratio of the business output (O) to key inputs (I; in
this case we’re using a single-factor productivity calculation). In a busi-
ness sense, this is the total profit.
So, let’s create an example. Pretend you run a marketing organisation
with two value-delivery teams who create advertising campaigns for your
clients. Let’s say you sell every campaign for $10,000.
The first value-delivery team of five junior marketers takes one week to
produce a campaign with a total cost of $5,000. This gives you a profit per
person of $1,000.

Efficiency Productivity Profit per person

P = 10000 O=1 (10000 - 5000) * 0.2 =
C = 5000 I=5 $1000
r = 10000/5000 = 200% p = 0.2

The second, senior team (also five people) costs $8,000 per week but pro-
duces three campaigns in the same time.

Efficiency Productivity Profit per person

P = 10000 O=3 (10000 - 8000) * 0.6 =
C = 8000 I=5 $1200
r = 10000/8000 = 125% p = 0.6

You see in this instance that even though the first team is more efficient
(200% versus 125%), the second team makes more profit ($1,000 versus
$1,200 per person). Beyond this simple example, the problem is that pro-
ductivity is hard to truly define and efficiency is easy to calculate. So, if

* We’re taking a very simplistic approach to give you an idea of how it works. It’s
much, much, much more complicated in reality.
† Yet again, people aren’t resources — but try telling that to mathematicians.


profits are down, it’s easier to focus on efficiency at the expense of pro-
There’s one more element around funding #noprojects to cover, and
that’s governance. It may surprise you, but we are big fans of governance*.
The key is to build the right level of governance proportionate to the risk
in a way that doesn’t slow down work. Before we proceed, let’s quickly
refresh some basic principles of #noprojects:
• We have trusted and empowered teams.
• Teams are built around business outcomes.
• We measure outcomes on a regular basis.
• Teams pull the work to themselves.
In this context, the question to ask is what is the most appropriate gov-
ernance with the lightest possible touch? To answer that, we need to in-
troduce you to the two basic types of corporate governance: approval and
Approval-based governance is a gate or a checkpoint. It says, “Stop here
while we’ll check to make sure you can proceed.” This form of governance
is appropriate in high-risk or high-cost environments, especially in situ-
ations where the cost/impact of failure is high — when there is a risk of
death, injury, or significant financial cost. For example, when building
your house, you’re going to stop and check that the foundations are right
before you continue to build anything else.
Audit-based governance checks that you are doing the right work and
that you are doing it right. It says, “Keep going, and we’ll check in with
you every couple of weeks.” This form of governance is appropriate in
lower-risk or time-critical situations, which is pretty much every situa-
tion not included above.
What about situations that are both high risk and time critical? In these
cases, it comes down to the operating† context. If you’re bleeding out, you
want the doctor to fix your injury professionally and quickly, without
waiting for external approval. If there’s a little more time, you’d like the
doctor to please stop and check that they’re operating on the right‡ leg.

* In fact, the name of Evan’s first book was almost “Agile Corporate Governance”. No
one is suggesting that he is good with names.
† Pun intended.
‡ Or left.


If it’s not obvious which form of governance applies, we prefer audit-based

governance to approval-based governance in most #noprojects environ-
ments. It allows teams to work at speed while providing confidence that
when mistakes* occur, they can be identified and corrected quickly with
“a small blast radius”.1
How much does this cost? This is the question that every project man-
ager is asked at some point. We hope that by this time you realise that it’s
the wrong question. The real question is: What is it worth?
Everything we’ve spoken about so far comes down to these four words.
We are near the end of the book, and these four words are probably the
most important four words yet written in it. If you can’t answer this ques-
tion, you need to have a good look at the work that you are doing. If you
can’t even ask this question, you’ve got a serious cultural problem inside
your organisation. In our experience, there is really only one situation
where this question is hard to both ask and answer: external vendor con-
Writing a contract with a vendor in a #noprojects environment can
be incredibly difficult. To clarify, we’re not talking about a contract for
specific goods (use a price per widget or fixed price) or contracts for indi-
vidual contractors (use time and materials); those don’t really change. But
when you’re contracting a third party to deliver work or a product for
you, the traditional contract of fixed price, time, and scope won’t work.
That’s partly because the work is highly variable but also because you
have designed your teams around delivering outcomes.
Fundamentally, a contract is defined by the level of risk each party is will-
ing to accept. To manage this risk, there are three questions that every
organisation will ask at some point:
1. How much will this cost?
2. How long will it take?
3. What am I going to get?
And while “as much as you’re willing to spend”, “as long as necessary”, and
“whatever you ask for” are sometimes acceptable answers, many organi-
sations are uncomfortable with this approach. This reflects more on the
organisation than the vendor but has often led to the misconception that
teams are writing themselves blank cheques.

