Design and Implementation of Weather Monitoring and Controlling System

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 97– No.3, July 2014

Design and Implementation of Weather Monitoring and

Controlling System
P.Susmitha G.Sowmyabala
Dept. of ECM Assistant Professor
Guntur (Dt), India K L University, India

ABSTRACT extension of the earlier developments. The main objective of

Weather monitoring plays an important role in human life, so this work is to develop a standalone modular weather station
the collection of information about the temporal dynamics of with a remote communication facility to capture and transmit
weather changes is very important. In any industry during meteorological parameters.
certain hazards it is very important to monitor weather. The Remotely monitoring of environmental parameters is
fundamental aim of this paper is to develop an embedded important in various applications and industrial processes. In
system to design a weather monitoring system which enables earlier period weather monitoring systems are generally based
the monitoring of weather parameters in an industry. Such a on mechanical, electromechanical instruments which suffer
system contains pair of sensors like temperature, Gas and from the drawbacks like poor rigidity, need of human
humidity will be monitored and LPC1768 microcontroller intervention, associated parallax errors and durability. Kang
(ARM9). The data from the sensors are collected by the and Park have developed monitoring systems, using sensors
microcontroller and also microcontroller sends the sensors for indoor climate and environment based on the parameters
data in to the LABVIEW by using the Serial Communication mentioned [1] in 2000. Combination of these sensors with
and this module will keep the data in excel page & also we data acquisition system has proved to be a better approach for
can get the SMS in the mobile with the help of GSM module. temperature and relative humidity monitoring in 2005 [2].
The system uses a compact circuitry built around LPC1768 Vlassov in 1993 introduces the usage of surface acoustic
(ARM9) microcontroller Programs are developed in wave’s devices as temperature sensor [3]. This demand the
Embedded C using the IDE Keiluvision4. JTAG is used for development of a microcontroller based embedded system for
loading programs into Microcontroller. weather monitoring. Such a system should monitor and
provide data for remote examine. The collected data by
Keywords weather monitoring system can easily be exported to a PC via
LPC1768 (ARM9), Humidity sensor, Temperature Sensor, a serial port to make subsequent data analysis or graphic and
LABVIEW, GSM Module digital storage thus automatic data collection is possible
without giving up PC resources.
An automated weather station is an instrument that measures 2. EXISTING & PROPOSED SYSTEM
and records meteorological parameters using sensors without In the previous research, a single master-multi slave
intervention of humans. The measured parameters can be microcontroller communication method has been developed.
stored in a built-in data logger or can be transmitted to a The microcontroller is able to communicate using unicast
remote location via a communication link. If the data is stored communication, i.e. the master gave orders to one slave
in a data logger, recorded data must be physically downloaded address via the master-slave network that has star topology.
to a computer at a later time for further processing. Then the slave who has the same address which is requested
Therefore, the communication system is an essential element will respond or take action in accordance with the master
in an automated weather station. Today, automated weather command. Modbus Protocol is the rules of data
stations are available as commercial products with variety of communication with the master-slave technique. In these
facilities and options [1-3]. Although automated weather communications there is only one master and one or several
stations can be built and implemented in remote parts of Sri slave which form a network. Master only do one
Lanka to bring down the cost of maintaining weather stations, communication at a time. Slave will only communicate if
until recently, not much emphasis has been given for building there is a command (query) from the Master and cannot
and using such instruments locally. Automated weather communicate with another slave. Addressing modes used by
stations have been developed in universities by interfacing the Modbus there are 2, i.e., unicast and broadcast [8].
meteorological parameter monitoring sensors to
microcomputer/commercially available data loggers with The design and implementation of weather monitoring &
communication devices or through serial and parallel ports to controlling system is the model with the ability to perform
obtain hard copies of weather data [4-6]. Recently, the data acquisition on temperature, gas, humidity and
University of Colombo developed an automated weather accelerometer sensors attached. And it can give these sensors
station with USB communication facility and a built-in data data to ADC Port of LPC1768. It can also upload the data
logging facility. The system used wired communication to continuously to excel sheet in LABVIEW with the help of
transfer data to the monitoring station through the computer’s RS232 Cable and also receives SMS with the help of GSM.
built-in USB interface [7]. The present work is a further

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 97– No.3, July 2014


Fig 3: Temperature Sensor

3.3 Gas Sensor

Sensitive material of MQ-6 gas sensor is SnO which with
lower conductivity in clean air. MQ-6 gas sensor has high
sensitivity to Propane, Butane and LPG, also response to
Natural gas. The Sensor could be used to detect different
combustible gas, especially Methane; it is with low cost and
suitable for different application. The Gas Sensor is shown in
below Fig4.

