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Abstract—“Aachi Masala” is the popular of Masala as the household among the millions of

people today, it is doing Masala trading into the field of pure spice powders like Turmeric, Chilli,
Coriander powders, and Matten, Chicken, Kulambu Masalas etc., this curiosity lets to enter into
masala world with boldness. This masala encountered a lot of hurdles, since selling masala
products during those days to the oriental who are traditionally conservative. It is not easy to sell.
It is concept sealing on “Easy Cooking” rather than marketing food products with self-
determination and persistent attempts, it is able to get into the kitchens of our country and the rest
of the world. The store may look like a wonder, but the hard work, the pot holes and the bumps on
the way to producer. The person who stood behind produce masala for all those achievements was
with help of their business partner. The main objective of this research is to identify the consumer
satisfaction of Aachi masala products in Chikkaballapura District. The suggestion is help to
improve the quality of the Product.











1.2.3 PRODUCTS 20







2.3 TABLES 45

2.4 FIGURES 45






chapter – 1

Cost Volume Profit analysis shows the connection among the varied ingredients of profit coming
up with, namely, unit sale worth, variable value, sales volume, sales combine and also the fixed
costs. Cost Volume Profit (CVP) analysis general y defined as a planning tool by which
managers can evaluate the effect of a change(s) in price, volume, variable cost or fixed cost on
profit. Additionally, related short run decisions, target costing and transfer pricing. In the
marginal cost accounting varies directly with the amount of production or output . In web effects,
if volume is changed, variable cost varies as per the changes in volume . In these case, selling
price remains fixed remains fixed and then there is a change in profit .

Cost Volume Profit analysis may be a logical extension of Marginal cost accounting. It is
supported identical principles of classifying the operative expenses into fastened and variable.
Now-a-days it has become a powerful instrument in the hands of policy makers to maximum
Earning of maximum profit is the ultimate goal of almost all business undertaking. The most
important factors influencing the earning of profit is the volume of production.

Profit depends on an oversized range of things, most important of which are the cost of
manufacturing and the volume of sales, volume of sales depends upon the volume of production
of market factors which turns in related to the cost .

Management has no control over the market. In order to realize bound level of gain, it has to
exercise control and management of costs, mainly variable cost. This as a result of value may be
a non -controllable cost.

It helps to seek out the gain of a product, department of division is to own a much better product
combine for profit coming up with and to maximise the profit a priority


 The study is carried out to analyze the financial performance.

 The study helps company to identify growth opportunity

 It can be helpful for the management to apply various financial tools such as Financial
Leverage an d Profit Volume Ratio.

 It will be helpful to management for decision making.


To study the Cost Volume Profit analysis and its impact on AACHI MASALA


To find out the break -even - point for the products of AACHI MASALA

 
To understand the level of sales needed to achieve a desired profi

To identify the margin of safety and its significance in AACHI MASALA


To analyze the degree of operating leverage of AACHI MASALA SPICES



This study is performed by using the financial statement of AACHI SPICES AND FOOD
PRODUCTS Pvt.Ltd. This would be useful for company to take new strategy to compete in the
market by adopting various controlling techniques in the process of manufacturing.

This study was conducted only on overall cost volume profit analysis and not on each and every
variables. This study helps to forecast profit fairly and accurately as it is essential to know the
relationship between profits and costs.

This study assists in evaluation of performance for the purpose of control and also assists in
formulating policies by showing the effect of different price structure on costs and profits.

This study predetermines the overhead rates that are related to a selected volume of production.


India is the world's second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being
the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The total food production in India is likely to
double in the next ten years and there is an opportunity for large investments in food and food
processing technologies, skills and equipment, especially in areas of Canning, Dairy and Food
Processing, Specialty Processing, Packaging, Frozen Food/Refrigeration and Thermo Processing.
Fruits & Vegetables, Fisheries, Milk & Milk Products, Meat & Poultry, Packaged/Convenience
Foods, Alcoholic Beverages & Soft Drinks and Grains are important sub - sectors of the food
processing industry. Health food and health food supplements are another rapidly rising segment
of this industry which is gaining vast popularity amongst the health conscious.

