Research Methodology MCQ Questions With Answers

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1 . _______ is referred to as "the father of research on teaching"?

A. N. L. Gage B. David Berliner

C. Egon Brunswik D. Donald T. Campbell

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

2 . The main purpose of research in education is to _________

A. Increase social status of an individual

B. Increase job prospects of an individual

C. Help in the personal growth of an individual

D.Help the candidate become an eminent educationist

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D
3 . _______ refers to inferring about the whole population based on the
observations made on a small part.

A. Pseudo-inference B. Objective inference

C. Inductive inference D. Deductive inference

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

4 . Sampling is advantageous as it ________

A. Saves time

B. Helps in capital-saving

C. Both (a) and (b)

D.Increases accuracy

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

5 . Random sampling is helpful as it is __________.

A. Reasonably accurate

B. Free from personal biases

C. An economical method of data collection

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

6 . Tippit table refers to ____________

A. Table of random digits

B. Table used in sampling methods

C. Table used in statistical investigations

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

7 . Type-I Error occurs if ___________________

A. the null hypothesis is rejected even though it is true

B. the null hypothesis is accepted even though it is false

C. both the null hypothesis as well as alternative hypothesis are rejected

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

8 . _________ is a preferred sampling method for the population with

finite size.

A. Systematic sampling B. Purposive sampling

C. Cluster sampling D. Area sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

9 . Research and Development become the index of development of

country. Which of the following reasons are true with regards to this

A. Because R&D targets the human development

Because R&D can improve the standard of living of the people in a


Because R&D reflect the true economic and social conditions prevailing
in a country

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

10 . The data of research is ______

A. Qualitative only B. Quantitative only

C. Both (a) and (b) D. Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

11 . The longitudinal approach of research deals with _________.

A. Short-term researches

B. Long-term researches

C. Horizontal researches

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

12 . Dramaturgical interviewing is carried out through ________

A. Debating B. Sampling

C. Case study D. Role playing

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

13 . The word 'Anusandhan' implies _________

A. Goal Orientation

B. Following an aim

C. Attaining an aim

D.Praying to achieve an aim

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

14 . Survey research studies _________

A. Events B. Processes

C. Populations D. Circumstances

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

15 . Evaluation research is concerned with ___________

A. Why are we doing?

B. What are we doing?

C. How well are we doing?

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

16 . A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should

A. Lecture B. Seminar

C. Workshop D. Conference

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

17 . Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research?

A. Research is systematic
B. Research is not passive

C. Research is not a process

D.Research is problem oriented

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

18 . Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Discoveries are researches

B. Researches lead to discovery

C. Invention and Research are related

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

19 . One of the following is not a quality of researcher:

A. Keenness in enquiry

B. He must be of alert mind

C. His assertion to outstrip the evidence

D.Unison with that of which he is in search

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

20 . A satisfactory statistical quantitative method should not possess one

of the following qualities
A. Flexibility B. Measurability

C. Comparability D. Appropriateness

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

21 . Books and records are the primary sources of data in:

A. clinical research

B. historical research

C. laboratory research

D.participatory research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

22 . Which of the following statement is correct?

A. objectives should be pin-pointed

B. another word for problem is variable

C. objectives can be written in statement or question form

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

23 . The important pre-requisites of a researcher in sciences, social

sciences and humanities are

A. laboratory skills, records, supervisor, topic

B. supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience

C. archives, supervisor, topic, flexibility in thinking

D.topic, supervisor, good temperament, pre-conceived notions

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

24 . Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in

modern society?

A. to discover new things

B. to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge

to systematically examine and critically analyse the

investigations/sources with objectivity

D.all of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

25 . What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research?

A. To over simplify the problem of research

B. To bring out holistic approach to research

C. To create a new trend in research methodology

D.To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B
26 . One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to:

A. confirm triangulation

B. introduce new variables

C. improve data interpretation

D.eliminate spurious relations

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

27 . The depth of any research can be judged by:

A. title of the research

B. duration of the research

C. objectives of the research expenditure on the research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

28 . Research can be conducted by a person who:

A. is a hard worker

B. holds a postgraduate degree

C. has studied research methodology

D.possesses thinking and reasoning ability

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C
29 . Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Variability is the source of problem

B. Researcher must possess analytical ability

C. Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

30 . Which of the following is not the Method of Research?

