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-versus- CASANOVA,


REVENUE, NOV 2 2 2011/

)(- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )(


The instant Petition for Review seeks the cancellation of the

assessment notices issued by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue holding

petitioner BASF Philippines, Inc. liable for deficiency Value-Added Tax (VAT)

and Income Tax for taxable year 2002 in the aggregate amount of


The facts of the case, as culled from the records, are as follows:

Petitioner is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws

of the Philippines, with principal office at the 11th Floor, Hanjinphil~

Page 2 of 22

Corporation Building, 1128 University Parkway, North Bonifacio, Global City,

Taguig, Metro Manila 1 .

Petitioner is a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE, the world's leading

chemical company, based in Germany2.

Respondent is the duly appointed Commissioner of Internal Revenue

who holds office at the Bureau of Internal Revenue, National Office, Diliman,

Quezon City. 3

A Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) dated October 25, 2005 4 was

issued by respondent, through the BIR Assessment Division Revenue Region

No. 9 - San Pablo City stating that, in connection with Letter of Notice No.

056-1M-02-00-00783, petitioner is liable for deficiency income tax and VAT

for taxable year 2002 in the amounts of P75,410,788.26 and P24,081,747.57,

respectively: 5


Discrepancy on Purchases P386,965,246.70

Divide by Cost Ratio 76.68%
Additional sales based on 504,649,513.17
Multiply by Gross Profit Rate 23 .32%
Additional gross profit 117,684,266.47
Multiply by tax rate 10%
VAT deficiency 11,768,426.65
Add: 50% Surcharge P5,884,213.32
Interest 6,429,107.60 12,313,320.92
Total Amount Due P24,081,747 .57

Par. I , Summary of Admitted Facts, Amended Joint Stipulation of Facts (AJSF), Docket, Vol. II ,
Par. 3, Petition for Review, Docket, Vol. I, p. 4
Par. 2, Ibid
Exhibit " A"
Par. I, Stipulation ofFacts, ASJF, Docket, Vol. II, p. 609
Page 3 of 22


Taxable income per annual p

income tax return
Add: Additional gross profit 117,684,266.47
Adjusted Taxable Income 117,684,266.47
Tax due 37,658,965.27
Add: 50% surcharge P18,829,482.64
Interest 18,922,340.36 37,751,822.99
Total Amount Due P75,410,788.26

The PAN states that the computerized matching conducted by the SIR

disclosed that petitioner has undeclared importation based on a comparison

between the records of the Bureau of Customs and the petitioner's VAT

Returns. 6

The Computation Sheet (SIR Form 2112-C/ attached to the PAN

showed a VAT Amount Payable of only P1,171,525.82 and an Income Tax

Amount Payable of only P207,920.55, to wit: 8


A. SOC data is higher than the declaration per VAT return:

Discrepancy on Importation p 21,038,415.37

Divide by Cost Ratio 766,824.00

Additional Sales based on P 27,435,781.05

Multiply by Gross Profit Rate 233,176.00

Additional Taxable Sales (Figure 1) p 6,397,365.68

Multiply by tax rate 10
Deficiency Tax p 639,736.57

B. SOC data is lower than the declaration per VAT return:v-

Par. 6, Petition, Docket, Vol. I, p. 6
Exhibit " A-3 "
Par. 3, Summary of Admitted Facts, Docket, Vol. II , pp. 606-607
Page 4 of 22

Discrepancy on Importation p
Multiply by tax rate %
Deficiency tax

Deficiency Tax (A or B) p 639,736.57

Add: Surcharge, if applicable P159,934.14
Interest 351,855.11
Compromise Penalty, if
applicable 20,000.00 531,789.25

Amount Payable P1,171,525.82


A. BOC data is higher than the declaration per VAT return:

Gross Income per Return p 363,060,986.00

Add: Figure 1 in Schedule 1A 6,397,365.68

Adjusted gross income p 369,458,351.68

Multiply by normal income tax 2

Income tax rate/MCIT due p 7,389,167.03

Less: Income tax or MCIT per 7,261,220.00
Deficiency Income Tax/MCIT 127,947.03

B. BOC data is lower than the declaration per VAT return:

Discrepancy on Importation p
( Overcla imed deductions)
Multiply by normal income tax rate %
Deficiency income tax p

