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Questions 6.

Which is not included in the 14 Line

a) DOH
1. What Republic Act is also known as The c) CHED
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction d) DEPED
Management (DRRM) Act of 2010?
a) RA 10821 7. Why does RA 10121 important?
b) RA 8397 a) Because it is an Act
c) RA 9995 Strengthening the Philippine
d) RA 10121 Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management System.
2. What do you mean by DENR? b) Because it is dependable to all
a) Department of Environment and the people.
Natural Resources c) Because it’s not providing for the
b) Department of Environment and National Disaster Risk Reduction
Normal Recreation and Management Framework.
c) Department of Ecosystem and d) Because it’s an act.
Natural Resort
Department of Ecosystem and 8. What section is the Declaration of
Natural Resources Scope?
a) Section 5
3. How many years does it take in the b) Section 4
making of the Road Map of RA 10121? c) Section 6
a) 21 years d) Section 7
b) 19 years
c) 20 years 9. What serve as conceptual guide to all
d) 23 years local and national efforts concerning
4. What sections is the Declaration of a) Framework of National Disaster
Policy and Definition of Terms? Risk Reduction Management
a) Sections 2 and 1 b) Framework of Disaster Risk
b) Sections 2 and 3 Reduction Management
c) Sections 1 and 3 c) Framework of Local Disaster Risk
d) Sections 3 and 4 Reduction Management
d) Framework of Provincial Disaster
5. What do you mean by DOE? Risk Reduction Management
a) Department of Environment
b) Department of Education 10. What do you mean by DOH?
c) Department of Energy a) Department of Hospital
d) Department of El Niño b) Department of Hope
c) Department of Hierarchy
d) Department of Health
Answer Key:
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. D

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