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Sun Mgt Bonus Lab 9: Using Mine Meld for IoC Feed Aggregation 1

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In order to prevent successful cyberattacks, many organizations collect indicators of
compromise (IOCs) from various threat intelligence providers with the intent of creating new
controls for their security devices. Unfortunately, legacy approaches to aggregation and
enforcement are highly manual in nature, often creating complex workflows and extending the
time needed to identify and validate which IOCs should be blocked.

Now security organizations can leverage MineMeld, an open-source application that

streamlines the aggregation, enforcement and sharing of threat intelligence. This lab will walk
you through the deployment and initial configuration of Mine Meld as a dynamic data feed into
your Palo Alto Networks firewall.

The purpose of this lab is to familiarize you with Palo Alto’s MineMeld product and to
demonstrate how to aggregate multiple threat feeds to utilize the threat intelligence on a Palo
Alto firewall. By the end of the lab we will have a MineMeld instance configure, know how to
configure threat feeds, and populate our Palo Alto firewall with IoC and SaaS service

Tools of the Trade

You will need to download Palo Alto’s MineMeld OVA as well install VirtualBox or VMWare
Workstation Player to run an instance of MineMeld for this lab.
ü VirtualBox
ü VMware Workstation Player
ü Minemeld OVA
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Target Device
Palo Alto Firewall(s) with PANOS 7.1.x or greater
MineMeld VM

Getting Started
Though there are multiple ways to install MineMeld for the purpose of this lab we will
be using the OVA image that has MineMeld preconfigured.

1. To set up a lab installation, Download MineMeld OVA from the following link:

The OVA is an original Ubuntu 14.04 image with a preconfigured MineMeld instance.

Importing the OVA

1. In VMWare - Select File > open.. and brose to the location where the OVA was

2. Name the VM and select the path where you wish to install the instance.
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NOTE. If VMWare throws an error about the OVF format just press ‘Retry’

The VM will be provisioned with minimal resources. For the purpose of this lab the default
setting is adequate.

Accessing MineMeld VM shell

1. Start the VM, Once the system is booted the Default credentials for shell access are:

Username: ubuntu
Password: rsplizardspock

2. Upon boot the MineMeld image will check for the latest version (as of this writing 9.44
is current release) if there is outbound connectivity. It is good practice to verify that you
are running the latest instance. To update MineMeld once booted issue:
>sudo minemeld-auto-update

3. Obtain the IP of the instance and are ready to log into MineMeld. Issuing ‘ifconfig’ at the
cli and taking note of the IP.

For this lab we are using

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Accessing MineMeld WebUI

1. Open a webbrowser and enter https://<your-MineMeld-ip-address>. For this lab

2. Default credentials for WebUI access are are:

Username: admin
Password: minemeld

After successful login to MineMeld you’ll see the Dashboard

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MineMeld Concepts

It is important to familiarize yourself with some of the basic concepts that MineMeld
uses. The core concepts to understand are Nodes, Miners, Process, and Outputs.

A node is defined as having:

• Name - A unique node name.
• Inputs - A list of nodes the node should receive messages from.
• Output - A boolean value that enables/disables messages to downstream nodes.
• Class - Defines which kind of processing is applied to indicators. Defines what is actually
done by the node
• Config - Configuration of the node class.

Example of types of nodes and their function

Node Icon Description

Miner Node - responsible for periodically retrieving indicators from different feeds and
removing indicators
Process Node- aggregates indicators received from miners and sends downstream the
aggregated indicators.
Output Node - receive indicators from the processor nodes and transform them into a
format that could be directly consumed by Palo Alto Firewall(s)

In the following graph, the process node inboundaggregator has spamhaus_DROP,

spamhaus_EDROP and dshield_blocklist as miner input nodes. If a node has no input nodes it is
considered a Miner. In the following graph spamhaus_DROP, spamhaus_EDROP and
dshield_blocklist have no input nodes because they are Miners.
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Miners and are responsible for periodically retrieving indicators from different feeds and
pushing them downstream to the connected nodes using update messages. Miners are also
responsible for aging out indicators: when indicators disappear from the original feed or when
an indicator is considered dead, the corresponding Miner instructs the downstream nodes of
removing the indicator via a withdraw message.

From the above graph the central red node is a Processor node. In this specific
configuration, the processor node is an IPv4 aggregator node and aggregates IPv4 indicators
received from the 5 Miners and sends downstream the aggregated indicators.