A. Survey B. Historical

C. Observation D. Philosophical

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

31 . Research can be classified as:

A. Basic, Applied and Action Research

B. Quantitative and Qualitative Research

C. Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

32 . The first step of research is:

A. Finding a problem
B. Selecting a problem

C. Searching a problem

D.Identifying a problem

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

33 . To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses:

A. X B. t test

C. ANOVA D. factorial analysis

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

34 . A research problem is feasible only when:

A. it is researchable

B. it has utility and relevance

C. it is new and adds something to knowledge

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

35 . Bibliography given in a research report:

A. has no relevance to research

B. shows vast knowledge of the researcher

C. helps those interested in further research

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

36 . Fundamental research reflects the ability to:

A. Expound new principles

B. Synthesize new ideals

C. Evaluate the existing material concerning research

D.Study the existing literature regarding various topics

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

37 . The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is

known as:

A. Survey Research

B. Historical Research

C. Summative Research

D.'Ex-post Facto' Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

38 . A ratio represents the relation between:

A. Part and Part B. Part and Whole

C. Whole and Whole D. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

39 . Circle graphs are used to show:

A. How one part is related to other parts?

B. How various sections share in the whole?

C. How one whole is related to other whole?

D.How various parts are related to the whole?

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

40 . Which of the following methods will you choose to prepare choropleth

map of India showing urban density of population:

A. Quintiles B. Quartiles

C. Break - point D. Mean and SD

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

41 . Which of the following methods is best suited to show on a map the

types of crops being grown in a region?

A. Isopleth B. Choropleth

C. Chorochromatic D. Choroschematic

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

42 . Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known

A. Statistical inference

B. Parameter inference

C. Data analysis and interpretation

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

43 . The experimental study is based on:

A. Survey of literature

B. Conceptual parameters

C. Replication of research

D.The manipulation of variables

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

44 . The main characteristic of scientific research is:

A. empirical B. theoretical

C. experimental D. all of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

45 . Authenticity of a research finding is its:

A. Validity B. Objectivity
C. Originality D. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

46 . Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?

A. Systematic Sampling Technique

B. Purposive Sampling Technique

C. Area Sampling Technique

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

47 . Research problem is selected from the stand point of:

A. Social relevance

B. Financial support

C. Researcher's interest

D.Availability of relevant literature

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

48 . Which one is called non-probability sampling?

A. Quota sampling

B. Cluster sampling
C. Systematic sampling

D.Stratified random sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

49 . Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in:

A. Survey method B. Historical studies

C. Normative studies D. Experimental studies

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

50 . Field-work based research is classified as:

A. Historical B. Empirical

C. Biographical D. Experimental

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

51 . Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the

prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986,
1996 and 2006?

A. Quota sampling

B. Cluster sampling

C. Systematic sampling

D.Stratified random sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C
52 . A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called
parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as:

A. Inference B. Statistics

C. Sample parameter D. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

53 . The importance of the correlation co-efficient lies in the fact that:

A. It is one of the most valid measure of statistics.

B. It is a non-parametric method of statistical analysis.

C. There is a linear relationship between the correlated variables.

It allows one to determine the degree or strength of the association

between two variables.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

54 . The F-test:

A. is essentially a two tailed test.

B. is essentially a one tailed test.

C. can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis.

D.can never be a one tailed test.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

55 . Which one of the following is the most comprehensive source of

population data?
A. Census

B. National Sample Surveys

C. Demographic Health Surveys

D.National Family Health Surveys

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

56 . Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling?

