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Findings and Recommendations Pursuant to California Government Code

PERB Case # LA-IM- 4001-E

In the Matter of an Impasse Between

Los Angeles Unified School District


United Teachers Los Angeles

For the District: Barrett K. Green, Attorney
Littler Mendelson

John Gray, President

School Services of California, Inc.

For the Union: Jeff Good, Executive Director

United Teachers Los Angeles

Grace Regullano, Strategic Research Director


Rose Luna, Negotiations Specialist

California Teachers Association

Factfinding Panel

Neutral Chair David A. Weinberg

Arbitration Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Union Member Vern Gates, Negotiations Specialist

California Teachers Association

District Member Adam Fiss, Attorney

Littler Mendelson

On November 14, 2018 the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)

confirmed my appointment to chair a factfinding panel concerning a dispute

between the Los Angeles Unified School District (District) and the United

Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) in the All Certified Less Other Group unit. The

panel held hearings on December 3rd and 4th, 2018 in Los Angeles. At these

hearings the parties had full opportunity to present testimony and evidence to the

panel, and to discuss and argue the issues in dispute. At the conclusion of the

hearing the Neutral Panel member attempted to mediate the issues in dispute,

which was not successful and therefore the dispute was submitted to the Panel

for their recommendations. The parties’ agreed to waive the applicable statutory

time limits by three days, until December 17, 2018.


The Educational Employment Relations Act Government Code section 3548.2,

sets forth the procedures and criteria to be used in the factfinding process.

Section 3548.2 (b) identifies the criteria to considered.

In arriving at their findings and recommendations, the factfinders shall

consider, weigh, and be guided by all the following criteria:

1. State and federal laws that are applicable to the employer.

2. Stipulations of the parties.

3. The interests and welfare of the public and the financial ability of the

public school employer.

4. Comparison of the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of the

employees involved in the fact-finding proceeding with the wages,

hours, and conditions of employment of other employees performing

similar services and with other employees generally in public school

employment in comparable communities.

5. The consumer price index for goods and services, commonly known as

the cost of living.

6. The overall compensation presently received by the employees,

including direct wage compensation, vacations, holidays, and other

excused time, insurance and pensions, medical and hospitalization

benefits; the continuity and stability of employment; and all other

benefits received.

7. Any other facts, not confined to those specified in paragraphs (1) to (6)

inclusive, which are normally or traditionally taken into consideration in

making the findings and recommendations.


The Los Angeles Unified School District is the largest public school

system in California, and the 2nd largest school district in the United States. The

District serves almost 700,000 students and employs almost 60,000 workers, and

is the second largest employer in Los Angeles County. The District operates over

1000 schools at the elementary, middle and high school levels. It also operates

several hundred early and adult education centers, and special schools. The

District authorizes over 200 charter schools.

These schools are spread out over 720 square miles that make up the

City of Los Angeles and 31 smaller municipalities in LA County and

unincorporated sections of Southern California. The collective bargaining

agreement covers almost 30,000 employees including 25,000 certificated

teachers and health and human service workers. The District’s annual budget is

over $7.5 billion.

The District’s multiyear projection anticipates a structural deficit through

the 2022 fiscal year. The District in their presentation at the factfinding hearing

anticipated deficit spending in each yearly cycle of over $300 million dollars each

year. The Union disputes these figures and cites an analysis from the Los

Angeles County Office of Education which anticipates deficit spending in the

amounts of $64.7 million in 2018-19, $82.3 million in 2019-20, and $129.7 million

in 2020-21.1 LACOE attributes these projected deficits to declining enrollment,

increasing pension costs, special education encroachment, and facilities

maintenance. The District’s reserves in the current fiscal year 2017-2018 is

approximately $1.8 billion, which has been increasing in the past 5 years from

$500 million in 2013-2014 to the current reserve levels. It is anticipated that the

reserves in the coming fiscal years will be decreasing due to the anticipated

deficit spending. The District’s average daily attendance (ADA), which forms a

significant percentage of the incoming revenue for the District has been declining

in each of the last 4 years, a drop of 8.6% during that time period.

The neutral panel member did not have the ability to reconcile these two approaches to
deficit spending accounting at this time.

