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(Constituted under the Bangladesh Water and Power Development Boards Order,
1972 (P.O. No. 59 of 1972))






/ I

J3e.L Dated as of - 2011

Land Lease Agreement


SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ...........................................................................2

1.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Rules of Interpretation ................................................................................................................... 7

SECTION 2: TERM .................................................................................................................................

2.1 Term............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Scheduled Possession Date..........................................................................................................8
2.3 Possession Date............................................................................................................................8

SECTION 3: OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY AND BPDB ............................................................9

Demise and Registration ............................................................................................................... 9
Rent ...............................................................................................................................................9
Payment of Taxes and Charges .................................................................................................... 9
Access Road.................................................................................................................................. 9
Take-Over .................................................................................................................................... 10
Permitted Use. Development and Remedy of Defects............................. . ...............................10
Insurance ...................................... .
. ............................................................................11
Quiet Enjoyment ........................................................................................................................ 11
Easement Rights ......................................................................................................................... 11

SECTION 4: REPRESENTATIONS. WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS ............................................13

4.1 Representations. Warranties and Covenants of BPDB...............................................................
4.2 Representations. Warranties and Covenants of the Company ..................................................14

SECTION 5: LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION ...............................................................................

5.1 Limitation of Liability ....................................................................................................................15
5.2 Indemnification..............................................................................................................................
5.3 Assertion of Claims............................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Defence of Claims ....................................................................................................................... 16

SECTION 6: ASSIGNMENT AND SECURITY ......................................................................................18

6.1 Assignment .................................................................................................................................. 18
6.2 Creation of Security .....................................................................................................................18

SECTION 7: TERMINATION .................................................................................................................20

7.1 Company Events of Default . Termination by BPDB.................................................................. 20
7.2 BPDB Events of Default -Termination by the Company............................................................. 20
7.3 Rights and Remedies Upon an Event of Default.........................................................................21
7.4 Notice to Lenders of Company Event of Default ......................................................................22
7.5 Notice to the GOB of BPDB's Default........................................................................................ 24


8.1 Obligations Upon Termination..................................................................................................... 26
8.2 Other Remedies........................................................................................................................... 26

SECTION 9: RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES ..........................................................................................27

9.1 Governing Law............................................................................................................................. 27
9.2 Resolution by Parties................................................................................................................... 27
9.3 Mediation by Expert ..................................................................................................................... 27
Land Lease Agreement

9.4 Arbitration ....................................................................................................................................

9.5 Commercial Acts; Sovereign Immunity; Jurisdiction ...................................................................31
9.6 Company's Consent to Jurisdiction ........................................................................................... 32

SECTION 10: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ....................................................................................33

10.1 Notices......................................................................................................................................... 33
10.2 Amendment .................................................................................................................................33
10.3 Third Parties ................................................................................................................................ 34
10.4 No Waiver ............................................................................................ ........................................34
10.5 Survival ...............;....................................................................................................................... 34
10.6 Language.....................................................................................................................................34
10.7 Entirety......................................................................................................................................I..34
10.8 Successors and Assigns ............................................................................................................3 4
10.9 Double Jeopardy..........................................................................................................................34
10.10 Counterparts ................................................................................................................................34



Land Lease Aareement

THIS LAND LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Lease Agreement") is entered into as of this - day of
January, 2011, in Dhaka, Bangladesh


BANGLADESH POWER DEVELOPMENT BOARD, with its registered office located at WAPDA Building
(1'' Floor), Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and hereinafter referred to as the "BPDB",
which expression wherever the terms so admit or imply includes its successors, representatives or


SUMMIT BlBlYANA II POWER COMPANY LIMITED, with its registered office located at Summit Centre,
18, Karwan Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka -1215, Bangladesh, and hereinafter referred to as the
"Company", which expression wherever the terms so admit or imply shall include its successors,
representatives and permitted assigns.


WHEREAS, the Company has agreed to design, engineer, manufacture, finance, construct, complete,
permit, test, commission, insure, own, operate and maintain a Gas fired combined cycle power station
located at Bibiyana, Sylhet, Bangladesh, to provide 341 MW (net) of electric power generation capacity to
BPDB under a Power Purchase Agreement (as defined hereinafter).

WHEREAS, BPDB has obtained, under agreement dated , 2011, with the GOB (as
hereinafter defined), a certain parcel of land comprising approximately 37 acres, which land was acquired
by the GOB pursuant to its Notification dated , 2011 and which parcel includes the
Demised Premises (as hereinafter defined) comprising approximatelfl0 acres, the Access Road Corridor
and the Local Road Corridor (each as hereinafter defined) as well as any appurtenances, rights-of-way
and access to and from public highways at Bibiyana, approximately 180 kilometers northeast of Dhaka.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and covenants contained herein, BPDB and
the Company hereby agree as follows:
Land Lease Agreement


1.I Definitions

Whenever the following capitalized terms appear in this Lease Agreement, including the schedules
hereto, whether in the singular or plural, past, present or the future tense, they shall have the meanings
given to such terms below:

"Access Road" means the existing road from Dhaka-Sylhet highway to Bibiyana, Sylhet Complex Site;

"Agent"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(b)(i);

"Bank Ratenbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase Agreement;

"BPDB Event of Default" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.2(a);

"BPDB Notice of Defaultnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.1 (a);

"Business Day" means any Day that is not (a) a Day on which banks in Bangladesh are legally permitted
to be closed for business (including partial Days), and (b) an official holiday declared by the GOB;

"Centrenbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.4(a);

"Commercial Operations Date" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase

"Company" means SUMMIT BlBlYANA I1 POWER COMPANY LIMITED, a public limited company
incorporated and registered under the laws of Bangladesh, with its principal offices located in Summit
Centre, 18, Karwan Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka -1215, Bangladesh, and its successors and
permitted assigns;

"Company Communication Facilitiesn bears the meaning ascribed thereto in the Gas Supply

"Company Event of Default" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.l(a);

"Company Notice of Default" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.2(a);

"CompanyTransportation Facilitiesnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in the Gas Supply Agreement;

"Contract Year" means (a) in respect of the first Contract Year, the period commencing at the beginning
of the Possession Date and ending as of the end of the Day immediately preceding the first anniversary
of the Possession Date, and (b) thereafter, the period commencing at the beginning of each consecutive
anniversary of the Possession Date and ending as of the end of the last Day preceding the next
anniversary of the Possession Date;

"Contractor(s)"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase Agreement;

"Conventionnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.4(a);

"Dayn means the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning and ending at 12:OO midnight Bangladesh
Standard time;

"Demised Premises" means the parcel of land described as such in Part A of Schedule I;
Land Lease Aareement

"Dispute"means any dispute, difference or disagreement of any kind whatsoever between BPDB and the
Company in connection with or arising out of this Lease Agreement, including, without limitation, any
dispute or difference concerning the existence, validity or enforceability of this Lease Agreement or any
provision hereof;

"Dollars"and "US$"means the lawful currency of the United States of America;

"ElectionNotice" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(d)(ii);

"ElectricalInterconnection Facilities" bears the meaning ascribed, thereto i n Section 11 of PPA;

"Environmental Guidelinesn means the environmental guidelines and occupational health and safety
standards of the World Bank Group as in effect on October 14, 2010;

"Environmental Liabilitiesn means all losses, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation, the
reasonable costs of investigation, testing, containment, removal, cleanup, abatement or remediation and
reasonable attorneys' fees and costs), whether or not quantified in amount, relating to the presence in the
environment of Hazardous Materials attributable to the Facility or the Site on and after Possession Date
to the end of the Term (or, if earlier, the first to occur of the surrender of the Demised Premises by the
Company to BPDB, the termination of this Lease Agreement, the assignment of this Lease Agreement to
the GOB, or the date of transfer of the Facility to the GOB or its designee), or the violation by the
Company, its agents or employees or Contractors of any environmental Laws of Bangladesh or the
Environmental Guidelines; provided, further, however, for the avoidance of the doubt, Environmental
Liabilities shall not include losses, damaqes and expenses attributable to the condition of the Site as it
existed prior to the Possession Date;

"EnvironmentalMatters" means any of the following:

(a) any release, emission, entry or introduction into the air, including the air within buildings
and other natural or man-made structures above ground of any Hazardous Material or
any material or substance regulated under the Environmental Guidelines,

(b) any discharge, release or entry into water, including into any river, watercourse, lake or
pond (whether natural or artificial or above ground or which joins or flows into any such
water outlet above ground) or reservoir, or the surface of the river bed or of other land
supporting such waters, ground waters, sewer or the sea of any Hazardous Material or
any material or substance regulated under the Environmental Guidelines,

(c) any deposit, disposal, keeping, treatment, importation, exportation, production,

transportation, handling, processing, carrying, manufacture, collection, sorting or
presence of any Hazardous Material or any material or substance regulated under the
Environmental Guidelines (including, in the case of waste, any substance which
constitutes a scrap material or an effluent or other unwanted surplus substance arising
from the application of any process or activity (including making it reusable or reclaiming
substances from it) and any substance or article which is required to be disposed of as
being broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled),

(d) the conservation, preservation or protection of the natural or man-made environment or

any living organisms supported by the natural or man-made environment, or

(e) any other matter whatsoever directly affecting the environment or any part of it;

"Evaluation Period" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(d)(i);

Land Lease Agreement

"Dispute" means any dispute, difference or disagreement of any kind whatsoever between BPDB and the
Company in connection with or arising out of this Lease Agreement, including, without limitation, any
dispute or difference concerning the existence, validity or enforceability of this Lease Agreement or any
provision hereof;

"Dollars" and "US$"means the lawful currency of the United States of America;

"Election Notice" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(d)(ii);

"Electrical Interconnection Facilities" bears the meaning ascribed, thereto i n Section 11 of PPA;

"Environmental Guidelines" means the environmental guidelines and occupational health and safety
standards of the World Bank Group as in effect on October 14,2010;