Deficiency Income Tax/MCIT (A or B) p 127,947.03

Add: Surcharge, if applicable
Interest 63,973.52
Compromise Penalty, if applicable 16,000.00 79,973.52

Amount Payable p 207,920 .55

CfA CASE NO. 8128
Page 5 of 22

According to petitioner, the PAN was received by Ms. Villa Tolentino,

an accounting staff who is not authorized to sign tax returns nor represent

petitioner before the BIR. Since the PAN was not addressed to a particular

officer, Ms. Tolentino did not refer the PAN to her superiors. 9

A Formal Letter of Demand dated November 24, 2005 with attached

Assessment Notices10 for income tax and VAT in the amounts of

P76,040,982.68 and P24,278,264.17, respectively, was issued by the BIR

Assessment Division Revenue Region No. 9 through Acting Regional Director

Merlinda L. Orodoyo. 11

Ms. Tolentino wrote a letter to Ms. Orodoyo dated December 13,

2005 12, which she filed with Revenue Region No. 9 on 22 December 2005,

requesting that it be provided with the "list of undeclared importations you

mentioned in your letter for us to verfy (sic) them on our end."13

In a letter of Corazon C. Pangcog, OIC Regional Director dated

February 15, 2006 14 sent to the attention of Ms. Tolentino, the BIR provided

the requested list of importations called the Details of Importation with Return

Information Matching (DIRIM). 15

In a letter dated April 21, 2006 16 , Ms. Tolentino replied to Ms. Corazon

Pangcog, requesting for "revalidation of the deficiencies in payment being

raised to our concern" and asserting that "our company outrightly settles~

Par. 7, Petition, Docket, Vol. I, p. 6
Exhibit " 8 "
Par. 4, Summary of Admitted Facts, Docket, AJSF, Vol. II , pp. 607-608
Exhibit "C"
Par. 6, Stipu lation of Facts, AJSF, Docket, Vol. II , p. 610
Exhibit " D"
Par. 6, Stipulation of Facts, AJSF, Docket, Vol. II , p. 608
Exhibit " E"
Page 6 of 22

import taxes and duties." Ms. Tolentino attached a Certification from the

Philippine Bonded Warehouse Services, Inc., Memorandum from the Port of

Manila dated August 27, 2001, 3rd Indorsement dated August 24, 2001 from

the Port of Manila with its attached Annexes. 17

On July 3, 2006 petitioner received from respondent a letter dated

June 26, 2006 addressed to Ms. Villa Tolentino and signed by Oscar A.

Aguilar, OIC Chief, Legal Division, Revenue Region No. 9 stating that

petitioner should settle the amount of P100,319,246.85. 18

On June 17, 2010, Ms. Antoinette Molleno received two subpoenas

dated April 30, 2010 and May 21, 2010 19 from the Department of Justice

(DOJ) in connection with a preliminary investigation based on a complaint

dated March 18, 2010 20 filed by the respondent for violation of Section 255 of

the National Internal Revenue Code on account of the alleged failure to pay

deficiency income tax and VAT for taxable year 2002. The complaint was

based on an Affidavit of Oscar Aguilar alleging that tax assessments are final

and demandable because no timely protest was filed by petitioner against the

deficiency tax assessments arising from the Letter Notice Y

Petitioner considered the criminal complaint filed against Ms.

Antoinette Molleno dated March 18, 2010, which was signed by Commissionere>-

Par. 7, Stipu lation of Facts, AJSF, Docket, Vol. II , p. 608
Par. 7, Stipu lation ofFacts, AJSF, Docket, Vol. ll , p. 610
Exhibit " L"
Exh ibit " L-1 "
Par. 8, Summary of Admitted Facts, AJSF, Docket, Vol. II , p. 608
Page 7 of 22

of Internal Revenue Joel Tan-Torres, as the constructive denial of petitioner's

protest dated July 18, 2006 and August 25, 2010. 22

According to petitioner in an Indorsement dated June 3, 2010,

respondent is preparing, and is about to issue a Warrant of Distraint and

Levy/Garnishment against it for the amount of P100,319,246.85. 23

Hence, this instant Petition for Review with Urgent Motion for

Suspension of the Collection of Tax filed on July 6, 2010.