With respect to comparability, the LAUSD ranks in the middle to low-

middle range of other large urban districts and on the low end of surrounding

districts when factoring in salaries and benefits. The District’s analysis of

comparability with other school districts is based on ADA, and this analysis

places them on the mid to higher comparable scale for wages and benefits, when

applying this structure. LAUSD is one of the few school districts in the State that

provide retiree medical benefits.2

The District’s student population is highly diverse with over 73%

Hispanic,10% White, 8% African America, and 4% Asian, populations amongst

its students. English learners make up over 27% of total enrollment and the

Unduplicated Pupil Percentage was 85.5% in 2017-18. There is a high need for

special education services amongst its students, which is acknowledged by all to

be highly costly and mandated by law.

The relevant data indicates that CPI will average between 3.5 and 4% for

the contractual years that will be covered by the renegotiated CBA.

The parties began bargaining in April of 2017 for a successor agreement

to the 2014-2017 CBA, which expired on June 30, 2017. The parties held 22

bargaining sessions prior to July of 2018 when the Union declared impasse. One

more bargaining session was held in July of 2018 when impasse was declared

This factfinding report is limited in its financial analysis due to the time constraints
imposed of four (4) total days for hearing and report generation. The parties submitted
over 2000 pages of data, much of which is detailed fiscal analysis that is impossible to
digest in a short time frame. The neutral factfinder is therefore only giving a summary of
the fiscal and comparative factors to be considered in the factfinding.

again, and approved by PERB on August 3, 2018. The Union issued a Last,

Best, and Final contract offer on July 24, 2018. The parties held 3 mediation

sessions subsequent to that offer and prior to this factfinding. During bargaining,

approximately 24 new and existing articles were discussed, and tentative

agreements and/or withdrawn proposals were reached on three items.


The parties have twenty-one remaining Articles that are presented to this

factfinding panel, most of which contain multiple issues that remain in dispute

and unresolved. The following items were presented to the Panel: Article IV-

UTLA Rights; Article IX- Hours, Duties and Work Year; Article IX-A-Assignments;

Article IX-B- Professional Development; Article X-Evaluation; Article X-A-

Discipline; Article XI-Transfers; Article XI-B-Master Plan; Article XII-Leaves of

Absence; Article XVIII-Class Size; Article XIV-Salaries; Article XIX-Substitute

Employees; Article XX-Summer/Winter Session; Article XXI-Adult Education;

Article XXIII-Early Education; Article XXIV-Student Discipline; Article XXV

Academic Freedom and Responsibility; Article XXVII-Shared Decision Making;

Article XXXI-Miscellaneous; New Article-Special Education; New Article-School



The Neutral Panel member chosen by the parties believes that the statute

under which this factfinding takes place is best viewed as an extension of the

collective bargaining process. The best outcome of this factfinding process would

be a negotiated agreement between the parties. The intent of these

recommendations is to provide a framework for the parties to settle their dispute

and the statute lays out a set of criteria that are to guide the panel in making their


The factfinding panel in this impasse is facing a particularly difficult set of

circumstances to navigate. While the parties have been negotiating a successor

agreement for over a year, and while they conducted over 20 bargaining

sessions and three mediations, they have only been able to come to an

agreement on two or three minor items. There remains in dispute over 21

Articles, which have multiple issues within them. From the information provided

to the Neutral Panel member regarding this bargaining history, there seems to

have been almost no progress made on any issue, which normally would be

reflected in multiple counter offers being exchanged by each side that reduces

the issues between the parties. This makes it particularly difficult for the Neutral

Panel member to advance a recommendation on each of the open Articles to

provide a final recommendation for settlement of the dispute. In addition, this

dispute which covers almost 30,000 bargaining unit members serving over

600,000 students, and a District budget of over 7 billion dollars, is only allotted a

total of 4 days, including hearing and writing for the entire factfinding process.

