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Determination of the optimal conditions for

the deposition ofCu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thinjilms

by Spray Pyrolysis using Taguchi method

Youssef Arba*, Joel Herve Nkuissi Tchognia,

Philippe Thevenin
Bouchaib Hartiti, AbderraoufRidah
Department of Physics
Department of Physics
Supelec, University of Lorraine
FST, Hassan II Mohammedia University
Mohammedia, Morocco Metz, France
[email protected]

Abstract-Thin films of Copper zinc tin sulfide (Cu2ZnSnS4' close of that of silicon but which is associated to a photon
CZTS) is one of the promising semiconductor materials used in absorption mechanism of direct type. This results to an
over recent years as a next generation of absorber materials in
absorption process very efficient leading to very high
thin film solar cells thanks to its tunable direct band gap energy,
large absorption coefficient, cost effective and eco-friendly absorption coefficients ( 105 cm·l) well matched to the solar

nature. The aim of this present study is to investigate the spectrum and compatible with the use of thickness of 1 to 2
influence of parameters deposition of CZTS thin films using the microns about 100 to 200 times lower than that of crystalline
L27 orthogonal array of the Taguchi's design of experiments. silicon. CIS and its alloys with gallium and/or sulfur is
CZTS thin films were deposited on ordinary glass substrate by
therefore a semiconductor whose intrinsic optical
spray pyrolysis technique. The Taguchi design was used to
evaluate the effects of seven deposition parameters called factors characteristics are better adapted than those of silicon to the
namely the ratios ICuIfOZnl+ISnl), IZnlflSnl and ISIfIMetall, photovoltaic conversion.
solution rate, air-compression, time of deposition, substrate However, limitations in supply for In, Ga and Te and
temperatures on optical properties of as-sprayed films. The environmental pollution surrounding Cd and Se have raised
identification of the most influent factors of the deposition
concern about limitations on production capacity of the PV
process on the band gap energy of as-sprayed films is also done.
Under the optimized configuration, the CZTS films showed devices. [t is necessary to solve this issue by developing
optimal gap energy of 1.56 eV. The Taguchi analysis employed in alternative light absorber materials that are both non toxic and
the present investigation led to optimize process parameters for easily available. In this context, CU2ZnSn(S, Se)4 (CZTS)
the most optimal deposition conditions. compound has gained more attention as one of the promising
candidates. All the components in CZTS are earth abundant
Keywords: Spray Pyrolysis, Taguchi method, Design of
and environment benign. It is a compound whose intrinsic
experiment, CU2ZnSnS4, Solar cell, thin film, optical point defects lead to p-type semiconductor behavior. It has an
characterization. absorption coefficient> [0 cm'! which is suitable for thin
film photovoltaic applications [8-10] and a direct band gap
which has been predicted [11] to be 1.0 eV for CU2ZnSnSe4
Nowadays the solar cell market is dominated by wafer­ and 1.5 eV for CuZZnSnS4. The band gap of CZTS can also be
based crystalline silicon technology. Due to the indirect band tuned by incorporation of Ge because Ge-containing materials
gap of Si,the thickness of the cells is about 200 11m [1,2] and have smaller band gap than Ge-free counterparts [12]. This
this increases significantly the total cost of the module. A tunability is of particular interest for the manufacturing of
number of alternative materials have been investigated for the absorbers with a band gap between 1.1 eV and l.5eV which
development of next generation of cost-effective and high allow theoretical efficiencies higher than 30% [13]. CZTS is a
efficiency solar cells. Among them polycrystalline cadmium mineral found in nature [[4] and sharing the similar structure
telluride (CdTe), copper indium diselenide (C[S) and its with CIS except that half of [n is replaced with Zn and another
combinations with gallium and/or sulfur (Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2) half with Sn. It has two principal crystallographic structures
have been well synthesized [3-7] and have reached the known as stannite-type and kesterite-type which are similar
commercialization stage. These materials, belonging to the except the different arrangement of Cu and Zn atoms [[5].
family of chalcopyrite-type are currently considered to be the However it usually appears in kesterite phase because it is
most promising thin film solar cell materials because of their more stable thermodynamically compared to the stannite
very favorable electronic properties that have recently led to phase [15]. CZTS can be synthesized through solid state
solar cell efficiencies surpassing 20%. They have a band gap chemical reactions between ZnS, CU2S and SnSz. The study of