India is one of the world’s major food producers but accounts for less than 1.5 per cent of
international food trade . This indicates vast scope for both investors and exporters. Food exports
in 1998 stood at US $5.8 billion whereas the world total was US $438 billion. The Indian food
industries sales turnover is Rs 140,000crore (1crore = 10 million) annually as at the start of year

The industry has the highest number of plants approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) outside the USA

India's food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk
products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product
groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya - based products, mineral water,
high protein foods etc . We cover an exhaustive database of an array of suppliers, manufacturers,
exporters and importers widely dealing in sectors like the - Food Industry, Dairy processing,
Indian beverage industry etc. We also cover sectors like dairy plants, canning, bottling plants,
packaging industries, process machinery etc..
Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and
also includes processes such as grading, sorting, and packaging which enhance shelf life of food
products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry
and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of
production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high
priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value
addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating
employment and export growth.

he food processing sector is highly fragmented industry, it widely comprises of the following sub
-segments: Fruits & vegetables, Meat & poultry, Dairy, Marine products, grains and consumer
foods (that includes packaged food, beverages and packaged drinking water) etc. A number of
entrepreneurs in this industry are small in terms of their production and operations, and are
largely concentrate d in the unorganized segment. This segment accounts for more than 70% of
the output in terms of volume and 50% in terms of value. Though the organized sector seems
comparatively small, it is growing at a much faster place.

Indian food processing industry is widely recognized as a 'sunrise industry' having huge potential
for uplifting agricultural economy, creation of large scale processed food manufacturing and
food chain facilities, and the resultant generation of employment and export earnings . The
industry is estimated to be worth around US $ 67 billion and employing about 13 million people
directly and about 35 million people indirectly. The food processing sector in India is geared to
meet the international standards. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has the mandate
to develop standards and also to harmonize the same with International Standards consistent with
food hygiene and food safety requirement and to the conditions of India's food industry.

Packaged / Convenience Foods

Consumer food industry mainly consists of ready to eat and ready to cook products, salted
snacks, chips, pasta products, cocoa based products, bakery products, biscuits, soft drinks etc.

There are around 60,000 bakeries, several pasta food units and 20,000 traditional food units and
in India. The bakery industry is among the few processed foods segments whose production has
been increasing consistently in the country in the last few years. Products of bakery include
bread, biscuits, pastries, cakes, buns, Rusk etc. This activity is mostly concentrated in the
unorganized sector. Bread and biscuits constitute the largest segment of consumer foods with
annual production of around 4.00 million tones. Bread manufacturing is reserved for the small -
scale sector. Out of the total production of bread, 40% is produced in the organized sector and
remaining 60% in the unorganized sector, in the production of biscuits the share of unorganized
sector is about 80%.

Indian Food Processing Industry

Size of the Industry

 Largest producer of milk in the world - 105 million tones per annum.

 India is the largest in the livestock population about 485 million tones per annum.

 Percentage in world market

 The value of the Indian food industry has increased from Rs. 3 .09 trillion in 1993 -94 to
Rs. 3.99 trillion in 2000 -01.

 Market Capitalization

 The country’s GDP growth rate had increase from 3 .5 % in 2002 -03 to 9 % in 2006 - 07

 The Indian agriculture sector has come a long way since the time of independence

 In Jul y 1988, The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) was set up to give an
impetus to development of food processing sector in India. The Ministry formulates and
implements the policies & plans for the food processing industries according to the
overall national priorities and objectives. It acts as a catalyst for bringing in greater
investment into the sector while guiding and helping the industry and even creating a
conducive environment for healthy growth of the food processing industry.
Total contribution to the economy/ sales

 The Indian Food Processing Industry with its vast potential has emerged as one of the
major driver of economic growth and development.
Domestic and Export Share

 In 2014, the Exports of agricultural products from India are expected to cross around US
$ 22 billion mark and would account for 5 % of the world’s agriculture exports, Even the
Exports of floriculture, fresh fruits and vegetables, processed fruits and vegetables,
animal products, other processed foods and cereals rose to US $ 7891 .8 million in 2008 -
09 from US $ 7877. 07 million in 2007 - 08, according to the Agricultural and Processed
Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

 Moreover, Indian Food Processing Industry has exported schedule products, floriculture
and seeds, fruits and vegetables, processed fruits and vegetables, livestock products, other
processed foods and cereals worth US $ 6. 53 billion from 2009 -2010, according to
Top leading Companies

 ITC Limited

 Parle Products Pvt .Ltd.