Given these conditions and constraints, I will still offer a recommended

settlement framework, which the parties can use to advance the bargaining

towards final agreement. While some of these recommended settlement

proposals are more general than I would like, I still believe they can provide the

framework for a settlement, hopefully without the need for a strike or imposition

of contractual provisions. While there are 21 Articles open for resolution and all of

them are important, it is clear to this Panel Member that two of the issues are key

to contract resolution; Salaries and Class Size. I will be offering the most specific

recommendations on these two items in the belief that they are key to the

resolution of this contract:

Article XIV-Salaries: The parties are not very far apart on this issue. I am

recommending the adoption of the District’s offer of 3% effective July 1, 2017 and

3% July 1, 2018, without the provision for an additional 12 hours of professional

development. I agree with the Union’s argument that the bargaining unit

deserves to be higher ranked in comparison to other jurisdiction given the

combination of a higher cost of living in the LA metro area, and the difficulty in

teaching a population of students with so many needs and challenges. While all

teachers face obstacles in their successful teaching, the Los Angeles Unified

School District has more than most, and recruiting and retaining them with high

salaries and benefits should be a priority. However, the District does have

financial limitations that must be balanced with these needs, and in this round of

bargaining the Union has additionally made it a priority to reduce class sizes,

which involves the expenditure of significant amounts of money. Therefore, the

adoption of the Districts salary proposal should be looked at in conjunction with

my recommendation on money for class size reduction. While I recognize that

the District’s proposal for 12 additional hours from the staff in professional

development has benefits to the District, they are not compelling enough to

warrant this requirement, and this part of their salary proposal should be

dropped. The District offer of a 6% increase is warranted based on the

comparative position of the bargaining unit in wages and benefits, the current

settlements involving other school districts and internal bargaining units, and the

cost of living increases that are faced by the unit members in Los Angeles. As

part of the District’s wage offer I also recommend their proposal for new teachers

to fall under the Rule of 87 for retiree health benefits. Retiree health is a great

benefit and definitely helps in the recruitment and retention of LAUSD teachers. It

is also very expensive and represents an ongoing balance sheet problem for the

District. Making some adjustment for future teachers is warranted and may help

in the future to free up more money for salaries as opposed to diverting so much

money to retiree health benefits.

Article XVIII-Class Size: In concert with the proposal on salaries, class size

represents a key demand of the Union and is essential to the resolution of this

dispute. I agree with the Union argument that lower class sizes are one of the

best predictors of successful teaching and student success. I also agree that

lowering class size may be one of the keys to increasing ADA, and maintaining

and recruiting students to LAUSD, which remains a joint goal of the parties.

Unfortunately, the parties are not in agreement as to how to calculate class size.

The District in this factfinding asserts that the LAUSD class size averages are

some of the lowest in the State, and the Union disputes these figures. Given the

limited time for the factfinding I cannot make any recommendations or findings

regarding this disagreement, but I do believe the parties will need to develop a

shared understanding as to how to calculate this figure. The parties should

dedicate a few key individuals to immediately work together with shared data to

come to common understandings as to how to calculate average class size.

There is no doubt that the Union’s demands at this point are expensive

and the parties are not in agreement on how to cost this item, which will be key to

its resolution. My recommendation for settlement involves the dedication of a

percentage of money to be used for the employment of teachers and other staff

to reduce class size and provide additional student access to the services of

librarians, nurses and other professional staff. The Neutral Panel Chair also

recommends the adoption of the Union proposal to Eliminate Section 1.5 from

the CBA. This will allow teachers who believe they are facing excessive class

size, to have redress through the grievance procedure, which was available but

significantly limited by Section 1.5. Along with the elimination of 1.5, the parties

will need to agree upon new MOU class size maximums/averages to replace the

current Appendix H, with a future goal of reaching the current CBA numbers. I

believe it will be impossible for financial reasons, to return and implement the

CBA numbers in one year, but it should be the goal to do so within a couple of

years. Therefore, the parties will need to agree on new maximum/averages

numbers for the next year that are a reduction from Appendix H, and that can be

met based on financial resources.

To accomplish the aims of this Article, I recommend the District commit an

additional amount of money, from 1%-3% in order to recruit additional teachers

and staff to reduce class size and increase access to other professional services.

The parties will need to come to an agreement on how to cost this additional

staff, depending on whether they are teachers, nurses, counselors or librarians.

The parties will also have to agree jointly, which classifications should be hired

with this additional money (teachers, librarians, etc.)