A. Sample units must be clearly defined

B. Sample units must be dependent on each other

C. Same units of sample should be used throughout the study

D.Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

57 . The research is always -

A. exploring new knowledge

B. verifying the old knowledge

C. filling the gap between knowledge

D.all of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D
58 . The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw
more and more clear ideas about the problem is:

A. Experimental research

B. Applied research

C. Action research

D.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

59 . When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the

most suitable sampling method is

A. Lottery Method B. Cluster Sampling

C. Stratified Sampling D. Convenient Sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

60 . The process not needed in experimental research is:

A. Controlling

B. Observation

C. Reference collection

D.Manipulation and replication

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

61 . A research problem is not feasible only when:

A. it is researchable

B. it has utility and relevance

C. it is new and adds something to knowledge consists of independent and dependent variables

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

62 . How can the objectivity of the research be enhanced?

A. Through its validity

B. Through its reliability

C. Through its impartiality

D.All of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

63 . Action-research is:

A. An applied research

B. A longitudinal research

C. A research carried out to solve immediate problems

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C
64 . The basis on which assumptions are formulated:

A. Universities

B. Cultural background of the country

C. Specific characteristics of the castes

D.All of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

65 . Which of the following is classified in the category of the

developmental research?

A. Action research

B. Descriptive research

C. Philosophical research

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

66 . We use Factorial Analysis:

A. To test the Hypothesis

B. To know the difference between two variables

C. To know the relationship between two variables

D.To know the difference among the many variables

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

67 . A null hypothesis is

A. subjective in nature

B. the same as research hypothesis

C. when there is difference between the variables

D.when there is no difference between the variables

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

68 . The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the
past is called

A. Content analysis

B. Historical research

C. Mythological research

D.Philosophical research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

69 . Action research is

A. An applied research

B. Simulative research

C. A longitudinal research
D.A research carried out to solve immediate problems

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

70 . The process not needed in Experimental Researches is

A. Controlling B. Observation

C. Manipulation D. Content Analysis

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

71 . Manipulation is always a part of

A. Historical research

B. Descriptive research

C. Fundamental research

D.Experimental research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

72 . Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between

creativity and intelligence?

A. 0.3 B. 0.5

C. 0.6 D. 1.00

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

73 . Action research means

A. An applied research

B. A longitudinal research

C. A research with socioeconomic objective

D.A research initiated to solve an immediate problem

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

74 . Research is

A. Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem

B. Finding solution to any problem

C. Searching again and again

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

75 . A common test in research demands much priority on

A. Objectivity B. Reliability

C. Useability D. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

76 . Which of the following is the first step in starting the research


A. Identification of problem
B. Survey of related literature

C. Searching for solutions to the problem

D.Searching sources of information to locate problem

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

77 . If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which

administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness ? This
will be an example of

A. Applied Research B. Action Research

C. Basic Research D. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

78 . Normal Probability Curve should be

A. Zero skewed

B. Positively skewed

C. Negatively skewed

D.Leptokurtic skewed

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

79 . Which one of the following is the oldest Archival source of data in

India ?

A. Census
B. Vital Statistics

C. Agricultural Statistics

D.National Sample Surveys

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

80 . In a large random data set following normal distribution, the ratio

(%) of number of data points which are in the range of (mean ± standard
deviation) to the total number of data points, is

A. ~ 47% B. ~ 50%

C. ~ 67% D. ~ 97%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

81 . Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative


A. Marital Status

B. Numerical Aptitude

C. Professional Attitude

D.Socio-economic Status

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

82 . A doctor studies the relative effectiveness of two drugs of dengue

fever. His research would be classified as

A. Case Study
B. Ethnography

C. Descriptive Survey

D.Experimental Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

83 . The term ‘phenomenology’ is associated with the process of

A. Correlational Study B. Analysis of Variance

C. Probability Sampling D. Qualitative Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

84 . The ‘Sociogram’ technique is used to study

A. Human Relations

B. Vocational Interest

C. Achievement Motivation

D.Professional Competence

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

85 . Which one of the following methods serve to measure correlation

between two variables?

A. Two-way table

B. Scatter Diagram
C. Frequency Distribution

D.Coefficient of Rank Correlation

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

86 . Which of the following phrases is not relevant to describe the

meaning of research as a process?

A. Trial and Error

B. Problem Solving

C. Systematic Activity

D.Objective Observation

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

87 . Which of the following is not an example of a continuous variable?

