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Case 3:18-mj-00802-RSE Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 1 of 10 PageID #: 1

A091 (Rev. II/II) Criminal Compl aint


for the
Western Di stri ct of Kentucky
United States of America )
DEC 20 2018
Amir Karat
3:l f-- }'17- ~o,z._

I, the complainant in this case, state that the fo llowing is true to the best of my knowledge and bel ief.
On or about the date(s) of October 25, 2018 in the county of Jefferson in the
Western District of Kentucky , the defendant(s) vio lated:

Code Section Offense Description

Title 21, United States Code, Possession With Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance
Section 841

This criminal complai nt is based on these facts:

See attached.

-if Continued on the attached sheet.

Sgt. Thomas D. Schardein, TFO-DEA

Printed name and title

Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.

Date: 12/20/2018 ~l ~ Judge's signature

City and state: Louisville, KY Regina S. Edwards, U.S. Magistrate Judge

Printed name and title
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I. I am an investigative or law enforcement officer who is employed by the Louisville Metro

Police Department (LMPD) and have been employed as such since November 1999. Your affiant
is currently assigned to the Louisville Metro Police Departments Narcotics Division and in that
capacity has worked the below detailed investigation jointly with members of the United States
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Louisville Division. Your affiant is a provisional Task
Force Officer assigned to assist the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.

2. Your affiant has received specialized training in the enforcement of laws concerning
controlled substances. Your affiant has testified in judicial proceedings for violations of controlled
substance laws in both State and Federal Courts. Your affiant also has been involved in various
types of electronic surveillance, and in the debriefing of defendants and informants, as well as
others who have knowledge of the distribution and transportation of controlled substances, and of
the laundering and concealing of proceeds from drug trafficking.

3. During the course of my career I have received law enforcement training on surveillance
techniques, arrest and control techniques, interview and interrogation techniques, report writing,
confidential source management, and drug identification.

4. Prior to my promotion to Sergeant with in the Louisville Metro Police Department I served
in a variety of investigative capacities which include, but are not limited to the following:

• Baker District 4 th Platoon (Flex) Detective assigned to work street level narcotics

• Baker District Detective assigned to work general crimes against properties and

• Task Force Officer assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force assigned to
work assigned investigations under the purview of the FBI-JTTF.

• 5th Division Flex Detective assigned to work street level narcotics investigations.

5. Following my promotion to Sergeant, I was assigned to the LMPD 8th Division as a Patrol
Sergeant, and later was assigned as the supervisor of the Impact Platoon and later as the Detective
Sergeant. I was then selected for the position of supervisor of the LMPD Intelligence Unit, which
was later merged into the LMPD Narcotics Major Case Unit. In February of 2018, I assumed
command of LMPD Narcotics Drug Diversion Unit.

6. During my employment as a sworn officer, I have personally been involved in several

investigations related to drug trafficking. I have also participated in interviews of suspects
involved in the possession and sale of illegal drugs. I regularly use confidential sources and
conduct surveillance of persons involved in the possession and distribution of controlled
substances. Further, I have participated in the execution of arrests and search warrants for persons
and places connected with the possession, manufacture, and distribution of controlled substances
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to include, but not to be limited to, cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids
(Spice) and heroin.

7. This affidavit is submitted in support of an application for a criminal complaint for Amir
KARAT for a violation of Title 21 U.S.C. § 841 , possession with the intent to distribute a
controlled substance, which consisted of an undetermined quantity of counterfeit Percocet's
believed to have been manufactured with fentanyl or a fentanyl analog. 1

8. This investigation is based on the overdose death investigation of Derrick ELDER by

LMPD as detailed in the initial death investigation. The initial report, prepared by Detective
Matthew Crouch reads, " Witness found victim unresponsive and notified 911. EMS and the
Coroner responded and pronounced the victim deceased. After notifying 911 about her husband
being unresponsive, the witness searched his cell phone and found recent texts about him
purchasing narcotics. Coroner Pryse responded. An Autopsy and a toxicology will be performed.
Victim's cell phone was collected."

9. On November 2, 2018 Sgt. Schardein made telephonic contact with JE the spouse of
Derrick ELDER (whose identity has been made known). During this conversation the following
information was obtained:

• ELDER and JE have been married for approximately three months, however, have been
"a couple" for several years. They have one child and JE is currently three months
pregnant as of the writing of this report.

• ELDER had multiple past surgeries stemming from having played college football for
Western Kentucky University.

