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About the Tutorial

SAP Business Warehouse (BW) integrates data from different sources, transforms and
consolidates the data, does data cleansing, and storing of data as well. It also includes
data modeling, administration and staging area.

SAP Business Intelligence (BI) means analyzing and reporting of data from different
heterogeneous data sources. It allows you to acquire data from multiple data sources,
data staging, which can be further distributed to different BI systems. A SAP Business
Intelligence system can work as a target system for data transfer or source system for
distribution of data to different BI targets.

This is a simple tutorial that covers the basics of SAP Business Intelligence and how to
handle its various other components.

This tutorial is prepared for those readers who wish to learn the essentials as well as the
enhancements of SAP BI and bring it in practice. This tutorial is intended to make you
comfortable in getting started with SAP BI and its various other modules.

This is a simple tutorial and the concepts explained here can be easily understood. The
readers should have a good understanding of data warehousing concepts as it is very
important. Also, it will certainly help, if you have ample business knowledge on various
application areas and a little experience of ABAP Language.

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 Copyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.

All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I)
Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish
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We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as
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Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our
website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or
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Table of Contents
About the Tutorial .................................................................................................................................... i

Audience .................................................................................................................................................. i

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................ i

Copyright and Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................... i

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... ii

1. SAP BW – OVERVIEW OF SAP BI........................................................................................... 1

SAP BW and BI Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1

Data Acquisition in SAP BI ....................................................................................................................... 3

InfoPackage............................................................................................................................................. 6

BI Content ............................................................................................................................................... 7

2. SAP BW – DATA WAREHOUSING ......................................................................................... 8

Star Schema ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Extended Star Schema............................................................................................................................. 9

InfoArea and InfoObjects ...................................................................................................................... 10

3. SAP BW – DATA FLOW ....................................................................................................... 11

Overview of Data Flow .......................................................................................................................... 11

Directly Accessing Source System Data ................................................................................................. 12

4. SAP BW – TRANSFORMATION ........................................................................................... 22

Real-Time Data Acquisition (RDA) ......................................................................................................... 26

5. SAP BW – INFOAREA, OBJECT & CATALOG ........................................................................ 27

InfoArea in SAP BI ................................................................................................................................. 27

How to Create an InfoObject and InfoObject Catalog? .......................................................................... 30

Creating an InfoObject with Key Figures................................................................................................ 34


Editing an InfoObject ............................................................................................................................. 37

6. SAP BW – DATASTORE OBJECTS AND TYPES ...................................................................... 40

What is a DataStore Object? ................................................................................................................. 40

DSO Architecture................................................................................................................................... 40

Types of DataStore Objects ................................................................................................................... 41

Standard DataStore Objects .................................................................................................................. 42

SID Generation ...................................................................................................................................... 46

Direct Update DataStore Objects .......................................................................................................... 50

7. SAP BW – WRITE OPTIMIZED DSO ..................................................................................... 54

Structure of Write Optimized DSO ........................................................................................................ 54

8. SAP BW – INFOSET ............................................................................................................ 59

Infoset in SAP BI .................................................................................................................................... 59

Types of Infoset Joins ............................................................................................................................ 59

Creating an InfoSet ................................................................................................................................ 62

Editing an Infoset .................................................................................................................................. 68

9. SAP BW – INFOCUBE ......................................................................................................... 70

Star Schema in BI .................................................................................................................................. 70

How to Create an InfoCube? ................................................................................................................. 72

Real Time InfoCubes .............................................................................................................................. 78

10. SAP BW – VIRTUAL INFOPROVIDER ................................................................................... 81

Types of Virtual Providers ..................................................................................................................... 81

VirtualProvider Based on Data Transfer Process ................................................................................... 81

VirtualProvider with BAPI ..................................................................................................................... 83

Virtual Provider Based on Functional Module ....................................................................................... 84

Using InfoObjects as Virtual Providers .................................................................................................. 84


11. SAP BW – MULTIPROVIDER ............................................................................................... 86

MultiProvider Structure ........................................................................................................................ 86

Creating a MultiProvider ....................................................................................................................... 87

12. SAP BW – FLAT FILE DATA TRANSFER ................................................................................ 93

Define a File Source System .................................................................................................................. 94

13. SAP BW – DB CONNECT ................................................................................................... 100

DB Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 100

14. SAP BW – UNIVERSAL DATA CONNECT ............................................................................ 105

Creating a UD Connect Source System ................................................................................................ 106

15. SAP BW – PROCESS CHAIN .............................................................................................. 109

Structure of a Process Chain ................................................................................................................ 109

Start Process for Designing a Process Chain ........................................................................................ 110

16. SAP BW – REPORTING ..................................................................................................... 119

BEx Query Designer ............................................................................................................................. 119

Query Properties ................................................................................................................................. 124

Variables ............................................................................................................................................. 124

Restricted Key Figures ......................................................................................................................... 125

BEx Analyzer: Reporting and Analysis.................................................................................................. 125

1. SAP BW – Overview of SAP BI SAP BW

In this chapter, we will get to understand the basics of SAP BW and SAP BI. How it has
evolved and improved over the years.

