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Gastroenterology > Liver Transplantation

What Matters for Liver Transplant in Severe ACLF?

— A transplant window of opportunity may exist for some patients with

by Zeena Nackerdien, CME Writer, MedPage Today

December 28, 2018

CME Author: Zeena Nackerdien

Study Authors: Vinay Sundaram, Rajiv Jalan, et al.

Target Audience and Goal Statement:

Gastroenterologists and surgeons

The goals were to compare liver waitlist mortality or removal according to model for end-
stage liver disease (MELD) score versus acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) category and
to study factors associated with reduced odds of survival for 1 year after liver
Questions Addressed:

There is a growing demand for preoperative predictive criteria to determine which

patients with ACLF will benefit most from transplantation. ACLF is a syndrome that has
been described as occurring in cirrhosis and that is characterized by acute liver
decompensation (ALD), organ failure(s), and high short-term mortality. Although systemic
inflammation is a hallmark of ACLF, considerable ambiguity and heterogeneity exist
regarding the disease definition, thus complicating diagnosis and allocation of appropriate
patients that would derive the most benefit from a liver transplant.

Therefore, the investigators sought to address the following questions:

What is the waitlist mortality for different grades of ACLF?

Is there a correlation between the aforementioned variable and increasing MELD scores?

What are the characteristics of recipients with ACLF-3 (failure of ≥3 organs) that are associated with greater post-
transplant survival?

Synopsis and Perspective:

From 2005 to 2016, Vinay Sundaram, MD, MSc of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los
Angeles, and colleagues, identified 100,594 patients on the waitlist and 50,552 liver
transplant recipients from the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) Database.
Patients with ACLF were identified using the European Association for the Study of the
Liver-chronic liver failure (EASL-CLIF) Consortium definition. According to a review by
Hernaez and colleagues, the "EASL-CLIF Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Cirrhosis
(CANONIC) study is the most comprehensive registry to understand outcomes on
hospitalized patients with cirrhosis."
p p
Based on the number of organ failures (liver, renal, coagulation, cerebral, respiratory, and
circulatory), ACLF can be stratified into ACLF-1 (one renal failure or one non-renal organ
failure if associated to renal dysfunction and/or cerebral dysfunction), ACLF-2 (2 organ
failures), and ACLF-3.
A serum sodium (Na) level parameter was also taken into account to assess the
contribution of significant hyponatremia to the MELD score (MELD-Na).
In the current study, the number of eligible patients with ACLF-3, ACLF-2, ACLF-1, and no
ACLF were 6,381 (12.6%), 7,513 (14.9%), 7,375 (14.6%), and 29,283 (57.9%), respectively. Other
demographic criteria of patients with ACLF-3 included a low proportion of hepatitis-C-
virus-induced cirrhosis, a high percentage of patients with ALD (34.9%) and a high mean
MELD-Na score (37.4). Patients with ACLF-3 also received younger donor organs (mean age
38.7), many of whom had died from head trauma (38%). Additional descriptors included
fewer organs received from diabetic donors (8.8%), more organs received from donors
dying of head trauma (38.0%), and the smallest percentage of organs received from high-
risk donors with a donor risk index of 1.7 or more (22.9%).
Predefined 1-year waitlist mortality, 28-day, and 90-day survival outcomes were
compared among patients with different ACLF grades at listing across a range of MELD
score (estimation of the relative disease severity and likely survival of patients awaiting
liver transplantation) categories (i.e., <25, 25-29, 30-34, and ≥35). The primary outcome
was patient survival at 1 year.
One-year survival after transplant was lowest among patients with ACLF-3 (81.8%)
compared with other groups (88.1%-91.9%, P<0.001). Those who survived for 1 year had a
lower prevalence of mechanical ventilation use (33.1% vs 49.0%, P<0.001) and circulatory
failure (49.8% vs 60.6%, P<0.001).
The following variables were found to be independently associated with survival at 1 year
afte t ansplantation Mechanical entilation at li e t ansplantation (HR 1 49 95% CI 1 22
after transplantation: Mechanical ventilation at liver transplantation (HR 1.49, 95% CI 1.22-
1.84), donor risk index above 1.7 (HR 1.22, 95% CI 1.09-1.35), and liver transplantation within
30 days of listing (HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.81-0.98).
The investigators concluded that certain patients with ACLF-3 have poor outcomes
irrespective of their MELD-Na scores. Compared to other ACLF groups, patients with
ACLF-3 were more likely to be removed from the waitlist or die, irrespective of their
MELD-Na scores. This was particularly true for patients with ACLF-3 and MELD-Na score
<25 (43.8% at 28 days). For this group, liver transplantation increases the odds of survival,
especially if performed within 30 days of placement on the waitlist. The risk of death is
increased with the use of mechanical ventilation or marginal organs.
Because this was a retrospective analysis, there is the possibility of misclassification with
respect to diagnosis of patients with ACLF and the presence of organ failure. It is also
possible that bacterial infection rates could have been overlooked during the
investigation. Additionally, mechanical ventilation was used as a metric for respiratory
failure; however, it is possible that this method could have been employed for another
reason (e.g., for airway protection due to a patient's altered mental status). On the other
hand, patients with significant lung injury may not have been intubated at the time of
liver transplantation.
Source Reference: Gastroenterology online, Dec. 18, 2018; DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.12.007

