9-07 Abstract Noun Phrases As Alternatives For Dependent Clauses

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Modern English part II—Sentence & Complex Structures

Exercises for Non-native Speakers


pp. 162~164

The abstract noun phrase may be the equivalent of a noun clause or an

adverbial clause.

noun clause That her husband failed to keep his word disturbed her
very much.
or Her husband’s failure to keep his word disturbed her very
adverbial clause After the Allies defeated the Germans in the First World
War, a peace treaty was signed at Versailles.
or After the Allies’ defeat of the Germans in the First World
War, a peace treaty was signed at Versailles.

Since the abstract noun phrase may have either active or passive meaning,
this second clause may also take the form of - After the defeat of the
Germans by the Allies in the First World War。

Change the italicized clauses to abstract noun phrases.

EXAMPLE: a. After she was divorced from her husband, she went on a long
After her divorce from her husband, she went on a long trip.
b. I doubt that the letter is completely accurate.
I doubt the complete accurately of the letter.

1. Before the incandescent lamp was invented by Edison, gas was used to
light the homes and streets.
Before the invention of the incandescent lamp by Edison, gas was used to
light the homes and streets.
2. He prompted that the prisoners would be quickly released.
He prompted the quick release of the prisoners.

3. Although he was frequently absent from school, the sick boy was able to
do all his assignments.
The sick boy was able to do all his assignments in spite of her frequent
absence from school.

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Modern English part II—Sentence & Complex Structures
Exercises for Non-native Speakers

4. Until they were rescued at sea, the men took turns in rowing the boat.
The men took turns in rowing the boat until their rescue at sea.
5. In 1776 the American colonies proclaimed that they were independent.
In 1776 the American colonies proclaimed their independence.
6. Since her husband died, she has become very moody and depressed.
She has become very moody and depressed since her husband’s death/
the death of her husband.
7. The boy was fired because he was very inefficient.
The boy was fired because of his great inefficiency.
8. It was late in the evening before she noticed that she had lost an earring.
It was late in the evening before she noticed her loss of an earring.
9. Although his doctor had warned him, he still continued to smoke.
He still continued to smoke in spite of his doctor’s warning/the warning
of his doctor.
10. Because someone discovered gold in California in 1848, many people
rushed there hoping to get rich quick.
Many people rushed there hoping to get rich quick because of the
discovery of gold in California in 1848.
11. Although the building had been condemned by the health authorities,
people continued to live in it.
People continued to live in it in spite of the condemnation of the building
by the health authorities.
12. Because the defendant refused to answer some of the questions in court,
some people felt that he was guilty.
Some people felt that he was guilty because of the defendant’s refusal/
the refusal of the defendant to answer some of the questions in court.

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