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Chapter wise
Collected by: Sohini Das
Sorted by: Soumik Ghosh & Sandip Maji
Typed by: Saptarsi Sastri& Dev Kumar
Designed by: Satyaprakash Tiwari
CONCEPT OF HEALTH AND DISEASE 6. Define epidemiology. Mention briefly the uses of
epidemiology. What are the common
Long questions characteristics of case control study? Enumerate
steps of case control study.
1. What do you mean by positive health? Natural history of
7. Define epidemiology. What do you mean by
disease is the key concept in epidemiology: explain
distribution of a disease? Describe in short the
steps of a study design to explore the
Short notes
determinants of a disease.
1. Natural history of disease 8. What is meant by case and control in a case
control study? How does matching helps in
2. PQLI epidemiological studies? Compare and contrast
odds ratio and relative risk in the analysis of
3. Behavioral and socio-cultural determinants of health epidemiological studies. What are the contents
of a study protocol?
9. Classify epidemiological study methods.
1. Disease in the community may be compared with an Enumerate the steps of any one study method.
iceberg What are the advantages and disadvantages of
this method?
2. Health and wellbeing are not synonymous
Short notes
3. Sentinel surveillance of disease is better than periodic
mass screening. 1. Matching in case control studies. **
2. epidemic curve
4. Health is combined responsibility of both union and state 3. herd immunity
govts 4. normal curve
5. Pentavalent vaccine. **

Principles of epidemiology and epidemiological methods Justify

Long questions 1. several interval may serve as proxy for incubation

1. Define epidemiology. Classify the types of 2. hospital data has many drawbacks
epidemiological studies. Write differences 3. cross sectional study differs from longitudinal
between cross-sectional and longitudinal study study in different ways
design. How will you analyze data generated 4. enumerate hot and cold temperatures both are
during a case control study? detrimental for vaccine
2. What do you mean by cohort? Describe the steps
to be followed for conducting a cohort study.
Mention three advantages of cohort study.
3. What is epidemiology? Classify the types of Screening for disease
epidemiological studies. Mention the steps of
case control study. Enumerate 4 important Long questions
differences of case control and cohort study.
1. Enumerate 4 different uses of screening (as a part of a
What is bias?
long question of epidemiology)
4. What is incubation period? Define lead time.
What is its importance? Short notes
5. What is outbreak? How it differs from epidemic?
What do you mean by index, primary and 1. Criteria of a screening test
secondary case? Mention the steps of
investigation of an epidemic with suitable Justify
1. Sensitivity and specificity of a screening test are Burdwan medical college hospital. What are
inversely related. ** the interventions under PPTCT in the
2. disease should fulfill certain criteria to be national programme for management of
considered for screening such cases? What are the universal
3. Screening test and diagnostic tests are not same. precautions to be adopted by the healthcare
** providers when such cases reach the labor
4. during analysis of screening test one must think room? In case of accidental exposure to
of ‘observer variation’ health care providers what are the possible
5. sequential screening increases the specificity of interventions?
the test 6. Discuss the national history of leprosy
starting from agent, host, and
environmental interaction leading up to the
final end point?
7. Define zoonosis. A 6 yr. old boy has been
brought to you with lacerated injury on hand
due to bite of a street dog. How will you
manage the case?
8. A mother has brought her 12 months old
Epidemiology of communicable disease child with complaints of fever cough and
respiratory distress for last 3 days. On
Long questions examination his respiratory rate is 48/min,
temp 37.5 degree Celsius without chest in
1. Enumerate some communicable diseases
drawing. Classify the illness and discuss the
which have specific post exposure
management of the case?
prophylaxis measure. an intern had needle
9. A 13 year old boy resident of urban field
stick injury while working in a medicine ward
practice area of MCH Kolkata reported with
at 9 pm and reported to emergency at the
sudden onset of high fever (102 deg) with
medical college at 5 am next an
chill on 15/07/2016.there were few more
emergency medical officer what would you
cases with similar symptoms reported from
advice to the intern
this area. Peripheral blood smear was
2. A 30 yrs. old agricultural worker has
negative for malarial parasite. He was given
reported to the PHC with cough and low
antipyretics and sent back to home. After 2
grade fever for 3 weeks. He has never been
days the boy again reported with body ache
treated with anti-tubercular drugs. Discuss
headache, myalgia, rash, retro orbital pain.
how will you investigate and treat the case?
What is your provisional diagnosis? Discuss
3. An infant aged 9 months was brought to the
about the spectrum of this disease and
emergency dept. of Go Saba BPHC. Mother
pathological basis. How will you control and
stated that the baby was passing frequent
prevent the situation?
loose stool for last one day and was not able
10. A newly passes medical graduate; you
to drink. Moreover the baby was lathergic.
decided to work as a community physician at
Assess and classify illness as per IMNCI
your residential locality in a suburban area of
guideline. Describe the treatment plan also.
west Bengal. draw a plan for this direction
4. It has been observed that the annual new
11. What are the major and minor criteria for
case detection rate (ANCDR) and disability
suspecting aids cases? Briefly state the
rate (DR) of leprosy cases were higher than
guideline for post exposure prophylaxis
national average in your BPHC area. What
following occupational exposure to HIV?
can be the possible reasons for high rates?
12. From slum of Kolkata several cases of acute
What measures will you take to bring down
diarrheal diseases were reported in last 5
the ANCDR and DR?
days (in under 5 children). As a municipal

5. A few cases of HIV+ pregnant women are

medical officer how do you investigate the

being reported at the antenatal clinic of

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

situation? And what are the measures to be 21. There have been reports of plasmodium
taken to control this outbreak? write briefly falciparum deaths from a tribal the
13. A case of acute flaccid paralysis of 5 year old BMOH of the area how do you intervene the
girl child has been reported in a village. situation and monitor your initiatives?
Outline the measures to be taken by BMOH 22. What are the cardinal signs of leprosy? What
as per strategies of poliomyelitis eradication. are the peripheral nerves involved and their
14. A 9 month old child is reported to you with consequences? What should be the
ARI. On examination you observe that management of a case of leprosy? How will
respiratory rate is 55/min no chest in you evaluate the problem of leprosy in a
drawing no danger sign. Classify the ARI with given block in a rural area?
justification and discuss management 23. What are the key indicators used in NVBDCP
accordingly. to monitor the magnitude and transmission
15. As BMOH you have received a 5 year old of malaria in a defined area? What are the
child who has been attacked by a street dog core strategies to control malaria in malaria
on leg child has encountered minor scratch endemic areas in India as per NVBDCP?
with abrasion without bleeding, discuss the 24. An 11 month old girl attended a sub Centre
category of dog bite and management of the complaining of loose watery stool without
patient. blood since last 5 days. On examination by
16. How incubation period helps in ANM she was found to be irritable with
identification of causative agent of food sunken eyes, no pallor, normal weight no
poisoning (part of a long qstn of h/o convulsion. Classify the illness according
epidemiology)? to IMNCI and write down the management
17. What is the full form of NVBDCP? Enumerate accordingly.
the diseases covered under NVBDCP along
with their vector. Many cases of malaria
were reported from a community
development a BMOH how will you
manage the situation?
25. In a rural area, a case of pulmonary TB was
18. A 2 year old child presents at the health
detected in a woman aged 50years.she has
center with cough for 3 days. How will you
one 36 month child who has been given BCG
assess and classify the child as per IMNCI?
vaccination. Her husband is 40 years old.
What will you do if the child is classified as
What will be the line of management of the
sever pneumonia?
case according to RNTCP if she fulfills the
19. During March 2016 in salboni block of
criteria of category 1? What will be the line
paschim medinipur the health workers
of management at family level? What will be
reported number of under 5 children had
the 3 most important communication
fever coryza and maculopapular rash all over
messages for the community for the
the body. What is the provisional diagnosis
prevention of tuberculosis?
and why? Mention the common
26. Discuss the epidemiological features and
complications of the disease. What are the
control measures of Japanese encephalitis?
likely reasons for this outbreak? What
Name the insect vectors of two other
control measures you should take in such an
arboviral diseases known to be prevalent in
20. Discuss the practical guidelines for
27. Define the term epidemic? How do you
outpatient care including ‘clinical
investigate an outbreak of jaundice,
examination’ and management of ARI in
reported since last 3 weeks in a municipal
children as recommended by who followed
in India. Enumerate the vaccines
incorporated in the national immunization

Epidemiology of communicable diseases

schedule to reduce death from pneumonia.