 Agro Tech Foods

 Amul

 Cadbury India Ltd.

 PepsiCo India Holdings

 Nestle India Pvt .Ltd.

 Britannia Industries Ltd.

 Hindustan Lever Limited

 Milk food



 Abundant availability of raw material

 Priority sector status for agro -processing given by the central Government

 Vast network of manufacturing facilities all over the country

 Vast domestic market


 Low availability of adequate infrastructural facilities

 Lack of adequate quality control and testing methods as per international standards

 Inefficient supply chain due to a large number of intermediaries

 High requirement of working capital.

 Inadequately developed linkages between R&D labs and industry.


 Large crop and material base offering a vast potential for agro processing activities

 Setting of SEZ/AEZ and food parks for providing added incentive to develop
Greenfield projects

 Rising income levels and changing consumption patterns

 Favourable demographic profile and changing lifestyles

 Integration of development in contemporary technologies such as electronics,

material science, bio -technology etc. offer vast scope for rapid improvement and

 Opening of global market

 Affordability and cultural preferences of fresh food

 High inventory carrying cost

 High taxation

 High packaging


 India is one of the largest food producers in the world

 India has diverse agro - climatic conditions and has a large and diverse raw material
base suitable for food processing companies

 India is looking for investment in infrastructure, packaging and marketing
 India has huge scientific and research talent pool

 Well developed infrastructure and distribution network

 Rapid urbanization, increased literacy, changing life st yle, increased number of

women in workforce, rising per capita income - leading to rapid growth and new
opportunities in food and beverages sector

 50 per cent of household expenditure by Indians is on food items

 Strategic geographic location (proximity of India to markets in Europe and Far

East, South East and West Asia).

 


Aachi Group was found in the year 1995 by Mr. A.D.Padmasingh Isaac, a first generation
entrepreneur with BBA and hailing from Nazareth in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu.
Undoubtedly, Aachi has come to rule the kitchen today!

The Aachi Group comprises of the following companies.

Aachi Masala Foods Private Ltd

Aachi Spices & Foods Pvt Ltd

Aachi Special Foods Pvt Ltd

Aachi has become a household name because of its excellent quality products catering to the
common people. The product range is so wide that no household can afford to miss Aachi
products from its kitchen.

The success of Aachi can be attributed to the following: Excellent Quality products, Strong
resources & Marketing Network, Continuous market analysis and Survey of customer needs,
Standardization & upgradation of products as per international standards and Excellent Brand

Aachi Group’s turnover has been increasing at CAGR of 30% over the last three years which is
higher than that of the national average of 15% for Food Processing Industries. AACHI’s
products reach the consumers through 4000 Agents and 12 Lakh Retailers. The product range is
classified to be 8 divisions for easy distribution. It is expected to strive the magical figure of
Rs.1200 Crores in turnover by March 2017!

“Aachi products are now available in USA, Canada, U.K, Belgium, Holland, France, Denmark,
Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, D.R. Congo,
Kenya, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, United Arab
Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Korea and Japan.“



A range of blended masalas adding an extraordinary flavour and taste to a million tongues is
what the (AACHI) MASALA KING crowns every ‘Queen of the Kitchen’ with. Aachi has made
a revolution in round masalas into tasty food. Yes, Mr.Isaac has made the lives of women easy
in the kitchen and brought ripples of happiness and satisfaction to all in the family.


The future plans of Aachi Group are to contribute to the economic development of the country
by owning 1000 acres of land in a fertile village. Together with the Department of Horticulture,
Mr. Isaac is planning to bring about integrated farming in the selected village and take up the
cleaning and maintenance of water bodies like ponds that could act as sources of irrigation.
Creating awareness on and implementing drip irrigation as a water saving technique helps to
keep the farms fertile and also optimally use water sources. By establishing a factory there, the
input will be directly purchased from the farmers at a reasonable price, and provide ample job
opportunities for the localities. The effluents will be treated so that there will be no negative
impact on the environment. In the long run, this will lead to sustainable community development
with the guidance of the government.