* Or, sadly, fraud.


Let’s first be clear about the basics. There is a fundamental relationship

between time, cost, and scope. To understand this, it can help to visualise
any work as a pipe. The width of the pipe is your team size, the length
of the pipe is the time available to deliver, and the flow is your scope. If
you’re engaging a vendor team as a #noprojects team, then time is not re-
ally a constraint. However, if you’re engaging them to provide short-term
services within a wider #noprojects environment, it may be.
Therefore, any variations require one of these three variables to change.
Effectively, and simplistically, you have three options: increase capacity
(cost), increase duration (time), or drop requirement (scope).

The iron pipe.

Overtime isn’t a solution, as current research2 suggests3 that long-term4,

sustained5 overtime leads to a significant reduction in productivity. Nei-
ther is “reducing quality” to somehow go faster – we know the impact of
technical debt and the falsehood that doing shoddy work takes less time.
So, what does this mean for contracts? Traditional contracts rely on pre-
dictability — I’ll pay you X to do Y — which demonstrates a fundamental
flaw in how you traditionally build contracts. So, you need to find a dif-
ferent constraint, a different way of agreeing to a commitment. Experi-
ence shows that most software contacts come in three forms: time and
materials, outcome based, or fixed contracts.
Time and materials (T&M) is the most agile contract model and pro-
vides the greatest flexibility to change, scale, and adapt on demand. If you
are able to identify and prioritise the value of any unit of work, a T&M
contract gives you the flexibility to stop work (or at least trigger the con-
tract closure clauses) when the cost of delivery is greater than the value of
what is delivered. In other words, work should continue until you choose
to stop.


To understand what this means, it can help to visualise the rate of spend.
In the above figure, we track the value of work against a linear financial
spend (fixed team size). In this example, the initial work is of low value,*
followed by low-effort yet high-value tasks, followed by the lower-value
and harder tasks. This is the exact model used in the activity canvas. In
this case, it is very easy to see where the T&M contract should come to an
end as the value diminishes against the cost.
If you need additional controls, you can create a capped T&M contract,
which limits financial spend to a fixed amount. It’s important to ensure
that the cap is high enough so that the overall return on investment is
positive. You can also introduce a guaranteed minimum spend or delivery
bonuses to encourage productivity in the team.†
Outcome-based or performance-based contracts are gaining popu-
larity. These are sometimes known as “power by the hour” in reference
to the support contracts for aircraft engines that are based on hours flown
rather than fixed or annualised contracts.
The terms and measures in this contract should directly relate to the out-
comes defined in the outcome profile. However, do not underestimate the
difficulty inherent in agreeing on a mutually acceptable financial model.
Common examples of outcome-based contracts are software as a service
and other pay-per-use models.
In the contract, and alongside the outcome profile, you’ll also need to
define the payment curve (how will you pay, or be paid, against the per-
formance measures), incentives to exceed the baseline measure, and the
acceptable level of risk to the outcome.
* But necessary to enable the later, high-value pieces of work to be done at all.
† However, be wary of incentivising the wrong behaviour.