"Environmental Liabilities" means all losses, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation, the
reasonable costs of investigation, testing, containment, removal, cleanup, abatement or remediation and
reasonable attorneys' fees and costs), whether or not quantified in amount, relating to the presence in the
environment of Hazardous Materials attributable to the Facility or the Site on and after Possession Date
to the end of the Term (or, if earlier, the first to occur of the surrender of the Demised Premises by the
Company to BPDB, the termination of this Lease Agreement, the assignment of this Lease Agreement to
the GOB, or the date of transfer of the Facility to the GOB or its designee), or the violation by the
Company, its agents or employees or Contractors of any environmental Laws of Bangladesh or the
Environmental Guidelines; provided, further, however, for the avoidance of the doubt. Environmental
Liabilities shall not ~ncludelosses, damaqes and expenses attributable to the condition of the Site as it
exlsted prior to the Possess~onDate;

"Environmental Matters" means any of the following:

(a) any release, emission, entry or introduction into the air, including the air within buildings
and other natural or man-made structures above ground of any Hazardous Material or
any material or substance regulated under the Environmental Guidelines,

(b) any discharge, release or entry into water, including into any river, watercourse, lake or
pond (whether natural or artificial or above ground or which joins or flows into any such
water outlet above ground) or reservoir, or the surface of the river bed or of other land
supporting such waters, ground waters, sewer or the sea of any Hazardous Material or
any material or substance regulated under the Environmental Guidelines,

(c) any deposit, disposal, keeping, treatment, importation, exportation, production,

transportation, handling, processing, carrying, manufacture, collection, sorting or
presence of any Hazardous Material or any material or substance regulated under the
Environmental Guidelines (including, in the case of waste, any substance which
constitutes a scrap material or an effluent or other unwanted surplus substance arising
from the application of any process or activity (including making it reusable or reclaiming
substances from it) and any substance or article which is required to be disposed of as
being broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled),
i, '
(d) the conservation, preservation or protection of the natural or man-made environment or
any living organisms supported by the natural or man-made environment, or
I (e) any other matter whatsoever directly affecting the environment or any part of it;

"Evaluation Period" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(d)(i);

Land Lease Agreement

"Eventof Default"means a Company Event of Default or a BPDB Event of Default, as the case may be;

"Expert"means an expert appointed pursuant to Section 9;

"Extended Excess Road" means the land described as such in Part B of Schedule I;

"Facility"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase Agreement;

"Financial Closingnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase Agreement;

"Financial Closing Date" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase

"Financing Documents" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase

"Force Majeure Event" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase
"Foreign Investor(s)" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase

"Gas"means natural gas;

"Gas Supplier" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in the Gas Supply Agreement;

"Gas Supply Agreement" means the agreement to be executed after the availability of Gas, between the
Gas Supplier and the Company for the supply of Gas to be used as fuel by the Company at the Facility to
generate electric power, as may be amended by the parties thereto from time to time with the prior written
approval of BPDB;

"GOB" means the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh;

"Government Authority" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Power Purchase

"Guaranteenmeans the guarantee by the GOB of the payment obligations of:

(a) BPDB under the Power Purchase Agreement,

(b) the Gas Supplier under the Gas Supply Agreement;

(c) BPDB under this Lease Agreement; and

(d) PGCB under the ImplementationAareement

substantially in the form set out in Schedule 3 of the Implementation Agreement, as may be amended
from time to time by agreement of the GOB and the Company;
Land Lease Agreement

"Hazardous Materialsn means any pollutant, contaminant, solid waste, hydrocarbon product, toxic or
hazardous substance or waste, any flammable, explosive or radioactive materials regulated under, or
subject to, any Laws of Bangladesh;

"ICC Rules" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.4(b);

"ICSID Rulesnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.4(a);

"Implementation Agreement" means the lmplementation Agreement to be executed between the GOB
and the Company in connection with the Project, and also includes any amendment of it made by the
parties thereto from time to time;

"Incremental Costs" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.4(c);

"Initial Cure Period"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(a);

"Laws of Bangladeshnmeans, in relation to this Lease Agreement, all laws in force in Bangladesh, and
includes all rules, regulations, orders, directives, notifications made or issued 'by any Government
Authority with authority over the Company, the Facility or the Project pursuant to or under any such law,
and any decree or judicial decision given or pronounced by any court of competent jurisdiction in

"Lease Agreement" means this Land Lease Agreement between BPDB and the Company, together with
all schedules attached hereto, dated as of the date first above written, and includes any amendment of it
made by the' Parties from time to time;

"Lenders"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the lmplementation Agreement;

"Lenders Cure Periodnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4(e)(i);

"Liennbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the lmplementation Agreement;

"Loss"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the lmplementation Agreement;

"Noticeof Intent to Terminate" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.3(a)(i);

"Ordinary Share Capital" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the lmplementation

"Parties"means both BPDB and the Company;

"Party"means either BPDB or the Company;

"Permitted Liens" means minor imperfections of title and encumbrances that in the aggregate are not
substantial in amount, do not detract from the value of the property subject thereto or impair the
ownership, possession, use or operation of the Facility, and existed at the date of acquisition or have
arisen only in the ordinary course of business and consistent with normal utility practices;;
Land Lease Agreement

"PGCB" means the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh, Ltd, and its successors and assigns;

"Possession Date" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.3;

Power Purchase Agreement" means the Power Purchase Agreement to be executed between BPDB
and the Company for the sale of Dependable Capacity and Net Energy Output (as each term is defined
therein) by the Company to BPDB from the Facility, and includes any amendment of it made by the
parties thereto from time to time;

"Project" means the development, design, engineering, manufacturing, financing, construction,

permitting, start-up, testing, completion, insurance, commissioning, ownership, operation 'and
maintenance of the Facility, and all activities incidental thereto;

"Project Agreementsn means, collectively, this Lease Agreement, the Implementation Agreement, the
Gas Supply Agreement, and the Power Purchase Agreement;

"Project Effective Date" means the date on which the last of the Project Agreements is executed and
delivered by each of the parties thereto and none of the agreements so executed have been terminated
or been terminated by a party thereto;

"ProtectedAssetsnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.5(a)(i);

"Required Financial Closing Daten bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the
Implementation Agreement;

"Rent"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Schedule II;

"Scheduled Possession Date" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.2;

"Security Package"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1 of the Implementation Agreement;

"Site"means the land described as such in Schedule I;

"SuccessionNotice" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6.2(b);

"Takanor "Tk."means the lawful currency of Bangladesh;

"Take-Over"bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 3.5(a);

"Taxes and Charges" means the general or special rates, taxes, Value Added Tax (VAT), charges,
duties, assessments, impositions, imposts, levies, charges or outgoings whatsoever that are levied by
any Government Authority in accordance with the Laws of Bangladesh on and after the Possession Date
upon the Demised Premises or upon the owner or occupier in respect thereof or upon the Facility or upon
the owner or occupier in respect thereof, including without limitation rates and taxes for the provision of
water, sewage and electricity, value-added taxes and any other services or utilities under the Laws of

"Termnbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.1;

"Termination Notice" means a written notice issued by BPDB or the Company, as the case may be,
terminating this Lease Agreement, under Section 7.3(c);
Land Lease Agreement

"Transfereenbears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6.2(d); and

"Transportation Facilities" bears the meaning ascribed thereto in the Gas Supply Agreement.

1.2 Rules of Interpretation

In this Lease Agreement,

(a) the headings are for convenience only and shall be ignored in construing this Lease
(b) the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

(c) references to Sections and Schedules are, unless stated to the contrary, references to
Sections and Schedules of this Lease Agreement;

(d) the words "includen, "including" and "in particular" shall be construed as being by way of
illustration or emphasis only and shall not be construed as, nor shall they be given the
effect of, limiting the generality of any preceding words;

(e) unless otherwise provided herein, whenever a consent or approval is required hereunder
by one Party from the other Party, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably
withheld or delayed; and

(f) in carrying out its obligations and duties under this Lease Agreement, each Party shall
have an implied obligation of good faith.
Land Lease Agreement



This Lease Agreement shall be effective upon the Project Effective Date and shall, unless
terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Lease Agreement, continue in full force
and effect until the earliest of (i) the last Day of the Term of the Power Purchase Agreement (as
such agreement may be extended), and (ii) the date upon which the Facility is transferred to the
GOB or its designee pursuant to Section 14.1 of the ImplementationAgreement (the "Term").

Scheduled Possession Date

BPDB shall deliver to the Company exclusive and continuing possession of the Demised
Premises and non-exclusive, free and unfettered use of the Access Road and the portion of the
land for Extended Access Road on or before the date that is no later than 90 (Thirtv) Days
followina the Proiect Effective Date (the "Scheduled Possession Date"). The delivery of
Demised Premises shall be made in accordance with, and subject to, Section 3.5 and the other
provisions of this Lease Agreement.

Possession Date

The date on which BPDB delivers to the Company exclusive and continuing possession of the
Demised Premises and non-exclusive, free and unfettered use of the Access Road and the
portion of the land for Extended Access Road in accordance with the provisions of this Lease
Agreement shall be the "Possession Datev**,~rovided,that the Possession Date shall not occur
unless and until Take-Over has occurred in accordance with Section 3.5;

"The LLA shall be sisned after BPDB has its title and ~ossessionon land
Land Lease Agreement


3.1 Demise and Registration

(a) Demise

In consideration of the Rent hereinafter reserved and the covenants of the Company
hereinafter contained, BPDB hereby demises to the Company the Demised Premises
and grants to the Company non-exclusive, free and unfettered use of the Access Road
and the Extended Access Road (following the completion and hand over of possession of
the road by the Company to BPDB pursuant to Sections 3.4(a) and (b)) for the duration of
the Term in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Lease Agreement.