A. Height B. Attitude

C. Family size D. Intelligence

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

88 . A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

A. Primary Data only

B. Secondary Data only

C. Both Primary and Secondary Data

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

89 . Newton gave three basic laws of motion. This research is categorized


A. Sample Survey B. Applied Research

C. Descriptive Research D. Fundamental Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

90 . A group of experts in a specific area of knowledge assembled at a

place and prepared a syllabus for a new course. The process may be
termed as

A. Seminar B. Workshop

C. Conference D. Symposium

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

91 . In the process of conducting research “Formulation of Hypothesis” is

followed by

A. Analysis of Data

B. Collection of Data

C. Statement of Objectives

D.Selection of Research Tools

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B
92 . Which one of the following methods is best suited for mapping the
distribution of different crops as provided in the standard classification of
crops in India ?

A. Dot method

B. Pie diagram

C. Isopleth technique

D.Chorochromatic technique

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

93 . Which one of the following does not come under the methods of data
classification ?

A. Spatial B. Normative

C. Qualitative D. Quantitative

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

94 . Which one of the following is not a source of data ?


B. Sample survey

C. Population census

D.Administrative records

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

95 . The essential qualities of a researcher are

A. systematization or theorizing of knowledge

B. reliance on observation and evidence

C. spirit of free enquiry

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

96 . Research is conducted to

A. Generate new knowledge

B. Obtain research degree

C. Reinterpret existing knowledge

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

97 . A hypothesis is a

A. law B. canon

C. postulate D. supposition

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

98 . Suppose you want to investigate the working efficiency of

nationalized bank in India, which one of the following would you follow?

A. Area Sampling B. Quota Sampling

C. Sequential Sampling D. Multi-stage Sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

99 . Controlled group condition is applied in

A. Survey Research

B. Historical Research

C. Descriptive Research

D.Experimental Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

100 . Workshops are meant for

A. giving lectures

B. multiple target groups

C. showcase new theories

D.hands on training/experience

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

101 . Which one of the following is a research tool?

A. Graph B. Diagram

C. Illustration D. Questionnaire

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

102 . Research is not considered ethical if it

A. is not of a very high standard

B. tries to prove a particular point

C. does not investigate the data scientifically

D.does not ensure privacy and anonymity of the respondent

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

103 . The research that aims at immediate application is

A. Action Research B. Empirical Research

C. Conceptual Research D. Fundamental Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

104 . When two or more successive footnotes refer to the same work
which one of the following expressions is used ?

A. B. op.cit

C. loc.cit D. ibid

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

105 . Nine year olds are taller than seven year olds. This is an example of
a reference drawn from

A. Vertical study
B. Time series study

C. Experimental study

D.Cross-sectional study

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

106 . Conferences are meant for

A. Group discussions

B. Multiple target groups

C. Show-casing new Research

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

107 . Ex Post Facto research means

A. The research is carried out after the incident

B. The research is carried out prior to the incident

C. The research is carried out along with the happening of an incident

The research is carried out keeping in mind the possibilities of an


Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

108 . Research ethics do not include

A. Integrity B. Honesty

C. Objectivity D. Subjectivity

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

109 . Which one of the following is an indication of the quality of a

research journal?

A. h-index B. g-index

C. i10-index D. Impact factor

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

110 . Good ‘research ethics’ means

Assigning a particular research problem to one Ph.D./research student


Submitting the same research manuscript for publishing in more than

one journal

Not disclosing the holdings of shares/stocks in a company that sponsors

your research

Discussing with your colleagues confidential data from a research paper

that you are reviewing for an academic journal

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

111 . Which of the following sampling methods is based on probability?

A. Quota sampling
B. Stratified sampling

C. Judgement sampling

D.Convenience sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

112 . Identify the incorrect statement:

A. Scientific hypothesis is a scientific theory

B. Hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon

A hypothesis is a basis for reasoning without any assumption of its


A hypothesis is made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting

point for further investigations

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

113 . A research paper

A. is a compilation of information on a topic

B. can be published in more than one journal

C. contains original research as deemed by the author

contains peer-reviewed original research or evaluation of research

conducted by others

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D
114 . Which one of the following belongs to the category of good
‘research ethics’?