Mr. Isaac sits as the following Boards/Committees:

1. Convenor, Agri Business & Food Processing Panel Committee, FICCI, Chennai.

2. Member, Academic Council Board, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship

and Management (NIFTEM), Haryana, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of

3. Member, Academic Council Board, Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT),
Tanjavur, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India.
Mr. Isaac’s vision is to make AACHI a common brand, Food related FMCG products in India
akin to WALMART in USA which outsources best products and markets them in its brand name.
Ultimately, the word AACHI, derived from the word ‘AATCHI’ in Tamil which means to rule,


To manufacture and market food products on a sustainable basis catering to all segments of the
society at affordable prices and increase the intrinsic value for all stakeholders with the highest
Corporate Governance Standards.


Aachi is dedicated to provide the customers with the finest, high-quality products, hygienically
prepared and competitively priced, living up to their expectations and suppliers for achieving
symbiotic relationship.


The manufacturing facility of Aachi is located at Keel Ayyanabakkam, 15 km from Chennai city.

It has a manufacturing capacity of 120 metric tonnes of spice powders and spice mixes per day.

The products manufactured at this factory, have an edge over any other, on account of the
following criteria.

Equipments with state-of-the-art technology

Hygienic work place
Highly Qualified Technical Staff
Relentless Product and Process improvement


A dedicated Research & Development Team is involved in developing new products as indicated
by the market demand patterns. A central lab is operates at Nazareth Foods Private Limited
which is well equipped to analyze all food samples. A team of experienced Food Technologists
are involved in New product development as well as in Product Improvement.
The R & D Team coordinates with manufacturing units in developing New products, Packaging
material, Food labelling, Product shelf life and suitability of new products for human

The R & D Team is actively engaged at all times with government organizations like CFTRI
Mysore, Spice Board, DFRL, CIPET, IIP, BIS etc. for product development.


High Quality raw materials are sourced from all over the country through company approved
suppliers. For instance, chillies are sourced from Guntur, Turmeric from Erode, Coriander from
Rajasthan, Pepper and Cardammom from Munnar, Cumin and Mustard from Madhya pradesh
and so on.

The Quality Checked raw materials are taken to production floor for further processing. All the
spices are cleaned and roasted at high temperatures to enhance flavour and to ensure food safety.
Roasted spices are blended as per the standard formulation and then powdered and packed. The
quality personal ensure the process as per the standard operating procedures.

The spices and spice mix powders are packed in automatic packing machines as per the market
demand. Packs are ensured to be tamper proof and sturdy enough to retain the aroma and flavour
till consumption.

The dispatch is done with the company’s own trucks to ensure prompt supply to distribution
channels. The distribution is ably supported by an active sales team, which is monitored directly
by the Founder and Chairman. With an efficient distribution and marketing network across the
country, Aachi is able to satisfy the market demands quickly.

The entire process is governed by the Food Safety Management System with ISO 9001 : 2008


Building on scientific know-how and experience, Aachi has strengthened its position as one of
the leading food processors in India and around the globe. Aachi Masala is committed to offer
safe products to customers and develop a motivated team with a deep concern for environment
and personal safety.

Some of the Best Quality practices at Aachi:

Adoption of Good Manufacturing Practices
Adherence to strict personal hygiene practices
Validated Cleaning and Disinfection procedures
Process Control systems through HACCP
Farm-to-plate tracking of food through traceability coding
Control of potent micro-organisms through pest proof manufacturing facilities


Aachi has provided employment to several hundreds of women and a significant number of
physically challenged persons. About 5000 families rely on AACHI and 20,000 individuals earn
their livelihood because of Aachi!

Aachi has undertaken Rural Rejuvenation Program jointly with Isha Foundation. Mr. Isaac also
has plans to start a Micro Finance Institution with the support of generous overseas lending
agencies. This is expected to meet the credit requirements of the wide network of Retail outlets
numbering over a million! There are also plans to set up Aachi Institute of Retail Management to
meet Aachi Group’s manpower requirement. An Aachi School of Business Management is also
being planned to develop eminent enterprises.