The 3 yellow nodes on the right are Output nodes. These nodes receive indicators from
the processor nodes and transform them into a format that could be directly consumed by Palo
Alto firewalls. In the default config the 3 output nodes translate the indicators received from
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the aggregator node into a format that can be consumed using the PAN-OS External Dynamic
List (EDL) feature. All 3 output nodes in this graph receive the same set of indicators from the
aggregator node, but each of them stores a different subset of these indicators based on the
configured input filters. inboundfeedhc accepts only indicators with confidence level > 75,
inboundfeedmc only indicators with confidence level < 75 and > 50, inboundfeedlc indicators
with confidence level < 50. These subsets of indicators are stored into 3 different EDLs that can
be used in different ways inside the PAN-OS configuration.

Configure a Node set for Use on Firewall

For this lab we will be using the default output nodes inboundfeedhc and
inboundfeedmc, adding zeustracker.badips and malwaredomainlist.ip miners to the
aggregation process inboundaggregator. Remember that inboundfeedhc accepts only indicators
with confidence level > 75, inboundfeedmc only indicators with confidence level < 75 and > 50.

To Add the Miners:

1. In MineMeld, Click config

Note: Verify you are in ‘expert mode’. The eye in the bottom lower left corner should have a strike
through it.

2. Click on the + icon in the lower right corner

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3. Add ‘zeustracker.badips’ which has a confidence level 100 so will be aggregated into the
high confidence output (inboundfeedhc)
• Name: zeustracker_badips
• Prototype: zeustracker.badips
• Inputs: inboundaggregator

4. Add ‘malwaredomainlist.ip’ it has a confidence level 50 so will be aggregated into the

• Name: malwaredomainlist_ip
• Prototype: malwaredomainlist.ip
• Inputs: inboundaggregator

5. Verify that both ‘malwaredomainlist_ip’ and ‘zeustracker_badips’ are in the

inboundaggregator node.
a. Config>locate inboundaggregator processor and you’ll see the additional miners
you created
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b. Clicking on ‘inboundaggregator’ allows you to associate additional miners if you

wish with the aggregator.

6. Click ‘Commit’ in the upper right

7. The inboundaggregator will now populate the output node which will filter the IoC
based on confidence.

Add the needed EDLs to the firewall

In order to use the IoC data on the firewall we need to add EDLs objects to the firewall. In
1. Click Config
2. Browse to inboundfeedhc and inboundfeedmc

3. Click on each and take note of the ‘FEED BASE URL’ as we will use this on the firewall to
retrieve the IoC list.
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4. Login into your Firewall

5. Browse to Objects>External Dynamic List

6. Click ‘Add’
7. Create an EDL for both inboundfeedhc and inboundfeedmc
• Name: inboundfeedhc
• Type: IP List
• Source: <paste the FEED BASE URL from MineMeld>
• Repeat: Five Minute
8. Test Source URL
9. Repeat for inboundfeedmc

Example of EDL for inboundfeedhc

After creating both EDLs we can use them in firewall policy. Since both of these EDLs are
of IoCs configure policy to deny traffic. The example below we are denying Inside to Outside to
these EDL IPs.
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Tips for using EDLs

If you’d like to View the List of Entries in an External Dynamic List

1. Log in to the CLI on the firewall.
2. Enter the following command to view the list of entries that the firewall has retrieved
from the web server:
a. request system external-list show name <name>
admin@PA-VM> request system external-list show type ip name inboundfeedHC
Next update at : Fri May 4 11:00:26 2018
Source :
Referenced : Yes
Valid : Yes
Auth-Valid : Yes
Total valid entries : 4504
Total invalid entries : 0
Valid ips:

In the event you’d like to force a refresh of the List of Entries in an External Dynamic List

1. Log in to the CLI on the firewall.

2. Enter the following command to view the list of entries that the firewall has retrieved
from the web server:
a. request system external-list show name <name>
admin@PA-VM> request system external-list refresh type ip name
inboundfeedHC inboundfeedHC
inboundfeedMC inboundfeedMC
<name> <name>
admin@PA-VM> request system external-list refresh type ip name inboundfeedHC

Hardware limitations

Check the number of external dynamic list entries used in policy to make sure you don’t
go over the firewall limit.

In PAN-OS 8.0, you can reference a total of 30 external dynamic lists with unique sources across
all security policy rules. In addition, external dynamic list entries (IP addresses, domain, and
Sun Mgt Bonus Lab 9: Using Mine Meld for IoC Feed Aggregation 12
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URLs) now only count toward the maximum number supported by the firewall if they belong to
lists referenced in Security policy rules you enforce on the firewall.
1. Select ObjectsExternal Dynamic List.
2. Click List Capacities in the bottom bar

Compare how many IP addresses, domains, and URLs are currently used in policy against
the total number of entries that the firewall supports for each list type. Since these values vary
from firewall to firewall, the List Capacities window is not available on Panorama.
Predefined IPs displays the number of IP addresses in the most recent Palo Alto Networks
Malicious IP Address Feeds saved to your firewall, even if they are not used in policy.