Mirko Kleiner6 has an approach he calls “lean-agile procurement”, which

uses a lean procurement canvas to identify shared goals and outcomes,
find alignment on the way of working, and rapidly agree to either work
with a vendor or part ways.
Sadly, many organisations will still require fixed contracts, especial-
ly where there are significant capital costs. In a traditional project, this
would be a combination of fixed cost, time, or scope. In the worst case,
all three would be fixed. Providing fixed quotes can sometimes be com-
patible with #noprojects but this requires careful attention to manage the
flexible component in a way that is reasonable and achievable.
• Fixed cost — This is a capped contract where the vendor provides
services up to a price. What they do and how long it takes is com-
pletely flexible.
• Fixed time —If a specific unit of work needs to be done in a specific
time frame, a fixed-time contract may be appropriate.
• Fixed cost and time — This is the most common type of fixed con-
tract in a #noprojects environment: a contracted team, supplement-
ing the existing team, hired for a limited period of time at a fixed cost.
Where possible, avoid fixed scope in any combination unless the work is
short or obvious.* In place of scope constraints, incorporate other con-
straints into the contract terms. For example:
• quality constraints (e.g., defect injection rate),
• MTTR (mean time to recover),
• ROI (maintaining a positive effort-to-value ratio, similar to the T&M
example above),
• MVP (minimum viable product; a limited scope constraint that
should be no more than 20% of the total contract size), or
• productivity improvements (a small, incremental increase in produc-
tivity measures over time).
All these approaches fundamentally come down to the core principle of
managing risk. Your contract terms are going to be set by the level of risk
each party is willing to accept. In a #noprojects context, avoid a contract
that overly constrains a partnership where the risk is already low or is

* We’re using the Cynefin definition of obvious here.


There is one final factor, for both finance teams and contracts, that
needs to be understood: trust. As we have demonstrated, you operate
in an unpredictable environment, bordering on chaotic, and custom-
ers (whether external or internal) traditionally try to establish control
through constraining scope. #noprojects, on the other hand, is successful
because it takes advantage of (rather than controls) this unpredictability.
However, you come up against your customers’ natural concerns and
fears. Can they trust you to act in their best interest? Can they trust you to
fail fast? If you can’t guarantee exactly what they’ll get, can they trust you
to deliver something of value? The less your customers trust you, the less
responsive you can be.
The form and flexibility of the relationship between parties depends on
the level of trust that exists between them. We define this across four dis-
tinct levels:*

Trust pyramid.

1. Reference — This is the lowest form of trust and exists where trust
between the parties is based on the reference of a mutually trusted
third party.

* In Evan’s first book, he described five layers of trust (reference, contract, knowledge,
identification, and team). However, the distinction between knowledge and
identification was confusing, so we’ve merged them.


2. Contract — This is the most common level of trust, and the majority
of relationships do not extend beyond this. This exists where parties
create legally binding contracts (potentially with penalty clauses) as
the core mechanism to enable trust between them.
3. Identification — This level of trust evolves over time and exists
where parties have the opportunity to work together and build trust
based on personal experiences. This is where we can really start to
be agile.
4. Partnership — This is the highest level of trust and exists when both
parties share the same goals and outcomes. This may take the form of
a strategic partnership or similar structure.
How do you build trust? Being trustworthy is a good start. Act with fair-
ness and integrity, share knowledge, be transparent, and of course per-
form competently. Within teams, leaders who delegate outcomes (rather
than actions), explain why, seek and value opinions, celebrate success, and
give everyone opportunities to contribute (but still consider group rath-
er than individual interests) build trust with their teams. It’s also worth
mentioning that trust is based on perception rather than reality (in an
ideal world, perception and reality would be the same). Acting with confi-
dence and displaying concern or empathy are good ways to build trust at
the start of a relationship.


Evolving budget management
by Joanna L. Vahlsing

When the product-development organisation within a leading health

company moved to adopt more agile approaches, the shift required that
the transition team determine how to ensure that annual budgeting still
met the needs of the finance organisation and that the process would help
to build an investment mindset to replace the fixed-project-budget mind-
This case study covers the challenges of the previous model, the evolution
of budget management, and the benefits that the organisation saw once
the changes were in place.