The company, which has produced some items in curry powder at first, is now producing and
distributing a wide range of products including the pickles. The amiable labour management
relationship has helped to grow a dedicated labour culture in the company. The growth of our
products depends by its good quality.

The recognition from the public is the best achievement of our firm . The Supernova has well
established itself in the market due to its high quality. The inspiration from this recognition has
leaded the company in the production of other products also. We can assure that we are vowed to
care in obtaining more and more good qualities for our products. The important products of the
company are the following: -

 Cut mango pickle

 Gooseberry pickle

 Mixed pickle

 Ginger pickle

 Bitter guard pickle

 Green chill y pickle

 Mango curry

 Sambar powder

 Chicken masala

 Chill y powder

 Turmeric powder

 Meat masala

 Pepper powder

 Fish masals


Supernova has the effort of a lot of efficient departments behind its success in the food
processing field. The main departments of Supernova are:

 




Sales promotion for the product

Company has very good sales promotion activities for increasing sales of the products. The
important one is advertisement. Advertisement is the key word to the successful of the product in
each and every company. It makes the knowledge about the products and services.

Supernova used advertisement as to direct per assuasive communication to target buyers and the
public. It consists of all activities involved in presenting a group of non personnel oral or verbal
op enl y sponsored message regarding product and services or idea

Different type of advertisement tools used by the company are print, bored and casting. It
includes the following: -


News paper



Outdoor displays

Advertisement copy includes broadly elements verbal and visual which are to be included in the
finished advertisement copy. Its main purpose is to attract attention, arose curiosity and these by
further reading. It presents message or appeal in gist at glance.

The main objective of the company through advertising is the following: -

 To support personnel selling

 For improving dealer relation

 To outer a new graphic market

 To reach product to the remote people
chapter – 2

Review of Literature

Abinaya.P, Kanimozhi.S and Subramani. A.K, 2015, this article examine that Aachi
Masala products encountered a lot of hurdles, since selling masala powders during those days
to the oriental women who are traditionally conservative, it was not easy to sell. It was
concept sealing on “Easy Cooking” rather than marketing food products with self-rule and
tenacious attempts it was able to get into the kitchens of our country and the rest of the world.
The main objective of this research is to identify the customer satisfaction towards Aachi
chicken masala in Avadi. Descriptive research was used in this research. The research was
based on the customer satisfaction of Aachi chicken masala and the product preference of the
customers to identify the competitors of Aachi.

Thangamani.S, and Arthi.

E, 2015, The study was undertaken to find out the customer satisfaction level towards Sakthi
Masala. Many management thinkers consider marketing to be the most critical function of a
business. In a business organization, the marketing division generates the revenues essential
for the survival and growth of the firm, the finance department like R&D, production and
manufacturing use them to create products and services. But the real challenge to marketers
lies in generating those revenues profitability, by satisfying customers in a socially
responsible manner. The key to generated high customer loyalty is delivering of high
customer value. Today there are number of brands of products available in the market which
differ in price, taste & preference, quality etc.., but customers prefer to purchase their brands
due to various reasons. The attitude of customers may change their preference of the choice
of the product that may influence because of various factors like price, appearance,
performance etc.., so the manufacturers may give more attention to the customer preference
which may host the possession of the company in the market. The present study reveals that
majority of the respondents preferred to buy Sakthi masala for taste & preference, so the
company should maintain it and increase the more number of customers.

Pomona Banal, 2015, this article analysis that Spices have been an integral part in every
Indian food is prepared at home or elsewhere. In recent times, large scale production of spice
powders, curry seasonings, masala powders, spice paste etc., has been taken up by many
firms. Marketing of these brands has been aggressive since there are several brands firmly
rooted in the market. The precise selection of spices for each dish is a matter of national or
regional cultural tradition, religious practice and to some extent, family preference such
dishes are called by specific names that refer to their ingredients, spicing and cooking
methods. The general satisfaction level is very high among people with regards to Everest
Masala. Another heartening trend in market is that people like spices in their daily food for