Study Highlights: Explanation of Findings

A liver transplant is often the only way to treat patients with ACLF. But the role of
extrahepatic organ failures in prioritizing allocation for transplants is still a subject of
ongoing investigation. Moreover, there is a scarcity of data regarding actual outcomes of
liver transplant recipients.
Patients with ACLF-3 had the poorest outcomes (highest mortality and removal from the
waiting list) in this study irrespective of MELD score category. The investigators noted
that "nearly 44% of patients with ACLF-3 with a MELD score <25 would die or be
removed within 28 days of listing."
Caution should be exercised with intubated patients, as mechanical ventilation at liver
transplantation had the strongest link to lower post-transplant survival.
It is worth noting that the investigators assessed other predictive risk scores beyond the
MELD score and organ failure (i.e., Karnofsky's Performance Status Scale (KPS) and the
futility risk score). Neither score was associated with 1-year post-transplant mortality.
Possible reasons for these results include the fact that the futility risk score was validated
for five-year patient survival, whereas the authors evaluated shorter-term outcomes. In
addition, the proportion of patients with ACLF-3 and a high KPS score was very low
(2.0%). More studies are therefore needed to determine whether frailty, as measured by
KPS or other assessments, can provide extra information regarding post-liver
transplantation outcomes for patients with ACLF-3.
Overall, the findings supported the investigators' initial hypothesis that some patients
with ACLF-3 would be at high risk for premature death irrespective of MELD or MELD-Na
score. Thus, they would be candidates for timely intervention. Evidence from the
literature supported this notion. For instance, a recent registry analysis showed a 1-year
post transplant survival >80% for patients with ACLF-3. Similar trends were observed in
prior retrospective analyses of small numbers of patients with ACLF-3 (i.e., a 1-year post-
transplant survival of more than 80%).
Sundaram told MedPage Today. "Many of these patients will have significantly improved
survival if they undergo liver transplant, particularly if performed early after listing," he
added, calling for additional research into the prioritization of patients with severe ACLF
on waiting lists.
Diana Swift wrote the original story for MedPage Today.
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD Associate Clinical Professor of
Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy
Caputo, MA, BSN, RN, Nurse Planner

Primary Source
Source Reference: Sundaram V, et al "Factors associated with survival of patients with severe acute or chronic liver failure before and after liver transplantation"
Gastroenterol 2018; DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.12.007.

The MELD-Plus: A generalizable prediction risk

score in cirrhosis
Uri Kartoun1,2¤, Kathleen E. Corey1,3, Tracey G. Simon1,3, Hui Zheng4, Rahul Aggarwal1,2,
Kenney Ng5, Stanley Y. Shaw1,2*
1 Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 2 Center for Systems Biology;
Center for Assessment Technology & Continuous Health (CATCH), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Gastrointestinal Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States of America, 4 Center for Biostatistics, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 5 IBM Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United
States of America
a1111111111 ¤ Current address: IBM Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America
a1111111111 * [email protected]

OPEN ACCESS Background and aims

Citation: Kartoun U, Corey KE, Simon TG, Zheng H, Accurate assessment of the risk of mortality following a cirrhosis-related admission can
Aggarwal R, Ng K, et al. (2017) The MELD-Plus: A enable health-care providers to identify high-risk patients and modify treatment plans to
generalizable prediction risk score in cirrhosis.
decrease the risk of mortality.
PLoS ONE 12(10): e0186301.

Editor: Sheng-Nan Lu, Chang Gung Memorial Methods

Hospital Kaohsiung Branch, TAIWAN We developed a post-discharge mortality prediction model for patients with a cirrhosis-
Received: July 13, 2017 related admission using a population of 314,292 patients who received care either at Massa-
Accepted: September 28, 2017 chusetts General Hospital (MGH) or Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) between 1992
and 2010. We extracted 68 variables from the electronic medical records (EMRs), including
Published: October 25, 2017
demographics, laboratory values, diagnosis codes, and medications. We then used a regu-
Copyright: © 2017 Kartoun et al. This is an open
larized logistic regression to select the most informative variables and created a risk score
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which that comprises the selected variables. To evaluate the potential for generalizability of our
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and score, we applied it on all cirrhosis-related admissions between 2010 and 2015 at an inde-
reproduction in any medium, provided the original pendent EMR data source of more than 18 million patients, pooled from different health-
author and source are credited.
care systems with EMRs. We calculated the areas under the receiver operating characteris-
Data Availability Statement: The institutional tic curves (AUROCs) to assess prediction performance.
review board of Partners HealthCare and IBM
approved this study and all its methods, including
the EMR cohort assembly, data extraction, and Results
analyses. Data contain potentially identifying
information and may not be shared publicly.
We identified 4,781 cirrhosis-related admissions at MGH/BWH hospitals, of which 778
Deidentified data may be requested from The resulted in death within 90 days of discharge. Nine variables were the most effective predic-
Partners Human Research Committee, the tors for 90-day mortality, and these included all MELD-Na’s components, as well as albumin,
Institutional Review Board of Partners HealthCare
total cholesterol, white blood cell count, age, and length of stay. Applying our nine-variable
(Address: 399 Revolution Drive, Suite # 710,
Somerville MA, 02145, USA, Telephone: 857-282- risk score (denoted as “MELD-Plus”) resulted in an improvement over MELD and MELD-Na
1900; [email protected]). scores in several prediction models. On the MGH/BWH 90-day model, MELD-Plus