Short notes

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

14. replacing t-OPV with b-OPV in routine
1. Pre-exposure prophylaxis for rabies. ** immunization is an essential step to
2. yellow fever vaccine make India polio free
3. staphylococcal food poisoning 15. Disability prevention and medical
4. post-exposure prophylaxis in HIV -AIDS rehabilitation is very important in
5. diagnostic algorithm for pulmonary TB leprosy case management.
6. strategies under NACP iv to achieve the
objectives Long questions
1. Enumerate the risk factor of diabetes mellitus.
Describe briefly the primordial and primary
9. post-exposure management of stray dog
prevention of diabetes mellitus in context of a
country like India. Write the importance of
10. treatment guideline of MDR-TB under
“team approach” in diabetes.
2. Enumerate the risk factors of cardiovascular
diseases. Describe the prevention and control
the hypertensive disorders in a population.
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF NON-COMMUNICABLE 3. What are the environmental factors responsible
DISEASES for diabetes mellitus? How in the programme
the issues of environmental factors are deal
Justify with? How will you know the burden of NCD is
increasing day by day?
1. In cough and cold, antibiotics are not
4. Enumerate the risk factors for cancer of gastro-
routinely prescribed.
intestinal tract? How will you prevent oral cancer
2. Even after certification of polio free,
in India?
polio vaccine is administered in routine
5. Enumerate the causes of avoidable blindness in
immunization programme for children.
India. Write revised categories of visual
3. prevention of dengue needs
impairment. Describe vision 2020, right to sight.
community participation
6. Describe epidemiology of road traffic accident.
4. Man is an incidental dead end host in je
What are the etiological factors for its causation?
Discuss the preventive measures of RTA.
5. Filariasis never causes explosive
Enumerate the first aid measures of snakebite as
epidemic. **
per goV of India protocol 2007.
6. Leprosy is social diseases.
7. What do you mean by chronic diseases? What
7. reduced osmolarity ORS has advantage
are the common non-communicable disease risk
over previously used ORS
factors? Classify hypertension according to jnc-8
8. A severely malnourished child is at high
classification. One person came to your clinic,
risk of developing and dying from
you found his BMI as 27.5. According to who
criteria for south-east regional population, in
9. Zinc is used with ORS in treatment of
which the person belong? What will be your
diarhoea. **
advice to this person to reduce his BMI in normal
10. Prompt and adequate local treatment
of all dog bite wounds and scratches are
of utmost importance.
11. Syndromic management of urethral
discharge is cost effective. **
12. Strategy of leprosy control is based on
secondary prevention.
13. Eradication of measles necessitates a

newer vaccination strategy.


Epidemiology and non-communicable diseases

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

Short notes 1. Age pyramid.
2. Net reproductive rate.
1. Cancer registry. 3. Demographic cycle.
2. Screening for diabetes. 4. Census.
3. Modifiable risk factors of non-communicable 5. Pearl index.
4. Primary eye care. Justify
5. ‘Rule of halves’ in hypertension.
6. Vision 2020. 1. Adverse sex ratio has got some detrimental
7. Legislations for prevention of road traffic effects on society.
accident. 2. IUD is not an ideal choice for contraceptive for
nulliparous women.
3. Standardization of mortality ratio is necessary.
Justify 4. India is in the late expanding stage of
demographic cycle.
1. The concept of incidence is of limited value in 5. Unmet need for family planning is an important
hypertension. issue in the population stabilization.
2. Non-communicable diseases have common risk 6. Minipill never gained widespread use, but it has a
factors and prevention strategies. definite place in modern day contraception.
3. Smoking is a common risk factor for coronary 7. Age pyramid of India is typical of developing
heart diseases. countries.
4. Accidents can be explained in terms of 8. Cafeteria choice is better approached in family
epidemiological triad. planning programme.
5. Cancer registry act as an epidemiological tool to 9. IUDS are absolutely contraindicated in patients
fight the disease. suffering from pelvic inflammation.
6. Application of tight ligature is not recommended
around the site of snake bite. Preventive medicine in obstetrics, pediatrics and geriatrics
7. Hypertension referred to as a ‘silent killer’.
Long question
Demography and family planning
1. What is RMNCH+A? What are the strategic
Long questions approach in RMNCH+A? Write in brief the service
package for adolescent health in RMNCH+A.
1. lajbanti devi, 29 year old mother of three children 2. Define low birth weight babies. What is the
with a history of miscarriage came to the phc prevalence in India and the target to be achieved?
seeking for family planning advice. On Discuss both direct and indirect interventions to
examination the ANM found mild pallor as well as achieve this target.
icterus. Which contraceptive should be 3. Kareena, a 30 year old woman, turned upto your
considered appropriate for her? Justify why other ANC clinic with amenorrhea since last 8weeks.
contraceptives need to be avoided? She is newly married and complained of
2. Define family planning? What do you mean by generalized weakness. She is lean with 137cm
eligible couple? What is unmet need for family height. Briefly write down the management
planning? What are its causes? The unmet need protocol till childbirth.
for family planning is very high in a block. how will 4. MMR of bhatar block has been reported to be 180
you arrange for a health education programme to per 100,000 live births in 2015. What are possible
address this situation. causes of high MMR? As a BMOH what measure
3. what do you mean by demographic gap? Describe would you take to bring down the MMR?
the factors influencing the birth rate of a country. 5. What are the various health problems faced by
Discuss in brief any two of the important fertility the school children? What is the objective of
indicators used in India. school health services? Enumerate the aspect of

school health services. Briefly describe the


Short notes
healthful school environment.

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

6. Define maternal mortality ratio. Enlist the 5. The more low birth weight problem is reduced
determinants of maternal mortality in India. the more it will be preterm category.
Suggest the measure to reduce MMR in the 6. BFHI has proved highly successful in encouraging
community. proper infant feeding practices.
7. Write down the important adolescent health 7. Institutional delivery can reduce newborn
problems of your area. How can you utilize the mortality to a great extent.
benefits available under existing national 8. Colostrum must not be discarded.
programmes to solve these problems?
8. Neonatal mortality is unacceptably high in your Nutrition and health
PHC area. What measures would you like to adopt
Long question
to reduce it?
9. Define maternal mortality ratio. Enumerate
1. Enumerate the different methods of assessment
important causes and factors related to maternal
of nutritional status. What are the differences
mortality. Discuss in brief measures to prevent
between growth monitoring and nutritional
and control such deaths in a rural community.
surveillance? What are the dietary goals?
10. Health conditions of the adolescents of a block
2. Define malnutrition. Specify its problems.
are found to be poor. According to the guidelines
Describe the etiology, prevention and control
of RMNCH+A. How do you propose to improve
measures for the same.
the condition with special reference to
3. One 36 months old child is diagnosed to suffer
from severe PEM in an ICDS center. What are the
11. Enumerate the different strategies under national
possible reasons behind the case? Write down
health mission. What are the new initiatives taken
the approach for management of the case.
to improve maternal and child health under this
4. What are the common nutritional disorders in
India? Enumerate the nutritional programmes in
12. MMR in block is found to be persistently high. As
India to control the common nutritional problems
BMOH outline the investigations to be adopted to
in India. What interventions would you take to
reduce MMR.
control the PEM in an urban slum of Kolkata?
13. A first time pregnant lady has come to your clinic.
5. What is the micro nutrient? Name 3 important
What are the procedures you will perform and
public health programmes for the prevention of
what advice will you give? If she has a slight
micronutrient malnutrition, discuss the strategies
swelling of legs. What extra care would you like
of any one of the programmes.
her to take?
6. Enumerate 4 important national programmes for
addressing micronutrient problems in India.
Short notes
Briefly describe the objectives, functionaries and
1. Kishori shakti yojana. interventions of ICDS.
2. Kangaroo mother care.
Short notes
4. Juvenile delinquency
1. Anganwadi workers.
2. Food guide pyramid.
3. Growth chart currently used in ICDS programme.
4. Trans-fatty acids.
1. Newborn are at a risk of hypothermia. 5. Growth chart.
2. Perinatal mortality rate assumed a greater
significance as a yardstick of obstetric and
pediatric care.
1. Dietary fibre is an important component of our
3. Peer group might give the much needed push to
daily dietary intake.
the adolescent health programme.
2. Dietary goal is the ultimate objective to achieve

4. Tetanus toxoid injection to pregnant woman is

proper nutritional status.

beneficial both for mother and baby.

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

3. Amino acid score and NPU both are qualitative Short notes
measure of protein assessment.
4. Mid day meal is not a substitute of family diet. 1. Basic principles of hospital waste management.
5. The food pyramid (in reference to balanced diet) 2. Sharp waste
is a good guide in community medicine.
6. ICDS is an example of intersectional coordination.
7. Dietary fiber is beneficial for control of blood
1. Segregation and colour coding are important for
sugar and obesity.
disposal of biomedical waste.
8. There are multiple roles of growth chart. Explain.
2. Color coding and type of containers are important
9. There are multiple possible interventions to
for disposal of biomedical waste.
prevent and control lathyrism.
Disaster management
Environment and health
Long question
Long question
1. What is disaster preparedness? List the 6
1. Mention the criteria for safe and wholesome
components of disaster preparedness.
water. What are the sources of water pollution?
2. A massive earthquake has hit Kolkata. As a public
Mention the bacteriological indicators of drinking
health officer how will you work in this situation?
water quality. Mention the steps of drinking
What specific precautions will you advice for
water purification at household level. Water
lesser damage in future?
samples from a village in south 24 pargana have
3. What is disaster? Classify disaster. Write down
been found to contain high count of arsenic.
the preparedness, response and mitigation in a
What will be the health
drought situation.
Short notes
Short notes
1. Sanitation barrier.
1. Disaster cycle.
2. Global warming.
2. Triage
3. Integrated vector management.
4. Break point chlorinization. Justify

Justify 1. Disaster preparedness is a programme for long

term developmental activities.
1. Standard for rural housing differs from urban
2. Knowledge of breeding place of mosquito is
essential for effective mosquito control.
3. The vital layer is the heart of slow sand filtration.

