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Q: What are covered by intellectual property rights?

A: 1. Copyright and Related Rights;

2. Mark (trade, service and collective);

3. Geographic indications;

4. Industrial designs;

5. Patents;

6. Layout designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits;

7. Protection of Undisclosed Information. (Sec. 4.1, Intellectual Property Code



Q: What are the distinctions among trademark, patent and copyright?


Trademark Any visible sign capable of distinguishing the
goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of
an enterprise and shall include a stamped or
marked container of goods.
Tradename The name or designation identifying or
distinguishing an enterprise.
Copyright Literary and artistic works which are original
intellectual creations in the literary and artistic
domain protected from the moment of their
Patentable Any technical solution of a problem in any
Inventions field of human activity which is new, involves
an inventive step and is industrially applicable.
(Kho v. CA, G.R. No. 115758, Mar. 11, 2002).

Q: What is a geographic indication?

A: It’s an indication which identifies a good as originating in the territory, where a given
quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its
geographical origin. (Art. 22, Trade‐Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)

Q: What is a technology transfer arrangement?

A: Contracts or arrangements involving the transfer of systematic knowledge for the

manufacture of a product, the application of the process, or rendering a service including
management contracts, and transfer, assignment or licensing of all forms of intellectual
property rights, including licensing of computer software except computer software developed
for mass market. (Sec. 4.2, IPC)

Q: What is undisclosed information?

A: It is an information which:

1. Is a secret in the sense that it is not, as a body or in precise configuration and

assembly of components, generally known among, or readily accessible to persons
within the circles that normally deal with the kind of information in question;

2. Has commercial value because it is a secret;

3. Has been subjected to reasonable steps under the circumstances, by the

person lawfully in control of the information, to keep it a secret. (Article 39,
TRIPS Agreement)

Q: What is the nature of undisclosed information/trade secret?

A: Those trade secrets are of a privileged nature. The protection of industrial property
encourages investments in new ideas and inventions and stimulates creative efforts for the
satisfaction of human needs. It speeds up transfer of technology and industrialization, and
thereby bring about social and economic progress. Verily, the protection of industrial secrets is
inextricably linked to the advancement of our economy and fosters healthy competition in
trade. (Air Philippines Corporation v. Pennswell, Inc., G.R. No. 172835, Dec. 13, 2007)


Q: What is a patent?

A: A statutory grant which confers to an inventor or his legal successor, in return for the
disclosure of the invention to the public, the right for a limited period of time to exclude others from
making, using, selling or importing the invention within the territory of the country that grants the


Q: What are the patentable inventions?

A: Any technical solution of a problem in any field of human activity which is new, involves an
inventive step and is industrially applicable. It may be, or may relate to, a product, or process, or
an improvement of any of the foregoing. (Sec. 21)

Q: What are the conditions for patentability?

1. Novelty – An invention shall not be considered new if it forms part of a prior art. (Sec.
23, IPC);
2. Involves an inventive step – if, having regard to prior art, it is not obvious to a person
skilled in the art at the time of the filing date or priority date of the application claiming the
3. Industrially Applicable – An invention that can be produced and used in any industry,
shall be industrially applicable (Sec. 27, IPC).

Q: What is prior art?

A: 1. Everything which has been made available to the public anywhere in the world,
before the filing date or the priority date of the application claiming the invention;

2. The whole contents of a published application, filed or effective in the Philippines,

with a filing or priority date that is earlier than the filing or priority date of the

Provided, that the application which has validly claimed the filing date of an earlier
application under Section 31 of the IPC, there shall be a prior art with effect as of the
filing date of such earlier application: Provided further, that the applicant or the
inventor identified in both applications are not one and the same. (Sec. 24, IPC)

Q: What is meant by “made available to the public” and what are its effects?

A: To be “made available to the public” means at least one member of the public has been able
to access knowledge of the invention without any restriction on passing that knowledge on to

GR: When a work has already been made available to the public, it shall be non‐
patentable for absence of novelty.

XPN: Non‐prejudicial disclosure – the disclosure of information contained in the

application during the 12‐month period before the filing date or the priority date of the
application if such disclosure was made by:

1. The inventor;

2. A patent office and the information was contained:

a. In another application filed by the inventor and should have not have
been disclosed by the office, or

b. In an application filed without the knowledge or consent of the

inventor by a third party which obtained the information directly or indirectly
from the inventor;

3. A third party which obtained the information directly or indirectly from the
inventor. (Sec. 25, IPC)

Q: Who has the burden of proving want of novelty of an invention?

A: The burden of proving want of novelty is on him who avers it and the burden is a heavy one
which is met only by clear and satisfactory proof which overcomes every reasonable doubt. (Manzano v.
CA, G.R. No. 113388. Sept. 5, 1997)

Q: What is inventive step?

A: GR: An invention involves an inventive step if, having regard to prior art, it is not
obvious to a person skilled in the art at the time of the filing date or priority date of the application
claiming the invention. (Sec. 26, IPC)

XPN: In the case of drugs and medicines, there is no inventive step if the invention
results from the mere discovery of a new form or new property of a known substance which
does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that substance. (Sec. 26.2, as
amended by R.A. 9502)

Q: What is the test of non‐obviousness?

A: If any person possessing ordinary skill in the art was able to draw the inferences and he
constructs that the supposed inventor drew from prior art, then the latter did not really invent.

Q: Who is considered a person of ordinary skill?

A: A person who is presumed to:

1. Be an ordinary practitioner aware of what was common general knowledge in the art
at the relevant date;

2. Have knowledge of all references that are sufficiently related to one another and to
the pertinent art and to have knowledge of all arts reasonably pertinent to the particular
problems with which the inventor was involved;

3. Have had at his disposal the normal means and capacity for routine work and
experimentation. (Rules and Regulations on Inventions, Rule 207)

Q: What are other forms of patentable inventions?

A: 1. Industrial design – Any composition of lines or colors or any three‐dimensional form,

whether or not associated with lines or colors. Provided that such composition or form gives a
special appearance to and can serve as pattern for an industrial product or handicraft. (Sec. 112,

Note: Generally speaking, an industrial design is the ornamental or aesthetic aspect

of a useful article. (Vicente Amador, Intellectual Property Fundamentals, 2007)

2. Integrated circuit – A product, in its final form, or an intermediate form, in which the
elements, at least one of which is an active elements and some of all of the interconnections are
integrally formed in and or on a piece of material, and in which is intended to perform an
electronic function.

3. Layout design/topography – The three dimensional disposition, however expressed,

of the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and of some or all of the
interconnections of an integrated circuit, or such a three‐ dimensional disposition prepared for
an integrated circuit intended for manufacture. Registration is valid for 10 years without
renewal counted from date of commencement of protection.

4. Utility model – A name given to inventions in the mechanical field

Q: When does an invention qualify as a utility model?

A: If it is new and industrially applicable. A model of implement or tools of any industrial

product even if not possessed of the quality of invention but which is of practical utility. (Sec.
109.1, IPC)

Q: What is the term of a utility model?

A: 7 years from date of filing of the application (Sec. 109.3, IPC).


Q: What are not patentable inventions?

A: 1. Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;

2. In the case of Drugs and medicines, mere discovery of a new form or new property of
a known substance which does not result in the enhancement of the efficacy of that

3. Schemes, rules and methods of performing mental acts, playing games or doing
business, and programs for computers;

4. Methods for treatment of the human or Animal body;

5. Plant varieties or animal breeds or essentially biological process for the production of
plants or animals. This provision shall not apply to micro‐ organisms and
non‐biological and microbiological processes;

6. Aesthetic creations;

7. Anything which is Contrary to public order or morality. (Sec. 22, IPC as amended by
R.A. 9502)

Q: Are computer programs patentable?

A: GR: Computer programs are not patentable but are copyrightable.

XPN: They can be patentable if they are part of a process (e.g. business process with a
step involving the use of a computer program).

Q: Who is entitled to a patent?

A: 1. Inventor, his heirs, or assigns;

2. Joint invention – Jointly by the inventors. (Sec. 28, IPC);

3. 2 or more persons invented separately and independently of each other – To the person
who filed an application;

4. 2 or more applications are filed – the applicant who has the earliest filing date or, the
earliest priority date. First to file rule. (Sec. 29, IPC)

5. Inventions created pursuant to a commission – Person who commissions the work,

unless otherwise provided in the contract. (Sec. 30.1, IPC);

6. Employee made the invention in the course of his employment contract:

a. The employee, if the inventive activity is not a part of his regular duties even if the
employee uses the time, facilities and materials of the employer;

b. The employer, if the invention is the result of the performance of his

regularly‐assigned duties, unless there is an agreement, express or implied, to
the contrary. (Sec. 30.2, IPC)

Q: What is the “first to file” rule?

A: 1. If two (2) or more persons have made the invention separately and independently of
each other, the right to the patent shall belong to the person who filed an application
for such invention, or

2. Where two or more applications are filed for the same invention, to the applicant
whi has the earliest filing date. (Sec. 29, IPC)

Q: Cheche invented a device that can convert rainwater into automobile fuel. She asked Macon,
a lawyer, to assist in getting her invention patented. Macon suggested that they form a
corporation with other friends and have the corporation apply for the patent, 80% of the
shares of stock thereof to be subscribed by Cheche and 5% by Macon. The corporation was
formed and the patent application was filed. However, Cheche died 3 months later of a
heart attack. Franco, the estranged husband of Cheche, contested the application of the
corporation and filed his own patent application as the sole surviving heir of Cheche. Decide
the issue with reasons.

A: The estranged husband of Cheche cannot successfully contest the application. The right over
inventions accrue from the moment of creation and as a right it can lawfully be assigned.
Once the title thereto is vested in the transferee, the latter has the right to apply for its
registration. The estranged husband of Cheche, if not disqualified to inherit, merely would
succeed to the interest of Cheche. (1990 Bar Question)
Q: Who may apply for a patent?

A: Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial
establishment in a country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating
to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the
Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law.
(Sec. 3, IPC)

Q: What are the steps in the registration of a patent?

A: The procedure for the grant of patent may be summarized as follows:

1. Filing of the application;

2. Accordance of the filing date;

3. Formality examination;

4. Classification and Search;

5. Publication of application;

6. Substantive examination;

7. Grant of Patent;

8. Publication upon grant;

9. Issuance of certificate (Salao, Essentials of Intellectual Property Law: a Guidebook on

Republic Act No. 8293 and Related Laws., 2008)

Q: How is disclosure made?

A: The application shall disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it
to be carried out by a person skilled in the art.

Q: What is a claim?

A: Defines the matter for which protection is sought. Each claim shall be clear and concise, and
shall be supported by the description.

Q: What is an abstract?

A: A concise summary of the disclosure of the invention as contained in the description, claims
and merely serves as technical information.

Q: What is unity of invention?

A: The application shall relate to one invention only or to a group of inventions forming a single
general inventive concept. (Sec. 38.1) If several independent inventions which do not form a
single general inventive concept are claimed in one application, the application must be
restricted to a single invention. (Sec. 38.2, IPC)

Q: What is the concept of divisional applications?