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The MELD-Plus

Funding: The study was funded in part by grants improved the performance of MELD-Na by 11.4% (0.78 [95% CI, 0.75–0.81] versus 0.70
from the NIH K23 DK099422 (KEC), and NIH U54 [95% CI, 0.66–0.73]). In the MGH/BWH approximate 1-year model, MELD-Plus improved
LM008748 (SYS). NIH did not play a role in the
study design, data collection and analysis, decision
the performance of MELD-Na by 8.3% (0.78 [95% CI, 0.76–0.79] versus 0.72 [95% CI,
to publish, or preparation of the manuscript and 0.71–0.73]). Performance improvement was similar when the novel MELD-Plus risk score
only provided financial support in the form of was applied to an independent database; when considering 24,042 cirrhosis-related admis-
authors’ salaries and/or research materials. NIH
sions, MELD-Plus improved the performance of MELD-Na by 16.9% (0.69 [95% CI, 0.69–
provided support in the form of salaries for authors
UK, KEC, and SYS. IBM neither provided authors 0.70] versus 0.59 [95% CI, 0.58–0.60]).
[UK, KN] salaries related to the study nor played
any role in the study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
manuscript. We developed a new risk score, MELD-Plus that accurately stratifies the short-term mortal-
Competing interests: The authors have declared ity of patients with established cirrhosis, following a hospital admission. Our findings demon-
that no competing interests exist. UK and KN strate that using a small set of easily accessible structured variables can help identify novel
confirm that the commercial affiliation with IBM predictors of outcomes in cirrhosis patients and improve the performance of widely used tra-
does not alter their adherence to all PLOS ONE
policies on sharing data and materials.
ditional risk scores.

Abbreviations: AUROC, Area under the receiver

operating characteristic curve; CI, Confidence
interval; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease; CPT, Current procedural terminology;
EMR, Electronic medical record; GGT, Gamma Introduction
glutamyl transpeptidase; HE, Hepatic
encephalopathy; HIPAA, Health Insurance Cirrhosis-related complications account for 1.1% and 1.8% of all deaths in the United States
Portability and Accountability Act; OR, Odds ratio; and Europe, respectively [1, 2]. In addition to increased mortality, individuals with cirrhosis
ICD-9-CM, International Classification of Diseases, suffer from significantly worse health issues and greater disability compared to those without
Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; LASSO, Least
cirrhosis [3].
absolute shrinkage and selection operator; MELD,
Model for end-stage liver disease; NAFLD,
Although risk-stratification tools for the prediction of cirrhosis-related mortality are avail-
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; Na, Sodium’s able [4–9], these models are based on small populations and use a limited number of prese-
chemical element symbo; NS, Not significant; SBP, lected traditional predictors. Improved mortality prediction scores may highlight the clinical
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; SE, Standard variables that contribute to mortality risk, including modifiable factors, and guide the alloca-
error; STD, Standard deviation; WBC, White blood tion of resources to improve cirrhosis care for high-risk patients.
cell count; eGFR, Estimated glomerular filtration
The recent availability of large cohorts of data from electronic medical records (EMRs)
allows for the development of improved mortality prediction scores through inclusion of a
broader set of clinically applicable, unbiased variables. Not only that, but developing such pre-
diction models allows clinicians to identify the clinical variables that contribute to mortality
risk, including modifiable factors. Improving current standard models like the model for end-
stage liver disease (MELD) and MELD-Na can guide clinicians in better targeting treatment to
improve cirrhosis care and outcomes for high-risk patients.
Cohorts assembled from EMRs represent a powerful resource to study disease complica-
tions at the population level. Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of EMR analysis
to discover or confirm outcome correlations, sub-categories of disease, and adverse drug
events [10–14]. The MELD score is based on three commonly used laboratory tests available in
the EMRs, and it is the most widely used tool to predict outcomes in patients with cirrhosis
[15, 16]. An extended version of MELD, one that incorporates serum sodium levels, the
MELD-Na score, has been recently adopted by The Liver and Intestine Transplantation Com-
mittee for liver transplant allocation [17]. Although the two scores are simple to calculate and
apply in a practical sense, the improved accessibility of a wide variety of variables from EMRs
raises the possibility that prediction models could benefit from the inclusion of a broader,
unbiased set of clinical variables. Identifying a combination of the most informative variables
may improve the prognostic utility beyond that of current risk scores.

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The MELD-Plus

The aim of the present study was to develop a risk score to predict mortality following a cir-
rhosis-related admission. We demonstrated that a score composed of a small set of easily
accessible clinical variables improves the prediction performance of both the MELD and
MELD-Na scores. We further demonstrated the generalizability of our model through inde-
pendent validation in a large EMR-based data source.

