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Section 7.

Terms of Reference 95

Section 7. Terms of Reference


The Government of Andhra Pradesh State under the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization
Act -2014, act of the Indian Parliament is developing a world class Capital City “the
Amaravati” strategically located between two major urban centers Vijayawada and
Guntur.The key institutions involved in the development & implementation of the New
Capital City, “the Amaravati” are the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority
(APCRDA) and the Amaravati Development Corporation (ADC) governed by the Department
of Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD). The APCRDA is the regulatory
and planning authority for the entire capital region established for the purpose of planning,
co-ordination, execution, supervision, financing, funding and for promoting and securing
planned development. The ADC is the development agency for the Capital City area and will
implement urban infrastructure along proven urban planning principles to promote citizen
well-being including creating active streets with open areas, pedestrian and cycling friendly
pavements and public spaces, which encourage interaction within the Capital City area.


The objective of this assignment is to provide the Consulting Services as Authority

Engineer for Design Review, Construction Supervision, Quality Assurance and Technical
Auditing of 4/6 lane roads with Utility Corridors works on EPC basis in Urban Environment
for: (a) Packages-VIII, IX and X (Lot-A); (b) Packages–XI and XII (Lot-B); and (c) Packages-XIII
and XIV (Lot-C) in Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh state, India.

The Assignment details are indicated in table below.

Road Road
Project Project
ment Project Stretch details
Package Length
No. (Km)
Investigation, Detail Design, Construction of
smart trunk infrastructure with Roads, Storm
Water Drains, Water Supply Network, Sewerage
Network, Utility Ducts for Power & ICT, Reuse
waterline, Pedestrian tracks, Cycle tracks,
Avenue Plantation & Street Furniture etc., works 23.94 km
on EPC mode of procurement in Amaravati
Lot -A
Capital City, Andhra Pradesh, India.
E10 Road -7.810 km
E14 Road -7.360 km
N16 Road -8.770 km
N04 Road -7.170 km
N09 Road -13.160 km 28.60 km
N14 Road -8.270 km
Section 7. Terms of Reference 96

E06 Road -9.843 km

PACKAGE- E08 Road -13.930 km
39.22 km
X E12 Road -6.790 km
N11 Road -8.657 km
Investigation, Detail Design, Construction of
smart trunk infrastructure with Roads, Storm
Water Drains, Water Supply Network, Sewerage
Network, Utility Ducts for Power & ICT, Reuse
waterline, Pedestrian tracks, Cycle tracks,
Avenue Plantation & Street Furniture etc., works 32.69 km
on EPC mode of procurement in Amaravati
Capital City, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Lot -B
E02 Road -4.400 km
E04 Road -15.550 km
N07 Road -12.740 km
E07 Road -11.568 km
E09 Road -14.117 km
E11 Road -6.310 km 36.70 km
N3A Road -1.450 km
N3B Road -3.250 km
Investigation, Detail Design, Construction of
smart trunk infrastructure with Roads, Storm
Water Drains, Water Supply Network, Sewerage
Network, Utility Ducts for Power & ICT, Reuse
PACKAGE- waterline, Pedestrian tracks, Cycle tracks,
30.17 km
XIII Avenue Plantation & Street Furniture etc., works
on EPC mode of procurement in Amaravati
Lot -C
Capital City, Andhra Pradesh, India.
N08 Road -13.860 km
N10 Road -16.310 km
E06 Road -4.465 km
PACKAGE- N12 Road -8.633 km
28.68 km
XIV N15 Road -8.514 km
N17 Road -7.075 km
Cum. Road Project Length for 3 Lots: 220.00 km

The ADCL, therefore, wishes to procure Consultancy Services for implementation and
supervision of EPC Civil Works Contracts under Packages VIII through XIV being undertaken
by EPC contractors as detailed below for a construction period of one (1) year and defects
liability period of two (2) years.

The supervision consultancy services broadly include Project Management

comprising civil construction works of road pavements, bridges, culverts, storm water
drainage, underground utility services viz., sewer, water, re-use water, rcc ducts for power,
ICT; road safety and incident management, engineering improvements etc.,

The appointed PMC has to consult and coordinate with the other agencies who are
already appointed / to be appointed for project works in “Amaravati” by ADCL/ APCRDA.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 97


‘Engineer’ in terms of the works contract to be eventually drawn up for the execution of the
works will be the Consulting firm who would be directly responsible to the
employer for implementation of the contract as per the contract stipulations.


The objectives of the proposed consultancy services are:

To review Designs, Drawings & other submittals provided by the EPC Consultants prior
to works commencement with respect to individual designs & combinations and
comprehensive supervision of the project implementation activities carried out by the
EPC contractor to ensure complete compliance with respect to technical
specifications and various stipulations contained in the Contract documents with high
standards of quality assurance in supervision and in the execution of work.

Create comprehensive and actionable Project KPIs with Right Matrix and Proper
management of the EPC Civil Works Contracts in total confirmation to the performance
criteria and its finalization when the completion occurs during the consultancy assignment.

To ensure implementation of the maintenance works during Defects Liability

Period (DLP) in strict conformity to the minimum performance requirement, which shall also
include without limitation, repair & rectification of the defects and deficiencies as specified
under contractor’s scope of work.

Comprehensive reporting of Compliance / Noncompliance of all the activities of the


To carry out condition survey of the entire project reach including structures as per
IRC / MoRT&H guidelines and submission of a detailed report. To carry out a Safety Audit
of the Project Reach through a qualified & experienced Road Safety Auditor (CV to be
approved by “Employer” and submission of a report with cost effective measures.

To prepare detailed estimate, designs & drawings of Civil Works Contracts works
maintenance works during Defects Liability Period (DLP) of the reach based on above
studies/ surveys/ audits and to update inventory of Road, Structures & bridges.

Scope of Work

Scope of Work:

1. These Terms of Reference (the “TOR”) for the Authority Engineer (AE) are being
specified pursuant to the EPC Agreement (the “Agreement”) entered / to be entered
between Amaravati Development Corporation Limited (ADCL) Represented by
Chairperson & Managing Director (the “Authority”) and the Respective Package EPC
Contractor (the “Contractor”) for the Project Road works under Package-VIII through
Package XIV (approx. Design Length=220km) on EPC basis in Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh and
the Model EPC Agreement form part of this TOR.

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Section 7. Terms of Reference 98

2. The TOR shall apply to Construction period and Defects Liability Period of the Project
Road works.

Definitions and interpretation:

3. The words and expressions beginning with or in capital letters and not defined herein
but defined in the Agreement shall have, unless repugnant to the context, the meaning
respectively assigned to them in the Agreement.

4. References to Articles, Clauses and Schedules in this TOR shall, except where the
context otherwise requires, be deemed to be reference to the Articles, Clauses and
Schedules of the Agreement, and references to Paragraphs shall be deemed to be references
to Paragraphs of this TOR.

5. The rules of interpretation stated in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Model EPC
Agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this TOR.