Publishing the same paper in two research journals without telling the

Trimming outliers from a data set without discussing your reasons in a

research paper

Conducting a review of the literature that acknowledges the

contributions of other people in the relevant field or relevant prior work

Including a colleague as an author on a research paper in return for a

D.favor even though the colleague did not make a serious contribution to
the paper

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

115 . Which of the following sampling methods is not based on


A. Quota Sampling

B. Cluster Sampling

C. Stratified Sampling

D.Simple Random Sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

116 . A workshop is

A. a meeting for discussion on a topic

B. a conference for discussion on a topic

a class at a college or a university in which a teacher and the students

discuss a topic

a brief intensive course for a small group emphasizing the development

of a skill or technique for solving a specific problem

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

117 . A working hypothesis is

A. a scientific theory

B. not required to be tested

C. a proven hypothesis for an argument

D.a provisionally accepted hypothesis for further research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

118 . Which one of the following is not a type of experimental method?

A. Single group experiment

B. Parallel group experiment

C. Rational group experiment

D.Residual group experiment

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D
119 . Which one of the following is not a non-parametric test ?

A. t-test B. Run test

C. Sign test D. Chi-square test

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

120 . Identify the correct sequence of research steps :

Selection of topic, review of literature, interpretation of findings, data


Selection of topic, data collection, review of literature, interpretation of


Review of literature, selection of topic, data collection, interpretation of


Selection of topic, review of literature, data collection, interpretation of


Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

121 . Deconstruction is a popular method of research in

A. Literature B. Basic Science

C. Social Science D. Applied Science

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

122 . With which one of the following techniques communality is


A. Case studies B. SWOT analysis

C. Factor analysis D. Univariate analysis

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

123 . The variable which impacts the relationship between an

independent variable and a dependent variable is known as

A. control variable B. predictor variable

C. precedent variable D. antecedent variable

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

124 . Which one of the following is a non-probability sampling method?

A. Quota Sampling

B. Cluster Sampling

C. Stratified Sampling

D.Simple Random Sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

125 . The population information is called parameter while the

corresponding sample information is known as

A. Universe B. Statistics

C. Inference D. Sampling design

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

126 . The sequential operations in scientific research are

Elimination of Spurious Relations, Theorisation, Generalisation, Co-

Theorisation, Generalisation, Elimination of Spurious Relations, Co-


Co-vaiation, Elimination of Spurious Relations, Generalisation,


Generalisation, Co-variation, Theorisation, Elimination of Spurious


Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

127 . In sampling, the lottery method is used for

A. Theorisation B. Randomisation

C. Interpretation D. Conceptualisation

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

128 . Which is the main objective of research?

A. To review the literature

B. To get an academic degree

C. To summarize what is already known

D.To discover new facts or to make fresh interpretation of known facts

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

129 . Sampling error decreases with the

A. Process of analysis

B. Increase in sample size

C. Decrease in sample size

D.Process of randomization

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

130 . The Principles of fundamental research are used in

A. Action research

B. Applied research

C. Historical research

D.Philosophical research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

131 . In a thesis, figures and tables are included in

A. The text itself

B. The appendix

C. A separate chapter

D.The concluding chapter

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A
132 . A thesis statement is

A. A fact B. A discussion

C. An assertion D. An observation

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

133 . The research approach of Max Weber to understand how people

create meanings in natural settings is identified as

A. Critical paradigm

B. Positive paradigm

C. Natural paradigm

D.Interpretative paradigm

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

134 . Which one of the following is a non probability sampling?

A. Stratified B. Purposive

C. Systematic D. Simple Random

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

135 . Identify the category of evaluation that assesses the learning

progress to provide continuous feedback to the students during

A. Formative B. Diagnostic
C. Placement D. Summative

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

136 . The research stream of immediate application is

A. Action research

B. Empirical research

C. Conceptual research

D.Fundamental research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

137 . The core elements of dissertation are

A. Research Plan; Research Data; Analysis; References

Executive Summary; Literature review; Data gathered; Conclusions;


Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results;

Discussion and Conclusion

Introduction; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Conclusions and


Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

138 . What is a Research Design?