(b) Registration

BPDB shall procure the registration of this Lease Agreement under the Registration Act,
1908 (Act XVI of 1908) and provide to the Company, by no later than the date one
hundred and twentv (120) Davs followins the Proiect Effective Date, satisfactory evidence
that such registration has been completed. BPDB acknowledges that the Company is
exempted from any registration fees and duties and stamp duties pursuant to Section
12.1 of the Implementation Agreement and, accordingly, such registration shall be at no
cost to the Company.

3.2 Rent

In consideration for the lease by BPDB to the Company of the Demised Premises and the grant
of non-exclusive, free and unfettered use of the Extended Access Road (following the hand over
of the completed Extended Access Road by the Company to BPDB pursuant to Sections 3.4(a)
and (b)), the Access Road during the Term, the Company agrees and covenants to pay the Rent
to BPDB during the Term in the amount and on the terms set forth in Schedule II.

3.3 Payment of Taxes and Charges

The Company shall promptly and regularly pay to the appropriate Government Authority all Taxes
and Charges payable in connection with the Demised Premises or the Facility on and from the
Possession Date until the expiry of the Term.

3.4 Access Road and Extended Access Road

(a) The Company shall within twelve (12) months of the Possession Date construct at its own
cost and in accordance with standard Specifications, the Extended Access Road up to
the Demised Premises. Upon completion of the Extended Access Road, the Company
shall hand over the completed Extended Access Road to BPDB and risk and
responsibility for the Extended Access Road shall pass to BPDB from the time of the
hand over.

(b) BPDB hereby grants to the Company the right to the non-exclusive, free and unfettered
use of the Extended Access Road (following the hand over of the completed Extended
Access Road by the Company to BPDB pursuant to Sections 3.4(a) and (b)) the Access
Road, throughout the Term.

(c) BPDB shall throughout the Term maintain clear, unencumbered title (free of all
mortgages and Liens) to the Extended Access Road and the Access Road.
Land Lease Agreement

(d) Following the hand over of the completed Extended Access Road by the Company to
BPDB pursuant to Sections 3.4(a), BPDB shall at its own cost throughout the Term
maintain the Extended Access Road each to a standard sufficient for the purposes for
which the Company intends to use it and in accordance with the terms of this Lease
3.5 Take-Over
(a) BPDB shall, after a joint inspection with the Company, hand over the Demised Premises
to the Company (the "Take-Over") no later than sixtv (60)days following the Project
Effective Date. After the Take-Over, the Company shall install permanent posts to
demarcate the boundary of the Demised Premises and install a security fence on the
perimeter of the Demised Premises.
(b) At any time, on and after the Take-Over and prior to the Possession Date, the company
shall be entitled to enter the Demised Premises for the purpose of carrying out such
surveys, site investigations and other inspections as the Company considers necessary
provided that the Company has given BPDB reasonable advance written notice of such
intention to enter the Demised Premises.
3.6 Permitted Use, Development and Remedy of Defects
(a) Permitted Use
The Company shall use the Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road, and the
Access Road for the purposes of the Project and for the generation and sale of electric
generation capacity or electric energy or both and uses reasonably incidental thereto.
(b) Permitted Developmentand Maintenance Work by the Company

The Company shall, during the Term, carry out work to develop the Demised Premises,
the Access Road and maintain the Demised Premises including, without limitation,
clearing, leveling, compacting and filling of the Demised Premises, the Extended Access
Road and building the Facility, the Access Road, roads, waterways and wells on,
through, above and below the ground or on any part of it on which the Facility, the
Access Road or any part of them is to be built, including without limitation providing any
materials, facilities or equipment which may be required by the Company and its
Contractor(s) for carrying out work and for accommodation of the Company and its

(c) Compliance with Law

The Company agrees that it will not use or permit any person to use the Demised
Premises, the Extended Access Road, or any portion thereof, in a manner that
contravenes any provision of the Laws of Bangladesh.

(d) Articles of Value

All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity structures and any other remains of
geological or archaeological interest discovered on the Demised Premises, the Extended
Access Road shall, as between BPDB and the Company be deemed to be the absolute
property of BPDB, and the Company shall at its own expense take all necessary
precautions to prevent its employees, representatives and Contractor(s) or other persons
from removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall immediately upon
discovery thereof, and before removal, acquaint BPDB with such discovery, comply with
all requirements of the Laws of Bangladesh pertaining to the same or, if no such
requirements relate, comply with the reasonable instructions of BPDB as to the disposal
or preservation of the same.
Land Lease Agreement

(e) Repairs and Maintenance

Except as otherwise provided in this Lease Agreement, BPDB shall not be required to
make any repairs or improvements to the Demised Premises during the Term, or in any
manner to supply maintenance for the Demised Premises or any improvements thereon.

(9 Unexploded Ordnance and Contamination

If unexploded ordnance or other contamination likely to be harmful is discovered on the

Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road, the Company will, without prejudice to
the Company's right to indemnification from BPDB pursuant to Section 5.2(a), at its own
cost and in accordance with the Environmental Guidelines and the Laws of Bangladesh,
be responsible for rendering safe the Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road, as
the case may be, by the clearance of the contamination or the removal and the
subsequent destruction or by in situ destruction of any unexploded ordnance. BPDB
shall use reasonable efforts to assist the Company and any Contractor(s) in connection
with the clearance of contamination and the removal and destruction of unexploded

(g) Site Safety

The Company shall, and shall ensure that its employees, representatives and
Contractor(s) and other persons allowed on to the Demised Premises, the Extended
Access Road by it shall comply with the safety and site requirements applicable from time
to time.

3.7 Insurance

(a) The Company shall at all times while the Power Purchase Agreement is in effect obtain
and maintain insurance in accordance with Section 14 of the Power Purchase

(b) The Company will name BPDB as an additional insured to the extent of BPDB's insurable
interest under the insurance policies required to be maintained pursuant to Section 3.7(a)
as required under Section 14 of the Power Purchase Agreement.

3.8 Quiet Enjoyment

BPDB covenants that, provided that the Company pays the Rent set out in Schedule I1 and
complies with the terms of this Lease Agreement, the Company shall not be impaired or
otherwise prevented by BPDB from using the Demised Premises and the Access Road for the
purposes set out in this Lease Agreement and may peaceably enjoy the Access Road and the
Demised Premises from the Possession Date until the end of the Term.

3.9 Easement Rights

(a) Electrical lnterconnection Facilities

BPDB shall, upon request by the Company which shall not be made earlier than-
hundred and twentv (120) Days after the Project Effective Date, grant to the Company
easements and rights of way as necessary to install, the Electrical lnterconnection
Facilities, tele-metering and telecommunication facilities and any other facilities.
Land Lease Aareement

(b) Easements and Rights-of-way for Transportation Facilities

BPDB shall, upon request by the Company which shall not be made earlier than one
hundred and twenty (120) Days after the Project Effective Date, grant to the Company
such, easements and rights-of-way above and beneath the Extended Access Road as
may be necessary for the purposes incidental to the construction andlor the operation of
the Transportation Facilities, the Company Transportation Facilities and the Company
Communication Facilities.

(c) Additional Easements

BPDB shall, upon request by the Company which shall not be made earlier than one
hundred and twentv (120) days after the Project Effective Date, grant to the combany
such additional easements and rights-of-way as may be necessary for purposes
incidental to the construction andlor the operations of the Facility, including but not limited
to drainage and construction of water out-take channels (to the extent not affecting the
operation of the existing power plant in Bibiyana, Sylhet complex).

(d) No Additional Consideration

Consideration for such rights (for both the Company and BPDB in this Section 3.9) shall
be the execution of this Lease Agreement and no other consideration shall be required.
Land Lease Agreement


4.1 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of BPDB

(a) BPDB represents and warrants that:

(0 it shall have clear. unencumbered, title and possession (free and clear of all
mortqaqes and Liens other than Permitted Liens) to the Demised Premises, the
Access Road;
(ii) it has all requisite corporate power and authority to grant the lease, licenses,
easements and other rights envisaged under this Lease Agreement and to
execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Lease Agreement;
(iii) the execution, delivery and performance of this Lease Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and
validly authorised by BPDB and no other proceedings on the part of BPDB are
necessary for the grant of this Lease Agreement;
(iv) this Lease Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by
BPDB and constitutes a valid and binding commitment of it;
(v) there is no investigation, inquiry or proceeding concerning any Environmental
Matter relating to or affecting the Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road,
and so far as BPDB is aware none is pending or threatened nor is there any fact
or circumstance existing which might give rise to any of the foregoing;
(b) Covenants of BPDB
BPDB covenants that, as of the Possession Date:

0) it shall have clear, unencumbered, title (free and clear of all mortgages and Liens
other than Permitted Liens) to the Demised Premises, the Extended Access

(ii) the Demised Premises and the Extended Access Road shall not be subject to
any adverse estate, right, interest, covenant, restriction, easement, option, right
of pre-emption, wayleave, irrevocable license or other right or arrangement in
favour of any third party (whether in the nature of a public or private right or
obligation or otherwise), nor is there any agreement to give or create any of the
foregoing, and all rights of light, air, water and support associated with the
Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road are enjoyed fully by BPDB as of

(iii) there shall not be any outstanding actions, disputes, claims or demands between
BPDB and any third party or between the GOB and any third party affecting
BPDB's title to the Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road or its right or
ability to enter into this Lease Agreement;

(iv) there shall not be any Environmental Matters relating to or affecting the Demised
Premises, the Extended Access Road;

(v) it has provided adequate compensation (as required under the Laws of
Bangladesh and the then-applicable guidelines of the World Bank Group) to all

(A) who may have been displaced;

Land Lease Agreement

(B) whose land may have been acquired; or

(C) whose livelihood may have been affected,

when the Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road was acquired.
BPDB further covenants that all representations and warranties set out in Section 4.l(a)
shall be true and correct, mutatis mutandis, on the Possession Date.
4.2 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Company

(a) Representationsand Warranties of the Company

The Company represents and warrants to BPDB that: I

0) It is a company validly existing and in good standing under the laws of

Bangladesh, and it has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business,
to own its properties and to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this
Lease Agreement;

(ii) the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Lease Agreement have been
duly authorised by all necessary corporate action, and do not and will not:

(A) require any consent or approval of its board of directors, shareholders or

partners other than those which have been obtained (evidence of which
shall be, if it has not been, delivered to BPDB upon its request); and

(6) to the best of its knowledge, violate or breach any provisions of or

constitute a default under its corporate charter or bylaws or other organic
documents, any material indenture, contract, or agreement to which it is
a party or by which it or its properties may be bound or any material law,
rule, regulation, order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, determination,
or award presently in effect having applicability to the Company.

