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(Preparation Paper)



1. With the Help of scattering of Alpha - Rays , Explain the Atomic Model
(Rutherford's) and its conclusion also write down the weakness of it.
(Karachi Board 2018,2016,2014,2012 Annual)

2. State the Postulates of Bohr Atomic Theory and derive an expression for the total
energy of an electron in the nth orbit ,radius is given below
(Karachi Board 2018 Annual)
𝑛 2 ℎ2
4𝜋 2 𝑧𝑚ⅇ2

3. State the Postulates of Bohr's Atomic Model. Derive the expression for the
frequency and wave no when the electron jumps from Higher orbit (n2) to lower
orbit (n1). The Energy of Electron is given as
(Karachi Board 2017,2012,2010 Annual)

2𝜋 2 𝑧 2 ⅇ4 𝑚
𝑛2 ℎ2

4. Derive and expression for the radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom using Bohr
atomic model.
(Karachi Board 2016,2013,2009 Annual)

5. Give the defects of Rutherford Atomic Model also write down the postulates of
Bohr atomic theory.
(Karachi Board 2015 Annual)

6. How did Bohr's theory explain the formation of the line spectrum of hydrogen
atom? Write the name and formulae of each series?
(Karachi Board 2015 Annual)

For any Help : Contact 0333 444 1342

7. Stating from 𝚫𝑬 = 𝑬𝟐 − 𝑬𝟏 derive the expression for the wave number of hydrogen
(Karachi Board 2014 Annual)

8. Explain Planks Quantum theory of Radiation in detail.

(Karachi Board 2009 Annual)



1. What is Radioactivity? Why is it limited to heavy elements? Write down the

properties of Alpha Particles.
(Karachi Board 2017 Annual)

2. Explain the origin of X - rays and describe the relationship between their
wavelength and atomic Number.
(Karachi Board 2016 Annual)

3. How was the presence of electron and proton in the atom discovered in the
discharge tube experiment ?
(Karachi Board 2015 Annual)

4. What are Cathode Rays? Describe the Experiment of their discovery and write their
properties and conclusions
(Karachi Board 2013 Annual)

5. How were Positive Rays generated from cathode ray tube experiment? Did they
depend upon the nature of gas filled?
(Karachi Board 2009 Annual)

For any Help : Contact 0333 444 1342


1. State Pauli's exclusion Principle and write the electronic configurations of the following
Ca+2 (Z = 30)
Br- (Z = 35)
Cr (Z = 24)
Cu (Z = 29)

2. State the Hunds Rule and write Electronic Configurations of following

Cl-1 (Z = 17 )
Cr (Z=24)
Rb+1 (Z = 37)

3. Using (n + L ) Rule arrange the following in ascending order of energy

a. ( 4d, 7s, 4f )
b. (3d, 4s, 4d, 5s, 6s,5p)

4. Which Rule or Principle is Violated in the following Electronic configurations.

(i) 1s22s3
(ii) 2s22p63s2
(iii) 1s22s23s22p6
(iv) 1s22s22Px2

5. Calculate the wave number of the line in Lyman series when an electron jumps from 3rd
orbit to the 1st orbit (RH = 109678cm-1)
(Karachi Board 2012 Annual)

6. Calculate the wave number of the line in a series when an electron jumps from 4th orbit
to the 2nd orbit (RH = 109678cm-1). Also name the series.
(Karachi Board 2012 Annual)
7. Bohr Radius is 0.529𝑨. Find the radius of 3rd orbit of hydrogen atom?
(Karachi Board 2011 Annual)

8. Write down the E.C of Sodium and Boron, What are the values of n and L for the atomic
orbitals in last shell.
(Karachi Board 2010 Annual)

9. Write down the values of all four quantum number of both electrons of helium atom
(Karachi Board 2009 Annual)

For any Help : Contact 0333 444 1342

10. Draw the Shapes of atomic orbital's of 2nd energy level.
(Karachi Board 2013 Annual)

11. State Pauli's exclusion principle and explain it using, giving the example of Helium
(Karachi Board 2011 Annual)

12. Briefly explain the dipole moments and mention its unit

(Karachi Board 2009 Annual)

13. Write down the differences between the following

1. Atomic Orbital and Molecular Orbital

2. Orbit and Orbital
3. Line and Continuous spectrum
4. Electro Negativity and electron affinity
5. Azimuthal Quantum number and Principle Quantum Number
6. Lyman Series and Balmer Series.
7. Alpha-Rays and Beta-Rays

(Karachi Board 2018 to 2009 Annual)

For any Help : Contact 0333 444 1342

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