A: Divisional applications come into play when two or more inventions are claimed in a single
application but are of such a nature that a single patent may not be issued for them. The
applicant, is thus required to “divide”, that is, to limit the claims to whichever invention he
may elect, whereas those inventions not elected may be made the subject of separate
applications which are called “divisional applications”. (Smith‐Kline Beckman Corp. v. CA, GR
No. 126627, Aug. 14,2003)

Q: What is priority date?

A: An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same
invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to
Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing the foreign application.
(Sec. 31, IPC)

Q: What are the conditions in availing of priority date?

A: 1. The local application expressly claims priority;

2. It is filed within 12 months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed; and
3. A certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed
within 6 months from the date of filing in the Philippines. (Sec. 31, IPC).

Q: Leonard and Marvin applied for Letters Patent claiming the right of priority granted to foreign
applicants. Receipt of petitioners’ application was acknowledged by respondent Director on
March 6, 1954. Their Application for Letters Patent in the US for the same invention
indicated that the application in the US was filed on March 16, 1953. They were advised that
the "Specification" they had submitted was "incomplete" and that responsive action should
be filed with them four months from date of mailing, which was August 5, 1959. On July 3,
1962, petitioners submitted two complete copies of the Specification. Director of patents
held that petitioners' application may not be treated as filed. Is the director correct?

A: Yes, it is imperative that the application be complete in order that it may be accepted. It is
essential to the validity of Letters Patent that the specifications be full, definite, and specific.
The purpose of requiring a definite and accurate description of the process is to apprise the
public of what the patentee claims as his invention, to inform the Courts as to what they are
called upon to construe, and to convey to competing manufacturers and dealers
information of exactly what they are bound to avoid. To be entitled to the filing date of the
patent application, an invention disclosed in a previously filed application must be described
within the instant application in such a manner as to enable one skilled in the art to use the
same for a legally adequate utility. (Boothe v. Director of Patents, G.R. No. L‐24919, Jan. 28,

Q: What are the rights conferred by a patent application after the first publication?

A: The applicant shall have all the rights of a patentee against any person who, without his
authorization, exercised any of the rights conferred under Section 71 in relation to the
invention claimed in the published patent application, as if a patent had been granted for
that invention, provided that the said person had:
1. Actual knowledge that the invention that he was using was the subject matter of a
published application; or

2. Received written notice that the invention was the subject matter of a published
application being identified in the said notice by its serial number Note: That the action
may not be filed until after the grant of a patent on the published application and
within four (4) years from the commission of the acts complained of (Sec. 46, IPC).

Q: When shall the patent take effect?

A : A patent shall take effect on the date of the publication of the grant of the patent in the IPO
Gazette. (Sec. 50.3, IPC)

Q: What is the duration of a patent, utility model and industrial design?

A: 1. Patent – 20 years from date of filing of application without renewal. (Sec. 54, IPC);

2. Utility Model – 7 years from the filing date of the application without renewal. (Sec.
109.3, IPC)

3. Industrial Design – 5 years from the filing date of the application, renewable for not
more than two (2) consecutive periods of five (5) years each. (Sec. 118.2, IPC)


Q: What are the grounds for the cancellation of patents?

A: 1. The invention is Not new or patentable;

2. The patent does not Disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and
complete for it to be carried out by any person skilled in the art; or

3. Contrary to public order or morality.(Sec. 61.1, IPC)

4. Patent is found Invalid in an action for infringement (Sec. 82, IPC)

Q: What if the ground/s for cancellation relate to some of the claims or parts of the claim only?
A: Cancellation may be effected to such extent only. (Sec. 61.2, IPC)

Q: What are the grounds for cancellation of a utility model?

A: 1. The invention does not qualify for registration as a utility model;
2. That the description and the claims do not comply with the prescribed requirements
3. Any drawing which is necessary for the understanding of the invention has not been
4. That the owner of the utility model registration is not the inventor or his successor in
title. (Sec. 109.4, IPC)

Q: What are the grounds for cancellation of an industrial design?

A: 1. The subject matter of the industrial design is not registrable;
2. The subject matter is not new; or
3. The subject matter of the industrial design extends beyond the content of the
application as originally filed (Sec. 120IPC).


Q: What are the remedies of persons not having the right to a patent?
A: If a person other than the applicant is declared by final court order or decision as having the
right to a patent, he may within 3 months after such decision has become final:
1. Prosecute the application as his own;
2. File a new patent application;
3. Request the application to be refused; or
4. Seek cancellation of the patent.

Q: What is the remedy of a true inventor?

A: He may only ask the court to substitute him as a patentee or to cancel the patent and ask for
damages when the application of the false inventor is granted. He may not the IPO of processing
the false application.


Q: What are the rights conferred by a patent?

A: 1. Subject matter is a product – Right to restrain, prohibit and prevent any unauthorized
person or entity from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing the product.
2. Subject matter is a process – Right to restrain prohibit and prevent any unauthorized
person or entity from manufacturing, dealing in, using, offering for sale, selling or importing
any product obtained directly or indirectly from such process (Sec. 71, IPC).
3. Right to assign the patent, to transfer by succession, and to conclude licensing contracts.
(Sec. 71.2, IPC)


Q: What are the exceptions to the rights conferred by a patent?

A: 1. In general
a. GR: If put on the market in the Philippines by the owner of the product, or with his
express consent.
XPN: Drugs and medicines ‐ introduced in the Philippines or anywhere else in the world
by the patent owner, or by any party authorized to use the invention (Sec. 72.1, as amended by
R.A. 9502)
b. Where the act is done privately and on a non‐commercial scale or for a
non‐commercial purpose. (Sec. 72.2, IPC)
c. Exclusively for experimental use of the invention for scientific purposes or
educational purposes (experimental use provision). (Sec. 72.3, IPC)
d. Bolar Provision ‐ In the case of drugs and medicines, where the act includes testing,
using, making or selling the invention including any data related thereto, solely for
purposes reasonably related to the development and submission of information and
issuance of approvals by government regulatory agencies required under any law of the
Philippines or of another country that regulates the manufacture, construction, use or
sale of any product.(Sec. 72.4, IPC) e. Where the act consists of the preparation for
individual cases, in a pharmacy or by a medical professional, of a medicine in accordance
with a medical prescription. (Sec. 72.5, IPC)
f. Where the invention is used in any ship, vessel, aircraft, or land vehicle of any other
country entering the territory of the Philippines temporarily or accidentally. (Sec. 72.5, IPC)

2. Prior user – Person other than the applicant, who in good faith, started using the
invention in the Philippines, or undertaken serious preparations to use the same, before the
filing date or priority date of the application shall have the right to continue the use thereof, but
this right shall only be transferred or assigned further with his enterprise or business. (Sec. 73,
IPC) .
3. Use by Government – A government agency or third person authorized by the
government may exploit invention even without agreement of a patent owner where: a. Public
interest, as determined by the appropriate agency of the government, so requires; or b. A
judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of exploitation by owner of
patent is anti‐competitive. (Sec. 74, IPC)
4. Reverse reciprocity of foreign law – Any condition, restriction, limitation, diminution,
requirement, penalty or any similar burden imposed by the law of a foreign country on a
Philippine national seeking protection of intellectual property rights in that country, shall
reciprocally be enforceable upon nationals of said country, within Philippine jurisdiction. (Sec.
231, IPC)

Q: Who is a parallel importer?

A: One which imports, distributes, and sells genuine products in the market, independently of an
exclusive distributorship or agency agreement with the manufacturer.

Note: Such acts of “underground sales and marketing” of genuine goods, undermines
the property rights and goodwill of the rightful exclusive distributor. Such
goodwill is protected by the law on unfair competition. (Solid Triangle v. Sheriff,
G.R. No. 144309, Nov. 23, 2001)

Q: What is the doctrine of exhaustion?

A: Also known as the doctrine of first sale, it provides that the patent holder has control of the
first sale of his invention. He has the opportunity to receive the full consideration for his
invention from his sale. Hence, he exhausts his rights in the future control of his invention. It
espouses that the patentee who has already sold his invention and has received all the royalty
and consideration for the same will be deemed to have released the invention from his
monopoly. The invention thus becomes open to the use of the purchaser without further
restriction. (Adams v. Burke, 84 U.S. 17, 1873)

Q: How does the Doctrine Exhaustion of apply in Philippine jurisdiction?

A: GR: Patent rights are Exhausted by first sale in the Philippines (Domestic exhaustion).
XPN: Except however on drugs and medicines: first sale in any jurisdiction exhausts
(International exhaustion) (R.A. 9502).

Q: What are the different kinds of exhaustion?

A: 1. International exhaustion – allows any party to import into the national territory a
patented product from any other country in which the product was placed on the market by the
patent holder or any authorized party.
2. Regional exhaustion – allows the possibility of importing into the national territory a
patented product originating from any other member state of a regional trade agreement.
3. National exhaustion – limits the circulation of products covered by patent in one
country to only those put on the market by the patent owner or its authorized agents in that
same country. In this case, there can be no parallel importation.
4. Modified exhaustion – all respect identical to the International exhaustion except for
the allowance of the restriction of the extent of exhaustion through explicit contractual terms.
(Carlos Correa,. “Internationalization of the Patent System and New Technologies”. International
Law Journal, Vol. 20. No.3 , 2002)


Q: What constitutes infringement of patent?

A: 1. Making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing a patented product or a product
obtained directly or indirectly from a patented process; or
2. Use of a patented process without authorization of the owner of the patent (Sec. 76,

Q: What are the tests in patent infringement?

A: 1. Literal infringement Test – Resort must be had, in the first instance, to words of the
claim. If the accused matter clearly falls within the claim, infringement is committed. Minor
modifications are sufficient to put the item beyond literal infringement. (Godines v. CA, G.R. No.
L‐ 97343, Sept. 13, 1993)
2. Doctrine of Equivalents – There is infringement where a device appropriates a prior
invention by incorporating its innovative concept and, although with some modification and
change, performs substantially the same function in substantially the same way to achieve
substantially the same result. (Ibid.)
3. Economic interest test – when the process‐discoverer’s economic interest are
compromised, i.e., when others can import the products that result from the process, such an
act is said to be prohibited.

Q: Does the use of a patented process by a third person constitute an infringement when the
alleged infringer has substituted, in lieu of some unessential part of the patented process, a
well‐ known mechanical equivalent."
A: Yes, under the doctrine of mechanical equivalents, the patentee is protected from colorable
invasions of his patent under the guise of substitution of some part of his invention by some
well known mechanical equivalent. It is an infringement of the patent, if the substitute performs
the same function and was well known at the date of the patent as a proper substitute for the
omitted ingredient. (Gsell v. Yap‐Jue, G.R. No. L‐4720, Jan. 19, 1909)

Q: What is meant by “equivalent device”?