(iii) this Lease Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of the Company; and

(iv) there is no pending or, to the best of the its knowledge, threatened action or
proceeding against it before any court, Government Authority, or arbitrator that
could reasonably be expected to materially adversely affect the ability of the
Company to perform its obligations hereunder, or which could reasonably be
expected to affect the legality, validity or enforceability of this Lease Agreement,
or any material part thereof.

(b) Covenants of the Company

The Company covenants that, as of the Possession Date:

(i) The Company shall have in full force and effect and continue thereafter to
maintain insurance in accordance with Section 14 of the Power Purchase

The Company further covenants that all representations and warranties set out in Section
4.2(a) shall be true and correct, rnutatis mutandis, as of the Possession Date.
Land Lease Agreement


5.1 Limitation of Liability

Except as required by Section 5.2, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party in contract, tort,
warranty, strict liability or any other legal theory for any indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive
or exemplary damages. Neither Party shall have any liability to the other Party except pursuant
to, or for breach of, this Lease Agreement; provided, however, that this provision is not intended
to constitute a waiver of any rights of one Party against the other with regard to matters unrelated
to this Lease Agreement or any activity not contemplated by this Lease Agreement.

5.2 Indemnification

(a) BPDB shall bear responsibility for (i) loss of or damage to property, death or injury to
person (or any claim against the Company or its Contractor(s) or their respective officers,
directors and employees in respect thereof) and all expenses relating thereto (including
without limitation reasonable legal fees) suffered by the Company or its Contractor(s) or
its respective officers, directors and employees in connection with the Facility resulting
from any negligent or intentional act or omission of BPDB (or jt officers, directors,
members (of the board) and employees), without recourse to the Company or its
Contractor(s), and (ii) any Loss arising out of or in connection with any Hazardous
Material or any Environmental Matter which was present at the Demised Premises prior
to the Possession Date or any failure by BPDB to comply with the Laws of Bangladesh
(insofar as they relate to Environmental Matters), or the Environmental Guidelines.
BPDB will hold the Company or its Contractor(s) fully indemnified in respect thereof. This
indemnity shall not extend to any loss, damage, death or injury (or any claim in respect
thereof) or any expenses relating thereto to the extent that it was caused by neqlinent or
intentional any act or omission of the Company or its Contractor(s) or the failure of the
Company or its Contractor(s) to take reasonable steps in mitigation thereof.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the preceding sentence, nothing in
this Section 5.2(a) shall apply to any loss, damage, cost or expense in respect of which,
and to the extent that, the Company or its Contractor(s) are compensated pursuant to the
terms of any policy of insurance, agreement or through any other means.

(b) The Company shall bear responsibility for (i) loss of or damage to property, death or
injury to person (or any claim against BPDB or its respective officers, directors, members
(of the board) and employees in respect thereof) and all expenses relating thereto
(including without limitation reasonable legal fees) suffered by BPDB or its respective
officers, directors, members (of the board) and employees in connection with the Facility
resulting from any negligent or intentional act or omission of the Company or its
Contractor(s) (or its respective officers, directors and employees), without recourse to
BPDB, and (ii) any Loss arising out of or in connection with any Environmental Liabilities
arising as a result of any act or omission by the Company or any failure by the Company
to comply with the Laws of Bangladesh (insofar as they relate to Environmental Matters),
or the Environmental Guidelines. The Company will hold BPDB fully indemnified in
respect thereof. This indemnity shall not extend to any loss, damage, death or injury (or
any claim in respect thereof) or any expenses relating thereto to the extent that it was
caused by any neqliqent or intentional act or omission of BPDB or the failure of BPDB to
take reasonable steps in mitigation thereof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in the preceding sentence, nothing in this Section 5.2(b) shall apply to any
loss, damage, cost or expense in respect of which, and to the extent that, BPDB is
compensated pursuant to the terms of any policy of insurance, agreement or through any
other means.
Land Lease Aareement

(c) In the event that any Loss results from the joint or concurrent negligent or intentional acts
of the Parties, each shall be liable under this indemnification in proportion to its relative
degree of fault.

(d) The provisions of this Section 5.2 shall survive for a period of five (5) years following the
termination of this Lease Agreement.

5.3 Assertion of Claims

Neither Party shall be entitled to assert any claim for indemnification until such time as all claims
of such Party for indemnification under this Lease Agreement exceed an amount equal to the
sum of one hundred thousand Dollars (US$100,000), in the aggregate, at which time all claims of
such Party for indemnification under this Lease Agreement may be asserted; provided, howbver,
that when such claims have been asserted the same rule shall apply in respect of future claims.
Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, either Party may assert a claim for indemnification
regardless of amount upon the expiry or earlier termination of this Lease Agreement or if such
claim would otherwise be barred by the applicable statute of limitations.

5.4 Defence of Claims

(a) Each Party shall promptly notify the other Party of any loss of, or damage to property,
death or injury to person (or any claim or proceeding in respect thereof) in respect of
which it is or may be entitled to indemnification under Section 5.2. Such notice shall be
given as soon as reasonably practicable after the relevant Party becomes aware of such
loss, damage, death or injury (or any claim or proceeding in respect thereof);

(b) The indemnified Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to contest, defend and
litigate any claim, action, suit or proceeding by any third party alleged or asserted against
such party in respect of, resulting from, related to or arising out of any matter for which it
is entitled to be indemnified hereunder, and the reasonable costs and expenses thereof
shall be subject to the indemnification obligations of the indemnifying Party hereunder
provided, however, that if the indemnifying Party acknowledges in writing its obligations
to indemnify the indemnified Party in respect of loss to the full extent provided by Section
5.2, the indemnifying Party shall be entitled, at its option, to assume and control the
defence of such claim, action, suit or proceeding at its expense and through counsel of its
choice if it gives prompt notice of its intention to do so to the indemnified Party and
reimburses the indemnified Party for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the
indemnified Party prior to the assumption by the indemnifying party of such defence.

(c) Neither Party shall settle or compromise any such claim, action, suit or proceeding
without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided, that after agreeing in writing to indemnify the
indemnified Party, the indemnifying Party may settle or compromise any claim without the
prior approval of the indemnified Party.

(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnified Party shall have the right to employ its
own counsel and such counsel may participate in such action, but the fees and expenses
of such counsel shall be at the expense of such indemnified Party, when and as incurred

(i) the employment of counsel by such indemnified Party has been authorised in
writing by the indemnifying Party;
Land Lease Agreement

(ii) the indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be a
conflict of interest between the indemnifying Party and the indemnified Party in
the conduct of the defence of such action;

(iii) the indemnifying Party shall not in fact have employed independent counsel
reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified Party to assume the defence of such
action and shall have been so notified by the indemnified Party; or

(iv) the indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded and specifically notified
the indemnifying Party either that there may be specific defences available to it
which are different from or additional to those available to the indemnifying Party
or that such claim, action, suit or proceeding involves or could have a material
adverse effect upon it beyond the scope of this Lease Agreement. I

(e) If paragraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) of subparagraph (d) above shall be applicable, then counsel
for the indemnified Party shall have the right to direct the defence of such claim, action,
suit or proceeding on behalf of the indemnified Party and the reasonable fees and
disbursements of such counsel shall constitute legal or other expenses hereunder.
Land Lease Agreement


6.1 Assignment
This Lease Agreement may not be assigned by either Party other than by mutual agreement
between the Parties in writing.
6.2 Creation of Security
(a) Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the purpose of financing the Facility, the Company
may assign to, or grant a security interest in favour of, the Lenders in its rights and
interests under or pursuant to: (i) this Lease Agreement, (ii) any agreement or document
included within the Security Package, (iii) the Demised Premises, (iv) the Extended
Access Road and the Access Road, (v) the movable, immovable and intellectual property
of the Company, or (vi) the revenues or any of the rights or assets of the Company. The
Company shall not create any security over its rights and interests under this Lease
Agreement without the prior written consent of BPDB except as already provided above.
(b) The Lenders shall have no obligation to BPDB under this Lease Agreement until such
time as the Lenders or their designees succeed to the Company's interests under this
Lease Agreement, whether by exercise of their rights or remediesunder the Financing
Documents or otherwise, in which case the Lenders or their designees shall give written
notice of such succession (a "Succession Notice") to BPDB and assume liability for all
of the Company's obligations under this Lease Agreement, including without limitation
payment of any amounts due and owing to BPDB for payment defaults by the Company
under this Lease Agreement (other than, so long as the liability insurance required by
Section 3.7 has been and is in effect), damages or penalties incurred by the Company
under Section 5.2(b), arising during the period prior to the Lenders' or such designees'
succession to the Company's interests in and under this Lease Agreement, provided that
any liability of the Lenders or their designees shall be strictly limited to the Lenders'
interest in the Demised Premises, the Extended Access Road, the Access Road.

Except as otherwise set forth in the immediately preceding sentence, none of the
Lenders or their designees shall be liable for the performance or observance of any of the
obligations or duties of the Company under this Lease Agreement, nor shall the
assignment by the Company of this Lease Agreement to the Lenders give rise to any
duties or obligations whatsoever on the part of any of the Lenders owing to BPDB.

