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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 9 | February 2015

ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Highway Alignment using Remote Sensing and

Geographical Information System
K.Rajadurai J.Colins Johnny
PG Student (Remote Sensing) Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Regional Centre of Anna University, Tirunelveli-627 007 Regional Centre of Anna University, Tirunelveli-627 007

The aim of this project is to identify and map the suitable highway construction site by using Remote Sensing and Geographical
Information System in the Chettikulam junction to kottar, Agastheeswaram Taluk, Kaniyakumari District, Tamilnadu. Remote
sensing and GIS model for route location and highway alignment was developed and used to generate alternate highway route
applications.. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can easily model such variables, including topography, environment, built-
up areas, and geology. Planning a new road or highway can be expensive and time consuming process. There are numerous
environmental issues that need to be addressed. GIS, a powerful tool for the compilation, management and display data
associated with geographic space, is used for the preparation of digital maps and analysis purposes. The conventional manual
methods were difficult, time consuming and expensive. In this project the shortest and the economical path is identified using
GIS software. The factors considered are mainly related to the land use, geology, land value and soil. The weights and ranks are
assigned to each of the above themes, according to expert opinions, for GIS analysis. After assigning weights and ranks these
themes are overlaid to get a suitability overlaid map. The final overlaid will have the most suitable area to align the highway.
Keywords: Highway, Remote sensing, Alignment using GIS, Reduce traffic, Shortest route, less time consuming

Highway planning and design is a very complex process involving five key stages or phases before highway construction is
completed: 1)Planning, 2) Project Development, 3) Final Design, 4) Right-of-Way, and 5) Construction. A basic highway design
problem is to find the most economical alignment connecting two given end points based on topography, socioeconomic factors
and environmental impacts, while satisfying a set of design and operational constraints.
In designing a highway, engineers gather information about the topography of the area, ground conditions and possible
adverse environmental impacts. Design controls are established which ensure that the highway designed will provide suitable
and safe service for the traffic within the topography for which it is designed. In the early planning stages of a highway, it is very
important to take the right decisions as far as selecting alternative alignments and screening them as this proves to be a time and
money saving method as the project proceeds into detailed design where less flexibility is attained. Historically, poor planning
has resulted in unnecessary delays in project completion. A delay in project completion often results in additional costs. A set of
initial possible alignments are established, this process is done either manually or using special software packages which have
been widely used recently. Establishing a preliminary location for a new road is mainly a trial and error process involving
defining the trial alignment, then checking to see if it complies with the horizontal and vertical controls, then modifying it in
successive iterations until all the controls are complied with. After refining the alignments, a preliminary design is then
conducted on possible alignments in order to come up with a cost estimate. The final decision for selecting an alignment will
depend upon right-of-way and land acquisition costs, environmental costs, construction costs, maintenance costs, and user costs.
This thesis attempts to streamline and computerize the phase in the highway design process in which a preliminary location
study is done, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. The study takes place in a geographic region with highly
irregular land features, and various existing constrains which are predominantly environmental restrictions such as lakes,
floodplains. GIS works well for such a problem, as it captures all the required information on one map, provides tools for
analysis and most importantly, the features on the map are linked to a database. The aim of this research is to find the optimal
highway alignment within a study area so as to save time and money, and avoid possible mistakes in the latter phases of the

A. Highway Alignment:
The position or the layout of the centre line of the highway on the ground is called the alignment. The Horizontal Alignment
includes the straight path, the horizontal deviations and curves. Changes in gradient curves are covered under vertical alignment
of roads.
A new road should be aligned very carefully as improper alignment would result in one or more of the following

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Highway Alignment using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 9 / 040)

1) Increase in construction cost

2) Increase in maintenance cost
3) Increase in vehicles operation cost
4) Increase in accident rate.
The basic requirements of an ideal alignment between two terminal stations are that it should be:
1) Short
2) Easy
3) Safe
4) Economical

B. Factor affecting Highway Alignment:

The various factors which control the highway alignment in general may be listed as:
1) Obligatory points
2) Traffic
3) Geometric design
4) Economics
5) Other considerations
In hill roads additional care has to be given for:
 Stability
 Drainage

C. Stages of New Highway Project:

1) Selection of route, finalization of highway alignment and geometric design details.
2) Collection of materials and testing of subgrade soil and other construction material, mix design of pavement materials
and design details of pavement layer.
3) Construction stages including quality control.