Study population
We analyzed a previously defined cohort of 314,292 patients at increased risk for metabolic
disease who were admitted to Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) or Brigham and Wom-
en’s Hospital (BWH) between 1992 and 2010 [13]. We identified an admission as cirrhosis-
related when the keyword “cirrhosis” was present in the discharge summary of the admission
and we observed at least one ICD-9 code (571.2, 571.5, or 571.6 as in [18]) within the 30 days
preceding the discharge date, including during the admission. This identification method was
validated by a physician (Dr. Kathleen Corey) chart review.
We excluded elective admissions if they included at least one diagnosis or procedure code
for liver biopsy, radiofrequency ablation, transarterial chemoembolization, hepatic resection,
or liver transplant. We included only patients 18 years of age or older at the time of the admis-
sion, and we tracked the records of all patients for 90 days after their discharge. We deter-
mined mortality through linkage to the social security master death index.

Prediction modeling
To predict mortality within 90 days, we developed a model that included a large set of struc-
tured variables extracted from the EMRs. In addition to variables available during the period
of admission, we considered variables available for the period of 12 months preceding the dis-
charge date (see Table 1).
The variables included demographics (e.g., gender, ethnicity, marital status), laboratory
measurements (e.g., albumin, sodium), and medications (e.g., anticoagulants, lipid lowering
agents). For laboratory variables, we used the most recent values found during admission
(when no value was found during admission, we considered the preceding 12 months). Typi-
cally, common laboratory measurements were available during the admission (as seen in
Table 1). We determined comorbidities from the number of diagnosis codes within the 12
months prior to the discharge date, and we determined medication count by recording the
number of prescriptions within the 12 months preceding the discharge date.
Additional variables included body mass index, NAFLD fibrosis score (Eq 1), and the
MELD score (Eq 2). Missing values were imputed with the mean of the available data for each
variable. We randomly selected two thirds of the admissions to serve as a derivation set,
whereas the remaining one third served as a validation set. A complete list of the variables we
used is available in S1 Table, and all diagnoses and procedure definitions used in this study are
available in S2 Table.
NAFLD Fibrosis Score ¼ 1:675 þ 0:037  Age þ 0:094  BMI
þ1:13  IFG=Diabetes ðyes ¼ 1; no ¼ 0Þ ð1Þ
þ0:99  AST=ALT ratio 0:013  Platelet 0:66  Albumin

MELD Score ¼ þ6:43 þ 9:57  lnðCreatinineÞ

þ3:78  lnðTotal BilirubinÞ þ 11:2  lnðINRÞ

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The MELD-Plus

Table 1. Baseline characteristics. All values extracted during the 12 months preceding discharge date. For
laboratory variables, values are the most recent. Comorbidity calculations count the number of diagnosis
codes. Prevalence calculations consider admissions with at least one measurement for laboratories and at
least one diagnosis code for comorbidities.
Variable and category Cirrhosis-related admissions (n = 4,781)
Age (years); Mean (SD) 60.0 (13.7)
Gender (%)
Male 64.4
Female 35.6
Ethnicity (%)
Caucasian 77.4
African American 6.8
Other 2.3
Unknown 13.5
Insurance Type (could be  1 types per patient) (%)
Medicaid 5.6
Medicare 60.0
Other 98.6
BMI (kg/m2); Mean (SD) 28.7 (8.2)
Laboratory values; Mean (SD) / Prevalence (%)
Sodium (mmol/l) 136.5 (5.8) / 99.7
eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 59.6 (33.7) / 31.9
WBC (th/cumm) 6.7 (3.8) / 99.8
Platelets (th/cumm) 141.3 (100.0) / 99.8
Prothrombin time (INR) 1.5 (0.5) / 91.3
Albumin (g/dl) 2.9 (0.7) / 98.7
Total Bilirubin (mg/dl) 2.5 (4.3) / 98.7
Transaminase SGOT (u/l) 60.2 (76.6) / 98.8
Transaminase SGPT (u/l) 36.1 (38.2) / 96.7
GGT (u/l) 249.4 (346.6) / 6.8
MELD score 14.21 (6.1) / 84.8
NAFLD Fibrosis score 1.70 (2.1) / 13.7
Comorbidities; Mean (SD) / Prevalence (%)
Variceal hemorrhage / Gastrointestinal bleed 0.8 (2.1) / 24.2
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 0.1 (0.6) / 3.4
Hepatocellular carcinoma 0.7 (5.5) / 4.3
Hepatorenal syndrome 0.1 (0.5) / 3.2
Hepatic encephalopathy 1.4 (3.6) / 28.6
Ascites 2.4 (5.7) / 37.9
Renal failure 1.8 (8.4) / 13.1
Cerebrovascular disease 0.5 (2.4) / 10.8
Congestive heart failure 2.7 (7.9) / 36.7
Hypertension 3.1 (7.2) / 58.9
Acute myocardial infarction 0.5 (2.1) / 13.4
Ischemic heart disease 0.3 (1.2) / 12.4
Peripheral vascular disease 0.5 (2.2) / 13.0
Diabetes 5.9 (10.3) / 57.0

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The MELD-Plus

To select the most informative variables, we applied feature selection on the derivation set.
We used logistic regression with the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator
(LASSO) algorithm [19] because it is considered an efficient algorithm for parsimoniously
ranking variables in clinical predictive modeling [20, 21]. We considered all variables that
were statistically significantly different from a univariate analysis (P < 0.05) as in [22]. The
generalized linear model (GLM) equations used to calculate prediction risk at MGH/BWH
and at the independent EMR source are presented in Eqs 3 and 4.