(c) Upon notification by the Lenders or the Agent to BPDB of the occurrence and
continuance of an event of default under the Financing Documents and the succession of
the Lenders to the Company's interests in and under this Lease Agreement, the Lenders
shall have the right, among others, to: (i) take possession of the Demised Premises and
use the same and the Access Road, the Extended Access Road, for the purposes
permitted under this Lease Agreement; and (ii) cure any continuing Company Event of
Default under this Lease Agreement as provided in Section 7.l(a).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon the delivery of a Succession Notice, the Lenders
shall have no obligation to cure any Company Event of Default occurring before the
delivery of such Succession Notice that is not capable of being cured and no right will
exist for BPDB to terminate this Lease Agreement based upon such Company Event of
Default occurring prior to the delivery of the Lenders' Succession Notice.

Without the requirement of obtaining any further consent from BPDB, upon the exercise
by the Lenders or their designees of any of the remedies set forth in the Financing
Documents, the Lenders may assign their rights and interests and the rights of the
Company under this Lease Agreement to a Transferee acceptable to the GOB so long as
such Transferee shall assume all of the obligations of the Company under this Lease
Land Lease Agreement

Upon such assignment and assumption, the Lenders shall be relieved of all obligations
under this Lease Agreement arising after such assignment and assumption.

(d) As used herein, a "Transferee"shall be a person who: (i) is a company organized under
the Laws of Bangladesh, (ii) either is an experienced and qualified power plant operator
or who shall have agreed to engage the services of a person who is an experienced and
qualified power plant operator, (iii) shall have paid all amounts, if any, then due and
payable to BPDB under this Lease Agreement, and (iv) shall have expressly assumed in
writing for the benefit of BPDB the ongoing obligations of the Company under this Lease

(e) At the request of the Company, delivered to BPDB not less than thirty (30) Days in
advance, BPDB shall execute and deliver at the Financial Closing, all such
-acknowledgments to the Lenders or their designees of any security created in
accordance with this Section 6.2 as are reasonably requested by the Company and the
Lenders to give effect to the foregoing.

(f) Notwithstanding the foregoing, BPDB shall have the right to assign this Lease Agreement
shall be assigned to and assumed by any entity or entities assuming a11 or part of BPDB's
rights and obligations pursuant to the Power Purchase Agreement; provided, that the
GOB without interruption guarantees the performance of PGCB or such other succeeding
entity or entities on the same terms and conditions as the Guarantee or such other
commercial security is provided for the obligations of the succeeding entity or entities that
in the reasonable business judgment of the Company provides an adequate alternative to
the Guarantee and all of BPDB's obligations under this Lease Agreement are assigned
pursuant to law to or contractually assumed, through a novation, by one or more entities,
each of which has the legal capacity and appropriate commercial function to perform
such obligations.
Land Lease Agreement


7.1 Company Events of Default -- Termination by BPDB

(a) BPDB may give notice of default under this Lease Agreement (a "BPDB Notice o f
Default") upon the occurrence of any of the following events ("Company Event of
Default") unless such Company Event of Default results from a breach (a) by BPDB of
this Lease Agreement or the Power Purchase Agreement, (b) by the GOB of the
lmplementation Agreement or the Guarantee, or (c) by the Gas Supplier of the Gas
Supply Agreement:

(0 any statement, representation or warranty by the Company in this Cease

Agreement proving to have been incorrect, in any material respect, when made
or when deemed to have been made and the circumstances that cause such
failure or incorrect statement, representation or warranty to be incorrect having a
material and adverse effect on BPDB's ability to perform its obligations under this
Lease Agreement;

(ii) the failure of the Company to perform its obligations under Sections 3.4(a) and
(b) in accordance with the times specified therein for such performance save to
the extent that such failure is attributable to the occurrence of a Force Majeure

(iii) any other material breach by the Company of this Lease Agreement that is not
remedied within thirty (30) Days after notice from BPDB stating that a material
breach of this Lease Agreement has occurred and is continuing that could result
in the termination of this Lease Agreement, identifying the material breach in
question in reasonable detail, and demanding remedy thereof;

(iv) a termination of the lmplementation Agreement as a result of any cause other

than a GOB Event of Default or a termination of the Power Purchase Agreement
as a result of any cause other than a BPDB Event of Default thereunder or a
termination of the Gas Supply Agreement as a result of any cause other than a
Gas Supplier Event of Default thereunder, and in either case the GOB acquires
all of the Company's rights, title and interests in and to the Facility pursuant to
the provisions of the lmplementation Agreement; or

(v) the failure by the Company to make any payment of the Rent or other charges or
payments required to be made by it hereunder within thirty-five (35) Days of the
due date therefor.

7.2 BPDB Events o f Default --Termination by the Company

(a) The Company may give a notice of default under this Lease Agreement (a "Company
Notice o f Defaultn) upon the occurrence of any of the following events ("BPDB Event o f
Default") unless such BPDB Event of Default results from a breach by the Company of
this Lease Agreement, the Power Purchase Agreement, the lmplementation Agreement
or the Gas Supply Agreement:

0) any statement, representation or warranty by BPDB in this Lease Agreement

proving to have been incorrect, in any material respect, when made or when
deemed to have been made and the circumstance that cause such failure or
incorrect statement, representation or warranty to be incorrect having a material
and adverse effect on the Company's ability to perform its obligations under this
Lease Agreement;
Land Lease Agreement

(ii) any material breach by BPDB of this Lease Agreement that is not remedied
within thirty (30) Days after notice from the Company to BPDB stating that a
material breach of this Lease Agreement has occurred and is continuing that
could result in termination of this Lease Agreement, identifying the material
breach in question in reasonable detail, and demanding remedy thereof;

(iii) the Possession Date does not occur within one hundred and eighty (180) Days of
the Financial Closing Date; or

(iv) a termination of the Implementation Agreement due to a GOB Event of Default or

a termination of the Power Purchase Agreement due to a BPDB Event of Default
thereunder or a termination of the Gas Supply Agreement due to a Gas Supplier
Event of Default thereunder.

Rights and Remedies Upon an Event of Default

(a) Notice of lntent to Terminate

(i) Upon the occurrence of a BPDB Event of Default or a corkany Event of Default,
as the case may be, that is not cured within the applicable period (if any) for cure,
the non-defaulting Party may, at its option, initiate termination of this Lease
Agreement by delivering a notice (a "Notice of lntent to Terminate") of its intent
to terminate this Lease Agreement to the defaulting Party.

(ii) The Notice of lntent to Terminate shall specify in reasonable detail the Company
Event of Default or BPDB Event of Default, as the case may be, giving rise to the
Notice of lntent to Terminate.

(b) Consultation

0) Following the delivery of a Notice of Intent to Terminate, the Parties shall consult
for a period of:

(A) forty-five (45) Days in case of a failure by either Party to make payments
when due, and

(B) ninety (90) Days with respect to any other Event of Default (or in each
case such longer period as the Parties mutually may agree)

as to what steps shall be taken with a view to resolving or mitigating the

consequences of the relevant Event of Default:

(ii) Notwithstanding any such consultations, during the period following the delivery
of the Notice of lntent to Terminate, the Party in default may continue to
undertake efforts to cure the default, and if the default is cured at any time prior
to the delivery of a Termination Notice in accordance with Section 7.3(c), then
the non-defaulting Party shall have no right to terminate this Lease Agreement in
respect of such cured default.
Land Lease Agreement

(c) Termination Notice

Subject to the provisions of Sections 7.4 and 7.6, as the case may be, upon expiration of
the consultation period described in Section 7.3(b) and unless the Parties shall have
otherwise agreed or unless the Event of Default giving rise to the Notice of lntent to
Terminate shall have been remedied, subject to Section 7.4 or Section 7.6, as the case
may be, the Party having given the Notice of lntent to Terminate may terminate this
Lease Agreement by delivery of a Termination Notice to the other Party, whereupon this
Lease Agreement shall immediately terminate immediately upon delivery of such notice
to such other Party.

7.4 Notice to Lenders of Company Event of Default I

(a) No Termination Without Notice to Lenders

Notwithstanding anything in this Lease Agreement, from and after the occurrence of the
Financial Closing Date, BPDB shall not seek to terminate this Lease Agreement without
first giving to the Lenders a copy of any notices given to the Company under Sections 7.1
and 7.3, such notice to be coupled with a request to the Lenders to cure any such default
within the cure period specified in Section 7.3(b) (the "Initial Cure Period"),which period
shall commence upon delivery of each such notice to the Lenders.

(b) Designation of Agent and Notification Procedure

(i) The Lenders will designate in writing to BPDB an agent (the "Agent") and any
notice required hereunder shall be delivered to such Agent, such notice to be
effective upon delivery to the Agent as if delivered to each of the Lenders.

(ii) Each such notice shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been delivered:

(A) when presented personally to the Lenders or the Agent;

(B) when transmitted by BPDB and received by the Lenders or the Agent by
facsimile to the number specified in accordance with the procedure set
forth below: or

(C) five (5) Days after being deposited in a regularly maintained receptacle
for the postal service in Bangladesh, postage prepaid, registered or
certified, return receipt requested, addressed to the Lenders at the
address indicated at Financial Closing (or such other address or to the
Agent at such address as the Lenders may have specified by written
notice delivered in accordance herewith).

Any notice given by facsimile under this Section 7.4 shall be confirmed in writing
delivered personally or sent by prepaid post, but failure to so confirm shall not void or
invalidate the original notice if it is in fact received by the Lender or the Agent.

(iii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the address of the Lenders or Agent is outside
Bangladesh, any notice delivered to the Lender or Agent pursuant to this Section
7.4 shall be:

(A) presented personally or sent by international courier or facsimile; and

(B) if sent by facsimile, confirmed by international courier,

Land Lease Agreement

and the lnitial Cure Period shall commence upon receipt by the Lenders or the Agent of
the notice referenced above.

(iv) The address and facsimile number for the Lenders or Agent shall be provided to
BPDB by the Company at Financial Closing and thereafter may be changed by
the Lenders or the Agent by subsequent delivery of a notice to BPDB at the
address or facsimile number of BPDB set out in Section lO.l(a) (or at such other
address or facsimile number in accordance with Section 7.4(b)(i)) and otherwise
in accordance with the requirements of Section 10.1.

