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Question Bank US05EBCA01- Basics of UNIX Operating System

1. In UNIX resources are shared by all the users, so UNIX is_____________ System.
A. multiuser C. portable
B. featureless D. multitasking
2. Root directory in UNIX is denoted by ____________
A. -- C. /
B. () D. \
3. _____________ directory contain executable file for most of the UNIX commands.
A. lib C. dev
B. bin D. tmp
4. dev directory contain files for controlling ____________.
A. input/output C. Both A and B
B. OS D. None
5. When scheduler submits process to the queue, process is said to be in
____________ state.
A. hold C. run
B. submit D. ready-to-run
6. Process whose execution comes to an end will be in _____________state.
A. hold C. complete
B. submit D. run
7. PWD stands for ______________.
A. present working directory C. present working diary
B. past working directory D. past working diary
8. Unix Operating System is an __________.
A. Time Sharing Operating System C. Multi-tasking Operating System
B. Multi-User Operating System D. All the Above
9. How do you get help about the command "cp"?
A. help cp C. cp ?
B. man cp D. cat cp
10. How do you rename file "new" in file "old"?
A. mv new old C. rm new old
B. cp new old D. rn new old
11. Which command is used with vi editor to move the cursor one row up?
A. i C. h
B. j D. k
12. Which command is used with the vi editor to save file and remain in the editing
A. :q C. :w
B. :q! D. :x

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Question Bank US05EBCA01- Basics of UNIX Operating System

13. How do you delete a file?

A. rm filename C. touch filename
B. cut filename D. less filename
14. ____________works as a command interpreter.
A. Hardware C. Kernel
B. Shell D. CPU
15. vi always starts in ____________ mode.
A. command C. last line
B. insert D. ex
16. To get out of insert mode, press the _____ key, which will put you back into
command mode.
A. Shift C. Esc
B. Ctrl D. Alt
17. Which command is used to copy all files having the string chap and any two
characters after that to the progs directory?
A. cp chap* progs C. cp chap[12] /progs/*.*
B. cp chap?? progs D. None of these


1. Which command can be used to display the contents of a file on the screen?
A. ls C. cat
B. grep D. cut
2. How can you append the output of a command to a file?
A. command < file C. command > file
B. command << file D. command >> file
3. When the shell is used from a terminal it will issue a prompt before reading a
command. By default this prompt is _____.
A. > C. &
B. $ D. #
4. The shell prompt when further input is needed, by default it is ______.
A. > C. &
B. $ D. #
5. The cat command is used to
A. capture a file C. copy a file
B. print a file D. display a file
6. When you execute a script called test at $ prompt as
$test hi hello then test will be stored in _____ positional parameter.
A. $# C. $0
B. $* D. $1
7. Use of \ in removing meaning of any meta character placed after it is known as
A. Escaping C. Editing these
B. Treating D. None o

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Question Bank US05EBCA01- Basics of UNIX Operating System

8. Any command surrounded by backquote is executed by shell and its output is

inserted in the place it was found. This is known as _________________________.
A. Command replacement C. Command substitution
B. Parsing D. Command execution
9. ________ pathname uses the current directory as point of reference for the file.
A. Relative C. Both A and B
B. Absolute D. None of these
10. ________ commands are executed directly by the shell. These commands will not
have a separate process running for each.
A. External C. Internal
B. Background D. None of these


1. if statement ends with _______.

A. end C. end if
B. fi D. none
2. case statement ends with ______.
A. end C. end case
B. esac D. None of these
3. for logical AND operator _________ option is used
A. –a C. –o
B. –c D. -d
4. For Logical OR operator _________ option is used.
A. –a C. –o
B. –c D. -d
5. Which of the following are used as loops?
A. for C. Both A and B
B. while D. None of these
6. For taking input from the user in shell script ________command is used
A. echo C. Both A and B
B. read D. None of these
7. To display the content as it is ________ command is used.
A. echo C. Both A and B
B. read D. None of these
8. To turn debugging on _______ option is used with set command.
A. –vx C. -dx
B. +vx D. None of these
9. Choose incorrect statement.
A. Shell scripts can accept arguments.
B. Shell scripts are compiled.
C. Shell scripts are interpreted.
D. Shell supports programming.