Palanivel.V and ManikandaMuthukumar. C, 2014, this article examines that “Aachi

masala” the Queen of spices as the household name among the millions today, it was doing
Turmeric trading for some time. Later entered into the arena of pure spice powders like
Turmeric, Chilli and Coriander. This inquisitiveness lets to enter into masala world with
boldness. This masala encountered a lot of hurdles, since selling masala powders during those
days to the oriental women who are traditionally conservative, it was not easy to sell. It was
concept sealing on “Easy Cooking” rather than marketing food products with self-
determination and persistent attempts it was able to get into the kitchens of our country and
the rest of the world. The store may look like a miracle, but the hard work, the pot holes and
the bumps on the way and the stormy inclement weather are known only to producer. The
person who stood behind produce masala for all those achievements was with help of their
business partner. This project entitled that customer satisfaction of Aachi Masala Products.
The overall analyse of the study indicate that at presents so many varieties of products
available even the customer were satisfied product smell, taste, quality, cost, packing of the
Aachi masala products in Chikkaballapura District

Krishnakumar. K. Dr and Kavitha. S, 2014,

this article is to investigate the influence of brand loyalty on Masala product bof influence of
product attributes on brand loyalty among women in Salem. The study concluded that there is
a high level of influence of product attributes on brand loyalty among women in Salem.
Product attributes such as longer shelf life, taste, exotic flavour and varieties, excellent grade
of ingredients, pleasant aroma /distinctive flavour aroma, taste enhancer, delicious,
hygienically and good packaged, fresh and safe to use, optimum processed, price worthiness,
promotion and offers, and availability of various quantity are most important aspects of
brand. It is found that Sakthi branded Masala powder create high level of brand loyalty
among consumer. buying behaviour of consumers of Salem city in the Tamil Nadu. The study
concluded that there is a high level

Consumer satisfaction of Aachi Masala products in Chikkaballapura b district. In this fast-

moving world, people have very less time to do a lot of work in their day-to-day life. In order
to complete their works quickly, make use of readymade processed spices products, pickles,
etc., that save them a lot of time in doing a work, since it is less time consuming, saving
energy, etc., require of consumer awareness about the Aachi Masala products in
Chikkaballapura District.

Research design:
Survey method will be used for the study. The research design opted for this study is
Descriptive in nature. The purpose of this study is to observe, describe and document aspects
of a situation as it naturally occurs


Sampling is a technique or a process of collecting data from some group or an individual.

Sampling method which are using here is Convenience sampling technique.
Convenience random sampling:
Convenience random sampling is a non-probability sampling method which the interviewer
collects the data according to his need, priority and convenience. In this project structured
questionnaire would be served to 100 respondents for the required primary data
Sources of data:
Data are collected straight from the respondents and also experts in the field of promotional
activities and advertisement. Here data are collects by two ways. Those 2 ways are as

Primary data
Primary data means the data which are directly collected from the field,
Here data are collected by 3 different method, these 3 methods are as follows.
1. Questionnaire
2. Direct Interview
3. Delphi Method

Secondary data
Secondary data means the data which are already collected and are readily available data or
data which are collected by somebody other than user. Here secondary data are collected
from Official website of mega mart and also many sources, those are as follows:-

Sources for Secondary data collection:

1) Magazines
2) Journals
3) Websites
4) books

2.8 Tools for data collection:

Data collections tools denote to the tools are techniques which would help to collect the data.
In this study, 3 types of data collection tools are used, those 3 are as follows.

Questionnaire is a data collection tool used for collecting the primary data from the
customers of

. Questionnaire is a set of different questions which are going to ask customers about the
Aachi masala product. Open-ended questions are used here and questionnaire is given for
customers to collect primary data.
Direct Interview:
Direct interview is a interview taken by researcher to collect the primary data. It is a set of
some questions which are going to ask the respondent about the Aachi masala products. Here
it is used for the experts in the field of promotional activities and some of the customers at

Delphi method:
The metropolis technique may be a structured communication technique or technique,
originally developed as a scientific, interactive prognostication technique that depends on a
panel of specialists. The specialists answer queries in 2 or additional rounds. once every
spherical, a assistant or modification agent provides Associate in Nursing anonymous outline
of the experts’ forecasts from the previous spherical in addition because the reasons they
provided for his or her judgments. Thus, specialists are inspired to revise their earlier answers
in light-weight of the replies of alternative members of their panel. it's believed that in this
method the vary of the answers can decrease and also the cluster can converge towards the
"correct" answer. Finally, the method is stopped once a predefined stop criterion and also the
mean or median a lot of the ultimate rounds confirm the results.