• ELDER had admitted to his spouse in the past to having become addicted to pain killers
(Opiates) following these surgeries and was believed to use these pain killers to self-
manage his pain and discomfort.

• JE was unaware of who ELDER ' s source of supply may have been.

• ELDER was employed at a restaurant known as LE MOO, located at 2300 Lexington

Road, Louisville, Kentucky as a server.

• ELDER was very close with the bartender at LE MOO known to JE only as "Amir".

• JE stated that "Amir" did not attend the funeral, which was' odd and out of character.

This is based upon information obtained during the investigation and referenced Paragraph # 13 of this affidavit and
the stored communications between telephones 502-762-7066 and 502-807-2293 , it is believed that Amir KARAT
supplied the fatal dose to ELDER.

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10. An initial review was conducted revealing that the cellphone of Derrick ELDER contained
a large amount of stored text (SMS/IMS) data. One specific series of text between ELDER and
telephone number 502-807-2293 indicates that the owner of 502-807-2293 had narcotics
involvement with ELDER. 2

11. A query of the Calls for Service in the LMPD !LEADS system indicates that telephone
502-807-2293 revealed the following:

a. April 3, 2017 at 00:21 , a caller identified only as "Amir", utilized telephone 502-807-
2293 for a Call for Service.

b. August 27, 2017 at 22:29, a caller identified as Amir KARET (spelling as listed in
under the run report), utilized telephone 502-807-2293, and reported a hit and run accident.

12. A further review of the LMPD !LEADS system revealed that Amir KARAT has
documented involvements in the !LEADS system for what appear to be minor traffic offenses.
This review provided the following additional identifying data:

KARAT, Amir, white male, 6'01 " , 240 lbs, born **** 1983, with a Social Security
Number ending in 5322. A possible address of 5606 Kasey Way, Louisville, Kentucky
40291 was documented in the !LEADS system.

13. A review of the initial download of ELDER' s cellular telephone, with telephone number
502-762-7066, revealed a very large number of stored communications. An initial review revealed
the below communication between ELDER (telephone 502-762-7066) and 502-807-2293 which
showed no stored contact information .

Start Time:
I 0/23/2018 6:21
I 0/23/2018
I 0/23/2018
I 0/23/2018


Body of Message

Lmk tomorrow how many percs you want

I got 150 ofem
I want a lot
10/23/2018 15:59 5027627066 5028072293 You working tonight?
10/23/2018 17:13 5027627066 5028072293 U up yet?
I 0/23/2018 18 :28 5027627066 5028072293 Bring some to work .. .
I 0/23/2018 18 :28 2 5027627066 5028072293 Please
10/23/2018 18 :28 3 5028072293 5027627066 They are at Ahmed ' s bar
10/23/2018 18 :28 4 5028072293 5027627066 How
May you want
I 0/23/2018 18 :28 5 5027627066 5028072293 How much are they?
10/23/2018 18:28 6 5028072293 5027627066 I think be wants ten a piece but maybe if you buy ten
they can be nine
I 0/23/2018 18 :28 7 5027627066 5028072293 I' ll take IO then
I 0/23/2018 18:28 8 5027627066 5028072293 And more come Thursday if they are still around?
I 0/23/20 I 8 18:28 9 5028072293 5027627066 1 texted him if anything we get it later

As detailed below, the investigation has revealed that Amir KARAT is associated with telephone # 502-807-2293.

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I 0/23/2018 19:09 5027627066 5028072293 Would love you ifwe can get somehow before work
I 0/23/2018 19: 12 5028072293 5027627066 Nope
I 0/23/2018 19: 12 2 5028072293 5027627066 Running late
I 0/23/2018 19: 12 .,,., 5027627066 5028072293 I' II stop by and get them just a thought
10/23/2018 19:12 4 5028072293 5027627066 Loi bro I am at work and he is likely sleeping till later
10/24/2018 19:06 5028072293 5027627066 When do you want these
10/24/2018 19:06 2 5028072293 5027627066 And how many
I 0/24/2018 22:43 5027627066 5028072293 lfthey are $8 I' ll take 25 if there 9 or $10 I' ll take 20
I 0/24/2018 22 :43 2 5027627066 5028072293 And l'II take them tomorow!
10/25/2018 18:42 5028072293 5027627066 I got your shit
10/25/2018 18:42 2 5028072293 5027627066 26 on me

14. Based upon my training and experience, it is believed that the text messages refer to the
illegal purchase of percs ("Percocet"). 3

15. On November 8, 2018 at 17:44 hours, Sergeant ("Sgt.") Schardein and Special Agent
("SA") Nathan Mills (DEA) met with JE, spouse of Derrick ELDER, and SEA, a relative of
Derrick ELDER (whose identity has been made known) at the LMPD Narcotics Division. The
following information was obtained during the interview, however may not have been obtained in
the order it is documented below:

• When shown a photo of Amir KARAT provided by the Real Time Crime Center,
Jessica Elder identified it to be the subject she knows only as Amir. ELDER reiterated
that suspicion had been raised when KARAT had not come to the funeral or visitation
which was odd because he was one of ELDER' s closest friends.