Hospital waste management

Occupational health
Long question
Long question
1. Briefly describe the health hazards of biomedical
waste. Briefly write down the steps needed to 1. What is pneumoconiosis? Mention the different
ensure proper disposal of hazardous medical types of pneumoconiosis. A large number of
wastes generated in a PHC. deaths due to respiratory diseases among
2. Define biomedical waste. Name different types of workers in a stone quarry were reported. The
BMW generated in your hospital. What are the workers were also found to be suffering from TB.
different steps in management of BMW? What would be the possible diagnosis? What

Enumerate different treatment and disposal measures are to be taken to control the situation?

techniques for BMW.

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

2. You are posted as a medical officer in a coal mine. 1. Definite primary healthcare. Describe the
What common ailments do you expect to occur principles underlying primary healthcare and
among the mine workers? State the medical illustrate your answer with appropriate examples.
measures you would like to adopt to reduce these 2. What is primary health care? Briefly discuss the
occupational diseases. principles of primary healthcare with examples.
3. Give an account of the different benefits provided How private sector is being involved in
under ESI scheme. government health policy?
3. Define primary health care. Enumerate various
Health information and basic medical statistics elements of primary health care. Discuss IPHS at
PHC level.
Long questions
Short note
1. What do you mean by sampling? Mention in brief
the different sample techniques. What are the 1. Elements of primary health care
different measures of dispersion? 2. Asha
3. Functions of WHO.
Short notes
4. Ngo intersectional coordination
1. Measures of dispersion.
2. Sampling technique.
3. Bar diagram. 1. Medical care is not synonymous with health care.
2. Equal distribution and equitable distribution are
Communication for health education
not same.
3. Grass root level workers can play great role in
Long questions
community health care.
1. Define health education. Differentiate health 4. A health service which is accessible may not be
education from propaganda. As a BMOH outline acceptable by the community.
the different health educational measures to 5. Asha links heath care delivery with community.
prevent cervical cancer in your block.
International health
Short notes
Short notes
1. Barrier of communication
1. Services provided by UNICEF.
Justify 2. Voluntary health organization.
1. Health education differs from health propaganda. 3. Role of WHC in health.

Health planning and management

Short notes Good Luck

1. Cost effective analysis in health

2. Cost benefit and cost effective analysis are not

Health care of the community
1. Define indicators of health.
Long questions Characteristics of an ideal indicator.

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

Define any four mortality indicators. 6. Usefulness of screening test in iceberg
Describe an indicator of quality of life. phenomenon of disease.
2. Mention the levels of prevention and 7. Lead time is the advantage gained by
corresponding modes of intervention screening.
for prevention of cardiovascular 8. Positive predictive value of a test is
diseases. more important to a clinician.
3. Describe natural history of disease in 9. Borderline in screening test is
respect of TB. sometimes a problem.
4. Explain epidemiological triad. 10. Screening test and diagnosis tests are
5. What is primary prevention? Explain different.
with example. 11. Validity and reliability of a diagnostic
6. Describe the sociocultural factors test are different.
influencing health and disease in India.

Short Notes:
1. Human development index.
2. Epidemiological Triad. Questions:
3. PQLI. 1. Objectives of health and disease
4. Web of causation. management
6. Well known interventions of health above table shows relation between
promotion. birth wt. and infant mortality. Calculate-
7. Importance of indicators of health. Attributable risk, Relative risk,
8. Lead time Population attribution risk.
9. Screening. 2. Matching and blinding are different-
10. Validity of a screening test. justify. What is bias? What biases can
11. Evaluation of a screening test. occur in case control study? Methods of
12. Measures of validity. preventing those biases.
13. Sensitivity and specificity. 3. In a short term studentship project of
Explain: ICMR a student of Medical College
wants to test if anemia in pregnancy is a
1. The cause of a chronic disease can be risk factor of low birth wt.-
better explained by the web of What is the type of study design he
causation. should use if study has to be completed
2. Early diagnosis and treatment are the during the stipulated 2 months period
main intervention for disease control. and reasons-
3. Mass drug administration is a >State the objectives of the study.
preventive strategy. >Mention the methodology of the
4. WHO definition of health has study.

limitations. > How will he analyze the data?


5. Health of an individual is not state.

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

4. How will you confirm a hypothesis with which vaccines are given and what does
a schematic diagram? it contain?
5. 25 months old child came to 15. What are the measurement s of
immunization clinic with a MCPC where mortality?
only 2 doses of OPV and 2 doses of 16. Who is a susceptible host? What are the
pentavalent are recorded- What uses of incubation period?
vaccine is to be given?
- What message are to be given to the Short Notes:
mother? 1. Steps of retrospective study.
- Measures to be taken to combat the 2. Retrospective cohort study.
6. Write the steps of study of association 3. Confounding factor.
between smoking tobacco use and oral 4. Blinding in epidemiological studies.
cancer. 5. Hill’s criteria of association.
7. Large number of unimmunized child 6. Biological Transmission.
and high dropout rate, reported in a 7. Strength of association.
block- Mention the probable causes. 8. Pentavalent vaccine.
How would you approach to find out 9. Recent changes in NIS.
the actual causes? What should be the 10. Cold Chain.
appropriate measures to improve the 11. Time distribution of disease.
situation? 12. Surveillance.
8. Describe the steps of case control study 13. Confounding in epidemiological studies.
with example. Advantages and
disadvantages of case control study. Explain:
9. Difference between case control and
1. Infectivity, Virulence, Pathogenicity-
cohort study. What do you mean by
Differ from each other.
double blind trial?
2. Secular trend and cyclic trend are
10. Classify epidemiological studies. Write
the steps of cohort study. Describe the
3. Term source and reservoir are not
uses of epidemiology.
always synonymous.
11. Define epidemiology. Enumerate the
4. AEFI includes events beyond side effect
steps of investigation of an epidemic.
of vaccines.
What are the uses of epidemiology?
5. Cohort study is time consuming and
12. What is AEFI? How will you investigate
6. Cohort studies are not always
13. Describe time distribution of disease
occurrence with example. What are the
7. Mission Indradhanush- a step to
different possible changes over time
improve immunization coverage in
that you should keep in mind while
interpreting time trend?

8. Carriers are more dangerous than

14. Which vaccines are given at the age 16-
24months? Presently, at 6 weeks of age

9. AEFI is not only due to vaccine.

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

INFECTIOUS DISEASE diagnosis of TB according to the new
RNTCP guideline.
Questions: 10. Enumerate the diseases transmitted by
1. 25 year old man- reported with high faeco oral route, strategies for control
fever, chill and retro bulbar pain- of HCPA.
community interventions. 11. A mother came to OPD with her 9
2. TB patient (30yrs old) - ! Year back he months old baby complaining of cough
got AT treatment for a period of 3 for last 3 days. On clinical examination
months- Management. respiratory rate=52/min. No chest in
3. 12 year old boy, bitten by a stray dog drawing was seen. What is the
few hours ago, brought to health facility diagnosis? According to national
with 2 lacerated wounds on right leg- programme what will be the
Measures to prevent rabies. management of the child?
4. Write briefly about AFP surveillance and 12. Malaria cases are being reported for the
its indications; describe the last 1 month in Kolkata and suburbs-
components of polio eradication How malaria can be diagnosed? What
endgame strategies plan 2013-2015. measures would you like to suggest to
5. 28year old woman comes to BPHC with control the problem?
cough, fever for 1 month. Past history 13. 35 year old, sexually active unmarried
shows that she was on ATD for new man comes to OPD with history of
sputum smear +ve for 1 month, after urethral discharge. How would you
that she went to her paternal home and manage the case?
returned after 3 months- How will you 14. How would you measure the problem
assign the outcome, reregistration and of malaria in a community? Describe
manage the case. the strategies for control of malaria
6. Write the diagnostic procedure for TB. under National programme.
Write the treatment of a patient 15. Vikram, a 33year old male truck driver
diagnosed with TB and is not been attended a Khusi-Suraksha clinic with
treated with antituberculosis drugs complain of burning sensation while
previously. passing urine. When enquired he
7. What are the diseases covered under revealed about his high risk sexual
NVBDCP? What are the strategies under practices. Describe the management in
this programme? Outline the detail. Also briefly mention the
prevention and treatment of dengue. packages of services provided under the
8. Describe the salient epidemiological specific national health programme.
features and modes of transmission of 16. Outbreak of fever, severe headache and
AIDS and TB. How ICTC helps in bodyache- write the process of
detection of HIV and TB. investigations. Recommendations for
9. Enumerate important epidemiological control.

indices to measure the problem of TB. 17. Name two social diseases. Describe how
the modes of interventions under