D. Steps Involved in a New Highway Project:

1) Map study
2) Reconnaissance Survey
3) Preliminary survey
4) Location of Final Alignment
5) Detailed survey
6) Material survey
7) Design
8) Earth work
9) Pavement Construction
10) Construction

E. Need of Study:
 The conventional method of highway alignment is a tedious and time consuming process.
 The conventional highway alignment needs a lot of manual work and expensive
 Remote sensing and Geographical information system makes the highway alignment easier. It needs less man power,
less time consuming and economic.

F. Objectives of study:
The objectives of the present study are as follows,
 To identify the factors that influence on highway alignment studies
 To prepare the thematic layers based on the identified factors
 To analyses the traffic volume and future expansion.
 To identify the favourable route for highway alignment.


Kanyakumari Situated near the equator between 77˚05’ and 77˚36’ east longitude and between 8˚03’ and 8˚35’ north latitude, the
Kanyakumari District is bounded on the north-east by the Tirunelveli District, Trivandrum District of the Kerala State on the
north-west, the Arabian Sea on the west and the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Mannar on the south and south-east respectively.
Agastheeswaram is a taluk of Kanyakumari district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The headquarters of the taluk is the town
of Agastheeswaram. According to the 2011 census, the taluk of Agastheeswaram had a population of 550283 with 271936 males

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Highway Alignment using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 9 / 040)

and 278347 females. There were 1024 women for every 1000 men. The taluk had a literacy rate of 85.63. Child population in the
age group below 6 was 24950 Males and 24164 Females.NH47 and NH47bB both meets agastheeswaram taluk.
The study area is in Kanyakumari district, located in the southern tip of India. The total region of Agastheeswaram taluk
covers 279.4 km2. It lies between the longitude 77°18′45″ E to 77°35′15″ E and 8°4′ N to 8°13′45″ N latitude.

Fig. 1: Location of Study Area


The required Toposheet for the study area 58 H/8, which collected in Survey Of India (SOI) with 1:50,000 scale. Another
required satellite data LISS III collected from ISRO-BHUVAN website. The data description and spectral details with resolution
details are given in Table 1 and Table 2.
Table – 1
Data description of IRS satellite
Altitude 816-818 km
Inclination 98.6 degrees
Orbit Sun-synchronous
Orbit period 101minutes
Swath width 140 km
Satellite IRS-P6/Resourcesat-1(17/10/2003 operation)
Table – 2
Spectral band and resolution details
Band Spectral band Resolution
2 0,52 - 0,59 µm 23 x 23 m
3 0,62 - 0,68 µm 23 x 23 m
4 0,77 - 0,86 µm 23 x 23 m
5 1,55 - 1,70 µm 23 x 23 m

The base (study area) map, Drainage, Slope and Contour maps were prepared with the help of SOI Toposheet (on 1:50,000
scale). IRS LISS III satellite data of 2012 was used and by using Digital Image Processing techniques the following thematic
maps such as geomorphology, Land use/ Land Cover were generated. The DEM is used in order to understand the terrain
condition, environmental factors and social economic status in this study area.
The factors considered are mainly related to the land use, geology, land value and soil. The weights and ranks are assigned to
each of the above themes, according to expert opinions, for GIS analysis. After assigning weights and ranks these themes are
overlaid to get an overlaid map.
Finally, possible/feasible route was identified based on various physical and cultural parameters and their inherent properties.
The cost reduction analysis was also done for substantiating the formation of highway. Finally, possible/feasible route was
identified based on various physical and cultural parameters and their inherent properties. The cost reduction analysis was also
done for substantiating the formation of highway.

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(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 9 / 040)

Fig. 2: Methodology

Fig. 3: Base Map

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(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 9 / 040)

Fig. 4: Geomorpology Map

Fig. 5: Landuse Map

A. Traffic Volume and Future Expansion:

The main purpose of traffic survey are traffic monitoring, traffic control and management, traffic enforcement, traffic
forecasting, model calibration and validating etc… The purpose of caring out traffic volume count are designing, improving
traffic system, planning, management.
The traffic volume count study is carried out to get following useful information.
 Magnitudes, classifications and the time and directional split of vehicular flows
 Proportion of vehicles in traffic stream
 Hourly, daily, yearly and seasonal variation of vehicular flows
 Flow fluctuation on different approaches at a junction or different parts of a road network system.
The traffic growth rates necessary to estimate the traffic levels in future on the project road are a product of economic factors
of the influence area and elasticity of traffic demand. The model adopted is based on IRC 108-1996 Guidelines.