A: It is such as a mechanic of ordinary skill in construction of similar machinery, having the
forms, specifications and machine before him, could substitute in the place of the mechanism
described without the exercise of the inventive faculty.
Q: What is the “doctrine of file wrapper estoppel”?
A: This doctrine balances the doctrine of equivalents. Patentee is precluded from claiming as
part of patented product that which he had to excise or modify in order to avoid patent office
rejection, and he may omit any additions that he was compelled to add by patent office

Q: What is the “doctrine of contributory infringement”?

A: Aside from the infringer, anyone who actively induces the infringement of a patent or
provides the infringer with a component of a patented product or of a product produced
because of a patented process knowing it to be especially adapted for infringing the patented
invention and not suitable for substantial non‐infringing use is liable jointly and severally with
the infringer as a contributory infringer. It must be proven that the product can only be used for
infringement purposes. If it can be used for legitimate purposes, the action shall not prosper.

Q: What are the remedies of the owner of the patent against infringers?
A: 1. Civil action for infringement – The owner may bring a civil action with the appropriate
Regional Trial Court to recover from infringer the damages sustained by the former, plus
attorney’s fees and other litigation expenses, and to secure an injunction for the protection of
his rights.
2. Criminal action for infringement – If the infringement is repeated, the infringer shall
be criminally liable and upon conviction, shall suffer imprisonment of not less than six (6)
months but not more than three (3) years and/or a fine not less than P100,000.00 but not more
than P300,000.00;
3. Administrative remedy – Where the amount of damages claimed is not less than
P200,000.00, the patentee may choose to file an administrative action against the infringer with
the Bureau of Legal Affairs (BLA). The BLA can issue injunctions, direct infringer to pay patentee
damages, but unlike regular courts, the BLA may not issue search and seizure warrants or
warrants of arrest.

Q: What are the limitations to the civil/criminal action?

A: 1. No damages can be recovered for acts of infringement committed more than four (4)
years before the filing of the action for infringement. (Sec. 79, IPC);
2. The criminal action prescribes in three (3) years from the commission of the crime.
(Sec. 84, IPC)

Q: Who can file an action for infringement?

A: 1. The patentee or his successors‐in‐ interest may file an action for infringement. (Creser
Precision Systems, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 118708, Feb. 2, 1998) 2. Any foreign national or juridical
entity who meets the requirements of Sec. 3 and not engaged in business in the Philippines, to
which a patent has been granted or assigned, whether or not it is licensed to do business in the
Philippines. (Sec. 77, IPC)

Q: What are the defenses in an action for infringement?

A: 1. Invalidity of the patent; (Sec. 81, IPC);
2. Any of the grounds for cancellation of patents:
a. That what is claimed as the invention is not new or patentable;
b. That the patent does not disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear
and complete for it to be carried out by any person skilled in the art; or
c. That the patent is contrary to public order or morality. (Sec. 61, IPC).


Q: What are the modes of obtaining license to exploit patent rights?

A: 1. Voluntary licensing (Sec. 85, IPC) and 2. Compulsory licensing (Sec. 93, IPC)

Q: What is voluntary licensing?

A: The grant by the patent owner to a third person of the right to exploit a patented

Q: What are the rights of a licensor in voluntary licensing?

A: In the absence of any provision to the contrary in the technology transfer arrangement,
the grant of a license shall not prevent the licensor from granting further licenses to third
person nor from exploiting the subject matter of the technology transfer arrangement
himself (Sec. 89, IPC).

Q: Who can grant a compulsory license?

1. The Director of Legal Affairs may grant a license to exploit a patented invention,
even without the agreement of the patent owner, in favor of any person who has
shown his capability to exploit the invention (Sec. 93, IPC).
2. R.A. 9502 (Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008)
however amended Sec. 93 so that it is the Director General of the IPO who may
grant a license to exploit patented invention under the grounds enumerated

Note: Clarification either by legislation of judicial interpretation as to who has jurisdiction

should be made to avoid confusion. (Salao, Essential of Intellectual Property Law:
a Guidebook on Republic Act No. 8293 and Related Laws, 2008) .

Q: What are the grounds for compulsory licensing and the period for filing a petition?
1. National emergency;
2. Where the public interest, at any time after the grant of the patent;
3. Where a judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of
exploitation by the owner of the patent or his licensee is anti‐competitive at any
time after the grant of the patent;
4. In case of public non‐commercial use of the patent by the patentee, without
satisfactory reason at any time after the grant of the patent;
5. If the patented invention is not being worked in the Philippines on a commercial
scale, although capable of being worked, without satisfactory reason after the
expiration of 4 years from the date of filing of the application or 3 years from the
date of the patent whichever is later. (Sec. 93 in relation to Sec. 94);
6. Where the demand for patented drugs and medicines is not being met to an
adequate extent and on reasonable terms, as determined by the Secretary of the
Department of Health (Sec. 10, R.A. 9502)
Q: Grounds for cancellation of the compulsory license?
1. Ground for the grant of the compulsory license no longer exists and is unlikely to recur;
2. Licensee has neither begun to supply the domestic market nor made serious
preparation therefore;
3. Licensee has not complied with the prescribed terms of the license.

Q: Cezar works in a car manufacturing company owned by Joab. Cezar is quite innovative and
loves to tinker with things. With the materials and parts of the car, he was able to invent a
gas‐ saving device that will enable cars to consume less gas. Francis, a co‐worker, saw how
Cezar created the device and likewise, came up with a similar gadget, also using scrap
materials and spare parts of the company. Thereafter, Francis filed an application for
registration of his device with the Bureau of Patents. Eighteen months later, Cezar filed his
application for the registration of his device with the Bureau of Patents. Q: Is the gas‐saving
device patentable? Explain.
A: Yes because it is new, it involves an inventive step and it is industrially applicable.

Q: Assuming that it is patentable, who is entitled to the patent? What, if any, is the remedy of
the losing party?
A: Francis is entitled to the patent, because he had the earlier filing date. The remedy of Cezar is
to file a petition in court for the cancellation of the patent of Francis on the ground that he
is the true and actual inventor, and ask for his substitution as patentee. (2005 Bar Question)

Q: Supposing Albert Einstein were alive today and he filed with the Intellectual Property Office
(IPO) an application for patent for his theory of relativity expressed in the formula E=mc2. The
IPO disapproved Einstein's application on the ground that his theory of relativity is not
patentable. Is the IPO's action correct?
A: Yes, the IPO’s action is correct. Section 22 of the Intellectual Property Law expressly states
that discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods are among those matters which
are not patentable. (2006 Bar Question)


Q: What are the forms of assignment?

1. Total – assignment of entire right, title or interest in and to the patent and the invention
covered thereby.
2. Partial: a. Separate rights – assignment of a specific right (ex: right to sell)b.
b. Pro Indiviso – assignment of an aliquot part which results in co‐ ownership

Q: How is the transfer of rights effected?

A: 1. By inheritance or bequest;
2. License contract

Q: What is the effect of an assignment of a patent?

A: The assignment works as an estoppels by deed, preventing the assignor from denying the
novelty and utility of the patented invention when sued y the assignee for infringement.
Q What should be the form of an assignment?
1. In writing;
2. Acknowledged and certified before a notary public or other officer authorized to
perform notarial acts;
3. Recorded in the IPO

Q: What is the effect if the assignment was not recorded in the IPO?
A: A deed of assignment affecting title shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser or
mortgagee for valuable consideration and without notice unless, it is so recorded in the
Office, within three (3) months from the date of said instrument, or prior to the subsequent
purchase or mortgage. Even without recordal, the instruments are binding upon the parties.

Q: May a licensee maintain a suit for infringement?

GR: Only the patentees, his heirs, assignee, grantee or personal representatives may
bring an action for infringement.
XPN: If the licensing agreement provides that the licensee may bring an action for
infringement or if he was authorized to do so by the patentee through a special
power of attorney.


Q: What is a trademark and how does it differ from a trade name?

A: Any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of
an enterprise. A trade name is a name or designation identifying or distinguishing an

TRADEMARK TRADE NAME Goods or services offered by a proprietor or enterprise are designated by
trademark (goods) or service marks (services). A natural or artificial person who does business and
produces or performs the goods or services designated by trademark or service mark. Refers to the
goods. Refers to business and its goodwill. Acquired only by registration. Need not be registered.

Q: What is a collective mark?

A: A "collective mark" or collective trade‐name" is a mark or trade‐name used by the members
of a cooperative, an association or other collective group or organization. (Sec. 40, R.A. 166)

Q: What are the functions of trademark?

1. To point out distinctly the origin or ownership of the articles to which it is affixed;
2. To secure to him who has been instrumental in bringing into market a superior article
or merchandise the fruit of his industry and skill;
3. To prevent fraud and imposition. (Etepha v. Director of Patents, G.R. No. L‐20635,
Mar. 31, 1966)

Q: S Development Corporation sued Shangrila Corporation for using the "S" logo and the
tradename "Shangrila". The former claims that it was the first to register the logo and the
tradename in the Philippines and that it had been using the same in its restaurant business.
Shangrila Corporation counters that it is an affiliate of an international organization which
has been using such logo and tradename "Shangrila" for over 20 years. However, Shangrila
Corporation registered the tradename and logo in the Philippines only after the suit was
filed. Which of the two corporations has a better right to use the logo and the tradename?
A: S Development Corporation has a better right to use the logo and tradename, since it was
the first to register the logo and tradename.

Alternative Answer:
S Development Corporation has a better right to use the logo and tradename,
because its certificate of registration upon which the infringement case is based remains
valid and subsisting for as long as it has not been cancelled. (Shangrila International
Hotel Management v. CA, G.R. No. 111580, June 21, 2001) (2005 Bar Question)

Q: How does the international affiliation of Shangrila Corporation affect the outcome of the
dispute? Explain.
A: Since Shangrila Corporation is not the owner of the logo and tradename but is merely an
affiliate of the international organization which has been using them it is not the owner
and does not have the rights of an owner. (Sec. 147, IPC)

Alternative Answer: The international affiliation of Shangrila Corporation shall have no effect
on the outcome of the dispute. Section 8 of the Paris Convention provides that
"there is no automatic protection afforded an entity whose tradename is
alleged to be infringed through the use of that name as a trademark by a local
entity." (Kabushi Kaisha Isetan v. IAC, G.R. No. 75420, Nov. 15, 1991) (2005 Bar

Q: What are the salient features of the Paris convention of trademarks?

1. National Treatment Principle – foreign nationals are to be given the same treatment
in each of the member countries as that country makes available in its own citizens.
2. Right of Priority – any person who has duly filed registration for trademark shall enjoy
a right of priority of 6 months (Rule 203, Trademark Rules)
3. Protection against Unfair Competition
4. Protection of Tradenames – protected in all countries without obligation of filing or
5. Protection of Well‐Known Marks


Q: How are marks acquired?
A: Marks are acquired solely through registration. (Sec. 122, IPC)

Q: What marks may be registered?

A: Any word, name, symbol, emblem, device, figure, sign, phrase, or any combination thereof
except those enumerated under Section 123, IPC.

Q: What are the requirements for a mark to be registered?