In her Answer 24 filed on September 17, 2010, respondent averred the

following Special and Affirmative Defenses:

"4. Respondent hereby repleads the foregoing admissions

and denials as part of her special and affirmative

5. Petitioner's deficiency Value-Added Tax (VAT) and

Income Tax (IT) assessments were determined
through computerized matching of records pursuant
to existing laws, rules and regulations.

5.1 The purpose and method by which the deficiency VAT

and IT of petitioner has been determined in
accordance with Section 6(A) of the National Internal
Revenue Code of 1997 (NIRC of 1997). Quoted
hereunder is the said provision of law:

Examination of Returns and

Determination of Tax Due. - After a
retunr (sic) has been filed as required
under the provisions of this Code, the
Commissioner or hiu (sic) duly
authorized representative may authorize
the examination of any taxpayer and the
assessment of the correct amount of
tax: Provided, however, That failure to
file a return shall not prevent the~
Par. 25 , Petition, Docket, Vol. I, p. 11
Par. 26, Petition, Docket, Vol. I, p. 11
Docket, Vol. I, pp. 196-206
CTA CASE NO. 81 28
Page 8 of 22

Commissioner from authorizing the

examination of any taxpayer.

The tax or any deficiency tax so

assessed shall be paid upon notice and
demand from the Commissioner or form
(sic) his duly authorized representative.

Any return, statement or

declaration filed in any office authorized
to receive the same shall not be
withdrawn: Provided, That within three
(3) years from the date of such fi ling,
the same may be modified, changed or
amended: Provided, further, That no
notice for audit or investigation of such
return, statement or declaration has in
the meantime been (sic) actually served
upon the taxpayer.

5.2 The matching of petitioner's records with the Bureau

of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Bureau of Customs
(BOC) database was done pursuant to Revenue
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 42-2003 25 in relation
to RMO No. 30-2003 26 and Revenue Regulations (RR)
No. 12-2002 27 • Under Letter Notice (LN) No. 056-IM-
02-00-00783, a computerized matching conducted by
respondent's officers on importation data furnished by
the BOC against imported purchases declared in
petitioner's VAT returns disclosed the following
discrepancy for taxable year 2002:

Importation per BOC Data 37,383,261.00

Importation per VAT returns filed 16,344 845.63
Discrepancy in imported purchases 21,038,415.37

Prescribing Additional Guidelines Governing the Rules on Assessment ofNational Internal Revenue
Taxes Covered by a Letter Notice (LN) issued under the RELIEF System as Defined in Revenue
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 30-2003 and other data matching processes.
Guidelines and Procedures in the Extraction, Analysis, Disclosure/Dissemination, Utilization and
Monitoring of RELIEF Data for Audit and Enforcement Purposes.
Regulations Providing for the Policies, Procedures and Guidelines in the Implementation of the
Voluntary Assessment and Abatement Program (VAAP) for Taxpayers with Underdeclared
Sales/Receipts/Income for the Calendar and Fiscal Years 2000, and 2001, and the First and Second
Quarter ending June 30, 2002, Pursuant to the RELIEF Program of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
and the Consequences for Non-Availment thereof.
Page 9 of 22

I Percentage (%)of Discrepancy

5.3 Based on the Formal Letter of Demand (FLOD)
received by petitioner on 24 November 2005,
verification by respondent's officer disclosed that per
computerized marching (sic), petitioner has
undeclared importation for taxable year 2002. The
discrepancy was discovered through comparison per
BOC records against petitioner's importation per tax
return. The Details of Importation with Return
Information Matching (DIRIM) from BOC indicates
that petitioner has a total importation of
P550,413,703.00 against P163,448,456.30 as
reflected in their returns. Hence, the discrepancy of
P386,965,246. 70.

6. Petitioner was afforded due process and ample

opportunity to contest the findings of respondent's

6.1 In LN No. 056-IM-02-00-00783 dated 18 August

2004, respondent invited petitioner to a conference to
validate the findings of her officers. The invitation
embodied in the LN serves as a Notice of Informal
Conference akin to that of the process detailed in RR
No. 12-99 29 for assessment pursuant to a Letter of
Authority. 30

6.2 On 08 November 2004, petitioner received a letter

dated 06 October 2006 from respondent with subject
"Letter Notice No. 056-IM-02-00-00783". The letter
indicates in part:

To date, yo (sic) have not taken

any positive action to refute the validity
of our finding and/or present any
documentary evidence to reconcile the
variances so indicated therein. We made
it clear to you that your failure to#
LN No. 056-JM-02-00-00783 dated August 18,2004, Page 31 ofthe BIR Records.
Implementing the Provisions of the National Internal Reve nue Code of 1997 Governing the Rules on
Assessment of National Internal Revenue Taxes, Civil Penalties and Interest and Extra-Judicial
Settlement of a Taxpayer's Criminal V iolation of the Code Through Payment of a Suggested
Compromise Penalty.
Paragraph 5, II I. Gu ide li nes of RMO No. 42-03: The LN shall serve as a d iscrepancy notice to
taxpayer simi lar to a Notice for Informa l Conference to the concerned taxpayer, thus, the procedures
defined in RR 12-99 shou ld likewise be observed.
Page 10 of 22

respond within fifteen (15) days from

receipt thereof will consider you in
default and, as a matter of course, the
Bureau shall conduct an appropriate
review and issuance of Preliminary
Assessment Notices (PAN) and Final
Assessment Notice (FAN), as the case
may be.

Please consider this letter as

reminder and final notice to you that
there has been a previous finding upon
which we will base our forthcoming
review/assessment. Henceforth, any
further action on your part is deemed as
an admission to the validity and
accuracy of the discrepancy indicated in
the subject LN.

6.3 Petitioner received a Preliminary Assessment Notice

(PAN) dated 25 October 2005 as to deficiency VAT
and IT for taxable year 2002 broken down as follows:


Discrepancy on P386,965,346. 70
Divide by Cost Ratio 76.68%
Additional sales based 504,649,266.47
on discrepancy
Multiply by Gross Profit
Rate 23.32%
Additional gross profit 117,684,266.47
Multiply by tax rate 10%
VAT deficiency 11,768,426.65
Add: 50% Surcharge P5,884,213.32
Interest 6,429,107.60 12,313,320.92
Total Amount Due P24,081,747 .57


Taxable income per p

annual income tax
Add: Additional gross 117,684,266.47
. P'
CTA CASE NO. 81 28
Page 11 of 22

Adjusted Taxable 117,684,266.47
Tax due 37,658,965.27
Add: 50% surcharge P18,829,482.64
Interest 18,922,340.36 37,751,822.99
Total Amount Due P75,410,788.26

6.4 Petitioner received an (sic) FLOD with attached

assessment notices dated 24 November 2005 which
petitioner received on even date as to deficiency VAT
and IT for taxable year 2002 broken down as follows:


Discrepancy on Purchases P386,965,346.70

Divide by Cost Ratio 76.68%
Additional sales based on 504,649,513 .17
Multiply by Gross Profit Rate 23.32%
Additional gross profit 117,684,266.47
Multiply by tax rate 10%
VAT deficiency 11,768,426.65
Add: 50% Surcharge P5,884,213.32
Interest 12,509,837.52
Total Amount Due P24,278,264.17


Taxable income per annual p -

income tax return
Add: Additional gross profit 117,684,266.47
Adjusted Taxable Income 117,684,266.47
Tax due 37,658,965.27
Add: 50% surcharge P18,829,482.64
Interest 19,552 534.77 38,382 017.41
Total Amount Due P76,040,982.68

6.5 At that point, petitioner had the opportunity to

contest the findings of respondent's officers by filing a
protest against the FLOD within thirty (30) days from~
CfA CASE NO. 8128
Page 12 of 22

receipt thereof or until 24 December 2005 31 •

Petitioner did not file a protest within the
reglementary period. Instead, petitioner requested for
a copy of the list of undeclared importations as stated
in the DIRIM. Even so, respondent's officers provided
petitioner with a copy of the DIRIM. Due to
petitioner's own actions, it had failed to file a protest
within the reglementary period provided by law.

Section 228 of the NJRC of 1997 . Protesting of Assessment. - When the
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative finds that proper
taxes should be assessed , he shall first notify the taxpayer of his
findings : Provided, however, That a pre-assessment notice shall not be
required in the following cases:
(a) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result of
mathematical error in the computation of tax as appearing on
the return ; or
(b) When a discrepancy has been determined between the tax
withheld and the amount actually remitted by the withholding
agent; or
(c) When a taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or tax credit of
excess creditable withholding tax for a taxable period was
determ ined to have carried over and automatically applied
the same amount claimed against the estimated tax liabilities
for the taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding taxable
year; or
(d) When the excise tax due on excisable articles has not been
paid; or
(e) When the article locally purchased or imported by an exempt
person , such as, but not limited to, vehicles, capital
equipment, machineries and spare parts, has been sold ,
traded or transferred to non-exempt persons.