6. The Authority’s Engineer shall discharge its duties in a fair, impartial and efficient
manner, consistent with the highest standards of professional integrity and Good Industry
7. The Authority’s Engineer shall perform the duties and exercise the authority in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, but subject to obtaining prior written
approval of the Authority before determining.
(a) any Time Extension.
(b) Any additional cost to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor;
(c) The Termination Payment; or
(d) Any other matter which is not specified in (a), (b) or (c) above and which creates an
obligation or liability on either Party for a sum exceeding Rs. 5,00,000 (Rs. Five lakh.)
7A. The Authority Engineer shall check, approve / reject, record as the case may be,
inter alia, Quality of material used in the works, Equipment and Methods of Construction,
Construction works being carried out in the project site.
7B. The Authority Engineer shall work closely, assist and coordinate with-
i. Third Party Quality Inspection Institution appointed by ADCL.
ii. Programme & Project Management Consultant (CH2M Hill)appointed by
iii. Master Plan (SIIMP) Consultant (AARVEE-GIIC) appointed by ADCL&
7C. The Authority Engineer shall In parallel with ADCL authorized engineer, Physically
Check measure the work completed, Record in Measurement Book (MB), Certify the
Measurements & Contractor’s Bill statements, Recommend Payment and Submit to CMD /CE
of ADCL …all within 7days from the date of Invoice submission by Contractor to PMC.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 99

7D. The Authority Engineer shall assist, coordinate and follow-up with Line Departments
& other Agencies, if so needed, until the issues resolved with respect to project stretches &
ROWs (viz., Land Acquisition, shifting of underground utilities, EIA/ EMP, Public
Consultations etc.,) in AP Government, Central Government, NGOs, all divisions of ADCL and

7E. The Authority Engineer shall create a comprehensive and actionable Project KPIs with
right matrix, which are measurable indicators that help to track Project’s performance.
8. The Authority’s Engineer shall submit regular periodic reports, once every month, to
the Authority in respect of its duties and functions under this Agreement. Such reports shall
be submitted by the Authority’s Engineer within 10 (ten) days of the beginning of every
9. The Authority’s Engineer shall inform the Contractor of any delegation of its duties
and responsibilities to its suitably qualified and experienced personnel; provided, however,
that it shall not delegate the authority to refer any matter for the Authority’s prior approval
in accordance with the provisions of Clause 18.2 the Model EPC Agreement.
10. The Authority’s Engineer shall aid and advise the Authority on any proposal for
Change of Scope under Article 13.
11. In the event of any disagreement between the Parties regarding the meaning, scope
and nature of Good Industry Practice, as set forth in any provision of the Agreement, the
Authority’s Engineer shall specify such meaning, scope and nature by issuing a reasoned
Written statement relying on good industry practice and authentic literature.

Construction Period:

12. During the Construction Period, the Authority’s Engineer shall review the Drawings
furnished by the Contractor along with supporting data, including the geo-technical and
hydrological investigations, characteristics of materials from borrow areas and quarry sites,
Topographical surveys, and the recommendations of the Safety Consultant in accordance
with the provisions of Clause 10.1.6 of the Model EPC Agreement. The Authority’s Engineer
shall complete such review and send its observations to the Authority and the Contractor
within 7 (seven) days of receipt of such Drawings; provided, however that in case of a Major
Bridge or Structure, the aforesaid period of 7 (seven) days may be extended upto 15(fifteen)
days. In particular, such comments shall specify the conformity or otherwise of such
Drawings with the Scope of the Project and Specifications and Standards.
13. The Authority’s Engineer shall review any revised Drawings sent to it by the
Contractor and furnish its comments within 7 (seven) days of receiving such Drawings. The
review of drawing should be authenticated by Authority’s Engineer.
14. Quality Assurance Manual and Plan forms the basis of quality of the work. It is
therefore essential that the Quality Assurance Manual and Plan prepared by the Contractor
be checked and approved. Thus, the Consultant shall check contents of Quality Assurance
Plan and Manual of Concessionaire as per requirements of Quality Management System (as
per ISO 9001), IRC: SP: 47-1998 and IRC: SP: 57-2000 for road bridges and roads respectively.
The Consultant shall also offer their comments for modifying/ improving the document.

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Section 7. Terms of Reference 100

After receiving the corrected document, the Consultant shall review and formally approve
the QAM and Quality Plan and send one copy to the Authority. The Authority’s Engineer shall
complete the review of the methodology proposed to be adopted by the Contractor for
executing the Works, and convey its comments to the Contractor within a period of 7 (seven)
days from the date of receipt of the proposed methodology from the Contractor.
15. The Authority’s Engineer shall grant written approval to the Contractor, where
necessary, for interruption and diversion of the flow of traffic in the existing lane(s) of the
Project Roads for purposes of maintenance during the Construction Period in accordance
with the provisions of Clause 10.4 of the Model EPC Agreement.
16. The Authority’s Engineer shall review the monthly progress report furnished by the
Contractor and send its comments thereon to the Authority and the contractor within 7
(seven) days of receipt of such report.
17. On a daily basis, the concerned key personnel of Authority Engineer shall inspect the
Construction Works. Following activities need to be undertaken during the visits.
I. Review of construction including progress, quality and safety of construction
II. Inspection of defects and deficiencies in construction works
III. Witnessing quality inspection tests at labs established by EPC Contractor on a
sample basis
IV. Identifying Land Acquisition (LA) issues in Project Stretches & ROWs and dealt
with Director (Lands) OR concerned AP Govt Departments until the issues
17A. Review of quality of work shall be done in reference to Quality Assurance Plan
(QAP)/Manual and ISO 9001:2008, IRC: SP: 47-1998 and IRC: SP: 57-2000 for road bridges and
roads respectively. The consultant also needs to capture following documents and send to
ADCL office via email on a daily basis. Team Leader will be responsible for sending daily
emails to ADCL office
a. Scanned copy of filled RFI (Request for Inspection) form including commentary
on ‘Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory’ nature of work completed by EPC Contractor
b. Daily inspection report Proforma as provided in Annexure I
c. Readings of quality inspection tests witnessed by the Consultant.
d. Minimum 6 high resolution photographs supporting the remarks made by the
Consultant in RFI form.

17B. On a monthly basis, the Authority Engineer shall prepare a Monthly Inspection
Report in accordance with the format prescribed in Annexure V setting forth an overview of
the status, progress, quality and safety of construction, including the work methodology
adopted, the materials used and their sources, and conformity of Construction Works with
the Scope of the Project and the Specifications and Standards. In a separate section of the
Inspection Report, the Authority Engineer shall describe in reasonable detail the lapses,
defects or deficiencies observed by it in the construction of the Project Highway. The
Authority Engineer shall send a copy of its Inspection Report to the Authority and the
Concessionaire latest by 7th of every month. Key sections of the Monthly Progress Report
are as follows.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 101

S No. Section Sub-Sections

1.1 Construction progress in current month
1.2 Summary of strip plan
1 Executive Summary 1.3 Detailed strip plan
1.4 Current issues and recommended actions
by AE
2.1 Salient Features of the Project
2.2 Project Milestones
2 Project Overview
2.3 Location Map
2.4 Key Plan
3.1 Pending issues and action log
3 Critical issues and Action log
3.2 Obligations as per contract
4 Physical Progress 4.1 Detailed physical progress by component
5.1 LA summary
5.2 LA detail by CALA
Land Acquisition and 5.3 LA detail by village
Clearances 5.4 Manpower with each CALA
5.5 Clearances summary
5.6 Status of utility shifting
6 Change of Scope 6.1 Status of pending COS proposals
7.1 Resource mobilization by contractor/
7 Mobilization of Resources
8.1 Pen picture- Escrow
8 Financial Progress Details
8.2 Escrow details
Summary of quality control 9.1 Tests witnessed by IE/AE
tests 9.2 Tests conducted by IE/AE
Monitoring of maintenance 10.1 Critical issues and action log
10 obligations during 10.2 Cumulative defects and deficiencies
construction phase 10.3 Status of damages
11.1 Pen picture on safety features at
11 Safety features construction site
11.2 Accident report
Annex 1: Detailed list of physical components
as per Schedule G
12 Annexures
Annex 2 onwards: Additional details provided
by AE

18. If at any time during the Construction Period, the Authority Engineer determines
that the EPC Contractor has not made adequate arrangements for the safety of workers
and Users in the zone of construction or that any work is being carried out in a manner
that threatens the safety of the workers and the Users, it shall make a recommendation to
the Authority forthwith, identifying the whole or part of the Construction Works that
should be suspended for ensuring safety in respect thereof.
19. The Authority’s Engineer shall conduct the pre-construction review of
manufacturer’s reports and standard samples of manufactured Materials, and such
other Materials as the Authority’s Engineer may require.
20. For determining that the Works conform to Specifications and Standards, the