Describe different drug regimens and

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

different levels of prevention can be 9. Syndromic management of urethral
applied in control of any one of them. discharge in males.
18. Several children, from a subcentre area 10. Management of category III animal bite.
are suffering from fever, cough, coryza, 11. Re exposure prophylaxis of rabies.
conjunctivitis, maculopapular rash all
over the body- As a BMOH, how will Explain:
you investigate the problem? What 1. Targeted interventions are important
problem? component for HIV prevention.
19. What is diarrhea? Large number of 2. Synchronized switch of trivalent OPV
diarrhea are been reported from a with bivalent OPV globally as polio
block- Investigation and management endgame strategy plan.
as a BMOH. 3. Vit. A is used in treatment of measles.
20. Last case of polio by WPV was reported 4. Dengue is hyperendemic in India.
in 2011, but again in environment 5. Introduction of IPV in NIS.
viruses are found, new problem arises 6. HIV TB is caused due to a dual
regarding VAPP. What are the strategies epidemic.
taken by government to combat it? 7. Partially blocked flea is considered
How will you investigate a case of AFP? more dangerous than completely
21. TB- Primary and secondary levels of blocked flea.
prevention as per RNTCP. 8. Zn has important role in treatment of
22. Why syndromic management of STD is diarrhea.
considered as an appropriate 9. IPV will replace OPV gradually.
approach? 10. Vaccination against polio still continues
23. What are the vectors of lymphatic in India, even after it is declared as a
filariasis? Write the strategies for polio free nation.
elimination of lymphatic filariasis. 11. Zn is given with ORS in treatment of
24. Describe epidemiology, prevention and diarrhea.
control of dengue in India. 12. Bivalent Vaccines are used nowadays
Short Notes: instead of trivalent one for
immunization against polio.
1. Pre-exposure prophylaxis in rabies. 13. Diagnosis of TB in advanced HIV
2. Post exposure prophylaxis schedule in patients is difficult.
rabies. 14. Drug Resistance in TB is a burning
3. Post exposure prophylaxis of a nurse problem in our country.
after needle stick injury. 15. A. aegypti Index is to be kept zero at all
4. Aedes aegypti index. ports.
5. Prevention of leprosy. 16. Leprosy is an eradicable disease.
6. Integrated vector control. 17. Measles is a potentially eradicable
7. Management of dengue hemorrhagic disease.


8. Eradication of Measles.

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Questions: 4. What are the common causes of
blindness in India? Briefly discuss the
1. Number of suspected dengues has been control measures of blindness in
reported. As a BMOH how will you relation to national programme.
proceed to manage?
5. Procedures of screening of cervical
2. Outbreak of malaria in a block area- cancer. Outline the steps of prevention
Steps of investigation, control, in control of the problem.
measures to be adopted to prevent 6. Obesity is a modern epidemic and silent
recurrence of such outbreak. killer. Explain elaborately.
3. Outbreak of measles- management of 7. What are the common risk factors for
the situation based on the non-communicable diseases? How can
epidemiology of the disease.
you assess overweight and obesity?
4. Large number of cases of chikungunia Measures for prevention and control of
has been reported in a municipal area- obesity.
As a municipality officer how will you 8. Prepare an action plan to conduct an
plan and organize a health education IEC campaign to prevent cervical
programme? cancer.
5. Several cases of fever with rash have 9. Large number of road traffic accident is
been reported from a village in a block being reported from Nabagram block of
of Murshidabad. As a BMOH how will Murshidabad owing to vicinity to
you investigate and arrive at a diagnosis national highway. What might be the
and adopt measures to control it? factors for these accidents? Measures
6. A case of AFP of 7 year old boy has been for prevention
reported from your block. As a BMOH 10. Classify visual impairment and blindness
would you like to take as per strategies as per WHO criteria. What is
of the Indian Expert/ Advisory board for comprehensive eye care?
polio eradication in the post eradication
11. Enumerate risk factors for Non
era? communicable diseases. What are the
NON COMMUNICABLE DISESES gaps in our knowledge about the
natural history of NCD? What is the
Questions: main weapon of their early detection?
Enumerate early warning signs of
1. Outline the risk factors for Diabetes
mellitus, cancer. Outline their
12. Risk factors for NCD. What would be
the primordial prevention in these
2. Describe the natural history of stroke.
Measures for prevention of stroke.
13. Enumerate different cancers having
3. Methods of prevention of type II
public health importance in India. Risk
diabetes mellitus. Define metabolic
factors and prevention of cervical

syndrome and its importance in type II

diabetes mellitus.
14. Why population strategy can be applied

for screening of cervical CA.

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15. Diagnostic criteria of type II diabetes 1. Adequate lighting in housing.
mellitus. Prevention of type II diabetes 2. Disinfection of well.
mellitus. 3. Overcrowding criteria.
16. What is screening? Describe the 4. Breakpoint chlorination.
screening test for NCD under IDSP. 5. Radiation hazards.
6. Guideline values for bacterial quality of
Short Notes: drinking water.
1. HTN- Prevention. 7. Prevention of indoor air pollution.
2. Common risk factor of HTN, DM and
3. Life style medication. 1. Sunlight is required for functioning of
4. Cancer registry. oxidation pond.
2. Chemical contaminants of water are
Explain: creating a serious public health problem
1. Lifestyle modification- best way to nowadays.
prevent CHD. 3. Sanitary barrier- most effective to
2. Immunization can prevent certain prevent transmission of faecal borne
cancer incidence. diseases.
3. Majority of accidents are preventable. 4. Health effects of air pollution are both
4. Waist circumference is a better immediate and delayed.
indicator than BMI. 5. Outdoor as well as indoor air pollution
5. Etiology of NCD is multifactorial. is harmful for health.
6. HTN is an iceberg disease. 6. Oxidation pond- a suitable method for
sewage disposal in small community.
ENVIRONMENT 7. Presence of coliform in water indicates
faecal pollution.
1. What is safe and wholesome water?
Enlist the water borne diseases. Write Questions:
the principles of chlorination of water.
Explain why coliform organisms are 1. Mention 3 national programmes to
chosen as indicator of faecal pollution control micronutrient deficiency. Write
of water. the beneficiaries and services under
2. What are the sources of air pollution? ICDS. What are the recent changes in
Describe the approaches for prevention the programme?
and control of air pollution in India. 2. Enumerate the community Nutrition
Hazards of air pollution. programme in India. What are the
3. IVM is an effective strategy for vector objectives of ICDS programme? Discuss
control- why? the packages of services provided to

various groups of beneficiaries under


Short Note: ICDS.

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3. Define PEM. Causes of PEM. How suboptimal development. On enquiry
primary prevention plays an important he learns about the practice of
Discuss the etiology of malnutrition. consumption of roasted salt by the
Discuss the preventive strategies in people there. What is the foremost
various levels of prevention. possibility of the diagnosis of those
4. What is nutritional anemia? Describe cases. What public health measures
the intervention strategies adopted would the BMOH take to improve the
targeting the children, adolescents, condition.
prelacteal women to address nutritional 14. What is iodine cycle? Write the
anemia under national programme. spectrum of IDD. How iodine deficiency
5. Enumerate important nutritional is assessed epidemiologically. What are
problems in India and the the bottlenecks of NIDDCP.
corresponding national programme.
What are the strategies under NIDDCP. Short Notes:
6. Growth monitoring, nutritional 1. Services offered by ICDS
surveillance- Differentiate. 2. Spectrum of Iodine deficiency disorders.
7. What are the objectives of nutritional 3. Nutritional rehabilitation center.
assessment? Enumerate and discuss the 4. Food fortification.
methods applied at community level. 5. Fluorine is a double edged sword.
8. Define malnutrition, epidemiology, 6. Endemic fluorosis.
prevention and control of PEM- Discuss. 7. Epidemic dropsy.
9. You are given the task of assessing the 8. Pasteurization.
problem of undernutrition in a block of 9. Anthropometry is a method of
Purulia. What would be the sources of nutritional status assessment in adults.
information for assessing the
magnitude and factors associated Explain:
thereto in that area. What are the steps
1. There is a vicious cycle between
you would suggest to address the
infection and malnutrition.
problem under national programme.
2. Supplementary and therapeutic
10. Management of nutritional anemia as a
nutrition are different.
3. Vit. A supplementation under the
11. Assessment of nutritional status of
national programme may not be
under 5 children in a slum.
without any risk.
12. What are the macro and micro
4. Food fortification is not merely a
nutrients? State the dietary goals
concept of adding food additives.
recommended by WHO. Discuss the
5. Fruits are considered as protective as
methods of anthropometric
protective and invaluable food in
measurement for assessment of
human nutrition.
nutritional states among the children.