(c) Termination Not Valid Without Notice to Lenders

(i) From and after Financial Closing no rescission or termination of this Lease
Agreement by BPDB (other than as a result of a Company Event of Default under
Section 7.l(a)(iv)) shall be valid or binding upon the Lenders without such notice,
until the expiration of:

(A) the lnitial Cure Period;

(B) the Evaluation Period provided in Section 7.4(d); and

(C) if applicable, the Lenders Cure Period, provided in Section 7.4(e), as

such Lenders Cure Period may be extended.

(ii) The Lenders may make, but shall be under no obligation to make any payment or
perform or procure the performance of any act required to be made or performed
by the Company, with the same effect as if made or performed by the Company.

(d) Failure of Lenders to Cure Default

If the Lenders fail to cure or are unable or unwilling to cure any Company Event of
Default that is required to be cured prior to the expiration of periods referred to above in
this Section 7.4, BPDB shall have all its rights and remedies with respect to such default
as set forth in this Lease Agreement; provided, that:

(i) upon the expiration of the lnitial Cure Period, the Lenders shall have a further
period (the "Evaluation Period") during which the Lenders may evaluate such
Company Event of Default, the condition of the Facility, and other matters
relevant to the actions to be taken by the Lenders concerning such Company
Event of Default, and

(ii) the Evaluation Period shall end on the sooner to occur of:

(A) the delivery by the Lenders to BPDB of a notice that the Lenders have
elected to procure the cure of such Company Event of Default or
otherwise pursue their remedies under the Financing Documents (an
"Election Noticen); and

(B) thirty (30) Days following the end of the Initial Cure Period.

During the Evaluation Period, BPDB's rights and remedies with respect to a Company
Event of Default shall be suspended.
Land Lease Agreement

(e) Delivery of Election Notice

(i) Upon the delivery of the Election Notice, the Lenders shall be permitted an
additional period of one hundred and eighty (180) Days to cure any Company
Event of Default ( the "LendersCure Period").

(ii) During such Lenders Cure Period, BPDB's right to terminate this Lease
Agreement shall be suspended so long as Lenders are diligently:
(A) attempting to procure (other than by the Company, unless the Company
is acting at the direction of the Lenders) the cure of such default; or
(B) pursuing the enforcement of their rights and remedies under the
Financing Documents against the Company.
(f) Expiry of Cure Period
In the event that the Lenders fail to cure any Company Event of Default on or before the
expiration of the Lenders Cure Period, BPDB may exercise its rights and remedies with
respect to such default set forth in this Lease Agreement and BPDB may immediately
terminate this Lease Agreement, and such termination shall be effective on delivery to
the Lenders or the Agent of notice of such termination.
7.5 Notice to the GOB of BPDB's Default

(a) No Tennination Without Notice to the GOB

Notwithstanding anything in this Lease Agreement, the Company shall not seek to
terminate this Lease Agreement as a result of any default of BPDB without first giving a
copy of any notices given to BPDB under Sections 7.2 and 7.3 to the GOB, such notices
to be coupled with a request to the GOB to cure any such default within the same cure
period as provided to BPDB hereunder and such cure period to commence upon delivery
of each such notice to the GOB.

(b) Notification Procedure

Each such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered: (i) when presented personally
to the GOB, (ii) when transmitted by facsimile, or (iii) five ( 5 ) Days after being deposited
in a regularly maintained receptacle for the postal service in Bangladesh, postage
prepaid, registered or certified, return receipt requested, addressed to the GOB, at the
address indicated in Section 17 of the Implementation Agreement (or such other address
as the GOB may have specified by written notice delivered in accordance therewith).

Any notice given by facsimile under this Section 7.5 shall be confirmed in writing
delivered personally or sent by prepaid post, but failure to so confirm shall not void or
invalidate the original notice if it is in fact received by the GOB.

(c) Termination Not Valid Without Notice to the GOB

(i) No rescission or termination of this Lease Agreement by the Company shall be of

any effect without such notice and expiration of such cure period.

(ii) The GOB may make or perform, but shall be under no obligation to make any
payment (other than as required under the Guarantee) or to perform any act
required of BPDB hereunder with the same effect as if the payment or act had
been made or performed by BPDB.
Land Lease Agreement

(d) Failure to Cure Default

0) If the GOB fails to cure or is unable or unwilling to cure a BPDB Event of Default
within the cure periods provided to BPDB under this Lease Agreement, the
Company shall have all its rights and remedies with respect to such default as
set forth in this Lease Agreement:

(ii) Provided, that if the GOB is diligently attempting to cure such default, other than
a payment default of BPDB, and demonstrable progress toward effecting such
cure is being made, the GOB shall be granted an additional period not exceeding
ninety (90) Days to effect such cure before the Company may exercise its rights
and remedies with respect to such default set forth in this Lease Agreement.
Land Lease Agreement


8.1 Obligations Upon Termination

Upon expiration or termination of this Lease Agreement, the Company shall immediately
surrender the Demised Premises and the Parties shall have no further obligations hereunder
except for obligations that arose prior to such expiration or termination and that expressly survive
such expiration or termination pursuant to this Lease Agreement. For each Day following the end
of the Term that the Company has not surrendered possession of the Demised Premises, the
Company shall be a holdover tenant, and the Company shall pay to BPDB the Rent applicable to
the last Contract Year of the Term, divided by three hundred and sixty-five (365) and multiplied by
three (3). The Company irrevocably agrees that this rent is reasonable and constitutes liqyidated
damages to BPDB and is not and shall not be construed to be a penalty.
8.2 Other Remedies

(a) Remedies Cumulative

Except as otherwise provided herein:

(i) the exercise of the right of a Party to terminate this Lease Agreement, as
provided herein, does not preclude such Party from exercising other remedies
that are provided herein or are available at law or in equity; and
(ii) remedies are cumulative, and the exercise of, or failure to exercise, one or more
of them by a Party shall not limit or preclude the exercise of, or constitute a
waiver of, other remedies by such Party.
(b) Limitations of Damages of the Company

Notwithstanding Section 8.2(a), the Parties agree that the Company may be damaged in
amounts that may be difficult or impossible to determine in the event that this Lease
Agreement is terminated by the Company as a result of a BPDB Event of Default.
Therefore, the Parties have agreed that the termination of this Lease Agreement and the
remedies provided therefor under the lmplementation Agreement, including, if applicable,
the termination of the lmplementation Agreement by the Company under Section 13.2 of
the lmplementation Agreement (and the termination of this Lease Agreement under
Section 7.2(a)(iii)) and the payment to the Company by the GOB of the compensation
provided under Section 14.1 of the lmplementation Agreement as a result thereof, is in
lieu of actual damages and any other liquidated damages which may otherwise be
payable under this Lease Agreement in respect of such termination and the collection of
such amount (and, if applicable, the termination of the lmplementation Agreement) is the
sole.remedy of the Company in respect of such termination. The provisions of this
Section 8.2 shall be without prejudice to any right or remedy of the Company which
arises prior to termination of this Lease Agreement.
(c) Limitations of Damages of BPDB
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Lease Agreement, the Parties
agree that, in the event that BPDB terminates this Lease Agreement as a result of a
Company Event of Default under Section 7.l(a)(iii) and the GOB elects to purchase the
Facility and the Company transfers the Facility to the GOB pursuant to Section 14.1 of
the lmplementation Agreement, upon such transfer and payment by the GOB of the
compensation provided under Section 14.1 of the lmplementation Agreement, any claims
by BPDB against or liability of the Company under this Lease Agreement (except as
provided in Section 8.1) shall be fully extinguished and BPDB shall have no further claim
or recourse against the Company under this Lease Agreement. The provisions of this
Section 8.2 shall be without prejudice to any right or remedy of the Company which
arises prior to termination of this Lease Agreement.
Land Lease Agreement


9.1 Governing Law

This Lease Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be
interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of Bangladesh.

9.2 Resolution by Parties

(a) Mutual Discussions

(i) In the event that a Dispute arises, the Parties shall attempt in good faith to settle
such Dispute by mutual discussions within thirty (30) Days after the date that the
disputing Party gives written notice of the Dispute to the other Party identifying
the Dispute in reasonable detail and requesting consultations between the
Parties to resolve the Dispute.

(ii) If the Dispute involves the amount of an invoice and after ten (10) Business Days
of mutual discussion either Party has determined that fudher discussion is not
likely to resolve the Dispute to its satisfaction, such Party may immediately refer
the matter to the Expert for consideration pursuant to Section 9.3.

(b) Referral to Chief Executive Officer

(0 In the event that the Dispute is not resolved in accordance with Section 9.2(a),
either Party may refer the Dispute to the chief executive officer or chief operating
officer of the Company and the designated representative for system operations
of BPDB (or such other official authorised by BPDB) for further consideration.

(ii) In the event that such individuals are unable to reach agreement within fifteen
(15) Days, or such longer period as they may agree, then either Party may refer
the matter to an Expert in accordance with Section 9.3 or, if the Dispute is not of
a type required to be referred to an Expert under Section 9.3, commence
arbitration of the Dispute in accordance with Section 9.4.

9.3 Mediation by Expert

(a) In the event that the Parties are unable to resolve a Dispute in accordance with Section
9.2, then either Party, in accordance with this Section 9.3, may refer the Dispute to an
Expert for consideration of the Dispute and to obtain a recommendation from the Expert
as to the resolution of the Dispute.