The organization was facing two main problems.
First, the annual budgeting process required that all project, program, and
portfolio planning be completed up front for the following year, effective-
ly locking in the plan and preventing the adoption of opportunities and
changes based on market conditions and consumer feedback.
Next, the process created a mindset in which projects needed to be com-
pleted and the budget spent, regardless of whether or not the project still
provided value, leading to decreased agility due to scarce resources (re-
sources were tied up in approved projects).
Also, the project-budgeting process created tension over project scope
amongst decision makers and the team delivering the work because
if they did not deliver the scope within the budget or time window, all
would lose their opportunity to get what they wanted.
Another problem was the overhead that went into managing the budget
and resourcing, which in lean terms mostly created waste and re-work
due to the granularity with which the budget had to be managed. For cap-
italisation purposes, team members needed to track their time spent on
each task and in which stage the work was undertaken (requirements, de-
sign, build, test, or release).


As with most organisations, there is a requirement to create an annu-
al budget. When the organisation was working in a waterfall approach,
planning for the following year would begin to take place in Q4. In this
particular process, the heads of each business function would make a pre-
sentation to the executive team and compete to have their projects ap-
proved for the plan.
Once a project was placed into the bucket of worthwhile projects, the
PMO would start to work with the leaders of the product-development
organisation to meticulously plan which and how many resources* would
be needed for how long.
The waterfall methodology resulted in a sequenced plan that had those
working on requirements for Project 1 finished just in time to start on
the requirements for Project 2, with the same applied to the design, build,
test, and release stages.
The draft plan would go through a variety of versions until it was locked
down and sent to the finance team, who would apply personnel costs and
create the annual operating budget. This would then be revised (usually
down). Once the draft met the target spend amount, it was then set as the
annual operating plan.
The project manager was responsible for assembling the resources and
starting the project at the planned time. Most people assigned to the proj-
ect had not been involved in the decision to put it in the annual operat-
ing plan so most kickoffs started with a couple of line-item notes from
the executive planning meeting the year before. Outcome ownership and
team-member engagement usually did not exist.
Without some level of outcome ownership, most project team members
didn’t stop to think if the project would still bring the same level of value
it had been thought to bring when it was discussed in annual planning.

In the agile transformation, the product-development organisation moved
from project teams to durable product teams, with each team focused on
and owning one particular area of the product. These teams had all the
skills that they would need to deliver their outcomes, including product
management embedded in the team. They were also tasked with goals
* This means people. See our earlier point about humans not being resources!


that were outcomes instead of specific projects or features. One example

of a goal was that the team responsible for the digital sign-up funnel had
to increase paid conversions by some percentage.
To support this, the budgeting process also needed adjustment. While
there would continue to be an annual plan, that plan would look different
than it did in the waterfall days. The plan included outcomes instead of
features/products and durable teams focused on achieving those ongoing
We also had teams dedicated to investigating and testing out ideas. We
would invest the team members’ time for a period, assess the investment’s
performance, and decide if we wanted to continue to invest in that test or
move the team to the next test.
The smallest increment the organization would plan in would be a team.
This approach created flexibility for what team members were working
on, encouraged them to try new things if outcomes were unsatisfactory,
increased ownership and engagement, and prevented the “we have the
money budgeted so we must spend it all” mindset.
The approach also provided finance with the information they needed to
set the annual plan while maintaining clarity regarding who was working
on what and what can be capitalized.

Because the executive team supported the transition to more agile ways
of working, success came down to how finance would buy into this ap-
Finance team members were involved in the transition from the begin-
ning. The first steps were to increase their buy-in by showing how their
needs would still be met with this new process. It required educating them
in the new approach to product-development planning and the benefits it
would bring and working with them to ensure that there was transparen-
cy, clarity, and understanding.
We conducted a dry run with finance before setting the following year’s
budget and worked through any issues and questions as we created the
necessary templates and artefacts.


When it came time to set the annual budget for real, planning went
smoothly. The year was planned based on the rough number of teams that
were needed, based on what the organization was trying to accomplish.
It was easy enough to understand the product/software-development or-
ganisation’s run rate, find the average cost of a team, then figure out if and
when we would need to add more teams during the year.
Because using product teams instead of projects built more flexibility into
the plan, budget-management overhead significantly dropped, which al-
lowed the finance team to use that saved time to work on more strategic
We continued to use timesheets to track individuals’ time spent on activ-
ities that could be capitalized. When making this switch at other organi-
sations, we’ve implemented options such as estimation of administrative
hours per role and other suggestions in the beyond-budgeting7 model.