• ELDER never indicated to his spouse from whom he purchased pills.

• SEA stated that Amir contacted him/her from 502-807-2293 and stated he (KARAT)
had not contacted JE. JEr stated that KARAT sounded super panicky and stated he
(KARAT) wanted to know "it is was true" that ELDER had passed away. Further
SEA stated that KARAT had texted him/her. SEA provided screen shots of these
communications to law enforcement which have been attached to the investigative file.

16. On November 11, 2018 Sgt. Schardein was telephonically contacted by SWM, a family
friend (whose identity has been made known), and who provided the following information.

• SWM stated that on November 4, 2018 he/she attended a fundraiser designed to raise
money in honor of Derrick ELDER at Le Moo. Following a dinner, he/she had stayed
and went to the bar area. While at the bar area he/she was seated with a subject known
to him/her only as Amir.

Percocet is the brand name of the combination of Acetaminophen and Oxycodone, which is prescribed to treat
moderate to severe pain. Currently Oxycodone is a Schedule II narcotics.

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• During this time Amir (KARAT), unprompted, stated that he (KARAT) was aware
that ELDER had "a problem" with pills and that when he (ELDER) was unable to get
them he (ELDER) would have symptoms of opiate detox to include being sweaty, anxious
and complaining of discomfort.

• SWM stated that he (KARAT) told her he "didn' t have anything to do with this"
(meaning the death of ELDER).

• Amir (KARAT) further stated he (KARAT) was aware that ELDER was obtaining
pills from "a bus boy", however did not identify the busboy.

• Amir (KARAT) also stated he had spoken with law enforcement already. 4

• SMW stated that he/she does not know Amir (KARAT), having only met him at the
wedding of Jessica and Derrick in July and felt it is odd that he would speak as openly
as he did.

17. A further review of the text messages, detailed in paragraph 13, between KARAT and
ELDER indicated that KARAT had to go to Ahmed ' s Bar to pick up pills that were ultimately
sold to ELDER.

18. During a review of the information collected it was determined that KARAT had contact
with telephone number of 502-439-9453 which was found to be subscribed an Ahmed AL-
MUHT ASEB. Ahmed AL-MUHTASEB is known to LMPD to the be the owner operator of Vis-
a-vis Bar & Grill located at 1164 South 3rd Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40203. Furthermore, a
Google search of the telephone number indicated 502-439-9453 was listed as the number for the
business as well.

19. A review of the telephone data obtained by administrative subpoena for 502-807-2293,
which is the phone utilized by KARAT indicated that between October 10, 2018 and October 25,
2018 there six (6) confirmed contacts between KARAT and the telephone of502-439-9453 , which
is one of the telephones identified as being utilized by Ahmed AL-MUHTASEB. It should be
noted that at least two (2) of these contacts appear to have occurred on October 25, 2018 (which
is referenced in paragraph 13).

20. During a routine de-confliction check, it was learned that Detective Brad Beckham (LMPD
Narcotics Major Case Unit) had an active criminal investigation involving Ahmed "Mikey" AL-
MUHTASEB and others who are believed to be trafficking in quantities of cocaine, heroin, and
"repressed" pills. At this time Sgt. Schardein and Detective Beckham exchanged investigative
information. It was agreed that Sgt. Schardein would take no investigative or enforcement action
against KARAT until Detective Beckham was prepared for enforcement actions against Ahmed
AL-MUHTASAB and others.

During this investigation , and the interviews with KARAT there has been no evi dence that KARAT had spoken with
Law Enforcement before his interview by Sgt. Schardein and SA Mills on November 30, 20 I 8.

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21. On November 12, 2018 Sgt. Schardein provided official currency to Detective Beckham
for a controlled buy of suspected repressed pills. Detective Beckham utilized a Confidential
Informant (hereinafter referred to as CI) to meet with Ahmed AL-MUHTASEB, and conducted a
controlled buy of 150 Round Yellow Pills marked with C-230. 5 The pi ll s have been directed to
the Kentucky State Police Forensic lab for testing. As of the preparation of this affidavit there are
no published results of any testing in the Kentucky State Police BEAST system.