A. Sampling using a sampling frame

B. Literally the researcher’s brief case

C. Identifying people who are suitable for research

D.Sampling of people, newspapers, television programmes etc.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

139 . The frequency distribution of a research data which is symmetrical

in shape similar to a normal distribution but center peak is much higher,

A. Skewed B. Platykurtic

C. Leptokurtic D. Mesokurtic

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

140 . When planning to do a social research, it is better to

A. Be familiar with literature on the topic

B. Approach the topic with an open mind

C. Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it

D.Forget about theory because this is a very practical

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

141 . When academicians are called to deliver lecture or presentations to

an audience on certain topics or a set of topics of educational nature, it is

A. Seminar B. Workshop
C. Symposium D. Training Program

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

142 . Media is known as

A. First Estate B. Second Estate

C. Third Estate D. Fourth Estate

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

143 . Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of

research are correct

A. It leads to enhancement of knowledge

Research refers to a series of systematic activity or activities

undertaken to find out the solution of a problem

It is a systematic, logical and an unbiased process wherein verification

C. of hypothesis data analysis, interpretation and formation of principles
can be done

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

144 . A good thesis writing should involve

A. careful checking of references

B. a clear and well written abstract

C. consistency in the way the thesis is written

D.all of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

145 . Jean Piaget gave a theory of cognitive development of humans on

the basis of his

A. Action research B. Applied research

C. Evaluation Research D. Fundamental research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

146 . "Male and female students perform equally well in a numerical

aptitude test." This statement indicates a

A. null hypothesis

B. research hypothesis

C. statistical hypothesis

D.directional hypothesis

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

147 . The conclusions/findings of which type of research cannot be

generalized to other situations

A. Historical research

B. Descriptive Research

C. Experimental Research
D.Causal Comparative Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

148 . Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire

A. Revision of the draft

B. Prepare a draft of questionnaire

C. Writing primary and secondary aims of the study

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

149 . When the purpose of a definition is to explain the use or to

eliminate ambiguity the definition is called

A. Lexical

B. Persuasive

C. Theoretical


Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

150 . Which of the following statements is not true in the context of

participatory research?

A. It recognizes knowledge as power.

B. It is a collective process of enquiry.

C. It emphasises on people as experts.

D.Its sole purpose is production of knowledge.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

151 . Which of the following statements is true in the context of the

testing of a hypothesis?

A. It is only the null hypothesis, that can be tested.

B. It is only the alternative hypothesis, that can be tested.

C. Both, the alternative and the null hypotheses can be tested.

D.Both, the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

152 . Which of the following are the basic rules of APA style of referencing

A. Alphabetically index reference list

B. Invert authors’ names (last name first)

C. Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D
153 . Which of the following are the characteristics of a seminar?

A. It is a form of academic instruction.

B. It needs involvement of skilled persons.

C. It involves questioning, discussion and debates.

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

154 . A researcher is interested in studying the prospects of a particular

political party in an urban area. What tool should he prefer for the study?

A. Interview B. Schedule

C. Rating scale D. Questionnaire

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

155 . Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for:

A. Copyright

B. Thesis format

C. Patenting policy

D.Data sharing policies

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

156 . A definition that has a meaning that is deliberately assigned to

some symbol is called:
A. Lexical B. Precising

C. Stipulative D. Persuasive

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

157 . A Cluster of propositions with a structure that exhibits some

inference is called

A. An argument B. An inference

C. An explanation D. A valid argument

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

158 . In qualitative research paradigm, which of the following features

may be considered critical?

A. Data collection with standardised research tools.

B. Data collection with bottom-up empirical evidences.

C. Sampling design with probability sample techniques.

D.Data gathering to take with top-down systematic evidences.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

159 . From the following list of statements identify the set which has
negative implications for ‘research ethics’ :

A. Related studies are cited without proper references.

Conduct of practitioner is screened in terms of reported research

Both policy making and policy implementing processes are regulated in
terms of preliminary studies.

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

160 . Which of the following is an initial mandatory requirement for

pursuing research?