þ2:076192  Log10ð1 þ Total BilirubinÞ
þ2:494291  Log10ð1 þ CreatinineÞ
6:049540  Log10ð1 þ AlbuminÞ
þ2:525904  Log10ð1 þ INRÞ
þ1:911856  Log10ð1 þ WBCÞ
þ0:015411  Length of stay
ðnumber of nights the patient spent in the hospital during the cirrhosis related admissionÞ
þ0:041047  Age ðyearsÞ
6:625270  Log10ð1 þ SodiumÞ
1:445666  Log10ð1 þ Total CholesterolÞ

MELD Plus ¼ pð90 day mortalityÞ ¼ ð4Þ
1 þ expðLÞ

To calculate 95% confidence intervals, we applied the bootstrap procedure with 1,000
replicates. We calculated the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves
(AUROC) to measure the model’s accuracy in the validation set. Additionally, we evaluated
for overfitting by comparing the AUROC in the validation set to an average AUROC value
for 100 permutations of randomly selected derivation and validation sets (each including
two thirds and one third of the derivation set’s cirrhosis-related admissions, respectively).
We compared categorical variables using a chi-squared test, and we compared the differ-
ences in the means of continuous variables using a t-test or Wilcoxon rank sum test, as
appropriate. We further compared the differences in standard deviations by using an F-test.
All statistical tests were two-sided, with Bonferroni corrections for the 68 comparisons, and
the adjusted P value was 7.410−4 for each comparison. We performed all programming
using the R statistical language [23].

Independent validation
We were granted access to a data source of 18,345,793 individuals, pooled from multiple differ-
ent health-care systems with EMRs (“The IBM Explorys Network”) [24]. The data were stan-
dardized and normalized using common ontologies, searchable through a HIPAA-enabled,
de-identified cloud-computing platform. Patients were seen in multiple health-care systems
between 2010 and 2015, with a combination of data from clinical EMRs, outgoing health-care
system bills, and adjudicated payor claims.
We first identified all cirrhosis-related admissions in this database, and then we extracted
values for the selected variables of our MGH/BWH 90-day model. We further deployed the

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The MELD-Plus

GLM equations on the independent source (Eqs 3 and 4). Missing values were imputed based
on the mean values of the MGH/BWH 4,781 cirrhosis-related admissions: total bilirubin
(2.486604493), creatinine (1.375274633), albumin (2.888940902), INR (1.499619615), WBC
(6.673836966), sodium (136.5401552), and total cholesterol (133.6246914).
Because death dates were not available for patients in the IBM Explorys Network, we used
the year of death to determine the outcome. We were able then only to use a 1-year estimated
death for this population (e.g., for a patient discharged on October 13, 2010, we could only
determine if the patient died either in 2010 or 2011, or survived after that). To compare the
performance of the IBM Explorys approximate one-year prediction model, we used the origi-
nal 314,292-patient population at MGH/BWH and applied the same approximate one-year
mortality outcome identification method. We calculated AUROCs for MELD, MELD-Na (Eq
5), and for our risk score (Eqs 3 and 4).
MELD Na ¼ MELD þ 1:59  ð135 NaÞ ð5Þ

The institutional review board of Partners HealthCare and IBM approved this study and all
its methods, including the EMR cohort assembly, data extraction, and analyses.

Univariate analysis
We identified a total of 4,781 admissions as cirrhosis-related, of which 778 resulted in death
within 90 days of the discharge date (16.3%). In a sample of 50 randomly selected patients,
64% were admitted primarily for cirrhosis, for instance, due to the presence of ascites or spon-
taneous bacterial peritonitis, and the rest had the comorbidity of cirrhosis but were admitted
primarily for different reasons such as heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). Individuals who died within the 90-day period after discharge were older in compari-
son with those who survived (64.1 years versus 59.2 years, P = 4.2210−17); however, the two
populations did not differ by gender (65.0% male versus 64.0% female, P = 1.0) or ethnicity
(77.0% Caucasian for both, P = 1.0).
We calculated event ratios by dividing the values ascertained for the two populations (e.g.,
the mean MELD scores were 18.5 and 13.3 for admissions that resulted in death and survival,
respectively, yielding a ratio of 1.4, P = 4.4510−65). Individuals who died within the 90-day
period after discharge had higher ratios of liver-related comorbidities than those who survived,
and these comorbidities included hepatorenal syndrome (ratio = 5.1, P = 4.6010−21), hepatocel-
lular carcinoma (ratio = 5.0, P = 1.4010−16), and ascites (ratio = 2.1, P = 3.5510−24). Laboratory
measurements also significantly differentiated the two populations. For instance, albumin was
lower in those who died within the 90-day period (2.60 g/dl versus 2.95 g/dl, P = 5.6410−35),
and the total bilirubin (4.87 mg/dl versus 2.02 mg/dl, P = 1.8210−41), INR (1.70 versus 1.46,
P = 5.6310−30), and creatinine (1.80 mg/dl versus 1.29 mg/dl, P = 1.2410−36) were higher in
those who died within the 90-day period.
No difference was found in the prevalence of COPD, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, cor-
onary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, pneumonia, or sleep apnea between the popu-
lations. The complete list of variables, indicating the differences between the surviving and the
deceased populations, is presented in S3 Table.