Fig 1: Block Diagram

3.1 Humidity Sensor

Humidity sensor works on the principle of relative humidity
and gives the output in the form of voltage. This analog
voltage provides the information about the percentage relative
humidity present in the environment. A miniature sensor
consisting of a RH sensitive material deposited on a ceramic Fig.4. Structure and configuration, basic measuring circuit
substrate. The AC resistance (impedance) of the sensor
decreases as relative humidity increases. The Humidity Sensor
is shown in below Fig2.
3.4 LPC1768
The LPC1768 is an ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontroller
for embedded applications requiring a high level of
integration and low power dissipation. The ARM Cortex-M3
CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline and uses Harvard
architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as
well as a third bus for peripherals.
The peripheral complement of the LPC17xx includes up to
512kB of flash memory, up to 64kB of data memory, Ethernet
MAC, a USB interface that can be configured as either Host,
Device, or OTG, 8 channel general purpose DMA controller,
4 UARTs, 2 CAN channels, 2 SSP controllers, SPI interface,
Fig.2. Humidity Sensor 3 I2C interfaces, 2-input plus 2-output I2S interface, 8
channel 12-bit ADC, 10-bit DAC, motor control PWM,
Quadrature Encoder interface, 4 general purpose timers, 6-
3.2 Temperature Sensor output general purpose PWM, ultra-low power RTC with
The LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to
separate battery supply, and up to 70 general purpose I/O pins.
measure temperature with an electrical output proportional to
the temperature (in oC). If the temperature is high then the fan 4. SYSTEM SOFTWARE
will on and vice versa.., The Temperature Sensor is shown in In this project two types of software’s are used. They are
 KEIL software for c programming
The scale factor is .01V/oC. The LM35 does not require any  LABVIEW
external calibration or trimming and maintains an accuracy
of +/- 0.4oC at room temperature and +/- 0.8oC over a range of µVision4 is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to
0oC to +100oC. help you write, compile, and debug embedded programs.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 97– No.3, July 2014


Fig.6. proteus output

4.2.2 Hardware
In this project, we have to acquire all the environmental
parameters like temperature, humidity, gas and accelerometer
sensors and the measure these sensor values using ADC pins
in LPC1768. Here in the above figure we use Multi sensor
Board for placing the sensors, and accelerometer sensor for
checking the earthquake condition. And for the power supply
I’m using the 12v battery. Max Board is used for transmitting
the data using serial communication. And also these sensor
values will be displayed wirelessly on a Mobile using GSM

Fig.5. Flowchart

4.2 Experimental Results

The environmental monitoring data sensors automatically
monitor the temperature, humidity, Accelerometer and other
gas concentrations. It can realize the remote access of sensor Fig.7. Hardware Screen Shot
monitoring data and download of the environmental
monitoring data to the client according to requests. The
simulation result is shown below. 4.2.3 Lab VIEW Results
LABVIEW (short for Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation
Engineering Workbench) is a platform and development
4.2.1 Schematic environment for a visual programming language from
In this proteus, we take one lpc1768 microcontroller and the
National Instruments. The graphical language is named "G".
inputs to the microcontroller are the sensors and give those
Sensors to the each ADC Pins from ADC0…6 except ADC4.
The Controller converts Analog data of sensors to Digital
Using ADC pins and we can see the Sensors data in Virtual
terminal using Serial Communication. The schematic is as
shown below fig 6.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 97– No.3, July 2014

This paper demonstrates Design and Implementation of
Weather Monitoring & Controlling System used for
controlling the devices as well as monitoring the
environmental parameters. Embedded controlled sensor
networks have proven themselves to be a reliable solution in
providing remote control and sensing for environmental
monitoring systems. The sensors have been integrated with
the system to monitor and compute the level of existence of
Accelerometer, gas, temperature and humidity in atmosphere
using information and communication technologies. The
sensors can upload the data in Lab view using serial

Adding of more sensors to monitor other environmental
parameters such as Soil PH Sensor, CO2 and oxygen Sensor
while allowing the replacing of current sensors if a wider
range of measurements is desired. And also Integration of
additional monitoring devices such as a Wi-Fi camera to
monitor growth of agricultural product. And also the data can
be uploaded to web server continuously.

[1] Kang. J. and Park S. “Integrated comfort sensing system
on indoor climate” Sensors and Actuators. 2000. 302-
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Lab view using the serial communication. The read string [2] Moghavvemi M. and Tan. S. “A reliable and
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those corresponding values are displayed with the indications temperature and relative humidity measurement”.
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Excel File And Place the excel file in that folder because the
updating or value changes can also seen in the excel file like [3] Campbell Scientific, Data loggers, Sensors and Weather
shown below. stations,
[4] Visala, Automatic weather stations,
[5] Prodata, Affordable automatic weather stations,
[6] Sparks L. & Sumner G., “Microcomputer Based Weather
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[7] Bagiorgas H.S, Margarita N. A, Patentalaki. A,
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G., The Design Installation and Operation of A Fully
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Fig.8. Lab VIEW Result [8] Guo X. & Song Y., “Design of Automatic Weather
Station Based on GSM Module”, Int. Conf. on Computer,
5. APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering.
5.1 Applications [9] Hettiarachchi H.A.P.K. & Fernando I.M.K., “USB Based
1. Used in coal mine, bio gas manufacturing centers. High Speed Data Acquisition System for an Unmanned
2. Used in power plant generation. Weather Station”, 2nd Int. Conf. on e-governance, 2004.
3. Agriculture field monitoring.
4. Home automation. [10] Modicon Inc. Industrial Automation System, “Modicon
5. Industrial purpose Modbus Protocol Reference Guide-PI-MBUS-300”, Rev.
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5.2 Advantages,
1. This project can be used to save power. Accessed June 1st, 2011.
2. Security purpose.
3. Enhanced for monitoring & controlling of
atmosphere conditions.


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