22. On November 27, 2018 Detective Beckham of the LMPD Narcotics Major Case Unit
executed a series of search warrants associated with Ahmed AL-MUHTASEB and others. These
warrants resulted in the recovery of a large pill press, suspected fentanyl powder and other
narcotics. In addition the "die" used to manufacture the illicit pills was recovered from one of the
search warrant locations. These items and other evidence have been processed into the LMPD
property room for normal testing by the Kentucky State Police Laboratory. As of the preparation
of this affidavit there are no published results of any testing of these items.

23. On November 30, 2018 Sgt. Schardein and SA Nate Mills travelled to Le Moo Restaurant.
Sgt. Schardein and SA Mills were introduced to Amir KARAT, who asked why Law Enforcement
wanted to speak with him. Sgt. Schardein and SA Mills explained that the investigation was a
follow up to the death investigation concerning Derrick ELDER. KARAT agreed to speak with
law enforcement and led Sgt. Schardein and SA Mills to a semi private dining area.

24. Sgt. Schardein explained to KARAT that the interview would be recorded and asked if
that was acceptable and KARAT agreed he was "OK" with being recorded. KARAT provided
the following information, which may not be detailed in the exact order in which it was obtained:

• KARAT stated ELDER had started working at Le Moo Restaurant for a period of nine
(9) months to twelve (12) months but was not sure if ELDER had been employed under
a previous management team, or during the last holiday season.

• KARAT described being very close to ELDER while at work and then said there was
a period when KARAT's car had broken down. During that time ELDER, who had
lived in the same area as KARAT, would give KARAT rides to and from work at Le
Moo. KARAT then said, "Other than that we hung out with his wife, maybe once,
after his wedding in Nashville. And then they announced their pregnancy of course
and all of that." KARAT described being closer to ELDER at work than away from

• When asked, KARAT stated that ELDER drank a lot, and had talked about taking pain
killers while playing college football , for pain relief. KARAT stated he was unsure
when, or how much, ELDER took, but was aware of ELDER having an issue with
substance abuse but stated he never got a full disclosure about that one. KARAT said
he believed ELDER was good about hiding the substance abuse. KARAT stated that
he was aware that ELDER had taken Percocet following a car wreck.

A review of indicates ye llow pills marked C-230 are typically identified as a narcotic analges ic
combination containing Acetaminophen and Oxycodone Hydrochloride 325mg/ l 0mg.

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• KARAT began to describe ELDER as being a "Heavy Dude" and stated he felt that
ELDER working at Le Moo may have "been worse for him" . KARAT stated ELDER
worked a lot and would often be sweating and explained that the restaurant can be a
hot environment. KARAT then stated that ELDER would always drink large cans of
NOS and would often have two (2) cans a day. 6

• At this point Sgt Schardein asked KARAT, "Who is Ahmed?". KARAT then stated
"Ahmed works down .... Ahh he owns the Hookah Lounge I believe." KARAT when
asked stated that the business was located on 3 rd Street and Oak. 7

• KARAT, who was visibly nervous, stated, "I had cut ties with him . .. I used to hang
out with him, drink with him, play poker at the casino or the boat, but I don' t want
anything to do with the guy anymore. Cause he turned wild, crazy, angry, didn 't make
sense have the time he was talking to me so . .. that is all I am really going to say about
him, cause, I have stopped talking to him. It has been a few weeks. " KARAT then
clarified that "maybe a week ago, he had paid me back for a loan I had given him ...
$300 from the casino that he owed me." KARAT then said, "I didn ' t even pick up the
money, and I want nothing to do with that kid ."

• KARAT does not know Ahmed ' s full name. KARAT explained that Ahmed uses the
nickname "Mikey" and when he KARAT met "Mikey" it was at the Casino and the
KARAT, "plays cards there . .. I don't do anything wrong there." And that at the Casino
other individuals often called Ahmed by the name of "Mikey".

• KARAT when asked stated he was unaware of any criminal involvements with Ahmed.
KARAT then stated, "whatever he did over.. . he always had different phones with
him .. . I don't ask. "

• KARAT believes that Ahmed may be Jordanian but was unsure of Ahmed' s

• KARAT stated that he had learned that Ahmed was arrested for driving without a
license and then "read what is all was and was like, wow. " KARAT stated the arrest
of Ahmed had scared him.