Logistic regression model

The AUROCs of 0.78 were identical for all three models composed of multiple variables (Fig
1). With generalizability in mind and the potential ease of extraction of commonly available

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The MELD-Plus

Fig 1. AUROCs using differing variable combinations in a 90-day mortality prediction model at MGH/

laboratory values and other trivial variables (e.g., age, length of stay), we decided to follow the
model that comprised the 9 readily available clinical variables. To evaluate the contribution of
the MELD score to the 90-day mortality prediction, we evaluated the performance of MELD
and MELD-Na scores alone. Considering the 4,781 admissions, using the MELD score alone
to predict the 90-day mortality resulted in an AUROC value of 0.69. An additional model
using the MELD-Na score alone yielded an AUROC value of 0.70.
Each of the MELD-Na components were associated with an increased mortality, including
INR (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.30–1.96), creatinine (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.16–1.34), total bilirubin
(OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.08–1.14), and sodium (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.95–0.99). Other laboratory
measurements associated with mortality included WBC (OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.07–1.13), total
cholesterol (OR, 0.996; 95% CI, 0.993–0.999), and albumin (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.37–0.52).
Additional predictors included age at time of the admission (OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.03–1.05) and
length of stay (OR, 1.02; 95% CI, 1.005–1.03).
Because total cholesterol and hospital length of stay are typically not uniform factors
across different hospitals and may vary in different countries, we evaluated an additional
model that included only 7 of the 9 variables. This yielded an AUROC of 0.77 and
resulted in the following associations with increased mortality: INR (OR, 1.66; 95% CI,
1.38–2.05), creatinine (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.17–1.35), total bilirubin (OR, 1.11; 95% CI,
1.08–1.14), sodium (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.95–0.98), WBC (OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.07–1.13),
albumin (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.36–0.51), and age (OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.03–1.05). We pres-
ent the GLM equations used to calculate prediction performance at MGH/BWH in Eqs 6

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The MELD-Plus

and 7.

þ2:06503238  Log10ð1 þ Total BilirubinÞ
þ2:59679650  Log10ð1 þ CreatinineÞ
6:34990436  Log10ð1 þ AlbuminÞ ð6Þ
þ2:99724802  Log10ð1 þ INRÞ
þ1:92811726  Log10ð1 þ WBCÞ
þ0:04070442  Age ðyearsÞ
6:47834101  Log10ð1 þ SodiumÞ

MELD Plus ðexcluding length of stay and total cholesterolÞ ¼

expðLÞ ð7Þ
pð90 day mortalityÞ ¼
1 þ expðLÞ

Prediction of 90-day mortality after a cirrhosis-related admission

Using our 9-variable risk score, we divided our population into quintiles and compared the
average predicted 90-day mortality with the observed mortality within each quintile. The pre-
dicted 90-day mortality derived from a logistic regression model for each admission and indi-
cated the probability that a patient who survived the admission would die within 90 days post
discharge. As shown in Fig 2A–2C, the predicted 90-day mortality was strongly correlated
with the observed mortality rate throughout the range of risk in both derivation and validation
sets (Kendall’s τ = 1.0; P = 0.027; Pearson correlation r = 0.995 for the correlation between the
average calculated and observed mortality). We provide the logistic regression equations used
to calculate the predicted 90-day mortality probabilities in Eqs 3 and 4. The complete list of
variables that indicate the differences between the highest-risk quantile and the lowest-risk
quantile populations are presented in S4 Table.

Generalization evaluation
Applying our 9-variable risk score (the MELD-Plus score) demonstrated an improvement
over MELD and MELD-Na scores in all prediction models, as shown in Fig 3. On the MGH/
BWH 90-day model, MELD-Plus improved the performance of MELD-Na by 11.4% (0.78
[95% CI, 0.75–0.81] versus 0.70 [95% CI, 0.66–0.73]). On the MGH/BWH approximate 1-year
model, MELD-Plus improved the performance of MELD-Na by 8.3% (0.78 [95% CI, 0.76–
0.79] versus 0.72 [95% CI, 0.71–0.73]). On the IBM Explorys Network model used for external
validation, MELD-Plus improved the performance of MELD-Na by 16.9% (0.69 [95% CI,
0.69–0.70] versus 0.59 [95% CI, 0.58–0.60]).
It is notable that the performance of MELD-Plus on the IBM Explorys data was lower in
comparison with both MGH/BWH models (0.69 versus 0.78). Consistent with MELD-Plus,
the performance of MELD and MELD-Na were also much lower on the IBM Explorys data in
comparison with MGH/BWH. A potential reason for this is that the IBM Explorys Network
population was relatively healthier. Patients in the IBM Explorys network had lower severity of
liver disease in comparison with the corresponding MGH/BWH 1-year prediction model

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The MELD-Plus

Fig 2. Predicted versus observed 90-day mortality within each risk quintile. (A) Entire cohort of 4,781
cirrhosis-related admissions. (B) Derivation set of 3,187 cirrhosis-related admissions. (C) Validation set of
1,594 cirrhosis-related admissions.