The parties have not made any proposals beyond the 2018-2019 year,

which means the parties would have to immediately begin bargaining a

successor agreement by the time this contract is agreed upon. I recommend the

parties discuss an additional year or two to the contract, with a re-opener on

salaries and class size, and maybe one or two other items. The parties need to

have time to evaluate and assess the impact of these changes to the contract,

which are significant. In addition, it may allow the parties to add financial triggers

into the CBA, so as to allow the parties to reach agreements that would be

conditioned upon certain financial conditions being present. I believe that these

economic settlement proposals advanced by the Neutral Panel Chair would not

place the District into insolvency and are affordable at this time given the current

reserve levels and anticipated deficit spending in the coming years. I also

recommend that in the future the District and the Union should develop a joint

fundraising plan, which could include agreements to promote a parcel tax and

other possible initiatives that would focus on raising teacher salaries to make

them more competitive to the surrounding school districts and communities that

have more resources available to them.

The following represents my recommendation on the remaining items.

Many of these proposals, which are advanced by the Union, represent a

significant departure from prior practices and represent an attempt towards a

model of greater shared governance. This approach to the basic functioning of

public education has many positive attributes, but it relies upon a level of trust

between labor and management which is not present at this time. I believe one

way to begin to build this trust is to translate some of the Union proposals into

pilot projects, which can provide the opportunity for the parties to work together

and develop common support for these contract proposals that can then be

made part of the fabric of the contract and governance when that trust has been

developed. I also believe that some of the proposals advanced by both parties

should be withdrawn at this time. It is traditional in collective bargaining to agree

that when too many proposals remain towards the conclusion of bargaining, it is

best to withdraw some of them, with the understanding that these matters can be

raised again in the next round of bargaining. The Panel Chair makes the

following recommendations on the remaining items with the understanding that

certain elements of these proposals may have been already tentatively agreed

upon by the parties and should be converted into contract language and adopted.

Article IV-UTLA Rights: Agree to expand the number of chapter chairs for

itinerant members. Agree to expand scope of union representation beyond

discipline. Drop the remaining changes and maintain status quo on all other


Article IX-Hours, Duties and Work Year: Accept LAUSD proposal of one hour

per week. Drop the remaining changes.

Article IX-A-Assignments and IX-B- Professional Development: Agree to

posting of seniority lists. Agree to set up a Pilot project involving a limited but

appropriate number of schools, and/or facilities at each level, to pilot the changes

proposed by the Union, with sunset provisions to build support for these

permanent changes in the next contract.

Article X-Evaluation: Agree to Pilot the parties suggested changes to the

evaluation process at an appropriate number of schools at each level, total of 5-


Article X-A-Discipline: The District should drop this proposal as they have not

made a convincing argument for these changes, and this is not common in most

unionized school districts.

Article XI-Transfers: Place previously agreed upon items in the CBA. Agree to

use seniority in displacements if skills and abilities are comparable. Drop the

remaining proposals for this round of bargaining.

Article XI-B-Master Plan: Drop both parties proposals for this bargaining term.

Article XII-Leaves of Absence: Drop both parties proposals.

Article XIX-Substitute Employees: Place agreed upon changes in CBA (one

hour window for lateness, comp for late cancellation). Agree to information

provided regarding substitute assignments. Agree to increase continuity rate

proposal of UTLA. Drop the remaining proposals.

Article XX-Summer/Winter Session: Drop this proposal, maintain status quo.

Article XXI-Adult Education: Add the agreed upon items to CBA (“M basis”,

provide classification codes to Union) Drop the remaining proposals as too costly

given other monies agreed to for hiring additional staff under the class size


Article XXII-Early Education: Agree to create Task Force. Drop the remaining


Article XXIV-Student Discipline: Agree to Pilot project this proposal at

appropriate number of schools.

Article XXV-Academic Freedom and Responsibilities: Pilot project this

proposal for teacher determination of testing (beyond mandatory), at appropriate

number of schools at each level.

Article XXVII-Shared Decision Making: Drop this proposal. While the Union

has made reasonable arguments regarding shared decision making, it is unlikely

to convince the District at this time to develop a shared decision making model

given the lack of trust between the parties.

Article XXXI-Miscellaneous- Agree to the Union proposal based on space

availability at each site and agree to set up a committee to discuss itinerant

employee working conditions.

New Article- Special Education- Agree to this new article, and finalize an

agreement on caseloads. Given the cost of special education, the changes to

caseloads requested by the Union are quite expensive and can probably be only

slightly reduced by the additional class size reduction money proposed. Other

contractual proposals should be dropped after agreement on reduced caseloads

reached. Consider a re-opener on this issue if additional money can be found in

coming years to support special education funding.