SAP BW and BI Introduction

SAP Business Intelligence (BI) means analyzing and reporting of data from different
heterogeneous data sources. SAP Business Warehouse (BW) integrates data from
different sources, transforms and consolidates the data, does data cleansing, and storing
of data as well. It also includes data modeling, administration and staging area.

The data in SAP BW is managed with the help of a centralized tool known as SAP BI
Administration Workbench. The BI platform provides infrastructure and functions which

 OLAP Processor
 Metadata Repository,
 Process designer and other functions.

The Business Explorer (BEx) is a reporting and analysis tool that supports query,
analysis and reporting functions in BI. Using BEx, you can analyze historical and current
data to different degree of analysis.

SAP BW is known as an open, standard tool which allows you to extract the data from
different systems and then send it to the BI system. It also evaluates the data with
different reporting tools and you can distribute this to other systems.

The following diagram shows an open, broad and standard based Architecture of Business


 BI stands for Business Intelligence

 BW stands for Business Warehouse

In 1997, SAP had first introduced a product for reporting, analysis and data warehousing
and it was named as Business Warehouse Information System (BIW).

Later, the name was changed from SAP BIW to SAP Business Warehouse (BW). After SAP
acquired Business Objects, the name of the product has been changed to SAP BI.

Name BIW Version Release Date and Year

BIW 1.2A Oct 1998

BIW 1.2B Sep 1999

BIW 2.0A Feb 2000


BIW 2.0B Jun 2000

BIW 2.1C Nov 2000

BW (Name changed to BW) 3.0A Oct 2001

BW 3.0B May 2002

BW 3.1 Nov 2002

BW 3.1C Apr 2004

BW 3.3 Apr 2004

BW 3.5 Apr 2004

BI (Name changed to BI) 7 Jul 2005

Data Acquisition in SAP BI

SAP BI allows you to acquire data from multiple data sources that can be distributed to
different BI systems. A SAP Business Intelligence system can work as a target system for
data transfer or source system for distribution of data to different BI targets.


As mentioned in the above image, you can see SAP BI source systems along with other
systems –

 SAP systems (SAP Applications/SAP ECC)

 Relational Database (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
 Flat File (Excel, Notepad)
 Multidimensional Source systems (Universe using UDI connector)
 Web Services that transfer data to BI by means of push

When you go to SAP BI Administration workbench, the source system is defined there. Go
to RSA1 -> Source Systems


As per the data source type, you can differentiate between the source systems:

 Data Sources for transaction data

 Data Sources for master data
 Data Sources for hierarchies
 Data Sources for text
 Data Sources for attributes

You can load the data from any source in the data source structure into BI with an
InfoPackage. Target system where the data is to be loaded is defined in the

An InfoPackage is used to specify how and when to load data to the BI system from
different data sources. An InfoPackage contains all the information on how the data is
loaded from the source system to a data source or a PSA. InfoPackage consists of condition
for requesting data from a source system.

Note: Using an InfoPackage in BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and
also in targets from source system, but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 the data load should
be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

BI Data Flow (InfoPackage and InfoProvider)


BI Content
BI objects consists of the following components:

 Roles
 Web templates and workbook
 Queries
 InfoProvider
 Update Rules


 InfoSource
 Transfer Rules
 InfoObjects
 DataSources

BI objects are divided into multiple BI content areas so that they can be used in an efficient
way. This includes content area from all the key modules in an organization, which include

 HR
 Finance Management
 Product Lifecycle
 Industry Solutions
 Non-SAP data sources, etc.

2. SAP BW – Data Warehousing SAP BW

In this chapter, we will discuss about Star and Extended Star Schema. We will also
understand what InfoArea and InfoObjects are.

Star Schema
In Star Schema, each dimension is joined to one single fact table. Each dimension is
represented by only one dimension and it is not further normalized. A dimension Table
contains a set of attributes that are used to analyze the data.

For example: We have a fact table called FactSales that has primary keys for all the Dim
tables and measures units_sold and dollars_ sold to do analysis.

We have 4 Dimension tables: DimTime, DimItem, DimBranch, DimLocation as shown in

the following image.

Star Schema: Dim and Fact Tables

Each dimension table is connected to a fact table as the fact table has the primary Key for
each dimension tables that are used to join two tables.


Facts/Measures in the Fact Table are used for analysis purpose along with the attribute in
the dimension tables.

Extended Star Schema

In Extended Star schema, fact tables are connected to dimension tables and this dimension
table is further connected to SID table and this SID table is connected to master data
tables. In an extended star schema, you have the fact and dimension tables inside the
cube, however SID tables are outside the cube. When you load the transactional data into
the Info cube, the Dim Id’s are generated based on SID’s and these Dim ids’ are then used
in the fact tables.