A: 1. A visible sign (not sounds or scents); and 2. Capable of distinguishing one’s goods and
services from another.

Q: What is the doctrine of secondary meaning?

A: This doctrine is to the effect that a word or phrase originally incapable of exclusive
appropriation with reference to an article on the market, because it is geographical or otherwise
descriptive, may nevertheless be used exclusively by one producer with reference to his article so long
as in that trade and to that branch of the purchasing public, the word or phrase has come to mean that
the article was his product. (G. and C. Merriam Co. v. Saalfield, 198 F. 369, 373, cited in Ang v. Teodoro,
G.R. No. L‐48226, Dec. 14, 1942)

Q: Is there an infringement of trademark when two similar goods use the same words, “PALE
A: No, because “pale pilsen” are generic words descriptive of the color (pale) and of a type of
beer (pilsen), which is a light bohemian beer with strong hops flavor that originated in the City of Pilsen
in Czechoslovakia. Pilsen is a primarily geographically descriptive word, hence, non‐ registrable and not
appropriable by any beer manufacturer (Asia Brewery, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 103543, July 5, 1993).

Q: Who may file an opposition to trademark registration and on what ground?

A: Any person who believes that he would be damaged by the registration of a mark may, upon
payment of the required fee and within thirty (30) days after the publication referred to in Subsection
133.2, file with the Office an opposition to the application. (Sec. 134, IPC)

Q: Laberge, Inc., manufactures and markets after‐shave lotion, shaving cream, deodorant,
talcum powder and toilet soap, using the trademark “PRUT”, which is registered with the Phil. Patent
Office. Laberge does not manufacture briefs and underwear and these items are not specified in the
certificate of registration. JG who manufactures briefs and underwear, wants to know whether, under
our laws, he can use and register the trademark “PRUTE” for his merchandise. What is your advice?
A: Yes, he can use and register the trademark “PRUTE” for his merchandise. The trademark
registered in the name of Laberge Inc. covers only after‐shave lotion, shaving cream, deodorant, talcum
powder and toilet soap. It does not cover briefs and underwear. The limit of the trademark is stated in
the certificate issued to Laberge Inc. It does not include briefs and underwear which are different
products protected by Laberge’s trademark. JG can register the trademark “PRUTE” to cover its briefs
and underwear (Faberge Inc. v. IAC, G.R. No. 71189, Nov. 4, 1992) (1994 Bar Question)


Q: How are trade names acquired?

A: Trade names or business names are acquired through adoption and use. Registration is not
required. (Sec. 165, IPC)


Q: What marks may not be registered?

1. Consists of immoral, deceptive or scandalous matter or falsely suggest a connection with
persons, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols
2. Consists of the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the Philippines or any of its political
subdivisions, or of any foreign nation
3. Consists of a name, portrait or signature identifying a particular living individual except by his
written consent, or the name, signature, or portrait of a deceased President of the Philippines, during
the life of his widow except by written consent of the widow
4. Identical with a registered mark belonging to a different proprietor or a mark with an earlier
filing or priority date, in respect of:
1. The same goods or services, or
2. Closely related goods or services, or
3. If it nearly resembles such a mark as to be likely to deceive or cause confusion;
5. Is identical with an internationally well‐ known mark, whether or not it is registered here,
used for identical or similar goods or services;
6. Is identical with an internationally well‐ known mark which is registered in the Philippines
with respect to non‐similar goods or services. Provided, that the interests of the owner of the
registered mark are likely to be damaged by such use;
7. Is likely to mislead the public as to the nature, quality, characteristics or geographical origin of
the goods or services
8. Consists exclusively of signs that are generic for the goods or services that they seek to
9. Consists exclusively of signs that have become customary or usual to designate the goods or
services in everyday language and established trade practice;
10. Consists exclusively that may serve in trade to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended
purpose, value, geographical origin, time or production of the goods or rendering of the
services, or other characteristics of the goods or services;
11. Consists of shapes that may be necessitated by technical factors or by the nature of the
goods themselves or factors that affect their intrinsic value;
12. Consists of color alone, unless defined by a given form; or
13. Is contrary to public order or morality. (Sec. 123)


Q: Is the prior use of the mark still a requirement for registration?

A: No. Actual prior use in commerce in the Philippines has been abolished as a condition for the
registration of a trademark. (RA 8293)

Q: When is non‐use excused?

1. If caused by circumstances arising independently of the will of the owner. Lack of funds is not
an excuse.
2. A use which does not alter its distinctive character though the use is different from the form
in which it is registered.
3. Use of mark in connection with one or more of the goods/services belonging to the class in
which the mark is registered.
4. The use of a mark by a company related to the applicant/registrant.
5. The use of a mark by a person controlled by the registrant. (Section 152, IPC)
Q: What are the tests in determining whether there is a trademark infringement?
1. Dominancy test – Focuses on the similarity of the prevalent features of the competing
marks. If the competing trademark contains the main or essential or dominant features
of another, and confusion is likely to result, infringement takes place. (Asia Brewery v.
CA, G.R. No. 103543, 5 July 1993)
2. Totality or holistic test – Confusing similarity is to be determined on the basis of visual,
aural, connotative comparisons and overall impressions engendered by the marks in
controversy as they are encountered in the marketplace.

Note: The dominancy test only relies on visual comparisons between two trademarks
whereas the totality or holistic test relies not only on the visual but also on the
aural and connotative comparisons and overall impressions between the two
trademarks. (Societe Des Produits Nestl, S.A. v. CA, G.R. No. 112012, Apr. 4, 2001)

Q: N Corporation manufactures rubber shoes under the trademark “Jordann” which hit the
Philippine market in 1985, and registered its trademark with the Bureau of Patents,
Trademarks and Technology in 1990. PK Company also manufactures rubber shoes with the
trademark “Javorski” which it registered with BPTTT in 1978. In 1992, PK Co adopted and
copied the design of N Corporation’s “Jordann” rubber shoes, both as to shape and color, but
retained the trademark “Javorski” on its products. May PK Company be held liable to N Co?
A: PK Co may be liable for unfairly competing against N Co. By copying the design, shape and
color of N Corporation’s “Jordann” rubber shoes and using the same in its rubber shoes
trademarked “Javorski,” PK is obviously trying to pass off its shoes for those of N. It is of no
moment that the trademark “Javorski” was registered ahead of the trademark “Jordann.”
Priority in registration is not material in an action for unfair competition as distinguished
from an action for infringement of trademark. The basis of an action for unfair competition is
confusing and misleading similarity in general appearance, not similarity of trademarks.
(Converse Rubber Co. v. Jacinto Rubber & Plastics Co., G.R. Nos. 27425, 30505, Apr. 28, 1980)
(1996 Bar Question)

Q: What is the so‐called “related goods principle”?

A: Goods are related when they; 1) belong to the same class or have the same descriptive
properties; 2) when they possess the same physical attributes or essential characteristics
with reference to their form, composition, texture or quality.

Q: What is the rule of idem sonans?

A: Two names are said to be "idem sonantes" if the attentive ear finds difficulty in distinguishing
them when pronounced. (Martin v. State, 541 S.W. 2d 605) Note: Similarity of sound is
sufficient to rule that the two marks are confusingly similar when applied to merchandise of
the same descriptive properties. (Marvex Commercial v. Director of Patent, G.R. No. L‐19297,
Dec. 22, 1966)
Q: What are the types of confusion that arise from the use of similar or colorable imitation
1. Confusion of goods (product confusion); and
2. Confusion of business (source or origin confusion). (McDonald’s Corporation v. L.C. Big
Mak Burger, Inc., et al., G.R. No. 143993, Aug. 18, 2004)

Note: While there is confusion of goods when the products are competing, confusion of
business exists when the products are non‐competing but related enough to produce
confusion of affiliation.

Q: What is colorable imitation?

A: Such a close or ingenious imitation as to be calculated to deceive ordinary persons, or such a
resemblance to the original as to deceive an ordinary purchaser giving such attention as a
purchaser usually gives, as to cause him to purchase the one supposing it to be the other.
(Societe des Produits Nestlé, S.A. v. CA, G.R. No. 112012, Apr. 4, 2001)


Q: What constitutes an internationally well‐ known mark?

1. Considered by the competent authority of the Philippines to be “well‐known”
international and in the Philippines as the mark of a person other than the applicant or
2. Need not be used or registered in the Philippines
3. Need not be known by the public at large but only by relevant sector of the public.

Q: What does the law provide as regards internationally‐well known marks?

GR: Prohibition on subsequent registration does not include services and goods of
different nature or kind.
1. If the internationally well‐known mark is not registered in the Philippines, the
application for registration of a subsequent or similar mark can be rejected only if the
goods or services specified in the application are similar to those of the internationally
well‐ known mark

2. If the internationally well‐known mark is registered in the Philippines, the

application for registration of a subsequent or similar mark can be refused even if the
goods or services specified in the application are not identical or similar to those of the
internationally well‐known mark


Q: What is the duration of a certificate of trademark registration?
A: 10 years, renewable for a period of another 10 years. Each request for renewal must be
made within 6 months before or after the expiration of the registration.

Q: What are the rights of a registered mark owner?

1. Protection against reproduction, or imitation or unauthorized use of the mark
(infringement of mark)
2. To stop entry of imported merchandise into the country containing a mark identical
or similar to the registered mark 3. To transfer or license out the mark.


Q: What is the effect of use of Indications by third parties for purposes other than those for
which the mark is used?
A: Registration of the mark shall not confer on the registered owner the right to preclude third
parties from using bona fide their names, addresses, pseudonyms, a geographical name, or exact
indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, destination, value, place of origin, or time of
production or of supply, of their goods or services.


Q: What is trademark infringement?
A: The use without consent of the trademark owner of any a) reproduction, b) counterfeit, c)
copy or d) colorable imitation of any registered mark or tradename in connection with the sale, offering
for sale, or advertising of any goods, business or services on or in connection with which such use is
likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive purchasers or others as to the source or origin of such
goods or services, or identity of such business; or reproduce, counterfeit, copy or colorably imitate any
such mark or tradename and apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable limitation to labels,
signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or advertisements intended to be used upon or in
connection with such goods, business or services (Esso Standard Eastern v. CA, G.R. No. L‐29971, Aug.
31, 1982

Q: What are the elements to be established in trademark infringement?

1. The validity of the mark
2. The plaintiff’s ownership of the mark
3. The use of the mark or its colorable imitation by the alleged infringer results in
“likelihood of confusion.” (McDonald’s Corporation v. L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc., G.R. No.
143993, Aug 18, 2004)

Q: What is meant by non‐competing goods?

A: Those which, though they are not in actual competition, are so related to each other that it might
reasonably be assumed that they originate from one manufacturer. Non‐competing goods may also be
those which, being entirely unrelated, could not reasonably be assumed to have a common source. In
the case of related goods, confusion of business could arise out of the use of similar marks; in the latter
case of non‐related goods, it could not. The vast majority of courts today follow the modern theory or
concept of "related goods" which the court has likewise adopted and uniformly recognized and applied.
(Esso Standard Eastern, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. L‐29971, Aug. 31, 1982)

Q: Is there infringement even if the goods are non‐competing?