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Section 7. Terms of Reference 102

Authority’s Engineer shall require the Contractor to carry out, or cause to be carried out,
tests at such time and frequency and in such manner as specified in the Agreement and in
accordance with Good Industry Practice for quality assurance. For purposes of this
Paragraph 19, the tests specified in the IRC Special Publication-11 (Handbook of Quality
Control for Construction of Roads and Runways) and the Specifications for Road and Bridge
Works issued by MORT&H (the “Quality Control Manuals”) or any modifications/substitution
thereof shall be deemed to be tests conforming to Good Industry Practice for quality
21. The Authority’s Engineer shall test check 100(hundred) percent of the quantity
or number of tests prescribed for each category or type of test for quality control by the
22. The timing of tests referred to in Paragraph 19, and the criteria
for acceptance/rejection of their results shall be determined by the Authority’s Engineer
in accordance with the Quality Control Manuals. The tests shall be undertaken on a random
sample basis and shall be in addition to, and independent of, the tests that may be carried
out by the Contractor for its own quality assurance in accordance with Good Industry
23. In the event that results of any tests conducted under Clause 11.10 of the Model
Agreement establish any Defects or deficiencies in the Works, the Authority’s Engineer shall
require the Contractor to carry out remedial measures.
24. The Authority’s Engineer may instruct the E P C Contractor to execute any work
which is urgently required for the safety of the Project Road(s), whether because of an
accident, unforeseeable event or otherwise; provided that in case of any work required on
account of a Force Majeure Event, the provisions of Clause 21.6 of the Model EPC
Agreement shall apply.
25. In the event that the E P C Contractor fails to achieve any of the Project
Milestones, the Authority’s Engineer shall undertake a review of the progress of
construction and identify potential delays, if any. If the Authority’s Engineer shall
determine that completion of the Project Road(s) is not feasible within the time specified
in the Agreement, it shall require the EPC Contractor to indicate within 15 (fifteen) days
the steps proposed to be taken to expedite progress, and the period within which the
Project Completion Date shall be achieved. Upon receipt of a report from the EPC
Contractor, the Authority’s Engineer shall review the same and send its comments to the
Authority and the Contractor forthwith.
26. The Authority’s Engineer shall obtain from the EPC Contractor a copy of all the
Contractor’s quality control records and documents before the Completion Certificate is
issued pursuant to Clause 12.4 of the Model EPC Agreement.
27. Authority’s Engineer may recommend to the Authority suspension of the whole or
part of the Works if the work threatens the safety of the Users and pedestrians. After the
Contractor has carried out remedial measure, the Authority’s Engineer shall inspect such
remedial measures forthwith and make a report to the Authority recommending whether or
not the suspension hereunder may be revoked.
28. In the event that the EPC Contractor carries out any remedial measures to secure
the safety of suspended works and users, and requires the Authority’s Engineer to inspect
Section 7. Terms of Reference 103

such works, the Authority’s Engineer shall inspect the suspended works within 3 (three) days
of receiving such notice, and make a report to the Authority forthwith, recommending
whether or not such suspension may be revoked by the Authority.
29. The Authority’s Engineer shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, all the
Tests specified in Schedule-K and issue a Completion Certificate or Provisional Certificate
as the case may be. For carrying out is functions under this Paragraph and all matters
incidental thereto, the Authority’s Engineer shall act under and in accordance with the
provisions of Article 12 and Schedule-K. The Consultant shall use following equipment in
carrying out the tests.
S No Key metrics of Asset Equipment to be used
1 Surface defects of pavement Network Survey Vehicle (NSV)
2 Roughness of pavement Laser Profilometer
3 Strength of pavement Falling Weight Reflectometer (FWD)
4 Bridges Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit (MBIU)
5 Road signs and road markings Retro-reflectometer

Defects Liability Period:

30. The Authority’s Engineer shall aid and advise the EPC Contractor in the
preparation of its monthly Maintenance Programme and for this purpose carry out a joint
monthly inspection with Contractor.
31. The Authority’s Engineer shall undertake regular inspections, at least once every
month to evaluate compliance with the Maintenance Requirements and submit a
Maintenance Inspection Report to the Authority and the EPC Contractor.

Visual Inspection of project road(s):

32. The Authority Engineer shall carry out visual inspection of entire Road
stretch as per the frequency defined in the following table.
Nature of defect or deficiency Frequency of
(a) Carriageway and paved shoulders
(i) Breach or blockade Daily
(ii) Pot holes Daily
(iii) Cracking Weekly
(iv) Rutting Weekly
(v) Bleeding/skidding Weekly
(vi) Raveling/Stripping of bitumen surface Weekly
(vii) Damage to pavement edges Weekly
(viii) Removal of debris Daily

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Section 7. Terms of Reference 104

(b) Hard/earth shoulders, side slopes, drains and culverts

Variation by more than 2% in the prescribed slope of
(i) Weekly
camber/cross fall
(ii) Edge drop at shoulders Weekly
Variation by more than 15% in the prescribed side (embankment)
(iii) Weekly
(iv) Rain cuts/gullies in slope Weekly
Damage to or silting of culverts and side drains during and
(v) Weekly
immediately preceding the rainy season
(vi) Desilting of drains in urban/semi-urban areas Daily
(c) Road side furniture including road signs and pavement marking
Damage to shape or position;
(i) Daily
poor visibility or loss of retro-reflectivity
(d) Street lighting and telecom (ATMS)
(i) Any major failure of the system Daily
(ii) Faults and minor failures Daily
(iii) Streetlight with Lux Meter Weekly
(e) Trees and plantation
Obstruction in a minimum head-room of 5 m above carriageway
(i) Daily
or obstruction in visibility of road signs
(ii) Deterioration in health of trees and bushes Weekly
(iii) Replacement of trees and bushes Weekly
(iv) Removal of vegetation affecting sight line and road structures Weekly
(f ) Rest areas/Wayside amenities
(i) Cleaning of toilets Daily
(ii) Defects in electrical, water and sanitary installations Daily
(g) Toll plaza[s]
(i) Failure of toll collection equipment including ETC or lighting Daily
(ii) Damage to toll plaza Weekly
(h) Other Project Facilities and Approach roads
Damage or deterioration in Approach Roads, -[pedestrian
(i) facilities, truck lay-bys, bus-bays, bus- shelters, cattle Daily
crossings, Traffic Aid Posts, Medical Aid Posts and other works]
(j) Incident Management
Instances of Incident Management as reported including time of
(i) call, response time, services rendered and time of clearing of the Daily
(ii) List of the Incident Management Services rendered. Weekly
(a) Superstructure of bridges
(i) Cracks Weekly
(ii) Spalling/scaling Weekly
(b) Foundations of bridges
(i) Scouring and/or cavitation Weekly
(c) Piers, abutments, return walls and wing walls of bridges
(i) Cracks and damages including settlement and tilting Weekly
(d) Bearings (metallic) of bridges
(i) Deformation Weekly
Section 7. Terms of Reference 105

(e) Joints in bridges

(i) Loosening and malfunctioning of joints Weekly
(f) Other items relating to bridges
(i) Deforming of pads in elastomeric bearings Weekly
Gathering of dirt in bearings and joints; or clogging of spouts,
(ii) Weekly
weep holes and vent-holes
(iii) Damage or deterioration in parapets and handrails Weekly
(iv) Rain-cuts or erosion of banks of the side slopes of approaches Weekly
(v) Damage to wearing coat Weekly
Damage or deterioration in approach slabs, pitching, apron, toes,
(vi) Weekly
floor or guide bunds
Growth of vegetation affecting the structure or obstructing the
(vii) Weekly
33. All elements which have daily inspection frequency shall be inspected weekly as
well. Similarly, all elements which have weekly inspection frequency shall be inspected
monthly as well.
34. Daily inspection report format and weekly inspection report format has been
provided in Annexure II and III of this document respectively. Manpower which needs
to conduct visual inspection and mode of reporting is defined in the following table:

Frequency of Inspection to be carried out

Mode of reporting
inspection by
Daily Sub-professional staff Soft copy by Email
Weekly Key personnel Soft copy by Email
Monthly Key personnel Hard copy and Soft copy
35. High resolution photographs and video of the Road(s) stretches having defects
and/or deficiencies shall be submitted along with Weekly Inspection Report and Monthly
Status Report. Summary of key observations around defects and deficiencies in highway
stretch shall be reported in Monthly Progress Report and detailed inspection report shall be
provided as Annexure to Monthly Progress Report.
36. The consultant shall also be responsible for inspection and monitoring of
Wayside Amenities and incident management.
37. Road conditions surveys:
37.1 The carrying out of condition surveys will be one of the most important
and crucial field tasks under the project. The Authority Engineer shall carry
out condition surveys using equipment and following a frequency as defined
Key metrics of Frequency of
S No Equipment to be used
Asset condition survey
At least twice a year
Surface defects of Network Survey (As per survey months
pavement Vehicle (NSV) defined for the state
basis rainy season)

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Section 7. Terms of Reference 106

At least twice a year

Roughness of (As per survey months
2 Laser Profilometer
pavement defined for the state
basis rainy season)
Strength of Falling Weight
3 At least once a year
pavement Reflectometer (FWD)
At least twice a year
Mobile Bridge (As per survey months
4 Bridges
Inspection Unit (MBIU) defined for the state
basis rainy season)
At least twice a year
5 Road signs Retro-reflectometer
(As per survey months
defined for the state
basis rainy season)

The first equipment based inspection shall be conducted at the time of completion
testing. The other inspections shall be conducted before and after the rainy seasons
as per the schedule defined in Annexure IV, except for FWD testing which shall be
conducted once a year.

Calibration of equipment, wherever needed, is required to be done in presence of

Competent Authority. Once approval of equipment, the settings and a sample data
set is provided by Competent Authority, network level data for entire project
stretch can be collected. Month of survey for each state has been defined in
Annexure IV of this document.

37.2 Measurement of pavement surface defects and roughness

i. The Authority Engineer shall use Network Survey Vehicles mounted with
equipment such as Laser based automatic crack detection , high resolution
digital cameras for RoW and pavement, high accuracy DGPS receiver and in
vehicle data processing software or better technology to accurately measure
following pavement surface properties

Surface defect Dimensions to be reported

Cracking Width

Section 7. Terms of Reference 107

Raveling %

Concrete Joint/ Faulting Length

Roughness IRI in both wheel paths

ii. The following criteria shall be met by the process of defects detection
Measurement of 3D road profile using such technologies as laser scanning or
other proven technologies.
Ability to operate (collect data) at different speeds with a minimum speed of
Profile depth accuracy of 0.5mm
Capability for lane tracking to control driver wander’ and ensure high
repeatability of data between surveys.
Measure at least 3.5m width of highway lane.
Transverse Profile including rut depth measurement of pavement surface widths
of both carriageway and shoulders. The rut depth data must be convertible to
different straightedge lengths (1.8m to 3.5m) and meet industry standards
(ASTM E1703 / E1703M).
Pavement images with capability to automatically identify and rate
Roughness measurement with outputs of both raw longitudinal profiles and
International Roughness Index (IRI) calculation shall be reported at least 100m
referenced to the preceding Location Reference Post (LRP). The roughness must
meet ASTM-E950 (equivalent to Class I road profiler). The IRI shall be determined
in both wheel paths.
Ability to record images at user-defined intervals (e.g. every 5, 10m, etc.)
Minimum images resolution of 1600x1200
Outputs must include Standard JPEG image or similar industry standard
Distance resolution of <1mm,
Capable of achieving distance accuracy of 0.1% (i.e. within 1m over 1km

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Section 7. Terms of Reference 108

All data outputs should be in a non-proprietary format (e.g. .CSV, .MDB,
Excel) and not require specialist software in order to view or format data
Data should also be capable of being easily formatted into data
compatible with HDM-4
iii. The following are the set of deliverables, which should be submitted after
completion of survey as part of Monthly Progress Report
Raw data generated from the equipment which are part of Network
Survey covering the parameters mentioned in above table. It should also
o Survey ID, Description, Date, Lane
o GPS referenced data for GIS mapping
Video logging
o Pavement imagery (AVI/JPEG)
o 360 degree imagery (JPEG)
Interpretation report covering summary of entire survey and analysis of defects
and deficiencies

37.3 Measurement of pavement strength

i. The Authority Engineer shall carry out structural strength surveys for existing
pavements using Falling Weight Deflectometer technique in accordance with the
procedure given in IRC:115-2014 (Guidelines for Structural Evaluation and
Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements Using Falling Weight Deflectometer
(FWD) Technique) and IRC: 117-2015 (Guidelines for the Structural Evaluation of
Rigid Pavement by Falling Weight Deflectometer)

ii. The interval at which deflection measurements are to be taken up are as

per IRC:115- 2014 / IRC:117-2015. For flexible pavements, the sample size and the
interval of the data to be collected depends on the length of the uniform section
calculated and condition of the pavement section i.e. ‘good’, ‘fair’ and ‘poor’ for
each lane, established on the pavement condition data based on the criterion
given in IRC:115- 2014. For rigid pavements, the deflection data may be
collected at interiors, corners, transverse joints and longitudinal joints in the
outer lanes at intervals as specified in IRC:117-2015.
iii. The following are the set of deliverables which should be submitted
after completion of inspection test as part of Monthly Progress Report
Data report covering following parameters
o Deflection Bowl (Transient Deflections at seven different points)
o Corrected Elastic Modulus Bituminous E1
o Corrected Elastic Modulus Granular E2
o Corrected Elastic Modulus Subgrade E3
o Subgrade CBR
Interpretation report covering summary of entire survey results and analysis
of key parameters
Section 7. Terms of Reference 109

37.4. The Authority Engineer shall carry out the condition and structural
assessment survey of the bridges in accordance with IRC-SP; 35 with the use
of Mobile Bridge Inspection unit (MBIU) or better technology.
i. The following criteria shall be met by the process of bridge condition
Automatic folding and unfolding of platform

90 degree rotation of platform

Sufficient safety features to be incorporated such as dedicated power

supply, emergency cut off system, etc
Complete access to hidden parts of the bridge by the raters
ii. Detailed bridge inspection report shall be submitted as per the Inspection
Proforma provided in IRC-SP 35

37.5. Measurement of retroreflection of road signs:

i. The Authority Engineer shall measure Coefficient of retroreflected

luminance RA (nighttime retro reflection) of road traffic signs using a portable
ii. The following criteria shall be met by the process of road signs
retroreflection measurement
o Measurement of retroreflective signs shall be conducted in accordance
with ASTM E1709 and ASTM E2540
o Measurement time after pressing trigger shall be less than or equal to 1 sec
o Observation angle adjustment from 0.2 degrees to 2.0 degrees
o Entrance angle adjustment from -45 degrees to +45 degrees
o Self-contained commercially available battery
o Inbuilt data storage of at least 2,000 measurements so that data
transfer requirement is minimized while the survey is being conducted
o Interface for transferring data from device to Computer
o Built in GPS to capture GPS coordinates of road sign
o Range shall be at least 0-2000 cd/lx/m2

iii. The following are the set of deliverables which should be submitted after completion
of survey as part of Monthly Progress Report
System generated coefficient of retroreflected luminance RA
(nighttime retroreflection) of all road signs
Interpretation report covering analysis of road signs falling in different range
of RA and actions to be taken

38. The Authority Engineer shall prepare a Monthly Status Report in Defects Liability
Period (DLP) phase of project in respect of its duties and functions under this Agreement
and in accordance with the format prescribed in Annexure VI. 1st deliverable of the report
which is an executive summary to the main report (Section 1) shall be submitted to the
Authority and updated on the PMIS and project specific website by 4th of every month.

