Bach Werke Verzeichnis Wikipedia

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1/1/2019 Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis - Wikipedia

The Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV; lit. Bach works catalogue) is a catalogue of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach. It was
first published in 1950, edited by Wolfgang Schmieder. The catalogue's second edition appeared in 1990. An abbreviated version
of that second edition, known as BWV2a, was published in 1998.

1126 compositions were assigned a BWV number in the 20th century. More compositions were added to the catalogue in the 21st
century. The Anhang (Anh.; Annex) of the BWV lists over 200 lost, doubtful and spurious compositions.

List of compositions by BWV number
BWV 1–1128
Numbers above BWV 1128
BWV Anhang 1–213

The first edition of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis was published in 1950. It
allocated a unique number to every known composition by Bach.
Wolfgang Schmieder, the editor of that catalogue, grouped the
The BWV is a thematic catalogue, thus it
compositions by genre, largely following the 19th-century Bach
identifies every movement of every
Gesellschaft (BG) edition for the collation (e.g. BG cantata number = composition by its first measures, like the
BWV number of the cantata):[1] opening of BWV 1006, movement 2
(Loure) above
1. Kantaten (Cantatas), BWV 1–224
2. Motetten (Motets), BWV 225–231
3. Messen, Messensätze, Magnificat (Masses, Mass movements, Magnificat), BWV 232–243
4. Passionen, Oratorien (Passions, Oratorios), BWV 244–249
5. Vierstimmige Choräle (Four-part chorales), BWV 250–438
6. Lieder, Arien, Quodlibet (Songs, Arias and Quodlibet), BWV 439–524
7. Werke für Orgel (Works for organ), BWV 525–771
8. Werke für Klavier (Keyboard compositions), BWV 772–994
9. Werke für Laute (Lute compositions), BWV 995–1000
10. Kammermusik (Chamber music), BWV 1001–1040
11. Orchesterwerke (Works for orchestra), BWV 1041–1071, originally in two separate chapters: Concertos (BWV
1041–1065) and Overtures (BWV 1066–1071)
12. Kanons (Canons), BWV 1072–1078
13. Musikalisches Opfer, Kunst der Fuge (Musical Offering, Art of the Fugue), BWV 1079–1080
The Anhang of the BWV listed works that were not suitable for the main catalogue, in three sections:

I – lost works, or works of which only a tiny fraction had survived (Anh. 1–23)
II – works of dubious authenticity (Anh. 24–155) 1/39
1/1/2019 Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis - Wikipedia

III – works that were once attributed to Bach, but for which it had been established they were not composed by
him (Anh. 156–189)
Within each section of the Anhang the works are sorted by genre, following the same sequence of genres as the main catalogue.

Schmieder published the BWV's second edition in 1990, with some modifications regarding authenticity discriminations, and
more works added to the main catalogue and the Anhang. Several compositions were repositioned in the over-all structure of
chapters organised by genre and Anhang sections.[2] In 1998 Alfred Dürr and Yoshitake Kobayashi published a small edition of
the catalogue, based on the 1990 second edition. This edition, known as BWV2a, contained a few further updates and collation

New additions (Nachträge) to BWV2/BWV2a included:

BWV 1081–1126
BWV Anh. 190–213
An upper case R was used as an addition to a BWV number to indicate a reconstructed version, that is a conjectured earlier
version of a known composition.

Numbers above BWV 1126 were added in the 21st century. A new revised version of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis has been
announced by the Bach Archive for publication in 2020.[4]

List of compositions by BWV number

The numbers assigned to compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach and by others in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis are widely used
for the unique identification of these compositions.

BWV 1–1128
BWV numbers 1 to 1126 appear in the 1998 edition of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis.[3] BWV numbers 1127 and 1128 were
assigned in the 21st century.[5][6]

BWV 1 – Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (cantata)

BWV 2 – Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein (cantata)
BWV 3 – Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid (cantata)
BWV 4 – Christ lag in Todes Banden (cantata):

BWV 4.1[7] – early version

BWV 4.2[7] – Leipzig version
BWV 5 – Wo soll ich fliehen hin (cantata)
BWV 6 – Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden (cantata)
BWV 7 – Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (cantata)
BWV 8 – Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben? (cantata):

BWV 8.1[7] – first version

BWV 8.2[7] – second version
BWV 8/6 – "Herrscher über Tod und Leben" (closing chorale of BWV 8 by Daniel Vetter)[a]
BWV 9 – Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (cantata)
BWV 10 – Meine Seel erhebt den Herren (cantata)
BWV 11 – Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (oratorio)
BWV 12 – Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (cantata)
BWV 13 – Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen (cantata)
BWV 14 – Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (cantata)
BWV 15 – Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen (cantata by Johann Ludwig Bach, JLB 21)[a]
BWV 16 – Herr Gott, dich loben wir (cantata)
BWV 17 – Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich (cantata) 2/39

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