The taxpayer shall be informed in writing of the law and the facts on
which the assessment is made; otherwise, the assessment shall be void .

Within a period to be prescribed by implementing rules and regulations,

the taxpayer shall be required to respond to said notice. If the taxpayer
fails to respond , the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative
shall issue an assessment based on his findings .

Such assessment may be protested administratively by filing a request

for reconsideration or reinvestigation with in thirty (30) days from receipt
of the assessment in such form and manner as may be prescribed by
implementing rules and regulations. Within sixty (60) days from filing of
the protest, all relevant supporting documents shall have been
subm itted : otherwise, the assessment shall become final.

If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted upon within one
hundred eighty (180) days from submission of documents, the taxpayer
adversely affected by the decision or inaction may appeal to the Court of
Tax Appeals within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said decision , or
from the lapse of one hundred eighty (180)-day period ; otherwise, the
decision shall become final , executory and demandable .. a;-
Page 13 of 22

6.6 The assessment being final, executory and

demandable, petitioner's case was referred to the
Collection Division of Revenue Region No. 9, San
Pablo City, Laguna on 11 May 2006. On 31 May 2006,
respondent issued a Final Notice Before Seizure
(FNBS) against petitioner.

7. The assessment borne of LN No. 056-IM-02-00-00783

had become final, executory and demandable.

7.1 The law under Section 228 of the NIRC of 1997 is

unequivocal when it stated that an assessment is final
and executory if the taxpayer failed to file a protest
thereon within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof. 32

7.2 In the case of Protector's Services vs. Court of

Appeals, et a/. 33 the Supreme Court observed the
effect of failure to file an administrative protest within
the reglementary period:

We note that indeed on

December 10, 1987, petitioner received
the BIR's assessment notices. On
January 12, 1988, petitioner protested
the 1983 and 1984 assessments and
requested for reinvestigation. From
December 10, 1987 to January 12,
1988, thirty three days had lapsed.
Thereafter petitioner may no
longer dispute the correctness of
the assessments. (emphasis supplied)

7.3 In this case, petitioner received the FLOD with

attached assessment notices on 24 November 2005.
Applying the rules of Section 228 of the NIRC of
1997, a protest should have been filed by petitioner
not later than 24 December 2005. The days went by
nary a peep from petitioner.

7.4 As sound practice of tax administration, respondent's

officers sent a Final Demand Letter dated 26 June
2006 to petitioner as a reminder that it should settle
its tax liabilities in the aggregate amount o~~

Asian Auctioneers, Inc . vs . Commissioner of Internal Revenue, CTA EB No. 276 , August 3, 2007.
G.R. No. 118176, Apri l 12,2000.
Page 14 of 22

P100,319246.85 (sic) not later than 12 July 2006. As

though disturbed from lethargy, petitioner filed a
position paper contesting the assessment. Alas, the
time for misgivings had come to pass. Plain as day,
the assessment is final, executory and demandable.

7.5 Petitioner points out that the letter it sent to

respondent on 22 December 2005 serves as a protest
on the assessment and is well-within the 30-day
period for filing a protest. This argument holds no
water. Quoted hereunder are the contents of the said

This is in connection with your Formal

Letter of Demand which we recevied
(sic) on 24 November 2005, informing
us that we have deficiency Income tax
and Value-added tax for the year 2002
amounting to Php76,040,982.68 and
Php24,278,264.17 respectively inclusive
of surcharge, interest and penalty.

Kindly provide us with the list of

undeclared importations you mentioned
in your letter for us to verfy (sic) them
on our end.

A cursory reading of the above-quoted letter readily

reveals that by no stretch of the imagination can it be
inferred that petitioner is protesting the assessment.