109 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 110

Main report (Section 2 onwards) shall be submitted to the Authority and updated on the
PMIS and project specific website by 7th of every month. Key sections of the Monthly
Status Report are as follows:
S.No Sections Sub sections
1.1 Overall road condition
1.2 Key reporting metrics
1.3 Key maintenance activities undertaken
1 Executive Summary
1.4 Pending issues
1.5 Recommended actions by AE
1.6 Strip plan for maintenance
2.1 Key project details
2.2 Location map
2 Project Overview 2.3 Key plan
2.4 Summary of project features
2.5 RoW availability
3.1 Issue and action log
3.2 Summary of deficiencies
3 Critical issues and action taken
3.3 Obligations as per contract
3.4 Inspection schedule
4.1 Summary of NCR issued
4 Monthly Inspection Report
4.2 Equipment based inspection report
5.1 Damages for non completion of
project facilities
5 Status of damages 5.2 Damages for breach of maintenance activities
5.3 Damages for non completion of
major maintenance works
7 Change of Scope proposals 7.1 Change of Scope proposals
8 Status of pending disputes 8.1 Status of pending disputes

9.1 Accident Report

9 Reports 9.2 Details of user complaints
9.3 Encroachment list
9.4 Lane closure report
Annex I- Detailed visual inspection report
of project highway
10 Annexures
Annex II onwards- Additional details provided by

39. The Authority’s Engineer shall specify the tests, if any, that the EPC Contractor shall
carry out, or cause to be carried out, for the purpose of determining that the Project Road
Section 7. Terms of Reference 111

is in conformity with the Maintenance Requirements. It shall monitor and review the results
of such tests and remedial measures, if any, taken by the EPC Contractor in this behalf.
40. In respect of any defect or deficiency referred to in Paragraph 3 of Schedule-E, the
Authority’s Engineer shall, in conformity with Good Industry Practice, specify the
permissible limit of deviation or deterioration with reference to the Specifications and
Standards and shall also specify the time limit for repair or rectification of any deviation or
deterioration beyond the permissible limit.
41. The Authority’s Engineer shall examine the request of the EPC Contractor for closure
of any lane (s) of the Project Road for undertakings maintenance/repair thereof, and shall
grant permission with such modifications, as it may deem necessary, within 5 (five) days of
receiving a request from the EPC Contractor. Upon expiry of the permitted period of closure,
the Authority’s Engineer shall monitor the reopening of such lane (s), and in case of delay,
determine the Damages payable by the Contractor to the Authority under Clause 14.5 of
Model EPC Agreement
Determination of costs and time:
42. The Authority’s Engineer shall determine the costs, and/or their
reasonableness, that are required to be determined by it under the Agreement.
43. The Authority’s Engineer shall determine the period of Time Extension that is
required to be determined by it under the Agreement.
44. The Authority’s Engineer shall consult each Party in every case of determination in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 18.5 of Model EPC Agreement.
45. The Authority’s Engineer shall withhold payments for the affected works for
which the EPC Contractor fails to revise and resubmit the Drawings to the Authority’s
Engineer in accordance with the provision of Clause 10.2.4 (d) of Model EPC Agreement.
46. Authority’s Engineer shall
a) within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the Stage Payment Statement from the EPC Contractor
pursuant to Clause 19.4, determine the amount due to the EPC Contractor and recommend
the release of 90 (ninety) percent of the amount so determined as part payment, pending
issue of the Interim Payment Certificate; and
b) within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Stage Payment Statement referred to in
Clause 19.4, deliver to the Authority and the Contractor an Interim Payment Certificate
certifying the amount due and payable to the EPC Contractor, after adjustments in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.10 of Model EPC Agreement.
47. The Authority’s Engineer shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the Monthly
Maintenance Statement from the EPC Contractor pursuant to Clause 19.6 of Model EPC
Agreement, verify the Contractor’s monthly statement and certify the amount to be paid
to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
48. The Authority’s Engineer shall certify final payment with 30 (thirty) days of the
receipt of the final payment statement of Maintenance in accordance with the provisions
of Clause 19.16 of Model EPC Agreement.

Other duties and functions:

49. The Authority’s Engineer shall perform all other duties and functions as specified
in the Agreement.

111 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 112

50. All key personnel and sub professional staff of the Authority Engineer shall use
the fingerprint based (biometric) attendance system for marking their daily attendance.
Attendance shall be marked at least once a day and anytime during the day. 1 Biometric
Attendance System shall be installed by the Authority Engineer at its own cost at the site
office in order to facilitate the attendance marking. More systems can be installed near
the project Road upto a maximum of 1 system per project road in order to encourage
frequent visits of project Road by key personnel and sub professional staff. A copy of
monthly attendance records shall be attached with Monthly Status Report. Proper
justification shall be provided for cases of absence of key personnel/ sub professional staff
which do not have prior approval from Project Director of concerned stretch
51. A copy of all communications, comments, instructions, Drawings or Documents sent
by the Authority’s Engineer to the Contractor pursuant to this TOR, and a copy of all the
test results with comments of the Authority’s Engineer thereon, shall be furnished by the
Authority’s Engineer to the Authority forthwith.
52. The Authority’s Engineer shall retain at least one copy each of all Drawings
and Documents received by it, including ‘as – built’ Drawings and keep them in its safe
53. Within 90 (ninety) days of the Project Completion Date, the Authority’s Engineer
shall obtain a complete set of as built Drawings in 2 (two) hard copies and in micro film
form or in such other medium as may be acceptable to the Authority, reflecting the Project
Road(s) as actually designed, engineered and constructed, including an as-built survey
illustrating the layout of the Project Road(s) and setback lines, if any, of the buildings
and structures forming part of project Facilities; and shall hand them over to the Authority
against receipt thereof.
54. The Authority’s Engineer, if called upon by the Authority or the EPC Contractor or
both, shall mediate and assist the Parties in arriving at an amicable settlement of any
Dispute between the Parties.
55. The Authority’s Engineer shall inform the Authority and the EPC Contractor of any
event of EPC Contractor’s Default within one week of its occurrence.


56. Authority’s Engineers shall be expected to fully comply with all the provisions of
the ‘Terms of Reference’, and shall be fully responsible for supervising the Designs,
Construction and maintenance and operation of the facility takes place in accordance with
the provisions of the EPC Agreement and other schedules. Any failure of the Authority
Engineer in notifying to the Authority OR Employer and the EPC Contractor on
non- compliance of the provisions of the EPC Contract Agreement and other
schedules by the EPC Contractor, non-adherence to the provision of ToR and non-
adherence to the time schedule prescribed under ToR shall amount to non- performance.
57. The Authority Engineer shall appoint its authorized representative, who shall issue
on behalf of the Authority Engineer, the Provisional Completion Certification and
Completion Certificate along with the Team Leader and shall carry out any such task as
may be decided by the Authority OR Employer. The Authority Engineer shall take prior
Section 7. Terms of Reference 113

approval of the Authority OR Employer before issuing Provisional Completion Certification

and Completion Certificate. The proposal submitted shall also include the name
of the authorized representative along with the authorization letter and power of