Other Useful Feeds

In addition to IoC you can use MineMeld for certain SaaS application. Due to the
dynamic IP nature of cloud-based applications, keeping updated on IP/URL changes and
incorporate them into firewall policy can be a daunting task. Fortunately, with MineMeld you
can add feeds from SaaS vendors that provide the information. In this example we will be
adding Office365 miners and feeds to our MineMeld instance.

Obtain & Import Configuration

MineMeld already come with Prototypes for each of the O365 services but you would
normally need to create a miner for each of these from those Prototypes, along with 3
processors and 3 outputs (one each for IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses and URLs respectfully).
To save you the hassle Palo Alto created a configuration you can import, simply download it

NOTE: for a minimal config collecting all the IPv4s, IPv6 and URLs of all the O365 products
download this instead:
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1. Log into MineMeld and Click configure

2. Export your current config as a backup
3. Then click Import

4. open the “office365-config.yml” file you download in a text editor

5. Paste the contents into the ‘import candidate configuration window
6. Assure you click ‘Append’ (Click replace will overwrite your whole node config)

7. Click Commit
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You should now have the miners, process, and output for office365 under Config section from
the ribbon.

Figure shows examples of the newly imported miners and protocols.

After giving the MineMeld engine a few minutes to restart, click “Config” in the banner at the
top of the interface and then, click any of the nodes in the list.
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Similar to before, take note of the FEED BASE URL from the output mine (In this case
‘office365_IPv4s) so we can add the EDL to the firewall.

1. Login into your Firewall

2. Browse to Objects>External Dynamic List

3. Click ‘Add’
4. Create an EDL for office365_IPv4s
• Name: office365_IPv4s
• Type: IP List
• Source: <paste the FEED BASE URL from MineMeld>
• Repeat: Five Minute
5. Test Source URL
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3. Log in to the CLI on the firewall.

4. Enter the following command to view the list of entries that the firewall has retrieved
from the web server:
a. request system external-list show name <name>

admin@PA-VM> request system external-list show type ip name office365_IPv4s

Next update at : Fri May 4 19:00:04 2018
Source :
Referenced : Yes
Valid : Yes
Auth-Valid : Yes
Total valid entries : 495
Total invalid entries : 0
Valid ips:
Create Security Policies

Now that we have EDLs we will modify/create our security policies. In the example below, we
are allowing our Office 365 apps for all known users in the Inside zone. The destination zone
has been set to Outside zone but with the IPv4 lists as destination addresses.

App-IDs that you may find detected during use of Office 365 (depending on the clients and
product sets being used)
activesync web-browsing
mapi-over-http webdav
ms-exchange ms-office365
ms-office365 office-live
ms-onedrive office-on-demand
rpc-over-http outlook-web-online
soap ms-lync-online
ssl ms-lync-online-apps-sharing
stun sharepoint-online
Sun Mgt Bonus Lab 9: Using Mine Meld for IoC Feed Aggregation 17
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The Next Steps

If you want to test this on your own and do not have access to a lab environment to do so, you
have a couple options:

a. Contact your Sun Management Account Rep to get pricing on a lab bundle. The
PA-220 and VM-50 appliances are excellent platforms for testing things such as
this and there are specific part numbers for lab equipment that are more heavily
discounted than the same appliance for use in production.

If you are unsure who your Account Rep is or do not have one yet, you can reach
out to [email protected] for assistance.

b. Reach out through the free Fuel Users Group ( which at
the time this lab is being written is offering limited free access to a virtual lab
environment, which they refer to as their “Virtual Test Lab,” in which you can
practice the steps outlined above. (Note: The Fuel Users Group may alter or
discontinue offering their “Virtual Test Lab” at any time)

c. For access to live Palo Alto Networks boxes for lab practice purposes
please go to:
skills-practice-lab. This is a no charge service provided by Palo Alto

If you feel Sun Management brings value to you and your organization with these
labs, please keep us in mind for other network and network security related
requirements. We are here to help you. Thank you for your business.

Please direct any questions/comments/feedback on this lab exercise to:

[email protected]

Lab Author: Mike Connors CISSP, PCNSE, PCNSC, PSE-P

Sr. Network Security Engineer
Sun Mgt Bonus Lab 9: Using Mine Meld for IoC Feed Aggregation 18
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Last Modified: May 4, 2018

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