Because this was almost a decade ago (before agile became more main-
stream and understood), one of the biggest challenges was convincing
finance team members that agile wasn’t just a fad and that making these
changes would ultimately help the company to meet its purpose and mis-
To overcome this, we knew we needed not only to approach the change
from an educational perspective but also to demonstrate the benefits that
the finance team would gain.
We found that we needed to take a hybrid approach because some work
still needed to be planned in a waterfall fashion, mainly the back-office
systems. Knowing this up front would have helped us structure the plan-
ning in a hybrid manner. Fortunately, we encountered this challenge
early, while reviewing the entire portfolio of work, and we were able to
determine which projects still needed to be planned and budgeted in a
waterfall manner.

Product teams were free of the constraints that budget planning usually
places on a team. Teams were funded, or weren’t, and it became the team’s
responsibility to understand how they’re tracking to achieve their out-
comes. At the executive level, strategic conversations could happen based


on the outcome metrics and a product team could adjust their focus ac-
cording to that information.
Gone were the days of the “we have it budgeted so let’s spend it” mind-
set; the new mindset of the teams was “are we achieving our desired out-
The finance team members, without so much budget-management over-
head, were able to work on more strategic items.
While we didn’t track metrics as much as we would have liked to, we es-
timate that moving to this new mindset saved a minimum of six weeks
each year of up-front planning when setting the annual plan and probably
a least another four weeks throughout the year.
It was a win for all involved and helped the organization achieve increased

#noprojects and
business agility

By this point, it should come as no surprise that we consider #noproj-

ects to be a fundamental expression of business agility. With the emer-
gence of a worldwide continuous culture, only high-performing, adapt-
able, and agile organisations will thrive in the battle for relevance.
This environment is not the strength of traditional project-based organi-
sations that expect and depend on predictability — but #noprojects-based
organisations with their focus on outcomes, value-delivery teams, and
continuous work are designed to operate under these conditions. We
want you to start thinking of #noprojects as the way an agile organisation
structures and delivers work, with business agility being the common
thread to the rest of the organisation.
If you will allow a slight detour in the narrative, we want to take a mo-
ment to explain what this means. To understand business agility is to un-
derstand the domains of business agility,1 which is a practical model that
consists of nine domains interacting across three dimensions and centres
on the customer. It’s not a pyramid or matrix but is rather a model of
agility whose domains in each of the dimensions are equal, necessary, in-
terrelated, and dependent on each other. No single domain supersedes
or is more important than any of the others. Business agility only emerg-
es when your organisation can embrace agile across all the domains and
across all facets of your organisation.

The domains of business agility.


Business agility creates purpose-driven organisations. For most compa-

nies, the customer is their purpose; in public-sector or social-good or-
ganisations, however, the definition of the customer is much broader.
Regardless of how you define “customer”, your customer is at the heart of
the model and shapes your organisation. Surrounding the customer are
the three dimensions of work, connections, and mindset:
1. The three domains in the work dimension govern how an agile or-
ganisation operates, from technical agility at the individual activity
level to process agility at the value-stream level to scaling to enter-
prise agility at the organisation level. This is primarily where #no-
projects has the greatest impact.
2. The connections dimension governs the relationships that form
within and outside the organisation. Structural agility defines the
relationships between individuals, teams, and divisions. Leadership
agility defines the relationship with authority. Market agility defines
the relationship with your users and the wider market. Value-deliv-
ery teams are the #noprojects expression of business agility in these
3. The mindset dimension is concerned with governing the key charac-
teristics of an agile organisation: a learning mindset, a collaboration
mindset, and an ownership mindset.

Your customer is at the heart of business agil-

ity and is the very reason your organisation ex-
ists. “Customer” is a very broad term. Depending
on your organisational context, it could mean a
paying client for a private organisation, a citizen
for a public-sector organisation, or an abstrac-
tion (like “the environment” or “the community”)
for a non-profit organisation. In some contexts, your customer may be a
separate division within your organisation — although in this case, you
should always consider the total value stream and the true end customer
instead of just delivering to a division because of the way the reporting
lines work. Regardless of who your customer is, all customers have one
thing in common: they provide you with your purpose. In #noprojects,
the outcomes in your outcome profiles all start with the customer.