58. List of key personnel to be fielded by the Consultants shall be as below:

SNo Key-Staff Position

1 Team Leader cum Contract Specialist

2 Deputy Team Leader cum Construction Manager

3 Resident Engineer cum Billing Engineer

4 Bridge / Structural Design Engineer

5 Highway Pavement Design Engineer

6 Material Engineer

7 ESHS (Environment, Social, Health & Safety) Expert

8 Road Safety Audit Engineer

9 Utility Expert –water, Sewer & Storm water Networks

10 Utility Expert – Power & ICT

59. Broad job-description and minimum qualification for key personnel mentioned above
is enclosed as Enclosure–B. However, higher marks shall be accorded to the Candidate
with higher relevant qualification and experience. All the CV’s of the personals
mentioned in Para 5.3 (iii) of Data Sheet shall be evaluated at the time of evaluation of
technical proposal. The age of the Key Personnel should not be more than 65 years
on the date of submission of proposal. Consultants are advised in their own interest
to frame the technical proposal in an objective manner as far as possible so that
these could be properly assessed in respect of points to be given as part of evaluation
criteria. The bio-data of the key personnel should be signed on every sheet by the
personnel concerned and the last sheet of each bio-data should also be signed by the
authorised signatory for the Consultant. The key personnel shall also certify at the end of
their bio-data proforma that they have not left any of the Employer works without
completing of their assignment and have not accepted any other offer at the time of
signing of the bio-data and as such shall be available to work with the Authority
Engineer, if the Project is awarded. In case the key personnel leaves the
assignment without approval of Employer, E m p l o y e r would be at liberty to take any
appropriate action against that key personnel including debarment. The CV submitted by
selected firm/JV shall be hoisted on official website of Employer.

113 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 114

60. In addition to above, consultants are required to propose other key personnel, sub-
professional staff and other field engineers as detailed in Enclosure-A andthe minimum
qualification requirements for the same is enclosed in Enclosure–B.


61. The services of an Authority’s Engineer will be in phases as per Contract

62. The appointment of the Authority’s Engineer shall initially be as per details
given below.

Period of service Construction Defects Liability

(in months) period Period (DLP)
(in months) (in months)

Period 12 24
DLP(24) =
36 months

63. The proposed manpower deployment for this period shall be matching the
activities to be performed during the said period. The time frame for services during
the deployment of key personnel during this period shall be as shown in Enclosure A.


64. The successful consulting firm shall have to submit a Bank Guarantee
(BG) for an amount of 2.50% of the Contract Value within 15 days of issue of LOA. The
BG shall be valid for a period upto 2 (two) months beyond the expiry of the Contract
period. The BG shall be in the format specified in Appendix H of draft contract form
and furnished from a Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank approved by RBI having a
networth of not less than 500 crore as per latest Annual Report of the Bank. In the case
of a Foreign Bank (issued by a Branch in India) the networth in respect of Indian
operations shall only be taken into account. In case of Foreign Bank, the BG
issued by Foreign Bank should be counter guaranteed by any Nationalised Bank in
India. In case of JV, the BG shall be furnished on behalf of the JV and not
individually by the members.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 115


(For Each Lot)

The Financial Expert or Legal expert may be required for the project for specific needs.
Their deployment shall be arranged by the consultant on specific requisition from the
Authority and the payment shall be made as per the actual deployment. The Financial Expert
or Legal expert shall be paid at the rates quoted for Senior Pavement Specialist.
1. Team Composition & Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts (and any
other requirements which will be used for evaluating the Key Experts under Data
Sheet 21.1 of the ITC)

Key-Staff Qualifications:

1. Team Leader cum Contract Specialist:

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Highway Engineering and Construction Management. He should have a
minimum of 25 years of professional experience in city development, design and construction
of pavements, embankments, investigation of pavement materials, design and review of
concrete piling (cast-in-situ) and other foundation systems, design and construction of
bridges and cross drainage system, excavation systems for laying of various utilities and pipe
lines, dewatering systems involved in deep excavations for water and sewage lines etc., all
including sufficient exposure and knowledge of updated relevant engineering standards and
specifications predominant in India or Abroad.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

2. Deputy Team Leader cum Construction Manager:

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Transport Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering. He should have a
minimum of 20 years of professional experience in Civil and Geotechnical field works, site
inspections, closely associate with Team Leader, design and construction of road and
bridges, ability to manage document management systems, contract administration, overall
understanding of design, investigation , construction of roads, bridges, utility infra works,
structural and traffic engineering works like intersections, cross-overs, review and
construction flood water drainage systems, ability to investigate into storm-water designs
and finalise the designs including construction, design of landfills and identification of rites
management issues exposure to project, management and drafting of specification and
methodology of construction all including sufficient exposure and knowledge of updated
relevant engineering standards and specifications predominant in India or Abroad.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

115 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 116

3. Resident Engineer cum Billing Engineer:

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Pavement Engineering and Transport Engineering. He should have a minimum
of 20 years of professional experience in Civil and Geotechnical field works, survey, field
investigations, review of designs & drawings & specifications, site inspections, ability to
manage document management systems, overall understanding of design, investigation ,
construction of roads, bridges, utility infra works, structural and traffic engineering works
like intersections, cross-overs, hydrological and hydraulic studies, review and construction
flood water drainage systems, ability to investigate into storm-water designs and finalise the
designs including construction, design of landfills and identification of rites management
issues exposure to project, road and traffic safety aspects and requirements, management
and drafting of specification and methodology of construction all including sufficient
exposure and knowledge of updated relevant engineering standards and specifications
predominant in India or Abroad.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

4. Bridge / Structural Design Engineer:

(For Lot A –Structural Engineer experience is essential)
He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech. in Civil Engineering and have Design work experience
in Structural /Bridge Engineering. He should have a minimum of 20 years of Professional
Experience in handling Highway Projects and work experience in design / design of bridge /
interchange / any other structures. He should have handled a minimum of two
Projects Experience in similar capacity in design of Highway Bridges of 4-Lane/6-Lanes and
Pile foundations. He should also have experience in design of Rehabilitation and repair of
Major Bridges for two highway projects of 4-Lane/6-Lane. He must be familiar with
implementation of modern methods of construction of bridges/ROB/flyover involving
RCC/pre-stress concrete, design standards, technical specifications and statistical Quality
Control/Assurance procedures for construction of different component of bridges for at least
one project.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

5. Highway Pavement Design Engineer:

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech. in Civil Engineering and have work experience
Transport /Pavement Engineering. He should have a minimum of 20 years of Professional
Experience in handling Highway Projects and work experience as Resident Engineer/Assistant
Resident Engineer/Project Director/Project Manager/Superintending Engineer or
equivalent/Executive Engineer or equivalent in Highway Design. He should have
handled a minimum of two Projects in preparation design drawings using AutoCAD/MX Road
or similar types of software for 4-Lane/6-Lane.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 117

Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV

evaluation and award of points/marks.
6. Material Engineer:
He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Geo-Technical Engineering/Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. He
should have a minimum of 25 years of professional experience in foundation investigations
and dealing with coastal materials like expansive soils with extensive experience of
investigation for different foundation systems including earth works and support systems for
open excavations for executing different utility systems, design of foundation for bridges,
roads, mechanically stabilized earth walls, structured concrete, design and execution of
structural works like retaining walls, ability to train field staff of ADCL and the contractor is
added advantage. Experience in Geosynthetics is desirable and developing audit systems is
added advantage. Exposure to different software and operating systems is added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

7. ESHS Expert (Environment, Social, Health & Safety):

He should be Graduate in Civil Engineering and post graduate degree with
specialization in Environment and Social Sciences. The candidate shall have knowledge of
ESIA, ESMP provisions and project requirements and relevant professional experience of at
least 20 years. Experience of at least two projects is essential in implementation of ESIA,
ESMP for major highway projects is essential. He should have adequate experience in
implementing ESIA, ESMP and organizing training to Contractor and Client’s staff. He should
be familiar with requisite procedures involved in obtaining Environmental & Forest
clearances for project roads passing through reserve forests, national parks and sanctuaries
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