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Question Bank US05EBCA01- Basics of UNIX Operating System


1. Which command is used to extract specific columns from the file?

A. cat C. cut
B. grep D. paste
2. In delimited file format, designated keyboard characters known as ___________ are
used to maintain the data's tabular organization.
A. delimiters C. partition
B. separator D. divider
3. _______________ format eliminate the need for delimiters.
A. Fixed length file C. Both A and B
B. Delimited file D. None of above
4. Which of the following is not a filter program?
A. date C. cat
B. sort D. grep
5. Which of the following results in error?
A. expr 4 + 5 C. expr 4 * 5
B. expr 4 - 5 D. expr 4 / 5
6. _______command copies to output those lines in the input that match a specified
A. cut C. echo
B. paste D. grep
7. Full form of grep is ________________________________________.
A. Globally search with Regular Expressions and Print
B. Global Read Expression and Print
C. Goto Regular Expression and Print
D. None of above
8. Full form of sed is
A. Sequential Data C. Sequence Editor
B. Stream Editor D. None of these
9. ______ option of grep doesn’t display lines matching expression.
A. -c C. -v
B. -i D. -x
10. Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the
beginning of a line?
A. ^pat C. pat$
B. $pat D. pat^
11. ____ command display the status of a process.
A. ls C. grep
B. ps D. cat

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Question Bank US05EBCA01- Basics of UNIX Operating System

SHORT QUESTIONS (Each of 2 Marks)


1. List Strength of UNIX like Operating system.

2. List Weaknesses of UNIX like Operating system.
3. Define term Kernel in context of UNIX.
4. Define Remote Access and Remote Login.
5. Explain Command Line in brief.
6. List Modes of Operation of vi Editor.
7. Explain Pattern Searching and Replacement facility of vi editor.
8. Discuss the following commands in short taking an example.
pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, cp, mv, rm (2 mark each)
9. List all saving and quitting commands of vi editor.
10. List out any four environment variable with their usage.


1. Define: prompt, external command

2. Explain in brief: Building block approach
3. Explain quoting in brief.
4. Explain escaping in brief.
5. Define: internal command. Give 2 examples of internal commands.
6. What is relative path? Explain with example.
7. Differentiate: > and >>
8. Explain cat command in brief.
9. Explain echo command in brief.


1. Explain if statement in LINUX.

2. Explain Test command for integer comparison.
3. Differentiate: if and case
4. Explain while loop with example
5. Explain echo command
6. Explain read command
7. Explain for loop with example.
8. Explain set command in brief.


1. Define: filter. Give 2 examples of filter.

2. Explain use of expr for performing arithmetic operations.
3. What is the difference between text files having fixed width format and delimited
4. Explain –v and –c option of grep command.
5. Explain –n option of sed filter.
6. Explain use of ^ and $ in grep command.
7. Diffrentiate: expr and bc command
8. State any 4 attributes displayed by –l option of ls command.

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Question Bank US05EBCA01- Basics of UNIX Operating System


UNIT 1 Marks
1. Write a note on Brief history of UNIX operating system. [4]
2. List and explain Strength and Weaknesses of UNIX like Operating System . [5-6]
3. Describe in detail: 3
• Kernel & shells mark
• Multiuser & multitasking each
• File system
• Processes
• Environment & environment variables
• Command line
• Online manual
4. Write a detail note on Modes of Operation of vi editor and also explain Context [4-5]
Switching between them.
5. Explain Editing and Navigation of Text taking an appropriate example. [4-5]
6. Explain concept of CUT-COPY-PASTE in vi editor. [4-5]
7. Explain pattern searching and replacement utility of vi editor. [4-5]

UNIT 2 Marks
1. Write note on: Input / Output redirection
2. Write note on: Quoting and Escaping [4-5]
3. What is path? Explain Absolute and Relative path with example. [4-5]
4. Write note on: Command substitution [4-5]
5. Write note on: Command line argument [4-5]
6. Explain Command line processing. [4-5]
7. [4-6]

UNIT 3 Marks
1. Explain case statement with example. [3-4]
2. Explain if and case statement in LINUX. [6-7]
3. Explain for loop in Linux with example. [4-5]
4. What is Shell script? Explain uses of Shell script and execution of shell script. [4-5]
5. Explain all control structures in details. [10]
6. Explain turning debugging on and off procedure in detail. [4]
7. Explain while loop in detail with example. [4]

UNIT 4 Marks
1. Explain method of processing data in text files for fixed-width format and [10]
delimited format in detail.
2. Explain method of processing data in text files for fixed-width format in detail. [4-5]
3. Explain method of processing data in text files for delimited format in detail. [4-5]
4. Explain substitution facility of sed filter. [3-4]
5. Explain grep command with example. [5-6]
6. Write note on sed filter. [5-6]
7. Explain all attributes displayed by –l option of ls command. [4]
8. How to process the output of who command? [3]

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