A. Developing a research design

B. Formulating a research question

C. Formulating a research hypothesis

D.Deciding about the data analysis procedure

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

161 . The format of thesis writing is the same as in

A. a research dissertation

B. writing of seminar presentation

C. preparation of a research paper/article

D.presenting a workshop/conference paper

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

162 . In a Ph.D. thesis which one is the correct sequence for showing
scheme of Chapterisation?
Introduction, Design of study, Data Analysis and Interpretation,
A. Generalizations, Conclusions and Survey of related studies and
suggestions for further research, References and Appendix

Survey of related studies, Introduction, Design of the study, Data-

B. Analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalisations, suggested
further study, References, Appendix

Survey of related studies, References, Introduction, Design of study,

C. Data analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalizations,
Suggestions for further research, Appendix

Introduction, Survey of related studies, Design of study, Data-

D.presentation; analysis & Interpretation, Formulation of generalization &
Conclusions, Suggestions for further research, References & Appendix

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

163 . Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative


Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related

to the phenomena.

B. Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.

C. Actual settings are the direct source of data.

D.Data take the forms of words or pictures.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

164 . A detailed description of methodology of research is required in

A. Thesis/Dissertation
B. Symposium/Workshop

C. Seminar paper/Articles

D.Conference and Seminar Papers

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

165 . Research ethics has a direct connection more often with which
stages of research ?

A. Defining and delimiting the scope of research.

B. Deciding about statistical techniques and data analysis.

C. Problem formulation and reporting of research findings.

Defining the population and deciding the sampling technique for


Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

166 . For advancing knowledge, the latest strategy used by mankind is

A. scientific thinking

B. inductive reasoning

C. deductive reasoning an authority

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A
167 . Action research is a type of _______

A. Survey research

B. Applied research

C. Quantity research

D.Population research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

168 . Hypothesis relates ________

A. Constant to constant

B. Constant to variables

C. Variables to constant

D.Variables to variables

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

169 . In the purposive method of sampling design, items are selected

according to ___________

A. Personal judgement B. Law of probability

C. Law of certainty D. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

170 . Primary data for the research process be collected through

A. Survey B. Experiment

C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

171 . A research problem is not feasible if __________________

A. It is researchable

B. It has utility and relevance

C. It is new and adds something to knowledge

D.It consists of independent and dependent variables

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

172 . Determining the relationship between two or more variables occurs

in _____________.

A. Survey research

B. Action research

C. Correlational research

D.Naturalistic observation

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

173 . Participant observation is the process of immersing yourself in the

study of ______
A. People B. Options

C. Methods D. Outcomes

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

174 . 'Ethnography' describes _______

A. Way of life B. Culture

C. Both (a) and (b) D. Progeny

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

175 . The least important thing to do in teaching is _______

A. Punishing the students

B. Lecturing in interesting way

C. Ensuring discipline in the class

D.Drawing sketches and diagrams on the blackboard

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

176 . For a teacher, which is the most important skill to possess?

A. Being regular

B. Covering the prescribed course

C. Ensuring that the students are relaxed while teaching

D.Making students understand what the teacher explains

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

177 . Which of the following is the biggest barrier to communication in a


A. Outside disturbance

B. Noise in the classroom

C. Lack of teaching aids

D.Confusion on the part of the teacher

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

178 . How is the competency of a teacher judged?

A. Personality

B. Books published

C. Meeting the needs of students

D.Length of association with a school

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

179 . What is the most important challenge before a teacher?

A. Checking question papers

B. Getting assignments finished

C. Making teaching-learning enjoyable

D.Maintaining discipline in the classroom

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

180 . _______ is not required for an effective communication

A. Speech modulation

B. Charming personality

C. Appropriate gestures

D.Good knowledge of the content

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

181 . Who is an effective communicator?

A. The one with histrionic talents

B. The one who is claer with what he says

C. The one who is a humourous speaker

D.The one who can speak in many languages

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

182 . What is required in a classroom?

A. Teacher who is disciplined and take attendance regularly

B. Teacher effectively answering the questions asked by students

C. A teacher delivering his lecture according to the textbook and research

A teacher delivering his lecture on the basis of textbook contents and

standard books

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

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