978-1-4799-7336-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

the phase diagram of the system has shown that a single phase II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
CZTS material can be formed only in a very small region [16].
Impurities including ternary and quaternary compounds are The CU2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films were synthesized by
easier to form than CZTS. The single phase composition spray pyrolysis according to parameters shown in TABLE I. The
region is much smaller for CZTS than for CIS. Therefore it is levels of factors were selected basing on the best preparation
very challenging to make pure CZTS compounds. Until now, conditions of this material found in the literature [25, 31 and
32]. Each experiment was repeated three times for taking into
only Cu-poor and Zn-rich materials gave high efficiency as
account the dispersion of result in order to evaluate the
was already noted Nagaoka team [17]. In Zn-rich growth
average of the three values for calculation of the signal on
conditions, the kesterite structure is tolerant to stoichiometry
noise (SIN) ratio. The energy band gap of the synthesized
deviations by zinc excess and copper lacking [17-19], but high films was used for the calculation of the SIN ratio where the
Zn content also leads to structural disorder [20]. That is why it smaller value the better; see (1). After the selection of factors,
is important to find an optimal range for values of the rations the L27 orthogonal array of the Taguchi's design of
[Cu]/([Zn]+[Sn]), [Zn]/[Sn] and [S]/[Metal]. Considering the experiments has been constructed which contains seven
above parameters and other, CZTS thin films have been columns and twenty seven rows; see TABLE II. Each parameter
synthesized by various deposition techniques which are was assigned to a column and twenty seven deposition
Thermal evaporation [21], E-Beam evaporation with post parameter combinations giving the higher precision and
sulfurization process [22], RF co-sputtering of binary information on the system have been available. Only twenty
compounds [23]. Routes using co-evaporated elements [24]. seven experiments were therefore required to study the whole
Non vacuum methods have also been developed namely system with the L27 (37) orthogonal array. In each experiment,
an aqueous solution containing cupric chloride, zinc acetate,
sulfurization of sol-gel deposited precursors and spray­
stannic chloride and thiourea was sprayed, using a
pyrolysis [25, 26 and 27]. In this work we have used spray
pneumatically controlled air-atomizing spray nozzle (14JAU,
pyrolysis for the synthesis of CZTS thin films. The main
Spraying systems Co., USA), onto heated glass substrates.
advantages of spray pyrolysis technique are related to easy Compressed air was used as the carrier gas. TABLE I shows the
control of roughness leading to light scattering which is a parameters and their levels used in this study and TABLE II
useful tool in solar cells and ease of tailoring of film properties shows the combinations between these parameters where the
for desired application by changing deposition conditions [28]. rows represent experiments.
It is a simple technique, low cost and can be used effectively TABLE I. Parameters and levels used in this experiment
for the deposition of large area thin films.
In this work, we have introduced the design of experiments Parameters levels
Symbol Parameters
Levell Level 2 Level 3
method to organize our experiments and to determine with a
Temperature of
minimum of tests and a maximum of precision the effect of A 300 375 450
deposition (KO)
various deposition parameters on the optimization of optical B [Cu] /([Zn] + [Sn]) 0.55 1 1.3
properties of CZTS films. We have selected seven process
parameters for the synthesis of CZTS films, and each of them C [Zn] / [Sn] 0.38 0.88 1.2

has three different possible values. In order to obtain a full D [S] / [Metal] 0.8 1 1.2
characterization, one would be required to carry out all
factorial design combinations 37 i.e., 2187 experiments. E Pressure (mbar) 2 3 4

