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 Try to avoid problems in your department before they cause grievances

 Be a good listener. Even though you feel that the aggrieved worker is wrong,
listen patiently to his compliant. Find out what really is the basis of his
dissatisfaction. Show interest in his problem. Use a problem. Use a positive,
friendly approach. Avoid either aggressiveness or a defensive attitude

 Have patience, pounding the table and shouting does not settle anything.

 Avoid personal consideration; what counts is not who is right, but what is

 Remember that you and the employee will have to work together, to settle
other issues in future.

 Do not get upset or resort to threats. If you and the employee do not come to
an agreement, there are further steps to settle the issue.

 Appeal to the management’s interest. It is their interest also, to have

grievances settled satisfactorily and to keep the morale high.

 Settle each grievance or its merit. Do not give up one grievances case in
order to get a favorable decision in another.

 Remember that the management too has its rights, that both the workers and
the management must live up to the terms of agreements.

 Orderly behavior assists the attainment of organizational goals.

 When members behave appropriately as per rules, there is no need for

disciplinary actions. This is self-discipline.

 When some members violate the rules and regulations, punitive actions are
needed to correct them.

 Punishment serves 2 purposes

 First, to directly punish an individual for an offence

 Second, to set an example for others not to violate the rules and

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