6. Dietary antioxidants has important role

13. BMOH of a riverine block at his outdoor
in prevention of diseases.
comes across a good number of short

statured children with puffy face and

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7. Parboiled rice is nutritionally superior different age groups for anemia control
than milled rice. according to National Programme?
8. Process of parboiling has many 9. Name the priority areas under
advantages- nutritive, preventive, short Adolescent Health. Discuss the
term high dose of vit. A oil interventions under RMNCH+A towards
supplementations is useful for Adolescent health programs.
prevention of xerophthalmia. 10. Define Reproductive and Child Health.
CPR in a block is 42%---- what measures
MOTHER AND CHILD HEALTH to be taken to improve the situation?
Long Questions: 11. A 20 years old primigravida with height
4’10” came for Antenatal Checkup for
1. Discuss the objectives of School Health the first time at 28th week of gestation.
Programmes, with its relevance. Briefly Her hb level 8g%;BP 140/80 mmHg.
discuss different aspects of School Along with Pedal edema. Identify and
Health Service. justify the risk factors. What antenatal
2. Define NMR. What are the factors on advice will you give?
which NMR depends? State various 12. Katrina devi a 29 year old mother of 3
Govt. initiatives to reduce NMR in WB. living children gave birth to a male child
3. Enumerate the packages of services weighing 2.1 kg at birth, the child cried a
under RCH. Discuss in details the minute after birth. Describe the
packages of services for adolescents. management for the baby. How the
4. Define maternal death. Enumerate mother shall be counseled?
important causes of maternal deaths. 13. Describe the services under Essential
MMR is high in a Block------Discuss the Obstetric Care under RCH programme.
measures to be taken to address the Write down the maternal interventions
problem. under the RCH II. What is the Life Cycle
5. What are the packages of services under Approach?
RMNCH+A? Describe the activities under 14. A pregnant woman has reported for the
taken to promote MATERNAL HEALTH first time for ANC at 20th week of
under the pregame. pregnancy. What items of care will you
6. Ongoing School Health programme provide to her? Who will provide care
shows cases of pallor among the school there?
going children from three High Schools 15. What do you mean by Essential
of a block. Describe the measures to be Newborn Care? Why is it important?
taken as a BMOH. Enumerate the key components of
7. Define IMR. Give a brief outline of the Essential Newborn Care with special
factors associated with National reference to breast feeding.
Programme to reduce IMR. What are 16. How will you prevent IMR or MMR in a
the causes of IMR? Community Development Bock?

8. What are the causes of anemia in our 17. Newborn Care facilities at various levels
country in pregnant women? What are of Health Care –Discuss.

the nutrition based strategies in

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18. Essential Newborn Care and Newborn 1. Define social security. Elaborate social
Action Plan---both are the basis of security. Measures for geriatric
Preventive Pediatric. Discuss in population in India.
reference to the SIX PILLARS under
Short Notes: Short Note:
1. Services for adolescents. 1. Problem Family.
2. Juvenile delinquency 2. Social security- Concept and examples.
3. Types of Breast feeding 3. Acculturation.
4. Girl child gender bias 4. Panchayati raj.
5. BFHI 5. Social problems of adolescence.
6. IMNCI+ 6. Drug dependence
7. Role of Rastriya Baal Swasthya
Karyakram in school health programme. Explain:
8. National Iron plus initiatives.
1. The family act as a shock absorber to
Explain Why: our stressful daily life- Explain.
2. Family is considered as an
1. Neonatal deaths should get priority to epidemiological unit- explain.
reduce IMR in India. 3. Social assistance and social insurance
2. Institutional deliveries can reduce MMR are not same.
to a great extent.
3. Newborn Care setup at different levels OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
of three tier system of healthcare
delivery system is not similar.
4. IMR is considered as a very sensitive 1. What is occupational health? Classify
indicator of health status. occupational diseases. Risk factors of
5. RBSK is a new initiative for early different occupational diseases.
detection of medical conditions & timely Prevention of pneumoconiosis.
intervention for children. 2. What is Pneumoconiosis? What are the
6. Essential Obstetric Care for all pregnant factors responsible for various types of
women –why? pneumoconiosis? Discuss the
7. Kangaroo Mother Care is a good prevention of different occupational
example of appropriate technology- diseases.
Explain. 3. Enumerate benefits under different ESI
8. Besides growth monitoring, growth Act and explain sickness benefit. What
chart can be used for other purposes. is ergonomics?
4. Enumerate various occupational health
hazards with example. Outline the
Questions: preventive measures.
5. Enumerate the occupational health

problems commonly encountered in


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the coal miners. Preventive measures infrastructures and functions of PHC in
for anthracosis. India.)
6. Ceramic industry for last 15 years, is 3. Mention the steps in planning cycle.
complaining of irritant cough, dyspnea How prioritization is most important in
on exertion and pain in chest for last 3 health planning?
months. On chest x-ray – Snow storm 4. As a medical officer of a rural hospital,
appearance in the lung field. What is how will you arrange a group meeting
the most probable cause? Discuss the of parents to educate about nutrition
preventive strategy. and diet of their children? What will
you discuss and how will you share their
Short Notes: problems?
1. Factory Act. 5. How does a health Centre differ from a
2. Ergonomics. hospital? Discuss in brief the health
3. Occupational cancers. man-power available in three tier
4. Health hazards of agricultural workers. system of health care delivery under
5. Medical measures to prevent government sector from village to block
occupational disease. and enumerate their functions
6. Provisions in Indian Factory Act to 6. Define Primary health care. Principles
protect the workers from of primary health care. How is it been
pneumoconiosis. delivered in the village level? Role of
ASHA in health care delivery system.
Explain: 7. Functions of PHC. Discuss the 3 tier
system of health care delivery.
1. ESI Act also provides benefit to
employers. Short Notes:
2. Pre-placement examination and
ergonomics are not same 1. Difference between monitoring and
2. Functions of CHC.
3. Functions of sub-center.
4. Functions of BMOH.
5. Counseling
Questions: 6. Services provided by sub-center.
7. Principles of primary health care.
1. What do you mean by levels of health 8. Indian Red Cross
care? How does PHC differ from CHC? 9. Primary Health Care- coverage and
Outline the services a newborn is functions.
expected to receive from sub-center 10. National urban health mission.
and ASHA from birth upto 5 years. 11. Indian public health standards.
2. Define primary health care. Discuss the 12. Network analysis.

principles and components. (Discuss the 13. Barriers of communication.


14. Cost benefit and cost effective analysis.

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15. Group approach in health 16. Evaluation an important step in
communication workshop. planning.
16. Group discussion- Methods and 17. ICDS is an example of convergence of all
usefulness. four principles of PHC.
17. Main components of communication 18. Implementation is an important part of
process. planning.
18. Communication process

1. Health care.
2. ORS is an example of appropriate Questions:
technology. 1. What is Demographic Transition?
3. Medical care and health care are not Enumerate factors influencing birth rate
synonymous. in India. Enumerate fertility indicators.
4. Equitable distribution of health services 2. Acceptability of Family planning
does not imply equal distribution. methods in a Tribal block of WB
5. ASHA links health care delivery system continues to be unacceptably law, what
with community. are its causes? Plan to motivate the
6. Universal health coverage- reality or couples by suitable health education
rhetoric for India- Justify. and techniques.
7. ASHA plays a pivotal role in health care 3. What do you mean by DEMOGRAPHY?
delivery. Mention the stages of Demographic
8. Management consists of 4 basic cycles. What are the demographic
activities. factors affecting fertility? Describe the
9. Health education and counseling are methods of family control.
not same. 4. A 23 years old mother of only child aged
10. Goals, objectives and targets are 2 years came to OPD for family planning
different. advice. Discuss the various methods of
11. CEA is more beneficial than CBA in contraception that can be offered to
public health. her with their merits and demerits.
12. The Bhore committee for the first time 5. CPR of your block is low. What might be
put forward comprehensive proposals the reasons for it? How will you
for the development of national improve the situation as a BMOH?
programme of health services for the 6. Birth rate-35.62, CPR-35%. As a BMOH
country. what measures will you take? How will
13. Feedback I is a must for planning cycle. you improve your measures?
14. Formal or Informal, each type of
communication has its significance. Short notes:
15. Prioritization is an important step in

1. Unmet need for family planning.

2. 3rd Generation IUD.

3. MTP Act

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4. Pearl index 12. Standard normal curve
5. Non-hormonal long acting OCP
6. Contraindications of oral pill. Explain why:
7. Stages of demographic cycle 1. NRR is regarded superior to GRR for
Explain why: measuring population growth.
2. Sex ratio is declining in India.
1. Unmet need is a challenge to family No 3. Choice for appropriate sampling
scalpel vasectomy is preferred over technique is important for research.
conventional vasectomy. 4. Population stabilization will be possible
2. In demographic cycle, time taken in India when TFR can be achieved
between 3rd and 4th stage is longer to2.1.
than that between 2nd and 3rd stage.
3. India is in demographic transition. DISASTER MANAGEMENT
4. NRR is a demographic indicator. 1. How disaster is related with
5. India is in 3rd stage of demographic transmission of communicable disease?
cycle. Write down the measures to prevent
STATISTICS the outbreak of communicable disease
after the outbreak of communicable
Questions disease after flood.
2. Health hazards during and following
1. Define sex ratio. Factors responsible for
flood. Plan and action to manage the
declining sex ratio in India. What flood situation.
measures to be taken to correct the 3. What is disaster? What are the different
aspects of disaster management?
2. Define age pyramid. Write the factors Outline the disaster management in an
responsible for population explosion in earthquake prone area.
India. Currently at which stage of 4. Define disaster. Mention the ill effects
demographic cycle India is at. and health hazards of a disaster. Discuss
Short notes: briefly the steps of management of a
sudden onset of disaster.
1. Statistical averages 5. A massive flood hits 3 villages. As a
2. Non sampling errors public health worker how will you work
3. Vital statistics in this situation? What specific
4. Sample Registration system precautions will you advice for future 1
5. Age pyramid
6. Census Short notes:
7. Random sampling 1. Triage
8. Stratified Random Sampling 2. Disaster Mitigation
9. Systematic Random Sampling

10. Normal distribution curve Explain why:


11. Normal curve

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1. Disaster preparedness is a vital element


1. Recently a TV report showed dumping of

Biomedical Waste of EM Bypass and
development of recycling industry .What
is the Hazards of such practice? Write
methods of BMW disposal in Aamdanga
2. Enumerate different types of waste
generated in the labor room of your
hospital. Outline their segregation,
transportation and disposal.

