Debates - Sports Betting

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Makes it easier to fix sports - specifically college sports

1. over one-third of male student-athletes engaged in some type of sports-wagering
behavior in the past year. (Richard LapChick, director of The Institute for
Diversity and Ethics in Sports )
2. They would be encouraged to point shave especially because “86 percent of
college athletes live below the poverty line”(Hayes).
3. Student-athletes, on the other hand, continue to be the main targets for gambling
crime. (Lapchick) They receive no compensation for their efforts while people
make billions off their images.
4. Examples: 1951 New York City Point Shaving Scandal, Arizona State Point
Shaving, Northwestern, Cal State, Boston College. It can happen at all types of
schools - mid-major, major, small conference, large conference. Point is is that
point shaving is incredibly easy to do and very widespread. It doesn’t even have
to effect the outcome of a game- just beating the point spread.

Increase Gambling Addiction

1. Chris Isidore says that “Casinos often rely upon sports books to draw in gamblers
and get them playing more profitable games like slots or blackjack, where the
odds favor the house.”
2. He added that a survey “commissioned by AGA (American Gaming
Association)… found that about 19% of football fans now bet on games, with
31% expecting to do so once it becomes legalized, a 60% increase.”
3. Howie Kussoy, a sportswriter for the New York Post, said that another “American
Gaming Association [survey] estimated that 28 million more Americans would
wager on sports, following the ruling”
4. According to the article “5 Alarming Gambling Addiction Statistics”, from, an addiction treatment website, “Three to five gamblers out of
every hundred struggles with a gambling problem”.
5. This means that you would end up with about 1.4 Million new people struggling
with gambling addiction.

Some may say that this will allow the government to regulate the already happening industry
But that is inferring that sports betting is positive - It is negative.

H.R.74 - Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act
The Congress finds that sports gambling conducted pursuant to State
law ​threatens th
e integrity and character of, and public confidence in,
professional and amateur sports​, ​instills inappropriate values in the
Nation's youth​, ​misappropriates the goodwill and popularity of professional
and amateur sports organizations​, a​ nd dilutes and tarnishes the service marks of such

28 U.S. Code § 3702 - Unlawful sports gambling (PASPA)

`(1) ​a ​governmental entity​ to sponsor, operate, advertise, promote, license, or authorize by law or
compact, or
(2) ​a ​person​ to sponsor, operate, advertise, or promote, pursuant to the law or compact of a
governmental entity​,
a lottery, sweepstakes, or other betting, gambling, or wagering scheme based, directly or indirectly
(through the use of geographical references or otherwise), on one or more competitive games in
which amateur or professional athletes participate, or are intended to participate, or on one or more
performances of such athletes in such games.

Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn. (05/14/2018)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Deleting the alleged ‘commandeering’ directions would free the statute to accomplish just what
Congress legitimately sought to achieve: stopping sports gambling regimes while making it clear
that the stoppage is attributable to federal, not state, action. I therefore dissent from the Court’s
determination to destroy PASPA rather than salvage the statute.”

Christian Backup-Plan
Gambling is driven by greed, which God hates. (1 Corinthians 6:​9, 10; Ephesians 5:​3, 5)
Gamblers hope to gain money through the losses of others, but the Bible condemns
coveting other people’s possessions.​—Exodus 20:17; Romans 7:7; 13:​9, 10.

Gambling, even for small amounts, can arouse a destructive love of money.​—1 Timothy
6:​9, 10.

Gamblers often rely on superstitions or luck. However, God views such beliefs as a form
of idolatry, which is incompatible with his worship.​—Isaiah 65:11.

Rather than promote a desire to get something for nothing, the Bible encourages hard
work. (Ecclesiastes 2:​24; Ephesians 4:​28) Those who follow the Bible’s advice can “eat
food they themselves earn.”​—2 Thessalonians 3:​10, 12.

Gambling can arouse an unhealthy competitive spirit, which is disapproved in the

Bible.​—Galatians 5:​26.
According the King James Bible

Possible Counter Arguments -

Argument - Freedom to spend their own money
Counter Argument: The commerce clause says that the government can regulate
trade. Yes, people have freedom to spend their money; but they don’t have the right to
break the law. It is against the law to wager money on sports under PASPA.

Argument - Taxes are good

Counter Argument - Sports betting will hurt the economy. In Maryland, we want
to use the funds from casinos for public education. According to Chris Isidore,the senior
business writer at CNN, “leading gaming companies, including MGM Resorts, Caesars
Entertainment and Wynn, have seen their stocks fall since a Supreme Court decision in
May opened the door for sports gaming nationwide. ” Ultimately, the idea is to generate
as much revenue as possible so that our children can receive the best education
possible. Why do you guys want our children to drop out of school?
Rebuttal - You guys are hypocrites, you want to stop addiction yet you want them
to spend money
Counter - The Money is going to be spent anyways. It is unrealistic to expect us
to stop gambling addiction altogether. We just don’t want to increase it through sports

Argument - It already happens, why not make it legal?

Counter-argument : Making it legal will not just stop illegal sports betting.
According to Elad De Piccioto, a freelance economist, “The main reason people bet with
bookies is not the lack of alternative but availability and, most importantly, the generous
line of credit that bookies offer. Bettors don’t need to deposit money to bet with
bookies… bookies will offer better margins and betting rates for their customers since
they won’t pay taxes. Thus, legalizing sports betting won’t eliminate illegal betting and
the problems that accompany it.”