In the extended star schema one fact table can connect to 16 dimension tables and each
dimension table is assigned with 248 maximum SID tables. These SID tables are also
called as characteristics and each characteristic can have master data tables like ATTR,
Text, etc.

 ATTR – It is used to store all the attribute data.

 Text – It is used to store description in multiple languages.

Extended Star Schema


InfoArea and InfoObjects

InfoObjects are known as the smallest unit in SAP BI and are used in Info Providers, DSO’s,
Multi providers, etc. Each Info Provider contains multiple InfoObjects.

InfoObjects are used in reports to analyze the data stored and to provide information to
decision makers. InfoObjects can be categorized into the following categories:

 Characteristics like Customer, Product, etc.

 Units like Quantity sold, currency, etc.
 Key Figures like Total Revenue, Profit, etc.
 Time characteristics like Year, quarter, etc.

InfoObjects are created in InfoObject catalog. It is possible that an InfoObject can be

assigned to a different Info Catalog.

Info Area
Info Area in SAP BI is used to group similar types of objects together. Info Area is used to
manage Info Cubes and InfoObjects. Each InfoObjects resides in an Info Area and you can
define it in a folder which is used to hold similar files together.

3. SAP BW – Data Flow SAP BW

In this chapter, we will discuss about data flow and data acquisition in SAP BW.

Overview of Data Flow

Data flow in data acquisition involves transformation, info package for loading to PSA, and
data transfer process for distribution of data within BI. In SAP BI, you determine which
data source fields are required for decision making and should be transferred.

When you activate the data source, a PSA table is generated in SAP BW and then data can
be loaded.

In the transformation process, fields are determined for InfoObjects and their values. This
is done by using the DTP data which is transferred from PSA to different target objects.

The transformation process involves the following different steps:

 Data Consolidation
 Data Cleansing
 Data Integration


When you move the data from one BI object to another BI object, the data is using a
transformation. This transformation converts the source field in to the format of the target.
Transformation is created between a source and a target system.

BI Objects – InfoSource, DataStore objects, InfoCube, InfoObjects, and InfoSet act as

the source objects and these same objects serve as target objects.

A Transformation should consist of at least one transformation rule. You can use different
transformation, rule types from the list of available rules and you can create simple to
complex transformations.

Directly Accessing Source System Data

This allows you to access data in the BI source system directly. You can directly access
the source system data in BI without extraction using Virtual Providers. These Virtual


providers can be defined as InfoProviders where transactional data is not stored in the
object. Virtual providers allow only read access on BI data.

There are different types of Virtual Providers that are available and can be used in various

 VirtualProviders based on DTP

 VirtualProviders with function modules
 VirtualProviders based on BAPI’s

VirtualProviders Based on DTP

These VirtualProviders are based on the data source or an InfoProvider and they take
characteristics and key figures of the source. Same extractors are used to select data in a
source system as you use to replicate data into the BI system.

 When are Virtual Providers based on DTP?

 When only some amount of data is used.
 You need to access up to date data from a SAP source system.
 Only few users execute queries simultaneously on the database.

Virtual Providers based on DTP shouldn’t be used in the following conditions:

 When multiple users are executing queries together.

 When same data is accessed multiple times.

 When a large amount of data is requested and no aggregations are available in the
source system.

Creating a VirtualProvider based on DTP

To go to Administration Workbench, use RSA1


In the Modeling tab -> go to Info Provider tree -> In Context menu -> Create
Virtual Provider.



In Type Select Virtual Provider based on Data Transfer Process for direct access. You
can also link a Virtual Provider to a SAP source using an InfoSource 3.x.


A Unique Source System Assignment Indicator is used to control the source system
assignment. If you select this indicator, only one source system can be used in the
assignment dialog. If this indicator is not checked, you can select more than one source
system and a Virtual Provider can be considered as a multi-provider.


Click on Create (F5) at the bottom. You can define the virtual provider by copying objects.
To Activate the Virtual Provider, click as shown in the following screenshot.


To define Transformation, right click and go to Create Transformation.

Define the Transformation rules and activate them.


The next step is to create a Data Transfer Process. Right click -> Create Data Transfer


The default type of DTP is DTP for Direct access. You have to select the source for Virtual
Provider and activate DTP.

To activate direct access, context menu -> Activate Direct Access.


Select one or more Data transfer processes and activate the assignment.

Virtual Providers with BAPIs

This is used for reporting on the data in external systems and you don’t need to store
transaction data in the BI system. You can connect to non-SAP systems like hierarchical

When this Virtual Provider is used for reporting, it calls Virtual Provider BAPI.

Virtual Provider with Function Module

This Virtual Provider is used to display data from a non BI data source to a BI without
copying the data to BI structure. The data can be local or remote. This is primarily used
for SEM applications.

If you compare this with other Virtual Providers, this is more generic and offer more
flexibility, however you need to put a lot of efforts in implementing this.

Enter the name of the Function Module that you want to use as data source for Virtual


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