(mean MELD: 9.4 versus 16.8; P < 0.0001, mean MELD-Na: 11.4 versus 18.1; P < 0.0001).
There may be other differences in the data or populations in the independent systems; the
Partners HealthCare Research Patient Data Registry collected the MGH/BWH data, whereas
dozens of distinct data aggregation mechanisms collected the data for the IBM Explorys Net-
work. Furthermore, the variability in the levels of prediction performance might be influenced
by the variability in the data; prediction performance might be higher when there is more vari-
ability in the data source (i.e., the population comprising patients with a broad spectrum of

PLOS ONE | October 25, 2017 9 / 15

The MELD-Plus

Fig 3. Prediction performance across different cirrhosis populations. (A) MGH/BWH 90-day mortality
(4,781 cirrhosis-related admissions). (B) The IBM Explorys Network approximate 1-year mortality (24,042
cirrhosis-related admissions). (C) MGH/BWH approximate 1-year mortality (4,680 cirrhosis-related

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The MELD-Plus

levels of cirrhosis severity). In the other direction, when the data is more uniform (e.g., most
patients have just been diagnosed with cirrhosis for the first time, and only a minority suffers
from an advanced cirrhosis), then prediction accuracy is lower. This hypothesis was confirmed
because the IBM Explorys network had a statistically significant lower standard deviation of
severity of liver disease in comparison with the MGH/BWH 1-year population (STD MELD:
1.8 versus 8.2; P < 0.0001, STD MELD-Na: 3.6 versus 8.2; P < 0.0001).

In this study, we used accessible EMR variables to develop a highly accurate, predictive model
of 90-day post-discharge mortality in individuals with cirrhosis. We identified 9 variables that
accurately predicted 90-day mortality with an AUROC of 0.78. Our risk score improved the
performance of MELD and MELD-Na scores in multiple, independent patient populations,
and this also held true in a large external validation patient cohort. Furthermore, our model’s
calculated 90-day mortality risk was highly correlated with the observed mortality rate across
all five risk quintiles. In particular, the model’s performance on the highest-risk quintile (the
calculated and observed 90-day mortality was 31.6% and 31.2%, respectively) suggests that
high-risk patients can be accurately identified. An additional model that included only 7 of the
9 variables and excluded length of stay and total cholesterol yielded an AUROC of 0.77 [95%
CI, 0.74–0.80]. Although the 7-variable model demonstrated improved identification ability
compared to MELD or MELD-Na, the improved prediction performance achieved by includ-
ing total cholesterol in MELD-Plus suggests that it may be beneficial for cholesterol labs to be
routinely collected in cirrhosis admission order sets.
The MELD score has been used extensively to predict patient outcomes, mortality, and
readmission rates in individuals with cirrhosis [25, 26, 4]. Furthermore, although MELD-Na
[17] was superior to MELD, the MELD-Plus score yielded improved levels of discrimination
consistently in all prediction models, with AUROCs that significantly outperformed the tradi-
tional scores. These findings suggest that new types of cirrhosis-related risk indexes utilizing
novel risk indicators may improve prognostication in this high-risk population.
MELD-Plus includes all MELD-Na’s components, as well as additional variables (albumin,
total cholesterol, WBC, age, and length of stay). It is logical that a predication model that has all
the MELD-Na model variables and additional ones would perform better, as was observed by
MELD-Plus. Not only that, but many of the variables have physiological plausibility for inclu-
sion in a prediction model. Decreased albumin correlated with worse outcomes in our model,
which may be the result of decreased albumin marking decreased liver function in cirrhosis
patients [25, 5]. Increasing age and length of hospital stay helped predict worse outcomes as well
as could be expected. Along with that, higher WBC was correlated with a worse prognosis,
potentially indicating poorer patient status (e.g., infection) at time of score calculation. Although
patients may have multiple WBC measurements during admission, our model is both internally
and externally valid because it uses the most recent WBC lab value. We chose the most recent
WBC during model development because the last available set of labs is more reflective of the
current health of patients than older measurements. Surprisingly, increased total cholesterol pre-
dicted a more favorable prognosis. Although unintuitive at first, this aligns with previous reports
that claim cholesterol levels become less of a risk factor or even an inverse risk factor for mortal-
ity because serious diseases may lower cholesterol soon before death occurs [27].
Although our study describes analyses of retrospective medical databases, the proposed
score could be used to identify patients that are at a high-risk of mortality in real time and thus
may inform risk-stratification and therapeutic decision-making. In a desirable scenario, our
score could be calculated automatically as an integrated component of an EMR system; the