We have placed the customer at the centre of the model2 not only be-
cause they are the reason you do what you do, but also because customers
have been invisible for so long. Look at your current org chart. Where is
the customer? Organisations have said for years that customers are their
most important asset and yet this asset is nowhere to be seen.
Having the customer at the centre doesn’t mean that the customer is al-
ways right or that employees or shareholders aren’t important. And it
always remains necessary to make a profit. It simply means that almost
everything that you do revolves around them. It means that they are the
top of your organisation charts. It means that the work that you do, and
the way that you do it, is primarily for them.
The first three domains of business agility are part of the work di-
mension. These three domains operate in concert to define how an agile
organisation works.
Technical agility defines the techniques for
delivering work, regardless of function or sub-
ject matter, in an agile way. This includes all of
the techniques for continuous delivery and de-
velopment that are defined in the “Continuous
culture” chapter.
For decades, agile teams have promoted strong technical agility as
the keystone for being agile, the purpose being to increase quality and
throughput and while embracing uncertainty and change. Many of the
agile methods and practices developed over the last 20 years, such as ex-
treme programming XP, behaviour-driven development, test-driven de-
velopment, and DevOps, are almost entirely devoted to technical agility.
And technical agility isn’t limited to software development. Any domain
of work can be technically agile — for example, we’re starting to see agil-
ity emerge in marketing and finance work with their own agile practices
(e.g., agile marketing or beyond budgeting3).
To be technically agile, any work practice or technique needs to be de-
signed for ambiguity, be customer centric, seamlessly respond to change,
and promote collaboration. To benefit from technical agility, your organ-
isation requires the other eight domains, but these techniques and prac-
tices are generally a good place to start.


Process agility is the form of agility that en-

compasses an individual value stream — the
combination of discrete activities that teams and
projects undertake. This is the form of agility that
most people think of when they hear the term:
agile frameworks and methods to encompass
multi-step, and potentially multi-team, value
streams from traditionally agile processes like software delivery to busi-
ness processes. Methods such as Scrum, the Kanban method, SAFe, LeSS,
disciplined agile, or lean Six Sigma are all, in large part, operating at this
level (although it’s true to say that many of the more complex methods
operate in the enterprise agility domain as well).
Much of #noprojects operates at this layer, as one of process agility’s key
elements is the focus on outcomes and products over outputs and proj-
ects. The governance of all decisions, processes, and work is directed to-
wards ensuring the continuous delivery of value and business outcomes.
Enterprise agility scales agility across divi-
sions, departments, the organisation, and ulti-
mately between organisations. We are only now
starting to think about enterprise agility as a dis-
crete domain. Over the last 20 years, as individu-
al teams became agile, the constraining factor for
agility to scale was the other teams within the di-
vision. Now, as entire divisions and departments
scale to become agile, the constraining factor for agility is the rest of the
organisation. This is the entire point of Evan’s theory of agile constraints,
which we describe in the “Continuous culture” chapter. Enterprise agility
emerges when there is an agile way of working across multiple teams and
The next three domains of business agility are part of the connec-
tions dimension and govern the relationships that form both within and
outside the organisation. These three domains cut across the previous
dimension and so, to be successful, you require elements of structural,
market, and leadership agility inside each of technical, process, and en-
terprise agility.