However, by applying Taguchi's design, one reduces F Spray rate 0.93 2.25 8
significantly the number of experiments and the time required
for an experimental investigation obtaining similar and in G spray time (min) 10 30 60

principle equivalent information by some approximations. In

our case, this allowed to perform only 27 sets of experiments TABLE II. L27 (37) Taguchi orthogonal array
instead of the whole set of 2187 required by a full factorial
design. The Taguchi method is also effective in investigating Tests A B C D E F G

the effects of multiple factors on performances of the final 1 Al BI CI DI EI FI GI

product as well as in study the influence of individual factors
2 Al BI CI DI E2 F2 G2
in order to know which factor is more influent than others [29,
30]. The main goal of this study is to apply the Taguchi 3 Al BI CI DI E3 F3 G3
method in order to determine the optimal experimental
4 Al B2 C2 D2 EI FI GI
configuration which leads to best optical properties (band gap
energy) of CZTS thin films. 5 Al B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2

6 Al 82 C2 D2 EJ F1 G1
7 A, BJ CJ OJ E, F, G, band gap. The CZTS is a material with an energy band gap
ranging from 1.4 eV to 1.6 eV [22]. The theoretical optimal
8 A, B, C, 0, E, F2 G2 gap of this material is around 1.5eV [11, 37] with which this
material exhibits very good optoelectronic properties. In this
9 A, B, C, 0, EJ F, G,
work the performance criteria used to have informations about
10 A2 B, C2 0, E, F2 G, optical properties of films is given by the following formula:

11 A2 B, C2 0, E, F, G,

12 A2 B, C2 0, EJ F, G2 (2)

13 A2 B2 C, 0, E, F2 G,

14 A, B, CJ 0, E2 FJ G, Where /::"Eg is the difference between the theoretical value

and the experimental value of CZTS energy band gap obtained
15 A, B, CJ 0, EJ F, G,
from the experiments of the Taguchi table. The value /::"Eg ° =

16 A, BJ C, 0, E, F, GJ represents films with very good optical properties of an

absorber while higher values can indicate the presence of
17 A, BJ C, 0, E2 FJ G, secondary phases like ZnS, SnS, CuS or CuZSnS3 which have
18 A, BJ C, 0, EJ F, G,
a detrimental effect on CZTS performance. On TABLE 111 are
listed the experimental data of performance criteria (/::"Eg) and
19 AJ B, CJ 0, E, FJ G, the corresponding SIN ratio calculated by the above equation
(1). The mean of SIN ratio for each level of the parameters is
20 A, B, C, O2 E, F, G,
also calaculated and summarized in TABLE IV. Besides, the
21 A, B, C, O2 EJ F2 G, graphical representation of means of the SIN ratios of all
factors at all levels allowed to determine graphically the
22 A, B2 C, 0, E, F, G2 factors having more effects on film properties than others. The
23 A, B2 C, 0, E, F, G, graphical representation of the SIN response for the energy
gap is shown of Fig.l.
24 A, B2 C, 0, EJ F2 G,
TABLE III. The performance criteria value and the corresponding SIN ratio.
25 A, B, C2 0, E, F, G2
Ml I1E2 I1E3
Tests SIN ratio (db)
26 AJ BJ C, 0, E2 F, GJ (eV) (eV) (eV)
1 0 0,6 0,2 8,7506126
27 AJ BJ C, 0, EJ F, G,
2 0,1 0,07 0 23,03935

3 0,83 0,5 0,38 4,4237251

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 0,14 0,5 0,6 6,7805654

The characterization of samples was done by the optical 5 0,3 0,4 0,1 10,621479
transmittance measurements. All the 27 experiments were
conducted with the same procedure as mentioned above. The 6 0,5 0,2 0,3 8,9733766
SIN ratio in Taguchi method is used to measure the
7 0,02 0,07 0,05 25,850267
performance criteria including: "Smaller-the-better",
"Nominal-the-better" and "Larger-the-better" [30, 33 and 34]. 8 0,1 0,2 0 17,781513
In this study, we have chosen "Smaller-the-better" as our
performance criteria. The corresponding SIN ratio proposed by 9 0,8 0,7 0,9 1,8931952