Short notes:

1. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Explain why:

1. Proper segregation of waste is important

before disposal of waste.
 Good Luck 
2. Hospital wastes should be segregated at
their sources.
3. Health Care waste has multiple hazards.


Short notes:

1. Drug dependence
2. WHO
4. GOBI campaign
5. Functions of WHO
6. World Health Day Theme2016
7. Central Birth & Death Registration Act

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Long question Long Questions

1. Diagram and structure of upper eyelid. 1. Pathway of accommodation.

2. Origin, insertion, nerve supply, action of 2. What are the components of
extra ocular muscles. hypermetropia?
3. Draw a labelled diagram of the upper eyelid. 3. What is accommodation?
4. Labelled diagram of the pupillary light reflex
pathway. Clinical significance of pupillary Short Notes
light reflex.
1. Presbyopia.
5. Draw and label the vertical cross-section of
2. Astigmatism.
upper eyelid. Describe the glands of upper
3. Contact lens.
4. Pathological myopia.
6. Draw and label the structures of retina.
7. What is normal IOP? Describe the formation, EYE LID, CONJUNCTIVA, SCLERA
circulation and drainage of aqueous humor.
8. Anatomy of cornea with diagram. Long Questions
Significance of different layers of cornea.
1. Scleritis. Difference between episcleritis and
9. Structure of the pre-corneal tear film. What
is the source of lipid in the tear film?
2. Treatment of warm weather conjunctivitis.
10. Anatomy of conjunctiva with labelled
3. Pterygium.
diagram. Function of conjunctiva.
11. Describe the pupillary light reflex pathway. Short Notes
Describe some conditions where it is
abnormal. 1. Acute viral conjunctivitis.
12. Describe the anatomy of lacrimal apparatus 2. Chalazion operation.
with diagram. How is tear drained? 3. Subconjunctival haemorrhage.
13. Mechanism of aqueous formation. 4. Internal hordeolum.
14. What type of collagen is present in corneal 5. Vernal conjunctivitis.
stroma? Composition of the ground 6. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis.
substance in the stroma. 7. Entropion.
15. Role of pupil. 8. Chalazion.
16. Anatomy of the lens. Factors responsible for 9. Allergic conjunctivitis.
lens transparency. Development of lens.
17. Blood and nerve supply of cornea. CORNEA
18. Anatomical organization of choroid.
Long Questions
19. Short posterior ciliary artery.
20. Draw and label the diagram of the human 1. Clinical features of acute bacterial corneal
lens. ulcer. Management of the said.
21. Which muscle is involved in the opening and 2. Clinical features and management of fungal
closing of the eyelid? corneal ulcer.
22. Write the scheme of path of vision. 3. If some foreign body falls in your eye what
23. Anatomy of lacrimal apparatus with labelled first aid will you give? What are the points
diagram. Mechanism of drainage of tear. you will watch while dealing with a case of
24. Explain the transparency of cornea. corneal foreign body?
4. Describe bacterial corneal ulcer. What are 2. Advantages and disadvantages of
the causative organisms? How will you phacoemulsification over SICS.
manage a case of bacterial corneal ulcer? 3. How is a senile cortical cataract formed?
5. Storage of donor cornea. 4. Stages of formation of a cataract.
5. What is aphakia?
Short Notes 6. ECCE and ICCE- which one is better and why?
7. Postsurgical complications of cataract
1. Antifungal drugs against fungal corneal
2. Keratomalacia. GLAUCOMA
3. Herpes simplex keratitis.
4. Complications of keratoplasty. Long Questions
5. Keratoplasty.
1. Methods of diagnosis and management of
ANTERIOR CHAMBER, UVEAL TRACT primary open angle glaucoma.
2. Symptoms, signs and management of acute
Short Notes congestive glaucoma.
1. Hypophion Short Notes
2. Keratic precipitates.
3. Cycloplegic drugs. 1. Visual field changes in POAG.
4. Adherent leucoma. 2. Congenital glaucoma.
3. Antiglaucomal drugs.
Long Questions
1. Signs, symptoms and management of acute
iridocyclitis. 1. What is crossed and uncrossed diplopia- give
2. What are keratic precipitates? How many examples.
types of KPs do you know? 2. What is heterophobia?
3. What is aqueous flare? How do you grade 3. What are the principles of treatment of
flare? phoria?
4. State the principles of treatment of
LENS concomitant squint.
5. Name some strengthening and some
Short Notes
weakening procedures in squint surgery.
1. Morgagnian cataract.
2. Zonular cataract.
3. Posterior capsular opacification. 1. Clinical features of optic nerve disease.
4. Posterior capsular rent during Extra capsular 2. What does normal ERG signify? Does
cataract surgery. ganglion cell layer has any part in production
5. Small incisional cataract surgery. of ERG?
6. Complications of cataract surgery.
7. Intermescent cataract. ORBIT, OCULAR INJURIES

Long Questions 1. Symptoms, signs and management of

chemical injury to eye.

1. Describe and classify cataract. Clinical 2. Vossius ring.


features of senile cataract.

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3. What are the sources of infection in orbital 5. Evisceration,
cellulitis? Which is the most common 6. Retinoscopy.
source? What are the common 7. Tonometry.
complications of orbital cellulitis? What are 8. Biometry.
the investigations undertaken to detect the 9. Trabeculectomy.
source of infection? How will you treat a 10. Capsulotomy in cataract surgery.
case of orbital cellulitis? 11. Slips of SICS
4. Sympathetic opthalmitis.
5. Clinical features of blunt trauma of the eye. OCULAR DRUGS
6. What is blow out fracture? How will you
1. Mydriatic drugs.
confirm it?
2. Parasympatholytic drugs and us eof one of
3. Viscoelastic substances.
1. Objectives of Vision 2020. 4. Routes of application of drugs in
2. SAFE strategy. ophthalmology.
3. What is xeropthalmia? What is the main
drug to treat it?


1. Acute dacryocystitis.
2. Epiphona.
3. Congenital dacryocystitis.
4. DCR.
5. Schirmer’s test.


1. A lady (52 years) presents in ER room at 7pm

with complaints of severe pain and redness
in her right eye, headache, nausea, vomiting
and seeing coloured halos around the light.
How will you manage the patient?
2. Differential diagnosis of white pupillary
reflex. Management of one of them.
3. 65years old male patient presented with
gradual painless dimness of vision in both
eyes for last 2years. Discuss the differential
diagnosis and their management. Good Luck