7.6 A protest on assessment should contest the findings

of respondent's officers. Furthermore, a valid protest
should contain the following:

(a) Name of the taxpayer and address for

the immediate past three (3) taxable
(b) Nature of request whether
reinvestigation or reconsideration
specifying newly discovered evidence he
intends to present if it is a request for
(c) The taxable periods covered .
(d) Assessment number .. ~
Page 15 of 22

(e) Date of receipt of assessment notice or

letter of demand.
(f) Itemized statement of the findings to
which the taxpayer agrees as a basis for
computing the tax due, which amount
should be paid immediately upon the
filing of the protest. For this purpose,
the protest shall not be deemed validly
filed unless payment of the agreed
portion of the tax is paid first.
(g) The itemized schedule of the
adjustments with which the taxpayer
does not agree.
(h) A statement of facts and/or law in
support of the protest. 34

7.7 Suffice it to say, the said letter doesn't even qualify as

a pro forma protest.

8. All told, petitioner is liable for deficiency VAT and IT

in the respective amounts of P24,278,264.17 and
P75,410,788.26 for taxable year 2002. "

On August 3, 2010, this Court issued a Resolution 35 restra ining

respondent from enforcing any Warrant of Distraint and Garnishment and/or

Levy against petitioner and immediately suspending the collection of disputed

VAT and income tax assessments.

On January 21 , 2011, the parties submitted their Amended Joint

Stipulation of Facts and Issues, which was approved in a Resolution 36 dated

January 25, 20 11.

During trial, both parties presented their evidence, testimonial and

documentary, to prove their respective case .. ~

Section 6, Revenue Regulations No. 12-85: Procedure covering administrative protests on
assessments of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
Docket,Vol. I, pp. 157-158
Docket, Vol. ll, p. 620
Page 16 of 22

On June 28, 2011 37 , this Court ordered the parties to file their

respective Memorandum within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said


In a Resolution dated August 8, 2011, the case was submitted for

decision, taking into consideration respondent's Memorandum filed on July

14, 2011 38 and petitioner's Memorandum filed on August 1, 2011 39 .

The following are the stipulated issues40 for our resolution:

1. Whether or not respondent observed due process in

the issuance of the deficiency income tax and VAT

2. Whether or not the deficiency income tax and VAT

assessments are valid.

3. Assuming that the deficiency income tax and VAT

assessments are valid, whether or not the
assessments have factual basis.

4. Whether or not petitioner filed a timely protest.

5. Whether or not deficiency VAT assessment had


Petitioner asserts that the PAN and the FAN are void because they do

not state the facts on which the assessments were based in violation of

Section 228 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997.

To illustrate, petitioner argues that the PAN and FAN simply stated that

" per computerized matching [that] was conducted by the Bureau, [petitioner

has] an undeclared importation for the year, which is a result of comparing_ ~

Docket, Vo l. rr, pp. 1043- 1044
Docket, Vo l. fl , pp. 1045- 1057
Docket, Vol. II, pp. I059- 1099
Amended Joint Stipul ation of facts and Iss ues, Docket, Vol. II, pp. 608-609
Page 17 of 22

[petitioner's] importation per Bureau of Customs (BOC) records as against

[petitioner's] importation per tax return." However, the list of importations

from the BOC used by the BIR for its comparison was not provided by the

BIR. Moreover, petitioner points out that the figures appearing in the

Computation Sheet attached to the PAN have no bearing on the figures

appearing in the deficiency income tax and VAT assessment on the face of

the PAN. Further, petitioner stressed that the amounts assessed in the PAN

and FAN are totally and inexplicably different from the amount assessed in

the Computation Sheet.

Based on the foregoing, petitioner submits that the PAN and the FAN

are void ab initio and without legal effect. Consequently, petitioner contends

that it cannot give rise to an enforceable tax liability.

This Court gives credence to petitioner's arguments.

Section 228 of the NIRC of 1997 specifically provides that:

"SEC. 228. Protesting of Assessment. - When

the Commissioner or his duly authorized
representative finds that proper taxes should be
assessed, he shall first notify the taxpayer of his
findings: Provide~ however, That a pre-assessment
notice shall not be required in the following cases:


The taxpayer shall be informed in writing

of the law and the facts on which the
assessment is made; otherwise, the
assessment shall be void.

XXX XXX xxx'' (boldfacing

supplied) . . ~
Page 18 of 22

To implement this provision, the BIR issued Revenue Regulations (RR)

No. 12-99, Section 3 of which states:

"Section 3. Due Process Requirement in the Issuance

of a Deficiency Tax Assessment. -


3.1.2. Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN). - If after

review and evaluation by the Assessment Division or by the
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative, as the
case may be, it is determined that there exists sufficient
basis to assess the taxpayer for any deficiency tax or taxes,
the said Office shall issue to the taxpayer, at least by
registered mail, a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) for
the proposed assessment, showing in detail, the facts
and the law, rules and regulations, or jurisprudence
on which the proposed assessment is based xxx xxx.