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Tg = e x Eg
Where Tg = Traffic Growth Rate, e = Elasticity of Traffic Demand, Eg= Economic growth rate
Table - 4
Traffic Growth Rate for Low Scenario
TYPE OF VEHICLES 2005-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2024 2025-2029
TW 12.2 11.59 11.01 10.46 9.94
CAR 6.15 5.84 5.55 5.27 5.01
BUS 5.1 4.85 4.6 4.37 4.15
AUTO 11.4 10.83 10.29 9.77 9.29
COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 9 8.55 8.12 7.72 7.33
OTHER 6.05 5.75 5.46 5.19 4.93
Table – 5
Traffic Growth Rate for Medium Scenario
TYPE OF VEHICLES 2005-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2024 2025-2029
TW 12.93 12.29 11.67 11.09 10.53
CAR 6.52 6.19 5.88 5.59 5.31
BUS 5.41 5.14 4.88 4.63 4.4
AUTO 12.08 11.48 10.91 10.36 9.84
COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 9.54 9.06 8.61 8.18 7.77
OTHER 6.41 6.09 5.79 5.5 5.22
Table – 6
Traffic Growth Rate for High Scenario
TYPE OF VEHICLES 2005-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2024 2025-2029
TW 14.64 13.91 13.21 12.55 11.92
CAR 7.38 7.01 6.66 6.33 6.01
BUS 6.12 5.81 5.52 5.25 4.98
AUTO 13.68 13 12.35 11.73 11.14
COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 10.8 10.26 9.75 9.26 8.8
OTHER 7.26 6.9 6.55 6.22 5.91

B. Network Analysis:
Network analysis is used to find the shortest alternated routes between origins to destination Network Analyst provides network-
based spatial analysis tools for solving complex routing problems. A network is a set of interconnected linear features through
which materials, goods and people are transported. One of the key features of any network is connectivity. Network elements
1.Links, 2.Nodes, 3.Junctions, 4.Stops, 5.Centres, 6.Turns Represent transition from one link to another

Fig. 6: Road Network Map


Compared to the traditional method of highway alignment, the modern method of highway alignment by using remote sensing
and GIS techniques , reduce time, low man power, less cost and economic.

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(IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 9 / 040)

The traffic volume study is used in planning, traffic operations and control of existing facility and also planning and designs of
the new facilities. Hence the volume count survey is the main factor in deciding the number of lanes required and the type
&composition of pavement. The results from the different sites show that the average traffic volumes are in the range of 6000 to
15000 vehicles per day (ADT). Each count included all traffic during one week, resulting in possible random errors of ± 1%
only. The uncertainty regarding seasonal variations is larger but the total error margins are still no more than a few percent of
ADT, or say ±200 VPD.
Elasticity of traffic demand – e – can be computed considering the historic traffic volumes and economic trends and are
detailed in a latter section. Future economic growth rates in the influence area necessary for estimating the traffic growth rates
were based on the national economic forecasts by Planning Commission (PC), Government of India. The state level economic
forecasts and that of Primary/Secondary sectors are based on the regression models developed for the purpose in relation to the
national level economic information. For the present study the past vehicle registration data for Tamil Nadu for a period of past
10years. Regression analysis has been carried out using vehicle registration data and economic indicators like NSDP. The
elasticity values obtained for passenger and goods vehicles are shown in table 4,5,6. The Elasticity values are reduced by 5%
every five year, as there will be increase in the total traffic and which ultimately leads to the congestion of the road.

Fig. 7: Proposed Route

The purpose of this study was to develop a tool to locate a suitable less time consuming, Shortest route between two points. The
GIS approach using ground parameters and spatial analysis provided to achieve this goal. Raster based map analysis provide a
wealth of capabilities for incorporating terrain information surrounding linear infrastructure .Costs resulting from terrain,
geomorphology, land use, drainage and elevation resulting the shortest routes for the study area. The existing road path had
traffic problem, it caused more time consuming from chettikullam to kottar. Results indicate that the route which was designed
applying GIS method is avoid traffic problems ,less time consuming more environmentally effective, and cheaper. This proposed
shortest route (Figure.6) provides traffic free, pollution free, risk free, operating for movement of vehicle passing from
chettikullam to kottar. Time and consumption of fuel will also be reduced considerably. GIS method can also be used for route
determination for irrigation, drainage channels, power lines and railways.

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