A: GR: No.
XPN: If it prevents the natural expansion of his business and, second, by having his business
reputation confused with and put at the mercy of the second user. (Ang v. Teodoro, G.R. No. L‐48226,
Dec. 14, 1942)

Q: What are the remedies of the owner of the trademark against infringers?
1. Civil — both civil and criminal actions may be filed with the Regional Trial Courts. The
owner of the registered mark may ask the court to issue a preliminary injunction to quickly
prevent infringer from causing damage to his business. Furthermore, the court will require
infringer to pay damages to the owner of the mark provided defendant is shown to have had
notice of the registration of the mark (which is presumed if a letter R within a circle is appended)
and stop him permanently from using the mark.
2. Criminal — the owner of the trademark may ask the court to issue a search warrant
and in appropriate cases, remedies available shall also include the seizure, forfeiture and
destruction of the infringing goods and of any materials and implements the predominant use of
which has been in the commission of the offense.
3. Administrative — This remedy is the same as in patent infringement cases. If the
amount of damages claimed is not less than P200,000.00, the registrant may choose to seek
redress against the infringer by filing an administrative action against the infringer with the
Bureau of Legal Affairs.

Q: How is the amount of damages in a civil action for infringement ascertained?

A: The owner of a trademark which has been infringed is entitled to actual damages:
1. The reasonable profit which the complaining party would have made, had the
defendant not infringed his said rights; or
2. The profit which the defendant actually made out of infringement; or
3. The court may award as damages a reasonable percentage based upon the amount of
gross sales of the defendant of the value of the services in connection with which the mark or
trade name was issued.

Q: What court has jurisdiction over violations of intellectual property rights?

A: It is properly lodged with the Regional Trial Court even if the penalty therefore is
imprisonment of less than six years, or from 2 to 5 years and a fine ranging from P50,000 to
P200,000. Note: R.A. 8293 and R.A. 166 are special laws conferring jurisdiction over violations
of intellectual property rights to the Regional Trial Court. They should therefore prevail over
R.A. No. 7691, which is a general law. (Samson v. Daway, G.R. No. 160054‐ 55, July 21, 2004)

Q: What are the limitations on the actions for infringement?

1. Right of prior user – registered mark shall be without affect against any person who, in good
faith, before filing or priority date, was using the mark for purposes of his business. (Sec
159.1, IPC)
2. Relief against publisher – injunction against future printing against an innocent infringer who
is engaged solely in the business of printing the mark. (Sec. 159.2, IPC)
3. Relief against newspaper – injunction against the presentation of advertising matter in future
issues of the newspaper, magazine or in electronic communications in case the
infringement complained of is contained in or is part of paid advertisement in such
materials. (Sec. 159.3, IPC)

Q: What distinguishes infringement of trademark from unfair competition?

The passing off of one’s goods as those of another. Fraudulent intent is unnecessary. Fraudulent intent
is essential. Prior registration of the trademark is a prerequisite to the action. Registration is not
necessary. (Del Monte Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 78325, Jan. 23, 1990) Q: What is the right protected under
unfair competition? A: A person who has identified in the mind of the public the goods he manufactures
or deals in, his business or services from those of others, whether or not a registered mark is employed,
has a property right in the goodwill of the said goods, business or services so identified, which will be
protected in the same manner as other property rights. (Sec. 168.1, IPC)

Q: Who are guilty of unfair competition?

1. Any person, who is selling his goods and gives them the general appearance of goods
of another manufacturer or dealer, either as to the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the
packages in which they are contained, or the devices or words thereon, or in any other feature
of their appearance, which would be likely to influence purchasers to believe that the goods
offered are those of a manufacturer or dealer, other than the actual manufacturer or dealer, or
who otherwise clothes the goods with such appearance as shall deceive the public and defraud
another of his legitimate trade, or any subsequent vendor of such goods or any agent of any
vendor engaged in selling such goods with a like purpose;
2. Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs any other means
calculated to induce the false belief that such person is offering the services of another who has
identified such services in the mind of the public; or
3. Any person who shall make any false statement in the course of trade or who shall
commit any other act contrary to good faith of a nature calculated to discredit the goods,
business or services of another. (Sec. 168.3)

Q: Is the law on unfair competition broader than the law on trademark?

A: Yes. For the latter (trademark infringement) is more limited but it recognizes a more exclusive
right derived from the trademark adoption and registration by the person whose goods or
business is first associated with it. Hence, even if one fails to establish his exclusive property
right to a trademark, he may still obtain relief on the ground of his competitor’s unfairness or
fraud. Conduct constitutes unfair competition if the effect is to pass off on the public the goods
of one man as the goods of another. (Mighty Corporation v. E. & J. Gallo Winery, G.R. No.
154342, July 14, 2004)

Q: What are the elements of an action for unfair competition?

1. Confusing similarity in the general appearance of the goods; and Note: The confusing
similarity may or may not result from similarity in the marks, but may result from other external
factors in the packaging or presentation of the goods.
2. Intent to deceive the public and defraud a competitor.
Note: The intent to deceive and defraud may be inferred from the similarity in
appearance of the goods as offered for sale to the public. Actual fraudulent
intent need not be shown. (McDonald’s Corporation v. L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc.,
et al., G.R. No. 143993, Aug. 18, 2004)

Q: The NBI found that SG Inc. is engaged in the reproduction and distribution of counterfeit
"playstation games" and thus applied with the Manila RTC warrants to search respondent's
premises in Cavite. RTC granted such warrants and thus, the NBI served the search warrants
on the subject premises. SG Inc. questioned the validity of the warrants due to wrong venue
since the RTC of Manila had no jurisdiction to issue a search warrant enforceable in Cavite. Is
the contention of SG Inc. correct?
A: No, unfair competition is a transitory or continuing offense under Section 168 of Republic Act
No. 8293. As such, petitioner may apply for a search warrant in any court where any element
of the alleged offense was committed, including any of the courts within Metro Manila and
may be validly enforced in Cavite. (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. v. Supergreen Inc. G.R.
No. 161823, Mar. 22, 2007)


Q: What is a trade name or business name?

A: Any individual name or surname, firm name, device nor word used by manufacturers,
industrialists, merchants, and others to identify their businesses, vocations or occupants (Converse
rubber Corp. vs. Universal Rubber Products, GR No. L‐27425, L‐30505, April 28, 1980).

Q: What are the limitations on use of trade name or business name?

A: A person may not:
1. Use any name or designation contrary to public order or morals
2. Use a name if it is liable to deceive trade circles or the public as to the nature of the
enterprise identified by that name. (Sec. 165.1, IPC)
3. Subsequently use a trade name likely to mislead the public as a third party. (Sec.
165.2, b, IPC)
4. Copy or simulate the name of any domestic product (for imported products).
5. Copy or simulate a mark registered in accordance with the provisions of IPC (for
imported products).
6. Use mark or trade name calculated to induce the public to believe that the article is
manufactured in the Philippines, or that it is manufactured in any foreign country or locality
other than the country or locality where it is in fact manufactured.

Note: Items 4, 5 and 6 only applies to imported products and those imported articles
shall not be admitted to entry at any customhouse of the Philippines (Sec. 166, IPC).

Q: How is the change in the ownership of a trade name made?

A: It shall be made with the transfer of the enterprise or part thereof identified by that name.
(Sec. 165.4, IPC)

Q: What is a collective mark?
A: A "collective mark" or “collective trade‐name" is a mark or trade‐name used by the members
of a cooperative, an association or other collective group or organization. (Sec. 40, R.A. 166)

Q: What should an application for registration of a collective mark contain?

1. The application shall designate the mark as a collective mark
2. Accompanied by a copy of the agreement, if any, governing the use of the collective
mark (Sec. 167.2, IPC)

Q: What are the grounds for the cancellation of collective marks?

1. The Court shall cancel the registration of a collective mark if the person requesting
the cancellation proves that only the registered owner uses the mark,
2. Or that he uses or permits its use in contravention of the agreements referred to in
Subsection 166.2,
3. Or that he uses or permits its use in a manner liable to deceive trade circles or the
public as to the origin or any other common characteristics of the goods or services concerned
(Sec 167.3).

Note: The registration of a collective mark, or an application therefor shall not be the
subject of a license contract.

Q: What are the criminal penalties for unfair competition, infringement, false designation of
origin and false representations?
A: A penalty of imprisonment from 2 years to 5and a fine ranging from P50,000 to P200,000
(Sec. 170, IPC.)

Q: Can trademark registration be cancelled?

A: Yes, by any person who believes that he will be damaged by the registration of the mark:
1. Within 5 years, from the date of the registration of the mark; or
2. At any time;
a. If the registered mark becomes the generic name for the goods or services, or
a portion thereof, for which it is registered;
b. If the mark has been abandoned;
c. If its registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to the provisions of
the IPC;
d. If the registered mark is being used by, or with the permission of, the
registrant so as to misrepresent the source of the goods or services on or in connection
with which the mark is used;
e. Non‐use of the mark within the Philippines, without legitimate reason, for an
uninterrupted period of 3 years.

Q: What is copyright?
A: A right over literary and artistic works which are original intellectual creations in the literary
and artistic domain protected from the moment of creation. (Sec. 171.1, IPC)
Q: What are the elements of copyrightability?
1. Originality – Must have been created by the author’s own skill, labor, and judgment
without directly copying or evasively imitating the work of another. (Ching Kian Chuan v. CA,
G.R. No. 130360, Aug. 15, 2001)
2. Expression – Must be embodied in a medium sufficiently permanent or stable to
permit it to be perceived, reproduced or communicated for a period more than a transitory

Q: What are the elements of originality?

A: 1. It is independently created by the author, and 2. It possesses some minimal degree of

Q: When does copyright vest? A: Works are protected from the time of their creation,
irrespective of their mode or form of expression, as well as of their content, quality and


Q: What are copyrightable works?

1. Literary and Artistic Works BOLD‐MAN‐GAS‐PAP‐CO
a. Books, pamphlets, articles and other writings;
b. Lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for Oral delivery, whether or
not reduced in writing or other material form;
c. Letters;
d. Dramatic, choreographic works;
e. Musical compositions;
f. Works of Art;
g. Periodicals and Newspapers;
h. Works relative to Geography, topography, architecture or science;
i. Works of Applied art;
j. Works of a Scientific or technical character;
k. Photographic works;
l. Audiovisual works and cinematographic works;
m. Pictorial illustrations and advertisements;
n. Computer programs; and
o. Other literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic works. (Sec. 172.1, IPC)
2. Derivative Works
a. Dramatizations, translations, adaptations, abridgements, arrangements, and other
alterations of literary or artistic works;
b. Collections of literary, scholarly, or artistic works and compilations of data and other
materials which are original by reason of the selection or coordination or arrangement of their
contents. (Sec. 173)
Note: Derivative Works shall be protected as new works, provided that such new work
shall not affect the force of any subsisting copyright upon the original works
employed or any part thereof, or be construed to imply any right to such use of
the original works, or to secure or extend copyright in such original works. (Sec.
173.2, IPC)

Q: P&D was granted a copyright on the technical drawings of light boxes as "advertising display
units". SMI, however, manufactured similar or identical to the light box illustrated in the
technical drawings copyrighted by P&D for leasing out to different advertisers. Was this an
infringement of P&D’s copyright over the technical drawings?
A: No, P&D’s copyright protection extended only to the technical drawings and not to the light
box itself. The light box was not a literary or artistic piece which could be copyrighted under the
copyright law. If SMI reprinted P&D’s technical drawings for sale to the public without license
from P&D, then no doubt they would have been guilty of copyright infringement. Only the
expression of an idea is protected by copyright, not the idea itself. If what P&D sought was
exclusivity over the light boxes, it should have instead procured a patent over the light boxes
itself. (Pearl and Dean Inc. v. Shoe Mart Inc., GR No. 148222, Aug. 15, 2003)

Q: What is the difference between collection of work and collective work?