Cross Examination Questions:

What do you think of the gambling problem this country has? According to Howie
Kussoy, A New York Post Sports Writer, Gambling addiction groups, looking at new
Jersey, are scared of an epidemic if sports betting spreads to others states. Why do you
guys think it is okay to start a gambling epidemic in Maryland?
Because sports betting will affect college athletes disproportionately, it can ruin
the rest of their lives. It will affect the rest of their life if their name becomes involved in a
point shaving scandal. Who wants to hire a cheater? It is certainly unfair to ask them to
make these decisions when their brains are not fully developed and they are in the four
poorest years of their lives. Desperate people make desperate decisions, however
these decisions can ruin the rest of their lives by affecting their integrity. Why do you
think that

1) Bobby - Law Stuff

a) According to the United States Congress in the frist draft of the
Professional and Amature Sports Protection Act, sport betting threatens
the integrity of pro and amateure sports, inflicts inappropriate values in the
nation’s youth, takes away from the goodwill of the organizations, and
dilutes the name of said organizations.
b) The US statue given the name - Unlawful Sports Gambling - made it illegal
for states or individuals to support sports gambling of any kind.
c) According to the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg declared that
“stopping sports gambling regimes while making it clear that the stoppage
is attributable to federal, not state, action.”
2) Bobby - History
a) MCCALLUM - Tim Donaghy was a Referee for the NBA who conspired
with the mafia to make his own money off of illegal gambling for his own
game. He was charged with conspiring wire fraud and sending gambling
information across state lines. He tarnished the name of the NBA, and
cause the whole organization to recreate the way that the referees control
the game. He was able to make ejection calls that so heavily influenced
the game that he could control its outcome.
b) LIEBER - Pete Rose, a 14-year player and eventual manager for the
Cincinnati Reds, an MLB team, was placed on the MLB’s ineligibility list
because of gambling. He was a regular better on baseball, and
occasionally football and basketball. He illegally bet up to 10,000 a day,
and had a ring of bookies that he owed money. At one point, he was
accused of owing $400,000 in debt to bookies. Drugs, threats, and
blackmail were all involved in his case.
c) CALLAHAN - You are 6'2", 167 pounds, Chris Cosenza. Boston College
vs. Notre Dame. 21-21 in the third Quarter. BC lets through 4 touchdowns.
The game is over, you’ve lost the game, but you won $30. Eleven other
players bet the same. All of those players became indefinitely ineligible.
d) DEFORD - The Black Socks fixed a world series game in ‘19. The owner,
Charles Comiskey bet on the loss of his own team, and took away a fair
sum for himself.
3) Felix - Point Shaving in College Sports - Corruption
a) Point Shaving - Merriam Webster defines point shaving as “an attempt (as
by a member of the team favored to win) to influence the final score of a
game so that the predicted winner wins by less than the point
spread”(Point Shaving)
b) Point Shaving damages the integrity and affects the amateur status of
College sports, which many hold dear to their hearts.
c) Richard LapChick, director of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in
Sports, said that “Student-athletes, on the other hand, continue to be the
main targets for gambling crime… over one-third of male student-athletes
engaged in some type of sports-wagering behavior in the past year.”
d) The student-athletes can rack up a gambling debt and be forced to pay it
off to a bookie via point shaving - example Manhattan U scandal
e) Point Shaving is especially attractive because “86 percent of college
athletes live below the poverty line”, according to Matt Hayes, the Senior
college football writer at Bleacher Report. Players can easily make
100,000 dollars at a division 1 program point shaving, less so at division
two or three. This makes it very inviting to point shave, to take your girl out
to a steak dinner vs. eating a bowl of ramen.
f) Point Shaving is bad because it ruins the game for the spectators, for the
gamblers, and for the players. The players are playing to win, and the
point shaving takes the competitiveness out of it. Gamblers want to fall on
the right side of the point spread, and this causes them to lose money
unless they are the ones doing the actual fixing. Spectators are deprived
of the entertainment that comes from a game, by being replaced by a
imitation. Everyone is cheated of the real experience.
g) Examples: 1951 New York City Point Shaving Scandal, Arizona State
Point Shaving, Northwestern, Cal State, Boston College. It can happen at
all types of schools - mid-major, major, small conference, large
conference. Point is is that point shaving is incredibly easy to do and very
4) Felix - Increases Gambling addiction - Disease/Health
a) Legalizing sports gambling will increase gambling addiction within the
state of Maryland.
b) Part of this is because “Casinos often rely upon sports books to draw in
gamblers and get them playing more profitable games like slots or
blackjack, where the odds favor the house”, according to Chris Isidore, the
senior Business writer at CNN.
c) Howie Kussoy, a sportswriter for the New York Post, said that another
“American Gaming Association [survey] estimated that 28 million more
Americans would wager on sports, following the ruling”
d) According to the article “5 Alarming Gambling Addiction Statistics”, from, an addiction treatment website, “Three to five gamblers
out of every hundred struggles with a gambling problem”.
e) This means that you would end up with about 1 to 1.4 Million new people
struggling with gambling addiction. Many of these will come to Maryland.
Having people struggle with gambling addiction in Maryland at a large
level will harm the economy and ultimately the wellbeing of our state -
according to “Keith Whyte, executive director of the National Council on
Problem Gambling, [who] said gambling addiction last year resulted in
social costs of almost $7 billion” (Peter).
f) Just imagine - you haven't paid off your debts again, your wife has
decided to leave you and is taking the kids, you are getting evicted, and
the bookie is constantly bothering you. That would make you a deadbeat,
and that is exactly what we are trying to avoid.
g) Daniel Reed tells us that research indicates that as many as six percent of
college students already had a gambling addiction before the overturning
of PASPA, and that number is expected to rise.
Tommy 5 minutes
Felix 2 minutes
Bobby 5 minutes
Tommy 2 minutes
Bristol 5 minutes
Bobby 2 minutes
Felix 5 minutes
Bristol 2 minutes

Bobby 2 minutes
Tommy 2 minutes
Felix 2 minutes
Bristol 2 minutes

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