8. Road Safety Audit Engineer:

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech in Civil Engineering or Road Safety Engineering
or related field. He must have 20 years of work experience of highways, road safety
engineering and road safety audits on projects of varying degrees of complexity preferably
on national highways, expressways/motorways. Achieved recognized Road Safety Audit
training, Certificate of Competency and at least 10 Road Safety Audits delivered to a formal
procedure in the last 12/24months. Completed a minimum of 2 days of crash investigation
or road safety related CPD in the last 12 months. Audit proficiency of schemes should include
a wide range of feasibility, design, construction and monitoring audits. Sufficient exposure
/ knowledge of road safety industry practices and highways and traffic regulations related
to construction and traffic operation is essential. Sufficient exposure / knowledge of
reviewing and endorsing contractors Drawings, Material Submittals, Method Statements, RFI
related to Highways/Traffic/Diversion Information/ITS/HSES/Quality submissions,
Temporary Traffic Management Drawings (TMDs) and Traffic Diversion Plans (TDPs) and
construction activities as they apply to Works adjacent to live traffic flows, is essential.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

117 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 118

Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV

evaluation and award of points/marks.
9. Utility Expert – Water, Sewer & Storm water Networks:
He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Utility infrastructure projects like water, sewer & storm waterlines. He should
have a minimum of 20 years of professional experience and exposure to deeper underground
utilities execution of works in expansive soils is essential qualities of Utility Engineer. Site
inspection of infra and due to identification with clash analysis and their rectification is
added qualification.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different
items of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

10. Utility Expert – Power & ICT

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Utility infrastructure projects like Power & ICT. He should have a minimum of
20 years of professional experience and exposure to deeper underground utilities execution
of works in expansive soils is essential qualities of Utility Engineer. Site inspection of infra
and due to identification with clash analysis and their rectification is added qualification.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different
items of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.
Additional weightage towards expatriate experience will be given during CV
evaluation and award of points/marks.

Other-Professional staff Qualifications:

11. Site Engineer (Bridges / Structures):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Structural Engineering. He should have a minimum of 15 years of professional
experience and exposure to RCC Structures execution of works viz., Bridges, sewage and
water transport structures, structural design of bridge decks, design and delating of bridge
foundations, piers, abutments, deck and allied structures is added advantage; ability to
design form work, inspection land certification is essential qualification / requirement for
this assignment. Design if civil infrastructure works like roads, sewer, water grid, storm
water drainage including different foundations like open foundations and pile-foundations is
essential qualities of bridge / structural engineer. Site inspection of infra and due to
identification with clash analysis and their rectification is added qualification. Structural
engineering design for signage support, catwalk and allied structures is added advantage.
Structural design, supervision of works, mentoring and offering guidance to non-key
personnel of the PMC and field staff of ADCL and the contractor is added qualification.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different items
of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 119

He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

12. Site Engineer (Highway Pavements):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Highway Pavements. He should have a minimum of 15years of professional
experience and exposure to Flexible Pavements execution of works on expansive soils is
essential qualities of Highway Engineer. Site inspection of infra and due to identification
with clash analysis and their rectification is added qualification.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different
items of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

13. Site Engineer (Utilities):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Utility infrastructure projects. He should have a minimum of 15 years of
professional experience and exposure to deeper underground utilities execution of works in
expansive soils is essential qualities of Utility Engineer. Site inspection of infra and due to
identification with clash analysis and their rectification is added qualification.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different
items of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

14. Site Engineer (Electrical):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Electrical Engineering and have
work experience in Highway infrastructure projects. He should have a minimum of 15 years
of professional experience and exposure to deeper underground utility duct works execution
in expansive soils is essential qualities of. Site inspection of infra and due to identification
with clash analysis and their rectification is added qualification.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different
items of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

15. Site Engineer (QA & QC):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Quality Assurance & Quality Control of Highway and Utility Infra structure
projects. He should have a minimum of 15 years of professional experience.
Developing manuals of inspection, quality control and quality assurance of different
items of work and maintenance manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

119 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 120

16. Site Engineer (Safety):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Road Safety and Audit of Highway and Utility Infra structure projects. He
should have a minimum of 15 years of professional experience.
Developing manuals of inspection of different items of work and maintenance
manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

17. Site Engineer (Survey):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in Survey of Highway and Utility Infra structure projects. He should have a
minimum of 15 years of professional experience.
Developing manuals of inspection of different items of work and maintenance
manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

18. Site Engineer (HSE):

He should be a Graduate -B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work
experience in HSE of Highway and Utility Infra structure projects. He should have a minimum
of 15 years of professional experience.
Developing manuals of inspection of different items of work and maintenance
manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

19. Civil Lab Technician:

He should be a Diploma or equivalent in Civil Engineering and have work experience
in Civil Lab of Highway and Utility Infra structure projects. He should have a minimum of 15
years of professional experience.
Developing manuals of inspection of different items of work and maintenance
manuals is also an added advantage.
He shall also have the appropriate level of academic and professional qualifications
and experience to recognize and to deliver good industry practice with respect to
Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects.

20. The Financial Expert or Legal expert may be required for the project for specific
needs. Their deployment shall be arranged by the consultant on specific requisition from the
Authority and the payment shall be made as per the actual deployment. The Financial Expert
or Legal expert shall be paid at the rates quoted for Resident Engineer.
Section 7. Terms of Reference 121

2. Reporting Requirements and Time Schedule for Deliverables

(Separate for each Lot)
No. of Man-
No of months Max
S.N Na on &
Key Personnel Positio During Duri Poin
o me Experienc
ns Construct ng ts
ion DLP
(iii) Key -Staff :
Team Leader cum Contract
1 1 12 24 10
Specialist Requirem
Deputy Team Leader cum ents as
2 1 12 0 7
Construction Manager furnished
Resident Engineer cum in this RFP
3 1 12 0 4
Billing Engineer document
Bridge / Structural Design
4 1 12 0 4
Highway Pavement Design
5 1 12 0 4
6 Material Engineer 1 12 0 4
ESHS (Environment, Social,
7 1 12 0 3
Health & Safety) Expert
8 Road Safety Audit Engineer 1 12 0 3
Utility Expert –water,
9 Sewer & Storm water 1 12 0 3
10 Utility Expert – Power & ICT 1 12 0 3

(iv) Other-Professional Staff :

Site Engineer (Highway
11 2 24 12 NA
12 Site Engineer (Bridges) 2 24 12 NA

13 Site Engineer (Utilities) 2 24 12 NA

14 Site Engineer (Electrical) 2 12 12 NA

15 Site Engineer (Safety) 2 24 0 NA

16 Site Engineer (QA & QC) 2 24 0 NA

17 Site Engineer (Survey) 1 12 0 NA

18 Site Engineer (HSE) 1 12 0 NA

19 Civil lab Technician 2 24 0 NA

121 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 122

(v) Support Staff:

20 Office Manager 3 36 24 NA

21 CAD/BIM Operator 2 24 0 NA

22 Office Boy 3 36 24 NA

23 Night Watchman 10 120 48 NA

Fixed Costs (Rental /Leased): Fixed monthly Costs (Rental / Leased) are furnished as below:


No of Job / No. of Months

S.No Details UoM Units/ Area / During During Points
Others Construction DLP
Office Rent at Vijayawada
Team Leader’s
1 sqm 250 12 24 NA
Other Staff
2 sqm 500 12 0 NA
Office Furniture and Equipment: (## Requirements furnished at the end of this table)
Team Leader’s
3 1 36 12 24 NA
Other Staff
4 1 12 12 0 NA
Duty Travel:
Key Round Trip:
5 Professional Vijayawada to 8 2 NA
Staff Hyderabad
Transportation :
Innova /
Scorpio or
Team Leader
6 equivalent 1 12 24 NA
(not more than
3years old)
Ambassador /
Indica or
Other Staff
7 equivalent 4 48 0 NA
(not more than
3 years old)
Office Supplies, Utilities and Communication:
Section 7. Terms of Reference 123