Structural agility defines the relationships

between individuals, teams, and divisions to
create an agile organisation. The simple pyramid
hierarchy no longer serves us. Laloux’s teal or-
ganisation and Steve Denning’s three laws4 (laws
of the small team, network, and customer) come
into play across this domain. Practices such as
systems thinking and the theory of constraints (including Evan’s theory
of agile constraints) are necessary here. At the lowest level of the organi-
sation, these are the #noprojects value-delivery teams: small, cross-func-
tional, and formed around business outcomes rather than traditional,
skill-based, functions.
To be successful, team members need to have the four As: alignment, au-
tonomy, authority, and accountability. Agile teams in mature organisa-
tions are self-organising and have total authority to identify their own
membership and decide on the work to be done to achieve the given out-
come. This demands a high level of collaboration within the team and,
where appropriate, ultimately develops strong multidisciplinary mem-
The connection between teams is the fundamental expression of the or-
ganisation’s structure and indicates the fluency of business agility. These
connections may form a hierarchical model (sometimes called “tribes”) or
a flatter, network model where connections form dynamically to align
along the value stream. In either case, these connections group teams to
business outcomes rather than to functions. Mature agile organisations
break down the divisional walls even further — for example, by bringing
sales and marketing, finance, or operations into the relevant cross-func-
tional teams when needed. Guilds or centres of excellence are formed
around uncommon skills (such as architecture, infrastructure, or coach-
ing) to share expertise where and when needed.

Leadership agility defines the relationship

between individuals and authority within an
agile organisation. You should start thinking of
everyone in the organisation as a leader whether
they have institutional authority or not. Leader-
ship models such as servant leadership or leading
from the middle are part of this. While there are
similarities, there is a substantial difference from traditional manage-


ment, as you expect the team (including the product owner, if applicable)
to decide and self-correct their own “what”. Agile leaders require the abil-
ity to inspire purpose, set direction, align teams to business outcomes,
remove impediments, and coach and mentor teams.
At the pioneering end of business agility and, in particular, leadership
agility, there is the concept of self-organisation: teams or divisions with
no managers. Although it requires a significant level of fluency across
all business agility domains, self-organisation takes the position that, as
Drucker5 puts it, “every man sees himself as a ‘manager’ and accepts for
himself the full burden of what is basically managerial responsibility:
responsibility for his own job and work group, for his contribution to
the performance and results of the entire organization, and for the social
tasks of the work community.” Without managers, self-organising teams
remain aligned to company strategy and expectations by being account-
able for specific, and measurable, business outcomes.
Finally, don’t forget that it is agile leaders (who may not be managers) who
orchestrate and guide the organisation towards business agility. These
leaders help align the organisation to a single purpose, enabling individu-
als and teams and taking corrective action where needed.
Market agility defines the relationship be-
tween the organisation and the marketplace.
Organisations have always needed to earn the
right to exist in the market. However, as both
market predictability and the barrier to entry are
decreasing, incumbents no longer enjoy the same
commercial advantage that they used to. It is agile
organisations, those that frequently inspect, adapt, and pivot to meet op-
portunities, that are more likely to flourish in this ambiguous and uncer-
tain market. Speed and effectiveness of this adaption to competitors, dis-
ruptors, and new customer demands are key measures of market agility.
Once you include the connection to the market in the wider systemic
perspective of business agility, your view of the product lifecycle extends
to include the entire value chain, from your suppliers upstream to your
distributors downstream. The partnerships that this systemic perspective
grants enable the creation of superior offerings that delight your custom-
ers. Methods and frameworks like lean startup, lean enterprise, design
thinking, and many of the traditional agile practices fall under this do-


The third and final dimension is concerned with addressing the cul-
tural domains. These are the key characteristics of an agile organisation:
a learning mindset, a collaboration mindset, and an ownership mindset.

Organisations with a learning mindset, those

that experiment and learn faster than others,
are those that succeed. Agile organisations are
fundamentally learning organisations at all lev-
els, whether the knowledge gained is small and
specific (e.g., “this feature didn’t sell well, so let’s
change it”) or large and systemic (“we need to
change our governance model based on this new information”). Learn-
ing is more than just observing. It’s taking the observations, determining
their worth, then internalising the lesson and making a new reality for the
The application of a learning mindset results in continuous improvement.
Feedback loops such as “inspect and adapt” and practices such as the ret-
rospective push teams, divisions, and organisations to improve both what
they do and (more importantly) how they do it. Like the woodcutter who
refuses to sharpen his axe because he has too many trees to cut down, or-
ganisations that do not improve both the way they work and their prod-
ucts will ultimately be out-competed in the market.
Central to the learning mindset is the ability to experiment, fail fast
(with a small blast radius), and recover faster. Failure should not be seen
as making a mistake but as an opportunity to learn. Organisations can
make it safe to fail by recognising that failure is part of daily work and not
blaming or judging people. Some organisations go further by introducing
formal or informal support mechanisms like failure KPIs, parallel experi-
ments (and selecting the best-performing option), or simply providing an
environment where failure is easily identified, recognised, and rewarded.

