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„First Saturday” Budapest and eChess have teamed up to offer a special tournament for

Info women aiming to achieve WGM norms, WIM norms and ELO points in the capital of
Romania, Bucharest.
Venue Hotel IBIS - Parliament.
Time control 90 mins/ 40 moves + 30 mins/KO with 30 secs/move from the first move
Date Activity Time
05.01.2019 Check-In 14:00
05.01.2019 Round 1 14:30
06.01.2019 Round 2 14:00
07.01.2019 Round 3 14:00
08.01.2019 Round 4 14:00
Event 09.01.2019 Round 5 14:00
Schedule 10.01.2019 Free day
11.01.2019 Round 6 14:00
12.01.2019 Round 7 14:00
13.01.2019 Round 8 14:00
14.01.2019 Round 9 14:00
15.01.2019 Round 10 14:00
16.01.2019 Round 11 14:00
ELO Rating 0 – 1800 1801 – 1900 1901 – 2100 2101 – 2200 2201+
Fee (EURO) 200 180 160 140 120
Hotel IBIS Parliament *** DBL 46 euros/night, SGL 40 euros/night Breakfast and all taxes
In case the participant of the tournament does not stay at the accommodations offered by our
company, we keep the right to have a refund for the missed possible profit.
To participate in one of our events, please send an email (Subject: First Saturday) to
[email protected]
Christiansen SAVA
Main Organizer
FIDE Trainer, National Master
Tel. +40723.220.406
E-mail: [email protected]


Nagy László
Deputy Organizer
International Chess Organizer
Tel. (36-30) 230-1914
E-mail: [email protected]

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