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Quadratus Femoris Ischial tuberosity Intertrochanteric Nerve to Laterally rotates thigh

crest of femur quadratus

Adductor Brevis Body and inferior Linea aspera and Obturator Adducts thigh
ramus of pubis spiral line of nerve.
Adductor Longus Body and inferior Linea aspera of Obturator Adducts and medially rotates thigh;
ramus of pubis femur nerve. flexes thigh at hip
Adductor Magnus Inferior ramus of Linea aspera, Obturator Adducts and medially rotates thigh;
pubis; ramus and gluteal tuberosity, nerve, tibial extends thigh at hip
tuberosity of and medial nerve.
ischium supracondylar
line of femur
Gracilis Body and inferior Medial surface of Obturator Flexes and medially rotates tibia at knee
ramus of pubis; tibia just below nerve.
ramus of ischium condyle
Quadriceps Rectus Ilium at anterior Patella, tibial Femoral nerve. Extends knee; flexes thigh at hip; flexes
Femoris femoris inferior spine and tuberosity, lateral trunk on hip if thigh is fixed
superior margin of and medial
acetabulum; condyles
capsule of hip of tibia
Vastus Femur at greater Patella, tibial Femoral nerve. Extends knee; retains patella in groove
lateralis trochanter and tuberosity, lateral on femur during knee movements
intertrochanteric and medial
line, gluteal condyles
tuberosity, and of tibia
linea aspera

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