A collaboration mindset creates a culture of

communication and transparency across in-
dividuals, teams, divisions, and organisations.
An agile organisation is one that is designed to
collaborate. The very fibre of the organisation
— from the organisational structure to the work


processes and even to the way they engage the market — promotes col-
laboration and cooperation.
The complexity of collaboration is one of the fundamental reasons teams
in an agile organisation are kept small: O(n2) to be precise6 with 7±2 peo-
ple a commonly accepted size. Decision making is localised to reduce the
lines of communication and subsequent delays. However, don’t let the
goal of collaboration affect your ability to be productive. Sitting in meet-
ings and talking is not necessarily collaboration whereas sitting quietly in
a room by yourself can be.
Critical to effective collaboration is making transparency the default for
information, decisions, and relationships to provide a solid foundation
for trust and respect amongst customers, peers, and leaders. All indi-
viduals have the ability to know what is going on and can draw on that
knowledge to make appropriate decisions. This doesn’t mean that every-
one knows everything but that individuals have the choice of knowing
anything. And, of course, the ability to be opaque to the competition while
being transparent internally is the real art of a collaboration mindset.
You can adopt many tools and practices to improve how your teams col-
laborate — e.g., social contracts, pair programming (or pair work outside
IT), and visualisation tools (like Kanban boards, burn-down charts, or cu-
mulative flow diagrams).

An ownership mindset means taking ac-

countability, as an individual or team, for the
quality and success of both the output and out-
comes of your work. Both of these are important
as ownership doesn’t mean perfection. It means
knowing why you are doing the work (the out-
come) and making sure that what you produce
(the output) is fit for the purpose. It means understanding, learning, and
challenging rather than following instructions.
Teams who own their work generally take pride in what they produce.
However, being agile means taking pride without arrogance. Ownership
means being willing to collaborate with others — to learn from them, ask
for help, even potentially reverse-engineering their work to achieve the


An ownership mindset isn’t unidirectional. Individuals and teams need

the authority, as well as the accountability, for an outcome. Organisations
and leaders need to be transparent about their strategic decisions. For an
individual or team to be held accountable for their decisions, they need to
have had the appropriate information to prevent a predictably incorrect
choice. This has specific implications in publicly traded organisations re-
lating to insider-trading regulations (e.g., knowledge of share-price trig-
gers) but many organisations have solved this conundrum.
Until such time as there is a business-agility manifesto, the values
and principles of the Agile Manifesto apply across all areas of the organi-
sation with one minor modification, in square brackets:*
We are uncovering better ways of delivering value by doing it and help-
ing others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
[Value creation] over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items
on the left more.
Keep in mind the purpose of this model: to guide you along your busi-
ness-agility journey. It is #noprojects that provides the “how” while keep-
ing you aligned to all nine domains of the model.
#noprojects is not an easy journey. The systemic nature of adopting
#noprojects can have a profound impact on individuals. There must be
inspiring leadership, clear communication, and a common purpose across
the entire organisation to create champions out of everyone. And there
will be people in your organisation who do not wish to work in this way
and will leave. There’s no value judgement to make; some people simply
need a different way to work. Respect and understanding must be shown
to everyone, even those leaving.
Despite the complexity of the transition, the benefits of #noprojects are
manifest — starting with the ability to rapidly respond to competitive
challenges, disruption, and changes in demand. In fact, a #noprojects or-
ganisation can do more than just respond, you can be the agent of dis-
ruption and the challenger in an uncertain and unpredictable market.

* Adapted from


Staff satisfaction and retention is higher and, with a general reduction in

management overheads, operating costs are lower. Finally, because #no-
projects starts with outcomes, you are able to be more responsive to your
customers, which is the primary purpose of every organisation.

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