8 Office Supplies TL Office 1 36 12 24 NA

Other Staff
9 Office Supplies 1 12 12 0 NA
10 TL Office 1 36 12 24 NA
Drafting Other Staff
11 1 12 12 NA
Supplies Offices 0
12 TL Office 1 36 12 24 NA
Running Costs
Computer Other Staff
13 1 12 12 0 NA
Running Costs Offices
14 Communication TL Office 1 36 12 24 NA
Other Staff
15 Communication 1 12 12 0 NA
Reports and Document Printing:
16 3 copies 1 NA NA NA NA
17 Technical 3 copies 36 NA NA NA NA
18 3 copies 9 NA NA NA NA
19 Technical 3 copies 5 NA NA NA NA
20 Completion 3 copies 4 NA NA NA NA
21 O & M Manual 3 copies 1 NA NA NA NA

##'- Office Furniture and Equipment

Table (Godrej
1 Make, Model T- 1 12 24 NA
108 or
Chairs (Godrej
2 make, model 1 12 24 NA
PCH-701, or
Tables (Godrej
make, Model T-
3 11 12 0 NA
104 or
Ordinary chairs
4 11 12 0 NA
Type-I (Godrej

123 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 124

make, model T-
CHR-6 or
Tables (for all
other staff)
5 Godrej make, 6 12 0 NA
Model T-101 or
Ordinary chairs
Type-II For all
other staff,
6 6 12 0 NA
Godrej make,
model CHR-6 or
Steel Almirah
1270 mm x 765
mm x 440 mm )
7 Godrej make, 1 12 0 NA
model minor
plani or
Visitors chairs /
room chairs
8 (Godrej make, 6 12 0 NA
model DCH
7004 or
Tables for
computers with
3 drawers, key
board / mouse
pull out trays
size 1664 mm x
9 3 12 0 NA
900 mm
(Godrej make
or equivalent
as per
Printer desks
10 Godrej make or 1 12 0 NA
Side tables
11 Godrej make or 2 12 0 NA
12 tables (Godrej 1 12 0 NA
make or
Section 7. Terms of Reference 125

equivalent No.
chairs for
13 2 12 0 NA
computer room
/ drawing room
telephone with
PABX facilities
14 ( 2 external 1 12 0 NA
lines and 10
internal lines)
15 Photocopier 1 12 0 NA

16 Fax 1 12 0 NA
17 conditioners 2 12 0 NA
(1.5 ton)
Computer PC
18 (state of the 3 12 0 NA
Laser Jet
19 1 12 0 NA
15 KVA Diesel
20 Generator with 1 12 0 NA
running cost
21 1 12 0 NA
22 1 12 0 NA
Plan printer
23 Plotter A0 size 1 12 0 NA
24 projector 1 12 0 NA
Aircooler (24"
size fan with
suitable pump
and shall be of
25 2 12 0 NA
either GEC,
Khitan or Cool
Home make or
Water Coolers
26 (Voltas or 1 12 0 NA
27 Software 1 12 0 NA

125 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 126

3. Client’s Input and Counterpart Personnel

(a) Services, facilities and property to be made available to the Consultant by the
Client: None

(b) Professional and support counterpart personnel to be assigned by the Client to the
Consultant’s team: To be communicated later.



The Works’ policy goal, as a minimum, should be stated to integrate environmental
protection, occupational and community health and safety, gender, equality, child
protection, vulnerable people (including those with disabilities), gender-based violence
(GBV), HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention and wide stakeholder engagement in the
planning processes, programs, and activities of the parties involved in the execution of
the Works. The Client is advised to consult with the World Bank to agree the issues to be
included which may also address: climate adaptation, land acquisition and resettlement,
indigenous people, etc. The policy should set the frame for monitoring, continuously
improving processes and activities and for reporting on the compliance with the policy.
The policy should, as far as possible, be brief but specific and explicit, and measurable, to
enable reporting of compliance with the policy.
As a minimum, the policy is set out to the commitments to:
1. apply good international industry practice to protect and conserve the natural
environment and to minimize unavoidable impacts;
2. provide and maintain a healthy and safe work environment and safe systems of
3. protect the health and safety of local communities and users, with particular
concern for those who are disabled, elderly, or otherwise vulnerable;
4. ensure that terms of employment and working conditions of all workers engaged
in the Works meet the requirements of the ILO labour conventions to which the
host country is a signatory;
5. be intolerant of, and enforce disciplinary measures for illegal activities. To be
intolerant of, and enforce disciplinary measures for GBV, child sacrifice, child
defilement, and sexual harassment;
6. incorporate a gender perspective and provide an enabling environment where
women and men have equal opportunity to participate in, and benefit from,
planning and development of the Works;
7. work co-operatively, including with end users of the Works, relevant authorities,
contractors and local communities;
8. engage with and listen to affected persons and organizations and be responsive
to their concerns, with special regard for vulnerable, disabled, and elderly
Section 7. Terms of Reference 127

9. provide an environment that fosters the exchange of information, views, and

ideas that is free of any fear of retaliation;
10. minimize the risk of HIV transmission and to mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS
associated with the execution of the Works;
The policy should be signed by the senior manager of the Client / Consultants /
Contractors. This is to signal the intent that it will be applied rigorously.

127 | P a g e
Section 7. Terms of Reference 128

Requirements and Scope of Services

Key Expert/s: Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)

Qualification for the ESHS Key Experts:

The Key Expert/s shall have the appropriate level of academic and professional
qualifications and experience to recognize and to deliver good international industry
practice with respect to Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS). [Note to Client:
insert minimum qualifications and relevant type and duration of experience
appropriate to the ESHS risks of the project. Ensure consistency with Section 7,
paragraph 4.]

Scope of ESHS Key Expert Services, tasks and expected deliverables

Ensure the Contractor’s ESHS performance is in accordance with good international
industry practice and delivers the Contractor’s ESHS obligations.

This includes, but is not limited to:

1. review and approve the Contractor’s Environment and Social Management Plan (C-
ESMP), including all updates and revisions (not less than once every 6 monthly);
2. review and approve ESHS provisions of method statements plans, proposals,
schedules and all relevant Contractor’s documents;
3. review and advise the relevant person (of the Engineer) on the ESHS risks and
impacts of any design change proposals and the implications for compliance with
ESIA, ESMP, consent/permits and other relevant project requirements;
4. undertake audits, supervisions and/or inspections of any sites where the Contractor
is undertaking activities related to the Works, to verify the Contractor’s compliance
with ESHS requirements, with and without contractor and/or client relevant
representatives, as necessary, but not less than once per month
5. undertake audits and inspections of Contractor’s accident logs, community liaison
records, monitoring findings and other ESHS related documentation, as necessary,
to confirm the Contractor’s compliance with ESHS requirements;
6. agree remedial action/s and their timeframe for implementation in the event of a
noncompliance with the Contractor’s ESHS obligations;
7. attend meetings including site meetings, progress meetings to discuss and agree
appropriate actions to ensure compliance with ESHS obligations;
8. check that the Contractor’s actual reporting (content and timeliness) is in
accordance with the Contractor’s contractual obligations;
9. review and critique, in a timely manner, the Contractor’s ESHS documentation
(including regular reports and incident reports) submitted to [Resident Engineer or
named Key Expert with overall responsibility for the Engineer] and to provide
advice to ensure the accuracy and efficacy of the documentation
10. undertake liaison, from time to time and as necessary, with project stakeholders to
identify and discuss any actual or potential ESHS issues, and report to [Resident
Engineer or named Key Expert with overall responsibility for the Engineer];
11. prepare a brief monthly report that describes the work that the Engineer’s ESHS
Key Expert/s have undertaken, the issues (including any Contractor’s ESHS
noncompliance) identified and the actions taken to address the issues.

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