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People vs. Aspa, Jr.



Accused-appellant: DOMINGO ASPA, JR. Y RASIMO

Ponente: Peralta (Second Division)

Topic: Criminal Law; Remedial Law

SUMMARY: In this rare instance in the period August to December 2018, the SC affirmed Aspa’s conviction for
illegal sale of dangerous drug. The Court was satisfied that the chain of custody rule was not broken despite
deviations with Section 21, RA 9165.

DOCTRINE: Primarily, buy-bust operations are recognized in this jurisdiction as a legitimate form of entrapment
of the persons suspected of being involved in drug dealings. Unless there is a clear and convincing evidence
that the members of the buy-bust team were inspired by any improper motive or were not properly performing
their duty, their testimonies with respect to the operation deserve full faith and credit. In the prosecution of illegal
sale of dangerous drugs in a buy-bust operation, there must be a concurrence of all the elements of the offense:
(1) the identity of the buyer and the seller, the object, and the consideration; and (2) the delivery of the thing sold
and the payment thereof. The prosecution must also prove the illegal sale of the dangerous drugs and present
the corpus delicti in court as evidence. The commission of the offense of illegal sale of dangerous drugs requires
merely the consummation of the selling transaction, which happens the moment the buyer receives the drug
from the seller. The crime is considered consummated by the delivery of the goods.

When the confiscated and/or seized drugs were not handled precisely in the manner prescribed by the
chain of custody rule, particularly the making of inventory and the photographing of the drugs, its consequence
would not relate to inadmissibility that would automatically destroy the prosecution's case but rather to the
evidentiary merit or probative value to be given the evidence.

Parole is extended only to those convicted of divisible penalties.


On September 2, 2011 while on duty at the Vigan City Police Station, Deputy Chief of Police PCI Mar
Louise Tamargo Bundoc received a report from a confidential informant that a certain Domingo Aspa, Jr. is
selling marijuana. Thereafter, a buy-bust team against the suspect was constituted with PCI Mar Louise Bundoc,
SPO4 Elpidio Ponce, SPO2 Dionisio Adela, SPO1 Amado Somera, Jr., PO2 Denni[s] Reoliquio and PO1 Mark
Anthony Italin as members. PO1 Italin was briefed to act as the poseur-buyer and accompany the confidential

Later around 9:45 am, the buy-bust team proceeded to the northern part of the Vigan Public Market near
Pardo's Lechon Manok, where the buy-bust operation will be conducted. They positioned themselves in front of
Pardo's Lechon Manok and in front of the north portion of the public market. After a few minutes, appellant
Domingo Aspa arrived. PO1 Italin, along with the civilian informant, went to the alley beside Pardo's Lechon
Manok. Then PO1 Italin heard the confidential informant asking Aspa whether he already has the marijuana, to
which Aspa answered in the affirmative. After their conversation, Aspa handed over to the confidential informant
three (3) heat- sealed plastic sachets allegedly containing dried marijuana leaves. In turn, the confidential
informant handed over to Aspa the buy-bust money worth Php300.00, in three (3) Php100.00 bills. After the
transaction, the confidential informant gave the pre-arranged signal, then Aspa was immediately arrested.
At the crime scene, the recovered evidence were inventoried and marked by SPO1 Somera, in front of
appellant [and] in the presence of PO1 Italin, members of the media and councilor from Barangay VIII. Thereafter,
PO1 Lopez photographed the evidence. The suspect was then turned over to the investigation section. The three
(3) sachets of marijuana, on the other hand, were carried by SPO1 Somera who then proceeded to the Crime
Laboratory at Ilocos Norte, together with the letter request for the confirmation and identification of the substance
personally prepared and delivered by him, signed by PCI Mar Louise Bundoc. PSI Roanalaine B. Baligod
received the said letter request and conducted a qualitative examination to determine the presence of marijuana
after the examination. Consequently, she prepared the pertinent laboratory and chemistry reports finding that
the specimen submitted yielded positive results to the test of marijuana, a dangerous drug.

Aspa, Jr. was charged with illegal sale of dangerous drug, for which he was convicted. CA affirmed.