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The MELD-Plus

clinician would see a risk score (probability) or a risk quantile (highest, lowest, or in between)
associated with the discharged patient, and this could be used to guide outpatient monitoring
strategies. With further validation, the MELD-Plus score could also be used longitudinally in
outpatients to monitor disease progression and/or responses to therapy.
Our study has limitations. First, it is a retrospective analysis limited to two academic, ter-
tiary-care hospitals. Even though we validated our model on a large external patient cohort,
subsequent studies must further assess the validity of our model in the external population and
consider different age ranges, coding systems, and data-collection methods. Second, the cir-
rhosis populations may vary at different centers—for example, alcohol use might significantly
vary between patients residing in the Boston area versus patients residing in other states [28].
Furthermore, although MGH and BWH are urban care facilities, the high prevalence of rural
populations at the IBM Explorys Network might affect prediction performance. Third,
although mortality was recorded, either through linkage to the social security master death
index as in the MGH/BWH models or through using EMR or billing/claims in the IBM Exp-
lorys model, such death indications may under-represent the true mortality rates. To minimize
this potential under-representation, we considered only patients who survived the study fol-
low-up. All patients had EMR data entries (such as laboratory measurements) after the study
follow-up, indicating survival, or had a recorded indication of death during the study follow-
up, with no EMR data entries found afterward.
Another limitation of MELD-Plus is that it did not specifically consider which procedures
patients underwent during the cirrhosis-related admissions. Furthermore, all the patients con-
sidered in our models survived the admission, but neither MGH/BWH’s nor IBM’s databases
contained information on post-discharge cause of death. To further assess MELD-Plus’s appli-
cability in clinical practice, future analyses should consider subgroups of patients to determine
linkages between invasive inpatient procedures and causes of mortality. Regardless of this limi-
tation, however, our MELD-Plus displayed validity in predicting overall mortality, which is
clinically applicable, because it provides clinicians with information on populations of patients
who need more intense or closer care.
Although we excluded elective admissions for liver biopsy, radiofrequency ablation, trans-
arterial chemoembolization, hepatic resection, or liver transplant, these criteria might exclude
patients with early and intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but not patients with
advanced HCC who underwent medical treatments only. Liver cancer can lead to early mortal-
ity, even in patients with mild liver cirrhosis, and, as such, our exclusion criteria may reduce
the applicability of our risk score when applying it to patients with more advanced HCC. Fur-
thermore, because we excluded admissions associated with a liver transplant, mortality risk
may decrease after a cirrhosis-related admission if patients successfully underwent a transplant
in a preceding admission.
Another limitation of our study is algorithmic. The adaptive LASSO method identified 9
predictors and left out variables that may also be correlated with predicting death. Feature
selection algorithms are known to be blind to the clinical importance of variables, and when
highly correlated predictors are identified, the algorithm randomly selects one. On the one
hand, important variables such as ascites, hepatocellular carcinoma, and diuretic medications
were not selected as predictors. On the other hand, the feature selection algorithm assures that
a minimal set of covariates produce a high level of prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we con-
ducted our model performance evaluation on a held-out data set not used for training.
Although a prediction model’s error usually decreases when more variables are included, this
is not always the case. This is true when performance is evaluated on the training set (due to
overfitting) but not the case when performance is evaluated on a held-out test dataset, as was
used across all our models.

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The MELD-Plus

In conclusion, we describe an unbiased and well-validated score to estimate 90-day mortal-

ity after a cirrhosis-related admission. This score, comprising a small set of easily available clin-
ical variables extracted from EMRs, improved the MELD and MELD-Na scores in predicting
90-day mortality and approximate 1-year mortality. In addition, we identified high-risk
patients with great accuracy. MELD-Plus’s strong performance demonstrates potential for it to
replace current standard models, allowing for greater accuracy in the identification of high-
risk cirrhosis patients.

Supporting information
S1 Table. Summary of variables.
S2 Table. Billing codes used to define conditions.
S3 Table. Comparison of variables in patients who died vs. survived 90-days after dis-
S4 Table. Comparison between the highest-risk (1st) and the lowest-risk (5th) quintiles.

We acknowledge Chin Hur MD MPH (Director, GI Health Outcomes Research, GI Unit, Mas-
sachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School) for his critical review of this manuscript.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Uri Kartoun, Kathleen E. Corey, Stanley Y. Shaw.
Data curation: Uri Kartoun, Rahul Aggarwal.
Formal analysis: Uri Kartoun, Rahul Aggarwal, Kenney Ng, Stanley Y. Shaw.
Funding acquisition: Kathleen E. Corey, Stanley Y. Shaw.
Investigation: Stanley Y. Shaw.
Methodology: Uri Kartoun, Kathleen E. Corey, Kenney Ng, Stanley Y. Shaw.
Resources: Stanley Y. Shaw.
Software: Uri Kartoun, Kenney Ng.
Supervision: Kathleen E. Corey, Stanley Y. Shaw.
Validation: Uri Kartoun, Rahul Aggarwal, Kenney Ng.
Writing – original draft: Uri Kartoun.
Writing – review & editing: Kathleen E. Corey, Tracey G. Simon, Hui Zheng, Rahul Aggar-
wal, Kenney Ng, Stanley Y. Shaw.

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