It is not necessary that there is an agreement Individual contribution is capable of copyright
There is an agreement whereby the
authors bound themselves not to be
identified with the work.

Q: Juan Xavier wrote and published a story similar to an unpublished copyrighted story of
Manoling Santiago. It was, however, conclusively proven that Juan Xavier was not aware that
the story of Manoling Santiago was protected by copyright. Manoling Santiago sued Juan Xavier
for infringement of copyright. Is Juan Xavier liable?
A: Yes. Juan Xavier is liable for infringement of copyright. It is not necessary that Juan Xavier is
aware that the story of Manoling Santiago was protected by copyright. The work of Manoling
Santiago is protected from the time of its creation. (1998 Bar Question)

Note: There will still be originality sufficient to warrant copyright protection if “the
author, through his skill and effort, has contributed a distinguishable variation from
the older works.” In such a case, of course, only those parts which are new are
protected by the new copyright. Hence, in such a case, there is no case of
infringement. Juan Xavier is no less an “author” because others have preceded

Q: What are the subjects not protected?

1. Idea, procedure, system, method or operation, concept, principle, discovery or mere
data as such;
2. News of the day and other items of press information;
3. Any official text of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, as well as any official
translation thereof;
4. Pleadings;
5. Decisions of courts and tribunals – this refers to original decisions and not to
annotated decisions such as the SCRA or SCAD as these already fall under the classification of
derivative works, hence copyrightable;
6. Any work of the Government of the Philippines.
GR: Conditions imposed prior the approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.
Such agency or office, may, among other things, impose as condition the payment of
XPN: No prior approval or conditions shall be required for the use of any
purpose of statutes, rules and regulations, and speeches, lectures, sermons, addresses,
and dissertations, pronounced, read, or rendered in courts of justice, before
administration agencies, in deliberative assemblies and in meetings of public character.
(Section 176, IPC);
7. TV programs, format of TV programs (Joaquin v. Drilon, G.R. No. 108946, Jan. 28,
8. Systems of bookkeeping; and
9. Statutes.

Q: BJ Productions, Inc. (BJPI) is the holder/grantee of a copyright of “Rhoda and Me”, a dating
game show aired from 1970 to 1977. Subsequently, however, RPN aired the game show “It’s a
Date”, which was produced by IXL Productions, Inc. (IXL). As such, an information for copyright
infringement was filed against RPN. The DOJ Secretary directed the prosecutor to dismiss the
case for lack of probable cause. Was the decision of the DOJ Secretary correct?
A: Yes, the format of a show is not copyrightable. The copyright law enumerates the classes of
work entitled to copyright protection.The format or mechanics of a television show is not
included in the list of protected works. For this reason, the protection afforded by the law
cannot be extended to cover them. Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a
statutory right. It is a new or independent right granted by the statute, and not simply a
pre‐existing right regulated by the statute. Being a statutory grant, the rights are only such as
the statute confers, and may be obtained and enjoyed only with respect to the subjects and by
the persons, and on terms and conditions specified in the statute. The copyright does not
extend to the general concept or format of its dating game show. (Joaquin v. Drilon, G.R. No.
108946, Jan. 28, 1999)

Q: Rural is a certified public utility providing telephone service to several communities in Manila.
It obtains data for the directory from subscribers, who must provide their names and addresses
to obtain telephone service. Feist Publications, Inc., is a publishing company that specializes in
area‐wide telephone directories covering a much larger geographic range than directories such
as Rural's. Feist extracted the listings it needed from Rurals’s directory without its consent. Are
directories copyrightable?
A: No, directories are not copyrightable and therefore the use of them does not constitute
infringement. The Intellectual Property Code mandates originality as a prerequisite for copyright
protection. This requirement necessitates independent creation plus a modicum of creativity.
Since facts do not owe their origin to an act of authorship, they are not original, and thus are not
copyrightable. A compilation is not copyrightable per se, but is copyrightable only if its facts
have been "selected, coordinated, or arranged in such a way that the resulting work as a whole
constitutes an original work of authorship." Thus, the statute envisions that some ways of
selecting, coordinating, and arranging data are not sufficiently original to trigger copyright
protection. Even a compilation that is copyrightable receives only limited protection, for the
copyright does not extend to facts contained in the compilation. (Feist Publications, Inc. v.
Rural Telephone Service Co., 499 U.S. 340)


Q: What is the presumption of authorship?
A: The natural person whose name is indicated on a work in the usual manner as the author
shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, presumed to be the author of the work. This is
applicable even if the name is a pseudonym, where the pseudonym leaves no doubt as to
identity of the author. (Sec. 219.1, IPC) The person or body corporate, whose name appears on
the audio‐visual work in the usual manner shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be
presumed to be the maker of said work. (Sec. 219.2, IPC)

Q: What are the rights of an author?

1. Economic rights – The right to carry out, authorize or prevent the following acts:
a. Reproduction of the work or substantial portion thereof;
b. Carry‐out derivative work (dramatization, translation, adaptation,
abridgement, arrangement or other transformation of the work);
c. First distribution of the original and each copy of the work by sale or other
forms of transfer of ownership;
d. Rental right;
e. Public display;
f. Public performance;
g. Other communications to the public.

2. Moral rights – For reasons of professionalism and propriety, the author has the right:
a. To require that the authorship of the works be attributed to him (attribution
b. To make any alterations of his work prior to, or to withhold it from
c. Right to preserve integrity of work, object to any distortion, mutilation or
other modification which would be prejudicial to his honor or reputation;
and d. To restrain the use of his name with respect to any work not of his
own creation or in a distorted version of his work. (Sec.193, IPC)

3. Droit de suite (Right to proceeds in subsequent transfers or follow up rights) – This is

an inalienable right of the author or his heirs to receive to the extent of 5% of the gross
proceeds of the sale or lease of a work of painting or sculpture or of the original
manuscript of a writer or composer, subsequent to its first disposition by the author.
The following works are not covered:
a. Prints;
b. Etchings;
c. Engravings;
d. Works of applied art;
e. Similar works wherein the author primarily derives gain from the proceeds of
reproductions. (Sec. 201, IPC)

Q: ABC is the owner of certain musical compositions among which are the songs entitled: "Dahil
Sa Iyo", "Sapagkat Ikaw Ay Akin," "Sapagkat Kami Ay Tao Lamang" and "The Nearness Of You.”
Soda Fountain Restaurant hired a combo with professional singers to play and sing musical
compositions to entertain and amuse customers. They performed the above‐ mentioned
compositions without any license or permission from ABC to play or sing the same. Accordingly,
ABC demanded from Soda Fountain payment of the necessary license fee for the playing and
singing of aforesaid compositions but the demand was ignored. ABC filed an infringement case
against Soda Fountain. Does the playing and singing of musical compositions inside an
establishment constitute public performance for profit?
A: Yes. The patrons of the Soda Fountain pay only for the food and drinks and apparently not for
listening to the music, but the music provided is for the purpose of entertaining and amusing the
customers in order to make the establishment more attractive and desirable. For the playing
and singing the musical compositions involved, the combo was paid as independent contractors
by Soda Fountain. It is therefore obvious that the expenses entailed thereby are added to the
overhead of the restaurant which are either eventually charged in the price of the food and
drinks or to the overall total of additional income produced by the bigger volume of business
which the entertainment was programmed to attract. Consequently, it is beyond question that
the playing and singing of the combo in defendant‐ appellee's restaurant constituted
performance for profit. (FILSCAP v. Tan, G.R., No. L‐36402, Mar. 16, 1987)

Q: Malang Santos designed for Ambassador Neri for his personal christmas greetings for the
year 1959 a christmas card depicting a Philippine rural Christmas time scene. The following year
McCullough Printing Company, without the knowledge and authority of Santos, displayed the
very design in its album of Christmas cards and offered it for sale. Santos filed for copyright
infringement contending that the publication of his design was limited as it was intended only
for Ambassador Neri’s use, hence, it could not be used for public consumption. Is there
copyright infringement?
A: No. If there were a condition that the cards are to be limitedly published, then Ambassador
Neri would be the aggrieved party, and not Santos. And even if there was such a limited
publication or prohibition, the same was not shown on the face of the design. When the
purpose is a limited publication, but the effect is general publication, irrevocable rights
thereupon become vested in the public, in consequence of which enforcement of the rights
under a copyright becomes impossible. (Malang v. McCullough Printing Company, G.R. No.
L‐19439, Oct. 31, 1964)

Q: May an author be compelled to perform his contract?

A: An author cannot be compelled to perform his contract to create a work or for the
publication of his work already in existence. However, he may be held liable for damages for
breach of such contract. (Sec. 195, IPC)

Q: What is the nature of moral rights?

A: These are personal rights independent from the economic rights. Being a personal right, it can
only be given to a natural person. Hence, even if he has licensed or assigned his economic rights,
he continues to enjoy the above‐mentioned moral rights. (Amador, Intellectual Property
Fundamentals, 2007)

Q: What is the term of moral rights?

A: It shall last during the lifetime of the author and for fifty (50) years after his death and shall
not be assignable or subject to license. (Sec. 198, IPC) Note: The person/s to be charged with the
posthumous enforcement of moral rights shall be named in writing to be filed with the National
Library. In default of such person or persons, such enforcement shall devolve upon either the
author's heirs, and in default of the heirs, the Director of the National Library. (ibid.)

Q: What are the exceptions to moral rights?

a. Absent any special contract at the time creator licenses/permits another to use his
work, the following are deemed not to contravene creator’s moral rights, provided they are
done in accordance with reasonable customary standards or requisites of the medium:
a. Editing;
b. Arranging;
c. Adaptation;
d. Dramatization;
e. Mechanical and electric reproduction;
b. Complete destruction of work unconditionally transferred by creators. (Sec. 197, IPC)

Q: Can moral rights be waived?

A: GR: Moral rights can be waived in writing, expressly so stating such waiver.
XPN: Even in writing, waiver is not valid if:
1. Use the name of the author, title of his work, or his reputation with respect to
any version/adaptation of his work, which because of alterations, substantially tend to
injure literary/artistic reputation of another author;
2. Use name of author in a work that he did not create

Q: What are the neighboring rights?