Taguchi in this case is given by the following equation [35, 10 0,5 0,53 0,4 6,3770606
II 0,2 0,2 0,565 8,7590353

12 0,911 0,53 0,5 3,4332025

13 0,3 0,102 0,2 13,297418

14 0,2 0,07 0,07 17,798919

Where i is the number of an experiment, n the number of 15 0,19 0,04 0,23 15,199931
repeated experiments and Y; represents the primary response 16 0,5 0,54 0,3 6,7667913
i.e the measured experimental value in our case the energy
17 0,19 0,28 0,43 10,008695 According to Table IV and Fig.l, it appears clearly that
factors show different effects on optical band gap. The effect
18 0,5 0,43 0,1 8,2885885 of factors is classified according to the mean of the SIN ratio.
Fig.1 shows that, if the difference between the extreme points
19 0,839 0,4 0,64 3,7211514
is big, the factor has more effect on response. In this case one
20 0,093 0,54 0,1 9,8541086 can classify the intensity of effects of parameters according to
the mean their SIN ratios as follows: spray time, pressure,
21 0,1 0,13 0,4 12,05512
[Zn ]/[Sn] ratio, [S]/[metal] ratio, deposition temperature,
22 0,19 0,2 0,17 14,55932 [Cu]/[Zn]+[Sn] ratio and spray rate. The greater is the mean of
SIN ratio, the smaller is the value of energy band gap.
23 0,5 0,63 0,39 5,7457448 According to this, the better (optimal) combination of
parameters for preparing CZTS thin films leading to good
24 0,5 0,5 0,61 5,3655497
optoelectronic properties is then A\B3C3D\E2F2Gz. After the
25 0,17 0,2 0,04 16,289321 determination of the optimal condition, a confirmation
experiment was done and the result is shown on Fig.2. Fig.2
26 0,5 0,7 0,3 5,5804316
shows the variation of (ahu)2 as a function of photon energy
27 0,5 0,3 0,6 6,3202321 (hu) for as-deposited CZTS thin film under optimal condition.
Based on the direct allowed inter band transition theory, the
optical band gap of CZTS is determined by extrapolating the
TABLE IV. The mean of SIN response of performance criteria
linear part of the curve to the zero absorption coefficient
Mean of SIN ratio (dB) Optimal
(a 0) as shown in Fig.2. The film exhibits an energy gap of

Symbol 1.56 eV under this condition not far of theoretical value of

Levell Level 2 Level 3 parameters
A 12.01 9.99 8.83 Al 1.5eV [37] and similar to the band gap of bulk CZTS in
B 8.93 10.93 10.98 B3
comparison with those reported by others (1.54 and 1.56 eV
respectively) [18, 38].
C 9.66 8.13 13.05 C3
D 12.30 8.56 9.97 Dl
E 11.38 12.13 7.33 E2
F 9.94 11.29 9.60 F2
G 11.30 12.55 6.99 G2

14 1-- SIN ratio grapH

13 1500

12 �1250
'0 ";"E
0' 11 > 100)

� �
z 10
en s: 750
c: 9
Sl �

1,50 1,65 1,80 1,95 Z10

A1A2.A3 - 81B283 - C1C2C3 - D1D2D3 - E1E2E3 - F1 F2F3 - G1G2G3
Photon Energy, hv (eV)
Deposition parameters

Figure 1. Graph of the SIN ratio for energy band gap Figure 2. Variation of (ahu)2 with the incident photon energy hu for
the sample prepared at optimal condition
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International Centre for Theoretical Physics) and ANSOLE [17] H. Katagiri, K. Jimbo, M. Tahara, H. Araki, K. Oishi, "The influence of
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