(b) The Party initiating submission of the Dispute to the Expert shall provide the other Party
with a notice stating that it is submitting the Dispute to an Expert and nominating the
person it proposes to be the Expert. The other Party shall, within fifteen (15) Days of
receiving such notice, notify the initiating Party whether such person is acceptable. If the
Party receiving such notice fails to respond or notifies the initiating Party that the person
is not acceptable, the Parties shall meet and discuss in good faith for a period of ten (10)
Days to agree upon a person to be the Expert. If the Parties are unable to agree within
such ten (10) Day period, the Expert shall be selected by the International Chamber of
Commerce following a request of either Party.
Land Lease Agreement

(c) Consideration of the Dispute by an Expert shall be initiated by the Party who is seeking
consideration of the Dispute by the Expert submitting to both the Expert and the other
Party written materials setting forth:

(i) a description of the Dispute;

(ii) a statement of the Party's position; and

(iii) copies of records supporting the Party's position.

(d) Within ten (10) Days of the date that a Party has submitted the materials described in
Section 9.3(c), the other Party may submit to the Expert: I

(i) a description of the Dispute;

(ii) a statement of the Party's position; and

(iii) copies of any records supporting the Party's position.

(e) The Expert shall consider any such information submitted by the responding Party within
the period provided in Section 9.3(d) and, in the Expert's discretion, may consider any
additional information submitted by either Party at a later date.

(9 The Parties shall not be entitled to apply for discovery of documents, but shall be entitled
to have access to the other Party's relevant records and to receive copies of the records
submitted by the other Party.

(g) Each Party shall designate one person knowledgeable about the issues in Dispute who
shall be available to the Expert to answer questions and provide any additional
information requested by the Expert. Except for such person, a Party shall not be
required to, but may, provide oral statements or presentations to the Expert or make any
particular individuals available to the Expert.

(h) Except as provided in Section 9.3(j) with respect to the payment of costs, the
proceedings shall be without prejudice to any Party and any evidence given or
statements made in the course of this process may not be used against a Party in any
other proceedings. The process shall not be regarded as an arbitration and the laws
relating to commercial arbitration shall not apply. Except as expressly provided otherwise
in this Lease Agreement or unless the Parties agree in writing signed by both Parties at
the time the Expert is selected stating that the decision of the Expert will be binding (in
which case the determination of the Expert shall be binding), the determination of the
Expert shall not be binding.

(i) When consideration of the Dispute by an Expert is initiated, the Expert shall be requested
to provide a recommendation within fifteen (15) Days after the ten (10) Day response
period provided in Section 9.3(d) above has run. If the Expert's recommendation is given
within such fifteen (15) Day period, or if the Expert's recommendation is given at a later
time and neither Party has at such time initiated any other proceeding concerning the
Dispute, except for such Disputes where the Expert's determination is final and binding
on the Parties, the Parties shall review and discuss the recommendation with each other
in good faith for a period of ten (10) Days following delivery of the recommendation
before proceeding with any other actions.
Land Lease Agreement

(j) If a Party does not accept the recommendation of the Expert with respect to the Dispute,
except for such Disputes where the Expert's determination is final and binding on the
Parties, it may initiate arbitration proceedings in accordance with Section 9.4; provided,
that prior to initiating the arbitration proceedings it shall have paid all costs of the Expert
(including the reimbursement of any costs paid to the Expert by the other Party) and all
out-of-pocket costs of the other Party. Similarly if the Expert has not submitted its
recommendation within the time period provided in Section 9.3(i), a Party may initiate
arbitration proceedings in accordance with Section 9.4; provided, that prior to initiating
the arbitration proceedings it shall have paid all costs of the Expert (including the
reimbursement of any costs paid to the Expert by the other Party). Notwithstanding the
foregoing provisions of this Section 9.3(j), the Parties shall be bound by the decision of
the Expert pending resolution of the Dispute by arbitration and shall not be excused from
performance or be entitled to additional time for performance by reason of the Ekpert's
decision and any discrepancy in respect thereof or the instigation of such arbitration.

(k) Except as provided in Section 9.3(j), the costs of engaging an Expert shall be borne
equally by the Parties, and each Party shall bear its own costs in preparing materials for,
and making presentations to, the Expert.

9.4 Arbitration

(a) The Parties agree that any Dispute that has not been resolved following the procedures
described in Section 9.2 and 9.3 shall (subject only to the provisions of Section 9.4(b)) be
finally settled by means of arbitration, which, except as provided in Section 9.4(b), shall
be in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings, hereinafter
referred to as the "ICSID Rules", from time to time, of the lnternational Centre for the
Settlement of lnvestment Disputes hereinafter referred to as the "Centre" established
pursuant to the Convention on the Settlement of lnvestment Disputes between States
and Nationals of other States 1965 hereinafter referred to as the "Conventionn, and,
except as provided in Section 9.4(b), the Parties accordingly irrevocably and
unconditionally agree to submit themselves and any such Dispute to the jurisdiction of the
Centre. For the purposes specified in Articles 25(1) and 25(2)(b) of the Convention with
respect to the jurisdiction of the Centre pursuant to the Convention, the Parties agree that
(a) any such Dispute is a legal dispute arising directly out of an investment between a
Contracting State and a national of another Contracting State and (b) the Company is
and shall at all times remain a national of another Contracting State by reason of foreign
control unless and until (by reason only of the voluntary sale or transfer of any part of the
Ordinary Share Capital by Foreign Investors) the amount of the Ordinary Share Capital
held by Foreign Investors amounts in aggregate to less than fifty-one (51%) of the
Ordinary Share Capital of the Company. Where there is a reduction in the amount of
Ordinary Share Capital other than by reason of such voluntary sale or transfer, such
reduction shall not be included in the determination of the percentage ownership of
Ordinary Share Capital by Foreign Investors.

(b) In the event that (i) any request for arbitration made in pursuance of Section 9.4(a) and
Article 6 of the Convention is not registered by the Secretary-General under Article 36(3)
of the Convention or (ii) the Centre or the arbitral tribunal fails or refuses to assume or to
exercise jurisdiction or to continue to exercise jurisdiction with respect to any Dispute
referred to it or (iii) for any other reason the Dispute cannot be finally determined by
arbitral proceedings pursuant to the ICSlD Rules, then any such Dispute shall be
determined by means of arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the
International Chamber of Commerce (the "ICC Rules");provided, that, notwithstanding
the foregoing, any arbitration to be conducted in Dhaka, Bangladesh pursuant to this
Section 9.4 shall be carried out under the provisions of Bangladesh Arbitration Act of
2001, (Act l of 2001).
Land Lease Agreement

(c) Any arbitral proceeding under this Section 9.4 shall be conducted in Dhaka, Bangladesh;
provided, that if the Company desires that the arbitration be conducted outside of
Bangladesh, the arbitration shall be carried out at the seat of the Singapore International
Arbitration Centre in the Republic of Singapore and the Company shall pay all of BPDB's
costs of the arbitration, as and when incurred by BPDB, including the out of pocket costs
of the arbitration of BPDB in excess of the costs that would have been otherwise incurred
by BPDB had the arbitration been conducted in Dhaka, Bangladesh (the "lncremental
Costsn). The arbitrator shall resolve any Disputes as to whether a cost would have been
incurred in connection with the arbitration in Dhaka, Bangladesh or are lncremental
Costs. The arbitrator may order that BPDB bear its own lncremental Costs in part or in
full if he finds that BPDB's claim or defence in the arbitration was spurious and without
any merit whatsoever, and BPDB shall pay the amount ordered; provided, however, that
if a matter in Dispute involves a sum of ten million Dollars (US$ 10,000,000) or mbre, or
the legality, validity or enforceability of this Lease Agreement, or the termination of this
Lease Agreement, the arbitration shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, be
conducted in Singapore, and, in such case, each Party shall pay its own costs of
arbitration as and when incurred, unless such costs are ordered by the arbitrator to be
paid by one Party, in which case they shall be paid by such Party.

(d) The Parties agree that the arbitral tribunal constituted in pursuance of a request for
arbitration made under Sections 9.4(a) or (b), shall consist of a sole arbitrator who shall
be a person who has held judicial office for a period of not less than three (3) years in a
court of record in England or in a jurisdiction whose laws are substantially derived from
the common law of England. The Parties further agree that, except in the case of an
appointment made by the Chairman of the Administrative Council pursuant to Article 38
of the Convention and Rule 4(1) of the ICSlD Rules, any person appointed as sole
arbitrator need not be a person designated to serve on the Panel of Arbitrators
constituted under Section 4 of Chapter I of the Convention.

(e) No arbitrator appointed pursuant to this Section 9.4 shall be a national or resident of the
jurisdiction of either Party or of any shareholder or group of shareholders owning directly
or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the Ordinary Share Capital, nor shall any such
arbitrator be an employee or agent or former employee or agent of or have any material
interest in the business of or in any Party or any such person.

(9 Subject (in the case of arbitral proceedings under Section 9.4(a)) to the provision of
Section 5 of Chapter IV of the Convention and Chapter VII of the ICSlD Rules, each
Party hereby irrevocably undertakes (i) to treat any arbitral award or procedural order
made by the arbitral tribunal constituted pursuant to this Section 9.4 as final and binding
and (ii) undertakes to comply with and to carry out any such arbitral award or procedural
order, fully and without delay.