A: These are the rights of performers, producers of sound recording and broadcasting

Q: What is the scope of a performer’s rights?

A: Performers shall enjoy the following exclusive rights:
1. As regards their performances, the right of authorizing:
a. The broadcasting and other communication to the public of their
performance; and
b. The fixation of their unfixed performance.
2. The right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction of their performances
fixed in sound recordings, in any manner or form;
3. The right of authorizing the first public distribution of the original and copies of their
performance fixed in the sound recording through sale or rental or other forms of transfer of
4. The right of authorizing the commercial rental to the public of the original and copies
of their performances fixed in sound recordings, even after distribution of them by, or pursuant
to the authorization by the performer; and
5. The right of authorizing the making available to the public of their performances fixed
in sound recordings, by wire or wireless means, in such a way that members of the public may
access them from a place and time individually chosen by them. (Sec. 203, IPC)

Q: What are the moral rights of performers?

A: The performer, shall, as regards his live aural performances or performances fixed in sound
recordings, have the right to claim to be identified as the performer of his performances, except
where the omission is dictated by the manner of the use of the performance, and to object to
any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his performances that would be prejudicial to
his reputation.

Q: When are performer’s rights lost?

A: Once a performer has authorized broadcasting or fixation of his performance. (Sec 205, IPC)

Note: Fair use and limitations to copyrights shall apply mutatis mutandis to
performers. (Ibid.)

Q: When are performers entitled to additional remuneration on their performance?

A: The performer shall be entitled to an additional remuneration equivalent to at least 5% of the
original compensation he received for the first communication or broadcast in every
communication to the public or broadcast of a performance subsequent to the first
communication or broadcast, unless otherwise provided in the contract. (Sec. 206, IPC)

Q: What is the scope of the rights of producers on sound recordings?

A: Producers of sound recordings shall enjoy the following exclusive rights:
1. The right to authorize the direct or indirect reproduction of their sound recordings, in
any manner or form; the placing of these reproductions in the market and the right of rental or
2. The right to authorize the first public distribution of the original and copies of their
sound recordings through sale or rental or other forms of transferring ownership; and
3. The right to authorize the commercial rental to the public of the original and copies of
their sound recordings, even after distribution by them by or pursuant to authorization
by the producer. (Sec. 208, IPC)

Note: Fair use and limitations to copyrights shall apply mutatis mutandis to performers.
(Sec. 210, IPC)

Q: What is the scope of the rights of broadcasting organizations?

A: Broadcasting organizations shall enjoy the exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent
any of the following acts:
1. The rebroadcasting of their broadcasts;
2. The recording in any manner, including the making of films or the use of video tape,
of their broadcasts for the purpose of communication to the public of television broadcasts of
the same;
3. The use of such records for fresh transmissions or for fresh recording. (Sec. 211, IPC)

Q: When are neighboring rights not applicable?

1. Exclusive use of a natural person for own personal purposes;
2. Short excerpts for reporting current events;
3. Sole use for the purpose of teaching or for scientific research;
4. Fair use of the broadcast

Q: What are the term of protection given to performers, producers and broadcasting
1. For performances not incorporated in recordings, 50 years from the end of the year in
which the performance took place; and
2. For sound or image and sound recordings and for performances incorporated therein,
50 years from the end of the year in which the recording took place.
3. In case of broadcasts, the term shall be 20 years from the date the broadcast took
place. The extended term shall be applied only to old works with subsisting protection under the
prior law. (Sec. 215, IPC)

Q: To whom are the rights granted to copyrightable works applicable (points of attachment)?
1. For literary and artistic works and derivative works
a. Works of authors who are nationals of, or have their habitual residence in, the
b. Audio‐visual works the producer of which has his headquarters or habitual residence
in the Philippines;
c. Works of architecture erected in the Philippines or other artistic works incorporated
in a building or other structure located in the Philippines;
d. Works first published in the Philippines; and
e. Works first published in another country but also published in the Philippines within
thirty days, irrespective of the nationality or residence of the authors. (Sec. 221, IPC)

2. For perfomers
a. Performers who are nationals of the Philippines;
b. Performers who are not nationals of the Philippines but whose performances:
i. Take place in the Philippines; or
ii. Are incorporated in sound recordings that are protected under IPC; or
iii. Which has not been fixed in sound recording but are carried by broadcast
qualifying for protection under IPC. (Sec. 222, IPC)

3. Of sound recordings
a. Sound recordings the producers of which are nationals of the Philippines; and
b. Sound recordings that were first published in the Philippines. (Sec. 223, IPC)
4. For broadcast
a. Broadcasts of broadcasting organizations the headquarters of which are situated in
the Philippines; and
b. Broadcasts transmitted from transmitters situated in the Philippines. (Sec. 224, IPC)

Note: The provisions of IPC shall also apply to works, performers, producers of sound
recordings and broadcasting organizations that are to be protected by virtue of and in
accordance with any international convention or other international agreement to which the
Philippines is a party. (Sec. 221.2 and 224.2, IPC)


Q: Who owns copyright?

1. Author – Original literary and artistic works. (Sec. 178.1, IPC)
2. Co‐authors – Works of joint authorship; in the absence of agreement, their rights
shall be governed by the rules on co‐ownership.

Note: If work of joint authorship consists of parts that can be used separately, then
the author of each part shall be the original owner of the copyright in the
part that he has created. (Sec. 178.2, IPC)

3. In the course of employment, the copyright shall belong to:

a. The employee, if not a part of his regular duties even if the employee uses the
time, facilities and materials of the employer. (Sec. 178.3, IPC)
b. The employer, if the work is the result of the performance of his
regularly‐assigned duties, unless there is an agreement, express or implied, to the
contrary. (ibid.)

4. The person who commissioned the work shall own the work but the copyright thereto
shall remain with the creator – In cases of work pursuant to commission, unless there is
a written stipulation to the contrary. (Sec. 178.4, IPC)
5. GR: Producer, the author of the scenario, the composer of the music, the film
director, and the author of the work so adapted – audiovisual work.
XPN: The producers shall exercise the copyright to an extent required for the
exhibition of the work in any manner. (Sec. 178.5, IPC)
6. Writer – in respect of letters subject to the provisions of Article 723, Civil Code. (Sec.
178.6, IPC)
7. GR: Publishers – deemed representatives of the author in case of anonymous
and pseudonymous works.
XPN: When the contrary appears or where the pseudonym or adopted name
leaves no doubt as to the author’s identity; or author discloses his identity.
8. In case of collective works – contributor is deemed to have waived his right unless he
expressly reserves it. (Sec. 196, IPC)

Q: Distinguish collective work from joint work.

A: COLLECTIVE WORK JOINT WORK Elements remain unintegrated and disparate. Separate
elements merge into a unified whole. Work created by 2 or more persons at the initiative and under the
direction of another with the understanding that it will be disclosed by the latter under his own name
and that of the contributions of natural persons will NOT be identified Work prepared by 2 or more
authors with the intention that their contributions be merged into inseparable or independent parts of
the unitary whole. Each author shall enjoy copyright to his own contribution Joint authors shall be co‐
owners. Co‐ownership shall apply. The work will be attributed to the person under whose initiative and
direction it was created unless the contributor expressly reserves his right. Joint authors shall be both
entitled to the acknowledgment as authors of the work.

Q: BR and CT are noted artists whose paintings are highly prized by collectors. Dr. DL
commissioned them to paint a mural at the main lobby of his new hospital for children. Both
agreed to collaborate on the project for a total fee of two million pesos to be equally divided
between them. It was also agreed that Dr. DL had to provide all the materials for the painting
and pay for the wages of technicians and laborers needed for the work on the project.
Assume that the project is completed and both BR and CT are fully paid the amount of P2M
as artists' fee by DL. Under the law on intellectual property, who will own the mural? Who
will own the copyright in the mural? Why? Explain.
A: Under Sec. 178.4 of the Intellectual Property Code, in case of commissioned work, the creator
(in the absence of a written stipulation to the contrary) owns the copyright, but the work
itself belongs to the person who commissioned the creation. Accordingly, the mural belongs
to DL. However, BR and CT own the copyright, since there is no stipulation to the contrary.
(1995 Bar Question)

Q: What is the principle of “automatic protection”? A: Works are protected by the sole fact of
their creation irrespective of their content, quality or purpose. Such rights are conferred from
the moment of creation. Q: What is the term of protection of copyright?
A: TYPE of WORK DURATION Single creation Lifetime of the creator and for 50 years after his
death Joint creation Lifetime of the last surviving co‐creator and for 50 years after his death.
Anonymous or pseudonymous work 50 years after the date of their first publication; except
where before the expiration of said period, the author’s identity is revealed or is no longer in
doubt, the 1st two mentioned rules shall apply; or if unpublished, 50 years from their making.
Work of an applied art of an artistic creation with utilitarian functions or incorporated in a useful
article whether made by hand or produced on an industrial scale 25 years from the time of the
making. Audio‐visual works including those produced by process analogous to photography or
any process for making audio‐visual recordings 50 years from date of publication and, if
unpublished, from the date of making. Newspaper Article Lifetime of the author and 50 years
after. (Sec. 213, IPC)


Q: What are the general limitations on copyright?

A: The following acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright:
1. Performance of a work, once it has been lawfully made accessible to the public, if
done privately and free of charge or for a charitable or religious institution or society.
2. The making of quotations from a published work if they are compatible with fair use
and only to the extent justified for the purpose.
3. Communication to the public by mass media of articles on current political, social,
economic, scientific or religious topic, lectures, addresses and other works of the same nature
4. As part of reports of current events (e.g. music played or tunes on the occasion of a
sporting event and such tunes were picked up during a new coverage of the event).
5. For teaching purposes, provided that the source and of the name of the author, if
appearing in the work, are mentioned.
6. Recording made in educational institutions of a work included in a broadcast for the
use of such educational institutions, provided that such recording must be deleted within a
reasonable period after they were first broadcast.
7. The making of ephemeral recordings by a broadcasting organization by means of its
own facilities and for use in its own broadcast.
8. The use made of a work by or under the direction or control of the government, by
the National Library or by educational, scientific or professional institutions where such use is in
the public interest and is compatible with fair use.
9. The public performance of a work, in a place where no admission fee is charged.
10. Public display of the original or a copy of the work not made by means of a film,
slide, television image or otherwise on screen or by means of any other device or process (e.g.
Public display using posters mounted on walls and display boards).
11. Any use made of a work for the purpose of any judicial proceedings or for the giving
of professional advice by a legal practitioner.

Q: What are the other limitations on copyright?