Pie Chart, Tables and Graphs: it is a graphical representation of the data which are
collected through questionnaires. In this study this is used for questionnaire which is
collected from the consumers.


 The sample size of the population is limited to 100 respondents.

 The study is limited only to the Chikkaballapura.
 The analysis will be based on the responses of the individuals, which
may not be reliable always.
 It may not be possible to use all the tools available to research due to
non-availability of information and constraints.
Gender of the respondents

4.1 Table showing gender of respondent

Gender Total Percentage

Male 40 40%

Female 60 60%

The overhead table is showing the gender summary of the respondents, the table shows that
there were 40%respondents were male and remaining 60% were female respondents.

4.1 Chart showing the Gender

Gender Male Female




Interpretation: The above chart interpreted that utmost of the respondents were female and
not so many were males.

2. Age of the respondents:

4.2 Table showing the age segmentation of the respondents.

Age group Total Percentage

11-25 20 20%

25-40 50 50%
40-60 20 20%

60 & above 10 10%


The above table shows that the age segmentation of the respondents. According to the collected
data, out of 100 respondents 20 members are having the age between 11-25, 50respondents are in
between 25 -40, 20respondents are between 40-60 and10 respondents are having more than 60

4.2 Chart showing the age segmentation of the respondents.







Age group Nov-25 25-40 40-60 60 & above


According to the above chart it is clear that maximum of the respondents are young aged customers
who were having less than 60 years old. It is clear that the people who are having the young age and
the capacity of purchase will definitely use of Aachi masala products to fulfil their requirement.
Educational qualification of the respondents:
4.3 Table showing the educational qualification of the respondents.

Educational qualification Total number of respondents Percentage

Post Graduate 10 10%

Graduate 20 20%

Below Graduate 30 30%

Others 40 40%


The above table demonstrate that the educational qualification of the respondents. Out of 100
respondents 10 were the post graduates and 20 respondents are the graduates, 30 respondents are
the below graduates and remaining 40 respondents are having the qualification other than above

4.3 Table showing the educational qualification of the respondents

Post Graduate Graduate Below Graduate Others


40% 20%

From the above chart it can be stated that educational qualification of the respondents. According to
the study the customers who use the Aachi masala products, most of them were others.

Income level of the people:

4.4Table showing the Income level of the respondents.

Income level (Rs.) Total number of respondents Percentage

Below 25000 15 15%

25000-40000 38 38%

40000-60000 25 25%

60000 & above 22 22%

Above table is showing the income level of the respondents. Out of 100 respondents 15 are having
the salary of less than 25000 Rs,38 respondents are having the salary of 25000- 40000 Rs,
25respondents are having the salary of 40000-60000 Rs and 22 respondents are having the highest
salary of above Rs. 60000

4.4 Chart showing the Income level of the respondents.

60000 & above 22 22%

40000-60000 25 25%

25000-40000 38 38%

Below 25000 15 15%

0 10 20 30 40

Total number of respondents Percentage

From the overhead diagram it is understood that people are having the salary of 25000-40000
people are the high percentage customers purchases. 41%of the people are the real consumers
and their percentage also high compared to total customers.

Mode of communication
4.5 Table showing the mode of communication
Mode of communication Total respondents Percentage

TV 40 40%
News paper 25 25%

Boarding’s 15 15%

Other 20 20%

From the above analysis it is interpreted that the mode of communication of Aachi masala
products. Out of 100 respondents TV 40 Respondents, 25 respondents are from the
newspaper and15respondents are from the boarding’s and 20 were the other than these mode
of communication.
4.5 Chart showing the mode of communication

TV News paper Boarding’s Other





From the overhead diagram it is understood that the result out of 100 respondents
15were from boarding’s and it is clear that Aachi masala products are strong in the mode of
TV based advertisements than the television advertisements and other modes.

