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People vs.

Labagala (2018)



Ponente: Del Castillo (First Division)

Topic: Criminal Law

SUMMARY: The SC affirmed Labagalas’ conviction for robbery with homicide.

DOCTRINE: For the accused to be convicted of robbery with homicide, the prosecution must prove the
following elements: (a) the taking of personal property with the use of violence or intimidation against the
person; (b) the property taken belongs to another; (c) the taking is characterized by intent to gain or animus
lucrandi; and (d) on the occasion or by reason of the robbery, the crime of homicide, as used in its generic
sense, was committed.

In robbery with homicide, it must be established that the original criminal design of the malefactor/s is to
commit robbery, and the killing is merely incidental thereto. "The intent to commit robbery must precede the
taking of human life[, but] the homicide may take place before, during or after the robbery."

We explained in People v. De Jesus that an accused who participated as a principal in the commission of a
robbery will also be held liable as a principal of robbery with homicide even if he did not actually take part in
the killing that was committed by reason or on the occasion of the robbery, unless it is clearly shown that he
tried to prevent the same,

FACTS: On June 12, 2002, at around 7:30 p.m., Jun Alberto (Jun) was having dinner with the victim under the
mango tree at the latter's residence when Salve entered the yard to buy a pack of cigarettes. As he was
attending to Salve, he noticed four men enter the premises. Jun identified two of them in open court as
appellants Alvin and Romeo Labagala. Jun saw Alvin poke a gun at the victim and whip him with a gun while
the other three held him in place. Alvin then took the victim's jewelry consisting of two rings, a necklace and a

Afterwards, Jun witnessed the victim being dragged inside the house by Alvin. At the time, he was
cornered at the backyard by one of Alvin's companions. There was a commotion inside the house and he
heard someone moaning. Alvin and his companions immediately ran away. When he went inside the house, he
found the victim already dead.

Alvin and Romeo were charged and convicted of robbery with homicide. CA affirmed.


 WoN the prosecution was able to sufficiently prove the elements of the crime of robbery with homicide
o YES. We agree with the court a quo in upholding the detailed, clear and straightforward
testimony of Jun. That said testimony is uncorroborated by another witness is of no moment.
After all, "the testimony of a single witness, if positive and credible, is sufficient to sustain a
judgment of conviction x x x."
 WoN appellants, together with their co-accused who are at large, acted in conspiracy in committing the
crime charged
o YES. Per the records, it was established that appellants, together with their co-accused, entered
the victim's yard where they took the victim's personal effects by means of force, and with an
obvious intent to gain. That they cooperated with each other to achieve this purpose was plainly
manifested by their actions.
o Since it was not shown that appellants had endeavored to prevent the victim's killing, they are
both liable as principals of the crime of robbery with homicide.


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