1. The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching
including multiple copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes is not an
infringement of copyright. (Sec. 185, IPC) Note: Decompilation, which is the reproduction of the
code and translation of the forms of the computer program to achieve the inter‐operability of
an independently created computer program with other programs, may also constitute fair use
(e.g. the software program for Windows 7 will be disassembled by a skilled programmer in order
to understand much of the structure and operation of the program).
2. Copyright in a work of architecture shall include the right to control the erection of
any building which reproduces the whole or a substantial part of the work either in its original
form or in any form recognizably derived from the original, provided, that the copyright in any
such work shall not include the right to control the reconstruction or rehabilitation in the same
style as the original of a building to which that copyright relates. (Sec. 186, IPC)
3. The private reproduction of a published work in a single copy, where the
reproduction is made by a natural person exclusively for research and private study, shall be
permitted, without the authorization of the owner of copyright in the work but shall not extend
to the reproduction of:
a. A work of architecture in the form of building or other construction;
b. An entire book, or a substantial part thereof, or of a musical work in graphic
form by reprographic means;
c. A compilation of data and other materials;
d. A computer program except as provided in Section 189; and
e. Any work in cases where reproduction would unreasonably conflict with a
normal exploitation of the work or would otherwise unreasonably prejudice the
legitimate interests of the author. (Sec. 187, IPC)
4. Any library or archive whose activities are not for profit may, without the
authorization of the author of copyright owner, make a single copy of the work by reprographic
a. Where the work by reason of its fragile character or rarity cannot be lent to
user in its original form;
b. Where the works are isolated articles contained in composite works or brief
portions of other published works and the reproduction is necessary to supply them,
when this is considered expedient, to persons requesting their loan for purposes of
research or study instead of lending the volumes or booklets which contain them; and c.
Where the making of such a copy is in order to preserve and, if necessary in the event
that it is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable, replace a copy, or to replace, in the
permanent collection of another similar library or archive, a copy which has been lost,
destroyed or rendered unusable and copies are not available with the publisher. But it
shall not be permissible to produce a volume of a work published in several volumes or
to produce missing tomes or pages of magazines or similar works, unless the volume,
tome or part is out of stock. (Sec. 188, IPC)

5. The reproduction in one back‐up copy or adaptation of a computer program shall be

permitted, without the authorization of the author of, or other owner of copyright in, a computer
program, by the lawful owner of that computer program, provided, the copy or adaptation is necessary
a. The use of the computer program in conjunction with a computer for the purpose,
and to the extent, for which the computer program has been obtained; and
b. Archival purposes, and, for the replacement of the lawfully owned copy of the
computer program in the event that the lawfully obtained copy of the computer program is lost,
destroyed or rendered unusable. (Sec. 187, IPC)

6. The importation of a copy of a work by an individual for his personal purposes shall be
permitted without the authorization of the author of, or other owner of copyright in, the work under the
following circumstances:
a. When copies of the work are not available in the Philippines and:
i. Not more than one copy at one time is imported for strictly individual use
only; or
ii. The importation is by authority of and for the use of the Philippine
Government; or
iii. The importation, consisting of not more than three such copies or likenesses
in any one invoice, is not for sale but for the use only of any religious, charitable, or
educational society or institution duly incorporated or registered, or is for the
encouragement of the fine arts, or for any state school, college, university, or free public
library in the Philippines.

b. When such copies form parts of libraries and personal baggage belonging to persons
or families arriving from foreign countries and are not intended for sale, provided, that
such copies do not exceed three. (Sec. 190, IPC)

Q: What is the doctrine of “fair use”?

A: “Fair use” permits a secondary use that “serves the copyright objective of stimulating
productive thought and public instruction without excessively diminishing the incentives for creativity”.
Q: What are the factors that should be considered in order to determine “fair use”?
1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial
nature or is for non‐profit educational purpose;
2. The nature of the copyrighted work;
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work
as a whole; and
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Note: The fact that a work is unpublished shall not by itself bar a finding of fair use if
such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. (Sec. 182.2, IPC)

Q: What is the “must carry rule”?

A: Must‐carry rule is another limitation on copyright. It obligates operators to carry the signals
of local channels within their respective systems. This is to give the people wider access to more
sources of news, information, education, sports event and entertainment programs other than
those provided for by mass media and afforded television programs to attain a well informed,
well‐versed and culturally refined citizenry and enhance their socio‐economic growth. (ABS‐CBN
Broadcasting Corporation v. Philippine Multimedia System, G.R. No. 175769‐ 70, Jan. 19, 2009)

Q: Ford contracted with H&R Publishing to publish his unwritten memoirs. The agreement gave
H&R the exclusive first serial right to license prepublication excerpts. As the memoirs were
nearing completion, H&R, as the copyright holders, negotiated a prepublication licensing
agreement with Time Magazine. Shortly before the Time article's scheduled release, an
unauthorized source provided The Nation Magazine with the unpublished Ford manuscript. An
editor of The Nation produced an article which consisted of verbatim quotes of copyrighted
expression taken from the manuscript which were the gist of the memoirs. As a result, Time
refused to pay H&R as agreed upon in the prepublication agreement. H&R brought an action for
infringement against Nation Magazine. Nation magazine contended that the article it
published constitutes fair use and thus it cannot be held liable for infringement. Is the
contention correct?
A: No, the article does not constitute fair use. Taking into account the factors as especially
relevant in determining fair use, leads to the conclusion that the use in question here was not
fair. First of all, the purpose or character of the use was commercial (to scoop a competitor),
meaning that The Nation's use was not a good faith use of fair use in simply reporting news.
Also, although the verbatim quotes in question were an insubstantial portion of the Ford
manuscript, they qualitatively embodied Mr. Ford's distinctive expression, and played a key role
in the infringing article. And lastly, the effect of the use on the potential market for the value of
the copyrighted work was also great, because the Nation's liberal use of verbatim excerpts
posed substantial potential for damage to the marketability of first serialization rights in the
copyrighted work. (Harper & Row v. Nation Enterprises, 471 U.S. 539, 1985)

Q: What are published works?

A: Those works which, with the consent of the authors, are made available to the public by wire
or wireless means in such a way that members of the public may access these works from a
place and time individually chosen by them: provided, that availability of such copies has been
such, as to satisfy the reasonable requirement of the public, having regard to the nature of the
work. (Sec. 171.7, IPC)
Q: What is the difference between public performance and communication to the public of a
Performance at a place or at places where persons outside the normal circle of a family and that
family’s closest social acquaintances are or can be present. The transmission to the public, by
any medium, otherwise than by broadcasting, of sounds of a performance or the
representations of sounds fixed in a sound recording. It is performed at a specific time and
place. (e.g. The Pacquiao‐Clottey Match in Dallas Texas Stadium) The communication can be
accessed through wired or wireless means at a time and place convenient to the viewer (e.g.
The Pacquiao‐Clottey Match watched via YouTube)

Q: May a copyright be transferred/assigned?

A: It may be assigned in whole or in part. Within the scope of the assignment, the assignee is
entitled to all the rights and remedies which the assignor had with respect to the copyright.
(Sec. 180.1, IPC)

Q: Is copyright similar with the material object?

A: No, the copyright is distinct from the property in the material object subject to it.
Consequently, the transfer or assignment of the copyright shall not itself constitute a transfer of
the material object. Nor shall a transfer or assignment of the sole copy or of one or several
copies of the work imply transfer or assignment of the copyright. (Sec. 181, IPC)

Q: What are the requisites for a transfer of copyright to take effect?

1. If inter vivos, must be in writing; and
2. Filed in National Library upon payment of prescribed fees. (Sec. 182, IPC)

Q: Is filing of the assignment or license of copyright a mandatory requirement?

A: No, Section 182 uses the permissive word “may” in reference to the filing of the deed of
assignment or transfer of copyright, this filing should not be understood as mandatory for
validity and enforceability. The filing is entirely optional for the parties and may be useful only
for evidentiary and notification purposes. (Amador, Intellectual Property Fundamentals, 2007)

Q: What is the limitation regarding submission of a literary, photographic or artistic work to a

newspaper, magazine or periodical for publication?
A: Unless a greater right is expressly granted, such submission shall constitute only a license to
make a single publication. (Sec. 180.3, IPC)

Note: If two or more persons jointly own a copyright or any part thereof, neither of the
owners shall be entitled to grant licenses without the prior written consent of
the other owner or owners. (Ibid.)

Q: What is copyright infringement?

A: It is the doing by any person, without the consent of the owner of the copyright, of anything
the sole right to do which is conferred by statute on the owner of the copyright. The act of
lifting from another’s book substantial portions of discussions and examples and the failure to
acknowledge the same is an infringement of copyright. (Habana v. Robles, G.R. No. 131522, July
19, 1999)

Q: What does substantial reproduction mean?

A: It is not necessarily required that the entire copyrighted work, or even a large portion of it, be
copied. If so much is taken that the value of the original work is substantially diminished, there
is an infringement of copyright and to an injurious extent, the work is appropriated. It is no
defense that the pirate did not know whether or not he was infringing any copyright; he at least
knew that what he was copying was not his, and he copied at his peril. In cases of infringement,
copying alone is not what is prohibited. The copying must produce an “injurious effect”.
(Habana v. Robles, G.R. No. 131522, July 19, 1999)

Q: What is plagiarism? A: It is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or

incorporating material from) someone else’s written or creative work, in whole or in part, into
one’s own without adequate acknowledgment. Q: What is the difference between copyright
infringement and plagiarism?
A: COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT PLAGIARISM The unauthorized use of copyrighted material in a
manner that violates one of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, such as the right to
reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works that build upon it. The
use of another’s information, language, or writing, when done without proper acknowledgment
of the original source. Copyright infringement is a very broad term that describes a variety of
acts. It may be duplication of a work, rewriting a piece, performing a written work or doing
anything that is normally considered to be the exclusive right of the copyright holder. Plagiarism
is specific as it refers only to using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement.
There is no copyright infringement on public documents. Public documents can be plagiarized so
long as it is not acknowledged.

Q: What are the available remedies in case of copyright infringement?

1. Injunction;
2. Damages, including legal costs and other expenses, as he may have incurred due to
the infringement as well as the profits the infringer may have made due to such infringement;
3. Impounding during the pendency of the action sales invoices and other documents
evidencing sales;
4. Destruction without any compensation all infringing copies;
5. Moral and exemplary damages (Sec. 216.1); or
6. Seizure and impounding of any article, which may serve as evidence in the court
proceedings. (Sec. 216.2)

Q: What are the criminal penalties in case of copyright infringement?

1. Imprisonment of one (1) year to three (3) years plus a fine ranging from Fifty
thousand pesos (P50,000) to One hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000) for the first offense.
2. Imprisonment of three (3) years and one (1) day to six (6) years plus a fine ranging
from One hundred fifty thousand pesos to Five hundred thousand (P500,000) for the second
3. Imprisonment of six (6) years and one day to nine (9) years plus a fine ranging from
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000) to P1,500,000 for the third offense.
4. In all cases, subsidiary imprisonment in cases of insolvency.

Q: What is affidavit evidence?

A: An affidavit made before the notary public in actions for infringement, reciting the
facts required to be stated under the IPC. (Sec. 216.1)

Note: As a prima facie proof, the affidavit shifts the burden of proof to the defendant,
to prove the ownership of the copyrighted work.

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