(g) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 47 of the Convention and Rule 39 of ICSlD
Rules (in the case of any arbitral proceeding begun in pursuance of Section 9.4(a)), the
Parties agree that the arbitral tribunal may, upon the application of either Party, order a
Party or the Parties to take such interim measure or measures of protection as the
arbitral tribunal may consider necessary with respect to the subject matter of the Dispute
or any ancillary claim referred to it, the maintenance or efficient conduct of the arbitration
or the preservation of the rights and interests of any Party under or with respect to this
Lease Agreement and the arbitration agreements set forth in this Section 9.4, including,
without limitation, the making of an order requiring any Party to refrain from filing or
pursuing or to terminate or withdraw any action, suit or proceeding in any court of
competent jurisdiction or, to the extent not prohibited by law, other authority which has
(directly or indirectly) a connection with the subject matter of the arbitral proceeding or
jurisdiction relating to such subject matter, and the Parties agree to abide by and comply
with such order(s).
Land Lease Agreement

(h) Until such time as any arbitral proceedings begun in pursuance of Sections 9.4(a) or (b)
have been finally concluded (and, for this purpose, all rights of appeal, if any, shall have
been exhausted), each Party irrevocably agrees not to initiate any proceedings, file any
action or suit in any court of competent jurisdiction or before any judicial or other authority
arising under, out of, in connection with or relating to this Lease Agreement, the
arbitration agreements set forth in this Section 9.4, any Dispute (whether or not any such
Dispute shall have been referred to arbitration in pursuance of Sections 9.4(a) and (b)),
the subject matter of any Dispute or any arbitral proceeding begun in pursuance of
Sections 9.4(a) or (b), including without limitation (i) proceedings brought with a view to
recourse or appeal against or revision or the annulment of any arbitral award or
procedural order made by the arbitral tribunal or proceedings or (ii) proceedings in which
relief or remedy is sought by way of injunction or other judicial order (interlocutory or final)
which would have the effect (directly or indirectly) of restraining or impeding the
maintenance or prosecution by either Party of any arbitral proceeding initiated in
pursuance of Sections 9.4(a) or (b), except proceedings brought exclusively for the
purpose of recognition and enforcement of any arbitral award or procedural order made
by the arbitral tribunal.

(i) The language of the arbitration shall be English.

9.5 Commercial Acts; Sovereign Immunity; Jurisdiction

(a) BPDB unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that the execution, delivery and
performance by it of this Lease Agreement constitute private and commercial acts. In
furtherance of the foregoing, BPDB hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that:

(i) should any proceedings be brought against BPDB in Bangladesh or in any

jurisdiction where any material assets or property of BPDB is located or against
BPDB's assets, other than electric generation assets and equipment, electric
distribution assets, other any assets or property of a type protected by the
diplomatic and consular privileges under the Immunity Act, 1978 of the United
Kingdom or the Sovereign Immunities Act, 1976 of the United States or any
analogous legislation (collectively, the "Protected Assetsn) to enforce any award
or decision of any arbitrator(s) who were duly appointed under this Lease
Agreement to resolve a Dispute between the Parties, no claim of immunity from
such proceedings will be claimed by or on behalf of BPDB on behalf of itself or
any of its assets (other than the Protected Assets).

(ii) it waives any right of immunity which it or any of its assets (other than the
Protected Assets) now has or may in the future have in any jurisdiction in
connection with any such proceedings; and

(iii) it consents generally to the jurisdiction of any court of competent jurisdiction

(including courts in Bangladesh) for any action filed by the Company to enforce
any award or decision of any arbitrator who was duly appointed under this Lease
Agreement to resolve any Dispute between the Parties (including without
limitation, the making, enforcement or execution against or in respect of any of its
assets (other than the Protected Assets) regardless of its use or intended use)
and specifically waives any objection that any such action or proceeding was
brought in an inconvenient forum and agrees not to plead or claim the same.
BPDB agrees that service of process in any such action or proceeding may be
effected in any manner permitted by the law applicable to the aforementioned
Land Lease Agreement

9.6 Company's Consent to Jurisdiction

(a) The Company hereby unconditionally and irrevocably consents generally to the
jurisdiction with respect to itself and all of its assets and property that it now has or may
thereafter acquire of the courts of any competent jurisdiction, including the courts in
Bangladesh, for any action or proceeding filed by BPDB to enforce any award or decision
of any arbitrator(s) or Expert who were duly appointed under this Lease Agreement to
resolve any Dispute between the Parties. The Company waives any objection that it may
now or hereafter have to the venue of any action or proceeding brought as consented to
in this Section 19.6 and specifically waives any objection that any such action or
proceeding was brought in an inconvenient forum and agrees not to plead or claim the
same. The Company agrees that service of process in any such action or proceeding
may be effected in any manner permitted by the law applicable to the aforementioned
court. The Company irrevocably waives any and all rights it may have to enforce any
judgment or claim against the Protected Assets in the courts of any jurisdiction

(b) For the avoidance of doubt any dispute or difference between the Parties as to whether
either Party has complied with the affirmation set out in Section 9.5 or this Section 9.6 or
both shall be referred for determination under Section 9.3 and shall fall within the
definition of Dispute.
Land Lease Agreement


10.1 Notices

(a) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Lease Agreement, all notices or other
communications to be given or made hereunder shall be in writing, shall be addressed for
the attention of the persons indicated below and shall either be delivered personally or
sent by courier, registered or certified mail or facsimile. The addresses for service of the
Parties and their respective facsimile numbers shall be:


Address: Summit Centre,l8,Karwan Bazar C/A,Dhaka-1215 I
Facsimile: +88029130853-54

If to BPDB: Bangladesh Power Development Board

Address: 1'' Floor, WAPDA Building, Motijheel CIA
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh . -
Attention: Secretary
Facsimile: (880) 2-956-6765

With a copy to:

(b) All notices shall be deemed delivered when

(9 presented personally;
(ii) if received on a business day for the receiving Party when transmitted by
facsimile to the receiving Party's facsimile number specified above; and if
received on a Day that is not a Business Day for the receiving Party, on the first
Business Day following the date transmitted by facsimile to the receiving Party's
facsimile number specified above;
(iii) one (1) Business Day after being delivered to a courier for overnight delivery,
addressed to the receiving Party, at the address indicated above (or such other
address as such Party may have specified by written notice delivered to the
delivering Party at its address or facsimile number specified above in accordance
herewith); and
(iv) five (5) Days after being deposited in a regularly maintained receptacle for the
postal service in Bangladesh, postage prepaid, registered or certified, return
receipt requested, addressed to the receiving Party, at the address indicated
above (or such other address as the receiving Party may have specified by
written notice delivered to the delivering Party at its address or facsimile number
specified above in accordance herewith).
(c) Any notice given by facsimile shall be confirmed in writing delivered personally or sent by
registered or certified mail, but the failure to so confirm shall not void or invalidate the
original notice if it is in fact received by the Party to which it is addressed.
(d) Either Party may by not less than ten (10) days' prior written notice change the
addressees andlor addresses to which such notices and communications to it are to be
delivered or mailed.

10.2 Amendment
This Lease Agreement can be amended only by agreement between the Parties in writing,
executed by a duly authorised representative of each of the Parties.
Land Lease Agreement

Third Parties
This Lease Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the Parties and, except for rights
expressly granted to the Lenders, nothing in this Lease Agreement shall be construed to create
any duty or any liability to or any right of suit or action whatsoever, to any person not a Party.
No Waiver
(a) The failure or delay of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this
Lease Agreement, or to require at any time performance by the other Party of any
provision hereof, shall neither be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor affect
the validity of this Lease Agreement or any part hereof or the right of such Party
thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.
(b) No waiver by either Party of any default or defaults by the other Party in the performance
of any of the provisions of this Lease Agreement:
(1) shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or further default or
defaults whether of a like or different character; or
(ii) shall be effective unless in writing duly executed by a duly authorised
representative of such Party.
Cancellation, expiration, termination of this Lease Agreement or arbitration of disputes shall not
relieve the Parties of obligations that by their nature should survive such cancellation, expiration
or termination, including, without limitation, warranties, remedies, promises of indemnity and
The language of this Lease Agreement shall be English. All documents, notices, waivers and all
other communication written or otherwise between the Parties in connection with this Lease
Agreement shall be in English.
This Lease Agreement and the Schedules attached hereto are intended by the Parties as the final
expression of their agreement and are intended also as a complete and exclusive statement of
the terms of their agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof. All prior written or oral
understandings, offers or other communications of every kind are hereby abrogated and
Successors and Assigns
This Lease Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the Parties and their
respective permitted successors and permitted assigns.
Double Jeopardy
A final, non-appealable order issued in a proceeding initiated by the GOB and based on a claim
of breach of the Implementation Agreement shall be with prejudice to any proceedings against
the Company that BPDB could othebise bring for breach by the Company of substantially the
same obligations under this Lease Agreement. Nothing in this Section 10.9 shall prevent BPDB
and the GOB from separately initiating proceedings to terminate this Lease Agreement and the
lmplementation Agreement, respectively, pursuant to Section 7.4 and Sections 13.1 and 13.3 of
the lmplementation Agreement.
This Lease Agreement is executed in English in counterparts and all so executed counterparts
shall constitute one agreement binding on both Parties.

The CommentsNetting to be provided by the Ministry of Law & Parliamentary Affairs, Ministry of
Commerce and National Board of Revenue will be a part of this Contract.
Land Lease Agreement

IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and delivered this Lease Agreement as of the date
first above written.



Name: By:
Title: Name: I

Land Lease Agreement



~pproximatel$a0 acres land will be provided in "as is" condition for the Facility. Required land
development including leveling filling to the final elevation, soil compaction, river bank protection (if
applicable) will be performed by the Company.


An access road will be required to be constructed by the Company from the end of the existing Access
Road to the Demised Premises. The Extended Access Road will need to be elevated above the highest
flood level.
Land Lease Agreement


1. The rent payable for the Demised Premises (the "Rent") shall be Taka four million (Tk. 4,000,000)
per Contract Year for the first five (5) Contract Years commencing on the Possession Date. At the
end of each fifth Contract Year thereafter, the Rent payable for the next five (5) Contract Years
shall be automatically increased by an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the Rent payable
in each of the immediately preceding five (5) Contract Years. The increased Rent amount shall
be applicable (without any further increase until the expiry of another five (5) Contract Years
thereafter) for the next five (5) Contract Years.

2. The Rent for each Contract Year shall be payable by the Company in two equal semiannual
installments, one on the 1'' Day of the relevant Contract Year and the other on the I* Day of the
seventh (7'" month of each Contract Year; provided always that the first payment of Rent shall be
made by the Company only seven (7) Days after the Possession Date.

3. .-
In case of default in paying any installment or installments, the Company shall pay interest at the
Bank Rate plus four percent (4%) per annum until full realization.

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