1. Syringing.
2. Removal of superficial foreign body from

3. Chalazion operation.

4. Enucleation.

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QUESTIONS Short note
1. Enumerate the layers of pre-corneal tear
1. Surgical correction of ptosis
film. Mention the source and function of
2. Blepharitis
each layer.
2. What are the surgical spaces of orbit?
Explain boundaries and content of each
space with suitable diagrams surgical Short note
importance of the spaces.
3. Draw and label the diagram of the path of 1. Pterygium **
light reflex. Explain in short the mechanism 2. Pathogenesis and recent advances in
of consensual reflex. ** management of pterygium
4. Write in brief the blood supply of eyeball and 3. Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage
its appendages. 4. Management of recurrent pterygium
5. Describe the formation, circulation, and 5. Vernal kerato conjunctivitis
drainage of aqueous humor. State the 6. Phylenticular conjunctivitis
clinical importance of aqueous humor. ** 7. Phlycten
6. Describe the anatomy of the angle of 8. Vernal conjunctivitis **
anterior chamber with a neat diagram. **
7. Draw a labeled diagram of the cross section
of the upper eyelid and describe in brief. DISEASES OF THE SCLERA
8. Describe the angle of anterior chamber with
a labeled diagram. Mention some congenital Long questions
anomalies in relation to angle structures and
its applied importance. 1. Describe the etiology, clinical features and
9. Describe the lacrimal drainage mechanism management of a case of fungal
with diagram. Describe in brief its applied corneal ulcer.
importance in various causes of epiphora.
2. Write down the symptoms, signs and
10. Write down the visual pathway of with a
complications of bacterial corneal ulcer? How will you
neat diagram.
treat the case?
11. Name the extra ocular muscles. Write down
in details the origin, course, insertion and 3. Describe in brief management of a case of
nerve supply of them. bacterial corneal ulcer. How will you treat a non-
12. Write in brief anatomy of lacrimal apparatus healing ulcer? Enumerate complications of corneal
with a labeled diagram. ulcer? **
13. Describe the anatomy of eyelid with a
14. What is aqueous humor? Write down the
functions of it. Describe in brief the drainage
Short notes
of aqueous humor with diagram. 1. Complications of bacterial corneal ulcer
15. Describe with a neat diagram the different 2. Management of non-healing corneal ulcer
layers of cornea. Discuss the factors that 3. Fuch’s dystrophy
help in maintaining corneal transparency. 4. Management of superficial corneal foreign
5. Hypopyon 1. Ophthalmoscopical findings of diabetic
retinopathy and hypersensitive retinopathy
DISEASES OF LENS 2. Retinal detachment
3. Investigations for etiological diagnosis of
Short notes proptosis
4. Blind spot
1. Ectopia lentis
2. Coloured halos
6. Retinoblastoma
3. Zonular cataract
7. Layers of retina
4. After cataract
8. Rosettes and fleurettes
9. Classification of diabetic retinopathy
DISEASES OF UVEA 10. Leucocoria
11. Diabetic retinopathy
Long questions
12. Indications of CT scan of orbit
1. Describe the clinical features of acute 13. Diabetic macular edema
iridocyclitis. Now you do differentiate it from
acute attack of primary angle closure REFRACTION
glaucoma **
2. Describe symptoms and management and
Long questions
Define iridocyclitis. Write down clinical
1. Define hypermetropia? What are the
features and management of acute
different types of hyper metropia? How will
iridocyclitis. you treat a case of hypermetropia?
2. Define accomodation. Describe the
Short note
mechanism of accommodation and its
1. Keratin precipitate. ** nervous pathway mention few anomalies of
Short notes
Long questions

1. Describe clinical features and management of

1. Hypermetropia **
chronic dacryocystitis
2. Presbyopia**
Short notes 3. Donder’s reduced eye
4. Treatment of presbyopia
1. Acute dacryocystitis. *** 5. Pathological myopia, **
2. Treatment of acute dacryocystitis 6. Optical correction of aphakia
3. Schirmer test 7. Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy
4. Epiphora. **

Long questions

Short notes

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

1. What is eye bank? If a phone call comes to the 3. Blow out fracture of orbit
eyebank from the relatives of a dead person what
instructions will you give before collecting the cornea
for grafting? What is keratoplasty?
Short notes
Long questions:
1. Eyebanking
2. Vision 2020 ** 1. Write the definition of glaucoma? What is
3. Vitamin a deficiency in in eye tonometry? What are the different types of
4. Methods of preservation of donor corneal tonometry?
tissue in eye bank 2. Mention in brief the signs, symptoms, and
management of acute congestive glaucoma?

3. Define glaucoma? What are primary

OCULAR MOTILITY, SQUINT glaucomas? Briefly outline the management of acute
angle closure glaucoma.
Short notes
4. Define glaucoma. Write clinical features and
1. Classification of squint management of POAG.
2. Amblyopia
3. Binocular single vision Short notes

1. Optic disc changes in glaucoma

2. Diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma
3. Lens induced glaucoma **
4. Bupthalmos
Long questions
5. Phacolytic glaucoma.**
1. What is closed globe injury? Which chemical 6. Management of acute attack of primary
burn is more dangerous- acid/alkali, why? angle closure glaucoma
Enumerate the effects of closed globe injury
from the lens backwards.
2. What are the effects of blunt trauma on eye?
Describe the options for treatment in such
injuries. **
Short notes
3. Describe the features of blunt trauma
affecting the anterior segment of eye ball. 1. Cycloplegics
4. Enumerate the effects of blunt trauma on 2. Miotics and mydriatics and their uses
eye. Discuss the management of any one of 3. Anti-glaucoma drugs
them. 4. Anesthetic drugs used in ocular procedures
5. Prostaglandin derivative for glaucoma
Short notes 6. Anti-fungal drugs in ophthalmology

1. Hyphaema

2. Effect of chemical injury to eye

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

Long questions

1. Mention the post-operative complications of D/D TYPE QUESTIONS

manual SICS. State the management of
anyone of them in brief. 1. A 55 years old female patient attended your
2. Describe the steps of trabeculectomy. What clinic with unilateral redness, watering, pain
Short notes in eye for 7 days. What are the differential
1. Trabeculectomy ** diagnoses? How will you manage each
2. Early post-operative complications cause?
following SICS and phacoemulsification 2. A 35 years old man presents to the OPD with
** mild dimness of vision of his right eye along
3. Use of laser in ophthalmology with pain, redness, and photophobia. There
4. Evisceration .*** is history of similar attack in the same eye
5. Different types of iridectomy and their twice before. What is your probable
indications diagnosis and how are you going to manage
6. Lamellar keratoplasty the case.
7. Syringing 3. A female patient aged 45 years walked in
8. Pre-operative investigations of cataract OPD with uniocular severe pain, redness of
9. Iridectomy eye and dimness of vision. Associated with
10. Viscoelastic substances vomiting . How will you diagnose the case?
11. DCT ** What is the management of such case?
12. Phacoemulsification 4. A 45 years old patient complained of acute
13. SICS onset of unilateral red eye. Discuss the d/d
14. Tonometry and write down the management of anyone
15. Visual acuity testing of them in brief.
16. Enucleation ** 5. What is leucocoria? Write down the d/d of
17. Anterior capsulectoy in SICS leucocoria and describe the clinical features
18. Comparison of direct and indirect and management of one of them? **
ophthalmoscopy 6. A 50 years old patient presents with painless
19. Capsulorrhexis gradual loss of vision of both eyes. Describe
20. Early post-operative complications of the d/d and justify your diagnosis.
cataract surgery 7. A 30 years old male , Raju got a cricket ball
21. Biometry ** injury in his right eye. And presented in the
22. Indications of keratoplasty eye emergency with acute inset of pain,
23. Complications of SICS redness, and dimness of vision in his right
24. Lasik eye. What are the possibilities and how will
25. Keratoplasty ** you investigate and manage the case?
26. Complications of cataract surgery 8. 25 years old Rabi has attended your OPD
with complaint of night blindness for 2-3
years. He is also complaining of floaters in
both eyes. On slit lamp examination there is

deep anterior chamber, IOP in both the eyes


are normal. What are the possibilities and

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

how will you investigate and manage the
9. Write down the causes of gradual onset
painless loss of vision in a 60 year old male
patient . Write down the symptoms signs
and management of any one of the causes.

Good Luck

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

EAR Short notes

Anatomy 1. Acquired cholesteatoma.

2. Otomycosis.
1. Anatomy of tympanic membrane with 3. Mastoid segment of facial nerve.
labelled diagram. Role of tympanic 4. Complications of CSOM.
membrane in sound transmission. 5. Pre-auricular sinus.
2. Anatomy of medial wall of the middle 6. Complications of suppurative otitits
ear. What is its surgical importance? media.
3. Detailed diagram of organ of corti. 7. Malignant otitis externa.
Discuss impedance matching 8. Willstein-Zolner classification of
mechanism of middle ear. tympanoplasty.
4. labelled diagram.
9. Otosclerosis.
5. Labelled diagram of tympanic 10. Diagnosis of Menier’s disease.
membrane. Enumerate the constituents 11. Tuning fork tests.
of middle ear cavity. 12. Syringing of ear.
6. Name all the branches of facial nerve. 13. Menier’s disease.
7. Enumerate the structures on the medial 14. Effects of cholesteatoma.
wall of the middle ear cavity. 15. Acute mastoiditis.
Long Questions 16. Lateral sinus thrombosis.
17. Clinical features, management of lateral
1. Define otosclerosis. Symptoms, signs, sinus thrombophlebitis.
diagnosis and management of 18. What is scutum?
otosclerosis. 19. Myringotomy.
2. Etiopathology and management of 20. Approaches to middle ear.
3. 25yr old patient presents with recurrent NOSE
discharge from left ear for 2 years. How Anatomy
will you investigate and manage the
case? 1. Anatomy of nasal septum with clinical
4. 2yr old child presented with deafness. importance and diagrams.
How do you proceed to diagnose the 2. Functions of nasal cavities.
case? 3. Functions of nose.
5. Etiopathology, clinical features and 4. Discuss the protective functions of
management of otitis media with nose.
effusion. 5. Anatomy of lateral wall of nose with
6. What is OME? How would you manage diagram
the case of OME?
7. What is cholesteatoma? How is it Long Questions
formed? Describe the clinical featurrs of 1. Etiology, clinical features, management
cholesteatoma. of nasal polyposis.
2. 20years old female patient presents 3. 60years old male patient presents with
with Anosmia and foul smell from the hoarseness of voice for last 3 months.
nose.- Differential diagnosis. How will you investigate the cae to
Management of patient. arrive at a diagnosis?
3. 17years old male patient presented 4. Define dysphagia. Enumerate different
with recurrent profuse epistaxis for last causes of dysphagia and their
1year, What are the probable cause? management. Describe the mechanism
Give an outline of the relevant of deglutition.
investigations and management of the
patient. Short Notes

Short Notes 1. Adenoid facies.

