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A game created by Henri Kermarrec

1-100 players
7 years and up
15 minutes

Experience the fabulous adventures of the famous

explorers, Penny Papers & Dakota Smith!
Our two adventurers finally managed to gain entrance to the legendary
temple of Apikhabou, determined to explore it so they can discover
the secrets and secret passages it contains.


Equipped with a pencil (not included) and an Adven-
ture sheet, all players use the same result from a die
roll to explore a location more thoroughly than the
other contestants. Each player attempts to place the
numbers in their grid the best, and to make wise use
of special powers to score the most ★. Everyone plays
at the same time!

Materials included: 3 dice and 100 two-sided Adventure sheets (the back offers
a different temple).

Each player grabs a pencil and an Adventure sheet (everyone uses the same
side), on which they jot their initials in the upper-left corner. Place the three
dice in the middle of the play area, so everyone can see them.

Someone (it doesn’t matter who) rolls all three dice.

If no special face is rolled, each player must use the numbers indicated by the dice
to write a number in any single empty, doorless space of their grid.

The number you write can be the number from just one of the dice, or the sum
of any two of the dice, or the sum of all three – your choice!

After everyone has filled a space in their grid, roll the dice again to start the
next turn.

The dice rolled 2, 3, and 5. Each player can choose any one
of the following numbers to write in their grid:


Or add two to write 7 (2+5):


Or add two to write 8 (3+5):

Or add all three to write 10 (2+3+5):

Special Faces
Lockpick (Dakota Smith’s ability)
When this symbol is rolled, each player must write
a number (chosen in the normal way) in a Door space.

Penny Papers
When this symbol is rolled, each player writes a number of their choice
from 1 to 15 in their grid (in a doorless space, unless the ­Lockpick
symbol was also rolled on another die).

When this symbol is rolled, ignore both of the other dice! Everyone
does the following: Put your sheet in the middle of the play area,
take another sheet at random, then draw the Mummy symbol on this
sheet in a doorless space of your choice; finally, return the sheet to
its owner (look at the initials in the upper-left corner of the sheet).

Penny Papers & Dakota Smith are menaced by the mummies
that lurk in the temple.

Drawing a mummy in an opponent’s grid not only makes this space

unusable, but also makes them lose 2★ at the end of the game. Unless…

Our heroes can vanquish these mummies! To do so, simply write the number 9
(according to the normal rules) in a space adjacent to a mummy. Then you can
cross out the mummy, and it will earn you 2★ at the end of the game.

You are welcome to write a 9 before you need it to “protect” certain spaces.
Even if you place a 9 adjacent to a mummy, you are not required to cross it out
immediately; by waiting, you could trick your opponents into placing future
mummies poorly, but you might trick yourself, too! Finally, the same 9 can
­vanquish several mummies.

The game ends when all of the doorless spaces are filled.

Each player counts their ★ in the following fashion, writing their subtotals in
the spaces provided at the bottom of their Adventure sheet:

+1★ per space in the longest sequence of adjacent consecutive numbers in

order (e.g. 3, 4, 5, 6).

+3★ per contiguous group of at least 3 adjacent identical numbers.

NOTE: Only one group counts for each number.
Example: If you have created several groups of the number 4, only one of them
will earn you 3★.

+2★ per mummy vanquished (crossed out).

−2★ per mummy not defeated (not crossed out).
See the example of endgame scoring ★, page 6.

A single space can be used as part of a sequence of consecutive numbers, as part

of a group of identical numbers, and/or to vanquish a mummy.

The player who has scored the most ★ wins the game.

In the event of a tie, the tied player with the longest sequence of consecutive
numbers wins. If there is still a tie, the tied players share the victory.

In this game, “adjacent” always means orthogonally or diagonally
adjacent (i.e. in one of the 8 surrounding spaces).

Strikethroughs & Scribbles

You are not allowed to strike through or erase a space of your grid: Everything
you write is permanent, so think carefully before making your marks!

However, if someone notices a violation of the rules, you may use a proper
strikethrough to correct the mistake.

Henri scored 9★ for his sequence of nine numbers (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10,
marked in white). He also scored 15★ for the five groups of identical numbers
(2s marked in orange, 4s in green, 5s in blue, 7s in yellow,
and 9s in pink). Finally, he vanquished (and crossed out) four of the five
mummies, thanks to having an adjacent 9 (2★ + 2★ + 2★ + 2★ = 8★),
but not the fifth (−2★). Thus he earns 6★ (8★ − 2★) for mummies.


2 1 10
2 7 9 9 8
2 9 6 7 7
3 4 5 5 7
4 4 5 5

9 15 6 30

Play alone and try to achieve the highest score to determine your adventurer level!

The solitaire mode of Penny Papers Adventures: The Temple of Apikhabou follows
all the normal rules of the game, with one exception: When a mummy is rolled,
you must place it on a doorless space adjacent to the space you filled in the
previous turn. If this is not possible, you can place the mummy in an empty,
doorless space of your choice.

Once your game has ended, evaluate your success level according to how high
your score was, as follows:

TOURIST ➜ 0★ – 14★
PATHFINDER ➜ 15★ – 24★
VOYAGER ➜ 25★ – 29★
EXPLORER ➜ 30★ or more


Henri Kermarrec [email protected]
ILLUSTRATOR (BOX) /sitdown.jeux
Géraud Soulié @sitdowngames
TRANSLATOR  rue de Labie 39
Nathan Morse BE-5310 Leuze

The designer wishes to thank Laetitia Di Sciascio for her pertinence and pugnacity, GRAL for the
unwavering creativity and frankness, and the ANTIJEU festival for supporting the original project. The
publisher wishes to thank everyone who has volunteered to playtest the game. Thanks to Thomas. ;-)
A game from Sit Down! published by Megalopole sprl. ©Megalopole (2018). All rights reserved. • This game can only be used
for private recreational purposes. • WARNING: not suitable for children under 3 years of age. This game contains small parts
which can be ingested or inhaled. Retain this information. • Visuals are non-binding. Shapes and colours may change. •
Any reproduction of this game, in whole or in part, in any medium, physical or electronic, is strictly forbidden without written
permission from Megalopole sprl. • Made in Spain.

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