• KARAT, when told that Law Enforcement had been able to access ELDER' s Phone,
stated before being asked , "Derrick has asked me for some pills, sometimes." And that
he (KARAT), "never tried to help him with it because... I tried one time, because he

It is believed that "NOS" refers to NOS Energy Drink which is normally sold in 16 and 24 oz cans. A web search
indicates that NOS contains high level s of taurine and caffeine and g uarana.

Investigators Note: This location has previously been identified in this investigation , and other investi gations as
be ing VIS A VIS BAR & GRILL, which is also known as VIS A VIS HOOKAH LOUNG E, located at 1164 S 3'd
Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40203. Thi s business is known to be owned and operated by Ahmed AL-MUHT ASEB.

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kept nagging about it, but it never happened. " When asked when this was, KARAT
said it was "right before he passed, actually."

• KARAT then stated, "I don' t want to incriminate myself' and asked if he should talk
to an attorney, to which Sgt. Schardein replied, "If you want to" and it was then
explained that no matter the results of the interview, the investigators would leave when
the interview was concluded and that KARAT would stay at work.

• KARAT then continued saying he would try to help ELDER in multiple ways by
telling him (ELDER) that "he needs help" or "needs to clean himself up" and "I never
sold him anything. " KARAT then continued without being prompted, "did he ever
buy anything from somebody else here? I don 't know if he ever got anything from
Matt or the other kid that used to bus tables here, I don't know ... "

24. Following the interview of KARAT, Sgt. Schardein was contacted by JE, the spouse of
Derrick ELDER. JE noted having been contacted by Amir KARAT and that KARAT had
attempted to call JE ' s phone and sent JE text messages. JE indicated that KARAT was concerned
that law enforcement had interviewed him (KARAT). JE had made screen shot of these
communications and forwarded them to Sgt. Schardein. Based on the timing of the messages, it
appears that KARAT sent these messages to JE, following Sgt. Schardein and SA Mills departure
from the restaurant.

25. The following is a transcript of the screen shots.

AK - Can you call me at some point if you have a moment?

JE - I'm at work, what is up?

AK - Nothing crazy but needed to speak with you. Detectives were here asking questions
about Derrick and I wanted to see what in the world is going on exactly. I have nothing
to fear I just wanted to see what you know. It freaked me out just a bit honestly. Is there
a criminal investigation? Did he use something the night he died?

JE - He told me he wasn' t using pills!! Was he??

AK - He always kept asking about them I told him a million times no. IDK Jess, this is all
weird and shitty. And I am sorry sweety, I hope you are ok. Any time I see cops I think
deportation Jess. I fear they will just bag me up again and send me to detention and bosni.
So I am sorry

JE - He asked you for pills? He told me he didn' t take them. What do you know that I
don' t? I'm just so torn up, pregnant and dealing with Luca still. Overwhelmed is an

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AK- I know Jess, IDK anything other than he live unhealthily. Drinking two Noss a day,
eating profusely, drinking and that' s that. He was always sweating at work like crazy.
Can ' t always be his being fat can it idk! !!!

JE - I have no idea. 5 weeks and 1 day, I am just so sad.

AK - I know that is why I freaked out in away and had to talk about it all over again.
Maybe we can talk tonight. I gotta get back to work. Like o said Jess if there is any way
I can help, I am here. ot sure what I could do, but I am here .

26. Sgt. Schardein and others then conducted a series of interviews with individuals known to
associate with ELDER that had been identified during the investigation, or during interviews. In
each interview these individuals identified Amir KARAT as being a friend or close associate of
the ELDER.

27. On December 4, 2018 Sgt. Schardein and SA Nathan Mills received a copy of the Medical
Examiners report, ME-18-1072, in which Dr. Amy Burroughs-Beckham has determined, in her
opinion, that "Death in this 31-year-old white male, Derrick ELDER, is due to fentanyl
intoxication (fentanyl , acetyl-fentanyl, 4-ANPP)".

Based on the above-mentioned facts, I believe probable cause exists to believe Amir
KARAT has committed violations of Title 21 , United States Code, Section 841 , possession with
intent to distribute a controlled substance which consisted of an undetermined quantity of
counterfeit Percocet's believed to have been manufactured with fentanyl or a fentanyl analog.

~eao hQL
Sgt. Thomas D. Schardein,
Task Force Officer
Drug Enforcement Administration

Subscribed and sworn to before me this JO'ftray of December, 2018.

Regina S. Edwards
United States Magistrate Judge

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