New Article-School Accountability: Agree to the Union proposal with an

agreed upon later date by the end of the calendar year. Agree to the other

proposals without the annual stipend.

The Neutral Member of this Panel agrees that these recommendations are in

accord with California Government Code Section 3548.2, and endorses these


Dated December 17, 2018 ____________________________________

David A. Weinberg: Neutral Chair Factfinding Panel

Findings and Recommendations Pursuant to California Government Code
section 3548.2
PERB Case # LA-IM-4001-E
In the Matter of an Impasse Between
Los Angeles Unified School District
United Teachers Los Angeles
Concurrence Of Panelist Adam Fiss:

I concur wholeheartedly with the vast majority of the Neutral Factfinder’s Findings
and Recommendations. I write separately only to clarify a few facts and highlight
a few areas of elaboration or disagreement.

With respect to class size, while I appreciate that the Neutral had limited time to
verify the numbers on class size averages, the official California Department of
Education figures are accurate and reflect that of the 10 largest school districts in
the State, LAUSD is second only to San Francisco Unified in lowest class size
averages, as reflected in the following chart:

Rank School District Class Size Average

1 San Francisco Unified 25.10

2 Los Angeles Unified 25.94
3 Fresno Unified 27.31
4 San Diego Unified 28.29
5 Elk Grove Unified 28.56
6 San Bernardino City Unified 28.94
7 Santa Ana Unified 29.33
8 Capistrano Unified 29.66
9 Long Beach Unified 30.04
10 Corona-Norco Unified 30.69

With respect to the deletion of Section 1.5 from the class size article, I want to
emphasize that it will be important to negotiate safeguards that allow for
deviation from the agreed-upon new re-benchmarked figures to ensure sufficient
flexibility during times of economic duress.

I also want to clarify that whether it will be possible to return to averages and
maximums from figures that have not been in place for more than 10 years will
depend on a tradeoff between class size and compensation. For now, the
agreed-upon figures contained in the 2017 LAUSD/UTLA MOU remain the most
realistic figures.
With respect to the District’s reserves, I want to clarify that some of the reserve
sums mentioned are not unrestricted because they include funds that are
allocated to the local school cites to expend consistent with the Local Control
Accountability (LCAP).

With respect to expanding the scope of union representation beyond discipline,

this is a subject of bargaining that is nonmandatory, should not have been
insisted to impasse, and cannot be recommended.

With respect to the few items that call for limiting District discretion in matters of
assignment, testing, or selection, I believe any such limitation should be carefully

I disagree with the recommendations on Article XXXI-Miscellaneous, and on a

new School Accountability provision.

With respect to the remaining items, I concur that some pilot programs may be
appropriate, but the nature and scope of those pilot programs would need to be
carefully targeted. In addition, with respect to the suggested pilot program in
Article XXV, Academic Freedom and Responsibilities, allowing teacher
determination of testing beyond mandatory testing, I disagree with this
recommendation because this matter is not a mandatory subject of bargaining
(i.e., only appropriate for consultation). The pilot would also lead to inconsistent
(non-uniform) student testing across the District and from classroom to

Dated: December 17, 2018

Adam J. Fiss
Adam J. Fiss, Panelist

Concurrence Of Panelist Adam J. Fiss – LA-IM-4001-E
David A. Weinberg
Arbitration, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services
35 Miller Ave #117 Mill Valley, CA 94941
415-378-5701 [email protected]
Southern California office:
1223 Wilshire Blvd. #622 Santa Monica, CA 90403
December 17, 2018

Jeff Good, Executive Director

United Teachers Los Angeles
3303 Wilshire Boulevard, 10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010

Rob Samples, Interim Director

Los Angeles Unified School District
333 South Beaudry Avenue, 14th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Re: Factfinding Panel Report Case No. LA-IM-4001-E


Dear Parties:

Attached you will find the factfinding panel findings of fact and recommendations for terms of
settlement as required under Government Code 3548.3. I hope these findings and
recommendations can help the parties achieve a mutually agreeable resolution to this
contractual dispute. If I can be of any further help to you please do not hesitate to contact me at
any time. It was a pleasure to work with both of you.


David A. Weinberg

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