3.1.4 Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment

Notice. - The formal letter of demand and assessment
notice shall be issued by the Commissioner or his duly
authorized representative. The letter of demand calling
for payment of the taxpayer's deficiency tax or taxes
shall state the facts, the law, rules and regulations,
or jurisprudence, on which the assessment is based,
otherwise, the formal letter of demand and
assessment notice shall be void xxx xxx xxx."
(boldfacing supplied)

It is clear from the foregoing that a taxpayer must be informed in

writing of the legal and factual bases of the tax assessment made against

him. The use of the word "shall" in these legal provisions indicates the

mandatory nature of the requirements laid down therein 41 : ~

Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Enron Subic Power Corporation, G.R. No. 166387, January
CfA CASE NO. 8128
Page 19 of 22

A review of the records of the case would reveal that respondent did

not inform petitioner in writing of the law and facts on which the assessments

of the deficiency VAT and Income Tax were made.

In the Preliminary Assessment Notice as well as the Formal Letter of

Demand with Details of Discrepancies and Assessment Notice issued against

petitioner, respondent merely stated that "per computerized matching

conducted by the Bureau, you have an undeclared importation for the year,

which is a result of comparing your importation per Bureau of Customs (BOC)

records as against your importation per tax return". Further, there is an

alarming discrepancy in the amounts specified in the PAN vis-a-vis the

amounts appearing in the computation sheet attached to the PAN. For that

alone, it would already be difficult for petitioner to determine how the

deficiency assessments for VAT and Income Tax were arrived at by


Moreover, as correctly pointed out by petitioner, respondent failed to

provide petitioner with the list of the alleged undeclared importations which

has given rise to the deficiency assessments issued against it. In fact, it is

undisputed that the list of importations called as Details of Importation with

Return Information Matching (DIRIM) had only become available to petitioner

after its former employee, Ms. Tolentino, wrote and requested for a copy

from Acting Regional Director Merlinda L. Orodoyo, after having received the

PAN. d-'
Page 20 of 22

Based on the foregoing, this Court is convinced that the assessment

notices issued against petitioner are not valid. The details stated therein are

not sufficient to afford petitioner the opportunity to intelligently answer the

assessment as well as prepare documentary evidence for its protest. Said

notices failed to state the legal and factual bases of the assessment for

deficiency VAT and income tax arising from the alleged undeclared

importation of petitioner.

As held by the Supreme Court in the case of Commissioner of Internal

Revenue vs. Enron Subic Power Corporation42 , to wit:

"The law requires that the legal and factual

bases of the assessment be stated in the formal
letter of demand and assessment notice. Thus, such
cannot be presumed. Otherwise, the express
provisions of Article 228 of the NIRC and RR No. 12-
99 would be rendered nugatory. The alleged 'factual
bases' in the advice, preliminary letter and 'audit working
papers' did not suffice. There was no going around the
mandate of the law that the legal and factual bases of the
assessment be stated in writing in the formal letter of
demand accompanying the assessment notice." (boldfacing

Finally, a void assessment cannot give rise to an obligation to pay

deficiency taxes, and it divests the taxing authority of the right to collect

them. 43

In view of the foregoing, the resolution of the other issues is no longer


FMF Development Corporation vs. Co mmiss ioner of Internal Revenue, CA-G R SP No. 73973 ,
February 23 , 2004
Page 21 of 22

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is hereby GRANTED.

Accordingly, the deficiency Value-Added Tax (VAT) and Income Tax

assessments issued against petitioner for taxable year 2002 in the aggregate

amount of P100,319,246.85 are cancelled and considered withdrawn for lack

of legal and factual basis. Respondent is permanently enjoined from collecting

said assessments.


Associate Justice


Associate Justice

~ N .M ~ , C~
Associate Justice


I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision were reached in

consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.

~~ 0.,. a;r-~ Q.
Associate Justice
Chairperson, Second Division
CTA CASE NO. 81 28
Page 22 of 22


Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 13 of the Constitution, it is hereby

certified that the conclusions in the above Decision were reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.

~~~. \)....,.-L,
Presiding Justice

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