Satisfaction of Aachi masala

4.6 Table showing satisfaction of Aachi masala

Level of Satisfaction Total respondents Percentage

Very satisfied 32 32%

Satisfied 27 27%
16 16%

Not satisfied 25 25%


From the above analysis it is interpreted that the level of satisfaction of Aachi Masala
products. Out of 100 respondents 32 were very satisfied, 27 were satisfied and 16 are Neutral
,25 are Not says that more no of peoples were satisfied

4.6 Chart showing the level of satisfaction

Level of Satisfaction Very satisfied Satisfied

Neutral Not satisfied





From the above diagram show that 100 respondents

32 respondents were very satisfied of using Aachi masala products it shows the more peoples
are satisfied.
4.7 Table showing why they choosing of brand

Choosing of brand Total respondents Percentage

Price 32 32%
Availability 27 27%

Tasty 16 16%

Variety 25 25%


From the above analysis is interpreted that they choosing of brand of Aachi Masala products.

Out of 100 respondents 32 price, 27 Availability, 16 Tasty, 25 were variety.

4.7 Chart showing choosing of brand

Total respondents Percentage



32 16%
27 25


Price Availability Tasty Variety


From the above diagram shows that 100 respondents.

32 respondents were choosing of Aachi masala products by price it show that price is low
compare to other products.
Know about offers

4.8 Table showing the know about offers

Offers through Total respondents Percentage

Retailers 40 40%
Media 25 25%

Some other buyers 15 15%

Others 20 20%


From the above table interpreted that knowing of offers of Aachi masala products.

Out of 100 respondents 40% offers through retailer, 25% through Media, 15% through some
other buyers , 20% others.

4.8 Chart showing knowing offers

Retailers Media Some other buyers Others






From the overhead diagram it is understood 100 respondents

Interpreted that More people were offer through Retailers that shows 40% .

Promotional activity

4.9 Table showing promotional activity attracts more

Promotional activity attracts Total respondents Percentage

Offer 20 20%
Discounts 40 40%

Coupons 25 25%

Others 15 15%


From the above analysis interpreted that Promotional activity attracts more of Aachi masala
Out of 100 respondents 20% peoples were through offers, 40% peoples were through
Discounts, 25% peoples were Coupons, 15% peoples were through others.

4.9 Chart showing Promotional activity attracts

Offer Discounts Coupons Others





Interpretation From the overhead diagram it is understood that the result out of 100 15from
offers and it is clear that Aachi masala products are strong discount .

Promotional activity create long term impact

4.10 Table shows long term impact of promotional activity

Promotional activity long term Total respondents Percentage

Advertisement 40 40%
Sales promotion 20 20%

Publicity 15 15%

Personal selling 25 25%


From the above analysis interpreted that Promotional activity long term impact of Aachi
masala products.
Out of 100 respondents 40% through Advertisement, 20% through Sales promotion, 15%
through Publicity,25% through Personal selling.

4.10 Chart showing promotional activity long term impact

activity long
term impact, 0

Personal selling,
25 Advertisement,
Publicity , 15

promotion, 20


From the overall diagram shows that 100 respondents it tells about more long term impact on

The study makes evident that the overall performance of the company with regard to
profitability is average but still, the performance of the company can be maximized through
careful measures of cost control which will enhance the operating efficiency of the company.
The company can reduce their costs, thereby the sales get increase due to their qu alit y and
also the performance will be improved in future.

The financial statements shows a sign of sickness in future, the company has to undergo an
improvements in several areas of management in the near future, the company has to take
some precautions t o prevent the sickness, and if the company applies recommendations of
this study towards its management, the company will be back on to a higher profitable
position within short time.
The level of breakeven point is increased year by year from the analysis. The company is not
able to manage the breakeven point of the company. So it should take necessary steps in cost
of sales.

The level of profit volume ratio is in a variable manner, there is increase and decrease in
profit volume ration year by year. So the company should make high sales with reduced cost
to improve profit.

The fixed costs need to be reduced and cost control techniques can be adopted which
will increase the earnings.

The company can improve capital turnover in the way of sales at reasonable price

The company can take necessary steps to invest certain amount into working capital. It will
very useful to maximize the profit .

Comparing the current assets and current liabilities there was a increase in the current asset
and also the in current liabilities, the company should manage to improve current asset and
decrease in liability y by increasing sales and high profit .

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