2. Quinsy.
1. Atrophic rhinitis. 3. Waldeyer’s ring.
2. Woodruff plexus. 4. Vocal cord polyp.
3. Antrochoanal polyp. 5. Care of tracheostomy patient.
4. Dangerous area of nose. 6. Puberophonia.
5. Osteomeatal complex. 7. Reinke’s edema.
6. Myiasis. 8. Complications of tonsillectomy.
7. Rhinosporidiosis. 9. Types and indications of tracheostomy.
8. Little’s area. 10. Acute retropharyngeal abscess.
9. Onodic cell. 11. Complications of tracheostomy.
10. Choanal airesia. 12. Patch on tonsil.
11. Causes of epistaxis. 13. Post-operative care in tracheostomy.
12. Septoplasty. 14. Differential diagnosis of patch over
13. Differentiation- SMR and septoplasty. tonsil.
14. Advantages of septoplasty over SMR. 15. Vocal nodule.
15. FESS. 16. Cardiospasm.
17. Mechsnism of deglutition.
THROAT 18. Indirect laryngoscopy.
Anatomy 19. Laryngomalacia.
20. Zenker’s diverticulum.
1. Intrinsic muscles of larynx- Describe 21. Conn’s elasticus.
with diagram.
2. Anatomy of larynx.

Long Questions

1. Etiology, clinical features, medical

management of acute tonsillitis.
2. 60year old patient presents with  Good Luck

dysphagia. How will you manage the



Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

EAR 12. Describe labeled diagram of the right
tympanic membrane and describe middle
Long questions ear sound conduction mechanism?
13. Describe the intratemporal course of facial
1. Draw a diagram of left tympanic membrane nerve with relevant diagram. Describe the
and label the sites relevant topodiagnostic tests.
2. A male patient of 35 years brought to ER
with headache, fever, vomiting and altered
sensorium. There is also h/o foul smelling, Short note
scanty thick, and discharge from both
1. Lateral sinus thrombosis **
possibilities. What are the investigations
2. Presbyacusis
and treatment required?
3. Ramsay hunt syndrome
3. Etiopathology, clinical features and
4. Absolute bone conduction test **
management of otitis media with effusion?
5. Swartz’s sign
4. Investigations for a case of foul smelling
6. Rinne’s test
aural discharge in an 8 year old child.
7. Masked mastoiditis **
5. 30 year old lady presented with bilateral
8. Indications of cortical mastoidectomy **
gradual conductive deafness with intact
9. Pathogenesis of gradenigo’s syndrome
tympanic membrane- investigations
10. Keratosis obturans
6. 25 year old female presented with bilateral
11. Otomycosis ***
progressive hearing loss. Write down
12. Myringoplasty
investigations and management.
13. Myringotomy
7. Define CSOM. Describe the clinical features
14. Dangerous area of face
of tubotympanic variety of CSOM and its
15. Cholesteatoma
16. False rinne’s test
8. Describe medial wall of middle ear with a
17. Modified radical mastoidectomy-indications
diagram? What is middle ear cleft?
and complications**
9. 10 year old child- complaints of diminished
18. Carhart’s notch
hearing in both ears for 7 days. The child
19. Fistula test **
has suffered from acute attacks of URTI 2
20. Cone of light
weeks back. State the diagnosis?
21. Mastoiditis
Enumerate some causes of conductive
22. Organ of corti **
hearing loss in child with intact tympanic
23. Grommet insertion
membrane. Outline the management of this
10. What is deafness? What are the causes of
deafness in children? What are the NOSE
investigations to assess hearing in children?
11. Mention the theories of cholesteatoma Long questions
formation? What are the main factors
favoring spread of intracranial 1. What are the characteristics of nasal polyp?
complications of CSOM? Describe the How will you manage a case of
clinical feature and management of antrochoanal polyp in a case of 12 year old
otogenic brain abscess? child?
2. Discuss with its applied importance the 13. Dangerous area of nose.***
endoscopic anatomy of lateral wall of nose 14. Fess- indications and complications. **
and its surgical importance? ** 15. Rhinosporidiosis
3. Anatomy of lateral wall of nose? 16. Osteomeatal complex
4. Enumerate local causes of epistaxis. 17. Septoplasty with smr
Describe the time (immidiate and long 18. Two surgical approaches to maxillary sinus
term) and types of treatment. diseases
5. Describe the medial wall of the middle ear
with diagram . **
6. Anatomy of nasal septum. **
7. Anatomy of maxilary and ethmoid sinus. THROAT
8. 17 year old male patient presented with
unilateral nasal obstruction write
Long questions
differential diagnosis with management. 1. How will you differentiate acute attack of
9. Types of dns membrane in throat clinically and by
10. Aetiopathology of, clinical investigations?
features,treatment of atrophic rhinitis. 2. An elderly male 65 years age come to OPD
11. Enumerate 4 causes of nasal obstruction. with h/o progressive hoarseness of voice for
Describe the aetiology clinical features and last 5 months he has stridor for last one
management of ethmoid polyps. month. How do you approach to diagnose
12. 14 year old male patient presents with the patient?
profuse bleeding with left sided nasal 3. 40 years old male patient with history of
obstruction. Enumerate the common hoarseness of voice for 2 years. Write down
probable causes? Write down investigations differential diagnosis and management?
and management? 4. Anatomy of retropharyngeal space with
13. 13 year old male patient present with nasal diagram. **
obstruction with profuse nasal bleeding. 5. Sign, symptoms and management of acute
Write down possible diagnosis and retropharyngeal abscess
management? 6. 50 year old male patient presented with
gradual progressive dysphagia. Write down
the management. **
Short note 7. Describe the functions of larynx
8. Child (3 years) presented with stridor for 5
1. Complications of frontal sinusitis hours. What are the common causes? Write
2. Management of juvenile nasopharyngeal down the management.
angiofibroma 9. Anatomy of waldeyer’s ring?
3. Caldwell luc’s operation.** 10. 60 years old male patient presented with
4. Treatment of anterochoanal polyp hoarseness of voice for 9 months. Attended
5. Little’s area ENT ER with stridor. Write down the
6. Anterior rhinoscopy management?
7. Foreign body nose 11. Investigations and management of an adult
8. Septal perforation patient with difficulty in swallowing.
9. Atrophic rhinitis *** 12. Describe the different spaces of larynx?
10. Complications of smr operation

What are the nerve supply and lymphatic


11. Types of mastoidectomy drainage of larynx?

12. Bleeding polypus of nose

Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

13. Write short notes on presbyacusis and 3. Indirect laryngoscopy
treatment of atrophic rhinitis? 4. Waldeyers ring
14. Describe by means of a flowchart, the 5. Reinke’s edema
management of a middle aged man 6. Acute retropharyngeal abscess
presenting at the ER with stridor of acute 7. Complications of tracheostomy
onset? 8. Clinical features of Ludwig’s angina
15. Describe the intrinsic anatomy of larynx 9. Diagnosis of faucial diphtheria
with diagram. 10. Complications of oesophagoscopy
16. 55 years old man came to ENT OPD with 11. Post-operative care of tonsillectomy
dysphagia (1 year), change of voice (6 12. Diagnostic criteria for sleep apnoea
months), and respiratory difficulty (15 syndrome
days). Along with other signs and 13. Plummer Vinson syndrome
symptoms. Enumerate the 2 most common 14. Complications of tonsillectomy ***
provisional diagnosis? Explain the 15. Post-operative care of tracheostomy
pathogenesis of symptoms in each 16. Hoarseness of voice
diagnosis? Management of the case? 17. Adenoidectomy
17. 7 years old boy presented with pain in 18. Blood supply of tonsil
throat and fever of acute onset. Write down 19. Cystic hygroma
18 years old female patient presented with 20. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
difficulty in swallowing mainly to liquid food 21. Carotid body tumor
with cachexia and prostration having severe 22. Ludwig’s angina **
weakness and have history of projectile 23. Peritonsillar abscess
vomiting with management. 24. Intrinsic muscle of larynx
18. Describe the physiology of swallowing? 25. Indications of tracheostomy **
Enumerate the intraluminal causes of 26. Quinsy
dysphagia. 27. Tracheostomy
19. 60 years old male patient, chronic smoker 28. Indirect vs. direct laryngoscopy
presented with hoarseness of voice of one 29. Retropharyngeal abscess
year duration. Write down the 30. Zenker’s diverticulum. **
management. 31. Achalasia cardia
20. 65 years old male patient presents with
hoarseness of voice and severe stridor. How
will you examine the patient to arrive at the
diagnosis? Describe the clinical features and
management of CA larynx.
21. Enumerate the indications , surgical steps,
and complications of tracheostomy
22. 65 years old chronic smoker arrived at the
ER with stridor. Outline the d/d and outline
the management.

Short note
Good Luck

1. Singer’s nodule **
2. Vocal nodule ***

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Students’ Union, R.G. Kar Medical College

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