 WoN Aspa’s conviction is valid

o YES. All the above elements are present in the case at bench. PO1 Italin gave an unequivocal
account of the sale that took place on September 2, 2011 leading to the arrest of the appellant.
PO1 Italin testified that he was assigned to accompany the confidential informant who acted as
the poseur-buyer in a buy-bust operation conducted at the northern part of the Vigan City Public
Market; that upon reaching the target site, he and the confidential informant proceeded in front of
Pardo's Lechon Manok, while the rest of the team strategically positioned themselves around the
parking area of the market; that after a few minutes, Aspa arrived and led the informant to an
alley; that he followed them closely as he was then only 2 to 3 meters away from the two; that he
heard the informant asked Aspa if he has the marijuana, to which Aspa answered in the
affirmative; and, that Aspa handed the three sachets containing dried marijuana leaves to the
informant who, in turn, gave the buy bust money consisting of three P100.00 bills with the marking
"DR," the initials of PO2 Dennis Reoliquio, the one who prepared the buy-bust money. SPO1
Somera and PO2 Reoliquio corroborated the testimony of PO1 Italin in its material points having
also seen how the transaction between Aspa and the confidential informant took place. This Court
notes that the accounts of these Police operatives of the incident dovetailed each other and
uniformly testified of having apprehended Aspa in the entrapment operation.
o We find that the credible and positive testimonies of PO1 Italin, SPO1 Somera and PO2 Reoliquio
are sufficient to prove that an illegal transaction or sale of marijuana took place. Also, when the
corpus delicti (three plastic sachets containing 7.8471 grams of marijuana) were presented in
court, PO1 Italin and SPO1 Somera positively identified the same as the sachets of marijuana
leaves that Aspa sold to the confidential informant during the entrapment operation. Each bears
the marking of "AES", the initials of SPO1 Amado Somera, Jr. The totality of the evidence
presented during trial clearly points to Aspa as being engaged in the illegal sale of marijuana at
the time he was arrested.
o Regarding the chain of custody: Evidence on record shows that the physical inventory of the
seized marijuana leaves and the taking of the photograph thereof were immediately conducted at
the place of the buy-bust operation by SPO1 Somera in the presence of Aspa, Michael Angelo
Patron (Patron), a member of the media from the Bomba Radyo, and Edgar Palos (Palos), a
barangay kagawad of Barangay VIII. On cross-examination, PO1 Italin admitted that they did not
have with them the representative from the Department of Justice at that time. While nowhere in
the prosecution evidence disclose an explanation why the Police operatives failed to secure the
presence of a representative from the Department of Justice, such omission shall not render
Aspa's arrest illegal or the items seized/confiscated from him as inadmissible in evidence.
o At any rate, the Court finds that the presence of mediaman Patron and barangay kagawad Palos
during the conduct of the physical inventory and taking of photograph of the confiscated drugs
has protected the credibility and trustworthiness of the September 2, 2011 buy-bust operation as
well as the incrimination of Aspa. Further, the Court is in complete accord with the findings of the
RTC and the CA that the identity and probative value of the seized marijuana leaves have not
been compromised. The prosecution had adequately shown the continuous and unbroken
possession and subsequent transfers of the subject three plastic sachets of marijuana leaves,
through the testimonies of PO1 Italin, SPO1 Somera, PO2 Reoliquio and Forensic Chemist PSI
Roanalaine B. Baligod (PSI Baligod), as well as the documentary evidence adduced by the
o Prosecution evidence tends to show that PO1 Italin seized the three (3) sachets of suspected
marijuana leaves from accused-appellant Aspa and turned them over to SPO1 Somera, who
immediately marked each sachet with AES (which stands for Amado Echalar Somera), his
signature and the date of the buy-bust operation. SPO1 Somera prepared an inventory receipt of
the items seized at the place of the buy-bust operation, while PO1 Bryan Lopez took pictures of
the subject drugs and the inventory proceedings. PO1 Italin was still in the area but he was helping
the other members of the PNP in controlling the crowd. SPO1 Somera retained possession and
carried the confiscated drugs when the buy-bust team headed back to the PNP, Vigan City Police
Station, where a request for laboratory examination was prepared and signed by PCI Mar Louise
Bundoc. SPO1 Somera, together with PCI Bundoc, delivered the request and the three specimens
at the Ilocos Norte Crime Laboratory, where they were received by Forensic Chemist PSI Baligod
and it was the latter who, after a full qualitative examination, confirmed that the seized items were
positive for marijuana, a dangerous drug. PSI Baligod reduced her findings in Chemistry Report
No. D-043-2011.
o In addition, PSI Baligod had shed light anent the post-examination custody of the subject
marijuana leaves. She testified that after examining the seized narcotics, she placed them inside
a brown envelope, sealed it with masking tape and placed her markings which consisted of the
case number, her initials and date of examination. Thereafter, she turned over the possession of
the specimens to SPO3 Teodoro Casela Floco, the Evidence Custodian of the Ilocos Norte
Provincial Crime Laboratory, from whom she got the same specimens before coming to the RTC
to testify.
o The Court finds that the phrase "without eligibility for parole" need not be appended to qualify
Aspa's prison term of life imprisonment in line with the instructions given by the Court in A.M. No.
15-08-02-SC and, hence, must be deleted. Besides, parole is extended only to those convicted
of divisible penalties. Therefore, the dispositive portion of this decision should simply state that
Aspa is sentenced to suffer the penalty of life imprisonment without any qualification.


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